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Sexual Violence
In The
Texas Prison System
James Austin
Tony Fabelo
Angela Gunter
Ken McGinnis
March 2006
This project was supported by Grant No. 2004-RP-BX-0003 awarded by the National Institute of
Justice, Office of Justice Programs, US Department of Justice. Points of view in this document
are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the US
Department of Justice.
First we would like to thank Garry Johnson the former Executive Director of the
Texas Department of Criminal Justice who supported the original concept and
project proposal. His successor Brad Livingston has continued to provide this
same level of support. Ed Owens, Deputy Executive Director and Doug Dretke,
Director, Correctional Institutions Division also provided unlimited access to the
TDCJ facilities, staff and data.
Dimitria D. Pope, Director, RED Group was especially helpful in providing data
and interpretation of the results contained in this report.
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been published by the Department. Opinions or points of view expressed are those of the author(s)
and do not necessarily reflect the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.
The JFA Institute
Executive Summary
The Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) operates the nation’s
third largest prison system (along with California and the Federal Bureau of
Prisons) with over 150,000 prisoners. Each year approximately 500-600 prisoner
on prisoner sexual assaults are reported by prisoners and staff to the TDCJ. For
each reported assault, detailed information is collected and stored on a specially
created database that was developed as part of the agency’s effort to report,
evaluate and reduce prison sexual assaults.
1. Texas has the highest reported number of alleged incidents at 550 for a
rate per 1,000 prisoner population of 3.95, almost four times the national
average for the states of 1.05. It also has one of the lowest substantiation
rates (less than three percent).
2. The official alleged sexual assault rate since 1993 hovered between 1.2
and 0.6 per 1,000 inmate population until 1999 when the rate doubled.
Shortly after the passage of the Texas Safe Prison Program, the rate
increased again which is not surprising given that a major objective of the
act was to increase the detection and reporting of such incidents.
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witnesses to the allegation. These delay and witness problems are major
problems in attempting to sustain an allegation.
7. Just over 50% of the sustained cases included forensic evidence from a
rape kit or a forensic exam. On the other hand, rape kits and forensic
exams were performed in only 20% of all alleged sexual assaults. The
primary reason for not completing the exams was “time lapse”.
2. White inmates are attacked more frequently than any other race (60%)
while two thirds (68%) of the sustained incidents involved black assailants
followed by 19% being Hispanic assailants and 12% white assailants.
3. In general the victims are younger than the assailants. The average age of
victims in sustained cases is 3 years younger than the assailants, while
the average age of victims in probable cause cases is 4 years younger
than assailants.
6. For males in particular, assailants are more likely to have violent offenses
while victims are more likely to have a conviction for a sex assault offense
or a non-assaultive sex offense.
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7. For females, victims and assailants in sex assault allegations are more
likely to have violent criminal histories.
Unit Attributes
2. Units housing the longer-term prisoners with higher custody levels have
higher numbers and rates of allegations than other facility types.
3. The number of allegations at the low rate facilities (Holiday and Murray)
can be attributed to not only to the operational mission of the facilities but
also to the fact that the majority of beds in both of the facilities are located
in dormitory settings which make sexual assaults more difficult to occur
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4. Solid cell fronts, while permitting privacy for the inmates and reducing
noise within the unit, also provides the degree of privacy that permits
sexual assaults to occur. Unlike older prison designs where the cell fronts
consisted of bars, the solid doors limit visual observation by staff and to a
degree sound proof the cells to the point where staff have difficulty hearing
what is going on in individual cells.
5. The fact that the majority of the sexual assaults occur between 6 a.m. and
6 p.m. can also be understood when observing the level of activity in the
housing units in TDCJ facilities. Even though during these hours the
number of staff assigned to the units is increased, the level of activity that
they are responsible for also increases dramatically. The responsibility of
housing unit staff draws them away from the routine of checking on cell
activity on a routine basis. This provides for periods of time when only the
housing unit picket officer (Control Room Officer) is monitoring the day
rooms and cell fronts. This issue should be reviewed by the TDCJ from a
staff deployment and training standpoint.
6. The low level of allegations occurring at the mental health facilities could
be attributed to staff deployment levels. As would be expected of special
needs treatment facilities the staff to inmate ratios are very high in
comparison to other TDCJ facilities. This results in almost constant
supervision of all the prisoners of the two facilities both during in-cell and
out-of-cell activity periods.
Like most states the substantiation rate of the allegations is quite low. In
Texas one of the major reasons why the substantiation rate is so low is the delay
in having an allegation reported by the prisoner. As with any criminal
investigation, any undue delay in reporting a criminal act reduces the ability of
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been published by the Department. Opinions or points of view expressed are those of the author(s)
and do not necessarily reflect the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.
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the investigators to gather physical evidence and interview persons who would
serve as potential witnesses.
The alleged victims are generally younger than their assailants. There is a
strong racial relationship in such incidents where victims are more likely white
while their assailants are more likely black or Hispanic and be gang affiliated.
The assailants are also older, more likely to have lived in urban areas, have been
convicted of a violent crime, are in a higher custody level and have served more
time in prison than their victims.
These profile data on the victims, assailants and facilities where such
allegations are made suggest that one needs to see the crime of prison rape in a
larger context. Specifically, it would appear that prison rape (or the threat of rape)
is just one weapon predatory prisoners will use to impose their influence and
control over other prisoners. The prisoners and prisoners that have the highest
rates of sexual assault also have the higher rates of other serious misconduct
and criminal activity. So it would suggest that in order to reduce prison rape
other forms of serious misconduct must also be addressed.
Finally, the research suggests that the Texas Safe Prison program has
produced a much greater awareness on the part of staff and prisoners on the
issue of prison rape. One of the immediate effects has been a much higher rate
of reporting and a more structured response and investigation to such
allegations. And the data base that has been created allows the TDCJ to monitor
the number, attributes and final dispositions of these incidents. Many states
could benefit from adopting many of the key components of the Texas program.
There are some suggestions that we would suggest to Texas and other
correctional systems that if implemented might serve to reduce sexual assaults.
First, further efforts are needed to provide structured opportunities for prisoners
to report any allegation of sexual assault –either staff on prisoner or prisoner on
prisoner. One specific suggestion is to require case managers to always inquire
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been published by the Department. Opinions or points of view expressed are those of the author(s)
and do not necessarily reflect the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.
The JFA Institute
of the prisoner during a formal session or contact whether any assaults have
occurred or if they are being threatened by other prisoners.
Third, the TDCJ should examine the reasons for the large number of
cases in which either the victim or the alleged assaulter was transferred without
any disciplinary or legal action. These are cases which have also been
determined to be unsubstantiated. The questions centers on why do such a
large number of prisoners involved in these alleged incidents end up getting
transferred without any verification of the incident. Are these transfers based on
legitimate concerns or a means of foregoing either discipline or prosecution?
Fourth the categories for designating prisoners in the TDCJ data base
should be expanded so that it has the following four designations:
a. Potential Victim
b. Known Victim
c. Potential Assailant
d. Known Assailant
The low rate of officially reported sexual assault on prisoners means that it
is not practical nor recommended that a traditional risk scoring system be
attempted. To do so would produce an unacceptable level of “false positives” in
terms of identifying both potential victims and assailants. This not to say that the
factors and attributes that are associated with assailants and victims as
presented in this report cannot be applied in some manner.
Finally, this research did not adequately address the issue of sexual
assault among female prisoners. We found at the women prisons that the
attitudes expressed by the staff suggested that they believe sexual activity was
more common then at male facilities but that such behavior was largely
consensual. We are not persuaded that this is indeed the case. Clearly a
separate and more detailed assessment of sexual assault among female
prisoners is needed.
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been published by the Department. Opinions or points of view expressed are those of the author(s)
and do not necessarily reflect the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.
The JFA Institute
I. Introduction
A. Background
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Finally, the new law creates a National Prison Rape Reduction Commission
which will conduct comprehensive hearings and examine all penal, economic,
physical, mental, medical and social issues relating to prison rape in America. At
the conclusion of its review the Commission will issue a comprehensive report on
the subject, including a recommended set of national standards to reduce and
eliminate prison rape. The commission’s recommended standards will address
practices for the investigation and elimination of prison rape including the training
of correctional officers; sexually transmitted disease prevention; identifying,
protecting, screening, isolating, and punishing vulnerable and potentially
offending inmates; and other related issues.
Many of the public policy and research issues are reflected in the well-
publicized case of Roderick Johnson, a former prisoner in the Texas prison
system, whose allegations have resulted in major litigation in Texas, the passage
of Safe Prison Act in Texas, and have drawn national attention to the problem of
prison rape. 2 Mr. Johnson has claimed that while incarcerated, he became a sex
slave where he was repeatedly raped by a number of prisoners at a particular
Texas prison. Despite what he states were repeated requests to prison officials,
no actions were taken either to transfer him to another prison or to house him in
a location that would protect him from such assaults.
Mr. Johnson’s case highlights the major policy issues surrounding the
phenomenon of sexual assault within correctional facilities that require further
research. Specifically, what factors (individual and environmental) contribute to
the incidence of sexual assaults, were there actions that the agency could have
taken to reduce the level of risk to sexual assault, and what are the costs to
“Back from the Brink: Former prison sex salve is striving for new life in Austin”, Austin American-
Statesman, Sunday, January 11, 2004, pp A1 and A11.
