Worldlink 1 - Workbook 2
Worldlink 1 - Workbook 2
Worldlink 1 - Workbook 2
WORLDLINKffiIT; ue ncy
complete the form with your own information. Draw or paste a picture of yourself in the box.
Cell number
Email address
B t¡ow üriE rEw conversations. Use the example above to help you.
- :-.- --.4'
- s:'- ::: -
lnstr. c:a.:
/r=yes | =to
Jason Eristina Sue and Ann Y0u
6o dancing
I¡rlatch IV
Read books x
Play tennis x
@ Jason qoes danc.inq. @ Sue andAan
Yp doesn't watch W.
He reads books.
He doesn'f piav tennis.
@ cri=ti,u O:-
B Match the questions and the answers. Write the ¡etter of the answer on the line.
1. Do they have a child? _ a. No, she isn't.
2. ls Ms. Baker your teacher? b. Yes, I do.
3. Are you from Mexico? c. Yes, they do.
4. Are the new students from China? _ d. Yes, she does.
5. Do you speak Spanish? _ e. No, l'm not.
6. Does your mother work? f. No, they aren't.
unscramble the words to make questions. Then write answers with your own information.
1- (you / do / what / do)
4 uNtr 1 peopte
A Write the words in the correct column. Three answers will be in more than one column.
Then c¡rcle the words that descr¡be you.
2. Ed
3. Ana
LESSON B Appearance 5
, t READTNG AND wtllrlN(¡
Read these email messages.
Kyra Greene
Marketing Department
2. o.a
ri- i! ,-L r h
3. o^¡
I.I . .::. !- t. rrflpr/ l ñet/cómpose.rrl
igipl Cun you meet my fr¡end Tom at the airport tomorrow? ¡4y car has big problems and I
can,t drive it. Tom ls coming on fl¡ght KX661 from Denver at 11:00, He's average he¡ght and
kind of thin, with long blond hair and a mustache. Thanks a millionl
Ch r¡s
Read and complete the descr¡pt¡ons w¡th has, have, is, are, wear, or wears.
My favor¡te actress is l\4ariana Ortiz. She (1.) _ short, black hair. She (2.) _
average height.
She (3.) big blue eyes and she doesn't (4.) glasses. She (5.) very
young. I think she (6.) in her twenties.
My favorite singers are the Bell Tones. They (7.) - in their thirties. They (8.) - all tall
and thin. They (9.) - long blond hair. The lead singer (10.) _ big glasses.
LESSON B Appearance 7
=l3I /r\
A Unscramble the letters to write verbs.
1. lakt 6. tipno
2. abrk 7. ¡ts
3. stuoh 8. vewa
4. elims 9. kwal
5. okol 10. nur
C Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the words in the box. Use each word only once.
8 uNlTa Behavor
to his wife.
to catch the train.
the wrong way! x
A Write each word or phrase in the correct column.
B Complete the sentences. Use your own ideas.
\N\ Lisa:
Barbara: Great!
Lisa: Not so good.
§ to go to the dentist tomorrow.
L¡sa: l'm I have
Carlos: Hi, R¡ck.
H. Rick:
tR Carlos: Great!
Rick: l'm My brother used my car and had a big accident.
LESSON A Actions I
A What are they doing? Write sentences. Follow the example
Example: Pat-r$an the sofa
1. My s¡ster / talk to TV
2. I / sit on a+ip
3. They / watch the Phone
4. Lee / talk on her friend
What are they doing now? Write true sentences about you, your fam¡ly, and your friends.
Example: M\ marher ¡e arkña úow
1. o.
10 uNtT2'Behavior
A Circle the correct answer to complete each sentence.
1. I have a test tomorrow. l'm 3. I have no money for lunch. l'm
a. excited a. confident
b. nervous b. happy
c. hungry c. embarrassed
B Match the sentence parts. Write the letter of the answer on the l¡ne.
1. To greet people formally in Btazil, _ a. you are embarrassed.
2. To greet someone formally in New Zealand, _ b. you are hungry.
3. lf you arr¡ve late to class, _ c. you are bored.
4. lf you are not worried, d. you shake hands.
5. lf you are not afra¡d, _- e. you are confident.
