Scaffolding Erection, Alteration and Dismantling

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MS Ref. No.

: -
RISK ASSESMENT Risk Assessment Ref. No.: -
RA Rev No: 03
Scaffolding Erection, alteration and Date of submission: 22-03-2023
dismantling No of Pages in RA: - 20

This Risk assessment describes the specific safe working methods which will be used to carry out the described work. It gives
details of work procedure with control measures to counter health and safety issues related to this work. The listed content
of this Risk assessment can be changed/modified subjected to job scope/customer specifications, legal obligation and client
requirements and procedures. But once the risk assessment finalized & approved, that should not be modified during work
execution without permission from the approving authority.
Outsourcing / hiring of scaffolding services including scaffolding material at Jebel Ali &
Project Name
Aweer power stations
Site /Contract No. 3452100477
Title of Risk Assessment Scaffolding Erection, alteration and dismantling
Method Statement Ref. No. MS/ETS/DEWA/12 Rev. No. 03
Risk Assessment Ref. No. RA/ETS/DEWA/12 Rev. No. 03

Brief details of Activity: Scaffolding Erection, alteration and dismantling

Date of submission: 22-03-2023

Drawing References: - DM Code practice, DEWA SP-06

Technical Specification Document
DM Code practice, DEWA SP-06
References (If any): -
Certification of Plant, Equipment,
Lorry loader, Safety Harness, etc.
Detail of contractors Involved: - Emirates Tech Services LLC
Risk Assessment Prepared By: - Signature Date
Title: -

Shijad Sraju (Site In charge)

Nasir Mehmood (Supervisor)

Naveen Reddy (HSE)

Risk Assessment Reviewed By: -

Title: -

Project manager/ Site Manager


Ganesh Rajendran
Site Engineer

Risk Assessment Approved By: -

Title: -
MS Ref. No.: -
RISK ASSESMENT Risk Assessment Ref. No.: -
RA Rev No: 03
Scaffolding Erection, alteration and Date of submission: 22-03-2023
dismantling No of Pages in RA: - 20


1 2 3 4 5 6 H&S Consequences for

corresponding impact
Highly Almost
Rare Unlikely Possible Likely
Likely Certain

Multiple Deaths; Large scale fire and

Mediu Extrem Extrem Extrem explosion; Vehicle accident with
6 Catastrophic High 12 High 18 multiple fatalities; Impact to
m6 e 24 e 30 e 36

Single Death and multiple serious

injuries (LTIs/RIDDORs). Medium
Medium Extrem Extrem
5 Significant Low 5 High 15 High 20 scale fire and/or flashover. Vehicle
10 e 25 e 30 accident with single fatalities and
multiple serious injuries.

Multiple serious injuries

Medium Extrem (LTIs/RIDDORs). Minor scale fire
4 Major Low 4 High 12 High 16 High 20 and/or flashover. Vehicle accident
8 e 24
without fatalities.
Serious injury requiring
Medium Medium hospitalization or prolonged sick
3 Moderate Low 3 High 12 High 15 High 18 leave. LTI (Lost Time Injury)/Riddor
6 9
(recordable) injury.
Medical Treatment case. Injury/
Medium Mediu Mediu
2 Minor Low 2 Low 4 High 12 illness requiring medical practitioner
6 m8 m 10 treatment.
First Aid case. Illness/ injury
1 Insignificant Low 1 Low 2 Low 3 Low 4 Low 5 requiring no treatment and only first
m6 aid.

Score Priority Action

Activity should not proceed in current form; seek specialist support. If the risk cannot be reduced, all activities leading
24 to 36 EXTREME(E) to the risk must be terminated until approved by the Consultant/ Contractor Management.
Activity should be modified to include remedial planning and action and be subjected to details H&S assessment. Risk
12 to 18 HIGH (H) mitigation plans and effective measures are required to reduce the risk to tolerable state.
Activity can operate subject to management approval and/or modification. Cost effective risk mitigation for reducing
6 to 10 MEDIUM(M) threats and optimizing benefits are recommended.

1 to 5 LOW (L) No action is required unless there is a potential for risk escalation. To be managed using existing controls and processes
Contractor H&S Risk Assessment Form SP-06.IIIB

Project Name & Number: 3452100477 Initial Assessment Date: 22-03-2023 Contractor: Emirates Tech Services LLC
Assessor (s): Shijad Sraju Review Date: 22-03-2023
Reviewed By: Ganesh Rajendran Next Review Date: 21-09-2023 Ref No. RA/ETS/DEWA/12

Activity/ Area/ Equipment: Scaffolding Erection, alteration and dismantling

Responsibility for completing risk assessments is the function and responsibility of Line Management, however the task may be delegated to a competent person or persons.
(The Assessor should be competent in his/her knowledge of the activity or process and be trained in risk assessment techniques)
Elements to be considered for identifying hazards = P: People; E: Work Environment; A: Asset; R: Reputation; L: Legal/ Procedures
S Identify Eliminate/Reduce/Mitigate/Action Evaluate Eliminate/Reduce/Mitigate/Action Re-Evaluate
r. Legal Req Risk Additional Control Measures Residual
N Person(s) at is
Hazard(s) Hazard Effect(s) identified Existing Control Measures Rating Risk
o. Risk L S R L S R
e considered for identifying hazards = P: People; E: Work Environment; A: Asset; R: Reputation; L: Legal/ Procedures

1 Unauthorized work / Personal injury/ Engineers/ Yes, DM  All new workers shall attend Induction
Unauthorized person/ Vehicle damage Supervisors/ code of training.
vehicle entry at site Workers/ & constructi  Instructions must be provided and send to
Visitors on safety the Sub-contractor that no one is allowed to
practice, enter the site without attending Induction
Chapter training.
No. 02  Respective person should send all new
workers to the site HSE department for
Induction Training
 All project employees, visitors and stake As the risk is acceptable & Tolerable
holders will be inducted for site specific HSE additional control measures if
safety induction. 1 5 5 required will be applied upon 1 5 5
provision  Company Induction procedure shall be evaluation of present and /or actual
implemented with required documents. site condition
 Drug and alcohol policy should be
communicated to the workers.
 No lone working allowed.
 All people should have valid visa and COVID
19 vaccination card.
 Vehicle route and traffic management plan
shall be communicated with operators and

2 Transportation of Site Yes, DM  Ensure all operators, Equipment’s and Banks 1 5 5 As the risk is acceptable & Tolerable 1 5 5

Remember Hierarchy of Control:

Elimination Substitution Engineering Controls Administrative Controls PPE
Shijad Sraju Ganesh Rajendran
Assessor's Name & Signature Reviewer's Name & Signature Approver's Name & Signature
Page 3 of 21 SP06 Annex IIIB H Risk Assessment Form
Contractor H&S Risk Assessment Form SP-06.IIIB