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victims in terms of pain, suffering, trauma and public health? Finally, there is a
need to determine what pre-emptive actions can be taken by correctional
agencies to better prevent such crimes from occurring in the future through better
risk assessments, improved reporting standards, staff training, and more
effective classification, housing and staff supervision techniques.
The research design also attempts to examine the influence of the “prison
environment” on the prevalence and nature of prison violence, including sexual
This number is based on the TDCJ’s count of active prisoners and is somewhat lower than the
data published by BJS.
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been published by the Department. Opinions or points of view expressed are those of the author(s)
and do not necessarily reflect the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.
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Thus the overall purpose of the study is to: (a) produce and disseminate
sound empirical research to be used by practitioners and policy-makers on the
attributes of officially reported incidents of sexual assault; (b) explore screening
methods to better identify prisoners most likely to become involved in the such
crimes; and, (c) identify administrative and management methods that may serve
to prevent such assaults from occurring in the future.
This document is a research report submitted to the U.S. Department of Justice. This report has not
been published by the Department. Opinions or points of view expressed are those of the author(s)
and do not necessarily reflect the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.
The JFA Institute
A. Overview
Over the past four decades, much has been written about the social
organization, structure and culture of the American prison system. Beginning with
Gresham Sykes classic 1958 book The Society of Captives, Erving Goffman’s
Asylums, and the more contemporary works of John Irwin (The Felon and
Prisons in Turmoil), Hans Toch (Living in Prison: The Ecology of Survival) and J.
Jacobs (Stateville: The Penitentiary in Mass Society), there has been
considerable analysis of how “total” institutions function and how the inmates
who are committed to them adapt to the prison environment. 4
Although these studies typically address the topic of prison violence, little
has been written on the number, type and form of sexual assault occurring within
adult and juvenile correctional facilities. When we conducted a NCJRS literature
search on the topic of prison rape and sexual assault, very few publications were
located. Text books on corrections also give short shrift to the topic of prison
rape. For example, Silverman’s comprehensive 550 page text on corrections
devotes only four pages to the topic of “sex in male prisons.” 5
One of the major reasons for the passage of the Prison Rape Elimination
Act of 2003 was the recognition that there are no accurate estimates regarding
the extent of sex in adult and juvenile prisons, let alone the extent of sexual
See Sykes,G.M. 1958. The Society of Captives. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press;
Goffman, E. 1961. Asylums. Garden City, NY: Anchor Books; Irwin, J. 1970. The Felon.
Englewood, NJ: Prentice-Hall; Jacobs, J. 1977. Stateville: The Penitentiary in Mass Society.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press; and Toch, 1977. Living in Prison: The Ecology of Survival.
New York: Free Press.
Silverman, Ira J.2002. Corrections : A Comprehensive View. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth
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been published by the Department. Opinions or points of view expressed are those of the author(s)
and do not necessarily reflect the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.
The JFA Institute
assault. The enabling legislation states that an estimated 13% of the prisoners
now incarcerated in state and federal prisons have been sexually assaulted with
many being exposed to repeated assaults. This would mean that approximately
200,000 of the 1.6 million prison population have been raped.
Our review of those studies that have attempted to measure both reported
and unreported rapes shows that the rates vary dramatically by each study but,
like national victimization studies, the prevalence of rape as reported via self
report and confidential surveys far exceeds the number reported by prison
officials. Those studies that have been done are limited to adult prisoners (mostly
male) and report that while a significant number of prisoners are involved in
sexual behavior, a smaller number report being sexually assaulted, and an even
smaller number of cases are officially recorded by prison officials. 6 For example,
a study done of federal prisoners in the 1980s found that 30% had experienced
at least one homosexual experience but only 1% said that they had been forced
to have sex. 7 In a 1996 study of two maximum security prisons, researchers
found via self-report surveys that 22% of the prisoners had been sexually
assaulted since being imprisoned. 8
Much earlier, Torres found that 30% of the prisoners interviewed in Sing
Sing prison reported being involved in at least one homosexual event but a much
lower number reported being sexually assaulted. Here again the prison in
question was a high security facility that tends to house prisoners who are more
aggressive or require protection from such prisoners. 9
Gaes and Goldberg conducted a Meta analysis of all the studies that met
their criteria for inclusion. They found that the average prison lifetime sexual
assault prevalence was 1.91 percent, meaning that this percentage of inmates
has experienced a sexual victimization over a lifetime of incarceration. This
estimate was based primarily on studies which reported completed victimizations.
Fagan, T.J., Wennerstrom, D., and Miller, J. (1996). “Sexual assault of male inmates:
Prevention, identification, and intervention. Journal of Correctional Health Care 3(1):49-63.
Nacci, P.L. and T.R.Kane. (1983, December). “The Incidence of sex and sexual aggression in
federal prisons.” Federal Probation, 48(1)31-36. Nacci, P.L. and T.R. Kane. (March 1984). “Sex
and sexual aggression in federal prisons: Inmate involvement and employee impact.” Federal
Probation(48(1), 46-53.
Struckman-Johnson, C.,Struckman –Johnson, D., Rucker, L., Bumby, K., and Donaldson, S.
(1996). “Sexual coercion reported by men and women in prison.” The Journal of Sex Research.
33(1), 67-76.
Rettig, R.P., Torres, M.J., and Garrett, G.R. (1977). Manny: A criminal-addict’s story. Boston:
Houghton Mufflin.
Gaes, Gerald G. and Goldberg, Andrew L. (2004). Prison Rape: A Critical Review of the
Literature National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC, March.
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and do not necessarily reflect the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.
The JFA Institute
The authors discussed why prevalence measures fluctuate significantly and the
challenge of pinpointing a general prevalence rate for prison sexual assault:
BJS in its most recent study of sexual violence published in July 2005
reported that at present “there are no reliable estimates of the extent of
unreported sexual victimization among prison and jail inmates and youth held in
residential facilities.” 12 Therefore, BJS was required to conduct a national
prevalence study under the Act. This study is now in the design stage as it
involves sophisticated data collection methods using a large representative
sample of correctional facilities to yield reliable victimization estimates for the
prison, jail and juvenile detention systems of each state.
In the meantime, the BJS July 2005 study is the first ever national survey
of administrative records on sexual violence in adult and juvenile correctional
facilities. The statistics compiled for this study are based on incidents reported to
correctional authorities during 2004. In other words, “what officials know” and
“how many allegations were reported.” The survey selected more than 2,700
correctional facilities holding 79% of all adults and juvenile in custody in the
Ibid., Gaes, Gerald G. and Goldberg, Andrew L. (2004), page 2.
Beck, Allen J. and Hughes, Timothy A. (2005). Sexual Violence Reported by Correctional
Authorities, 2004 Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC, July.
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been published by the Department. Opinions or points of view expressed are those of the author(s)
and do not necessarily reflect the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.
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partially along the categories or using a combination of the definitions (as for
example, staff sexual harassment combined with staff sexual misconduct).
• The allegation rate of sexual violence per 1,000 inmates in 2004 was 3.15
(national estimate for all allegations) 15
It is important to note that BJS warns that these results cannot be used to
rank states along sexual assaults rates. As the report states:
Ibid., Beck, Allen J. and Hughes, Timothy A. (2005), page 5.
Ibid., Beck, Allen J. and Hughes, Timothy A. (2005), page 1.
Ibid., Beck, Allen J. and Hughes, Timothy A. (2005), page 1.
Ibid., Beck, Allen J. and Hughes, Timothy A. (2005), Tables 3 and 5.
Ibid., Beck, Allen J. and Hughes, Timothy A. (2005), Appendix table 1a and 2 a.
Ibid., Beck, Allen J. and Hughes, Timothy A. (2005), Page 4.
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been published by the Department. Opinions or points of view expressed are those of the author(s)
and do not necessarily reflect the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.
The JFA Institute
Figure 1: How Sexual Violent Was Measured by the BJS Sexual Violence
Study of July 2004
The definition of “rape” as required under the Prison Rape Elimination Act of
2003 was operationalized by disaggregating sexual violence into two categories of
inmate-on-inmate sexual acts and two categories of staff sexual misconduct. The
inmate-on-inmate categories reflected uniform definitions formulated by the National
Center for Injury Prevention and Control, in “Sexual Violence Surveillance: Uniform
Definitions and Recommended Data Elements,” Center for Disease Control and
Prevention. The categories were –
Source: Beck, Allen J. and Hughes, Timothy A. (2005). Sexual Violence Reported by
Correctional Authorities, 2004 Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice,
Washington, DC, July. Page 3.
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and do not necessarily reflect the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.
The JFA Institute
There are a number of key findings in the BJS report. First as can be seen
in Table 1 below, the inmate-on-inmate sexual violence rate per 1,000 inmates is
extremely low (less than one per 1,000 prisoners and the substantiation rate is
even lower (about 12% of all allegations are substantiated).
Second, although all of the state rates are extremely low, there is
considerable variation among the states even when looking at large and small
prison systems. For example, among the four most populous states of Texas,
California, New York, and Florida there is significant variation in their reporting
and substantiation rates. Texas has the highest reported number of incidents at
550 for a rate per 1,000 of 3.95, almost four times the national average for the
states of 1.05. It also has one of the lowest substantiation rates (less than three
percent). Yet, California, with a larger prison population reported only 23 inmate-
on-inmate sexual violence incidents for a rate of .14, ten times below the national
average. But California also claims it has substantiated all of its allegations.
