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July, 2018


CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................... 6

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 6
1.1 Background of the Study ........................................................................................ 6
1.2 Statement of Problem.............................................................................................. 7
1.3 Aim and Objectives ................................................................................................ 7
1.3.1. Aim ................................................................................................................. 7
1.3.2. Objectives ....................................................................................................... 7
1.4 Scope of Study ........................................................................................................ 8
1.5 Significance of the Project ...................................................................................... 8
1.6 Limitation of the project ......................................................................................... 8
1.7 Study Area .............................................................................................................. 9
1.7.1 Description of Geographic Location................................................................ 9
1.7.2 Climate and weather ...................................................................................... 10
1.7.3 Education and socio-economic activities ..................................................... 10
CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................................ 11
2.1 Conceptual Framework ......................................................................................... 11
2.1.1 Survey in road construction ........................................................................... 11
2.1.2 Highway General Design Criteria.................................................................. 13
2.1.3 Design Controls ............................................................................................. 14
2.1.4 Design elements ............................................................................................. 22
2.2 Review of Related Literature ................................................................................ 36
CHAPTER THREE ........................................................................................................ 38
METHODOLOGY ......................................................................................................... 38
3.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 38
3.1.1 Office planning ......................................................................................... 38
3.1.2 Field planning ........................................................................................... 38
3.2 Instruments Used .................................................................................................. 39
3.3 Data Acquisition............................................................................................... 41
3.4 Field Observational Procedure ......................................................................... 41
3.5 Downloading of the Data from Leica Ts06..................................................... 42
3.6 Data Manipulation ............................................................................................ 43

3.6.1 Importing data into covadis environment ................................................. 43
3.6.2 Importing data into piste environment ...................................................... 44
3.6.3 Profiles ...................................................................................................... 45
3.6.4 Cross-section ............................................................................................. 45
3.7 Applied design elements .................................................................................. 46
3.7.1 Design speed .................................................................................................. 46
3.7.2 Design elements ............................................................................................. 46
CHAPTER FOUR........................................................................................................... 50
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ..................................................................................... 50
4.1 Results ................................................................................................................... 50
4.1 Data collection and corridor map ......................................................................... 50
4.2 Horizontal Alignment ........................................................................................... 50
4.3 Longitudinal Profiling........................................................................................... 50
4.4 Cross Section ........................................................................................................ 50
CHAPTER FIVE ............................................................................................................ 52
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................... 52
5.1 Conclusion........................................................................................................ 52
5.2 Recommendations ............................................................................................ 52
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................... 53
Appendix 1 ...................................................................................................................... 55
Appendix 2 ...................................................................................................................... 69



Table 2. 1: IRC Values for Camber.. .............................................................................. 30

Table 2. 2: IRC Specification for carriage way width. ................................................... 30

Table 3. 1: Major Control Points Used ........................................................................... 39

Table 3. 2: in-situ carried out .......................................................................................... 40

Table 3. 3: Edited data from Leica TS06 ........................................................................ 43

Table 3. 4: Design elements ............................................................................................ 47

Table 3. 5: Design elements ............................................................................................ 48



Figure 1. 1: Project location. ............................................................................................ 9

Figure 2. 1: Elements of passing sight distance for two-lane highway. ......................... 20

Figure 2. 2: Illustration of preview sight distance. ......................................................... 22

Figure 2. 3: Geometry of simple horizontal curves. ....................................................... 23

Figure 2. 4: Types of vertical curves .............................................................................. 24

Figure 2. 5: Different types of camber. ......................................................................... 29

Figure 2. 6: Lane width for single and two lane roads. .................................................. 30

Figure 2. 7: Different types of kerbs. .............................................................................. 31

Figure 2. 8: A typical Right of way (ROW) ................................................................... 35

Figure 3. 1: in-situ check diagram .................................................................................. 41

Figure 3. 2: Raw data downloaded from Leica TS06. .................................................... 42

Figure 3. 3: import data .................................................................................................. 44

Figure 3. 4: Data Processing for Vertical Alignment ..................................................... 44

Figure 3. 5: Surface profile of the study area and proposed final level .......................... 45

Figure 3. 6: proposed cross-section of the study. ........................................................... 46



1.1 Background of the Study

Road is a wide way leading from one place to another, especially one with a specially

prepared surface which vehicles can use. Roads are the main arteries of modern society

infrastructure contributing heavily to the distribution of goods and persons, it contribute

to the development of any country. A good network of road system improves the economy

of a nation because it aids better transportation management system. The first thing

highway/road construction need is a basic topographic survey which is a data collection,

process in order to acquire information about the terrain of area of the proposed possible

route. This enable the engineers to lay out the road plan and provide information for the

determination of earth movements and realization of the geometric design.

Panmia et al. (2005) define surveying as the art of determining the relative positions of

points on, above or beneath the surface of the earth by means of direct or indirect

measurements of distance, direction and elevation. It also includes the art of establishing

points by predetermined angular and linear measurements.

Route survey is defined as being the required service and product that adequately locates

the planned path of a linear project or right of way which crosses a prescribed area of real

estate, extending from at least one known point and turning or terminating at another

known point (Surveying, 2018).This project provides the survey and route design of a


1.2 Statement of Problem

The principal role of transport is to provide access between spatially separated locations

for the business and household sectors, for both commodity (freight) and person

movements. For the business sector, this involves connections between businesses and

their input sources, between businesses and other businesses, and between businesses and

their markets. For the household sector, it provides people with access to workplaces and

education facilities, shops, and social, recreational, community and medical facilities

(NewZealand, 2014). Inadequate road and poor road access put high cost of

transportation, reduce ability to use and access high quality inputs, limit the uses of local

markets to the sale of their produces. Poor road access has put constraints for rural

communities in terms of access to other social amenities such as education, electricity

and health care facilities.

1.3 Aim and Objectives

1.3.1. Aim

The aim of this study is to carry out the route survey and geometric design of the road

from Nuga Gate of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria to Garin Ajiya village.

1.3.2. Objectives

The objectives of this study are:

i. To carry out a full detailed information (planimetric and relief data x,y,z) of the

study area.

ii. To produce horizontal, and vertical alignment.

iii. To produce profile and cross-sections of the road.

iv. To produce a plan view of the horizontal alignment and profile view of the vertical

1.4 Scope of Study

The project covers a total length of 4.525km. It also involves defining the horizontal and

cross-sectional profiles. The final route courses and finish ground level as design by Civil

Engineer is also shown. The full detailed information of the study area is collected using

total station. The pegging of the centre line is at 25m intervals using a tape along the road

and software such as excel, Covadis, Piste are used in processing and design.

1.5 Significance of the Project

The main characteristic of the construction of roads is connecting people from different

parts of the county in order to ensure their participation in all aspects of life together with

free movement of goods and passengers. County and local roads are of great importance

as a part of the road network in the distribution of traffic at a lower level. Modernization

in all aspects of life requires modernization and development of transport infrastructure,

which leads to faster and better flow of transport services (Boskovic, 2015). Most

especially the road concerned by this study will link the phase I of Ahmadu Bello

University to its phase II enabling a smooth movement of construction materials to their

different department, subsequently students and different personnel will also benefit from

it for easier transportation during lecture period, farther the people of Garin Ajiya village

will be connected to Samaru market thereof will enable easy transportation of their

agriculture products.

1.6 Limitation of the project

The study focused on the collection of route data for the design of horizontal, vertical

alignment and cross sections of the road.

1.7 Study Area

1.7.1 Description of Geographic Location

Ahmadu Bello University was founded in 1962 from three previously independent

institutions; the Nigerian college of Arts, science and technology, Institute of

Administration in Tudun Wada area of Zaria, and the Regional Research station of the

Ministry of Agriculture now the Institute for Agricultural Research. Ahmadu Bello

University though situated in Samaru, Zaria in the Sabon Gari Local Government area of

Kaduna State. This project is located within part of ABU Campus Samaru. Latitude and

longitude coordinates are: 11° 5' 7.9476'' N, and 7° 43' 11.8020'' E (Latlog, 2018).The

road concerned by this study starts from Nuga gate of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria,

samaru crossing phase II to Garin Ajiya village.

Figure 1.1: Project location.

1.7.2 Climate and weather

Zaria has a tropical wet and dry climate with warm weather year-round, a wet season

lasting from April to September, and a dry season from October to March (Hotels, 2016).

1.7.3 Education and socio-economic activities

Zaria is home to Ahmadu Bello University, the largest university in Nigeria and the

second largest on the African continent. The institution is very prominent in the fields of

Agriculture, Science, Finance, Medicine and Law. Zaria is also the base for the Nigerian

College of Aviation Technology , National Research Institute for Chemical Technology,

and Barewa College. The school is known for the large number of elites from the region

that passed through its academic buildings and counts among its alumni five who were

Nigerian heads of state, including the late president Umaru Musa Yar'Adua. (There are

two other famous schools in the adjoining town of Wusasa, where the former Head of the

Federal Military Government Yakubu Gowon resides: St. Bartholomew's School and

Science School Kufena, formerly known as St Paul's College.) Also MAISS-GIWA a

school established by The Emir of Zazzau Dr. Shehu Idris is situated there.

Zaria's economy is primarily based on agriculture. Staples are guinea corn and millet Cash

crops include cotton, groundnuts and tobacco. Not only is Zaria a market town for the

surrounding area, it is the home of artisans from traditional crafts like leather

work, dyeing and cap making, to tinkers, prints hops and furniture makers (Gihring,1984).

Zaria is also the center of a textile industry that for over 200 years has made elaborately

hand-embroidered robes that are worn by men throughout Nigeria and West Africa

(Maiwada et al, 2007).



2.1 Conceptual Framework

2.1.1 Survey in road construction

In road construction the first professional needed is a surveyor because the data to be

obtained by the surveyor during the route survey serve as the basis on which the design,

costing, and proper planning in terms of economic choice, the route alignment, and in

terms of vertical and horizontal alignment solidly depend.

What is surveying?

