£ 4.50
With more than
50 applications,
ideas and tips
Funky Drummer
CW Generat
Batteryy Charg
funky drummer
a programmable drum machine
Th e voice record in g IC u sed is th e sampled during recording. Signals are comp an ies su ch as In tel wh ich store 2
1416P Ch ip Cord er from In formation not digitised so no analogue-to-digital bits per cell, thus doubling the storage
Storage Devices (ISD). This is one of the and no d igital-to-analogue circuitry is capacity of a chip with little increase in
best of its kin d on th e market. It is a needed. It’s a clever approach that the the physical die size.
comp lete solu tion in a sin gle ch ip . It man u factu rer claims is equ ivalen t to
d oesn ’t n eed extern al memory or digitising at 8-bit resolution. THE CHIPCORD ER
amplification and can be used with just Digital memories that use E2PROM The ChipCorder is designed for record-
a microphone, a speaker and a few pas- tech n ology satu rate cells w ith large ing the human voice so it doesn’t need
sive comp on en ts to make a comp lete amounts of charge to avoid the possi- to be responsive to a wide range of fre-
w orkin g voice memo record er. Th e bility of read in g a cell back as a zero qu en cies. Th e cu t-off filter is at ju st
memory in th e ch ip is n on -volatile w h en it sh ou ld be a on e. Bu t u sin g above 3 kH z w h ich gives abou t th e
w h ich mean s th at record in gs are E2PROM cells to store analogue sound same band wid th as a telephone. Nev-
retained when power is removed. The sign als 100% accu racy d oesn ’t matter. erth eless it w orks su rp risin gly w ell at
technology is E2PRO M memory tech- If the voltage read back is slightly d if- record in g both low frequ en cy sou n d s
nology (electrically-erasable program- feren t to th e voltage th at w as stored su ch as a bass d ru m an d h igh fre-
mable read-only memory) but with an on e w ou ld n ’t be able to h ear th e d if- quency sounds like a crash cymbal. The
interesting twist. Normally an E2PROM ference. It would matter greatly if dig- ch ip con tain s an ti-aliasin g an d con d i-
cell stores a sin gle d igital bit of in for- ital information was being stored. Hav- tion in g circu its to im p rove th e sou n d
mation bu t in th is ch ip th e cells are ing said this in fact ordinary computer quality.
used as analogue storage. The charge in m em ory is m ovin g in th e m u lti-level Th e total time available for record -
a cell rep resen ts th e an alogu e voltage d irection w ith d evices available from ing is 16 seconds which doesn’t sound
R9 R10 R5 R4 R13 R14 R15 R16
5V 9V
1 78L05
B0 B4
B1 B5
B2 B6 C12 C2 C1
100n 100n 47µ
R3 R6 R7 R8
L1 L2 L3 L4
S1 S2 S3 S4
5V 5V 0Ω
16 28
VccA VccD C5 C4
14 6 B0 B7 1
RB0 A0 C11 R19 IC3
7 B1 B6 2 14 47µ 100n
RB1 A1 SP+ 470k 1
6 16V
8 B2 B5 3 2
RB2 A2 100n 8
3 VR1
9 B3 B4 4
IC2 LM386
10 B4 B0 5 3 C3 C6
RB4 A4 C10 R17
4 11 B5 B1 6 15 4
MCLR RB5 A5 SP– 470k 100n 47µ
12 B6 B2 9 7
RB6 A6 ISD1416P 100n R11 16V
13 B7 B3 10 17 C9
16 18
X1 100n
22p PIC16C54A-04P AGC
17 23 20
15 18 R12 27 21 SPEAKER
4MHz 1 25
5 2 24 26
12 13
DRUM mode
Funky Drummer is in drum mode when the battery is first connected.
The touch switches (L1 to L4) play drums in banks of 4 according to Table 1.
The BANK button (S2) steps through the banks of drums. There are 10 drum banks in total.
Pressing the MODE button (S1) then the RHYTHM button (S3) puts Funky Drummer into rhythm mode.
The touch switches (L1 to L4) play rhythms in banks of 4 according to Table 2.
The BANK button (S2) steps through the banks of rhythms. There are 3 rhythm banks in total.
The TEMPO+ button (S3) increases the tempo and the TEMPO– button (S4) decreases the tempo.
The LED flashes briefly at the start of each rhythm.
Pressing the MODE button (S1) then the RECORD button (S4) puts Funky Drummer into record mode. A metronome starts
which clicks and flashes the LED on every beat (4 beats in the bar).
The touch switches (L1 to L4) record drums. The rhythm is layered with each new drum being added to the loop. Up to 11
drum hits can be recorded.
The BANK button (S2) steps through the banks of drums. Note that only the first 15 drums can be recorded.
The TEMPO+ button (S3) increases the tempo and the TEMPO– button (S4) decreases the tempo.
Pressing the MODE and RECORD buttons again stops the metronome click but the recorded rhythm continues until another
button is pressed.
Record your rhythm at a slow tempo then speed it up when finished.
Table 1. Drums
Bank L1 L2 L3 L4
1 bass # 1 snare # 1 low tom # 1 closed hihat
2 bass # 2 snare # 2 low tom # 2 open hihat
3 bass # 3 snare # 3 taiko crash cymbal
4 snare # 4 high tom # 1 high tom # 2 high tom # 3
5 low bongo high bongo low conga high conga
6 low agogo high agogo timbale timpani
7 brush # 1 brush # 2 cabasa china cymbal
8 triangle cowbell clap snap
9 kalimba whistle scratch gunshot
10 quijada bubble chicken rimshot
Table 2. Rhythms
Bank L1 L2 L3 L4
1 8beat # 1 8beat # 2 8beat # 3 8beat # 4
2 jazz shuffle reggae samba
3 disco # 1 disco # 2 elec pop pattern # 1
controller. Accurate timing is not essen- resistan ce of th e LDRs ch an ge, internally, so as soon as an address has
tial for th e softw are so a sim p le RC- d ep en d in g on th eir exp osu re to ligh t, been strobed into the chip the pins are
typ e oscillator cou ld h ave been u sed the voltage at the PIC’s pins changes. available for p ollin g th e p u sh bu tton s.
instead. Th e p u sh bu tton s an d th e Ch ip - This doubling-up of pins is a very com-
Ligh t d ep en d en t resistors L1 to L4 Cord er ad d ress lin es sh are th e sam e mon technique for increasing the effec-
work in conjunction with resistors R13 pins on the PIC. This can work because tive n u m ber of I/O p orts on a m icro-
to R16 as p oten tial d ivid ers. As th e th e Ch ip Cord er latch es th e ad d ress controller. Resistors R4, R5, R10 and R9
(electrolytics 2.5mm spacing, others
C1,C5,C6 = 47µF, electrolytic 16V
C2,C3,C4,C9,C12 = 100nF ceramic
C7,C8 = 22pF ceramic
C10,C11 = 100nF miniature
REG = 78L05 5V regulator
LED = red 5mm LED
IC1 = PIC16C54A-04P
(microcontroller, programmed)
IC2 = ISD1416P (ChipCorder)
IC3 = LM386
X1 = 4MHz crystal, HC49/U case
S1-S4 = miniature tactile pushbutton
(PCB mounting)
SPEAKER = 3.5mm stereo jack
socket (PCB mounting)
LINK1-LINK4 = 3cm wire link
BATTERY = PP3 battery snap
18-pin DIL socket
28-pin DIL socket
8-pin DIL socket
4 x PCB pillars or rubber feet (to fit
4mm hole)
PCB, available from MadLab (see
Disk, PIC object code, available from
MadLab (see text)
LCD drive
via 8032 BASIC
K16 on th e exten sion board ) are u sed ; 100n 100n
note that D 07 is not used. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Output power driver IC8 would not IC1 = 74HCT00
5V IC2 = 74HCT00
be required were it not for the fact that P1
it must support the software for invert-
in g th e sign als. Th is is tru e of th e list-
in gs for both version s. Listin g 1 is for 10k
u se w ith th e origin al circu it, w h ereas
with Listing 2 the port lines of IC8 are 5V
rep laced by w ire brid ges. In th is case,
th e LEDs in th e p ort lin es are, of
5 4
course, superfluous. IC1b
Th e p rograms are an n otated liber- &
980100-1 H6
D1 = 4001
Integrated circuits:
IC1* , IC2* = 74HCT00
IC3* = 7805
H8 H7
Li s t i ng 3 ( 8- bi t i nt er f ac e) 70 FOR Z = 1 TO 16
80 A=ASC( $( 1) , Z) : REM i ndi v i dual c har ’ s ,
10 STRI NG 100, 20 : REM Memor y f or s t r i ng s uppl i ed by us er
20 XBY( 0C000H) =56 : REM 8- bi t i nt er f ac e, 90 XBY( 0C002H) =A : REM Tr ans mi t t hem!
2 l i nes , 5* 7 mat r i x 100 NEXT Z
30 XBY( 0C000H) =15 : REM Di s pl ay on, 110 FOR H = 16 TO 39 : REM Fi l l LCD c ont r ol l er
c ur s or on, f l as hi ng on memor y
40 XBY( 0C000H) =1 : REM Cl ear di s pl ay 120 XBY( 0C002H) =32 : not hav i ng a di s pl ay
50 PRI NT “ Max . 16 c har ac t er s may be ent er ed f unc t i on
up t o ar r ow <” 130 NEXT H : REM wi t h dummy c har ac t er s
60 I NPUT “ Pl eas e ent er t ex t s t r i ng t o be 140 GOTO 50
di s pl ay ed : ” , $( 1)
PC-controlled model
railway: EEDTS Pro
Part 2: the control software
CW generator
aid for radio amateurs
The generator
described can accept
texts of up to 64
characters long and
make this audible in
the form of morse
signals. This action
can be repeated
automatically with
variable intervals – an
aspect that is bound
to be of interest to
many radio amateurs.
1 D2
K7 5V
Run mode
K5 C10 C9
RESET 1N4148 4mA5
100µ 10µ
C3 25V 63V
sw5 data4 sec/min
C2 4 6
sw6 char/digit wpm0 K2 16 7
27p 15 IC1 8
sw7 store wpm1 KEY
17 10
sw8 run/prog run/prog RA1 PIC16 RB4
1 F84 11
(sw1 = S1(1); sw2 = S1(2); … sw8 = S1(8) 2
-10/P RB6
K3 3 13
KEY 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
2 C1 H1
S1 R8 R1 = 3.3 kΩ
C10 R2 = 15 kΩ
9V R3, R4 = 10 kΩ
0 R5 = 33 kΩ
+ K5 R6 = 100 kΩ
K4 R7 = 22 kΩ
R8 = resistor array, 8×10 kΩ
K6 K3
R7 K2 Capacitors:
C4 R3
C1, C3, C4 = 0.1 µF
C8 R6 R4 K1
P1 C2 = 27 pF
C5 C5, C8 = 0.022 µF
R5 C6 = 0.0047 µF
C7 = 0.0033 µF
C9 = 10 µF, 63 V, radial
C10 = 100 µF, 25 V, radial
D1 = 1N4148
D2 = BAT85
Integrated circuits:
IC1 = PIC16F84 *
IC2 = LP2950CZ5.0 (National Semi-
* Available programmed under Order
No. 986512 – see Readers’ Services
toward the end of this issue.
K1–K7 = PCB pins
Assu m e th at rad io am ateu r PA0XYZ sw1 sw2 sw3 sw4 sw5 sw6 sw7
wants to use the unit as an automatic off on off on off on on
call generator. He/she sets S1(8) to off,
switches the supply on, or presses the 10 min. 25 wpm
reset bu tton . Th is is follow ed by th e
(sw1 = S1(1); sw2 = S1(2); … sw7 = S1(7)
following programming steps:
1 0 0 1 0 9 1 1 1 0 0 “G” “7” 7
0 1 0 1 0 10 0 0 0 1 0 “H” “8” 8
1 1 0 1 0 11 1 0 0 1 0 “I” “9” 9
0 0 1 1 0 12 0 1 0 1 0 “J” 10
1 0 1 1 0 13 1 1 0 1 0 “K” 11
0 1 1 1 0 14
0 0 1 1 0 “L” 12
1 1 1 1 0 15
1 0 1 1 0 “M” 13
0 0 0 0 1 Send continuously
0 1 1 1 0 “N” 14
1 0 0 0 1 1 seconde(s)
1 1 1 1 0 “O” 15
0 1 0 0 1 2
1 1 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 1 “P” 16
0 0 1 0 1 4 1 0 0 0 1 “Q” 17
1 0 1 0 1 5 0 1 0 0 1 “R” 18
0 1 1 0 1 6 1 1 0 0 1 “S” 19
1 1 1 0 1 7 0 0 1 0 1 “T” 20
0 0 0 1 1 8 1 0 1 0 1 “U” 21
1 0 0 1 1 9
0 1 1 0 1 “V” 22
0 1 0 1 1 10
1 1 1 0 1 “W” 23
1 1 0 1 1 11
0 0 0 1 1 “X” 24
0 0 1 1 1 12
1 0 0 1 1 “Y” 25
1 0 1 1 1 13
0 1 1 1 1 14 0 1 0 1 1 “Z” 26
1 1 1 1 1 15 1 1 0 1 1 “/” 27
(sw1 = S1(1); sw2 = S1(2); … sw5 = S1(5) (sw1 = S1(1); sw2 = S1(2); … sw5 = S1(5))
ure 2. If this is obtained, together with U S AGE resu ltin g in th e con tin u ou s tran sm it-
th e p rogram m ed p rocessor, via th e Wh en th e u n it is to be u sed as a CQ ting of the signal. The correct position
Readers’ Services (see toward the end tran sm itter, th e key ou tp u t m ay be of P 1 is readily arrived at with the use
of th is issu e), th e con stru ction of th e u sed to d rive a relay that brid ges the of a su itable receiver or th e h elp of a
generator with reference to the circuit morse key. Using the earlier example, fellow amateur.
d iagram an d th e p arts list becom es the text “CQCQDEPA0XYZ” may then To obtain a peak output voltage of
very easy: most constructors should be programmed. The DIP switches are to 50 mV, it may be necessary to alter the
able to finish it in well under an hour. be set so th at after each an d every valu e of resistor R7 to abou t ×10 th e
Th e board is sm all so th at is can reset th is text is tran sm itted on ce. In load across terminals K6.
easily be in tegrated in to an existin g this way a call may be made simply by Finally, if the unit is used solely as
tran sm itter or tran sceiver. Altern a- pressing the reset button. call generator, the key and push-to-talk
tively, it may be built into a small dis- Th e u n it m ay also be u sed for terminals are not needed and may be
crete case to becom e a stan d -alon e direction finding exercises. In this case, left open.
unit—see photograph. th e p u sh -to-talk term in als sh ou ld be [980087]
Since the generator draws a current used to energize a relay via a transis-
of n ot greater th an 4.5 mA, it may be tor to sw itch on th e tran sm itter. Th e
p ow ered by a 9 V (PP3) battery con - audio output is linked to the input of
n ected to K7. Th ere is sp ace for th is a m icrop h on e p ream p lifier. Th e text
battery on the board. Voltage regulator m ay con sist of n u m erals 0 an d 5 for
IC2 ensures a stable 5 V supply line. programming long and short signals.
Th ere are n o calibration s n eed ed ; A real text may, of course, also be used.
the only potentiometer, P 1, varies the A good rep etition in terval w ou ld be
loudness of the 1000 Hz output tone. one minute.
The repetition intervals and keying When the unit is used as automatic
speeds mentioned in the text are based call generator, the audio output signal
on a clock frequ en cy of 4 MH z Th is should be mixed with the speech mod-
frequ en cy is d eterm in ed ap p roxi- u lation . Th is sh ou ld be d on e so th at
m ately by R1 an d C 1. If it is to be th e m orse sign als are clearly au d ible
4 MHz accurately, replace R1 by a 5 kΩ without drowning out the speech. Set-
preset potentiometer to enable the fre- ting the loudness with P 1 is facilitated
quency to be set. by temporarily setting the timing to 0,
battery charger
reliable, yet inexpensive
T2 T5
9 5V R5
CTR12 10k
2 BC557B IC3c T3
10 5 R6 8 R8
+ 3 10 D3 D4
3 16 16 1M 9 & 10k
C1 4
IC1 2 IC1 IC2 R7
5 C3 red green
CT 8 8 BC547B
4 rood groen
4n7 6
11 13 rot grün
CT=0 7 1µ rouge vert
4040 * 8
12 10V
10 R12
1 9 5V
11 0
CT=0 3
5 Figure 1. Circuit dia-
14 16
3 C11 gram of the battery
DEC 2 IC4 2 IC3 IC4
1 5
charger. The clock
4 CT 4 7 8
IC2 2 R2 6 pulses controlling the
14 7 10 13
& + 3 10k + 7 timer are taken direct
4040 * 8
from the mains voltage.
13 1 C2 14
5 9
5 15 IC3 = 4093
4017 6
6 1
7 11 5V
15 9
CT=0 8
9 D1 IC3b IC3a
12 6 1
CT≥5 4 3
5 & 2 &
IC3d BAT85
13 &
980094 - 11
Th e ad ju stable cu rren t At the termination of the charging adapted as relevant. With the wiper of
sou rce is fed w ith an u n regu lated process, output Q 11 of IC4 goes high, P 1 at the centre of its travel, and with
voltage. Transistor T1 is arranged as a whereupon trickle charging begins. A R3= 4.7 Ω, th e ch argin g cu rren t is
variable zen er d iod e. Th e p osition of good level of the trickle-charging cur- 180 m A. AA batteries, w h ich h ave a
P 1 d eterm in es th e level of voltage rent is one tenth of the normal charg- cap acity of 600–700 MaH, n eed a
dropped across T1. This voltage is also ing current. It is clear that the current ch argin g cu rren t of 60–70 m A. If th e
ap p lied across resistor R3. Th e d rop sou rce sh ou ld be m od u lated to value of R3 is trebled to 15 Ω, the cur-
across this resistor, and its value, deter- approximate this level. In the present ren t is red u ced to 60 mA. Th e settin g
mine the current flowing from the cur- design this is effected by pulse-width range is then 50–75 mA.
rent source via T4. modulation.
Transistor T2 functions as a detector. Du rin g n orm al ch argin g, ou tp u t CONSTRUCTION
When there is no battery across termi- Q 11 of IC 4 is low. Irresp ective of th e Th e ch arger is best bu ilt on th e
nals PC1 and PC2, this transistor will be sign al at p in 5 of IC 3b , th e ou tp u t of p rin ted -circu it board sh ow n in Fig-
switched off since the potentials at its IC3b is h igh . O n ly w h en th e m axi- ure 2. Construction should not present
base and emitter are identical. When a mu m cou n ter state h as been reach ed u n d u e d ifficu lties: all com p on en ts,
battery is connected across the output d oes th e level at p in 5 d eterm in e th e in clu d in g P 1, are to be p laced on th e
termin als, T2 comes on , w h ereu p on level at the output. board. If the charger is to be used for
capacitor C3 is charged via R6. Circuit IC2 is a decade scaler, whose one type of battery only, P 1 may be a
After ch argin g h as taken p lace for output Q 8 is high for only one tenth of preset type.
on e secon d , th e ou tp u t of IC 3c goes th e n orm al ch argin g p eriod . Circu it Transistor T4 is located at the edge
low. Counter IC4 is then enabled and IC 3d in verts th e ou tp u t so th at IC 3b of th e board so th at if a h eat sin k is
tran sistor T3 is off. Th e on e secon d ensures that T5 is on for only one tenth d eem ed n ecessary, th is is easily p u n
delay time ensures that contact bounce of the normal charging period. into place.
an d oth er in terferen ce d o n ot affect The level of current used for charg- Start by placing the wire links and
the charging process. ing is set with P1. With component val- th ree PCB p in s for m ou n tin g P 1, fol-
Sin ce th e ou tp u t of IC 3b is h igh u es as in d icated , th e ou tp u t cu rren t lowed by the passive components and
(output Q 11 of IC4 is low after a reset), may be set between 150 mA (wiper at th e IC sockets. Wh en con stru ction is
T5 com es on . Th e cu rren t sou rce is C4) and 225 mA (wiper at R4). com p lete an d th e w ork h as been
en abled an d ch argin g com m en ces, If the unit is used for charging AA checked thoroughly, insert the ICs into
indicated by the lighting of D 3. batteries, th e valu e of R3 m u st be the relevant sockets.
+ Parts list
2 B1
R1, R6 = 1 MΩ
K1 R2, R5,R7–R9, R12 = 10 kΩ
C7 T4 R3 = 4.7 Ω (but see text)
C2 C10
C6 R4 = 1 kΩ
IC5 C4 R10, R11 = 2.2 kΩ
R1 R2 D1
T3 P1 = 500 Ω
C1 C11
C3 T5 Capacitors:
D4 C1 = 0.0047 µF
IC1 C2 = 0.01 µF
T2 D3 C3, C10 = 1 µF, 10 V, radial
C4 = 100 pF
H3 C5–C8, C11 = 0.1 µF
D1 = BAT85
D2 = 1N4002
D3 = LED, 3 mm, red, high efficiency
D4 = LED, 3 mm, green, high effi-
980094-1 ciency
T1, T2 = BC557B
T3, T5 = BC547B
T4 = BD244
Integrated circuits:
IC1, IC4 = 4040
IC2 = 4017
IC3 = 4093
IC5 = 78L05
K1 = mains adaptor plug for board
B1 = B80C1500
F1 = fuse holder with 500 mAT fuse,
for board mounting
PCB pins as required
PCB Order No. 980094
Figure 2. Printed-cir-
cuit board for the
battery charger.
clock input. Normal logic inputs often direct voltage for the particular battery.
can n ot h an d le th e lead in g ed ge of If, for in stan ce, th e battery voltage is
F I N AL N O TE S su ch a sign al correctly an d gen erate 7.2 V (as fou n d in electric tools), th e
Sin ce IC 1 is clocked d irectly by th e additional clock pulses. alternating voltage output of the adap-
altern atin g voltage, it is im p erative Th e m ain s ad ap tor m u st be an tor should be 8.7 V, rounded up to 9 V.
th at th is circu it h as a Sch m itt trigger alternating voltage type. Is this difficult If a d irect voltage ad aptor is used ,
or impossible to find, use a direct volt- the timer function cannot be used.
age type and remove the rectifier and Wh en con stru ction is com p lete,
smoothing capacitor from it. in sert a m u ltim eter set to th e
The output voltage of the ad aptor 200–500 m A d .c. ran ge, betw een th e
depends on the type of batteries to be charger and the battery to be charged.
ch arged . A good ch oice is an ou tp u t Du rin g ch argin g, ad ju st P 1 u n til th e
voltage equ al to 1.2–1.45 tim es th e correct charging current flows. Leave
the multimeter in place until charging
is complete. If at the end of the normal
charging period the current drops a lit-
tle, a sligh tly h igh er su p p ly voltage
must be used.
Wh en th e ad ap tor is in serted in to
the mains outlet, D 4 lights. When the
battery is connected to the output ter-
minals of the charger, both LEDs light
an d th e ch argin g cycle com m en ces.
After a good 14 h ou rs, th e red LED
goes out, whereupon trickle charging
begins. The yellow LED remains on for
as long as the charger is connected to
the mains. Trickle-charging can
Figure 3. Photograph of go on indefinitely and does not
the completed prototype harm the battery.
charger. [980094]
Parts list
R1, R2 = 18 kΩ
R3, R4 = 2.2 kΩ
R5, R6 = 4.7 kΩ
R7, R8 = 100 Ω, 1 W
R9 = 10 kΩ
R10, R11 = 1.0 kΩ
R12–R15 = 150 mΩ, 4 W
C1, C2 = 10 µF, 25 V
C3, C4 = 0.022 µF
C5, C6 = 100 µF, 40 V
C7 = 68 µF, 16 V
C8 = 0.01 µF
D1, D2, D10, D11 = 1N4148
D3, D4, D9 = zener 15 V, 400 mW
D5–D8 = 1N4001
T1, T2 = BDW83 (Philips)
T3, T4 = BDW84 (Philips)
T5 = BC640
T6 = BC639
T7 = BC547B
T8, T11 = BC557B
T9 = BC337
T10 = BC327
Integrated circuits:
IC1 = 7805
IC2 = 7905
K1 = 5-way DIN socket (180°) for
PCB mounting – but see text
5 off car-type space terminals for
PCB mounting
Insulation material for T1–T4 and
their heat sink
Heat sink 0.8 K W–1
PCB Order No. 87291 (see Readers
Services towards the end of this
software debugging
tools for 80C166
Hitex Telemon 166 debugger
specially adapted for Elektor
O bviou sly, em bed d ed system s based view you r assem bly-cod e p rogram sou rce cod e w h en th e con troller is
on p ow erfu l 16-bit con trollers w ith a after it has been downloaded. You can bein g p rogram m ed in a h igh er p ro-
full complement of complex peripherals choose to execute the program step by gram m in g lan gu age. In th is w in d ow,
tied to an extensive interrupt structure step, set breakpoints or view and mod- too, the program may be executed step
are easily m ad e to en ter a state w h en ify variables. by step an d variables m ay be
nothing seems to work anymore. Up to If you are using a ‘Keil’ or ‘Tasking’ inspected.
a certain level, su ch erron eou s states assem bler, you can u se fu ll sym bolic
may be analysed using a tool like tele- debugging under HiTOP. Memory window
mon 166. H iTO P allow s you to op en as m an y
Using a couple of practical examples Register window Mem ory w in d ow s as you like. Th ese
d escribed below you will get to know Th e cu rren t con ten ts of th e stan d ard windows may display different mem-
the functions of HiTO P. registers inside the microcontroller are ory ranges. The memory contents may
alw ays d isp layed in th is w in d ow. O n be shown in d ifferent notations (byte,
Instruction window each p rogram start, th e mod ified reg- word, dword, integer, long, float, dou-
Once HiTOP is up and running, three isters are h igh ligh ted by a colou r. In ble). Th ese m em ories m ay also be
windows are opened for you (Instruc- this way, you can immediately see the ed ited u sin g th e local fu n ction s Fill,
tion, List and Register). effects certain instructions have had on Move, Test and Compare.
The Instruction window shows the dis- a register.
assem bled con ten ts of th e m em ory Watch window
ran ge p oin ted to by th e p rogram List window In th e Watch w in d ow, a n u m ber of
cou n ter. Th is w in d ow allow s you to Th e List w in d ow sh ow s lin es of ‘C ’ in d ivid u al objects (simp le or comp lex
t e l e m o n 16 6 f o r Segment 0
Segment 1
64 kByte RAM
64 kByte EPROM containing the tele-
t h e El e k t o r mon 166 monitor, v1.0, KHD 80C166 (low
and high)
8 0 C16 6 b o a r d Segment 2
Segmant 3
64 kByte RAM
optional 16 or 32 kByte EEPROM
The availability of the HiTOP ‘telemon 166’ debugger from SIO-1 (UART) as the serial port
Hitex, adapted for the Elektor 80C166 development sys-
tem means that you, the user, have an alternative to the A short description of adaptations on the Elektor C166
software described in the April 1999 magazine. Recap- board, plus a memory allocation overview may be found
ping, this software also consist of a PC program and a in the file x:\hitopwin\telemon\monitor\README.TXT.
monitor program stored in pair of EPROMs. Arguably the
larger number of possibilities offered by the Hitex software The adapted debugger software HiTOP (Windows version)
means that the program is a bit more difficult to control. and the code for the HiTOP-compatible monitor EPROMs
Even if this may seem obvious, the software mentioned in may be found on two diskettes, order code 996015A+ B,
the April 1999 magazine can not be used with the HiTOP PC available through our Readers Services. The EPROMs are
program. If the HiTOP debugger shell is employed on the also available ready-programmed under order code
PC, the two EPROMs on the 80C166 board should con- 996512-A+ B. For price and ordering information, see the
tain the monitor core provided by HiTOP telemon 166. The Readers Services pages towards the end of this issue.
; =========================================================================
; WI NDOW 1 “ Syst em St at us and Er r or Repor t ”
; =========================================================================
REGI ON: BASE “ #DEMOMOD#l ” , LENGTH 0x1 ; Def i ni t i on of Var i abl es ( as Symbol )
- l _hex 0x00, 1, RW, HEX, UPD_RUN ; Hex r epr esent at i on
- l _dec 0x00, 1, RW, DEC, UPD_RUN ; Deci mal r epr esent at i on
- l _t xt 0x00, 1, RW, ENUM, UPD_RUN ; Text r epr esent at i on
= 0: ” ➲”
= 1: ” ➲➲➲”
= 2: ” ➲➲➲➲➲➲”
= 3: ” ➲➲➲➲➲➲➲➲➲➲➲➲”
= 4: ” ➲➲➲➲➲➲➲➲➲➲➲➲➲➲➲➲➲➲➲➲➲➲➲➲” ; quasi - gr aphi c r epr esent at i on
REGI ON: BASE “ #DEMOMOD#m” , LENGTH 0x1 ; one mor e var i abl e
- m_hex 0x00, 1, RW, HEX, UPD_RUN
- m_dec 0x00, 1, RW, DEC, UPD_RUN
- m_t xt 0x00, 1, RW, ENUM, UPD_RUN
= 10: “ Dat a Fr ame Er r or ”
= 11: “ Bad CRC”
= 12: “ Low Vol t age ! ! ! ”
= 13: “ Hi gh Pr essur e”
= 14: “ Syst em Shut Down”
Elektor Electronics (Publishing) does not provide parts and compo- all the components in the correct position? Has correct polarity been
nents other than PCBs, fornt panel foils and software on diskette or IC observed? Have the powerlines been reversed? Are all solder joints
sound? Have any wire bridges been forgotten?
