Equasis Statistics - The World Fleet 2022
Equasis Statistics - The World Fleet 2022
Equasis Statistics - The World Fleet 2022
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 1) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Chapter 1
This report provides a picture of the world’s Ships are grouped by size into four
merchant fleet in 2022, derived from data categories:
contained in the Equasis database. It 1. Small ships 100 GT to 499 GT,
examines the structure and characteristics 2. Medium ships 500 GT to 24,999 GT,
of the fleet and its performance. The 3. Large ships 25,000 GT to 59,999 GT; and
statistics are grouped into themes which 4. Very Large ships ≥ 60,000 GT.
could be of interest to the industry and
regulators, as follows: The small ships size category reflects the
tonnage below the threshold for merchant
1. The Merchant Fleet Population, ships to comply with the SOLAS
2. Classification Societies, Convention. For that reason, small ships
3. P&I Clubs and Insurance Companies, are excluded from some of the data tables
4. Port State Control, and in order to avoid distortion of the totals and
5. Trade Associations and Industry Vetting only included in Sub-Chapters 2.1, 2.2,
Programmes. 2.4, Sub-Chapters 3.1, 3.2, Sub-Chapters
5.1 and 5.6.
Regulatory and commercial tonnage
Equasis is populated with data from the thresholds are not common to all ship
world’s merchant ships of 100 GT and types. As a compromise, for ships ≥500 GT
above. Basic ship particulars are derived the categories medium, large and very-
from the commercial database of IHS large were chosen to divide the fleet into
Markit – S&P Global Market Intelligence. three approximately equal parts in terms of
From a commercial and regulatory point of
view, size and type of ship are two key SHIP TYPES
criteria on which the statistical analysis is
based. For the PSC statistics in Chapter 5, Equasis uses as baseline over 100
ships are divided into ship type categories descriptions of ship types provided IHS
derived from PSC databases. Markit – S&P Global Maritime & Trade. For
this report those were aggregated into 13
This report also contains information on main ship types as follows:
fishing vessels of 100 GT and above with • Bulk Carriers,
an IMO number. There were total of 25,935 • Container Ships,
fishing vessels reported to Equasis in 2022. • Fishing vessels
Those vessels now represent 20.4% of the • Gas Tankers,
ships in the Equasis information system. • General Cargo Ships,
More than one fifth of those vessels are • Offshore Vessels,
over 500 GT and therefore are included in • Oil and Chemical Tankers,
the statistics, where appropriate. • Other Tankers,
• Passenger Ships,
• Ro-Ro Cargo Ships,
• Service Ships,
• Specialized Cargo Ships and
• Tugs.
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 1) The world merchant fleet in 2022
regularly reviewed to include new possible detention recorded in a region where a few
ship types and accurately reflect the numbers of ships are calling would lead to
situation of the world merchant fleet. a high detention rate in that region.
PSC SHIP TYPES Further details are included in the list of the
respective regimes’ PSC Annual Reports.
Port State Control (PSC) regimes use The list of targeted flag States, based on
specific ship type categories that are the 2022 annual reports of the Paris MoU,
different from the ones used by IHS Markit the Tokyo MoU and the US Coast Guard, is
– S&P Global Maritime & Trade. From 2011 referenced in Annex II.
onwards, those categories have been used
in Chapter 5 instead of the aggregation Equasis is not currently provided with data
described above. on PSC inspections under Riyadh MoU.
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 2) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Chapter 2
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 2) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Bulk carriers 279 0.5% 3,901 8.1% 7,103 52.7% 1,937 26.6% 13,220 10.4%
Container ships 19 0.0% 2,409 5.0% 1,684 12.5% 1,624 22.3% 5,736 4.5%
Fishing vessels 20,124 34.5% 5,806 12.1% 4 0.0% 1 0.0% 25,935 20.4%
Gas tankers 34 0.1% 1,182 2.5% 475 3.5% 619 8.5% 2,310 1.8%
General cargo ships 4,105 7.0% 12,181 25.4% 288 2.1% 0 0.0% 16,574 13.1%
Offshore vessels 2,871 4.9% 5,097 10.6% 122 0.9% 319 4.4% 8,409 6.6%
Other tankers 448 0.8% 776 1.6% 16 0.1% 0 0.0% 1,240 1.0%
Passenger ships 4,417 7.6% 2,945 6.1% 299 2.2% 205 2.8% 7,866 6.2%
Ro-ro cargo ships 1,025 1.8% 1,111 2.3% 553 4.1% 277 3.8% 2,966 2.3%
Service ships 3,801 6.5% 3,810 7.9% 38 0.3% 8 0.1% 7,657 6.0%
Specialized cargo
8 0.0% 287 0.6% 63 0.5% 9 0.1% 367 0.3%
Total 58,247 100% 47,938 100% 13,472 100% 7,290 100% 126,947 100%
Source: Equasis (1)
GT<500 - (2)
500≤GT<25,000 - (3)
25,000≤GT<60,000 - (4)
Table 2 - World fleet: gross tonnage (in 1000 GT), by type and size
Bulk carriers 113 0.8% 56,394 22.3% 267,551 52.8% 199,770 25.5% 523,828 33.6%
Container ships 8 0.1% 29,217 11.5% 62,665 12.4% 188,584 24.1% 280,473 18.0%
Fishing vessels 4,379 29.9% 7,972 3.1% 142 0.0% 71 0.0% 12,564 0.8%
Gas tankers 13 0.1% 7,643 3.0% 20,729 4.1% 69,509 8.9% 97,895 6.3%
General cargo ships 1,443 9.9% 55,836 22.0% 9,705 1.9% 0 0.0% 66,984 4.3%
Offshore vessels 806 5.5% 14,992 5.9% 5,578 1.1% 38,209 4.9% 59,586 3.8%
Other tankers 135 0.9% 2,238 0.9% 465 0.1% 0 0.0% 2,839 0.2%
Passenger ships 1,142 7.8% 11,868 4.7% 10,891 2.1% 23,464 3.0% 47,366 3.0%
Ro-ro cargo ships 334 2.3% 6,760 2.7% 26,284 5.2% 18,662 2.4% 52,039 3.3%
Service ships 947 6.5% 11,247 4.4% 1,391 0.3% 1,039.62 0.1% 14,625 0.9%
Specialized cargo
3 0.0% 2,489 1.0% 2,482 0.5% 654 0.1% 5,628 0.4%
Total 14,636 100% 253,336 100% 506,696 100% 782,990 100% 1,557,658 100%
Source: Equasis (1)
GT<500 - (2)
500≤GT<25,000 - (3)
25,000≤GT<60,000 - (4)
Graph 1 - World fleet: total number of ships, by size Graph 2 - World fleet: gross tonnage, by size
6% 1%
46% 50%
38% 33%
Small Medium Large Very Large Small Medium Large Very Large
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 2) The world merchant fleet in 2022
0-4 years old 3,894 6.69% 4,085 8.52% 2,030 15.07% 1,364 18.71% 11,373 9.0%
5-14 years old 12,410 21.31% 14,822 30.92% 6,650 49.36% 3,878 53.20% 37,760 29.7%
15-24 years old 9,567 16.42% 10,276 21.44% 4,026 29.88% 1,835 25.17% 25,704 20.2%
+25 years old 32,376 55.58% 18,755 39.12% 766 5.69% 213 2.92% 52,110 41.0%
Total 58,247 100% 47,938 100% 13,472 100% 7,290 100% 126,947 100%
Source: Equasis (1)
GT<500 - (2)
500≤GT<25,000 - (3)
25,000≤GT<60,000 - (4)
Table 4 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of ships, by age and size
0-4 years old 1,114 7.61% 27,962 11.04% 76,798 15.16% 163,698 20.91% 269,571 17.3%
5-14 years old 3,408 23.29% 104,093 41.09% 251,052 49.55% 416,972 53.25% 775,526 49.8%
15-24 years old 2,493 17.03% 65,430 25.83% 150,884 29.78% 179,598 22.94% 398,404 25.6%
+25 years old 7,621 52.07% 55,851 22.05% 27,962 5.52% 22,722 2.90% 114,157 7.3%
Total 14,636 100% 253,336 100% 506,697 100% 782,990 100% 1,557,658 100%
Source: Equasis (1)
GT<500 - (2)
500≤GT<25,000 - (3)
25,000≤GT<60,000 - (4)
Small Medium Large Very large
0-4 years old 5-14 years old 15-24 years old +25 years old
Graph 4 - World fleet : gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) by age and size
Small Medium Large Very large
0-4 years old 5-14 years old 15-24 years old +25 years old
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 2) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 5 - Total number of 0-4 years old ships, by type and size
Bulk carriers 7 0.2% 411 10.1% 1,219 60.0% 351 25.7% 1,988 17.5%
Container ships 1 0.0% 357 8.7% 187 9.2% 224 16.4% 769 6.8%
Fishing vessels 687 17.6% 681 16.7% 1 0.0% 1 0.1% 1,370 12.0%
Gas tankers 2 0.1% 142 3.5% 125 6.2% 173 12.7% 442 3.9%
General cargo ships 178 4.6% 678 16.6% 39 1.9% 0 0.0% 895 7.9%
Offshore vessels 244 6.3% 262 6.4% 2 0.1% 30 2.2% 538 4.7%
Passenger ships 307 7.9% 312 7.6% 45 2.2% 36 2.6% 700 6.2%
Service ships 400 10.3% 267 6.5% 12 0.6% 0 0.0% 679 6.0%
Specialized cargo
0 0.0% 33 0.8% 6 0.3% 4 0.3% 43 0.4%
Total 3,894 100% 4,085 100% 2,030 100% 1,364 100% 11,373 100%
Source: Equasis (1)
GT<500 - (2)
500≤GT<25,000 - (3)
25,000≤GT<60,000 - (4)
Table 6 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of 0-4 years old ships, by type and size
Bulk carriers 3 0.3% 5,937 21.2% 48,455 63.1% 40,890 25.0% 95,294 35.4%
Container ships 0.5 0.0% 5,555 19.9% 6,063 7.9% 37,166 22.7% 48,785 18.1%
Fishing vessels 186 16.8% 1,235 4.4% 28 0.0% 71 0.0% 1,522 0.6%
Gas tankers 1 0.1% 894 3.2% 5,601 7.3% 19,570 12.0% 26,066 9.7%
General cargo ships 75 6.8% 3,977 14.2% 1,515 2.0% 0 0.0% 5,568 2.1%
Offshore vessels 67 6.0% 1,065 3.8% 77 0.1% 4,141 2.5% 5,350 2.0%
Passenger ships 95 8.5% 1,499 5.4% 1,888 2.5% 5,440 3.3% 8,922 3.3%
Ro-ro cargo ships 28 2.5% 586 2.1% 851 1.1% 2,643 1.6% 4,108 1.5%
Service ships 96 8.6% 1,156 4.1% 429 0.6% 0 0.0% 1,682 0.6%
Specialized cargo
0 0.0% 436 1.6% 270 0.4% 282 0.2% 988 0.4%
Total 1,114 100% 27,962 100% 76,798 100% 163,698 100% 269,571 100%
Source: Equasis (1)
GT<500 - (2)
500≤GT<25,000 - (3)
25,000≤GT<60,000 - (4)
Graph 5 - World fleet : total number of 0-4 years old Graph 6 - World fleet : gross tonnage of 0-4 years old
ships, by size ships by size
12% 0%
Small Medium Large Very Large Small Medium Large Very Large
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 2) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 7 - Total number of 5-14 years old ships, by type and size
Bulk carriers 31 0.2% 2,022 13.6% 4,100 61.7% 1,281 33.0% 7,434 19.7%
Container ships 14 0.1% 588 4.0% 599 9.0% 865 22.3% 2,066 5.5%
Fishing vessels 2,305 18.6% 1,184 8.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 3,489 9.2%
Gas tankers 2 0.0% 426 2.9% 215 3.2% 240 6.2% 883 2.3%
General cargo ships 512 4.1% 2,903 19.6% 158 2.4% 0 0.0% 3,573 9.5%
Offshore vessels 838 6.8% 2,522 17.0% 53 0.8% 97 2.5% 3,510 9.3%
Passenger ships 707 5.7% 613 4.1% 50 0.8% 65 1.7% 1,435 3.8%
Ro-ro cargo ships 276 2.2% 367 2.5% 244 3.7% 153 3.9% 1,040 2.8%
Service ships 851 6.9% 1,067 7.2% 12 0.2% 1 0.0% 1,931 5.1%
Specialized cargo
0 0.0% 99 0.7% 21 0.3% 5 0.1% 125 0.3%
Total 12,410 100% 14,822 100% 6,650 100% 3,878 100% 37,760 100%
Source: Equasis (1)
GT<500 - (2)
500≤GT<25,000 - (3)
25,000≤GT<60,000 - (4)
Table 8 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of 5-14 years old ships, by type and size
Bulk carriers 13 0.4% 34,202 32.9% 155,589 62.0% 130,379 31.3% 320,184 41.3%
Container ships 5 0.2% 7,247 7.0% 23,660 9.4% 106,743 25.6% 137,655 17.7%
Fishing vessels 605 17.7% 1,716 1.6% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 2,320 0.3%
Gas tankers 1 0.0% 3,654 3.5% 9,224 3.7% 27,912 6.7% 40,791 5.3%
General cargo ships 213 6.3% 21,003 20.2% 5,282 2.1% 0 0.0% 26,498 3.4%
Offshore vessels 244 7.1% 8,949 8.6% 2,370 0.9% 9,660 2.3% 21,224 2.7%
Other tankers 31 0.9% 1,224 1.2% 255 0.1% 0 0.0% 1,511 0.2%
Passenger ships 210 6.2% 2,452 2.4% 1,893 0.8% 8,373 2.0% 12,928 1.7%
Ro-ro cargo ships 97 2.8% 1,569 1.5% 11,384 4.5% 10,547 2.5% 23,596 3.0%
Service ships 217 6.4% 3,780 3.6% 438 0.2% 403 0.1% 4,839 0.6%
Specialized cargo
0 0.0% 1,038 1.0% 822 0.3% 371 0.1% 2,231 0.3%
Total 3,408 100% 104,093 100% 251,052 100% 416,972 100% 775,526 100%
Source: Equasis (1)
GT<500 - (2)
500≤GT<25,000 - (3)
25,000≤GT<60,000 - (4)
Graph 7 - Total number of 5-14 years old ships by size Graph 8 - Gross tonnage of 5-14 years old ships by size
10% 0%
Small Medium Large Very Large Small Medium Large Very Large
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 2) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 9 - Total number of 15-24 years old ships, by type and size
Bulk carriers 13 0.1% 722 7.0% 1,482 36.8% 302 16.5% 2,519 9.8%
Container ships 3 0.0% 987 9.6% 799 19.8% 515 28.1% 2,304 9.0%
Fishing vessels 2,788 29.1% 642 6.2% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 3,430 13.3%
Gas tankers 3 0.0% 279 2.7% 100 2.5% 177 9.6% 559 2.2%
General cargo ships 612 6.4% 2,787 27.1% 46 1.1% 0 0.0% 3,445 13.4%
Offshore vessels 507 5.3% 1,143 11.1% 23 0.6% 85 4.6% 1,758 6.8%
Passenger ships 740 7.7% 538 5.2% 111 2.8% 83 4.5% 1,472 5.7%
Ro-ro cargo ships 322 3.4% 250 2.4% 246 6.1% 78 4.3% 896 3.5%
Service ships 589 6.2% 582 5.7% 3 0.1% 4 0.2% 1,178 4.6%
Total 9,567 100% 10,276 100% 4,026 100% 1,835 100% 25,704 100%
Source: Equasis (1)
GT<500 - (2)
500≤GT<25,000 - (3)
25,000≤GT<60,000 - (4)
Table 10 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of 15-24 years old ships, by type and size
Bulk carriers 5 0.2% 9,292 14.2% 53,397 35.4% 28,204 15.7% 90,898 22.8%
Container ships 1 0.1% 11,828 18.1% 29,389 19.5% 43,108 24.0% 84,327 21.2%
Fishing vessels 584 23.4% 838 1.3% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1,422 0.4%
Gas tankers 1 0.1% 1,889 2.9% 4,386 2.9% 19,002 10.6% 25,278 6.3%
General cargo ships 262 10.5% 14,088 21.5% 1,472 1.0% 0 0.0% 15,822 4.0%
Offshore vessels 170 6.8% 2,954 4.5% 977 0.6% 11,405 6.4% 15,506 3.9%
Other tankers 10 0.4% 364 0.6% 155 0.1% 0 0.0% 529 0.1%
Passenger ships 188 7.6% 2,283 3.5% 3,885 2.6% 8,022 4.5% 14,378 3.6%
Ro-ro cargo ships 107 4.3% 2,204 3.4% 12,011 8.0% 4,987 2.8% 19,309 4.8%
Service ships 145 5.8% 2,065 3.2% 113 0.1% 354 0.2% 2,677 0.7%
Specialized cargo ships 0.5 0.0% 354 0.5% 325 0.2% 0 0.0% 680 0.2%
Total 2,493 100% 65,430 100% 150,883 100% 179,598 100% 398,404 100%
Source: Equasis (1)
GT<500 - (2)
500≤GT<25,000 - (3)
25,000≤GT<60,000 - (4)
Graph 9 - Total number of 15-14 years old ships by size Graph 10 - Gross tonnage of 15-24 years old ships by
7% 1%
40% 38%
Small Medium Large Very Large Small Medium Large Very Large
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 2) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 11 - Total number of +25 years old ships, by type and size
Bulk carriers 228 0.7% 746 4.0% 302 39.4% 3 1.4% 1,279 2.5%
Fishing vessels 14,344 44.3% 3,299 17.6% 3 0.4% 0 0.0% 17,646 33.9%
General cargo ships 2,803 8.7% 5,813 31.0% 45 5.9% 0 0.0% 8,661 16.6%
Offshore vessels 1,282 4.0% 1,170 6.2% 44 5.7% 107 50.2% 2,603 5.0%
Other tankers 303 0.9% 311 1.7% 1 0.1% 0 0.0% 615 1.2%