New York, with 15 incidents and a rate of .23 and Florida with 75 incidents and a
rate of .97 were also below the national average but have higher substantiation
rates as compared to Texas.
National Institute of Corrections, Annual Report to Congress, Prison Rape Elimination Act
(PREA) Public Law 108-79, September 2004. Appendix A: Rape and Coercive Sex in American
Prisons: Interim Findings and Interpretation on Preliminary Research, page 26-34.
National Institute of Corrections, Annual Report to Congress, Prison Rape Elimination Act
(PREA) Public Law 108-79, September 2004, page 5.
- 10 -
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been published by the Department. Opinions or points of view expressed are those of the author(s)
and do not necessarily reflect the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.
The JFA Institute
- 11 -
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and do not necessarily reflect the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.
The JFA Institute
The most common inmate terms that matches the PREA definition of rape
is that of “predator”. 25 A predator is an “inmate who has the intention of
engaging in violent sex.” 26 Predators punch their victims and rape them when
they are unconscious. “The unconscious rape of a victim is cited as a common
context, however, the frequency of such violent rapes to be relatively rare”. 27
Ibid., National Institute of Corrections, September 2004, Appendix A, page 20.
Ibid., National Institute of Corrections, September 2004, Appendix A, page 28.
Ibid., National Institute of Corrections, September 2004, Appendix A, page 29.
Ibid., National Institute of Corrections, September 2004, Appendix A, page 33.
Ibid., National Institute of Corrections, September 2004, Appendix A, page 32.
Ibid., National Institute of Corrections, September 2004, Appendix A, page 32.
Ibid., National Institute of Corrections, September 2004, Appendix A, page 32.
Hensley, Christopher; Dumond, Robert W.; Tewksbury, Richard; and Dumond, Doris (2002).
“Possible Solutions for Preventing Inmate Sexual Assault: Examining Wardens’ Beliefs” American
Journal of Criminal Justice, Vol. 27, No1.
- 12 -
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There are a limited number of instruments now being used to assess the
risk of either violence or sexual assault (Sexual Violence Risk-20 29 ; the Hare
Psychopathy Checklist, Revised; and Violence Risk Assessment Guide 30 ). But
these instruments have been designed based on recidivism studies of persons
released from prison that subsequently are re-arrested and/or convicted for a
violent crime including sexual assault or rape. They have not been used to
identify prisoners who are prone to become victims or perpetrators of sexual
Those studies that have been completed have found that certain
demographic factors tend to be associated with these crimes including age, race,
stature, gang affiliation, sexual orientation, prior criminal record and prior
incarcerations, prior prison sexual assaults, mental health status, amount of time
served to date, and gender. More precisely, victims tend to be young, white male
Dunne, Felicity. (2000) A Framework for Reducing Reoffending: Differentiated Case
Management In Victorian Corrections.
Quinsey, V., Harris, G., Rice, M., Cormier, C. (1998) Violent Offenders. Appraising and
Managing Risk. American Psychological Association, Washington DC
- 13 -
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and do not necessarily reflect the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.
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prisoners who are of small stature, are not affiliated with a prison gang or
organization, who are just starting their sentences and have a history of mental
health problems.
On the matter of race, it is also generally accepted that while most acts of
violence in the “free community” are intra-racial, rapes in prisons tend to be inter-
racial with a higher proportion of whites being victimized by black prisoners. This
phenomenon has been used by some to argue that rape is not so much an
expression of sexual deprivation but more a reflection of the long-standing race
relations in the United States. For example, Carrol found that among officially
reported rapes, 75% were black assailants and white victims. 31 The same
statistical trend is being reported by the TDCJ with many of the prisoners being
associated with prison gangs.
Criminologists have argued that like rape on the “outside”, prison rape has
less to do with the deprivation of normal sexual outlets and more to do with
conquest and control, revenge or retaliation, sadism and degradation, status and
affiliation, and maintaining social hierarchy in prison. With this background
information, the following categories of high risk or special management
populations are instructive. These are shown in Table 2 below. These “special
management” designations relate to the identification and housing/separation,
and supervision of prisoners likely to become either a victim or perpetrator of a
sexual assault. For prison administrators, proper screening for risk and the
Carroll, Leo. (1974). Hacks, blacks, and cons: Race relations in a maximum security prison.
Lexington, MA: Heath.
Fagan, T.J., Wennerstrom, D., and Miller, J. (1996). “Sexual assault of male inmates:
Prevention, identification, and intervention. Journal of Correctional Health Care 3(1):49-63.
Dumond, Robert W. (2003) “Confronting America’s Most Ignored Crime Problem: The Prison
Rape Elimination Act of 2003” in The Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the
Law, Volume 31, Number 3, page 355.
- 14 -
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management of the “known risk” can serve to prevent such incidents from
Finally, it is also well known that similarly designed facilities with similarly
situated prison populations can produce very different rates of prisoner
misconduct both within and across state prison systems. Relative to sexual
assaults, they tend not to be randomly distributed across similarly designed
prisons. As we will discuss later, the number of sexual assaults in Texas
prison vary by facility, with some producing a disproportionate number of
reported rapes even though the “base rate” is still low for all facilities. The
research presented here tries to examine if such variations in misconduct rates
for prisons that are equivalent in design and prison population attributes relate to
differences in management style adopted by each prison administrator. Issues of
management “attitude” have influenced the approach to the measurement,
prevention and prosecution of prison sexual assaults as discussed below.
Man and Cronan argued that a possible legal remedy for the victims of
prison rape was to claim that correctional administrators, by their failure to
recognize and take pre-emptive actions to prevent such crimes from occurring,
were in violation of the Eighth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution prohibiting
cruel and unusual punishments. 34 This perspective is grounded in the Farmer v.
Brennan 1994 decision. The case involved another situation where prison
officials failed to take action to prevent sexual assaults from occurring. The
prisoner in question had feminine characteristics including breast implants but
was placed in the general population where he was beaten and raped. What has
been now referred to as the “Farmer Deliberate Indifference” standard as defined
by the Supreme Court consists of a two-part test.
Man, Christopher and John P. Cronan. “Forecasting Sexual Abuse in Prison: The Prison
Subculture of Masculinity as a Backdrop for "Deliberate Indifference". Journal of Criminal Law
and Criminology. 92:1. Fall 2001/Winter: 127-185.
- 15 -
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First, the victim (prisoner) must show that the circumstances of his
incarceration present a substantial risk of serious harm. Then one must establish
that prison officials were aware of the situation but failed to provide a remedy.
Thus they acted with “deliberate indifference” in failing to keep the inmate/victim
safe from harm. Since certain conditions are known to contribute to violence and
sexual assault, prison officials have a constitutional obligation to intervene in
order to keep prisoners safe from harm. If no action is taken, one can claim that
such inaction constitutes “deliberate indifference” and is therefore actionable in a
court of law.
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from prison authorities may aggravate conditions that facilitate sexual assaults or
intimidation that turns into apparently consensual sex. 35
Finally, there is the concern of the extent to which sexual assault further
increases the transmission of HIV or AIDS among the prisoner population and
the general public once the prisoner who has been assaulted and infected is
released. Especially in the case of un-reported sexual assault, the victim may be
reluctant to report any un-protected sexual activity. Similarly, infected predators,
unless identified and segregated from the general population, may also be
infecting other prisoners. One example is Michael Blocker who was a prisoner in
the Illinois prison system who claimed that he was made a sex slave while
incarcerated at the Menard Correctional facility and that prison officials failed to
protect him from repeated assaults. He was subsequently paroled but was later
found to be HIV infected. He successfully sued the prison administration and
was awarded $1.5 million in damages. 36 In part due to this nationally publicized
case, correctional agencies began to routinely test their prisoner population at
The BJS reports that a relatively small percent of the nation’s prison
population is infected with HIV. 37 In 2002, there were about 22,317 state
prisoners with HIV or AIDS of which the Texas prison system reported 2,528.
This represents about 2% of the entire prison system (both national and in
Texas). Further, the rate of infections has remained relatively stable since 1995
when there were 24,256 such cases. Nonetheless, after “natural causes”, AIDS
is the leading cause of death among prisoners. The report is not able to
determine the extent to which these prisoners were infected prior to their
incarceration or were infected while incarcerated through either consensual or
forced sex. According to monthly health reports filed by the Texas Department of
Criminal Justice, about 48 percent of all prisoners diagnosed with HIV or AIDS
caught the virus through intravenous drug use. Here again, however, prison
officials do not know how widespread drug use is behind bars, or how many
users are exposed to HIV in prison, and whether such infections result from
sexual assaults. 38
Human Rights Watch (2003). No Escape
From thief to cellblock sex slave: A convict’s testimony. (1997, October 19), New York Times,
Section4, p.7.
Maruschak, Laura M.(2004) HIV in Prisons and Jails, 2002. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S.
Department of Justice, Washington, DC. December.
Rodriguez, Brenda “HIV, AIDS, and Rape in Texas Prisons” from States of Confinement:
Policing, Detention, and Prisons, pp. 159-171, 2000, Joy James, ed.