(not necessarily for all projects). Components are usually available If voltage levels have been given on the circuit diagram, do those
form a number of retailers – see the adverts in the magazine. measured on the board match them – note that deviations up to ± 10%
from the specified values are acceptable.
Large and small values of components are indicated by means of one
of the following prefixes : Possible corrections to published projects are published from time to
time in this magazine. Also, the readers letters column often contains
E (exa) = 1018 a (atto) = 10–18 useful comments/additions to the published projects.
P (peta) = 1015 f (femto) = 10–15
T (tera) = 1012 p (pico) = 10–12 The value of a resistor is indicated by a colour code as follows.
G (giga) = 109 n (nano) = 10–9
M (mega) = 106 µ (micro) = 10–6
k (kilo) = 103 m (milli) = 10–3
h (hecto) = 102 c (centi) = 10–2
da (deca) = 101 d (deci) = 10–1
Most meter modules using a liquid-crystal dis- th e p resen t sim p le au xiliary circu it,
which is a variant of the d.c shifter used
play (LCD) and some using a light-emitting- in the ‘capacitance meter ’ published in
diode (LED) display need a power source that ou r N ovem ber 1994 issu e. Th e circu it
can be u sed w ith an y d igital voltage
is isolated from the measurand. In practice, this m od u le based on an ICL7106. It is
based on th e sh iftin g of th e referen ce
normally means that a separate battery has to level of the input signal.
be used. This is cumbersome and can be
avoided with the circuit described in this article. C O N S I D E R AT I O N S
Th e reason th at th e earth (com m on
retu rn ) of th e m eter m u st be isolated
from th at of th e m easu ran d (qu an tity
to be measured) is clear from Figure 1.
INTRODUCTION In this, the meter is is treated as a black
It is an an n oyin g fact th at w h en it is box w ith tw o in p u ts for th e su p p ly
desired to fit a digital panel meter to a lin es an d tw o for th e measu ran d . Th e
certain equ ip men t, th e p ow er for th is term in al ‘low in ’ is at th e p oten tial of
often can n ot be d raw n from th e su p - th e su p p ly lin es less 2.8 V. Th is mean s
p ly for th at equ ip m en t. Th is is n ot that if the meter and the signal source
always so, but it certainly is in the case are to be lin ked to th e same earth , th e
of m eters based on th e p op u lar value of the measurand has to be raised
ICL7106 and ICL7107. This means that by U S–2.8 (V).
a sep arate su p p ly h as to be p rovid ed This is achieved with the aid of the
for th e m eter w h ose earth (com m on popular non-inverting adder circuit in
retu rn ) is isolated from th at of th e Figure 2. In this, the operational ampli-
equipment supply. fier (op am p ) w ill try to equ alize th e
Design by G. Lindner A simple solution to this problem is
Th e d iagram of th e au xiliary circu it is Ub R2
sh ow n in Figure 3, w h ich is basically
th e sam e as th at in Figu re 2, w ith th e R3
m eter term in als an d a p reset p oten -
tiometer, P 1, added.
The preset is essential, since it can-
not be assumed that the transfer ratio 990006 - 12
of th e in p u t sign al is 1:1. Th is is
because in practice all sorts of deviation
occu r ow in g to toleran ces, th e ou tp u t Figure 2. This circuit ensures that the ‘low in’ signal
im p ed an ce of th e sign al sou rce, an d is added to the signal from the source.
the offset of the op amp. All these can
be compensated with P1, provided that
th e ou tp u t im p ed an ce of th e sign al
source ≤ 2.5 kΩ. If this is not so (which
IC2 9V
in practice will be seldom), the value of
R1 has to be altered slightly. Note that
3 12V D1 78L09
the compensation provided with P 1 is
dependent on the supply voltage. This 1N4001
C1 C2
d ep en d en cy is su ch th at th e m eter
ind ication varies over a wid e range in C3
10µ 63V 10µ 63V
d irect p rop ortion to su p p ly voltage
fluctuations. This is because the offset 100n
of th e op am p is also com p en sated ; if R4
there were no offset, the meter indica- 100k
tion would be independent of the sup- 1%
p ly voltage. All th is is of n ot m u ch
R1 1
im p ortan ce, h ow ever, as lon g as th e 3 7
su p p ly voltage is p rop erly regu lated . 6
1% IC1
R3 8
R1, R2 = 499 kΩ, 1%
R3, R4 = 100 kΩ, 1%
R2 com P1 = multiturn 20 kΩ preset poten-
R3 tiometer, horizontal model
C1, C2 = 10 µF, 63 V, radial
C3 = 0.1 µF, ceramic
D1 + 0 D1 = 1N4001
Integrated circuits:
IC1 = TLC271CP
Figure 4. Printed-circuit board for the auxil- IC2 = 78L09
iary circuit (not available ready made).
Meter module based on ICL7106
signal source
0 ... 20V
990006 - 14
& updates
Eye pattern meter gates in IC4 have been trans- 1N5401. If the charger always should be changed to read
PC Topics Supplement, posed to improve the PCB lay- supplies currents smaller than
March 1999, p. 13. (992002) out. Functionally, this is of no about 1 A, diode D9 may also Flash Designs, Ltd.,
The moving coil meter shown consequence. be an 1N4001 or similar. North Parade House,
in Figure 3 should have a sen- However, one track on the North Parade,
sitivity of 100-200 µA f.s.d. board is missing: that between Bath BA2 4AL.
pin 2 and pin 8 of IC1 General Coverage Receiver Tel. (01225) 448630.
(ADC0804). If this link is January & February 1999
Electronics Freeware added, C1 is effectively con- (980084). We extend our apologies to
May 1999, PC Topics Supple- nected and the circuit will work In the preselector section, the Flash Designs and our readers
ment, p. 4 (990011-1) as described. upper varicap diode, D14, has for any inconvenience caused
The correct url for Digital no dc path. A suggested by the incorrect address infor-
Works is method of improving the mation.
Sealed lead-acid battery behaviour of the varicap (with-
http://www-scm.tees.ac.uk/ charger out modifying the PCB) is to
users/d.j.barker/digital/ May 1999, p. 26-31. replace capacitor C83 (220pF) Electronic Spirit-Level
digital.htm (990037-1) with a wire link. July/August 1998, p. 36
In Table 2 (Component Values), (984038).
the two formulas for R6 should In the circuit diagram, all LEDs
Battery capacity read Flash Designs – (D2 through D10) should be
measurement by PC address information reversed. The PCB layout is all
PC Topics Supplement, 0.45 / I [ohms]. April 1999, New Products, right.
December 1998, p. 14-16. p. 73.
(982093) D9 is missing from the parts In the New Products section,
With reference to the circuit list. As indicated in the circuit the address and telephone
diagram, a number of logic diagram, this diode is a type number of Flash Designs
10mV/°C rent with changes in tempera-
ture. The values of resistors R 3
and R 4 are calculated to give an
output voltage of 10 mV °C –1.
(T ambient +10°C)
994101-11 –5°C ... +40°C Where good accuracy is desir-
able or necessary, 1% resistors
should be used. In this context,
A National Semiconductor application note that a loss resistance in the link between sensor and measur-
The Type LM35 temperature sensor from National Semiconductor ing circuit may cause a measurement error of about 1 °C for every
is very popular for two reasons: it produces an output voltage that 5 ohms of resistance. Capacitor C1 eliminates undesired interfer-
is directly proportional to the measured temperature in degrees ence and noise signals.
Celsius, and it enables temperatures below zero to be measured. At an ambient temperature of 25 °C, the circuit draws a cur-
A drawback of the device is, however, that in its standard applica- rent of about 2 mA.
tion circuit it needs to be connected to the actual measuring cir- [994101]
cuit via a three-wire link. This drawback is neatly negated by the
± 2 0 A c u r r e n t m o n it o r
002 G. Kleine
The Type U CC3926 current
sensor IC from Unitrode is ide-
4V8...14V ally suited for use as a current
27n 10µ monitor. It contains a 1.3 mΩ
current shunt and can handle
currents up to ± 20 A. The com-
13 mon-mode voltage for the shunt
is GND ± 75 mV or
V DD ± 75 mV, so that the cur-
I IMPEDANCE rent can be monitored either in
2 1mΩ3 AMP
the positive supply rail or in the
100p 100p
3 AOP 5
negative supply line of a load.
VD D ±75mV
} The supply voltage, V DD , may
GND ±75mV 14 AON 12
lie between 4.8 V and 14 V.
15 CROSS SWITCH The potential across the
20A max.
I 16 shunt is applied to an internal
NI 7 chopper-stabilized transimped-
+U UCC3926
10 OCREF ance amplifier, which converts
INV 8 it into a differential voltage at
pins 5 and 12 at a level of
OUT 9 1k 500 mV when the current is
1k GND OC 15 A. The differential voltage is
4 11 applied via a low-pass filter to
OUT an operational amplifier, which
CURRENT has unity gain and converts the
994036 - 11 voltage into a unipolar poten-
10mV/°C rent with changes in tempera-
ture. The values of resistors R 3
and R 4 are calculated to give an
output voltage of 10 mV °C –1.
(T ambient +10°C)
994101-11 –5°C ... +40°C Where good accuracy is desir-
able or necessary, 1% resistors
should be used. In this context,
A National Semiconductor application note that a loss resistance in the link between sensor and measur-
The Type LM35 temperature sensor from National Semiconductor ing circuit may cause a measurement error of about 1 °C for every
is very popular for two reasons: it produces an output voltage that 5 ohms of resistance. Capacitor C1 eliminates undesired interfer-
is directly proportional to the measured temperature in degrees ence and noise signals.
Celsius, and it enables temperatures below zero to be measured. At an ambient temperature of 25 °C, the circuit draws a cur-
A drawback of the device is, however, that in its standard applica- rent of about 2 mA.
tion circuit it needs to be connected to the actual measuring cir- [994101]
cuit via a three-wire link. This drawback is neatly negated by the
± 2 0 A c u r r e n t m o n it o r
002 G. Kleine
The Type U CC3926 current
sensor IC from Unitrode is ide-
4V8...14V ally suited for use as a current
27n 10µ monitor. It contains a 1.3 mΩ
current shunt and can handle
currents up to ± 20 A. The com-
13 mon-mode voltage for the shunt
is GND ± 75 mV or
V DD ± 75 mV, so that the cur-
I IMPEDANCE rent can be monitored either in
2 1mΩ3 AMP
the positive supply rail or in the
100p 100p
3 AOP 5
negative supply line of a load.
VD D ±75mV
} The supply voltage, V DD , may
GND ±75mV 14 AON 12
lie between 4.8 V and 14 V.
15 CROSS SWITCH The potential across the
20A max.
I 16 shunt is applied to an internal
NI 7 chopper-stabilized transimped-
+U UCC3926
10 OCREF ance amplifier, which converts
INV 8 it into a differential voltage at
pins 5 and 12 at a level of
OUT 9 1k 500 mV when the current is
1k GND OC 15 A. The differential voltage is
4 11 applied via a low-pass filter to
OUT an operational amplifier, which
CURRENT has unity gain and converts the
994036 - 11 voltage into a unipolar poten-
b u c k -b o o st c o n v e r t e r
w it h o u t m a g n e t ic s
voltage changes from about 4.5 V at full charge to about 2.7 V
when the battery is discharged. At full charge, the regulator must
step down the input voltage, and when the battery voltage drops
5V/50mA below 3.3 V, the regulator must step up the voltage. The same
2 8
RESET POR VOUT problem occurs when a 5 V output is required from a 4-cell input
IC1 voltage that varies from about 3.6 V to 6 V. Normally, a flyback or
C1+ SEPIC configuration is required to solve this problem.
3 C1
5V/3V3 5/3 The LTC1515 switched-capacitor DC/DC converter can pro-
LTC1515 vide this buck-boost function for load currents up to 50 mA with
7 V -3.3/5 5 100n
IN C1– only three external capacitors. The circuit shown will provide a
3.3 V output from a 3-cell battery or a 5 V output from a 4-cell
C2 4 C3 input. Connecting the 5/3 pin to V IN will program the output to
5 V, whereas grounding the 5/3 pin programs the output to 3.3 V.
10µ 10µ
16V 16V The absence of bulky magnetics provides another benefit: this
3 or 4
cells circuit requires only 0.07 in 2 (0.45 cm 2) of board space in those
applications where components can be mounted on both sides of
994009 - 11
the board.
The addition of resistor R 1 provides a power-on reset flag that
A Linear Technology application goes high 200 ms after the output reaches 93.5% of its pro-
One of the problems that designers of portable equipment face is grammed value. The SHDN pin allows the output to be turned on
generating a regulated voltage whose level lies between those of a or off with a 3 V logic signal.
fully charged and a discharged battery. As an example, when a [994009]
3.3 V output is generated from a 3-cell battery, the regulator input
m u lt i- d e c a d e p u lse g e n e r a t o r
w it h se le c t a b le d u t y c y c le
Design: K.-H. Lorenz
Many pulse generators with adjustable duty cycle have a signifi-
lem. It uses a square wave generator consisting of IC2a and an RC
network. Range switch S1 selects one of three RC combinations
that control the pulse repetition rate. With the indicated values of
cant drawback, in that the pulse repetition rate also changes when C1, C2, C3 and P1, P2 and R1, there are three frequency ranges:
the duty cycle is adjusted. The circuit shown here avoids this prob-
b u c k -b o o st c o n v e r t e r
w it h o u t m a g n e t ic s
voltage changes from about 4.5 V at full charge to about 2.7 V
when the battery is discharged. At full charge, the regulator must
step down the input voltage, and when the battery voltage drops
5V/50mA below 3.3 V, the regulator must step up the voltage. The same
2 8
RESET POR VOUT problem occurs when a 5 V output is required from a 4-cell input
IC1 voltage that varies from about 3.6 V to 6 V. Normally, a flyback or
C1+ SEPIC configuration is required to solve this problem.
3 C1
5V/3V3 5/3 The LTC1515 switched-capacitor DC/DC converter can pro-
LTC1515 vide this buck-boost function for load currents up to 50 mA with
7 V -3.3/5 5 100n
IN C1– only three external capacitors. The circuit shown will provide a
3.3 V output from a 3-cell battery or a 5 V output from a 4-cell
C2 4 C3 input. Connecting the 5/3 pin to V IN will program the output to
5 V, whereas grounding the 5/3 pin programs the output to 3.3 V.
10µ 10µ
16V 16V The absence of bulky magnetics provides another benefit: this
3 or 4
cells circuit requires only 0.07 in 2 (0.45 cm 2) of board space in those
applications where components can be mounted on both sides of
994009 - 11
the board.
The addition of resistor R 1 provides a power-on reset flag that
A Linear Technology application goes high 200 ms after the output reaches 93.5% of its pro-
One of the problems that designers of portable equipment face is grammed value. The SHDN pin allows the output to be turned on
generating a regulated voltage whose level lies between those of a or off with a 3 V logic signal.
fully charged and a discharged battery. As an example, when a [994009]
3.3 V output is generated from a 3-cell battery, the regulator input
m u lt i- d e c a d e p u lse g e n e r a t o r
w it h se le c t a b le d u t y c y c le
Design: K.-H. Lorenz
Many pulse generators with adjustable duty cycle have a signifi-
lem. It uses a square wave generator consisting of IC2a and an RC
network. Range switch S1 selects one of three RC combinations
that control the pulse repetition rate. With the indicated values of
cant drawback, in that the pulse repetition rate also changes when C1, C2, C3 and P1, P2 and R1, there are three frequency ranges:
the duty cycle is adjusted. The circuit shown here avoids this prob-
b u c k -b o o st c o n v e r t e r
w it h o u t m a g n e t ic s
voltage changes from about 4.5 V at full charge to about 2.7 V
when the battery is discharged. At full charge, the regulator must
step down the input voltage, and when the battery voltage drops
5V/50mA below 3.3 V, the regulator must step up the voltage. The same
2 8
RESET POR VOUT problem occurs when a 5 V output is required from a 4-cell input
IC1 voltage that varies from about 3.6 V to 6 V. Normally, a flyback or
C1+ SEPIC configuration is required to solve this problem.
3 C1
5V/3V3 5/3 The LTC1515 switched-capacitor DC/DC converter can pro-
LTC1515 vide this buck-boost function for load currents up to 50 mA with
7 V -3.3/5 5 100n
IN C1– only three external capacitors. The circuit shown will provide a
3.3 V output from a 3-cell battery or a 5 V output from a 4-cell
C2 4 C3 input. Connecting the 5/3 pin to V IN will program the output to
5 V, whereas grounding the 5/3 pin programs the output to 3.3 V.
10µ 10µ
16V 16V The absence of bulky magnetics provides another benefit: this
3 or 4
cells circuit requires only 0.07 in 2 (0.45 cm 2) of board space in those
applications where components can be mounted on both sides of
994009 - 11
the board.
The addition of resistor R 1 provides a power-on reset flag that
A Linear Technology application goes high 200 ms after the output reaches 93.5% of its pro-
One of the problems that designers of portable equipment face is grammed value. The SHDN pin allows the output to be turned on
generating a regulated voltage whose level lies between those of a or off with a 3 V logic signal.
fully charged and a discharged battery. As an example, when a [994009]
3.3 V output is generated from a 3-cell battery, the regulator input
m u lt i- d e c a d e p u lse g e n e r a t o r
w it h se le c t a b le d u t y c y c le
Design: K.-H. Lorenz
Many pulse generators with adjustable duty cycle have a signifi-
lem. It uses a square wave generator consisting of IC2a and an RC
network. Range switch S1 selects one of three RC combinations
that control the pulse repetition rate. With the indicated values of
cant drawback, in that the pulse repetition rate also changes when C1, C2, C3 and P1, P2 and R1, there are three frequency ranges:
the duty cycle is adjusted. The circuit shown here avoids this prob-
4093, so that it is strongly 47µ 470n 4n7
dependent on the specific man- 25V
3 5
ufacturer and fabrication of the 1
2 D1 6 &
IC2a D2
IC used. For this reason, P1 and IC1 2
3 14 7 D3
P2 are provided for coarse and 2 & & + 3
10 D4
fine frequency adjustment, 13
1 D5
respectively, to allow the pulse P1 R1 5 D6
100k 4017 6
repetition rate to be set exactly P2 7
6 D7
to the necessary value. If the 15 9 D8 8 IC2d
CT=0 8 10 12
11 D9 9 & 11
desired frequencies cannot be 10k 9 13 &
obtained in spite of the wide CT≥5
9x 1N4148 R2
adjustment range of the circuit, IC2 = 4093
the capacitor values should be 994011-11
The square wave generator
clocks a synchronous decimal
counter. Each time the count is incremented, the associated the PWM generator if all other switches are open.
decoded output goes high, while the remaining outputs stay low. The signal from the counter IC is connected to two inverters. Two
DIP switch S2 allows several outputs to be connected to a single LEDs are connected to IC2b. The lower the duty cycle, the
lead. The diodes prevent short-circuits between outputs selected brighter D11 shines and the dimmer D10. IC2b buffers (and
by S2, whenever the outputs have differing signal levels. For a inverts) the output signal of the circuit, and IC2d re-inverts the sig-
high/low ratio of 0.1, only the Q1 switch of S2 should be closed; nal levels, so that two complimentary signals are available at the
for a ratio of 0.2 Q1 and Q2 should be closed, and so on. If all out- output. The current consumption of the circuit is around 4 mA.
puts of the 4017 (except for Q0) are selected, the resulting duty (994011-1)
cycle is 0.9. The switch connected to earth can be closed to disable
m a t c h in g a t t e n u a t o r
the cable(s), which may attenuate or magnify the forward signal
waves. In other words, there will be points along the cable(s) where
the resulting signal is much smaller than the original and others
u1 R1 R1 u2
where the resulting signal is much larger.
With the attenuators show in the diagram, the cables are cor-
rectly terminated, that is, there is proper matching. If the link is
via balanced cables, the network must also be balanced. In that
case, there is a series resistor in both signal lines that is half the
value of the series resistor used with an unbalanced connection.
/2 R2 The formulas shown give resistor values for both 50 Ω and 75 Ω
cables and wanted attenuation as listed in the table.
u1 R1 R1 u2
Z0 Z0
50 Ω 75 Ω
/2 R2
994029 - 11
R1 R2 R1 R2
1 dB 909 Ω 5Ω62 1kΩ30 4Ω32
⎛ −a ⎞
2 ⎜ 20 dB ⎟
⎜ ⎟ 2 dB 475 Ω 10 Ω 619 Ω 18Ω2
A +1 A −1 U1 ⎝ ⎠
R 1 = Z O⋅ R 2 = Z O⋅ A= = 10
A −1 2A U2 3 dB 274 Ω 18Ω2 432 Ω 27Ω4
6 dB 150 Ω 35Ω7 221 Ω 56Ω2
G. Kleine 10 dB 100 Ω 68Ω1 150 Ω 100 Ω
When r.f. signals are (to be) attenuated, it is essential that the req- 15 dB 68Ω1 150 Ω 110 Ω 200 Ω
uisite network retains correct matching to the relevant (coaxial) 20 dB 61Ω9 243 Ω 90Ω9 392 Ω
cable(s). If this is not so, reflected signal waves will ensue along
4093, so that it is strongly 47µ 470n 4n7
dependent on the specific man- 25V
3 5
ufacturer and fabrication of the 1
2 D1 6 &
IC2a D2
IC used. For this reason, P1 and IC1 2
3 14 7 D3
P2 are provided for coarse and 2 & & + 3
10 D4
fine frequency adjustment, 13
1 D5
respectively, to allow the pulse P1 R1 5 D6
100k 4017 6
repetition rate to be set exactly P2 7
6 D7
to the necessary value. If the 15 9 D8 8 IC2d
CT=0 8 10 12
11 D9 9 & 11
desired frequencies cannot be 10k 9 13 &
obtained in spite of the wide CT≥5
9x 1N4148 R2
adjustment range of the circuit, IC2 = 4093
the capacitor values should be 994011-11
The square wave generator
clocks a synchronous decimal
counter. Each time the count is incremented, the associated the PWM generator if all other switches are open.
decoded output goes high, while the remaining outputs stay low. The signal from the counter IC is connected to two inverters. Two
DIP switch S2 allows several outputs to be connected to a single LEDs are connected to IC2b. The lower the duty cycle, the
lead. The diodes prevent short-circuits between outputs selected brighter D11 shines and the dimmer D10. IC2b buffers (and
by S2, whenever the outputs have differing signal levels. For a inverts) the output signal of the circuit, and IC2d re-inverts the sig-
high/low ratio of 0.1, only the Q1 switch of S2 should be closed; nal levels, so that two complimentary signals are available at the
for a ratio of 0.2 Q1 and Q2 should be closed, and so on. If all out- output. The current consumption of the circuit is around 4 mA.
puts of the 4017 (except for Q0) are selected, the resulting duty (994011-1)
cycle is 0.9. The switch connected to earth can be closed to disable
m a t c h in g a t t e n u a t o r
the cable(s), which may attenuate or magnify the forward signal
waves. In other words, there will be points along the cable(s) where
the resulting signal is much smaller than the original and others
u1 R1 R1 u2
where the resulting signal is much larger.
With the attenuators show in the diagram, the cables are cor-
rectly terminated, that is, there is proper matching. If the link is
via balanced cables, the network must also be balanced. In that
case, there is a series resistor in both signal lines that is half the
value of the series resistor used with an unbalanced connection.
/2 R2 The formulas shown give resistor values for both 50 Ω and 75 Ω
cables and wanted attenuation as listed in the table.
u1 R1 R1 u2
Z0 Z0
50 Ω 75 Ω
/2 R2
994029 - 11
R1 R2 R1 R2
1 dB 909 Ω 5Ω62 1kΩ30 4Ω32
⎛ −a ⎞
2 ⎜ 20 dB ⎟
⎜ ⎟ 2 dB 475 Ω 10 Ω 619 Ω 18Ω2
A +1 A −1 U1 ⎝ ⎠
R 1 = Z O⋅ R 2 = Z O⋅ A= = 10
A −1 2A U2 3 dB 274 Ω 18Ω2 432 Ω 27Ω4
6 dB 150 Ω 35Ω7 221 Ω 56Ω2
G. Kleine 10 dB 100 Ω 68Ω1 150 Ω 100 Ω
When r.f. signals are (to be) attenuated, it is essential that the req- 15 dB 68Ω1 150 Ω 110 Ω 200 Ω
uisite network retains correct matching to the relevant (coaxial) 20 dB 61Ω9 243 Ω 90Ω9 392 Ω
cable(s). If this is not so, reflected signal waves will ensue along
1 4 4 4
0 0 0
5 5 5
6 6 6
IC1e 10 IC6c 8
7 7 7
14 14 14
1 ≥1 10 3CT 1CT=0 10 3CT 1CT=0 10 3CT 1CT=0
11 11 11
11 9 10
12 12 12
IC1f 12 IC6d 11
13 13 13 60 ns
7 7 7
1 ≥1
74HC40103 74HC40103 74HC40103 IC6a
13 12 13 1
2 ≥1
5V 25Hz
IC6b 6 IC1c 6
C5 14 C6 14 C7 16 C8 16 C9 16 C10 14
IC1 IC2 IC3 IC4 IC5 IC6 ≥1 1
7 7 8 8 8 7
100n 100n 100n 100n 100n 100n 4 5 5
994086 - 11
Design: T. Giesberts The crystal oscillator is a standard Pierce configuration with a trim-
This circuit is intended more as a design idea than as a finished mer capacitor, built around a 74HCU04 (IC1). The values of C2
project, in the light of the number of standard ICs that are and C3 must be properly chosen to obtain the specified load capac-
employed. itance for the crystal. An incorrect value of C load can make it
In the PAL television system, the CCIR B and G standards specify impossible to adjust the oscillator to the exact frequency. Two D -
that the colour carrier is directly coupled to the line rate, with a type flip-flops wired as divide-by-two stages are used to obtain the
25 Hz offset. The frequency ratio and offset are chosen to suppress colour carrier frequency.
interference patterns, according to the formula Four ICs are used for the division needed to obtain the frame rate
signal. IC3, IC4 and IC5 are presettable synchronous down-coun-
fcolour = 283.75 fline + 25 Hz ters (type 74HC40103) that are very well suited for timing and fre-
quency-division applications. The necessary division factor is split
At a line rate of 15,625 Hz, this means that the PAL colour carrier into two factors, namely 11 and 64,489. The 74HC40103 works as
frequency is 4.43361875 MHz. Single-sideband modulation is fre- an (1+ N) divider, so value of 10 is applied to the preset inputs of
quently used to obtain the correct relationship with the line rate. For IC3 for the first factor. The second factor is obtained by wiring IC4
example, the frequency of a crystal oscillator can be offset by and IC5 as a synchronous 16-bit divider, with the output of IC5
25 Hz, divided by 1135 and then multiplied by 8 to obtain twice the fed back to both synchronous preset inputs. The preset value is
actual line rate. This is a rather complicated procedure, which we again 1 less than the division factor.
think could be made a lot simpler. A disadvantage of the 74HC40103 is that glitches can occur, due
There is a fixed ratio between the 25 Hz frame rate and four times to differences in internal delay times. These glitches are eliminated
the colour carrier frequency. You can calculate this yourself —- by clocking an OR gate (IC6a) at the divider output with the
four times the colour carrier frequency is exactly equal to 709,379 divider input signal. The 25 H z output signal has an active low
times the frame rate! An obvious approach is to use a crystal oscil- pulse approximately 60 ns long, which is essentially equal to one
lator running at four times the colour carrier frequency and divide period of the crystal oscillator.
its output by 709,379 to obtain the frame rate. The line rate can The current consumption of the circuit is a bit more than 12 mA,
then be derived from the frame rate with the help of a PLL circuit primarily due to IC1.
(see ‘PAL timing (2)’). (994086-1)
K.S.M. Walraven
Driven by customer demand, Philips Semiconductor’s AVC Logic
family is the fastest logic on the market today and offers ultra low
noise and low voltage for applications such as DRAM modules, per-
sonal computers, workstations, network servers, telecommunica-
35 LVT/
ALVT tion switching equipment and base stations. ( AVC is an acronym of
A dvanced V ery-low-voltage CMOS).
Devices in the AVC logic family are intended for use in systems
that operate from a supply voltage of 1.2–3.6 V. The manufacturer
claims that this is the first family that offers a delay of not more
130 LV than 2 ns at such a low supply voltage.
As an example, with a supply voltage of 3.3 V, the 74AVC16244
10 5 2.5 1.5 (a three-state buffer) has a typical delay of 1 ns. At 2.5 V this
typ. Tpd (ns)
increases to 1.1 ns, and at 1.8 V, to 1.5 ns. This is about 40 per cent
faster than attainable with current logic families.
