Artificer Class For 5e
Artificer Class For 5e
Artificer Class For 5e
Artificer specializes in temporary magical creations, this
does not mean that he cannot create permanent
A scale mail clad human touches the tip of his magical items, and he can craft them with a
longsword, causing it to become enveloped with speed and rate of success that surprises other
intense flames. He then looks towards the orc magic users. An artificer’s skill with crafting
foe and lunges towards him. even mundane objects also benefits from their
Cackling madly as he turns the screws, unique perspective into the under-laying nature
the gnome knows he is about to succeed in of how things work.
creating a makeshift device to spew a blast of
fire at his enemies. Thirst for Information
A dwarf loads a crossbow and takes aim Many artificers spend their lives as merchants,
as his loyal iron defender bites at the selling their wares and joining a guild. But some
opposition’s legs, distracting him from the artificers crave to encounter famous artifacts
upcoming shot. and immense wealth told by customers of their
Artificers are masters of combining businesses. Some artificers go adventuring to
arcane techniques and craftsmanship to discover a schematic for a rare weapon or
empower their allies, and themselves. powerful scrolls. This thirst for information and
power lures a large portion of unadventurous
Skilled Craftsmen artificers into dangerous dungeons and decrepit
Artificers are the practical technicians of the ruins to find some arcane secret that contains
magical world. Unlike wizards or sorcerers who power far beyond any he has been exposed to.
pursue more theoretical research, or clerics and
druids who are tied to the mandates of their Creating an Artificer
deities or churches, artificers take the practice of When you are creating your artificer, it is
magic and tailor it to the needs of the situation. important that you consider what drove your
From supplying and maintaining goods for the character to become an adventurer. In a world
common townsfolk or customizing the combat full of terrifying places with even more
enchantments for a strike team deep behind terrifying inhabitants, why would your
enemy lines, artificers take the magic that is character choose to leave the safety of owning a
already at hand and applies in a more efficient shop in order to explore such areas? Are you
manner, essentially getting more spell for the driven by the idea of finding the formulae for the
silver. most powerful magic items? Do you think you
They are also masters of crafting unique are destined for more because of your affinity
and powerful items. They make them faster, and with weapons and magic? How did you learn to
cheaper, but usually temporary, than other create and infuse objects, and would that lead
magic users. However, just because the artificer you to the adventurer’s lifestyle.
The Artificer
Proficiency Schematic Infusions
Level Bonus Features Level Known
1st +2 Spellcrafting, Craft Reserve, Concoct Potions (Common), Write 1st --
Scroll, Exquisite Crafter (Common)
2nd +2 Infusions, Personal Weapon Augmentation 1st 2
3rd +2 Artificer Specializations, Exquisite Crafter (Uncommon), Concoct 1st 2
Potions (Uncommon)
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 1st 2
5th +3 Artificer Specialization perk 2nd 3
6th +3 Exquisite Crafter (Rare), Concoct Potions (Rare) 2nd 3
7th +3 Use Magic Device 2nd 4
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 3rd 4
9th +4 -- 3rd 5
10th +4 Artifact Affinity 3rd 5
11th +4 Artificer Specialization perk, Exquisite Crafter (Very Rare), Concoct 4th 6
Potions (Very Rare)
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 4th 6
13th +5 -- 4th 7
14th +5 -- 5th 7
15th +5 -- 5th 8
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 5th 8
17th +6 Artificer Specialization perk, Exquisite Crafter (Legendary), Concoct 6th 8
Potions (Legendary)
18th +6 -- 6th 9
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 6th 9
20th +6 Artifice Adept 7th 9
Infusions: when they are not intended for you. You ignore all class,
You specialize in the practice of creating matter or race, and level requirements on the use of magic items.
imbuing objects with magic. Starting at 2nd level, you gain
the Mending, Light, and Prestidigitation infusions, as well Artifact Affinity:
as two additional Infusions of your choice (that you meet Starting at 10th level, you gain advantage on Arcana
the prerequisites of, if any). Your infusions are detailed at checks to determine the function of a magical item or
the end of the class description. When you gain artificer artifact.
