Carta de La Comisión Federal de Elecciones Al Comité de Campaña de Jenniffer González

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January 10, 2024

PO BOX 367111 Response Due Date
SAN JUAN, PR 00936



Dear Treasurer:

This letter is prompted by the Commission's preliminary review of the report referenced
above. This notice requests information essential to full public disclosure of your federal
election campaign finances. Failure to adequately respond by the response date
noted above could result in an audit or enforcement action. Additional information
is needed for the following 9 item(s):

1. Schedule A of your report discloses one or more contributions that appear to

exceed the limits set forth in the Act (see attached).

An individual or a political committee other than an authorized committee or

qualified multi-candidate committee may not make a contribution(s) to a
candidate for federal office in excess of $3,300 per election. An authorized
committee may not make a contribution(s) to a candidate for federal office in
excess of $2,000 per election. A qualified multi-candidate committee and all
affiliated committees may not make a contribution(s) to a candidate for federal
office in excess of $5,000 per election. The term "contribution" includes any
gift, subscription, loan, advance, or deposit of money or anything of value made
by any person for the purpose of influencing any election for federal office. (52
U.S.C. § 30116(a) and (f) (formerly 2 U.S.C. § 441a(a) and (f)); 11 CFR §
110.1(b), (e) and (k))

If any apparently excessive contribution in question was incompletely or

incorrectly disclosed, you must amend your original report with the clarifying
information. If any contribution you received exceeds the limits, you may have
to refund the excessive amount.

Excessive contributions may be retained if, within 60 days of receipt, the

excessive portions are properly redesignated or reattributed. Guidelines for each
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option are provided below.

For reattributions, excessive contributions from individuals can be retained if,

within 60 days of receipt, the excessive amount is properly reattributed to
another person. Please note that reattributions only apply to excessive
contributions from individuals. An excessive contribution is considered
properly reattributed if (1) the contributors provide the committee with written
documentation, signed by each contributor, authorizing a reattribution and
indicating the amount of the contribution to be attributed to each contributor; or
(2) the committee reattributes by presumption the excessive portion of the
contribution if the contribution was made on a written instrument from a joint
account and was signed by only one of the account holders. In this case, the
treasurer must notify the contributors in writing within 60 days of receiving the
contribution that the committee intends to reattribute the excessive portion and
must give the contributor an opportunity to request a refund. (11 CFR § 110.1(k)

For redesignations, the funds can be retained if, within 60 days of receipt, the
excessive amount is properly redesignated for a different election. An excessive
contribution is considered properly redesignated if (1) the committee obtains
signed written documentation from the contributor(s) authorizing the
redesignation of the contribution for another election, provided that the new
designation does not exceed the limitations on contributions made with respect
to that election; or (2) your committee redesignates by presumption the
excessive portion of the contribution for another election provided that the new
designation does not exceed the limitations on contributions made with respect
to that election. In this case, the treasurer must notify the contributor of the
redesignation in writing within 60 days of the treasurer's receipt of the
contribution. The notification must give the contributor an opportunity to
request a refund. (11 CFR § 110.1(b)(5)(ii)(B)) Please note that you cannot
presumptively redesignate an excessive contribution from a multi-candidate
committee. Also, a contribution can only be redesignated to a previous election
to the extent that the contribution does not exceed the committee's net debts
outstanding for that election. (11 CFR § 110.1(b)(3)(i))

If the foregoing conditions for reattributions or redesignations are not met

within 60 days of receipt of the contribution, the excessive amount must be
refunded. See 11 CFR § 103.3(b)(1).

If you have not already done so, please inform the Commission of your
corrective action immediately in writing and provide photocopies of any refund
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checks and/or letters reattributing or redesignating the contributions in question.

Refunds are reported on Line 20(a), (b), or (c), as applicable, of the Detailed
Summary Page and on a supporting Schedule B of the report covering the period
in which they are made. Redesignations and reattributions are reported as memo
entries on Schedule A of the report covering the period in which the authorization
for the redesignation and/or reattribution is received. (11 CFR § 104.8(d)(2), (3)
and (4))

Although the Commission may take further legal action concerning the
acceptance of excessive contributions, your prompt action to refund,
redesignate, and/or reattribute the excessive amount will be taken into

2. While it is permissible for a person to make a contribution for the general

election prior to the primary election, the recipient committee must employ an
acceptable accounting method to distinguish between primary and general
election contributions. (11 CFR § 102.9(e)) This general election amount must
be maintained in the committee's account.