Project Name & Number: 3452100477 Initial Assessment Date: 22-03-2023 Contractor: Emirates Tech Services LLC
Assessor (s): Shijad Sraju Review Date: 22-03-2023
Reviewed By: Ganesh Rajendran Next Review Date: 21-09-2023 Ref No. RA/ETS/DEWA/12

Activity/ Area/ Equipment: Scaffolding Erection, alteration and dismantling

Responsibility for completing risk assessments is the function and responsibility of Line Management, however the task may be delegated to a competent person or persons.
(The Assessor should be competent in his/her knowledge of the activity or process and be trained in risk assessment techniques)
Elements to be considered for identifying hazards = P: People; E: Work Environment; A: Asset; R: Reputation; L: Legal/ Procedures
S Identify Eliminate/Reduce/Mitigate/Action Evaluate Eliminate/Reduce/Mitigate/Action Re-Evaluate
r. Legal Req Risk Additional Control Measures Residual
N Person(s) at is
Hazard(s) Hazard Effect(s) identified Existing Control Measures Rating Risk
o. Risk L S R L S R
e considered for identifying hazards = P: People; E: Work Environment; A: Asset; R: Reputation; L: Legal/ Procedures

man having KHDA Approved third party

 Reversing alarm and Revolving light must be
fixed in all heavy vehicles.
 All heavy vehicles shall be parked in
designated area.
 Permit to work must be obtained prior
commencing the activity.
 Provision of Clear access and Egress to and
Code of from the working area.
Major / Minor
scaffolding materials to Construct  All vehicles will follow the site speed limit of
Injury, material additional control measures if
the site. -ion 30 km/hr.
damages. Workers/ required will be applied upon
Hazards: Collision with Safety  Ensure that drivers are competent and have
Supervisors evaluation of present and /or actual
pedestrian, vehicles, and Practice valid license.
site condition
fixed object. chapter  Ensure vehicle is in good condition with valid
20,3. vehicle license.
 In all trailer trips, it shall be ensured that the
load is safely secured and no spillage during
the transportation.
 No loose material shall be allowed in the
cabins while transported or lifted.
 Separate movement for the vehicle and
equipment by deploying traffic controller or
banksman. Site traffic signs and demarcated
vehicle routes.

Remember Hierarchy of Control:

Elimination Substitution Engineering Controls Administrative Controls PPE
Shijad Sraju Ganesh Rajendran
Assessor's Name & Signature Reviewer's Name & Signature Approver's Name & Signature
Page 4 of 21 SP06 Annex IIIB H Risk Assessment Form
Contractor H&S Risk Assessment Form SP-06.IIIB

Project Name & Number: 3452100477 Initial Assessment Date: 22-03-2023 Contractor: Emirates Tech Services LLC
Assessor (s): Shijad Sraju Review Date: 22-03-2023
Reviewed By: Ganesh Rajendran Next Review Date: 21-09-2023 Ref No. RA/ETS/DEWA/12

Activity/ Area/ Equipment: Scaffolding Erection, alteration and dismantling

Responsibility for completing risk assessments is the function and responsibility of Line Management, however the task may be delegated to a competent person or persons.
(The Assessor should be competent in his/her knowledge of the activity or process and be trained in risk assessment techniques)
Elements to be considered for identifying hazards = P: People; E: Work Environment; A: Asset; R: Reputation; L: Legal/ Procedures
S Identify Eliminate/Reduce/Mitigate/Action Evaluate Eliminate/Reduce/Mitigate/Action Re-Evaluate
r. Legal Req Risk Additional Control Measures Residual
N Person(s) at is
Hazard(s) Hazard Effect(s) identified Existing Control Measures Rating Risk
o. Risk L S R L S R
e considered for identifying hazards = P: People; E: Work Environment; A: Asset; R: Reputation; L: Legal/ Procedures

3 Hiab crane for lifting. Major/ Staff Yes  Valid EIAC approved 3rd Party certificate shall 1 5 5 As the risk is acceptable & Tolerable 1 5 5
Hazards: Failure due to minor injury Workers DM CoP be available for the lifting equipment. additional control measures if
over loading. Uneven Property Operators Code of  Valid EIAC approved 3rd Party certificate shall required will be applied upon
ground, Unauthorized/ Damage, crane Rigger and Construct be available for the crane operator and evaluation of present and /or actual
Incompetent worker, toppling, crush, banks man -ion rigger. site condition.
Poor signaling, amputation Safety  Safe work procedure shall be followed.
uncontrolled load, crush, Practice  Pre-inspection of the equipment prior to start
pinch points, line of fire. chapter the work.
22  Safe working Load must be display and must
not be exceeded.
 Do not overload the crane beyond its limit
and make sure that limit switch is working
 Conduct toolbox talk, MSRA briefing before
work and make sure workers awareness
about the safe working load and hazards of
the crane.
 For heavy / critical lifts, appropriate lifting
assessment / lifting plan shall be prepared by
the competent person and shall be approved
before commencing the lifting activity.
 An assessment shall be carried to the load for
its suitability and capability of crane before
involving in lifting activity.
 Rigger shall stay at the eye contact of crane

Remember Hierarchy of Control:

Elimination Substitution Engineering Controls Administrative Controls PPE
Shijad Sraju Ganesh Rajendran
Assessor's Name & Signature Reviewer's Name & Signature Approver's Name & Signature
Page 5 of 21 SP06 Annex IIIB H Risk Assessment Form
Contractor H&S Risk Assessment Form SP-06.IIIB

Project Name & Number: 3452100477 Initial Assessment Date: 22-03-2023 Contractor: Emirates Tech Services LLC
Assessor (s): Shijad Sraju Review Date: 22-03-2023
Reviewed By: Ganesh Rajendran Next Review Date: 21-09-2023 Ref No. RA/ETS/DEWA/12

Activity/ Area/ Equipment: Scaffolding Erection, alteration and dismantling

Responsibility for completing risk assessments is the function and responsibility of Line Management, however the task may be delegated to a competent person or persons.
(The Assessor should be competent in his/her knowledge of the activity or process and be trained in risk assessment techniques)
Elements to be considered for identifying hazards = P: People; E: Work Environment; A: Asset; R: Reputation; L: Legal/ Procedures
S Identify Eliminate/Reduce/Mitigate/Action Evaluate Eliminate/Reduce/Mitigate/Action Re-Evaluate
r. Legal Req Risk Additional Control Measures Residual
N Person(s) at is
Hazard(s) Hazard Effect(s) identified Existing Control Measures Rating Risk
o. Risk L S R L S R
e considered for identifying hazards = P: People; E: Work Environment; A: Asset; R: Reputation; L: Legal/ Procedures