Land surveying is simply the art and science of mapping and measuring land. Private

ownership of property demands well-defined boundaries, and those boundaries cannot be

interpreted or understood without the aid of a survey plan. A survey plan enables the

reader to discover:

The size and shape of the property, the location of rights of ways, dimensions and

distances to the boundary of houses, fences, utilities and any features of importance to the

landowner, the location and description of pegs that have been placed to mark the limits

of the land. In summary, a survey plan is an essential homeownership document that

will help you protect your property rights and enjoy your land with confidence and peace

of mind (Mpiti, 2017).

What do land surveyors do?

In the field surveyor’s measure land to determine the boundaries of properties, which help

to identify where the buildings or roads will be constructed. The information collected by

surveyors helps to create maps. They also help to solve land or property disputes.

Surveyors’ works on different projects e.g. land subdivision, detail survey, setting out,

construction etc. They are experts in determining land size and measurement. In their

offices surveyor’s use software, such as Civil Designer and Model Maker to draft plans

and map the onsite measurements. Surveyors play an important role in land development,

from the planning and design of land subdivisions through to the final construction of

roads, utilities and landscaping (Mpiti, 2017).

Who uses land surveyors?

Surveyors give advice and provide information to guide the work of:

Architects, civil engineers, developers, town planners, construction companies, property

owners and mining companies (Mpiti, 2017).

Route Survey

Route Survey is defined as being the required service and product that adequately locates

the planned path of a linear project or right of way which crosses a prescribed area of real

estate, extending from at least one known point and turning or terminating at another

known point (surveying, 2018).

A Route Survey is usually required for the planning of a right of way, the acquisition of

fee or easement property and for eventual construction layout work. The location of the

facilities within the right of way are often held in respect to the centre line or a right of

way line. A Route Survey is made on the ground to provide for the location of right of

way lines, a centreline, or reference lines in relation to property lines and terrain features.

Route Surveys shall include but are not limited to the proper location, monumentation,

and description or platting of the following routes: Roadways, highways and railroads.

Transmission lines for communications, fuel, chemical, water and electrical needs.

Canals, waterways, drainage ditches and sewers. View easements, air space easements,

and ingress and egress easements such as approach routes (Surveying, 2018).

Road construction

Road construction surveying is a tool used to establish just where man-made object such

as highways and bridges as well as other utilities should be located. It helps in ensuring

the project such as highways is finishing in terms of length and other dimensional

measurements and placed on solid ground and sound footing (Yawa, 2016).

2.1.2 Highway General Design Criteria

Geometric design is the design of the visible dimensions of a highway with the objective

of forming or shaping the facility to the characteristics and behavior of drivers, vehicles,

and traffic. Therefore, geometric design deals with features of location, alignment,

profile, cross section, intersection, and highway types (NJDOT, 2015).

Highway Classification

Highway classification refers to a process by which roadways are classified into a set of

sub-systems, described below, based on the way each roadway is used (NJDOT, 2015).

i. Principal Arterial Highways

Principal arterial highways form an inter-connected network of continuous routes serving

corridor movements having the highest traffic volumes and the longest trip lengths.

ii. Minor Arterial Highways

Minor arterial highways interconnect with and augment the principal highway system. In

urban areas, minor arterial highways are usually included in the Federal-aid urban system

(FAUS), and serve trips of moderate length at a somewhat lower level of travel mobility.

iii. Collector Roads

Collector roads primarily serve trips of intra-county rather than state-wide importance.

Travel speeds and volumes are less than on arterial roadways, but are still high relative to

local roads. These roads provide for both land access and traffic circulation. In urban

areas, these roads connect neighborhoods or other districts with the arterial system, and

will usually be part of the Federal-aid urban system.

iv. Local Roads

The local street and road system constitutes all roads not included in the higher

classifications. These streets and roads provide direct access to abutting land and permit

access to the roads of higher classification (NJDOT, 2015).

2.1.3 Design Controls


The location and geometric design of highways are affected by numerous factors and

controlling features. These may be considered in two broad categories as follows

(NJDOT, 2015).

A. Primary Controls

Highway Classification

Topography and Physical Features


B. Secondary Controls

Design Speed

Design Vehicle


Topography and Physical Features

The location and the geometric features of a highway are influenced to a large degree by

the topography, physical features, and land use of the area traversed. The character of the

terrain has a pronounced effect upon the longitudinal features of the highway, and

frequently upon the cross sectional features as well. Geological conditions may also affect

the location and the geometrics of the highway. Climatic, soil and drainage conditions

may affect the profile of a road relative to existing ground.

Man-made features and land use may also have considerable effect upon the location and

the design of the highway. Industrial, commercial, and residential areas will each dictate

different geometric requirements (NJDOT, 2015).


The traffic characteristics, volume, composition and speed, indicate the service for which

the highway improvement is being made and directly affects the geometric features of

design. The traffic volume affects the capacity, and thus the number of lanes required.

For planning and design purposes, the demand of traffic is generally expressed in terms

of the design-hourly volume (DHV), predicated on the design year. The design year for

new construction and reconstruction is to be 20 years beyond the anticipated date of Plans,

Specifications and Estimate (PS&E), and 10 years beyond the anticipated date of PS&E

for resurfacing, restoration and rehabilitation projects. The composition of traffic, i.e.,

proportion of trucks and buses, is another characteristic which affects the location and

geometrics of highways. Types, sizes and load-power characteristics are some of the

aspects taken into account (NJDOT, 2015).

The following definitions apply to traffic data elements pertinent to design.

Average Daily Traffic (ADT) - The total volume during a given time period greater than

one day but less than one year divided by the number of days actually counted.

Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) - The total yearly volume in both directions of

travel divided by 365 days.

Design-Hourly Volume (DHV) - Normally estimated as the 30th highest hour two-way

traffic volume for the design year selected.

Ratio of DHV to ADT, expressed as a percent is referred to K.

The directional distribution of traffic during the design hour. It is the one-way volume in

the predominant direction of travel expressed as a percentage of DHV is referred to D.

The proportion of trucks, exclusive of light delivery trucks, expressed as a percentage of

DHV is referred to T.

Design Speed – Expressed in mph is referred to V.

Design Speed

"Design Speed" is a selected speed used to determine the various design features of the

roadway. The assumed design speed should be a logical one with respect to topography,

anticipated operating speed, the adjacent land use, the presence of bicycle and pedestrian

accommodations, and the functional classification of the highway. Except for local streets

where speed controls are frequently included intentionally, every effort should be made

to use as high a design speed as practicable to attain a desired degree of safety, mobility

and efficiency within the constraints of environmental quality, economics, aesthetics and

social or political impacts. Once the design speed is selected, all of the pertinent features

of the highway should be related to it to obtain a balanced design. Above minimum design

values should be used, where practical. On lower speed facilities, use of above-minimum

design criteria may encourage travel at speeds higher than the design speed. Some design

features, such as curvature, super elevation, and sight distance are directly related to and

vary appreciably with design speed. Other features, such as widths of lanes and shoulders,

and clearances to walls and rails, are not directly related to design speed, but they affect

vehicle speeds. Therefore, wider lanes, shoulders, and clearances should be considered

for higher design speeds. Thus, when a change is made in design speed, many elements

of the highway design will change accordingly (NJDOT, 2015).

Since design speed is predicated on the favourable conditions of climate and little or no

traffic on the highway, it is influenced principally by:

Character of the terrain.

Extent of man-made features.

Economic considerations (as related to construction and right-of-way costs).

These three factors apply only to the selection of a specific design speed within a logical

range pertinent to a particular system or classification of which the facility is a part

(NJDOT, 2015).

Design Vehicle

The physical characteristics of vehicles and the proportions of the various size vehicles

using the highways are positive controls in geometric design. A design vehicle is a

selected motor vehicle, the weight, dimensions and operating characteristics of which are

used to establish highway design controls to accommodate vehicles of a designated type

(NJDOT, 2015).


The term "capacity" is used to express the maximum number of vehicles which have a

reasonable expectation of passing over a section of a lane or a roadway during a given

time period under prevailing roadway and traffic conditions. However, in a broad sense,

capacity encompasses the relationship between highway characteristics and conditions,

traffic composition and flow patterns, and the relative degree of congestion at various

traffic volumes throughout the range from light volumes to those equaling the capacity of

the facility as defined above, Highway capacity information serves three general


For transportation planning studies to assess the adequacy or sufficiency of existing

highway networks to current traffic demand, and to estimate when, in time, projected

traffic demand, may exceed the capacity of the existing highway network or may cause

undesirable congestion on the highway system.

For identifying and analyzing bottleneck locations (both existing and potential), and for

the evaluation of traffic operational improvement projects on the highway network.

For highway design purposes (NJDOT, 2015).

Sight Distances

Sight distance is the length of the roadway ahead that is visible to the driver. It is a

fundamental design element in the safe and efficient operation of a highway. Five basic

types of sigh distances must be considered in design: stopping sight distance (SSD),

applicable on all highways; passing sight distance (PSD), applicable only on two-lane

highways; decision sight distance (DSD), needed at complex locations; preview sight

distance (PVSD), applicable to horizontal curves, especially those combined with vertical

curves; and intersection sight distance (ISD), needed for all types of intersections. In

addition, a special type of sight distance (called head-on sight distance) that may be

needed when parking occurs on both sides of a residential street has been addressed by

Gattis (Said, 2003).

Stopping Sight Distance

Stopping sight distance is the distance that enables a vehicle traveling at or near the design

speed to stop before reaching a stationary object in its path. The SSD in feet is computed


𝑆𝐷𝐷 = 1.47𝑉𝑡 +
30[( 32.2 ) + 𝐺]


t= the brake reaction time (sec)

V= the design speed (mph)

0.3048a= the deceleration rate (m/sec2)

G= the percent of grade divided by 100 (positive for upgrade and negative for downgrade)

(Said, 2003).

Passing Sight Distance

Passing sight distance is the distance required for a vehicle to overtake a slower moving

vehicle safely on a two-lane highway. The AASHTO model is based on certain

assumptions for traffic behaviour and considers PSD as the sum of four distances Fig 2.1.

