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Study on Training and development process in Organisation
(with reference to Mahanagar Gas Limited(MGL))

Academic Year: 2017-18



my project report on
Study on Training and Development process in Organisation
(with reference to Mahanagar Gas Limited(MGL))
I also declare that this project which is partial fulfilment of the
requirement for the degree of T.Y.BMS (BACHELOR IN
MUMBAI is the result of my own efforts with the help of experts.




This is to certify that the project entitled is successfully done by

SHIKHA SATHISH during the Third year, fifth semester of
BMS (Bachelor of Management Studies) under UNIVERSITY
& COMMERCE, Kandivali (E),
Mumbai- 400101.

Coordinator Project Guide



Internal Examiner External Examine

It gives me immense pleasure in presenting the project on
Study on Training and development process in Organisation
(with refrence to Mahanagar Gas Limited(MGL))
Firstly, I take the opportunity in thanking our very dear principal Dr. C.T.
CHAKRABORTY then I would like to thank the almighty and my parents
without whose continuous blessings, I would not have been able to
complete this project.
I would like to thank my project guide Prof. RAKHI BHATTACHARYA
And our coordinator Prof. RUPAL SHROFF for her great, valuable
opinions, advice and supporting me, giving me encouragement and for
providing me with the material and knowledge to make this project a
success. I convey my deep appreciation to her for sparing her valuable time
and efforts, so as to make me capable of presenting this project.
I am thankful to our college for all the possible assistance and support,
specially our library by making available the required books and internet
room which have proved useful to me in successful completing my project.
I hope that I have succeeded in presenting this project to the best of my


Sr. No. TOPICS Page. No.

1. Executive Summary 7-8

2. Chapter – 1

1.1 - Introduction to the study 9-11

1.2 – Objective 11

1.3 - Rationale of the study 11

1.4 – Scope of study 12


1.5 - Research Methodology

1.5.1 Selection of sample size
1.5.2 Sampling Technique used
1.5.3 Data collection
1.5.4 statistical tool used
1.5.5 Type of research

1.6 – Hypothesis 14

1.7 - Limitations of the study 15

1.8 – Conclusion 15

2. Chapter – 2

2.1 - Literature review 16-19

3. Chapter – 3

3. HR Department of MGL 20-29

3.1 Components of training and development 21-23

3.2 Individual Benefits from training and development 23-29

4. Chapter – 4 28 – 38

4.1 – About Company 30-36

4.2 – Training Process 36-60

(steps in training
Methods in conducting training
Importance of training)


4.4– Development 64-68

4.4.1- Employee Development
4.4.2- Benefits of Employee Development
4.4.3- Competencies
4.4.4- Superior’s Role in Employee Development
4.4.5- Employee’s Role in His/ Her own Development
4.4.6- PD’s Approach to Employee

5. Chapter – 5

5.1Data Interpretation and Analysis 69-88

5.2 Findings 89-90

6. Chapter –6

6.1 Suggestions and Recommendations 90-91

6.2 Conclusion 91

6.3 Bibliography 92

6.4 Webliography 92

7 Annexure 93 and


Training is the process of increasing the knowledge and skills of an employee for doing
a particular job. It involve systematic procedure for transferring technical knowhow to
the employees in order to increase their knowledge and skills for doing specific jobs
with proficiency. The trainees get technical knowledge, skills and problem solving
ability by undergoing the training programme. Training involves the development of
skills that are usually necessary to perform a specific job. Its purpose is to achieve a
change in the behaviour of those trained and to enable them to do their jobs better.
Training makes newly appointed workers full productive in the minimum of time
training is equally necessary for old employees whenever new machines and
equipments are introduced and/or there is a change in the technique of doing the things.
In fact, training is a continuous process. It does not stop anywhere. The managers are
continuously engaged in the training their subordinates. They should ensure that any
training programme should attempt to bring about positive changes in the knowledge,
skills and attitudes. Of the workers The purpose of training is to bring about the
improvement in the performance of work. It includes leaning of such techniques as are
requested for the better performance of definite tasks.


“Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee

for doing a particular job.”

Organisations provide training for their employees in following areas:

 company policies
 specific skills
 human relation
 problem solving
 managerial and supervisory skills
 apprentice traininG
Development is a long term educational process utilising a systematic and organised
procedure by which managerial personnel learn conceptual and theoretical education
and its purpose is long term development. Development involves preparing an
individual’s for a future job and growth of an individual in all respects.

Development consists of all activities by which executives learn to improve their

behaviour and performance. It is designed to improve the effectiveness of managers in
their present jobs and to prepare them for higher jobs in future. Development is the
process by which manager acquire not only the skills and competencies in their present
jobs but also capabilities for future managerial tasks of increasing difficulty and scope.
Any activity designed to improve the performance of existing managers and to provide
for a planned growth of managers to meet future organisational requirements is
management development.

Training and development into every organisation helps for the growth and
development of the employee is their respective organisation. Every organisation has
different process of conducting training and development programs this project report
describes the training and development process of Mahanagar Gas Limited (MGL)

With various different methods of trainings to be conducted and development to be

done. Training needs to be founded out, calendars to be made and conducted and
feedback to be provided accordingly.


MAHANAGAR GAS LIMITED (MGL) is one of the India’s leading Natural Gas
Distribution Companies. Established on 8 May, 1995, MGL is a joint venture between
GAIL (India) ltd. and BGAPH (a subsidiary of Royal Dutch shell plc). MGL’s vision
envisages being consumer-friendly, providing safe, effective and reliable energy and
contributing significantly for a pollution free environment. MGL is an ISO 9001:2008,
ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007 certified organization and its City Gas
Distribution (CGD) network is designed, maintained & operated by in-house competent
resources as per world class technical & safety standards.

MGL is a professional organization managed by a highly skilled workforce of about

500 young, energetic, technical and managerial professionals, with an average age of
about 34 years.

The continuous encouragement and support of the local government authorities, public
and ever growing consumers, have made it possible for this growing company to look
forward in fulfilling its commitment of spreading the convenience of the environment
friendly fuel of PNG and CNG in Mumbai and beyond MGL has laid down a network
of about 5000 km of steel and MDPE gas pipeline network fed through four
strategically located City Gate Stations.

MGL is providing Piped Natural Gas (PNG) to about 9Lakh household and more than
3000 commercial and industrial establishments.

MGL also supplies Compressed Natural Gas(CNG) to about 5Lakhs automotive

vehicles though its network of 190 CNG stations In its present areas of operations of
about 1500 sq.km in and around Mumbai, the financial capital of India.

With its recent authorization, MGL has started rolling out its CGD infrastructure in the
new adjacent expansion area of District Raigarh, and measuring about 7000 sq.km (by
the Petroleum & Natural Gas Regulatory Board of India)
Safe and uninterrupted supply of Gas to the customers is one of the top most priorities
of MGL. To ensure safety MGL has put in place robust systems and processes which
match with the best in the world. MGL has adopted a Health, Safety, Security &
Environment (HSS&E) Management system, which provides a framework for continual
improvement in its performance. An Emergency control room with a toll free number
1800229944 is available 24 hours a day 365 days a year. MGL also looks after the
employee satisfaction as their main motive is customer satisfaction for that it is
important that employees are also satisfied either for their satisfaction and their work to
be carried on smoothly important aspects for employees growth and development is of
atmost important. It is mandatory for the companies to organize and provide training for
the employees twice in a year. Not necessary all the organizations follow it but MGL
carries out employment training programs twice in a year.

The process starts with finding out training needs of the employees from their PMS
system and after TNA is done training calendar is to be made with consulting the HOD
regarding employees training where in the HOD has the authority to decide on the
particular training need to be provided to the employees or no. for the training to be
conducted the employees to be grouped into sets of 20-25 and been updated for the
approval and intimation is been sent to the employees for the training . after the
training has been attended by the employees, they have to update their attendance
through auto mail and a mail is sent to them to fill up feedback form. Based on the
feedback given by the employees effectiveness is known.

In order to ascertain the effectiveness. This is done 6 months after the completion of the
course. The employees are been observed and then training records are been updated
against each employee


 Training and development helps in optimizing the utilization of human resources.
 Training and development helps in increasing the productivity of the employees.
 Training and development helps in creating a better corporate image.
 Training and development helps in inculcating the sense of team work team.


Surveys indicate that training and staff development are the leading issues for most
personnel departments. Staff training is an element in raising morale because it sounds
out people for possible future promotions. The aim should be to train and develop each
employee so far as possible even if that means running the risk of losing them to other
organizations. This growing awareness of the importance of training and development
over the past decades is also supported by reports that employees were spending more
in aggregate terms on these activities.

Technological developments and organizational change have gradually caused some

employers to realize that success lie in the skills and abilities of their employees thus
this means considerable and continuous investment in training and development. This
has been brought to light by the rise in human resources management, with its emphasis
on the importance of people and the skills they possess in enhancing organizational
efficiency. Such human resource management concepts such as “commitment” to the
company and the growth in the “quality” movement have promoted senior management
teams to realize the increased importance of training, employee development and long
term education intended to mean basic instruction in knowledge and skills designed to
enable people to make the most of life in general. There has also been increased
recognition of the need to complement the qualities of employees with the needs of the
organization. Such concepts require not only careful planning but also greater emphasis
on employee development.


The scope of the study covers in depth, the various training and development practices, modules,
formats being followed and is limited to the company MGL and its employees. The different
training programs incorporated/facilitated in MGL through its faculties, outside agencies
or professional groups. It also judges the enhancement of the knowledge & skills of employees’ and
feedback on its effectiveness.


Every project work is based on certain methodology, which is a way to solve the problem or attain
the objectives. It is a very important guideline and lead to completion of any project work through
observation , data collection and data analysis.

