Performance Evaluation of Neural Networks in Road Sign Recognition
Performance Evaluation of Neural Networks in Road Sign Recognition
Performance Evaluation of Neural Networks in Road Sign Recognition
Peer-Reviewed Journal
ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)
Vol-11, Issue-1; Jan, 2024
Journal Home Page Available:
Article DOI:
Received: 20 Nov 2023, Abstract— This paper presents an in-depth study of road sign recognition
Receive in revised form: 27 Dec 2023, techniques leveraging neural networks. Road sign recognition stands as
a critical component of intelligent transportation systems, contributing to
Accepted: 05 Jan 2024,
enhanced road safety and efficient traffic management. The paper focuses
Available online: 13 Jan 2024 on exploring various neural network architectures for example,
©2024 The Author(s). Published by AI backpropagation neural network and hybrid neural network which is a
Publication. This is an open access article under combination of two neural network (backpropagation neural network and
the CC BY license bidirectional associative memory), training methodologies, dataset
( considerations, and performance evaluations for accurate and real-time
recognition of road signs. The experimental result shows that the hybrid
Keywords— Hybrid Neural network, Neural
neural network is faster than the backpropagation neural network in the
network, Pattern recognition, Performance
completion of the training process with higher recognition accuracy.
evaluation, Road sign recognition Page | 7
Saha International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 11(1)-2024
proposed a traffic sign recognition system encompassing multiple neurons enables the brain to execute tasks at a
stages such as normalization, feature extraction, considerably higher speed compared to today's fastest
compression, and classification. Aziz and Youssef [4] computers.
proposed a traffic sign recognition system utilizing feature Despite their straightforward architecture, a collection
extraction and the Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) of neurons yields remarkable computational capabilities.
algorithm. Wang [5] introduced a traffic sign classification Each neuron comprises a cell body, a multitude of dendrites
system employing three machine learning classifiers: (fiber-like structures), and a solitary elongated fiber
Logistic Regression (LR), Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), identified as the axon. Dendrites form an intricate network
and SVM. surrounding the cell body, while the axon extends towards
But, neural networks, particularly Backpropagation other neurons' dendrites and cell bodies. Refer to Figure 2
Neural Network, have demonstrated remarkable capabilities for an illustrative representation of a biological neuron.
in image recognition tasks, making them a promising
approach for road sign recognition. This paper outlines the
performance evaluation of the backpropagation neural
network and the hybrid neural network.
A. Road Signs
Road signs serve as crucial elements of traffic control
and safety, providing essential information to drivers, Fig. 2 Biological neuron
pedestrians, and other road users. These signs are
standardized visual cues that communicate various
Our brain functions as an intricate and sophisticated
instructions, warnings, regulations, and guidance about road
information-processing system that operates in a highly
conditions. Figure 1 shows some road signs with their
complex, nonlinear, and parallel manner. Unlike traditional
corresponding meanings.
systems where data processing occurs in specific areas, in
neural networks, information is stored and processed
simultaneously across the entire network. This global
approach to both data and its processing distinguishes
neural networks by their widespread rather than localized
functionality. The adaptability of connections between
neurons, causing variations that contribute to arriving at the
'correct' outcome, highlights the plasticity of neural
networks. Consequently, these networks possess the
capacity to learn from experiences, marking learning as a
foundational and vital attribute of biological neural
networks. The innate ability to learn effortlessly prompted
endeavors to replicate a biological neural network's
functionality within a computer environment.
Fig. 1 Road signs C. Backpropagation Neural Network
The backpropagation neural network (BPNN)
B. Neural Networks architecture comprises an input layer, an output layer, and
one or more hidden layers. The number of input units
A neural network is characterized as a reasoning model
corresponds to the quantity of bits or values representing the
inspired by the human brain's structure. The brain is
input pattern, accommodating these 𝑛 bits or values.
composed of a highly interconnected network of nerve cells
Similarly, the count of output units is determined by the bits
known as neurons, which serve as the fundamental units for
or values associated with the output pattern.
processing information. Human brains encompass nearly
Conventionally, the network establishes complete
10 billion neurons and an extensive network of 60 trillion
connectivity exclusively between adjacent layers, forming
synapses interconnecting them, as documented by Shepherd
fully connected pathways throughout the network as shown
and Koch [6] Leveraging the simultaneous activation of
in Figure 3. Page | 8
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Saha International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 11(1)-2024
number of neurons in hidden layer can vary from 50% to 15000 1,912328 0,258816
70% of its input neurons. 20000 1,813421 0,256447
Figure 8 shows the snapshot of the program output of a 25000 1,746574 0,255095
normal image.