Passenger ships 2,663 8.2% 1,482 7.9% 93 12.1% 21 9.9% 4,259 8.2%
Ro-ro cargo ships 349 1.1% 395 2.1% 43 5.6% 7 3.3% 794 1.5%
Service ships 1,961 6.1% 1,894 10.1% 11 1.4% 3 1.4% 3,869 7.4%
Specialized cargo
7 0.0% 124 0.7% 28 3.7% 0 0.0% 159 0.3%
Total 32,376 100% 18,755 100% 766 100% 213 100% 52,110 100%
Source: Equasis (1)
GT<500 - (2)
500≤GT<25,000 - (3)
25,000≤GT<60,000 - (4)
Table 12 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of +25 years old ships, by type and size
Bulk carriers 92 1.2% 6,962 12.5% 10,110 36.2% 287 1.3% 17,451 15.3%
Container ships 0 0.0% 4,587 8.2% 3,552 12.7% 1,567 6.9% 9,707 8.5%
Fishing vessels 3,003 39.4% 4,183 7.5% 113 0.4% 0 0.0% 7,299 6.4%
Gas tankers 10 0.1% 1,206 2.2% 1,518 5.4% 3,026 13.3% 5,760 5.0%
General cargo ships 892 11.7% 16,768 30.0% 1,435 5.1% 0 0.0% 19,095 16.7%
Offshore vessels 325 4.3% 2,023 3.6% 2,155 7.7% 13,003 57.2% 17,507 15.3%
Passenger ships 649 8.5% 5,634 10.1% 3,225 11.5% 1,629 7.2% 11,137 9.8%
Ro-ro cargo ships 102 1.3% 2,401 4.3% 2,038 7.3% 485 2.1% 5,026 4.4%
Service ships 489 6.4% 4,245 7.6% 411 1.5% 282 1.2% 5,427 4.8%
Specialized cargo
2 0.0% 662 1.2% 1,065 3.8% 0 0.0% 1,728 1.5%
Total 7,621 100% 55,851 100% 27,962 100% 22,722 100% 114,157 100%
Source: Equasis (1)
GT<500 - (2)
500≤GT<25,000 - (3)
25,000≤GT<60,000 - (4)
Graph 11 - Total number of +25 years old ships by size Graph 12 - Gross tonnage of +25 years old ships by
1% 0% 7% 7%
Small Medium Large Very Large Small Medium Large Very Large
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 2) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 13 - World fleet GT≥500: total number of ships, by type and flag
Oil and chemical tankers 805 12.7% 11,826 19.0% 12,631 18.4%
Table 14 - World fleet GT≥500: gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of ships, by type and flag
Oil and chemical tankers 23,411 18.0% 364,324 25.8% 387,735 25.1%
Graph 13 - World fleet GT≥500: total number of ships, Graph 14 - World fleet GT≥500: gross tonnage of
by flag ships, by flag
9% 8%
91% 92%
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 2) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Oil and chemical tankers 467 9.8% 7,046 16.3% 7,513 15.7%
Table 16 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of medium sized(1) ships, by type and flag
Oil and chemical tankers 2,733 9.6% 43,163 19.2% 45,896 18.1%
Graph 15 - Total number of medium sized ships, by Graph 16 - Gross tonnage of medium sized ships, by
flag flag
10% 11%
90% 89%
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 2) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Oil and chemical tankers 168 16.8% 2,659 21.3% 2,827 21.0%
Table 18 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of large (1) ships, by type and flag
Oil and chemical tankers 6,228 15.9% 92,584 19.8% 98,813 19.5%
Graph 17 - Total number of large ships, by flag Graph 18 - Gross tonnage of large ships, by flag
7% 8%
93% 92%
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 2) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 19 - Total number of very large (1) ships, by type and flag
Oil and chemical tankers 170 28.4% 2,121 31.7% 2,291 31.4%
Table 20 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of very large (1) ships, by type and flag
Oil and chemical tankers 14,449 23.3% 228,577 31.7% 243,026 31.0%
Graph 19 - Total number of very large ships, by flag Graph 20 - Gross tonnage of very large ships, by flag
8% 8%
92% 92%
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 2) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 21 - Ship sightings: total distinct number of ships sighted by area and by size – 2022
Australia and New 473 1.9% 1,463 1.8% 3,108 4.2% 2,017 5.0% 7,061 3.2%
East Africa 154 0.6% 1,279 1.6% 4,131 5.6% 2,420 6.0% 7,984 3.6%
East Asia 4,493 17.7% 14,666 18.3% 9,817 13.3% 5,807 14.3% 34,783 15.8%
Mediterranean Sea 3,396 13.4% 9,690 12.1% 5,823 7.9% 3,348 8.3% 22,257 10.1%
Middle America and 1,928 7.6% 4,502 5.6% 4,939 6.7% 2,387 5.9% 13,756 6.2%
Gulf of Mexico
New Guinea Pacific 249 1.0% 1,024 1.3% 1,156 1.6% 440 1.1% 2,869 1.3%
North America East 1,197 4.7% 2,347 2.9% 2,605 3.5% 1,497 3.7% 7,646 3.5%
North America West 1,019 4.0% 1,671 2.1% 3,681 5.0% 1,467 3.6% 7,838 3.6%
North Asia 78 0.3% 509 0.6% 313 0.4% 108 0.3% 1,008 0.5%
North Europe 1,891 7.4% 6,503 8.1% 2,271 3.1% 1,085 2.7% 11,750 5.3%
South Africa 277 1.1% 1,588 2.0% 4,696 6.3% 2,672 6.6% 9,233 4.2%
South America East 635 2.5% 2,888 3.6% 4,139 5.6% 1,673 4.1% 9,335 4.2%
South America West 319 1.3% 1,318 1.6% 1,607 2.2% 542 1.3% 3,786 1.7%
South Asia 2,138 8.4% 6,576 8.2% 7,093 9.6% 4,183 10.3% 19,990 9.1%
Southeast Asia 2,929 11.5% 10,737 13.4% 8,825 11.9% 5,353 13.2% 27,844 12.6%
West Africa 1,211 4.8% 4,911 6.1% 4,318 5.8% 2,370 5.8% 12,810 5.8%
West Europe 3,048 12.0% 8,657 10.8% 5,559 7.5% 3,188 7.9% 20,452 9.3%
Total 25,435 100% 80,329 100% 74,081 100% 40,557 100% 220,402 100%
Source: As provided by AXSMarine, VesselTracker and MarineTraffic to Equasis (1) GT<500 - (2)
500≤GT<25,000 - (3)
25,000≤GT<60,000 - (4)
Table 22 - Ship sightings: Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of distinct ships sighted by area and by size – 2022
East Africa 53 0.7% 16,100 2.1% 161,068 5.7% 270,612 6.4% 447,834 5.7%
East Asia 1,340 17.8% 116,969 15.1% 375,402 13.2% 639,440 15.0% 1,133,152 14.4%
Mediterranean Sea 1,037 13.8% 85,106 11.0% 220,262 7.8% 337,701 7.9% 644,106 8.2%
New Guinea Pacific 75 1.0% 12,084 1.6% 46,287 1.6% 39,630 0.9% 98,077 1.2%
North Asia 23 0.3% 3,597 0.5% 12,988 0.5% 10,591 0.2% 27,200 0.3%
North Europe 505 6.7% 50,159 6.5% 85,375 3.0% 96,979 2.3% 233,017 3.0%
South Africa 89 1.2% 20,435 2.6% 182,789 6.4% 295,646 6.9% 498,959 6.3%
South Asia 722 9.6% 66,584 8.6% 270,022 9.5% 458,394 10.8% 795,722 10.1%
Southeast Asia 848 11.3% 93,308 12.1% 338,821 12.0% 593,070 13.9% 1,026,047 13.0%
West Africa 364 4.8% 52,550 6.8% 160,541 5.7% 244,664 5.7% 458,120 5.8%
West Europe 813 10.8% 80,232 10.4% 211,603 7.5% 320,612 7.5% 613,260 7.8%
Total 7,510 100% 773,594 100% 2,834,942 100% 4,256,410 100% 7,872,456 100%
Source: As provided by AXSMarine, VesselTracker and MarineTraffic to Equasis (1) GT<500 - (2)
500≤GT<25,000 - (3)
25,000≤GT<60,000 - (4)
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 2) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Graph 21 - Ship Sightings: total distinct number of ships sighted by geographical area – 2022
5% <1%
6% 9%
2% 4%
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 2) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Chapter 3
3. Classification societies
INTRODUCTION sanctions in its home jurisdiction as a result
of the Russia-Ukraine war conflict.
Classification societies provide technical
and surveying services for the shipping Non-members of IACS in 2022 reporting
industry and the flag States. On the one their activity data to Equasis were:
hand these organisations can survey the
ship on behalf of the owner and issue a • Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (BKI),
‘Certificate of Classification’. On the other • Dromon Bureau of Shipping (DR),
hand, classification societies may act as • Emirates Classification Society
Recognised Organisations on behalf of the (TASNEEF),
flag States to provide statutory • Overseas Marine Certification Services
certification. (OMCS),
• Phoenix Register of Shipping (PHRS),
This chapter and all other tables and • Russian Maritime Register of Shipping
graphs dealing with classification societies (RS Class), and
in this publication, refer only to the ‘class’ • Türk Loydu (TL).
function; indicating which organisation has
issued the class certificates for a particular To align with the scope of the data provided
ship. It does not necessarily follow that the to Equasis by the classification societies,
same society is also acting as a Recognised two main changes were made in this
Organisation on behalf of the ship’s flag edition:
State (Sub-Chapters 5.5 and 5.6). 1- fishing vessels are excluded; and
2- small ships ≥100 GT are now
More than 90% of the world’s cargo included in this chapter.
carrying tonnage is classified by one of the
member societies of the International In addition, there is a unique count of
Association of Classification Societies double classed ships and ships classified by
(IACS). At the end of 2022, IACS consisted more than one classification society.
of 11 member societies:
The tables in this chapter show the Equasis
• American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), fleet ≥100 GT, in each ship size category
• Bureau Veritas (BV), and ship type, as classed by IACS and non-
• China Classification Society (CCS), IACS members. Data on classed ships
• Croatian Register of Shipping (CRS), primarily comes from classification
• Det Norske Veritas (DNV), societies that are data-providers to
• Indian Register of Shipping (IRS), Equasis. Remaining fleet class information
• Korean Register of Shipping (KR), is supplied by IHS Markit Maritime & Trade,
• Lloyd's Register of Shipping (LR), when available.
• Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK),
• Polish Register of Shipping (PRS), and Ships that are not classed by IACS
• Registro Italiano Navale (RINA). members and/or for which no class record
exists in Equasis are grouped under the
In 2022, IACS Council withdrew the heading “Non-IACS or unknown”.
Russian Maritime Register of Shipping’s In Chapter 3.3 the fleet is analysed
(RMRS) membership1 citing the impact of according to class and flag State status.
Flag States are grouped in two categories,
IACS Council Withdraws Russian Register’s Membership of IACS -
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The world merchant fleet in 2022
targeted and non-targeted flag, as in Sub- In Chapter 3.4, the safety performance of
Chapter 2.3 but including here ships ≥100 the Equasis fleet over 500 GT, measured
GT. by the detention rate of eligible ships to
PSC inspections, shows that 2% of
In Sub-Chapter 3.4 the detention rate of inspections resulted in detention in 2022
ships is the ratio between the number of (Table 81). Those ships classed by an IACS
detentions and the number of inspections member had a lower detention ratio in
by the PSC regimes providing data to 2022 (2%) than those classed with non-
Equasis (see Chapter 5). All detentions are IACS members or with no recorded class
considered whether or not the deficiencies (4%).
giving rise to the detention were indicated
by PSC as being related to the activities of
the Classification Society or Recognised
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 23 - World fleet GT≥100: total number of ships, by type and class
Table 24 - World fleet GT≥100: gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of ships, by type and class
Graph 22 - World fleet GT≥100: total number of Graph 23 - World fleet GT≥100: gross tonnage of ships,
ships, by class by class
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 26 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of small(1) ships, by type and class
Graph 24 - Total number of small ships, by class Graph 25 - Gross tonnage of small ships, by class
37% 35%
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 28 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of medium sized(1) ships, by type and class
Graph 26 - Total number of medium sized ships, by Graph 27 - Gross tonnage of medium sized ships, by
class class
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 30 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of large(1) ships, by type and class
Graph 28 - Total number of large ships, by class Graph 29 - Gross tonnage of large ships, by class
2% 2%
98% 98%
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 32 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of very large(1) ships, by type and class
Graph 30 - Total number of very large ships, by class Graph 31 - Gross tonnage of very large ships, by class
0% 0%
100% 100%
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 33 - World fleet GT≥100: total number of 0-4 years old ships, by type and class
Table 34 - World fleet GT≥100: gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of ships 0-4 years old, by type and class
Graph 32 - World fleet GT≥100: total number of 0-4 Graph 33 - World fleet GT≥100: gross tonnage of 0-4
years old ships, by class years old of ships, by class
73% 96%
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 35 - Total number of 0-4 years old small(1) ships, by type and class
Table 36 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of 0-4 years old small(1) ships, by type and class
Graph 34 - Total number of 0-4 years old small Graph 35 - Gross tonnage of 0-4 years old small ships, by
ships, by class class
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 37 - Total number of 0-4 years old medium sized(1) ships, by type and class
Table 38 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of 0-4 years old medium sized(1) ships, by type and class
Graph 36 - Total number of 0-4 years old medium Graph 37 - Gross tonnage of 0-4 years old medium sized
sized ships, by class ships, by class
32% 22%
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 39 - Total number of 0-4 years old large(1) ships, by type and class
Table 40 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of 0-4 years old large(1) ships, by type and class
Graph 38 - Total number of 0-4 years old large ships, Graph 39 - Gross tonnage of 0-4 years old large ships,
by class by class
94% 94%
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 41 - Total number of 0-4 years old very large(1) ships, by type and class
Table 42 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of 0-4 years old very large(1) ships, by type and class
Graph 40 - Total number of 0-4 years old very large Graph 41 - Gross tonnage of 0-4 years old very large
ships, by class ships, by class
1% 1%
99% 99%
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 43 - World fleet GT≥100: total number of 5-14 years old ships, by type and class
