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Program Strategy Activities Target Indicators Needs

Quality Quantity
I.Partnership in > Formation of 1) Evaluation of the 1) 90% of IS 1) finalized the 1) __ years in >
Organizational an all-IS groups' LGU-IS operation groups active IS groups to be past effort + _ Facilitators
Development Coordinating & participation of in LGU's IS accredited as months under &
Committee or an IS groups/networks program LGU partners the new LGU- Consultants
IS Council w/ 2)Strategic Planning 2) 1 VMGSP 2) defined IS IS Office in finalizing
representatives + Development Plan renewal/new + groups' unity 2) __ seminar- IS strategic,
from other key Making Conference 1 Devt. Plan & programs workshops development
LGU offices. 3) Creation of all-IS 3) 100% Full 3) introduced 3) _ formative plan outputs
Committee or LGU- representation or formalized meetings + at
formed IS Council to 5 key IS IS venue for least _ regular
subsectors governance meetings
II. Extension of > Immediate 1) info gathering & 1) 100% full 1) policy needs 1) ___ known > Reference
LGU's Social LGU extension of proposal by the IS participation/ can be acted by IS groups w/ Materials or
Protection preferential groups on presence, priority given LGU thru its businesses as Speakers
Program treatment to LGU impact of migrant/ to all IS groups preferential target policy from other
registered IS outsider IS groups w/ business treatment to proponents LGU offices
groups plus New doing business in engagements constituents 2) _ seminar on relevant
Concept on social LGU territories. 2) 70% of the 2) equipped IS on LGC/LGU local laws
protection thru 2) Seminar on LGU attendees are leaders- public + _ trainings affecting IS
local legislation. Legislation & Local leaders & not monitoring of on ordinance groups
Ordinance Making PO staff/etc local legislation making
3) Sustenance of 3)At least 30% 3) improved its 3) Refer to
facilitation to main increase in its system w/ SSS/ previous year
social protection facilitation Philhealth etc performance
agencies. service process
III. Provision of > initiatives by IS 1) Education inputs 1) 25% of IS 1) raised the 1) __ seminars > Resource
Educational and groups on the by the 5 sub-sectors membership membership to be divided Persons for
Advocacy OHS & Labor Re New customized base reached awareness on equally for 5 Moduling &
Campaigns Rights education OHS modules by seminars IS rights Re subsectors packaging of
w/ customized 2) Workshop & c/o IS groups OHS laws 2) __ testing/ new course
modules/course to Production of New 2) 100% full 2) 1 course as finalization
reach their base Course on IS Legal representation finalized w/ IS seminars + _
membership Protection Needs - 5 subsectors leaders/groups initial regular
3) Introduced IS 3) 1 annual IS 3) formal LGU seminars
Day aside from IS celebration & establishment 3) _____ total
Participation in the sustenance in of IS Day aside participants
LGU's advocacy participation from the LGU for IS Day
campaigns to LGU events IS recognition/ campaign
in LGU events
IV. Assistance conceptualization 1) Project Proposal 1) 100% full 1) knowledge 1) __ leaders >Researcher
on Projects' of project for the Making Seminar & representation base for a full known as key & Writer of
Development integration of IS Orientation on Aid/ to 5subsectors participation project maker Key Project
Requirements groups' concerns Grant providers 2) packaged & in the process + _ staff w/ for IS
or a centralized 2) Finalization & initial grant of proposal- writing skills
pilot project. initial operation of prospect from making 2) __% local
LGU IS Office Key fund sources 2) matched IS fund counter
Project for IS (LGU share + project need w/ part by LGU
3) Consultancy for national donor funding source used in initial
support or referral agencies) priorities operation
for assistance by 3) 100% as 3) coordinated 3) sustain _
other LGU offices need arises for service/support LGU offices
the LGU's IS from the other support/Refer
Office action LGU offices to the previous
year's output.

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