30000 1,698342 0,25338
C. Performance evaluation
34075 1,607801 0,009981
To assess the neural network's performance, a series of
experiments were conducted, employing separate training 40000 1,576457
and test image sets for each sign without any overlap 45000 1,53768
between them. The back-propagation neural network
50000 1,457854
underwent training utilizing default learning parameters
(learning rate 0.3, threshold 1) over 75 epochs. 55000 1,356245
Subsequently, the network was employed to recognize 60000 1,247856
individual signs.
65000 1,109854
Throughout the training process, the program continued
70000 1,065242
execution until the error reached a minimum threshold
level, illustrating the error reduction per iteration in a 75000 0,176542
graphical representation. Initially, the task was 80000 0,039947
implemented using the BPNN algorithm alone, followed by
85000 0,017469
merging the BAM and BPNN algorithms to train and
recognize road signs. Upon analysis, it was observed that 88043 0,009997
employing the hybrid network (BAM and BPNN) required
fewer iterations for training and less time for sign
recognition compared to BPNN alone. Iteration Vs. Error
Table 1 Iteration Vs. Error (70%) 5
Iteration BP (70%) BP With BAM (70%) 4
2 3,866509 1,959864 BP
5 3,858203 1,894699 1
BP With
10 3,503066 1,881338 0
0 50000 100000
100 3,435648 1,702669
500 3,217658 1,119279
1000 3,095643 0,612061 Fig. 9 Iterations Vs. Error (70%)
1500 2,943532 0,575292
2000 2,873423 0,554884 The training process involved eight training input
2500 2,806753 0,543144 patterns and employed an error threshold (e.g., 0.001) to
halt training. The number of iterations was contingent upon
3000 2,645987 0,53713
the percentage of the hidden layer and the algorithm utilized
3500 2,546534 0,531881 during training. For instance, setting the hidden layer to
4000 2,513423 0,492877 70% of the input layer resulted in 88043 iterations, while
reducing the hidden layer to 50% led to 43067 iterations.
4500 2,485645 0,315097
Upon adopting the hybrid network with the same
5000 2,437864 0,293473
percentage of the hidden layer, the iteration count decreased
6000 2,376588 0,278986 further. Specifically, it decreased from 34075 to 14977,
7000 2,238757 0,272395 illustrating an even more pronounced reduction in iterations
compared to previous results.
8000 2,187658 0,268759
9000 2,074542 0,266053
10000 1,984532 0,264022 Page | 11
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Table 2 Iteration Vs. Error (50%) Comparing the performance of two networks as BPNN
Iteration BP (50%) BP With BAM (50%) and hybrid neural network a decision had been taken that
the hybrid neural network takes less iteration than BPNN in
2 6,933186 3,07014 completion of the training process.
5 5,694922 3,055324
10 4,678283 3,025566 IV. CONCLUSION
100 4,333929 1,374816 Neural network-based road sign recognition holds
500 4,045357 0,567401 immense potential in revolutionizing transportation systems
by enhancing road safety and traffic management. The
1000 3,874532 0,316263
paper underscores the significance of neural networks in
1500 3,523548 0,134039 this domain and outlines the performances of BPNN and
2000 3,223324 0,077653 hybrid neural networks with experimental results. And the
result shows that the hybrid neural network performs faster
2500 2,963092 0,057539
than BPNN with high recognition accuracy.
3000 2,927669 0,04723
3500 2,906451 0,040717
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Features and PCA-Based Dimension Reduction. Proceedings
9000 2,502996 0,016202
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10000 2,448071 0,014673 Science, Technology and Management (SUSCOM), Amity
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14977 2,056355 0,01
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20000 1,800224 sign recognition based on multilayer perceptron using DWT
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25000 1,034644
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35000 0,039947
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43067 0,009997
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Error Page | 12