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End-To-End Convolutional Neural Network Model
for Gear Fault Diagnosis Based on Sound Signals
Yong Yao 1 , Honglei Wang 2 , Shaobo Li 1,3, * , Zhonghao Liu 4 , Gui Gui 5 , Yabo Dan 1 and
Jianjun Hu 1,4, *
1 School of Mechanical Engineering, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China; [email protected] (Y.Y.);
[email protected] (Y.D.)
2 Guizhou Provincial Key Laboratory of Internet Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing, Guizhou University,
Guiyang 550025, China; [email protected]
3 Key Laboratory of Advanced Manufacturing Technology of Ministry of Education, Guizhou University,
Guiyang 550025, China
4 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 29208, USA;
[email protected]
5 National Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology, Chengdu 610021, China; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected] (S.L.); [email protected] (J.H.); Tel.: +86-180-3777-7304 (J.H.)

Received: 15 August 2018; Accepted: 30 August 2018; Published: 7 September 2018 

Abstract: Currently gear fault diagnosis is mainly based on vibration signals with a few studies on
acoustic signal analysis. However, vibration signal acquisition is limited by its contact measuring
while traditional acoustic-based gear fault diagnosis relies heavily on prior knowledge of signal
processing techniques and diagnostic expertise. In this paper, a novel deep learning-based gear
fault diagnosis method is proposed based on sound signal analysis. By establishing an end-to-end
convolutional neural network (CNN), the time and frequency domain signals can be fed into the
model as raw signals without feature engineering. Moreover, multi-channel information from
different microphones can also be fused by CNN channels without using an extra fusion algorithm.
Our experiment results show that our method achieved much better performance on gear fault
diagnosis compared with other traditional gear fault diagnosis methods involving feature engineering.
A publicly available sound signal dataset for gear fault diagnosis is also released and can be
downloaded as instructed in the conclusion section.

Keywords: gear fault diagnosis; acoustic-base diagnosis; deep learning; convolutional neural
network; data fusion

1. Introduction
As a necessary component of most mechanical equipment, gears are widely used in the system of
engineering machinery, aerospace, and ship vehicles for its advantage of power transmission. Due to
the complex structure and poor working condition of the transmission system, gears can be easily
damaged and cause the machine to break down, which contributes to the increased failure probability
of whole system. Therefore, it is in urgent demand to seek effective gear fault diagnosis methods that
can effectively detect and identify fault feature information of gears.
In the past decade, a vibration signal analysis method has become one of the most used and
effective methods for gear fault pattern recognition and fault localization due to the abundant
information and clear physical meaning in the mechanical vibration signal [1–12]. For example,
Li et al. [1] proposed a method of planetary gear fault diagnosis via feature extraction based on
multi-central frequencies and vibration signal frequency spectrum. Liu et al. [2] proposed a feature
extraction and gear fault diagnosis method based on vibrational mode decomposition, singular

