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.Utilization of Plastic Waste and Artificial Sand in Manufacturing of Eco Bricks

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ISSN 2321 3361 © 2022 IJESC

Research Article Volume 12 Issue No.5

Utilization of Plastic Waste and Artificial Sand in Manufacturing

of Eco Bricks
Prof. Mantri P.N1, Devkar Om Ganesh2, Chavan Shubham3, Morge Shivprasad4, Swami Nagraj5
Department of civil Engineering
Vishweshwarayya Abhiyantriki Padvika Mahavidyalay, Almala, India

Plastic has been a widely used material that has several environmental issues, the biggest challenge is the disposal of waste
plastic. Nearly 26,000 tons of waste plastic is produced in India which gives rise to water-borne diseases and burning plastic
waste leads to air pollution. Also, natural resources are being used extensively and have created an imbalance between the
availability and usage of conventional building materials. As natural materials are rapidly vanishing due to the higher demand
replacing it by the waste material will conserve it. From, the total 94% of waste is thermoplastic or recyclable which can be
utilized in brick manufacturing. The past studies have concluded that a certain amount of plastic in brick improves brick
qualities along with bitumen and sand. There has been a reduction in water absorption due to the physical properties of plastic
and an increase in compressive strength than conventional bricks. Although, there is more significance needed to be given for
uncovered areas. The use of bricks is in demand, both as a filler and structural material, and by using plastic in bricks, it will
provide an effective way of waste utilization by reducing the impact on the environment and reduction in the manufacturing
price of bricks.

Keywords: Plastic Waste, Plastic Sand, Plastic Bricks

of such wastes can result into hazardous effects to both
1. Introduction: human and plant life. Therefore, need for proper disposal,
Plastic is a non-bio-degradable substance which takes and if possible, use of these wastes in their recycled forms
thousands of years to decompose that creates land as well arises. Nowadays, human apply all of its potentiality to
as water pollution to the environment. The quantity of consume more. The result of this high consumption is
plastic waste in Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) is nothing unless reducing the initial resources and increasing
expanding rapidly. It is estimated that the rate of usage is the landfill. In recent times, human from the one hand is
double for every 10 years. The Plastic usage is large in always seeking broader sources with lower price and from
consumption and one of the largest plastic wastes is the other hand is following the way to get rid of the wastes.
polyethylene (PE). The utilization of earth based clay The waste today can be produced wherever humans
material resulted in resource depletion and environmental footprints be existed, and remind him that they have not
degradation. As amount of clay required for brick is huge, chosen the appropriate method for exploitation of the
in this project these waste plastics are effectively utilized in nature. This paper introduces the development and low cost
order to reduce the land space required to dump these housing in India Plastic has become an essential part of our
wastes. This creates the prevention from various harmful day to day life since their introduction over hundred years
diseases. Polyethylene (PE) bags are cleaned and added ago.
with fine sand at various ratios to obtain high strength
bricks that possess thermal and sound insulation properties. 2. Objective:
This is one of the best ways to avoid the accumulation of i. To develop an efficient way and to effectively utilize
plastic waste. It also helps to conserve energy, reduce the the waste plastics.
overall cost of construction and hence in this project, ii. To reduce the consumption of natural resources such
attempts made to manufacture the plastic sand bricks by as clay for the manufacturing of bricks/tiles.
utilizing the waste plastics. Building materials like bricks, iii. To minimize and reuse generation of waste plastic on
concrete block, tiles, etc. are popularly used in construction. the land and water to avoid land and water
However, these materials are expensive and hence common degradation and consequent pollution hazard.
people find it difficult to easily afford them. Moreover, iv. To reduce the dumping area of waste plastics.
these building materials require certain specific v. To produce cost-effective materials which a common
compositions to obtain desired properties. Plastic is one of person can afford easily.
the recent engineering materials which have appeared in the
market all over the world. It is a material consisting of a 3. Advantages:
i. Use High Percentage of a Plastic Waste
wide range of synthetic or semi-synthetic organic
ii. Pollution Can Be Reduced at a Great Extend
compounds that are malleable and can be molded into solid
iii. Reduce the need for Natural Resources
iv. New Development of Technology Which is Eco–
By definition, plastics can be made to different shapes
when they are heated. It exists in the different forms such as Friendly5. Compressive Strength can be achieved at
cups, furniture, basins, plastic bags, food and drinking low cost of production
containers and they become waste material. Accumulation
IJESC, May 2022 29560 http:// ijesc.org/
4. Disadvantages:
i. It has Less Fire Resistance
ii. Release of Harmful Gases at the time of Preparation
iii. Take proper safety precautions for melting
iv. Mould Requirement is more
v. Generate high heat while making bricks