6. If you want to eat, f. you are confused.
Z lf a TV show isn't any good,
- _ g. you kiss on the cheek.
8. lf you don't understand, _ h. you are relaxed.
C Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box. One word is extra.
,oor=a oa,o GD
Q tndonesia
lñdonesians qreet people w¡th a
long handshake, and they bow ai
tho same time. At a meeting, give
every porson your business card,
but use your right hand-using your
left hand is very rude.
O rha¡tand
wai-people put their hañds togethér and bow
ln fhailand, the trad¡tióna¡ greeting is called
Men and women don't often touch each other ¡n public. Thai people don't use their hands for
gestures, but they sm¡le a lot. lhey sometimes ¡augh when they feel nervous or embarrassed.
1 w¡nking is clos'ing and open¡ng one eye quickly.
B Put checks (/) in the correct boxes, based on what you read.
12 ur.¡r a Behavior
Read the paragraph. Circle the
correct answers.
A Unscramble the letters to write the names of food.
1. sehece 6. mootat
2. nickche 7. lorcar
3. primsh 8. ragep
4. tulecet 9. nnaaab
5. troguy 10. lappe
G Complete the chart. Use foods from this unit and other foods you know.
14 uNtf 3 .shopping
A Number the sentences in order to make a conversat¡on.
OK. What aboui frozen food?
We need some drinks. Buy soda and juice.
OK. I'm going to the store. See you later.
I'm making a shopping list for the class party. We have cake. What else do we need?
We don't need any. We have frozen shrimp and ground beef already.
'1. Jim:
beef, shrimp,
potatoes, carrots
desserf grapes, appies
2. Tosh¡:
Graduat¡on Patlv
chicken, fish
lettuce, tomatoes
soda, ¡ce cream
3. You:
Your friend:
Your friend:
NOnCOUnt: 4raPe.
16 u¡¡tT s. shopplng
LrssoN B t=t," oo
A Circle the correct word or words to complete each sentence.
1. lf the price of something goes down, ilis full price / on sale.
2. I go to a mall / cash to buy gifts for my family.
3. Th¡s apartment is too affordable / expensive. I don't have enough money for ¡t.
4. I need to se/l / buy some food for drnner tonight-
5. I use a credit card / debit card when I don't have enough money in my bank account.
6. I spend / buy a lot of money on the weekends.
c Write sentences about yourself. Use some, any, much, many, or a lot of.
Exampfes: magazines-l have a lot of magazines. newspapers-l don't have any newspapers.
1. T-shirts
2. close friends
3. jewelry
4. books in Engl¡sh
5. extra money
6. pairs of shoes
Z new clothes
8. glasses
Metro Department Store is big and new. lt's a greai place for electronics. There
are a lot of cool new cameras, cell phones, and even computers. You can buy
many things for your house. The clothes are greai too, but the prices a(e crazyt
Everything is very expensive, but the sales assistants are very fiendly and helpful.
Gracy's Department Store has some nice clothes for your parents, but there
aren't many things for young people. The prices are quite low. Don't shop for
most electron¡cs here-there are just a few cameras, and there aren't any TVs
or computers. But ihe music department is greai. lt has a good selection of
headphones and speakers, as well as new music from popular singers.
The Little Shop of Sales isn't like most stores. They don't sell new items. Their
siuff is "like new" or "gently used." They sell only clothing and furniture' However,
you won't find any junk here. lf you don't have a lot of spending money, this is the
place for you. Come early on Saturday mornings before all the good stuff is gone.
Sk¡m the shopping gu¡de. Then wrtte the number of each store in front of the correct description.
A good place for people who like music
A good place to buy electronics
A good place to buy affordable items
18 uNtr 3 shopping
c C rc e T for True afld F for False. Rewrite the false sentences to make them true.
Example: The Little Shop of Sales has high prices. T
Tne Little thop of1aleehas low pricea.
D Write about your favorite store. What does it sell? How are the pr¡ces? What do you buy there?
- The ground is white when the weather is f. chilly.
- lf the clouds are close to the ground, ¡t ¡s g. freezing.
- lf You are a little cold, You are h. snowy.
B Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box.
Complete the chart wiih your likes and dislikes. Use weather words from the unit
and other weather words You know.