Since the candidate is not seeking office and will not participate in the general
election, any contribution received for the general election must be returned to
the donors, in accordance with 11 CFR § 110.1(b)(3). The use of general election
contributions to pay primary debts and obligations is prohibited under the Act as
such use could result in individuals making contributions with respect to the
primary election in excess of the $3,300 per election limit.

The attached general election contributions do not appear to have been remedied .
Any subsequent report(s) filed with the Commission must disclose the refund of
any general election contributions. Refunds must be done within 60 days after
the candidate's announcement not to seek office/re-election.

If you have not already done so, please inform the Commission of your
corrective action immediately in writing and provide a photocopy of your check
for any refund. Refunds are reported on Line 20(a), (b) or (c), as applicable, of
the Detailed Summary Page and on a supporting Schedule B of the report
covering the period in which they are made. (11 CFR § 104.8(d)(4))

Although the Commission may take further legal action, your prompt action to
refund these contributions will be taken into consideration.

3. It appears that Schedule A of your report discloses the receipt of anonymous

contributions that exceed $50. Please be advised that federal regulations prohibit
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an individual from contributing anonymous contributions which, in the aggregate,

exceed $50. If any receipt in question was incompletely or incorrectly reported,
you must amend your original report with the clarifying information. If the
committee has been in receipt of an anonymous contribution greater than $50,
the excessive amount must be promptly disposed of and may be used for any
lawful purpose unrelated to any Federal election, campaign or candidate. In an
amendment to this report, please inform the Commission of your corrective
action immediately in writing, if you have not already done so. (11 CFR §

4. Schedule A of your report discloses one or more contributions from an

organization(s) which is not a political committee registered with the
Commission (see attached). In order for your committee to accept contributions
from unregistered organizations, your committee should take steps to ensure that
the contributor(s) used permissible funds to make the contribution(s) to avoid
violating 52 U.S.C. §§ 30116(f) and 30118 (formerly 2 U.S.C. §§ 441a(f) and
441b) or 11 CFR §102.5(b). Under 11 CFR §102.5(b), organizations which are
not political committees under the Act and choose to contribute to federal
committees must either: (1) establish a separate account which contains only
those funds permitted under the Act, or (2) demonstrate through a reasonable
accounting method that the organization has received sufficient funds subject to
the limitations and prohibitions in order to make the contribution.

If any apparently prohibited contribution in question was incompletely or

incorrectly disclosed, you should amend your original report with clarifying
information. In addition, please clarify whether the contribution(s) received from
the referenced organization(s) is permissible.

If you have received prohibited contributions, you must make a refund. (11 CFR §
103.3(b)(1)) The refund must be made within 30 days of the treasurer becoming
aware of the illegality of the contribution. (11 CFR § 103.3(b)(2))

If you have not already done so, please inform the Commission of your
corrective action immediately in writing and provide a photocopy of any refund
checks. Refunds must be reported on a Schedule B supporting Line 20(b) or (c),
as applicable, of the report covering the period in which the refund was made. (11
CFR § 104.8(d)(4))

Although the Commission may take further legal action concerning the
acceptance of prohibited contributions, your prompt action to refund the
prohibited amount will be taken into consideration.
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5. Schedule A supporting Line 12 of your report discloses transfers from

Hispanic Leadership Trust that appear to be received through joint fundraising
efforts. However, Hispanic Leadership Trust is not disclosed as a joint
fundraising representative on your Statement of Organization. Please amend your
Statement of Organization to disclose the joint fundraising representative as an
authorized committee of the candidate or amend your report to provide clarifying
information. (11 CFR §102.2(b)(1)(i) and 11 CFR §102.17(b)(2))

6. On Schedule B supporting Line 17 of your report, you have itemized

disbursements for which you have failed to include the purpose. Please amend
your report to include the missing information. (11 CFR § 104.3(b)(4))

Additional clarification regarding purposes of disbursement and a non-exhaustive

list of acceptable purposes are available on the FEC website at

7. Itemized disbursements must include a brief statement or description of why

each disbursement was made. Please amend Schedule B supporting Line 17 of
your report to clarify the attached descriptions. For further guidance regarding
acceptable purposes of disbursement, please refer to 11 CFR 104.3(b)(4)(i)(A).

