Unit 2

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Nombre de la institución Unidad Educativa “San Sebastián”

Nombre del Docente Ing. Wilson Sánchez Crespo Fecha 15-10-2019
Área Instrumental Grado Octavo EGB Año lectivo 2019 - 2020
Asignatura Inglés Tiempo 28-10 al 12-12-2019
Unidad didáctica 2 People I Love.
Objetivo de la unidad Students will be able to describe them self
Criterios de evaluación CE.EFL.4.1. Compare and contrast oral traditions and literature from Ecuador and beyond in order to manifest an understanding of the
relationship between cultural perspectives and practices and by sharing cross cultural experiences.
CE.EFL.4.4. Demonstrate the ability to ask for and give information and assistance using appropriate language and interaction styles in a
variety of social interactions.
CE.EFL.4.7 Listening for information: Follow and identify some main ideas and details in short and straightforward spoken or audio text set in
familiar contexts, when delivered slowly and with visuals to provide contextual support. Use spoken contributions in class as models for one’s
own speech.
CE.EFL.4.11. Demonstrate comprehension of main ideas and some details in short simple texts on familiar subjects, making use of contextual
clues to identify relevant information in a text.
Evaluation Indicators of the unity Evaluation techniques
and instruments
Communication and Cultural *Identify pictures of famous people and their  Student’s book Communication and Cultural Awareness. Techniques
Awareness. Draw a family three for each student to English A1.1. I.EFL.4.1.1. Learners can compare and contrast Take roles while
EFL 4.1.1. Compare and contrast oral tra- locate their corresponding relative.  Teacher’s Guide oral traditions, myths, folktales and literature listening to descriptions
ditions, myths, folktales and literature *Identify different family members. A1.1. from Ecuador and other cultures in order to of familiar scenes.
*Have students described their relatives  Videos of You Instruments
from Ecuador and international regions demonstrate an understanding of the
and cultures and identify similarities and using: What does he? / She look like? relationship between cultural practices and Gap activities in pairs
 Images, photos,
differences and universal cultural drawings perspectives. Learners can share cross-cultural
themes. experiences while naming universal cultural
EFL 4.1.10. Recognize and appreciate themes. (I.2, S.1, S.2, J.1)
individual and group similarities and I.EFL.4.4.1. Learners can demonstrate an
differences by establishing and ability to give and ask for information and
maintaining healthy and rewarding assistance using level-appropriate language
online and face-to-face relationships and interaction styles in online or face-to-face
based on communication and social and classroom interactions (J.2, J.3, J.4,
cooperation. I.3)
Oral Communication: (Listening and *Pair work activity: Students ask each  Interactive version Oral communication Techniques
Speaking) other Are you tall? , is she young? , etc. Audio CD. A1.1 I.EFL.4.7.1. Learners can identify the main idea Use expressions
EFL 4.2.2. Use a series of phrases and *Play the audio to identify people’s  Student’s book and some details in short straightforward learned from a video to
sentences to describe aspects of personal physical descriptions. English A1.1. spoken audio texts set in familiar contexts describe a family
 Workbook A1.1 situation.
background, immediate environment and when the message is delivered slowly and
include in
matters of immediate need in simple there is other contextual support. Learners can Instruments
student’s book.
terms using grammatical structures use other classmate’s contributions in class as Oral interview in pairs
 Teacher’s Guide
learnt in class (although there may be A1.1. models for their own. (I.2, I.3, S.4)
frequent errors with tenses, personal  Songs I.EFL.4.10.1. Learners can effectively par-
pronouns, prepositions, etc.) ticipate in familiar and predictable everyday
conversational exchanges in order to complete
a task, satisfy a need or handle a simple
transaction, using a range of repair strategies.
(Example: asking for clarification) (I.3, J.3, J.4)

