Production Software Lab Syllabus Diploma

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Program: Diploma in Mechanical Engineering

Course Code: 6027 Course Title: Production Software Lab

Semester: 6 Credits: 2.5

Course Category: Programme Core

Periods per week: 4(L:0 T:1 P:3) Periods per semester: 45

Course Objectives:

 To deliver the power and potential of CAD (SOLIDWORKS) through a

structured program built upon the industry best practices.
 To teach how to use SOLIDWORKS mechanical design software to build
parametric models of parts and assemblies and make drawings of those parts and

Course Pre-requisites:

Topic Course name Semester

Basic Engineering Graphics Engineering Graphics 1

Basic knowledge on commands and construction

Basic Cad Lab 2
of 2D drawings using AutoCAD

3D Modelling Cad Lab II 4

Course Outcomes:

On completion of the course, the student will be able to:

COn Description Cognitive Level
Demonstrate the key characteristics and Interface of
CO1 SOLIDWORKS software. 12 Understanding

Explain about Design tools and essentials of

CO2 SOLIDWORKS software. 11 Understanding

Illustrate the Assembly concept and build the virtual

CO3 components. 11 Understanding

Build the 2D Drawings with industry

CO4 Standards and annotation. 11 Applying
CO – PO Mapping:

Outcomes PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7

CO1 3

CO2 3
CO3 3
CO4 3 2 2

3-Strongly mapped, 2-Moderately mapped, 1-Weakly mapped

Course Outline

Module Duration
Description Cognitive Level
Outcome (Hours)

Demonstrate the key characteristics and Interface of SOLIDWORKS


M 1.01 Outline the key characteristics of SOLIDWORKS 2 Understanding

M 1.02 Understanding about user interface of the software 2 Understanding
Interpret the file formats, file extensions, and Neutral
M1.03 2 Understanding
file formats.
Make use of Short cut keys, customization of the
M1.04 3 Understanding
M1.05 Define the standard, Annotations, Unit system…. 3 Remembering
Describe the key characteristics of SOLIDWORKS, understanding about user interface of the
software, Understanding file formats, file extensions, and Neutral file formats. Utilization of
Short cut keys, customization of the software, Understanding of standards, Annotations, and
Unit system

CO2 Explain about Design tools and Essentials of SOLIDWORKS software.

Explain the key characteristics of a feature-

M2.01 2 Understanding
based, Parametric solid modeler
Develop the fully associated 3D solid models with
constraints or user-defined relations to capture design
M2.02 2 Understanding
Utilize all available tools to edit and make changes to
M 2.03 2 Understanding
a part.
Apply the ramifications of making changes to parts
M2.04 2 Understanding
that have configurations.

Inserting components into an assembly using all

M2.05 3 Understanding
available techniques.

Series Test – I

Describe the key characteristics of a feature-based, Parametric solid modeler, and develop
fully associated 3D solid models with constraints or user-defined relations to capture design
intent. Utilize all available tools to edit and make changes to a part, Understand the
ramifications of making changes to parts that have configurations. Inserting components into
an assembly using all available techniques.

CO3 Illustrate the Assembly concept and build the virtual components.

Advanced part modeling techniques, including

M3.01 3 Understanding
splines, Multibody parts, Sweep, Lofts, and curves…
Assembly modeling techniques including top-
M3.02 down assembly, assembly editing & and about Large 3 Understanding
M3.03 Solid and surface hybrid modeling 3 Understanding

M3.04 About using and creating a design library 2 Understanding

Advanced part modeling techniques, including splines, Multi-body parts, Sweep, Lofts, and
curves, Assembly modeling techniques including top-down assembly, assembly editing and
large assembly, Solid and surface hybrid modeling, about using and creating of design

CO4 Build the 2D Drawings with industry Standards and annotation.

How to create engineering drawings of Parts &

M4.01 1 Remembering
Construct Basic Drawing views, Model views,
M4.02 3 Applying
Section views, Detail Views etc.….

M4.03 List the different types of Dimensioning schemes 1 Remembering

Develop basic annotations like welding symbols,
M4.04 3 Applying
center marks, center lines, surface symbols, etc.….
Build the assembly drawing, BOM, cut list, Hole
M4.05 3 Applying
Table etc

Series Test – II

How to create engineering drawings of Parts and assemblies, Creating basic drawing views,
Model views, Section views, Detail Views, etc. Different types of Dimensioning schemes,
Creating basic annotations like welding symbols, center marks, center lines, surface symbols,
etc. Creating assembly drawings, BOM, cut list, Hole Table, etc.

Text / Reference

T/R Book Title/Author

T1 Learn SolidWorks 2020 by Tayseer Almattar

T2 SolidWorks for Beginners- Arsath Natheem
T3 SolidWorks Excercises- by CADartifex
T4 Engineering Drawing, N.D.Bhatt
R1 Dr. Branoff , Engineering graphics & computer-aided design,
R2 Machine Design, K. Venugopal

Online Resources

S.No Website Link


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