5 Volt Products Positioning The devices in the new family are provided with protection that
makes hot insertion possible. This is an important aspect when, for
10 instance, expansion cards are to be added to communication systems
that should not be switched in any circumstances.
35 ABT16
10 5 2.5 1.5
typ. Tpd (ns) 994006 - 11
A M m o d u la t o r
a n d 5 0 Ω R F o u t p u t st a g e
008 Design: Dr L. Köppen
The 10 MHz Function Genera-
tor design published in Elektor
100n 10µ
25V provide amplitude modulation.
BC238B The standard configuration of
11 12 10
R5 the MAX038 IC has no provi-
sion for amplitude modulation,
6V IC1
C1 in contrast to frequency modu-
14 8 1N4148 K3
10k lation which is easily achieved.
P1 R1 6n8
1 7 The circuit presented here
R6 makes amplitude modulation
R2 NE592 possible, and it also has the sig-
LF K2 C2 4 3 5 1N4148
replaces the somewhat exotic
100n R4
and quite expensive OP603AP
BC245B C3 C6
R8 output opamp with a standard
100n 10µ
10k modulator can also be used with
6V other models of function gener-
6V 994084 - 11 ator or for other purposes.
As you know, the gain of an
K.S.M. Walraven
Driven by customer demand, Philips Semiconductor’s AVC Logic
family is the fastest logic on the market today and offers ultra low
noise and low voltage for applications such as DRAM modules, per-
sonal computers, workstations, network servers, telecommunica-
35 LVT/
ALVT tion switching equipment and base stations. ( AVC is an acronym of
A dvanced V ery-low-voltage CMOS).
Devices in the AVC logic family are intended for use in systems
that operate from a supply voltage of 1.2–3.6 V. The manufacturer
claims that this is the first family that offers a delay of not more
130 LV than 2 ns at such a low supply voltage.
As an example, with a supply voltage of 3.3 V, the 74AVC16244
10 5 2.5 1.5 (a three-state buffer) has a typical delay of 1 ns. At 2.5 V this
typ. Tpd (ns)
increases to 1.1 ns, and at 1.8 V, to 1.5 ns. This is about 40 per cent
faster than attainable with current logic families.
5 Volt Products Positioning The devices in the new family are provided with protection that
makes hot insertion possible. This is an important aspect when, for
10 instance, expansion cards are to be added to communication systems
that should not be switched in any circumstances.
35 ABT16
10 5 2.5 1.5
typ. Tpd (ns) 994006 - 11
A M m o d u la t o r
a n d 5 0 Ω R F o u t p u t st a g e
008 Design: Dr L. Köppen
The 10 MHz Function Genera-
tor design published in Elektor
100n 10µ
25V provide amplitude modulation.
BC238B The standard configuration of
11 12 10
R5 the MAX038 IC has no provi-
sion for amplitude modulation,
6V IC1
C1 in contrast to frequency modu-
14 8 1N4148 K3
10k lation which is easily achieved.
P1 R1 6n8
1 7 The circuit presented here
R6 makes amplitude modulation
R2 NE592 possible, and it also has the sig-
LF K2 C2 4 3 5 1N4148
replaces the somewhat exotic
100n R4
and quite expensive OP603AP
BC245B C3 C6
R8 output opamp with a standard
100n 10µ
10k modulator can also be used with
6V other models of function gener-
6V 994084 - 11 ator or for other purposes.
As you know, the gain of an
sw it c h - o n - c u r r e n t lim it in g
G. Kleine
In certain direct-current operated circuits, such as DC-to-DC con-
verters, the switch-on current may be so high that the output volt-
U IN age of the power supply cannot reach its nominal level. This difficulty
D1 may be prevented with a limiting circuit as shown in the diagram.
* 100n
G T1 I(t= 0) = Uin /R 2.
t in y a n a lo g u e sw it c h a lle v ia t e s
I 2 C a d d r e ss c o n f lic t s
A Maxim application
To avoid address conflicts, every peripheral on an I2C™ bus must
The popular I 2C bus is an open-collector, 2-wire interface that
includes a clock line and a bidirectional data line. It allows a con-
troller (the master) to select a particular device (the slave) by first
have a unique address. Sometimes, however, peripherals may be issuing a serial address on the data line, then issuing appropriate
assigned the same address. The circuit shown resolves address con- commands or data. Master and slave can send data in both direc-
flicts by enabling the I 2C bus to select between two peripherals tions by pulling the data line low, and slaves can generate wait
with the same address. states by pulling the clock line low. Bus switching is complicated,
sw it c h - o n - c u r r e n t lim it in g
G. Kleine
In certain direct-current operated circuits, such as DC-to-DC con-
verters, the switch-on current may be so high that the output volt-
U IN age of the power supply cannot reach its nominal level. This difficulty
D1 may be prevented with a limiting circuit as shown in the diagram.
* 100n
G T1 I(t= 0) = Uin /R 2.
t in y a n a lo g u e sw it c h a lle v ia t e s
I 2 C a d d r e ss c o n f lic t s
A Maxim application
To avoid address conflicts, every peripheral on an I2C™ bus must
The popular I 2C bus is an open-collector, 2-wire interface that
includes a clock line and a bidirectional data line. It allows a con-
troller (the master) to select a particular device (the slave) by first
have a unique address. Sometimes, however, peripherals may be issuing a serial address on the data line, then issuing appropriate
assigned the same address. The circuit shown resolves address con- commands or data. Master and slave can send data in both direc-
flicts by enabling the I 2C bus to select between two peripherals tions by pulling the data line low, and slaves can generate wait
with the same address. states by pulling the clock line low. Bus switching is complicated,
sw it c h - o n - c u r r e n t lim it in g
G. Kleine
In certain direct-current operated circuits, such as DC-to-DC con-
verters, the switch-on current may be so high that the output volt-
U IN age of the power supply cannot reach its nominal level. This difficulty
D1 may be prevented with a limiting circuit as shown in the diagram.
* 100n
G T1 I(t= 0) = Uin /R 2.
t in y a n a lo g u e sw it c h a lle v ia t e s
I 2 C a d d r e ss c o n f lic t s
A Maxim application
To avoid address conflicts, every peripheral on an I2C™ bus must
The popular I 2C bus is an open-collector, 2-wire interface that
includes a clock line and a bidirectional data line. It allows a con-
troller (the master) to select a particular device (the slave) by first
have a unique address. Sometimes, however, peripherals may be issuing a serial address on the data line, then issuing appropriate
assigned the same address. The circuit shown resolves address con- commands or data. Master and slave can send data in both direc-
flicts by enabling the I 2C bus to select between two peripherals tions by pulling the data line low, and slaves can generate wait
with the same address. states by pulling the clock line low. Bus switching is complicated,
The peripherals shown in the diagram are a Philips I 2C real- 1 22p
time clock (PCF-8583) and a large I 2C EEPR OM (Microchip IC2 X1
M-24LC16). Both have an internal, hexadecimal slave address of 5
A0. (The EEPROM takes up the entire address range, making it 6 X2
impossible to avoid.) The analogue switch connects either one INT
8 2 A0
device or the other. Selection involves the data line (SDA) only, 3 4
because an I 2C start condition requires that the SDA signal goes 32.768kHz
NO 7
low before the clock goes low. To select between the devices, the IC1
master device sets a port pin to control the state of the dual SPST 1
analogue switch. 5 +U
IC 1 is a CMOS chip well suited to this function. Its normally SCL MAXIM NC 3
open switch and normally closed switch perform the 2:1 selector MAX325
operation with no additional inverters or port line. It features low 13
on-resistance (33 Ω) and low supply current (1 µA), and is specified 4 6
for operation below 3 V. Also, its tiny 8-pin SOT package (µMAX) 10
is only half the size of an SO-8 package. M24LC16 12
m e a su r e m e n t in t e r v a l
g enera t o r
011 0
S2 CTRDIV10/ 1 2
16 16 16 16 16 16 15
IC6 10 R5
C4 C5 CT=0 4
IC1 IC2 IC3 IC4 IC5 IC6 5
100n 100n 14 5
& 6
8 8 8 8 8 8 6 T1
R3 + 7 R4
13 9
8 470k
CT≥5 BC547C
* zie tekst
* siehe Text
C1 * voir texte 1kHz 100Hz
1Hz 0Hz1
3 3 3 3
CTR14 7 0 0 0 0
3 CTRDIV10/ 1 2 CTRDIV10/ 1 2 CTRDIV10/ 1 2 CTRDIV10/ 1 2
C2 R2 5
10 4 DEC 4 DEC 4 DEC 4 DEC 4
2k2 RX !G 4 2 2 2 2
R1 IC1 5 7 7 7 7
39p X1 6 3 3 3 3
6 IC2 IC3 IC4 IC5
9 10 10 10 10
CX 14 4 4 4 4
7 14 4017 1 14 4017 1 14 4017 1 14 4017 1
C3 + CT 13 & 5 & 5 & 5 & 5
11 8 5 5 5 5
RCX 15 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6
9 13 6 13 6 13 6 13 6
56p 4.096MHz 1 7 7 7 7
12 11 9 9 9 9
CT=0 2 8 8 8 8
4060 12 15 11 15 11 15 11 15 11
3 CT=0 9 CT=0 9 CT=0 9 CT=0 9
13 12 12 12 12
CT≥5 CT≥5 CT≥5 CT≥5
994002 - 11
Design: K.-H. Lorenz use as a timing window generator for a frequency counter. It uses
The purpose of this circuit is to generate a pulse with a predefined only inexpensive standard components and can be quickly put
duration when a button is pressed. It is especially well suited for together.
The peripherals shown in the diagram are a Philips I 2C real- 1 22p
time clock (PCF-8583) and a large I 2C EEPR OM (Microchip IC2 X1
M-24LC16). Both have an internal, hexadecimal slave address of 5
A0. (The EEPROM takes up the entire address range, making it 6 X2
impossible to avoid.) The analogue switch connects either one INT
8 2 A0
device or the other. Selection involves the data line (SDA) only, 3 4
because an I 2C start condition requires that the SDA signal goes 32.768kHz
NO 7
low before the clock goes low. To select between the devices, the IC1
master device sets a port pin to control the state of the dual SPST 1
analogue switch. 5 +U
IC 1 is a CMOS chip well suited to this function. Its normally SCL MAXIM NC 3
open switch and normally closed switch perform the 2:1 selector MAX325
operation with no additional inverters or port line. It features low 13
on-resistance (33 Ω) and low supply current (1 µA), and is specified 4 6
for operation below 3 V. Also, its tiny 8-pin SOT package (µMAX) 10
is only half the size of an SO-8 package. M24LC16 12
m e a su r e m e n t in t e r v a l
g enera t o r
011 0
S2 CTRDIV10/ 1 2
16 16 16 16 16 16 15
IC6 10 R5
C4 C5 CT=0 4
IC1 IC2 IC3 IC4 IC5 IC6 5
100n 100n 14 5
& 6
8 8 8 8 8 8 6 T1
R3 + 7 R4
13 9
8 470k
CT≥5 BC547C
* zie tekst
* siehe Text
C1 * voir texte 1kHz 100Hz
1Hz 0Hz1
3 3 3 3
CTR14 7 0 0 0 0
3 CTRDIV10/ 1 2 CTRDIV10/ 1 2 CTRDIV10/ 1 2 CTRDIV10/ 1 2
C2 R2 5
10 4 DEC 4 DEC 4 DEC 4 DEC 4
2k2 RX !G 4 2 2 2 2
R1 IC1 5 7 7 7 7
39p X1 6 3 3 3 3
6 IC2 IC3 IC4 IC5
9 10 10 10 10
CX 14 4 4 4 4
7 14 4017 1 14 4017 1 14 4017 1 14 4017 1
C3 + CT 13 & 5 & 5 & 5 & 5
11 8 5 5 5 5
RCX 15 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6
9 13 6 13 6 13 6 13 6
56p 4.096MHz 1 7 7 7 7
12 11 9 9 9 9
CT=0 2 8 8 8 8
4060 12 15 11 15 11 15 11 15 11
3 CT=0 9 CT=0 9 CT=0 9 CT=0 9
13 12 12 12 12
CT≥5 CT≥5 CT≥5 CT≥5
994002 - 11
Design: K.-H. Lorenz use as a timing window generator for a frequency counter. It uses
The purpose of this circuit is to generate a pulse with a predefined only inexpensive standard components and can be quickly put
duration when a button is pressed. It is especially well suited for together.
h ig h - c u r r e n t , h ig h - sp e e d b u f f e r
T. Giesberts
The circuit shown in the diagram is intended for applications in
which relatively large pulse-shaped signals are to be applied to a
C3 C5
tral earth plane and SMT components must be used, since the par-
asitic self-inductance of standard components is too high. One of IC2
the prototypes constructed with standard components had a band- 7
R2 R4
width of only 25 MHz. Also, with such a construction, the screen- 47Ω
ing is less effective, so that at high frequencies positive feedback, and C2
thus oscillations, may occur. This is the reason that there is an RC 8
filter at the input of the op amps: R 1-C 1, and R 2-C 2 respectively, 22p
which limits the bandwidth to 80–90 MHz.
C8 C10
The circuit draws a quiescent current of ± 15 mA. When the
output signal is rectangular at a level of 10 Vp-p, into 50 Ω, the cur- 10µ 35V 100n
rent drain rises to 60–65 mA. 15V 994042 - 11
d isc r e t e v o lt a g e r e g u la t o r
Design: T. Giesberts
The title of this article naturally raises the question of why we think
that the generous selection of fully integrated voltage regulators
components. In other words, what does this circuit offer that the
well-known ‘three-leggers’ don’t have?
To start with, we can point out that this circuit is refreshingly sim-
needs to be extended with a version constructed using discrete ple for a discrete version. Three semiconductors, three resistors,
h ig h - c u r r e n t , h ig h - sp e e d b u f f e r
T. Giesberts
The circuit shown in the diagram is intended for applications in
which relatively large pulse-shaped signals are to be applied to a
C3 C5
tral earth plane and SMT components must be used, since the par-
asitic self-inductance of standard components is too high. One of IC2
the prototypes constructed with standard components had a band- 7
R2 R4
width of only 25 MHz. Also, with such a construction, the screen- 47Ω
ing is less effective, so that at high frequencies positive feedback, and C2
thus oscillations, may occur. This is the reason that there is an RC 8
filter at the input of the op amps: R 1-C 1, and R 2-C 2 respectively, 22p
which limits the bandwidth to 80–90 MHz.
C8 C10
The circuit draws a quiescent current of ± 15 mA. When the
output signal is rectangular at a level of 10 Vp-p, into 50 Ω, the cur- 10µ 35V 100n
rent drain rises to 60–65 mA. 15V 994042 - 11
d isc r e t e v o lt a g e r e g u la t o r
Design: T. Giesberts
The title of this article naturally raises the question of why we think
that the generous selection of fully integrated voltage regulators
components. In other words, what does this circuit offer that the
well-known ‘three-leggers’ don’t have?
To start with, we can point out that this circuit is refreshingly sim-
needs to be extended with a version constructed using discrete ple for a discrete version. Three semiconductors, three resistors,
h ig h - c u r r e n t , h ig h - sp e e d b u f f e r
T. Giesberts
The circuit shown in the diagram is intended for applications in
which relatively large pulse-shaped signals are to be applied to a
C3 C5
tral earth plane and SMT components must be used, since the par-
asitic self-inductance of standard components is too high. One of IC2
the prototypes constructed with standard components had a band- 7
R2 R4
width of only 25 MHz. Also, with such a construction, the screen- 47Ω
ing is less effective, so that at high frequencies positive feedback, and C2
thus oscillations, may occur. This is the reason that there is an RC 8
filter at the input of the op amps: R 1-C 1, and R 2-C 2 respectively, 22p
which limits the bandwidth to 80–90 MHz.
C8 C10
The circuit draws a quiescent current of ± 15 mA. When the
output signal is rectangular at a level of 10 Vp-p, into 50 Ω, the cur- 10µ 35V 100n
rent drain rises to 60–65 mA. 15V 994042 - 11
d isc r e t e v o lt a g e r e g u la t o r
Design: T. Giesberts
The title of this article naturally raises the question of why we think
that the generous selection of fully integrated voltage regulators
components. In other words, what does this circuit offer that the
well-known ‘three-leggers’ don’t have?
To start with, we can point out that this circuit is refreshingly sim-
needs to be extended with a version constructed using discrete ple for a discrete version. Three semiconductors, three resistors,
T1 Output voltage 15 V 14.5 V
T3 Ripple suppression 58 dB 64 dB (Iout = 100 mA)
46 dB 54 dB (Iout = 1 A)
BF Udropout 1.6 V 1 V (Iout = 100 mA)
BD Inoload 2.1 mA ditto
R1 15V
Maximum input voltage 30 V ditto
1k the circuit (U DSmax of T1), but this can easily be increased by using
BC special high-voltage transistors. The same applies to the band-
width, which can be extended as desired, without any modifica-
D1 R3 tions to the circuit, by using high-speed transistors. Generally
speaking, wide bandwidth is also not one of the strong points of
15V 12k
100µ 25V
integrated voltage regulators.
0W4 As noted, the circuit is basically very simple. A zener diode (D1) fed
with a constant current of around 1 mA by a JFET current source
994089 - 11 (T1) provides the reference potential. C1 is connected in parallel
with D1 to provide well-behaved startup behaviour (soft start). This
capacitor also provides additional buffering and decouples noise and
a capacitor and a diode are all it needs. Of course, that’s still more other disturbances. The startup time is around three seconds.
components than an integrated regulator, so what exactly are the The only additional item that is needed for the voltage regulator
advantages of this circuit? They are to be found in three areas: is an output buffer for the reference potential. This takes the form
voltage range, bandwidth and current rating. The last of these is of a sort of super-Darlington using T2 and T3. This works very
the primary strength of this circuit, since the maximum current well, but has the disadvantage that the output voltage is a bit lower
depends only on the specifications of the output transistor. With (one diode drop) than the Zener voltage. P1 can be added to cor-
the BD680, as used here, a current of 4 A can be delivered at a col- rect this, but this does reduce the regulation of the circuit. If the
lect-emitter voltage of 10 V with adequate cooling (R th = voltage difference is not important, it is thus better to replace P1
3.12 K/W). The peak current is even 6 A. Try matching that with with a wire jumper. The main specifications of the voltage regula-
an integrated voltage regulator! tor are listed in Table 1.
The maximum input voltage is 30 V with the illustrated version of (994089-1)
PA L t im in g ( 2 )
C3 C4
derive a line rate signal from a television frame rate
signal, using a PLL. Naturally, this technique can
also be used in situations where the line synchro-
INH 11 1N4148 of the ‘PAL timing (1)’ circuit. Since phase com-
5 8
R1 R2
8 parator 2 is used, the inputs are edge triggered, and
no further requirements need be placed on the
input signals.
As can be seen, the internal oscillator of the PLL
994087 - 11
IC is also used (pin 9). The necessary low-pass fil-
ter R3/C2 is not dimensioned entirely according to
the prescribed formulas, but this version proved to
Design: T. Giesberts yield the least jitter in practical tests. This brings us directly to the
This design is complementary to the design described in the article weak point of this circuit. With a normal RC oscillator, as used
‘PAL timing (1)’, which also appears in this issue. It is intended to here, it is not possible to reduce the jitter of the 15,625 Hz signal to
T1 Output voltage 15 V 14.5 V
T3 Ripple suppression 58 dB 64 dB (Iout = 100 mA)
46 dB 54 dB (Iout = 1 A)
BF Udropout 1.6 V 1 V (Iout = 100 mA)
BD Inoload 2.1 mA ditto
R1 15V
Maximum input voltage 30 V ditto
1k the circuit (U DSmax of T1), but this can easily be increased by using
BC special high-voltage transistors. The same applies to the band-
width, which can be extended as desired, without any modifica-
D1 R3 tions to the circuit, by using high-speed transistors. Generally
speaking, wide bandwidth is also not one of the strong points of
15V 12k
100µ 25V
integrated voltage regulators.
0W4 As noted, the circuit is basically very simple. A zener diode (D1) fed
with a constant current of around 1 mA by a JFET current source
994089 - 11 (T1) provides the reference potential. C1 is connected in parallel
with D1 to provide well-behaved startup behaviour (soft start). This
capacitor also provides additional buffering and decouples noise and
a capacitor and a diode are all it needs. Of course, that’s still more other disturbances. The startup time is around three seconds.
components than an integrated regulator, so what exactly are the The only additional item that is needed for the voltage regulator
advantages of this circuit? They are to be found in three areas: is an output buffer for the reference potential. This takes the form
voltage range, bandwidth and current rating. The last of these is of a sort of super-Darlington using T2 and T3. This works very
the primary strength of this circuit, since the maximum current well, but has the disadvantage that the output voltage is a bit lower
depends only on the specifications of the output transistor. With (one diode drop) than the Zener voltage. P1 can be added to cor-
the BD680, as used here, a current of 4 A can be delivered at a col- rect this, but this does reduce the regulation of the circuit. If the
lect-emitter voltage of 10 V with adequate cooling (R th = voltage difference is not important, it is thus better to replace P1
3.12 K/W). The peak current is even 6 A. Try matching that with with a wire jumper. The main specifications of the voltage regula-
an integrated voltage regulator! tor are listed in Table 1.
The maximum input voltage is 30 V with the illustrated version of (994089-1)
PA L t im in g ( 2 )
C3 C4
derive a line rate signal from a television frame rate
signal, using a PLL. Naturally, this technique can
also be used in situations where the line synchro-
INH 11 1N4148 of the ‘PAL timing (1)’ circuit. Since phase com-
5 8
R1 R2
8 parator 2 is used, the inputs are edge triggered, and
no further requirements need be placed on the
input signals.
As can be seen, the internal oscillator of the PLL
994087 - 11
IC is also used (pin 9). The necessary low-pass fil-
ter R3/C2 is not dimensioned entirely according to
the prescribed formulas, but this version proved to
Design: T. Giesberts yield the least jitter in practical tests. This brings us directly to the
This design is complementary to the design described in the article weak point of this circuit. With a normal RC oscillator, as used
‘PAL timing (1)’, which also appears in this issue. It is intended to here, it is not possible to reduce the jitter of the 15,625 Hz signal to
p o la r it y-f r e e P S U f ilt e r
f o r h a m r a d io
nal vehicle battery. However, the supply polarity on
the external power connector may not always be
known or easily found out when a hectic situation
D3 D1
C1 F1 L1 arises (traditionally, few hams have the Owners Man-
ual available…).
100n 2A T
This circuit was developed to allow handheld rigs to
D4 D2 D7
C2 C3 C4 C5
be connected to an external 12V vehicle battery with-
100µ 100n D5 100n 10µ out paying attention to polarity. This function is due
25V 15V 25V
D1...D4 = 1N5402 3W L2 to a bridge rectifier, D1-D4, at the input of the circuit.
Irrespective of the battery polarity, the radio will
always receive the correct supply voltage.
Additional functions of the circuit include an effective
noise filter (L1-L2-C4-C5), high-voltage DC protec-
Design: N.S. Harisankar VU3NSH tion (zener diode D7), and blown fuse/power indicators (LEDs D6
Many radio amateurs will not fail to recall the chaotic situations and D5 respectively). Coils L1 and L2 consist of 8 turns of 24SWG
that may occur during fielddays or contests, when several radios (0.6 mm) enamelled copper wire on a large ferrite toroidal core
have to be connected in a hurry and under circumstances less com- from Amidon’s T series (check coil saturation specification!). Alter-
fortable than those in the shack at home. For instance, many oper- natively, use ‘EMI suppression beads’ type 4330 020 3326 from
ators may be busy at the same time connecting up the power leads Philips Components. The LEDs should be high-efficiency types.
to equipment which is not theirs. In such situations, supply polar- The circuit as shown can be used with any modern handheld that
ity errors may readily occur, with disastrous results. draws less than 2 A at supply voltages between 4.5 V and 14 V. In
Many currently available handhelds from Sony, Yaesu, Standard, fact, most of these rigs will draw 1.3-1.5 A at 13.8 V for 5 watts of
Kenwood, Alinco and other makes may be powered from an exter- RF output power. (994105-1)
c a l l f o r pa
Tec hnic al auth
to the Autumn
in which we pl
pe r s
ors and desig
and Winte r 19
an to co ve r th
ners are now
99 issue s of El
e fo llo wing su
invited to cont
rib ute
ekto r Elec tro ni
Send your man
uscrip t to
- Digitizing au bjec ts:
dio sig na ls Ele ktor Ele ctr
- New ba tte ry onics (Publish
and charging
te ch P.O . B o x 1 4 ing)
- New PC te ch
no lo gy
no lo gi es 14
Dorche ste r D
- Digita l med iu
m and short-w T2 8YH
- The 20th ce av e ra dio En gla nd
ntur y in re tro sp
ec t www.e le ktor-
Ad vic e on sty e le ctronics.c
re ga rd ing te
le , artic le siz
e and te c hnic o.uk
xt and illustrat al re quire m en If yo u would
ob ta ined fro m io ns (file fo rm ats, ts like to offe r yo ur
the Ed ito r. etc .) m ay be assig ne d subj fre e-la nc e w
ec ts, info rm us riting se rvic es
We also ca ll fo or fa (in writing) ab fo r
r sto rie s co ve rin vo urite interest, an out yo ur sp ec
the fie ld of el g inte re sting to d an y pr op osals you may ia lism
ec tro nics and pica l subjec ts Even if yo ur sp alread y ha ve
co mpute rs, as in ec ia lism is no .
and co nstruct well as fo r re vi lik e to he ar fro m t m en tio ne d ab ove, w
io n projec ts w ews yo u in view of e would still
Some expe rie ith an exte nsive ne xt ot he r subjec ts to be
nc e in writing explanatory te ye ar.
is ap prec ia te xt. co ve re d
(who knows, yo d, but no t esse Every artic le is
u co uld be a ntia l ju dg ed by
If you ha ve re na tu ra l ta le nt). public atio n va th e ed ito ria l sta ff on
cently finished lue. You will re the ba sis of its
write a te xt w an interesting sib le . If yo ur ar ce ive our ve rd
ith it and se nd construction pr tic le ic t as so on as
us the artic le . ojec t, is of inte re st, yo u w po s-
and illustratio Preferab ly, the ditio ns fo r publ ill also re ce ive
ns should be te xt ic atio n. ou r co
ap plies to revie su pp lie d on flo pp This ca ll is also n-
ws and topica y disk. The sa ad dressed to
l stories. me co mpa nies ha vin
and other inte g press releas
resting ba ckgr es
subjec ts men ound informat
tio ne d ab ove. ion availa ble
on the
p o la r it y-f r e e P S U f ilt e r
f o r h a m r a d io
nal vehicle battery. However, the supply polarity on
the external power connector may not always be
known or easily found out when a hectic situation
D3 D1
C1 F1 L1 arises (traditionally, few hams have the Owners Man-
ual available…).
100n 2A T
This circuit was developed to allow handheld rigs to
D4 D2 D7
C2 C3 C4 C5
be connected to an external 12V vehicle battery with-
100µ 100n D5 100n 10µ out paying attention to polarity. This function is due
25V 15V 25V
D1...D4 = 1N5402 3W L2 to a bridge rectifier, D1-D4, at the input of the circuit.
Irrespective of the battery polarity, the radio will
always receive the correct supply voltage.
