From Henan Opera

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Asian Musicology 2014 (vo t.


From Henan Opera to Taiwan Bangzi.

Localisation and Identity of Taiwan Bangzi

Ma Ming-Hui , Assistant professor

(China Medical University)

A foreign Henan Opera has survived , changed , and localised
and established its Taiwan identity from Henan Opera to
Taiwan Bαngzi for more than sixty years in Taiwan , since it
was introduced from China to Taiwan under a historical
occasion. This paper examines the loca Ji sing process from
Henan Opera to Taiwan Bangzi in Taiwan from fOUf
perspectives: social and cultural background , performers ,
contents of scrip峙, and textures of music. The time frame is
divided into two periods (1 947-1987 and 1987-2013) to
discuss the processes separately.

Key words: Taiwan Bangzi, Localisation , Taiwan

identity , Henan Opera

From Henan Opera to Taiwan Ballgzi. Localisation

and Identity of Taiwan Bangzi

In this paper, I investigate and discuss how a foreign

Henan Opera can survive , change. and localise and establish
its Taiwan identity from Henan Opera to Taiwan Bangzi.
Primarily all materials in this paper come from the collections,

As ian Musicology 2014 (vo I. 23)

Yan Limo (嚴立摸) (Ed.), TheFt舟, Years of HendfirOpera

戶的 Taiwan ( 台灣蠶JJ!lET 字廚,初(pp. 25 .,35). Ta旬ei,
Taiwan: GuoGuang·Opera Company (國光劇團).
'%mg;,'(;(m.gropg (楊聰榮 ).1994. “ Chinesisation and Localisation (中
推~",:.心國化與本士化)". EducationJoumal, 21(2), 127-137.
~a():{.fZai'iSh~~g .(趙再生):1993. “A Introducation'ofHenan Opera
、心弋 !o('河南戲曲音樂概論)". In Zhao Zai Sheng (趙再生) (E d.), A
Collrictia, n of仰的白e Opera Music - Henan Opera (,*,IiJ1J.1t
db i!t第三令J!l/ift%.1lJf.都(pp.:61). Beijing, China: ISBN Centre
iin:C虹誼a{中國 ISBN 中心).

Ma Ming-HUi is a part~time assistant professor in the China
Medi,cal;Uriiversity~ and he was conferred his PhD from 也e Sy也可
Conservatorium of· Music 品也e University of Sydney with a
dissertation of a comparative research in Chinese pipa and Indian
sitar h 2013.His researchhtemSRfocus on Chinese music, Indian
music, Taiwan music and Chinese local opera studies.

Author's e-mail address

[email protected]晶晶


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