According to Clifford Woody, ³Research Methodology comprises of defining &

redefining problems, collecting, organizing &evaluating data, making deductions &researching to
conclusions.´ accordingly, the method is as follows:

 defining the objectives of the study

 Framing of questionnaire keeping objectives in mind (considering the objectives)

 Feedback from the employees

 Analysis of feedback

 Conclusion, findings and suggestions used in the project


In order to take a reasonable sample size and not to disturb the functioning of the organization, a
sample size of reasonable strength of the Company has been taken in order to arrive at the present
practices of training in the Company .Accordingly, 50 officers have been selected at random from all

the departments of the organization and feedback forms (questionnaire) have been obtained. The data
has been analyzed in order to arrive at present training practices in the organization.


The technique of Random Sampling has been used in the analysis of the data/Random sampling
from a finite population refers to that method of sample selection, which gives each possible sample
combination an equal probability of being picked up and each item in the entire population to have an
equal chance of being included in the sample. This sampling is without replacement, i.e. once an item is
selected for the sample, it cannot appear in the sample again.


To determine the appropriate data for research mainly two kinds of data was collected
namely primary & secondary Data as given below


Primary data are those, which were collected afresh & for the first time and thus happen to
beoriginal in character. However, there are many methods of collecting the primary data; all havenot
been used for the purpose of this project. The ones that have been used are: Questionnaire
Informal Interviews Observation


Secondary data is collected from previous researches and literature to fill in the respective project. The
secondary data was collected through: Text Books Articles Journals Websites


The main statistical tools used for the collection and analyses of data in this project are:

 Pie Charts

 Tables


The research done is Exploratory Research. As I have collected here new and
fresh data that also can be easily amended and for that this design is best suitable
providing flexibility and easiness.


 H0: Training and development has no significance with employee performance.

 H1: traning and development has significance with employee performance


The following are the limitations of the study:

 The sample size was small and hence the results can have a degree of variation.

 The response of the employees in giving information was lukewarm.


MGL has a clear focus on having a well-motivated and trained workforce. The company needs to have
motivated and confident staff who have up-to-date skills in order to remain competitive. In addition,
well-trained staffs are an asset to the business and help to retain customers.

Well-trained staffs who remain with the business mean that customers enjoy continuity. This
contributes to customer loyalty and leads to repeat business.

Staffs who feel valued stay longer in a company. This means that MGL’s costs of recruitment can be
reduced, resulting in cost savings across the organization.




1. According to SHELLEY FROST ,

Demand Media Training is a crucial component in preparing new employees for their positions and
keeping existing employees current on critical information. To be effective, a training program needs a
specific purpose with appropriate Training Methods.. Understanding the factors that influence training
programs enables you to develop or change your current employee education to make it fit the needs of
your business and your employees.

2. According to HENRY ONGORI(2011),

Jeniffer Chishamiso Nzonzo, training and development has become an issue of strategic importance.
Although many scholars have conducted research on training and development practices in
organistions in both developing and developed economies, it is worth, mentioning that most of the
research has concentrated on the benefits of Training in general. There is however, limited focus on
evaluation of Training and development practices in organisations.

3. According to HASLINDA ABDULLAH(2009),

The challenges faced by the employees in the organizations in the effective management of HR T&D
varied from concerns about the lack of intellectual HR Professionals in coping with the demands for
Knowledge-Workers and fostering learning and development in the workplace. The core and focal
challenge is the lack of intellectual HRD Professionals in manufacturing firms, and this suggests that
employers viewed HR T&D as a function secondary to HRM perhaps considered it as being of lesser
importance. This implication could lead to the ineffective implementation of HR T&D activities and
increase ambiguity and failure in effectively managing HR T&D as a whole.

4. According to ANANTH(1998),
He pointed out different problems faced by the organization in handling the corporate finance such as
the time of procurement and investment of funds. He suggested that the organisation must relate itself
with the needs of changing enviornment by taking good decision through professional trained people.

5. According to FIZZAH(2011),
the purpose of the research is to find out how training and development effect organizational
performance and to find out what is the impact of training and development in organizations. Data is
collected from the 100 members of different organization. And the previous researches carried out on
training and development . training and development is important for the organization. It helps the
employees to improve theior skills and to give a good performance in workplace. There is a big relation
between Training and Development with the organization performance and the relationship is
discussed in the paper.

6. According to Iftikhar Ahmad and Sirajud Din (2009),

Training and development is adopted by organizations to fill the skill gap of employees. Training
evaluation must be appropriate for the person and situation. Evaluation will not ensure effective learning
unless training is properly designed. Successful evaluation depends upon whether the means of
evaluation were built into the design of the training program before it was implemented.

7. According to Bates and Davis (2010),

Usefulness of training programme is possible only when the trainee is able to practice the theoretical
aspects learned in training programme in actual work environment. They highlighted the use of role
playing, cases, simulation, mediated exercises, and computer based learning to provide exposure to a
current and relevant body of knowledge and real world situations

8. .Cheng and Ho (2001)
discuss the importance of training and its impact on job performance: While employee performance is
one of the crucial measures emphasized by the top management, employees are more concerned about
their own productivity and are increasingly aware of the accelerated obsolescence of knowledge and
skills in their turbulent environment. As the literature suggests, by effectively training and developing
employees, they will become more aligned for career growth— career potential enhances personal

9. Hayton (1990)
cites problems with traditional methods of training and development including those mentioned above
and also states that non-training solutions tend to be ignored and the process tends not to involve
consultation with employees and is usually management driven and focused.

10. Matthews (2001)

surveyed organisations around competency assessment requirements for ISO and found that training
and development was very management driven.

11. Mel Kleiman (2000) described that the essentials parts of a worthy employee training
program are constructed on orientation, management skills, and operational skills of
employees. These theories are the groundwork of any employee development program

12. Janet Kottke (1999) described that employee development programs must be comprises with core
proficiencies, appropriate structure through which organizations develop their businesses at
corporate level. The basic function of the theory is to gain knowledge, cooperation, inventive
thinking and resolving problem

13. (Kottke 1999). Fundamental goals of several employee development programs are to deliver the
mission of the organization and support workers to learn the culture of the organization (Gerbman
2000). These objectives provide help to the strategic goals of business by facilitating learning
chances and support organizational culture

14. (Kottke 1999). The requirements for technical training program for employees raised their job
satisfaction and help to understand the culture of organization, which lead to the success of the
organization. We must take care about these elements that employee should be updated with the
present knowledge of the job. Employee will be more productive, if companies provide them
training as per the requirement of the job

15. (Gerbamn 2000).

Employee development programs includes a variety of teaching technique, schedule, and
helping learning environment that ensure employee to improve their skills and later apply on
their jobs

Every company has different processing of their own HR department which may have
similar processes but different functioning. MGL has a different way to deal with
functioning of HR department. This project report is on the study of the training and
development of the organization. In every sector the accomplishment of any
organization tremendously relay on its employees. However, there are different other
aspects that perform a major part; an organization need to ensure efficient employees in
line with financially dominant and competitive in the market. Therefore to sustain this
valuable human resource, organizations required to be conscious about the job
satisfaction and retention of employees. Some of the organizations think that employees
are looking for only financial profits from their works. This statement neglects high
significance that most of the employees placed there selves on the inherent benefits of
their professions. Consequently, it is not just employee job satisfaction and retention
but it has undesirable effects on the organizations. Every organization should have the
employees, who are capable to swiftly adjust in continuously fluctuating business
environment. Today most of the companies are investing a lot of money on the training
and development of employees in order to remain competitive and successful part of the
The importance of training for employees is rapidly growing and organizations are
using this tool to compete with their competitors in the market.
There is momentous discussion between scholars and professionals that training and
development program has effective impact on objectives of employee and
organizations. Some of the scholars suggest that training opportunities increase in high
employee turnover whereas the other claimed that training is an instrument which is
beneficial for employee retention (Colarelli and Montei 1996; Becker 1993).
Irrespective of all discussion, most of writers agree that employee training is a
complicated human resource practice that can expressively influence on the
accomplishment of the organizations. Furthermore, organizations are struggling to get
success in the worldwide economy, trying to differentiate on the basis of abilities,
information, and enthusiasm of their workforce. Reference to a current report prepared

by American Society for Training and Development, organizations are spending more
than $126 billion yearly on employee training and development (Paradise 2007).
Training is an organized method of learning and development which expand the
efficiency of individual, group, and the organization (Goldstein and Ford 2002).
Development mentions the accomplishments leading to gaining of new abilities and
skills for personal growth of employees. Furthermore, it is usually challenging to
determine whether a precise exploration study reports to training, development, or both.
In the rest of all this assessment, we used the term “training” to mention training and

3.1 Components of Training and Development Program

There is no particular method for developing the employee training, however particular
significant methods that would be measured. A perfect employee training and
development program must be the mixture of knowledge, career development and goal
setting. These approaches will benefit the program to be more useful for the employees
and organization. Today organizations are extensively using the Information
Technology systems for their learning programs. Knowledge and information systems
are rapidly moving ahead and those companies cannot survive that provide up to date
knowledge of I.T. to their employees. For a new task training must be given to
employees so that they can easily cope with new task. It should be the responsibility of
the organization to assured that employees have knowledge, skills and abilities, and
these skills must be according to the required level of the job. Furthermore, when
employees need required skills and knowledge it should be provide them on the right
time without any delay. In the result thereof, companies required to make sure that
employee can learn whenever they required (Garger 1999). To complete this purpose
organizations required the internet and computer based learning segments.

