Reality Therapy

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Reality Therapy with our Quality World.

We behave to
achieve as best we can a real world
[SLIDE 1] Introduction experience consistent with our Quality
Reality Therapy is a particular approach in
psychotherapy and counseling. It has [SLIDE 4] Reality Therapy
primarily been developed by the psychiatrist
Dr. William Glasser since the mid-1960's. The Reality Therapy approach to
counseling and problem-solving focuses on
[SLIDE 1] the here-and-now of the client and how to
create a better future, instead of
Reality Therapy is based on a concept called concentrating at length on the past. It
Choice Theory (originally called control emphasizes making decisions, and taking
theory). It has become well-established in action and control of one's own life.
the US and internationally and it has also
been widely applied in education. Typically, clients seek to discover
what they really want and whether what they
[SLIDE 2] Choice theory are currently doing (how they are choosing
to behave) is actually bringing them nearer
The term choice theory is the work of Dr. to, or further away from, that goal.
William Glasser, MD, author of the book so
named, and is the culmination of some 50 Reality Therapy is a considered a
years of theory and practice in psychology cognitive-behavioural approach to therapy;
and counseling. that is, it focuses on facilitating the client to
become aware of, and if necessary, change,
Choice Theory posits that behavior is his/her thoughts and actions.
central to our existence and is driven by five
genetically driven needs, similar to those of [SLIDE 5] Behavior
Behavior, in Reality Therapy and in William
• Survival (food, clothing, shelter, Glasser's Choice Theory terms, is composed
breathing, personal safety and of four aspects, or vectors:
others) and four fundamental
psychological needs: Thinking,
• Belonging/connecting/love Acting,
• Power/significance
and Physiology.
• Freedom/responsibility, and
• Fun/learning We can directly choose our thoughts and our
acts; we have great difficulty in directly
[SLIDE 3] Quality World choosing our feelings and our physiology
(sweaty palms, headaches, nervous tics,
Choice Theory posits the existence of a racing pulse, etc.)
"Quality World" in which, starting at birth
and continuing throughout our lives, we Emotions (feelings) are a wonderful,
place those things that we highly value: immediate and alive source of information
primarily the people who are important to about how we are doing and whether we are
us, things we prize, and systems of belief, happy with what is going on in our lives.
i.e. religion, cultural values and icons, etc. But it is very hard to choose and to change
Glasser also posits a "Comparing Place" in our emotions directly. It is easier to change
which we compare the world we experience our thinking - to decide, for example, that
we will no longer think of ourselves as and not other things to blame. But he should
victims or to decide that in our thoughts we never be coerced or constantly be reminded.
will concentrate on what we can do rather
than what we think everybody else ought to Challenge Traditional Views of Mental
do. So Reality Therapists approach changing Illness
"what we do" as a key to changing how we
feel and to getting what we want. These Many Therapist or medical practitioners
ideas are similar to those in other therapy diagnose the patient with physiological
movements such as Re-evaluation disorder, why they behave this way why the
Counseling and Person-centered behave that way due to the nature of the
psychotherapy, although the former anomaly of the physiology of the human
emphasizes emotional release as a method of anatomy.
clearing emotional hurt.
Glasser tells us that it is wrong, clients
[SLIDE] 6 Characteristics OF Reality should be reminded of their responsibilities
Therapy rather than giving them an excuse to
runaway from it.
[SLIDE] 8 and [SLIDE 9]
Emphasize the Choice of Responsibility
Letting the patient understand the vital role
of his responsibility to accept the past but The function of the therapist is to create a
not let it affect his present. An his present is good relationship with their clients. From
the main target of the Therapy that affects these relationships therapist can help the
his problems. client how to engage in self-evaluation. It is
the Job of the therapist to convey the idea
Reject Transference that no matter how bad things are there is
always a hope.
It is important to let the client understand
that due to the nature of the therapy, there [SLIDE 10]
may be tendencies that he will project an Therapist Function and Role
image of a father like or brother or etch like
figure, he should inform the Therapist so the The function of the therapist is to create a
therapist can remind him that he is nothing good relationship with their clients. From
but the therapist and that’s all. these relationships therapist can help the
client how to engage in self-evaluation. It is
Keep the Therapy at the Present the Job of the therapist to convey the idea
that no matter how bad things are there is
Never let the patient dwell on his past. The always a hope.
past may be a factor but the present situation
is all that matters. The past may only make [SLIDE 11] Client’s Therapy
him not accept responsibility.
• “Is what you are choosing bringing
Avoid focusing on the symptoms you closer to the ones you want to
be closer with?!”
There are cases that the client will whine • ‘Is what you are doing bringing you
about his problems and passing blame on closer to the new person you want to
this and that. It is vital to ask him questions be with?!”
that ciculate him back to the present
problem with the notion that it is only him
• These are the type of questions that Establishing a relationship with the
trigger the patient to think for his client is believed to be the most important
responsibility. It also stimulates the factor in all types of therapy. Without this
patient to prioritize. relationship, the other steps will not be
[SLIDE 12] In extreme cases, the therapist may be the
only person in the client's life who is willing
Relationship Between therapist and to put up with the client's behavior long
Client enough to establish a relationship, which can
require a great deal of patience from the
Change is always a choice. Reality therapist. In other cases, the client is a part
therapists begin with by asking the clients of many relationships, but just needs a
what they want from the therapy. They also relationship with a more consistently
inquire about the choices the client is positive emphasis.
making in their relationships.
[SLIDE 16]
Reality therapy emphasizes an underlying PROCEDURES THAT LEAD TO
and supporting relationship. An important CHANGE
factor is the willingness of councilors to
develop their own individual therapeutic [SLIDE 17]
Change is always a choice. Reality
[SLIDE 13] therapists begin with by asking the clients
APPLICATION:THERAPEUTIC what they want from the therapy. They also
TECHNIQUES AND PROCEDURES inquire about the choices the client are
making in their relationships.
[SLIDE 14] The Practice or Reality
Therapy: [SLIDE17]
The WDEP System
– Creating a counseling  Wants
environment.  Direction
– Implementing specific  Evaluation
procedures that lead to  Planning
changes in behavior
 The art of counseling is to weave Uses WDEP system to identify:
these components together in ways 1) client’s wants and perceptions;
that lead clients to evaluate their 2) ) what client is doing (acting,
lives and decide to move in more thinking, feeling, physiology);
effective directions. 3) 3) whether client’s behavior is
getting him/her closer or further
[SLIDE 15] The Counseling Environment from goal (evaluate);
4) 4) create and implement workable
The practice of reality therapy begins
plan to make positive changes (Is it
with the counselor’s efforts to create a
supportive environment within which clients
can begin to make like changes. The
councilor should show assertiveness as well
as keeping it light with constant humor.

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