Reading *Students read and identify the  Student’s book Reading Techniques
EFL 4.3.1 Understand main points in adjectives in the paragraph. English A1.1. I.EFL.4.11.1. Learners can understand main Look for context clues
short simple text on familiar subjects.  Teacher’s Guide ideas and some details in short simple online to understand new
A1.1. or print texts on familiar subjects, using vocabulary.
(Examples: News about sports or famous
 Workbook A1.1 Instruments
people, descriptions, etc.) contextual clues to help identify the most
include in
EFL 4.3.2 Make use of clues such as titles, relevant information. (Example: title,  Games
student’s book.
illustrations, organization, text outline  Markers illustrations, organization, etc.) (I.2, I.4)  Portfolio
and layout, etc. to identify and  White Board  Scrapbook
understand relevant information in
written level-appropriate text types.
Writing *Students write a descriptions using their - Student’s book Writing Techniques
EFL 4.4.2 Make and use a simple print or personal information. English A1.1. I.EFL.4.15.1. Learners can convey information Write information
*Get material to create a scrapbook. - Workbook A1.1 and ideas and describe feelings and opinions in questions based on a
digital learning resource to compare and
include in model to interview a
contrast information in order to simple transactional or expository texts on
student’s book.
demonstrate understanding and familiar subjects in order to influence an partner.
- Exercises in
command of a topic. audience, while recognizing that different texts Instruments
- Interactive games have different features and showing the ability  Writing Quiz
on-line. to use these features appropriately in one’s  Glossary activities
- Photocopies. own writing. (I.3, I.4, S.3, J.2)
- Markers
- White Board
Language through the arts *Oral presentations of the project: This is  Videos of You Language through the arts Techniques
EFL 4.5.11 Participate in creative thinking my … (relative). Tube I.EFL.4.20.1. Learners can create short, original Make presentation of
through brainstorming, working in  Educative Web literary texts in different genres, including paper and audiovisual
pages those that reflect Ecuadorian cultures, using a Instruments
groups, games and problem-solving tasks
 Projector Projects and
by showing the ability to accept a variety range of digital tools, writing styles,
 Stationery
of ideas and capitalize on other people’s appropriate vocabulary and other literary presentations
strengths. concepts. (I.1, I.3).


DOCENTE(S): Ing. Wilson Sánchez C. NOMBRE: Econ. Gustavo Palomeque A. NOMBRE: Lic. Wilson Carangui L.

Firma: Firma: Firma:

Fecha: 15 - 10 - 2019 Fecha: Fecha:

Nombre de la institución Unidad Educativa “San Sebastián”
Nombre del Docente Ing. Wilson Sánchez Crespo Fecha 15-10-2019
Área Instrumental Grado Noveno EGB Año lectivo 2019 - 2020
Asignatura Inglés Tiempo 28-10 al 12-12-2019
Unidad didáctica 2 Cultures Around The World
Objetivo de la unidad Students will be able to describe customs and celebrations around the world
Criterios de evaluación CE.EFL.4.2. Recognize and demonstrate an appreciation of commonalities between cultures as well as the consequences of one’s actions
while exhibiting socially responsible behaviors.
CE.EFL.4.3. Interact with others using self-monitoring and self-correcting strategies as well as appropriate nonverbal and oral
communication features.
CE.EFL.4.9. Production – Fluency: Use simple language to describe, compare and make statements about familiar everyday topics such as
objects, possessions and routines in structured situations and short conversations. Interaction is with reasonable ease, provided speech is
given clearly, slowly and directly.
CE.EFL.4.8. Production – Accuracy and Intelligibility: Communicate needs and information clearly and in simple terms, using grammatical
structures learned in class (although there may be frequent errors), effectively and without undue effort. Demonstrate an ability to make
appropriate use of new words and expressions in social interactions.
CE.EFL.4.11. Demonstrate comprehension of main ideas and some details in short simple texts on familiar subjects, making use of contextual
clues to identify relevant information in a text.
CE.EFL.4.17. Show an ability to convey and organize information through the use of facts and details and by employing various stages of the
writing process, while using a range of digital tools to promote and support collaboration, learning and productivity.
CE.EFL.4.22. Show the ability to work collaboratively and to participate effectively in a variety of student groupings by employing a wide
range of creative thinking skills through the completion of activities such as playing games, brainstorming and problem solving.
SKILLS WITH PERFORMANCE CRITERIA LEARNING ACTIVITIES RESOURCES Evaluation Indicators of the unity Evaluation techniques
and instruments
Communication and Cultural Awareness.  Interview a classmate about his/her  Student’s book Communication and Cultural Awareness. Techniques
EFL 4.1.2. Recognize and demonstrate an favorite celebration. English A1.1. I.EFL.4.2.1. Learners can name similarities and  Listen for specific
appreciation of some commonalities and  Teacher’s Guide differences between different aspects of details.
distinctions across cultures and groups A1.1. cultural groups. Learners can demonstrate Instruments
 Videos of You  Oral and writing
(differentiated by gender, ability, socially responsible behaviors at school,
Tube evaluation
generations, etc.) including the students’ online, at home and in the community, and
 Images, photos,
own. drawings evaluate their actions by ethical, safety and
EFL 4.1.5. Apply self-correcting and self- social standards. (J.3, S.1, I.1)
monitoring strategies in social and I.EFL.4.3.1. Learners can employ a range of
classroom interactions. (Example: asking self-monitoring and self-correcting strategies
questions, starting over, rephrasing, and interpret and use appropriate verbal and
exploring alternative pronunciations or nonverbal communication features to
wording, etc.) EFL 4.2.1 communicate in familiar contexts. (I.3, S.4, J.4).
Oral Communication: (Listening and  Talk about customs around the  Interactive version Oral communication Techniques
Speaking) world Audio CD. A1.1 I.EFL.4.9.1. Learners can use simple language  Use new
EFL 4.2.1 Understand phrases and  Interview a classmate about his/her  Student’s book to describe, compare and state facts about vocabulary and
expressions related to areas of most favorite celebration. English A1.1. familiar everyday topics such as possessions, expressions in a
immediate priority within the personal  Workbook A1.1 classroom objects and routines in short, dialogue to enrich
include in
and educational domains, provided speech structured situations. it.
student’s book.
is clearly and slowly articulated. (Example:  Teacher’s Guide
I.EFL.4.8.1. Learners can communicate Instruments
daily life, free time, school activities, etc.) A1.1. personal information and basic immediate  Projects and
EFL 4.2.2. Use a series of phrases and  Songs needs and deal with other practical everyday presentations
sentences to describe aspects of personal demands in familiar contexts, effectively and  Oral interview in
background, immediate environment and without undue effort and using grammatical pairs
matters of immediate need in simple terms structures and vocabulary seen in class
using grammatical structures learnt in class (although there may be frequent, basic errors).
(although there may be frequent errors (I.1, I.2, I.3, S.1).
with tenses, personal pronouns,
prepositions, etc.)
Reading  Read about celebrations in your  Student’s book Reading Tehniques
EFL 4.3.2 Make use of clues such as titles, country. English A1.1. I.EFL.4.11.1. Learners can understand main Use context clues to
illustrations, organization, text outline and  Teacher’s Guide ideas and some details in short simple online understand the
A1.1. or print texts on familiar subjects, using meaning of new words
layout, etc. to identify and understand
 Workbook A1.1 in a text.
relevant information in written level- contextual clues to help identify the most
include in Instruments
appropriate text types. student’s book.
relevant information (I.2, I.4).
 Role play
 Markers
 White Board
 Game

