Raz ln04 Raven
Raz ln04 Raven
Raz ln04 Raven
A long time ago, before the world
was as we know it now, there was
a great storm. Blades of lightning
cut through the sky. Thunder shook
the ground. The rain fell, and
kept falling, for eighty days and
eighty nights.
Raven and the Flood • Level N 3
As rain fell day and night, the
A long time ago, before the world water kept rising. Rivers flowed over
was as we know it now, there was their banks. Lakes rose and drove
a great storm. Blades of lightning people from their homes. The ocean
cut through the sky. Thunder shook swelled, and large waves flooded the
the ground. The rain fell, and small towns near the coast. People
kept falling, for eighty days and feared that if the rain did not stop,
eighty nights. there would be no land left.
Raven and the Flood • Level N 3 4
A wise sea captain with a very
large boat took action. He collected
his crew and invited their families
onto his boat. Before lifting anchor,
the captain and his crew gathered
one male and one female of each
animal. They wanted to be sure
that every kind of creature survived
the storm.
“You crazy bird,” said the captain, “We are not alone,” the captain
“Dove found a new home for us four whispered to himself. He danced
days ago. Where have you been?” in a circle. “We are not alone!”