Design and Evaluation of An IoT-based Energy Meter/power Limiter To Improve The Management of Low-Voltage Electrical Subscribers - A Case Study of SNEL Likasi, DRC
Design and Evaluation of An IoT-based Energy Meter/power Limiter To Improve The Management of Low-Voltage Electrical Subscribers - A Case Study of SNEL Likasi, DRC
Design and Evaluation of An IoT-based Energy Meter/power Limiter To Improve The Management of Low-Voltage Electrical Subscribers - A Case Study of SNEL Likasi, DRC
Abstract: Subscriber management in a low voltage distribution network is nowadays becoming a complex task which
requires accurate data collection as well as rapid and pragmatic actions. The use of traditional methods putting
human and all his imperfections at the center for billing, control and other interventions has therefore become
obsolete, making this way of working an ineffective method. A modern way to solve this problem and improve
subscriber management is to replace human with modern technological means facilitating easy and transparent
communication between subscribers and the company and vice versa. This is why we propose in this paper an IoT-
based energy meter for efficient data collection and easy (remote) management of subscribers. The proposed system
uses a microcontroller, sensors, an OLED display, a relay module, a GSM module and web technologies including
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL and PHP to produce two artifacts, a smart meter and a web application. The
evaluation of the results showed that the system is able to help to improving the management of SNEL low voltage
Keywords: electrical energy, energy meter, electrical grid, low-voltage subscriber, IoT, SNEL, web app, power
Energy metering is an important task in the management of electrical subscribers in the energy distribution. It requires care,
accuracy and transparency in handling data. It mainly allows the energy provider to produce electricity bills and charge
subscribers based on their energy consumption on a regular basis. It is usually based on an energy meter often placed in the
house of customers so that both the subscriber and the energy provider can access information of energy consumption. Since
the advent of the integration of the internet of things (IoT) in energy metering, this operation has positively changed the
way of managing electrical energy and subscribers in an electrical grid [1]. This novel technology allows devices to
communicate and exchange data between them via internet. It has the capability to solve many problems in different areas
and improve the efficiency, accuracy and economic benefit of a system [2]. Similarly, the successful integration of IoT in
the energy metering system can lead to energy wastage reduction, meter reading facilitation and remote control, more
accuracy in meter reading, fault detection, less operation cost and the removal of possible corruption related to meter reading
[3], [4].
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Novelty Journals
ISSN 2394-9678
International Journal of Novel Research in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
Vol. 11, Issue 1, pp: (60-67), Month: September 2023 - August 2024, Available at:
Despite all the opportunities that offers the integration of the IoT in the energy metering nowadays, the National Company
of Electricity (SNEL) of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has not yet implemented this technology in the
management of electricity customers. Actually, the company uses two different methods of energy metering supported by
electromagnetic and electronic type of energy meter, which offer no possibility of be-directional communication between
the company and the energy meter installed in the houses of customers in order to read and control energy meter remotely
from a single control room. Thus, the company still produces electricity bills based on meter reading performed by operators
who go house to house to read the energy meter for customers who have energy meter. The same principle is also applied
for the bills distribution and the payment control. In addition to this, some customers do not have energy meter for billing
electricity, so they are billed for energy consumption on an inaccurate basis. Such practices can be prone to mismanagement
of electricity subscribers, which can lead to corruption, energy waste and theft, high management costs and huge loss of
money, time consuming, errors, etc. We therefore introduced this study to assess to what extent an energy meter/ power
limiter based on IoT could help the national company SNEL to improve the management of its energy and electricity
subscribers since this question has not yet been addressed.
The purpose of this study is to analyze current problems in the management of electrical subscribers and propose a system
made up with a smart energy meter and a web application in order to solve these problems and help the company improve
the management of its customers. To fulfill this, specific objectives of the study are: (1) primary investigation through
observation, questionnaire, and interview on the subscriber management system to highlight current problems, and define
our system requirements according to that; (2) Design and develop an energy meter and a web application (IoT-based energy
meter) using the Arduino platform and web technology including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and MySQL; (3) evaluate
the system through different use criteria to determine how well it fulfill the requirement and how useful it can be in the
management of electrical subscribers of the SNEL.
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Novelty Journals
ISSN 2394-9678
International Journal of Novel Research in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
Vol. 11, Issue 1, pp: (60-67), Month: September 2023 - August 2024, Available at:
a. Processing unit
We made use of the Arduino Uno board for the process unit of our system [10].
b. Voltage sensor
For measuring voltage, we made use of the ZMPT101B voltage sensor given in Figure 3. This voltage sensor measures AC
voltages at the input in a range of 0 to 240V and gives at its output a voltage in the range of 0 to 5V DC image of the input
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Novelty Journals
ISSN 2394-9678
International Journal of Novel Research in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
Vol. 11, Issue 1, pp: (60-67), Month: September 2023 - August 2024, Available at:
Figure 6: Operating algorithm of energy meter for sending information to the server
3.2.2 mySNEL app design
The web application is the component from which users can interact with the system. It offers a user interface mainly
designed in HTML, CSS and JavaScript; and interacts with the database on the middleware using PHP and MySQL on the
backend user. The user interface offers to the user of the app the ability to manage the entire system. The user can manage
the energy meter in the system, the subscribers, monitor the status of the energy meter including remote activation and
deactivation, etc. The user interface also allows the generation of the bills and the SMS broadcasting to subscriber, which
can contain the amount of the bill and other information. The web app we designed has fivee main pages as described on
Figure 7 below.
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Novelty Journals
ISSN 2394-9678
International Journal of Novel Research in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
Vol. 11, Issue 1, pp: (60-67), Month: September 2023 - August 2024, Available at:
Figure 10: view of the subscriber management page of the Web App
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Novelty Journals
ISSN 2394-9678
International Journal of Novel Research in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
Vol. 11, Issue 1, pp: (60-67), Month: September 2023 - August 2024, Available at:
The result from the questionnaire revealed two main activities that lead to the major problems faced by subscribers. These
activities are: (1) flat rate energy billing; (2) bill payment control. For the energy billing, about 90% of subscribers have no
energy meter as shown in Figure 11.
In view of the complaints and observations made within SNEL company, it seems clear that this grid needs to improve its
method of managing subscribers. This can be achieved thanks to the energy meter that we have proposed in this paper as it
is capable of eliminating human intervention which is at the very heart of the problem of good management. However, the
proposed system is limited by the fact that it must necessarily have at least one user (human) for management of the system.
The latter can always be the subject of corruption or the author of extortion of money from subscribers. The improvement
Page | 66
Novelty Journals
ISSN 2394-9678
International Journal of Novel Research in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
Vol. 11, Issue 1, pp: (60-67), Month: September 2023 - August 2024, Available at:
that our system brings apart from an adequate collection of data is the reduction of potential actors of mismanagement to a
very small number (only the users of the application).
The future researcher can therefore think about solving the management problem at the user level of the proposed system
and/or adding a customer area for monitoring consumption, remote payment, frequently asked questions and experience
sharing to further improve management and service.
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