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Refresher 4 MDSP

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1. A steel bandsaw blade is 0.032 in thick. c. 1.45

Find the value of the bending stress d. 2.94
when the blade is passing around a 6. A double fillet welded joint with parallel
pulley of 20 in diameter. fillet weld of 305 mm length and 10 mm
a. 122.33 ksi leg is subjected to a tensile force of 1
b. 59 ksi kN. Assuming uniform stress
c. 48 ksi distribution, determine the shear stress
d. 96 ksi in the weld.
2. What is the outside diameter of a a. 0.15 MPa
hollow shaft replacing a 150 mm b. 0.75 MPa
diameter solid shaft with equal c. 0.57 MPa
torsional strength and 50% weight d. 0.23 MPa
saved? 7. The element is subjected to the plane
a. 180 mm stress condition shown (𝜎𝜎𝑥𝑥 = -200 MPa,
b. 190 mm 𝜎𝜎𝑦𝑦 = 140 Mpa, & 𝜏𝜏𝑥𝑥𝑥𝑥 = 70 Mpa). What is
c. 160 mm the maximum shear stress?
d. 170 mm a. 183.85 MPa
3. A 1000 lbs flywheel has a torque b. 153.85 MPa
capacity of 2600 ft-lb. the speed is to be c. -213.85 MPa
maintained between 100 and 120 rpm. d. -153.85 MPa
The effect of the arms and hub 8. The element is subjected to the plane
accounts for 10% of the rim weight. stress condition shown (𝜎𝜎𝑥𝑥 = -200 MPa,
Find the mean diameter of the flywheel. 𝜎𝜎𝑦𝑦 = 140 Mpa, & 𝜏𝜏𝑥𝑥𝑥𝑥 = 70 Mpa). What is
a. 35.36 in the maximum and minimum normal
b. 44.65 in principal stress?
c. 38.63 in a. 234.85 MPa
d. 42.78 in b. 153.85 MPa
4. A 2000 kg elevator rises from rest in the c. -122.85 MPa
basement to the fourth floor, a distance d. -645.85 MPa
of 25 m. As it passes the fourth floor, its 9. The element is subjected to the plane
speed is 3 m/s. There is a constant stress condition shown (𝜎𝜎𝑥𝑥 = -200 MPa,
frictional force of 500 N. Calculate the 𝜎𝜎𝑦𝑦 = 140 Mpa, & 𝜏𝜏𝑥𝑥𝑥𝑥 = 70 Mpa). What is
work done by the lifting mechanism. the orientation of the principal (normal)
a. 487 kJ and shear stress plane respectively?
b. 512 kJ a. 𝜃𝜃𝑝𝑝 = -15.2deg, 𝜃𝜃𝑠𝑠 = 34.82deg
c. 300 kJ b. 𝜃𝜃𝑝𝑝 = -11.2deg, 𝜃𝜃𝑠𝑠 = 33.82deg
d. 125 kJ c. 𝜃𝜃𝑝𝑝 = -21.2deg, 𝜃𝜃𝑠𝑠 = 33.82deg
5. A 6-mm fillet weld 50 mm long carries a d. 𝜃𝜃𝑝𝑝 = -11.2deg, 𝜃𝜃𝑠𝑠 = 35.82deg
steady load of 13,000 N lying along the
10. An 80 cm radius wheel rolls along a flat
weld. The weld metal has a yield
surface at 4 m/s. If points A and B are
strength of 360 Mpa. Find the value of
90° away from each other, what is the
the factor of safety.
velocity of A when B contacts the
a. 3.2
b. 1.75
a. 3.75 m/s
b. 2.25 m/s d. 12.34 mm and 110.45 mm
c. 5.65 m/s 15. The newly installed motor drives a hoist
d. 4.24 m/s that is use in lifting a 4- ton load at a
11. A leather belt running at 15 m/s given distance of 30 ft in 30 seconds.
transmits 20 kW to a cast iron pulley What is the power supplied to the hoist
rotating at 150 rpm. If the belt density assuming hoist efficiency of 48 %?