(1) distance during perception and reaction time, and during the initial acceleration of the

passing vehicle to the encroachment point on the left lane (d1) ;(2) distance travelled

while the passing vehicle occupies the left lane (d2); (3) distance between the passing

vehicle at the end of its manoeuvre and the opposing vehicle (d3); and (4) distance

traversed by an opposing (Said, 2003).

Figure 2.1: Elements of passing sight distance for two-lane highways (Source: Said,

Decision Sight Distance

Decision sight distance is required at complex locations to enable drivers to maneuver

their vehicles safely rather than stop. It is the distance required for a driver to detect an

unexpected hazard, recognize the hazard, decide on proper maneuvers, and execute the

required action safely (Said, 2003).

The decision sight distance is computed by:

DSD = 1.4 Vt + 1.075 ( V2/0,3048a)


t= the premaneuver time

V= the design speed (mph)

0.3048a= the deceleration rate (m/sec2).

Preview Sight Distance

Preview sight distance is the distance required by a driver to perceive a horizontal curve

and properly react to it. AASHTO implicitly recognizes PVSD by recommending that

sharp horizontal curvature should not be introduced at or near the top of a pronounced

crest vertical curve or near the low point of a pronounced sag vertical curve (Said,


Intersection Sight Distance

Intersection sight distance is the distance provided at an intersection to allow

approaching vehicles (at an uncontrolled or yield-controlled intersection) to see any

potentially conflicting vehicles in sufficient time to slow or stop safely and to allow

stopped vehicles (at a stop or signal-controlled intersection) to enter or cross the

intersection safely (Said, 2003).

Design Heights for Sight Distances

Sight distances are measured from a 1.0668m driver’s eye height to a 0.6096m object

height for SSD and DSD and a 1.0668m object height for PSD and ISD. The object height

of 1.0668m is based on a design vehicle height of 1.326m, less an allowance of 10 in. to

allow another driver to recognize the vehicle (Said, 2003).

Figure 2.2: Illustration of preview sight distance (Source: Said, 2003).

2.1.4 Design elements

Simple Highway Curves

Two basic curves are used for connecting straight (tangent) roadway sections in geometric

design: a simple circular curve for horizontal alignment and a simple parabolic curve for

vertical alignment. Other options include spirals, compound curves, and reverse circular

curves for horizontal alignment; and unsymmetrical curves and reverse parabolic curves

for vertical alignment (Said, 2003).

Simple Horizontal Curves

The basic elements required for laying out a horizontal curve are tangent distance T,

external distance E, middle ordinate M, length of chord C, and curve length L. These

elements can be easily computed in terms of R and I (Said, 2003).

Figure 2.3: Geometry of simple horizontal curves (Source: Said, 2003).

Figure 2.4: Types of vertical curves (Source: Said, 2003).

Simple Vertical Curves

Vertical curves are normally parabolic. A simple vertical curve may be a crest vertical

curve or sag vertical curve, as illustrated in Fig 2.4. In this figure, G1 and G2 are the

grades of the first and second tangents (in percent), A is the absolute value of the algebraic

difference in grades (in percent), L is the curve length measured in a horizontal plane,

VPI is the vertical point of intersection, VPC is the vertical point of curvature, and VPT

is the vertical point of tangent. For a simple vertical curve, VPI lies in the (Said, 2003).

Horizontal Alignment

The horizontal alignment consists of straight roadway sections (tangents) connected by

horizontal curves, which are normally circular curves with or without transition (spiral)

curves. The basic design features of horizontal alignment include minimum radius,

transition curves, super elevation, and sight distance. To understand how the minimum

radius is determined, the radius–speed relationship is described firs (Said, 2003).

Radius–Speed Relationship

When a vehicle travels along a horizontal curve, it is forced radially outward by a

centrifugal force. The centrifugal force is counterbalanced by the vehicle weight

component related to the roadway super elevation and the friction force between the tire

and pavement. From the law of mechanic (Said, 2003).

R = 0.3048
15(0.01𝑒 + 𝑓)

Where R = the radius of curve (m)

V = the vehicle speed (mph)

e = the rate of roadway super elevation (in percent)

f = the side friction (demand) factor

The minimum radius is found based on limiting values of e and f.

Maximum Super elevation

The maximum super elevation, emax, depends on climatic conditions, terrain, location

(urban or rural), and frequency of slow-moving vehicles. For open highways, the

maximum super elevation is 0.10 or 0.12 in areas without snow and ice; otherwise, the

maximum super elevation should be 0.08. A rate of 0.12 may also be used for low-volume

gravel roads to facilitate cross drainage. A maximum rate of 0.04 or 0.06 is common in

urban areas (Said, 2003).

Vertical Alignment

The vertical alignment consists of straight roadway sections (grades or tangents)

connected by vertical curves. The grade line is laid out in the preliminary location study

to reduce the amount of earthwork and to satisfy other constraints such as minimum and

maximum grades. The basic design features of vertical alignment include grades, critical

length of grade, climbing lanes, emergency escape ramps, and vertical curve length (Said,



Maximum grades for different types of roads and design speeds have been established by

AASHTO. Maximum grades of about 5% are considered appropriate for a 70-mph design

speed. For a 30-mphdesign speed, maximum grades generally range from 7 to 12%,

depending on topography. For intermediate design speeds, maximum grades lie between

the above extremes. For low-volume rural highways grades may be 2% steeper. Minimum

grades are necessary to facilitate surface drainage. For uncurbed roads, the grade may be

0%, provided ditch grades are adequate. For curbed roads, the minimum grade is 0.3%,

but a 0.5% grade should be used if possible. For very flat terrain, a grade as low as 0.2%

may be necessary (Said, 2003).

Critical Length of Grade

The critical length of grade is the maximum length of a designated upgrade on which a

loaded truck can operate without an unreasonable reduction in speed (Said, 2003).

Climbing Lanes

A climbing lane is an extra lane on the upgrade side of a two-lane highway for use by

heavy vehicles whose speeds are significantly reduced on upgrades (Said, 2003).

Emergency Escape Ramps

An emergency escape ramp is provided on a long, steep downgrade for use by heavy

vehicles losing control because of brake failure (caused by heating or mechanical failure).

The ramp allows these vehicles to decelerate and stop away from the main traffic stream

(Said, 2003).

Vertical Curve Length

The length of a vertical parabolic curve (Said, 2003). Is computed by

L = 0.3048AK (63.10)

Where L = the length of vertical curve (m)

A = the algebraic difference in grades (in percent)

K = the constant.

Cross Section Elements

The features of the cross-section of the pavement influences the life of the pavement as

well as the riding comfort and safety. Of these, pavement surface characteristics affect

both of these. Camber, kerbs, and geometry of various cross-sectional elements are

important aspects to be considered in this regard. They are explained briefly in this part

(Tom et al; 2007).

Pavement surface characteristics

For safe and comfortable driving four aspects of the pavement surface are important; the

friction between the wheels and the pavement surface, smoothness of the road surface,

the light reflection characteristics of the top of pavement surface, and drainage to water

(Tom et al; 2007).


Friction between the wheel and the pavement surface is a crucial factor in the design of

horizontal curves and thus the safe operating speed. Further, it also affect the acceleration

and deceleration ability of vehicles. Lack of adequate friction can cause skidding or

slipping of vehicles.

i. Skidding happens when the path traveled along the road surface is more than the

circumferential movement of the wheels due to friction.

ii. Slip occurs when the wheel revolves more than the corresponding longitudinal

movement along the road. Various factors that affect friction are:

a) Type of the pavement (like bituminous, concrete, or gravel).

b) Condition of the pavement (dry or wet, hot or cold, etc.).

c) Condition of the tyre (new or old) and

d) Speed and load of the vehicle.

The frictional force that develops between the wheel and the pavement is the load

acting multiplied by a factor called the coefficient of friction and denoted as f. The

choice of the value of f is a very complicated issue since it depends on many variables.

IRC suggests the coefficient of longitudinal friction as 0.35-0.4 depending on the

speed and coefficient of lateral friction as 0.15. The former is useful in sight distance

calculation and the latter in horizontal curve design (Tom et al; 2007).

Light refection

 White roads have good visibility at night, but caused glare during day time.

 Black roads has no glare during day, but has poor visibility at night

 Concrete roads has better visibility and less glare

It is necessary that the road surface should be visible at night and reflection of light is

the factor that answers it (Tom et al; 2007).


The pavement surface should be absolutely impermeable to prevent seepage of water into

the pavement layers. Further, both the geometry and texture of pavement surface should

help in draining out the water from the surface in less time (Tom et al; 2007).


Camber or cant is the cross slope provided to raise middle of the road surface in the

transverse direction to drain o_ rain water from road surface (Tom et al; 2007). The

objectives of providing camber are:

 Surface protection especially for gravel and bituminous roads

 Sub-grade protection by proper drainage

 Quick drying of pavement which in turn increases safety

Too steep slope is undesirable for it will erode the surface. Camber is measured in 1 in n

or n% (Eg. 1 in 50 or 2%) and the value depends on the type of pavement surface. The

values suggested by IRC for various categories of pavement is given in Table 1. The

common types of camber are parabolic, straight, or combination of them (Figure 2.5).

Figure 2.5: Different types of camber (Source: Tom et al; 2007).

Table 2.1: IRC Values for Camber (Source: Tom et al; 2007).

Surface Heavy rain Light rain

Concrete/bituminous 2% 1.7%
Gravel/WBM 3% 2.5%
Earthen 4% 3.0%

Width of carriage way

Width of the carriage way or the width of the pavement depends on the width of the traffic

lane and number of lanes. Width of a traffic lane depends on the width of the vehicle and

the clearance. Side clearance improves operating speed and safety. The maximum

permissible width of a vehicle is 2.44 and the desirable side clearance for single lane

traffic is 0.68 m. This require minimum of lane width of 3.75 m for a single lane road

(Figure 2.6 a). However, the side clearance required is about 0.53 m, on either side or

1.06 m in the center. Therefore, a two lane road require minimum of 3.5 meter for each

lane (Figure 2.6 b). The desirable carriage way width recommended by IRC is given in

Table 2.2.

