Unseen Passage and Grammar
Unseen Passage and Grammar
Unseen Passage and Grammar
Once there lived a sincere hardworking woodcutter. He was a poor man who used
to sell wood. He used to cut trees in the woods. One day, he was cutting wood on
the bank of a river. His axe fell down into the river. The river was deep. He could
not get his axe out. He sat on the bank and began to weep as he was upset.
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He prayed to god and suddenly the god appeared. He asked the reason for his
weeping. The woodcutter told the whole story. The god of river dived into the
water and brought a silver axe. The woodcutter refused to take it. The god again
dived and brought a golden axe. The woodcutter did not take it either. Then he
brought out a wooden axe. The woodcutter took it gladly and jumped with joy. The
God was much pleased. He rewarded the woodcutter with the golden and the silver
axe. Honesty is always rewarded.
‘The Golden Swan’
Long time ago, there lived a King. He was lazy and liked all the comforts of life.
He never carried out his duties as a King. “Our King does not take care of our
needs. He also ignores the affairs of his kingdom." The people complained.
One day, the King went into the forest to hunt. After having wandered for quite
some time, he became thirsty. To his relief, he spotted a lake. As he was drinking
water, he suddenly saw a golden swan come out of the lake and perch on a stone.
“Oh! A golden swan. I must capture it," thought the King. But as soon as he held
his bow up, the swan disappeared. And the King heard a voice, “I am the Golden
Swan. If you want to capture me, you must come to heaven."
Surprised, the King said, “Please show me the way to heaven." “Do good deeds,
serve your people and the messenger from heaven would come to fetch you to
heaven," replied the voice. The selfish King, eager to capture the Swan, tried doing
some good deeds in his Kingdom. “Now, I suppose a messenger will come to take
me to heaven," he thought. But, no messenger came.
The King then disguised himself and went out into the street. There he tried helping
an old man. But the old man became angry and said, “You need not try to help. I
am in this miserable state because of our selfish King. He has done nothing for his
Suddenly, the King heard the golden swan’s voice, “Do good deeds and you will
come to heaven." It dawned on the King that by doing selfish acts, he will not go to
He realized that his people needed him and carrying out his duties was the only
way to heaven. After that day, he became a responsible King.
‘The Greedy Dog’
Once upon a time there was a greedy dog, who was always hungry. One day, he
was passing by a bakery, and there was a piece of bread kept on the shelf of the
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bakery. The dog looked longingly at the bread. The busy shop owner was serving
the customers. A customer finally threw a piece of bread. The dog trotted home to
eat it. On the way to home, there was a stream. The stream had a footbridge above
it. While going on the footbridge the dog saw another dog in the water. The dog in
the water had bigger piece of bread in his mouth. As the dog was greedy, he
wanted the bigger piece of bread, so he jumped into the water to get the bread. He
did not realise that the dog in the water was the reflection of him. Always think
before you act.
‘The Caring Mongoose’
A long time ago, in a village there lived a woman named Poonam. Poonam had a
little baby boy. One night Poonam found a baby mongoose, her heart was filled
with pity, so she took it home and gave it food. The mongoose used to love the
little boy. He used to guard him. Once Poonam was gone to the market and a
snake slithered in Poonam’s house. The snake was trying to attack the little baby.
The mongoose jumped on the snake and killed it to save the little baby. When
Poonam returned home she saw blood on the mongoose’s face. She thought that
mongoose has killed her baby. Poonam was very furious and ungrateful on the
mongoose. When Poonam entered inside the room, she sas her baby was sleeping
in the cradle and saw a dead snake on the floor. Poonam was very ashamed of her
behavior. Think before you act.
Q.II B) Make a poster on :
Unity in Diversity,
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Classroom Rules
SECTION C (Grammar)
Q.III A) Fill in the blanks using suitable articles.
1. She goes to the church every Sunday.
2. This journalist has won the Pulitzer award.
3. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
4. The capital of India is New Delhi.
5. I bought a dress for my birthday.
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6. The colour of my shirt is red.
7. Virat Kohli is a famous cricket player.
8. This is an eraser.
9. A teacher is an important person in everyone’s life.
10. He is the best in this subject.
Q.III C) Underline the verbs and write their tenses in the blanks.
1. I walk to school. Simple Present Tense
2. Harry bought two packets of milk. Simple Past Tense
3. We will travel to Europe next week. Simple Future Tense
4. Reena sings melodiously. Simple Present Tense
5. The boys were cooking food in the kitchen. Past Continuous Tense
6. She always drinks a lot of tea. Simple Present Tense
7. They will discover a new medicine very soon. Simple Future Tense
8. I have done it myself. Present Perfect Tense
9. He told a lie. Simple Past Tense
10. The teacher will announce the result tomorrow. Simple Future Tense
Q.III D) Fill in the blanks with the simple past tense form of the verbs given
in the brackets.
1. You broke my window glass. (break)
2. I saw something near that place.(see)
3. He came from London some time ago. (come)
4. She bought an i Phone. (buy)
5. He stood on the table all day. (stand)
6. His head stroke to the door. (strike)
7. I heard about this earlier.(hear)
8. The birds flew away in the sky.(fly)
9. Our soldiers won the battle. (win)
10. He wrote a letter to the principal. (write)
Q.III E) Fill in the blanks with the present continuous tense form of the verbs
given in the brackets.
1. I am going to watch a movie at Inox. (go)
2. We are playing in the nearby park. (play)
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3. The boys are swimming in the pond. (swim)
4. Rita is singing at the function. (sing)
5. The child is playing baseball. (play)
6. The chef is cooking his famous ravioli. (cook)
7. The teacher is teaching the students. (teach)
8. I am reading Aladdin and the Magic Lamp. (read)
9. The man is riding a Royal Enfield. (ride)
10. Seema is practicing for her dance performance. (practise)
Q.III F) Fill in the blanks with the past continuous tense form of the verbs
given in the brackets.
1. The band was playing The Best of Me. (play)
2. I was preparing for the test even though I was scared. (prepare)
3. It was snowing yesterday.(snow)
4. I was thinking about meeting you. (think)
5. Brandon was talking to his class teacher when we were leaving home. (talk,
6. The whole gang was laughing at the boy who tripped and fell down. (laugh)
7. My cousin was watching the new series that was released yesterday. (watch)
8. My friends were waiting for me the whole day. (wait)
9. The children were shouting when the teacher entered the class. (shout)
10. Even at midnight, we were sitting on the balcony and talking.(sit)
SECTION D (Literature)
Q. IV) SEEN PASSAGE (Read Less nos. 8, 9, 11 & 12)
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Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Krishna is the King of Dwarka, so why don't you go to him? There won't be any
need to ask for anything there.' Sudama decided to go to Dwarka and said, I'll
definitely go to Krishna, but what should I take for him?' Sudama's wife borrowed
some rice from their neighbour and made snacks for Krishna. She packed the food
in a piece of torn cloth and gave it to Sudama. He took the bundle and set off for
Dwarka. On reaching Dwarka, Sudama stared in amazement at the entire town
that was built of gold. He asked for the way to Krishna's palace and finally
reached the palace that had a massive gate made of gold. On seeing Sudama, who
looked like a hermit, the palace guards asked, 'Why have come here?' He
answered, 'I want to meet Krishna who is my friend. Go and tell him that Sudama
has come to meet him.'
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1. What is Blare’s advice to other children?
Ans : Blare’s advice to other children is simple. He says that it doesn’t really matter
how young one is, anybody can make a big difference in the world.
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