The basic reason for career planning as quantity of employee training program is not
merely to support employees to think that their employers are financing in their career,
furthermore keep in mind that they help employees to manage various characteristics of
their lives and a clear promotion track. Employers cannot make promise with
employees for their job security, but they provide them opportunities to improve their

knowledge and skills, so that they can remain sustain in job market (Moses 1999).
Career development of the employees should be established on bright career path which
employee can easily recognize and gave it worth (Nunn 2000). To achieve this purpose,
employee must classify their work, work priorities and current skills they have to do
their job. Therefore, employees can start identify the jobs that would require in future
and set of skills to manage those jobs (Moses 2000). As result thereof, employee should
improve understanding to work, better accountability for career and strategy for action
to attain upcoming goals.

The main problem suffer by organizations is to commit this practice, which may take
some employees to leave the organization and look around for certain job vacancies
outside the organization (O’Herron and Simonsen 1995). Furthermore, sometimes
employees feel the risk of right sized of employee in the organization. The key element
of career planning and employee development is goal setting. Therefore it has been
described that learning programs support employees to enhance their performance
instead of just increasing their work competencies (Gerbman 2000). It is better to give
the opportunity to employees to perform their jobs in a better way and if they need help,
organizations must provide them proper tools to perform the job. Development program
help the employees to learn and facilitating them to become a critical philosopher
(Garger 1999). Sears Roebuck & Co. remains careful on this idea as organization
doesn’t want that all employees think similar but the organizations need to give those
employees conceptual skills to think in a different way (Gerbman 2000).

An employee from Tires Plus described that he educated additional about the
organization instead of just doing his work and this assist him to think in what way he
can positively influence on the goals of the organizational (Dobbs, 2000). Individual
should improve their knowledge so that organizations get them hand to hand and pay
them good salary. It is the main responsibility of the organizations to provide
opportunities to their employees but individual should take initiative to use those
opportunities for the betterment of their future career (Garger 1999). Employee training
and development programs should create in a way that it not only accomplish its goals
but have optimistic consequences on employee and organization. The organizations

which are using employee development programs are getting positive results from the
individuals by using this program.

3.2Individual Benefits from Training and Development Program

3.2.1 Career Competencies

Employees get a lot of benefits from the employee training and development program.
They learn the soft and technical skills as required by their jobs. In last 30 years
unemployment is at its lowest rates which is not beneficial for the workers to start new
job, if opportunities for growth are fewer (Dobbs 2000). Fresh university graduates
mostly considering for a firm which provides intensively training programs to their
employees, but this idea is risky for organizations to lose fresh trained employees with
couple of years (Feldman 2000). Professional which are placed in the industry of
information technology, identify that knowledge is authority and they required to retain
their abilities and talent according to current requirement of the market. Most of the
employees recognize the importance of training program and would like to increase
their salary (Dillich 2000). It is also expected from the fresh graduate not appropriately
equipped for the continually changing business environment (Gerbman 2000). Young
professionals with entrepreneurial ambitions know that they have shortage of
experience and money; hence they attempt to join companies which provide training
programs to prepare their employees for the betterment of future (Feldman 2000).
Employee development program help employees to survive in the future and develop
their abilities to cope with new technologies.

From many years the requirements for blue-collar jobs is constant, and numerous
companies have prepared a modification for demanding learning software and
programmed systems (Cunniff 2000). This requirement is compelling workers to
appraise their profession capabilities to sustain their employment. Due to this situation
numerous employees have rehabilitated their attitude to acquire promoted inside their
organizations to work and develop out of the organization (Feldman 2000). Therefore
workers used to prepare 10 year plan for their future and constantly change their plans
after two years as per the change of technology and information (Wilson 2000). Tires

Plus delivers training to promote a diverse career through the organization which
comprises 80 hours training for supervisor to promote them to the manager (Dobbs
2000). I-Cube, Information technology consulting firm in Massachusetts, provide
employee development program for their employees which is named by I-Altitude and
offer to fresh employees so that the can easily adjust themselves in the organization
(Fenn 1999). Employees understand that training program can directed to superior
duties and higher remuneration (Fenn 1999). Furthermore, helping workers to improve
their skills and knowledge to cope with the future requirements, lead to job satisfaction.

3.2..2 Employee Satisfaction

Employees have no feeling about their organizations, if they think that their
organizations are not caring about them (Garger 1999). Companies which are willing to
spend money on their employees, give value to work with those companies, even
though that investment eventually benefits the organization (Wilson 2000). Companies
which are providing the training and development programs for their employees are
achieving high level of employee satisfaction and low employee turnover (Wagner
2000). Training increase organization’s reliability for the reason that employees
recognize their organization is spending in their future career (Rosenwald 2000).

Loyalty with the organization cannot be calculated but it is substantial to intrinsic

reward that employee feel. Employee feels comfortable and wants to stay with their
organization, when they feel they are putting their efforts and skills in the bottom line
for their organization (Logan 2000). Employees who are satisfied with their jobs,
believe that their work has a purpose and important for their organization (Moses
2000). Usually the best performers do not leave a job for the purpose of financial
benefits. Though salary and benefits plays an important part in selecting and retention
of the employees, employees are always observing the opportunities to acquire novel
skills, to get the encounter of different duties, and looking for personal and professional
development (Wagner 2000). Therefore, nourishing these requirements facilitates in
figure up confidence, self-esteem and job gratification in employees (Nunn, 2000).

3.2.3 Employee Performance

Training effects on behavior of employees and their working skills which resulted in
enhanced employee performance and further constructive changes (Satterfield and
Hughes 2007) that serves as increase employee performance (Kraiger 2002). Arthur et
al. (2003) developed an analysis of 1152 sample size from 165 resources and revealed
that in distinction with no-training or pre-training conditions; training had commonly
positive result on job-related performance. However, dissimilarities in positions of
effect sizes were not big, the efficiency of training vary regarding the training transfer
technique and the skill being trained. Benefits of training program are also related to
technical skills of the employees. For instance, Davis and Yi (2004) developed two
researches with approximately 300 contributors with the help of behavior-model
training and remained capable to increase significantly computer skills. Psychologically
practicing tasks permitted trainees to grow learned knowledge, abilities and task.

Training is positively effects on the employee performance of the employees. During a

qualitative study concerning mechanics in India, Barber (2004) originates that on-the-
job training headed to superior novelty and implicit skills. Technical and professional
skills are very important for the employees to perform a job in an effective way.
Providing training opportunities to employees can enhance the performance of the
employees. Reference to invention, training increased the educated mechanics to figure
up two Jeep bodies using only a homemade hammer, chisel, and oxyacetylene welder.
Concerning to implicit skills, Barber described in his study that profession of a
mechanic needs “feel” to remain successful. Barber (2004) described in the result of an
effective training that a mechanic had worthy emotion of how to hit the metal at the
particular spot so that work must be performed in a systematic and proper way.

3.2.4 Organizational Benefits from Training and Development Program Market Growth
Employee development programs are important for any organization to stay solvent and
competitive in the market. Though it is expensive for the organization to spend the
money on their employees but this investment is positive for the organizations to hold
the place in the market. American Society for Training and Development mentioned
two motives that are significant for employee’s knowledge, first employees identify the

worth of training and marketable by organization and second CEOs of the companies
understand that how fast information is transferring in current business environment
(Fenn, 2000). Greengard (2000) described that organizations are required to develop
and maintain such learning environment for the employees that expand the knowledge
of organization and competitive ability. However, employee training programs derived
through a high price, but have a positive impact on return-on-investment. Microsoft,
and General Electric Company are entirely large effective organizations, and these
organizations realize training opportunities as an investment (Kleiman 2000).

Wanger (2000) described in his study that American Society for Training and
Development found an association between financing in employee development
program and higher revenues from stock market. American Society for Training and
Development moreover originate that companies who apply average of $1,575 each
employee on learning got 24 percent growth in gross profit and 218 percentage increase
in revenue each employee instead of those who spend fewer on employee training and
development, investing in employee development is a condition that is suitable for
individual and organizations (Rosenwald 2000). Furthermore, employee training and
development programs not only increase the profit of organizations but also provide
difference within their native market. Organizations can practice training and
development opportunities to support them available to the current employees,
perspective employees, plus clients of the company. GSD&M’s Idea U, assists
employees to recognize their characters and established that it has prepared people as
superior contributors to business (Petrecca 2000).
Lastly, organizations can utilize employee training and development programs to
improve their appearance as best employer in the job market
Organizational Performance

Training has been defined as mainly contributing factor to the organizational

effectiveness (Schuler and MacMillan 1984). Exploration on this topic recommends
that investment in training and development program can be justified by the impact it
creates to developed individual and organizational effectiveness (Bartel, 2000).
Furthermore, the earlier researches have mentioned causation between training and

effectiveness of the organization (Blundell, Dearden, Meghir and Sianesi, 1999).
Bartlett (2001) recommends that one of the glitches that is usually problematic to
identify, is proposing an effective calculation of performance of the organization.
Blundell et al. (1999) supported this by describing that lack of suitable data and
methodological difficulties prevents the adequate assessment of impact of human
capital appreciation and performance of organization. However, there is an increasing
factor that Human resource management practices impacts on attitudes and work-
related manners (Allen et al., 2003). To evaluate the effectiveness of training and
development program it has been advised that check directly the relationship of training
and organizational commitment. Further it has been revealed as certainly correlated to
the efficiency of the organization (Bartlett 2001).