Table 2.2: IRC Specification for carriage way width (Source: Tom et al; 2007).
Single lane 3.75
Two lane, no kerbs 7.0
Two lane, raised kerbs 7.5
Intermediate carriage 5.5
multi-lane 3.5

a b

a a

Figure 2.6: Lane width for single and two lane roads (Source: Tom et al; 2007).


Kerbs indicate the boundary between the carriage way and the shoulder or islands or

footpaths. Different types of kerbs are (Figure 2.7):

 Low or mountable kerbs: This type of kerbs are provided such that they

encourage the traffic to remain in the through traffic lanes and also allow the

driver to enter the shoulder area with little difficulty. The height of this kerb is

about 10 cm above the pavement edge with a slope which allows the vehicle to

climb easily. This is usually provided at medians and channelization schemes and

also helps in longitudinal drainage.

 Semi-barrier type kerbs: When the pedestrian traffic is high, these kerbs are

provided. Their height is 15 cm above the pavement edge. This type of kerb

prevents encroachment of parking vehicles, but at acute emergency it is possible

to drive over this kerb with some difficulty.

 Barrier type kerbs: They are designed to discourage vehicles from leaving the

pavement. They are provided when there is considerable amount of pedestrian

traffic. They are placed at a height of 20 cm above the pavement edge with a

steep batter (Tom et al; 2007).

Figure 2.7: Different types of kerbs. (Source: Tom et al; 2007).

 Submerged kerbs: They are used in rural roads. The kerbs are provided at

pavement edges between the pavement edge and shoulders. They provide lateral

confinement and stability to the pavement.

Road margins

The portion of the road beyond the carriageway and on the roadway can be generally

called road margin. Various elements that form the road margins are given below (Tom

et al; 2007).


Shoulders are provided along the road edge and is intended for accommodation of

stopped vehicles, serve as an emergency lane for vehicles and provide lateral support

for base and surface courses. The shoulder should be strong enough to bear the weight

of a fully loaded truck even in wet conditions. The shoulder width should be adequate

for giving working space around a stopped vehicle. It is desirable to have a width of 4.6

m for the shoulders. A minimum width of 2.5 m is recommended for 2-lane rural

highways in India (Tom et al; 2007).

Parking lanes

Parking lanes are provided in urban lanes for side parking. Parallel parking is preferred

because it is safe for the vehicles moving on the road. The parking lane should have a

minimum of 3.0 m width in the case of parallel parking (Tom et al; 2007).


Bus bays are provided by recessing the kerbs for bus stops. They are provided so that

they do not obstruct the movement of vehicles in the carriage way. They should be at

least 75 meters away from the intersection so that the traffic near the intersections is not

affected by the bus-bay (Tom et al; 2007).

Service roads

Service roads or frontage roads give access to access controlled highways like freeways

and expressways. They run parallel to the highway and will be usually isolated by a

separator and access to the highway will be provided only at selected points. These

roads are provided to avoid congestion in the expressways and also the speed of the

traffic in those lanes is not reduced (Tom et al; 2007).

Cycle track

Cycle tracks are provided in urban areas when the volume of cycle track is high

Minimum width of 2 meter is required, which may be increased by 1 meter for every

additional track (Tom et al; 2007).


Footpaths are exclusive right of way to pedestrians, especially in urban areas. They are

provided for the safety of the pedestrians when both the pedestrian traffic and vehicular

traffic is high. Minimum width is 1.5 meter and may be increased based on the traffic.

The footpath should be either as smooth as the pavement or smoother than that to

induce the pedestrian to use the footpath (Tom et al; 2007).

Guard rails

They are provided at the edge of the shoulder usually when the road is on an

embankment. They serve to prevent the vehicles from running off the embankment,

especially when the height of the fill exceeds 3 m. various designs of guard rails are

there. Guard stones painted in alternate black and white are usually used. They also give

better visibility of curves at night under headlights of vehicles (Tom et al; 2007).

Width of formation

Width of formation or roadway width is the sum of the widths of pavements or carriage

way including separators and shoulders. This does not include the extra land in

formation/cutting. The values suggested by IRC are given in Table 2.3 (Tom et al;


TABLE 2.3: Width of formation for various classed of roads (Source: Tom et al; 2007)
Road Roadway width in m
classification Plain and Mountains and
Rolling terrain Steep terrain
NH/SH 12 6.25-8.8
MDR 9 4.75
ODR 7.5-9.0 4.75
VR 7.5 4.0

Right of way

Right of way (ROW) or land width is the width of land acquired for the road, along its

alignment. It should be adequate to accommodate all the cross-sectional elements of the

highway and may reasonably provide for future development. To prevent ribbon

development along highways, control lines and building lines may be provided.

Control line is a line which represents the nearest limits of future uncontrolled building

activity in relation to a road. Building line represents a line on either side of the road,

between which and the road no building activity is permitted at all. The right of way

width is governed by:

 Width of formation: It depends on the category of the highway and width of

roadway and road margins.

 Height of embankment or depth of cutting: It is governed by the topography and

the vertical alignment.

 Side slopes of embankment or cutting: It depends on the height of the slope, soil

type etc.

 Drainage system and their size which depends on rainfall, topography etc. Sight

distance considerations: On curves etc. there is restriction to the visibility on the

inner side of the curve due to the presence of some obstructions like building

structures etc.

Reserve land for future widening: Some land has to be acquired in advance anticipating

future developments like widening of the road (Tom et al; 2007).

TABLE 2.4: Normal right of way for open areas (Source: Tom et al; 2007)
Road Roadway width in m
classification Plain and Mountains and
Rolling terrain Steep terrain
Open areas
NH/SH 45 24
MDR 25 18
ODR 15 15
VR 12 9
Built-up areas
NH/SH 30 20
MDR 20 15
ODR 15 12
VR 10 9

The importance of reserved land is emphasized by the following. Extra width of land is

available for the Construction of roadside facilities. Land acquisition is not possible

later, because the land may be occupied for various other purposes (buildings, business

etc.) The normal ROW requirements for built up and open areas as specified by IRC is

given in Table 2.4 a typical cross section of a ROW is given in Figure 2.8 (Tom et al;


Figure 2.8: A typical Right of way (ROW) (Source: Tom et al; 2007)

2.2 Review of Related Literature

Since 2001 Djibo Hassane, for his final year work at the department of geomatics

engineering Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, carried out a work on route survey and

design which he titled (route survey and design of a section of high way). Whereby have

been used:

 Theodolite traversing method to carry out the center line alignment,

 Steel band tape to measure the centerline intervals,

 Analog method for all the design.

Elhadj (2008) carried out a similar project as final year work submitted to the department

of geomatics engineering Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. The project was titled (route

survey and design of the proposed road, from Ramat hall to the newly proposed hostel),

in the main compus, Samaru, Zaria. Digital theodolite has been used to run the traverse

along the center line of the proposed road, and a level to obtain height information at

chainage points. The plotting and design of the longitudinal section was done using

PISTE. But the design has been chortcome, the horizontal aliment have not been brought

on the plan view and the vertical alignment on the profile view.

Abubakar (2009) also carried out a similar project as final year work submitted to the

department of geomatics engineering Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. The project was

titled (data collection for route location in highway design) he used a total station to run

a traverse along the center line of the proposed road, in which X, Y, Z coordinates of

chainages points at 24m intervals were obtained directly, both longitudinally and cross-

section. Then the study was plotted using AutoCAD software, no design was made.

Then Tanimu (2017) also carried out a similar project as final year work submitted to the

same department, with title (Route survey and design of road linking Jama’a to Saye

village Sabon Gari local government Kaduna state), the total station instrument was used

to carry out the surveying and autocad land used for the profile levelling design.

While, whereby this study, new generation total station is used to carry out the survey and

in what concern the design, apart from a design of horizontal aliment on the plan view

and the vertical alignment on the profile view. A perspective view at each cross section

is produce.



3.1 Introduction

This involves planning on how to go about a particular project execution. It is necessary

to consider the methods to be used and planning the sequential process to adopt for

efficiency and quality service delivery. Leica Tso6 was used to achieve the said objectives

and the planning processes are explained step by step. These include reconnaissance

(Office and field planning), instrument check before data acquisition commenced.

3.1.1 Office planning

Office planning involves undertaking some paper work and also conducting a study of

the project area, as well as considering the aim of the project. The office planning involves

the collection of the coordinate of the controls points that are located within the study

area and also the choice of the instrument.

3.1.2 Field planning

Field planning was done by walking round the entire study area so as to have the general

view of the overall picture of the study area. During this process, the method that best

suits the project was noted (Total station traverse) and the most suitable position for

stations was also determined.

The following processes were carried out during the field reconnaissance:

i. Location of the three controls

ii. Selection of stations

The majors control points that were used to tie all other control points are shown in the

table 3.1.
Table 3.1: Major Control Points Used
Control Easting Northing Height (m) Remarks
No. (m) (m)
ABU39 352205.870 1233605.050 668.550 Control

ABU41 351893.830 1233933.400 670.140 Control

ABU40 352093.910 1233773.505 620.090 Occupied stn.

3.2 Instruments Used

For a project to be executed efficiently the choice of instruments plays a vital role and it

depends on the nature of work, time frame, size, accuracy and the instruments availability.

Storage facilities of the instrument, methods of data collection and processing are also

important in decision making.


i. One (Leica TSO6) and its accessories

ii. One Hammer

iii. One 30m Steel tape

iv. One 5m tape

Tests of the Instrument

The plate bubble test was carried out on the Leica TS06 instrument to ascertain its


Plate Bubble Test

The tripod was set up at a comfortable height. The foot pegs of the tripod was firmly spike

in for stability, then the legs of the tripod adjusted when required to bring the head back

to visually level. the instrument was mounted on top of the tripod and firmly hold in place

with the tripod fixing bolt, care was taken not over tighten the fixing bolt as it can deform

the base of the instrument and make levelling more difficult. Using all three levelling

screws on the base of the instrument the bulls eye bubble level, was brought to the centre.