Additional clarification regarding inadequate purposes of disbursement and a

non-exhaustive list of acceptable purposes are available on the FEC website at

8. Schedule B of your report discloses reimbursements to individuals for the

following disbursements: "repair materials". Please be advised that when
itemizing reimbursements to individuals for goods or services, if the payment to
the original vendor aggregates in excess of $200 in an election cycle, a memo
entry including the name and address of the original vendor, as well as the date,
amount and purpose of the original purchase must be provided. Please amend
your report to include the missing information on Schedule B and clearly
identify each memo entry supporting a reimbursement. If itemization is not
necessary, you must indicate so in an amendment to this report. (11 CFR §§
104.3(b)(4)(i) and 104.9, and Advisory Opinions 1992-1 and 1996-20, footnote

9. Schedule B of your report discloses reimbursements to individuals for the

following travel-related disbursement: "Meal Reimbursement". When the
reimbursement amount to individuals for travel and subsistence advances exceeds
$500, the payments by staff to any one vendor that make up the reimbursement
may have to be itemized. For example, if the related payments to any one vendor
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aggregate in excess of $200 for the election cycle, the staff advance payment to
the vendor must also be itemized in a memo entry for that reimbursement. Each
memo entry must include the complete name and address of the original vendor,
as well as the date, amount, and detailed purpose of the advance. If itemization is
not necessary for a particular reimbursement to staff in excess of $500, you
must indicate so in an amendment to this report. Please amend your report to
include the missing or clarifying information. See Advisory Opinion 1996-20 for
additional clarification. (11 CFR § 104.9)

Please note, you will not receive an additional notice from the Commission on this
matter. Adequate responses must be received by the Commission on or before the due
date noted above to be taken into consideration in determining whether audit action will
be initiated. Failure to comply with the provisions of the Act may also result in an
enforcement action against the committee. Any response submitted by your committee
will be placed on the public record and will be considered by the Commission prior to
taking enforcement action. Requests for extensions of time in which to respond will
not be considered.

Electronic filers must file amendments (to include statements, designations and reports)
in an electronic format and must submit an amended report in its entirety, rather than just
those portions of the report that are being amended. For information about the report
review process or specific filing information for your committee type, please visit For more information about Requests for
Additional Information (RFAI), why you received a letter, and how to respond, please visit Should
you have any questions regarding this matter or wish to verify the adequacy of your
response, please contact me on our toll-free number (800) 424-9530 (at the prompt
press 5 to reach the Reports Analysis Division) or my local number (202) 694-1252.


Ian Pritchard
455 Campaign Finance Analyst
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Apparent Excessive, Prohibited, and Impermissible Contributions

Todos Con Jenniffer Inc. DBA Jenniffer for Congress (C00588392)

Apparent Excessive Contributions from Individuals

Contributor Name Date Amount Election
Acosta Castillo, Cruz 2/14/23 $2,800.00 P2024
Acosta, Cruz 8/31/23 $2,500.00 P2024

Burgos Rivera, Hernan G. 12/31/21 $1,100.00 G2024

Burgos Rivera, Hernan G. 8/15/23 $2,500.00 G2024

Moreno, Rafael 9/26/22 $400.00 P2024

Moreno Hernandez, Rafael 2/28/23 $1,000.00 P2024
Moreno Hernandez, Rafael 8/15/23 $400.00 P2024
Moreno Hernandez, Rafael 8/15/23 $1,900.00 P2024

Repollet Solivan, Ramiro 12/31/22 $1,800.00 P2024

Repollet, Ramiro 8/3/23 $500.00 P2024
Repollet, Ramiro 8/3/23 $500.00 P2024
Repollet, Ramiro 8/3/23 $1,000.00 P2024

Rodriguez Ferrer, Germaine 3/31/23 $500.00 G2024

Rodriguez Ferrer, Germaine 8/22/23 $2,500.00 G2024
Rodriguez Ferrer, Germaine 9/21/23 $1,000.00 G2024