- 17 -
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Texas has the second largest prison system in the country after the
federal system. The system is operated by the Texas Department of Criminal
Justice (TDCJ). This state agency administers the correctional institutions
(through its Correctional Institutions Division), the parole system, and the division
that sets probation standards and distributes state probation funding.
Harrison, Paige M. and Beck, Allen J. (2005). Prison and Jail Inmates at Midyear, 2004 .
Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC. April.
Texas Department of Criminal Justice (2004). Statistical Report, Fiscal Year 2004. December.
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Safe Prisons Rider, General Appropriations Act, 78th Texas Legislature, Rider 59
Texas Department of Criminal Justice (2004). Safe Prisons Program Update
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Since the passage of the act the agency has further enhanced and
defined program components, created new policy directives and enhanced
others that are geared towards maintaining a safe and secure prison
environment for prisoners, established a data tracking system, implemented self-
monitoring, created an additional administrative position to manage the day-to-
day program operations and instituted an advisory committee to address specific
policy issues related to prison sexual assaults. A brief description of each
strategy is included below.
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October 2003
Safe Prisons Management Office
Source: Memorandum, Brad Livingston, Interim Executive Director, Texas Department of Criminal
Justice, “Summary of the State Prisons Program”.
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Figure 3 below shows the computer code definitions used to identify potential
victims and predators. These codes can be used to monitor and house prisoners
with a history of sexual assault or history of allegations of sexual assault. 44
Table 3 below shows the sexual assault investigation checklist delineating all the
processes that need to be completed when an inmate alleged a sexual assault.
Table 4 shows the prisoner protection investigation checklist.
Note that the information collected as part of the checklist is not the same
as the data collected by the Safe Prison Management Office for its database.
Consequently, the interview questions concerning extortion and coercion were
not available for this study.
The Texas Safe Prison Program seems to integrate the key elements that
can be defined as a “best practices” approach to dealing with the prevention,
Source: Memorandum, Brad Livingston, Interim Executive Director, Texas Department of
Criminal Justice, “Summary of the State Prisons Program”.
Texas Department of Criminal Justice (2004). Safe Prisons Program Update
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victim services and investigation of prison sexual assaults (Figure 4). The extent
to which these practices have been appropriately implemented, with adequate
funding and accountable management practices, was not an issue examined
here although the present research indirectly addresses some implementation
PD – Sexual Predator
• Prisoner found guilty of Sexual Assault or serving a sentence for
Sexual Assault while incarcerated in an adult penal institution
PP – Potential Sexual Predator
• Prisoner has a history of alleged sexual assaults as the assailant.
This matter has been investigated by OIG and found to meet the
penal code elements. A history is defined as more than two
SV – Sex Victim / Potential Sex Victim
• Prisoner is the victim of a sexual assault which has resulted in the
finding of guilt of the assailant. Prisoner is a potential sex victim as
evidence by a history of sexual assault allegations. This matter
has been investigated by OIG and found to meet the penal code
elements. A history is defined as more than two allegations.
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Figure 4: Best Practices Elements That Are Integrated into the Texas Safe
Prison Program
Victim services
Record Keeping
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A. Overall Approach
The research design has two major components: (a) the quantitative
analysis of approximately 1,938 officially reported incidents of sexual assault or
rape from January 1, 2002 through August 31, 2005 and, (b) observations of the
prison environment at seven selected prisons. The sections below explain this
methodology in more detail.
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will be used for purposes of determining if a risk assessment tool can be devised
to identify those prisoners who are more likely to become either a victim or
predator. 45
In addition, the research team also reviewed unit specific aggregate data
related to incidents reported to the Emergency Action Center (EAC). Each prison
unit is required to report to the EAC major inmate misbehaviors like assaults,
escapes, and disturbances. It is also required to report major use of force
incidents and alleged staff misbehaviors. This information is used here to
determine if facilities with high numbers of alleged sexual assaults also have high
levels of other violent inmate incidents.
To accomplish the above, seven facilities were selected for site visits. The
site visit included:
Texas Department of Criminal Justice (2004). Safe Prisons Program Update
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• What was the nature of the staffing and personnel practices in place at the
time of the incidents, and were these practices a contributing factor to the
alleged incident?
• Were prisoners who have been identified as at risk for sexual victimization
monitored and counseled when appropriate?
• What were the policies and practices of the institution relative to reporting
the occurrence or allegation of sexual assault to designated law
enforcement personnel?
Table 5 below shows the characteristics and location of the prison units
selected for the site visits and the number of incidents of alleged sexual assaults
in each unit in calendar year 2004, the last year for which 12 months of data was
available. The prison units selected for the site visit were selected in consultation
with the director of the TDCJ Correctional Institutions Division, the Deputy
Director of TDCJ and the manager of the SPMO. As will be shown later, there is
variance in the number and rates of allegations being made by prisoners in
Texas by facilities or units. Some of this variance may be related to the fact that
some facilities are intended to house prisoners either for protective custody or
- 29 -
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disciplinary administrative reasons. But even within the same unit types, there
are differing numbers and rates of reported sexual assaults.
Table 3: Characteristics and Location of Units Selected for Site Visits and Number
and Rate of Incidents of Alleged Sexual Assaults in Each Unit in Calendar 2004
2004 Incidents
of Alleged
Date Unit Sexual
Unit Location as of Custody/ Other
Established Assaults
(Rate Per 100
G1-G5, Administrative
Darrington Rosharon, 1,805 9 Segregation, Outside
(Prison) East Texas Males (0.50) Trusty Camp with 321
bed capacity
Gatesville, G1 – G5, Safekeeping,
Hughes 2,882 36
Central 1990 Administrative
(Prison) Males (1.25)
Texas Segregation
Murray 1,197 16 G1 – G5, Administrative
Central 1995
(Prison) Females (1.34) Segregation
Skyview Rusk,
483 4 Mental Health, co-located
(Psychiatric North East 1988
Co-gender (0.83) with Hodge Unit
Facility) Texas
Holliday G1, G2, G4,
Huntsville, 2,060 2
(Transfer 1994 Administrative
Texas Male (.097)
Facility) Segregation, Intake
Jester IV Mental Health, co-located
Texas 487 9
(Psychiatric 1993 with Jester I, Jester III
(Southwest Male (1.85)
Facility) and Vance Unit)
of Houston)
G1 – G5, Death Row,
Polunsky Livingston, 2,845 9
1993 Administrative
(Prison) East Texas Male (0.32)
Source: Texas Department of Criminal Justice web site,
Ibid., Beck, Allen J. and Hughes, Timothy A. (2005), Appendix table 1a and 2 a.
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It is important to note that much of the analysis from the SPMO database
relied on a description field (“motive”) as opposed to other available columns.
Many inconsistencies in the reporting of incidents by each facility led the
research team to examine each case by hand and code the information for
analytical purposes. The unit where the incident was alleged to have occurred
was confirmed in the “motive” field, as was the date of the incident, and the
location within the facility. In many cases, the columns that were to contain these
details instead contained where and when the allegation was made. The
research team also used the “motive” field to identify whether injuries were
sustained, whether a forensic exam or rape kit was completed, and whether the
incident met the BJA criteria for nonconsensual sexual activity or abusive sexual
contact. As will be discussed later, the definitions and data collection procedures
need to be improved for more accurate reporting of sexual assaults.
The TDCJ reported that that the reporting standards for sexual assault
were more conservative prior to 2002. Historically, there had to greater certainty
that a sexual assault had actually occurred before it would be reported by staff or
prisoners. One of the objectives of the TSPP was to accept any report of a
sexual assault or sexual abuse regardless of the credibility or preliminary
evidence surrounding the allegation.
Another thing to consider when exploring why the rates went up so dramatically
is the nature of the allegation. Several of the alleged cases of nonconsensual
sexual acts from 2002 through 2005 involved oral sex only, which often occurs
without any injuries noted. Inmates comply because of the threat of violence,
which makes it difficult to differentiate between consensual and nonconsensual
acts. Since allegations prior to 1999 required physical or visible evidence, it
would not be surprising if few allegations of oral sex were reported. Specifically,
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in 2002, 44 of the nonconsensual sexual acts involved oral sex only, follows by
46 cases in 2003, 90 cases in 200 and 75 in 2005. But even with these
considerations of sexual behavior that were not being reported prior to 2002, it
would appear that the Texas program has increased the number of such
allegations being made by prisoners.
Year N Inmate Population
1993 75 1.2 62,855
1994 84 1.0 84,355
1995 131 1.2 107,587
1996 84 0.6 130,413
1997 87 0.6 135,895
1998 89 0.6 143,085
1999 237 1.6 146,574
2000 234 1.6 150,309
2001 292 2.0 146,244
2002 460 3.2 146,244
2003 425 2.8 152,602
2004 609 3.9 154,978
2005 473 NA NA
Since 2002, the TDCJ has been maintaining a detailed data base that
allows one to track the final disposition of each allegation. Specifically, the data
base provides a “case status” for each prisoner implicated in the sex assault
allegation. This field indicates whether the internal investigation into the
prisoner’s conduct is still Active, or whether TDCJ’s investigation resulted in a
Closed Case (no finding), a Disciplinary for Consensual Activity, a Unit Transfer
or placement into Safekeeping status, or whether the allegation was Sustained
for the victim and/or prisoner. This “sustained” resolution essentially indicates
whether a victim was classified as a “Sexual Victim” or whether an assailant was
classified as a “Sexual Predator” or “Potential Sexual Predator”. None of these
resolutions reflects a legal finding, but rather a disciplinary and classification
finding for purposes of prison management. Although the data in the database is
stored for each prisoner, the results have been summarized at the incident level
for presentation here. Table 7 highlights these case resolutions.