levels, you gain additional infusions of your choice, as
shown in the Infusions Known column of the Artificer Artifice Adept
table. At 20th level, you gain an additional 5 points to your Craft
Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, Reserve feature.
you can choose one of the infusions you know and replace
it with another infusion you could learn at that level. Artificer Specializations:
Battle Engineer:
Exquisite Crafter:
Battle Engineers are the epitome of field testers. They
Choose 1 common magic item and learn its schematic
charge into the fray with a freshly crafted Flaming Sword
(Potion, Scroll, or Item schematic). You learn this
to scorch their enemies. “Who better to use these
schematic and can use it to craft the specified item in your
creations than the creator?” These Artificers prefer
downtime. For every artificer level gained after 1st, you
martial prowess compared to other artificers.
can gain an additional schematic equal or lower to the
rarity specified in the Artificer table.
Bonus Proficiencies
In addition, all magic items of the rarity specified
When you specialize into Battle Engineer at 3rd level, you
in the Artificer table that you can create have their base
gain proficiency with martial weapons and shields.
cost to craft cut in half, effectively halving both cost and
time to craft.
Physical Augmentation
Also at 3rd level, you learn the Augmentation infusion
Personal Weapon Augmentation:
which does not count against your total number of
While fighting with a weapon under the influence of your
infusions known. If you already knew this infusion, you
Augmentation infusion, you may use your Intelligence
learn a different infusion of your choice. In addition, when
modifier on attack and damage rolls. The weapon also
you use this infusion on a piece of armor or a shield, you
deals bonus damage of the chosen type at 5th (+1d4), 11th
can instead choose piercing, bludgeoning or slashing
(+2d4), and 17th (+3d4) level.
damage as the resisted type.
Artificer's Specialization:
At 3rd level, you become affiliated with your preferred Extra Attack
method of artifice: Battle Engineer, Arcanotechnician or Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once,
Master Maker. Your choice grants you features when you whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
choose it at 3rd level, and again at 5th, 11th, and 17th
levels. Expanded Augmentation
Beginning at 11th level, when you use the Augmentation
Use Magic Device: infusion, you can choose necrotic or radiant damage. Also,
By 7th level, you have learned enough about the workings when you use the Augmentation infusion, you can make a
of magic that you can improvise the use of items even single weapon attack as a bonus action.
Prototype Mastery
Advanced Augmentation At 11th level, Intelligence (Arcana) checks made when
At 17th level, armor and shields you wear can support two activating Spell Storing Items devices have advantage.
separate Augmentation infusions each. Also, Personal
Weapon Augmentation uses d6s instead of d4s for its Flash of Genius
bonus damage. Starting at 17th level, if you roll a natural 20 on the
Intelligence (Arcana) check and succeed on activating a
Spell Storing Item, the item remains magical and can be
used again.
Arcanotechnicians always have the right tool for the
situation. They hastily create devices for the task at hand,
Master Maker:
but the quality suffers because of it. These tools have a
Master Makers can create a mechanical helper that aids
tendency to backfire or cause other devastating mishaps.
them inside and out of combat. Given time, they can make
The extra versatility comes with the risk of volatility.
adjustments to their homunculus to adapt to the situation.
These crafted constructs are a mental extension to the
artificer and provides support as needed, similar to a
At 3rd level, you can spend one minute creating a Spell
familiar or animal companion.
Storing Item. Doing so infuses a small object with one spell
schematic you know of your choice (you must provide the Mechanic
material components of the chosen schematic while At 3rd level, you learn the Repair Damage infusion which
creating the item). At any point within an hour after does not count against your total number of infusions
creation, you can use the item to cast the schematic’s spell; known. If you already knew this infusion, you learn a
the item takes the place of any components (including different infusion of your choice.