Table 44 - World fleet GT≥100: gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of ships 5-14 years old, by type and class
Graph 42 - World fleet GT≥100: total number of 5-14 Graph 43 - World fleet GT≥100: gross tonnage of 5-14
years old ships, by class years old of ships, by class
IACS Non-IACS or unknown IACS Non-IACS or unknown
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 45 - Total number of 5-14 years old small(1) ships, by type and class
Table 46 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of 5-14 years old small(1) ships, by type and class
Graph 44 - Total number of 5-14 years old small Graph 45 - Gross tonnage of 5-14 years old small ships,
ships, by class by class
32% 29%
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 47 - Total number of 5-14 years old medium sized(1) ships, by type and class
Table 48 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of 5-14 years old medium sized(1) ships, by type and class
Graph 46 - Total number of 5-14 years old medium Graph 47 - Gross tonnage of 5-14 years old medium
sized ships, by class sized ships, by class
IACS Non-IACS or unknown IACS Non-IACS or unknown
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 49 - Total number of 5-14 years old large(1) ships, by type and class
Table 50 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of 5-14 years old large(1) ships, by type and class
Graph 48 - Total number of 5-14 years old large ships, Graph 49 - Gross tonnage of 5-14 years old large
by class ships, by class
3% 2%
97% 98%
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 51 - Total number of 5-14 years old very large(1) ships, by type and class
Table 52 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of 5-14 years old very large(1) ships, by type and class
Graph 50 - Total number of 5-14 years old very large Graph 51 - Gross tonnage of 5-14 years old very large
ships, by class ships, by class
0% 0%
100% 100%
IACS Non-IACS or unknown IACS Non-IACS or unknown
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 53 - World fleet GT≥100: total number of 15-24 years old ships, by type and class
Table 54 - World fleet GT≥100: gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of ships 15-24 years old, by type and class
Graph 52 - World fleet GT≥100: total number of Graph 53 - World fleet GT≥100: gross tonnage of 15-24
15-24 years old ships, by class years old of ships, by class
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 55 - Total number of 15-24 years old small(1) ships, by type and class
Table 56 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of 15-24 years old small(1) ships, by type and class
Graph 54 - Total number of 15-24 years old small Graph 55 - Gross tonnage of 15-24 years old small
ships, by class ships, by class
28% 26%
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 57 - Total number of 15-24 years old medium sized(1) ships, by type and class
Table 58 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of 15-24 years old medium sized(1) ships, by type and class
Graph 56 - Total number of 15-24 years old Graph 57 - Gross tonnage of 15-24 years old medium
medium sized ships, by class sized ships, by class
13% 6%
87% 94%
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 59 - Total number of 15-24 years old large(1) ships, by type and class
Table 60 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of 15-24 years old large(1) ships, by type and class
Graph 58 - Total number of 15-24 years old large Graph 59 - Gross tonnage of 15-24 years old large
ships, by class ships, by class
0% 0%
100% 100%
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 61 - Total number of 15-24 years old very large(1) ships, by type and class
Table 62 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of 15-24 years old very large(1) ships, by type and class
Graph 60 - Total number of 15-24 years old very Graph 61 - Gross tonnage of 15-24 years old very large
large ships, by class ships, by class
1% 1%
99% 99%
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 63 - World fleet GT≥100: total number of 25+ years old ships, by type and class
Table 64 - World fleet GT≥100: gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of ships 25+ years old, by type and class
Graph 62 - World fleet GT≥100: total number of Graph 63 - World fleet GT≥100: gross tonnage of 25+
25+ years old ships, by class years old of ships, by class
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 65 - Total number of 25+ years old small(1) ships, by type and class
Table 66 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of 25+ years old small(1) ships, by type and class
Graph 64 - Total number of 25+ years old small Graph 65 - Gross tonnage of 25+ years old small ships, by
ships, by class class
44% 43%
56% 57%
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 67 - Total number of 25+ years old medium sized(1) ships, by type and class
Table 68 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of 25+ years old medium sized(1) ships, by type and class
Graph 66 - Total number of 25+ years old medium Graph 67 - Gross tonnage of 25+ years old medium
sized ships, by class sized ships, by class
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 69 - Total number of 25+ years old large(1) ships, by type and class
Table 70 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of 25+ years old large(1) ships, by type and class
Graph 68 - Total number of 25+ years old large ships, Graph 69 - Gross tonnage of 25+ years old large ships,
by class by class
1% 1%
99% 99%
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 71 - Total number of 25+ years old very large(1) ships, by type and class
Table 72 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of 25+ years old very large(1) ships, by type and class
Graph 70 - Total number of 25+ years old very large Graph 71 - Gross tonnage of 25+ years old very large
ships, by class ships, by class
1% 0%
99% 100%
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 73 - World fleet GT≥500: total number of ships by type, class and flag
Bulk carriers 10,921 26.5% 912 12.3% 11,833 870 16.9% 44 7.9% 914
Container ships 5,143 12.5% 233 3.1% 5,376 393 7.6% 4 0.7% 397
Gas tankers 2,035 4.9% 29 0.4% 2,064 198 3.8% 4 0.7% 202
General cargo ships 4,873 11.8% 3,066 41.2% 7,939 1,304 25.3% 351 62.9% 1,655
Offshore vessels 4,068 9.9% 180 2.4% 4,248 557 10.8% 10 1.8% 567
Oil and chemical 9,270 22.5% 1,398 18.8% 10,668 679 13.2% 24 4.3% 703
Passenger ships 1,183 2.9% 586 7.9% 1,769 577 11.2% 17 3.0% 594
Ro-ro cargo ships 1,137 2.8% 245 3.3% 1,382 252 4.9% 20 3.6% 272
Service ships 1,371 3.3% 563 7.6% 1,934 195 3.8% 42 7.5% 237
Total 41,145 100% 7,435 100% 48,580 5,153 100% 558 100% 5,711
Source: Equasis - IACS membership on 31/12/2022
Table 74 - World fleet GT≥500: gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of ships by type, class and flag
Bulk carriers 490,488 34.9% 14,681 36.8% 505,169 33,405 26.5% 345 11.3% 33,751
Container ships 286,232 20.4% 3,169 7.9% 289,401 7,980 6.3% 30 1.0% 8,010
Gas tankers 92,876 6.6% 192 0.5% 93,068 13,793 10.9% 516 16.9% 14,309
General cargo ships 40,443 2.9% 9,097 22.8% 49,541 9,305 7.4% 1,151 37.7% 10,456
Offshore vessels 44,214 3.1% 1,521 3.8% 45,735 11,271 8.9% 601 19.7% 11,872
Oil and chemical 367,392 26.2% 6,468 16.2% 373,860 21,188 16.8% 142 4.6% 21,330
Other tankers 2,124 0.2% 136 0.3% 2,260 190 0.2% 2 0.1% 192
Passenger ships 25,056 1.8% 2,236 5.6% 27,292 18,181 14.4% 19 0.6% 18,201
Ro-ro cargo ships 41,888 3.0% 511 1.3% 42,399 9,385 7.4% 58 1.9% 9,444
Service ships 7,769 0.6% 1,603 4.0% 9,372 1,131 0.9% 96 3.1% 1,227
Specialized cargo 5,217 0.4% 175 0.4% 5,392 113 0.1% 86 2.8% 199
Total 1,404,092 100% 39,884 100% 1,443,977 125,992 100% 3,056 100% 129,048
Graph 72 - Total number of ships GT≥500, by class and Graph 73 - Gross tonnage of ships GT≥500, by class
flag and flag
1% 8% 0%
3% Non-targeted Flag -
Non-targeted Flag -
Non-targeted Flag -
Non-targeted Flag -
non-IACS or
non-IACS or unknown
Targeted Flag -
Targeted Flag - IACS IACS
Targeted Flag -
Targeted Flag - non- non-IACS or
76% 89%
IACS or unknown unknown
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 75 - Total number of medium sized(1) ships by type, class and flag
Bulk carriers 2,537 11.7% 625 8.8% 3,162 365 10.3% 44 8.0% 409
Container ships 1,832 8.4% 200 2.8% 2,032 292 8.2% 4 0.7% 296
General cargo ships 4,637 21.3% 3,065 43.4% 7,702 1,245 35.1% 351 64.1% 1,596
Offshore vessels 3,730 17.2% 170 2.4% 3,900 469 13.2% 6 1.1% 475
Oil and chemical 4,292 19.7% 1,371 19.4% 5,663 356 10.0% 22 4.0% 378
Passenger ships 879 4.0% 585 8.3% 1,464 363 10.2% 17 3.1% 380
Ro-ro cargo ships 462 2.1% 245 3.5% 707 87 2.5% 20 3.6% 107
Service ships 1,336 6.1% 559 7.9% 1,895 186 5.2% 42 7.7% 228
Total 21,734 100% 7,070 100% 28,804 3,551 100% 548 100% 4,099
Source: Equasis - (1)
500≤GT<25,000 - IACS membership on 31/12/2022
Table 76 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of medium sized(1) ships by type, class and flag
Bulk carriers 43,408 24.9% 5,376 20.4% 48,784 6,696 25.5% 345 18.5% 7,041.89
Container ships 24,238 13.9% 1,962 7.4% 26,200 3,196 12.1% 30 1.6% 3,225.42
Gas tankers 7,008 4.0% 63 0.2% 7,070 530 2.0% 0 0.0% 530.13
General cargo ships 32,512 18.6% 9,059 34.3% 41,571 7,262 27.6% 1,151 61.7% 8,413.67
Offshore vessels 11,994 6.9% 506 1.9% 12,500 1,778 6.8% 13 0.7% 1,790.18
Oil and chemical 35,972 20.6% 4,857 18.4% 40,829 2,462 9.4% 57 3.1% 2,519.41
Other tankers 1,659 1.0% 136 0.5% 1,794 190 0.7% 2 0.1% 192.27
Passenger ships 4,994 2.9% 2,211 8.4% 7,205 2,298 8.7% 19 1.0% 2,317.58
Ro-ro cargo ships 4,566 2.6% 511 1.9% 5,077 939 3.6% 5 3.1% 997.53
Service ships 5,647 3.2% 1,491 5.6% 7,138 790 3.0% 96 5.1% 885.97
Specialized cargo 2,100 1.2% 145 0.5% 2,244 113 0.4% 86 4.6% 199.24
Total 174,489 100% 26,412 100% 200,901 26,304 100% 1,867 100% 28,171
Graph 74 - Total number of medium sized ships, by Graph 75 - Gross tonnage of medium sized ships, by
class and flag class and flag
2% 11%
11% Non-targeted Flag -
Non-targeted Flag -
IACS 12%
Non-targeted Flag -
Non-targeted Flag - non-IACS or
non-IACS or unknown
unknown Targeted Flag -
Targeted Flag - IACS IACS
Targeted Flag - non-
Targeted Flag - non- IACS or unknown
66% IACS or unknown
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Bulk carriers 6,453 52.1% 287 84.4% 6,740 401 39.2% 0 0.0% 401
Oil and chemical 2,799 22.6% 12 3.5% 2,811 170 16.6% 2 100.0% 172
Passenger ships 184 1.5% 1 0.3% 185 118 11.5% 0 0.0% 118
Ro-ro cargo ships 425 3.4% 0 0.0% 425 131 12.8% 0 0.0% 131
Total 12,387 100% 340 100% 12,727 1,023 100% 2 100% 1,025
Source: Equasis - (1)
25,000≤GT<60,000 - IACS membership on 31/12/2022
Table 78 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of large(1) ships by type, class and flag
Bulk carriers 244,353 52.4% 9,305 82.7% 253,658 15,906 39.9% 0 0.0% 15,906
Container ships 60,139 12.9% 1,134 10.1% 61,273 2,314 5.8% 0 0.0% 2,314
Gas tankers 20,807 4.5% 0 0.0% 20,807 1,896 4.8% 0 0.0% 1,896
General cargo ships 7,932 1.7% 38 0.3% 7,970 2,043 5.1% 0 0.0% 2,043
Offshore vessels 4,856 1.0% 78 0.7% 4,934 973 2.4% 0 0.0% 973
Oil and chemical 97,382 20.9% 526 4.7% 97,908 6,081 15.3% 84 100.0% 6,165
Passenger ships 6,817 1.5% 25 0.2% 6,842 4,196 10.5% 0 0.0% 4,196
Ro-ro cargo ships 20,341 4.4% 0 0.0% 20,341 6,131 15.4% 0 0.0% 6,131
Service ships 1,067 0.2% 113 1.0% 1,179 280 0.7% 0 0.0% 280
Total 466,622 100% 11,250 100% 477,872 39,818 100% 84 100% 39,902
Graph 76 - Total number of large ships, by class and Graph 77 - Gross tonnage of large ships, by class and
flag flag
7% 1%
7% 1% 2%
Non-targeted Flag -
IACS Non-targeted Flag -
Non-targeted Flag -
non-IACS or Non-targeted Flag -
unknown non-IACS or unknown
Targeted Flag - IACS Targeted Flag - IACS
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 79 - Total number of very large(1) ships by type, class and flag
Bulk carriers 1,931 27.5% 0 0.0% 1,931 104 18.0% 0 0.0% 104
Oil and chemical 2,179 31.0% 15 60.0% 2,194 153 26.4% 0 0.0% 153
Table 80 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of very large(1) ships by type, class and flag
Bulk carriers 202,728 26.6% 0 0.0% 202,728 10,803 18.0% 0 0.0% 10,803
Container ships 201,855 26.5% 73 3.3% 201,928 2,471 4.1% 0 0.0% 2,471
Gas tankers 65,061 8.5% 129 5.8% 65,190 11,368 19.0% 516 46.7% 11,883
Offshore vessels 27,364 3.6% 937 42.2% 28,301 8,521 14.2% 589 53.3% 9,109
Oil and chemical 234,038 30.7% 1,084 48.8% 235,122 12,645 21.1% 0 0.0% 12,645
Passenger ships 13,245 1.7% 0 0.0% 13,245 11,687 19.5% 0 0.0% 11,687
Ro-ro cargo ships 16,981 2.2% 0 0.0% 16,981 2,316 3.9% 0 0.0% 2,316
Total 762,982 100% 2,222 100% 765,204 59,870 100% 1,104 100% 60,975
Graph 78 - Total number of very large ships, by Graph 79 - Gross tonnage of very large ships, by class and
class and flag flag
8% 0% Non-targeted Flag 8% 0%
0% 0% Non-targeted Flag -
Non-targeted Flag
- non-IACS or Non-targeted Flag -
unknown non-IACS or
Targeted Flag - unknown
IACS Targeted Flag -
Targeted Flag -
non-IACS or Targeted Flag -
unknown non-IACS or
92% unknown
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 81 - World fleet GT≥500 detention rates(*), by type and class - 2022
Non-IACS or 7.00%
Ship type IACS Overall
Total 2% 4% 2%
Source: Equasis - IACS membership on 31/12/2022 - (*) Detentions in
PSC regimes providers to Equasis divided by total number of inspections
Table 82 - Medium sized(1) ships detention rates(*), by type and class - 2022
Non-IACS or
Ship type IACS Overall 10.00%
Total 2% 5% 3%
Source: Equasis - (1) 500≤GT<25,000 - IACS membership on 31/12/2022
- (*) Detentions in PSC regimes providers to Equasis divided by total
number of inspections
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Ship type IACS or Overall 6.00%
Tugs Na Na Na
Total 2% 2% 2%
Source: Equasis - (1) 25,000≤GT<60,000 - IACS membership on
31/12/2022 - (*) Detentions in PSC regimes providers to Equasis divided by
total number of inspections IACS Non-IACS or unknown Overall
Table 84 - Very large(1) ships detention rates(*), by type and class –2022
Ship type IACS or Overall 2.50%
Total 1% 1% 1%