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Report Active or Closed Disciplinary Sex Assault
Transfer/ Total
Year Unknown (No finding) Received Sustained
2002 3 (0.7%) 280 (60.9%) 8 (1.7%) 158 (34.3%) 11 (2.4%) 460
2003 5 (1.2%) 267 (62.8%) 8 (1.9%) 137 (32.2%) 8 (1.9%) 425
2004 3 (0.5%) 398 (65.4%) 24 (3.9%) 170 (27.9%) 14 (2.3%) 609
2005 0 (0.0%) 309 (69.6%) 26 (5.8%) 99 (22.3%) 10 (2.3%) 444
Total 11 (0.6%) 1254 (64.7%) 66 (3.4%) 564 (29.1%) 43 (2.2%) 1938
Given the number of allegations, and given that less than 3% are
sustained, we examined possible factors that may have affected the
department’s ability to sustain an allegation. The next set of tables illustrate
some of the difficulties faced by institutions in attempting to prove an allegation of
sex assault, which may assist in establishing management practices or
developing prisoner awareness programs in the future.
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Table 9: Time Lapse from Incident Occur Date to Incident Report Date,
January 1, 2002 through August 31, 2005
All Incidents Sustained Incidents Probable Cause Incidents
Same Day 161 35.0% 8 72.7% 51 32.3%
Within 2 days 84 18.3% 1 9.1% 29 18.4%
3 to 7 days 76 16.5% 0 0.0% 27 17.1%
8 to 30 days 71 15.4% 1 9.1% 34 21.5%
1 month + 68 14.8% 1 9.1% 17 10.8%
Total 460 11 158
All Incidents Sustained Incidents Probable Cause Incidents
Same Day 103 24.2% 2 25.0% 31 22.6%
Within 2 days 101 23.8% 2 25.0% 32 23.4%
3 to 7 days 74 17.4% 2 25.0% 24 17.5%
8 to 30 days 72 16.9% 1 12.5% 23 16.8%
1 month + 75 17.6% 1 12.5% 27 19.7%
Total 425 8 137
All Incidents Sustained Incidents Probable Cause Incidents
Same Day 155 25.5% 7 50.0% 41 24.1%
Within 2 days 137 22.5% 3 21.4% 41 24.1%
3 to 7 days 91 14.9% 1 7.1% 24 14.1%
8 to 30 days 91 14.9% 2 14.3% 25 14.7%
1 month + 135 22.2% 1 7.1% 39 22.9%
Total 609 14 170
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All Incidents Sustained Incidents Probable Cause Incidents
Same Day 162 36.5% 5 50.0% 33 33.3%
Within 2 days 92 20.7% 1 10.0% 21 21.2%
3 to 7 days 48 10.8% 1 10.0% 13 13.1%
8 to 30 days 47 10.6% 2 20.0% 9 9.1%
1 month + 95 21.4% 1 10.0% 23 23.2%
Total 444 10 99
All Incidents Sustained Incidents Probable Cause Incidents
Same Day 581 30.0% 22 51.2% 156 27.7%
Within 2 days 414 21.4% 7 16.3% 123 21.8%
3 to 7 days 289 14.9% 4 9.3% 88 15.6%
8 to 30 days 281 14.5% 6 14.0% 91 16.1%
1 month + 373 19.2% 4 9.3% 106 18.8%
Total 1938 43 564
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to collect. For cases reported several days or weeks after the incident, this
evidence will not be available either.
Note that just over 50% of the sustained cases included forensic evidence
from a rape kit or a forensic exam. On the other hand, rape kits and forensic
exams were performed in only 20% of all alleged sexual assaults. For the
remaining 80% of all alleged assaults, the reasons why these tests were not
performed are listed in Table 11 below.
Time lapse from the incident occurring to the report date is the reason
cited most frequently for not completing a rape kit or conducting a forensic exam,
followed by nature of the allegation.
As part of the Safe Prisons Program protocol, the unit medical department is
charged with examining a prisoner immediately after an assault is reported.
Table 13 shows whether the medical exams revealed injuries to the victims or
assailants. (Injuries Unrelated to Allegation refer to cases where injuries were
found, but they were determined to have resulted from some other altercation
with a prisoner, or from self-inflicted wounds.) The data show that injuries are
noted in less than a quarter of all sustained allegations, and in only 10% of all
alleged assaults. Such a finding seems to confirm the difficulty in distinguishing
between consensual and nonconsensual activity.
Table 10: Location within the Facility of the Alleged Sexual Assault,
January 1, 2002 through August 31, 2005
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Table 12: Reasons Why a Rape Kit or Forensic Exam Was Not Performed,
January 1, 2002 through August 31, 2005
This next section presents findings from a demographic analysis and from
other differentiations among the inmate populations. The first four tables
continue to rely on the SPMO database for a comparison of prisoners implicated
in sex assault allegations. After that, the analysis expands to include
comparisons with the TDCJ prisoner population on hand as of June 30, 2005.
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Table 14 reports on the racial composition of sexual assaults for each incident,
as reported in the SPMO database. “Mixed” refers to a situation in which more than one
inmate is implicated as an assailant in the allegation, and the racial composition of the
assailants spans more than one racial group. “Other” typically refers to Asian or Native
American inmates.
White inmates are attacked more frequently than any other race, by all the
racial groups listed above. Nearly 60% of sustained incidents involved a white
victim, with 42% coming from black assailants and 9% coming from white
assailants followed by 7% Hispanic assailants. Close to 50% of probable cause
incidents involved a white victim. Moreover, two-thirds (67.5%) of the sustained
incidents involved black assailants, while 18.7% involved Hispanic assailants and
11.6% involved white assailants. These results are consistent with the findings
from other research efforts, notably Carroll and Dumond.
While there is little difference in average age among all alleged victims
and assailants, the results are more pronounced for sustained incidents and
probable cause incidents (Table 16). The average age of victims in sustained
cases is 3 years younger than the assailants, while the average age of victims in
probable cause cases is 4 years younger than assailants. The average age of
assailants is not particularly old, possibly reflecting the alleged gang affiliation of
these prisoners.
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Mental Illness Level All Incidents Sustained Incidents Probable Cause Incidents
Not classified MI or II 1713 88.4% 40 93.0% 532 94.3%
MI victim 143 7.4% 1 2.3% 24 4.3%
MI assailant 4 0.2% 1 2.3% 1 0.2%
MI victim & assailant 51 2.6% 1 2.3% 6 1.1%
II victim 7 0.4% 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
II assailant 2 0.1% 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
II victim & assailant 18 0.9% 0 0.0% 1 0.2%
Total 1938 43 564
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Table 18: Custody Class of Victims and Assailants at the Time of the
Alleged Incident, and Custody Class of All Other TDCJ Inmates as of June
30, 2005
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victims were white, followed by 20.0% Hispanic victims, and 13.3% black victims.
For assailants, 64.7% were black, followed by 20.6% Hispanic and 14.7% white.
Table 19: Race of Victims, Assailants, and All Other TDCJ Inmates on Hand
as of June 30, 2005
Victims Assailants All Other Inmates
Black 285 25.8% 668 60.1% 52,342 38.1%
Hispanic 215 19.5% 248 22.3% 41,974 30.6%
White 601 54.4% 194 17.5% 42,322 30.8%
Other 4 0.3% 1 0.1% 678 0.5%
Total 1,105 0.8% 1,111 0.8% 137,316 98.4%
Victims Assailants All Other Inmates
Black 30 39.5% 45 60.0% 4,517 38.1%
Hispanic 14 18.4% 14 18.7% 2,175 18.3%
White 32 42.1% 16 21.3% 5,121 43.1%
Other 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 57 0.5%
Total 76 0.6% 75 0.6% 11,870 98.8%
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Table 20: Offense Category of Victims, Assailants, and All Other TDCJ
Inmates on Hand as of June 30, 2005
Victims Assailants All Other Inmates
Violent 387 35.0% 565 50.9% 50,585 36.8%
Sex Assault 290 26.2% 185 16.7% 17,359 12.6%
Sex (NonAssaultive) 77 7.0% 36 3.2% 5,301 3.9%
Property 223 20.2% 207 18.6% 24,944 18.2%
Drug 72 6.5% 84 7.6% 26,315 19.2%
DWI 13 1.2% 3 0.3% 5,578 4.1%
Other 43 3.9% 31 2.8% 7,234 5.3%
Total 1,105 0.8% 1,111 0.8% 137,316 99.4%
Victims Assailants All Other Inmates
Violent 37 48.7% 34 45.3% 3,322 28.0%
Sex Assault 2 2.6% 3 4.0% 211 1.8%
Sex (NonAssaultive) 1 1.1% 1 1.3% 62 0.5%
Property 13 17.1% 16 21.3% 2,930 24.7%
Drug 16 21.1% 18 24.0% 4,015 33.8%
DWI 0 0.0% 2 2.7% 342 2.9%
Other 7 9.2% 1 1.3% 988 8.3%
Total 76 0.6% 75 0.6% 11,870 98.8%
- 43 -
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Table 21: Gang Affiliation of Victims and Assailants from January 1, 2002
through August 31, 2005
Table 23 presents the average time served for victims, assailants, and all
other TDCJ inmates. For this analysis, time served refers to amount of time
incarcerated in TDCJ as of the prisoner’s most recent receive date. The results
might be somewhat impacted for prisoners who have been released on parole
prior to the last receive date. However, the findings here confirm other research
efforts: assailants have served a longer time in prison than victims.