Appl. Sci. 2018, 8, 1584; doi:10.3390/app8091584

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value decomposition, and convolutional neural network (CNN). Kuai et al. [3] used the method of
permutation entropy of Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition with Adaptive Noise
(CEEMDAN) Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) to make gear fault diagnosis in a
planetary gearbox. However, in many practical situations, the installation of vibration sensors is usually
inconvenient due to constraints imposed by working conditions or even the equipment themselves.
Moreover, vibration signals are not easy to be measured in high temperature, high humidity,
high corrosion, and toxic and harmful environments, so the vibration signal analysis method for
gear fault diagnosis is limited by its requirement of contacted measuring. Considering that, it is in
urgent need to develop acoustic-based diagnosis (ABD) methods to overcome this disadvantage via
non-contact measurements.
In recent years, a few studies have explored various acoustic-based fault diagnosis
techniques [13–15]. AIDA et al. [16] compared the advantages and disadvantages of non-contact,
air-coupled ultrasonic sensors and contact piezoelectric ultrasonic sensors in health monitoring of
rotating machinery. Scanlon et al. [17] used non-contact microphone sensors to acquire acoustic signals
of rotating machinery for predicting residual life. Hecke et al. [18] designed a new acoustic emission
sensor technique to detect the fault mode of the bearing. With the development of array measurement
technology, some researchers also applied this technology in acoustic-based diagnosis. By combining
near-field acoustic holography (NAH) with spatial distribution feature extraction, W.B. Lu et al. [19–21]
proposed a gearbox fault diagnosis method that is based on the spatial distribution features of a sound
field. The NAH technology was used to reconstruct the sound field near the sound source, and then
texture features were extracted from the acoustic images to reflect the distribution characteristics
of the sound field. Finally, combining with the support vector machine-based pattern classification,
the fault diagnosis of a gearbox was realized. Rong-Hua Hu et al. [22] proposed a rolling bearing
fault diagnosis method, which is based on NAH and a grey-level gradient co-occurrence matrix
(GLGCM). The NAH technology was also used to reconstruct sound files of different bearing conditions,
then GLGCM features were extracted from the acoustic images and support vector machines were
used for rolling bearing fault diagnosis. These methods overcame the limitations of traditional single
channel measurement-based ABD methods and solved the local diagnosis problem in ABD.
Although all these sound signal based methods can work in fault diagnosis and have the capability
to detect fault modes, they rely heavily on prior knowledge of signal processing techniques and
diagnostic expertise, especially for the analysis of multiple channel measurement signals [23]. Deep
learning models [24] can overcome this limitation. Pre-processed data can be directly fed as samples to
train deep neural networks without manual feature extraction and selection. At present, deep learning
models have been widely applied in speech recognition [25,26], acoustic scene classification [27,28],
and environmental sound classification [29,30]. Many researchers also applied deep learning models in
vibration signal analysis to detect fault modes [1,2,4,31]. However, there are few studies applying deep
learning in ABD for two reasons: (1) the scarcity of publicly available acoustical signal fault diagnosis
datasets like Case Western Reserve University bearing vibration signal datasets, and (2) acoustical
signal acquisition requires a higher standard for environment and for equipment.
To address the obstacles as discussed above, a novel ABD method for gear fault pattern recognition
is proposed. In our model, convolutional neural networks (CNN) are established to adaptively mine
available fault characteristics by directly using time and frequency domain signals without other
manually constructed features and automatically detect the fault modes of gears. In addition, we have
released our acoustical gear fault diagnosis dataset to promote open research in the field of ABD.
To our knowledge, this is the first such public sound dataset for gear fault diagnosis.
The main contributions of this paper are as follows:

(1) Build and release the first ever publicly available sound dataset of gear fault diagnosis based on
acoustical signal.
(2) We designed an end-to-end stacked CNN model for an ABD task, which obtained information
directly from time and frequency domain without feature engineering.
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(3) We
We are the first to use CNN instead of traditional
traditional fusion algorithms, such as Dempster-Shafer
(D-S) evidence
evidence theory,
theory, to fuse multi-channel acoustical signals.

2. Model Building

The mathematical model for our acoustic-based fault diagnosis method of gears can be roughly
divided into three parts. In the first part, the time and frequency domain information are obtained
original acoustical
from an original acousticalsignal
intoa asample
matrix. The
The second
second part
part is
is to
to integrate multiple sample matrices, which are obtained from multi-channel acoustical
integrate multiple sample matrices, which are obtained from multi-channel acoustical sensors sensors to
become a multi-dimension matrix. In the last part, the multi-dimensional matrix is constructed as a
CNN input to train the network. CNN is used to fuse multi-dimension information of the time and
frequency domain and adaptively extract fault features and automatically identify fault patterns of
gears to realize
realize effective
methodis shown
is shownin
in 1. 1.

Acoustical signal
Set the number of convolutional
layer and initialization
Data parameters
normalization Input to
network Feedforward
Constructing sample pass Backpropagation
matrix Pass
Calculate the loss
Constructing multi-
multi- N
channel sample matrix Convergence?

N Achieve high

Gear fault

Figure 1. Block diagram of the proposed method.

2.1. Information
2.1. Information Acquisition
Acquisition in
in Time
Time and
and Frequency
Frequency Domain
As an
As anautomatic
automatic fault diagnosis
fault diagnosis method, our model
method, does not
our model relynot
does on signal
rely on processing techniques
signal processing
and expertise of traditional feature extraction. We acquire the time domain
techniques and expertise of traditional feature extraction. We acquire the time domain information information directly
from original fault audio files generated
directly from original fault audio files generated from from acoustic sensors installed around the gears and
acoustic sensors installed around the gears and
use sample matrix T = ( T 1 , T2 , · · ·
T Tm ) to represent it. The m means
use sample matrix TT  T1 , T2 ,  Tm  to represent it. The m means the number of samples. the number of samples.
Tm = (tm1 , tm2 , · · · tmi ) indicates the time domain vector of sample m, and tmi represents the ith
Tm  sequential
time tm1,tm2,tmi parameter
indicatesofthe time
the sampledomain vectorwe
m. Then, of sample
apply a m , and transform
Fourier t m i represents i th time
to each to
obtain frequency
sequential domain
parameter signals.
of the sample Transformed signals are added to the original time domain matrix as
m . Then, we apply a Fourier transform to each sample to obtain
rows to construct a new matrix. The
frequency domain signals. Transformed signals are new matrix X can be represented
added to the originalas time
domain matrix as rows
to construct a new matrix. The new matrix X can be represented as followed:
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Appl. Sci. 2018, 8, 1584  t11 t12  t1i  f11 f12  f1n  4 of 14
t t  t2i  f 21 f 22  f 2 n 
X   21 22  R mi  n  (1)
          