is 968.625 kg/𝑚𝑚3 calculate for the a. 42.70 hp
centrifugal stress experience by the belt b. 30.30 hp
during the run. c. 14.54 hp
a. 2.108 MPa d. 37.53 hp
b. 0.518 MPa 16. A set screw is necessary to fastened a
c. 0.218 MPa pulley to a 2 in. shaft while transmits 3
d. 0.812 MPa Hp and rotates at 150 rpm. Find the
12. Cast iron pulleys, 4 in. and 20 in. in torque on the set screw.
diameters, are lo transmit 3 hp at 1200 A. 110 ft-lb
rpm of the smaller pulley, through a B. 105 ft-lb
single ply oak-tanned leather belt. C. 120 ft-lb
Calculate the centrifugal stress if the D. 130 ft-lb
center to center distance is 10 ft. Note: 17. The breaking strength of a steel cable is
for leather belt f = 0.30, density is 0.035 20 kN. If one pulls horizontally with this
lb/in3. cable, what is the maximum horizontal
A. 5.75 psi acceleration with can be given to an 8-
B. 32.5 psi metric ton resting on a rough horizontal
C. 23 .6 psi surface if the coefficient of kinetic
D. 1.45 psi friction is 0.15?
13. An SAE C1040 eyebolt is lifting a 350 lbs A. 1.03 m/s2
block. Determine the stress area of the B. 2.05 m/s2
bolt if it is under the Unified Coarse C. 3.01 m/s2
Series Thread and has an ultimate D. 4.03 m/s2
strength of 67 ksi and yield strength of 18. An inclined plane 12 ft long has been
55 ksi. used to slide a 250-lb box up to a
a. 0.3411 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖2 loading space that is 7 ft above the
b. 0.4301 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖2 ground. If 185 lbf is needed for loading
c. 0.1041 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖2 the cargo upward, what is the efficiency
d. 0.1134 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖2 of the inclined plane for this job?
14. A machine shop fabricates a pair of spur A. 85.48 %
gear, 2.5 module to be mounted on B. 78.82 %
shafts with a centerline distance of 90 C. 82.41 %
mm. The speed required is 3:1. (Use 20° D. 74.52%
pressure angle). Find the root 19. A hydraulic press has a pressure inside
diameters. its cylinder equal to 1.2 ksi. What is the
a. 24.6 mm and 120.45 m thickness of the cylinder if its diameter
b. 32.45 mm and 145 .25 mm is 10 inches and the allowable tensile
c. 38.75 mm and 128.75 mm stress is 2.5 ksi?
A. 4.5 in C. 1.24 mm
B. 3.9 in D. 2.34 mm
C. 5.2 in 25. Solve the tooth thickness of a 14.5° spur
D. 1.5 in gear with diametral pitch of 5.
20. If the gear has tooth thickness of 0.30 A. 0.24352 inch
inch and the backlash of 0.007 inch, B. 0.24352 inch
calculate its space width. C. 0.31416 inch
A. 0.307 inch D. 0.05643 inch
B. 0.203 inch 26. Calculate the tooth thickness on the
C. 0.254 inch tooth circle of a 20-degree full depth
D. 0.365 inch involute tooth having a circular pitch of
21. Compute the power to be taken off the 20 mm and whole depth of tooth at 16
driven shaft on an open belt drive mm.
operated by a driving pulley 76 inches in A. 12mm
diameter at 200 rpm. Note: the B. 10 mm
diameter of driven pulley is 32 inches C. 14mm
and the total tensions on the tight and D. 17mm
slack sides are 300 and 100 lbs 27. What is the chordal thickness at the
respectively. standard pitch diameter for a pinion
A. 20 hp that has 15 teeth of 3 diametral pitch?
B. 24 hp A. 0.3255 in
C. 18 hp B. 0.2375 in
D. 26 hp C. 0.2342 in
22. Calculate the pressure is required to D. 0.5226 in
punch a hole 3 in. diameter through a ¼ 28. Determine the Hp lost when a collar is
