Adv 21931
Adv 21931
Adv 21931
DOI: 10.1002/adv.21931
Concrete Admixtures Technology Research
Center, Shanxi University, Taiyuan, China
College of Chemistry and Chemical In this paper, an acrylic acid-rich wastewater from the production of propylene to
Engineering, Shanxi University, Taiyuan, acrolein was used to synthesize the polycarboxylate superplasticizers. First, the
China acrylic acid-rich wastewater was oxidized. Then, two kinds of unsaturated polyether
Correspondence macromonomers {methallyl polyethylene glycol (HPEG) and isoprenol polyethyl-
Diansheng Liu, Concrete Admixtures ene glycol (IPEG)} and the oxidized wastewater were copolymerized with it, respec-
Technology Research Center, Shanxi
tively, by free radical polymerization in aqueous solution. The monomer conversion,
University, Taiyuan, China.
Email: [email protected] molecular weight, molecular weight distribution of the copolymers of gel permeation
chromatography (GPC) were characterized. The performance of the two copolymers
was characterized by measuring paste flow, adsorption using GPC method, and the
applied behavior of premixed concrete. The results showed that the synthesized co-
polymers could meet the requirement of application in contrast to the commodity
acrylic acid-rich wastewater, adsorption, copolymer, macromonomers, polycarboxylate superplasticizer
2.1 | Materials
Acrylic acid-rich wastewater of producing acrolein was sup-
plied by Chongqing Ziguang Chemicals, China. The ingredi-
ents see Table 1. Methallyl polyethylene glycol (HPEG2400,
2,400 g/mol) and isoprenol polyethylene glycol (IPEG2400,
2,400 g/mol) were supplied by Liaoning Oxiranchem
Inc., China. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2, 30 wt.%) was pur-
chased from Sinopharm, China. L- Ascorbic acid (VC),
2-Methyl-2-propene-1-sulfonic acid sodium salt (MAS) and
sodium hydroxide (NaOH) were all purchased from Shanghai
Aladdin, China. All other reagents were analytical grade. The
FIGURE 1 The structural formula of HPEG2400 and IPEG2400 cement (P·I 42.5) used in this research was supplied by China
United Qufu, China. Its chemical composition and physical
hindrance.[10–13] Lots of research results indicated that the properties are presented in Table 2. HS-109 polycarboxylate
steric hindrance effect is the main action mechanism.[14,15] superplasticizer (goods; Shanda Hesheng, Taiyuan, China)
The backbone and side chain can be adjusted to get the ef- and HW-1 polycarboxylate superplasticizer (goods, Nippon
fects needed.[16–20] Polycarboxylate superplasticizer is also a Shokubai, Japan) were used for comparison (Table 4).
type of hydrophilic polymer surfactant which has both an-
ionic and nonionic structures. So, the surface activity of this
2.2 | Synthesis of the polycarboxylate
copolymer, such as HLB (hydrophile–lipophile balance),
foamability, must be considered in real researches and appli-
cations.[21–23] The function of nonadsorbing polymer in the • Pretreatment: Because of the traces of acrolein in this
cement disperse system maintains the balanced state.[24,25] wastewater, a certain quantity of H2O2 was added into the
In this paper, we used the treated acrylic acid-rich wastewa- acrylic acid-rich wastewater mixing for 4–6 hr in ambient
ter and two kinds of unsaturated macromonomers methallyl temperature. Then, the nitrogen was bubbled in it for 1 hr.
polyethylene glycol (HPEG) and isoprenol polyethylene gly- Store in a cool place.
col (IPEG) (Figure 1) for copolymerization. The applicability • Polymerization: HPEG2400 (or IPEG2400) 180 g, MAS
of these two synthesized polycarboxylate superplasticizers 2 g, and the acrylic acid-rich wastewater 180 g were poured
has been investigated. The dispersing effect was tested utiliz- into a 1,000 ml four-neck flask. The solid materials were
ing a “mini slump test” and high flowing pumped concrete. dissolved by increasing the temperature and stirring. The
The copolymers were characterized by gel permeation chro- oxidizer H2O2 6 g was added in the flask when the tem-
matography (GPC). We characterized the interaction between perature is heated to 60°C. Meanwhile, A solution (VC
the superplasticizers and the cement particles by the adsorp- 1.9 g dissolving in 50 g deionized water) was dropped.