The study proposes that constructive work-related performance and attitudes mainly
depend on the perception of the employees as the employees think that their
organizations are taking care of them (Allen et al., 2003). However, the same factor is
reliable with the social exchange model; Blau (1964) suggested that the emotional
agreement between employer and employee are the central element of organizational
performance. Gould-Williams (2007) proposed that social exchange theory was
originated by the organizations when they decided to care the interest of their
employees. Employees respond with optimistic attitudinal and behavioral replies which
are supportive to their organization (Settoon, Bennett and Liden 1996). However
training can be used to provoke the preferred results that may contain with enhanced
organizational commitment (Bartlett 2001). The current research proposed that the
facility of training and development program is likely taken consent by employee that
their organizations need to enter a social exchange with them. This social exchange
agreement produces a durable psychological bond between employee and organization
(Garrow 2004). Employee Retention

The research described that employee retention is a challenging notion and there is no
particular method to retain employees with the organization. Several organizations have
revealed that one of the characteristic that help to retain employee is to offer them

opportunities for improving their learning (Logan 2000). Therefore, it has confirmed
that there is strong relationship between employee training and development, and
employee retention (Rosenwald 2000). Companies should realize that experienced
employees are important assets and companies have to suffer the challenge for retaining
them (Garger 1999). Therefore, companies which are providing training and
development programs to their employees are getting success in retaining them. Sears
has established that in localities where manager provide help to their employees to
develop professionally, turnover is almost 40-50 percentage fewer than those stores
where association with the managers does not available (Logan 2000). On other side,
numerous employees participate in employee training programs are not assured of a
conventional association between programs and employee retention (Rosenwald 2000);
several managers found that positive learning atmosphere directed to higher retention
rates (Dillich 2000).

Organizations that are offering employee development programs are getting success
with retaining employees. An effective design of training program can also increase
retention among employees. Employee retention is a volunteer move by organizations
to create an environment which involves employees for long term (Chaminade 2007).
For the description of more effective retention, researchers have recommended that
organizations may contain with training and development program that classifies
volunteer assignments, requirements, and expectations (Seigel and DeLizia 1994). “To
retain employees, organizations need to think seriously about their investment in
training and development” (Leonard, 1998). Fenn (1999) presented in his study that the
normal monthly turnover at Unitel has decreased from 12 percent to 6 percent since
they inaugurated Unitel University in 1998. Though numerous persons involved with
employee training and development programs are not assured of a direct association
between the programs and employee retention (Rosenwald 2000). However, specific
numbers of managers discover that a constructive learning environment pointed to
higher retention rates (Dillich 2000).



MAHANAGAR GAS LIMITED (MGL) is one of the India’s leading Natural Gas
Distribution Companies. Established on 8 May, 1995, MGL is a joint venture between
GAIL (India) ltd. and BGAPH (a subsidiary of Royal Dutch shell plc). MGL’s vision
envisages being consumer-friendly, providing safe, effective and reliable energy and
contributing significantly for a pollution free environment. MGL is an ISO 9001:2008,
ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007 certified organization and its City Gas
Distribution (CGD) network is designed, maintained & operated by in-house competent
resources as per world class technical & safety standards.

MGL is a professional organization managed by a highly skilled workforce of about

500 young, energetic, technical and managerial professionals, with an average age of
about 34 years MGL is providing Piped Natural Gas (PNG) to about 9Lakh household
and more than 3000 commercial and industrial establishments. Safe and uninterrupted
supply of Gas to the customers is one of the top most priorities of MGL. To ensure
safety MGL has put in place robust systems and processes which match with the best in
the world. MGL has adopted a Health, Safety, Security & Environment (HSS&E)
Management system, which provides a framework for continual improvement in its
performance. An Emergency control room with a toll free number 1800229944 is
available 24 hours a day 365 days a year

. MGL has all the resources and the competencies required from concept to commission
of gas distribution networks available in-house. The entire business in MGL has been
integrated through ERP-SAP system. MGL has got a track record of almost 100%
reliability in its gas supply.


MGL being a responsible corporate has been contributing in social investments

primarily in the areas of health, education, women, empowerment and environment

In its Endeavour for education and skill development through its MGL’s Unnati free
coaching facility is extended to meritorious children of CNG auto, taxi and public
transport bus drivers and other economically weaker section, for entrance exams for
prestigious engineering institutions. It also associates with renowned technical training
institutes for imparting training in various skills to less privileged youth to make them

MGL has associated with local municipal schools for increasing computer literacy at
the grass root level by setting up computer Laboratory. Extending support for
rehabilitation of improvised children by developing them in a holistic manner for
earning their livelihood and mentoring children from underprivileged communities
through sports to evolve a positive attitude, are some other initiatives of MGL for
community welfare.
MGL has also partnered with various social Institutions for empowering urban poor
women for a dignified life through skill development and training and for providing
relief to women in distress to encourage them to cope with difficult circumstances and

As a community welfare initiative, MGL is also contributing towards psychological

settlement, medical care and overall happiness of mentally challenged adults, for
holistic development of children from marginalized communities MGL has also
extended financial support for the welfare of visually challenged students of blind
school. MGL also provides support for veterinary ambulance and intensive care units as
an initiative towards animal welfare. Promoting sports in the country. MGL is
supporting promising sports person from the various Indian sports. Contributing for the
restoration of heritage structures and beautification of the city . MGL has extended
support for the air-conditioning of Taraporevala Aquarium and Convocation Hall of
University of Mumbai.

Allotment of operations of CNG filling stations to the families of martyrs who

sacrificed their lives for the country during 26/11 terror attack in Mumbai, is yet
another contribution by MGL in rehabilitating the dependent of martyrs.


MGL is fast spreading in CGD network beyond its existing areas of operations i.e.
Mumbai, Thane, Mira-bhayander, Navi Mumbai, Kalyan, Dombivili, Ambernath,
Badlapur, Ulhasnagar, Bhiwandi, Panvel, Taloja and Kharghar.

In its endeavour to grow MGL won the bid for laying building and operating CGD
infrastructure in the neighboring District of Raigarh, Maharashtra, in the recently
concluded PNGRB CGD big round-IV

MGL is keenly pursuing development f outs CGD infrastructure in newer areas through
future PNGRB big rounds as well as inorganic growth opportunities through equity
acquisition in other CGD entities.
Safety tips which are of prior importance to MGL

if you smell gas


 CALL EMERGENCY SERVICE NO (022) 24012400 OR 1800229944

Today MGL is certified as:

MGL Connects


Safe and uninterrupted supply of gas to the customers is the priority of the Company.
To ensure safety, MGL has put in place robust systems and processes which match with
the best in the world. MGL has adopted a Health, Safety, Security & Environment
(HSS&E) Management System which provides a framework for continual improvement
in its performance.


Irrespective of type of training , a trainer has to keep in mind some of the principles of
learning and motivation which would enhance internationalization of what is taught.

1) CLEAR OBJECTIVE: the objectives and scope of a training program should be

clearly defined. A comparison of operational requirements and existing human
resources skills will help to determine the specific training needs of employees.
Operational requirements depend on the performance needed to achieve
organizational objectives. A well defined set of performance standards should be
2) TRAINING POLICY: A clearly defined training policy served as the guide for
designing and implementing training programmes. Such a policy should specify
who is responsible for training what is to be spent in training.
3) MOTIVATION: employees tend to be most responsive on training programmes
when they feel they need to learn.. therefore, training must be related to the needs

and the problems of the trainees as well as to their abilities and aptitudes.
Information provided in the training material should be meaningful.

The Importance of Training & Development in the Workplace

Training presents a prime opportunity to expand the knowledge base of all employees,
but many employers find the development opportunities expensive. Employees also
miss out on work time while attending training sessions, which may delay the
completion of projects. Despite the potential drawbacks, training and development
provides both the company as a whole and the individual employees with benefits that
make the cost and time a worthwhile investment

Addressing Weaknesses :

Most employees have some weaknesses in their workplace skills. A training program
allows you to strengthen those skills that each employee needs to improve. A
development program brings all employees to a higher level so they all have similar
skills and knowledge. This helps reduce any weak links within the company who rely
heavily on others to complete basic work tasks. Providing the necessary training creates
an overall knowledgeable staff with employees who can take over for one another as
needed, work on teams or work independently without constant help and supervision
from others.

Improved Employee Performance

An employee who receives the necessary training is better able to perform her job. She
becomes more aware of safety practices and proper procedures for basic tasks. The
training may also build the employee's confidence because she has a stronger
understanding of the industry and the responsibilities of her job. This confidence may
push her to perform even better and think of new ideas that help her excel. Continuous
training also keeps your employees on the cutting edge of industry developments.
Employees who are competent and on top of changing industry standards help your
company hold a position as a leader and strong competitor within the industry


A structured training and development program ensures that employees have a
consistent experience and background knowledge. The consistency is particularly
relevant for the company's basic policies and procedures. All employees need to be
aware of the expectations and procedures within the company. This includes safety,
discrimination and administrative tasks. Putting all employees through regular training
in these areas ensures that all staff members at least have exposure to the information.

Employee Satisfaction

Employees with access to training and development programs have the advantage over
employees in other companies who are left to seek out training opportunities on their
own. The investment in training that a company makes shows the employees they are
valued. The training creates a supportive workplace. Employees may gain access to
training they wouldn't have otherwise known about or sought out themselves.
Employees who feel appreciated and challenged through training opportunities may feel
more satisfaction toward their jobs

MGL Employee Training & Development Guiding Principles – April 2006

We value continuous learning and professional development. The MGL Core Values of
Professionalism and Stewardship are demonstrated by our commitment to the ongoing
professional development of employees in the belief that the organization and its
stakeholders directly benefit from the efforts of a highly skilled and motivated
workforce. Professional development can be effective recruitment or retention
strategies. Managers may work with HR to develop these strategies for specific job
classifications, and for outreach to specific populations of potential employees.

Mutual planning between manager and employee is the key to development. •

Employees and their managers mutually develop individual development plans that
identify ways to increase proficiency in subjects relevant to job duties or desired MGL
career opportunities. These plans may include: o required training or certifications.
optional, internally or externally provided educational courses or training seminars; or
MGL sponsored events, such as the Diversity Conference. other types of career
development activities, such as, job rotations, developmental assignments, task group
participation or mentoring. • These plans take into consideration operational needs and
workload coverage.

MGL uses creative ways to support employee training and development.

• Limited periods of paid leave may be granted, for travel and attendance, the timing
and duration of which is subject to operational need.

