Brian Alsruhe Powerbuilding 5-3-1 Variant

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*full details here* - Thanks, Lift Vault

5/3/1 Cycle: 1

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Core Lift Current 1RM Wendler Percentages
Brian said in the
Deadlift OHP Squat Bench Intensity Rep Range OH Press comments to do 75 Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3
Heavy 8/6/4 Deadlift this program 200 0.65 0.7 0.75
Wave 1 Medium based off your Heavy
10/8/6 Bench Press 120 0.75 0.8 0.85
1RM, not a TM.
Light 12/10/8 Squat 160 0.85 0.9 0.95
Heavy 6/4/2 0.6 0.65 0.7
Wave 2 Medium 8/6/4 1RM = (Weight x Reps x .0333) + Weight Medium 0.7 0.75 0.8
Light 10/8/6 0.8 0.85 0.9
Heavy 5/3/1 Deadlift OHP Squat Bench 0.55 0.6 0.65
Wave 3 Medium 6/4/2 Week 1, 4, 7 M/L/H H/M/L L/H/M M/L/H Light 0.65 0.7 0.75
Light 8/6/4 Week 2, 5, 8 L/H/M M/L/H H/M/L L/H/M 0.75 0.8 0.85
Week 3, 6, 9 H/M/L L/H/M M/L/H H/M/L

Deadlift Week 1 - M Week 2 - L Week 3 - H Week 4 - L Week 5 - H Week 6 - M Week 7 - H Week 8 - M Week 9 - L Okay, all fixed!
Set 1 120 110 130 120 140 130 150 140 130 I had the weight repeating in 3 week patterns (M/L/H, M/L/H, M/L/H for example)
Set 2 140 130 150 140 160 150 170 160 150 Now it correctly goes M/LH, L/H/M, H/M/L, and is correct for the other days
Set 3 160 150 170 160 180 170 190 180 170
Assistance Light Heavy Medium Light Heavy Medium Light Heavy Medium I moved everything over to the right to make a printable version easier
Conditioning Heavy Medium Light Heavy Medium Light Heavy Medium Light
PR: Set 3 Drag a box over the calendar, down to the last cell of the bench day
File > Print, on the right hand side it says "Current Sheet", click the drop down button and click "Selected Cells"
Overhead Press Week 1 - H Week 2 - M Week 3 - L Week 4 - M Week 5 - L Week 6 - H Week 7 - L Week 8 - H Week 9 - M And you probably want this in portrait.
Set 1 47.5 45 40 47.5 45 52.5 47.5 55 52.5
Set 2 55 52.5 47.5 55 52.5 60 55 62.5 60 For people who haven't used 5/3/1 before... Enter your 1RM and your TM is then calculated as 90% of your 1RM
Set 3 62.5 60 55 62.5 60 67.5 62.5 70 67.5 All of the weights in the spreadsheet are then calculated based on a % of your TM. Do NOT try to do this off your 1RM
Assistance Medium Light Heavy Medium Light Heavy Medium Light Heavy or you will be overtraining very quickly
Conditioning Light Heavy Medium Light Heavy Medium Light Heavy Medium
PR: Set 3 Traditionally, you would increase your TM by 5lbs for Upper and 10lbs for Lower body movements after a full cycle.
For this program, Brian prescribes a deload week for Week 10, and re-testing your 1RM for Week 11 (and 12 if you're advanced)
Squat Week 1 - L Week 2 - H Week 3 - M Week 4 - H Week 5 - M Week 6 - L Week 7 - M Week 8 - L Week 9 - H So you can either rewrite your 1RM after testing, or create a copy of this sheet (Right click Cycle 1 and hit Duplicate)
Set 1 87.5 102.5 95 110 102.5 95 110 102.5 120
Set 2 102.5 120 110 127.5 120 110 127.5 120 135
Set 3 120 135 127.5 142.5 135 127.5 142.5 135 150
Assistance Heavy Medium Light Heavy Medium Light Heavy Medium Light
Conditioning Medium Light Heavy Medium Light Heavy Medium Light Heavy
PR: Set 3

Bench Press Week 1 - M Week 2 - L Week 3 - H Week 4 - L Week 5 - H Week 6 - M Week 7 - H Week 8 - M Week 9 - L
Set 1 70 65 77.5 70 82.5 77.5 90 82.5 77.5
Set 2 82.5 77.5 90 82.5 95 90 100 95 90
Set 3 95 90 100 95 107.5 100 112.5 107.5 100
Assistance Light Heavy Medium Light Heavy Medium Light Heavy Medium
Conditioning Heavy Medium Light Heavy Medium Light Heavy Medium Light
PR: Set 3

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