Soria Rivera, Eduardo 2/24/23 $2,000.00 G2024

Soria Rivera, Eduardo 8/22/23 $2,500.00 G2024

Soto, Hector 8/31/23 $3,300.00 P2024

Soto, Hector 8/31/23 $1,700.00 P2024

Villarmarzo, Guillermo Garcia 8/17/21 $600.00 P2024

Villarmarzo, Guillermo 8/17/21 $600.00 P2024
Villarmarzo, Guillermo 9/7/21 $1,000.00 P2024
Villarmarzo, Guillermo 8/15/23 $1,100.00 P2024
Villarmarzo, Guillermo 8/15/23 $600.00 P2024

Apparent Excessive Contributions from Committees

Contributor Name Date Amount Election
Republican Governance Group/Tuesday Group PAC 4/22/21 $2,000.00 P2024
Republican Governance Group/Tuesday Group PAC 8/24/21 $1,000.00 P2024
Republican Governance Group/Tuesday Group PAC 12/31/21 $1,000.00 P2024
Republican Governance Group/Tuesday Group PAC 6/16/22 $1,000.00 P2024
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Apparent Excessive, Prohibited, and Impermissible Contributions

Todos Con Jenniffer Inc. DBA Jenniffer for Congress (C00588392)
Republican Governance Group/Tuesday Group PAC 9/26/23 $1,000.00 P2024

Contributions from Possible Unregistered Organizations

Contributor Name Date Amount Election
Comite Amigos Christopher - Rios Aponte 8/14/23 $750.00 P2024
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Apparent General Election Contributions

Todos Con Jenniffer Inc. DBA Jenniffer for Congress (C00588392)

2021 October Quarterly Report

Contributor Name Date Amount Election
Keller, Kathleen J. 9/9/21 $2,800.00 G2024
Larrea, Juan A. 9/30/21 $2,800.00 G2024
Mercado, Luis 9/6/21 $2,800.00 G2024

2021 Year End Report

Contributor Name Date Amount Election
Burgos Rivera, Hernan G. 12/31/21 $1,100.00 G2024
Caraballo Gaud, Maria I. 12/28/21 $2,000.00 G2024

2022 July Quarterly Report

Contributor Name Date Amount Election
Saltchuk Resources, Inc. Pac 6/16/22 $2,500.00 G2024

2022 October Quarterly Report

Contributor Name Date Amount Election
Larrea, Gerardo 9/1/22 $2,900.00 G2024
Larrea, Maria Del Pilar Tamara 9/1/22 $2,900.00 G2024
Rosado Barbosa, Liceida 8/29/22 $100.00 G2024

2022 Year End Report

Contributor Name Date Amount Election
Building Bridges PAC 11/16/22 $1,000.00 G2024
Employees Of Raytheon Technologies Corporation PAC 10/7/22 $2,500.00 G2024
Friends Of Susan Brooks 11/16/22 $2,000.00 G2024
Garcia Reyes, Carlos R. 11/16/22 $2,000.00 G2024
Garcia Reyes, Carlos R. 11/16/22 $350.00 G2024
Gonzalez, Kelvin 12/19/22 $1,100.00 G2024
Hernandez Perez, Misael 11/16/22 $600.00 G2024
Matson, Inc. Federal Election Committee 10/31/22 $2,500.00 G2024
Morell Toledo, Cruz 11/29/22 $500.00 G2024
Republican Governance Group/Tuesday Group PAC 11/16/22 $1,000.00 G2024
Ruiz, Jose 12/31/22 $2,800.00 G2024
Shames Kopel, Bryan 12/11/22 $1,000.00 G2024

2023 April Quarterly Report

Contributor Name Date Amount Election
Amy, Carlos F 3/17/23 $2,500.00 G2024
Aponte Amador, Jose R 2/28/23 $1,450.00 G2024
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Apparent General Election Contributions