Examples: rainy weather, high temperatures
20 ur,¡r ¿'vacation
A lvlatch the sentence parts. Wr¡te the letter of the answer on the line.
1. Good / a. I will.
2. I don't b. right.
3. lthink l'll be c. OK.
4. l'd rather d. idea.
5. You're probably e. not.
6. OK, _ - f. think so.
B Write the sentences in the box ¡n order to make a conversation.
LESSON A Weather 21
A Match the sentence parts. Write the letter of the answer on the line.
1. Rita loves soccer, r a. but she doesn't have any sisters.
2. She can watch a video, b. or she can eat at a restaurant.
3. Her computer doesn't work, ffi
4. lt's hot ¡n summer,
- d. so she always takes the bus.
5. She can't drive a car,
- e. but she can't speak French.
She has three brothers, f. so she's gett¡ng a new one.
7. She can cook at home,
- g. or she can listen to music.
8. She speaks Spanish,
- h. so she always wears T-shirts.
B Put the sentences together with - of so, or buf.
C Fin¡sh the sentences using or, so, ot but. Use your own ¡deas.
3. Today I can
4. llike
5. lhave
6. lam
22 uN¡T 4 vacation
A Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box.
LESSON B Traveting 23
A Read the article.
Travel smart! @
24 UNIT 4 vacauon
C For each place, write the best time for a vacation and the reason.
D !',':: a :a'acraph to someone who wants to visit your city. Tell the visttor what
:-: .',.::-.r s ike and what they should bring.
LESSON B Travellng 25
I A:{¡l+=
Circle the best word to complete each sentence.
1. Educators / lravelers teach people'
2. Doctors / Authors write books for a living.
g. Politicians / Explorers lead research trips.
4. Speakers / Sclentlsfs give presentat¡ons to people'
5. Musicians / Ambassadors workforthe government'
6. Founders I Act¡v¡sts run their own companies'
Which word is different? Cross out the word that doesn't fit.
Example: scientist seeakef researcher
26 uNtr 5 Heroes
I coluvERsartoN
A Read the sentences and agree or disagree. Use expressions from the box and give your reasons.
Yeah, you're right. Beally? I don't th¡nk so. Sony, but I disagree. I think so, too.
Example: Your friend: I think history is a boring subject.
You: E?ally? I donl th¡nk sa I líke to read about heroes,
2. You:
Your friendr
Your friend:
LESSON A Pioneers 27
A Complete the sentences with was, were, in, or ago.
Br¡tish government. Thousands of people (6) - saved
because of his work. Turing and his coworkers (7) heroes.
C Complete the conversations wilh was, wasn't, were, or weren't and the subject, if necessary'
Example: n: Jenna in class yesterday?
B: Yes,
5. A: you
B: No,
28 uNr s Heroes
A Match the sentence parts. Write the letter of the answer on the line.
1. I admire Stephen Hawk¡ng, a. when he helped the people in the accident.
2. Omar was very brave b. because I looked up to her.
3. lwanted to meet the author
- c. so I decided to study science.
4. Jess¡ca didn't have a role-model _ d. who looks for shipwrecks in the ocean.
5. Bob Ballard is an explorer e. when she was growing up.
6. My mother is my hero - f. because she is smart and brave-
N B - the correct verb in the s¡mple past tense. Pay attention to spelling.
Complete each sentence with
rs Fill in the column marked You. Then write sentences about last night. Follow the example.
Study yes no no
Visit friends no ves VES
Watch TV no no VES
2. Ve'a
3. I
LESSON B. Personalheroes 29
*"l't*" '--
A Read the article.
rll ¡t! \
Mother Teresa
Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu was born in what is
now Macedonia in 191 0. As a child, she
always wanted to help people. When
she was 18, she went to lreland to become
a nun, and she changed her name to -' ,L
Mother Teresa. She traveled to lndia and
worked as a teacher at a girls' high
school for 17 years.