t11 t12 

· · · t1i · · · f 11 f 12 · · · f 1n
· ·
 tm1 tm 2
 t21 t22 · t2itmi · · · f 21f m1 f 22 f m 2· · · f 2n f
mn  m×(i+n)
X=  .. .. .. .. .. . . .. ∈R
..  (1)
It is composed  .
of single .
channel. signals
. .in the.. time.. and frequency
. .  domain.
tm1 tm2 · · · tmi · · · f m1 f m2 · · · f mn
2.2. Multi-Channel Information Fusion
It is composed of single channel signals in the time and frequency domain.
 
m i n matrix X contains fault information in the time and frequency domain of single
2.2. Multi-Channel Information Fusion
m × (acoustical signals
i + n) matrix about gears.
X contains faultWe integrate multiple
information sample
in the time andmatrix X domain
frequency to construct multi-
of single
channel matrix signals
acoustical Y   X 1about X k  . The
, X 2 ,  gears. We Xintegrate
represent m isample
multiple n sample
matrix matrix 
of the k
X to construct 
multi-dimension matrix Y = ( X1 , X2 , · · · Xk ). The Xk represent m × (i + n) sample matrix of the
channel acoustical signals. The flowchart of the multi-channel information fusion method is shown
k channel acoustical signals. The flowchart of the multi-channel information fusion method is shown

signal Sample
Sensor1 Information
matrix fusion
signal Sample Multi-
Sensor2 matrix
Acoustical Dimension CNN
signal Sample
Sensor3 matrix
signal Sample

Figure Multi-channelinformation

multi-dimensional matrices can
matrices be be
can treated in quite
treated a similar
in quite manner
a similar to the
manner to RGB input
the RGB of anof
image in CNN. The convolutional neural network can be viewed as a fusion tool, which forms
an image in CNN. The convolutional neural network can be viewed as a fusion tool, which forms a a more
abstract high-level
more abstract representation
high-level by combining
representation the multi-channel
by combining information.
the multi-channel information.

2.3. Fault Pattern Recognition Based on CNN

2.3. Fault Pattern Recognition Based on CNN
The end-to-end stacked CNN has the capability to establish the inner relationship between the
The end-to-end stacked CNN has the capability to establish the inner relationship between the
time and frequency domain signals and fault types. The network consists of three functional layers:
time and frequency domain signals and fault types. The network consists of three functional layers:
the convolutional layer, the batch normalization layer, and the fully connected layer.
the convolutional layer, the batch normalization layer, and the fully connected layer.
The end-to-end convolutional layer can be viewed as a feature extraction representation jointly
The end-to-end convolutional layer can be viewed as a feature extraction representation jointly
with classification to realize the adaptive feature extraction and feature identification. Convolution
with classification to realize the adaptive feature extraction and feature identification. Convolution
kernels are used to do convolution operations over multi-dimensional input matrices to extract different
kernels are used to do convolution operations over multi-dimensional input matrices to extract
features and increase the bias to results. The equation is defined as followed:
different features and increase the bias to results. The equation is defined as followed:

∑ xkx l ·1ω
l −1
x lj x=
l l l l l
kj +b jb (2)
j k kj j (2)
k ∈kM
iM i

where l l
wherex j xrepresents the j feature map of layer l, xkl −1 lrepresents the k output
the k feature
output map of former
j represents the j feature map of layer , xkl 1 represents feature map of
layer, and ωkj represents the convolution operation between the k output feature map of former layer
former layer, and kj represents the convolution operation between the l k output feature map of
and the j feature map of layer l. Mi represents the input feature atlas and b j is a bias corresponding
to x lj .
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former layer and the j feature map of layer l. M i represents the input feature atlas and blj is a

bias corresponding to x lj .
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The output feature of each convolutional layer is normalized by the batch normalization layer
such that the mean and variance of the feature become 0 and 1 according to Equation (2).
The output feature of each convolutional layer is normalized by the batch normalization layer
x 
such that the mean and variance of the feature  1 0Band 1 according to Equation (2).
x2 become (3)
 