 Tag lines shall be used to control the
movement of load. Identify pinch points and
keep hands always.
 Proper stillage and lifting buckets shall use for
lifting, materials shall be adequately secured
with lashes/ropes.
 Shall not work or walk under a suspended
 All lifting works shall be supervised by a
competent lifting supervisor.
 All lifting gears and shall be certified by EIAC
approved Third party.
 Internal inspection of the lifting gears shall be
conducted and color coding to be provided.
 Ensure the anchoring point of the lifting
shackles whether it is attached in proper
angle on the load.
 Proper hitching shall be provided on the load
before lifting.
 Ensure that the safety latch on the hook of
lifting equipment’s are functioning and it is
free from damages.
 Shall not operate if wind speed is more than
the recommended operating speed by the

Remember Hierarchy of Control:

Elimination Substitution Engineering Controls Administrative Controls PPE
Shijad Sraju Ganesh Rajendran
Assessor's Name & Signature Reviewer's Name & Signature Approver's Name & Signature
Page 6 of 21 SP06 Annex IIIB H Risk Assessment Form
Contractor H&S Risk Assessment Form SP-06.IIIB

Project Name & Number: 3452100477 Initial Assessment Date: 22-03-2023 Contractor: Emirates Tech Services LLC
Assessor (s): Shijad Sraju Review Date: 22-03-2023
Reviewed By: Ganesh Rajendran Next Review Date: 21-09-2023 Ref No. RA/ETS/DEWA/12

Activity/ Area/ Equipment: Scaffolding Erection, alteration and dismantling

Responsibility for completing risk assessments is the function and responsibility of Line Management, however the task may be delegated to a competent person or persons.
(The Assessor should be competent in his/her knowledge of the activity or process and be trained in risk assessment techniques)
Elements to be considered for identifying hazards = P: People; E: Work Environment; A: Asset; R: Reputation; L: Legal/ Procedures
S Identify Eliminate/Reduce/Mitigate/Action Evaluate Eliminate/Reduce/Mitigate/Action Re-Evaluate
r. Legal Req Risk Additional Control Measures Residual
N Person(s) at is
Hazard(s) Hazard Effect(s) identified Existing Control Measures Rating Risk
o. Risk L S R L S R
e considered for identifying hazards = P: People; E: Work Environment; A: Asset; R: Reputation; L: Legal/ Procedures

4 Manual Shifting/Handling Back pain, muscle workers Yes  Before start of any works MSRA should be 1 5 5 As the risk is acceptable & Tolerable 1 5 5
of Materials pain, DM Code explained to workers by engineer/supervisor. additional control measures if
Hazards: poor lifting Fingers/hand of  Prevent manual handling if possible and stack required will be applied upon
techniques, pinch points. crush Construct the materials near the working area. evaluation of present and /or actual
-ion  Using equipment like Backhoe loader or site condition
Safety Crane to transfer heavy materials.
Practice  Separate the light to heavy materials (Assess
chapter the load) and transfer the light one manually
3&7  Provision of enough manpower for manual
handling work.
 Assess the workers before sending for
transferring the materials.
 Ensure that the access is free from any
 Work only in acceptable weather condition.
 Supervisor monitoring is required.
 Load allowed for worker is as per his age and
shall follow DM COP7-Material handling and
 Material shall be stored in safe and
designated place.
 The storage area shall be barricaded and
provide signages.
 Internal Awareness training shall be

Remember Hierarchy of Control:

Elimination Substitution Engineering Controls Administrative Controls PPE
Shijad Sraju Ganesh Rajendran
Assessor's Name & Signature Reviewer's Name & Signature Approver's Name & Signature
Page 7 of 21 SP06 Annex IIIB H Risk Assessment Form
Contractor H&S Risk Assessment Form SP-06.IIIB

Project Name & Number: 3452100477 Initial Assessment Date: 22-03-2023 Contractor: Emirates Tech Services LLC
Assessor (s): Shijad Sraju Review Date: 22-03-2023
Reviewed By: Ganesh Rajendran Next Review Date: 21-09-2023 Ref No. RA/ETS/DEWA/12

Activity/ Area/ Equipment: Scaffolding Erection, alteration and dismantling

Responsibility for completing risk assessments is the function and responsibility of Line Management, however the task may be delegated to a competent person or persons.
(The Assessor should be competent in his/her knowledge of the activity or process and be trained in risk assessment techniques)
Elements to be considered for identifying hazards = P: People; E: Work Environment; A: Asset; R: Reputation; L: Legal/ Procedures
S Identify Eliminate/Reduce/Mitigate/Action Evaluate Eliminate/Reduce/Mitigate/Action Re-Evaluate
r. Legal Req Risk Additional Control Measures Residual
N Person(s) at is
Hazard(s) Hazard Effect(s) identified Existing Control Measures Rating Risk
o. Risk L S R L S R
e considered for identifying hazards = P: People; E: Work Environment; A: Asset; R: Reputation; L: Legal/ Procedures

conducted on manual handling techniques.

5 Uneven, slippery, Serious injury, Staff. Yes  All scaffolding components shall be suitable 1 6 6 As the risk is acceptable & Tolerable 1 6 6
sloping, or soft ground. Fatality. Workers. DM Yes quality and being in good condition and free additional control measures if
Incompetent scaffolders. Property damage. Code of from corrosion or other defect. required will be applied upon
Substandard /damaged Construct  The ground shall be leveled and compacted in evaluation of present and /or actual
scaffolding components. -ion advance. Scaffold must have a base plate site condition
Safety even when setting on a concrete floor.
Practice  All scaffolding shall be erected modified and
chapter dismantled by competent scaffolders with
08. valid KHDA approved third party certificate
under supervision of competent and KHDA
approved third party certified supervisor.
 Adequate number of ties and bracings to be
provided to the scaffold.
 Toolbox talk shall be conducted to
communicate hazards.
 Ensure there is no excavation near the
 Do not overload the scaffold structure or
work platforms.
 Mobile scaffolding shall be made as per
manufacturer instruction.
 Adequate guard rails shall be installed on all
 After erecting the scaffolding must be

Remember Hierarchy of Control:

Elimination Substitution Engineering Controls Administrative Controls PPE
Shijad Sraju Ganesh Rajendran
Assessor's Name & Signature Reviewer's Name & Signature Approver's Name & Signature
Page 8 of 21 SP06 Annex IIIB H Risk Assessment Form
Contractor H&S Risk Assessment Form SP-06.IIIB

Project Name & Number: 3452100477 Initial Assessment Date: 22-03-2023 Contractor: Emirates Tech Services LLC
Assessor (s): Shijad Sraju Review Date: 22-03-2023
Reviewed By: Ganesh Rajendran Next Review Date: 21-09-2023 Ref No. RA/ETS/DEWA/12