Then, in 1946, her life changed. She
decided to take care of sick and dying
ln 1979, Mother Teresa received the Nobel
people and to help the hungry and the
Peace Prize. She was very famous, but she
homeless. She started a group for women
didn't change her s¡mple life. She still lived with
who wanted to work with poor people.
the poor people of Kolkata, and she still used all
They opened a school for poor children
of her time to help them.
in the city of Kolkata. Next, she started a
home for people who were dying. For the Mother Teresa died on September 5, 1997, but
next 50 years, Mother Teresa worked with her work continues. For many people around the
poor people in many countries, l¡ke China, world, she ¡s a true hero, and they try to follow
England, and Cuba. her hardwork¡ng and generous example.
B Complete the chart about Mother Teresa with information from the reading.
- teacher in a qirlb hiqh school
30 uNITs,tteroes
C Complete the paragraph with the simple past tense of each verb.
Frida Kahlo is a hero to many people in Mexico. She (1. be) born in Mex¡co
in 1907. She (2. be) a great artist. She (3. marry) Diego Rivera,
another art¡st, but they (4. have, not) any children. She (5. paint)
many interesting and beautiful p¡ctures, even though she (6. study, not) art.
She (7. use) many ideas from Mex¡can culture in her paintings. She
(8. be) also very brave. After a terr¡ble
accident in 1925, her health (9. be, not) vefy
good. But she (10. work) very hard and
(11. create) some of the most beautiful art in
the world.
LES§ON A ,=,(,RY
A lvlatch the sentence pads. Write the letter of the answer on the line.
1. Your memory is a. your teacher is happy.
2. lf you forget your father's birthday, b. stories of past experiences.
3. lf you iemember your homework, c. you forget most th¡ngs,
4. When your mind stops working,
- d. she can't remember things easily.
5. Memories are
- e. her 16th birthday.
6. When she ¡s t¡red,
- f. he feels sad.
7 -
She will never forget g. the part ofyou that remembers.
Answer the questions. Use the underlined word or phrasé in your answer.
1. How do you remember important things?
A Write the expressions in the box in order from mosf sure to /east sure.
Do you know?
1. Y6s. 2, 4. 6.
B Do you have a good memory? Answer the questions using one of the expressions from the box in A.
5. Can you remember the weather on New Year's Day this year?
6. Can you remember what you ate for d¡nner last Tuesday?
LESSON A Memory 33
A Complete the chart. I
1 ate begin 13.
feel 2. 14. won
forget o. drink
go '16.
come 4.
know 11 run
B Look at Karen's list from yesterday. What did she do? Follow the example.
go to the post office the ¿¡¿nT 40 to the poet office'
2. do my math homework ,/ 2.
Last week
Last year
1. Did you went to the movie last night with your friends?
4. Yesterday I got up early, eat toast for breakfast, and went to school early.
C Complete the conversations. There may be more than one correct answer.
Rick: I did something interesting last night. Ellen: (3)
Ellen: Really? What (1) ? Rick: We had fish.
R¡ck: I went to a new restaurant. Ellen: (4)
Ellen: Oh? (2) Where Rick: Yes, I liked it a lot. lt was delicious.
R¡ck: A new Japanese restaurant called Sakura. Ellen: (5) Japanese tea?
Rick: No, I didn't. I drank coffee.
LESSON B s eep 35
A Read this article.
Understanding Sleep
Scientists know that the brain is very active
when a person is sleeping. There are four
stages, or parts, of sleep.
Stage 1 starts after you fa¡l asleep. lf there
is a noise or a br¡ght l¡ght, you wake up very
easily. ln Stage 2, your bra¡n waves are very
slow, and your body gets ready for deep
sleep. Stage 3 is deep sleep. lt's very difficult
to wake up then. Your body rests and grows
during this stage.
Brain waves during sleep Stage 4 is when you dream. Your eyes move
a lot, and your brain waves are fast. This
stage of sleep is very important for your memory. After Stage 4, you wake up a little, and
then Stage 1 starts again. We go through the four stages of sleep four or five times every
night, so we have many dreams in one night.
How much sleep do you need? The answer depends on your age. Babies should sleep 15
to 16 hours every day. Children and teenagers need nine or ten hours of sleep, but older
people only need six to eight hours. lf you sleep for only four hours one night, you may just
feel tired the next day. But many nights of bad sleep can be bad for your health. People who
don't get enough sleep get sick more often. And sleep is very important for learning. lt's one
reason why students should go to bed early!
LESSON B S.:: 3l
A Match the words that go together. Write the letter of the answer on the line.
