Fantasy Set 07 - Monsters II
Fantasy Set 07 - Monsters II
Fantasy Set 07 - Monsters II
For permanent assembly, overlap the two sides of the base and
INSTRUCTIONS glue or tape them together.
Printing: Print the second page of this PDF on heavy white Weighting: If you assemble your figures permanently, you can
cardstock (available from any office-supply store). A color printer is weight each base with a BB, fishing sinker, or similar object glued
recommended. inside. They are surprisingly stable without weights, but you may
Cutting: Cut the figures along the dotted yellow lines. DO NOT want a little “insurance.” A ball of clay makes a good temporary
cut on the solid lines – those are the fold lines. weight.
Folding: The best way to fold the figures is to start by scoring Identification: Each figure has a unique ID number on its base,
along each fold line. Use a letter opener, coin, or similar object; along with a very brief description. However, no identification has
“mark” along a straight-edge to indent the fold lines on each figure. been placed where it will show during play. If you wish, you can
Then place the fold line over a sharp table edge and bend. This will write names, letters, or numbers on the front or back of each figure;
give a clean and accurate fold. we’ve left this to the purchaser’s preference.
If you use a table edge without scoring first, the fold may not
go exactly where you want it. It may be easiest to score each
card before cutting it apart.
Assembly: A finished figure has a front, back, and base.
You may assemble figures either temporarily or perma-
For temporary assembly, cut along the dotted lines
that extend halfway into the base of each figure. You
can then lock the two halves of the base together (see
illustration). The figure will stand up during play, but
can be taken apart and stored flat when you are
through with it.
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