Demo - Lesson Plan
Demo - Lesson Plan
Demo - Lesson Plan
Modal verbs are very important in English. We use them to express something that can probably,
certainly or possibly happen. Modal verbs help when speaking about ability, making requests and offers,
asking permission and more. Modal verbs give additional information about the function of the main verb that
follows it. They have a great variety of communicative functions.
1. Express permission, obligation, and prohibition using modals
1. Use appropriate modals in different intentions
2. Explain the importance of using appropriate modals in different intensions
1. I can express permission, obligation, and prohibition using modals base on the news article.
2. I can use appropriate modals in different intentions.
3. I can give the importance of using appropriate modals in different intensions.
Ambayec, AM., Rivera, E., Peñarroyo, M., Pacariem, S. (2019). EnglishTek: British and American
Literature (Worktext). Quezon City: TechFactors, Inc.
Cebu City hit by worst flood since Typhoon Odette. (2022). Retrieved 6 August 2022, from
Modal Verbs 1: Permission, Prohibition, Obligation, No obligation. (2022). Retrieved 6 August 2022,
(1165) Floods Overwhelm Cebu City Again! | August 4, 2022 - YouTube. (2022). Retrieved 7 August
2022, from
laptop, projector, news article copies
What is the importance of using appropriate modals in expressing different intentions?
The importance of using appropriate modals in expressing different intentions is that it helps when
speaking about giving obligations, asking permission, prohibiting something and more. The speaker
can effectively convey the message with the right modal.
Prayer, Greetings, Checking of Attendance
The teacher will ask a student to give a recap on the lesson discussed yesterday.
The teacher will present a video to the students on the recent floodings on Cebu City. After watching the
video, the teacher will ask the following questions:
1. What have you observed from the video?
2. Have you experience severe flooding in your area? What did you do?
3. As students, what can you do to help prevent floods in your community?
Expected students’ answers:
I should throw my garbage on the trash bins.
We must plant more trees.
We must help each other in cleaning our community.
The teacher will then highlight the modal verbs in the sentences and ask students if they are familiar with
The teacher will present a power point presentation about Modals.
Modals (also called modal verbs, modal auxiliary verbs, modal auxiliaries) are special verbs that
behave irregularly in English. They are different from normal verbs like "work, play, visit..." They give
additional information about the function of the main verb that follows it. They have a great variety
of communicative functions.
Here are some characteristics of modal verbs:
They never change their form. You can't add "s", "ed", "ing"...
They are used to indicate modality and allow speakers to express certainty, possibility,
willingness, obligation, necessity, ability
When we want to express permission, prohibition (not allowing something), obligation or no obligation,
we use modal verbs.
Can I borrow a pen?
You can sit here, the seat is free.
Could I open the window?
May I ask a question?
You can't go into that restaurant without a tie.
You can't drive in this country unless you are over eighteen.
You mustn't use your phone in class.
“Can't” usually gives the idea of something that is against the rules. “Mustn’t” usually means that it is the
speaker who is setting the rule.
“Have to” shows that the obligation comes from someone else, not the speaker. This is usually referring to a
rule or law.
We have to be at the airport at least two hours before the flight.
I have to work on Saturday.
They have to wear their uniforms at school.
Instructions: Read the following sentences carefully and supply the correct modal based on the purpose inside
the parenthesis (for numbers 1-5 only).
After the quick check-up test, the teacher will ask students if they have questions.
Activity 3: Sum it up!
Students will answer the following questions concisely in a ½ crosswise intermediate paper.
1. What is the importance of using appropriate modals in expressing different intentions?
2. How will you apply your knowledge about modals in real-life situations?
Activity 4: Read Me!
The teacher will let students read a news article from entitled “Cebu City hit by worst flood since
Typhoon Odette.” After reading the article, students are tasked to construct 5 sentences expressing
permission, obligation and prohibition using modals based on the news article that they have read.
B. Obligation
1. ____________________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________________________
C. Prohibition
1. ____________________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________________________
Activity 5: Pieces of advice!
Directions: Choose one situation and give an advice using at least five (5) appropriate modals. Write your
answer on your assignment notebook.
Situation 1: You believe you failed to get a job only because of your race, age or gender.
Situation 2: Before you started drinking, you have found a broken piece of glass in your juice but the
owner of the café only offered an apology and replaced the drink.
Situation 3: A food that you were particularly fond of later turned out to be really dangerous for your