1. train a. salon
2. nail - b. club
3. taxi - c. store
4. copy d. station
5. health - e. shop
6. grocery- f. stand
B Solve ihis crossword puzzle.
1. You exercise there.
3. You see films there. lt's a mov¡e
2. Bridge Theater
3. Carl's Cafe
5. Pat's Hair Salon
6. grocery store
7. Jimmy's Gym
8. bookstore
LESSoN A My neighborhood 39
A Look at the map. Answer the questions. Use the prepo§itions in parentheses'
t¡,.1 GYM
write two sentences for each place. use across from, next to, in front of, behind, or between.
1. Where is your house?
Are these th¡ngs good or bad for a city? Write them in the correct box. There may be more than one
correct answer.
very little a lot of publ¡c transportation no public transportat¡on
heavy traffic a very large population a small population
Good Bad
C Complete the quest¡ons with How much or How many. Then write the answers.
1. people are there in your city?
2. traffic is there?
e pollution is there?
Choosing a City
Istanbul, Turkey
a very unusual city-one pa¡t is in
Istanbul is
Europe, and the other part is in Asia. About 14
million people live there. Visito.s love Istanbul
because it has many beautiful, old buildings, and
the food is great. At night, the seafood restaurants
are very popular. And everything in Istanbul is very
affordable' for vi§to¡s. Trafiic is a ptoblem ir the
city, because there are too many cars for the
old streets. There are also subways, trains, and buses, and some people take boats lo go be¡t'een the
European side and the Asian side. The weathe¡ is very good in summe¡, but in wintel il!
sometimes very cold.
Vancouver, Cantada
Vancouve¡ is one ofthe most beautiful cities io
§ tile world. It's near the mountains and ahe ocean,
ald there are many great parks where you can
walk, ¡ide a bicvcle, or just relax- The city has
good public tra¡$portation, with buses and fast
trains that go everywhere. There are about
610,000 people in \,'arcouvet tut il! a ver) clean
ciiy, and there's not much pollution. Two bad
poi¡ts prices there are very higl¡ and the
weather is not very good. \¡a¡couver is famous
fór rainl But there are manf good museums lbr
those rainv days, and in the e\,ening, the city has
greai restaur¡nts and nighlclubs to |isit.
B Find information about the two cities and write it in the chart.
lstanbul Vancouver
Singapore is a great city for a vacat¡on. There are alot of interesting things to see. You can visit
Chinatown and Little lndia and go shopping on Orchard Road. Singapore also has many good
restarants. There are some great beaches for swimming naer the city, and the parks are really
beutiful. The c¡ty has very good public transportion. You can take a bus, trane, or subway. lt's a safe
city. lt's also a clean city. There isn't much polution. The only problem is that Singapore is expensiev.
1. 5. 7.
4. b. 8.
LESSON B Bgcities 43
=T.I I ¡t
A Unscramble the letters to write the names of act¡v¡ties.
1. goay 5. slatiPe
2. f rungsi 6. bmnnaitdo
3. aabblles 7. douj
4. cresoc 8. vableyllol
Write the words from A ¡n the boxes. Add other activities from page 111 of the student book
to the boxes, too"
C Complete the sentences wilh play, do, or go. Use the correct verb form.
1. Ramon and Felipe basketball every Saturday.
2. lt's cold, so we can't swimming at the beach.
3. G¡anna hockey for her school team.
4. Do you
-tennis in the park?
- yoga indoors.
5. People often
6. John
- bowl¡ng with his friends every week.
7- lt's snowino. Let's skiino.
8. I usually
- Prlates on Monday nights.
- jogging
9. always
I when it's nice out.
10. Eric ping pong after school-
44 UNtla Attabout
- you
A Unscramble the sentences and questions to make conversat¡ons.
1. soccer / do I play lwarf. / you / to
3. (your ideas)
Your friend:
Yourfriend: Sure,
4. (your ¡deas)
Your friend:
Yourfriendi Sorry
LESSoN A'Sports 45
Circle the correct answer to complete each sentence.