Writing  Write about celebration in your - Student’s book Writing Techniques

EFL 4.4.4 Write to describe feelings/opinions in country. English A1.1. I.EFL.4.17.1. Learners can convey and organize  Use connectors to
order to effectively influence an audience.  Write a e-mail to a friend inviting - Workbook A1.1 information through the use of facts and write a short
(Example: persuade, negotiate, argue, etc.). include in
him/her to celebrate a festivity in details and by employing various stages of the description of your
student’s book.
your country. writing process, while using a range of digital own culture
- Exercises in
Internet. tools to promote and support collaboration, Instruments
- Interactive games learning and productivity. (I.1, I.3, S.4, J.2, J.4)  Writing Quiz
on-line.  Glossary activities
- Photocopies.  Portfolio
- Markers
- White Board
Language through the arts  Prepare a slide show presentation  Videos of You Language through the arts Techniques
EFL 4.5.4 Create personal stories by adding about a culture in Ecuador. Tube I.EFL.4.22.1. Learners can collaborate and  Pay attention to
imaginative details to real-life stories and  Educative Web participate effectively in a variety of student background
situations, using appropriate vocabulary and pages groupings by employing a wide range of sounds to
elements of the literature learners have read or  Projector
creative thinking skills through the completion understand the
heard.  Stationery
of activities such as playing games, context of a
brainstorming and problem solving. conversation.
 Audios of


DOCENTE(S): Ing. Wilson Sánchez C. NOMBRE: Econ. Gustavo Palomeque A. NOMBRE: Lic. Wilson Carangui L.

Firma: Firma: Firma:

Fecha: 15 - 10 - 2019 Fecha: Fecha:

Nombre de la institución Unidad Educativa “San Sebastián”
Nombre del Docente Ing. Wilson Sánchez Crespo Fecha 15-10-2019
Área Instrumental Grado Décimo EGB Año lectivo 2019 - 2020
Asignatura Inglés Tiempo 28-10 al 12-12-2019
Unidad didáctica 2 Travel and Adventure.
Objetivo de la unidad Students will be able to narrate personal experiences
Criterios de evaluación CE.EFL.4.2. Recognize and demonstrate an appreciation of commonalities between cultures as well as the consequences of one’s
actions while exhibiting socially responsible behaviors.
CE.EFL.4.3. Interact with others using self-monitoring and self-correcting strategies as well as appropriate nonverbal and oral
communication features.
CE.EFL.4.10. Interaction – Interpersonal: Participate effectively in familiar and predictable conversational exchanges by asking and
answering follow-up questions, provided there are opportunities to use repair strategies (e.g. asking for clarification) and sustain
conversational exchanges in pairs to complete a task, satisfy a need or handle a simple transaction.
CE.EFL.4.13. Apply learning strategies such as using prior knowledge and graphic organizers to interpret new information in a text, and
assess this information according to the organization, subject area and purpose of the text, using different criteria, including ICT tools.
CE.EFL.4.15. Express information and ideas and describe feelings and opinions in simple transactional or expository texts on familiar
subjects in order to influence an audience, while recognizing that different texts have different features and showing the ability to use
these features appropriately in one’s own writing.


