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Assessment of Ginger Production Value Chain Information Needs for Sustainable 308
Livelihood in Kachia Local Government Area, Kaduna State, Nigeria
Science World Journal Vol. 18(No 2) 2023
ISSN: 1597-6343 (Online), ISSN: 2756-391X (Print)
Published by Faculty of Science, Kaduna State University
need ICT techniques on climate smart practices in adaption administered in the farm during the 2022 cropping season with
strategies and conservation measure (Mbanasor, Nwachukwu and coordinated Local Research Assistants. Validation of instruments
Agwu, 2015; Onwunali, Hassan and Usman, 2020). The was done by experts in the Department of Agricultural Education,
techniques encourage awareness to sustainable measures, Federal College of Education, Zaria while test and reliability was
organic farming and certification requirement to support adoption determined using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Statistics
of environmentally friendly practices. that gave 0.88 coefficient.
Ginger farming is significant to livelihood of farmers and has A 4 point rating scale was used to evaluate 14 information needs
dominated the production of other arable and tree crops in as Highly needed (HN), Needed (N), Rarely needed (RN), and Not
Southern Kaduna, particularly in Kachia (Ibrahim, 2018). Despite needed (NN) and 9 problems as Strongly agreed (SA), Agreed (A),
the efforts of farmers on increased cultivable land and fertilizer Disagreed (D) and Strongly disagreed (SD). Weighted values of 4,
application, yield remains below potential capacity (FAO, 2011; 3, 2 and 1 were assigned to the scale, respectively while multiple
Sodangi, 2020a) due to use of traditional technology, poor inputs, choice were allowed in the source of information.
inadequate production, poor financial capacity, poor processing Data on demographic and sources of information were subjected
and handling, poor knowledge of marketing and storage, pests and to descriptive statistics while farmers’ information needs and
diseases among others (Amadi, Nwauzor, Nuhu, and Christy, problems were analyzed with mathematical techniques using
2010; Onwusiribe, Mbanasor and Agwu, 2016), hence creating a confrontation indexes (Hassan, Onwunali and Ibrahim, (2020) with
serious gab in information acquisition of farmers. Consequently, modification as follows:
the rich middlemen grabs the market at the expense of the low-
income farmers and the public. NCI = [NHNx4] + [NNx3] + [NRNx2] + [NNNx1]
The study will establish farmers’ information needs in Kachia Local Where: NCI = Needs Confrontation Index
Government Area to facilitate training for sustainable livelihood HN = Number of farmers that ticked highly needed in each item
through ginger production. N = Number of farmers that ticked needed in each item
Specifically, the study sought to: RN = Number of farmers that ticked rarely needed in each item
i. Determine the socioeconomic characteristics of the farmers. NN = Number of farmers that ticked not needed in each item
ii. Identify sources of production information acquisition.
iii. Determine the information needs of farmers. PCI = [PSAx4] + [PAx3] + [PDx2] + [PSDx1]
iv. Identify the problems of information acquisition on ginger Where: PCI = Problem Confrontation Index
production. SA = Number of farmers that ticked strongly agreed in each
The following research questions facilitated the study: item
i. How does a socioeconomic characteristic of the farmers A = Number of farmers that ticked agreed in each item
influence ginger production? D = Number of farmers that ticked disagreed in each item
ii. What are the sources of information acquisition of ginger SD = Number of farmers that ticked strongly disagreed in each item
farmers and the influence on production?
iii. What are the information needs of the farmers? The expected range of information needs (NCI) and Problems of
iv. What are the constraints of ginger production? production (PCI) were 1 to 480. The mean used for decision was
calculated by dividing confrontation index with total number of
MATERIALS AND METHODS farmers while mean decision bench mark of 2.5. Correlation (r) and
Kachia is located at latitude 90 52’24” North and longitude 70 57’ coefficient of determination (R2) using linear regression analysis
14” East at elevation of 718 meters above sea level (masl) (http: were done to determine the influence of demographic data on
// information needs and constraints. All statistical analysis were
latitude/history/41511html), with total population of 340, 900 performed using IBM SPSS Statistics 23 version at p ≤ 0.05.
