Ramanlal Shorawala Public School
Ramanlal Shorawala Public School
Ramanlal Shorawala Public School
Effects of Caffeine
1. It is psycho - stimulant.
2. It improves physical and mental ability.
3. Its effect in learning is doubtful but intellectual
performance may improve where it has been
used to reduce fatigue or boredom.
4. When administered internally, it stimulates heart
and nervous system and also acts as diuretic. On
the contrary their excessive use is harmful to
digestion and their long use leads to mental
First of all, 50 grams of tea leaves were taken as sample
and 150 ml of water was added to it in a beaker.
Then the beaker was heated up to extreme boiling.
The solution was filtered and lead acetate was added to
the filter, leading to the formation of a curdy brown
coloured precipitate.
We kept on adding lead acetate till no more precipitate
has been formed.
Again solution was filtered.
Now the filtrate so obtained was heated until it had
become 50 ml.
Then the solution left was allowed to cool.
After that, 20 ml. of chloroform was added to it.
Soon after, two layers appeared in the separating funnel.
We separated the lower layer.
The solution then exposed to atmosphere in
order to allow chloroform to get evaporated.
Then we weighed it and recorded the observations.
Similar procedure was performed with different
samples of tealeaves and quantity of caffine was
observed in them.
1.Red Label Tea (Brooke Bond)
Weight of china dish 46.60gms
Weight of china dish with 47.20gms.
Amount of caffeine 0.60gms