Todos Con Jenniffer Inc. DBA Jenniffer for Congress (C00588392)
Aviles Galloza, Armando 3/17/23 $3,300.00 G2024
Aviles Galloza, Armando 3/17/23 $500.00 G2024
Aviles Galloza, Armando 3/17/23 $2,800.00 G2024
Building Bridges PAC 3/31/23 $1,000.00 G2024
Fernandez, Pablo 3/17/23 $200.00 G2024
Figueredo, Carolina I. 3/17/23 $2,500.00 G2024
Garcia, Javier 3/17/23 $2,500.00 G2024
Garcia, Javier 3/31/23 $500.00 G2024
King & Spalding Nonpartisan Committee For Good
Government 3/30/23 $2,500.00 G2024
Llano, Javier 2/27/23 $50.00 G2024
Mendez, Orlando R. 3/17/23 $2,500.00 G2024
Odrobinak, James P 2/27/23 $2,000.00 G2024
Pando, Roberto 2/16/23 $1,596.00 G2024
Pietrantoni, Wanda M. 3/17/23 $2,500.00 G2024
Rodriguez Ferrer, Germaine 3/31/23 $500.00 G2024
Shames Kopel, Bryan 3/31/23 $2,500.00 G2024
Soria Rivera, Eduardo 2/24/23 $2,000.00 G2024
Stubbe Gonzalez, Ceciliana 3/17/23 $2,500.00 G2024
Stubbe, Federico C. 3/17/23 $2,500.00 G2024
Stubbe, Federico M. 3/17/23 $2,500.00 G2024
Vega, Melvin 2/27/23 $200.00 G2024

2023 July Quarterly Report

Contributor Name Date Amount Election
Benitez, Gloria I. 5/23/23 $3,000.00 G2024
Building Bridges PAC 6/30/23 $1,000.00 G2024
Emanuelli Fonalledas, Eduardo 6/7/23 $700.00 G2024
Gonzalez Cancel, Ivan 5/23/23 $1,500.00 G2024
Guzman Pena, Carlos L 6/7/23 $2,000.00 G2024
Hispanic Leadership Trust 6/30/23 $5,000.00 G2024
Ramos Falcon, Angel L 6/20/23 $200.00 G2024
Republican Governance Group/Tuesday Group PAC 5/23/23 $1,000.00 G2024
Republican Governance Group/Tuesday Group PAC 5/23/23 $1,000.00 G2024

2023 October Quarterly Report

Contributor Name Date Amount Election
Alicea Rivera, Carmen J. 8/16/23 $1,700.00 G2024
Arguello, Marvin 8/15/23 $1,700.00 G2024
Burgos Rivera, Hernan G. 8/15/23 $2,500.00 G2024
Caraballo Cartagena, Luis 9/23/23 $200.00 G2024
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Apparent General Election Contributions

Todos Con Jenniffer Inc. DBA Jenniffer for Congress (C00588392)
Castillo Marquez, Javier I. 8/15/23 $500.00 G2024
Castillo Marquez, Javier I. 8/15/23 $1,000.00 G2024
Castillo Marquez, Javier I. 8/15/23 $200.00 G2024
Claudio Ambert, Jorge L. 9/21/23 $1,000.00 G2024
Colon, Edjoel 8/31/23 $2,100.00 G2024
Colon Emeric, Lourdes 9/27/23 $3,300.00 G2024
Colon, Sybelle 8/31/23 $200.00 G2024
Delgado Garcia, Americo 8/31/23 $2,000.00 G2024
Diaz Zayas, Victor M 8/15/23 $700.00 G2024
Gorda, Mason 8/31/23 $2,100.00 G2024
Grovas Porrata, Rafael F. 9/21/23 $450.00 G2024
Hernandez Toledo, Rosa 8/15/23 $2,190.00 G2024
Hernandez, Johanna 8/15/23 $700.00 G2024
Hernandez, Johanna 8/15/23 $1,000.00 G2024
Hernandez, Johanna 8/15/23 $300.00 G2024
Hernandez, Johanna 8/15/23 $1,000.00 G2024
King & Spalding Nonpartisan Committee For Good
Government 9/27/23 $2,500.00 G2024
Krug, Joseph 8/31/23 $1,700.00 G2024
Lopez Maldonado, Pedro M 8/22/23 $1,200.00 G2024
Lopez, Paola 8/31/23 $1,700.00 G2024
Magrina Melendez, Javier A. 8/15/23 $700.00 G2024
Marrero, Jose I. 8/31/23 $2,000.00 G2024
Martinez Trabal, Jorge L. 8/15/23 $1,700.00 G2024
Matos Fernandez, Nelson 8/15/23 $200.00 G2024
Molina Rodriguez, Jose 8/16/23 $700.00 G2024
Moreno Hernandez, Rafael 8/15/23 $200.00 G2024
Nazario Belen, Angel 8/15/23 $200.00 G2024
Nazario Belen, Angel 8/15/23 $1,000.00 G2024
Nazario Belen, Angel 8/15/23 $500.00 G2024
Nazario Belen, Angel 8/15/23 $1,000.00 G2024
Nieves Medina, Luis 8/31/23 $1,700.00 G2024
Ortega, Fernando 8/31/23 $700.00 G2024
Perez Martinez, Noel 9/21/23 $200.00 G2024
Perez Martinez, Noel 9/21/23 $1,000.00 G2024
Perez Martinez, Noel 9/21/23 $500.00 G2024
Perez Nieves, Roberto 8/15/23 $2,800.00 G2024
Repollet, Ramiro 8/3/23 $500.00 G2024
Rodriguez Ferrer, Germaine 8/22/23 $2,500.00 G2024
Rodriguez Ferrer, Germaine 9/21/23 $1,000.00 G2024
Rodriguez, Carlos 8/31/23 $2,000.00 G2024
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Apparent General Election Contributions