• Flexible, modified or other alternate work schedules may be used to accommodate

travel or attendance.

• Reimbursement for travel, per diem, tuition, fees or other expenses may be provided.

Each cluster has various funding streams and requirements that support many different
job classifications and work assignments, therefore cluster leadership determines what
employee supports work best in their program areas.

•Reimbursement may be dependent on successful completion of course work,

certification requirements or conference sessions completed.

• Clusters may develop their own set supports for professional development and their
own criteria for reimbursement.

Budgetary considerations always play a role in training and development decisions.

• The amount of reimbursement depends on individual, cluster or organization needs

and the ability of the cluster to financially support the reimbursement


Operating a business with employees who have the skills and knowledge to stay
productive is dependent upon a few factors. One of the biggest is developing and
implementing a successful training program that nurtures employees and capitalizes on
their talents.

Here are seven tips and guidelines to create an efficient workforce and keep your
business functioning at a high level.

1. Identify goals.

It’s hard to be successful without knowing exactly what you’re trying to achieve. That’s
why brainstorming sessions to determine your business’s needs are important. In one
industry, employees may need to learn the fundamentals of customer service. In
another, they might need to know how to operate different types of machinery and how
an assembly line operates. Regardless of the details, knowing your goals will dictate
how you approach program development.

2. Acquire training resources.

Unless there is immediate access to all training materials, you will need to purchase
them from the appropriate vendors. This might include computer software, an online
course, or books. In some cases, the provided materials will cover every aspect of the
training process where no customization is necessary. Other times, you may need to
customize certain things so that the materials address the specifics of your company.

3. Create a schedule.

Depending on the length and complexity of a training program, it might take a few days
to several weeks to complete. Figure out roughly how long it will take and create a
schedule. You may want to have employees attend the program together to streamline
it, or break it down into smaller groups if necessary. Be sure to take into account any
potential setbacks and try not to overwhelm team members with excessive information
in a short period of time. Learning new skills is a process, and training should be done
gradually so employees can fully digest one lesson before moving on to the next.

4. Find a trainer.

Recruit an experienced professional to guide team members throughout their orientation

to keep things running smoothly. You may want to use an in-house manager who has
direct experience in your business, or you can hire a professional trainer. This

individual will lead trainees, give lectures, answer questions, provide feedback, and do
anything else that’s required to educate employees

5. Communicate effectively.

It’s smart to hold a meeting before begininng where you can provide a brief rundown
on what the program will entail and what employees can expect. You should also
explain what the expectations of everyone are and that the course should be taken
seriously. Finally, it’s a good time to respond to any concerns that employees may have
and clarify any issues.

6. Track progress.

Have metrics in place to monitor what’s been completed. Break the program down into
sections so you will know how far employees have come and what’s left. You may
want to utilize a tool like a spreadsheet on which each employee’s name is placed on
the left side in rows and course sections are placed on top in columns. This will create a
matrix in which you can reference when necessary and conveniently track the program
every step of the way.

7. Encourage feedback.

Upon completion, you should have your HR department meet with employees to obtain
feedback. This is the time when employees can discuss the strengths and weaknesses of
the program, what they learned, and their overall experience. Meeting one on one is
ideal because you’re likely to get more honest and unbiased feedback. From there, your
HR department can spot patterns and know if anything needs to be addressed. This
information should help to fine tune your program in the future.

An effective training program is one of the best ways to prepare employees for success.
By equipping them with the tools and knowledge to perform their jobs, you can expect
better performance and a more cohesive unit. The long-term effects are often higher
productivity, better company culture, and increased sales.

Methods of needs identification - the process

The following paragraphs describe ten important steps in training needs identification
and analysis.

Stakeholder analysis

The topic on this subject (Part II - topic 2) clearly indicates how important it is to
identify all possible stakeholders with an interest in the training process, including the
identification and assessment of the training needs. Stakeholder analysis in the context
of needs assessment will reveal the importance and possible influence of the
stakeholders in TNA, their type of participation, interest and possible impact on them.

Selecting and using the research methods to identify training needs

Identifying training needs is a form of research. First, evidence suggests that there is a
basic problem which can be addressed through training. It may also be necessary to
address the problem with non-training measures. So it is important to identify clearly
the training gap.

This is found by comparing an existing situation with a future, desirable situation, and
then finding out how training can bring us from here to there.

 self-report questionnaires

 observation

 individual interviews

 checklist / job description diary records

 work sampling technical expert conference

 critical incident

 examination of existing records

 Interviews are one of the most important methods used in TNA: suggestions on how
to improve interviewing are given on page 89 - Semi-Structured Interviewing.

The choice of research method will depend on the questions which are to be asked The
questions will emerge as you consider what needs are being addressed (organizational,
job, individual).

Example: TNA related to mangoes

Logistics and strategy for the TNA

Once the questions and methodology have been decided upon, the following issues are
also important to think about:

 How many interviews, observations, questionnaires, samples, etc.?

 Where?
 With how many groups?
 BY whom? How long (days)?
 Training of interviewer (Guidelines for consolidation, piloting with students and
revisions where necessary)Field work Analysis (primary) Workshop

 consolidation
 Presentation to stakeholders.

All of these points need careful planning.

Planning identification of organizational needs

There are two steps:

� List organizations with a stake in the training

List questions to ask them, e.g. what are the critical changes affecting the work and
operations of the organization? What are the relevant policies within the
organization? What are the current strengths and weaknesses of the organization?
What opportunities and threats are being presented from the external environment?

Planning identification of job needs

This should be carried out using a participatory methodology, ideally with the trainees
themselves, prior to the training, or with other stakeholders who are able to provide
good quality information about the professional activities of the target group

Planning identification of individual needs

Here, it is important to estimate the training needs of individuals, by preparing a variety

of questions to them, such as the following:

 What tasks do you do regularly?

 What difficulties do you face when doing these tasks or your job?

 What could help you to do your job better?

 What kinds of knowledge do you need to do your job? What skills do you need to
do your job?

 What kinds of attitudes do you need to do your job effect which of these KSA do
you lack now?

 how long have you worked in this job?

 What do you like most about your job?

 What do you like least?

 What would you like to change about your job?

 Do you think you are doing a good job?

 How do you know if you are doing a good job?

Data collection

This is the point when plans become action. If the planning has been effective, then the
data collection should go smoothly, but always expect the unexpected. Flexibility,
commitment, energy, organization and a sense of humour will all be needed during this

7. Analysis of the data collected in the TNA

It is important that data is sorted out as the TNA survey progresses. This has two
advantages. Firstly, it will not be necessary to fight with a huge amount of data at the
end of the survey. Secondly, there will be a better understanding of important issues
emerging during the survey, which may be explored in more detail or clarified in some
way. Identify categories into which data can be inserted.

The knowledge skills and attitudes (KSA) identified will form the basis of the curricula
to be developed. Once these KSA have been identified, it will be necessary to prioritize
which training programmes can or should be offered, and when. It is therefore
important to develop a training strategy once the results of the TNA are known. For any
training course/programme developed, there should be clear evidence which justifies its
provision. The information collected in the survey which is not directly related to KSA
will provide this evidence, and can be useful when developing a training strategy. It can
also be useful in identifying non-training needs. Training is not the answer to every

Presenting the TNA data

There are different ways in which the data could be presented. One way is as follows:

Reporting the data

 It is essential to prepare a report of the initial consolidated results of the TNA. This
could be organized under the following headings:

 Policy.

 Environment.

 Client organizational issues.

 Tasks and activities (existing and future).

 Training provider organizational issues. Individual needs KSA (existing and


 .Curricula which are going to be planned (including time frame, and a rough idea of
the content

Sharing the results

All the stakeholders involved in the TNA should have the opportunity to give feedback
on the results. This may be done through a workshop, to which key stakeholders are
invited. The results may be presented, and then participants should have the chance to
discuss the results in detail, either in small groups or in a plenary session. It is not
always possible to invite all stakeholders to a workshop; in this case the results of the
TNA should be disseminated in some other ways (for example, the written report).
Where data is collected from groups or individuals who cannot participate in a
workshop to discuss the findings and have no access to written reports, it is important to
provide opportunity for their feedback during the data collection process. A meeting
could be held, for example, where the researchers present the findings from the field
directly to those who contributed their ideas. This improves the chance for feedback
and validation of the results. It also emphasizes the importance for the researchers to
sort their data as they proceed with the collection

Training Methods: On Job Training and off the Job Training Methods!

A large variety of methods of training are used in business. Even within one
organization different methods are used for training different people. All the methods
are divided into two classifications for:

A. On-the-job training Methods:

Under these methods new or inexperienced employees learn through observing peers or
managers performing the job and trying to imitate their behaviour. These methods do
not cost much and are less disruptive as employees are always on the job, training is
given on the same machines and experience would be on already approved standards,
and above all the trainee is learning while earning. Some of the commonly used
methods are:

1. Coaching:

Coaching is a one-to-one training. It helps in quickly identifying the weak areas and
tries to focus on them. It also offers the benefit of transferring theory learning to
practice. The biggest problem is that it perpetrates the existing practices and styles. In
India most of the scooter mechanics are trained only through this method.

2. Mentoring:

The focus in this training is on the development of attitude. It is used for managerial
employees. Mentoring is always done by a senior inside person. It is also one-to- one
interaction, like coaching.

3. Job Rotation:

It is the process of training employees by rotating them through a series of related jobs.
Rotation not only makes a person well acquainted with different jobs, but it also
alleviates boredom and allows to develop rapport with a number of people. Rotation
must be logical.