Should this be a long way from level, the tripod leg adjustment was use to bring it closer

to level.

In-situ check

In-situ check on this aspect, comparison of observed and computed value of coordinates;

distance of the controls used for the orientation was made. The essence of this was to

ensure that the control ABU39, ABU40 and ABU41 had not been tempered or departed

from in-situ. Table 3.2 shows the in situ check carried out for this study.

Table 3.2: In-situ carried out

Stn No Existing Existing Existing Observed Observed Observed Difference Difference Difference
coordinate coordinate coordinate Coordinate coordinate coordinate

- Easting (m) Northing Height (m) Easting (m) Northing Height (m) Easting Northing Height (m)
(m) (m) (m) (m)

ABU39 352205.870 1233605.050 668.550 352205.827 1233601.132 668.577 0.043 0.82 0.027

ABU41 351893.830 1233933.400 670.140 351893.819 1233933.296 670.115 0.011 0.104 0.035

ABU40 352093.910 1233773.050 620.090 352093.916 1233773.545 620.97 0.016 0.045 0.07

From the Table 3.2, it can be deduced from the differences in Easting’s, Nothings, and

Heights between the existing and the observed coordinates that the controls pillars were




Figure 3.1: in-situ check diagram

3.3 Data Acquisition

After the field reconnaissance, work stated properly on the site by carrying out a corridor

mapping along the center lines. This work involve coordination at regular interval of 25m

stake points for longitudinal profiling and cross sections at 100m of all the roads involved.

The data captured are X, Y and Z (Easting, Northing and height) coordinates format.

3.4 Field Observational Procedure

The instrument, Leica Tso6 was set up and leveled on ABU41. After the station set up,

JOB named was created. Station and back-sight Coordinate were inputted respectively to

measured and set the orientation correctly; the reflector was taken to all points of interest

within the corridor to measured and record by the total station.

Below is the general precaution taken from the field measurement with Leica Tso6.

i. Survey was carried out following the elementary principle of survey e.g. walking

from whole to part etc.

ii. The vertical axis was perpendicular to the bubble axis so as to have the vertical

axis truly vertical when the bubble is centered

iii. The line of sight was set at perpendicular to the horizontal axis so that the line of

sight revolves in a vertical plane rather along a conical surface.

iv. The horizontal axis was set to be perpendicular to the vertical axis so that the

horizontal axis is parallel with the bubble axis and the line of sight passes through

a vertical plane rather than an inclined one when the telescope is rotated about the

horizontal axis.

v. The vertical cross hair was set to be vertical and the horizontal cross hair

horizontal respectively whenever the instrument is level.

vi. The vertical axis horizontal axis and line of sight always intersect at one point.

vii. The vertical axis always passes through the center of the horizontal axis.

3.5 Downloading of the Data from Leica Ts06

The geo-spatial data was exported from the total station Leica Ts06 through the USB port;

to a flash drive in XML format for manipulation and processing on the computer, Then

Microsoft Excel is used to edit the data for exporting to the plotting software environment,


Figure 3.2: Raw data downloaded from Leica Ts06.

Table 3.3: Edited data from Leica Ts06

3.6 Data Manipulation

This is an effort of changing data to make it easier to read or be more organized. It displays

information to users in a more meaningful way, based on code in a software program.

3.6.1 Importing data into covadis environment

The file is saved at txt format on the local disk of the computer before Importation in

covadis that is a complementary module of autocad used in this study to edit the data for

Importation in the piste environment which is a software specialised on road design.

Figure 3.3: import data

3.6.2 Importing data into piste environment

Once in the covadis environment the data file is coverted to DWG format then imported

in Piste, where triangulation and contour are generated

Figure 3.4: Data Processing for Vertical Alignment

3.6.3 Profiles

The profile is the vertical aspect of the road, including Crest and Sag curves, and the

straight grade lines connecting them.

Figure 3.5: Surface profile of the study area and proposed final level

3.6.4 Cross-section

The cross-section of road which consist of a roadway surface of define width that includes

the lanes, shoulders and ditches which are adjacent to an elevated road way and are design

to accommodate drainage from the roadway and property.

Figure 3.6: proposed cross-section of the study.

3.7 Applied design elements

3.7.1 Design speed

The design speed considered in this project is 60Km/h

3.7.2 Design elements

The basic elements of geometric design are: the horizontal alignment, the vertical

alignment and cross section. The horizontal alignment of a roadway is defined in term of

straight-line tangents and horizontal curves.

Considering the initial aspect of the road and the design speed the following elements was

used to design the proposed road.

Table 3.4: Design elements


0 351996.095 1234019.945
line1 ANG = 222.583° 229.817
229.817 351826.882 1233864.437
curve1 XC= 352232.877
YC= 1233422.659
R = 600.000 169.842
399.659 351719.648 1233733.459
line2 ANG = 238.802° 286.323
685.982 351571.333 1233488.544
curve2 XC= 351673.979
YC= 1233426.384
R = 120.000 191.824
877.806 351614.69 1233322.054
line3 ANG = 330.391° 327.724
1205.53 351899.619 1233160.133
curve3 XC= 351781.040
YC= 1232951.473
R = -240.000 360.535
1566.065 351997.335 1232847.469
line4 ANG = 244.320° 610.51
2176.575 351732.771 1232297.261
curve4 XC= 352273.507
YC= 1232037.252
R = 600.000 150.631
2327.206 351685.13 1232154.779
line5 ANG = 258.704° 107.65
2434.855 351664.044 1232049.215

Table 3.5: Design elements


curve5 XC= 351546.369
YC= 1232072.720
R = -120.000 99.888
2534.743 351608.2 1231970
line6 ANG = 211.011° 169.171
2703.914 351463.2 1231883
curve6 XC= 351772.326
YC= 1231368.474
R = 600.000 201.323
2905.237 351311.1 1231752
line7 ANG = 230.236° 376.345
3281.582 351070.4 1231463
curve7 XC= 350724.485
YC= 1231750.790
R = -450.000 126.002
3407.584 350977.4 1231379
line8 ANG = 214.193° 386.41
3793.994 350657.8 1231161
curve8 XC= 350725.196
YC= 1231062.159
R = 120.000 114.189
3908.183 350605.2 1231065
line9 ANG = 268.714° 92.346
4000.529 350603.2 1230973
curve9 XC= 350363.215
YC= 1230977.913
R = -240.000 133.361
4133.89 350564.2 1230847
line10 ANG = 236.877° 140.172
4274.062 350487.6 1230729
curve10 XC= 350688.618
YC= 1230598.227
R = 240.000 59.831
4333.894 350461.5 1230676
final line ANG = 251.160° 191.106
4525 350399.8 1230495


ANG = Angles.

XC, YC = Curves Easting, Northing coordinates.

R = Curves Radius

The various products generate in this study can be very useful for planning purposes and

decision making.



4.1 Results

This chapter discuss the results of the observation carried out and design made in this

study, which are presented in a digital copy of the route survey and design of a road from

A.B.U Zaria Samaru Nuga Gate to Garin Ajiya Village, Zaria Kaduna. The geometric

data (X Y, Z location) was acquired by direct field observation on the project site.

Thereafter, they were imported into Covadis and Piste for plotting easy editing,

analysing, updating and retrieval.

4.1 Data collection and corridor map

The result of the field observation is presented in Appendix 1 and the plotted from

Covadis in Appendix 2.

4.2 Horizontal Alignment

The result obtained from plotting and proposed design of the horizontal alignment is

shown in appendix 2. It reveals the plan view of the road alignment. This horizontal

alignment is useful to engineers during road construction.

4.3 Longitudinal Profiling

The Longitudinal profiling of the route was generated at an interval of 25 meters with the

chainages plotted against the corresponding vertical height with a proposed design of

finish road levels are shown in Appendix 2. This plan of profile and design of finish road

levels is Important for engineers to established areas of cut and fill.

4.4 Cross Section

The cross section of the road was generated at an interval of 25 meters with the chainages

plotted against the corresponding vertical height as shown in Appendix 2.

This cross section is very important for civil engineers in the designing of finish road

levels to established areas of cut and fill.



5.1 Conclusion

The project examined the route survey of the road from Nuga Gate of Ahmadu Bello

University, Zaria to Garin Ajiya village to provide data for the design of horizontal

alignments, longitudinal profiles for vertical alignments cross-sections. Surveying is

concerned with the science and technology of obtaining information about relative

position of special object on, above and beneath the surface of the earth. The first thing

required in any road construction is the basic topographic survey, this data is required at

both the decision making, design, construction and post construction stage. The accuracy

and efficiency of the survey information will help immensely in the efficiency of both the

economy, safety of all road construction projects. The complete involvement of a survey

in road construction will leads to an excellent design implementation that shall yield to a

very good finishing, increase its life span and enhance safety of the road users and those

within the road reserved.

5.2 Recommendations

I hereby recommend that before any road is constructed a professional surveyor should

be involved in the preparation of the bill of engineering. Measurement, design,

construction and post construction stages, it is only through this that an efficient road

construction can be achieved.