verbal and somatic components), but loses its magic after
afterwards. Using the item takes your action, or the Craft Homunculus
chosen spell’s casting time, whichever is longer. At 3rd level, over one week of downtime, you can create a
Using the item carries a risk of failure. When you homunculus (shown below) to aid you in adventuring. Add
use the item, you must succeed on an Intelligence your proficiency bonus to its AC, attack rolls, damage rolls,
(Arcana) check (DC 10 + twice the schematic’s level) to and skill proficiencies. Its hit point maximum equals your
cast the spell. If you fail the check, a mishap occurs artificer level times four. Commanding the homunculus
instead; by default, this deals (schematic level)d6 force telepathically is a bonus action. If uncommanded during
damage to you, but alternative mishaps are possible (see combat, the DM controls it that round; it's loyal but not
Dungeon Master's Guide p.140 for a partial list of ideas). necessarily brave. Once commanded, it can deliver touch
You can only have one Spell Storing Item at any spells for you (from known spells or the Write Scroll
given time. (Note: If this is still too strong after its self- feature) as if it were a familiar (see the Find Familiar
destructive tendencies and 2 round requirement, we can spell). When you spend Hit Dice to recover HP, you can
add a Craft Reserve cost to it) redirect any HP you would recover to the homunculus
instead; at the end of any short rest where this happens, it
Breakthrough also regains HP equal to your Intelligence modifier. If your
Beginning at 5th level, you can spend a Hit Die while homunculus is destroyed, you can construct a
creating Spell Storing Item to create it as an action instead replacement with a week of downtime.
of in 1 minute.
Homunculus: Iron Defender: Your homunculus is Medium, deals 1d8+2
Small Construct, neutral damage on a Bite, and gains a Strength score of 14, an AC
of 16 (natural armor), and +1 hit point per artificer level.
Armor Class: 13 Its walking and flying speeds are both 30 feet.
Hit Points: 5 Dedicated Wright: Your homunculus can contribute to
Speed: 20 ft., fly 40 ft. item creation and magic item creation downtime activities
as if it were another worker. You do not need to
participate in the same activity, though if you both work
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
on the same project, you contribute as much progress as
4(-3) 15(+2) 11(+0) 10(+0) 10(+0) 7(-2)
three workers.
Furtive Filcher: Your homunculus gains the Halfling
Damage Immunities: Poison
Nimbleness and Naturally Stealthy abilities (Player's
Condition Immunities: Charmed, Poisoned
Handbook p.28), and is proficient with Sleight of Hand and
Senses: Darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 10
Languages: Understands the languages of its creator but
Expeditious Messenger: Your homunculus' fly speed
can’t speak
increases to 60 feet, and you gain the ability to see through
its senses with an action (as if it were a familiar). The
Telepathic Bond: While the homunculus is on the same homunculus can also relay your voice to its current
plane of existence as its master, it can magically convey location, provided it is within one mile of you.
what is senses to its master, and the two can communicate Arbalester: Your homunculus has an integrated light
telepathically. crossbow, which is as poisonous as the homunculus'
normal bite, and a quiver for 20 bolts. (You must supply
Actions: any ammunition.) If adjacent to you when you cast a spell
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one that uses your weapon or quiver as a component, the
creature homunculus also benefits from that spell.
Hit: 1d4 piercing damage, and the target must succeed on Packmate: Can hold up to 30 small items, such as potions
a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 or alchemical devices, within its body and can use or
minute. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the target is throw one such item as an attack. It can give a stored item
instead poisoned for 1d10 minutes and unconscious while to an adjacent creature (or retrieve and store a small item
poisoned this way. from a willing adjacent creature) as a bonus action.
Infusions: Boots of Striding
Prerequisite: 7th level
If an infusion has prerequisites, you must meet them to
learn it. You can learn the infusion at the same time you
You can cast longstrider on an object or construct once per
meet its prerequisites.
short rest without expending material components. A
creature wearing an object under the influence of this
Animate infusion gains the benefit of the spell.