in. steel plate. loaded with 2000 lb, rotates at 50 rpm,
A. 60 tons and has a coefficient of friction of 0.15.
B. 30 tons The outside diameter of the collar is 4
C. 22 tons inches and the inside diameter is 2
D. 39 tons inches.
23. Determine the minimum whole depth A. 0.7314 Hp
of spur gear of 14.5° involute type with B. 0.4713 Hp
diametral pitch of 24 and circular pitch C. 0.3572 Hp
of 0.1309 inch. D. 0.4371 Hp
A. 0.09000 inch 29. What is the average time to cut by
B. 0.0899 inch automatic oxy-acetylene (machine)
C. 0.08879 inch crosswise a 4ft. x 8 ft x 4 in thick steel
D. 0.086535 inch plate given that the rate is 9 in/min?
24. What is the elongation of a 1.5 m a. 3.32 min.
aluminum bar of modulus of elasticity b. 320 sec
70 Gpa when subjected to a tensile c. 12 min
stress of 150 MPa? d. 540 sec
A. 4.32 mm 30. A steel tape was used to measure a
B. 3.21 mm distance from A to B and found out to
be 5,368.25 ft at 22°F. Compute the 100 kg. The first spring is rated at 4
true distance between A and B if the kN/m and the other two springs are
tape was a standard 100.00 ft at 68°F rated 6 kN/m each. Determine the
and the tape's coefficient of expansion equivalent stiffness of the three springs.
is 0.0000065. A. 1.71 kN/m
A. 5 366.5 ft B. 2.71 kN/m
B. 5 348.7 ft C. 5 kN/m
C. 5 363.5 ft D. 3.71 kN/m
D. 2 358.7 ft 36. What is the speed of the tip of the
31. A piece of stock of length 24 inches has second hand relative to the watch if it is
taper per foot of ¼ in., compute the 2.5 cm long?
diameter of one end given that the A. 0.00267 m/s
smaller end is 1.5 inches in diameter. B. 0.10914 m/s
a. 1.75 in C. 0.00987 m/s
b. 2.0 in D. 0.00197 m/s
c. 1.25 in. 37. If the lowest cutting speed for cast iron
d. 2.75 in is 50 fpm, calculate the rpm for
32. A 1.5 in bolt is screwed up tightly in a machining a cast iron work piece 6
packed joint. If the allowable stress is inches in diameter.
12 ksi, calculate its working strength. A. 32.5
a. 10350 lbs B. 31.8
b. 20400 lbs C. 45.7
c. 12500 lbs D. 52.6
d. 15250 lbs 38. A 36-tooth pinion turning at 300 rpm
33. How many 5/16 inch holes can be drives 120-tooth gear of 14.5° involute
punch in one motion in a steel plate full depth pressure angle. Determine
made of SAE 1010 steel 7/16 inch thick the rpm of the driven gear.
using a force of 55 tons. The ultimate A. 60 rpm
strength for shear is 50 ksi and use 2 B. 75 rpm
factor of safety C. 45 rpm
A. 5.8 D. 90 rpm
B. 3.7 39. The newly installed motor drives a hoist
C. 5 that is use in lifting a 4- ton load at a
D. 6.5 given distance of 30 ft in 30 seconds.
34. Compute the speed of the gear What is the power supplied to load if
mounted on a 52.5 mm diameter shaft the hoist efficiency is 48% and motor
receiving power from a driving motor efficiency is 90%?
with 250 Hp. A. 42.7 hp
A. 2 182 rpm B. 30.3 hp
B. 2 265 rpm C. 24.54 hp
C. 2 071 rpm D. 14.54 hp
D. 2 341 rpm 40. What is the mass of a 120-lbf man is
35. Three extension springs are hooked in standing in an elevator?
series that support a single weight of A. 3.73 lb
B. 3.73 slugs rate of 0.010 mm/rev and speed of 200
C. 5.45 lb rpm?
D. 2.86 slugs A. 63.5 min.
41. A vise is equipped with a 1-inch single B. 52.4 min.
square thread, with 4 threads per inch. C. 35.2 min.
The frictional diameter of the collar is D. 60.7 min.
0.5 inch. The coefficient of friction for 46. A pair of spur gears with 2.5 module to
both the collar rind threads is 0.20. How be mounted on shafts with a centerline
much external torque must be applied distance of 90 mm. The speed required
to produce a force of 200 lb against the is 3:1 and a pressure angle of 20°.
jaws of the vise? Calculate its dedendum distance.