Unfortunately, we were not able to distinguish in the data whether the victims or
assailants are serving their first sentences or subsequent sentences.
The table shows that assailants in sex assault allegations tend to have
been incarcerated for longer periods in TDCJ than victims, even for assailants
whose alleged conduct was not able to be sustained by an internal review. On
average, both victims and assailants tend to have served longer in TDCJ than all
other TDCJ inmates. This may be related to the fact that TDCJ also houses
state jail prisoners, operates SAFPF facilities, and in general deals with a much
wider group of prisoners than those implicated in sex assault allegations.
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Table 23: Average Time Served for Victims, Assailants, and All Other TDCJ
Inmates on Hand as of June 30, 2005
C. Unit Analysis
A brief examination into the units is provided in this section, with more
descriptive analysis to be provided in Section VI of this report. For all tables in
this section, the results refer to units where the assaults allegedly took place, as
opposed to where the incidents were reported. Table 24 shows the top ten units
with the highest number of sex assault allegations, in descending order. All of
these institutions listed above share the following characteristics: They are all
male prison facilities operated by TDCJ with capacities from 2,800 to 3,700
inmates. It is therefore not surprising that these facilities generated the highest
number of allegations.
Units with the highest rate of allegations per 100 inmates are provided in
Table 25 below. The data has been sorted in descending order based on an
average of the rates for 2002, 2003, and 2004 – the years with complete data
available. Rate results from 2005 are skewed downward because only 8 months
of data was available.
Table 24: Top Ten Units Where Sex Assault Allegations Were Alleged to
Have Occurred from January 1, 2002 through August 31, 2005
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Table 25: Top Ten Units by Incidence Rate Where Sex Assault Allegations
Were Alleged to Have Occurred from
January 1, 2002 through August 31, 2005
Four of the institutions from Table 24 are again listed in Table 25.
However, with this rate-based perspective, we find that three of the top ten
institutions in terms of rates of allegations were alleged to have occurred in
psychiatric facilities: Jester IV, Skyview, and Montford. In part, this finding
reflects the lower population than the other seven institutions. However, the
population housed in psychiatric facilities may be more likely to be a victim or
assailant in such allegations, or they may be more likely to allege such an
incident given the medications and nature of mental illnesses. Section VI will
explore this issue in more detail.
While the above tables present findings for all the alleged incidents, Table
26 below lists the 23 units where incidents have been sustained through internal
investigation over the past four years. Only 43 of the 1,938 allegations were
sustained, and only one of these incidents has been sustained at a psychiatric
facility during the study period.
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Table 26: All Units Where Sex Assault Allegations Were Sustained by
Calendar Year from January 1, 2002 through August 31, 2005
Operated By/
Units Type of Facility/ 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total
Allred TDCJ/Prison/Male 1 2 2 2 7
Lewis TDCJ/Prison/Male 2 0 1 1 4
Hughes TDCJ/Prison/Male 0 2 1 0 3
McConnell TDCJ/Prison/Male 1 1 1 0 3
Robertson TDCJ/Prison/Male 1 0 2 0 3
Stiles TDCJ/Prison/Male 2 0 1 0 3
Eastham TDCJ/Prison/Male 0 2 0 0 2
Michael TDCJ/Prison/Male 0 0 2 0 2
Wynne TDCJ/Prison/Male 2 0 0 0 2
Connally TDCJ/Prison/Male 0 0 1 0 1
Daniel TDCJ/Prison/Male 0 0 0 1 1
Estes Private/Prison/Male 0 0 0 1 1
Ferguson TDCJ/Prison/Male 0 0 0 1 1
Jester IV TDCJ/Psychiatric/Male 0 0 0 1 1
Lychner TDCJ/State Jail/Male 0 0 1 0 1
Middleton TDCJ/Transfer/Male 0 0 1 0 1
Murray TDCJ/Prison/Female 1 0 0 0 1
Plane TDCJ/State Jail/Female 0 0 0 1 1
Polunsky TDCJ/Prison/Male 0 1 0 0 1
Roach TDCJ/Prison/Male 0 0 1 0 1
Scott TDCJ/Prison/Male 0 0 0 1 1
Smith TDCJ/Prison/Male 1 0 0 0 1
Wallace TDCJ/Prison/Male 0 0 0 1 1
Total 11 8 14 10 43
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It has been suggested that units where sex assault allegations occur are
also units where other incidences of violence are occurring, and that sex assaults
can be viewed as another example of violence in prisons. TDCJ captures in its
Emergency Action Center database serious prisoner assaults, prisoner assaults
involving weapons, and major uses of force, among other measures of violence.
Table 27 presents an analysis of these incidents for calendar years 2002, 2003,
and 2004. Each year provides a summary of serious prisoner assaults, prisoner
assaults with weapons, major uses of force, and sex assault allegations. An
average of each year’s rates of major uses of force (MUF) per 1,000 inmates was
calculated to mitigate the effects of variation in unit capacity. The 10 units with
the highest MUF rates are presented for discussion.
Once again, the three psychiatric facilities are represented in this table, as
well as a facility housing mentally retarded inmates (MROP). The female facility
listed above houses females on death row, as well as all the standard G1-G5
custody levels and prisoners in administrative segregation. The other five
facilities house male prisoners of all custody levels. All of the facilities listed
above are operated by TDCJ.
Table 27: Top Ten Units by MUF Rate Where Sex Assault Allegations Were
Alleged to Have Occurred from
January 1, 2002 through August 31, 2005
Units Unit Type Pop Gender 2002 2003 2004 Avg MUF
Jester IV Psychiatric 487 Male 107 106 91 186.86
Skyview Psychiatric 483 Co-gender 73 99 81 149.76
Connally Prison 2,836 Male 292 325 353 92.26
Clements Prison 3,628 Male 377 301 559 95.37
Montford Psychiatric 983 Male 131 100 89 89.52
Lewis Prison 2,163 Male 207 200 257 88.61
Hodge MROP 821 Male 72 86 73 77.55
Robertson Prison 2,841 Male 261 262 237 76.97
Mt. View Prison 604 Female 35 43 69 76.16
Darrington Prison 1,805 Male 131 139 185 75.35
Population figures as of June 30, 2005.
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D. Summary of Findings
Because nearly four years of sex assault allegations were available for
this study, there is a higher base rate for analyzing reported assaults. In
addition, there were enough sustained cases or cases where probable cause
warranted the removal of the alleged victim from the cell assignment or facility,
that some meaningful conclusions can be drawn.
• Incidents are much more likely to occur in a cell than in a more public
place such as a shower or dorm environment.
• Incidents that are reported immediately or within a day or two have a
higher chance of being sustained.
• Incidents where rape kits or forensic exams were performed also have
a higher chance of being proven.
• Victims are generally younger than their assailants.
• Victims are more likely white while their assailants are more likely
black or Hispanic.
• Assailants have a higher likelihood of gang affiliation than victims.
• Assailants come from larger cities/counties, perhaps a correlation to
the gang affiliation finding.
• Assailants have served more time in prison than victims, anywhere
from two to four years longer on average.
• Although the data concerning mentally ill prisoners was not extensive,
there is some evidence supporting the conclusion that mentally ill
prisoners are more at risk of assault.
• Prisoners with criminal records involving violent crimes are more likely
to perpetrate assaults against prisoners with criminal records involving
sex crimes (assaultive and non-assaultive).
• Prisoners with longer sentence lengths are more likely to perpetrate
assaults against prisoners with less severe sentence lengths.
• Units housing the longer-term prisoners with higher custody levels
have higher numbers and rates of allegations than other facility types.
• Units housing special needs populations (psychiatric and mentally
retarded) face particular challenges in managing their inmates, with
higher rates of general inmate-on-inmate violence and higher rates of
use of force, in relation to the population size of these facilities.
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information will be useful for future studies, and also for reporting allegations to
federal agencies.
• If a rape kit was not utilized in the investigation, why not? A “drop down”
list of possible reasons would be best for analytical purposes.
• Capture the type of incident using the BJA definitions for easier federal
reporting, and possibly also include a field that summarizes the nature of
the assault, including fondling, oral sex, penetration, and other options.
• Capture whether a prisoner alleged coercion or extortion as part of the
assault, in order to begin differentiating between the consensual, coercive,
and predatory sexual conduct in prisons. Currently, there is no meaningful
way to distinguish between these three types of inmate behaviors. TDCJ
is able to identify predators electronically, but does not appear able to
identify cases involving extortion or coercion other than through the
narrative description.
