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PE 10 LAS Quarter 3 2022

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Physical Education


3rd Quarter
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Physical Education
Learning Activity Sheets
(Grade 10)

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This material has been developed for the implementation of K to 12 Curriculum through the
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Table of Contents

Learning Competencies Page

Assesses physical activity, exercise and eating habits 1-7


Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities for at least 60 8-14

minutes a day in and out of school (PE10PF-IIIc-h-45)

Expresses a sense of purpose and belongingness by participating in 15-17

physical activity-related community services and programs

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all 3|Pag

Learning Activity Sheets in Physical
Education 10
Name of Learner: Date:

Learning Activity Sheet

Lifestyle and Weight Management (Physical Activity and Eating Habits)
Through Other Dance Forms (Street and Hip-Hop Dances)

Background Information for Learners

In the previous quarters, you have known the health benefits of being active in sports
and fitness exercises and how these types of physical activities along with proper eating habit
helped you manage weight and lifestyle.

The COVID-19 pandemic brought us with a lot of stress and anxiety which disrupt the
balance of our normal lifestyle. Psychologically speaking, there are a lot of ways on how we
could possibly cope up and deal with these kinds of disturbances. One of these is recreational
activity like dancing. Dance has been proven to be an effective approach in the development
of our physical, mental, social and emotional health. It can be a way to refresh and relax our
body as well as our mind. Dance as part of our lifestyle can surely sustain our fitness coupled
with proper eating habits and weight management.

In this quarter, you will be guided with the different dancing activities which include
hip-hop and street dances. You will also discover how these dances can revitalize your body
and mind, and sustain fitness. Before engaging in these types of physical activities you will
first assess your physical activity, exercise and eating habits in order to track the progress and
how well did you manage your weight and lifestyle in the previous quarters.

Learning Competency with code

Assesses physical activity, exercise and eating habits (PE10PF-IIIa-h-39)

The activities provided will help you continue assess your eating habits and physical activity performance. A
You may now begin with your fitness challenge! Good luck!

You now begin with your fitness challenge! Good

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all 3|Pag

Activity 1: My Eating Habits

Put a smiley ( ) on the item(s) that reflect(s) your eating habits and a cross mark (x)
if it is not.

Practices Answer
1. I love to eat longganisa and tocino.
2. I often times prefer soda or sweetened beverages from water.
3. I oftentimes skip my breakfast.
4. I prefer meals at home rather than buying from fast food store or
5. I don’t eat much throughout the day.
6. I eat fruits every day.
7. My favorite dinner is canned goods and instant noodles.
8. I avoid oily foods
9. I eat in moderation.
10. I avoid salty foods.

Processing Question:
1. Is your diet healthier now, compared with the previous quarters?

2. Are there healthy practices or habits that were not mentioned above? If yes, please specify.

3. Did you make modifications or improvements on unhealthy eating habits or practices in

quarter two? If yes, specify the habit(s) or practice(s).

If none, state your reasons?

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all 4|Page

Activity 2: Physical Activity Involvement

Write YES on the activities you do every day in column 1 and put a check (/) mark on
how often you do the following activities.
Physical Activity Answer Minima Often (2-3 Regular (3-5 Habitual
Involvement l times a times a (Daily for
(A few week at week at at least (30-
times a least 30-45 least 30-45 45 minutes
month) minutes or minutes or or longer)
longer) longer)
1. Biking
2. Playing basketball
3. Playing volleyball
4. Reading your favorite
5. Movie marathon
6. Swimming
7. Playing badminton
8. Playing mobile legends
9. Watching your favorite
youtube sports channel.
10. Do household chores
11. Brisk walking
12. Running/jogging
13. Dancing
14. Indulge in computer
15. Sit and lie down

Processing Questions:
1. What does the result of your Physical Activity Assessment (PAA) tell you?

2. How do you feel about the result?

3. Are there improvements compared with the previous quarters? If yes, prove your answer.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all 5|Page

Activity 3: Lifestyle Check!
A. My


Study the nutritional needs of the Filipino teenagers shown in the figure below. Check
if you are eating the right amount of food needed by your body.