x −B µ B
x2 = q1 (3)
where  B ,  B2 represent the mean and variance σB2 of
+ εthe mini-batch, respectively. However, the
normalization processing between layers will change the distribution of data and learned features.
Therefore, σB2 represent
µ B , Equation theused
(3) is meanto and variance
restore of the level
the certain mini-batch,
featuresrespectively. However,
by transformation and
the normalization processing between layers will change the distribution of data and learned features.
Therefore, Equation (3) is used to restore the certain level features by transformation and reconstruction.
x3  f ( x2  ) (4)
x3 = f (γx2 + β) (4)
where  , β are the two parameters that need to be learned, and the activation function f is used to
realizeγ, β are the two
a nonlinear parameters for
transformation thatoutput
need to be learned,
features and
of each the normalization
batch layer. f is used to
activation function
realize a nonlinear transformation for output features of each batch normalization layer.
Finally, the fault pattern recognition is realized by the fully connected layer. The calculation
process of thethe fault
fully pattern recognition
connected layer can beisexpressed
realized asbyfollows:
the fully connected layer. The calculation
process of the fully connected layer can be expressed as follows:
h  xl   f  wx l -1  b (5)
h x l = f wx l −1 + b (5)

where xl 1 represents the input of the connected layer l 1, h x

represents the output of
where x l −1 represents the input of the connected layer l − 1, h x l represents the output of connected
 
layer ω andl b, and
l, andlayer  and
represent b represent
weight weight and bias respectively.
and bias respectively.

2.4. Architecture
2.4. Architecture and
and Parameter
Parameter of
of End-To-End
End-to-End Stacked CNN Model
Our end-to-end
Our end-to-end stacked

conv3 conv4
input4 reshape

input conv1 conv2 pool 5
5 conv6
5 output
264 32 5 conv7
16896 264 32 5
264 5
264 16 8 5
132 4
32 1 48 66 5 33
4 48 48 48 64
32 32
(a) Fusion and fault feature learning module (b) Fault pattern recognition module
End-to-End Stacked CNN

Figure 3. Architecture
Figure 3. Architectureof
of the
the end-to-end
parts: fusion
fusion and
and fault
fault feature
learning module

The fusion and fault feature learning module contains two convolutional layers (before the
The fusion and fault feature learning module contains two convolutional layers (before the
pooling layer) to adaptively extract features from the sample matrices, which contains time and
pooling layer) to adaptively extract features from the sample matrices, which contains time and
frequency domain signals with about 16,896 sampling points, with four channels. Each layer has
frequency domain signals with about 16,896 sampling points, with four channels. Each layer has 32
32 filters. The receptive field is set as (8,1) and the stride is set as (1,1) in both convolutional layers.
filters. The receptive field is set as (8,1) and the stride is set as (1,1) in both convolutional layers. This
This small filter size with two convolutional layers are set according to the experimental results of the
small filter size with two convolutional layers are set according to the experimental results of the
Automatic speech recognition (ASR) task [25], which demonstrated that by using multi-convolutional
Automatic speech recognition (ASR) task [25], which demonstrated that by using multi-convolutional
layers with small receptive fields, the convolutional neural network model has the ability to extract
layers with small receptive fields, the convolutional neural network model has the ability to extract
local features of various scales hierarchically. The output of these two convolutional layers is noted
local features of various scales hierarchically. The output of these two convolutional layers is noted
as the “time–frequency” feature representation. After that, the non-overlapping maximum pooling
as the “time–frequency” feature representation. After that, the non-overlapping maximum pooling
with a 64 pooling size can be applied to the output of the convolutional layers. The output of the
with a 64 pooling size can be applied to the output of the convolutional layers. The output of the pool
pool matrix has a size of 264 × 1 × 32 (two-dimension feature matrix × channel). Then, the pool
matrix is reshaped from 264 × 1 × 32 to 264 × 32 × 1 in order to convolve in both frequency and time.
Finally, the three-dimensional matrix 264 × 32 × 1 is used as input of “conv3” to achieve gear fault
pattern classification.
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The fault pattern recognition module contains five convolutional layers and one fully connected
layer. The first two layers of module (b) uses 48 filters with a receptive field of (5,5) and stride of (1,1).
The third and fourth layers have the same setting as the first two layers in the filters and receptive field,
but the stride is set to (2,2). The last convolutional layer in module (b) uses 64 filters with a receptive
field of (5,5) and stride of (2,2), and the hidden unit of fully connected layer is set to 200. In addition,
the rectified linear unit (ReLU) is used as the activation function followed by each convolutional layer
and fully connected layer. The output of the fully connected layer is followed by a softmax activation
function. The detailed parameter of each layer is list in Table 1.

Table 1. Parameter of the end-to-end stacked CNN.