• Capture how the prisoner communicated the allegation to officials in the
institution – during a classification hearing (months after the fact), upon
intake at a different facility, in an I-60 form, in a grievance form,
communications with guards or management at the facility, or other
For all of these suggestions, the quality of the data matters. It is best to
provide a list of responses from which users can choose, rather than allowing
users to enter the data in a text field. Many of the problems with the current
system involve such text fields, from gang affiliation to injuries noted, making
meaningful analysis more difficult.
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To accomplish the above, seven facilities were selected for in-depth site
reviews. These facilities included the following:
These units were selected in consultation with the director of the TDCJ
Correctional Institutions Division, the Deputy Director of TDCJ and the manager
of the SPMO. There is a variance in the function, design, capacity, custody level,
and the number and rates of allegations made by prisoners within these units.
It is important to note that with over 100 prison units in Texas, the
selection of the units was not intended to provide a random sample of facility
types representing the distribution of facilities, population, or incidents. The
scope of the study did not allow for this methodology.
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TDCJ policy mandates that staff has a duty to protect prisoners in their
custody and that operational practices, policies and procedures should be geared
to ensure that protection is provided to all prisoners. Prison environments are
complex organizations that are affected by a wide range of factors including the
physical design of the units, complement and deployment of staff, and training
and experience of staff, among others. The intent of this section is to summarize
the overall assessment of the ability of the TDCJ facilities to achieve maximum
effectiveness of its Safe Prison Program initiative. The following will identify
some of the key strengths and weaknesses of the organization as it relates to the
Safe Prisons Program.
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During the course of the facility visits, staff at all levels were contacted
both formally and informally to determine their knowledge and understanding of
the policy requirements, and to subjectively determine the level of commitment
by the organization to the Safe Prisons ideals. This qualitative review found:
• Staff at all levels had a clear understanding of the expectations and goals
of the organization as it related to Safe Prisons
• Inmates were aware of the elements of the program and the processes to
be utilized to report an allegation
• Classification staff, Safe Prisons staff and housing unit staff appeared to
communicate well regarding issues relative to housing placement of those
who appeared vulnerable and with those who were identified as potential
• The impact of the Safe Prison program requirements were found at all
operational levels and functions within the units examined
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• From the intake processes at the Holliday Unit through the housing
placement decisions, transfer decisions, and program placement
recommendations at each unit, the need to be alert and aware of the
organization’s goal to eliminate sexual assault incidents was apparent.
2. Investigative Processes
The Safe Prisons policies detail in very specific terms the investigative
process to be followed when an allegation of sexual assault comes to the
attention of staff within the TDCJ. There is a clear protocol that guides the
investigators through the initial review of the allegation. It was reported that each
of the Safe Prisons staff have completed the required training as specified and
many had prior investigative experience either in public law enforcement or as
the designated Strategic Threat Group officer. As noted previously, there was
not an ability to review investigative files so there was no ability to conduct an
assessment of the quality of the individual investigations. However, the process
utilized to investigate and process case was reviewed with the Safe Prison
Program Coordinators at each unit visited. The process appears efficient and
effective in the management and investigation of allegations of this nature
The TDCJ has a great deal of data available related to the allegations of
sexual assault within its facilities. These data are in both electronic and hard
copy formats. The data reported in this document represents an example of
capabilities of the TDCJ database to collate and analyze data. At the institutional
level there are additional logs that document allegations and the dispositions of
these cases.
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TDCJ but it is not available in a single database that permits access at the unit
level. Staff should be able to determine how many system—wide allegations
have been filed, the nature of these allegations, and the outcomes of the
investigation as they review a prisoner for placement within the TDCJ units.
• Allow for sorting of allegations by location, date, time of day, and other
relevant variables
• List the investigative staff and the disposition of each case closed by the
specific investigator
These examples represent only a few of the analytical reports that can be
utilized by the TDCJ in its effort to improve its monitoring capability of the
reporting and handling of allegations of sexual assault. The available data can be
utilized to assist intake staff, classification staff, and others involved in the
decision making of placement of prisoners within units and specifically to housing
units. The TDCJ should examine its existing database and hard copy records
and initiate efforts to expand its capability by making the Prisoner Protection
Investigation Log a department wide database whose information is retrievable at
each unit.
The seven facilities selected for the on-site reviews represented a variety
of physical plants and construction designs. This permitted an examination of
how the physical design of the facility could either contribute to the incidence of
sexual assault or aid in the prevention of the occurrence of these events. Those
facilities that were similar in design had significantly different operational
missions and philosophies so it still represented an opportunity to contrast the
impact at each individual facility. The following summarizes the key findings and
observations at each facility.
The Holliday and the Murray units are identical in design. The exception
involves the 50-bed Administrative Segregation Unit at the Holliday Unit and the
130-bed capacity Administrative Segregation Unit at Murray. The majority of
beds at both facilities are in dormitories. Holliday is a transfer unit (intake and
- 55 -
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transfer processing center) and as such the movement in and out of the facility is
extremely high and results in a reported average length of stay of less than six
months. The Murray Unit is a facility housing female prisoners, and with the
exception of the Close Custody Unit, is of similar design and configuration to the
Holliday Unit.
The number of allegations at both the Holliday and Murray Units were
extremely low. This may be attributed to not only the operational mission of the
facilities but also the fact that the majority of beds in both of the facilities are
dormitories. As reported earlier in this report, the incidence of allegations housed
in dormitories was very low as compared to cells.
Staff at each of these facilities reported that the dormitory’s lack of privacy
and more direct visual supervision by staff contributed to the low number of
allegations. While dormitory housing is not considered the ideal in terms of
prisoner privacy or for the management of prisoners in a security setting, it
evidently does discourage sexual assault. The thought that open dorms with
open showers, toilets, etc would facilitate sexual assault is countered by the lack
of privacy and the improved visual supervision that the design offers to staff.
This however, only can be a deterrent factor if the units are properly supervised
and staffed. Both Units appeared to have adequate staff deployed in a manner
that would insure proper supervision of the units.
This attitude was not apparent among supervisory staff nor was it
expressed by those involved in investigations and Safe Prisons implementation.
It is an issue that should be addressed by the TDCJ either through further
discussion with staff or through initiation of a formal cultural assessment of the
facility. It was unclear if the attitudes expressed by these staff members had
affected the reporting or investigation of sexual assault at the Unit.
The Hughes and Polunsky Units, which are identical in design and similar
in mission and operational philosophy, are multi-custody units that house inmates
from G-1 up to G-5 (trustees up to maximum security). In addition, the Polunsky
unit houses death row prisoners. The majority of inmates are housed in cells that
are double-bunked. Each unit has an ‘expansion dorm’ that is a large dormitory
for G-1 and G-2 inmates.
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The fact that the majority of the sexual assaults occur between 6 a.m. and
6 p.m. can be understood when observing the level of activity in the housing units
of these facilities. Even though during these hours the number of staff assigned
to the units is increased, the level of activity that they are responsible for also
increases dramatically. The responsibility of housing unit staff draws them away
from the routine of checking on cell activity. This provides for periods of time
when only the housing unit picket officer (Control Room Officer) is monitoring the
day rooms and cell fronts. Because of the solid doors the picket officers’ ability to
monitor activity within the double-bunked cells is extremely limited. This provides
an opportunity for both consensual sexual activity and sexual assaults to occur
without observation of staff. This issue needs to be reviewed and addressed
both from a staff deployment approach and from a training issue with all housing
unit staff.
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who are experiencing acute mental illness or those who represent a security risk.
This is a cell unit similar to that found in the more modern Jester IV Unit.
There are similarities in the operation of these two facilities that can
explain to a certain degree the low incidence of sexual assaults occurring at the
units. As would be expected of special needs treatment facilities, the staff to
inmate ratios is very high in comparison to other TDCJ facilities. This results in
almost constant supervision of all the prisoners of the two facilities. When
inmates are out of the cells for either group activity or treatment programming,
the prisoners are under constant supervision. This is combined with the fact that
very few of those housed in cells are double-bunked. The opportunity to engage
in behavior involving sexual assault is limited because of the single cells and
open dormitory configuration. The staff/inmate ratio permits constant supervision
at all times. The existence of these factors may help explain the low incidence of
sexual assaults occurring among those housed at these two facilities.
Staff of the two facilities provided some theories to explain why incidents
that occurred primarily at facilities in which the prisoner was previously housed
were now reported in these two facilities. The researchers did not interview any
inmates as part of this research but the staff referred to their conversations with
inmates and well as their own views. Some of the theories stated were the
• Mentally ill prisoners felt much more comfortable reporting these types of
incidents to treatment staff versus the security staff found at the sending
institutions; therefore, when inmates arrive at the mental health facilities
they tend to report incidents that had occurred in the past.
• Inmates viewed staff at the two mental health facilities as much more
empathetic to allegations of this nature and more professional in the
handling of any investigation into the allegations.
• Sexual assaults were reported as a means to justify the behavior that had
occurred prior to placement at the facility. For an example, mental health
staff reported that a suicide gesture could be offered as the result of being
the victim of a sexual assault.
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Darrington was selected for review due to the low incidence of reported
sexual assaults. What differentiates this facility from units that house inmates of
similar security levels and demographics like those found at Hughes and
Polunsky, is the design of the facility and in particular the housing units.