1. Joe: Do you plan tenn¡s lessons?
a. take b. to take
Erin: Yes, I love
a. play tennis b. to play tennis
2. Erin: Do you -. often?
a. to do yoga b. do yoga
Joe: Yeah, I really like
a. yoga b. do yoga
3. Joe: I expect
a. to play basketball tonight
b. -.
playing basketball tonight
Erin: I hate
a. play basketball b. basketball
4. Erin: Do vou- want ?
a. to eat b. eat -
5. Joe: How did you learn volleyball?
a. playing b. to play
Erin: I loved
games and I learned it that way.
a. watching b. watch
Rewrite the sentences. Correct one mistake in each sentence.
1. I expect winning the game tonight.
D Write these time expressions in order of frequency. Then write a sentence for each one.
LESSON B :=-.::-
A Read the article.
1. be a good listener. X
2. be amb¡tious.
3. be impulsive.
4. be creative.
5. understand people.
6. be careful.
7. have strong opinions.
A good athlete is (1.) . He or she must really want to win! Athletes must
also be (2.) dur¡ng training sessions. Progress doesn't always come quickly. Being
(3.) is also important. There's nothing worse than a player who can't f¡nd his or her
equipment. Although many athletes are qu¡le talkative, some of them have a (4.)
side as well. They don't want everyone to know everything about them. The best athletes are also
(5.) . They help the¡r team members score points; they don't try to score all the
points themselves.
LEsSoN B. Personality 49
q r
r /r\ \\ G
LESSON A ,o".'=
A Match the sentence parts. Write the letter of the answer on the line.
1. Ellen wants to quit _ a. in good shape.
2. Bil¡ wants to be _ b. job.
3. lvling doesn't want to gain c. out of shape.
4. Maria wants to find d. smoking.
5. Sayid lost his _ e. less money.
6. Sandra wants to make _ f. a.better job.
7. Tony doesn't want to be _ g. weight.
8. I don't want to earn _ h. more money.
9. Rachel wants to _ i. start exercising.
B Read the first sentence. Write a second sentence. Follow the example.
What do you want to change about your life? Write five sentences. Use words from this unit or add
your own ideas.
Example: lwant to 4et a new ioh
50 uttt.r s cnange
A Use the sentences ¡n the box to make a conversation.
Thanks a
Oh no! I don't have my book. Do you need it today?
Yes, I have class at 10:00. Can I borrow yours?
Unscramble the words to make questions and answers. Add commas where necessary.
1. borrow / I/ your / can / dictionary
6. no / sure / problem
2. (your idea)
Your friend:
Your friend:
Your friend:
LESSON A Habits 5l
A Write what each person likes to do and what he or she would like to do. I
1. Tim / use computers, be a web designer
f ,"j t'\e" ¡A uae Cor11ou1 cr.. P"e :] e'O be ¿ -ueb de5.4"e'
5. you /?
2. When I get up, I always drink coffee and read the newspaper.
3. Myoung-Hee study English in Canada this summer.
4. Jeff have a big dog, but he Iives in a very small apartment.
Ál vis¡t my grandmother because she allvays cooks a b g
dinner for me.
6. Franc¡sco doesn't like his work. He get a nevJ job.
52 urur s cnange
1. What iS Rachel going to do in the fut urd? the ¡anL 4oínq ru move to another crt.v the ¡5 to l:¡zvel and start a bue¡ne^1.
2. What is Ken going to do ¡n the future?
2. Would you like to visit another c¡ty soon? Why or why not?
LESSON B Goals 53
ffi neao¡Nc AND wlrtrlNc
A Read the article.
¡¡"yn" yo* ¿r"am is to ¡""or*u doctor. Starl by thinking about small goals for yourself.
Ask, "What can I do today?" You can't start medical school today, but you can
send emails and make phone calls to get informat¡on about schools. Make a list
of schools to catl, and then call a few of them every day.
Another good ¡dea is to taik to people who are doing your dream job. Do you dream
about having your own restaurant? Go to your favorite restaurant and ask the owner
lots of questions. Most people like to talk about their work.
Whal do you need for your dream? Tell friends and family members-many of them
can help you. For example, you want to become an arlist. You need a lot of cheap
paper for drawing. Maybe your friend's brother recycles a lot of big paper at his
office. So, share your dream with the world!