Source. Slideshare.net

Figure 1. The Food Pyramid (FNRI-DOST 2020)

Reflective Questions.

1. Are you eating the right amount of food needed by your body every day? If YES, prove
your answer. If NO, state your reason(s).

2. What would be the effect(s) of your eating habit to your health and physical activity

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all 6|Page

B. My Physical Activity Involvement

Study the pyramid activity guide shown in figure 2. Check your physical activity
performance based from your answers in activity 2. This pyramid guide will guide you in
selecting activity that fits your lifestyle and health needs.

Source. Slideshare.net

Figure 2. The Filipino Pyramid Activity Guide

Reflective Questions.
Compare your answer in Activity 2: Physical Activity Involvement from the Filipino
Pyramid Activity Guide.

1. Do you consider yourself as an active or inactive person? Why?

2. How much time do you engage in dancing?

3. If you do not like dancing, which of the activities in the Filipino Pyramid Guide will you
choose as your hobby?

Excellent! You were able to assess and identify the improvements

you made in your eating habits and physical activity performances that
help you manage your weight and lifestyle. The next challenge will test
your knowledge and understanding at a higher level by assessing the
kind of lifestyle depicted in the story.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all 7|Page

Activity 4: Situational Analysis

Read and analyze the situation below and answer the processing questions to check
how you will apply the knowledge you gained from previous activities

Barangay Namnama: A Pandemic’s Story.

Barangay Namnama was put in enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) due to the
number of positive cases brought by COVID-19 pandemic. Children 20 years old and below
are not allowed to play outside to prevent accidents and getting infected with the virus. To
keep them busy, they indulge in playing computer games, surfing the internet, browsing
facebook, watching tiktok videos and favorite youtube channel. Each family has a housemaid
to take care of all the household chores. Most of the parents who work from home are
enjoying eating their comfort foods like cakes, ice cream and chocolates and other sweets
while doing they work especially at night. During breaks they watch television while eating
their favorite pizza flavor and junk foods along with their favorite soda.

Processing Questions.
1. Do the people in Barangay Namnama live a healthy lifestyle? Explain your answer.

2. What advice/s would you like to give them?

3. What recreational activity can you suggest to the people of Barangay Namnama that they
can perform while under the Enhance Community Quarantine (ECQ)?

Rubric for scoring the processing question in Activity 4.

Score Quality of Content Grammar, Usage & Mechanics
5 The concept is clearly stated and well No spelling, punctuation or
organized. Supporting details are relevant grammatical errors
and convincing.
3 The concept is stated. Supporting details Few spelling and punctuations errors,
are mostly relevant. minor grammatical errors
1 The concept is stated. Supporting details Many spelling, punctuations and
are missing. grammatical errors.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all 8|Page

In one paragraph, explain your understating and knowledge about the importance of
eating balanced diet and active recreational activity like dancing to lifelong fitness and
managing weight and lifestyle and checking the progress of your lifestyle (eating habit and
physical activity) regularly.

Congratulations for completing all the tasks! Now you are ready to
engage in dancing like street and hip-hop that will help you maintain a
healthy lifestyle and continue influencing your family members and
community as well. Enjoy and have fun with the succeeding dance


A. Textbooks
Cipriano, Eduardo V., et.al. The 21st Century MAPEH in Action 10 (2015).

Callo, Lualhati F. et.al. Physical Education and Health Grade 10 Learner’s Material,
Department of Education (2015).

B. Internet

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Food-based dietary

guidelines. (2020).