LEARNING ACTIVITIES RESOURCES Evaluation Indicators of the unity Evaluation techniques

and instruments
Communication and Cultural Awareness.  Mention places for outdoor  Student’s book Communication and Cultural Awareness. Techniques
EFL 4.1.2. Recognize and demonstrate an activities. English A1.1. I.EFL.4.2.1. Learners can name similarities and Listening to specific
appreciation of some commonalities and  Teacher’s Guide differences between different aspects of details.
distinctions across cultures and groups A1.1. cultural groups. Learners can demonstrate Take notes while
 Videos of You
(differentiated by gender, ability, generations, socially responsible behaviors at school, listening to a
etc.) including the students’ own. online, at home and in the community, and conversation.
 Images, photos,
EFL 4.1.8. Use suitable vocabulary, expressions, drawings evaluate their actions by ethical, safety and Instruments
and language and interaction styles for formal social standards. (J.3, S.1, I.1)
and informal social or academic situations in I.EFL.4.3.1. Learners can employ a range of
order to communicate specific intentions in self-monitoring and self-correcting strategies
online and face-to-face interactions. (Example: and interpret and use appropriate verbal and
thanking, making promises, apologizing, asking nonverbal communication features to
permission, chatting with friends, answering in communicate in familiar contexts. (I.3, S.4, J.4)
class, greeting an authority figure, etc.)
Oral Communication: (Listening and Speaking)  Talk about outdoor activities.  Interactive version Oral communication Techniques
EFL 4.2.10. Sustain a conversational exchange Audio CD. A1.1 I.EFL.4.10.1. Learners can effectively Encourage a partner to
on a familiar, everyday subject when carrying  Student’s book participate in familiar and predictable take part in a
out a collaborative/paired learning activity in English A1.1. everyday conversational exchanges in order to conversation by using
which there are specific instructions for a task.  Workbook A1.1 complete a task, satisfy a need or handle a appropriate
include in
simple transaction, using a range of repair expressions such as
student’s book.
 Teacher’s Guide
strategies. (Example: asking for clarification, How about you?
A1.1. etc.) Instruments
 Songs  Oral interview in
Reading  Recommend a place to visit in  Student’s book Reading Techniques
EFL 4.3.6. Apply learning strategies to examine Ecuador. English A1.1. I.EFL.4.13.1. Learners can apply learning Activate your previous
and interpret a variety of written materials  Teacher’s Guide strategies such as using prior knowledge and knowledge about the
A1.1. graphic organizers to interpret new topic a text by looking
using prior knowledge, graphic organizers,
 Workbook A1.1
context clues, note taking and finding words in a information in a text. Learners can assess this into sets of related
include in
dictionary. student’s book.
information according to the organization, words and ideas.
 Markers subject area and purpose of the text, through Instruments
 White Board the use of different criteria, including ICT tools.  Role play
 Game
Writing  Design a brochure of a  Student’s book Writing Techniques
EFL 4.4.4. Write to describe feelings/ opinions in touristic place in Ecuador English A1.1. I.EFL.4.15.1. Learners can convey information Use sequence
order to effectively influence an audience.  Workbook A1.1 and ideas and describe feelings and opinions in connectors to
include in simple transactional or expository texts on determine the order of
(Example: persuade, negotiate, argue, etc.).
student’s book.
familiar subjects in order to influence an events in a descriptive
 Exercises in
audience, while recognizing that different texts text.
 Interactive games have different features and showing the ability Instruments
on-line. to use these features appropriately in one’s  Writing Quiz
 Photocopies. own writing. (I.3, I.4, S.3, J.2)  Glossary activities
 Markers
 White Board
Language through the arts  Design a project about a  Videos of You Language through the arts Techniques
EFL 4.5.9. Engage in collaborative activities campaigning. Tube I.EFL.4.22.1. Learners can collaborate and Use idioms and
through a variety of student groupings to create  Educative Web participate effectively in a variety of student colloquial expressions
and respond to literature and other literary pages groupings by employing a wide range of creative to talk about extreme
 Projector thinking skills through the completion of
texts. (Example: small groups, cooperative vacations and outdoor
 Stationery activities such as playing games, brainstorming
learning groups, literature circles, process activities.
writing groups, etc.) and problem solving. (S.2, S.4, J.1, J.2, J.3, J.4). Instruments
 Projects


DOCENTE(S): Ing. Wilson Sánchez C. NOMBRE: Econ. Gustavo Palomeque A. NOMBRE: Lic. Wilson Carangui L.