Start Today
Ask for Help
54 UNIT S Change
The underlined words ¡n this paragraph are incorrect. Write the correct words above the incorrect
ones. Use words from this unit.
I plan to (1.) apÉ{lFfor a doctor. I studied for eight years. Now I am (2.) takinq ready to work.
But before I start work, I want to (3.) take some time it for a vacation. For three weeks I plan to just
(4.) qet it easy. Then I will start (5.) applving off jobs. Right now I am (6 ) pfepq¡¡Slq leave for the
D Write about how to be a successful language learner. Use your own ideas.
LEssoN B Goals 55
A Unscramble the letters to write parts of the body.
1. d a n h
2. tsehc
3. m ar
4. tof o
5. knec
6. deah
Z humto
8. snoe
Write the words in the correct order, from the top of the body down.
1. mouth, eye, shoulder, neck
) ) )
2. foot, ear, stomach, leg
) ) )
Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box. Use plura forms when necessary.
7. People with legs can run faster than people with short legs.
56 UN|T rO 'Heatth
A Write the sentences in order to make a conversation.
What's wrong? I have a headache and I feel really tired.
Really? Why not? Oh, sorry to hear that. Get some rest and l'll call you in the morning.
I don't feel well. I can't meet you tonight.
A Write sentences with imperatives.
vrasHHishes (yes) clean the table (yes) eat all the ice cream (no)
call your friends (no) watch TV now (no) put away the dishes (yes)
take out the garbage (yes) play with the dog (no) make your bed (yes)
o. 7.
4. 8.
2. How does Emily to work and take classes? She must be busy!
o I always to go to my yoga class; it's very
4. Mr. Kwan feels . His plane is late and he has an important meeting in two hours.
5. You should the amount of TV you watch.
6. Being a police officer is a very job.
Home Remed¡es
A ¡ong tlme ago when people were s¡ck, they didn't go to the doctor, and
they didn't buy medicine from the drugstore. Instead, they used home
remedies-medicine made from things at home. Today, many people l¡ke
to use these ways to feel better because they are cheap and easy to
use. Here are some old home remedies from the Un¡ted States.
Put a hot cloth on your head, above your eyes.
W# §-
Eat a lot of yogurt to help your stomach work better.
Drink tea made from ginger, peppermint, or chamomile pl ants
Reduce alcohol, tea, and coffee.
B Write the correct title for each section. One title is extra.
When you have a headache 3
When your feet hurt
When you have stomach problems f
When your ear hurts á,
When you have sleep problems I
60 uNtr 10 Heahh
C Complete the paragraph. Use the words in the box.
home- remedies.
Write about home remedies for colds or other ailments
¡n your country.
LESsoN B Stress 61
LESSoN A, raueÑrir¡ ipeoPLE
A Unscramble the letters to make words.
1. baiilyt a------ 5. iths
2. blae a 6. sdvioe
3. tlenat t 7. cuefslsusc S
4. scucdee s 8. tops p
B Match the sentence parts. Write the letter of the answer on the line.
C -
Use the cue words to write questions. Then answer the questions. Use your own ideas.
1. Q: he / natural ability
5. Qr she / successful
62 ut.¡¡r rr Achievement
A Unscramble the words to make compliments.
1. nice / a / that's / car
swim cook English
Yoshi, age ten yes no no
Yoshi, now yes yes no
Estela, age ten no no no
Estela, now yes no yes
He could sw¡m when he was lten He can qw¡m nOW
3. She She now"
4. She She now.
5. She She now.
6. I now.
7. I now.
8. I now.
64 uNlr rr Achievement
A Match the sentence parts. Write the letter of the answer on the line.
1. Adventurous people usually a. to open a restaurant.
2. l'm going to olay it safe and take b. continue.
3. lt's risky
- c. huge challenge.
- d. take chances.
4. Climbing Mount Everest is a
5. A cur¡ous person wants to know e. afraid.
6. Trying something new can be- f. my umbrella.
Z lf you give up, you do not - g. everything.
8. A daring person isn't h. frightening.
B -
Look back at the underlined words in A. Put them in the correct box.
Rewrite the sentences. Change the word so to because, or change the word because to so.
Example: Karen can't drive because she is only 12 years old.
Karen ¡o anlv 12 vears old, so 1he can'tdrive.