Layer Input Shape Filter Kernel Size Stride Output Shape

Conv1 [batch,16896,1,4] 32 (8,1) (1,1) [batch,16896,1,32]
Conv2 [batch,16896,1,32] 32 (8,1) (1,1) [batch,16896,1,32]
Pool [batch,16896,1,32] - (64,1) (64,1) [batch,264,1,32]
Reshape [batch,264,1,32] - - - [batch,264,32,1]
Conv3 [batch,264,32,1] 48 (5,5) (1,1) [batch,264,32,48]
Conv4 [batch,264,32,48] 48 (5,5) (1,1) [batch,264,32,48]
Conv5 [batch, 264,32,48] 48 (5,5) (2,2) [batch,132,16,48]
Conv6 [batch,132,16,48] 48 (5,5) (2,2) [batch,66,8,48]
Conv7 [batch,66,8,64] 64 (5,5) (2,2) [batch,33,4,64]
Fc8 [batch,200] - - - [batch,4]

3. Experiment System
Gear fault diagnosis experiments based on an acoustical signal was conducted in a semi-anechoic
room. The experiment system we built is composed of a two-stage gearbox, a variable frequency motor,
a frequency converter, a programmable magnetic brake component, a tension controller, and measuring
systems. The measuring system consisted of four 4189-A-021 free-field microphones from Denmark
B&K company, a data acquisition instrument from Germany HEAD company, and Artemis data
recording software. The microphones and data acquisition instrument were connected by a Bayonet
Nut Connector (BNC) interface for data transmission and data were recorded by Artemis software.
The whole experiment system is shown in Figure 4. The top-left corner of Figure 4 shows the test
bench and the lower-left corner shows the data acquisition system. The two-stage gearbox reduction
ratio was 23.34, the high-speed shaft reduction ratio was 18/81, and the low speed shaft reduction
ratio was 16/83. The sketch map of the gearbox is shown in Figure 5. In this study, the gear fault
of low speed shaft was chosen to be studied, and the acoustical signals are collected from normal
gears, gears with a tooth fracture, gears with pitting, and gears with wear. All these gears’ acoustical
signals were measured by a four-channel microphone array, which was arranged symmetrically with a
hemispherical enveloping surface and the coordinates were set according to the ISO 3745:2003 standard.
The layout of the array is shown in right picture of Figure 4. The different fault patterns are shown in
Figure 6.
We set the speed of motor to 1800 rev/min by adjusting the frequency converter. In this condition,
the shaft frequency of the three shafts and the meshing frequency of the two pairs of gears are shown
in Table 2. We assumed that the interference of other parts of the gearbox, such as bearing and shaft by
vibration, were minor. The acoustical signal that we measured can be viewed as only containing the
gears. In addition, the tension controlled by a programmable magnetic brake component was set to
0 mA and 0.45 mA to simulate the no load state and the load state of 13.5 Nm. the sampling frequency
of microphones was set to 16,000 Hz. The audio file was recorded for 60 s, and for each fault type of
gears, we collected 40 audio samples with four channels.
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Figure 4. Experiment system in semi-anechoic.

Figure 4.
4. Experiment
Experiment system
system in
in semi-anechoic.

Z1=18 Axis 1 (f1) Input

Z1=18 Axis Input
High-speed shaft Z1=18 Axis 11 (f1)
(f1) Input
High-speed shaft
Meshing Z3=16
Meshing Z3=16
pair 1 (f12) Z3=16
pair 11 (f12)
Axis 2 (f2)
Axis 22 (f2)
Z2=81 pair 2 (f34)
Z2=81 pair
pair 22 (f34)
Z2=81 Output
Low-speed shaft
Low-speed shaft
shaft Axis 3 (f3)
Axis 33 (f3)
Figure 5. The
Figure 5.
5. The sketch map
map of
sketch map two-stage
of two-stage gearbox.
two-stage gearbox.
Figure 5.The
The sketch
sketch map of
of two-stage gearbox.

Figure 6. Three different fault patterns of gears.