A. 39.73 in-lb A. 3.125 mm
B. 36.23 in-lb B. 2.135 mm
C. 33.97 in-lb C. 1.345 mm
D. 39.37 in-lb D. 2.435 mm
42. In a power screw square threads, the 47. A machine shop fabrication a pair of
torque required to raise the given load spur gear, 2.5 module to be mounted
is found to be 8800 N-in. Compute the on shafts with a centerline distance of
shear stress caused by this torque 90 mm. The speed required is 3:1. (Use
considering that the core diameter of 20° pressure angle). Find the outside
the screw is 40 mm. diameters.
A. 700 Mpa A. 50 mm and 140mm
B. 350 Mpa B. 30 mm and 120 mm
C. 24.5 ksi C. 24 mm and 120 mm
D. 10.5 ksi D. 13 mm and 130 mm
43. A ball with speed of 20 cm/s rolls off the 48. Calculate the tooth thickness of on the
edge of the table 90 cm high. How long tooth circle of a 20-deg full depth
does it take to drop to the ground. involute tooth having a diametral pitch
A. 0.34 s of 5.
B. 0.43 s A. 0.3142 inch
C. 0.54 s B. 0.2509 inch
D. 0.25 s C. 0.4428 inch
44. A 10-lb weight is attached to a 1.5-ft D. 0.9734 inch
cord and is whirled in a vertical circle 49. An eyebolt is lifting a block weighing
with an angular velocity of 120 rpm. 350 lbs. The eyebolt is of SAE C 1040
Compute the tension in the cord in the material with Su = 67 ksi and Sy = 55 ksi
event that the weight is at the bottom what is the stress area (in inches
of the circle. square) of the bolt if it is under the
A. 73.5 lbf unified coarse series thread?
B. 83.5 lbf A. 1341
C. 63.5 lbf B. 0.1134
D. 53.5 lbf C. 0991
45. What is the time needed to saw a 5 in D. 1043
wood using a handsaw with a cutting
50. The power hacksaw does 120 55. A pulley system used in a machine shop
strokes/min and the feed/stroke is with an ideal mechanical advantage of 5
0.127 mm. How much is the time need requires a force of 12 N to lift a load of
to saw a rectangular magnesium bar 5 45 N. Compute the actual mechanical
in. wide and 2 in. thick if the length of advantage of the pulley system.
cut is 5 in? A. 3.75
A. 250 s B. 0.267
B. 500 s C. 135
C. 450 s D. 1.067
D. 120 s 56. A single square thread power screw is
51. If there 440 persons occupying the to raise a load of 70 kN. The screw has a
whole building other than the first floor, major diameter of 36 mm and a pitch of
how many elevator are required? 6 mm. The coefficient of thread friction
A. 2 and collar friction are 0.13 and 0.10
B. 3 respectively. If the collar mean
C. 4 diameter is 90 mm and the screw turns
D. 1 at 60rpm, find the combined efficiency
52. A 900-N man stands on a scale on the of screw and collar.
floor of an elevator. The scale records a. 13.4%
the force it exerts on whatever is on it. b. 14.5%
What is the scale reading if the elevator c. 15.5 %
has an acceleration of 1.2 m/s2 down? d. 12.5 %
A. 870 N 57. How fast is the drill turning if it
B. 790 N penetrates 100 mm every minute
C. 640 N considering a steel drill with a feed of
D. 820 N 0.005 in/rev.?
53. Calculate the average time to cut by A. 1520 rpm
oxy-acetylene (automatic machine) B. 620 rpm
lengthwise a 5ft. x 10 ft 4 in thick steel C. 787 rpm
plate. Oxy acetylene cuts 25.4 cm of D. 505 rpm
length every minute. 58. If the weight of 7” ø x 5’ long SAE 1030
a. 540 s shaking is 297.4 kg, then what will be
b. 320 s the weight of chromium SAE 51416 of
c. 720 s same size?
