Sampling Distributions of The OLS Estimators
Sampling Distributions of The OLS Estimators
Sampling Distributions of The OLS Estimators
hypothesis testing
Cheat Sheet Time
Logwage = β0 + β1female + β2educ + β3age + β4african + β5coloured +
β6indas + β7depressed + β8hhrural + u
Now we can ask questions
What is the distribution of β? 4.1
Chapter 4 Roadmap
MLR Assumptions 1-5
Distribution of the OLS Estimator
If our model is good, it has (1) low variance, and (2) is centered
Distribution of the OLS Estimator
▪ How are the sample coefficients distributed?
MLR.6 implies MLR.4 and MLR.5
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Classical Linear Model (CLM)
● linear in parameters
Y = β0+ β1x1 + β2x2 + ... + βkxk + u
● random sampling
● No perfect collinearity
● Zero conditional mean E(u|x1, x2, …, x1k) = 0
● Homoskedasticity Var(u|x1, x2, …, x1k) = σ2
● Normality u ~ Normal(0, σ2)
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What does the CLM imply?
OLS estimator now has the lowest variance of ALL the unbiased
estimators of βi (i.e. not just the linear ones).
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Proof: Var(y|x) = Var(u|x) = σ2
y = β0+ β1x1 + β2x2 + ... + βkxk + u
Var(y|x) = 0 + Var(u|x) = 0 + σ2 = σ2
By laws of conditional variance (Proved)
NB – I did this in Chapter 3 – including it here for convenience
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Why is Var(y|x) = Var(u|x) = σ2?
Well y = β0+ β1x1 + β2x2 + ... + βkxk + u
This is unwieldy. Let's do the following:
Let A = β0+ β1x1 + β2x2 + ... + βkxk
So y = A + u, and Var(y|x) = Var(A + u|x)
Var(y|x) = Var(A|x) + Var(u|x)
Why? We can only do this if A and u are independent. Are they? Yes if E(u|x) =
E(u) = 0 holds. If A and u were related, we would have a Cov(A,u) term in the mix
somewhere too (remember the laws of how to find Var(A+B) for A and B any
random variables)
Why? Because E(u|x) = E(u) implies u and x are unrelated, so u and any function
of x (which is what A is), should also be unrelated.
So now what?
Var(y|x) = 0 + Var(u|x) = 0 + σ2
Why is Var(A|x) = 0? Because once you are given the values of x (this is what
conditioning on x is), there is no variance in an expression of x – it is a constant,
and thus has zero variance.
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Why is E(y|x) = β0+ β1x1 + β2x2 + ... + βkxk?
Given: y = β0+ β1x1 + β2x2 + ... + βkxk + u
E(y|x) = E(β0+ β1x1 + β2x2 + ... + βkxk + u|x)
E(y|x) = E(β0+ β1x1 + β2x2 + ... + βkxk |x) + E(u|x)
because the expected value of a sum = the sum of the expected values
But: x and u are independent, so E(u|x) = E(u)
So: E(y|x) = E(β0+ β1x1 + β2x2 + ... + βkxk |x) + E(u)
But E(u) = 0 (by the way the OLS estimator is constructed)
E(y|x) = E(β0+ β1x1 + β2x2 + ... + βkxk|x) = β0+ β1x1 + β2x2 + ... + βkxk
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y|x ~ Normal(β0+ β1x1 + β2x2 + ... + βkxk, σ )
▪Why? You proved: 1. Var(y|x) = σ2
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y|x~Normal(β0+ β1x1 + β2x2 + ... + βkxk, σ2)
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Are the errors really normal?
u = the sum of many things affecting y
Maybe according to the Central Limit Theorem:
The distribution of a sum of independent random variables tends
towards the standard normal.
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Are Wages Normally Distributed?
What about Log Wages?
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Who is in the regression?
Stata can predict yhat for you, if you have data for all the x's,
even if you don't have data for lmonthlywage
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Graph the Residuals
Histogram uhat, scheme(s1manual)
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Which y's are Normally Distributed?
● E.g. Is Wage|educ, exper, tenure normally distributed?
No. Wage is bounded at zero
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Following Joint Normality
▪ Why isn’t a linear combination of normal variables
not always normal?
▪ Surely it should be? No. Not necessarily.
▪ It will definitely be if they are jointly normal (as
opposed to only individually)
▪ But what is true is:
Property Normal.4:
Any linear combination of independent, identically
distributed normal random variables has a normal
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You are told β is normal. Proof?
▪ You could do this - you have the tools.
▪ The errors are independent, identically distributed (iid)
Normal (0, σ2) random variables.
▪ VERY brief summary: each β is a linear combination of the
ui's and thus β is normal
▪ NB: the textbook has an error – it refers to equation 3.62,
but actually it is another equation – find it in the chapter 3
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