Table 2. Working
Figure 6. Three frequency of each
different fault part of
patterns ofgearbox.
Figure 6.
Three different
patterns of
of gears.
Number f1 f12 f2 f34 f3
We set the speed of motor to 1800 rev/min by adjusting the frequency converter. In this
We set
set the
the speed
speed of
of motor
motor to 1800 rev/min by540adjusting the
the frequency converter. In this
condition, theWorking
shaft Frequency
frequency thetothree
of(Hz) 1800shafts
25 and by
the adjusting
meshing frequency
15frequency of the converter.
106.6 two3 pairs of Ingears
condition, the
the shaft
shaft frequency
frequency of
of the
the three
three shafts
shafts and
and the
the meshing
meshing frequency
frequency of
of the
the two
two pairs
pairs of
of gears
are shown in Table 2. We assumed that the interference of other parts of the gearbox, such as bearing
shown in
Table2.2. We
We assumed
assumed that the interference of
of other parts of
of the
the gearbox, such
suchasas bearing
and shaft by vibration, were minor.thatThethe interference
acoustical signal other parts
that we measured gearbox,
can be viewed bearing
as only
and shaft by vibration, were minor. The acoustical signal that we measured can be viewed as only
containing the gears. In addition, the tension controlled by a programmable magneticasbrake
and shaft by vibration, were minor. The acoustical signal that we measured can be viewed only
containing the gears. In addition, the tension controlled by a programmable
containing the gears. In addition, the tension controlled by a programmable magnetic brake magnetic brake
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4. Experiment Result and Analysis

4.1. Dataset
We have built two different datasets: A and B, representing the no load state and load state,
respectively. Each dataset contained audio files of four types of gear faults and each type had a
four-channel audio file with 60 s. We split an audio file into six segments and each segment lasted
10 s. Therefore, each dataset had 960 segments for four fault types. Each segment was divided into
1-s samples with no overlap. We follow this pattern because 1-s samples were found to be an optimal
size for analysis based on empirical experiments in an audio process task. Then, 1-s samples were
used as training and testing samples for our end-to-end stacked CNN model. In total, for dataset A,
we obtained 9600 samples including 6000 training samples, 2400 validation samples, and 1200 testing
samples. Similarly, we also got 6000 training samples, 2400 validation samples, and 1200 testing
samples for dataset B.

4.2. Time and Frequency Analysis

We took the gear of the gearbox’s low speed shaft as the research object. The acoustical signal
collected from the normal gear, gear with tooth fracture, gear with pitting, and gear with wear under
two different load conditions.
The left panel of Figure 7 shows the four types of gears in dataset A representing a no-load
condition and the right panel shows the same type in dataset B representing a load condition. From the
time domain signal, we can see that the waveform in three different types of gears, including tooth
fracture, normal, and pitting, seemed to be obviously different in both datasets. The normal gears had
a higher amplitude than the gears with a tooth fracture and the amplitude of pitting gears at certain
time was 1 or −1, which was stronger than that of normal gears. This indicates that the time domain
contained sufficient information to distinguish these three types of gears. As for the type of pitting
and wear in gears, the differences were too subtle to be seen from the time domain signal. However,
from the frequency domain signal, we found that the magnitude and distribution of the spectrum
amplitude between different types of fault signals were different, especially in the range of 0 to 1000 Hz
in dataset A and 0 to 800 Hz in dataset B, which meant the four different types of gears in a meshing
condition had an obvious difference in meshing frequency. The types of pitting and wear in gears
could be easily distinguished according to the magnitude of the spectrum amplitude in the range of
0–1000 Hz and 3000 Hz in dataset A and the range of 0 to 800 Hz in dataset B. The above conclusions
were also shown in time–frequency domain. The above observation also holds in the time–frequency
domain. From the spectrograms of Figure 7 and waterfall diagrams of Figure 8, we can see that the
maximum amplitude of the four types of gears was in the range of 0–1000 Hz. The type of wear in
gears had a stronger spectrum amplitude than the other three types of gears at certain time points
in two datasets, which meant the type of wear in gears could be easily distinguished from the other
three types of gears in the time–frequency domain. The above analysis shows that the acoustical signal
in time and frequency domain contained sufficient information with four different types of gears.
Therefore, we propose to integrate the time and frequency domain signals as a sample matrix to directly
input into an end-to-end stacked convolutional neural network. Then, the end-to-end stacked CNNs
were trained to adaptively mine available fault characteristics for fault diagnosis without manual
feature engineering.
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Figure 7. Four
Figure 7. Four different
different types
types of
of gear
gear signals
signals in
in time,
time, frequency,
frequency, and
and time–frequency
time–frequency domains
domains under
two-load conditions. (A) Represents a no-load condition and (B) represents a load condition.
two-load conditions. (A) Represents a no-load condition and (B) represents a load condition.
4.3. Multi-Channel Signal Analysis
The acoustical signals were acquired from four different microphones. Figure 9 shows the collected
time and frequency domain signals of four different microphones in the gear fault of a tooth fracture
with a no-load state.
It can be seen that the time domain waveforms of the fourth microphones were very different
from other three microphones. The difference in acoustical signals from microphone 1 to microphone 3
could also be distinguished in frequency domain signals. From the right picture of Figure 9, we could
find that the magnitude and distribution of the frequency amplitude between different microphones of
fault signals were obviously different in the range of 0 to 1000 Hz. This indicates that each microphone
obtained different acoustical signals because of the different acquisition positions. Therefore, in order
to capture the entire acoustical signals of fault pattern, we needed to fuse multi-channel information
that all these microphones collected. In this study, we first proposed to use CNN rather than a
traditional fusion algorithm to fuse the multi-channel signals. This multi-channel information of time
and frequency domains can be viewed similar to the RGB channels of images for pattern recognition
using CNN.