Additional functions of the circuit include an effective
noise filter (L1-L2-C4-C5), high-voltage DC protec-
Design: N.S. Harisankar VU3NSH tion (zener diode D7), and blown fuse/power indicators (LEDs D6
Many radio amateurs will not fail to recall the chaotic situations and D5 respectively). Coils L1 and L2 consist of 8 turns of 24SWG
that may occur during fielddays or contests, when several radios (0.6 mm) enamelled copper wire on a large ferrite toroidal core
have to be connected in a hurry and under circumstances less com- from Amidon’s T series (check coil saturation specification!). Alter-
fortable than those in the shack at home. For instance, many oper- natively, use ‘EMI suppression beads’ type 4330 020 3326 from
ators may be busy at the same time connecting up the power leads Philips Components. The LEDs should be high-efficiency types.
to equipment which is not theirs. In such situations, supply polar- The circuit as shown can be used with any modern handheld that
ity errors may readily occur, with disastrous results. draws less than 2 A at supply voltages between 4.5 V and 14 V. In
Many currently available handhelds from Sony, Yaesu, Standard, fact, most of these rigs will draw 1.3-1.5 A at 13.8 V for 5 watts of
Kenwood, Alinco and other makes may be powered from an exter- RF output power. (994105-1)
c a l l f o r pa
Tec hnic al auth
to the Autumn
in which we pl
pe r s
ors and desig
and Winte r 19
an to co ve r th
ners are now
99 issue s of El
e fo llo wing su
invited to cont
rib ute
ekto r Elec tro ni
Send your man
uscrip t to
- Digitizing au bjec ts:
dio sig na ls Ele ktor Ele ctr
- New ba tte ry onics (Publish
and charging
te ch P.O . B o x 1 4 ing)
- New PC te ch
no lo gy
no lo gi es 14
Dorche ste r D
- Digita l med iu
m and short-w T2 8YH
- The 20th ce av e ra dio En gla nd
ntur y in re tro sp
ec t www.e le ktor-
Ad vic e on sty e le ctronics.c
re ga rd ing te
le , artic le siz
e and te c hnic o.uk
xt and illustrat al re quire m en If yo u would
ob ta ined fro m io ns (file fo rm ats, ts like to offe r yo ur
the Ed ito r. etc .) m ay be assig ne d subj fre e-la nc e w
ec ts, info rm us riting se rvic es
We also ca ll fo or fa (in writing) ab fo r
r sto rie s co ve rin vo urite interest, an out yo ur sp ec
the fie ld of el g inte re sting to d an y pr op osals you may ia lism
ec tro nics and pica l subjec ts Even if yo ur sp alread y ha ve
co mpute rs, as in ec ia lism is no .
and co nstruct well as fo r re vi lik e to he ar fro m t m en tio ne d ab ove, w
io n projec ts w ews yo u in view of e would still
Some expe rie ith an exte nsive ne xt ot he r subjec ts to be
nc e in writing explanatory te ye ar.
is ap prec ia te xt. co ve re d
(who knows, yo d, but no t esse Every artic le is
u co uld be a ntia l ju dg ed by
If you ha ve re na tu ra l ta le nt). public atio n va th e ed ito ria l sta ff on
cently finished lue. You will re the ba sis of its
write a te xt w an interesting sib le . If yo ur ar ce ive our ve rd
ith it and se nd construction pr tic le ic t as so on as
us the artic le . ojec t, is of inte re st, yo u w po s-
and illustratio Preferab ly, the ditio ns fo r publ ill also re ce ive
ns should be te xt ic atio n. ou r co
ap plies to revie su pp lie d on flo pp This ca ll is also n-
ws and topica y disk. The sa ad dressed to
l stories. me co mpa nies ha vin
and other inte g press releas
resting ba ckgr es
subjec ts men ound informat
tio ne d ab ove. ion availa ble
on the
K1 T1
D1 R1
1N4148 R2
Sb C1 BC547B
500mA T
K2 IC1
D5 D3
D4 D2
4x 1N4001 D6 R4
C2 C3 C4
2200µ 100n 1µ
1W3 15V 16V 63V
994080 - 11
H1 994080-1 C1 R1
S1 D1 R2 H2
K1 C2 R4
D6 C3
D2 D3
D4 D5 K3
K2 F1 H3
0.5AT C4
im p e d a n c e m a t c h in g n e t w o r k
cable with an impedance Z 2, reflections ensue that cause standing
waves. Reflected signals then collide with incoming signals. The
consequent superimposition of the two signals causes the result-
ing signal to be weak at certain points in the cable or network and
R2 very strong at others.
The matching network shown in the diagram matches two
unequal impedances, provided that Z 1 is greater than Z 2. The table
shows a number of frequently encountered values of Z 1 and Z 2
and the requisite resistors, as well as the resulting attenuation. The
Z1 > Z2 994028 - 11 resistor values are the nearest standard values in the E-96 series
to the computed ones.
The matching of impedances in this manner is wideband and
Z1 Z2 R1 R2 Attenuation is often used in the test and measurement operations when 75 Ω
75Ω 50Ω 43Ω2 82Ω5 5,7 dB ad 50 Ω appliances are used.
150Ω 50Ω 121Ω 61Ω9 9,9 dB The resistor values are calculated from
300Ω 50Ω 274Ω 51Ω1 13,4 dB
R 1= Z 1–Z 2R 2/(Z 2+ R 2)
150Ω 75Ω 110Ω 110Ω 7,6 dB
300Ω 75Ω 243Ω 82Ω5 11,4 dB R 2= Z 2√Z 1/(Z 1–Z 2)
where Z 1 and Z 2are as described earlier and their, and the resis-
G. Kleine tor, values are in ohms.
When r.f. signals are transferred directly from a cable or other out- [994028]
put terminal with an impedance Z 1 to a signal input terminal or
n o st a lg ic c o m b in a t io n lo c k
Design: P. von Lay Tech. Bureau
There are many different types of code locks, ranging from
IC1a and IC1b are wired as comparators, with reference poten-
tials that can be adjusted using trimpots R2, R3 and R4. Diodes
D1 and D2 allow only positive voltages to pass to the subsequent
numeric keypads through chip cards and magnetic-card readers. logic gates, contained in IC2a-e and IC3a/b. These gates are con-
The one presented here resembles an old-fashioned combination nected such that only one of the three contacts of relay K1 will
lock. have a high level, according to the setting of R1 (which controls
im p e d a n c e m a t c h in g n e t w o r k
cable with an impedance Z 2, reflections ensue that cause standing
waves. Reflected signals then collide with incoming signals. The
consequent superimposition of the two signals causes the result-
ing signal to be weak at certain points in the cable or network and
R2 very strong at others.
The matching network shown in the diagram matches two
unequal impedances, provided that Z 1 is greater than Z 2. The table
shows a number of frequently encountered values of Z 1 and Z 2
and the requisite resistors, as well as the resulting attenuation. The
Z1 > Z2 994028 - 11 resistor values are the nearest standard values in the E-96 series
to the computed ones.
The matching of impedances in this manner is wideband and
Z1 Z2 R1 R2 Attenuation is often used in the test and measurement operations when 75 Ω
75Ω 50Ω 43Ω2 82Ω5 5,7 dB ad 50 Ω appliances are used.
150Ω 50Ω 121Ω 61Ω9 9,9 dB The resistor values are calculated from
300Ω 50Ω 274Ω 51Ω1 13,4 dB
R 1= Z 1–Z 2R 2/(Z 2+ R 2)
150Ω 75Ω 110Ω 110Ω 7,6 dB
300Ω 75Ω 243Ω 82Ω5 11,4 dB R 2= Z 2√Z 1/(Z 1–Z 2)
where Z 1 and Z 2are as described earlier and their, and the resis-
G. Kleine tor, values are in ohms.
When r.f. signals are transferred directly from a cable or other out- [994028]
put terminal with an impedance Z 1 to a signal input terminal or
n o st a lg ic c o m b in a t io n lo c k
Design: P. von Lay Tech. Bureau
There are many different types of code locks, ranging from
IC1a and IC1b are wired as comparators, with reference poten-
tials that can be adjusted using trimpots R2, R3 and R4. Diodes
D1 and D2 allow only positive voltages to pass to the subsequent
numeric keypads through chip cards and magnetic-card readers. logic gates, contained in IC2a-e and IC3a/b. These gates are con-
The one presented here resembles an old-fashioned combination nected such that only one of the three contacts of relay K1 will
lock. have a high level, according to the setting of R1 (which controls
im p e d a n c e m a t c h in g n e t w o r k
cable with an impedance Z 2, reflections ensue that cause standing
waves. Reflected signals then collide with incoming signals. The
consequent superimposition of the two signals causes the result-
ing signal to be weak at certain points in the cable or network and
R2 very strong at others.
The matching network shown in the diagram matches two
unequal impedances, provided that Z 1 is greater than Z 2. The table
shows a number of frequently encountered values of Z 1 and Z 2
and the requisite resistors, as well as the resulting attenuation. The
Z1 > Z2 994028 - 11 resistor values are the nearest standard values in the E-96 series
to the computed ones.
The matching of impedances in this manner is wideband and
Z1 Z2 R1 R2 Attenuation is often used in the test and measurement operations when 75 Ω
75Ω 50Ω 43Ω2 82Ω5 5,7 dB ad 50 Ω appliances are used.
150Ω 50Ω 121Ω 61Ω9 9,9 dB The resistor values are calculated from
300Ω 50Ω 274Ω 51Ω1 13,4 dB
R 1= Z 1–Z 2R 2/(Z 2+ R 2)
150Ω 75Ω 110Ω 110Ω 7,6 dB
300Ω 75Ω 243Ω 82Ω5 11,4 dB R 2= Z 2√Z 1/(Z 1–Z 2)
where Z 1 and Z 2are as described earlier and their, and the resis-
G. Kleine tor, values are in ohms.
When r.f. signals are transferred directly from a cable or other out- [994028]
put terminal with an impedance Z 1 to a signal input terminal or
n o st a lg ic c o m b in a t io n lo c k
Design: P. von Lay Tech. Bureau
There are many different types of code locks, ranging from
IC1a and IC1b are wired as comparators, with reference poten-
tials that can be adjusted using trimpots R2, R3 and R4. Diodes
D1 and D2 allow only positive voltages to pass to the subsequent
numeric keypads through chip cards and magnetic-card readers. logic gates, contained in IC2a-e and IC3a/b. These gates are con-
The one presented here resembles an old-fashioned combination nected such that only one of the three contacts of relay K1 will
lock. have a high level, according to the setting of R1 (which controls
IC1 = MC1458
IC2 = 4069
IC3 = 4081 D9 Re2
IC2a IC2b IC4
4 D10
S0 1N4148
1 2 3 4
1 1 3 2
IC3c R0 Q0
R2 X2 X1 9
a 10 6
3 IC2c c 8 & S1 9
D1 7 Q1
1 5 6 R1 T1
IC1a 1 IC3a 13 R13
10k 2 1 11 12 10
1N4148 3 b b 12 & S2 Q2 4k2
2 & 11
IC3d Q3
1 BC107
a c 14
R1 R3 IC2d R3
9 8 5 EN
1 IC3b C1 C2 C3
5 4043
10k 10k 5 IC2e 6 & 100n 100n 100n
7 11 10 D3
IC1b 1
6 D4
6V D5
R4 D6
8 14 14 16
IC1 IC2 IC3 IC4 6 x 1N4148
4 7 7 8
R5 R6 R15 R16 R17 R7 R9 R11 R8 R10 R12
the output levels of IC1a and IC1b). Points X1a-c are connected to points X2a-c by wire jumpers. The
If switch S1 is pressed, relay K1 is actuated. If a high level is present desired lock combination can thus be set using trimpots R 2-R 4
at X1a, RS flip-flop IC4a will be set, and the remaining flip-flops will together with these jumpers. Since the reference voltages are ana-
be reset at the same time. If R1 is then repositioned so that a high logue, there is theoretically an infinite number of possible combi-
level is applied to X1b when S1 is pressed, RS flip-flop IC4b will nations.
be set in turn. Finally, if R1 is again repositioned and S1 pressed The circuit draws around 4 mA, plus the currents drawn by the
to apply a high level to X1c, R S flip-flop IC4c will be set. This LED and the relays. If a high-efficiency LED is used, the value of
switches on T1, so that the LED D10 lights up and relay K2 is actu- R14 must be suitably increased (to 3.9 kΩ).
ated. Relay K2 can be used to energize a door-opener solenoid, as (994001-1)
an example. The lock can be reset by briefly pressing S2.
v a r ia b le o sc illa t o r
R7 D1
T. Giesberts
Although the oscillator in the diagram at first sight resembles a
standard Wien bridge type, it is in fact a variant of it since it is
tuned by varying only one component. This has the advantage of
R3 R6 D2
1N4148 not needing a carefully selected stereo potentiometer; instead, a
10k 150k
R5 P2
single potentiometer may be used. In the diagram, this is P 1, and
10k with values as specified, the output frequency of the oscillator may
P1 R2
2 500Ω be varied between 340 Hz and 3.4 kHz.
1k R4
100k IC1a
The basic Wien bridge consists of R 1-C 1 and (R 2+ P 1)-C 2.
100Ω Since in this variant the well-known ×3 attenuation does not occur,
the conditions for stable oscillation are met by including the current
through R 2+ P1 in the positive feedback loop. This means that the
circuit cannot be based on a single operational amplifier, which is
the reason that IC 1b has been added to it. Diodes D 1 and D 2
ensure reasonable stability of the signal.
The design requires that the resistance of R 4 is more or less
15V equal to the impedance of network R 5-R 6-R 7P 2-D 1-D 2. Poten-
C5 C3 tiometer P 2 is set to a position which ensures that the level of the
100n 10µ
output signal is just below that of the supply voltage: the distortion
63V is then a minimum. For best results, it may be worthwhile to exper-
4 C6 C4
iment with the values of R 5, R 6, and P 2.
Frequency control P 1 may have a linear or logarithmic charac-
IC1 = TL072
100n 10µ
teristic, although the latter will normally give more linear control.
15V 994040 - 11 The frequency, f, is, at least theoretically, determined by
IC1 = MC1458
IC2 = 4069
IC3 = 4081 D9 Re2
IC2a IC2b IC4
4 D10
S0 1N4148
1 2 3 4
1 1 3 2
IC3c R0 Q0
R2 X2 X1 9
a 10 6
3 IC2c c 8 & S1 9
D1 7 Q1
1 5 6 R1 T1
IC1a 1 IC3a 13 R13
10k 2 1 11 12 10
1N4148 3 b b 12 & S2 Q2 4k2
2 & 11
IC3d Q3
1 BC107
a c 14
R1 R3 IC2d R3
9 8 5 EN
1 IC3b C1 C2 C3
5 4043
10k 10k 5 IC2e 6 & 100n 100n 100n
7 11 10 D3
IC1b 1
6 D4
6V D5
R4 D6
8 14 14 16
IC1 IC2 IC3 IC4 6 x 1N4148
4 7 7 8
R5 R6 R15 R16 R17 R7 R9 R11 R8 R10 R12
the output levels of IC1a and IC1b). Points X1a-c are connected to points X2a-c by wire jumpers. The
If switch S1 is pressed, relay K1 is actuated. If a high level is present desired lock combination can thus be set using trimpots R 2-R 4
at X1a, RS flip-flop IC4a will be set, and the remaining flip-flops will together with these jumpers. Since the reference voltages are ana-
be reset at the same time. If R1 is then repositioned so that a high logue, there is theoretically an infinite number of possible combi-
level is applied to X1b when S1 is pressed, RS flip-flop IC4b will nations.
be set in turn. Finally, if R1 is again repositioned and S1 pressed The circuit draws around 4 mA, plus the currents drawn by the
to apply a high level to X1c, R S flip-flop IC4c will be set. This LED and the relays. If a high-efficiency LED is used, the value of
switches on T1, so that the LED D10 lights up and relay K2 is actu- R14 must be suitably increased (to 3.9 kΩ).
ated. Relay K2 can be used to energize a door-opener solenoid, as (994001-1)
an example. The lock can be reset by briefly pressing S2.
v a r ia b le o sc illa t o r
R7 D1
T. Giesberts
Although the oscillator in the diagram at first sight resembles a
standard Wien bridge type, it is in fact a variant of it since it is
tuned by varying only one component. This has the advantage of
R3 R6 D2
1N4148 not needing a carefully selected stereo potentiometer; instead, a
10k 150k
R5 P2
single potentiometer may be used. In the diagram, this is P 1, and
10k with values as specified, the output frequency of the oscillator may
P1 R2
2 500Ω be varied between 340 Hz and 3.4 kHz.
1k R4
100k IC1a
The basic Wien bridge consists of R 1-C 1 and (R 2+ P 1)-C 2.
100Ω Since in this variant the well-known ×3 attenuation does not occur,
the conditions for stable oscillation are met by including the current
through R 2+ P1 in the positive feedback loop. This means that the
circuit cannot be based on a single operational amplifier, which is
the reason that IC 1b has been added to it. Diodes D 1 and D 2
ensure reasonable stability of the signal.
The design requires that the resistance of R 4 is more or less
15V equal to the impedance of network R 5-R 6-R 7P 2-D 1-D 2. Poten-
C5 C3 tiometer P 2 is set to a position which ensures that the level of the
100n 10µ
output signal is just below that of the supply voltage: the distortion
63V is then a minimum. For best results, it may be worthwhile to exper-
4 C6 C4
iment with the values of R 5, R 6, and P 2.
Frequency control P 1 may have a linear or logarithmic charac-
IC1 = TL072
100n 10µ
teristic, although the latter will normally give more linear control.
15V 994040 - 11 The frequency, f, is, at least theoretically, determined by
3 V su p p ly sp lit t e r
T. Giesberts
Many modern circuits tend to work from a single supply voltage
of 3 V. But often they need a virtual earth at half the supply voltage
for efficient operation.
The splitter shown in the diagram bisects the supply voltage
C4 C2 with a high-resistance potential divider, R 1-R 2, and buffers the
resulting 1.5 V line with an op amp. Since the op amp used is not
100n 100µ
10V a fast type, the output is decoupled by capacitive divider C 2-C 3.
1 This ensures that the impedance of the virtual earth point remains
3 7
5 R3 1V5 low over a wide frequency band. Because the potential at the junc-
IC1 100Ω tion C 2-C 3-R 3 is fed back to the inverting input of IC1, the circuit
becomes a standard voltage follower.
Resistor R 3 ensures that the regulation remains stable. The cir-
OP90GP cuit can regulate ± 2 mA without any difficulties. Because of the
low current drawn by IC 1, and the high resistance of R 1 and R 2,
C1 C3 the overall current drain is low. In the absence of a load, it was
st r o b o sc o p e f ilt e r
R10 R3
021 Design: J. Ferber
To drive a stroboscope from an
IC1 = TL082
audio signal, the signal must
4 first be reduced to its low-fre-
BC547 C1 100k quency component. This can be
< 1V
R14 R15
5 done with the circuit presented
100k 100k
7 here. Coupling capacitors C4
2µ2/16V IC1a
1 6 R13
and C5, for the left and right
5V74 channels, prevent any DC volt-
signal is applied to an active sec-
3k3 ond-order low pass filter, whose
R9 R12
R8 C3 upper frequency limit can be
3 V su p p ly sp lit t e r
T. Giesberts
Many modern circuits tend to work from a single supply voltage
of 3 V. But often they need a virtual earth at half the supply voltage
for efficient operation.
The splitter shown in the diagram bisects the supply voltage
C4 C2 with a high-resistance potential divider, R 1-R 2, and buffers the
resulting 1.5 V line with an op amp. Since the op amp used is not
100n 100µ
10V a fast type, the output is decoupled by capacitive divider C 2-C 3.
1 This ensures that the impedance of the virtual earth point remains
3 7
5 R3 1V5 low over a wide frequency band. Because the potential at the junc-
IC1 100Ω tion C 2-C 3-R 3 is fed back to the inverting input of IC1, the circuit
becomes a standard voltage follower.
Resistor R 3 ensures that the regulation remains stable. The cir-
OP90GP cuit can regulate ± 2 mA without any difficulties. Because of the
low current drawn by IC 1, and the high resistance of R 1 and R 2,
C1 C3 the overall current drain is low. In the absence of a load, it was
st r o b o sc o p e f ilt e r
R10 R3
021 Design: J. Ferber
To drive a stroboscope from an
IC1 = TL082
audio signal, the signal must
4 first be reduced to its low-fre-
BC547 C1 100k quency component. This can be
< 1V
R14 R15
5 done with the circuit presented
100k 100k
7 here. Coupling capacitors C4
2µ2/16V IC1a
1 6 R13
and C5, for the left and right
5V74 channels, prevent any DC volt-
signal is applied to an active sec-
3k3 ond-order low pass filter, whose
R9 R12
R8 C3 upper frequency limit can be
3 V su p p ly sp lit t e r
T. Giesberts
Many modern circuits tend to work from a single supply voltage
of 3 V. But often they need a virtual earth at half the supply voltage
for efficient operation.
The splitter shown in the diagram bisects the supply voltage
C4 C2 with a high-resistance potential divider, R 1-R 2, and buffers the
resulting 1.5 V line with an op amp. Since the op amp used is not
100n 100µ
10V a fast type, the output is decoupled by capacitive divider C 2-C 3.
1 This ensures that the impedance of the virtual earth point remains
3 7
5 R3 1V5 low over a wide frequency band. Because the potential at the junc-
IC1 100Ω tion C 2-C 3-R 3 is fed back to the inverting input of IC1, the circuit
becomes a standard voltage follower.
Resistor R 3 ensures that the regulation remains stable. The cir-
OP90GP cuit can regulate ± 2 mA without any difficulties. Because of the
low current drawn by IC 1, and the high resistance of R 1 and R 2,
C1 C3 the overall current drain is low. In the absence of a load, it was
st r o b o sc o p e f ilt e r
R10 R3
021 Design: J. Ferber
To drive a stroboscope from an
IC1 = TL082
audio signal, the signal must
4 first be reduced to its low-fre-
BC547 C1 100k quency component. This can be
< 1V
R14 R15
5 done with the circuit presented
100k 100k
7 here. Coupling capacitors C4
2µ2/16V IC1a
1 6 R13
and C5, for the left and right
5V74 channels, prevent any DC volt-
signal is applied to an active sec-
3k3 ond-order low pass filter, whose
R9 R12
R8 C3 upper frequency limit can be
su p p ly v o lt a g e m o n it o r
G. Kleine
A circuit for monitoring supply voltages of ± 5 V and ± 12 V is
3x D3
5V B
12V 994026 - 11
t e m p e r a t u r e - c o m p e n sa t e d
c r y st a l o sc illa t o r
A Dallas Semiconductor application
The clock in computers and many other electronic systems is nor-
mally provided by a simple crystal oscillator. Unfortunately, the
however, are designed to work at room temperature, say, 20–25 °C.
When the ambient temperature is higher or lower, as happens in
rooms and offices which are not constantly heated or cooled as the
electromechanical properties of such a clock are normally such case may be, the clock will drift.
that it may vary as much as 100 minutes per year from real time. Dallas Semiconductor has now introduced a temperature-com-
This is, of course, a highly unsatisfactory, and, to many people, pensated oscillator (TXCO), which is eminently suitable for use
inexplicable situation. After all, if a cheap watch can keep (rea- in computers and other appliances where correct time-keeping is
sonable) time, why can an expensive computer not? important. The very small integrated oscillator enables a clock to
Yet, the reason for this is fairly simple. Watches, even the cheap be constructed that does not vary by more than ± 1 minute per
ones, are designed to work at body temperature, which is fairly year (± 2 ppm) over a temperature range of 0–40 °C.
constant Clocks in computers and other electronic appliances, The IC type-coded DS32kH z is an accurate and affordable
su p p ly v o lt a g e m o n it o r
G. Kleine
A circuit for monitoring supply voltages of ± 5 V and ± 12 V is
3x D3
5V B
12V 994026 - 11
t e m p e r a t u r e - c o m p e n sa t e d
c r y st a l o sc illa t o r
A Dallas Semiconductor application
The clock in computers and many other electronic systems is nor-
mally provided by a simple crystal oscillator. Unfortunately, the
however, are designed to work at room temperature, say, 20–25 °C.
When the ambient temperature is higher or lower, as happens in
rooms and offices which are not constantly heated or cooled as the
electromechanical properties of such a clock are normally such case may be, the clock will drift.
that it may vary as much as 100 minutes per year from real time. Dallas Semiconductor has now introduced a temperature-com-
This is, of course, a highly unsatisfactory, and, to many people, pensated oscillator (TXCO), which is eminently suitable for use
inexplicable situation. After all, if a cheap watch can keep (rea- in computers and other appliances where correct time-keeping is
sonable) time, why can an expensive computer not? important. The very small integrated oscillator enables a clock to
Yet, the reason for this is fairly simple. Watches, even the cheap be constructed that does not vary by more than ± 1 minute per
ones, are designed to work at body temperature, which is fairly year (± 2 ppm) over a temperature range of 0–40 °C.
constant Clocks in computers and other electronic appliances, The IC type-coded DS32kH z is an accurate and affordable
su p p ly v o lt a g e m o n it o r
G. Kleine
A circuit for monitoring supply voltages of ± 5 V and ± 12 V is
3x D3
5V B
12V 994026 - 11
t e m p e r a t u r e - c o m p e n sa t e d
c r y st a l o sc illa t o r
A Dallas Semiconductor application
The clock in computers and many other electronic systems is nor-
mally provided by a simple crystal oscillator. Unfortunately, the
however, are designed to work at room temperature, say, 20–25 °C.
When the ambient temperature is higher or lower, as happens in
rooms and offices which are not constantly heated or cooled as the
electromechanical properties of such a clock are normally such case may be, the clock will drift.
that it may vary as much as 100 minutes per year from real time. Dallas Semiconductor has now introduced a temperature-com-
This is, of course, a highly unsatisfactory, and, to many people, pensated oscillator (TXCO), which is eminently suitable for use
inexplicable situation. After all, if a cheap watch can keep (rea- in computers and other appliances where correct time-keeping is
sonable) time, why can an expensive computer not? important. The very small integrated oscillator enables a clock to
Yet, the reason for this is fairly simple. Watches, even the cheap be constructed that does not vary by more than ± 1 minute per
ones, are designed to work at body temperature, which is fairly year (± 2 ppm) over a temperature range of 0–40 °C.
constant Clocks in computers and other electronic appliances, The IC type-coded DS32kH z is an accurate and affordable
(TOP VIEW) 994003 - 12
994003 - 11
replacement for standard 32,768 kHz crystals and oscillators. Its that when the mains voltage fails, the clock remains on. If a backup
output can drive virtually any RTC chip. battery is not used, VCC should be connected to GND and a supply
The SMD case of the DS32kHz contains a quartz crystal and a voltage of 2.7–5.5 V to V BAT.
temperature-compensating circuit. In this circuit, use is made of a The device is available only in SMD format. Its pins are
thermal sensing technology specially developed by Dallas. External arranged as a 36-pin ball grid array. The pinout is shown in Fig-
components are not needed: the IC is calibrated at the factory. ure 2.
The circuit in Figure 1 shows that connecting the TXCO is [994003]
straightforward. The backup battery connected to V BAT ensures
f ixe d - g a in lin e d r iv e r O PA 3 6 8 2
* see text
C7 C9 C4
* 5V
The output stage architecture
provides high output current
with minimal headroom and
* voir texte crossover distortion to give
100n 100n 2µ2
* siehe Text 11 15
20V excellent single-supply opera-
tion. Operating from a single
* zie tekst IC1 400Ω
+ 5 V supply, the OPA3682 can
1 R7 K4
K1 R4 400Ω
75Ω R
deliver a 1–4 V output swing
R 10Ω with over 100 mA drive current
16 C1
and a bandwidth of 200 MH z.
400Ω 100n
This combination makes the
4 R8 K5
K2 R5 400Ω 12 OPA3682 ideal for use as an
5 B 75Ω G
G 10Ω RGB line driver or a single-sup-
3 C2 C6
DIS B ply, triple ADC input driver.
400Ω 100n
10n Each amplifier has a dedi-
7 R9 K6 cated disable pin (3, 6, 16).
K3 R6 400Ω 10
8 C 75Ω B
B 10Ω When the disable function is
6 C3
R1 R2 R3 DIS C not used, a decoupling capaci-
tor, C 1–C 3, links the relevant
(TOP VIEW) 994003 - 12
994003 - 11
replacement for standard 32,768 kHz crystals and oscillators. Its that when the mains voltage fails, the clock remains on. If a backup
output can drive virtually any RTC chip. battery is not used, VCC should be connected to GND and a supply
The SMD case of the DS32kHz contains a quartz crystal and a voltage of 2.7–5.5 V to V BAT.
temperature-compensating circuit. In this circuit, use is made of a The device is available only in SMD format. Its pins are
thermal sensing technology specially developed by Dallas. External arranged as a 36-pin ball grid array. The pinout is shown in Fig-
components are not needed: the IC is calibrated at the factory. ure 2.
The circuit in Figure 1 shows that connecting the TXCO is [994003]
straightforward. The backup battery connected to V BAT ensures
f ixe d - g a in lin e d r iv e r O PA 3 6 8 2
* see text
C7 C9 C4
* 5V
The output stage architecture
provides high output current
with minimal headroom and
* voir texte crossover distortion to give
100n 100n 2µ2
* siehe Text 11 15
20V excellent single-supply opera-
tion. Operating from a single
* zie tekst IC1 400Ω
+ 5 V supply, the OPA3682 can
1 R7 K4
K1 R4 400Ω
75Ω R
deliver a 1–4 V output swing
R 10Ω with over 100 mA drive current
16 C1
and a bandwidth of 200 MH z.
400Ω 100n
This combination makes the
4 R8 K5
K2 R5 400Ω 12 OPA3682 ideal for use as an
5 B 75Ω G
G 10Ω RGB line driver or a single-sup-
3 C2 C6
DIS B ply, triple ADC input driver.
400Ω 100n
10n Each amplifier has a dedi-
7 R9 K6 cated disable pin (3, 6, 16).
K3 R6 400Ω 10
8 C 75Ω B
B 10Ω When the disable function is
6 C3
R1 R2 R3 DIS C not used, a decoupling capaci-
tor, C 1–C 3, links the relevant
K.S.M. Walraven The characteristic shows the difference of the leading edge
Systems like the SMBus or I 2C™ use a standard resistor to pull up obtained with a standard resistor and that resulting when the IC
the signal levels to the positive supply rail (normally 5 V). The bus is used.
goes low because an appliance connected to it pulls the signal to [994076]
zero via its open-collector output. The well-known problem is this
output can draw a much higher current than the pull-up resistor
can compensate. This results in a steep trailing edge, but a much
more gradually rising leading edge, whose transition in addition is
not linear but exponential. This adversely affects the duty factor
of the signals and also reduces the speed of the bus.