LESSoN B Risk 65
A Read th¡s article.
<> c a X +' q
Flynn is 16 years old. He was only ten when he began cooking after school, and only 12 when he began serving
dinners to customers at h¡s family's home in Cal¡fornia. He calls his monthly supper club Eureka. These days,
people pay $160 each to try his tasting menu. He does school work in h¡s free t¡me, but spends most of his days
trying new recipes or learning from other chefs around lhe country.
When Flynn isn't in the kitchen, he's likely eating at a favorite restaurant or posting photos of meals for his
followers on social media. The videos on his YouTube channel his mother started years ago have tens of
thousands of hits.
Flynn wants to own his own restaurant, but some people say he's too young. Because he started working so
early, some think he missed oul on his childhood. But Flynn doesn't feel that way. Every day, he's excited to
do someth¡ng he loves.
B Circle T for True or F for False. Rewrite the false sentences to make them true.
1. Flynn is amazing because he is very young. T F
66 uNlr rr Achievement
Read about an ach¡evement. Cross out
the eight spelling m¡stakes. Rewrite the
misspelled words correctly on the lines below. .:iar::
a big acheivement.
1. o. 7.
2. 4. 6.
LESSOñ B Bisk 67
X § ATTHE ,,ovrEs
A Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box.
A movie I l¡kéd
A Complete the conversation. use the words in the box. Pay attention to capital letters.
take tell there this hang thanks please sorry here calling
Larry: Hello?
Mina: Hi, is Beth (1.) , (2.)
Mina: (6.)
Latryi (a few seconds latef Hello? (7.) , Beth's not (8.)
Sister: Hello?
S¡ster: (a few seconds later)
for two weeks, but my father can only stay for ten
B Write questions and answers about weekend plans. Use the present continuous as future tense.
on Sunday?
2. Maki
4. You
It's a Saturday night, and you want to watch a mov¡e. The only question is, which one? You could
watch a (1.) horror movie, like Psycho. lt's (2.) ; you never know
I what's going to happen next. lt's also (3.) . There's a lot of blood. lt may not be the
best movie to watch if you're by yourself.... You could watch litanlc. lt's a classic! The love story
between Jack and Rose is (4.) and romantic. But the end¡ng ¡s (5.)
I You probably don't want to spend your night cry¡ng, do you? How about a comedy, like a Monty
Python movie? All of those movies are (6.) ; they'll make you laugh. But maybe you
want a newer movie to watch. Ihe Theory of Everyth,ng is the (Z) true story of
Stephen Hawking, a famous sc¡entist. Eddie Redmayne's performance as Hawking was amazing.
Complete the sentences with the correct adjective form of the words in the box.
2. tllinteranüS[]ing
This movie is aLrout two nredical students who fbll in
lovc. The¡, havc big plans for the future: to get
nrarricd. have a baby,. and slart a hospital for poor
children. Then Paril (play..ed by Matt Keene) gets very
sick. ancl Melissa (Jessica Mays) r;rust make a difficult
decision. (Don't rvorq', 1he end is happy!)
3. I[yllcwlo¡
You *on'l believe the plot olthis new comed¡ but it's
very. yery firnn1,. A fanous soccer star named Adriano
(pla-ved b"v Paulo Costa) getsajob teaching
kinderqarten. fhc children do many crazv things, but
Adriano lcarns sornc yeq/ ii¡rpoúant lessons f'rom a little
girl (played b1, Kaitlyn White). This is a great movie fbr
fanr ilies.
4. llontloolinlnelnic _
Rodney.lones and Sho¡rtelle Deane star in this scary
nerv movie. John and Susan are a yoollg husband and
rvilb rvho bu¡, i,r nerv house. But lheir beautifirl housc
has a tcrrible sccret. Ho§'can they end their nightrnare?
([]on't see this nrovie alone!)
I saw elizabeth's ¿íp last week it's a really interesting movie and there are some great actors
in the cast the movie is about an old woman in new york named elizabeth she wants to visit
her grandchildren in los angeles but she's afraid of a¡Íplanes she buys a bus t¡cket and starts
an amazing trip she meets a lot of interesting and crazy characters on the bus she also sees
some unusual places in the united states i really liked this movie a lot