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Figure 8. Waterfall diagrams of four different types of gears under two-load conditions. (A)
Represents a no-load condition and (B) represents a load condition.

4.3. Multi-Channel Signal Analysis

The acoustical signals were acquired from four different microphones. Figure 9 shows the
collected time and frequency domain signals of four different microphones in the gear fault of a tooth
Figure 8.8.Waterfall
Waterfalldiagrams of four
diagrams different
of four types of
different gearsofunder
types gearstwo-load
under conditions. (A) Represents
two-load conditions. (A)
fracture with a no-load state.
no-load condition
a no-loadand (B) represents
condition and (B)arepresents
load condition.
a load condition.

4.3. Multi-Channel Signal Analysis

The acoustical signals were acquired from four different microphones. Figure 9 shows the
collected time and frequency domain signals of four different microphones in the gear fault of a tooth
fracture with a no-load state.

Figure 9. Time and frequency domain

domain signal
signal from
from four
four microphones.

4.4. Evaluation
End-to-end stacked CNN models were trained with the cross-entropy loss for multi-faulty type
classification. An Adam optimization algorithm was employed as the training algorithm. The learning

Figure 9. Time and frequency domain signal from four microphones.

Appl. Sci. 2018, 8, 1584 11 of 14

rate was 0.003. In addition, we used the early stopping approach to prevent overfitting and adopted
the no-improvement-in-10-epochs strategy to identify the number of epochs via the validation set.
Finally, our models adopted 70 and 50 of training epochs on datasets A and B, respectively.
In order to show the superiority of our method, we compared our model with traditional methods
that combined manual features with conventional machine learning algorithms. The manual features
that we extracted include a log-mel spectrogram, root-mean-square error (RMSE), and a spectral
centroid. We combined these manual features as a matrix and fused multi-channel signals from four
different microphones at the feature level. Four evaluation methods were designed to evaluate the
generalization capability of the model:
In Evaluation 1, we trained a CNN model using the training samples from dataset A and tested it
on the test samples in dataset A.
In Evaluation 2, we trained a CNN model using the training samples from dataset B and tested it
on the test samples in dataset B.
In Evaluation 3, we trained a CNN model using the training samples from dataset A and tested it
on the test samples in dataset B.
In Evaluation 4, we trained a CNN model using the training samples from dataset B and tested it
on the test samples in dataset A.
We used the classification accuracy as the evaluation criterion, which is defined as acc = N 1
N2 ,
where N1 represents the number of test samples recognized properly, and N2 represents the total
number of test samples.
The test results on two datasets are shown in Table 3.

Table 3. The prediction accuracy on dataset A (without load) and dataset B (with load).

Accuracy (%) on
Evaluation 1 Evaluation 2 Evaluation 3 Evaluation 4
Train on A Train on B Train on A Train on B
Test on A Test on B Test on B Test on A
end-to-end (our method) 100 100 98.5 96.4
manual feature + SVM 98.8 98.6 94.7 94.5
manual feature +
93.6 97.5 87.7 60.3
manual feature + GBDT 96.5 95.7 93.0 58.9
manual feature + KNN 98.6 98.0 95.2 94.4

From Table 3, we can see that the recognition accuracy of our end-to-end model reached 100% in
Evaluation 1 and Evaluation 2 respectively. It was 1.2% and 1.4% higher than the accuracy of the best
traditional method: manual features + SVM.
In order to further evaluate the generalization capability of our model, we added two more
evaluation methods. The first method was training the model using the training samples in dataset
A and testing it on test samples in dataset B. The second way was exchanging the training set and
testing set in the first method. The reason why we adopted these evaluation methods was that a
fault diagnosis algorithm with good generalization capabilities should still work even when the load
condition changes. The test result showed that all methods decline in recognition accuracy, especially
RandomForest and GBDT with manual features. The accuracy of RandomForest declined from 97.5%
when evaluated on dataset A without load to 60.3% when tested on dataset B with a load with the same
trained model. Similarly, the accuracy of GBDT declined from 95.7% when evaluated on dataset A
without load to 58.9% when tested on dataset B with a load with the same trained model. Conversely,
when we trained the RandomForest and GBDT models on dataset A without load and tested them on
dataset B with a load, the prediction accuracy declines (from 93.6% to 87.7% for RandomForest; 96.5%
to 93% for GBDT) were much smaller compared the previous cases. We suspect that some relationship
between the feature spectrum and fault types exist in dataset B but not in dataset A so that training
Appl. Sci. 2018, 8, 1584 12 of 14