Slideshare.net.Dietary Recommendations, Food Guides, and Food Labels to Plan


Prepared by:

Chona Joy S. Sabado

Quezon National High School

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all 9|Page

Learning Activity Sheets in
Physical Education 10
Name of Learner: Date:

Learning Activity Sheet

Lifestyle and Weight
Through Other Dance Forms (Street and Hip-Hop Dances)

Background Information for Learners

The COVID-19 pandemic brought us with a lot of stress and anxiety which disrupt the
balance of our normal lifestyle. Psychologically speaking, there are a lot of ways on how we
could possibly cope up and deal with these kinds of disturbances. One of these is recreational
activity like dancing. Dance has been proven to be an effective approach in the development
of our physical, mental, social and emotional health. It can be a way to refresh and relax our
body as well as our mind. Dance as part of our lifestyle can surely sustain our fitness coupled
with proper eating habits and weight management.

In this quarter, you will be guided with the different dancing activities which include
hip-hop and street dances. You will also discover how these dances can revitalize your body
and mind, and sustain fitness. Before engaging in these types of physical activities you will
first assess your physical activity, exercise and eating habits in order to track the progress and
how well did you manage your weight and lifestyle in the previous quarters.

Learning Competency with code

Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities for at least 60 minutes a day in and out of
school (PE10PF-IIIc-h-45)

The activities provided will help you identify the different dance styles which you
are going to use in creating hip-hop and street dance and how apply correct techniques
to minimize risk of injuries. At the same time help you understand the importance of
dancing in managing your weight and lifestyle. Don’t forget to record your heart rate
before and after every physical activity. Get ready to move, perspire and get fit!
You may now begin! Good

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all 10 | P a g e

Activity 1: Memory Check

Instruction: Based from your experiences and the performances and videos that you have
watched. Identify the following dance styles that are used in hip-hop and street dance based
from the definitions. Choose from the word pool below.


B-boying Locking Popping Tutting

Krumping Waacking Shuffling

It is based on the technique of quickly contracting and
relaxing muscles to cause a jerk in a dancer’s body.
It is a creative way of making geometric shapes forming right
angle using body parts
Characterized by free, expressive, exaggerated, and highly
energetic movement.
Consists of stylized posing and fast synchronized arm
movements to the beat of the music
A fast heel-and-toe action with a style suitable for various
types of electronic music
Characterized by frequently locking in place and after a brief
freeze moving again
Also called breakdancing with an athletic and acrobatic style
that combines intricate footwork with spinning and tumbling

Processing Questions:

2. Were you able to identify all the different steps?

3. Which of the steps can you execute?

3. To avoid injury, what should you do before engaging to any physical activity? Why? State
your reason(s).

You have a sharp memory! Remember, before engaging to any physical activity prepare your
body through a simple warm-up and stretching.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all 11 | P a g e

Activity 2: Try and Try!

Below are samples of the basic movements of hip-hop and street dance. All you need
to do is follow the steps indicated. For better understanding you may also visit the links given
for the instructional video. You may also include krumping, tutting, shuffling and waacking.
Before doing the activity, make sure that your body is prepared through a warm-up exercise.

A. Pop-lock dance moves quickly contract and relax the muscles.

1. Pop-locking- this technique involves a smooth transition of choreographed

popping moves with an abrupt locking, and with an exaggeration in hand and arm
movements and gestures.
a. Begin by standing straight with both arms on the side.
b. Pop your rib cage by thrusting it forward while bumping the chest with
someone in front of you. Do it to the left, right, and in front.
c. Swing your left arm out to the right side of your body then flex every muscle
and do it on the other side.
d. In front of you, bring your arms up and out while raising your knee; as you do
this, lift your elbows up the shoulder level then hold your body, and then do it
again lifting your elbow at the ear level.
e. After raising your elbow to your shoulder and ear level, slam down your arms;
be sure to lock after every movement of the body using your opposite knee.

B. Crip Walk
a. Stand with your feet wide apart. Place your left leg slightly in front of right
foot. Your left heel and the tip of your right foot should form a line.
b. Lift the ball of your left foot off the ground. Move your left foot out to the left
and back to the front, keeping your left heel touching the ground.
c. Step your right leg at the same time you move your left foot out, and move
your right leg back to its starting position as you move your left foot back to
the front. Repeat steps b and c twice.
2. Walk It Out
a. Twist your legs left and right just like the popular twist from 1950s, but pick
our heels off the floor.
b. Move your arms in any directions.
c. Improvise and have fun trying new arm movements. For this move, there’s no
need to worry about choreography.