Prerequisite: 13th level
Buoyancy Boots
You can cast animate objects once per long rest. Prerequisite: 9th level
Armor of Speed You can cast water walk on an object or construct once per
Prerequisite: 11th level short rest without expending any material components. A
creature wearing on object under the influence of the
You can cast haste on an object or construct once per short infusion gains the benefit of the spell. (A use of this
rest without expending material components. A creature infusion can affect multiple targets as per the spell)
wearing an object under the influence of this infusion
gains the benefit of the spell. Careful Infusion
Prerequisite: 5th level
As an action, you can infuse a weapon or piece of armor When an effect from an infusion, scroll, potion, or magic
(clothes and shields included) with one of the following item forces other creatures to make a saving throw, you
damage types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder can protect some of those creatures from the effects full
damage. If you chose a weapon, it is now a magic weapon force. Choose a number of those creatures up to your
which deals damage of that type in place of one of its Intelligence modifier (minimum of one creature). A
normal damage types. If you chose a piece of armor, it now chosen creature automatically succeeds on its saving
gives resistance to that damage type. Only one effect can throw against the effect. You can do this an amount of
be used per item at a time and these effects last for 1 hour. times equal to your Intelligence modifier per long rest.
You can use this ability number of times equal to your
intelligence modifier per long rest. (Note: Change
Conjure Materials
resistance to “reduces damage taken from that type by 5”
Prerequisite: 13th level
if resistance is OP)
When an effect from an infusion, scroll, potion, or magic You can cast enhance ability on an object or construct once
item causes damage, you can reroll a number of the per short rest without expending material components. A
damage dice up to your Intelligence modifier. You must creature wearing an object under the influence of this
use the new rolls. You can use this ability a number of infusion gains the benefit of the spell.
times equal to your intelligence modifier per long rest.
Extended Infusion You can cast Light on an object or construct at will.
You can double the duration of an effect from an infusion,
scroll, potion, or magic item if it has a duration of 1 minute Lock
or longer, to a maximum of 24 hours. Prerequisite: 5th level
Goggles of Detection You can cast arcane lock once per long rest.
Prerequisite: 9th level
You can cast see invisibility on an object or construct once You can cast grease at will without expending material
per short rest without expending any material components.
components. A creature wearing on object under the
influence of the infusion gains the benefit of the spell. Maximized Infusion
Prerequisite: 15th level
Repair Damage
When an effect from an infusion, scroll, potion, or magic As an action, you can touch a construct to infuse repairing
item causes damage, you can deal maximum damage with energy into it. The target regains 1d8 hit points. This
that effect. You can do this once per long rest. amount increases as you level, 2d8 at 5th level, 3d8 at 8th
level, 4d8 at 11th level, 5d8 at 14th level, 6d8 at 17th level
and 7d8 at 20th level. You can use this ability a number of
times equal to your intelligence modifier per long rest.
You can cast Mending on an object or construct at will.
Ring of Feathers
Pending Potion
Prerequisite: 7th level
You can spend an action to cast this infusion on a potion.
After casting this infusion, for the next one hour, you can
ingest the targeted potion and suspend its effects. Any You can cast feather fall once per short rest on an object
time for the next 24 hours after drinking the potion, you or construct without expending material components. A
can use a bonus action on your turn to have the potion creature wearing an object under the influence of this
take effect. If 24 hours have passed since drinking the infusion gains the benefit of the spell. (A use of this
potion and its effects have not been used, the effects are infusion can affect multiple targets as per the spell)
lost. You can suspend the effects of only one potion at a
time. Sword Storm
Prerequisite: 15th level
Power Surge
Prerequisite: 5th level You can cast blade barrier once per long rest.
Prestidigitation Prerequisite: 5th level
You can cast Prestidigitation on an object or construct at
You can cast knock once per long rest.
You can touch a construct that has died in the last minute Multiclassing:
and rekindle the magics that gave it life. The construct Requires Intelligence 13+; entering artificer gives
returns to life and regains one hit point. For living proficiency in light armor, one skill from the class' skill
constructs, such as Warforged, this ability functions as list, and one type of Artisan's Tools. If you have a spell slot
such: You touch a dying living construct that has 0 hit of the level above that noted on the artificer table, you can
points. The construct becomes stable and regains one hit record spells of that level into your schematics binder.