Linear Technology have available an IC (Type LTC1694) to
replace the traditional pull-up resistor which can produce a cur-
rent that is dependent on the changes in level taking place on the 1V/div.
bus. When that level rises, the IC gives 2.2 mA, but when it falls,
the current is only 275 µA.
Since the IC contains two circuits for replacing both pull-up
resistors, it is possible to detect when the bus is in the quiescent
mode (both pull-ups high). In this case, the current is reduced even
more: to 100 µA.
The IC is intended for an I 2C bus frequency of 100 kHz. The VCC = 5V
400 kHz and recently introduced 3.4 MHz versions are not sup- CLD = 200pF
994076 - 12
p u lse d o u b le r
T. Giesberts
The design of frequency and pulse doubling circuits is normally
that a quiescent trigger input is at a non-active level. But, because
the other trigger input is then at an active level for the duration of
complex and critical. The circuit in Figure 1a is a pleasant exception the pulse, the design ensures that the MMV is not retriggerable.
to this. It is based on a standard monostable multivibrator (MMV) If the width of the input pulse is shorter than the width of the out-
and produces an output pulse for both the leading and the trailing put pulse (determined by R 3-C 3), only one output pulse will be
edge of the input pulse. The duration of the output pulses is deter- produced, since the MMV can be retriggered only when the output
mined by the time constant R 3-C 3. pulse has terminated. It should therefore be ensured that the time
The TTL input signal is linked to both the + T (positive pulse) constants R 1-C 1 and R 2-C 2 are shorter than R 3-C 3 at all times.
and the –T (negative pulse) inputs IC 1a via capacitors C 1 and C 2 If a retriggerable version of the circuit is desired, the design
respectively. The two inputs cannot be active simultaneously. This shown in Figure 1b may be used. Again, the input signal is applied
means that at the leading edge of the input pulse, the negative to the two trigger inputs via capacitors. In this case, however, resis-
input must be high, and at the trailing edge, the positive input must tors R 1 and R 2 are linked directly to the supply voltage to make
be low. the inputs inactive. This results in the outputs being active as soon
Since IC 1a is a retriggerable MMV, each output pulse is as the duration of the input signal is shorter than that of the output
stretched by the time constant R 3-C3. The linking of both outputs pulse. No output pulses are produced then, of course.
with the relevant input via resistor R 1 and R 2 respectively ensures [994061]
K.S.M. Walraven The characteristic shows the difference of the leading edge
Systems like the SMBus or I 2C™ use a standard resistor to pull up obtained with a standard resistor and that resulting when the IC
the signal levels to the positive supply rail (normally 5 V). The bus is used.
goes low because an appliance connected to it pulls the signal to [994076]
zero via its open-collector output. The well-known problem is this
output can draw a much higher current than the pull-up resistor
can compensate. This results in a steep trailing edge, but a much
more gradually rising leading edge, whose transition in addition is
not linear but exponential. This adversely affects the duty factor
of the signals and also reduces the speed of the bus.
Linear Technology have available an IC (Type LTC1694) to
replace the traditional pull-up resistor which can produce a cur-
rent that is dependent on the changes in level taking place on the 1V/div.
bus. When that level rises, the IC gives 2.2 mA, but when it falls,
the current is only 275 µA.
Since the IC contains two circuits for replacing both pull-up
resistors, it is possible to detect when the bus is in the quiescent
mode (both pull-ups high). In this case, the current is reduced even
more: to 100 µA.
The IC is intended for an I 2C bus frequency of 100 kHz. The VCC = 5V
400 kHz and recently introduced 3.4 MHz versions are not sup- CLD = 200pF
994076 - 12
p u lse d o u b le r
T. Giesberts
The design of frequency and pulse doubling circuits is normally
that a quiescent trigger input is at a non-active level. But, because
the other trigger input is then at an active level for the duration of
complex and critical. The circuit in Figure 1a is a pleasant exception the pulse, the design ensures that the MMV is not retriggerable.
to this. It is based on a standard monostable multivibrator (MMV) If the width of the input pulse is shorter than the width of the out-
and produces an output pulse for both the leading and the trailing put pulse (determined by R 3-C 3), only one output pulse will be
edge of the input pulse. The duration of the output pulses is deter- produced, since the MMV can be retriggered only when the output
mined by the time constant R 3-C 3. pulse has terminated. It should therefore be ensured that the time
The TTL input signal is linked to both the + T (positive pulse) constants R 1-C 1 and R 2-C 2 are shorter than R 3-C 3 at all times.
and the –T (negative pulse) inputs IC 1a via capacitors C 1 and C 2 If a retriggerable version of the circuit is desired, the design
respectively. The two inputs cannot be active simultaneously. This shown in Figure 1b may be used. Again, the input signal is applied
means that at the leading edge of the input pulse, the negative to the two trigger inputs via capacitors. In this case, however, resis-
input must be high, and at the trailing edge, the positive input must tors R 1 and R 2 are linked directly to the supply voltage to make
be low. the inputs inactive. This results in the outputs being active as soon
Since IC 1a is a retriggerable MMV, each output pulse is as the duration of the input signal is shorter than that of the output
stretched by the time constant R 3-C3. The linking of both outputs pulse. No output pulses are produced then, of course.
with the relevant input via resistor R 1 and R 2 respectively ensures [994061]
C3 C3
1n 1n
C1 2 1 B C1 2 1 B
1n 1n
4 RCX CX 6 4 RCX CX 6
≥1 ≥1
5 IC1a 7 5 IC1a 7
C2 C2
1n 3 1n R1 3
5...15V 5...15V
R2 R3 x C3 R3 x C3
5...15V 5...15V
14 15 14 15
12 RCX CX 10 12 RCX CX 10
C4 16 C4 16
≥1 ≥1
11 IC1b 9 IC1 11 IC1b 9 IC1
R 100n 8 R 100n 8
13 13
994061 - 11 994061 - 12
t h r e e -p h a se
sin e w a v e g e n e r a t o r
A Burr-Brown application
The diagram shows how a three-phase sine wave oscillator can be
R1 built with a single Type UAF42 state-variable filter and some resis-
tors and diodes. Three output nodes are available: high-pass out,
1N914 10µ 25V band-pass out, and low-pass out. The signal at the band-pass and
Highpass Out Lowpass Out
low-pass out nodes is 90° and 180° out of phase, respectively, with
A sin( ωt) A sin( ω t + 180°) that at the high-pass node. An on-chip auxiliary op amp is avail-
IC1 where
12 13 8 7 14 1 5 10
R = R F 1= R F 2
C1 C2 and
50k 1n 1n C= C 1 = C 2 = 1000 pF
The maximum frequency of oscillation obtainable with the UAF42
UAF42 state-variable filter is 100 kH z. Distortion becomes a factor,
50k though, for frequencies above 10 kHz. For frequencies of oscilla-
3 8 7 11 4 9 tion below 100 Hz, the use of external capacitors is recommended.
These should be placed in parallel with the internal capacitors C1
and C 2. This will reduce the requisite values of R F 1 and R F 2. The
external capacitors should preferably be NP0 ceramic or mica
To obtain the requisite output levels, resistors R 1–R 4 should
C2 meet the following requirement:
10µ 25V
R 1 /R 2 = R 3 /R 4 = (V O + V S )/(V O –0.15)–1
994049 - 11 15V
The values indicated in the diagram apply to a frequency of 1 kHz.
C3 C3
1n 1n
C1 2 1 B C1 2 1 B
1n 1n
4 RCX CX 6 4 RCX CX 6
≥1 ≥1
5 IC1a 7 5 IC1a 7
C2 C2
1n 3 1n R1 3
5...15V 5...15V
R2 R3 x C3 R3 x C3
5...15V 5...15V
14 15 14 15
12 RCX CX 10 12 RCX CX 10
C4 16 C4 16
≥1 ≥1
11 IC1b 9 IC1 11 IC1b 9 IC1
R 100n 8 R 100n 8
13 13
994061 - 11 994061 - 12
t h r e e -p h a se
sin e w a v e g e n e r a t o r
A Burr-Brown application
The diagram shows how a three-phase sine wave oscillator can be
R1 built with a single Type UAF42 state-variable filter and some resis-
tors and diodes. Three output nodes are available: high-pass out,
1N914 10µ 25V band-pass out, and low-pass out. The signal at the band-pass and
Highpass Out Lowpass Out
low-pass out nodes is 90° and 180° out of phase, respectively, with
A sin( ωt) A sin( ω t + 180°) that at the high-pass node. An on-chip auxiliary op amp is avail-
IC1 where
12 13 8 7 14 1 5 10
R = R F 1= R F 2
C1 C2 and
50k 1n 1n C= C 1 = C 2 = 1000 pF
The maximum frequency of oscillation obtainable with the UAF42
UAF42 state-variable filter is 100 kH z. Distortion becomes a factor,
50k though, for frequencies above 10 kHz. For frequencies of oscilla-
3 8 7 11 4 9 tion below 100 Hz, the use of external capacitors is recommended.
These should be placed in parallel with the internal capacitors C1
and C 2. This will reduce the requisite values of R F 1 and R F 2. The
external capacitors should preferably be NP0 ceramic or mica
To obtain the requisite output levels, resistors R 1–R 4 should
C2 meet the following requirement:
10µ 25V
R 1 /R 2 = R 3 /R 4 = (V O + V S )/(V O –0.15)–1
994049 - 11 15V
The values indicated in the diagram apply to a frequency of 1 kHz.
a d ju st a b le
p r e c isio n v o lt a g e so u r c e
C4 C1
ous implementation of a bipolar voltage source would be to use a
bipolar voltage reference. However, a simpler solution is to use a
C3 100n 10µ 25V single voltage reference and a precision unity-gain inverting ampli-
fier. If a precision difference amplifier is used for the unity-gain
IC2 7
inverting amplifier, the circuit requires just two chips and a poten-
IC1 2 tiometer.
INA105KP In the present circuit a Type INA105 differential amplifier is
Difference Amp
R1 R2
used as the unity-gain amplifier. A potentiometer is connected
6 2 5
10V between the input and ground. The slider of the potentiometer is
25k 25k connected to the non-inverting input of the unity-gain amplifier.
AP (The non-inverting input of a unity-gain amplifier is normally con-
R3 nected to ground.) With the slider at the bottom of the poten-
4 25k +10V...–10V tiometer, the circuit is a normal precision unity-gain inverting
R4 amplifier with a gain of –1.0 V/V ± 0.01% max. With the slider at
10k 25k
the top of the potentiometer, the circuit is a normal precision volt-
age follower with a gain of + 1.0 V/V ± 0.001% max. With the
slider at the centre of its travel, there is equal positive and nega-
tive gain for a net gain of 0 V/V. The accuracy between –1.0 V/V
C5 C2 and + 1.0 V/V is normally limited by the accuracy of the poten-
tiometer. Precision 10-turn potentiometers are available with
100n 10µ 25V 0.01% linearity.
994050 - 11
The –1.0 V/V to + 1.0 V/V linear gain control amplifier has
many applications. With the addition of a precision + 10.0 V ref-
erence, it becomes a –10 V to + 10 V adjustable precision voltage
A Burr-Brown application source.
Many applications require a precision voltage source which can be [994050]
adjusted through zero to both positive and negative output volt-
age. An example is a bipolar power supply. Perhaps the most obvi-
iso la t in g t r a n sf o r m e r f o r S /P D IF
coax 75Ω
TN13/7.5/5-3E25 994043 - 11
a d ju st a b le
p r e c isio n v o lt a g e so u r c e
C4 C1
ous implementation of a bipolar voltage source would be to use a
bipolar voltage reference. However, a simpler solution is to use a
C3 100n 10µ 25V single voltage reference and a precision unity-gain inverting ampli-
fier. If a precision difference amplifier is used for the unity-gain
IC2 7
inverting amplifier, the circuit requires just two chips and a poten-
IC1 2 tiometer.
INA105KP In the present circuit a Type INA105 differential amplifier is
Difference Amp
R1 R2
used as the unity-gain amplifier. A potentiometer is connected
6 2 5
10V between the input and ground. The slider of the potentiometer is
25k 25k connected to the non-inverting input of the unity-gain amplifier.
AP (The non-inverting input of a unity-gain amplifier is normally con-
R3 nected to ground.) With the slider at the bottom of the poten-
4 25k +10V...–10V tiometer, the circuit is a normal precision unity-gain inverting
R4 amplifier with a gain of –1.0 V/V ± 0.01% max. With the slider at
10k 25k
the top of the potentiometer, the circuit is a normal precision volt-
age follower with a gain of + 1.0 V/V ± 0.001% max. With the
slider at the centre of its travel, there is equal positive and nega-
tive gain for a net gain of 0 V/V. The accuracy between –1.0 V/V
C5 C2 and + 1.0 V/V is normally limited by the accuracy of the poten-
tiometer. Precision 10-turn potentiometers are available with
100n 10µ 25V 0.01% linearity.
994050 - 11
The –1.0 V/V to + 1.0 V/V linear gain control amplifier has
many applications. With the addition of a precision + 10.0 V ref-
erence, it becomes a –10 V to + 10 V adjustable precision voltage
A Burr-Brown application source.
Many applications require a precision voltage source which can be [994050]
adjusted through zero to both positive and negative output volt-
age. An example is a bipolar power supply. Perhaps the most obvi-
iso la t in g t r a n sf o r m e r f o r S /P D IF
coax 75Ω
TN13/7.5/5-3E25 994043 - 11
a d ju st a b le
p r e c isio n v o lt a g e so u r c e
C4 C1
ous implementation of a bipolar voltage source would be to use a
bipolar voltage reference. However, a simpler solution is to use a
C3 100n 10µ 25V single voltage reference and a precision unity-gain inverting ampli-
fier. If a precision difference amplifier is used for the unity-gain
IC2 7
inverting amplifier, the circuit requires just two chips and a poten-
IC1 2 tiometer.
INA105KP In the present circuit a Type INA105 differential amplifier is
Difference Amp
R1 R2
used as the unity-gain amplifier. A potentiometer is connected
6 2 5
10V between the input and ground. The slider of the potentiometer is
25k 25k connected to the non-inverting input of the unity-gain amplifier.
AP (The non-inverting input of a unity-gain amplifier is normally con-
R3 nected to ground.) With the slider at the bottom of the poten-
4 25k +10V...–10V tiometer, the circuit is a normal precision unity-gain inverting
R4 amplifier with a gain of –1.0 V/V ± 0.01% max. With the slider at
10k 25k
the top of the potentiometer, the circuit is a normal precision volt-
age follower with a gain of + 1.0 V/V ± 0.001% max. With the
slider at the centre of its travel, there is equal positive and nega-
tive gain for a net gain of 0 V/V. The accuracy between –1.0 V/V
C5 C2 and + 1.0 V/V is normally limited by the accuracy of the poten-
tiometer. Precision 10-turn potentiometers are available with
100n 10µ 25V 0.01% linearity.
994050 - 11
The –1.0 V/V to + 1.0 V/V linear gain control amplifier has
many applications. With the addition of a precision + 10.0 V ref-
erence, it becomes a –10 V to + 10 V adjustable precision voltage
A Burr-Brown application source.
Many applications require a precision voltage source which can be [994050]
adjusted through zero to both positive and negative output volt-
age. An example is a bipolar power supply. Perhaps the most obvi-
iso la t in g t r a n sf o r m e r f o r S /P D IF
coax 75Ω
TN13/7.5/5-3E25 994043 - 11
sw it c h in g r e g u la t o r
LT1108CS8 MURS120T3
stages to the requisite output level determined by potential divider
R 2-R 3 according to the equation
I LIM 1 8 FB
V IN 2 7 SET
Uout = 1.245(R 2+ R 3)/R 3.
SW1 3 6 A0
SW2 4 5 GND With resistor values specified in the diagram, the output voltage is
84 V. Resistor R 3 may be replaced by a fixed resistor and a 10 kΩ
Regulator IC 1 applies the direct voltage at the input to induc-
2...12V L1 C3 C4
tor L 1. Internally, pin 3 (SW1) is periodically short-circuited to
100n 470n pin 4 (SW2= earth). When SW1 is opened, a counter-e.m.f. pulse
R1 100V 200V
7 3
SET SW1 diodes used must be fast types with a high reverse voltage rating. In
IC1 the prototype, Motorola Type MURS120T3 diodes were used.
100µ 6
LT1108CS8 The current through switches SW1 and SW2 is determined by
16V A0 FB
R3 resistor R 1. With a resistance of 100 Ω as specified, it is about
700 mA. The peak current must not exceed 1.5 A.
5 4
CAUTION The generated voltages may be lethal, so care must
be taken in handling the circuit. Also, after the input voltage has
D1..D3 = MURS120T3 (Motorola) 994032 - 11 been switched off, capacitor C4 may retain a lethal charge for some
Detailed information on Linear Technology’s regulator IC
G. Kleine Type LT1108 from: http://www.linear-tech.com
Potentials of up to more than 100 V may be generated by a switch- [994032]
ing regulator IC complemented by a cascode circuit of diodes and
reservoir capacitors. The regulator pumps the voltage up in two
EEP R O M p r o t e c t io n
in A V R c o n t r o lle r s
H. Bonekamp
AVR controllers have the unfortunate property of their data EEP-
This requirement is met by the circuit in the diagram, which
draws a low enough current to enable it being powered by a bat-
ROM being affected when the supply voltage drops below a cer- tery. The circuit may be split into a detector, T 1, and an amplifier,
tain level, which can, of course, be prevented by making the reset T 2–T 3.
low in good time to disable the processor. U nfortunately, this The trip voltage of the detector is determined by the values of
requires a circuit for monitoring the supply voltage and for taking R 1 and R 2. Normally, the transistor conducts, but as soon as the
the requisite action automatically when needed. supply voltage drops below the trip level, it is cut off. The output of
sw it c h in g r e g u la t o r
LT1108CS8 MURS120T3
stages to the requisite output level determined by potential divider
R 2-R 3 according to the equation
I LIM 1 8 FB
V IN 2 7 SET
Uout = 1.245(R 2+ R 3)/R 3.
SW1 3 6 A0
SW2 4 5 GND With resistor values specified in the diagram, the output voltage is
84 V. Resistor R 3 may be replaced by a fixed resistor and a 10 kΩ
Regulator IC 1 applies the direct voltage at the input to induc-
2...12V L1 C3 C4
tor L 1. Internally, pin 3 (SW1) is periodically short-circuited to
100n 470n pin 4 (SW2= earth). When SW1 is opened, a counter-e.m.f. pulse
R1 100V 200V
7 3
SET SW1 diodes used must be fast types with a high reverse voltage rating. In
IC1 the prototype, Motorola Type MURS120T3 diodes were used.
100µ 6
LT1108CS8 The current through switches SW1 and SW2 is determined by
16V A0 FB
R3 resistor R 1. With a resistance of 100 Ω as specified, it is about
700 mA. The peak current must not exceed 1.5 A.
5 4
CAUTION The generated voltages may be lethal, so care must
be taken in handling the circuit. Also, after the input voltage has
D1..D3 = MURS120T3 (Motorola) 994032 - 11 been switched off, capacitor C4 may retain a lethal charge for some
Detailed information on Linear Technology’s regulator IC
G. Kleine Type LT1108 from: http://www.linear-tech.com
Potentials of up to more than 100 V may be generated by a switch- [994032]
ing regulator IC complemented by a cascode circuit of diodes and
reservoir capacitors. The regulator pumps the voltage up in two
EEP R O M p r o t e c t io n
in A V R c o n t r o lle r s
H. Bonekamp
AVR controllers have the unfortunate property of their data EEP-
This requirement is met by the circuit in the diagram, which
draws a low enough current to enable it being powered by a bat-
ROM being affected when the supply voltage drops below a cer- tery. The circuit may be split into a detector, T 1, and an amplifier,
tain level, which can, of course, be prevented by making the reset T 2–T 3.
low in good time to disable the processor. U nfortunately, this The trip voltage of the detector is determined by the values of
requires a circuit for monitoring the supply voltage and for taking R 1 and R 2. Normally, the transistor conducts, but as soon as the
the requisite action automatically when needed. supply voltage drops below the trip level, it is cut off. The output of
sw it c h in g r e g u la t o r
LT1108CS8 MURS120T3
stages to the requisite output level determined by potential divider
R 2-R 3 according to the equation
I LIM 1 8 FB
V IN 2 7 SET
Uout = 1.245(R 2+ R 3)/R 3.
SW1 3 6 A0
SW2 4 5 GND With resistor values specified in the diagram, the output voltage is
84 V. Resistor R 3 may be replaced by a fixed resistor and a 10 kΩ
Regulator IC 1 applies the direct voltage at the input to induc-
2...12V L1 C3 C4
tor L 1. Internally, pin 3 (SW1) is periodically short-circuited to
100n 470n pin 4 (SW2= earth). When SW1 is opened, a counter-e.m.f. pulse
R1 100V 200V
7 3
SET SW1 diodes used must be fast types with a high reverse voltage rating. In
IC1 the prototype, Motorola Type MURS120T3 diodes were used.
100µ 6
LT1108CS8 The current through switches SW1 and SW2 is determined by
16V A0 FB
R3 resistor R 1. With a resistance of 100 Ω as specified, it is about
700 mA. The peak current must not exceed 1.5 A.
5 4
CAUTION The generated voltages may be lethal, so care must
be taken in handling the circuit. Also, after the input voltage has
D1..D3 = MURS120T3 (Motorola) 994032 - 11 been switched off, capacitor C4 may retain a lethal charge for some
Detailed information on Linear Technology’s regulator IC
G. Kleine Type LT1108 from: http://www.linear-tech.com
Potentials of up to more than 100 V may be generated by a switch- [994032]
ing regulator IC complemented by a cascode circuit of diodes and
reservoir capacitors. The regulator pumps the voltage up in two
EEP R O M p r o t e c t io n
in A V R c o n t r o lle r s
H. Bonekamp
AVR controllers have the unfortunate property of their data EEP-
This requirement is met by the circuit in the diagram, which
draws a low enough current to enable it being powered by a bat-
ROM being affected when the supply voltage drops below a cer- tery. The circuit may be split into a detector, T 1, and an amplifier,
tain level, which can, of course, be prevented by making the reset T 2–T 3.
low in good time to disable the processor. U nfortunately, this The trip voltage of the detector is determined by the values of
requires a circuit for monitoring the supply voltage and for taking R 1 and R 2. Normally, the transistor conducts, but as soon as the
the requisite action automatically when needed. supply voltage drops below the trip level, it is cut off. The output of
hysteresis requires the supply voltage to exceed the trip voltage
before this situation can change. A manual reset is possible at all BC
of R 1 and R 2 (and, to some degree, the base-emitter potential of T1 AT90S.....
– about 540 mV), and the tolerance of these resistors should there-
fore be 1% . If the trip voltage needs to be altered, it is best to T1
retain the value of R 1 at 10 MΩ and change the value of R 2 BC GND
according to 547B
R2 S1
C3 C1 C2
R 2 = 0.54R 1 /(U b –0.54) , BC
100n 547B 100n
100n RESET
where R 2 is in ohms and Ub is the supply voltage.
994083 - 11
The hysteresis is determined by the value of R 4: the smaller this
is, the larger the hysteresis. The specified value of 3.3 MΩ is fine
for most cases, but some experimentation does no harm.
c o d e lo c k
G. Vanderplancke
The combination of a couple of thyristors, key switches and a relay
as shown in the diagram forms a suitable, reasonably tamper-proof
this happens, D 2 lights briefly. The lock can then be opened only by
starting with pressing S4 again. This applies also if S5 is not pressed
within the initial 15 seconds.
code lock for use in, say, a car. To open the lock,a number of keys The lock is provided with a rapid access facility. In the actuated
must be pressed in a prescribed sequence to energize a relay, state, capacitor C 3 is charged via TH R 3. When the ignition is
whereupon the battery voltage is applied to the ignition switch. switched off for only a brief period (for instance, when the driver
The first key to be pressed is S4, whereupon capacitor C 1 is stops to post a letter [sic]), the capacitor is discharged only slowly,
charged via resistor R 1. The charge on this capacitor ensures that so that THR 3 may be switched on again by pressing S8. Since this
transistor T 1 is on for about 15 seconds, during which relay Re 1 is makes the lock less secure, the rapid access facility may be disabled
energized. H owever, within these 15 seconds, key S5 must be by pressing S9. Capacitor C 3 is then discharged rapidly and D 4
pressed to switch on thyristor THR 1. Then S6 must be pressed to lights briefly.
switch on THR 2. Finally, S7 is to be pressed to switch on THR 3. The circuit draws a quiescent current of about 12 mA, which
When that is done, relay Re 2 is energized, and the lock is open. rises to some 80 mA when both relays are actuated.
If within the initial 15 seconds the wrong key is pressed, C 1 is [994017]
discharged, whereupon T 1 is cut off and Re 1 is deactuated. When
D7 12V
C4 1N4001
220µ 25V
D1 Re1
S4 BRX46
D3 K1
D5 Re2
R1 Th2 1N4148
T1 R5 R7 R9 D4
R2 R3
1k 100k Th1
R4 R11
S6 S7 S8 R10
S1 S2 S3 BRX46
D2 R6 R8 D6
C1 C2 C3 S9
994017 - 11
hysteresis requires the supply voltage to exceed the trip voltage
before this situation can change. A manual reset is possible at all BC
of R 1 and R 2 (and, to some degree, the base-emitter potential of T1 AT90S.....
– about 540 mV), and the tolerance of these resistors should there-
fore be 1% . If the trip voltage needs to be altered, it is best to T1
retain the value of R 1 at 10 MΩ and change the value of R 2 BC GND
according to 547B
R2 S1
C3 C1 C2
R 2 = 0.54R 1 /(U b –0.54) , BC
100n 547B 100n
100n RESET
where R 2 is in ohms and Ub is the supply voltage.
994083 - 11
The hysteresis is determined by the value of R 4: the smaller this
is, the larger the hysteresis. The specified value of 3.3 MΩ is fine
for most cases, but some experimentation does no harm.
c o d e lo c k
G. Vanderplancke
The combination of a couple of thyristors, key switches and a relay
as shown in the diagram forms a suitable, reasonably tamper-proof
this happens, D 2 lights briefly. The lock can then be opened only by
starting with pressing S4 again. This applies also if S5 is not pressed
within the initial 15 seconds.
code lock for use in, say, a car. To open the lock,a number of keys The lock is provided with a rapid access facility. In the actuated
must be pressed in a prescribed sequence to energize a relay, state, capacitor C 3 is charged via TH R 3. When the ignition is
whereupon the battery voltage is applied to the ignition switch. switched off for only a brief period (for instance, when the driver
The first key to be pressed is S4, whereupon capacitor C 1 is stops to post a letter [sic]), the capacitor is discharged only slowly,
charged via resistor R 1. The charge on this capacitor ensures that so that THR 3 may be switched on again by pressing S8. Since this
transistor T 1 is on for about 15 seconds, during which relay Re 1 is makes the lock less secure, the rapid access facility may be disabled
energized. H owever, within these 15 seconds, key S5 must be by pressing S9. Capacitor C 3 is then discharged rapidly and D 4
pressed to switch on thyristor THR 1. Then S6 must be pressed to lights briefly.
switch on THR 2. Finally, S7 is to be pressed to switch on THR 3. The circuit draws a quiescent current of about 12 mA, which
When that is done, relay Re 2 is energized, and the lock is open. rises to some 80 mA when both relays are actuated.
If within the initial 15 seconds the wrong key is pressed, C 1 is [994017]
discharged, whereupon T 1 is cut off and Re 1 is deactuated. When
D7 12V
C4 1N4001
220µ 25V
D1 Re1
S4 BRX46
D3 K1
D5 Re2
R1 Th2 1N4148
T1 R5 R7 R9 D4
R2 R3
1k 100k Th1
R4 R11
S6 S7 S8 R10
S1 S2 S3 BRX46
D2 R6 R8 D6
C1 C2 C3 S9
994017 - 11
14 100k
IC1 = 4069 IC1c IC1b IC1a 14
IC2 ... = 74HCU04 100µ
1 1 1 IC2
3 U in
10µ 10µ
IC4 U in
U in 2 U in 14
7 100µ
14 7
IC1 10µ U in
7 IC3
U in IC1 = 4069 IC4
IC2 ... = 74HCU04 100µ
(+2...+6V) 7
2 U in
IC1c IC1b IC1a 14
1 1 1 IC2
7 100µ
3 U in
994025 - 11 994025 - 12
sin g le - su p p ly p r e c isio n r e c t if ie r
An Analog Devices application
The precision full-wave rectifier circuit shown in the diagram
d.c. to 2 kHz. The single-supply operation at very low quiescent
current drain makes the circuit particularly useful for battery-pow-
ered equipment.
accepts a.c. inputs of up to ± 3 V, yet operates from a single + 5 V When the input voltage, V IN is positive, A 1 drives T 1 and D 2 to
supply voltage. The quiescent current is only 320 µA. Rectifier gain make output voltage V O equal to the input voltage. The output
is unity, with the gain accuracy almost entirely dependent on the swing at V O is about three diode drops below the supply voltage,
match between the two resistors 2R 1. The frequency range is about so that the peak output voltage is around + 3 V. The output of
sin g le - su p p ly p r e c isio n r e c t if ie r
An Analog Devices application
The precision full-wave rectifier circuit shown in the diagram
d.c. to 2 kHz. The single-supply operation at very low quiescent
current drain makes the circuit particularly useful for battery-pow-
ered equipment.
accepts a.c. inputs of up to ± 3 V, yet operates from a single + 5 V When the input voltage, V IN is positive, A 1 drives T 1 and D 2 to
supply voltage. The quiescent current is only 320 µA. Rectifier gain make output voltage V O equal to the input voltage. The output
is unity, with the gain accuracy almost entirely dependent on the swing at V O is about three diode drops below the supply voltage,
match between the two resistors 2R 1. The frequency range is about so that the peak output voltage is around + 3 V. The output of
With a 5 V supply, the set current is 3.7/R SET. Slew rate and band-
width vary directly with the set current. 1N4148 D2
adding resistor R 1 and diode D 1 at the A 1 input to limit the nega-
tive input voltage.
