Basic Troubleshooting
Basic Troubleshooting
Basic Troubleshooting
The battery must be fully charged and pass a load VR TEST PROCEDURE
test before proceeding to the Charging System
Use the following flowcharts to determine if the
charging system indicates a faulty VR. Review the
BATTERY LOAD TEST DMM users manual, as some resistance
measurements may be over the capability of the
Set default CCA to 325 CCA and estimate the meter and show an !Open" or !OL," etc. This
temperature (actual BDM battery is rated 310 indicates a very high resistance and should be
CCA). considered >2Mȍ.
1. Ignition Key to the OFF position.
2. Remove seat.
3. Disconnect the ground (-) cable from battery
negative (-) terminal.
4. Measure battery current using instructions
provided with DMM.
5. Connect red (+) probe of the DMM to the PCB TESTING
ground cable and connect black (-) probe to
negative (-) terminal of battery. Remove gas tank. Unplug JST connector to either
the left or right control. Plug test pigtail into
6. Current should read less than 2mA for handlebar control and test continuity from any
Carbureted Models and less than 3.5mA for given circuit to the black wire of the pigtail.
EFI models. (EFI models will draw ~500mA
for 15seconds when meter is first attached). STARTER CURRENT DRAW TEST
7. If an over current condition is found, locate Using an induction ammeter, attach the ammeter
the faulty component or harness by to the positive side of the battery. With the
disconnecting one harness at a time, until ignition ON, press the start switch. Take a reading
current draw is within specifications. When off the ammeter. There should be an initial surge
current draw is within specifications, the last when first turning over the engine. Typical starter
connection disconnected will be the circuit or current draw should be between 160 and 180
component affected. Use the electrical Amperes. If the starter draw exceeds 200
schematic to aid in fault location. Amperes, remove the starter for further testing.
will read the voltage drop. Ideal voltage drop start the motorcycle. With the ignition and all
would be zero or have no drop at all. A typical continuously running lights turned ON (headlight
circuit drop is less than 1 Volt. If voltage drop is on hi beam), read the total current draw. Compare
greater, backtrack through the circuit until the this reading to that obtained in the CURRENT
source of the drop is found. This same test can be AND VOLTAGE OUTPUT TEST. The current
performed on the negative side also. Attach the output should exceed current draw by 3.5 amps,
black lead of the meter to the negative side of the minimum. Reconnect the regulator.
battery and the red side to the ground you wish to
Connect the load tester leads to the battery
terminals. Place the induction pickup over the
To check for a grounded stator, turn ignition OFF, positive regulator cable. Run the engine to 3000
and disconnect the regulator from the stator plug rpms and increase the load to obtain a constant
in the crankcase. Connect on Ohmmeter between 13.0 volts. Current output should be 26-32 Amps.
the crankcase and either stator socket. There
should be no continuity across either test point. VOLTAGE OUTPUT TEST
Any other readings indicate a grounded stator Remove load. Read the load tester voltage meter.
which must be replaced. Voltage to battery must never exceed 14.8 volts. If
voltage is higher, replace regulator.
Using an Ohmmeter, measured resistance across SPEED SENSOR TEST
the stator plug should be between 0.1 to 0.2 First, test that the red wire reading is 12 volts.
Ohms. If resistance is higher, the stator is Test the black wire for continuity. Using the
damaged, and must be replaced. Be sure to proper equipment, raise the rear tire, and check
subtract the DMM lead resistance from the voltage at the green signal wire while spinning the
measured value. tire. The reading should be between 0 and 6 volts.
If no voltage registers, replace the speed sensor.
Disconnect the regulator and connect an AC CRANK SENSOR TEST
voltmeter across both stator plugs. Run the engine Disconnect the plug wires and unplug the crank
to 2000 rpms. The AC output should read between sensor. Set the DMM to measure AC volts and
32-40 AC Volts (16-20 per 1000 rpms). If the measure across both pins of the plug. While
output is below specifications, a charging problem cranking the engine, you should see AC voltage
has occurred and the stator/rotor needs to be greater than 1 Volt. If no voltage registers, replace
replaced. the crank sensor.
NOTE: Always recheck voltage output after
making repairs.
Inspect the ignition module. Is the red LED
VOLTAGE REGULATOR BLEED TEST illuminated with the key in the ON position?
Regulator must be connected to the battery. Inspect the blue and yellow LEDs. Do they
Unplug the regulator from the stator, and using a illuminate when the front and rear cylinder are
light, touch one probe to a known good ground, triggered? Use the break out box and a DMM to
and the other to the regulator pins, one at a time. test A19 power harness to B27 backbone harness.
If the light glows, replace the regulator.
NOTE: These flowcharts are informational, and
CURRENT DRAW TEST exist for troubleshooting purposes only. If you
need more than 0.3 hours to troubleshoot an
Using a load tester, place the induction pickup or issue, please contact BDM Technical Support at
current probe pickup over the negative battery 316-219-7000. All current Warranty policies
cable. Disconnect the regulator from the stator and remain in effect.