Firma: Firma: Firma:

Fecha: 15 - 10 - 2019 Fecha: Fecha:

Nombre de la institución Unidad Educativa “San Sebastián”
Nombre del Docente Ing. Wilson Sánchez Crespo Fecha 09-09-2019
Área Instrumental Grado Primero BGU Año lectivo 2019 - 2020
Asignatura Inglés Tiempo 28-10 al 12-12-2019
Unidad didáctica 2 Experience Culture!
Objetivo de la unidad Students will be able to talk about your most significant learning experiences in the context of cultural literacy
Criterios de evaluación CE.EFL.5.2. Demonstrate an ability to discuss culture by analyzing cultural products and referents from Ecuador and other countries while
making informed choices about and taking action on issues of prejudice and discrimination.
CE.EFL.5.5. Listening for Meaning: Identify the main idea in a variety of audio recordings (e.g., interviews, radio ads, news reports, etc.) and
deduce the meanings of unfamiliar phrases and words in familiar contexts, provided speech is clear and visuals help support meaning.
CE.EFL.5.11. Identify and apply a range of reading strategies in order to make texts meaningful and to select information within a text that
might be of practical use for one’s own academic needs.
CE.EFL.5.14. Identify, critically evaluate and recommend a variety of potential resources and references, including digital tools that support
collaboration and productivity, for educational and academic use.
CE.EFL.5.19. Engage in collaborative activities through a variety of student groupings in order to solve problems and reflect on literary texts,
and produce criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the group.

Evaluation Indicators of the unity Evaluation techniques
and instruments
Communication and Cultural Awareness.  Get in groups and talk about bad  Student’s book Communication and Cultural Awareness. Techniques
EFL 5.1.3 Find parallels between behaviors in teens. English A1.1. I.EFL.5.2.1. Learners can exhibit an ability to  Support your ideas
Ecuadorian cultural and political referents  Teacher’s Guide discuss culture by analyzing cultural products given reasons.
and those of other countries by talking A1.1. and referents from Ecuador and other Instruments
 Videos of You
about holidays, symbols, customs and countries while making informed choices  Rubrica
schooling. about and taking action on issues of prejudice  Portfolio
 Images, photos,
drawings and discrimination (I.1, I.2, S.2, J.1, J.3).
Oral Communication: (Listening and  Prepare a set of recommendations.  Interactive version Oral communication Techniques
Speaking)  Rehearse the presentation. Audio CD. A1.1 I.EFL.5.5.1. Learners can identify the main idea  Listen to the audio
EFL 5.2.2 Identify the main idea and some  Student’s book in a variety of audio recordings (e.g., with the eyes
details of recorded news reports, English A1.1. interviews, radio ads, news reports, etc.) and close.
 Workbook A1.1
documentaries and interviews reporting on deduce the meanings of unfamiliar phrases Instruments
include in
seasonal festivities, environmental issues, student’s book.
and words in familiar contexts where speech is Training test.
food and international customs, climate,  Teacher’s Guide clear and visuals help support meaning. (I.3,
weather, etc., where the visuals support A1.1. I.4)
the commentary.  Songs
EFL 5.3.2 Identify and use reading strat-  Carry out campaign.  Student’s book
egies to make informative and narrative English A1.1. Reading
texts comprehensible and meaningful.  Teacher’s Guide I.EFL.5.11.1. Learners can Identify and apply a Techniques
(Example: skimming, scanning, previewing, A1.1. range of reading strategies in order to make  Scan the text for
 Workbook A1.1
reading for main ideas and details, using texts meaningful and to select information the main idea.
include in
structural and context clues, cognates, student’s book.
within a text that might be of practical use for  Find supporting
format, sequence, etc.)  Markers one’s own academic needs. (I.1, I.2, I.4, S.3) ideas for better
 White Board comprehension.
 Essay test
 Training test.
Writing  Assign responsibilities: designing  Student’s book Writing Techniques
EFL 5.4.2 Identify a variety of types and flyers or posters, preparing English A1.1. I.EFL.5.18.1. Learners can use a variety of  Use connectors to
formats of potential resources and the speeches and slogans.  Workbook A1.1 criteria for evaluating and recommending join your ideas.
include in literary texts to others, and recognize how  Pay attention to
value, purpose and audience of each for
student’s book.
use in the educational domain. (Example: chosen criteria affect evaluation. (S.1, S.4, J.2, key words to
 Exercises in
audio/video, multimedia, website, Internet.
J.4) identify relevant
database, book, thesaurus,  Interactive games details in the
scholarly/popular, current/historical, etc.) on-line. speech.
EFL 5.4.4 Select and make effective use of  Photocopies. Instruments
a range of digital tools to write, edit, revise  Markers  Practical exams.
and publish written work in a way that sup-  White Board
 Writing test.
ports collaboration, learning and
productivity. (Example: image editing,
GoogleDrive, infographic makers, audio
and video editing, presentation apps, etc.)

