This document is a general intake sheet for tracking children served at an Early Childhood Care and Development facility in the Philippines. It collects information such as the facility location, demographics of children served including age, gender, disabilities, and services provided. Fields marked with an asterisk are required. The sheet is used to record details on the total number of children served, broken down by age and gender, as well as categories like disabilities, indigenous population, Muslim population, and those who dropped out.
This document is a general intake sheet for tracking children served at an Early Childhood Care and Development facility in the Philippines. It collects information such as the facility location, demographics of children served including age, gender, disabilities, and services provided. Fields marked with an asterisk are required. The sheet is used to record details on the total number of children served, broken down by age and gender, as well as categories like disabilities, indigenous population, Muslim population, and those who dropped out.
This document is a general intake sheet for tracking children served at an Early Childhood Care and Development facility in the Philippines. It collects information such as the facility location, demographics of children served including age, gender, disabilities, and services provided. Fields marked with an asterisk are required. The sheet is used to record details on the total number of children served, broken down by age and gender, as well as categories like disabilities, indigenous population, Muslim population, and those who dropped out.
This document is a general intake sheet for tracking children served at an Early Childhood Care and Development facility in the Philippines. It collects information such as the facility location, demographics of children served including age, gender, disabilities, and services provided. Fields marked with an asterisk are required. The sheet is used to record details on the total number of children served, broken down by age and gender, as well as categories like disabilities, indigenous population, Muslim population, and those who dropped out.
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Annex C Children Summary General Intake Sheet
Republic of the Philippines ECCDSID to be filled up by the encoded
Department of Social Welfare and Development Children Served Profile Early Childhood Care and Development
I. Children Facility LocationNOTE: Fields with (*) asterisk are required fields
Region District/Province Municipality Barangay Name of Facility
II. Children Served 2. Children w/ Disability 3. Children Provided with Other Services 4. Indigenous People’s 5. Muslim 6. Total Children 2b. Physical 2c. Mental Children Served Children Served Dropped Out 1a. Age 1b. Gender Total Group Served OH VI H Other UT/EMR WA IMP WADHD SL WG D SF MNS D Others I W S 3 yrs. Male old Female 4 yrs. Male Old Female 5 yrs. Male old Female 6 yrs. Male old Female 7 yrs. Male old Female 8 yrs. Male old Female 9 yrs. Male old Female 10 yrs. Male old Female Children with Disability Keys Children Provided with Services Keys
OH – Orthopedically Handicapped WG – Weigned 7a. Accomplished by: 7b. Date Accomplished*
VI – Visually Impaired DW – Dewormed HI – Hearing Impaired SF – Provided with Supplemental Feeding Other – Other Handicap – Speech Defect MNS – Provided with Micro Nutrient Supplementation YYY – MM - DD Hunchback,Cleft Palate – Harelip DS – Provided with Dental Services UT/EMR – Upper Trainable/Educable Mentally Retarded Other – Other Services 7b. Name and Signature of Day Care Supervisor* 7C. Encode ID* IMP – Improved Mental Patient WA – With Autism WADHD – With attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder SL – Slow Learners