d. 450 s A. 344.4 lbs
54. Find the angle of contact on the small B. 655.8 lbs
pulley for a belt drive with a 72-in C. 578.9 lbs
center distance if the pulley diameters D. 877.2 lbs
are 6 inches and 12 inches respectively. 59. Find the horsepower required to drive a
A. 175.22 deg. power screw lifting a load of 4000 lbs. A
B. 145.45 deg. 2 and 1/2 inches double square thread
C. 125.7 deg. with two threads/in is to be used. The
D. 152.2 deg. friction radius of the collar is 2 inches
and the coefficients of friction are 0.1
for the threads and 0.15 for the collar. the ground. For job to be done, he
The velocity of the nut is 10 ft/min exerted a force on the rope equivalent
A. 5.245 HP to 40 lbf through a distance of 38 ft.
B. 2.453 HP Calculate the efficiency of the machine
C. 4.395 HP used by the mechanic.
D. 3.342 HP A. 85 %
60. A pulley system used in a machine shop B. 94.7 %
with an ideal mechanical advantage C. 89.7 %
(IMA) of 5 requires a force of 12 N to lift D. 95.4 %
a load of 45N. What is the efficiency of 65. The newly installed motor drives a hoist
the pulley system? that is use in lifting a 4- ton load at a
A. 0.75 given distance of 30 ft in 30 seconds.
B. 0.267 What is the power supplied to the
C. 135 motor assuming hoist and motor
D. 1.067 efficiencies are 48 % and 87%
61. A flywheel weighing 457 kg has radius respectively.
of 375 mm. How much energy in N -m A. 42.70 hp
does the flywheel loss from 3.0 rev/sec B. 34.83 hp
to 2.8 rev/sec? C. 76.43 hp
A. 1542 N-m D. 65.95 hp
B. 1472 N-m 66. By applying a constant torque to a
C. 120 N-m grindstone, its flywheel reaches an
D. 40 N-m angular velocity of 1100 rpm in 10
62. A mechanic uses a pulley system to seconds. Assuming it stunted from rest.
raise a 120-lbf load 12 ft from the Calculate its angular acceleration if the
ground. For job to be done, he needed grindstone’s moment of inertia is equal
to exert a force on the rope equivalent to 1.2 x 103 kg-m2.
to 40 lbf through a distance of 38 ft. A. 10.54 rad/s2
Calculate the work the mechanic must B. 12.54 rad/s2
do. C. 11.52 rad/s2
A. 1440 N-m D. 9.54 rad/s2
B. 1952.8 N-m 67. A 120-lbf man is standing in an elevator.
C. 480 ft-lb What is the force on the man's feet
D. 1920 ft-lb when the elevator stand still?
63. A ball with speed of 20 cm/s rolls off the A. 80 lbf
edge of the table 90 cm high. How far B. 120 lbf
horizontally from the table edge does C. 100 lbf
the ball strike the ground? D. 90 lbf
A. 9.54m 68. A 900-N man stands on a scale on the
B. 8.56 m floor of an elevator. The scale records
C. 7.32 m the force it exerts on whatever is on it.
D. 5.48 m What is the scale reading if the elevator
64. A mechanic uses a pulley system to has an acceleration of 1.2 m/s2 up?
raise a 120-lbf load that is 12 ft from A. 828.5 N
B. 1010.1 N b. 1484 N-mm
C. 0 c. 3.24 ft-lb
D. 940 N d. 2310 N-mm
69. By applying a constant torque to a 75. The shaft having an interference fit has
grindstone, the flywheel reaches an a maximum diameter of 4.0 cm and a
angular velocity of 1100 rpm in 10 nominal diameter of 3.990 cut. What is
seconds. With the moment of inertia the minimum diameter of the shaft of
equivalent to 1.2 x 10-3 kg-m2, find the its upper and lower deviations are 0.006
torque if it started from rest. and 0.005 cm respectively?