Todos Con Jenniffer Inc. DBA Jenniffer for Congress (C00588392)
Rodriguez, Juan Dr. 8/22/23 $1,700.00 G2024
Rolon Suarez, Erik Y 8/31/23 $2,000.00 G2024
Rubert, Paquita A. 9/27/23 $600.00 G2024
Rubert, Paquita A. 9/27/23 $1,000.00 G2024
Rubert, Paquita A. 9/27/23 $1,000.00 G2024
Santiago Velez, Maruja 8/22/23 $2,800.00 G2024
Santiago Velez, Maruja 9/21/23 $500.00 G2024
Soria Rivera, Eduardo 8/22/23 $2,500.00 G2024
Torres, Julio 8/31/23 $2,000.00 G2024
Trinidad Rodriguez, Efrain 8/31/23 $1,700.00 G2024
Vazquez Soto, Leonardo 8/15/23 $700.00 G2024
Villarmarzo, Guillermo 8/15/23 $800.00 G2024
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Incorrectly Reported Disbursements

Todos Con Jenniffer Inc. DBA Jenniffer for Congress (C00588392)

Inadequate Purposes
Name Date Amount Purpose
65th Infantry Regiment MA Inc 8/31/23 $165.95 Campaign Event Expense
Coulux Decoration Solutions 8/3/23 $3,561.31 Campaign Event Expense
Disenos Graficos de Puerto Rico 7/11/23 $1,009.08 Campaign Event Expense
Disenos Graficos de Puerto Rico 9/26/23 $1,574.95 Campaign Event Expense
Elite Luxury Entertainment 8/8/23 $2,000.00 Campaign Event Expense
Gabriel Reid - G&B Construction Services 8/21/23 $750.00 Campaign Event Expense
GrafikArte 8/2/23 $8,000.00 Campaign Event Expense
GrafikArte 8/2/23 $6,687.87 Campaign Event Expense
GrafikArte 9/15/23 $3,139.60 Campaign Event Expense
GrafikArte 9/15/23 $1,615.38 Campaign Event Expense
Infinity Media Pro 7/14/23 $6,650.00 Campaign Event Expense
Josue Laureano DBA Pro Tec Solutions 7/25/23 $1,163.00 Campaign Event Expense
Josue Laureano DBA Pro Tec Solutions 9/26/23 $561.97 Campaign Event Expense
Myriam Reus - Titi Sweets 8/8/23 $560.00 Campaign Event Expense
NMT Communications 7/14/23 $1,625.00 Campaign Event Expense
NMT Communications 8/17/23 $1,150.00 Campaign Event Expense
Juan M. Fragroso 8/8/23 $1,500.00 Decoration
PJ Porrata 8/8/23 $600.00 Entertainment
Gisselle Ortiz. 8/4/23 $6,000.00 Enterteinment
Jose Ramirez Lugo 8/8/23 $6,950.00 Enterteinment
PayPal 8/31/23 $1,688.53 Fee
Winred 8/31/23 $24.13 Fee
Perez Cancel, Hegel 9/27/23 $2,000.00 In-kind -
Ocean Prime 7/12/23 $927.19 political event
Ferreteria San Antonio 7/31/23 $1,165.25 repairs materials
Ferreteria San Antonio 8/17/23 $13.38 repairs materials
Ferreteria San Antonio 8/21/23 $6.41 repairs materials
Luis R. Domenech - Titos Painting 8/2/23 $8,000.00 repairs materials

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