5. Methodology:
I. First, we need to collect the plastic waste and
separate it from other wastes.
II. Second, we should dry the plastic waste if it is wet
and has a content of moisture. We have to use dry
plastic waste.
III. Then, we crush the plastic waste in small particles
by crushing machine.
IV. Then, the small particles crush into fine size
V. The ratio of plastic and fine aggregate which we
use is1:3
VI. The fine aggregate which we use in manufacturing
of bricks/tiles is sieved for a size less than 4.75mm
using sieve analysis.
VII. Then, we heated the stone dust on a
VIII. The fine particles of plastic waste also heated on a
furnace (Bhatti) till it is in a liquid form.
IX. Then, we add the stone dust into melt plastic.
X. Then, we can mix it properly and make a mix.
XI. Then, we poured the mix into moulds.
XII. Then keep it the mould for dry and demould it on a
next day.
XIII. The weight of the brick is2.120Kg

Fig 1: Making of Plastic Sand Bricks

6. Result
Compression Strength Test Result.

IJESC, May 2022 29561 http:// ijesc.org/

Sr.No. Sample Load Area Strength
8. Future Work:
Plastic sand bricks give us hope and a way to work on
innovative things related to the plastic and to try to invent
1. 1st 97.4 22x7x8.5 6.32
some new civil engineering materials which shows some
Brick N/mm2
remarkable response in future industry and changes the
thoughts of the researchers, users and industries.Such as, in
2. 2nd 105.6 22x7x8.5 6.85 going for plastic sand wall in framed structures as a
Brick N/mm2 partition wall, plastic sand benches in the parks, plastic
sand tracks for running and jogging in place of concrete or
3. 3rd Brick 99.3 22x7x8.5 6.44 stone tracks.
N/mm2 9. References:
[1] Dinesh S; Dinesh A; and Kirubhakaran k., “Utilisation
Test on Brick: of Waste Plastic in Manufacturing of Bricks and Paver
1. Crushing strength test: Blocks” International Journal of Applied Engineering
Minimum crushing strength of bricks is 3.5 N/mm2and for Research, Vol.2 (4), pp. 364-368.
superior bricks; it may vary from 7.0 to 14.0 N/mm2 [2] Nitin Goyal; Manisha., “Constructing structures using
2. Soundness test: eco-bricks”, International Journal of Recent Trends in
In this test, two bricks are taken and they are struck with Engineering & Research. Vol.2 (4), pp. 159-164.
each other. Bricks should not break and a clear ringing [3] Puttaraj M.H; Shanmukha S; Navaneeth Rai P.G; and
sound should be produced. Prathima T.B, “Utilization of Wate Plastic in
3. Hardness test: Manufacturing of Plasticsoil Bricks” International
In this test, a scratch is made on brick surface with the help Journal of Technology Enhancement and Emerging
of a finger nail. If no impression is left on the surface then Engineering Reshearch Vol. 2(4), pp. 102-107
the brick is treated to be sufficiently hard. [4] Brick and reinforced brick structures….By P.
4. Absorption test : Dayaratnam , P. Sarah
It should not, in any case, exceed 20 percent of weight of [5] Stuctural Masonry ….By K. S. Jagadish
dry brick. [6] Sustainable Waste Utilization In Bricks, Concrete,
And Cementitious Material…By Aeslina Abdul Kadir
Difference Between Standard and Plastic Brick: [7] The Discarded Brick Volume 1 ….By Emmanuel N.
The material used in The material used in plastic
standard bricks are Clay and sand bricks are Plastic and
Sand Sand

The weight of the standard The weight of the plastic

bricks are more as compared sand bricks are Less as
to plasticsand bricks compared to standard

The Standard bricks are not The plastic sand bricks are
economical as compared to economical as compared to
plastic sand bricks standard bricks

It have more fire resistance It have less fire resistance

The compressive strength is The compressive strength
less is High

7. Conclusion:
1. Waste plastic, which is available everywhere, may be
put to an effective use in brick/tilesmaking.
2. Plastic sand bricks/tiles can help reduce the
environmental pollution, thereby making the
environment clean andhealthy.
3. Plastic sand bricks/tiles reduce the usage of clay in
making ofbricks/tiles.
4. Plastic sand bricks/tiles give an alternative option of
bricks/tiles to the customers on affordablerates.
5. Water absorption of plastic sand brick is zeropercent.
6. Compressive strength of plastic sand brick is 5.6
N/mm2 at the compressive load of 96KN.
7. We conclude that the plastic sand bricks are useful for
the construction industry when we compare with Fly
Ash bricks and 3rd class claybricks.

IJESC, May 2022 29562 http:// ijesc.org/

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