Activity/ Area/ Equipment: Scaffolding Erection, alteration and dismantling

Responsibility for completing risk assessments is the function and responsibility of Line Management, however the task may be delegated to a competent person or persons.
(The Assessor should be competent in his/her knowledge of the activity or process and be trained in risk assessment techniques)
Elements to be considered for identifying hazards = P: People; E: Work Environment; A: Asset; R: Reputation; L: Legal/ Procedures
S Identify Eliminate/Reduce/Mitigate/Action Evaluate Eliminate/Reduce/Mitigate/Action Re-Evaluate
r. Legal Req Risk Additional Control Measures Residual
N Person(s) at is
Hazard(s) Hazard Effect(s) identified Existing Control Measures Rating Risk
o. Risk L S R L S R
e considered for identifying hazards = P: People; E: Work Environment; A: Asset; R: Reputation; L: Legal/ Procedures

inspected by a EIAC approve third party

certified scaffold inspector.
 Customer to use the scaffold in accordance
with loading specified on scaffolding tag.
 In the case of adverse weather conditions
scaffolding shall be re inspected prior to use.
 The scaffold inspector shall inspect the
scaffolding on weekly basis with a register to
be maintained.
 Supervisor Pre- activity checklist must follow.
6 Substandard /Inadequate Staff.  Permit to work (PTW) to obtain prior to start 1 5 5 As the risk is acceptable & 1 5 5
scaffolding erection, Workers. Yes the job. Tolerable additional control
modification, and Property damage. DM Yes  Approved MSRA shall be available at site for measures if required will be
dismantling procedures. Major injury. Code of executing the activity and which should be applied upon evaluation of present
Personnel injury. Construct communicated to workers.
and /or actual site condition
-ion  All workers involved in the activity must be
Safety physically fit.
Practice  Scaffold shall be inspected weekly twice.
chapter 8.  Ensure the scaffolders are trained and
certified by EIAC approved third party.
 Only competent and trained scaffolders are
allowed to work for the erection/dismantling.
 Toolbox talk to be given to all scaffolders,
remind them regarding safe
erection/dismantling of scaffolding.

Remember Hierarchy of Control:

Elimination Substitution Engineering Controls Administrative Controls PPE
Shijad Sraju Ganesh Rajendran
Assessor's Name & Signature Reviewer's Name & Signature Approver's Name & Signature
Page 9 of 21 SP06 Annex IIIB H Risk Assessment Form
Contractor H&S Risk Assessment Form SP-06.IIIB

Project Name & Number: 3452100477 Initial Assessment Date: 22-03-2023 Contractor: Emirates Tech Services LLC
Assessor (s): Shijad Sraju Review Date: 22-03-2023
Reviewed By: Ganesh Rajendran Next Review Date: 21-09-2023 Ref No. RA/ETS/DEWA/12

Activity/ Area/ Equipment: Scaffolding Erection, alteration and dismantling

Responsibility for completing risk assessments is the function and responsibility of Line Management, however the task may be delegated to a competent person or persons.
(The Assessor should be competent in his/her knowledge of the activity or process and be trained in risk assessment techniques)
Elements to be considered for identifying hazards = P: People; E: Work Environment; A: Asset; R: Reputation; L: Legal/ Procedures
S Identify Eliminate/Reduce/Mitigate/Action Evaluate Eliminate/Reduce/Mitigate/Action Re-Evaluate
r. Legal Req Risk Additional Control Measures Residual
N Person(s) at is
Hazard(s) Hazard Effect(s) identified Existing Control Measures Rating Risk
o. Risk L S R L S R
e considered for identifying hazards = P: People; E: Work Environment; A: Asset; R: Reputation; L: Legal/ Procedures

 Pre-job safety meeting to be conducted by

Engineer, supervisor and safety officer.
 Area shall be barricaded and need to fix the
sign boards. Supervisor will monitor the area
and will not allow any unknown worker or
unauthorized worker to enter into the area
without permission.
 Mud sill under the base plate shall be
provided for all scaffolding.
 International standard wooden boards shall
be used for the scaffolding platform.
 Staircase frame without manufacture design
and international standard shall not use.
 Minimum of 2 wooden boards required as
temporary platform for scaffolders during the
 The wooden boards shall be secured with
boards clamps always.
 Do not use any other means except clamps
for securing the scaffolding platform.
 Never use any fabricated/substandard
materials for the erection of scaffolding. Use
standard components only.
 Proper ladder with adequately secured shall
be provided during the erection of scaffolding

Remember Hierarchy of Control:

Elimination Substitution Engineering Controls Administrative Controls PPE
Shijad Sraju Ganesh Rajendran
Assessor's Name & Signature Reviewer's Name & Signature Approver's Name & Signature
Page 10 of 21 SP06 Annex IIIB H Risk Assessment Form
Contractor H&S Risk Assessment Form SP-06.IIIB

Project Name & Number: 3452100477 Initial Assessment Date: 22-03-2023 Contractor: Emirates Tech Services LLC
Assessor (s): Shijad Sraju Review Date: 22-03-2023
Reviewed By: Ganesh Rajendran Next Review Date: 21-09-2023 Ref No. RA/ETS/DEWA/12

Activity/ Area/ Equipment: Scaffolding Erection, alteration and dismantling

Responsibility for completing risk assessments is the function and responsibility of Line Management, however the task may be delegated to a competent person or persons.
(The Assessor should be competent in his/her knowledge of the activity or process and be trained in risk assessment techniques)
Elements to be considered for identifying hazards = P: People; E: Work Environment; A: Asset; R: Reputation; L: Legal/ Procedures
S Identify Eliminate/Reduce/Mitigate/Action Evaluate Eliminate/Reduce/Mitigate/Action Re-Evaluate
r. Legal Req Risk Additional Control Measures Residual
N Person(s) at is
Hazard(s) Hazard Effect(s) identified Existing Control Measures Rating Risk
o. Risk L S R L S R
e considered for identifying hazards = P: People; E: Work Environment; A: Asset; R: Reputation; L: Legal/ Procedures

to reach the respective platform. Do not

climb on the scaffolding from outside.
 Do not erect a scaffolding close to the
excavation edge keep a minimum distance of
1 meter.
 While erecting a scaffolding inside an
excavation make sure that the excavation is
completely protected from cave in, and spoils
are removed completely from the excavation
 Rakers/outriggers shall be provided for
independent scaffolding where ties are not
 A scaffolding register shall be maintained at
 Continuous supervision and monitoring of
work by a competent supervisor with valid
scaffolding supervisor certificate from EIAC
approved third party.
 In case of emergency, immediately contact
Site Emergency Response Team.
 Maintain consistent communications
between all parties involved.
 The scaffolding shall be inspected by a
competent and EIAC approved third party