based on report of National Bureau of Statistics 21st March, 2016
Administratively, Kachia Local Government is divided into twelve Results (Table 1) showed that male (66.7 %) within the productive
wards namely; Agunu, Ankwa, Awon, Bishini, Dakwa, Gidan ages of 31-40 (46.7 %) were married (80.8 %) and dominate ginger
Tagwai, Gumel, Kachia, Kateri, Kurmin Musa, Kwaturu and Sabon production in Kachia. Majority acquired tertiary education (45 %),
Sarki. The areas experience seasonal variations in monthly rainfall and combined farming activities with white collar job (41.7 %),
from March to November, with the peak in August receiving an mostly teaching and Local Government workers. Results also
average of 281.94 mm ( Kachia has long revealed maximum household of 41.67 % (4-6 persons) followed
standing history of ginger production with favourable agro-ecology by 7-9 (30.83 %) persons, with farming experience of 7-9 years
(Sodangi 2020a), but still experience inefficient and low productivity (34.2 %) and 10-13 years (24.2 %). The domination of married
due to inadequate improved cultivars, poor soil fertility and poor male was associated with energy sapping physical and manual
agronomic technology. activities involved in land clearing, tillage, planting inter alia against
The study was carried out in six prominent ginger producing wards; relatively less activities of weeding, harvesting, processing,
Agunu, Gidan Tagwai, Gumel, Kurmin Musa, Kwaturu and Sabon marketing and preservation for female (Asumugha, Kormawa and
Sarki, using a total of 120 validated closed structured Haan, 2009; Mohammed and Abdulquadri, 2012). Similarly, Ejechi
questionnaires, randomly and purposefully distributed to 20 et al. (2018) reported lack of funds for high cost of inputs as an
farmers per ward. The instrument comprised of four sections; important impediment for relatively low women participation while
demographic information of the farmers, sources of information Asumugha et al. (2009), supported result of study when they
acquisition, information needs and problems of information reported average household of six and farm size of 0.75 to 3 ha,
acquisition on ginger production . The questionnaire were jointly owned or only 20 % belonging to women in Southern
Assessment of Ginger Production Value Chain Information Needs for Sustainable 309
Livelihood in Kachia Local Government Area, Kaduna State, Nigeria
Science World Journal Vol. 18(No 2) 2023
ISSN: 1597-6343 (Online), ISSN: 2756-391X (Print)
Published by Faculty of Science, Kaduna State University
Table 1: Demographic information of Ginger Farmers in Kachia Local Government Area, Kaduna State, Nigeria, 2022.
N = 120
S/No Characteristics Frequency Percentage (%)
1. Sex: Make 80 66.67
Female 40 33.33
2. Age < 20 05 04.16
20-30 19 15.83
31-40 56 46.67
41-50 26 21.67
>50 14 11.67
3. Marital Status: Single 10 08.33
Married 97 80.83
Divorced/Sp 06 05.00
Widower/Widow 07 05.83
4. Educational Status: Non-Formal 06 05.00
Primary 07 05.83
Secondary 40 33.33
Technical 13 10.83
Tertiary 54 45.00
5. Occupation: Farming 41 34.17
Farming/Trading 29 24.17
Farming/Civil Servant 50 41.67
6. Family Size: <1-3 09 07.50
4-6 50 41.67
7-9 37 30.83
10-13 17 14.17
14-16 02 01.67
>16 05 04.16
7. Farm Size:< 1 acre 29 24.17
1-9acre 38 31.67
1-2ha-1 35 29.17
3-4ha-1 12 10.00
>5ha-1 06 05.00
8. Farming Experience:1-3 05 04.16
4-6 13 10.83
7-9 41 34.17
10-13 29 24.17
14-16 14 11.67
>16 18 15.00
In Table 2, sources of information acquisition was dominated by ranked second with 12.68 %, an activity controlled and managed
parents, friends and experienced farmers, a clear evidence of local by experienced farmers in collaboration with invited scientist and
and traditional approach, hence are subsistence and low income extension officers where necessary. Similarly Omodara, Onwunali
farmers. Onwusiribe et al. (2018) reported that ginger farmers in and Hiikyaa (2020) reported that parents and friends dominated
the north were smallholders, challenged by inadequate land for crop production in Kauru, Kaduna State. Sources such as Mass
mechanical production and poor income in an input expensive and Printed Media and Extension agents were relatively low,