4. Job Instructional Technique (JIT):

It is a Step by step (structured) on the job training method in which a suitable trainer (a)
prepares a trainee with an overview of the job, its purpose, and the results desired, (b)
demonstrates the task or the skill to the trainee, (c) allows the trainee to show the
demonstration on his or her own, and (d) follows up to provide feedback and help. The
trainees are presented the learning material in written or by learning machines through a
series called ‘frames’. This method is a valuable tool for all educators (teachers and
trainers). It helps us:

a. To deliver step-by-step instruction

b. To know when the learner has learned

c. To be due diligent (in many work-place environments)

5. Apprenticeship:

Apprenticeship is a system of training a new generation of practitioners of a skill. This

method of training is in vogue in those trades, crafts and technical fields in which a long
period is required for gaining proficiency. The trainees serve as apprentices to experts
for long periods. They have to work in direct association with and also under the direct
supervision of their masters.
The object of such training is to make the trainees all-round craftsmen. It is an
expensive method of training. Also, there is no guarantee that the trained worker will
continue to work in the same organisation after securing training. The apprentices are
paid remuneration according the apprenticeship agreements.

6. Understudy:

In this method, a superior gives training to a subordinate as his understudy like an

assistant to a manager or director (in a film). The subordinate learns through experience
and observation by participating in handling day to day problems. Basic purpose is to
prepare subordinate for assuming the full responsibilities and duties.

B. Off-the-job Training Methods:

Off-the-job training methods are conducted in separate from the job environment, study
material is supplied, there is full concentration on learning rather than performing, and
there is freedom of expression. Important methods include:

1. Lectures and Conferences:

Lectures and conferences are the traditional and direct method of instruction. Every
training programme starts with lecture and conference. It’s a verbal presentation for a
large audience. However, the lectures have to be motivating and creating interest
among trainees. The speaker must have considerable depth in the subject. In the
colleges and universities, lectures and seminars are the most common methods used for

2. Vestibule Training:

Vestibule Training is a term for near-the-job training, as it offers access to something

new (learning). In vestibule training, the workers are trained in a prototype environment
on specific jobs in a special part of the plant.

An attempt is made to create working condition similar to the actual workshop

conditions. After training workers in such condition, the trained workers may be put on
similar jobs in the actual workshop.

This enables the workers to secure training in the best methods to work and to get rid of
initial nervousness. During the Second World War II, this method was used to train a
large number of workers in a short period of time. It may also be used as a preliminary
to on-the job training. Duration ranges from few days to few weeks. It prevents trainees
to commit costly mistakes on the actual machines.

3. Simulation Exercises:

Simulation is any artificial environment exactly similar to the actual situation. There are
four basic simulation techniques used for imparting training: management games, case
study, role playing, and in-basket training.

(a) Management Games:

Properly designed games help to ingrain thinking habits, analytical, logical and
reasoning capabilities, importance of team work, time management, to make decisions
lacking complete information, communication and leadership capabilities. Use of
management games can encourage novel, innovative mechanisms for coping with

Management games orient a candidate with practical applicability of the subject. These
games help to appreciate management concepts in a practical way. Different games are
used for training general managers and the middle management and functional heads –
executive Games and functional heads.

(b) Case Study:

Case studies are complex examples which give an insight into the context of a problem
as well as illustrating the main point. Case Studies are trainee centered activities based
on topics that demonstrate theoretical concepts in an applied setting.

A case study allows the application of theoretical concepts to be demonstrated, thus

bridging the gap between theory and practice, encourage active learning, provides an
opportunity for the development of key skills such as communication, group working
and problem solving, and increases the trainees” enjoyment of the topic and hence their
desire to learn.
(c) Role Playing:

Each trainee takes the role of a person affected by an issue and studies the impacts of
the issues on human life and/or the effects of human activities on the world around us
from the perspective of that person.

It emphasizes the “real- world” side of science and challenges students to deal with
complex problems with no single “right” answer and to use a variety of skills beyond
those employed in a typical research project.

In particular, role-playing presents the student a valuable opportunity to learn not just
the course content, but other perspectives on it. The steps involved in role playing
include defining objectives, choose context & roles, introducing the exercise, trainee
preparation/research, the role-play, concluding discussion, and assessment. Types of
role play may be multiple role play, single role play, role rotation, and spontaneous role

(d) In-basket training:

In-basket exercise, also known as in-tray training, consists of a set of business papers
which may include e-mail SMSs, reports, memos, and other items. Now the trainer is
asked to prioritise the decisions to be made immediately and the ones that can be

4. Sensitivity Training:

Sensitivity training is also known as laboratory or T-group training. This training is

about making people understand about themselves and others reasonably, which is done
by developing in them social sensitivity and behavioral flexibility. It is ability of an
individual to sense what others feel and think from their own point of view.

It reveals information about his or her own personal qualities, concerns, emotional
issues, and things that he or she has in common with other members of the group. It is
the ability to behave suitably in light of understanding.

A group’s trainer refrains from acting as a group leader or lecturer, attempting instead
to clarify the group processes using incidents as examples to clarify general points or
provide feedback. The group action, overall, is the goal as well as the process.

Sensitivity training Program comprises three steps (see Figure 18.7)

5. Transactional Analysis:

It provides trainees with a realistic and useful method for analyzing and understanding
the behavior of others. In every social interaction, there is a motivation provided by one
person and a reaction to that motivation given by another person.

This motivation reaction relationship between two persons is known as a transaction.

Transactional analysis can be done by the ego (system of feelings accompanied by a
related set of behaviors states of an individual).


It is a collection of recordings in the brain of an individual of behaviors, attitudes, and

impulses which come to him/her naturally from his/her own understanding as a child.
The characteristics of this ego are to be spontaneous, intense, unconfident, reliant,
probing, anxious, etc. Verbal clues that a person is operating from its child state are the
use of words like “I guess”, “I suppose”, etc. and non verbal clues like, giggling,
coyness, silent, attention seeking etc.


It is a collection of recordings in the brain of an individual of behaviors, attitudes, and

impulses imposed on her in her childhood from various sources such as, social, parents,
friends, etc.

The characteristics of this ego are to be overprotective, isolated, rigid, bossy, etc.
Verbal clues that a person is operating from its parent states are the use of words like,
always, should, never, etc and non-verbal clues such as, raising eyebrows, pointing an
accusing finger at somebody, etc.


It is a collection of reality testing, rational behaviour, decision making, etc. A person in

this ego state verifies, updates the reaction which she has received from the other two
states. It is a shift from the taught and felt concepts to tested concepts.

All of us show behaviour from one ego state which is responded to by the other person
from any of these three states.


• DET’s – the Diploma Engineering Trainees should have completed their Diploma
in engineering field. The assessment cycle of every DET is done annually. The
assessment is done by the RO-HOD-HOD (HR)-MD/TD as per the job criteria. And
the letter of absorption is given. If in any case the officer feels that the trainee must go
under another 3 months of training period then the training period is been extended for
more 3 months. The absorption after Training Period of DET’s will be done in S2

• GET’s: The Graduate Engineering Trainees should have completed their BE in

Engineering Field eg. Medical, civil, electrical, etc. the assessment of GET/MT will be
done in four quarters. The first quarter will be done by the Reporting officer and HOD.
By the second quarter the trainee has to present a presentation to the HOD and HR. by
the third quarter again the assessment will be done by Reporting Officer and HOD. And
at last the fourth quarter the trained has to pass through the personal interview and has
to present a presentation on the work carried by him in the year to the Reporting officer,
HOD, HOD(HR) and will also have an interactive session with MD/TD. And then
absorption is done. If the officers feel like trainee needs more training they will extend
the period for more three months and then the fourth quarter will b done again. GET’s
will be absorbed into E0 grade

• MT’S- The management trainees have two options either full time MBA or
integrated MBA ( 3 years MBA+ 2 years engineering). MT trainees will be absorbed
into E0 grade. The assessment of trainees into MT’s will be done as GET’S.

In MGL before conducting the training for employees training calendar is been
prepared which helps in conducting the training efficiently.


The calendar formed for updating the training events carried out into an organization

 Before preparing the training calendar the training needs are analyzed and according
to those needs the employees are been selected and provided with proper training.

 The training calendar is prepared based on the needs of the employees.
(max.number of employees want a particular training program are being captured in
the calendar.)
eg: innovation, creativity, problem solving, stress management, personal

 Employees are been divided into different batches with each batch minimum nearly
15-20 employees.


1. Upload training calendar after CA approval.

2. Upload list of training agencies( the list is been uploaded n if need to add any new
agency the need to go to create agency and create new agency with required

3. Training programs to be created with all the necessary details employees are added-

Add expensesHOD ConsentHOD HRAVP(HR) --- VP(HR)---MD N TD

4. Employees are intimated for prog.

5. After the training program attendance updation

6. FEEDBACK – feedback regarding the training .i.e their reaction and also what they
have learnt from the training program

7. Effective evaluation – evaluation is a slow process n it might show its effectivness

atleast after a period of 6 months which shows the changes in employees behaviour
and also formulates the result.

8. Training attended – this clearifies the number of employees attended and the
employees who did not attend the training session


Mandays are the number of days the employee has attended the training program

Therefore, no. of days multiplied by the no. of employees.

Reports are mandatory that are maintained by training personnel

Reports cover the sections where

Financial report the expenses incurred in by the org for providing training to employees

Employee present and absent report :this report covers the number of employees
present and absent mandays for the specific training and the report is sent to HOD and
the HOD verifies it n askds any specific reason mentioned by employees if the reason
makes sesnse they try to conduct again the training program

Agency performance appraisal : the performance of the employees is been measured

Month wise employee report: states that the employee present in the particular month

Month wise training report: states the number of training sessions carried in the month

After training is been conducted evaluation of the traning

How is effectivenss evaluated?

 Reaction

 Learning

 Behaviour

 Result

Training Evaluation Form

 Select an Event

Select Event Presenter Start Date

 Content

The training was informative.

I gained new and/or expanded knowledge.

The content was relevant to my job or services.

