Volumetric Analysis 1
Volumetric Analysis 1
Volumetric Analysis 1
AIM : To estimate the molarity and strength of the given KMnO4 solution using
Mohr’s salt as standard solution
Principle : Acidified KMnO4 can oxidise FeSO4 of FAs into Fe3(SO4)3. Hence known
volume of FAS is titrated against KMnO4. Here KMnO4 act as oxidizing agent and
FeSO4 as reducing agent
Chemical Reaction :
2 KMnO4 10 FeSO4 ( NH 4 )2 SO4 .6 H 2O 8H 2 SO4 K 2 SO4
2MnSO4 5Fe2 ( SO4 )2 10( NH 4 )2 SO4 68H 2O
Ionic equation :
MnO4 8H 5e Mn2 4 H 2O(Re du )