Language through the arts  Each group thinks an idea to  Videos of You Language through the arts Techniques
EFL 5.5.9 Engage in collaborative activities promote and educational Tube I.EFL.5.19.1. Learners can engage in collabo-  Share an amazing
through a variety of student groupings to campaign against that behavior  Educative Web rative activities through a variety of student experience with
share, reflect on, express and interpret pages groupings in order to solve problems and re- the class.
 Projector
opinions and evaluations of a range of flect on literary texts, and produce criteria for Instruments
 Stationery
literary texts. evaluating the effectiveness of the group. (I.1,  Oral interview
I.2, S.2, S.3, S.4, J.3, J.4) individual/in pairs
Specification of the adaptation to be applied
Specification of SKILLS WITH LEARNING ACTIVITIES RESOURCES Evaluation Indicators of the unity Evaluation techniques
educational need PERFORMANCE CRITERIA and instruments

Communication and Cultural Awareness.  Get in groups and talk  Student’s book Communication and Cultural Techniques
English A1.1.
EFL 5.1.3 Find parallels between Ecuadorian about bad behaviors  Teacher’s Guide Awareness.  Support your
cultural and political referents and those of in teens. A1.1. I.EFL.5.2.1. Learners can exhibit ideas given
other countries by talking about holidays,  Videos of You Tube an ability to discuss culture by reasons.
symbols, customs and schooling. Images, photos, drawings analyzing cultural products and Instruments
referents from Ecuador and  Rubrica
other countries while making  Portfolio
informed choices about and
taking action on issues of preju-
dice and discrimination (I.1, I.2,
S.2, J.1, J.3).
Oral Communication: (Listening and Speaking)  Prepare a set of  Interactive version Oral communication Techniques
EFL 5.2.2 Identify the main idea and some recommendations. Audio CD. A1.1 I.EFL.5.5.1. Learners can identify  Listen to the
details of recorded news reports, documentaries Rehearse the  Student’s book the main idea in a variety of audio with the
and interviews reporting on seasonal festivities, presentation. English A1.1. audio recordings (e.g., eyes close.
environmental issues, food and international  Workbook A1.1
interviews, radio ads, news re- Instruments
include in student’s
customs, climate, weather, etc., where the ports, etc.) and deduce the  Practical exams.
visuals support the commentary. meanings of unfamiliar phrases  Writing test.
 Teacher’s Guide
A1.1. and words in familiar contexts
 Songs where speech is clear and visuals
help support meaning. (I.3, I.4)
disability Reading  Carry out campaign.  Student’s book Reading Techniques
EFL 5.3.2 Identify and use reading strategies to English A1.1. I.EFL.5.11.1. Learners can  Scan the text for
make informative and narrative texts  Teacher’s Guide Identify and apply a range of the main idea.
comprehensible and meaningful. (Example: A1.1. reading strategies in order to  Find supporting
skimming, scanning, previewing, reading for  Workbook A1.1
make texts meaningful and to ideas for better
include in student’s
main ideas and details, using structural and select information within a text comprehension.
context clues, cognates, format, sequence, etc.) that might be of practical use for Instruments
 Markers
 White Board one’s own academic needs. (I.1,  Essay test
I.2, I.4, S.3) Training test.
Writing  Assign  Student’s book Writing Techniques
EFL 5.4.2 Identify a variety of types and formats responsibilities: English A1.1. I.EFL.5.18.1. Learners can use a  Use connectors
of potential resources and the value, purpose designing flyers or  Workbook A1.1 variety of criteria for evaluating to join your
and audience of each for use in the educational posters, preparing include in student’s and recommending literary texts ideas.
domain. (Example: audio/video, multimedia, book.
speeches and slogans. to others, and recognize how  Pay attention to
 Exercises in
website, database, book, thesaurus, chosen criteria affect evaluation. key words to
scholarly/popular, current/historical, etc.) (S.1, S.4, J.2, J.4) identify relevant
 Interactive games
EFL 5.4.4 Select and make effective use of a on-line. details in the
range of digital tools to write, edit, revise and  Photocopies. speech.
publish written work in a way that supports  Markers Instruments
collaboration, learning and productivity.  White Board
 Practical exams.
(Example: image editing, GoogleDrive,
Writing test
infographic makers, audio and video editing,
presentation apps, etc.)

Language through the arts  Videos of You Tube Language through the arts Techniques
EFL 5.5.9 Engage in collaborative activities  Each group thinks an  Educative Web I.EFL.5.19.1. Learners can  Share an amazing
through a variety of student groupings to share, idea to promote and pages engage in collaborative activities experience with
reflect on, express and interpret opinions and educational  Projector through a variety of student the class.
evaluations of a range of literary texts.  Stationery
campaign against that groupings in order to solve Instruments
behavior problems and reflect on literary Oral interview
texts, and produce criteria for individual/in pairs
evaluating the effectiveness of
the group. (I.1, I.2, S.2, S.3, S.4,
J.3, J.4)


DOCENTE(S): Ing. Wilson Sánchez C. NOMBRE: Econ. Gustavo Palomeque A. NOMBRE: Lic. Wilson Carangui L.