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Appendix 1

Edited data from LEICA TS06


1 352093.910 1233773.050 670.090 ABU40
2 351893.830 1233933.400 670.140 ABU41
3 351795.261 1233846.183 673.956 TBM2
4 351614.422 1233564.694 674.308 TBM3
5 351524.031 1233376.226 672.867 TBM6
6 351900.361 1233151.369 668.393 TBM7
7 352013.255 1233054.083 666.331 TBM9
8 351953.563 1232619.411 661.849 TBM11
9 351953.563 1232619.411 661.849 TBM11
10 351801.787 1232449.646 657.890 TBM13
11 351701.190 1232203.587 649.044 TBM15
12 351646.774 1231996.510 656.001 TBM17
13 351645.616 1231952.241 658.531 TBM18
14 351533.248 1231936.927 660.163 2975
15 351316.803 1231715.106 661.531 AA
16 351081.654 1231514.415 664.270 TBM21
17 350825.130 1231256.416 664.984 4075
18 350624.748 1231116.504 664.815 4326
19 350596.537 1231028.141 663.034 AA1
20 350596.537 1231028.141 663.034 AA2
21 350592.272 1230893.513 655.084 4600
22 350453.636 1230611.326 665.718 AA3
23 350453.636 1230611.326 665.718 AA4
24 351367.633 1231263.669 661.812 TP1
25 351536.409 1231257.468 660.340 TP2
26 351679.285 1231501.833 660.946 TP4
27 351646.452 1231994.054 659.613 TP5
28 351691.666 1232365.024 652.704 TP6
29 351748.515 1232465.081 658.383 TP7
30 351297.742 1231761.064 661.189 TBM19
31 351284.810 1231749.270 661.340 TBM20
32 350577.262 1231038.327 663.613 TBM24
33 350587.273 1231025.441 663.234 4450
34 350430.499 1230613.866 666.106 TBM28
35 350435.666 1230623.328 665.699 TBM27
36 351932.468 1233646.457 668.577 CP1
37 351893.826 1233933.297 670.115 1
38 351893.819 1233933.296 670.115 2
39 351639.928 1233968.674 670.094 CP2
40 351996.115 1234019.945 671.348 0

41 351994.581 1234021.766 671.260 GL1
42 351993.487 1234022.964 671.160 GL2
43 351992.833 1234023.747 671.137 GL3
44 351997.811 1234017.75 671.346 GL4
45 351998.792 1234016.704 671.225 GL5
46 351999.559 1234015.802 671.360 GL6
47 351978.143 1234003.413 670.194 25
48 351960.075 1233987.41 668.944 50
49 351941.161 1233971.301 668.492 75
50 351922.879 1233952.888 668.624 100
51 351924.163 1233951.268 668.493 GL7
52 351925.121 1233950.236 668.534 GL8
53 351925.717 1233949.686 668.364 GL9
54 351920.848 1233954.502 668.590 GL10
55 351919.739 1233955.43 668.774 GL11
56 351919.314 1233955.935 668.657 GL12
57 351903.561 1233937.336 669.702 125
58 351885.631 1233921.067 670.508 150
59 351867.826 1233904.941 671.100 175
60 351849.844 1233888.578 671.854 200
61 351851.748 1233886.437 671.773 GL13
62 351852.629 1233885.275 671.660 GL14
63 351853.159 1233884.415 671.554 GL15
64 351848.600 1233890.263 671.827 GL16
65 351847.344 1233891.542 671.775 GL17
66 351846.765 1233892.294 671.562 GL18
67 351831.807 1233871.591 672.553 225
68 351812.998 1233853.951 673.270 250
69 351795.097 1233836.747 674.170 275
70 351777.172 1233817.587 674.447 300
71 351780.691 1233814.198 674.350 GL19
72 351780.755 1233814.094 674.261 GL20
73 351781.729 1233813.308 674.248 GL21
74 351795.261 1233846.183 673.956 TBM2
75 351666.999 1233875.7 670.128 TP3
76 351774.623 1233818.773 674.528 GL22
77 351773.172 1233819.874 674.504 GL23
78 351772.207 1233820.259 674.468 GL24
79 351762.854 1233798.743 674.482 325
80 351749.537 1233778.189 674.561 350

81 351736.523 1233756.654 674.636 375
82 351724.095 1233735.739 674.750 400
83 351726.316 1233734.391 674.578 GL25
84 351728.889 1233732.861 674.467 GL26
85 351729.741 1233732.415 674.478 GL27
86 351722.203 1233737.013 674.709 GL28
87 351720.576 1233738.044 674.565 GL29
88 351719.763 1233738.463 674.442 GL30
89 351712.640 1233716.164 674.786 425
90 351699.808 1233694.996 674.809 450
91 351688.259 1233676.072 674.869 475
92 351675.410 1233655.258 674.908 500
93 351673.271 1233656.646 674.830 GL31
94 351671.773 1233657.628 674.770 GL32
95 351670.561 1233658.675 674.707 GL33
96 351677.846 1233653.771 674.788 GL34
97 351680.593 1233651.448 674.678 GL35
98 351681.907 1233650.136 674.617 GL36
99 351664.310 1233637.144 674.750 525
100 351651.518 1233618.097 674.689 550
101 351640.585 1233599.598 674.602 575
102 351628.679 1233580.864 674.517 600
103 351617.142 1233562.861 674.489 GL37
104 351619.175 1233561.516 674.472 GL38
105 351620.789 1233560.641 674.299 GL39
106 351621.641 1233560.147 674.276 GL40
107 351615.068 1233564.167 674.332 GL41
108 351613.774 1233565.047 674.189 GL42
109 351614.422 1233564.694 674.308 TBM3@
110 351622.649 1233562.465 674.316 TBM4
111 351619.663 1233557.68 674.274 TBM4@
112 351612.500 1233565.740 674.254 GL43
113 351604.934 1233542.840 674.323 625
114 351593.967 1233524.312 674.175 650
115 351581.263 1233503.978 674.115 675
116 351570.128 1233486.093 673.923 700
117 351567.827 1233487.541 673.816 GL44
118 351572.136 1233484.911 673.853 GL45
119 351566.494 1233488.363 673.632 GL46
120 351573.578 1233484.215 673.681 GL47
121 351565.958 1233488.323 673.695 GL48
122 351574.636 1233483.566 673.687 GL49
123 351557.448 1233465.451 673.708 725
124 351545.958 1233446.719 673.656 750

125 351533.261 1233425.672 673.572 775
126 351521.664 1233407.022 673.457 800
127 351519.636 1233408.401 673.449 GL50
128 351518.169 1233409.528 673.193 GL51
129 351517.143 1233410.186 673.128 GL52
130 351523.896 1233405.924 673.267 GL53
131 351525.008 1233405.269 673.173 GL54
132 351525.788 1233404.739 673.231 GL55
133 351511.344 1233388.477 673.144 825
134 351509.986 1233384.901 672.970 TBM5
135 351524.031 1233376.226 672.867 TBM6@
136 351522.475 1233392.587 672.973 TBM5@
137 351512.952 1233382.511 672.993 0AP/TS
138 351531.881 1233374.296 673.043 850
139 351553.539 1233361.485 672.901 875
140 351574.753 1233348.222 672.789 900
141 351575.873 1233350.119 672.663 GL56
142 351573.416 1233346.231 672.626 GL57
143 351576.699 1233351.495 672.562 GL58
144 351572.220 1233344.814 672.525 GL59
145 351576.942 1233351.81 672.444 GL60
146 351571.226 1233343.424 672.389 GL61
147 351596.468 1233334.675 672.562 925
148 351614.170 1233324.034 672.447 950
149 351635.227 1233311.3 672.289 975
150 351651.934 1233300.592 672.095 1000
151 351650.785 1233298.748 671.999 GL62
152 351650.144 1233297.542 671.614 GL63
153 351649.501 1233296.71 671.659 GL64
154 351653.171 1233302.778 671.989 GL65
155 351654.009 1233304.107 671.887 GL66
156 351654.949 1233305.738 671.768 GL67
157 351672.689 1233288.175 671.787 1025
158 351690.144 1233277.656 671.600 1050
159 351711.385 1233264.069 671.267 1075
160 351729.439 1233253.411 671.035 1100
161 351727.840 1233251.117 670.938 GL68
162 351727.147 1233249.578 670.687 GL69
163 351726.758 1233249.135 670.684 GL70
164 351730.966 1233255.888 671.852 GL71
165 351731.600 1233256.968 670.853 GL72
166 351732.264 1233258.352 670.810 GL73
167 351747.197 1233242.026 670.803 1125
168 351764.844 1233231.445 670.565 1150

169 351783.686 1233220.075 670.184 1175
170 351801.684 1233208.716 669.826 1200
171 351799.959 1233206.563 669.726 GL74
172 351799.006 1233205.231 669.484 GL75
173 351798.527 1233204.739 669.485 GL76
174 351803.238 1233211.193 669.664 GL77
175 351803.988 1233212.436 669.593 GL78
176 351804.946 1233213.96 669.527 GL79
177 351900.361 1233151.369 668.393 TBM7@
178 351920.355 1233143.63 668.243 TBM8
179 351903.873 1233130.207 668.209 BARDA
180 351823.075 1233195.953 669.552 1225
181 351842.146 1233183.977 669.224 1250
182 351859.673 1233173.239 668.966 1275
183 351880.065 1233160.985 668.503 1300
184 351878.817 1233158.679 668.457 GL80
185 351881.397 1233163.452 668.479 GL81
186 351877.829 1233157.284 668.339 GL82
187 351882.079 1233164.6 668.391 GL83
188 351877.211 1233156.131 668.274 GL84
189 351882.930 1233166.274 668.407 GL85
190 351896.892 1233146.395 668.243 1325
191 351914.678 1233129.406 667.740 1350
192 351933.085 1233117.163 667.413 1375
193 351951.730 1233103.912 667.055 1400
194 351950.388 1233100.827 667.009 GL87
195 351952.728 1233106.483 667.052 GL88
196 351949.131 1233098.548 667.032 GL89
197 351953.330 1233108.388 667.072 GL90
198 351948.228 1233097.196 667.055 GL91
199 351953.765 1233109.54 667.070 GL92
200 351968.982 1233091.626 667.108 1425
201 351989.257 1233081.732 666.849 1450
202 352006.528 1233068.72 666.516 1475
203 352013.255 1233054.083 666.331 TBM9
204 351903.529 1232953.266 668.407 TBM7@
205 352009.551 1233047.988 666.309 1500
206 352012.096 1233047.857 666.257 GL93
207 352006.872 1233047.759 666.230 GL94
208 352013.659 1233047.705 666.203 GL95
209 352004.687 1233047.817 666.055 GL96
210 352014.402 1233047.778 665.951 GL97
211 352002.609 1233047.916 666.454 GL98
212 352009.158 1233023.945 666.089 1525