Source: Equasis - (1) GT≥60,000 - IACS membership on 31/12/2022 - (*)
Detentions in PSC regimes providers to Equasis divided by total number of
Graph 83 - Very large(1) ships detention rates(*), by type and class –2022
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 4) The world merchant fleet in 2020
Chapter 4
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 4) The world merchant fleet in 2022The world merchant
fleet in 2020
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 85 - P&I world fleet GT≥500 status: total number of ships, by type
Specialized cargo
202 0.5% 157 0.5% 359 0.5%
Table 86 - P&I world fleet GT≥500 status: gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of ships, by type
Graph 84 - Number of ships GT≥500, by P&I Graph 85 - Gross tonnage of ships GT≥500, by P&I status
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 88 - P&I status : gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of medium sized(1) ships, by type
Graph 86 - Number of medium sized ships, by P&I Graph 87 - Gross tonnage of medium sized ships, by P&I
status status
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 90 - P&I status : gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of large(1) ships, by type
Graph 88 - Number of large ships, by P&I status Graph 89 - Gross tonnage of large ships, by P&I status
9% 9%
91% 91%
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 92 - P&I status : gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of very large(1) ships, by type
Graph 90 - Number of very large ships, by P&I Graph 91 - Gross tonnage of very large ships, by P&I
status status
6% 6%
94% 94%
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 93 - IGP&I world fleet GT≥500 : total number of ships, by type and age
Ship type 0-4 years old 5-14 years old 15-24 years old +25 years old Total
Bulk carriers 1,619 33.3% 6,502 35.1% 1,996 18.5% 425 9.8% 10,542 27.4%
Container ships 618 12.7% 1,863 10.0% 2,143 19.8% 380 8.8% 5,004 13.0%
Fishing vessels 114 2.3% 203 1.1% 191 1.8% 530 12.3% 1,038 2.7%
Gas tankers 369 7.6% 809 4.4% 472 4.4% 149 3.4% 1,799 4.7%
General cargo ships 288 5.9% 1,653 8.9% 1,171 10.8% 863 20.0% 3,975 10.3%
Offshore vessels 199 4.1% 2,099 11.3% 825 7.6% 314 7.3% 3,437 8.9%
Oil and chemical 1,239 25.5% 3,783 20.4% 2,805 26.0% 440 10.2% 8,267 21.5%
Passenger ships 168 3.5% 237 1.3% 386 3.6% 538 12.5% 1,329 3.4%
Ro-ro cargo ships 91 1.9% 497 2.7% 417 3.9% 137 3.2% 1,142 3.0%
Service ships 62 1.3% 381 2.1% 213 2.0% 368 8.5% 1,024 2.7%
Specialized cargo ships 33 0.7% 103 0.6% 33 0.3% 33 0.8% 202 0.5%
Total 4,855 100% 18,550 100% 10,805 100% 4,319 100% 38,529 100%
Source: Equasis
Table 94 - IGP&I whole fleet GT≥500: gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of ships, by type and age
Ship type 0-4 years old 5-14 years old 15-24 years old +25 years old Total
Bulk carriers 87,545 36.1% 304,889 42.1% 81,600 24.4% 10,261 17.3% 484,295 35.6%
Container ships 42,695 17.6% 134,488 18.6% 82,201 24.6% 8,271 13.9% 267,655 19.7%
Fishing vessels 359 0.1% 472 0.1% 360 0.1% 975 1.6% 2,166 0.2%
Gas tankers 24,878 10.3% 39,734 5.5% 24,214 7.2% 4,079 6.9% 92,905 6.8%
General cargo ships 3,774 1.6% 21,295 2.9% 9,472 2.8% 4,833 8.1% 39,374 2.9%
Offshore vessels 4,418 1.8% 16,370 2.3% 12,760 3.8% 13,764 23.2% 47,313 3.5%
Oil and chemical tankers 65,929 27.2% 168,278 23.2% 90,350 27.0% 3,445 5.8% 328,002 24.1%
Other tankers 179 0.1% 1,292 0.2% 377 0.1% 102 0.2% 1,950 0.1%
Passenger ships 7,731 3.2% 10,622 1.5% 13,094 3.9% 7,390 12.5% 38,838 2.9%
Ro-ro cargo ships 3,655 1.5% 22,360 3.1% 17,839 5.3% 3,382 5.7% 47,236 3.5%
Service ships 711 0.3% 2,354 0.3% 1,576 0.5% 1,833 3.1% 6,474 0.5%
Specialized cargo ships 797 0.3% 1,969 0.3% 632 0.2% 933 1.6% 4,331 0.3%
Total 242,699 100% 724,312 100% 334,553 100% 59,347 100% 1,360,912 100%
Source: Equasis
Graph 92 - IGP&I world fleet GT≥500, by age Graph 93 - Gross tonnage of IGP&I world fleet
GT≥500, by age
11% 13% 18%
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 95 - IGP&I : total number of medium sized(1) ships, by type and age
Ship type 0-4 years old 5-14 years old 15-24 years old +25 years old Total
Bulk carriers 195 11.3% 1,385 16.3% 405 7.1% 217 6.1% 2,202 11.3%
Container ships 251 14.6% 430 5.1% 855 15.1% 266 7.4% 1,802 9.3%
Fishing vessels 113 6.6% 203 2.4% 191 3.4% 530 14.8% 1,037 5.3%
Gas tankers 85 4.9% 365 4.3% 210 3.7% 107 3.0% 767 3.9%
General cargo ships 249 14.5% 1,496 17.6% 1,127 19.9% 824 23.1% 3,696 19.0%
Offshore vessels 173 10.1% 1,990 23.4% 733 12.9% 191 5.3% 3,087 15.9%
Oil and chemical tankers 398 23.1% 1,526 18.0% 1,464 25.8% 402 11.3% 3,790 19.5%
Passenger ships 92 5.3% 129 1.5% 195 3.4% 435 12.2% 851 4.4%
Ro-ro cargo ships 32 1.9% 108 1.3% 108 1.9% 90 2.5% 338 1.7%
Service ships 54 3.1% 371 4.4% 206 3.6% 357 10.0% 988 5.1%
Total 1,721 100% 8,493 100% 5,668 100% 3,572 100% 19,454 100%
Source: Equasis - (1)
Table 96 - IGP&I : gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of medium sized(1) ships, by type and age
Ship type 0-4 years old 5-14 years old 15-24 years old +25 years old Total
Bulk carriers 3,990 22.3% 27,759 34.7% 6,676 13.8% 2,853 14.8% 41,278 25.0%
Container ships 4,069 22.8% 5,969 7.5% 10,896 22.6% 3,333 17.3% 24,267 14.7%
Fishing vessels 331 1.8% 472 0.6% 360 0.7% 975 5.1% 2,137 1.3%
Gas tankers 737 4.1% 3,538 4.4% 1,637 3.4% 485 2.5% 6,396 3.9%
General cargo ships 2,259 12.6% 16,044 20.1% 8,053 16.7% 3,575 18.6% 29,932 18.1%
Offshore vessels 764 4.3% 7,504 9.4% 2,078 4.3% 608 3.2% 10,954 6.6%
Oil and chemical tankers 3,852 21.5% 13,572 17.0% 13,990 29.0% 1,935 10.1% 33,350 20.2%
Other tankers 153 0.9% 1,036 1.3% 250 0.5% 102 0.5% 1,540 0.9%
Passenger ships 749 4.2% 590 0.7% 1,282 2.7% 2,882 15.0% 5,503 3.3%
Ro-ro cargo ships 161 0.9% 785 1.0% 1,576 3.3% 984 5.1% 3,506 2.1%
Service ships 405 2.3% 1,632 2.0% 1,110 2.3% 1,320 6.9% 4,466 2.7%
Specialized cargo ships 381 2.1% 909 1.1% 307 0.6% 95 0.5% 1,692 1.0%
Total 17,878 100% 79,998 100% 48,292 100% 19,226 100% 165,395 100%
Source: Equasis - (1)
Graph 94 - IGP&I medium sized ships, by age Graph 95 - Gross tonnage of IGP&I medium sized
ships, by age
9% 12% 11%
0-4 yeard old 0-4 yeard old
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Ship type 0-4 years old 5-14 years old 15-24 years old +25 years old Total
Bulk carriers 1,082 58.8% 3,838 61.1% 1,290 36.5% 206 36.1% 6,416 52.5%
Container ships 162 8.8% 579 9.2% 780 22.1% 94 16.5% 1,615 13.2%
Gas tankers 118 6.4% 209 3.3% 87 2.5% 13 2.3% 427 3.5%
General cargo ships 39 2.1% 157 2.5% 44 1.2% 39 6.8% 279 2.3%
Oil and chemical 362 19.7% 1,147 18.2% 960 27.1% 35 6.1% 2,504 20.5%
Ro-ro cargo ships 20 1.1% 237 3.8% 231 6.5% 40 7.0% 528 4.3%
Total 1,840 100% 6,286 100% 3,536 100% 570 100% 12,232 100%
Source: Equasis - (1)
Table 98 - IGP&I : gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of large(1) ships, by type and age
Ship type 0-4 years old 5-14 years old 15-24 years old +25 years old Total
Bulk carriers 43,473 62.3% 146,953 61.7% 46,810 35.5% 7,185 34.0% 244,421 53.0%
Container ships 5,105 7.3% 23,033 9.7% 28,784 21.8% 3,372 15.9% 60,294 13.1%
Gas tankers 5,293 7.6% 8,942 3.8% 3,772 2.9% 568 2.7% 18,576 4.0%
General cargo ships 1,515 2.2% 5,251 2.2% 1,418 1.1% 1,257 5.9% 9,442 2.0%
Offshore vessels 0 0.0% 1,562 0.7% 877 0.7% 1,555 7.3% 3,995 0.9%
Oil and chemical 11,234 16.1% 38,454 16.1% 34,528 26.2% 1,287 6.1% 85,504 18.5%
Other tankers 26 0.0% 256 0.1% 128 0.1% 0 0.0% 410 0.1%
Passenger ships 1,720 2.5% 1,659 0.7% 3,790 2.9% 2,879 13.6% 10,048 2.2%
Ro-ro cargo ships 851 1.2% 11,101 4.7% 11,276 8.6% 1,913 9.0% 25,141 5.5%
Service ships 306 0.4% 318 0.1% 113 0.1% 302 1.4% 1,039 0.2%
Specialized cargo 270 0.4% 822 0.3% 325 0.2% 837 4.0% 2,255 0.5%
Total 69,822 100% 238,353 100% 131,822 100% 21,155 100% 461,152 100%
Source: Equasis - (1)
Graph 96 - IGP&I large ships, by age Graph 97 - Gross tonnage of IGP&I large ships, by age
5% 5%
15% 15%
29% 29%
0-4 yeard old 0-4 yeard old
51% 52%
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 99 - IGP&I : total number of very large(1) ships, by type and age
Ship type 0-4 years old 5-14 years old 15-24 years old +25 years old Total
Bulk carriers 342 26.4% 1,279 33.9% 301 18.8% 2 1.1% 1,924 28.1%
Container ships 205 15.8% 854 22.6% 508 31.7% 20 11.3% 1,587 23.2%
Gas tankers 166 12.8% 235 6.2% 175 10.9% 29 16.4% 605 8.8%
Oil and chemical 479 37.0% 1,110 29.4% 381 23.8% 3 1.7% 1,973 28.8%
Ro-ro cargo ships 39 3.0% 152 4.0% 78 4.9% 7 4.0% 276 4.0%
Total 1,294 100% 3,771 100% 1,601 100% 177 100% 6,843 100%
Source: Equasis - (1)
Table 100 - IGP&I : gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of very large(1) ships, by type and age
Ship type 0-4 years old 5-14 years old 15-24 years old +25 years old Total
Bulk carriers 40,082 25.9% 130,177 32.1% 28,114 18.2% 223 1.2% 198,597 27.0%
Container ships 33,521 21.6% 105,485 26.0% 42,521 27.5% 1,567 8.3% 183,094 24.9%
Gas tankers 18,848 12.2% 27,254 6.7% 18,805 12.2% 3,026 16.0% 67,933 9.3%
Offshore vessels 3,654 2.4% 7,305 1.8% 9,804 6.3% 11,601 61.2% 32,364 4.4%
Oil and chemical 50,842 32.8% 116,252 28.6% 41,831 27.1% 224 1.2% 209,148 28.5%
Passenger ships 5,263 3.4% 8,373 2.1% 8,022 5.2% 1,629 8.6% 23,287 3.2%
Ro-ro cargo ships 2,643 1.7% 10,474 2.6% 4,987 3.2% 485 2.6% 18,589 2.5%
Service ships 0 0.0% 403 0.1% 354 0.2% 212 1.1% 969 0.1%
Specialized cargo 146 0.1% 237 0.1% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 384 0.1%
Total 154,999 100% 405,961 100% 154,439 100% 18,966 100% 734,365 100%
Source: Equasis - (1)
Graph 98 - IGP&I very large ships, by age Graph 99 - Gross tonnage of IGP&I very large ships, by
19% 21%
23% 0-4 yeard old 0-4 yeard old
5-14 years old 5-14 years old
15-24 years old 15-24 years old
+25 years old +25 years old
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 101 - Non IGP&I world fleet GT≥500: total number of ships, by type and age
Ship type 0-4 years old 5-14 years old 15-24 years old +25 years old Total
Bulk carriers 362 13.8% 901 13.3% 510 9.6% 626 4.1% 2,399 8.0%
Container ships 150 5.7% 189 2.8% 158 3.0% 216 1.4% 713 2.4%
Fishing vessels 569 21.7% 981 14.4% 451 8.5% 2,772 18.0% 4,773 15.8%
General cargo ships 429 16.3% 1,408 20.7% 1,662 31.2% 4,995 32.4% 8,494 28.2%
Offshore vessels 95 3.6% 573 8.4% 426 8.0% 1,007 6.5% 2,101 7.0%
Passenger ships 225 8.6% 491 7.2% 346 6.5% 1,058 6.9% 2,120 7.0%
Ro-ro cargo ships 67 2.6% 267 3.9% 157 2.9% 308 2.0% 799 2.6%
Service ships 217 8.3% 699 10.3% 376 7.1% 1,540 10.0% 2,832 9.4%
Specialized cargo
10 0.4% 22 0.3% 6 0.1% 119 0.8% 157 0.5%
Total 2,624 100% 6,800 100% 5,332 100% 15,415 100% 30,171 100%
Source: Equasis
Table 102 - Non IGP&I world fleet GT≥500: gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of ships, by type and age
Ship type 0-4 years old 5-14 years old 15-24 years old +25 years old Total
Bulk carriers 7,746 30.1% 15,282 32.0% 9,293 15.1% 7,098 15.0% 39,419 21.6%
Container ships 6,089 23.6% 3,162 6.6% 2,125 3.5% 1,435 3.0% 12,811 7.0%
Fishing vessels 976 3.8% 1,244 2.6% 478 0.8% 3,322 7.0% 6,019 3.3%
Gas tankers 1,187 4.6% 1,055 2.2% 1,063 1.7% 1,671 3.5% 4,976 2.7%
General cargo ships 1,718 6.7% 4,990 10.4% 6,089 9.9% 13,371 28.3% 26,167 14.4%
Offshore vessels 864 3.4% 4,609 9.6% 2,575 4.2% 3,418 7.2% 11,467 6.3%
Other tankers 52 0.2% 188 0.4% 141 0.2% 372 0.8% 754 0.4%
Passenger ships 1,096 4.3% 2,096 4.4% 1,096 1.8% 3,098 6.6% 7,385 4.1%
Ro-ro cargo ships 425 1.6% 1,139 2.4% 1,363 2.2% 1,542 3.3% 4,470 2.5%
Service ships 874 3.4% 2,268 4.7% 956 1.6% 3,105 6.6% 7,203 4.0%
Specialized cargo
191 0.7% 262 0.5% 47 0.1% 793 1.7% 1,294 0.7%
Total 25,758 100% 47,806 100% 61,358 100% 47,188 100% 182,110 100%
Source: Equasis
Graph 100 -Non IGP&I world fleet GT≥500, by age Graph 101 -Gross tonnage of non IGP&I world fleet
GT≥500, by age
23% 0-4 yeard old 0-4 yeard old
5-14 years old 5-14 years old
15-24 years old 15-24 years old
+25 years old +25 years old
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 103 - Non IGP&I : total number of medium sized(1) ships, by type and age
Ship type 0-4 years old 5-14 years old 15-24 years old +25 years old Total
Bulk carriers 216 9.1% 637 10.1% 317 6.9% 529 3.5% 1,699 6.0%
Container ships 106 4.5% 158 2.5% 132 2.9% 211 1.4% 607 2.1%
Fishing vessels 568 24.0% 981 15.5% 451 9.8% 2,769 18.2% 4,769 16.7%
General cargo ships 429 18.1% 1,407 22.2% 1,660 36.0% 4,989 32.9% 8,485 29.8%
Offshore vessels 89 3.8% 532 8.4% 410 8.9% 979 6.4% 2,010 7.1%
Passenger ships 220 9.3% 484 7.6% 343 7.4% 1,047 6.9% 2,094 7.4%
Ro-ro cargo ships 67 2.8% 259 4.1% 142 3.1% 305 2.0% 773 2.7%
Service ships 213 9.0% 696 11.0% 376 8.2% 1,537 10.1% 2,822 9.9%
Specialized cargo
8 0.3% 20 0.3% 6 0.1% 113 0.7% 147 0.5%
Total 2,364 100% 6,329 100% 4,608 100% 15,183 100% 28,484 100%
Source: Equasis - (1)
Table 104 - Non IGP&I : gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of medium size(1) ships, by type and age
Ship type 0-4 years old 5-14 years old 15-24 years old +25 years old Total
Bulk carriers 1,947 19.3% 6,443 26.7% 2,616 15.3% 4,109 11.2% 15,115 17.2%
Container ships 1,486 14.7% 1,278 5.3% 932 5.4% 1,254 3.4% 4,950 5.6%
Fishing vessels 905 9.0% 1,244 5.2% 478 2.8% 3,208 8.8% 5,835 6.6%
Gas tankers 157 1.6% 116 0.5% 253 1.5% 721 2.0% 1,246 1.4%
General cargo ships 1,718 17.0% 4,959 20.6% 6,035 35.2% 13,193 36.0% 25,905 29.5%
Offshore vessels 301 3.0% 1,446 6.0% 876 5.1% 1,415 3.9% 4,038 4.6%
Other tankers 52 0.5% 188 0.8% 114 0.7% 344 0.9% 698 0.8%
Passenger ships 750 7.4% 1,862 7.7% 1,001 5.8% 2,752 7.5% 6,365 7.2%
Ro-ro cargo ships 425 4.2% 784 3.3% 628 3.7% 1,417 3.9% 3,254 3.7%
Service ships 751 7.4% 2,148 8.9% 956 5.6% 2,926 8.0% 6,780 7.7%
Specialized cargo
55 0.5% 129 0.5% 47 0.3% 566 1.5% 797 0.9%
Total 10,084 100% 24,095 100% 17,138 100% 36,625 100% 87,941 100%
Source: Equasis - (1)
Graph 102 -Non IGP&I medium sized ships, by age Graph 103 -Gross tonnage of non IGP&I medium sized
ships, by age
22% 0-4 yeard old 0-4 yeard old
5-14 years old 5-14 years old
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 105 - Non IGP&I : total number of large(1) ships, by type and age