the model on dataset B and then testing it in dataset A can be viewed as some degree of overfitting to
dataset B, which led to a low performance on test samples in dataset A. On the contrary, our model
did not observe such a dramatic performance decline. In these two conditions, the accuracy of our
model was 98.5% and 96.4% when trained on A and tested on B and when trained on B and tested
on A. Both performances were higher than 95.2% of KNN with manual features and 94.5% SVM with
manual features. The diagnosis result are shown in Table 4.

Table 4. Diagnosis result of our method in Evaluation 3 and Evaluation 4.

Diagnosis Result in Evaluation 3 Accuracy

Method Type
Sample Tooth Fracture Normal Pitting Wear (%)
Tooth fracture 300 300 0 0 0 100
Normal 300 0 297 1 2 99.0
Pitting 300 1 1 293 5 97.6
Wear 300 2 0 8 292 97.3
Diagnosis Result in Evaluation 4 Accuracy
end-to-end Type
(our method) Sample Tooth Fracture Normal Pitting Wear (%)
Tooth fracture 300 295 0 3 2 98.3
Normal 300 0 287 9 4 95.6
Pitting 300 0 1 284 15 94.6
Wear 300 0 1 8 291 97.0

From the diagnosis result in Table 4, the recognition accuracy on gears with a tooth fracture
reached 100% and 98.3% in Evaluation 3 and Evaluation 4, respectively, which meant these types of
tooth fracture in gears could be easily distinguished from the other three types of gears. For normal
gears, our algorithm achieved 99.0% accuracy in Evaluation 3 and 95.6% in Evaluation 4. The reason
why the recognition accuracy decreased in Evaluation 4 is that the signal amplitude of the normal gears
with a load and the amplitude of gears with pitting in the no-load state were similar at certain time
points. As for the other two types of gears, the algorithm also achieved higher recognition accuracy in
these two conditions. The reason for sample misclassifications here was due to the distribution of the
amplitudes between these two types of fault signals, which were similar at certain times. This can be
observed from time domain signal in Figure 7.
The above results indicate that our end-to-end stacked CNN model has achieved significant
performance in sound signal-based gear fault diagnosis and has a strong generalization capability.

5. Conclusions
In this paper, we proposed a novel acoustic-based gear fault diagnosis method based on deep
learning to recognize a fault pattern of gears. Using an end-to-end stacked CNN, the time and
frequency domain signals could be directly input to the model without explicitly defining manual
features as required by traditional fault diagnosis methods. The experiment results on two datasets
showed that the accuracy of our model could reach 100% in the first two evaluation cases and 98.5%,
96.5% in the other two cases of evaluation respectively. All these performances were higher than those
of other traditional fault diagnosis methods with manual features. This indicates that our model was
more effective for fault diagnosis of gears with acoustical signals. Furthermore, to facilitate open
research in the field of acoustic signal-based fault diagnosis, we publicly released the audio datasets of
gears faults (, which contains four types
of gear faults in a load state and a no-load state with 1800 rev/min. For the future study, we will
continue to contribute more diverse audio datasets with different working and faulty conditions to
further promote the research in ABD.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, Y.Y., J.H., H.W. and S.L.; methodology, Y.Y.; software, Y.Y. and Y.D.;
validation, Y.Y. and J.H.; investigation, Y.Y., H.W. and J.H.; resources, H.W. and S.L.; data curation, Y.Y. and G.G.;
Appl. Sci. 2018, 8, 1584 13 of 14

writing—original draft preparation, Y.Y. and J.H.; writing—review and editing, Y.Y., J.H. and Z.L.; supervision,
S.L. and J.H.; project administration, H.W. and S.L.; funding acquisition, H.W. and W.L.
Funding: This research was funded by The National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant
No. 91746116 and 51741101, and Science and Technology Project of Guizhou Province under Grant Nos. supported
this work. [2017]2308, Talents [2015]4011 and [2016]5013, Collaborative Innovation [2015]02.
Acknowledgments: We gratefully acknowledge the support of NVIDIA Corporation with the donation of the
Titan X Pascal GPU used for this research and the support of National Institute of Measurement and Testing
Technology with providing the semi-anechoic laboratory.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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