tion testing. The mechanical properties of the copolymers in 10 min later, another solution B (acrylic acid-rich waste-
the premixed concrete were also tested. The polycarboxylate water 150 g) was also dropped. The dropping time must be
superplasticizers synthesized in this research can meet the controlled that A solution completed in 3 hr and B solu-
demand of application in contrast to the commodities. tion completed in 2.5 hr. The temperature is controlled in
Physical properties
specific 80 μm Soundness
surface screening of cement
Cement CaO SiO2 Fe2O3 Al2O3 MgO SO3 f-CaO Loss (m2/kg) residue (%) (mm)
Content (%) 62.59 20.6 3.23 4.61 2.61 2.92 0.75 2.04 353 2.5 0.5
PEI et al.
| 3
60 ± 2°C. After the dropping completed, it is necessary to GPC. Then, the adsorption ratio in the cement particles of
maintain the temperature and stirring for 1 hr. When the the copolymers was calculated according to these two con-
reaction completed, a NaOH solution (NaOH 13 g dissolv- centrations. The measurements were carried out at 0.15% (by
ing in 30 g deionized water) was added into the polymer weight of cement) dosage.
solution for neutralization. The final product is a yellow
transparent viscous liquid and is marked as P-HPEG2400
(or P-IPEG2400). In Table 3, the exact amounts of mono-
2.3.3 | Cement paste flow
mers and the molar composition of synthesized copolymers The testing of cement paste flow is according to GB/T 8077-
are shown. 2012: methods for testing uniformity of concrete admixture.
The cement 300 g, water 87 g, and 0.15% superplasticizers
(by weight of cement) are mixed in cement paste mixer. The
fluidity of cement paste is measured using the mini slum flow
2.3 | Characterization and performance
cone in 5, 20, 40, 60, and 80 min.
2.3.1 | Gel permeation chromatography
2.3.4 | Concrete workability and
Waters 1515 pump, column box, and Waters 2414 RI detector
compressive strength
consist of the GPC system (Waters 1515; Waters, America).
We use one Ultrahydrogel 250 and two Ultrahydrogel 120 The concrete workability is one of the most important indexes
connecting in series columns. The liquid phase is 0.1 mol/L for premixed concrete. We tested the performance of the co-
sodium nitrate. The test samples were dissolved in liquid polymers according to GB 8076-2008: concrete admixtures.
phase. Polymer molecule weight, molecule weight distribu- The compressive strength of hardened concrete was meas-
tion, and conversion were tested. ured after 3, 7, and 28 days of standard curing according to
GB/T 50081-2002: standard for test method of mechanical
properties on ordinary fresh concrete.
2.3.2 | The adsorption of the two
synthesized copolymers in cement paste
The cement paste (W/C = 3.0, water/cement) is prepared in
adsorption testing. The synthesized copolymers were tested
for their adsorption onto cement using the GPC method.
3.1 | Characterization of the two copolymers
First, the superplasticizers concentrations before adsorp- The two synthesized copolymers solutions and two com-
tion and after mixing with cement for 5 min were tested by modities solutions were compared regarding their solids
| PEI et al.
TABLE 5 Molar masses and polydispersities (PDIs) of the two TABLE 6 Adsorption ratios of the two synthesized copolymers
synthesized copolymers
PDI amount (mg
Copolymers Mw (g/mol) Mn (g/mol) (Mw/Mn) solution/g Adsorption
Superplasticizers Dosage (%) cement) ratio (%)
P-HPEG2400 41,335 22,635 1.83
P-IPEG2400 39,249 20,394 1.92 P-HPEG2400 0.15 0.98 65
P-IPEG2400 0.15 0.81 54
Cement (C) Fly ash (FA) powder (MP) Sand (S) Aggregate (G) Water (W) PCEs
Dosage (kg/m ) 210 84 125 846 955 180 1.8
PCEs, polycarboxylate superplasticizers.
ability and less no-adsorbing copolymers in the pore solution. TABLE 8 The workability results of pumped concrete with the
P-IPEG2400 provides better slump retention in contrast to copolymers
the P-HPEG2400, even to HW-1. The performance of HW-1
Initial slump/ 1 hr slump/ Air content
is the best in all of polymers. The fluidity and fluidity reten-
Sample flow (mm) flow (mm) (%)
tion of HS-109 is average performance during 80 min. The
cement paste dispersion of these two synthesized copolymers Blank 200/550 160/400 1.8
is good compared with the two commodities. HS-109 200/600 180/550 3.4
HW-1 220/620 215/600 4.5
P-HPEG2400 225/625 180/550 2.8
3.4 | Concrete workability and
compressive strength P-IPEG2400 200/590 205/580 4.0