Sop 04 Work Permit System

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Issue No 01

BERG GROUP Revision No 00

WORK PERMIT SYSTEM Issue Date 02.07.2014

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Issue No 01
BERG GROUP Revision No 00

WORK PERMIT SYSTEM Issue Date 02.07.2014

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1. PURPOSE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
2. DEFINITION------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3
3. GENERAL--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
4. RESPONSIBILITIES------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
4.1 PERMIT APPLICANT---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
4.2 PERMIT ISSUER---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
4.3 PERMIT RECEIVER------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5
4.4 PERFORMING AUTHORITY------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
5. TYPES OF WORK PERMIT---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
5.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR COLD WORK---------------------------------------- 6
5.3 GENERAL REQUIREMENT FOR HOT WORK-------------------------------------------- 7
5.4 CONTROL OF IGNITION SOURCES-------------------------------------------------------- 8
6. RADIOGRAPHY WORK--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
7. RADIATION PROTECTION---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
8. STANDING INSTRUCTIONS-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
7. CONFINED SPACE ENTRY---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
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BERG GROUP Revision No 00

WORK PERMIT SYSTEM Issue Date 02.07.2014

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1.0 Purpose/Scope

The purpose of this document is to provide a coordinated, communicated, and controlled safe
system of work, which shall be carried out in hazardous / non –hazardous areas in a Project
worksite by following Work Permit System.

Note: Berg follows client’s Permit to Work procedure for executing each job.

2.0 Definition

Permit Applicant: A person who has been nominated to represent BERG, authorized
by Client to raise a Work Permit. He must have the technical
knowledge, skill & competence to consider and guard against the
potential hazards associated with the work activity.

Permit Issuer: A Permit Issuer must be a person who is trained, competent and
authorized to issue a Permit to Work after ensuring that all of the
hazards, associated with the work being done, have been identified
and all necessary safety precautions are being implemented to
ensure that the work can be completed safely.

Permit Receiver: A Permit receiver is the tradesman, worksite supervisor or contractor

who is responsible for the work being completed as described in
the Permit to Work. The Permit Receiver must ensure that the work
being done has been adequately described so that all associated
hazards and risks can be identified.

Worksite Supervisor: A person representing who has been nominated by BERG,

authorized by the Client to supervise the work at the worksite. He
must have detailed knowledge of the ‘Permit to Work System’.
Certified Radiographer: A certified person who has the necessary qualifications,
experience, and skill recognized by the Radiation Protection
Department under Kuwait Ministry of Public Health for
compliance with government regulations and Company approved
codes of practice for work involving ionizing radiations.

Confined Space: Any enclosure having a limited means of entry & exit and not designed
for continuous occupancy is defined as a Confined Space
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BERG GROUP Revision No 00

WORK PERMIT SYSTEM Issue Date 02.07.2014

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3.0 General

 Only authorized persons shall be allowed to work in hazardous area.

 The persons permitted to work shall be aware of the various safety issues involved and
know that necessary safety precautions have been taken. They shall also wear the
necessary Personnel Protection Equipment (PPE) required for the job.
 A permit to work shall be obtained from the client before any work is carried out in the
restricted areas.
 Responsible person(s) shall be designated to apply for the work permit(s) and to receive
 Permit Receiver(s) shall explain the work, method of work and any hazards or
limitation pertaining to each and every ‘Permit To Work’ to the workers in the Tool Box
 All workers shall be withdrawn from the area once the work is completed.
 All surplus materials, scrapped, debris, etc., shall be removed and the work place shall be
left cleared and cleaned.

4.0 Responsibilities

4.1 Permit Applicant

The Work Team Leader shall comply with the following preparatory actions while raising a

 All the required information as stipulated in the Permit must be entered before the permit
is submitted for approval and authorization.
 Any required preparatory work must be stipulated on the permit application.
 The Job Safety Analysis (JSA) for the scheduled work has been carried out by the Work
Team Leader.
 All personnel under his responsibility must be advised of their responsibilities under
 Work Permit System.
 No job can begin until he is satisfied that the Worksite Supervisor fully understands his
responsibilities under Work Permit System.
 The safety gears and appliances required for the work must be available.

4.2 Permit Issuer

The Permit Issuer shall comply with the following actions while issuing a Permit:
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WORK PERMIT SYSTEM Issue Date 02.07.2014

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 All hazards associated with the proposed work have been identified.
 Before any work begins, the worksite is safely prepared, examined and all specified
precautions have been taken.
 Work permits that may interact or affect one another are cross-referenced clearly.
 The worksite is examined to ensure that it is in safe & acceptable condition

When work is suspended.

Before restarting the work.
When returning to normal operation
 The shift change procedure is properly followed and permit renewal/endorsement and
transfer of responsibilities have been completed. Work of an urgent nature may continue
during the shift change period provided agreement has been obtained from the asset
owner in advance.
 Prior to closing or cancelling a work permit any precautions and isolations have been
withdrawn and the system returned to normal operation.
 Close the work permit after completion of job.