Remember Hierarchy of Control:

Elimination Substitution Engineering Controls Administrative Controls PPE
Shijad Sraju Ganesh Rajendran
Assessor's Name & Signature Reviewer's Name & Signature Approver's Name & Signature
Page 11 of 21 SP06 Annex IIIB H Risk Assessment Form
Contractor H&S Risk Assessment Form SP-06.IIIB

Project Name & Number: 3452100477 Initial Assessment Date: 22-03-2023 Contractor: Emirates Tech Services LLC
Assessor (s): Shijad Sraju Review Date: 22-03-2023
Reviewed By: Ganesh Rajendran Next Review Date: 21-09-2023 Ref No. RA/ETS/DEWA/12

Activity/ Area/ Equipment: Scaffolding Erection, alteration and dismantling

Responsibility for completing risk assessments is the function and responsibility of Line Management, however the task may be delegated to a competent person or persons.
(The Assessor should be competent in his/her knowledge of the activity or process and be trained in risk assessment techniques)
Elements to be considered for identifying hazards = P: People; E: Work Environment; A: Asset; R: Reputation; L: Legal/ Procedures
S Identify Eliminate/Reduce/Mitigate/Action Evaluate Eliminate/Reduce/Mitigate/Action Re-Evaluate
r. Legal Req Risk Additional Control Measures Residual
N Person(s) at is
Hazard(s) Hazard Effect(s) identified Existing Control Measures Rating Risk
o. Risk L S R L S R
e considered for identifying hazards = P: People; E: Work Environment; A: Asset; R: Reputation; L: Legal/ Procedures

scaffolding inspector and provided with

signed green tag for use.
 Check the platforms before working.
 Inspect all the safety harness before use and
install the color code.
 Double lanyard safety harness shall be
 Don’t keep any scaffold materials near to the
 Proper housekeeping shall be followed.
 While erecting the scaffold ensure to install
the handrails and mid rails.
 Ensure there is adequate ties and bracings
are provided on for the scaffolding for
stability and strength. The ties can be
through ties, reveal ties, box ties, anchor bolt
ties and other available tying methods.
 Activities must wear their PPEs at site (hard
hat with chin strap, clear safety glass, safety
shoes, safety harness, hand gloves, coverall &
reflective vest etc.).
 Every seven days scaffolding inspector should
inspect the scaffold.
 Third party certification for the scaffolding
shall be provided as Legal and DEWA

Remember Hierarchy of Control:

Elimination Substitution Engineering Controls Administrative Controls PPE
Shijad Sraju Ganesh Rajendran
Assessor's Name & Signature Reviewer's Name & Signature Approver's Name & Signature
Page 12 of 21 SP06 Annex IIIB H Risk Assessment Form
Contractor H&S Risk Assessment Form SP-06.IIIB

Project Name & Number: 3452100477 Initial Assessment Date: 22-03-2023 Contractor: Emirates Tech Services LLC
Assessor (s): Shijad Sraju Review Date: 22-03-2023
Reviewed By: Ganesh Rajendran Next Review Date: 21-09-2023 Ref No. RA/ETS/DEWA/12

Activity/ Area/ Equipment: Scaffolding Erection, alteration and dismantling

Responsibility for completing risk assessments is the function and responsibility of Line Management, however the task may be delegated to a competent person or persons.
(The Assessor should be competent in his/her knowledge of the activity or process and be trained in risk assessment techniques)
Elements to be considered for identifying hazards = P: People; E: Work Environment; A: Asset; R: Reputation; L: Legal/ Procedures
S Identify Eliminate/Reduce/Mitigate/Action Evaluate Eliminate/Reduce/Mitigate/Action Re-Evaluate
r. Legal Req Risk Additional Control Measures Residual
N Person(s) at is
Hazard(s) Hazard Effect(s) identified Existing Control Measures Rating Risk
o. Risk L S R L S R
e considered for identifying hazards = P: People; E: Work Environment; A: Asset; R: Reputation; L: Legal/ Procedures

 No one is allowed to alter the scaffold instead
of authorized.
 Scaffolders Scaffolding materials shall be
checked prior to use to ensure that no
damaged components being used for
 All materials should be protected from falling
from height by securing then, tools shall be
provided with lanyard and attach to
anchorage point while working above.
7 Fall from height. Fatal, Major / Scaffold Yes  Engineer/Supervisor should receive PTW 1 6 6 As the risk is acceptable & 1 6 6
Dropped objects. Minor injury head Erector, DM Code prior to start of the work form concerned Tolerable additional control
injuries, other of authority. measures if required will be
fractures, and workers, and Construct  Always follow safe working procedure when applied upon evaluation of present
material damage. supervisor -ion working at heights
and /or actual site condition
Safety  Assign only competent and EIAC Approved
Practice certified scaffolder for scaffold erection.
chapter  No loose materials to be left in walkways.
3&8  Pre-task training/ toolbox talk must be
conducted prior to start the job and explain
R.A to all the team.
 Only trained operatives with identified
stickers will work at height.
 No horse playing allowed in site.

Remember Hierarchy of Control:

Elimination Substitution Engineering Controls Administrative Controls PPE
Shijad Sraju Ganesh Rajendran
Assessor's Name & Signature Reviewer's Name & Signature Approver's Name & Signature
Page 13 of 21 SP06 Annex IIIB H Risk Assessment Form
Contractor H&S Risk Assessment Form SP-06.IIIB

Project Name & Number: 3452100477 Initial Assessment Date: 22-03-2023 Contractor: Emirates Tech Services LLC
Assessor (s): Shijad Sraju Review Date: 22-03-2023
Reviewed By: Ganesh Rajendran Next Review Date: 21-09-2023 Ref No. RA/ETS/DEWA/12

Activity/ Area/ Equipment: Scaffolding Erection, alteration and dismantling

Responsibility for completing risk assessments is the function and responsibility of Line Management, however the task may be delegated to a competent person or persons.
(The Assessor should be competent in his/her knowledge of the activity or process and be trained in risk assessment techniques)
Elements to be considered for identifying hazards = P: People; E: Work Environment; A: Asset; R: Reputation; L: Legal/ Procedures
S Identify Eliminate/Reduce/Mitigate/Action Evaluate Eliminate/Reduce/Mitigate/Action Re-Evaluate
r. Legal Req Risk Additional Control Measures Residual
N Person(s) at is
Hazard(s) Hazard Effect(s) identified Existing Control Measures Rating Risk
o. Risk L S R L S R
e considered for identifying hazards = P: People; E: Work Environment; A: Asset; R: Reputation; L: Legal/ Procedures

 Working at height activity shall be suspended

during adverse climate condition.
 Always use full body harness all the time
(Double lanyard).
 Ensure 100% tie off of safety harness always
and sufficient anchorage points are available.
 Suitable fall protection system to be used.
E.g., Guardrails, lifeline etc.
 Ensure top rails and mid rails are provided as
per the required height.
 Tool lanyard shall be used to avoid the
accidental fall of material. Remove materials
beside the edge to prevent from falling.
 Stacking excess materials on the platform
over height of the toe board shall be avoided.
 Cracked wooden boards shall not be used on
the scaffolding platform and the wooden
boards on the platform should not
 Wooden boards shall be secured properly
using clamps and do not use any other means
such as ropes, tie wire etc..
 Proper earthing for the scaffolding structure
shall be provided while working under
energized overhead lines.