A. 0.210 N-m a. 3.995 cm
B. 0.124 N-m b. 3.985 cm
C. 0.138 N-m c. 3.991 cm
D. 0.329 N-m d. 3.9955 cm
70. The moment of inertia of a 12-cm 76. An engine delivers 120 hp at 600 rpm.
grinding disc is 0.03 kg.m2. What is the What is the angle of twist in the 6-ft
angular acceleration if the 15 N force is drive shaft if its diameter is 2.5 inches
applied to the periphery of the disk. and modulus of rigidity is 12,000 ksi.
A. 50 rad/s2 a. 2.04 deg
B. 40 rad/s2 b. 1.12 deg
C. 60 rad/s2 c. 3.09 deg
D. 80 rad/s2 d. 4.05 deg
71. What is the moment of inertia of a 6-kg 77. What is the angular frequency of the
wheel if the radius of gyration is 30 cm? block having a mass of 3 kg that is hang
A. 0.32 kg-m2 from a spring with spring modulus equal
B. 0.42 kg-m2 to 700 N/m?
C. 0.54 kg-m2 a. 12.5 rad/s
D. 0.74 kg-m2 b. 15.3 rad/s
72. What is the frequency of revolution of c. 11.2 rad/s
the second hand which is 2.5 cm long? d. 10.3 rad/s
A. 0.017 rev/s 78. A block of mass 1.5 kg hangs from a
B. 0.109 rev/s spring of modulus 600 N/m. The block is
C. 0.208 rev/s pulled 12 cm below equilibrium and
D. 0.098 rev/s released. What is the period of the
73. Calculate the rotational KE of a 20-kg motion?
wheel rotating at 5 rev/s if the radius of a. 0.423 s
gyration of the wheel is 0.18 m? b. 0.314 s
A. 320 J c. 0.114 rad/s
B. 400 J d. 0.415 rad/s
C. 140 J 79. A certain vibrator obeys the following
D. 120 J equation y =1.20 sin (1.10t - 0.25) cm,
74. A small motor delivers 0.25 hp when its for t is in seconds, and the angle is in
shaft is turning at 1200 rev/min. radian. Calculate its velocity at t = 0
Compute the torque. a. 2.34 cm/s
a. 1.48 ft-lb b. 1.39 cm/s
c. 1.27 cm/s d. 1540 fpm
d. 3.24 cm/s 85. A brass condenser tube 1 in. in
diameter and 4 ft long has a wall
80. Calculate the tooth thickness on the thickness equivalent to No. 16 BWG (
pitch circle of 14 1/2 deg full depth wall thickness= 0.065 in). Calculate the
tooth of 16 diametral pitch. collapsing pressure.
a. 0.0982 in. a. 3591 psi
b. .1209 in b. 2450 psi
c. .0897 in c. 1250 psi
d. .0789 in d. 4250 psi
86. Two gear wheels are meshed together.
81. What is the length in meters of a The larger wheel has a diameter of 0.75
pendulum given that the period is 3.6 s? cm and the smaller is 0.25 cm. how
a. 3.22 m many revolutions does the smaller
b. 2.43 m wheel turn when the larger turns 4
c. 1.66 m revolutions.
d. 0.45 m a. 10
82. What is the value of the bending stress b. 14
for a beam 40 mm wide and 50 mm c. 12
deep that is subjected to 3.7 kN-m d. 16
bending moment at each end? 87. A 12-in diameter pulley is belt driven
a. 222 Mpa with a net torque of 120 ft- lb. Calculate
b. 322 Mpa the minimum tension in the belt if the
c. 332 Mpa ratio of tensions in the tight to slack
d. 252 Mpa sides of the belt is 3 is to 1?