[994048] 994048 - 11
d u a l- o u t p u t , lo w -p o w e r
t h e r m o st a t
IC1 R4
10V max.
can switch up to 5 mA (400 mV drop at 50 µA). If it is required to
switch a higher current, a buffer stage is needed at the output. The
outputs are enabled when the values set with R 1, R 2, and R 3 are
exceeded—see the timing diagram. Resistors R 4 and R 5 are pull-
1 1.250V
8 up components.
70°C The output voltage of the temperature sensor is 6.2 mV °C –1
LM56 plus a fixed offset voltage of 395 mV. When the component values
V T2
OUT1 of potential divider R 1-R 2-R 3 are calculated, assume a load cur-
2 7
50°C rent of 50 µA for VREF. This means that the total value of the three
resistors is about 27 kΩ. If great accuracy is wanted, the bias current
6.2mV/°C + 395mV
gram, switching takes place at 50 °C and 70 °C.
4 5
Capacitor C2 serves to decouple any interference. If such inter-
C1 C2
100n 100n
V T2
994041 - 11
V T1
With a 5 V supply, the set current is 3.7/R SET. Slew rate and band-
width vary directly with the set current. 1N4148 D2
adding resistor R 1 and diode D 1 at the A 1 input to limit the nega-
tive input voltage.
[994048] 994048 - 11
d u a l- o u t p u t , lo w -p o w e r
t h e r m o st a t
IC1 R4
10V max.
can switch up to 5 mA (400 mV drop at 50 µA). If it is required to
switch a higher current, a buffer stage is needed at the output. The
outputs are enabled when the values set with R 1, R 2, and R 3 are
exceeded—see the timing diagram. Resistors R 4 and R 5 are pull-
1 1.250V
8 up components.
70°C The output voltage of the temperature sensor is 6.2 mV °C –1
LM56 plus a fixed offset voltage of 395 mV. When the component values
V T2
OUT1 of potential divider R 1-R 2-R 3 are calculated, assume a load cur-
2 7
50°C rent of 50 µA for VREF. This means that the total value of the three
resistors is about 27 kΩ. If great accuracy is wanted, the bias current
6.2mV/°C + 395mV
gram, switching takes place at 50 °C and 70 °C.
4 5
Capacitor C2 serves to decouple any interference. If such inter-
C1 C2
100n 100n
V T2
994041 - 11
V T1
t h e r m o st a t I
Hyst. = 10°C IC1 TTH
3 5 MAX650X TEMP
Hyst. = 2°C 1 5
3 4 VC C
1 2
G. Kleine
The MAX6501–MAX6504 integrated circuits contain a thermo- VC C
stat with fixed temperature thresholds. Available are thresholds OUT 5
of –15 °C, + 5 °C, + 45 °C, + 55 °C, + 65 °C, + 75 °C, + 85 °C, and OUT
+ 95 °C. The MAX6501 and MAX6502 are for use over the tem-
perature range + 35 °C to + 115 °C, while the MAX6503 and TEMP
MAX6504 can be programmed from –45 °C to + 15 °C.
The tiny circuit, terminated in a 5-pin SOT-23-SMD case is ide-
ally suited for building into an existing appliance. The supply volt- MAX6504 VC C
The difference between the four ICs is only in their output con-
figuration. The MAX6501 and MAX6503 have open-drain out- TEMP
puts that need a pull-up resistor, whereas the MAX6502 and 994037 - 11
p o la r it y p r o t e c t io n
G. Kleine
In many cases, the battery or batteries in electronic equipment may
be inserted with incorrect polarity. It is, therefore, advisable to use
The use of a MOSFET, p-channel or n-channel, as the case may
be, ensures that when the polarity is correct, the battery voltage is
applied to the load without any loss. For good efficiency, it is best
polarity protection such as shown in the diagrams. It should be to use an n-channel MOSFET, although this has the disadvantage
noted that although a Schottky diode may be used, this causes a of having to be inserted in the negative supply line. In cases where
voltage drop of a few hundred millivolts, which in the case of a this is impossible or impractical, a p-channel device must be used.
3 V or 1.5 V battery supply is too much. The protection in the dia- In the choice of MOSFET, it must be borne in mind that the
grams does not cause any reduction in the supply voltage. drain–source breakdown voltage, V(BR)DSS, must be larger than
t h e r m o st a t I
Hyst. = 10°C IC1 TTH
3 5 MAX650X TEMP
Hyst. = 2°C 1 5
3 4 VC C
1 2
G. Kleine
The MAX6501–MAX6504 integrated circuits contain a thermo- VC C
stat with fixed temperature thresholds. Available are thresholds OUT 5
of –15 °C, + 5 °C, + 45 °C, + 55 °C, + 65 °C, + 75 °C, + 85 °C, and OUT
+ 95 °C. The MAX6501 and MAX6502 are for use over the tem-
perature range + 35 °C to + 115 °C, while the MAX6503 and TEMP
MAX6504 can be programmed from –45 °C to + 15 °C.
The tiny circuit, terminated in a 5-pin SOT-23-SMD case is ide-
ally suited for building into an existing appliance. The supply volt- MAX6504 VC C
The difference between the four ICs is only in their output con-
figuration. The MAX6501 and MAX6503 have open-drain out- TEMP
puts that need a pull-up resistor, whereas the MAX6502 and 994037 - 11
p o la r it y p r o t e c t io n
G. Kleine
In many cases, the battery or batteries in electronic equipment may
be inserted with incorrect polarity. It is, therefore, advisable to use
The use of a MOSFET, p-channel or n-channel, as the case may
be, ensures that when the polarity is correct, the battery voltage is
applied to the load without any loss. For good efficiency, it is best
polarity protection such as shown in the diagrams. It should be to use an n-channel MOSFET, although this has the disadvantage
noted that although a Schottky diode may be used, this causes a of having to be inserted in the negative supply line. In cases where
voltage drop of a few hundred millivolts, which in the case of a this is impossible or impractical, a p-channel device must be used.
3 V or 1.5 V battery supply is too much. The protection in the dia- In the choice of MOSFET, it must be borne in mind that the
grams does not cause any reduction in the supply voltage. drain–source breakdown voltage, V(BR)DSS, must be larger than
t h e r m o st a t I
Hyst. = 10°C IC1 TTH
3 5 MAX650X TEMP
Hyst. = 2°C 1 5
3 4 VC C
1 2
G. Kleine
The MAX6501–MAX6504 integrated circuits contain a thermo- VC C
stat with fixed temperature thresholds. Available are thresholds OUT 5
of –15 °C, + 5 °C, + 45 °C, + 55 °C, + 65 °C, + 75 °C, + 85 °C, and OUT
+ 95 °C. The MAX6501 and MAX6502 are for use over the tem-
perature range + 35 °C to + 115 °C, while the MAX6503 and TEMP
MAX6504 can be programmed from –45 °C to + 15 °C.
The tiny circuit, terminated in a 5-pin SOT-23-SMD case is ide-
ally suited for building into an existing appliance. The supply volt- MAX6504 VC C
The difference between the four ICs is only in their output con-
figuration. The MAX6501 and MAX6503 have open-drain out- TEMP
puts that need a pull-up resistor, whereas the MAX6502 and 994037 - 11
p o la r it y p r o t e c t io n
G. Kleine
In many cases, the battery or batteries in electronic equipment may
be inserted with incorrect polarity. It is, therefore, advisable to use
The use of a MOSFET, p-channel or n-channel, as the case may
be, ensures that when the polarity is correct, the battery voltage is
applied to the load without any loss. For good efficiency, it is best
polarity protection such as shown in the diagrams. It should be to use an n-channel MOSFET, although this has the disadvantage
noted that although a Schottky diode may be used, this causes a of having to be inserted in the negative supply line. In cases where
voltage drop of a few hundred millivolts, which in the case of a this is impossible or impractical, a p-channel device must be used.
3 V or 1.5 V battery supply is too much. The protection in the dia- In the choice of MOSFET, it must be borne in mind that the
grams does not cause any reduction in the supply voltage. drain–source breakdown voltage, V(BR)DSS, must be larger than
m o d if ie d m a in s sw it c h
a larger load than it was designed for. Normally, a relay is used for
these situations, but this has the disadvantage of needing an auxiliary
voltage for operating the relay.
K1 2A T K2
Th1 The diagram shows that the wanted aim can also be achieved
by two thyristors instead of a relay, which has the advantage of not
230V 230V
S1 requiring an auxiliary supply. The arrangement depends on the
leakage current of one thyristor firing the other. It is important
that the thyristors are sensitive types, otherwise there is a risk that
the setup does not work. The thyristors used in the prototype are
Type S0602MH from SGS-Thomson. These fire at an I GT as low as
S0602MH 994021 - 11 200 µA and can switch currents of up to 3.8 A. For safety’s sake,
the fuse is rated at 2 A (slow). It hardly needs mentioning that the
switch must be a Class II approved type.
H. Bonekamp [994021]
It sometimes happens that it is necessary for the contacts of a
mains switch to be isolated or for the switch to be able to handle
slo w e d - d o w n f a n
K.S.M. Walraven
If, like many other people, you
have ever been annoyed by the
Z = U2/P,
noise of, say, the extractor fan in where P is the rating of the fan, and U is the working voltage, nor-
your bathroom, here’s a tip that M mally the mains voltage. If, for instance, the rating of the fan is
may quieten things down a bit. 33 W, and the mains voltage is 230 V, its impedance is 1600 Ω, give
The fans in bathrooms and or take an ohm.
cooker hoods are normally 994004-11 The series resistor should have a value of about 1/3 of this
small ones that rotate at high value, that is, 470 Ω or 560 Ω. Since it will have to dissipate about
speed (but note that many 10 W, it is advisable to use two 1 kΩ resistors, rated at 10 W, in par-
cooker hoods have a speed con- allel. In view of the heat produced in them, it is advisable not to
trol). The idea is to displace many cubic feet of air at little cost. solder them to the motor connections, but to make the connec-
Fortunately, the speed of these fans can be lowered fairly sim- tions via a three-way terminal block.
ply by placing a resistor in series with the motor. The impedance, [994004]
Z , of the fan is calculated from
m o d if ie d m a in s sw it c h
a larger load than it was designed for. Normally, a relay is used for
these situations, but this has the disadvantage of needing an auxiliary
voltage for operating the relay.
K1 2A T K2
Th1 The diagram shows that the wanted aim can also be achieved
by two thyristors instead of a relay, which has the advantage of not
230V 230V
S1 requiring an auxiliary supply. The arrangement depends on the
leakage current of one thyristor firing the other. It is important
that the thyristors are sensitive types, otherwise there is a risk that
the setup does not work. The thyristors used in the prototype are
Type S0602MH from SGS-Thomson. These fire at an I GT as low as
S0602MH 994021 - 11 200 µA and can switch currents of up to 3.8 A. For safety’s sake,
the fuse is rated at 2 A (slow). It hardly needs mentioning that the
switch must be a Class II approved type.
H. Bonekamp [994021]
It sometimes happens that it is necessary for the contacts of a
mains switch to be isolated or for the switch to be able to handle
slo w e d - d o w n f a n
K.S.M. Walraven
If, like many other people, you
have ever been annoyed by the
Z = U2/P,
noise of, say, the extractor fan in where P is the rating of the fan, and U is the working voltage, nor-
your bathroom, here’s a tip that M mally the mains voltage. If, for instance, the rating of the fan is
may quieten things down a bit. 33 W, and the mains voltage is 230 V, its impedance is 1600 Ω, give
The fans in bathrooms and or take an ohm.
cooker hoods are normally 994004-11 The series resistor should have a value of about 1/3 of this
small ones that rotate at high value, that is, 470 Ω or 560 Ω. Since it will have to dissipate about
speed (but note that many 10 W, it is advisable to use two 1 kΩ resistors, rated at 10 W, in par-
cooker hoods have a speed con- allel. In view of the heat produced in them, it is advisable not to
trol). The idea is to displace many cubic feet of air at little cost. solder them to the motor connections, but to make the connec-
Fortunately, the speed of these fans can be lowered fairly sim- tions via a three-way terminal block.
ply by placing a resistor in series with the motor. The impedance, [994004]
Z , of the fan is calculated from
m o d if ie d m a in s sw it c h
a larger load than it was designed for. Normally, a relay is used for
these situations, but this has the disadvantage of needing an auxiliary
voltage for operating the relay.
K1 2A T K2
Th1 The diagram shows that the wanted aim can also be achieved
by two thyristors instead of a relay, which has the advantage of not
230V 230V
S1 requiring an auxiliary supply. The arrangement depends on the
leakage current of one thyristor firing the other. It is important
that the thyristors are sensitive types, otherwise there is a risk that
the setup does not work. The thyristors used in the prototype are
Type S0602MH from SGS-Thomson. These fire at an I GT as low as
S0602MH 994021 - 11 200 µA and can switch currents of up to 3.8 A. For safety’s sake,
the fuse is rated at 2 A (slow). It hardly needs mentioning that the
switch must be a Class II approved type.
H. Bonekamp [994021]
It sometimes happens that it is necessary for the contacts of a
mains switch to be isolated or for the switch to be able to handle
slo w e d - d o w n f a n
K.S.M. Walraven
If, like many other people, you
have ever been annoyed by the
Z = U2/P,
noise of, say, the extractor fan in where P is the rating of the fan, and U is the working voltage, nor-
your bathroom, here’s a tip that M mally the mains voltage. If, for instance, the rating of the fan is
may quieten things down a bit. 33 W, and the mains voltage is 230 V, its impedance is 1600 Ω, give
The fans in bathrooms and or take an ohm.
cooker hoods are normally 994004-11 The series resistor should have a value of about 1/3 of this
small ones that rotate at high value, that is, 470 Ω or 560 Ω. Since it will have to dissipate about
speed (but note that many 10 W, it is advisable to use two 1 kΩ resistors, rated at 10 W, in par-
cooker hoods have a speed con- allel. In view of the heat produced in them, it is advisable not to
trol). The idea is to displace many cubic feet of air at little cost. solder them to the motor connections, but to make the connec-
Fortunately, the speed of these fans can be lowered fairly sim- tions via a three-way terminal block.
ply by placing a resistor in series with the motor. The impedance, [994004]
Z , of the fan is calculated from
4 8 errors cannot be tolerated. A pivotal role in this is played by exter-
7 R
DIS nal resistor R 5. The output signal is fed back to the input of the fil-
IC1 5V ter via external capacitor C 4. Network R 5-C 4, in association with
OUT the internal switched-capacitor network, provides the fifth-order
555 C9
low-pass function.
The cut-off frequency of the filter is determined by an internal
5 1 4kHz 100n 10µ 16V clock that can be controlled externally. This control is provided by
C2 C1
oscillator IC 1, which is configured as an astable multivibrator
10n 100n 330k
(AMV). The filter has an internal divider that can be set for a scal-
ing factor of 1, 2 or 4. In the present circuit, this factor is set to 4,
5 6
resulting in a cut-off frequency equal to 1/400 of the clock fre-
7 2 quency. Since the clock here is 4 kHz, the cut-frequency is 10 Hz.
1µ MKT
IC2 If a different cut-off frequency is wanted, R 5, R 6, C4 and C5 must
C4 LTC1062 C6
meet the following requirement to retain a smooth pass band.
1 CN8 8
R 1 C 2 = 1.4/3400f C ,
994052 - 11
provided that R 2 = R 1 /2 and P 1 = R 1 .
R S -2 3 2 t r a n sc e iv e r
f o r p o r t a b le a p p lic a t io n s
An Analog Devices application
The ADM101E is a single-channel RS-232 driver and receiver in the
Analog Devices Craft Port™ series, designed to operate from a
single + 5 V supply. A highly efficient charge-pump voltage
100n inverter generates an on-chip –5 V supply, which eliminates the
need for a negative power supply for the driver, and permits
R S-232 compatible output levels to be developed using charge-
5V pump capacitors as small as 0.1 µF.
1 +5V TO –5V 10 A shutdown input disables the charge pump and puts the
C1+ device into a low-power shutdown mode, in which the current
100n V–
drain is typically less than 5 µA.
3 8 SD An epitaxial BiCMOS construction minimizes power con-
TIN 4 T1 7 TOUT sumption to 3 mW and also guards against latch-up. Overvoltage
protection is provided allowing the receiver inputs to withstand
ROUT 5 R1 6 R IN continuous voltage in excess of ± 30 V. In addition, all pins have
ESD protection to levels greater than 2 kV.
The transmitter converts 5 V logic input signals into RS-232-
compatible output levels, whose average value is ± 4.2 V. The
receiver translates EIA-232 signals into 5 V logic levels.
100n 994047 - 11
The inputs are provided with 5 kΩ pull-down resistors. The
guaranteed switching thresholds are 0.4 V minimum and 2.4 V
maximum. The Schmitt trigger inputs have an hysteresis of 0.5 V,
4 8 errors cannot be tolerated. A pivotal role in this is played by exter-
7 R
DIS nal resistor R 5. The output signal is fed back to the input of the fil-
IC1 5V ter via external capacitor C 4. Network R 5-C 4, in association with
OUT the internal switched-capacitor network, provides the fifth-order
555 C9
low-pass function.
The cut-off frequency of the filter is determined by an internal
5 1 4kHz 100n 10µ 16V clock that can be controlled externally. This control is provided by
C2 C1
oscillator IC 1, which is configured as an astable multivibrator
10n 100n 330k
(AMV). The filter has an internal divider that can be set for a scal-
ing factor of 1, 2 or 4. In the present circuit, this factor is set to 4,
5 6
resulting in a cut-off frequency equal to 1/400 of the clock fre-
7 2 quency. Since the clock here is 4 kHz, the cut-frequency is 10 Hz.
1µ MKT
IC2 If a different cut-off frequency is wanted, R 5, R 6, C4 and C5 must
C4 LTC1062 C6
meet the following requirement to retain a smooth pass band.
1 CN8 8
R 1 C 2 = 1.4/3400f C ,
994052 - 11
provided that R 2 = R 1 /2 and P 1 = R 1 .
R S -2 3 2 t r a n sc e iv e r
f o r p o r t a b le a p p lic a t io n s
An Analog Devices application
The ADM101E is a single-channel RS-232 driver and receiver in the
Analog Devices Craft Port™ series, designed to operate from a
single + 5 V supply. A highly efficient charge-pump voltage
100n inverter generates an on-chip –5 V supply, which eliminates the
need for a negative power supply for the driver, and permits
R S-232 compatible output levels to be developed using charge-
5V pump capacitors as small as 0.1 µF.
1 +5V TO –5V 10 A shutdown input disables the charge pump and puts the
C1+ device into a low-power shutdown mode, in which the current
100n V–
drain is typically less than 5 µA.
3 8 SD An epitaxial BiCMOS construction minimizes power con-
TIN 4 T1 7 TOUT sumption to 3 mW and also guards against latch-up. Overvoltage
protection is provided allowing the receiver inputs to withstand
ROUT 5 R1 6 R IN continuous voltage in excess of ± 30 V. In addition, all pins have
ESD protection to levels greater than 2 kV.
The transmitter converts 5 V logic input signals into RS-232-
compatible output levels, whose average value is ± 4.2 V. The
receiver translates EIA-232 signals into 5 V logic levels.
100n 994047 - 11
The inputs are provided with 5 kΩ pull-down resistors. The
guaranteed switching thresholds are 0.4 V minimum and 2.4 V
maximum. The Schmitt trigger inputs have an hysteresis of 0.5 V,
sy n c h r o n o u s sy st e m
t o m e a su r e µ Ω
An Analog Devices application
The circuit in the diagram uses a synchronous-detection scheme
to measure low-level resistances. Other low-resistance-measuring
043 15V
is proportional to R TEST.
The relationship between the output voltage and R TEST is 15 19 20 16 1 6
G1 10 12 7
IC3 R4 R5 IC2b
V O U T = 10×2/π ×R T E ST ×10 5 /10 3 , ±1
100k 100k
9 14
AD630 C3
so that
8 17 11
R T E ST = 0.0157×V O U T ,
C4 C5
which is 15.7 mΩ V –1 at the output of the circuit. 15V 15V
8 100n 10µ 25V
4 C6 C7
IC2 = AD708
100n 10µ 25V
994045 - 11
t h e r m o st a t II
G. Kleine
The Type AD22105 from Analog Devices is an integrated circuit
that contains a temperature sensor, a threshold comparator with
7 hysteresis and an output stage. A single external resistor, R SET
allows setting the tripping threshold accurately anywhere between
RPU 1 –40 °C and + 150 °C. The value of R SET is calculated with
6 2
RSET OUT R SET= 39×106/(tSET+ 281.6)–90.3×103,
R SET 3 where tSET is the numerical value of the trip temperature and
R SET is in ohms. This gives values of R SET of, for instance,
47.5 kΩ for a trip temperature of 0 °C, 36 kΩ for 25 °C, and
994038 - 11 12 kΩ for 100 °C.
sy n c h r o n o u s sy st e m
t o m e a su r e µ Ω
An Analog Devices application
The circuit in the diagram uses a synchronous-detection scheme
to measure low-level resistances. Other low-resistance-measuring
043 15V
is proportional to R TEST.
The relationship between the output voltage and R TEST is 15 19 20 16 1 6
G1 10 12 7
IC3 R4 R5 IC2b
V O U T = 10×2/π ×R T E ST ×10 5 /10 3 , ±1
100k 100k
9 14
AD630 C3
so that
8 17 11
R T E ST = 0.0157×V O U T ,
C4 C5
which is 15.7 mΩ V –1 at the output of the circuit. 15V 15V
8 100n 10µ 25V
4 C6 C7
IC2 = AD708
100n 10µ 25V
994045 - 11
t h e r m o st a t II
G. Kleine
The Type AD22105 from Analog Devices is an integrated circuit
that contains a temperature sensor, a threshold comparator with
7 hysteresis and an output stage. A single external resistor, R SET
allows setting the tripping threshold accurately anywhere between
RPU 1 –40 °C and + 150 °C. The value of R SET is calculated with
6 2
RSET OUT R SET= 39×106/(tSET+ 281.6)–90.3×103,
R SET 3 where tSET is the numerical value of the trip temperature and
R SET is in ohms. This gives values of R SET of, for instance,
47.5 kΩ for a trip temperature of 0 °C, 36 kΩ for 25 °C, and
994038 - 11 12 kΩ for 100 °C.
sy n c h r o n o u s sy st e m
t o m e a su r e µ Ω
An Analog Devices application
The circuit in the diagram uses a synchronous-detection scheme
to measure low-level resistances. Other low-resistance-measuring
043 15V
is proportional to R TEST.
The relationship between the output voltage and R TEST is 15 19 20 16 1 6
G1 10 12 7
IC3 R4 R5 IC2b
V O U T = 10×2/π ×R T E ST ×10 5 /10 3 , ±1
100k 100k
9 14
AD630 C3
so that
8 17 11
R T E ST = 0.0157×V O U T ,
C4 C5
which is 15.7 mΩ V –1 at the output of the circuit. 15V 15V
8 100n 10µ 25V
4 C6 C7
IC2 = AD708
100n 10µ 25V
994045 - 11
t h e r m o st a t II
G. Kleine
The Type AD22105 from Analog Devices is an integrated circuit
that contains a temperature sensor, a threshold comparator with
7 hysteresis and an output stage. A single external resistor, R SET
allows setting the tripping threshold accurately anywhere between
RPU 1 –40 °C and + 150 °C. The value of R SET is calculated with
6 2
RSET OUT R SET= 39×106/(tSET+ 281.6)–90.3×103,
R SET 3 where tSET is the numerical value of the trip temperature and
R SET is in ohms. This gives values of R SET of, for instance,
47.5 kΩ for a trip temperature of 0 °C, 36 kΩ for 25 °C, and
994038 - 11 12 kΩ for 100 °C.
3 -f r e q u e n c y o sc illa t o r
G. Kleine
The output frequency of the oscillator shown in the diagram may
be derived via two control inputs, A and B, and may, therefore
R3 D1
1 1k have three different values. If the logic level at both inputs is low,
2 & C2 1N4148 the oscillator is disabled.
The oscillator proper is formed by gate IC 1c. Depending on
IC1b 100n IC1c
4 9 Q whether a high logic level is applied to IC 1a or IC 1b, either net-
6 8
IC1 = 74HC132 5 & 10 & work R 1-C 2 or network R 2-C 3 determines the output frequency.
If both inputs are high, the output frequency is somewhere
12 between the other two. With values as indicated, the output fre-
B 11
13 & 220n R4 D2 quencies are 1300 Hz, 200 Hz, and 2700 Hz.
1k Branches R 3-D 1 and R 4-D 2 ensure that the pulse duty ratio of
1N4148 the output signal is 1:1. If the oscillator is to be used in applica-
1k2 tions where this ratio is irrelevant, the two branches may be omit-
5V The oscillator is particularly suitable for use in frequency shift
C1 14 keying modulators.
IC1 0 0 OFF
100n 7 0 1 1300Hz
1 0 2700Hz
1 1 2000Hz
994023 - 11
sw it c h -m o d e
lit h iu m -io n b a t t e r y c h a r g e r
A Maxim application
More and more lithium-ion batteries are being used in all kinds of
cost n-channel MOSFET as the power switch.
The MAX745 regulates the voltage set point and charging cur-
rent using two loops that work together to transition smoothly
appliances. These require a battery charger and for this Maxim’s between voltage and current regulation. The per-cell battery volt-
MAX745 is ideal. It provides all the functions necessary for charg- age regulation limit is set between 4.0 V and 4.4 V using standard
ing such batteries or packs of them. It provides a regulated charg- 1% resistors, and then the number of cells is set from 1 to 4 by pin-
ing current of up to 4 A without getting hot, and a regulated volt- strapping. The total output voltage error is less than ± 0.75%.
age with a total error at the battery terminals of only ± 0.75%. It The charger is available as an evaluation kit, which is an assem-
uses low-cost, 1% resistors to set the output voltage, and a low- bled and tested printed-circuit board that implements a step-down,
3 -f r e q u e n c y o sc illa t o r
G. Kleine
The output frequency of the oscillator shown in the diagram may
be derived via two control inputs, A and B, and may, therefore
R3 D1
1 1k have three different values. If the logic level at both inputs is low,
2 & C2 1N4148 the oscillator is disabled.
The oscillator proper is formed by gate IC 1c. Depending on
IC1b 100n IC1c
4 9 Q whether a high logic level is applied to IC 1a or IC 1b, either net-
6 8
IC1 = 74HC132 5 & 10 & work R 1-C 2 or network R 2-C 3 determines the output frequency.
If both inputs are high, the output frequency is somewhere
12 between the other two. With values as indicated, the output fre-
B 11
13 & 220n R4 D2 quencies are 1300 Hz, 200 Hz, and 2700 Hz.
1k Branches R 3-D 1 and R 4-D 2 ensure that the pulse duty ratio of
1N4148 the output signal is 1:1. If the oscillator is to be used in applica-
1k2 tions where this ratio is irrelevant, the two branches may be omit-
5V The oscillator is particularly suitable for use in frequency shift
C1 14 keying modulators.
IC1 0 0 OFF
100n 7 0 1 1300Hz
1 0 2700Hz
1 1 2000Hz
994023 - 11
sw it c h -m o d e
lit h iu m -io n b a t t e r y c h a r g e r
A Maxim application
More and more lithium-ion batteries are being used in all kinds of
cost n-channel MOSFET as the power switch.
The MAX745 regulates the voltage set point and charging cur-
rent using two loops that work together to transition smoothly
appliances. These require a battery charger and for this Maxim’s between voltage and current regulation. The per-cell battery volt-
MAX745 is ideal. It provides all the functions necessary for charg- age regulation limit is set between 4.0 V and 4.4 V using standard
ing such batteries or packs of them. It provides a regulated charg- 1% resistors, and then the number of cells is set from 1 to 4 by pin-
ing current of up to 4 A without getting hot, and a regulated volt- strapping. The total output voltage error is less than ± 0.75%.
age with a total error at the battery terminals of only ± 0.75%. It The charger is available as an evaluation kit, which is an assem-
uses low-cost, 1% resistors to set the output voltage, and a low- bled and tested printed-circuit board that implements a step-down,
3 -f r e q u e n c y o sc illa t o r
G. Kleine
The output frequency of the oscillator shown in the diagram may
be derived via two control inputs, A and B, and may, therefore
R3 D1
1 1k have three different values. If the logic level at both inputs is low,
2 & C2 1N4148 the oscillator is disabled.