Processing Questions:

1. Were you able to follow the instructions?

2. Which of the steps are you comfortable to execute?

3. What steps can you not follow and execute? What will you do to familiarize with the steps?

Awesome! You are now ready to shake, flip, shuffle and wave! Good luck!

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all 12 | P a g e

Activity 3: It’s Dance Time!

1. Choose a music concerning the pandemic that is happening now.
2. Create a simple dance routine applying the common styles in street dance and hip-
hop dance.
3. Record your heart rate before and after the activity.
4. Use a cellphone or any gadget which can record a video of the simple routine you
5. The dance routine must be two (2) to three (3) minutes.
6. Observe utmost care while doing the activity to avoid injury.
7. Send your output through messenger.

Processing Questions.

1. How do you feel after the activity? Did you experience difficulty in breathing?

2. Based from your previous lessons, what would be your rate of perceive exertion after
doing the activity?

3. Were you able to create a simple dance routine? Yes, or no, state your reason(s).

You did it! You are now ready to a more active lifestyle.

Activity 4: Situational Analysis!

The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented time all across the world.
Worldwide, extensive social distancing policies are put into place, restricting people’s
daily activities and worldwide pleas from government asking people to stay safe and
stay at home. This means that most people will spend much of their time at home. We
eat a lot, sit and sleep a lot than we normally do. Most of us find dancing as an
enjoyable physical activity especially when you do this with your colleagues. Due to
the pandemic most people who attends dance sessions and the like are prohibited. Not
all have gadgets or internet access to download videos for them to follow.

Processing Questions:

1. What are the risk of not engaging in physical activities and eating a lot with our
present situation?

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all 13 | P a g e

2. What would you do to continue dancing amidst pandemic and low internet accessibility?

3. What health benefits will you gain from dancing specially in our present situation?

Activity 5. My reflection!

Instructions: Using the graph below. Give what is being ask.

How do you find dancing based from your performance?

What are the challenges that you have encountered?

What are the things you want to do in order for you to improve
in dancing hip hop and street dance?

Excellent! You were able finish all the task given. Congratulations!

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all 14 | P a g e

Rubric for Activity 3 It’s Dance Time

CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
(Advanced) (Approaching (Proficient) (Developing)
DANCE STYLES All the styles Only four to Only two to Only one or
a) Popping are present six styles are three styles no style was
b) Locking present are present present
c) Krumping
d) Tutting
e) Shuffling
f) Waacking

MASTERY and No mistakes With two (2) to With four (4) With 6 or
SYNCHRONIZATION committed three (3) to (5) more
and same mistakes mistakes mistakes
level of But with the committed committed
projection same level of and different different level
projection level of of projection
MUSIC and The music is The music is The music is The music is
MOVEMENT relevant to relevant to somewhat not relevant
COVID-19 COVID-19 relevant to to COVID-19
pandemic pandemic and COVID-19 pandemic and
and followed but did not pandemic did not follow
movement to followed some and but did various
various movement to not followed tempos
tempos. various some
tempos. movement to
TIME The routine The routine has The routine The routine
last from 1 time infraction has time last for 1
minute and of 1-20 infraction of minute
30 second to seconds 21 to 30
2 minutes seconds

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all 15 | P a g e

Answer key for Activity 1: Memory Check

1. Popping
2. Tutting
3. Krumping
4. Waacking
5. Shuffling
6. Locking
7. B-boying


A. Textbooks
Cipriano, Eduardo V., et.al. The 21st Century MAPEH in Action 10. 2015.

Callo, Lualhati F. et.al. Physical Education and Health Grade 10 Learner’s Material,
Department of Education. 2015.