The objectives were met.

 Materials

The handouts and/or materials were useful.

The training exercises stimulated my learning.

 Presenter

The presenter was well prepared.

The presenter was knowledgeable and helpful.

 Results

I would recommend the training to my colleagues.

I will be able to use what I learned.

The training met my expectations.

 Improvements

would you
recommend for
this training?

 Comments

Do you have any

 Personal Information

Name (Optional):

Email (Optional):

Check this box if AMAC can use your

comments in promotional flyers:

MGL has a pre defined format of conducting training for every organizations and is
been mentioned into their TRAINING POLICY either


1. Identification of the training based on employee performance management needs.

Every individual enters the training needs (minimum 2 & maximum 4) in the EPMS
module. Key responsibility area’s for each individual are decided based on discussion
between the HOD and individual. Based on the appraisal discussion each individual
identifies his/her training needs for the current year in the EPMS module, which are
thereafter vetted/approved by the HOD

The training need inputs are being taken from the EPMS module and training needs are
identified and compiled accordingly. The responsibility there in is of the training

2. The training calendar is been prepared based on the needs identified If any changes
needed the calendar would be recreated with the response of the vp(hr). the training
calendar will include

 The AREA (behavioral, skills, functional) trainings contents are been bifurcated

 The program title.

 Program contents

 Whether the program is conducted externally or internally

 Number of days the program will be carried

 The months with the present year when the training is been held.

 Training batches are been made based on the number of employees interested for
respective training sessions.

The responsibility here too lies within the training coordinator

3. Obtain approval from competent authority

After the preparation of the training calendar a decision is take whether the training is to
be conducted internally or externally. For internal training based on the type of training
to be conducted the trainers are identified. For external training, training programs are
identified based on the type of training. Therefore for both internal and external
trainings participants are identified after which intimation is been sent to HOS’s for
their consent wherein they are given in time of three days to accord their approval after
which it is considered as approved. Training program along with the nomination and
the training cost is sent for approval. Approval will be made as per the BODOP.

Inhouse training conducted by other department for their employees are not part of this
process the number of man days of such training days of the company as a whole. The
detailed process and records of the departmental trainings are maintained by
departments themselves.


After the approval from competent authority the training calendar will be updated if


After the \approval from the CA is received the participants are informed via auto
generated mails along with a copy to their HOD’s about the training details (program,
venue, date)


ABSENTISM REPORT TO HOLD: after the training has been attended by the
employees’ auto mail is being sent to employees’ to update their attendance in the
training module and a mail is sent to them to fill up the feedback form.

In the case the employee does not update his attendance is module two reminders will
be sent to him within a gap of three days failing which it would be escalated via mail to
respective HOD and subsequently to HOF.

7. FEEDBACK: based on the feedback forms analysis will be done on half yearly
basis to know the effectiveness of the program.


the effectiveness of the TRG effectiveness evaluation is done of an individual. This
is done 6 months after the completion of the course, when a training effectiveness
evaluation form is activated and an auto generated email is sent to the employees. In
case the employee does not update his effectiveness evaluation form in module two
reminders will be sent to him within a gap of three days failing which it would be
escalated via mail to respective HOD and subsequently to HOF

REPORTING OFFICER’S DULY COMPLETED: after the employees fill up the
effectiveness evaluation form the same is forwarded to the reporting officer’s for
their comments. The training coordinator then provides the same form for the HOD
and the hence it is the HOD’s job to fill it up with the required comment.

10. AUTO UPDATE TRAINING RECORD: the training records thereafter updated in
the system against each employee.

11. After the training session is completed AFP is to be done. AFP form includes the
bill passing

1) Enter the bill category

2) Enter the party name

3) Bill/registration number

4) Date of the bill

5) Amount to be paid

6) Particulars(information about training that is conducted)

7) Attachment of the financial expense report

8) Attachment of the original of the bill



Employee development encompasses training that prepares employees to perform their

present job better, as well as career development activities that prepare them for job
growth and greater responsibilities


A skilled and knowledgeable workforce positively impacts organizational performance;

therefore, as employees gain experience and knowledge, it seems reasonable that there
will be a corresponding correlation to the university’s success. In addition to increasing
employee competency and effectiveness, organizations that invest in the development
of its employees enjoy a more motivated and committed workforce that is evidenced by
increased retention, higher job satisfaction and morale, and greater productivity.
Employee development is a strategic investment in MGL’s current and future success


Competencies are those characteristics, often referred to as a set of knowledge, skills

and abilities, which are found to consistently distinguish outstanding job performance.
Competencies that are required for the performance of certain jobs are referred to as
“job-specific competencies.” For example, job-specific competencies of an outstanding
accountant would include high math skills and attention to detail, whereas an office
professional might require the ability to plan and schedule meetings, and a service
provider would need excellent customer service skills.


Employee development is a shared responsibility which requires collaboration between

the employee and supervisor. The supervisor’s role as “performance coach” includes
such activities as clarifying performance and behavioral expectations, helping
employees understand the organization’s long and short-term goals, identifying learning

opportunities, giving positive and corrective feedback, and providing necessary


In addition to meeting current performance expectations, employees must be able to

adapt to meet evolving organizational needs. For example, new skills and knowledge
are often required to keep pace with technological change and new departmental
procedures. Employees should be intentional about their self-development by
continually evaluating the organization’s needs and their own desires for growth,
assessing their skills and abilities, and seeking available learning opportunities


The attainment of knowledge, skills and abilities can be achieved in numerous ways –
many at no or low cost. Examples include the following activities:


 Classes, workshops, seminars

 Webinars

 Conferences


 Cross-training

 Challenging assignments

 Job shadowing

 Observation and demonstration

 Mentoring

 Coaching

 Buddy assignments


 Team/committee membership

 Committee leadership

 Professional organizations


 Degree Programs

 Certificate Programs


 Reading Assignments

 Online Training


The PD Department is committed to providing employees with job-relevant and

continuous learning opportunities that contribute to their current work performance and
help prepare them for the next stage in their career. The Four Domain Competency
Model illustrates PD’s holistic approach to professional development. This model
suggests that to be successful in any job, employees must have a requisite amount of
job-specific knowledge and understanding, skills and abilities, and personal attributes.
Furthermore, they must be able to work effectively within their organizational context.

Four Domain Competency Model


Employee Development Planning Worksheet

Areas for
(e.g., workshops,
Development Target Completion
webinars, coaching, Comments
(knowledge, Date Date
online tutorials,
skills, abilities)
reading, on-the-job


1. How long have you worked for organisation?


1 to 5 years
5 to 10


Analysis: From the above graph it is found that.64% of the workers are working +from1
to 5 years, 20% of the workers working from 5 to 10 years and 16% of the workers
working from 10and above years.

Interpretation: From the above analysis it can interpreted that the most of the workers
are having less experience. Training will help the employees to perform job effectively.

2. How many training programme organised by your organisation in the year?





Analysis: From the above graph it is found that, 40% employees said training was
organized once in a year, 15% of the employees says it is organized twice in a year and
other 15% says more than two times. Where as30% employees says training was not

Interpretation: From the above graph it is clear that still many of the workers are not
aware of training program of the organization. May be because of their absenteeism or
they are not communicated about the training schedule by the organization.

3. How many training programme you have attended in organization?





Analysis: From the above graph it is found that 50%of the employees attended training
one time,40% employees two times, and10% employees attended more than two
training programmes.

Interpretation: From the above graph it is clear that almost.i.e.50%workers attended one
training programme.

4. Which methods of training followed by your organization?



both methods
on the job
off the job


Analysis: As per the study conducted that the methods of training followed by
organization. The 39% of the workers said both training method followed,35% of the
workers said on the job method ,and 26% of workers said off the job method followed
by organization.
Interpretation: From the above analysis it can be Interpreted that organisation follows
both methods i.e. on the job method and off the job method

5. Select the training methods followed in your organisation?

on the job strongly agree neutral Disagree strongly

agree disagree

orientation 30% 15% 26% 20% 9%

job instruction 20% 20% 40% 10% 10%

intranships 50% 20% 10% 15% 5%

coaching 26% 35% 15% 10% 13%



strongly agree
strongly disagree


orientation job instruction intranships coaching

Analysis: As per the study conducted that the on job method followed by the
organisation. The orientation training followed ,30% of the workers said strongly
agree,26% of the workers said neutral,20% of the workers said disagree ,15% of the
workers said agree and 9% of the workers said strongly disagree.
The job instruction training are followed ,40% of the workers said neutral,20% of the
workers said strongly agree,10% of the workers said disagree .
Internship is followed,50% of the workers said strongly agree,20% of the workers said
agree,15% of the workers said disagree,10% of the workers said neutral, and 5% of the
workers said strongly disagree.

In coaching method the 35% of the workers said agree,26% of the workers said
strongly agree,15% of the workers said neutral,13% of the workers said strongly

Interpretation: From the above analysis it revealed that, compared to Job instruction,
Orientation and Coaching Training methods, In transship Method of training is
preferred which may not be helpful to the existing employees.

Off the job methods



lecture 40% 20% 20% 10% 10%

films/ 10% 25% 30% 30% 5%


case study 50% 20% 15% 10% 5%

conference 40% 20% 15% 10% 15%





lecture films/television case study conference

Analysis: As per the study conducted that the Off job method followed by the
organisation. In Lecture method, 40% of the workers said strongly agree,20% of the
workers said neutral, and 10% of the workers said strongly disagree.
In films 30% of the workers said disagree,25% of the workers said agree,10% of the
workers said strongly agree, and 5% of the workers said strongly disagree
In case study method, 50% of the workers said strongly agree,20% of the workers said
agree,15% of the workers said neutral,10% of the workers said disagree and 5% of the
workers said strongly disagree.
In conference or discussion,40% of the workers said strongly agree,20% of the workers
said agree,15% of the workers said neutral and 10% of the workers said disagree.
Interpretation: From the above Analysis it can be interpreted that Lecture method
preferred more compare to Case study, Film or Video and Discussion method.
Preferring more to Lecture may not effective compared to other methods.