The oscillator proper is formed by gate IC 1c. Depending on
IC1b 100n IC1c
4 9 Q whether a high logic level is applied to IC 1a or IC 1b, either net-
6 8
IC1 = 74HC132 5 & 10 & work R 1-C 2 or network R 2-C 3 determines the output frequency.
If both inputs are high, the output frequency is somewhere
12 between the other two. With values as indicated, the output fre-
B 11
13 & 220n R4 D2 quencies are 1300 Hz, 200 Hz, and 2700 Hz.
1k Branches R 3-D 1 and R 4-D 2 ensure that the pulse duty ratio of
1N4148 the output signal is 1:1. If the oscillator is to be used in applica-
1k2 tions where this ratio is irrelevant, the two branches may be omit-
5V The oscillator is particularly suitable for use in frequency shift
C1 14 keying modulators.
IC1 0 0 OFF
100n 7 0 1 1300Hz
1 0 2700Hz
1 1 2000Hz
994023 - 11
sw it c h -m o d e
lit h iu m -io n b a t t e r y c h a r g e r
A Maxim application
More and more lithium-ion batteries are being used in all kinds of
cost n-channel MOSFET as the power switch.
The MAX745 regulates the voltage set point and charging cur-
rent using two loops that work together to transition smoothly
appliances. These require a battery charger and for this Maxim’s between voltage and current regulation. The per-cell battery volt-
MAX745 is ideal. It provides all the functions necessary for charg- age regulation limit is set between 4.0 V and 4.4 V using standard
ing such batteries or packs of them. It provides a regulated charg- 1% resistors, and then the number of cells is set from 1 to 4 by pin-
ing current of up to 4 A without getting hot, and a regulated volt- strapping. The total output voltage error is less than ± 0.75%.
age with a total error at the battery terminals of only ± 0.75%. It The charger is available as an evaluation kit, which is an assem-
uses low-cost, 1% resistors to set the output voltage, and a low- bled and tested printed-circuit board that implements a step-down,
D1 R7
C8 C10 C9 C11 C5
150µ 150µ 100n 100n R6 4µ7 10V
35V 35V D2 5 6
2 3 T1
7 13 4148 4
IC1 20
R4 R5 R3 BST
/2 IRF7303
MAX745 100n
1 15
1% 1%
6 18 1n
JP3 19
8 LX 0Ω1
2A VADJ 17 22µH
9 DLO 2A8 3W
4 12
S1 R8 R9 R2 5 11
7 8
984074 - 11
switching power supply designed for charging lithium-ion (Li-ion) Switch S1 may be replaced by a resistor with negative temper-
batteries. The output voltage can be set for one to four cells. The ature coefficient (NTC). When the voltage at pin TH M drops
cell voltage can be set between 4.0 V and 4.4 V. below 2.1 V, the circuit is switched off automatically; when the volt-
The Li-ion battery pack is connected between BATT and GND age reaches 2.3 V again, the circuit is switched on anew.
(BATT is positive, GND is negative). The battery may be con- Transistor T 1 is an n-channel FET whose auxiliary gate voltage
nected with the charger off without causing damage, or it can be is derived from capacitor C 7.
connected after power is applied. Diode D 1 is a freewheeling diode in case T 1 is cut off. When
The charging voltage is determined by the potential at junction this happens, the diode is shunted by T 2 (which is on) to improve
R 3-R 9. Replacing these resistors by a multiturn potentiometer the efficiency. This is because the drop across the diode is
enables the voltage to be set very accurately. 0.3–0.4 V, whereas that across a conducting transistor is only 0.1 V.
The charging current is selected with jumper JP 3. Here also, a The three Schottky diodes are fast 3 A, 40 V types from
multiturn potentiometer to replace R 5 and R 8 enables a more Motorola. The FETs may be part of a dual FET from International
accurate setting. Rectifier. If discrete ones are used, in view of the switching fre-
The number of cells, and thus the charging voltage, is set with quency of 300 kHz, types with a high input capacity must not be
jumpers JP1 and JP2: both to ground for one cell, only JP2 to VL for used: there is a current of only about 20 mA available for driving the
two cells, only JP 1 to VL for three cells, both to VL for four cells. gates. The IRF7303 has parameters: 30 V, 5 A, 0.05 Ω, and 520 pF.
in f r a -r e d se n so r /m o n it o r
A Maxim Application
The sensor/monitor shown in the diagram ‘wakes up’ the host sys-
Newton/Sharp ASK (an amplitude shift keying protocol developed
by Sharp and used in the Apple Newton). The range for 115,000-
baud IrDA is limited to about 6 in (15 cm), but for 2400-baud
tem on detection of infra-red (IR) signals. It draws so little supply IrDA, it improves to more than 12 in (30 cm).
current that it can remain on continuously in a notebook computer Immunity to ambient light is very good, although bright flashes
or PDA device. Its ultra-low current drain (4 µA maximum, 2.5 µA usually cause false triggers. To handle such triggers, the system sim-
typical) is primarily that of the comparator/reference device, IC1. ply looks for IR activity after waking and then returns to sleep
The circuit is intended for the non-carrier systems common in mode if none is present.
infra-red Data Association (IrDA) applications. It also operates The sensor shown, D 1, a relatively large-area photodiode pack-
with carrier protocols such as those of TV remote controllers and aged in an IR-filter material, produces about 60 µA when exposed
D1 R7
C8 C10 C9 C11 C5
150µ 150µ 100n 100n R6 4µ7 10V
35V 35V D2 5 6
2 3 T1
7 13 4148 4
IC1 20
R4 R5 R3 BST
/2 IRF7303
MAX745 100n
1 15
1% 1%
6 18 1n
JP3 19
8 LX 0Ω1
2A VADJ 17 22µH
9 DLO 2A8 3W
4 12
S1 R8 R9 R2 5 11
7 8
984074 - 11
switching power supply designed for charging lithium-ion (Li-ion) Switch S1 may be replaced by a resistor with negative temper-
batteries. The output voltage can be set for one to four cells. The ature coefficient (NTC). When the voltage at pin TH M drops
cell voltage can be set between 4.0 V and 4.4 V. below 2.1 V, the circuit is switched off automatically; when the volt-
The Li-ion battery pack is connected between BATT and GND age reaches 2.3 V again, the circuit is switched on anew.
(BATT is positive, GND is negative). The battery may be con- Transistor T 1 is an n-channel FET whose auxiliary gate voltage
nected with the charger off without causing damage, or it can be is derived from capacitor C 7.
connected after power is applied. Diode D 1 is a freewheeling diode in case T 1 is cut off. When
The charging voltage is determined by the potential at junction this happens, the diode is shunted by T 2 (which is on) to improve
R 3-R 9. Replacing these resistors by a multiturn potentiometer the efficiency. This is because the drop across the diode is
enables the voltage to be set very accurately. 0.3–0.4 V, whereas that across a conducting transistor is only 0.1 V.
The charging current is selected with jumper JP 3. Here also, a The three Schottky diodes are fast 3 A, 40 V types from
multiturn potentiometer to replace R 5 and R 8 enables a more Motorola. The FETs may be part of a dual FET from International
accurate setting. Rectifier. If discrete ones are used, in view of the switching fre-
The number of cells, and thus the charging voltage, is set with quency of 300 kHz, types with a high input capacity must not be
jumpers JP1 and JP2: both to ground for one cell, only JP2 to VL for used: there is a current of only about 20 mA available for driving the
two cells, only JP 1 to VL for three cells, both to VL for four cells. gates. The IRF7303 has parameters: 30 V, 5 A, 0.05 Ω, and 520 pF.
in f r a -r e d se n so r /m o n it o r
A Maxim Application
The sensor/monitor shown in the diagram ‘wakes up’ the host sys-
Newton/Sharp ASK (an amplitude shift keying protocol developed
by Sharp and used in the Apple Newton). The range for 115,000-
baud IrDA is limited to about 6 in (15 cm), but for 2400-baud
tem on detection of infra-red (IR) signals. It draws so little supply IrDA, it improves to more than 12 in (30 cm).
current that it can remain on continuously in a notebook computer Immunity to ambient light is very good, although bright flashes
or PDA device. Its ultra-low current drain (4 µA maximum, 2.5 µA usually cause false triggers. To handle such triggers, the system sim-
typical) is primarily that of the comparator/reference device, IC1. ply looks for IR activity after waking and then returns to sleep
The circuit is intended for the non-carrier systems common in mode if none is present.
infra-red Data Association (IrDA) applications. It also operates The sensor shown, D 1, a relatively large-area photodiode pack-
with carrier protocols such as those of TV remote controllers and aged in an IR-filter material, produces about 60 µA when exposed
Operation is in the photovoltaic mode without applied bias. C3 V+ 4µA
4 IN
This mode is slow and not generally used in photodiode circuits, –
R3 OC 8
1n5 A
but speed is not essential here. The photovoltaic mode simplifies the 3 IN +
circuit and saves a significant amount of power. In a more con- 100ns/10µs
ventional configuration, for instance, photoconductive, photo cur- MAX
rents caused by ambient light and sourced by the bias network R2 R4 6 REF 971 1 B
would increase the quiescent current about ten times.
100n 74HC14
2 REF C1
[994007] LT546
GND 100p
p u lse g e n e r a t o r
w it h v a r ia b le d u t y f a c t o r
W. Dijkstra
The duty factor of the pulse 5V 5V 5V
generator in the diagram is vari- 1 R1 5V
C1 C2
able in 10% steps from 10% to
90%. 100n 100n
With the aid of thumb wheel 4x 39k 16 9 16
2 3 4 5
switch S1, a 4-bit word, S, is B/D
6 15 1
added to one input of IC 1 and 7
to IC 2. Circuit IC 1 is a full B1 10 4
A2 IC2 D1 11 IC3
adder, while IC 2 functions as a 5 D2
B2 12 13 14
switch. The binary equivalent of 2 D3 C QC
A3 13 3 4029 2
5 is applied to the other input of 3
B3 4019
D4 D QD T1
IC1. The output of IC 1 is linked 15
A4 G1
14 10
to the second input of IC 2. 1
B4 G2
Operation is in the photovoltaic mode without applied bias. C3 V+ 4µA
4 IN
This mode is slow and not generally used in photodiode circuits, –
R3 OC 8
1n5 A
but speed is not essential here. The photovoltaic mode simplifies the 3 IN +
circuit and saves a significant amount of power. In a more con- 100ns/10µs
ventional configuration, for instance, photoconductive, photo cur- MAX
rents caused by ambient light and sourced by the bias network R2 R4 6 REF 971 1 B
would increase the quiescent current about ten times.
100n 74HC14
2 REF C1
[994007] LT546
GND 100p
p u lse g e n e r a t o r
w it h v a r ia b le d u t y f a c t o r
W. Dijkstra
The duty factor of the pulse 5V 5V 5V
generator in the diagram is vari- 1 R1 5V
C1 C2
able in 10% steps from 10% to
90%. 100n 100n
With the aid of thumb wheel 4x 39k 16 9 16
2 3 4 5
switch S1, a 4-bit word, S, is B/D
6 15 1
added to one input of IC 1 and 7
to IC 2. Circuit IC 1 is a full B1 10 4
A2 IC2 D1 11 IC3
adder, while IC 2 functions as a 5 D2
B2 12 13 14
switch. The binary equivalent of 2 D3 C QC
A3 13 3 4029 2
5 is applied to the other input of 3
B3 4019
D4 D QD T1
IC1. The output of IC 1 is linked 15
A4 G1
14 10
to the second input of IC 2. 1
B4 G2
IO = 0.45/R 2
+ C3
K.S.M. Walraven R1
There are applications in which it is important for the supply volt- S-
age to be largely independent of the level of the output current, 1-410499
which is, of course, particularly so in the case of variable loads. 0 K3 P1 K1
When the load is linked to the power supply by relatively short
wires, a good variable power supply maintains the output voltage
at a virtually constant level. Unfortunately, in practice, these wires
IC1 2
1 L200C 5 A
B S+
3 4 P1
C3 C2 RL
2200µ 220n R1
40V C1
100n C S–
994014 - 11
can be fairly long, and since they have resistance, there is a volt- Parts list Integrated circuits:
age drop across them. This interferes with good regulation; the IC1 = L200 (ST Microelec-
Resistors: tronics)
only way of avoiding this problem is to link the control part of the
R1 = 820 Ω
power supply to the load via separate sense lines. R2 = 0.47 Ω, 5 W Miscellaneous:
Unfortunately, this cannot be done readily in every power sup- P1 = 10 kΩ, preset K1–K3 = terminal block for
ply without some tedious work, but as the diagram shows, in the board mounting, pitch
case of the L200 it presents no problems. Capacitors: 5 mm
In the diagram, A and D are the usual output terminals, while C1 = 0.1 µF Heat sink for IC1
B and C are the sense input terminals. The output voltage, UO , is C2 = 0.22 µF PCB Order no. 994014 (see
C3 = 2200 µF, 40 V Readers’ Services toward
the end of this issue)
UO = 2.77(1+ R P/R 1),
Design: T. Giesberts
With the equipment that is found in the domes-
tic or office environment, the distinction between
S1 H8
2 1
K3 5 6
Components List
S1 = rotary switch, 6
K4 K1-K7 = 3.5 mm stereo-jack positions/2 poles, PCB
PCB mount (e.g. Conrad mount
no. 73 28 93-55)
8 7
K5 14 cal aspects, as usual, are rather more onerous. For this reason, we
have developed a tidy printed circuit board for the line switch box,
11 12
which eliminates hand wiring — which will no doubt be appreci-
ated by the constructor! It should not be difficult to find a suitable
enclosure for the line switch. You should preferably use a metal
K6 enclosure and connect it to the circuit earth.
994082 - 11
Tr1 coax 75Ω
T. Giesberts 75Ω
The circuit in the diagram enables the digital audio output of, say,
a compact-disc (CD) player to be linked to two different appli-
ances simultaneously. It is, of course, considerably less expensive
than the proprietary active splitters on the market.
The circuit is in effect a small transformer that can be wound
easily on a Philips Type TN13/7.5/5-3E25 toroidal core. The wire coax 75Ω
should be 0.5 mm dia. enamelled copper wire. The primary wind- 7:5:5
ing is seven turns and there are two secondary windings, each of
five turns. The bandwidth of the transformer is 40 kHz to 16 MHz.
When both outputs are loaded, there is a voltage of 0.33 V p-p at
994044 - 11
each output. When one of the outputs is open-circuited, the volt-
t e m p e r a t u r e - c o m p e n sa t e d
z e n e r d io d e
G. Kleine
Only zener diodes rated at 6 V
have a negligible temperature
resistors in potential divider
R 1-R 2: R 1 must be ×6.3 as
gives a guide to the ratio of the
Tr1 coax 75Ω
T. Giesberts 75Ω
The circuit in the diagram enables the digital audio output of, say,
a compact-disc (CD) player to be linked to two different appli-
ances simultaneously. It is, of course, considerably less expensive
than the proprietary active splitters on the market.
The circuit is in effect a small transformer that can be wound
easily on a Philips Type TN13/7.5/5-3E25 toroidal core. The wire coax 75Ω
should be 0.5 mm dia. enamelled copper wire. The primary wind- 7:5:5
ing is seven turns and there are two secondary windings, each of
five turns. The bandwidth of the transformer is 40 kHz to 16 MHz.
When both outputs are loaded, there is a voltage of 0.33 V p-p at
994044 - 11
each output. When one of the outputs is open-circuited, the volt-
t e m p e r a t u r e - c o m p e n sa t e d
z e n e r d io d e
G. Kleine
Only zener diodes rated at 6 V
have a negligible temperature
resistors in potential divider
R 1-R 2: R 1 must be ×6.3 as
gives a guide to the ratio of the
5V 5V
C7 C4
A A 1
R1 IC3
2 12 R2 DPA
390Ω RXD/P30 P10/IN+ 390Ω
S202S11 3 13 R3 DPB
TXD/P31 P11/IN– 390Ω
6 14 R4 DPC
INT0/P32 P12 390Ω
7 15 R5 DPD
INT1/P33 P13 390Ω
A1 8 16 R6 DPE
T0/P34 P14 390Ω
A2 9 17 R7 DPF
Tr1 T1/P35 P15 390Ω
89C2051 18 R8 DPG
P16 390Ω
K2 A3 11 19 R9 DPP
IC2 P37 P17 390Ω
7805 5V
B1 X1 X0
10 5 X1 4
C1 C2 C3 S1 S2
C5 C6
9V 1000µ 25V 100n 10µ
2A T 1VA5 16V
B80C1500 22p 12MHz 22p
5V 5V 5V
R11 R12 R13
T1 T2 T3
H5 H2
K2 IC1
R1-R9 = 390Ω
R10 = 8kΩ2
R11,R12,R13 = 3kΩ3
TR1 1-510499 T3 Capacitors:
C1 = 1000µF 25V radial
C2,C4 = 100nF ceramic
C3 S1 S2 B1 = B80C1500
(rectangular model)
H7 H4
T1,T2,T3 = BC556
IC1 = S202S11 (Sharp;
distributor: Eurodis)
IC2 = 7805
IC3 = AT89C2051
(programmed, Publishers
order code 996511-1)
Tr1 = mains transformer, 9V
1.5VA, Block type VV1109
S1,S2 = pushbutton, PCB
mount, MEC type 3CTL
994015-1 X1 = quartz crystal, 12MHz
LD1,LD2,LD3 = HD1131O
K1,K2 = 2-wayPCB terminal
block, pitch 7.5mm
F1 = fuse, 2A, slow, with
PCB mount holder
PCB, order code 994015-1
T1 together. This utilizes the zero- This means that if the current through R 2 should increase, the
gate-voltage drain current base current of T1 would be reduced since the collector current of
(I DSS) of the FET. Sometimes a T2 would increase. If we assume that the amplification factor of
T2 BC517 source resistor is added to allow T2 is at least 10,000, then the value of R1 must be at least 10 MΩ
the current level to be set more to produce a voltage drop of 1 V. The error current through R1 is
R2 exactly. thus negligible in comparison to the total current.
547B A disadvantage of such a very Since the current through R1 varies with the applied voltage, the
simple current source is that the base-emitter voltage of T2 will also vary. A disadvantage of this is
maximum drain-source voltage that the internal resistance of the current source is reduced. In
of most standard FETs is no addition, the temperature dependence of T2 shows up fully in the
994094 - 11 more than 30 to 40 V. If we look output current. For a number of applications, this is however not
at bipolar transistors instead, that important. In fact, this characteristic could be used inten-
the range of available voltages tionally, for example to provide temperature compensation or for
is significantly larger. This is adequate justification for developing a particular measurement or control circuit.
an alternative current source, using bipolar transistors, that is com- In spite of its simplicity, this circuit in fact proved to be able to
parably simple. deliver a nice constant current. With the prototype, the measured
In the example shown here, we use a BC547 and a small Darling- current (at room temperature) was 0.91 mA with an input voltage
ton transistor (BC517). For convenience, we have chosen a cur- of 5 V; this increased to 0.99 mA at 15 V, and a value of exactly
rent of 1 mA for calculating component values. Transistor T2 con- 1.04 mA was measured with a 30 V input.
trols the current, and resistor R1 determines the base-emitter volt- (994094-1)
age of T2. R1 also provides the base current for T1, but the value
LO G O ! in t e r f a c e
R5 IC2 = PC827(Sharp) R1
055 Design: W. Kriegmaier
A special adapter cable is
needed to connect a PLC of the
D2 D1
IC3 = 4049B Siemens LOGO ! series to the ser-
ial interface of a PC. Of course,
3 IC3a 2
400mW 5V1 10V you can obtain such a cable
1 IC2a C2 ready-made (at a price!), but
1 8
you can also make one yourself
3 2 1 10V 2 inexpensively.
Logo 16
The interface circuit consists of
2 7
IC1 D9 a galvanic isolator and a level
4 5 6 3
C1– 10µ
converter. The galvanic isola-
11 14 1
R4 10
7 2
6 tion is provided here by a dual
1 optocoupler (Sharp PC827),
R2 12 13 3
IC3 4k7 9
8 4 although two single PC817
8 4 IC3b 5
5 optocouplers could be used
IC2b 15
MAX232 instead, or other types as long
6 3 5
C2– 10µ
10V as their current transfer ratio
6 10 12 15 6
(CTR ) is at least 50% at a for-
ward current I F of 5mA. Since
IC3c IC3d IC3e IC3f
1 1 1 1 5 4
10µ the two optocouplers are built
7 9 11 14 as inverters, a pair of inverter
gates must be used to restore
994016 - 11
the signals — IC3a (to the PC)
T1 together. This utilizes the zero- This means that if the current through R 2 should increase, the
gate-voltage drain current base current of T1 would be reduced since the collector current of
(I DSS) of the FET. Sometimes a T2 would increase. If we assume that the amplification factor of
T2 BC517 source resistor is added to allow T2 is at least 10,000, then the value of R1 must be at least 10 MΩ
the current level to be set more to produce a voltage drop of 1 V. The error current through R1 is
R2 exactly. thus negligible in comparison to the total current.
547B A disadvantage of such a very Since the current through R1 varies with the applied voltage, the
simple current source is that the base-emitter voltage of T2 will also vary. A disadvantage of this is
maximum drain-source voltage that the internal resistance of the current source is reduced. In
of most standard FETs is no addition, the temperature dependence of T2 shows up fully in the
994094 - 11 more than 30 to 40 V. If we look output current. For a number of applications, this is however not
at bipolar transistors instead, that important. In fact, this characteristic could be used inten-
the range of available voltages tionally, for example to provide temperature compensation or for
is significantly larger. This is adequate justification for developing a particular measurement or control circuit.
an alternative current source, using bipolar transistors, that is com- In spite of its simplicity, this circuit in fact proved to be able to
parably simple. deliver a nice constant current. With the prototype, the measured
In the example shown here, we use a BC547 and a small Darling- current (at room temperature) was 0.91 mA with an input voltage
ton transistor (BC517). For convenience, we have chosen a cur- of 5 V; this increased to 0.99 mA at 15 V, and a value of exactly
rent of 1 mA for calculating component values. Transistor T2 con- 1.04 mA was measured with a 30 V input.
trols the current, and resistor R1 determines the base-emitter volt- (994094-1)
age of T2. R1 also provides the base current for T1, but the value
LO G O ! in t e r f a c e
R5 IC2 = PC827(Sharp) R1
055 Design: W. Kriegmaier
A special adapter cable is
needed to connect a PLC of the
D2 D1
IC3 = 4049B Siemens LOGO ! series to the ser-
ial interface of a PC. Of course,
3 IC3a 2
400mW 5V1 10V you can obtain such a cable
1 IC2a C2 ready-made (at a price!), but
1 8
you can also make one yourself
3 2 1 10V 2 inexpensively.
Logo 16
The interface circuit consists of
2 7
IC1 D9 a galvanic isolator and a level
4 5 6 3
C1– 10µ
converter. The galvanic isola-
11 14 1
R4 10
7 2
6 tion is provided here by a dual
1 optocoupler (Sharp PC827),
R2 12 13 3
IC3 4k7 9
8 4 although two single PC817
8 4 IC3b 5
5 optocouplers could be used
IC2b 15
MAX232 instead, or other types as long
6 3 5
C2– 10µ
10V as their current transfer ratio
6 10 12 15 6
(CTR ) is at least 50% at a for-
ward current I F of 5mA. Since
IC3c IC3d IC3e IC3f
1 1 1 1 5 4
10µ the two optocouplers are built
7 9 11 14 as inverters, a pair of inverter
gates must be used to restore
994016 - 11
the signals — IC3a (to the PC)
o n e - c h ip LC D in t e r f a c e
056 CW
3 4 14
0 = 2400, 1 = 9600 1 BAUD OUT 18 Digital Output
No Connection 9 N/C D4 10 LCD Data Pin 4
to PC Ground 5
994091 - 11
994091 - 12
o n e - c h ip LC D in t e r f a c e
056 CW
3 4 14
0 = 2400, 1 = 9600 1 BAUD OUT 18 Digital Output
No Connection 9 N/C D4 10 LCD Data Pin 4
to PC Ground 5
994091 - 11
994091 - 12
9 4 8
22n 5 R
characteristic shown is the cir-
4 8 10 3
DIS cuit’s output frequency vs the
VPR VIN COM IC2 OUTPUT TO voltage occurring at pin 5 of the
C2 555CP µP
2 TR 3
22n R1 R3
6 Frequency stability of the
49k9 100k THR
circuit is good. With a 15.5 kHz
5 1
0 g frequency, the measured 0 g
100n 510p frequency drift over the range
0–70 °C temperature range was
994046 - 11
5 Hz °C –1, which is 0.03% °C–1.
The change in frequency vs sup-
ply voltage is less than 10 H z
An Analog Devices application with a supply voltage of 5–9 V.
The circuit in the diagram shows how a Type ADXL05 accelerom- [994046]
eter can be connected to a low-cost CMOS 555 to provide a fre-
quency output. The component values indicated apply for a ± 1 g 25000
tilt application.
The nominal 200 mV g–1 output of the accelerometer appears
at pin 8 and is amplified ×2 to a level of 400 mV g–1 by the on- 20000
o v e r v o lt a g e p r o t e c t io n
G. Kleine
Electronic circuits must never be operated with an excessive sup-
058 FLAG
ply voltage. Such a situation may be prevented with the protection
circuit shown in the diagram. If the current through the IC
becomes excessive, or the IC overheats, an external silicon-con-
trolled rectifier (thyristor), Th 1, is triggered, whereupon the sup- 4 SCR
when the supply voltage exceeds 5 V, but this may be set anywhere 994033 - 12
9 4 8
22n 5 R
characteristic shown is the cir-
4 8 10 3
DIS cuit’s output frequency vs the
VPR VIN COM IC2 OUTPUT TO voltage occurring at pin 5 of the
C2 555CP µP
2 TR 3
22n R1 R3
6 Frequency stability of the
49k9 100k THR
circuit is good. With a 15.5 kHz
5 1
0 g frequency, the measured 0 g
100n 510p frequency drift over the range
0–70 °C temperature range was
994046 - 11
5 Hz °C –1, which is 0.03% °C–1.
The change in frequency vs sup-
ply voltage is less than 10 H z
An Analog Devices application with a supply voltage of 5–9 V.
The circuit in the diagram shows how a Type ADXL05 accelerom- [994046]
eter can be connected to a low-cost CMOS 555 to provide a fre-
quency output. The component values indicated apply for a ± 1 g 25000
tilt application.
The nominal 200 mV g–1 output of the accelerometer appears
at pin 8 and is amplified ×2 to a level of 400 mV g–1 by the on- 20000
o v e r v o lt a g e p r o t e c t io n
G. Kleine
Electronic circuits must never be operated with an excessive sup-
058 FLAG
ply voltage. Such a situation may be prevented with the protection
circuit shown in the diagram. If the current through the IC
becomes excessive, or the IC overheats, an external silicon-con-
trolled rectifier (thyristor), Th 1, is triggered, whereupon the sup- 4 SCR
when the supply voltage exceeds 5 V, but this may be set anywhere 994033 - 12
and draws a current of about 70 µA.
6 7 8
When the potential at pin 5 rises above 1.19 V (maximum
< 1V19
1.24 V), IC 1 draws a current of up to 17 A so as to pull down the 3
supply voltage – the flag signal is then actuated. If in this situation the 5 IC1 Th1
peak current of 17 A is exceeded, or the body temperature of the ADJ
IC rises above 165 °C, or when the internal shunt transistor goes SCR
into saturation, the external thyristor is triggered via pin 4 (SCR).
This protects the IC itself and ensures that the overvoltage is C1
1 2
* zie tekst
* see text
negated. The rating of the thyristor must, of course, be in accor- 10µ * voir texte
dance with that of the power supply. In this situation, IC 1 shorts * siehe Text
out its internal shunt transistor to minimize the internal dissipation.
The UCC3908 is available in three different enclosures. For sit- UC3908T UC3908TD
uations in which large supply currents flow for long periods, the
TO-220 version is recommended (if necessary with heat sink). GND 1 8 VC
When the load current is not large, the SO-8 version may be used. GND 2 7 VC 12345
In that situation, it may even be possible to omit the thyristor, but VC
FLAG 3 6
the anticipated maximum temperature must then be calculated 2: SCR
3: GND
2: SCR
3: GND
very carefully. 4: ADJ 4: ADJ
5: VC 5: VC
Further information from: http://www.unitrode.com 1 3 5
[994033] 2 4 994033 - 11
d isc r e t e v o lt a g e in v e r t e r
U in T1 T3
G. Kleine
The circuit in the diagram enables a negative voltage to be derived
without the use of integrated circuits. Instead, it uses five n-p-n
transistors that are driven by a 1 kHz (approx) TTL clock.
