Case Presentation Respiratory System
Case Presentation Respiratory System
Case Presentation Respiratory System
Subject : Medicine
Patient's particulars:
The patient also complains of chest pain on the left side for 15 days.
The onset was insidious and gradually progressive in nature. It was
localized, sharp and stabbing in character. It does not radiate to any
other site. It is aggravated by deep breathing and coughing. It is
relieved to some extent by lying on left lateral position that he now
assumes all the time. For the past one week, the localized chest pain
has been replaced by a constant dull discomfort..
The patient complains of difficulty in breathing for 7 days, which
was insidious in onset and gradually progressive in nature. Initially
he had developed difficulty in breathing only on doing strenuous
activities like lifting and carrying heavy buckets of water for a
distance but has now developed difficulty even while hurrying on
level ground . Such episodes last for about 5 to 10 minutes and
usually subsides on rest. The difficulty increases on lying down in
right lateral position and subsides on lying in the left lateral
position. It has no postural variation. It has no diurnal or seasonal
variation. There is no associated wheeze or hoarseness.
PAST HISTORY : There is no history of any similar illness in the past. There
is no history of contact with patient of tuberculosis. There is no history of
Tuberculosis, Diabetes, Hypertension, COPD, asthma, recurrent
respiratory tract infections any other major illness or trauma in the past.
There is no history of high risk behaviour, IV drug abuse.
There is no history of recent hospitalization or mechanical ventilation and
blood transfusions
PERSONAL HISTORY :The patient is a non-vegetarian and consumes an
average Assamese rice based diet 3 times daily.The patient is a non smoker
and non alcoholic. He occasionally takes tobacco and chews betel nut.
FAMILY HISTORY: The patient lives with his sister and her husband. There is
no similar complaints in any of the family members. There is no history of
tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, allergic disorder or malignancy in the
family. All are in good health.
OCCUPATIONAL HISTORY: The patient is currently unemployed and
was earlier working as a shopkeeper. He was not associated with
farming activities or work in factories/ mines.
SOCIO-ECONOMIC HISTORY: The patient belongs to a low middle
class family with per capita income of Rs 1800 per month. He lives
in a pucca house consisting of 4 rooms and separate kitchen and
uses LPG as fuel. He drinks water from tube well after filtration and
use a sanitary latrine.
Facies: Normal
Built: average
Nutrition: fair .
BMI =20.21 kg/m2
(height = 1.68m & weight=57kg)
Waist circumference =32 inch
Hair and skin: Normal lustrous hair with age related graying .
Skin on the upper left lateral side of the chest has lesions.
• Icterus: absent
Pallor: absent
Cyanosis: absent
Condition of mouth and oral cavity: teeth and gums healthy. Tongue is pink moist
and normal papilla is seen.
Condition of nose : normal; para nasal sinuses: non tender
Neck Vein: neither engorged nor pulsatile
Jugular Venous Pulse (JVP): Normal
Neck glands: not palpable
Lymph nodes: not palpable
Clubbing: absent
Koilonychia: absent
Oedema: absent
Respiratory Rate:
21/ min, regular in rhythm, and abdomino-thoracic type
Accessory muscles of respiration are working.
Blood Pressure:
110/80 mmHg in right upper arm in supine position
70 beats per min
Regular in rhythm
Normal in volume and character
Condition of the arterial wall is normal.
No radio-radial and radio-femoral delay found
All other peripheral pulses are bilaterally and symmetrically
Temperature: mildly raised to touch.
3. Chylothorax
4. Haemothorax
5. Lung malignancy
6. Consolidation with effusion
7.Collapse with effusion
8.Fibrosis with effusion