environment. The organization of field days and agricultural shows contrary Bhagat, Nain and Narda (2004) where extension agents,
Assessment of Ginger Production Value Chain Information Needs for Sustainable 310
Livelihood in Kachia Local Government Area, Kaduna State, Nigeria
Science World Journal Vol. 18(No 2) 2023
ISSN: 1597-6343 (Online), ISSN: 2756-391X (Print)
Published by Faculty of Science, Kaduna State University
television and radio dominated sources of information than on diseases, insect pests and weeds is lacking, but farmers were
agricultural technology due to poor educational level of farmers. ignorant of management measures for leaf blight, seedling rot, die
This may be associated with inadequate and or insufficient back, rhizome rots and infestation of mandibulated insects which
extension services in Kachia (Hassan et al., 2020). are common pests in Kachia. Pests accumulation may have been
Earlier, radio and television dominated sources of information due to cultural practice of mulching with infected plant materials
(Sunuga, Beins, Conway and Naylor, 2020). The contrary and abandoning weeded materials after weeding for erosion
observation of the study may be associated to the rural control, conservation of soil moisture and improvement of soil
environment, irregular power supply, and in most areas, complete nutrient (Ibrahim, 2018). Pathogens and insect eggs and larvae are
absence of electricity to power the media, and where available is known to over season in such material, hence encourage
not consistent to encourage farmers towards using media such as population built up of pests over time. Although Kachia soil
radio and television for agricultural purposes (Zarmai, Okwu, supports production of ginger, the haphazard use and application
Dawang and Nankat (2014), couple with relatively low agricultural of different fertilizers over years has depleted the soil. Hence the
programmes from such sources. need for information on required fertilizer(s), rate of application and
availability at subsidized prices for sustainable production (Ibrahim
Table 2: Sources of Ginger Production Information Acquisition in 2018). According to Ayodele and Sambo (2014), cost of external
Kachia, Kaduna State, Nigeria, 2022 input and input mobilization were major needs of farmers in
N = 120 Southern Kaduna. They established that, proportionate increase in
S/No. Source F % input will increase output by 350 %, if favourable policy and
1 Parents, Friends and 110 39.86 farmers collaboration with cooperative society are encouraged.
Experienced farmers On marketing information, most farmers were not disposed due to
2 Field Days and Agricultural 35 12.68 poor processing techniques of parallel slicing of fresh ginger
Shows rhizomes with knife and drying due to lack of mechanical process
3 Non-Governmental 33 11.96 for value added to produce (NdaNmadu and Marcus, 2011;
Organization Onwusiribe et al., 2018). Earlier, reports showed that improved
4 Farmers’ Based 33 11.96 production, post-harvest technology and adequate information on
Organization credit facilities, processing at local level, bad activities of the middle
5 Extension Agents 23 8.83 men, lack of direct access to international market, market glut,
6 On-Farm Farm 23 8.33 fertilizer and abnormal rainfall were paramount problems of
Demonstration farmers, hence needs training and information to combat the issues
7 Mass and Printed Media 19 6.88 (Tologbonse, Fashola and Obadiah 2008; Alfred et al., 2018;
Total 276 100.00 Ibrahim, 2018). Poor financial status and inadequate storage
Multiple Choice is allowed , F = frequency of occurrence, N = total facilities often predispose farmers to forceful disposal of the
number of farmers used, % = percent produce to middle men. Such men reprocess, store and sell at
high profit depending on time and demand. Therefore adequate
The information needs (Table 3) revealed average confrontation training on processing to reduce post-harvest damage and
index of 366.93 and mean of 3.06 in a NCI of 1-480 and mean of marketing of the produce is imperative in the livelihood of farmers.