Ship type 0-4 years old 5-14 years old 15-24 years old +25 years old Total
Bulk carriers 137 72.1% 262 72.0% 192 39.2% 96 49.0% 687 55.4%
Specialized cargo
0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 6 3.1% 6 0.5%
Total 190 100% 364 100% 490 100% 196 100% 1,240 100%
Source: Equasis - (1)
Table 106 - Non IGP&I : gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of large(1) ships, by type and age
Ship type 0-4 years old 5-14 years old 15-24 years old +25 years old Total
Bulk carriers 4,982 71.4% 8,637 68.0% 6,586 34.6% 2,925 43.0% 23,130 50.8%
Container ships 958 13.7% 627 4.9% 605 3.2% 181 2.7% 2,371 5.2%
Gas tankers 307 4.4% 282 2.2% 613 3.2% 950 14.0% 2,153 4.7%
General cargo ships 0 0.0% 31 0.2% 54 0.3% 178 2.6% 263 0.6%
Offshore vessels 77 1.1% 808 6.4% 99 0.5% 600 8.8% 1,584 3.5%
Passenger ships 169 2.4% 234 1.8% 95 0.5% 346 5.1% 843 1.9%
Ro-ro cargo ships 0 0.0% 283 2.2% 735 3.9% 125 1.8% 1,143 2.5%
Service ships 123 1.8% 120 0.9% 0 0.0% 109 1.6% 352 0.8%
Specialized cargo
0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 228 3.3% 228 0.5%
Total 6,975 100% 12,700 100% 19,062 100% 6,808 100% 45,545 100%
Source: Equasis - (1)
Graph 104 -Non IGP&I large ships, by age Graph 105 -Gross tonnage of non IGP&I large ships, by
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 107 - Non IGP&I : total number of very large(1) ships, by type and age
Ship type 0-4 years old 5-14 years old 15-24 years old +25 years old Total
Specialized cargo
2 2.9% 2 1.9% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 4 0.9%
Table 108 - Non IGP&I : gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of very large(1) ships, by type and age
Ship type 0-4 years old 5-14 years old 15-24 years old +25 years old Total
Bulk carriers 818 9.4% 202 1.8% 90 0.4% 64 1.7% 1,174 2.4%
Container ships 3,646 41.9% 1,257 11.4% 588 2.3% 0 0.0% 5,490 11.3%
Gas tankers 723 8.3% 657 6.0% 197 0.8% 0 0.0% 1,577 3.2%
Offshore vessels 487 5.6% 2,356 21.4% 1,600 6.4% 1,402 37.3% 5,845 12.0%
Specialized cargo
136 1.6% 134 1.2% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 270 0.6%
Total 8,699 100% 11,011 100% 25,159 100% 3,756 100% 48,624 100%
Source: Equasis - (1)
Graph 106 -Non IGP&I very large ships, by age Graph 107 -Gross tonnage of non IGP&I very large
ships, by age
8% 8%
16% 18%
0-4 yeard old 0-4 yeard old
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 109 - P&I world fleet GT≥500 status : total number of ships, by type and flag
Bulk carriers 9,789 28.4% 2,267 8.1% 12,056 753 18.8% 132 5.6% 885
Container ships 4,664 13.5% 661 2.4% 5,325 340 8.5% 52 2.2% 392
Fishing vessels 990 2.9% 4,647 16.7% 5,637 48 1.2% 126 5.4% 174
Gas tankers 1,608 4.7% 460 1.7% 2,068 191 4.8% 17 0.7% 208
General cargo ships 3,209 9.3% 7,467 26.8% 10,676 766 19.1% 1,027 43.9% 1,793
Offshore vessels 2,964 8.6% 1,959 7.0% 4,923 473 11.8% 142 6.1% 615
Passenger ships 913 2.6% 1,874 6.7% 2,787 416 10.4% 246 10.5% 662
Ro-ro cargo ships 920 2.7% 737 2.6% 1,657 222 5.5% 62 2.6% 284
Service ships 886 2.6% 2,652 9.5% 3,538 138 3.4% 180 7.7% 318
Specialized cargo
199 0.6% 108 0.4% 307 3 0.1% 49 2.1% 52
Total 34,517 100% 27,831 100% 62,348 4,012 100% 2,340 100% 6,352
Source: Equasis
Table 110 - P&I world fleet GT≥500 status : gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of ships, by type and flag
Bulk carriers 453,269 36.4% 37,849 22.3% 491,118 31,026 26.4% 1,570 12.6% 32,596
Container ships 260,410 20.9% 12,449 7.3% 272,859 7,245 6.2% 362 2.9% 7,607
Fishing vessels 2,067 0.2% 5,863 3.5% 7,929 99 0.1% 157 1.3% 256
Gas tankers 78,813 6.3% 4,645 2.7% 83,458 14,092 12.0% 331 2.7% 14,423
General cargo ships 32,225 2.6% 22,757 13.4% 54,983 7,148 6.1% 3,410 27.4% 10,559
Offshore vessels 36,652 2.9% 10,053 5.9% 46,705 10,661 9.1% 1,414 11.4% 12,075
Other tankers 1,788 0.1% 698 0.4% 2,486 161 0.1% 56 0.5% 218
Passenger ships 21,953 1.8% 6,638 3.9% 28,591 16,885 14.4% 747 6.0% 17,632
Ro-ro cargo ships 38,140 3.1% 4,166 2.5% 42,306 9,097 7.8% 304 2.4% 9,400
Service ships 5,492 0.4% 6,858 4.0% 12,350 982 0.8% 346 2.8% 1,328
Specialized cargo
4,283 0.3% 1,130 0.7% 5,413 48 0.0% 164 1.3% 212
Total 1,243,555 100% 169,669 100% 1,413,224 117,356 100% 12,441 100% 129,797
Source: Equasis
Graph 108 -Total number of ships GT≥500, by P&I Graph 109 -Gross tonnage of ships GT≥500, by P&I
status and flag status and flag
6% 3% 8% 1%
Non-targeted Flag - IG 11% Non-targeted Flag -
Non-targeted Flag - Non-targeted Flag -
non-IG P&I non-IG P&I
Targeted Flag - IG P&I
Targeted Flag - IG
Targeted Flag - non-IG
41% Targeted Flag -
50% P&I
non-IG P&I
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 111 - P&I status : total number of medium sized(1) ships, by type and flag
Bulk carriers 1,933 11.4% 1,578 6.0% 3,511 269 10.8% 121 5.3% 390
Container ships 1,557 9.2% 555 2.1% 2,112 245 9.9% 52 2.3% 297
Fishing vessels 989 5.8% 4,643 17.7% 5,632 48 1.9% 126 5.6% 174
General cargo ships 2,986 17.6% 7,458 28.4% 10,444 710 28.6% 1,027 45.3% 1,737
Offshore vessels 2,694 15.9% 1,880 7.2% 4,574 393 15.8% 130 5.7% 523
Oil and chemical 3,511 20.7% 3,535 13.5% 7,046 279 11.2% 188 8.3% 467
Passenger ships 636 3.7% 1,855 7.1% 2,491 215 8.6% 239 10.5% 454
Ro-ro cargo ships 279 1.6% 711 2.7% 990 59 2.4% 62 2.7% 121
Service ships 859 5.1% 2,642 10.1% 3,501 129 5.2% 180 7.9% 309
Total 16,968 100% 26,217 100% 43,185 2,486 100% 2,267 100% 4,753
Source: Equasis - (1)
Table 112 - P&I status : gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of medium sized(1) ships, by type and flag
Bulk carriers 36,131 25.0% 13,890 17.3% 50,022 5,146 24.4% 1,225 16.4% 6,371
Container ships 21,455 14.9% 4,588 5.7% 26,043 2,812 13.3% 362 4.8% 3,174
Fishing vessels 2,038 1.4% 5,678 7.1% 7,717 99 0.5% 157 2.1% 256
Gas tankers 5,906 4.1% 1,135 1.4% 7,041 490 2.3% 112 1.5% 602
General cargo ships 24,722 17.1% 22,494 28.0% 47,216 5,210 24.7% 3,410 45.6% 8,620
Offshore vessels 9,353 6.5% 3,780 4.7% 13,133 1,601 7.6% 258 3.4% 1,859
Oil and chemical 31,162 21.6% 12,001 14.9% 43,163 2,188 10.4% 545 7.3% 2,733
Other tankers 1,379 1.0% 642 0.8% 2,021 162 0.8% 56 0.8% 218
Passenger ships 3,581 2.5% 5,846 7.3% 9,427 1,922 9.1% 519 6.9% 2,441
Ro-ro cargo ships 2,754 1.9% 2,950 3.7% 5,704 752 3.6% 304 4.1% 1,056
Service ships 3,825 2.7% 6,435 8.0% 10,260 641 3.0% 346 4.6% 987
Specialized cargo 1,644 1.1% 633 0.8% 2,277 48 0.2% 164 2.2% 212
Total 144,272 100% 80,454 100% 224,726 21,123 100% 7,487 100% 28,610
Source: Equasis - (1)
Graph 110 -Total number of medium sized ships, by Graph 111 -Gross tonnage of medium sized ships, by
P&I status and flag P&I status and flag
5% 3%
5% 8%
Non-targeted Flag - Non-targeted Flag -
Non-targeted Flag - 32% Non-targeted Flag -
non-IG P&I non-IG P&I
Targeted Flag - IG Targeted Flag - IG
Targeted Flag - non- Targeted Flag - non-
55% IG P&I IG P&I
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 113 - P&I status : total number of large(1) ships, by type and flag
Bulk carriers 6,035 53.5% 676 56.4% 6,711 381 39.7% 11 26.8% 392
Oil and chemical 2,352 20.9% 307 25.6% 2,659 152 15.8% 16 39.0% 168
Passenger ships 165 1.5% 18 1.5% 183 109 11.4% 7 17.1% 116
Ro-ro cargo ships 399 3.5% 25 2.1% 424 129 13.4% 0 0.0% 129
Total 11,272 100% 1,199 100% 12,471 960 100% 41 100% 1,001
Source: Equasis - (1)
Table 114 - P&I status : gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of large(1) ships, by type and flag
Bulk carriers 229,240 54.1% 22,785 51.9% 252,024.88 15,181 40.4% 345 21.4% 15,526
Container ships 58,072 13.7% 2,371 5.4% 60,442.60 2,222 5.9% 0 0.0% 2,222
Gas tankers 16,857 4.0% 1,934 4.4% 18,790.80 1,719 4.6% 219 13.5% 1,938
General cargo ships 7,504 1.8% 263 0.6% 7,766.58 1,938 5.2% 0 0.0% 1,938
Offshore vessels 3,220 0.8% 1,488 3.4% 4,708.10 774 2.1% 96 5.9% 870
Oil and chemical 80,004 18.9% 12,581 28.6% 92,584.38 5,500 14.7% 728 45.1% 6,228
Passenger ships 6,155 1.5% 615 1.4% 6,770.66 3,892 10.4% 228 14.1% 4,120
Ro-ro cargo ships 19,112 4.5% 1,143 2.6% 20,255.14 6,029 16.1% 0 0.0% 6,029
Service ships 759 0.2% 352 0.8% 1,111.47 280 0.7% 0 0.0% 280
Total 423,616 100% 43,928 100% 467,544 37,536 100% 1,616 100% 39,153
Source: Equasis - (1)
Graph 112 -Total number of large ships, by P&I status Graph 113 -Gross tonnage of large ships, by P&I
and flag status and flag
7% 0% 7% 0%
9% Non-targeted Flag - 9% Non-targeted Flag -
Non-targeted Flag -
Non-targeted Flag -
non-IG P&I
non-IG P&I
Targeted Flag - IG
P&I Targeted Flag - IG
Targeted Flag - non-
84% IG P&I 84% Targeted Flag - non-
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 115 - P&I status : total number of very large(1) ships, by type and flag
Bulk carriers 1,821 29.0% 13 3.1% 1,834 103 18.2% 0 0.0% 103
Gas tankers 504 8.0% 14 3.4% 518 101 17.8% 0 0.0% 101
Oil and chemical 1,825 29.1% 296 71.3% 2,121 148 26.1% 22 68.8% 170
Total 6,277 100% 415 100% 6,692 566 100% 32 100% 598
Source: Equasis - (1)
Table 116 - P&I status : gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of very large(1) ships, by type and flag
Bulk carriers 187,897.93 27.8% 1,173.86 2.6% 189,071.79 10,698.63 18.2% 0 0.0% 10,698.63
Container ships 180,883.08 26.8% 5,490.41 12.1% 186,373.49 2,210.70 3.8% 0 0.0% 2,210.70
Gas tankers 56,049.51 8.3% 1,576.86 3.5% 57,626.36 11,883.12 20.2% 0 0.0% 11,883.12
Offshore vessels 24,078.92 3.6% 4,784.41 10.6% 28,863.33 8,285.36 14.1% 1,060.80 31.8% 9,346.17
Oil and chemical 196,976.20 29.2% 31,600.33 69.8% 228,576.53 12,172.16 20.7% 2,277.19 68.2% 14,449.34
Passenger ships 12,216.58 1.8% 177.00 0.4% 12,393.58 11,070.78 18.9% 0 0.0% 11,070.78
Ro-ro cargo ships 16,273.75 2.4% 72.41 0.2% 16,346.16 2,315.64 3.9% 0 0.0% 2,315.64
Service ships 907.98 0.1% 70.81 0.2% 978.79 60.83 0.1% 0 0.0% 60.83
Total 675,668 100% 45,286 100% 720,954 58,697 100% 3,338 100% 62,035
Source: Equasis - (1)
Graph 114 -Total number of very large ships, by P&I Graph 115 -Gross tonnage of very large ships, by P&I
status and flag status and flag
Non-targeted Flag - 8% 0%
IG P&I 6% Non-targeted Flag -
Non-targeted Flag -
non-IG P&I Non-targeted Flag -
Targeted Flag - IG non-IG P&I
P&I Targeted Flag - IG
Targeted Flag - non- P&I
86% Targeted Flag - non-
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 117 - Whole fleet GT≥500 detention rate(*), by type and P&I status - 2022
Total 2% 6% 2%
Source: Equasis - (*) Detentions in PSC regimes providers to Equasis
divided by total number of inspections
Graph 116 - Whole fleet GT≥500 detention rate(*), by type and P&I status - 2022
Table 118 - The world merchant fleet in 2022 Medium sized(1) ships detention rates(*), by type and P&I status - 2022
Total 2% 6% 3%
Source: Equasis - (1) 500≤GT<25,000 - (*) Detentions in PSC regimes
providers to Equasis divided by total number of inspections
Graph 117 - Whole fleet GT≥500 detention rate(*), by type and P&I status - 2022
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 119 - Large(1) ships detention rates(*), by type and P&I status – 2022
Ship type
IGP&I Non-IGP&I Overall 30.00%
Total 1% 3% 2%
Source: Equasis - (1) 25,000≤GT<60,000 - (*) Detentions in PSC regimes
providers to Equasis divided by total number of inspections
Graph 118 - Large(1) ships detention rates(*), by type and P&I status – 2022
Table 120 - Very large(1) ships detention rates(*), by type and P&I status - 2022
Tugs Na Na Na
Total 1% 2% 1%
Source: Equasis - (1) GT≥60,000 - (*) Detentions in PSC regimes providers
to Equasis divided by total number of inspections
Graph 119 - Large(1) ships detention rates(*), by type and P&I status – 2022
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Chapter 5
As such, only inspections on active ships Table 154 provides the total number of
are counted in the following tables – even inspections in which each type of statutory
if more inspections are recorded in Equasis certificate has been recorded by the PSC
for ships that were no longer active by the Officer (PSCO). Please note that during an
end of 2022. inspection several certificates are usually
checked and recorded but no checklist is
INSPECTED SHIPS followed. Moreover, depending on the ship
type certain certificates may not be
Equasis receives data from PSC regimes applicable. Additionally, a “group” of
covering most parts of the world. However, certificates in the table may refer to more
some ships do not trade to the participating than one certificate and the same
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
certificate may be issued by different region in 2022, 29% in two regions and
authorities. For these reasons, total figures 23% were inspected in three or more
cannot be obtained by summing lines in regions. The latter are mostly bulk carriers,
Table 154. general cargo ships and tankers due to
The list of certificates by group is given in their trade patterns.
Annex IV. The group “Other” covers all
unlisted certificates. Table 126 shows that out of the PSC
eligible fleet over 500 GT covered by
DOUBLE REPORTING Equasis (69,414 ships), 60% (41,639)
were inspected at least once in the period
If the same inspection and detention 2020-2022. This equates to 89% by
records were found in the datasets of two tonnage (Table 127).
different PSC regimes reporting to Equasis
then a single inspection is currently still By age, the same table shows that the fleet
counted twice in the tables below. of oldest ships with 25+ years (37%
inspected) was inspected less than the
A joint solution on how to address this fleet of younger ships with 0-4 years (53%
issue at Equasis level has been accepted by inspected).
the PSC providers and endorsed by the
Equasis Supervisory Committee. This will Table 134 shows that the fleets of ships
allow that the impact of double reporting with IGP&I coverage are subject to more
will be identified and reflected in the tables. inspections than those not covered by an
In Equasis website, an interim measure IGP&I (83% and 30% of respective fleets).
had been implemented where common Table 142 shows that the fleets of ships
information is gathered on one line when flying targeted flags are subject to more
two PSC send data related to a single inspections than those flying non-targeted
inspection. flags (79% and 58% of respective fleets).