B. Internet



Prepared by:


Nueva Vizcaya General Comprehensive High School

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all 16 | P a g e

Learning Activity Sheets in
Physical Education 10
Name: Grade Level:

Learning Activity
Sheet “I Will and I

Background Information for Learners

Every one of us has a task to accomplish and role to play, making the world a better
place to live in. Today, the world is faced with the global pandemic, COVID '19, that is
everyone's problem. All government warnings and infomercials must be complied otherwise
we all suffer, and worst we all die.
We live on earth. We all have a purpose to fulfill on this planet. So, we need to take a
leap to have a better, safer and healthier world to live in. Will you take part of this call? What
are you going to do? Would you think it would be worth it if we take action now?
Learning Competency:
Expresses a sense of purpose and belongingness by participating in physical activity-related
community services and programs (PE10PF-IIIc-h-48)
Activity 1: “Community Service”
Task: As a responsible citizen of your community against COVID 19, you are
tasked to educate and inform your community in addressing precautionary measures in order
to minimize and avoid acquiring the disease. With this, you are tasked to conduct a house to
house information dissemination and at the same time providing them leaflets of the different
ways to avoid the covid 19 while distributing PPE to your community.
1. Collect information from the Health Department regarding precautionary
measures in fighting the pandemic.
2. Prepare a leaflet for distribution
3. Together with the leaflet, distribute PPE (personal protective equipment),
alcohol, face mask and soap.

Activity 2: “Fund Raising”

Being one of the best students of your school and with a wide range of connections
thru social media, you are tasked to conduct fund raising. In this manner, all the funds to be
raised will be used for the procurement of basic necessities to be distributed to your

1. Using your social media accounts, create a drive to raise funds.
2. Inform all your contacts regarding your humanitarian gesture for your community.
3. Solicit from generous individuals who can help you with this activity.
4. Look for sponsors especially big companies and big supermarkets and
businessmen including politicians
5. Look for tie-up, to ensure discounts for the basic commodities.
Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all 17 | P a g e
TRAITS Level 1 (1 pt.) Level 2 (2 pt.) Level 3 (3 pts.) Level 4 (4 pts.)
ORGANIZATION There is no The The The
clear introduction introduction is introduction is
introduction, includes the inviting, states inviting, states
structure, or main goal or the goal or the goal or
conclusion. thesis. Most thesis, and thesis, and
information is provides an provides an
presented in a overview of the overview of
logical order. issue. the issue.
A conclusion is Information is Information is
included, but it presented in a presented in a
does not logical order logical order
clearly state a and maintains and maintains
personal the interest of the interest of
opinion. the audience. the audience.
The conclusion The conclusion
strongly states a strongly states
personal a personal
opinion. opinion.
GOAL There is little There is little There is one There is one
or no reference reference to the goal or thesis goal or thesis
to the issue. issue. The that states a that strongly
personal personal and clearly
opinion is not opinion and states a
easily identifies the personal
understood. issue. A opinion and
personal identifies the
opinion is not issue.
clearly stated.
REASONS AND Arguments are Two reasons Three or more Three or more
SUPPORTS weak or are made but reasons are excellent
missing. Less with weak stated, but the reasons are
than two arguments. arguments are stated with
reasons are somewhat weak good support.
made. in places. It is evident
that a lot of
thought and
research was
put into this

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all 18 | P a g e

WORD CHOICE Word choice is There is Word choice Word choice is
limited. evidence of enhances the creative and
attention to argument. enhances the
word choice. argument.
GRAMMAR, There are There are There are few There are no
MECHANICS numerous several errors errors in errors in
AND SPELLING errors in in grammar, grammar, grammar,
grammar, mechanics, mechanics, mechanics,
mechanics, and/or spelling. and/or spelling, and/or spelling.
and/or spelling but they do not
interfere with

(Learner writes how he/she feels about the activity)

Answer Key

www.readwitethink.org.; rcampus.combyTrigonometry Fourth

Prepared by:

Rhockla U. Tognaon

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all 19 | P a g e

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