Remember Hierarchy of Control:

Elimination Substitution Engineering Controls Administrative Controls PPE
Shijad Sraju Ganesh Rajendran
Assessor's Name & Signature Reviewer's Name & Signature Approver's Name & Signature
Page 14 of 21 SP06 Annex IIIB H Risk Assessment Form
Contractor H&S Risk Assessment Form SP-06.IIIB

Project Name & Number: 3452100477 Initial Assessment Date: 22-03-2023 Contractor: Emirates Tech Services LLC
Assessor (s): Shijad Sraju Review Date: 22-03-2023
Reviewed By: Ganesh Rajendran Next Review Date: 21-09-2023 Ref No. RA/ETS/DEWA/12

Activity/ Area/ Equipment: Scaffolding Erection, alteration and dismantling

Responsibility for completing risk assessments is the function and responsibility of Line Management, however the task may be delegated to a competent person or persons.
(The Assessor should be competent in his/her knowledge of the activity or process and be trained in risk assessment techniques)
Elements to be considered for identifying hazards = P: People; E: Work Environment; A: Asset; R: Reputation; L: Legal/ Procedures
S Identify Eliminate/Reduce/Mitigate/Action Evaluate Eliminate/Reduce/Mitigate/Action Re-Evaluate
r. Legal Req Risk Additional Control Measures Residual
N Person(s) at is
Hazard(s) Hazard Effect(s) identified Existing Control Measures Rating Risk
o. Risk L S R L S R
e considered for identifying hazards = P: People; E: Work Environment; A: Asset; R: Reputation; L: Legal/ Procedures

 No materials shall be thrown from the

scaffolding at any time.
 Internal training shall be given on work at
heights hazards and precautions.
 Regular supervision of a competent person.
 Barricade the working area and display
warning signs - like falling objects area.
 PPE must be used all the time like hand
gloves, safety helmet, safety shoes, safety
glasses and visibility jacket/coverall.
 Adequate illumination shall be provided at
night shift.
 Trained emergency rescue team shall be
available before initiating work at height
8 Over loading of scaffold Material damage. Staff. Yes  Scaffolding structures shall not be used as 1 5 5 As the risk is acceptable & Tolerable 1 5 5
structure. Injury Workmen. DM Yes lifting support unless it specially designed for additional control measures if
Loading /unloading Fatality. Scaffolders. Code of that purpose. required will be applied upon
platform, Form work Construct  All scaffolders erecting working platforms evaluation of present and /or actual
scaffolding, -ion must be aware of the intended (or any other site condition
Working platform Safety possible) use of the scaffolding. Consideration
scaffolding. Practice must be given to the number personnel and
chapter any materials that will be stored or stacked
08. on the platform (live load).
 Design and structural calculation shall be

Remember Hierarchy of Control:

Elimination Substitution Engineering Controls Administrative Controls PPE
Shijad Sraju Ganesh Rajendran
Assessor's Name & Signature Reviewer's Name & Signature Approver's Name & Signature
Page 15 of 21 SP06 Annex IIIB H Risk Assessment Form
Contractor H&S Risk Assessment Form SP-06.IIIB

Project Name & Number: 3452100477 Initial Assessment Date: 22-03-2023 Contractor: Emirates Tech Services LLC
Assessor (s): Shijad Sraju Review Date: 22-03-2023
Reviewed By: Ganesh Rajendran Next Review Date: 21-09-2023 Ref No. RA/ETS/DEWA/12

Activity/ Area/ Equipment: Scaffolding Erection, alteration and dismantling

Responsibility for completing risk assessments is the function and responsibility of Line Management, however the task may be delegated to a competent person or persons.
(The Assessor should be competent in his/her knowledge of the activity or process and be trained in risk assessment techniques)
Elements to be considered for identifying hazards = P: People; E: Work Environment; A: Asset; R: Reputation; L: Legal/ Procedures
S Identify Eliminate/Reduce/Mitigate/Action Evaluate Eliminate/Reduce/Mitigate/Action Re-Evaluate
r. Legal Req Risk Additional Control Measures Residual
N Person(s) at is
Hazard(s) Hazard Effect(s) identified Existing Control Measures Rating Risk
o. Risk L S R L S R
e considered for identifying hazards = P: People; E: Work Environment; A: Asset; R: Reputation; L: Legal/ Procedures

available for all sort of scaffolding structures.

 Ensure proper housekeeping and stacking of
materials is not permitted on the scaffolding
 Scaffold tagged in green is indicating safe to
 Scaffolding must be inspected by a
competent person and working load capacity
and type shall be mentioned on scaffolding
 All loading platforms made by scaffolding
materials shall be inspected and certified by
third party.
 The use of scaffold in accordance with the
load specified in the scaffolding tag.
9 Unsafe access and egress to Staff. Yes  A safe way access secured adequately for entrance 1 5 5 As the risk is acceptable & Tolerable 1 5 5
the scaffolding due to the Workmen. DM Yes and exit to or from any place where one person additional control measures if
substandard ladder Scaffolder. Code of works at any time shall be provided. required will be applied upon
(wooden) or damaged Personnel injury Construct-  The ladders used for access shall be inspected and
evaluation of present and /or actual
ladder. Property damage ion Safety tagged prior to use by competent personnel. site condition
Practice  Damaged ladders shall not use for access, dispose
chapter 08. it immediately with do not use tag.
 Ensure that the rungs of ladders are free from
slippery condition.
 Maintain ladder inspection register.
 Portable single ladders when used as access

Remember Hierarchy of Control:

Elimination Substitution Engineering Controls Administrative Controls PPE
Shijad Sraju Ganesh Rajendran
Assessor's Name & Signature Reviewer's Name & Signature Approver's Name & Signature
Page 16 of 21 SP06 Annex IIIB H Risk Assessment Form
Contractor H&S Risk Assessment Form SP-06.IIIB

Project Name & Number: 3452100477 Initial Assessment Date: 22-03-2023 Contractor: Emirates Tech Services LLC
Assessor (s): Shijad Sraju Review Date: 22-03-2023
Reviewed By: Ganesh Rajendran Next Review Date: 21-09-2023 Ref No. RA/ETS/DEWA/12