83. A certain vibrator obeys the following a. 360 lbf
equation y = 1.20 sin (1.10t — 0 .25) b. 120 lbf
cm, for t is in seconds, and the angle is c. 240 in-lbf
in radian. Calculate its acceleration at t d. 320 in-lbf
= 0. 88. A brass condenser tube 1 in. in
a. 0.16 cm/s2 diameter and 4 ft long has a wall
b. 0.36 cm/s2 thickness equivalent to No. 16 BWG
c. 0.55 cm/s2 (wall thickness = 0.065 in). Determine
d. 0.26 cm/s2 the permissible working pressure with
84. A ventilating fan having an 18-in. cast an apparent factor of safety of 10.
iron pulley is driven from a 25-hp at 870 a. 359.1 psi
rpm normal-torque motor placed b. 254.7 psi
directly below it. The steel pulley on the c. 253.2 psi
motor is 10 in. in diameter, and the d. 425.3 psi
center distance is 5 ft. Calculate the belt 89. A multiple-disk clutch has 22 pairs of
speed. identical mating friction surfaces each
a. 2280 fpm with 10.25 in. outside diameter and
b. 2050 fpm 3.125 in. inside diameter annular
c. 1320 fpm contact area. The disks are cast iron and
steel operating in an oil bath with a a. 20.5 hp
maximum pressure of 1,200 psi. After b. 16.5 hp
this clutch has been in operation for a c. 43.2 hp
period of time and has become worn, d. 13.4 hp
determine the probable power rating of 94. A ventilating fan having an 18-in. cast
this clutch at 1,800 rpm. Note: f=0.06 iron pulley is driven from a 25-hp at 870
for cast iron against steel (wet). rpm normal-torque motor placed
a. 2590 hp directly below it. The steel pulley on the
b. 5290 hp motor is 10 in. in diameter, and the
c. 1590 hp center distance is 5 ft. What is the total
d. 5350 hp length of the belt?
90. If rod’s diameter is 1.5 inches and its a. 176.5 in
length is 65 inches, calculate the b. 164.25 in
slenderness ratio considering both ends c. 109.7 in
are hinged. d. 280.2 in
a. 173.5 95. A plate clutch has single friction surface
b. 120.5 with outside diameter of 12 inches and
c. 150.7 inside diameter of 6 inches. Calculate
d. 147.5 the torque that the clutch can carry
91. Mechanisms that are derived from the given that the axial force is equal to
same kinematic chain but have a 4000 lbf and a coef. of friction of 0.20.
different link fixed to ground. Note: use uniform pressure theory rind
A. Linkage f= 0.2.
B. Mechanism a. 4350 in-lbf
C. Kinematic Chain b. 3733 in-lbf
D. Kinematic Inversions c. 4508 in-lbf
92. A steel bandsaw blade is 0.60 mm thick. d. 2039 in-lbf
If the modulus of elasticity of steel is 96. A railroad track with rails 33 feet long is
given to be 209 Gpa, calculate the laid at a temperature of 15°F with gaps
bending stress of the blade that is of 0.01 feet between the ends of the
passing around the pulley of 420 mm rails. What stress will result from a
diameter. temperature at 110°F with a condition
a. 298.6 Mpa that they are prevented from buckling?
b. 329.8 Mpa A. 9434 psi
c. 259.6 Mpa B. 9787 psi
d. 423.6 Mpa C. 9097 psi
93. A multiple-disc clutch consists of 8 steel D. 9654 psi
disc and 6 bronze discs. The effective 97. What is the maximum normal stress on
diameters are 6 in and 4 in respectively. an element of hollow sphere of radius
Compute its power capacity if an axial 10” and thickness 0.1” that is subjected
force of 100 lb is applied to the shaft to an internal pressure of 100 psig?
rotating at 1000 rpm given the A. 5 000 psi
coefficient of friction of 0.32 using B. 7 070 psi
uniform wear theory. C. 10 000 psi
D. 14 140 psi
98. What is the cutting speed in fpm for a
spindle speed of a lathe that is turning
an 8 in. diameter bronze using a spindle
speed of 120 rpm?
A. 220 fpm
B. 301 fpm
C. 2510 fpm
D. 251 fpm
99. A helical-coil spring has a mean coil
diameter of 1 inch and a wire diameter
of 1/8 inch. Determine the Wahl factor
of the spring.
A. 1.148
B. 1.41
C. 1.184
D. 1.814
100. A 912 mm driving pulley and a
1220 mm driven pulley are being set-up
on a 3 meter center distance. The
output of the driven shaft is 72 hp.
Compute the rpm of the driven shaft
considering that the belt speed is 1280
m/min with a coefficient of friction of
0.30 and a slip of 1.5% each pulley.
A. 329 rpm
B. 454 rpm
C. 452.9 rpm
D. 543.5 rpm

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