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 121 - The world fleet in Equasis, by PSC type and size (GT≥100)
Bulk Carrier 242 10 4.1% 3,393 2,604 76.7% 6,944 6,389 92.0% 1,935 1,867 96.5% 12,514 10,870 86.9%
Chemical Tanker 423 20 4.7% 417 119 28.5% 2 2 100.0% 0 0 Na 842 141 16.7%
Container 19 0 0.0% 2,405 1,958 81.4% 1,684 1,590 94.4% 1,624 1,584 97.5% 5,732 5,132 89.5%
Gas Carrier 34 0 0.0% 1,154 778 67.4% 474 436 92.0% 619 581 93.9% 2,281 1,795 78.7%
General 4,864 237 4.9% 12,274 7,189 58.6% 288 284 98.6% 0 0 Na 17,426 7,710 44.2%
Heavy Load 2 0 0.0% 143 121 84.6% 54 53 98.1% 9 2 22.2% 208 176 84.6%
NLS Tanker 59 6 10.2% 3,355 2,867 85.5% 1,640 1,559 95.1% 0 0 0.0% 5,054 4,432 87.7%
Offshore Supply 2,640 328 12.4% 4,880 1,911 39.2% 28 19 67.9% 13 6 46.2% 7,561 2,264 29.9%
Oil Tanker 1,946 76 3.9% 4,493 1,252 27.9% 1,217 1,137 93.4% 2,351 2,157 91.7% 10,007 4,622 46.2%
Other 21,976 692 3.1% 6,409 832 13.0% 433 429 99.1% 243 241 99.2% 29,061 2,194 7.5%
Other Special 3,618 346 9.6% 3,555 906 25.5% 247 183 74.1% 247 79 32.0% 7,667 1,514 19.7%
Passenger Ship 3,555 271 7.6% 772 183 23.7% 63 62 98.4% 197 192 97.5% 4,587 708 15.4%
Refrigerated Cargo 882 89 10.1% 1,359 654 48.1% 11 9 81.8% 1 0 0.0% 2,253 752 33.4%
Ro-Ro Cargo 40 5 12.5% 477 274 57.4% 132 126 95.5% 34 31 91.2% 683 436 63.8%
Ro-Ro Passenger 826 28 3.4% 2,161 414 19.2% 236 201 85.2% 8 7 87.5% 3,231 650 20.1%
Special Purpose 198 12 6.1% 449 128 28.5% 19 10 52.6% 7 7 100.0% 673 157 23.3%
Tug 19,131 1,652 8.6% 920 186 20.2% 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 20,051 1,838 9.2%
Total 60,455 3,772 6% 48,652 22,394 46% 13,472 12,489 93% 7,290 6,756 93% 129,869 45,411 35%
Source: Equasis (1)
GT<500 - (2)
500≤GT<25,000 - (3)
25,000≤GT<60,000 - (4)
Graph 120 -Total number of inspected ships (all sizes), by PSC type
35,000 100%
25,000 70%
10,000 30%
0 0%
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 122 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of the world fleet in Equasis, by PSC type and size
Bulk Carrier 102 5 4.6% 53,842 46,736 86.8% 260,328 240,951 92.6% 199,629 191,820 96.1% 513,900 479,511 93.3%
Chemical Tanker 156 7 4.7% 1,105 515 46.6% 56 56 100.0% 0 0 Na 1,317 578 43.9%
Container 8 0 0.0% 29,172 25,299 86.7% 62,665 59,189 94.5% 188,584 181,911 96.5% 280,428 266,400 95.0%
Gas Carrier 13 0 0.0% 7,389 6,556 88.7% 20,703 19,012 91.8% 69,509 65,482 94.2% 97,615 91,050 93.3%
General 1,701 91 5.3% 54,463 42,932 78.8% 9,705 9,546 98.4% 0 0 Na 65,869 52,568 79.8%
Heavy Load 1 0 0.0% 1,694 1,465 86.5% 2,150 2,092 97.3% 654 176 27.0% 4,498 3,732 83.0%
NLS Tanker 26 3 10.3% 30,789 28,734 93.3% 48,659 46,258 95.1% 0 0 Na 79,474 74,995 94.4%
Offshore Supply 747 97 13.0% 14,158 7,053 49.8% 1,016 702 69.0% 1,354 615 45.4% 17,275 8,466 49.0%
Oil Tanker 591 26 4.5% 16,163 7,273 45.0% 51,449 48,134 93.6% 250,652 228,528 91.2% 318,855 283,961 89.1%
Other 4,958 253 5.1% 10,162 2,852 28.1% 21,698 21,564 99.4% 16,211 16,068 99.1% 53,029 40,736 76.8%
Other Special 896 103 11.5% 9,939 3,404 34.3% 11,283 8,246 73.1% 29,301 8,284 28.3% 51,418 20,036 39.0%
Passenger Ship 877 64 7.3% 2,203 1,195 54.3% 2,549 2,501 98.1% 22,923 22,274 97.2% 28,552 26,034 91.2%
Refrigerated Cargo 221 30 13.7% 5,981 3,851 64.4% 362 281 77.5% 71 0.0% 6,635 4,162 62.7%
Ro-Ro Cargo 13 2 18.3% 4,667 3,251 69.6% 5,019 4,824 96.1% 2,451 2,230 91.0% 12,150 10,307 84.8%
Ro-Ro Passenger 254 8 3.2% 9,655 3,684 38.2% 8,342 7,111 85.2% 541 471 87.1% 18,792 11,274 60.0%
Special Purpose 47 5 9.8% 2,135 1,052 49.3% 720 383 53.3% 969 969 100.0% 3,871 2,408 62.2%
Tug 4,674 497 10.6% 784 175 22.4% 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 5,457 673 12.3%
Total 15,285 1,191 8% 254,403 186,076 73% 506,703 470,848 93% 782,990 718,969 92% 1,559,381 1,377,083 88%
Source: Equasis (1)
GT<500 - (2)
500≤GT<25,000 - (3)
25,000≤GT<60,000 - (4)
Graph 121 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of inspected ships (all sizes), by PSC type
600,000 100%
300,000 50%
0 0%
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 123 - Total number of individual ships inspected(*), by number of inspections per ship – 2020-2022
Number Of
Inspections 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Per Ship
1 9,255 48.4% 8,883 35.1% 10,183 39.2% 9,622 34.6% 9,905 34.1% 9,180 30.5% 9,422 30.7% 9,754 30.8% 12,326 44.7% 11,434 37.8% 11,453 36.1%
2 5,762 30.1% 7,991 31.6% 7,888 30.4% 8,332 30.0% 8,618 29.7% 8,498 28.3% 8,472 27.6% 8,652 27.3% 7,906 28.7% 8,781 29.0% 9,342 29.4%
3 2,678 14.0% 4,828 19.1% 4,746 18.3% 5,203 18.7% 5,471 18.8% 5,995 19.9% 5,959 19.4% 6,113 19.3% 4,260 15.4% 5,240 17.3% 5,673 17.9%
4 1,031 5.4% 2,304 9.1% 2,148 8.3% 2,797 10.1% 2,952 10.2% 3,542 11.8% 3,731 12.2% 3,772 11.9% 1,947 7.1% 2,798 9.3% 3,002 9.5%
5 299 1.6% 888 3.5% 729 2.8% 1,238 4.5% 1,364 4.7% 1,775 5.9% 1,932 6.3% 2,054 6.5% 796 2.9% 1,269 4.2% 1,453 4.6%
More than
103 0.5% 387 1.5% 256 1.0% 617 2.2% 743 2.6% 1,061 3.5% 1,167 3.8% 1,365 4.3% 360 1.3% 720 2.4% 820 2.6%
Total 19,128 100% 25,281 100% 25,950 100% 27,809 100% 29,053 100% 30,051 100% 30,683 100% 31,710 100% 27,595 100% 30,242 100% 31,743 100%
Graph 122 -Total number of individual ships inspected(*), by number of inspections per ship – 2020-2022
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
1 2 3 4 5 More than 5
Existing ship types in Equasis
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 124 - Total number of individual ships inspected(*), by number of inspections per ship and by PSC region - 2022
Number of
Black Sea Caribbean
inspections Abuja MoU IO MoU Med MoU Paris MoU Tokyo MoU USCG VDM
per ship
1 1,364 82.2% 2,417 69.6% 356 92.2% 3,756 85.8% 4,243 82.7% 13,565 89.3% 9,250 61.4% 6,320 89.9% 3,774 65.7%
2 247 14.9% 754 21.7% 27 7.0% 600 13.7% 812 15.8% 1,425 9.4% 4,285 28.4% 578 8.2% 1,305 22.7%
3 44 2.7% 213 6.1% 3 0.8% 20 0.5% 73 1.4% 166 1.1% 1,045 6.9% 96 1.4% 420 7.3%
4 5 0.3% 64 1.8% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 3 0.1% 24 0.2% 357 2.4% 26 0.4% 151 2.6%
5 0 0.0% 13 0.4% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 5 0.0% 105 0.7% 7 0.1% 51 0.9%
More than
0 0.0% 11 0.3% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 27 0.2% 0 0.0% 40 0.7%
Total 1,660 100% 3,472 100% 386 100% 4,376 100% 5,131 100% 15,185 100% 15,069 100% 7,027 100% 5,741 100%
Graph 123 - Total number of individual ships inspected(*), by number of inspections per ship and PSC region -
Abuja Black Sea Caribbean IO MoU Med MoU Paris MoU Tokyo USCG VDM
1 2 3 4 5 More than 5
All existing ship types in Equasis
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 125 - Total number of individual ships inspected per number of PSC regions
6 or more
Ship type 1 region 2 regions 3 regions 4 regions 5 regions
Bulk Carrier 2933 19.1% 3110 33.8% 2134 42.3% 878 53.3% 241 55.5% 47 72.3%
Container 2315 15.1% 1526 16.6% 557 11.0% 100 6.1% 20 4.6% 2 3.1%
Gas Carrier 742 4.8% 366 4.0% 113 2.2% 24 1.5% 4 0.9% 0 0.0%
General 6 9.2%
3225 21.0% 1469 16.0% 931 18.4% 192 11.7% 60 13.8%
Other 3 4.6%
531 3.5% 290 3.2% 225 4.5% 107 6.5% 27 6.2%
Passenger Ship 235 1.5% 107 1.2% 58 1.1% 35 2.1% 10 2.3% 0 0.0%
Total 15341 100% 9194 100% 5050 100% 1648 100% 434 100% 65 100%
Source: Equasis
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 126 - Total number of ships GT≥500 with and without inspections, by PSC type and age
0-4 years old 5-14 years old 15-24 years old +25 years old All ages
PSC Ship type
Global Inspected Global Inspected Global Inspected Global Inspected Global Inspected
Bulk Carrier 1,897 1,380 72.7% 7,250 6,638 91.6% 2,369 2,254 95.1% 756 588 77.8% 12,272 10,860 88.5%
Chemical Tanker 51 6 11.8% 86 23 26.7% 66 29 43.9% 216 63 29.2% 419 121 28.9%
Container 768 531 69.1% 2,049 1,880 91.8% 2,301 2,243 97.5% 595 478 80.3% 5,713 5,132 89.8%
Gas Carrier 419 289 69.0% 874 789 90.3% 556 501 90.1% 398 216 54.3% 2,247 1,795 79.9%
General 769 355 46.2% 3,319 2,090 63.0% 2,905 2,087 71.8% 5,569 2,941 52.8% 12,562 7,473 59.5%
Heavy Load 41 25 61.0% 103 90 87.4% 29 29 100.0% 33 32 97.0% 206 176 85.4%
NLS Tanker 701 576 82.2% 2,061 1,891 91.8% 1,816 1,716 94.5% 417 243 58.3% 4,995 4,426 88.6%
Offshore Supply 254 55 21.7% 2,473 1,143 46.2% 1,101 488 44.3% 1,093 250 22.9% 4,921 1,936 39.3%
Oil Tanker 914 434 47.5% 2,967 1,969 66.4% 2,124 1,667 78.5% 2,056 476 23.2% 8,061 4,546 56.4%
Other 733 68 9.3% 1,794 550 30.7% 1,153 495 42.9% 3,405 389 11.4% 7,085 1,502 21.2%
Other Special 333 64 19.2% 1,248 419 33.6% 711 290 40.8% 1,757 395 22.5% 4,049 1,168 28.8%
Passenger Ship 144 76 52.8% 192 99 51.6% 244 127 52.0% 452 135 29.9% 1,032 437 42.3%
Refrigerated Cargo 121 34 28.1% 136 63 46.3% 116 88 75.9% 998 478 47.9% 1,371 663 48.4%
Ro-Ro Cargo 74 36 48.6% 162 117 72.2% 159 117 73.6% 248 161 64.9% 643 431 67.0%
Ro-Ro Passenger 249 48 19.3% 534 94 17.6% 488 168 34.4% 1,134 312 27.5% 2,405 622 25.9%
Special Purpose Ship 40 5 12.5% 68 26 38.2% 61 36 59.0% 306 78 25.5% 475 145 30.5%
Tug 53 3 5.7% 286 71 24.8% 135 45 33.3% 446 67 15.0% 920 186 20.2%
Total 7,561 3,985 53% 25,605 17,952 70% 16,336 12,382 76% 19,912 7,320 37% 69,414 41,639 60%
Source: Equasis
90% 24%
70% 63%
40% 76%
20% 37%
0-4 years old 5-14 years old 15-24 years old +25 years old
Inspected Non-inspected
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 127 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of ships GT≥500 with and without inspections, by PSC type and age
0-4 years old 5-14 years old 15-24 years old +25 years old All ages
PSC Ship type
Global Inspected Global Inspected Global Inspected Global Inspected Global Inspected
Bulk Carrier 93,050 73,144 78.6% 317,495 305,897 96.3% 87,797 87,098 99.2% 15,457 13,367 86.5% 513,799 479,506 93.3%
Chemical Tanker 147 21 14.3% 231 88 38.0% 291 231 79.5% 492 231 47.0% 1,161 571 49.2%
Combination Carrier 0 0 0.0% 11 0 0.0% 142 142 100.0% 90 50 55.7% 243 192 79.0%
Container 48,784 37,967 77.8% 137,621 135,589 98.5% 84,325 84,073 99.7% 9,690 8,770 90.5% 280,421 266,400 95.0%
Gas Carrier 25,852 21,395 82.8% 40,724 40,043 98.3% 25,277 24,834 98.2% 5,749 4,778 83.1% 97,601 91,050 93.3%
General 5,535 3,958 71.5% 26,782 23,625 88.2% 15,474 13,678 88.4% 16,376 11,216 68.5% 64,168 52,477 81.8%
Heavy Load 978 555 56.7% 2,056 1,725 83.9% 561 561 100.0% 902 891 98.9% 4,498 3,732 83.0%
NLS Tanker 14,180 12,517 88.3% 36,201 34,653 95.7% 26,637 25,973 97.5% 2,429 1,849 76.1% 79,448 74,992 94.4%
Offshore Supply 1,261 270 21.4% 9,770 5,430 55.6% 3,140 1,706 54.3% 2,357 963 40.8% 16,528 8,369 50.6%
Oil Tanker 56,335 40,583 72.0% 145,524 138,310 95.0% 104,178 98,971 95.0% 12,226 6,070 49.6% 318,263 283,935 89.2%
Other 2,894 1,556 53.8% 20,960 18,906 90.2% 17,267 16,260 94.2% 6,950 3,762 54.1% 48,072 40,484 84.2%
Other Special 7,195 2,299 32.0% 15,683 7,981 50.9% 12,210 6,435 52.7% 15,434 3,218 20.9% 50,522 19,933 39.5%
Passenger Ship 6,437 5,653 87.8% 9,052 8,941 98.8% 8,659 8,420 97.2% 3,527 2,956 83.8% 27,675 25,970 93.8%
Refrigerated Cargo 653 248 38.0% 780 552 70.7% 762 704 92.4% 4,218 2,627 62.3% 6,414 4,131 64.4%
Ro-Ro Cargo 2,305 1,763 76.5% 4,773 4,304 90.2% 3,080 2,649 86.0% 1,978 1,588 80.3% 12,137 10,304 84.9%
Ro-Ro Passenger 2,389 1,014 42.4% 3,665 1,541 42.0% 5,530 3,951 71.4% 6,953 4,759 68.5% 18,538 11,266 60.8%
Special Purpose 435 120 27.5% 1,006 799 79.4% 810 675 83.3% 1,572 810 51.5% 3,824 2,404 62.9%
Tug 54 4 8.3% 256 73 28.3% 116 38 32.5% 357 61 16.9% 784 175 22.4%
Total 268,487 203,068 76% 772,592 728,456 94% 396,258 376,401 95% 106,759 67,967 64% 1,544,095 1,375,892 89%
Source: Equasis
Inspected Non-inspected
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 128 - Total number of medium sized(1) ships with and without inspections, by PSC type and age
0-4 years old 5-14 years old 15-24 years old +25 years old All ages
PSC Ship type
Global Inspected Global Inspected Global Inspected Global Inspected Global Inspected
Bulk Carrier 369 187 50.7% 1,911 1,541 80.6% 644 533 82.8% 469 343 73.1% 3,393 2,604 76.7%
Chemical Tanker 51 6 11.8% 86 23 26.7% 66 29 43.9% 214 61 28.5% 417 119 28.5%
Container 357 220 61.6% 585 446 76.2% 987 929 94.1% 476 363 76.3% 2,405 1,958 81.4%
Gas Carrier 121 51 42.1% 420 339 80.7% 279 227 81.4% 334 161 48.2% 1,154 778 67.4%
General 730 319 43.7% 3,161 1,932 61.1% 2,859 2,041 71.4% 5,524 2,897 52.4% 12,274 7,189 58.6%
NLS Tanker 357 265 74.2% 1,268 1,132 89.3% 1,331 1,243 93.4% 399 227 56.9% 3,355 2,867 85.5%
Offshore Supply 252 55 21.8% 2,448 1,126 46.0% 1,095 485 44.3% 1,085 245 22.6% 4,880 1,911 39.2%
Oil Tanker 378 30 7.9% 1,385 442 31.9% 780 371 47.6% 1,950 409 21.0% 4,493 1,252 27.9%
Other 707 46 6.5% 1,485 241 16.2% 866 209 24.1% 3,351 336 10.0% 6,409 832 13.0%
Other Special 257 25 9.7% 1,087 317 29.2% 582 204 35.1% 1,629 360 22.1% 3,555 906 25.5%
Passenger Ship 96 33 34.4% 115 22 19.1% 148 32 21.6% 413 96 23.2% 772 183 23.7%
Refrigerated Cargo 119 33 27.7% 132 59 44.7% 113 85 75.2% 995 477 47.9% 1,359 654 48.1%
Ro-Ro Cargo 41 6 14.6% 70 29 41.4% 121 81 66.9% 245 158 64.5% 477 274 57.4%
Ro-Ro Passenger 216 28 13.0% 496 64 12.9% 390 83 21.3% 1,059 239 22.6% 2,161 414 19.2%
Special Purpose Ship 32 3 9.4% 62 20 32.3% 56 32 57.1% 299 73 24.4% 449 128 28.5%
Tug 53 3 5.7% 286 71 24.8% 135 45 33.3% 446 67 15.0% 920 186 20.2%
Total 4,167 1,329 32% 15,078 7,873 52% 10,474 6,651 64% 18,933 6,541 35% 48,652 22,394 46%
Source: Equasis 500≤GT<25,000
Inspected Non-inspected
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 129 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of medium sized(1) ships with and without inspections, by PSC type and age
0-4 years old 5-14 years old 15-24 years old +25 years old All ages
PSC Ship type
Global Inspected Global Inspected Global Inspected Global Inspected Global Inspected
Bulk Carrier 5,737 3,753 65.4% 33,538 29,688 88.5% 8,807 8,242 93.6% 5,759 5,052 87.7% 53,842 46,736 86.8%
Chemical Tanker 147 21 14.3% 231 88 38.0% 291 231 79.5% 436 175 40.2% 1,105 515 46.6%
Container 5,555 3,656 65.8% 7,218 6,279 87.0% 11,828 11,576 97.9% 4,571 3,788 82.9% 29,172 25,299 86.7%
Gas Carrier 681 457 67.2% 3,614 3,387 93.7% 1,889 1,746 92.4% 1,205 966 80.2% 7,389 6,556 88.7%
General 4,020 2,564 63.8% 21,500 18,342 85.3% 14,002 12,206 87.2% 14,941 9,819 65.7% 54,463 42,932 78.8%
Heavy Load 426 285 66.9% 899 821 91.3% 266 266 100.0% 104 93 90.1% 1,694 1,465 86.5%
NLS Tanker 3,722 3,051 82.0% 12,494 11,956 95.7% 12,649 12,327 97.5% 1,924 1,400 72.8% 30,789 28,734 93.3%
Offshore Supply 981 270 27.5% 8,646 4,696 54.3% 2,835 1,584 55.9% 1,696 502 29.6% 14,158 7,053 49.8%
Oil Tanker 1,688 193 11.4% 5,469 2,465 45.1% 4,574 3,350 73.2% 4,431 1,264 28.5% 16,163 7,273 45.0%
Other 1,257 133 10.6% 2,905 850 29.3% 1,725 755 43.8% 4,275 1,113 26.0% 10,162 2,852 28.1%
Other Special 1,096 170 15.5% 3,539 1,308 37.0% 1,808 869 48.0% 3,495 1,057 30.2% 9,939 3,404 34.3%
Passenger Ship 523 355 68.0% 208 97 46.7% 318 159 50.1% 1,155 584 50.5% 2,203 1,195 54.3%
Refrigerated Cargo 554 220 39.7% 659 430 65.3% 663 605 91.3% 4,105 2,595 63.2% 5,981 3,851 64.4%
Ro-Ro Cargo 449 62 13.7% 761 422 55.4% 1,595 1,294 81.2% 1,863 1,473 79.1% 4,667 3,251 69.6%
Ro-Ro Passenger 976 155 15.8% 2,243 385 17.2% 1,965 808 41.1% 4,471 2,336 52.3% 9,655 3,684 38.2%
Special Purpose Ship 124 34 27.0% 402 195 48.6% 414 321 77.6% 1,194 501 42.0% 2,135 1,052 49.3%
Tug 54 4 8.3% 256 73 28.3% 116 38 32.5% 357 61 16.9% 784 175 22.4%
Total 27,991 15,384 55% 104,593 81,483 78% 65,744 56,377 86% 56,074 32,831 59% 254,403 186,076 73%