4.3 Permit Receiver

 Ensures that he/she is knowledgeable about and understands fully the hazards and risks
that are associated with the work that is being completed;
 Ensures that he/she is knowledgeable about and understands fully the risk control
measures that are to be implemented prior to and during the work that is being completed;
 Ensures that he/she is knowledgeable about and understands the risk control measures
that are specified on the Permit to Work;
 Ensures that all other personnel who are completing the work or will be affected by the
work, are knowledgeable about and understand fully the hazards, risks and risk control
measures which are applicable to the work that is being completed;
 Ensures that all personnel who are completing the work complies with all of the risk control
measures that have been specified on the Permit to Work;
 Ensures that if there are any significant changes to the risks or to the scope of work that
is being completed that the work is stopped, personnel, equipment and the environment
will not suffer a loss and that the Supervisor, or his/her Designated Representative plus
the Permit Issuer are fully aware of the change in the risks or scope of work;
 Ensures that, if required, the Permit to Work is cancelled and a new Permit to Work, with
modified risk control measures, is issued before work resumes;
 Ensures that if the work is completed, that the work site is left in a safe and operable
condition; that all unnecessary tools, equipment and materials are removed from the site
and ensures that the Permit to Work is closed;
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 Ensures that if the work is not completed at the end of the work shift then the work site is
left in a safe, secure and tidy condition and that another Permit to Work is prepared and
issued before work resumes at the work site.

4.4 Performing Authority

 Initiate the Permit and identify the hazards and control measures for the task being
 Participate in any Risk Assessment where required.
 Hold tool box meetings as necessary to ensure that all other persons involved in the task
fully understand the scope of the work, the identified hazards and associated controls (and
ensure that all participating in the task sign off the worksite hard copy of the Permit).
 Provide the culture to “STOP the Job” if anyone feels unsafe or uncertain about any aspect
of the task.
 Ensure that only personnel authorized by the Permit participate in the work and no
unauthorized interference takes place.
 Ensure that if there are any changes to the initial Permit conditions the work is stopped
and reassessed (Note: these include both changes in the work scope and conditions at
the work site).
 Report and interact regularly with the Area Authority and Permit Issuer on any issues, to
ensure risks

5.0 Types of Work Permits

The Permit to Work System incorporates the use of below mentioned Work Permits:

 Cold Work Permit.

 Hot Work Permit.
 Radiography Permit.
 Confined Space Entry Permit.

Note: Confined Space Entry Permit is valid for entry purpose only. Any work to be carried out
inside the Confined Space will require additional appropriate permit.

5.1 General Requirements for Cold Work:

 If continuous gas monitoring is required, the Worksite Supervisor and the person
performing the work shall ensure that the portable gas detectors remain charged and in
working order.
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BERG GROUP Revision No 00

WORK PERMIT SYSTEM Issue Date 02.07.2014

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 Worksite Supervisor shall ensure that tools used do not produce any spark (e.g. brass
hammer, running water while concrete chipping, cold cutting or cold drilling with pneumatic
5.2 Working On or Near Equipment Containing Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S):

 Work on or near (but not inside) any vessel, pipeline, pump, etc., which had been in the
service of products containing Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) shall be handled with additional
 All personnel working in an environment likely to be contaminated with H2S shall be trained
and certified on emergency actions, use of respirators, and their limitations.
 After the equipment has been depressurized and purged free of H2S, the flange, valve or
manhole, as the case may be, shall be opened by persons wearing airline mask (or SCBA).
After opening the flange, valve or manhole, the area in the immediate vicinity of the
opening shall be checked for the presence of H2S.
 If the H2S reading is above 10 ppm, the use of airline mask or SCBA shall be continued
during the work. If H2S is above 100 ppm, SCBA or “airline mask with escape cylinder”
shall be used.
 If no H2S is detected in the vicinity of the opening, the enclosed space shall be checked
for H2S using a long probe. H2S shall be less than 10 ppm for people to work without
respiratory protection. Personal H2S alarm shall be used during such work.

5.3 General Requirements for Hot Work

 Ensure that, within 15 meter of a hot work site, any sample point, drain, surface
manhole cover or relief valve outlet are covered to prevent the escape of flammable gas
and vapors (sealed using flame-retardant tarpaulin, wet rags or metal plate) and also these
seals are maintained in good condition.
 The hot work site must be free of hydrocarbons and combustible materials e.g. sludge,
scale, deposits etc.
 If the work generates spark or chippings, the work must be suitably confined.
 If the work is above access ways, precautions must be taken to ensure that no sparks or
hot metal can fall below. Additionally the area beneath the worksite must be barricaded off
and warning notice posted in English & Hindi.
 Authorized Gas Tester shall conduct the test for flammable gases (%LEL) in a radius of
 15 meters at location of work. (LEL 1% or less) LEL test is a must for all hot work including
vehicle/equipment entry and use of battery/power operated ordinary equipment in
hazardous area.
 Before hot cutting a long pipe, cold cut or hole shall be made to test combustible gases at
the point of cut. Cold cutting shall be preferred option.
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 Ensure that, heavy oil deposits, dried vegetation, or other flammable/combustible