2.19-3.84, indicating that although the farmers were experienced, On use of machinery, formation of co-operative society and
six and seven of the 14 items were needed and rarely needed, extension agents, farmers were aware of the advantages, and
respectively with the exception of irrigation and water management indicated interest and assistance on the need to improve the
(2.19) that was not needed. Cultivation of ginger is mostly during services. Results revealed that farmers were experienced on
cropping season and due to lack of facilities for irrigation and water planting operation (2.61) and seed (rhizome) management (2.97),
management, farmers presumed negligence on irrigated ginger. but requires fertilizer subsidy and availability to increase
Earlier, Ejechi et al. (2018) reported planting on bed and ridge for production. However, report have shown that low quality and low
rain fed and irrigated ginger, respectively in Southern Kaduna. use of technology constituted major impediment
Irrigation facilities, facilitated production and reduce post-harvest (, 2020) while Ejechi, et al. (2018)
damages particularly with the recent increase in cultivated land advised stakeholders in input agencies to intensify efforts towards
(dailytrust/why-nigerias-ginger-output-is-low). training of farmers in functional and sustainable agronomic
Pest management (462:3.85), soil fertility (461:3.84) and market
information (431:3.59) were most needed information. Information
Assessment of Ginger Production Value Chain Information Needs for Sustainable 311
Livelihood in Kachia Local Government Area, Kaduna State, Nigeria
Science World Journal Vol. 18(No 2) 2023
ISSN: 1597-6343 (Online), ISSN: 2756-391X (Print)
Published by Faculty of Science, Kaduna State University
Table 3: Ginger Production Information Need of Farmers in Kachia Local Government Area, Kaduna State, 2022
N = 120
S/No. Information Needs HN N RN NN NCI ̅
𝒙 Decision
1 Pest, Weed and Disease Management 420 39 2 1 462 3.85 N
2 Soil Fertility /Fertilizer 420 36 4 1 461 3.84 N
3 Marketing Information 352 60 14 5 431 3.59 N
4 Sources of Credit 232 102 30 13 377 3.14 N
5 Improved Ginger Rhizomes 212 123 26 13 374 3.12 N
6 Improved Management Techniques 200 111 44 11 366 3.05 N
7 Seed Rhizome Management 192 108 40 16 356 2.97 RN
8 Post-Harvest Management Techniques 172 120 52 11 355 2.96 RN
9 Storage Facilities 168 114 54 13 349 2.91 RN
10 Co-operative Societies 172 102 56 15 345 2.88 RN
11 Extension Services 140 138 56 11 345 2.88 RN
12 Access to Farm Machinery 172 81 74 13 340 2.83 RN
13 Planting Operations 120 102 70 21 313 2.61 RN
14 Irrigation and Water Management 84 81 52 46 263 2.19 NN
366.93 3.06
HN = Highly Needed, N= Needed, RN= Rarely Needed, NN= Not Needed, NCI= Needs Confrontation Index, 𝒙 ̅ = mean
Demographic information of farmers at different levels significantly In Table 5, demographic data of farmers positively and significantly
(p ≤ 0.05) showed positive coefficient with information needs, correlated to information needs with the exception of educational
except for educational status and farming experience that were not status that was not significant. On the other hand, the positive and
significant due high efficiency in such areas (Table 4). Implicitly, significant observed with sex, occupation and farm size indicated
sex, farm size and family size contributed 84.7 %, 72.8 % and 70.7 strong influence to the problems militating against information
%, respectively to information needs, and therefore highly (sex) acquisition. Age, marital status, educational status, farm size and
and moderately (farm and family sizes) influenced information farming experience were positive but not significant, which
needs. Educational status and Farming experience were not strong indicated that such factors though important, had relatively less
factors to information needs and contributed low influence of 17.7 influence to problems in information acquisition in ginger
% and 37.5 %, respectively. Contrarily, Ejechi et al. (2018) reported production value chain.