6. Duration of the training programme in your organisation?


17% 3%

50% 7 TO 10 DAYS


Analysis: As per the study conduct the duration of the training programme organized in
the organisation. 50% of the workers said 1 to 3 days,30% of the workers said 4 to 7
days, and 20% of the workers said 7 to 10 days .

Interpretation: From the above analysis it can interpreted that the duration of the
training programme conducted is very less time, so it is not sufficient to the learn all

Who conduct the training programme in your organisation?



Analysis: As per the study it is found that. 60% of the workers said training is
conducted by supervisor and 25% of the workers said HR manager and15% workers
says by other trainer experts.

Interpretation: From the above analysis it can interpreted that the training program is
conducted by supervisor and few respondents say training program is conducted by
other trainer experts and HR manager. It shows the organisation follows a tailor made
training approach which helps to understand the requirements of their employees.

7. Do you agree that training and development programme are conducted as per the


10% 20%



Analysis: As per the study conducted it is found that 30% of the workers disagree,25%
of the workers neutral.20% of the workers strongly disagree,15% of the workers agree
and 10% of the workers strongly agree with respect to following proper training
schedule by the organisation.
Interpretation:- From the above analysis it can interpreted that most of the respondents
says that training & development program are not conducted as per the schedule. The
organisation is not taken the proper responsibility and not followed rules and regulation
of the organisation

8. Does the training programme have helped you in improving skill?


Analysis:- As per the study conducted that the training and development program
helped to improving skill, the 45% of employees said that strongly agree there
leadership skill is improving ,20% of employee said agree,15% said disagree and 10%
said neutral and disagree.
As per the study conducted the managerial skill improving to employees, at 30% of the
employees said strongly agree 20% said neutral and 14% said disagree and 6% said
strongly agree.
As per the study the employees said the technical skill help to improving 30% its they
are strongly agree,25% of employee said agree,205 of employees said disagree,15% of
employees said neutral and 10% of employees said strongly disagree.
As per the study the above diagram showing the training and development program
helped to improving team working skill, the 40% of the employee said strongly agree,
20% of employee said agrees and neutral, 15% of employee said disagrees, and 5% of
employee said strongly disagrees.
As per the study conducted that the employees said the communication skill is
improving 40% they are said neutral,20% of employees said strongly agree and
agree,10% of employees said strongly disagree.
Interpretation:- It can interpreted that the most of the employees said that the training
program help to improve their leadership skill its 45%, managerial skill and technical
skill is 30%, team work skill is 40%, and communication skill 20%, so it is shows that
the training programme is more effectively adopted to the employees

9. Is the trainer experienced in the session and does he given the sufficient /correct






Analysis:- As per the study conducted that the trainer experienced in the session and
given the sufficient /correct information.75 % of workers said yes and 25% of workers
said no.
Interpretation: From the above analysis it can interpreted that the most of the workers
are said the trainer is experienced in the session and he given sufficient /correct
information. Its shows that the trainer is good and sufficient information given to the

10. Do you agree that the candidates are selected for training as par the training need









Analysis:- As per the study, 35%. Of respondents strongly agree that candidates for
training selected on the bases of need analysis,20% of workers stands neutral, 15% of
workers disagree and 10% of workers strongly disagree .

Interpretation: From the above analysis it can interpreted that the still some of the
candidates will be selected randomly. It is area of concern for the organisation. This
will help the organisation conduct training program effectively.

11. Whether contents covered during training session was relevant to you?




Analysis:- As per the study conducted that the contents covered during training session
was relevant to workers.65% of workers said Yes and 35 %%. of workers said no.

Interpretation: From the above analysis it can interpreted that the during the training
session was relevant to the workers in the organisation ,the training covered the
contents ,so the workers are getting all the knowledge regarding their works through
conducts well training programme

13)How do you rate the trainer for his preparation, communication and body languages
during the training programme?

10% 30%



Analysis:- As per the study conducted that rate the trainer for his
preparation ,communication and body languages during the training programme
adopted to the workers .30% of the workers said excellent. 30% very good ,and other
30% says good ,10% of the workers said poor.
Interpretation: From the above analysis it can interpreted that the trainer is well
prepared. Which help to organise training session more effectively

14) When do you get communicated about the training programme?






Analysis:- As per the study conducted that the communicated about the training
programme, 50% of the workers said well in advance, 35% of the workers said previous
day of the training and 15% of the workers said on the day of the training programme .

Interpretation: From the above analysis it can interpreted that the most of the workers
said before attendant the training programme they communicated well in advance so its
shows that the workers are aware of the training programme provided in organisation

15) Rate what extent to training has helped you in improving?



0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%

Analysis:- As per the study conducted that the rate extant to training has helped to
improving ,40% of workers said comfortable on the job, and 20% of workers said
increasing the productivity, get the promotion and complete the work within the time.
Interpretation: From the above analysis it can interpreted that the workers feel
comfortable on their job after getting training. But still it can be improved which will
help workers to improve productivity and get promotions

16) Are you getting the chance to ask doing the training session?



Analysis:- As per the study conducted that the getting the chance to ask doing the
training session,45% of the workers said yes and 55% of the workers said no
Interpretation: From the above analysis it can interpreted that the workers are not
getting the chance to ask during the session, this decrease confidence of the workers
and not allow them to clear their doubts and queries.

17) Whether the training methods provide during the training session was helpful?



Analysis:- As per the study conducted that the training methods provide during the
training session was helpful to workers .45% of the workers said Strongly agree ,20%
of the workers said agree,10% of the workers said disagree and 5% of the workers said
strongly disagree.

Interpretation: From the above analysis it can interpreted that the training methods
provide during the training session was helpful to enhance their skill ability and help to
improving job task

18) Will they take any feedback after completion your training programme?



Analysis:- As per the study conducted, it is found that 75% of the workers says
feedback will not collected and 25% of the workers said collected.

Interpretation:- From the above analysis It can be interpreted that most of the
respondents says they do not take any feedback after completion of training program so
it is shows that the organisation not taken feedback after the completion of the training
programme. Feedback will help the organisation to conduct raining more effectively in
the future


 Maximum trainings are been provided to the employees who are within the
organisation from 1-5 years
 It is mandatory to conduct Training in MGL atleast once in a year and the rest
depends upon the HOD and HOF to provide employees with training.

 Findings helps in identifying the number of employees attended the training
 Research helps in finding the maximum techniques used for conducting training

 Training programme helps in improvising the skills whether it be communicational,

technological, leadership, managerial skills, etc.
 It is made sure that the trainer provides sufficient and relevant information to the
 Work performances are been measured after trainings are been conducted
Findings are been analysed and written by taking questionnaires as a point of
consideration and the data provided by the employees.

 Training and development will only be useful when it is productive for the
 Training programme should take into consideration the differences among
 The selection of a proper trainer goes a long way for training programme to be
 Training efforts to be linked with performance and potential appraisal prevailing in
the organisation to improve the results.
 Training programme should be evaluated before, after or during training to ensure
that the employees are truly benefitted from training in terms of enhanced results in
the organisation
 The organisations should conduct as possible more training sessions, as its most of
the employees are less experienced. This helps workers to fill that gap.
 The training duration should be increased specially inexperienced, the fresher it
helps to learn in detail, update their knowledge and enhance working ability.
 It also suggested to have outside experts for training the employees which will
attract and make employees serious about training.
 It is suggested to allow employees to ask the questions during training session
which help them to clear their doubts and queries.
 After the completion of the training programme should take feedback from
candidates about training. That will help organisation to organise training more
effectively in the future.
 The size and complexity of organizations, both business and non-business should be
developed to handle the problems.
 Executives require new and better skills in union negotiation, collective bargaining,
grievance redressal, etc. So competent employees are needed to manage the modem
 Executive development programmers are required to train and develop professional
 Executives need education and training to understand and adjust to the changes in
socio-economic forces.
Both employees and companies are concerned with developing future skills and
managing careers. Companies want a work force that is motivated and productive, has
up-to-date skills, and can quickly learn new skills to meet changing customer needs.
Employees want to develop skills that not only are useful for their current jobs but also
are congruent with their personal interests and values. Employees are interested in
developing skills that can help them remain employable with either their current
employer or a future one. Given the increasing time demands of work, employees are
also interested in maintaining balance between work and nonworking interests.
In conclusion, we all know that training and development programs are important for an
organization to develop the employee. When a child was born he required constant
touch of parents till he stood on his own feet. An organization though flowered by
creams of the society, still training is required due to rapid technological up gradation
and change in working methods every day. Training aims at continued self-
development of the employees. Employees are expected to develop themselves
continuously in an organization. When the employees in an organization are developed
from time to time with all updated knowledge, then definitely that organization will
grow to a greater height

 Employement Development on a Shoe String by Halelly Azulay 2012
 Training and Development: Enhancing Communication and Leadership
Skills, by Steven A. Beebe, Timothy P. Mottet and K. David Roach, 2012

1. Benefits of training and development Kashmir Observer. Retrieved 2016-03-31.
2. Rosemary Harrison (2005). Learning and Development. CIPD Publishing..
3. Employee Development
4. Patrick J. Montana & Bruce H. Charnov (2000). "Training and Development".
Management. Barron's Educational Series. p. 225. ISBN 9780764112768.
5. Thomas N. Garavan; Pat Costine & Noreen Heraty (1995). "Training and
Development: Concepts, Attitudes, and Issues". Training and Development .
6. Derek Torrington; Laura Hall & Stephen Taylor (2004). Human Resource
Management. Pearson Education. p. 363..


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