materials within 8 meters of a hot work site are cleared.
 Precautions shall be taken to prevent the spread of sparks and molten metal by
surrounding the work area with fire-resisting/flame-retardant tarpaulin or metal sheets.
 Proper ventilation/ air circulation for the welder shall be ensured. Barricade should also
prevent direct eye contact of others with welding arc.
 Shall arrange water for quenching sparks or molten slag and minimum of 2 fire
extinguishers within 8 meters from the place of hot work. Extinguishers, hoses, and
nozzles in process area shall not be used for this purpose.
 Shall ensure grounding/bonding to avoid static electricity (sand blasting, spray painting,
refueling, etc.
 Shall ensure that the work area is made safe at the end of the job/work-day.

5.4 Control of Ignition Sources

Use of lighters, matches, non-intrinsically safe personal pagers, mobile telephones,

cameras, calculators and any other ordinary battery operated appliances are prohibited in
hazardous areas.

6.0 Radiography Work

Any work that involves the use of a radioactive source shall be covered by a Radiography
Permit. Where possible this work shall be scheduled during the presence of minimum number
of working persons and the exposure area should be clearly marked and barricade to be

7.0 Radiation Protection

 All classified workers should have valid license / certificate issued by, Radiation
Protection, Department of Ministry of Health.
 Keep longer safe working distance from the source of radiation as far as possible.
 Minimize the duration of radiation exposure by careful planning & execution.
 Interpose high dense barriers such as lead sheet, steel objects between the source of
radiation and the operator during exposure.
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BERG GROUP Revision No 00

WORK PERMIT SYSTEM Issue Date 02.07.2014

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8.0 Standing Instructions

The following instructions are to be rigidly adhered while handling Radiography


 Check for the Type of work, location, quantum of work, type of radiation source available,
& its strength, radiation monitoring, warning devices & tools.
 Film badges and dosimeters are to be worn at all times while handling or operating
radiography equipment.
 Dosimeters readings are to be checked (prior to and following exposure to radiation), by
the person(s) who is/are handling or operating the radiography equipment.
 Use collimators whenever possible to reduce the useful beam to minimum size
necessary for work. This is an important device for reducing the radiation dose.
 Do not leave the equipment unattended.
 Vehicle used for the transportation or Radiography source or equipment shall have
 Warning Notice posted on the sides & back.
 Ensure stopping of all other work prior to commencement of radiography, work.
 The Radiographer & Assistant Radiographer shall check the area to ensure all non-
classified personnel have vacated the area.

9.0 Confined Space Entry

 Entry to confined space can only be authorized by the Permit Issuer (Asset Owner). At the
start of each shift, a new confined space entry permit must be issued in due
consideration of precautionary measures required
 The Permit Issuer & Work Team Leader must make regular site visits during the work.
 The worksite supervisor shall be fully aware of the confined space entry procedure and
the Permit to Work System.
 Work Team Leader shall ensure that the confined space is positively isolated from all
processes & utility systems by blanking, spading, or disconnection. Where
disconnection is employed as a means of isolation, the lines shall be blanked.
Isolations must be achieved as close to the confine space as possible, preferably on the
nozzles. If this is not achievable then the next nearest point of isolation will be selected.
 If the confined space is equipped with a source of electrical power, Work team Leader
shall ensure that an electrical isolation is carried out and that the confined space &
equipment to be used are earthed prior to the issue of entry permit.
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 The confined space must be tested for oxygen levels, flammable vapor, and toxic gases
prior to entry and at an interval as specified in the permit subsequently. If the confined
space is vacated a new gas test shall be performed prior to re-entry. A portable gas
monitor must also be sited for continuous monitoring.
 When determining the criteria for confined space entry without breathing apparatus, the
associated hazards due to sludge, scale and deposits must be considered. These residues
can contain and emit dangerous levels of vapor. Pyrophoric Iron Sulphide may also be
present and the danger of ignition if allowed to dry out and be exposed to oxygen must be
 A standby man shall be stationed at each confined space entry point. He shall be equipped
with a portable radio and must keep visual contact with personnel working inside the
confined space.
 The standby man shall record all entries as well as exits in a log book exit at the worksite.
 In case of emergency inside the plant, the confined space entry must stop
immediately. The standby man shall inform the site office, when the personnel inside the
confined space have vacated, the site shall be made safe and the personnel shall proceed
to muster at the designated assembly point.
 If an emergency occurs within the confined space, the standby person must not enter it
until rescue team arrives. It is the responsibility of standby man to summon aid immediately
by contacting the Control Room through radio or other available means of communication.
 Personnel working inside the vessel will be given a rest period at each 30 minutes
intervals, or more frequent depending upon prevailing conditions such as heat stress,
humid atmosphere etc.
 The area around the confined space must be barricaded off and warning sign posted in
English & Hindi.

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