Learning Targets
Grouping Animals
Characteristics of Animals
Cross Curricular
Acquired – traits that are from experiences in the world – they are not inherited
or passed on (examples: (
Cold Blooded: the temperature of a cold blooded animal will change with the
temperature around the animal. The temperature of the animal is cooler when it
is cool and warmer when it is warm.
Features – parts or details that stand out (Merriam Webster Word Central –
Student Dictionary)
Reproduction – when plants make more plants like themselves or animals make
more animals like themselves
Species -a group of animals or plants that are similar and can produce young
animals (Merriam Webster)
Trait – a quality that sets one plant or animal apart from another
Warm Blooded: the temperature of a warm blooded animal stays about the same
all the time. The temperature does not change with the temperature outside the
Living Things
Living Things
What is a living thing?
Living Things
Are all living things
the same? What are
two main groups of
living things?
Click to see a Scholastic Study Jam on vertebrates. This slide show gives
information on the five vertebrate groups and a test yourself online quiz.
There is vocabulary – when you click on the word it gives the definition.
Mammal Video
(Discovery Channel 3:45)
Click here to
learn more about reptiles.
Click here for information on amphibians and animals from all animal groups
There are also many videos on individual amphibians on National Geographic for Kids.
They are the only animal group with feathers. They also have
wings and hollow bones. Can you guess what these characteristics
help birds do? Yes! They help them fly. Penguins, Kiwi, and
Ostriches (the biggest birds) are exceptions and do not fly.
Birds lay eggs and are warm blooded. They are also vertebrates.
They have two legs. They also have beaks. There are about 7,000
bird species.
Many birds migrate, which means they move from one place to
another based on the seasons. Some carry messages, and some
even help people hunt.
about birds.
A seahorse
is a fish.
What makes a fish a fish?
Fish have these characteristics in common:
They also have three body parts, a head, a thorax, and an abdomen.
They have antennae on their heads. They have 6 legs. Some have
Animals may have advantages in survival based on the color of their covering. If
an animal has coloring that blends in with its environment, it has a better chance
of surviving than a similar animal with a coat that doesn’t blend in. An example
would be a fawn – if its coat blends into the brush around it, it has a good chance
of being safe. If that same fawn is albino (its fur is white), it can be more easily
seen by an animal looking for lunch.
In this picture, you can see how the fawn blends into the trees and grass better
than the doe (mother deer).
Animals may have advantages for survival based on their physical characteristics.
If an animal is able to run or swim faster than other animals of the same kind, it
has a better chance of surviving than one that runs more slowly.
There are many characteristics that baby animals inherit from their parents.
These could include their scales, shell, wings, color of their fur or skin, and/or
how many legs they have.
There are also characteristics that baby animals acquire as they grow. These
could include their weight.
Try one or more of these activities again. What did you learn about animals?
Please record your thoughts in your science notebook.
Animal Sort –
Sort a stack of animal cards or pictures into groups. Label your groups.
Animal Classification Online option: This interactive site has two parts –
the first gives facts about each animal group and what makes them unique. The
second is a sorting activity which gives facts about the animal groups
With your partner, brainstorm the names of as many animals as you can in a
minute. How many ways you can group the animals?
Trade Books:
Survival of the Salmon (Adventures of Riley) – Amanda Lumry and Laura Hurwitz
The Magic School Bus – Explores the World of Bugs – Nancy White
MN Frameworks for Science: This site includes vignettes, common misconceptions, suggestions
for assessment and differentiation, along with the standards and benchmarks. It is very
helpful and has suggestions for adapting activities for all students. It also explains the
standards very well and offers connections to other subject matter.
Science notebook
notebook Page