Snap Game Questions Tags
Snap Game Questions Tags
Snap Game Questions Tags
The correct answers can be found on the first uncut set of cards.
He shouldn't
They aren't You don't
are they? say things should he? do you?
French, like her,
like that,
He had
They mustn't The bus isn't
forgotten his hadn't he? must they? is it?
come early, coming,
aren't you? are you? aren't they? are they? can he? can't he?
are they? aren't they? should he? shouldn't he? do you? don't you?
didn't you? did you? doesn't she? does she? can he? can't he?
haven't you? have you? has she? hasn't she? isn't she? is she?
weren't you? were you? won't you? will you? wasn't he? was he?
hadn't he? had he? must they? mustn't they? is it? isn't it?