that farming experience was a useful tool for ginger production in
Imo and Abia States. This may be probably due to high technical Table 5: Correlation of demographic factor on farmers information
efficiency in Kaduna ginger farmers acquired over time that has needs and problems of information acquisition in Kachia Local
improved their education and experience, unlike in the Eastern government of Kaduna State, Nigeria
Nigeria where production is alien and farmers are relatively few. Demographic data NCI (R1) PCI (R2)
Sex 0.697* 0.900***
Table 4: Linear regression coefficient of determination estimates of Age 0.548* 0.037ns
demographic factors of ginger farmers’ information needs in Kachia Marital Status 0.583* 0.077ns
Local Government, Kaduna State, Nigeria Educational Status 0.360ns 0.045ns
Demographic data Coefficie Std R2 Sig. Occupation 0.797*** 0.589**
nt Erro Family Size (number) 0.730* 0.107ns
Sex 0.104 0.06 0.84 0.000*** Farm Size (acre/hectare) 0.853*** 0.492*
2 7 Farming Experience (years) 0.512* 0.042ns
Age 0.246 0.08 0.43 0.043* R1 and 2 = correlation, NCI = needs confrontation index, PCI =
4 7 Problem confrontation index, *significant at ≤ 0.05, **significant at
Marital Status 0.400 0.13 0.45 0.034* ≤ 0.001, ***significant at ≤ 0.000
2 8
Educational Status 0.164 0.10 0.17 0.343ns Results (Table 6) indicated that, the 9 identified problems
7 7 contributed significantly to ginger information acquisition. The
Occupation 0.224 0.07 0.65 0.003* average PCI was 388.56 with mean of 3.24 in a PCI range of 1-480
2 3 and mean of 2.63-3.63. The major problems were irregular power
Family Size (number) 0.305 0.06 0.70 0.001** supply (3.63) followed by inadequate fund for digital information
0 7 (3.44), poor information dissemination (3.48) and poor educational
Farm Size 0.234 0.05 0.72 0.001** status of the farmers (3.43). Issues of cultural and language
(acre/hectare) 3 8 influences ranked relatively low, however, possess problems
Farming Experience 0.184 0.07 0.37 0.070ns particularly during marketing. Kachia is dominated by people of
(years) 2 5 same culture and language possibly why the two factors were not
Std erro = Standard error, R2 = coefficient of determination, major. Although farmers were educated, field experience showed
*significant at ≤ 0.05, **significant at ≤ 0.001, ***significant at ≤ that most farmers were not agricultural bias and therefore affected
0.000 farming activity particularly in the interpretation of farming
Assessment of Ginger Production Value Chain Information Needs for Sustainable 312
Livelihood in Kachia Local Government Area, Kaduna State, Nigeria
Science World Journal Vol. 18(No 2) 2023
ISSN: 1597-6343 (Online), ISSN: 2756-391X (Print)
Published by Faculty of Science, Kaduna State University
technologies. Farmers are aware of use of digital technology but Hassan and Usman, 2020). .
cannot engage it due to lack of power and facilities (Onwunali,
Table 6: Constraints of Information Acquisition on Ginger Production in Kachia LGA, Kaduna State, 2022
S/No Problems SA A D SD PCI 𝑥̅ Decision
1. Irregular Power Supply 304 132 0 0 436 3.63 Accepted
2. Inadequate Funds for 264 138 06 05 413 3.44 Accepted
Digital Information
3 Inadequate Information 240 165 04 03 412 3.43 Accepted
4 Poor Educational Status 248 156 04 04 412 3.43 Accepted
of Farmers
5 Digital and Online 204 147 12 14 377 3.14 Accepted
6 Traditional Information 204 135 22 13 374 3.12 Accepted
7 Language Influence 156 129 34 21 340 2.83 Accepted
8 Cultural Influence 154 105 24 32 315 2.63 Accepted
Total Grand Mean (x) 388.56 3.24 Accepted
SD = Strongly agreed, A = Agreed, D = Disagree, SD = Strongly disagreed, 𝑥̅ = mean
Government at all level etc) to assist farmers with credit facilities
Conclusion and inputs towards their farming activities. Such can also be done
The need to sustain production for improved livelihood of ginger through subsidy and low interest loans
farmers in Kachia is very necessary as current production stands -
at subsistence level due to traditional technology and poor sources - Acknowledgement: Authors are grateful to Federal College of
of information acquisition, hence impeding standard of living of Education, Zaria for permission to publish this article.
farmers and Federal Government plans for self-sufficiency.
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