213 352008.676 1233001.953 665.947 1550
214 352006.884 1232977.57 665.737 1575
215 352004.780 1232956.507 665.562 1600
216 352007.558 1232956.12 665.492 GL99
217 352001.894 1232956.789 665.466 GL100
218 352009.015 1232955.899 665.382 GL101
219 351999.441 1232957.059 665.150 GL102
220 352009.882 1232955.808 664.917 GL103
221 352002.082 1232935.347 665.320 1625
222 351999.216 1232914.215 665.076 1650
223 351996.795 1232893.866 664.820 1675
224 351993.547 1232871.411 664.577 1700
225 351996.317 1232870.972 664.513 GL104
226 351997.973 1232870.84 664.453 GL105
227 351999.056 1232870.821 663.829 GL106
228 351991.170 1232871.81 664.499 GL107
229 351989.568 1232871.958 663.805 GL108
230 351988.574 1232872.107 663.870 GL109
231 351991.148 1232849.84 664.380 1725
232 351988.256 1232829.994 664.231 1750
233 351985.647 1232808.655 664.046 1775
234 351982.466 1232785.202 663.843 1800
235 351985.398 1232784.72 663.765 GL110
236 351986.668 1232784.584 663.628 GL111
237 351987.616 1232784.474 663.259 GL112
238 351979.905 1232785.623 663.803 GL113
239 351978.361 1232785.65 663.357 GL114
240 351977.342 1232785.784 663.149 GL115
241 351979.009 1232762.929 663.642 1825
242 351975.517 1232740.115 663.439 1850
243 351972.142 1232717.844 663.241 1875
244 351968.260 1232693.882 663.028 1900
245 351971.487 1232693.12 662.896 GL116
246 351965.593 1232694.417 662.902 GL117
247 351973.052 1232693.005 662.661 GL118
248 351973.809 1232692.8 662.627 GL119
249 351964.228 1232694.521 662.135 GL120
250 351963.637 1232694.574 662.370 GL121
251 351965.548 1232694.079 662.950 TBM10
252 351953.563 1232619.411 661.849 TBM11@
253 351997.146 1232681.135 662.953 TBM10@
254 351963.831 1232667.408 662.684 1925
255 351959.470 1232645.18 661.971 1950
256 351949.446 1232623.071 661.878 1975

258 351936.526 1232606.047 661.850 GL122
259 351940.950 1232603.253 661.823 GL123
260 351934.919 1232607.384 661.921 GL124
261 351942.881 1232601.955 661.764 GL125
262 351933.436 1232608.227 662.116 GL126
263 351943.621 1232601.261 661.859 GL127
264 351923.561 1232586.884 661.743 2025
265 351909.429 1232568.939 661.527 2050
266 351893.339 1232551.06 661.203 2075
267 351877.364 1232534.596 660.808 2100
268 351875.456 1232536.634 660.736 GL128
269 351874.051 1232538.181 660.804 GL129
270 351870.854 1232540.904 661.097 GL130
271 351879.610 1232532.637 660.902 GL131
272 351880.736 1232531.416 660.705 GL132
273 351881.649 1232530.668 660.820 GL133
274 351860.207 1232516.373 660.189 2125
275 351842.924 1232499.377 659.630 2150
276 351828.178 1232480.212 658.786 2175
277 351813.663 1232459.737 658.046 2200
278 351811.356 1232461.261 658.038 GL134
279 351815.590 1232458.725 658.051 GL135
280 351805.332 1232464.331 658.227 GL136
281 351805.372 1232464.299 658.227 GL137
282 351812.858 1232463.558 658.151 TBM12
283 351801.787 1232449.646 657.890 TBM13
284 351806.334 1232432.52 658.131 TBM12
285 351803.996 1232468.185 658.691 BARDA
286 351816.629 1232457.831 658.060 GL138
287 351817.490 1232457.266 658.009 GL139
288 351802.669 1232440.409 657.445 2225
289 351791.036 1232420.342 656.409 2250
290 351780.091 1232399.614 654.380 2275
291 351770.870 1232376.407 652.340 2300
292 351774.735 1232374.411 653.772 GL140
293 351777.446 1232372.683 653.713 GL141
294 351769.185 1232377.386 652.372 GL142
295 351767.789 1232378.19 652.336 GL143
296 351766.748 1232378.691 652.416 GL144
297 351760.406 1232354.813 651.475 2325
298 351750.585 1232332.105 650.919 2350
299 351741.765 1232307.542 650.188 2375
300 351727.973 1232286.562 649.657 2400
301 351724.919 1232288.141 649.599 GL145

302 351723.196 1232288.879 649.760 GL146
303 351721.461 1232289.572 649.814 GL147
304 351730.423 1232285.658 649.557 GL148
305 351731.744 1232285.194 649.561 GL149
306 351732.467 1232284.894 649.562 GL150
307 351719.759 1232262.508 649.322 2425
308 351709.605 1232240.374 648.986 2450
309 351702.710 1232218.852 648.888 2475
310 351702.614 1232218.821 648.886 2500
311 351699.443 1232220.138 648.656 GL151
312 351697.590 1232220.64 648.645 GL152
313 351695.828 1232220.987 648.576 GL153
314 351705.248 1232218.184 648.797 GL154
315 351706.348 1232217.784 648.735 GL155
316 351706.964 1232217.292 648.727 GL156
317 351699.833 1232225.295 648.858 TBM14
318 351701.190 1232203.587 649.044 TBM15
319 351714.223 1232186.069 648.865 TBM14
320 351709.765 1232237.098 648.962 2525
321 351702.995 1232213.594 648.753 2550
322 351705.126 1232190.889 649.196 2575
323 351658.397 1232040.88 653.019 TBM16
324 351712.526 1232169.113 648.860 2600
325 351646.774 1231996.51 656.001 TBM17
326 351709.273 1232168.908 648.890 GL157
327 351707.316 1232168.847 648.850 GL158
328 351705.984 1232168.773 648.810 GL159
329 351715.416 1232169.465 648.581 GL160
330 351717.261 1232169.65 648.417 GL161
331 351718.182 1232169.478 648.283 GL162
332 351712.257 1232146.176 648.945 2625
333 351710.849 1232121.828 649.366 2650
334 351652.289 1232042.065 652.999 TBM16
335 351696.933 1232102.346 649.918 2675
336 351682.861 1232082.947 650.545 2700
337 351680.560 1232084.361 650.448 GL163
338 351685.257 1232081.429 650.546 GL164
339 351672.600 1232087.399 650.726 GL165
340 351671.228 1232087.993 650.684 GL166
341 351686.571 1232080.55 650.521 GL167
342 351687.570 1232079.984 650.381 GL168
343 351672.045 1232061.531 651.528 2725
344 351660.607 1232042.876 652.796 2750
345 351650.071 1232021.776 653.978 2775

346 351653.285 1231998.103 655.710 2800
347 351650.129 1231997.849 655.807 GL169
348 351656.233 1231998.538 655.732 GL170
349 351648.250 1231997.714 655.832 GL171
350 351658.042 1231998.794 655.814 GL172
351 351658.939 1231998.982 655.738 GL173
352 351650.641 1231975.831 657.201 2825
353 351641.837 1231954.089 658.389 2850
354 351645.616 1231952.241 658.531 TBM18
355 351642.244 1231907.922 655.979 TBM17
356 351624.071 1231943.977 658.883 2875
357 351601.471 1231944.295 659.093 2900
358 351601.744 1231946.888 659.096 GL174
359 351601.779 1231941.517 659.248 GL175
360 351601.772 1231948.444 659.122 GL176
361 351601.756 1231939.464 659.274 GL177
362 351601.641 1231949.445 659.133 GL178
363 351601.769 1231938.194 659.287 GL179
364 351578.752 1231944.146 659.351 2925
365 351555.755 1231942.093 659.596 2950
366 351533.248 1231936.927 660.163 2975@
367 351636.883 1231890.899 658.536 TBM18@
368 351513.365 1231921.608 660.114 3000
369 351512.038 1231923.756 660.294 GL180
370 351511.024 1231925.228 660.200 GL181
371 351510.570 1231925.79 660.265 GL182
372 351514.775 1231919.378 660.159 GL183
373 351515.751 1231917.886 660.179 GL184
374 351516.246 1231917.033 660.184 GL185
375 351493.489 1231908.275 660.373 3025
376 351475.455 1231893.917 660.320 3050
377 351455.315 1231880.58 660.154 3075
378 351436.188 1231865.583 660.207 3100
379 351438.017 1231863.115 660.098 GL186
380 351438.589 1231862.021 660.099 GL187
381 351435.062 1231867.41 660.201 GL188
382 351434.549 1231868.46 660.304 GL189
383 351434.053 1231869.137 660.192 GL190
384 351418.209 1231851.702 660.192 3125
385 351398.448 1231838.891 660.331 3150
386 351378.730 1231824.326 660.319 3175
387 351358.418 1231811.895 660.041 3200
388 351357.222 1231814.089 660.536 GL191
389 351356.211 1231815.77 660.599 GL192