Activity/ Area/ Equipment: Scaffolding Erection, alteration and dismantling

Responsibility for completing risk assessments is the function and responsibility of Line Management, however the task may be delegated to a competent person or persons.
(The Assessor should be competent in his/her knowledge of the activity or process and be trained in risk assessment techniques)
Elements to be considered for identifying hazards = P: People; E: Work Environment; A: Asset; R: Reputation; L: Legal/ Procedures
S Identify Eliminate/Reduce/Mitigate/Action Evaluate Eliminate/Reduce/Mitigate/Action Re-Evaluate
r. Legal Req Risk Additional Control Measures Residual
N Person(s) at is
Hazard(s) Hazard Effect(s) identified Existing Control Measures Rating Risk
o. Risk L S R L S R
e considered for identifying hazards = P: People; E: Work Environment; A: Asset; R: Reputation; L: Legal/ Procedures

means to the scaffolding platform, shall not have

slope more than 4(vertical):(1(Horizontal).
 Adequate landing areas shall be provided for the
scaffolding access.
 Ladders shall extend at least 1 m above platform
level to provide adequate handhold at all stepping
-off points.
 Ladders shall be securely tied from upper and
bottom to prevent slipping and shall be fixed on
stable and level surfaces using their slip resistant
10 Improper installation and Material damage. Staff Yes  Ensure that all the components are in good 1 5 5 As the risk is acceptable & Tolerable 1 5 5
use of mobile scaffolding. Injury Workers DM Yes condition prior to the erecting scaffolding, additional control measures if
Fatality. Scaffolders. Code of supervisor shall inspect the materials and ensure required will be applied upon
Construct- that those are free from any damages. evaluation of present and /or actual
ion Safety  Erecting of the mobile scaffolding shall be done site condition
Practice according to manufacturer instruction. Only
chapter 08. manufacture recommended components shall be
used for the mobile scaffolding, do not use
different standard /type of materials on a single
 Wheels of mobile scaffold shall pose effective
rotation with breaks and locking devises are work
correctly. Tower should not use unless the wheels
are locked.
 Damaged caster wheels shall not be used in the
mobile scaffolding.

Remember Hierarchy of Control:

Elimination Substitution Engineering Controls Administrative Controls PPE
Shijad Sraju Ganesh Rajendran
Assessor's Name & Signature Reviewer's Name & Signature Approver's Name & Signature
Page 17 of 21 SP06 Annex IIIB H Risk Assessment Form
Contractor H&S Risk Assessment Form SP-06.IIIB

Project Name & Number: 3452100477 Initial Assessment Date: 22-03-2023 Contractor: Emirates Tech Services LLC
Assessor (s): Shijad Sraju Review Date: 22-03-2023
Reviewed By: Ganesh Rajendran Next Review Date: 21-09-2023 Ref No. RA/ETS/DEWA/12

Activity/ Area/ Equipment: Scaffolding Erection, alteration and dismantling

Responsibility for completing risk assessments is the function and responsibility of Line Management, however the task may be delegated to a competent person or persons.
(The Assessor should be competent in his/her knowledge of the activity or process and be trained in risk assessment techniques)
Elements to be considered for identifying hazards = P: People; E: Work Environment; A: Asset; R: Reputation; L: Legal/ Procedures
S Identify Eliminate/Reduce/Mitigate/Action Evaluate Eliminate/Reduce/Mitigate/Action Re-Evaluate
r. Legal Req Risk Additional Control Measures Residual
N Person(s) at is
Hazard(s) Hazard Effect(s) identified Existing Control Measures Rating Risk
o. Risk L S R L S R
e considered for identifying hazards = P: People; E: Work Environment; A: Asset; R: Reputation; L: Legal/ Procedures

 All caster wheels used in the mobile scaffolding

shall be in same design and standard.
 Ensure there is no obstruction in the floor while
moving the scaffolding.
 Floor openings shall be covered/protected where
scaffolding being used.
 Provide out riggers where required as the out
riggers must be installed correctly and secured.
 Ensure the platform is fully boarded out and all
scaffolding parts are adequately installed.
 Never climb up the outside of a tower -use the
stairway or ladder on the inside of scaffolding.
 Tie the tower on a permanent structure where
 Don’t move the tower if workers or materials are
on the platform.
 Don’t exceed the manufacturer SWL for the tower.
11  Adequate super vision shall be in place.
Yes  Working area must be provided with adequate
DM Code illumination, 50 lux minimum. As the risk is acceptable & Tolerable
Poor illumination while
Minor injuries. Workers of  Electrician shall ensure that the light fittings are additional control measures if
erecting, working, and 1 5 5 1 5 5
Damage to engaged in the Construct- erected properly, and connections are secured. required will be applied upon
dismantling over
materials. activity. ion Safety  Do not fix any light fitting directly on the evaluation of present and /or actual
Practice scaffolding structure. site condition
chapter 3  Portable tower lights shall be inspected prior to
Heat stress Personnel injury. Staff  Providing regular rest breaks, and job rotations. 1 5 5 As the risk is acceptable & Tolerable 1 5 5

Remember Hierarchy of Control:

Elimination Substitution Engineering Controls Administrative Controls PPE
Shijad Sraju Ganesh Rajendran
Assessor's Name & Signature Reviewer's Name & Signature Approver's Name & Signature
Page 18 of 21 SP06 Annex IIIB H Risk Assessment Form
Contractor H&S Risk Assessment Form SP-06.IIIB

Project Name & Number: 3452100477 Initial Assessment Date: 22-03-2023 Contractor: Emirates Tech Services LLC
Assessor (s): Shijad Sraju Review Date: 22-03-2023
Reviewed By: Ganesh Rajendran Next Review Date: 21-09-2023 Ref No. RA/ETS/DEWA/12

Activity/ Area/ Equipment: Scaffolding Erection, alteration and dismantling

Responsibility for completing risk assessments is the function and responsibility of Line Management, however the task may be delegated to a competent person or persons.
(The Assessor should be competent in his/her knowledge of the activity or process and be trained in risk assessment techniques)
Elements to be considered for identifying hazards = P: People; E: Work Environment; A: Asset; R: Reputation; L: Legal/ Procedures
S Identify Eliminate/Reduce/Mitigate/Action Evaluate Eliminate/Reduce/Mitigate/Action Re-Evaluate
r. Legal Req Risk Additional Control Measures Residual
N Person(s) at is
Hazard(s) Hazard Effect(s) identified Existing Control Measures Rating Risk
o. Risk L S R L S R
e considered for identifying hazards = P: People; E: Work Environment; A: Asset; R: Reputation; L: Legal/ Procedures