The facility is a telephone pole design with all the housing units situated
off the main corridor of the facility. The cellblocks are the traditional three-tier,
open cell units. There were 20 double bunked cells on each of the three tiers
although one cell on each tier was no longer used for housing. Unlike Polunsky
and Hughes the cell fronts were the traditional bars and not closed steel fronts.
The permitted clear observation into the cells by staff and also created the
potential to hear any disturbance or assault occurring in the cells.
The general population units were staffed with one correctional officer
whose work station was located on the lowest tier near the entrance to the
cellblock. At this location his/her observation of the cells was somewhat limited.
However, a roving officer could observe all locations within the unit. This was
clearly a difficult unit to supervise by one officer. Staff reported that it is always
their intent to staff the units with two officers, but severe staff shortages have
- 59 -
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made compliance with this a rare occurrence. On the occasion of the site visit to
this unit the temperature outside was extremely high and large fans were being
employed to circulate air within the units. This created a great deal of noise that
further limited the officers’ ability to monitor the unit. Still, staff felt that the open
cell fronts reduce the level of privacy within the cellblocks and thus probably
serve as a deterrent to sexual assault. Not only can a patrolling officer observe a
potential assault, other inmates in adjacent cells would be able to hear and report
any assault within the cells of the units.
5. Intake/ Classification
The Safe Prisons program relies upon the cooperation and communication
of a variety of staff within the institutions in order to achieve its goal of reducing
or eliminating sexual assaults. At all the facilities visited the communication links
between the classification staff and the Safe Prisons staff appeared to be strong
and effective. There are no specific concerns or issues with the
Intake/Classification process as observed in this qualitative review.
a. During the TDCJ intake process, each inmate record is reviewed and the
inmate is interviewed by the Security Threat Group (STG) Office and the
Unit Safe Prisons Project Coordinator (see Incoming Chain Interview –
Form SPP-08) to determine if there is a potential or a history of the
prisoner being either a victim or predator. If indicators are present the
separation of the prisoner begins immediately upon intake.
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need for safekeeping placement and is available for review during all
classification and placement hearings.
The scope of this review did not allow for the comprehensive examination
of the effectiveness of this training material. However, informal discussions with
staff throughout the seven units did permit an assessment of the knowledge and
understanding of the elements of both the provisions of the Safe Prison program
and the dynamics surrounding sexual assault in a correctional setting.
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3. The TDCJ should examine its existing database and hard copy records
and initiate efforts to expand its capability by making the Prisoner
Protection Investigation Log a department wide database whose
information is retrievable at each unit.
4. The number of allegations at both the Holiday and Murray Units were
extremely low and can be attributed to not only to the operational mission
of the facilities but also to the fact that the majority of beds in both of the
facilities are located in dormitory settings. As reported earlier in this
report, the incidence of allegations housed in dormitories was very low as
compared to cells.
5. The vast majority of allegations within the TDCJ occur at housing units
that utilized cells and specifically in double-bunked cells. In reviewing this
finding with staff it was suggested that the solid cell fronts, while permitting
privacy for the inmates and reducing noise within the unit, also provides
the degree of privacy that permits sexual assaults to occur. Unlike older
prison designs where the cell fronts consisted of bars, the solid doors limit
visual observation by staff and to a degree sound proof the cells to the
point where staff have difficulty hearing what is going on in individual cells.
7. The fact that the majority of the sexual assaults occur between 6 a.m. and
6 p.m. can also be understood when observing the level of activity in the
housing units in TDCJ facilities. Even though during these hours the
number of staff assigned to the units is increased, the level of activity that
they are responsible for also increases dramatically. The responsibility of
housing unit staff draws them away from the routine of checking on cell
activity on a routine basis. This provides for periods of time when only the
housing unit picket officer (Control Room Officer) is monitoring the day
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This document is a research report submitted to the U.S. Department of Justice. This report has not
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and do not necessarily reflect the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.
The JFA Institute
rooms and cell fronts. This issue should be reviewed by the TDCJ from a
staff deployment and training standpoint.
8. The low level of allegations occurring at the mental health facilities could
be attributed to staff deployment levels. As would be expected of special
needs treatment facilities the staff to inmate ratios are very high in
comparison to other TDCJ facilities. This results in almost constant
supervision of all the prisoners of the two facilities both during in-cell and
out-of-cell activity periods.
10. The openness of the cell clock design at facilities similar to Darrington
may in fact result in discouraging the reporting of assaults. The lack of
privacy may discourage incidents of sexual assault, but may also deter the
reporting of legitimate allegations of assault. The TDCJ should continue
to examine methods in which inmates can report allegations of sexual
assault without fear of being discovered while assigned to the unit in which
the alleged incident originated.
11. The TDCJ should examine the reasons for the large number of cases in
which either the victim or the alleged assaulter was transferred without
any disciplinary or legal action. These are cases which have also been
determined to be unsubstantiated. The questions centers on why do such
a large number of prisoners involved in these alleged incidents end up
getting transferred without any verification of the incident. Are these
transfers based on legitimate concerns or a means of foregoing either
discipline or prosecution?
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This document is a research report submitted to the U.S. Department of Justice. This report has not
been published by the Department. Opinions or points of view expressed are those of the author(s)
and do not necessarily reflect the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.
The JFA Institute
Much of what has been reported here matches prior studies. The number
of official allegations of prisoner on prisoner sexual assault in Texas is relatively
low although it is noted that its allegation rate is higher than most states.
However, the higher allegation rate is due, in part, to the recently implemented
Safe Prisons program which is designed to encourage by staff and prisoners the
reporting of alleged sexual assaults.
Like most states the substantiation rate of the allegations is quite low. In
Texas one of the major reasons why the substantiation rate is so low is the delay
in having an allegation reported by the prisoner. As with any criminal
investigation, any undue delay in reporting a criminal act reduces the ability of
the investigators to gather physical evidence and interview persons who would
serve as potential witnesses.
The alleged victims are generally younger than their assailants. There is a
strong racial relationship in such incidents where victims are more likely white
while their assailants are more likely black or Hispanic and be gang affiliated.
The assailants are also older, more likely to have lived in urban areas, have been
convicted of a violent crime, are in a higher custody level and have served more
time in prison than their victims.
These profile data on the victims, assailants and facilities where such
allegations are made suggest that one needs to see the crime of prison rape in a
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This document is a research report submitted to the U.S. Department of Justice. This report has not
been published by the Department. Opinions or points of view expressed are those of the author(s)
and do not necessarily reflect the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.
The JFA Institute
larger context. Specifically, it would appear that prison rape (or the threat of rape)
is just one weapon predatory prisoners will use to impose their influence and
control over other prisoners. The prisoners and prisoners that have the highest
rates of sexual assault also have the higher rates of other serious misconduct
and criminal activity. So it would suggest that in order to reduce prison rape
other forms of serious misconduct must also be addressed.
Finally, the research suggests that the Texas Safe Prison program has
produced a much greater awareness on the part of staff and prisoners on the
issue of prison rape. One of the immediate effects has been a much higher rate
of reporting and a more structured response and investigation to such
allegations. And the data base that has been created allows the TDCJ to monitor
the number, attributes and final dispositions of these incidents. Many states
could benefit from adopting many of the key components of the Texas program.
There are some suggestions that we would suggest to Texas and other
correctional systems that if implemented might serve to reduce sexual assaults.
First, further efforts are needed to provide structured opportunities for prisoners
to report any allegation of sexual assault –either staff on prisoner or prisoner on
prisoner. One specific suggestion is to require case managers to always inquire
of the prisoner during a formal session or contact whether any assaults have
occurred or if they are being threatened by other prisoners.
Third, the TDCJ should examine the reasons for the large number of
cases in which either the victim or the alleged assaulter was transferred without
any disciplinary or legal action. These are cases which have also been
determined to be unsubstantiated. The questions centers on why do such a
large number of prisoners involved in these alleged incidents end up getting
transferred without any verification of the incident. Are these transfers based on
legitimate concerns or a means of foregoing either discipline or prosecution?
Fourth the categories for designating prisoners in the TDCJ data base
should be expanded so that it has the following four designations:
e. Potential Victim
f. Known Victim
g. Potential Assailant
h. Known Assailant
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This document is a research report submitted to the U.S. Department of Justice. This report has not
been published by the Department. Opinions or points of view expressed are those of the author(s)
and do not necessarily reflect the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.
The JFA Institute
The low rate of officially reported sexual assault on prisoners means that it
is not practical nor recommended that a traditional risk scoring system be
attempted that would assign prisoners to the potential victim and potential
assailant categories. To do so would produce an unacceptable level of “false
positives” in terms of identifying both potential victims and assailants. This not to
say that the factors and attributes that are associated with assailants and victims
as presented in this report cannot be applied in some manner.
Finally, this research did not adequately address the issue of sexual
assault among female prisoners. We found at the women prisons that the
attitudes expressed by the staff suggested that they believe sexual activity was
more common then at male facilities but that such behavior was largely
consensual. We are not persuaded that this is indeed the case. Clearly a
separate and more detailed assessment of sexual assault among female
prisoners is needed better understand the dynamics of sexual assault among
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This document is a research report submitted to the U.S. Department of Justice. This report has not
been published by the Department. Opinions or points of view expressed are those of the author(s)
and do not necessarily reflect the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.
The JFA Institute
I. Identifying Data
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