390 351355.378 1231816.539 660.643 GL193
391 351359.931 1231809.561 660.060 GL194
392 351360.820 1231808.013 659.908 GL195
393 351361.185 1231807.009 659.850 GL196
394 351339.423 1231795.958 660.092 3225
395 351323.108 1231776.493 660.714 3250
396 351284.810 1231749.27 661.340 TBM20@
397 351297.742 1231761.064 661.189 TBM19@
398 351522.436 1231888.347 659.852 TBM19@
399 351539.886 1231890.594 659.965 TBM20@
400 351284.771 1231749.238 661.348 TBM20@
401 351311.051 1231758.077 661.195 3275
402 351301.897 1231738.995 661.346 3300
403 351304.167 1231737.605 661.195 GL197
404 351299.386 1231740.476 661.061 GL198
405 351306.006 1231736.887 661.203 GL199
406 351297.853 1231741.278 661.184 GL200
407 351306.652 1231736.64 661.234 GL201
408 351296.991 1231741.957 661.238 GL202
409 351290.391 1231719.46 661.599 3325
410 351275.018 1231702.337 661.797 3350
411 351258.598 1231685.159 662.061 3375
412 351245.637 1231667.842 662.331 3400
413 351243.661 1231669.553 662.433 GL203
414 351241.915 1231670.794 662.324 GL204
415 351240.811 1231671.419 662.310 GL205
416 351247.443 1231666.636 662.346 GL206
417 351249.383 1231665.224 662.154 GL207
418 351250.146 1231664.55 662.202 GL208
419 351231.414 1231649.607 662.687 3425
420 351215.654 1231631.81 662.882 3450
421 351199.665 1231614.173 662.967 3475
422 351181.105 1231596.549 663.154 3500
423 351182.556 1231594.245 663.157 GL209
424 351183.916 1231592.535 663.158 GL210
425 351184.393 1231591.461 663.207 GL211
426 351178.984 1231599.222 663.086 GL212
427 351177.535 1231600.935 663.237 GL213
428 351176.784 1231602.211 663.268 GL214
429 351158.528 1231586.125 663.358 3525
430 351135.718 1231570.677 663.563 3550
431 351113.238 1231553.909 663.692 3575
432 351081.654 1231514.415 664.270 TBM21@
433 351359.500 1231650.021 661.516 AA@

434 351111.746 1231554.001 663.678 3600
435 351109.437 1231555.666 663.722 GL215
436 351113.145 1231550.267 663.727 GL216
437 351107.938 1231557.125 663.748 GL217
438 351113.594 1231547.578 663.728 GL218
439 351106.883 1231557.784 663.744 GL219
440 351087.828 1231554.502 663.920 3625
441 351070.067 1231558.195 664.004 3650
442 351045.735 1231555.149 664.128 3675
443 351023.909 1231555.313 664.240 3700
444 351024.317 1231557.845 664.223 GL220
445 351024.438 1231559.67 664.272 GL221
446 351024.561 1231560.921 664.253 GL222
447 351023.745 1231551.84 664.301 GL223
448 351023.567 1231549.282 664.307 GL224
449 351023.041 1231548.288 664.307 GL225
450 351014.877 1231533.764 664.350 3725
451 351005.777 1231512.217 664.510 3750
452 350996.768 1231490.326 664.487 3775
453 350990.244 1231465.939 664.588 3800
454 350987.363 1231466.358 664.567 GL226
455 350993.245 1231465.278 664.601 GL227
456 350985.539 1231466.464 664.487 GL228
457 350995.300 1231464.25 664.601 GL229
458 350996.373 1231463.725 664.596 GL230
459 350985.293 1231441.629 664.665 3825
460 350974.565 1231418.736 664.785 3850
461 350960.292 1231398.809 665.028 3875
462 350946.561 1231377.296 665.103 3900
463 350943.930 1231379.015 665.083 GL231
464 350949.358 1231375.643 664.869 GL232
465 350942.038 1231380.589 664.922 GL233
466 350941.115 1231381.511 665.069 GL234
467 350951.079 1231374.328 664.895 GL235
468 350952.215 1231373.65 664.926 GL236
469 350932.096 1231358.717 665.078 3925
470 350915.509 1231339.831 665.322 3950
471 350897.790 1231324.39 665.367 3975
472 350879.234 1231310.078 665.321 4000
473 350881.480 1231307.268 665.323 GL237
474 350878.156 1231312.601 665.315 GL238
475 350876.894 1231314.646 665.419 GL239
476 350876.185 1231315.802 665.416 GL240
477 350882.783 1231305.633 665.303 GL241

478 350884.219 1231304.195 665.263 GL242
479 350859.835 1231290.01 665.255 4025
480 350843.153 1231272.58 665.228 4050
481 350825.130 1231256.416 664.984 4075@
482 350814.362 1231240.601 664.637 TBM22
483 350821.703 1231237.66 664.637 TBM22@
484 350803.186 1231247.82 664.815 4100
485 350803.947 1231245.325 664.728 GL243
486 350802.243 1231250.642 664.938 GL244
487 350803.604 1231243.762 664.695 GL245
488 350803.805 1231242.493 664.650 GL246
489 350801.047 1231252.703 665.025 GL247
490 350800.603 1231253.87 665.052 GL248
491 350780.970 1231237.415 664.613 4125
492 350760.707 1231224.661 664.580 4150
493 350737.577 1231211.554 664.767 4175
494 350717.866 1231197.532 665.289 4200
495 350715.961 1231200.262 665.187 GL249
496 350714.443 1231201.573 665.236 GL250
497 350713.574 1231202.503 665.178 GL251
498 350723.162 1231195.045 664.867 GL252
499 350724.500 1231193.486 664.759 GL253
500 350725.268 1231192.614 664.690 GL254
501 350701.969 1231181.42 665.404 4225
502 350683.687 1231166.333 665.118 4250
503 350665.703 1231153.574 665.183 4275
504 350646.270 1231140.473 665.381 4300
505 350644.511 1231143.013 666.025 GL255
506 350642.811 1231144.906 665.721 GL256
507 350641.969 1231145.921 665.704 GL257
508 350648.178 1231138.567 665.335 GL258
509 350649.611 1231137.223 665.237 GL259
510 350650.393 1231136.218 665.116 GL260
511 350631.140 1231122.848 664.981 4325
512 350624.748 1231116.504 664.815 4326@
513 350631.601 1231122.438 664.994 4325@
514 350617.446 1231104.242 664.221 4350
515 350601.583 1231087.591 663.857 4375
516 350591.592 1231066.439 663.658 4400
517 350589.410 1231067.711 663.964 GL261
518 350594.048 1231065.195 663.441 GL262
519 350587.873 1231069.067 664.024 GL263
520 350594.957 1231064.792 663.301 GL264
521 350586.999 1231069.867 664.093 GL265

522 350580.419 1231046.442 663.533 4425
523 350587.273 1231025.441 663.234 4450@
524 350577.262 1231038.327 663.613 TBM24@
525 350641.802 1231130.033 665.372 TBM24@
526 350626.040 1231126.08 665.006 4450@
527 350587.271 1231025.476 663.240 4450@
528 350603.587 1231010.18 661.349 4475
529 350607.007 1230985.935 658.659 4500
530 350602.206 1230986.342 658.635 GL266
531 350600.195 1230986.493 658.513 GL267
532 350598.391 1230986.437 658.436 GL268
533 350609.493 1230985.749 658.864 GL269
534 350611.285 1230985.866 659.165 GL270
535 350612.248 1230986.008 658.988 GL271
536 350604.896 1230959.371 657.567 4525
537 350601.961 1230934.565 656.950 4550
538 350595.665 1230913.851 655.989 4575
539 350594.782 1230907.885 655.447 TBM25
540 350594.644 1230907.851 655.444 TBM26
541 350592.272 1230893.513 655.084 4600@
542 350583.959 1230905.426 655.448 TBM26@
543 350589.067 1230894.757 653.637 GL272
544 350587.546 1230895.293 654.831 GL273
545 350586.417 1230895.904 654.889 GL274
546 350594.699 1230891.534 655.121 GL275
547 350596.553 1230890.499 654.985 GL276
548 350597.505 1230889.722 655.144 GL277
549 350577.408 1230873.583 652.506 4625
550 350575.532 1230870.811 651.940 GL278
551 350571.985 1230865.596 651.016 GL279
552 350573.901 1230864.111 651.049 GL280
553 350569.734 1230867.262 651.027 GL281
554 350569.008 1230860.391 652.136 GL282
555 350548.545 1230825.579 654.947 4675
556 350538.012 1230804.741 655.471 4700
557 350562.708 1230843.183 653.202 4650
558 350540.278 1230803.629 655.452 GL283
559 350535.874 1230805.729 655.562 GL284
560 350534.128 1230806.757 655.311 GL285
561 350533.526 1230807.06 655.593 GL286
562 350541.416 1230802.894 655.274 GL287
563 350541.888 1230802.451 654.972 GL288
564 350527.540 1230783.452 656.570 4725
565 350512.770 1230763.562 657.888 4750

566 350496.573 1230744.374 658.743 4775
567 350484.002 1230723.916 659.559 4800
568 350481.661 1230725.548 659.642 GL289
569 350485.899 1230722.972 659.638 GL290
570 350480.191 1230726.613 659.561 GL291
571 350486.874 1230722.273 659.495 GL292
572 350479.110 1230727.488 659.730 GL293
573 350479.109 1230727.485 659.729 GL294
574 350487.358 1230721.842 659.359 GL295
575 350471.091 1230703.909 661.661 4825
576 350461.826 1230683.12 662.633 4850
577 350451.922 1230660.03 663.617 4875
578 350444.089 1230635.304 664.869 4900
579 350442.018 1230634.567 664.791 GL296
580 350440.524 1230635.091 664.800 GL297
581 350439.732 1230635.185 664.904 GL298
582 350435.666 1230623.328 665.699 TBM27@
583 350430.499 1230613.866 666.106 TBM28@
584 350571.460 1230903.897 655.526 TBM28@
585 350579.506 1230910.944 655.110 TBM27@
586 350435.655 1230623.285 665.694 TBM27@
587 350446.609 1230635.296 664.622 GL299
588 350448.866 1230635.241 664.717 GL300
589 350449.546 1230635.531 664.737 GL301
590 350446.362 1230608.843 665.767 4925
591 350437.028 1230576.675 666.742 4950
592 350421.365 1230547.474 667.706 4975
593 350409.537 1230515.849 668.555 5000
594 350407.398 1230516.762 668.365 GL302
595 350405.663 1230517.398 668.659 GL303
596 350404.631 1230517.771 668.677 GL304
597 350413.443 1230515.263 668.493 GL305
598 350415.615 1230514.971 668.508 GL306
599 350416.781 1230514.688 668.528 GL307
600 350401.332 1230483.581 669.450 5025
601 350388.717 1230453.342 669.999 5050
602 350378.894 1230433.842 670.043 5075

Appendix 2

 Corridor of the road

 Proposed horizontal alignment

 Combined plan of horizontal alignment and longitudinal profile

 Cross-sections


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