R1 R6 R4 When the clock input is high, transistors T 1 and T 2 link capac-
itor C1 to the supply voltage, UIN, which typically is 5 V. During this
potential, its –ve terminal must become negative w.r.t. earth.
The high level at the clock input must be of the same order as
U in the positive input voltage, UIN, otherwise T 1 cannot be switched
T2 T4
The clock frequency should be around 1 kHz to ensure a duty
cycle ratio of 1:1. Altering the ratio results in a different level of
BC548 negative output voltage, but this is always smaller than that with a
ratio of 1:1.
T1...T5 = BC548
B 994024 - 11
o v e n - c o n t r o lle d t e m p e r a t u r e
st a b ilit y
G. Kleine
Accurate measurements that are not affected by ambient temper-
ature may be taken when the part or circuit being tested is placed
in an oven whose inside temperature is held constant after a short
warming-up period. This works very well, indeed, when the tem-
and draws a current of about 70 µA.
6 7 8
When the potential at pin 5 rises above 1.19 V (maximum
< 1V19
1.24 V), IC 1 draws a current of up to 17 A so as to pull down the 3
supply voltage – the flag signal is then actuated. If in this situation the 5 IC1 Th1
peak current of 17 A is exceeded, or the body temperature of the ADJ
IC rises above 165 °C, or when the internal shunt transistor goes SCR
into saturation, the external thyristor is triggered via pin 4 (SCR).
This protects the IC itself and ensures that the overvoltage is C1
1 2
* zie tekst
* see text
negated. The rating of the thyristor must, of course, be in accor- 10µ * voir texte
dance with that of the power supply. In this situation, IC 1 shorts * siehe Text
out its internal shunt transistor to minimize the internal dissipation.
The UCC3908 is available in three different enclosures. For sit- UC3908T UC3908TD
uations in which large supply currents flow for long periods, the
TO-220 version is recommended (if necessary with heat sink). GND 1 8 VC
When the load current is not large, the SO-8 version may be used. GND 2 7 VC 12345
In that situation, it may even be possible to omit the thyristor, but VC
FLAG 3 6
the anticipated maximum temperature must then be calculated 2: SCR
3: GND
2: SCR
3: GND
very carefully. 4: ADJ 4: ADJ
5: VC 5: VC
Further information from: http://www.unitrode.com 1 3 5
[994033] 2 4 994033 - 11
d isc r e t e v o lt a g e in v e r t e r
U in T1 T3
G. Kleine
The circuit in the diagram enables a negative voltage to be derived
without the use of integrated circuits. Instead, it uses five n-p-n
transistors that are driven by a 1 kHz (approx) TTL clock.
R1 R6 R4 When the clock input is high, transistors T 1 and T 2 link capac-
itor C1 to the supply voltage, UIN, which typically is 5 V. During this
potential, its –ve terminal must become negative w.r.t. earth.
The high level at the clock input must be of the same order as
U in the positive input voltage, UIN, otherwise T 1 cannot be switched
T2 T4
The clock frequency should be around 1 kHz to ensure a duty
cycle ratio of 1:1. Altering the ratio results in a different level of
BC548 negative output voltage, but this is always smaller than that with a
ratio of 1:1.
T1...T5 = BC548
B 994024 - 11
o v e n - c o n t r o lle d t e m p e r a t u r e
st a b ilit y
G. Kleine
Accurate measurements that are not affected by ambient temper-
ature may be taken when the part or circuit being tested is placed
in an oven whose inside temperature is held constant after a short
warming-up period. This works very well, indeed, when the tem-
and draws a current of about 70 µA.
6 7 8
When the potential at pin 5 rises above 1.19 V (maximum
< 1V19
1.24 V), IC 1 draws a current of up to 17 A so as to pull down the 3
supply voltage – the flag signal is then actuated. If in this situation the 5 IC1 Th1
peak current of 17 A is exceeded, or the body temperature of the ADJ
IC rises above 165 °C, or when the internal shunt transistor goes SCR
into saturation, the external thyristor is triggered via pin 4 (SCR).
This protects the IC itself and ensures that the overvoltage is C1
1 2
* zie tekst
* see text
negated. The rating of the thyristor must, of course, be in accor- 10µ * voir texte
dance with that of the power supply. In this situation, IC 1 shorts * siehe Text
out its internal shunt transistor to minimize the internal dissipation.
The UCC3908 is available in three different enclosures. For sit- UC3908T UC3908TD
uations in which large supply currents flow for long periods, the
TO-220 version is recommended (if necessary with heat sink). GND 1 8 VC
When the load current is not large, the SO-8 version may be used. GND 2 7 VC 12345
In that situation, it may even be possible to omit the thyristor, but VC
FLAG 3 6
the anticipated maximum temperature must then be calculated 2: SCR
3: GND
2: SCR
3: GND
very carefully. 4: ADJ 4: ADJ
5: VC 5: VC
Further information from: http://www.unitrode.com 1 3 5
[994033] 2 4 994033 - 11
d isc r e t e v o lt a g e in v e r t e r
U in T1 T3
G. Kleine
The circuit in the diagram enables a negative voltage to be derived
without the use of integrated circuits. Instead, it uses five n-p-n
transistors that are driven by a 1 kHz (approx) TTL clock.
R1 R6 R4 When the clock input is high, transistors T 1 and T 2 link capac-
itor C1 to the supply voltage, UIN, which typically is 5 V. During this
potential, its –ve terminal must become negative w.r.t. earth.
The high level at the clock input must be of the same order as
U in the positive input voltage, UIN, otherwise T 1 cannot be switched
T2 T4
The clock frequency should be around 1 kHz to ensure a duty
cycle ratio of 1:1. Altering the ratio results in a different level of
BC548 negative output voltage, but this is always smaller than that with a
ratio of 1:1.
T1...T5 = BC548
B 994024 - 11
o v e n - c o n t r o lle d t e m p e r a t u r e
st a b ilit y
G. Kleine
Accurate measurements that are not affected by ambient temper-
ature may be taken when the part or circuit being tested is placed
in an oven whose inside temperature is held constant after a short
warming-up period. This works very well, indeed, when the tem-
because the inside of the oven
may be heated but cannot be 1µ 100µ
cooled. This type of control is
1M R11
frequently used to stabilize a 100k
crystal oscillator or a surface
acoustic wave (SAW) filter. 10k
2 T1
The circuit consists of a R5 IC1b 100k
5 1
heating element, R 14, which is 680Ω IC1a
thermally coupled to tempera-
ture sensor IC 3. The output of +75°C
the sensor at 75 °C is + 3.48 V, P1 100k
which rises linearly at a rate of 1k
10 mV °C . –1 3V48 @+75°C +10mV/K
Integrated circuit IC 1 com- 2
R6 R9 R14
prises an operational amplifier C2
(at pins 5, 6 and 7) and a com-
LM4040 1n 5W
parator (at pins 1, 2 and 3). The LM335
3 -4.1
op amp is arranged as a ×100
amplifier and delivers an error LM335 BD676
voltage that depends on the dif- 5V
ference between the actual tem-
perature and that set with P 1. LM4040
2 8
The preset can set the wanted 1 IC1
temperature between + 55 °C 3
and + 105 °C. The stable voltage
across potential divider E B 994030 - 11
R 5-P 1-R 6 is 4.096 V, which is C
provided by reference voltage
source IC 2.
The error voltage across R 7 is applied to the oscillator which is transistor T 1, and thus heating element R 14, remains on a little
based on the comparator in IC 1. It alters the duty factor of the longer than when the temperature is stable.
oscillator output in such a way that when the temperature drops, [994030]
f e e d b a c k c ir c u it c la m p s
p r e c ise ly
A Burr-Brown application
A linear circuit consisting of an input buffer, IC1a, and output-scal-
ing amplifier, IC1b, two zener diodes, D 1 and D 2, and several other
1 components can supply sharp, precise, bipolar clamp levels with
3 R1 continuous variable control, from 0 V to ± 11 V. A feedback loop
Ui 6 Uo enclosing the amplifiers and zener diodes generates the high
2n2 IC1b clamping accuracy—see diagram.
Within the limit range of the clamp, ± VL, the zener diodes are off,
and IC 1b feeds back its output to the inverting input of IC 1a via
5V6 R 4. At the same time, IC1a drives IC1b via voltage divider R V. The
feedback forces the inverting input of op amp IC1a to equal Ui at
5V6 the non-inverting input terminal.
The circuit forces the inverting input of IC1b also to follow Ui.
There is no signal voltage drop across R 4, because no current can
IC1 = OPA2111
flow from it into the inverting input of IC 1a . Consequently, the
C4 C2 non-inverting input of IC1b, which defines the potentiometer out-
put at feedback equilibrium, must also track Ui. In fixed-level lim-
100n 10µ 25V
8 iting applications, a resistive divider may replace potentiometer
IC1 R V. Amplifier IC 1a then delivers an output
4 C5 C3
15V 994051 - 11
because the inside of the oven
may be heated but cannot be 1µ 100µ
cooled. This type of control is
1M R11
frequently used to stabilize a 100k
crystal oscillator or a surface
acoustic wave (SAW) filter. 10k
2 T1
The circuit consists of a R5 IC1b 100k
5 1
heating element, R 14, which is 680Ω IC1a
thermally coupled to tempera-
ture sensor IC 3. The output of +75°C
the sensor at 75 °C is + 3.48 V, P1 100k
which rises linearly at a rate of 1k
10 mV °C . –1 3V48 @+75°C +10mV/K
Integrated circuit IC 1 com- 2
R6 R9 R14
prises an operational amplifier C2
(at pins 5, 6 and 7) and a com-
LM4040 1n 5W
parator (at pins 1, 2 and 3). The LM335
3 -4.1
op amp is arranged as a ×100
amplifier and delivers an error LM335 BD676
voltage that depends on the dif- 5V
ference between the actual tem-
perature and that set with P 1. LM4040
2 8
The preset can set the wanted 1 IC1
temperature between + 55 °C 3
and + 105 °C. The stable voltage
across potential divider E B 994030 - 11
R 5-P 1-R 6 is 4.096 V, which is C
provided by reference voltage
source IC 2.
The error voltage across R 7 is applied to the oscillator which is transistor T 1, and thus heating element R 14, remains on a little
based on the comparator in IC 1. It alters the duty factor of the longer than when the temperature is stable.
oscillator output in such a way that when the temperature drops, [994030]
f e e d b a c k c ir c u it c la m p s
p r e c ise ly
A Burr-Brown application
A linear circuit consisting of an input buffer, IC1a, and output-scal-
ing amplifier, IC1b, two zener diodes, D 1 and D 2, and several other
1 components can supply sharp, precise, bipolar clamp levels with
3 R1 continuous variable control, from 0 V to ± 11 V. A feedback loop
Ui 6 Uo enclosing the amplifiers and zener diodes generates the high
2n2 IC1b clamping accuracy—see diagram.
Within the limit range of the clamp, ± VL, the zener diodes are off,
and IC 1b feeds back its output to the inverting input of IC 1a via
5V6 R 4. At the same time, IC1a drives IC1b via voltage divider R V. The
feedback forces the inverting input of op amp IC1a to equal Ui at
5V6 the non-inverting input terminal.
The circuit forces the inverting input of IC1b also to follow Ui.
There is no signal voltage drop across R 4, because no current can
IC1 = OPA2111
flow from it into the inverting input of IC 1a . Consequently, the
C4 C2 non-inverting input of IC1b, which defines the potentiometer out-
put at feedback equilibrium, must also track Ui. In fixed-level lim-
100n 10µ 25V
8 iting applications, a resistive divider may replace potentiometer
IC1 R V. Amplifier IC 1a then delivers an output
4 C5 C3
15V 994051 - 11
m a in s/f u se f a ilu r e in d ic a t o r
S1 F1
G. Kleine
The indicator shows when the mains is present at its output by a
continuous glow of a neon bulb, La1, and when the fuse is blown by
flashing of the neon bulb.
When the fuse is intact, capacitor C 2 acts as the series resis-
1N4007 C2 tance for the neon bulb, so that this glows continuously. When the
fuse has blow, the mains voltage across diode D 1 is applied as a
1 3 V /2 A P S U f o r h a n d h e ld r ig s
Design by N.S. Harisankar VU3NSH
This compact 13-V/2-A power supply for ham radio rigs and other
invariably associated with a fair number of external components,
while we should also consider design factors like total power dis-
sipation and input voltage range.
VHF/UHF portable PMR s is based on the STR 2012/13 voltage The STR is a hybrid power IC containing a switch-mode power
regulator IC from Sanken Electric Co. Many power supplies for supply. It supplies a fixed output voltage and accepts relatively high
handheld amateur radio rigs are based on the LM317, LM350 or input voltages. Another advantage is its relatively high power dis-
even the good old LM723. U nfortunately, these regulators are sipation rating. The 5-pin STR is available for 5.1 V, 12 V, 13 V,
m a in s/f u se f a ilu r e in d ic a t o r
S1 F1
G. Kleine
The indicator shows when the mains is present at its output by a
continuous glow of a neon bulb, La1, and when the fuse is blown by
flashing of the neon bulb.
When the fuse is intact, capacitor C 2 acts as the series resis-
1N4007 C2 tance for the neon bulb, so that this glows continuously. When the
fuse has blow, the mains voltage across diode D 1 is applied as a
1 3 V /2 A P S U f o r h a n d h e ld r ig s
Design by N.S. Harisankar VU3NSH
This compact 13-V/2-A power supply for ham radio rigs and other
invariably associated with a fair number of external components,
while we should also consider design factors like total power dis-
sipation and input voltage range.
VHF/UHF portable PMR s is based on the STR 2012/13 voltage The STR is a hybrid power IC containing a switch-mode power
regulator IC from Sanken Electric Co. Many power supplies for supply. It supplies a fixed output voltage and accepts relatively high
handheld amateur radio rigs are based on the LM317, LM350 or input voltages. Another advantage is its relatively high power dis-
even the good old LM723. U nfortunately, these regulators are sipation rating. The 5-pin STR is available for 5.1 V, 12 V, 13 V,
m a in s/f u se f a ilu r e in d ic a t o r
S1 F1
G. Kleine
The indicator shows when the mains is present at its output by a
continuous glow of a neon bulb, La1, and when the fuse is blown by
flashing of the neon bulb.
When the fuse is intact, capacitor C 2 acts as the series resis-
1N4007 C2 tance for the neon bulb, so that this glows continuously. When the
fuse has blow, the mains voltage across diode D 1 is applied as a
1 3 V /2 A P S U f o r h a n d h e ld r ig s
Design by N.S. Harisankar VU3NSH
This compact 13-V/2-A power supply for ham radio rigs and other
invariably associated with a fair number of external components,
while we should also consider design factors like total power dis-
sipation and input voltage range.
VHF/UHF portable PMR s is based on the STR 2012/13 voltage The STR is a hybrid power IC containing a switch-mode power
regulator IC from Sanken Electric Co. Many power supplies for supply. It supplies a fixed output voltage and accepts relatively high
handheld amateur radio rigs are based on the LM317, LM350 or input voltages. Another advantage is its relatively high power dis-
even the good old LM723. U nfortunately, these regulators are sipation rating. The 5-pin STR is available for 5.1 V, 12 V, 13 V,
blowing fuse F1. Diode D1 acts as a reverse polarity protection,
also in combination with fuse F1.
To allow for its dissipated heat, the STR regulator should be 1N5401 994075 - 11
mounted on a heatsink. Efficiency will be around 80% , with rip-
ple rejection at a comfortable 45 dB. The raw input voltage to the
regulator should be in the range 18 to 35 V.
The coil, L1, may be selected from the range produced by New- that number to arrive at about 300 µH.
port. The type 1430430 is suggested. If difficult to obtain, then an Finally, keep the wire between pin 3 of the STR and ground as
ordinary triac suppressor type may be used instead. Note, how- short as possible, and connect at least the negative terminals of C1
ever, that the inductance of these coils is usually just 100 µH, so and C3 to this point to give a ‘star’ type ground connection.
you have to count the number of turns and add another 0.7 times (9944075-1)
sim p le r e la y st e p -u p c ir c u it s
A R3
briefly 12 volts — enough to actuate the contact(s). However, the
coil voltage drops to the supply voltage fairly quickly. The period is
BC548 2x
1N4148 diode. In this arrangement, the BC558 is now isolated from the
recharge current of the capacitor. The new transistor provides fast
994081 - 11
charging for the capacitor. Charging is completed within the
mechanical response time of the relay.
When using these circuits it should be noted that the contact pres-
Design by R. Graham sure of the relay contacts may be al little lower than with the nom-
Have you ever needed to power a 12-volt relay in a circuit but only inal coil voltage. It is therefore advisable to keep contact currents
had 6 or 9 volts available? This simple circuit will solve that prob- well below the maximum specified value.
lem. It allows 12-volt relays to be operated from 6 or 9 volts, or 24- (994081-1)
volt relays from 12 volts. While most normal relays require the
manufacturer-specified coil voltage to reliably pull the contacts
together, once the contacts are together you only need about half R3
that rated voltage to hold them in. This circuit works by using that B
principle to provide a short burst of twice the supply voltage to R4
move the contacts and then applies the available 6 or 9 volts to the 27k
relay to lock the contacts in place. T2
With reference to Figure A., when the main supply is applied to
the circuit the 220-µF capacitor, C1, charges quickly to + 6 volts D3 BC548
through resistor R3. The circuit is now awaiting voltage on the con- CONTROL IN
blowing fuse F1. Diode D1 acts as a reverse polarity protection,
also in combination with fuse F1.
To allow for its dissipated heat, the STR regulator should be 1N5401 994075 - 11
mounted on a heatsink. Efficiency will be around 80% , with rip-
ple rejection at a comfortable 45 dB. The raw input voltage to the
regulator should be in the range 18 to 35 V.
The coil, L1, may be selected from the range produced by New- that number to arrive at about 300 µH.
port. The type 1430430 is suggested. If difficult to obtain, then an Finally, keep the wire between pin 3 of the STR and ground as
ordinary triac suppressor type may be used instead. Note, how- short as possible, and connect at least the negative terminals of C1
ever, that the inductance of these coils is usually just 100 µH, so and C3 to this point to give a ‘star’ type ground connection.
you have to count the number of turns and add another 0.7 times (9944075-1)
sim p le r e la y st e p -u p c ir c u it s
A R3
briefly 12 volts — enough to actuate the contact(s). However, the
coil voltage drops to the supply voltage fairly quickly. The period is
BC548 2x
1N4148 diode. In this arrangement, the BC558 is now isolated from the
recharge current of the capacitor. The new transistor provides fast
994081 - 11
charging for the capacitor. Charging is completed within the
mechanical response time of the relay.
When using these circuits it should be noted that the contact pres-
Design by R. Graham sure of the relay contacts may be al little lower than with the nom-
Have you ever needed to power a 12-volt relay in a circuit but only inal coil voltage. It is therefore advisable to keep contact currents
had 6 or 9 volts available? This simple circuit will solve that prob- well below the maximum specified value.
lem. It allows 12-volt relays to be operated from 6 or 9 volts, or 24- (994081-1)
volt relays from 12 volts. While most normal relays require the
manufacturer-specified coil voltage to reliably pull the contacts
together, once the contacts are together you only need about half R3
that rated voltage to hold them in. This circuit works by using that B
principle to provide a short burst of twice the supply voltage to R4
move the contacts and then applies the available 6 or 9 volts to the 27k
relay to lock the contacts in place. T2
With reference to Figure A., when the main supply is applied to
the circuit the 220-µF capacitor, C1, charges quickly to + 6 volts D3 BC548
through resistor R3. The circuit is now awaiting voltage on the con- CONTROL IN
14 14
065 IC4
C7 C8
5V IC1 IC2 3
100n 100n C4
7 7 2
D1 4
128f s
R1 1N4148 1
C5 S1
47µ 25V 100n COAX
Tr1 R4
4 10
5 20
2 S 5 12 S 9 8 17 47n
IC2a IC2b IC3
3 6 11 8 9 2 R7
10 3 75Ω
11 24 COAX
1 13
6 4 20 : 2 : 2
15 1
13 5V
EM1/C8 C3
7 14 R3
2 5V
21 12 47n
IC1a M0 C9/C15
1 IC1 = 74HC04 M1C S 8 4 0 2 A
23 16
IC2 = 74HC74 M2 RST
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
IC1f IC1e IC1d 18
13 11 9
1 1 1 22µ
12 10 8 40V
R2 1 8x 10k
3 5
1 1
4 6
994098 - 11
IC1b IC1c
T. Giesberts analogue filters, so that the level of the sinusoidal signal more or less
The generator is intended primarily for checking S/PDIF (Sony/ coincides with that of a 0 dB signal. At this frequency, it is also
Philips Digital Interface Format) receivers and any associated dig- clearly discernible whether de-emphasis correction is present (S1–4
ital-to-analogue converters (DAC) and/or output filters. The exter- off: de-emphasis on) and, if so, whether this provides the requisite
nal clock – standard TTL level – enables 128 sample frequencies attenuation of 10 dB.
to be generated. The clock may also be used for generating standard The CS8402A is used in mode 0 (low level at inputs M 0–M 2).
frequencies with the remaining inverters serving as crystal oscilla- This mode is really intended for interfacing with analogue-to-dig-
tors (provided a 74HCU04 is used). ital converters (ADC), but is used here since it enables the FSYNC
The sender is a Type CS8402A digital audio interface trans- of the L/R clock and the bit clock, SCK, to be derived internally
mitter from Crystal. In this short article it is not possible to list all from the MCK clock, and to be arranged as outputs. The data for
settings that may be obtained with switch S1: the reader is referred half the sampling frequency are obtained by halving the L/R clock
to the data sheet of the IC or to the ‘sampling rate converter’ pub- in IC2a. Since the data must be the 2s complement, they are shifted
lished in the October 1996 issue of this magazine. The connections by one clock period in IC2b, so that, depending on the phase of the
to the switch are exactly as described in that article. L/R clock, that is, inverter IC 1a , either the left-hand or the right-
There is an optical (IC 4) as well as a coaxial output (K1, K2). hand channel contains a peak-level signal. The other channel then
Toroidal transformer Tr 1 provides electrical isolation of the coax- toggles one LSB at identical frequency.
ial sockets and also serves to prevent earth loops. Capacitors C 2 It should be noted that some DACs, particularly 1st generation
and C 3 provide the earth connections for the sockets. 1-bit types, fail to operate correctly with 0 dB signals, which may
The transformer is wound on a TN13/7.5/5-3E25 core with a cause difficulties with overdriven CDs (see ‘Clipping and the CD’
transformation ratio of 20:2:2 since TXP and TXN (on IC 3) are in the Readers’ Letters column in the April 1999 issue of this mag-
differential outputs. The primary voltage is 10 V pp to give a signal azine). This may be checked with the present generator. If the
across the 75 Ω coaxial outputs of 0.5 V pp. After a reset, both out- audio signal is not wanted, the SDATA input should be linked to
puts are low and are not short-circuited by Tr 1. A coarse audio sig- earth and IC 1 and IC 2 omitted.
nal is added to prevent, for instance, muting of the outputs. Resistor R 1 and diodes D 1, D 2 protect the MCK input against
Jumper JP 1 enables either the left-hand or right-hand signal to excessive or unbalanced clock signals.
contain a rectangular signal at peak value and half the sampling The generator draws a current of about 30 mA.
frequency. This enables, for instance, the channel separation and [994098]
the combination of digital and analogue signals to be checked. In
most DACs, filter action commences at half the sampling fre-
quency. At that instance, there is hardly any attenuation by the
3 5 3 5
1 R7 C5 LP
3 7 1 7 1 7
5 IC2a IC2b IC3a IC3b 100Ω
6 2 6 2 6
C1 R5 820n
4 R1 C2 C3
180n 8
1% 10n 10n R8 C6 BP
R10 R2 820n
47k 10k
1% R9 C7 BR
16 5VA
K1 VDD 23
10 A1
19 1 SHDN 22 W1
20 2 12 24 B1 8 C10 8 C11
21 3 14 21 IC2 IC3
4 100n 4 100n
22 4 11
CS IC2, IC3 = OP279G
3 A2
23 5 15 A2
RS 4 W2
24 6 IC1 W2
2 B2
25 7 B2
26 8 AGND2
27 9 AD8403 A3
28 10 AR10 18 W3 5V 5VA 2V5
29 11 20 B3
30 12 17 5V L1 R3
31 13 100k
13 7 A4 100µH
32 14 SDO A4
8 W4 R4
33 15 W4 C7 C8 C9 C12 C13
6 B4
34 16 B4
5 100µ 100n 10µ 100µ 100n
35 17 AGND4
DGND 16V 16V 16V
36 18
9 L2
984112 - 11
Design: H. Bonekamp i.e., the resolution is 8 bits. This particular pot controls the signal
Dimensioning and testing active filters for audio and measurement level applied to opamp IC2a.
applications is not seriously good fun, in fact, many hobbyists seem After a reset pulse on the RS terminal, the wipers of the four elec-
to avoid the subject altogether just because of the complexity of the tronic pots inside the ADC8403 are set to ‘mid travel’. The chip
calculations involved. And indeed, there are so many parameters to reads its control information via 3 input terminals: CS (chip select),
observe in active filter design (slope, phase response, high-pass, low- SDI (serial data in) and SCLK (serial clock). Internally, the SDI
pass, band-pass or stop pass, etc.) that only a select few are interested. signal (data) is applied to a serial-to-parallel shift register. The data
The project described here alleviates some of the above problems by consists of 10 bits. The first two bits select the desired DAC (1 of 4),
joining the forces of advanced hardware (a 4-channel digitally con- and the next 8 bits, the value for the relevant DAC. The SDO (ser-
trolled variable resistor chip) and some clever computer software (a ial data out) pin allows two or more ADC8403’s to be cascaded.
program written in C). The upshot is that you, the user, define the The filter has one input and four outputs: HP (high-pass), LP (low-
filter you want, and the hardware/software combination does the rest. pass), BP (band-pass) and BR (band-reject). The relation between
The hardware consists of a basic active filter comprising four the filter type and the associated frequency band is summarized in
opamps. The resistive elements in the filter (which determine the the Table. The highest and lowest frequencies may be lowered by
filter response) are electronically controlled potentiometers con- a factor of 10 by replacing C2 and C3 with 100-nF polystyrene
tained in IC1, a 4-channel ‘TRIMDAC’ type ADC8403. For exam- close-tolerance capacitors.
ple, one such potentiometer (with a value of 10 kΩ typ.) is avaial- The circuit is powered by a regulated 5-volt supply. Note the use
ble on pins A2, W2 and B2 of the ADC8403, where W2 is the of two chokes (L1 and L2) and a fair number of decoupling capac-
wiper. By means of suitable control signals received from the PC’s itors to ensure a pristine supply voltage to the DACs and opamps.
printer port, this pot can be programmed to take on 1 of 256 values, The program that arranges for the correct filter parameters (i.e.,
L1 R3
K1 L2 R4
C12 T
R8 C5
C2 C14
IC2 984112-1
The filter is built on a compact printed circuit board. Once fully
populated, the board may be powered up and then connected
direct to the PC’s printer port using a standard parallel printer Resistors: Inductors:
cable. The circuit draws about 10 mA. R1,R2 = 10kΩ 1% L1,L2 = 100µH choke
Although the electronic potentiometers inside the ADC8403 are R3,R4 = 100kΩ
R5,R10 = 47kΩ Semiconductors:
R6-R9 = 100Ω IC1 = AD8403AR10 (Analog
R11 = 10kΩ Devices)
Filter Type Frequency Range (Hz)
IC2,IC3 = OP279G
Band-pass 2.0k – 20k Capacitors: IC4 = TLC271CP
Band reject 2.0k – 20k C1 = 180nF MKT (Siemens)
C2,C3 = 10nF 1% Miscellaneous:
Low-pass: polystyrene K1 = 36-way Centronics
Critically damped 1.03k – 20.5k C4,C5,C6,C15 = 820nF MKT socket, PCB mount, angled
Bessel 1.26k – 25.0k (Siemens) pins
Butterworth 1.61k – 31.8k C7,C12 = 100µF 16V radial PCB, order code 984112-1
Chebychev 0.5dB 1.89k – 37.4k C8,C10,C11,C13,C14 = Disk (source code and
100nF ceramic executable), order code
Chebychev 1dB 2.00k – 39.6k
C9 = 10µF 16V radial 996018-1
Chebychev 2dB 2.14k – 42.4k
Chebychev 3dB 2.23k – 44.2k
High-pass: matched to 1%, their absolute value may deviate from the nominal
Critically damped 2.50k – 49.5k 10 kΩ. The actual value has to be measured and entered into the
Bessel 2.04k – 40.5k control program. To do so, switch on the circuit and measure the
Butterworth 1.61k – 31.8k resistance between pins 23 and 24 of IC1. Enter this value into the
Chebychev 0.5dB 1.37k – 27.1k program — it will be stored in a configuration file. This calibra-
Chebychev 1dB 1.29k – 25.6k tion procedure is only required once. Finally, the control program
Chebychev 2dB 1.21k – 23.9k is best used in ‘real-DOS mode — we recommend against running
Chebychev 3dB 1.16k – 22.9k it in a Windows ‘DOS box’.