Source: Equasis 500≤GT<25,000
Graph 128 -Proportion of gross tonnage inspected medium sized ships, by age
90% 14%
80% 45% 41%
40% 86%
30% 55% 59%
0-4 years old 5-14 years old 15-24 years old +25 years old
Inspected Non-inspected
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 130 - Total number of large(1) ships with and without inspections, by PSC type and age
0-4 years old 5-14 years old 15-24 years old +25 years old All ages
PSC Ship type
Global Inspected Global Inspected Global Inspected Global Inspected Global Inspected
Bulk Carrier 1,177 907 77.1% 4,058 3,818 94.1% 1,425 1,421 99.7% 284 243 85.6% 6,944 6,389 92.0%
Combination Carrier 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na
Container 187 127 67.9% 599 569 95.0% 799 799 100.0% 99 95 96.0% 1,684 1,590 94.4%
Gas Carrier 125 91 72.8% 214 214 100.0% 100 100 100.0% 35 31 88.6% 474 436 92.0%
General 39 36 92.3% 158 158 100.0% 46 46 100.0% 45 44 97.8% 288 284 98.6%
NLS Tanker 344 311 90.4% 793 759 95.7% 485 473 97.5% 18 16 88.9% 1,640 1,559 95.1%
Oil Tanker 30 21 70.0% 403 377 93.5% 725 702 96.8% 59 37 62.7% 1,217 1,137 93.4%
Other 6 4 66.7% 169 169 100.0% 211 210 99.5% 47 46 97.9% 433 429 99.1%
Tug 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na
Total 2,030 1,585 78% 6,649 6,284 95% 4,027 3,962 98% 766 658 86% 13,472 12,489 93%
Source: Equasis(1) 25,000≤GT<60,000
Inspected Non-inspected
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 131 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of large(1) ships with and without inspections, by PSC type and age
0-4 years old 5-14 years old 15-24 years old +25 years old All ages
PSC Ship type
Global Inspected Global Inspected Global Inspected Global Inspected Global Inspected
Bulk Carrier 46,413 36,109 77.8% 153,577 145,956 95.0% 50,928 50,794 99.7% 9,410 8,092 86.0% 260,328 240,951 92.6%
Combination Carrier 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na
Container 6,063 3,818 63.0% 23,660 22,568 95.4% 29,389 29,389 100.0% 3,552 3,415 96.1% 62,665 59,189 94.5%
Gas Carrier 5,601 4,086 73.0% 9,198 9,198 100.0% 4,386 4,386 100.0% 1,518 1,342 88.4% 20,703 19,012 91.8%
General 1,515 1,394 92.0% 5,282 5,282 100.0% 1,472 1,472 100.0% 1,435 1,397 97.3% 9,705 9,546 98.4%
Heavy Load 270 270 100.0% 786 728 92.6% 296 296 100.0% 798 798 100.0% 2,150 2,092 97.3%
NLS Tanker 10,458 9,466 90.5% 23,707 22,697 95.7% 13,989 13,647 97.6% 505 448 88.7% 48,659 46,258 95.1%
Offshore Supply 29 0 0.0% 721 534 74.0% 182 122 67.2% 85 46 53.8% 1,016 702 69.0%
Oil Tanker 1,163 838 72.0% 16,649 15,578 93.6% 31,068 30,206 97.2% 2,569 1,512 58.9% 51,449 48,134 93.6%
Other 235 164 69.8% 8,589 8,589 100.0% 10,685 10,648 99.6% 2,189 2,164 98.8% 21,698 21,564 99.4%
Other Special 2,209 1,665 75.4% 3,708 2,817 76.0% 3,141 2,802 89.2% 2,225 961 43.2% 11,283 8,246 73.1%
Passenger Ship 610 562 92.2% 599 599 100.0% 597 597 100.0% 743 743 100.0% 2,549 2,501 98.1%
Refrigerated Cargo 28 28 100.0% 121 121 100.0% 99 99 100.0% 113 32 28.4% 362 281 77.5%
Ro-Ro Cargo 617 551 89.3% 2,932 2,802 95.6% 1,355 1,355 100.0% 115 115 100.0% 5,019 4,824 96.1%
Ro-Ro Passenger 1,278 794 62.1% 1,294 1,029 79.5% 3,288 2,865 87.2% 2,482 2,423 97.6% 8,342 7,111 85.2%
Special Purpose 311 86 27.7% 201 201 100.0% 43 0 0.0% 166 97 58.3% 720 383 53.3%
Tug 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na
Total 76,798 59,831 78% 251,027 238,698 95% 150,917 148,678 99% 27,962 23,641 85% 506,703 470,848 93%
Source: Equasis(1) 25,000≤GT<60,000
Graph 130 - Proportion of gross tonnage for inspected large ships, by age
100% 1%
90% 15%
50% 95% 99%
40% 85%
0-4 years old 5-14 years old 15-24 years old +25 years old
Inspected Non-inspected
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 132 - Total number of very large(1) ships with and without inspections, by age and size
0-4 years old 5-14 years old 15-24 years old +25 years old All ages
PSC Ship type
Global Inspected Global Inspected Global Inspected Global Inspected Global Inspected
Bulk Carrier 351 286 81.5% 1,281 1,279 99.8% 300 300 100.0% 3 2 66.7% 1,935 1,867 96.5%
Container 224 184 82.1% 865 865 100.0% 515 515 100.0% 20 20 100.0% 1,624 1,584 97.5%
Gas Carrier 173 147 85.0% 240 236 98.3% 177 174 98.3% 29 24 82.8% 619 581 93.9%
General 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na
NLS Tanker 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na
Oil Tanker 506 383 75.7% 1,179 1,150 97.5% 619 594 96.0% 47 30 63.8% 2,351 2,157 91.7%
Other 20 18 90.0% 140 140 100.0% 76 76 100.0% 7 7 100.0% 243 241 99.2%
Tug 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na
Total 1,364 1,071 79% 3,878 3,795 98% 1,835 1,769 96% 213 121 57% 7,290 6,756 93%
Source: Equasis(1) GT≥60,000
100% 2%
90% 21%
80% 43%
50% 98% 96%
40% 79%
30% 57%
0-4 years old 5-14 years old 15-24 years old +25 years old
Inspected Non-inspected
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 133 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of very large(1) ships with and without inspections, by age and size
0-4 years old 5-14 years old 15-24 years old +25 years old All ages
PSC Ship type
Global Inspected Global Inspected Global Inspected Global Inspected Global Inspected
Bulk Carrier 40,900 33,281 81.4% 130,379 130,253 99.9% 28,062 28,062 100.0% 287 223 77.6% 199,629 191,820 96.1%
Chemical Tanker 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na
Combination Carrier 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 142 142 100.0% 0 0 0.0% 142 142 100.0%
Container 37,166 30,493 82.0% 106,743 106,743 100.0% 43,108 43,108 100.0% 1,567 1,567 100.0% 188,584 181,911 96.5%
Gas Carrier 19,570 16,852 86.1% 27,912 27,457 98.4% 19,002 18,703 98.4% 3,026 2,470 81.6% 69,509 65,482 94.2%
General 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na
Heavy Load 282 0 0.0% 371 176 47.5% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 654 176 27.0%
NLS Tanker 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na
Offshore Supply 251 0 0.0% 403 200 49.6% 124 0 0.0% 576 415 72.0% 1,354 615 45.4%
Oil Tanker 53,484 39,553 74.0% 123,405 120,267 97.5% 68,536 65,415 95.4% 5,226 3,294 63.0% 250,652 228,528 91.2%
Other 1,403 1,259 89.8% 9,467 9,467 100.0% 4,857 4,857 100.0% 485 485 100.0% 16,211 16,068 99.1%
Other Special 3,890 463 11.9% 8,436 3,856 45.7% 7,260 2,764 38.1% 9,714 1,200 12.4% 29,301 8,284 28.3%
Passenger Ship 5,304 4,735 89.3% 8,245 8,245 100.0% 7,744 7,664 99.0% 1,629 1,629 100.0% 22,923 22,274 97.2%
Ro-Ro Cargo 1,240 1,150 92.8% 1,080 1,080 100.0% 131 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 2,451 2,230 91.0%
Ro-Ro Passenger 135 65 48.2% 128 128 100.0% 278 278 100.0% 0 0 0.0% 541 471 87.1%
Special Purpose 0 0 0.0% 403 403 100.0% 354 354 100.0% 212 212 100.0% 969 969 100.0%
Tug 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na
Total 163,698 127,853 78% 416,972 408,275 98% 179,598 171,346 95% 22,722 11,495 51% 782,990 718,969 92%
Source: Equasis - (1)
Graph 132 -Proportion of gross tonnage for inspected very large ships, by age
100% 2%
90% 22%
50% 98% 95%
40% 78%
0-4 years old 5-14 years old 15-24 years old +25 years old
Inspected Non-inspected
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 134 - Total number of ships GT≥500 with and without inspections, by PSC type and P&I status
PSC Ship type IGP&I NON IGP&I All status
Global Inspected Global Inspected Global Inspected
Bulk Carrier 10,242 9,896 96.6% 2,030 964 47.5% 12,272 10,860 88.5% 90% 17%
Chemical Tanker 108 63 58.3% 311 58 18.6% 419 121 28.9%
Combination Carrier 7 4 57.1% 31 16 51.6% 38 20 52.6%
Container 5,002 4,789 95.7% 711 343 48.2% 5,713 5,132 89.8%
Gas Carrier 1,774 1,614 91.0% 473 181 38.3% 2,247 1,795 79.9% 60%
General 3,917 3,540 90.4% 8,645 3,933 45.5% 12,562 7,473 59.5%
Cargo/Multipurpose 50%
Heavy Load 174 162 93.1% 32 14 43.8% 206 176 85.4% 83%
NLS Tanker 4,177 3,928 94.0% 818 498 60.9% 4,995 4,426 88.6%
Offshore Supply 3,029 1,461 48.2% 1,892 475 25.1% 4,921 1,936 39.3% 30%
Oil Tanker 4,388 3,466 79.0% 3,673 1,080 29.4% 8,061 4,546 56.4% 20%
Other 1,934 1,015 52.5% 5,151 487 9.5% 7,085 1,502 21.2% 30%
Other Special Activities 1,323 767 58.0% 2,726 401 14.7% 4,049 1,168 28.8%
Passenger Ship 523 386 73.8% 509 51 10.0% 1,032 437 42.3% 0%
Refrigerated Cargo 520 336 64.6% 851 327 38.4% 1,371 663 48.4% IG P&I Non IG P&I
Ro-Ro Cargo 350 313 89.4% 293 118 40.3% 643 431 67.0%
Inspected Non-inspected
Ro-Ro Passenger Ship 806 431 53.5% 1,599 191 11.9% 2,405 622 25.9%
Special Purpose Ship 167 117 70.1% 308 28 9.1% 475 145 30.5%
Graph 133 – Proportion of
inspected ships GT≥500 by
Tug 416 118 28.4% 504 68 13.5% 920 186 20.2%
Total 38,857 32,406 83% 30,557 9,233 30% 69,414 41,639 60%
Source: Equasis
Table 135 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of ships GT≥500 with and without inspections, by PSC type and P&I status
Gas Carrier 92,640 87,308 94.2% 4,961 3,742 75.4% 97,601 91,050 93.3% 70%
General 38,282 36,938 96.5% 25,885 15,540 60.0% 64,168 52,477 81.8% 60%
Heavy Load 4,020 3,637 90.5% 478 95 20.0% 4,498 3,732 83.0% 50%
NLS Tanker 72,733 69,604 95.7% 6,715 5,388 80.2% 79,448 74,992 94.4%
Offshore Supply 12,448 7,171 57.6% 4,080 1,198 29.4% 16,528 8,369 50.6%
Oil Tanker 263,441 239,882 91.1% 54,822 44,053 80.4% 318,263 283,935 89.2% 30% 58%
Other 39,889 37,913 95.0% 8,182 2,571 31.4% 48,072 40,484 84.2% 20%
Other Special Activities 38,134 16,777 44.0% 12,388 3,157 25.5% 50,522 19,933 39.5%
Passenger Ship 26,457 25,733 97.3% 1,218 237 19.5% 27,675 25,970 93.8%
Refrigerated Cargo 3,195 2,572 80.5% 3,219 1,559 48.4% 6,414 4,131 64.4% 0%
Ro-Ro Cargo 9,882 9,256 93.7% 2,255 1,048 46.5% 12,137 10,304 84.9% IG P&I Non IG P&I
Ro-Ro Passenger Ship 12,381 9,920 80.1% 6,157 1,345 21.9% 18,538 11,266 60.8%
Inspected Non-inspected
Special Purpose Ship 2,652 2,221 83.8% 1,172 183 15.6% 3,824 2,404 62.9%
Tug 372 112 30.0% 412 64 15.4% 784 175 22.4% Graph 134 – Proportion of
gross tonnage of inspected
Total 1,361,226 1,270,167 93% 182,869 105,725 58% 1,544,095 1,375,892 89%
ships GT≥500 by P&I
Source: Equasis
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 136 - Total number of medium sized(1) ships with and without inspections, by PSC type and P&I status
NLS Tanker 2,628 2,449 93.2% 727 418 57.5% 3,355 2,867 85.5% 40%
Offshore Supply 2,994 1,439 48.1% 1,886 472 25.0% 4,880 1,911 39.2%
Oil Tanker 1,389 693 49.9% 3,104 559 18.0% 4,493 1,252 27.9%
Other 1,287 373 29.0% 5,122 459 9.0% 6,409 832 13.0%
Other Special Activities 912 537 58.9% 2,643 369 14.0% 3,555 906 25.5%
Passenger Ship 267 135 50.6% 505 48 9.5% 772 183 23.7%
Refrigerated Cargo 512 328 64.1% 847 326 38.5% 1,359 654 48.1%
Ro-Ro Cargo 187 159 85.0% 290 115 39.7% 477 274 57.4%
Ro-Ro Passenger Ship 584 236 40.4% 1,577 178 11.3% 2,161 414 19.2% Inspected Non-inspected
Special Purpose Ship 145 101 69.7% 304 27 8.9% 449 128 28.5%
Graph 135 – Proportion of
Tug 416 118 28.4% 504 68 13.5% 920 186 20.2% medium sized ships
Total 19,782 14,311 72% 28,870 8,083 28% 48,652 22,394 46% inspected by P&I
Source: Equasis (1)
Table 137 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of medium sized(1) ships with and without inspections, by PSC type and P&I
Other Special Activities 3,624 2,294 63.3% 6,314 1,110 17.6% 9,939 3,404 34.3% 10%
Passenger Ship 1,269 1,066 84.0% 934 130 13.9% 2,203 1,195 54.3%
Refrigerated Cargo 2,946 2,324 78.9% 3,035 1,527 50.3% 5,981 3,851 64.4%
Ro-Ro Cargo 2,543 2,333 91.7% 2,124 918 43.2% 4,667 3,251 69.6%
Ro-Ro Passenger Ship 4,234 2,745 64.8% 5,421 939 17.3% 9,655 3,684 38.2% Inspected Non-inspected
Special Purpose Ship 1,103 924 83.7% 1,032 128 12.4% 2,135 1,052 49.3% Graph 136 – Proportion of
Tug 372 112 30.0% 412 64 15.4% 784 175 22.4% gross tonnage of medium
Total 165,702 147,300 89% 88,700 38,776 44% 254,403 186,076 73% sized ships inspected by P&I
Source: Equasis (1)
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 138 - Total number of large ships with and without inspections, by PSC type and P&I status
Gas Carrier 426 398 93.4% 48 38 79.2% 474 436 92.0% 70%
General 279 276 98.9% 9 8 88.9% 288 284 98.6% 60%
Table 139 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of large(1) ships with and without inspections, by PSC type and P&I status
Container 60,294 58,205 96.5% 2,371 985 41.5% 62,665 59,189 94.5% 70%
Gas Carrier 18,550 17,298 93.2% 2,153 1,714 79.6% 20,703 19,012 91.8%
General 9,442 9,321 98.7% 263 225 85.5% 9,705 9,546 98.4%
Cargo/Multipurpose 50%
Heavy Load 2,150 2,092 97.3% 0 0 Na 2,150 2,092 97.3%
NLS Tanker 45,959 43,893 95.5% 2,700 2,365 87.6% 48,659 46,258 95.1%
Offshore Supply 849 602 70.9% 167 99 59.4% 1,016 702 69.0% 30%
Oil Tanker 40,567 37,851 93.3% 10,882 10,283 94.5% 51,449 48,134 93.6%
Other 20,458 20,350 99.5% 1,240 1,214 97.9% 21,698 21,564 99.4%
Other Special Activities 9,432 7,525 79.8% 1,851 721 38.9% 11,283 8,246 73.1% 10%
Passenger Ship 2,441 2,394 98.0% 107 107 100.0% 2,549 2,501 98.1% 0%
Refrigerated Cargo 249 249 100.0% 113 32 28.4% 362 281 77.5% IG P&I Non IG P&I
Ro-Ro Cargo 4,889 4,693 96.0% 130 130 100.0% 5,019 4,824 96.1%
Ro-Ro Passenger Ship 7,606 6,704 88.1% 736 407 55.3% 8,342 7,111 85.2%
Inspected Non-inspected
Special Purpose Ship 580 329 56.7% 140 55 39.0% 720 383 53.3% Graph 138 – Proportion of
Tug 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na gross tonnage of large ships
Total 461,159 440,518 96% 45,545 30,329 67% 506,703 470,848 93%
inspected by P&I
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 140 - Total number of very large(1) ships with and without inspections, by PSC type and P&I status
General 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 60%
Table 141 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of very large(1) ships with and without inspections, by PSC type and P&I status
PSC Ship type IGP&I NON IGP&I All status
Gas Carrier 67,933 64,253 94.6% 1,577 1,228 77.9% 69,509 65,482 94.2%
General 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 60%
Heavy Load 384 176 45.9% 270 0 0.0% 654 176 27.0% 50%
NLS Tanker 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na
Offshore Supply 1,102 615 55.7% 251 0 0.0% 1,354 615 45.4%
Oil Tanker 215,332 197,065 91.5% 35,320 31,463 89.1% 250,652 228,528 91.2%
Other 16,139 15,995 99.1% 72 72 100.0% 16,211 16,068 99.1% 20%
Other Special Activities 25,078 6,958 27.7% 4,223 1,326 31.4% 29,301 8,284 28.3%
Passenger Ship 22,746 22,274 97.9% 177 0 0.0% 22,923 22,274 97.2%
Tug 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na
Graph 140 – Proportion of
gross tonnage of very large
Total 734,365 682,349 93% 48,624 36,619 75% 782,990 718,969 92%
ships inspected by P&I
Source: Equasis - (1)
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 142 - Total number of ships GT≥500 with and without inspections, by PSC type and flag
Chemical Tanker 16 9 56.3% 403 112 27.8% 419 121 28.9% 90% 21%
Combination Carrier 3 3 100.0% 35 17 48.6% 38 20 52.6% 80% 42%
Container 391 381 97.4% 5,322 4,751 89.3% 5,713 5,132 89.8%
Gas Carrier 206 204 99.0% 2,041 1,591 78.0% 2,247 1,795 79.9%
General 1,727 1,602 92.8% 10,835 5,871 54.2% 12,562 7,473 59.5%
Heavy Load 4 4 100.0% 202 172 85.1% 206 176 85.4%
NLS Tanker 340 310 91.2% 4,655 4,116 88.4% 4,995 4,426 88.6% 40% 79%
Offshore Supply 521 329 63.1% 4,400 1,607 36.5% 4,921 1,936 39.3% 30% 58%
Oil Tanker 539 375 69.6% 7,522 4,171 55.5% 8,061 4,546 56.4%
Other 359 195 54.3% 6,726 1,307 19.4% 7,085 1,502 21.2%