12  Following “summer mid-day break schedule” as

per Ministry of Labor Regulations to avoid working
YES, under peak sunshine & heat stress.
Ministerial  An emergency vehicle & First aid box are made
Decree No. available.
401 of
 Stop Work is followed during extreme weather
2015 on
conditions like - heavy rain, non-visibility condition
during high wind storm or Thick Fog condition &
while exceeding the temperature norms.
During additional control measures if
Workers Summer
 Adequate chilled drinking water, Lemon & Salt
required will be applied upon
drinks / hydrolytes are made available to
Supervisors evaluation of present and /or actual
workforce as a relief for heat stroke / stress.
site condition
Fed law  Specific PPEs like hand gloves, hard helmets, face
(24) 1999 shield, safety boots and dust masks and ear plugs
Chapter III are used.
and IV Fed  Providing TBT, Safety sign boards, Safety briefing
law (8) of and closed supervision to avoid heat stress
1980 incidents.
Article 91,  Providing adequate information, Instruction,
supervision & awareness on Heat stress and Legal
requirements to the workforce.
Extreme weather (High Personnel injury. Staff Fed law  TBT shall be conducted to communicate the action 1 5 5 As the risk is acceptable & Tolerable 1 5 5
13 wind, sandstorm, fog) Property damage. Workers (24) 1999 to take while extreme weather additional control measures if
Supervisors Chapter III  Do not climb on the scaffolding during high wind. required will be applied upon
and IV Fed  Stop all activities at height during the scene of
evaluation of present and /or actual
law (8) of extreme weather. site condition
 All materials on top of scaffolding shall be
Article 91

Remember Hierarchy of Control:

Elimination Substitution Engineering Controls Administrative Controls PPE
Shijad Sraju Ganesh Rajendran
Assessor's Name & Signature Reviewer's Name & Signature Approver's Name & Signature
Page 19 of 21 SP06 Annex IIIB H Risk Assessment Form
Contractor H&S Risk Assessment Form SP-06.IIIB

Project Name & Number: 3452100477 Initial Assessment Date: 22-03-2023 Contractor: Emirates Tech Services LLC
Assessor (s): Shijad Sraju Review Date: 22-03-2023
Reviewed By: Ganesh Rajendran Next Review Date: 21-09-2023 Ref No. RA/ETS/DEWA/12

Activity/ Area/ Equipment: Scaffolding Erection, alteration and dismantling

Responsibility for completing risk assessments is the function and responsibility of Line Management, however the task may be delegated to a competent person or persons.
(The Assessor should be competent in his/her knowledge of the activity or process and be trained in risk assessment techniques)
Elements to be considered for identifying hazards = P: People; E: Work Environment; A: Asset; R: Reputation; L: Legal/ Procedures
S Identify Eliminate/Reduce/Mitigate/Action Evaluate Eliminate/Reduce/Mitigate/Action Re-Evaluate
r. Legal Req Risk Additional Control Measures Residual
N Person(s) at is
Hazard(s) Hazard Effect(s) identified Existing Control Measures Rating Risk
o. Risk L S R L S R
e considered for identifying hazards = P: People; E: Work Environment; A: Asset; R: Reputation; L: Legal/ Procedures

adequately secured.
 Do not leave any materials on top of the
scaffolding platform.
 Reinsertion of the scaffolding shall be conducted
once the weather condition is normal. Provide
additional ties where required as additional
support for the scaffolding.
 Provision of adequate and sufficient PPE for the
14 workers.
 Supervisor should conduct Toolbox talk and MSRA As the risk is acceptable & Tolerable
Personal injury, Staff DM Code
briefing about the importance of PPE to the nature 1
Minor or Major of additional control measures if
Personnel are not using or of their work. 1 5 5 5 5
injury. Workers Construct- required will be applied upon
wearing their PPE
ion Safety
 PPE signage's display at the site.
evaluation of present and /or actual
visitors Practice  Internal training to be provided for inspection,
storage, and proper use of PPE.
site condition
chapter 4
 Ensure that no one is allowed to remove their PPE
at site.
 Ensure fire prevention plan is in place.
15  Toolbox talk carried and explains about emergency 1 5 5 As the risk is acceptable & Tolerable 1 5 5
management. additional control measures if
 First aid facilities and 3rd party approved First required will be applied upon
aider are available at site. evaluation of present and /or actual
 Emergency drills are conducted on a regular basis site condition
as per DEWA letter.
Unaware of emergency due Trapped in the area Engineers/ Yes, DM  Availability of emergency vehicle at site at all time.
to lack of awareness, lack of of fire and other. Supervisors & code of  Sufficient lighting arrangements shall be provided
co-ordination. Workers constructio after the sun set.

Remember Hierarchy of Control:

Elimination Substitution Engineering Controls Administrative Controls PPE
Shijad Sraju Ganesh Rajendran
Assessor's Name & Signature Reviewer's Name & Signature Approver's Name & Signature
Page 20 of 21 SP06 Annex IIIB H Risk Assessment Form
Contractor H&S Risk Assessment Form SP-06.IIIB

Project Name & Number: 3452100477 Initial Assessment Date: 22-03-2023 Contractor: Emirates Tech Services LLC
Assessor (s): Shijad Sraju Review Date: 22-03-2023
Reviewed By: Ganesh Rajendran Next Review Date: 21-09-2023 Ref No. RA/ETS/DEWA/12

Activity/ Area/ Equipment: Scaffolding Erection, alteration and dismantling

Responsibility for completing risk assessments is the function and responsibility of Line Management, however the task may be delegated to a competent person or persons.
(The Assessor should be competent in his/her knowledge of the activity or process and be trained in risk assessment techniques)
Elements to be considered for identifying hazards = P: People; E: Work Environment; A: Asset; R: Reputation; L: Legal/ Procedures
S Identify Eliminate/Reduce/Mitigate/Action Evaluate Eliminate/Reduce/Mitigate/Action Re-Evaluate
r. Legal Req Risk Additional Control Measures Residual
N Person(s) at is
Hazard(s) Hazard Effect(s) identified Existing Control Measures Rating Risk
o. Risk L S R L S R
e considered for identifying hazards = P: People; E: Work Environment; A: Asset; R: Reputation; L: Legal/ Procedures

 Emergency contact number displayed at work

Emergency /Visitors n safety activity area.
personnel injury. practice,  Evacuation route map displayed on every location.
Chapter -  Day shift/night shift ERT plan must be followed.
03  All workers and staff are aware about the
emergency procedures.

Remember Hierarchy of Control:

Elimination Substitution Engineering Controls Administrative Controls PPE
Shijad Sraju Ganesh Rajendran
Assessor's Name & Signature Reviewer's Name & Signature Approver's Name & Signature
Page 21 of 21 SP06 Annex IIIB H Risk Assessment Form

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