Other Special 340 157 46.2% 3,709 1,011 27.3% 4,049 1,168 28.8%
Passenger Ship 215 162 75.3% 817 275 33.7% 1,032 437 42.3%
Refrigerated Cargo 172 135 78.5% 1,199 528 44.0% 1,371 663 48.4% P&I
Ro-Ro Cargo 155 143 92.3% 488 288 59.0% 643 431 67.0%
Ro-Ro Passenger 446 205 46.0% 1,959 417 21.3% 2,405 622 25.9% Inspected Non-inspected
Graph 141 – Proportion of
Special Purpose Ship 47 21 44.7% 428 124 29.0% 475 145 30.5%
inspected ships GT≥500 by
Tug 86 34 39.5% 834 152 18.2% 920 186 20.2% flag
Total 6,397 5,082 79% 63,017 36,557 58% 69,414 41,639 60%
Source: Equasis
Table 143 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of ships GT≥500 with and without inspections, by PSC type and flag
Combination Carrier 11 11 100.0% 232 181 78.0% 243 192 79.0% 80%
Container 7,600 7,494 98.6% 272,821 258,905 94.9% 280,421 266,400 95.0%
Gas Carrier 14,409 14,346 99.6% 83,193 76,704 92.2% 97,601 91,050 93.3%
General 9,655 9,387 97.2% 54,513 43,090 79.0% 64,168 52,477 81.8%
Heavy Load 55 55 100.0% 4,442 3,677 82.8% 4,498 3,732 83.0% 91% 89%
NLS Tanker 4,525 4,318 95.4% 74,923 70,674 94.3% 79,448 74,992 94.4% 40%
Offshore Supply 2,096 1,659 79.1% 14,432 6,710 46.5% 16,528 8,369 50.6% 30%
Oil Tanker 20,270 18,562 91.6% 297,994 265,372 89.1% 318,263 283,935 89.2%
Other 5,623 5,409 96.2% 42,449 35,074 82.6% 48,072 40,484 84.2%
Other Special 9,758 3,037 31.1% 40,764 16,896 41.4% 50,522 19,933 39.5% 10%
Passenger Ship 12,239 12,079 98.7% 15,436 13,891 90.0% 27,675 25,970 93.8%
Refrigerated Cargo 1,258 1,161 92.3% 5,155 2,971 57.6% 6,414 4,131 64.4%
Ro-Ro Cargo 4,227 4,066 96.2% 7,910 6,238 78.9% 12,137 10,304 84.9%
Ro-Ro Passenger 5,393 4,181 77.5% 13,146 7,085 53.9% 18,538 11,266 60.8% Inspected Non-inspected
Special Purpose Ship 431 365 84.5% 3,392 2,039 60.1% 3,824 2,404 62.9%
Graph 142 – Proportion of
gross tonnage of inspected
Tug 81 39 48.8% 703 136 19.3% 784 175 22.4%
ships GT≥500 by flag
Total 129,857 118,017 91% 1,414,239 1,257,875 89% 1,544,095 1,375,892 89%
Source: Equasis
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 144 - Total number of medium sized(1) ships with and without inspections, by PSC type and flag
General 1,671 1,546 92.5% 10,603 5,643 53.2% 12,274 7,189 58.6% 60%
Heavy Load 4 4 100.0% 139 117 84.2% 143 121 84.6%
NLS Tanker 251 225 89.6% 3,104 2,642 85.1% 3,355 2,867 85.5% 40%
Offshore Supply 515 323 62.7% 4,365 1,588 36.4% 4,880 1,911 39.2%
Oil Tanker 277 129 46.6% 4,216 1,123 26.6% 4,493 1,252 27.9%
20% 43%
Other 267 103 38.6% 6,142 729 11.9% 6,409 832 13.0%
Other Special 261 131 50.2% 3,294 775 23.5% 3,555 906 25.5% 10%
Passenger Ship 103 51 49.5% 669 132 19.7% 772 183 23.7% 0%
Refrigerated Cargo 172 135 78.5% 1,187 519 43.7% 1,359 654 48.1%
Targeted Flag Non-targeted
Ro-Ro Cargo 83 72 86.7% 394 202 51.3% 477 274 57.4%
Ro-Ro Passenger 350 122 34.9% 1,811 292 16.1% 2,161 414 19.2% Inspected Non-inspected
Special Purpose Ship 41 15 36.6% 408 113 27.7% 449 128 28.5% Graph 143 – Proportion of
Tug 86 34 39.5% 834 152 18.2% 920 186 20.2%
medium sized ships
inspected by flag
Total 4,798 3,576 75% 43,854 18,818 43% 48,652 22,394 46%
Source: Equasis 500≤GT<25,000
Table 145 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of medium sized(1) ships with and without inspections, by PSC type and flag
PSC Ship type Targeted Flag Non-targeted Flag All flags
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 146 - Total number of large(1) ships with and without inspections, by PSC type and flag
Bulk Carrier 388 385 99.2% 6,556 6,004 91.6% 6,944 6,389 92.0%
100% 3%
Chemical Tanker 0 0 Na 2 2 100.0% 2 2 100.0% 90%
Combination Carrier 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na
Container 70 70 100.0% 1,614 1,520 94.2% 1,684 1,590 94.4%
Total 1,001 970 97% 12,471 11,519 92% 13,472 12,489 93%
Source: Equasis(1) 25,000≤GT<60,000
Table 147 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of large(1) ships with and without inspections, by PSC type and flag
Targeted Flag Non-targeted Flag All flags
PSC Ship type
Global Inspected Global Inspected Global Inspected
100% 3%
Bulk Carrier 15,347 15,218 99.2% 244,981 225,733 92.1% 260,328 240,951 92.6% 8%
Chemical Tanker 0 0 Na 56 56 100.0% 56 56 100.0% 90%
Combination Carrier 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 80%
Container 2,222 2,222 100.0% 60,443 56,968 94.3% 62,665 59,189 94.5%
Gas Carrier 1,938 1,888 97.4% 18,765 17,124 91.3% 20,703 19,012 91.8%
General 60%
1,938 1,938 100.0% 7,767 7,607 97.9% 9,705 9,546 98.4%
50% 97%
Heavy Load 0 0 Na 2,150 2,092 97.3% 2,150 2,092 97.3% 92%
NLS Tanker 2,572 2,456 95.5% 46,087 43,802 95.0% 48,659 46,258 95.1% 40%
Offshore Supply 203 203 100.0% 813 498 61.3% 1,016 702 69.0% 30%
Oil Tanker 3,910 3,658 93.6% 47,539 44,476 93.6% 51,449 48,134 93.6%
Other 3,929 3,929 100.0% 17,769 17,635 99.2% 21,698 21,564 99.4%
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 148 - Total number of very large(1) ships with and without inspections, by PSC type and flag
0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na
Heavy Load 0 0 Na 9 2 22.2% 9 2 22.2% 90% 93%
NLS Tanker 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na
Offshore Supply 1 1 100.0% 12 5 41.7% 13 6 46.2% 30%
Oil Tanker 178 167 93.8% 2,173 1,990 91.6% 2,351 2,157 91.7%
Other 16 16 100.0% 227 225 99.1% 243 241 99.2%
Table 149 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of very large(1) ships with and without inspections, by PSC type and flag
PSC Ship type Targeted Flag Non-targeted Flag All flags
Container 2,211 2,211 100.0% 186,373 179,700 96.4% 188,584 181,911 96.5% 70%
Gas Carrier 11,883 11,883 100.0% 57,626 53,599 93.0% 69,509 65,482 94.2%
0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na
Heavy Load 0 0 Na 654 176 27.0% 654 176 27.0%
87% 92%
NLS Tanker 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 40%
Offshore Supply 102 102 100.0% 1,251 513 41.0% 1,354 615 45.4%
Oil Tanker 15,426 14,215 92.2% 235,226 214,313 91.1% 250,652 228,528 91.2%
Other 1,070 1,070 100.0% 15,141 14,998 99.1% 16,211 16,068 99.1% 20%
Other Special 8,267 2,017 24.4% 21,033 6,267 29.8% 29,301 8,284 28.3% 10%
Passenger Ship 10,873 10,765 99.0% 12,050 11,509 95.5% 22,923 22,274 97.2% 0%
Refrigerated Cargo 0 0 Na 71 0 0.0% 71 0 0.0% Targeted FlagNon-targeted
Ro-Ro Cargo 1,246 1,156 92.8% 1,205 1,074 89.2% 2,451 2,230 91.0% Flag
Ro-Ro Passenger 198 127 64.5% 343 343 100.0% 541 471 87.1%
Ship Inspected Non-inspected
Special Purpose Ship 61 61 100.0% 908 908 100.0% 969 969 100.0% Graph 148 – Proportion of
Tug 0 0 Na 0 0 Na 0 0 Na gross tonnage of very large
Total 62,035 54,212 87% 720,954 664,756 92% 782,990 718,969 92% ships inspected by flag
Source: Equasis - (1)
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 150 - Total number of inspections with statutory certificates for ships GT≥500, by type of issuer
Combination Carrier 50 20 4 8 18
Tug 174 57 14 84 19
Source: Equasis
Graph 149 - Total number of inspections with statutory certificates for ships GT≥500, by flag issuer
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 151 - Total number of inspections with statutory certificates for medium sized(1) ships, by type of issuer
Combination Carrier 39 15 4 2 18
Tug 174 57 14 84 19
Source: Equasis 500≤GT<25,000
Graph 150 - Total number of inspections with statutory certificates for medium sized ships, by flag issuer
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 152 - Total number of inspections with statutory certificates for large(1) ships, by type of issuer
Chemical Tanker 4 2 0 2 0
Combination Carrier 0 0 0 0 0
Offshore Supply 22 5 4 12 1
Refrigerated Cargo 57 18 0 37 2
Special Purpose 18 5 4 7 2
Tug 0 0 0 0 0
Source: Equasis(1) 25,000≤GT<60,000
Graph 151 - Total number of inspections with statutory certificates for large ships, by flag issuer
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 153 - Total number of inspections with statutory certificates for very large(1) ships, by type of issuer
Chemical Tanker 0 0 0 0 0
Combination Carrier 11 5 0 6 0
0 0 0 0 0
Heavy Load 11 4 0 7 0
NLS Tanker 0 0 0 0 0
Offshore Supply 9 0 3 6 0
Refrigerated Cargo 0 0 0 0 0
Ro-Ro Passenger 52 16 10 26 0
Special Purpose 4 2 0 2 0
Tug 0 0 0 0 0
Source: Equasis - (1)
Graph 152 - Total number of inspections with statutory certificates for very large ships, by flag issuer
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 154 - Total number of inspections with statutory certificates for all ships, by type of certificates and issuer
Graph 153 - Total number of inspections with statutory certificates for all ships, by type of certificates and issuer
Inspections with certificates Issued by Flag Non-targeted Flag Issued by Flag Targeted Flag Issued by RO IACS Issued by RO Non-IACS or unknown
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 6) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Chapter 6
For each ship, Equasis records the company The Chemical Distribution Institute (CDI) on
that provides the operational management had 31% of the total number of ships and a
either: similar percentage 34% of tonnage
a) under third-party contract; or coverage in the relevant ship categories.
b) managing ships owned by itself or its
associated companies. Tables 157 to 160 suggest that ships
covered by one of the trade associations
In most cases the Company shown in the and industry vetting programs are generally
database is responsible for the operation of less subject to PSC inspections than those
the ship and the duties and responsibilities ships which are outside the trade
imposed by the International Safety associations, except for tankers – as we can
Management Code (ISM Code). see from the relevant fleets under
INTERTANKO and OCIMF, particularly of
The Code applies to passenger ships and larger size.
other ships of 500 GT (or greater) trading
internationally. Moreover, the same tables show that ships
within a trade association or industry
vetting programme had a lower detention
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 6) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 6) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 155 - Total number of ships, by size and vetting programmes and trade associations
INTERTANKO Within 1,067 12.3% 1,437 43.5% 1,518 52.2% 4,022 14,907 26.7%
INTERCARGO Within 431 2.7% 1,962 26.5% 816 42.1% 3,209 25,410 12.7%
InterManager Within 423 1.8% 809 7.9% 309 7.3% 1541 38,041 4%
Green Award Within 49 0.4% 21 0.2% 158 3.3% 228 27,848 0.8%
CDI Within 1,559 32.1% 589 28.0% 0 0.0% 2,148 6,977 30.8%
OCIMF Within 4,055 46.6% 3,048 92.3% 2,649 91.0% 9,752 14,907 65.4%
Table 156 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of ships, by size and vetting programmes and trade associations
INTERTANKO Within 13,622 25.4% 51,446 43.0% 162,114 51.9% 227,182 485,616 46.8%
INTERCAGO Within 9273 8.3% 75489 27.2% 83454 41.8% 168216 589,256 28.5%
InterManager Within 6,268 4.0% 28,501 7.6% 29,603 6.7% 64,372 976,990 6.6%
Green Award Within 361 0.3% 904 0.2% 15,849 3.1% 17,114 1,009,330 1.7%
CDI Within 15,890 41.0% 21,315 30.9% 0 0.0% 37,205 108,591 34.2%
OCIMF Within 36,921 69.0% 109,712 91.8% 281,575 90.1% 428,208 485,616 88.1%
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 6) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 157 - Safety performance of ships, by inspections and detentions rates(*) - 2022
Table 158 - Safety performance of medium sized(1) ships, by inspections and detentions rates(*) – 2022
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 6) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 159 - Safety performance of large(1) ships, by inspections and detentions rates(*) – 2022
Table 160 - Safety performance of very large(1) ships, by inspections and detentions rates(*) – 2022
38CDI Within 0 Na 0 Na Na
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 6) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 161 - Total number of companies and ships GT≥500, by fleet size and flag
Graph 154 - Total number of companies and ships GT≥500, by company fleet size
1 ship 2 ships 3 ships 4 ships 5 ships 6-10 11-50 51-100 100+
ships ships ships ships
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 6) The world merchant fleet in 2022
Table 162 - Total number of inspections and detention rates(*), by company fleet size - 2022
Graph 155 - Total number of inspections and detention rate, by company fleet size
30000 7.00%
5.9% 6.00%
2.8% 2.8%
5000 1.1% 1.00%
0 0.00%
1 ship 2 ships 3 ships 4 ships 5 ships 6-10 ships 11-50 51-100 100+
ships ships ships
Equasis Statistics The world merchant fleet in 20202
Annex I. Ship Type Aggregations
The category “Other” is not considered in the scope of these statistics and contains ship
types of active ships not falling in one of the main categories.
Equasis Statistics The world merchant fleet 2022
The table of "Flag Performance" is a summary of the status of each flag within the different
Port State Control Regime that provides data to Equasis and issue lists of flag performances.
The table of targeted flags, namely the Paris MoU, the Tokyo MoU and the US Coast Guard can
be found here: https://www.equasis.org/EquasisWeb/admin/FlagPerf?fs=About
This table is refreshed annually for each PSC regime when a new annual report containing the
new flag performances is published.
For the Paris MoU and the Tokyo MoU, the possible values for each flag state are "Black",
"Grey" and "White". Please note that no deeper distinction is made in the "Black" category as
done in the annual reports of the Paris and Tokyo MoU between "high risk" and "very high risk"
ships for example.
For the USCG, only flag administrations on the "Targeted List" are indicated, once again,
without distinction between flag administration receiving "2 points" or "7 points" in column II
of the US Port State Control Safety Targeting Matrix.
If a flag is not evaluated by a certain PSC regime, the corresponding field is left blank, if a flag
is not evaluated by any of the PSC regime, it may not appear at all in this table.
Throughout the table, non-sovereign flags are displayed below their corresponding "mother"
flag (Gibraltar below UK, Faeroe Islands below Denmark...)
Another source of Shipping Industry Flag State Performance can be found on the website of
the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), corresponding to information released in 2022 by
the Paris MOU, the Tokyo MOU and the United States Coast Guard (USCG) in their respective
annual PSC reports.
Equasis Statistics The world merchant fleet 2022
This Annex was established mainly through statistical analysis and direct comparisons
between IHS Markit Maritime & Trade ship types and PSC ship types.
Although similar in layout, Annex III cannot be compared to Annex I given that the purpose
of this Annex is to attribute a default PSC ship type to ships and not to create categories of
ships as in Annex I.
Equasis Statistics The world merchant fleet 2022
Equasis Statistics The world merchant fleet 2022
In Chapter 6, various figures from trade association and vetting programs are compared to a
base population of ships of a relevant ship type. This Annex gives the relevant ship types as
described in Annex I, for each trade association and vetting programs.
Intertanko CDI
“Bulk Carriers”
“General Cargo Ships”
“Oil & Chemical Tanker”
Green Award
Gas Tankers:
CO2 Tanker
LNG Tanker
LPG Tanker
Combination Gas Tanker (LNG/LPG)