Firma: Firma: Firma:

Fecha: 15 - 10 - 2019 Fecha: Fecha:


Nombre de la institución Unidad Educativa “San Sebastián”
Nombre del Docente Ing. Wilson Sánchez Crespo Fecha 15-10-2019
Área Instrumental Grado Segundo BGU Año lectivo 2019 - 2020
Asignatura Inglés Tiempo 28-10 al 12-12-2019
Unidad didáctica 2 Healthy Life, Healthy World
Objetivo de la unidad Students will be able to talk about lifestyles and speculate about habits and customs of the past.
Criterios de evaluación CE.EFL.5.1. Display an understanding of the integrity of different cultures by sharing experiences and by participating in class activities and
discussions in a way that shows empathy and respect for others.
CE.EFL.5.5. Listening for Meaning: Identify the main idea in a variety of audio recordings (e.g., interviews, radio ads, news reports, etc.) and
deduce the meanings of unfamiliar phrases and words in familiar contexts, provided speech is clear and visuals help support meaning.
CE.EFL.5.10. Find specific information and identify the main points in simple, straightforward texts on subjects of personal interest or familiar
academic topics while making informed decisions about one’s own reaction to the text.
CE.EFL.5.14. Identify, critically evaluate and recommend a variety of potential resources and references, including digital tools that support
collaboration and productivity, for educational and academic use.
CE.EFL.5.19. Engage in collaborative activities through a variety of student groupings in order to solve problems and reflect on literary texts, and
produce criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the group.

Evaluation Indicators of the unity Evaluation techniques
Communication and Cultural • Get into groups of three.  Student’s book Communication and Cultural Awareness. Techniques
Awareness. • Select your favorite section of a English A1.1. I.EFL.5.2.1. Learners can exhibit an ability to discuss  Use idiomatic
EFL 5.1.1 Display an understanding of newspaper and justify your choice.  Teacher’s Guide culture by analyzing cultural products and referents expression to
A1.1. from Ecuador and other countries while making share an
the relationship between the practices •
 Videos of You informed choices about and taking action on issues
and perspectives of different cultures experience.
Tube of prejudice and discrimination.
by recognizing and sharing cross- Instruments
Images, photos,
cultural experiences and ideas. drawings  Rubrics
 Portfolio
Oral Communication: (Listening and Do some research about events, news and  Interactive version Oral communication Techniques
Speaking) stories that have happened at your school. Audio CD. A1.1 I.EFL.5.12.1. Learners can engage with a variety of • Listen and complete
EFL 5.2.2 Identify the main idea and • • Use key questions to interview two  Student’s book digital and print texts and resources by evaluating the interview.
English A1.1. and detecting complexities and discrepancies in the • Listen to understand
some details of recorded news reports, members of the school community.
 Workbook A1.1 information in order to find the most appropriate
documentaries and interviews • Record the interviews and take pictures the context.
include in sources to support an idea or argument. (I.2, I.4, J.3)
reporting on seasonal festivities, too. • Use intonation to
student’s book.
environmental issues, food and express strong feelings.
 Teacher’s Guide
international customs, climate, A1.1. Instruments
weather, etc., where the visuals  Songs  Oral interview
support the commentary. individual/in pairs
 Assign the group members different  Student’s book Reading Techniques
roles. Each members will play a key English A1.1. I.EFL.5.12.1. Learners can engage with a variety of • Organized
 Teacher’s Guide digital and print texts and resources by evaluating information found in
EFL 5.3.8 Identify and understand the role: journalist editor, graphic
A1.1. and detecting complexities and discrepancies in the the interviews
main points in straightforward texts on designer…
 Workbook A1.1 information in order to find the most appropriate
subjects of personal interest or familiar • Read the article and
include in sources to support an idea or argument. (I.2, I.4, J.3)
academic topics. complete the diagram.
student’s book.
 Markers
 Essay test
White Board
Training test.
Writing • Write short narrations of the news you  Student’s book Writing Techniques
EFL 5.4.2 Identify a variety of types and discovered. English A1.1. I.EFL.5.18.1. Learners can use a variety of criteria • Write an article about
 Workbook A1.1 for evaluating and recommending literary texts to a topic of interest.
formats of potential resources and the
include in others, and recognize how chosen criteria affect •
value, purpose and audience of each
student’s book. evaluation. (S.1, S.4, J.2, J.4)
for use in the educational domain. Instruments
 Exercises in
(Example: audio/video, multimedia,  Practical exams.
website, database, book, thesaurus,  Photocopies.
 Writing test.
scholarly/popular, current/historical,  Markers
etc.)  White Board
Language through the arts  Create a nice design using the texts  Videos of You Language through the arts Techniques
EFL 5.5.8 Contribute to team projects and the pictures. Tube I.EFL.5.19.1. Learners can engage in collaborative Answer question about
to produce original works and solve  Educative Web activities through a variety of student groupings in different kind of texts.
pages order to solve problems and reflect on literary texts, Instruments
problems while effectively negotiating
 Projector and produce criteria for evaluating the effectiveness
and managing interactions to  Essay test
 Stationery of the group. (I.1, I.2, S.2, S.3, S.4, J.3, J.4)
accomplish social and classroom tasks  Training test.
* Curricular adaptations:

Specification of the adaptation to be applied

Specification of educational need SKILLS WITH CRITERIA OF LEARNING ACTIVITIES RESOURCES Evaluation Indicators of Evaluation
PERFORMANCE the unity techniques and


DOCENTE(S): Ing. Wilson Sánchez C. NOMBRE: Econ. Gustavo Palomeque A. NOMBRE: Lic. Wilson Carangui L.

Firma: Firma: Firma:

Fecha: 15 - 10 - 2019 Fecha: Fecha:


Nombre de la institución Unidad Educativa “San Sebastián”
Nombre del Docente Ing. Wilson Sánchez Crespo Fecha 15-10-2019
Área Instrumental Grado Tercero BGU Año lectivo 2019 - 2020
Asignatura Inglés Tiempo 28-10 al 12-12-2019

Unidad didáctica 2 Professions!

Objetivo de la unidad Students will be able to talk about different professions, personality types and university degrees.
Criterios de evaluación CE.EFL.5.4 Communicate effectively using a variety of media and formats, including ICT, by saying things in alternative ways and applying self-
correcting and self-monitoring strategies when needed.
CE.EFL.5.8 Interaction – Interpersonal: Respond to and build on other people’s ideas in extended conversations on familiar social and academic
topics by expressing opinions and feelings and clarifying meaning.
CE.EFL.5.11 Identify and apply a range of reading strategies in order to make texts meaningful and to select information within a text that might
be of practical use for one’s own academic needs
CE.EFL.5.14 Identify, critically evaluate and recommend a variety of potential resources and references, including digital tools, that support
collaboration and productivity, for educational and academic use.
CE.EFL.5.15 Plan and produce well-constructed informational texts by applying the writing process and while demonstrating an ability to justify
one’s position on an argument through carefully selected information and appropriate language, tone and evidence.
CE.EFL.5.19 Engage in collaborative activities through a variety of student groupings in order to solve problems and reflect on literary texts, and
produce criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the group.
What and how to evaluate?
What will they learn? EVALUATION
SKILLS WITH PERFORMANCE How are they going to learn? RESOURCES Evaluation Indicators of the unity Evaluation techniques
Learning activities and instruments
Communication and Cultural •Do some research about a job profile, skills,  Student’s book Communication and Cultural Awareness Techniques
Awareness personality and the education level required: English A1.1. I.EFL.5.4.1 Learners can communicate • Use connectors of
EFL 5.1.11 Apply self-correcting and A nurse must be social and good at working  Teacher’s Guide effectively using a variety of media and contrast to make
self-monitoring strategies in social with patients and their families. A1.1. formats, including ICT, by saying things in comparisons.
 Videos of You Instruments
and classroom interactions by alternative ways and applying self-correcting
adjusting presentation and language • Prepare your university prospectus with and self-monitoring strategies when needed. • Rubrics
Images, photos,
production to effectively express illustrations and a description of each career drawings (I.1, I.3, J.4) • Portfolio
opinions and make evaluations. investigated.
(Example: asking questions, starting
over, rephrasing, exploring alternative
pronunciations, etc.)
Oral Communication: (Listening and  Interactive version Oral Communication Techniques
Speaking) Audio CD. A1.1 I.EFL.5.8.1 Learners can respond to and build • Use pictures to
EFL 5.2.14 Request and provide  Student’s book on other people’s ideas in extended predict content and
information and assistance orally for English A1.1. conversations on familiar social and academic order before listening.
 Workbook A1.1 Instruments
personal, social and academic topics by expressing opinions and feelings and
include in
purposes in order to clarify and clarifying meaning. (I.3, I.4, S.1, J.3, J.4) • Rubrics
student’s book.
extend meaning in spoken • Portfolio
 Teacher’s Guide
interactions A1.1.
 Songs
Reading  Student’s book Reading Techniques
EFL 5.3.9 Skim and scan reference English A1.1. I.EFL.5.12.1 Learners can engage with a variety Associate words with
materials, in print or online, in order  Teacher’s Guide of digital and print texts and resources by similar meanings to
to identify information that might be A1.1. evaluating and detecting complexities and increase vocabulary.
 Workbook A1.1 Classify words
of practical use for one’s own discrepancies in the information in order to
include in
research and academic needs. find according to word
student’s book.
the most appropriate sources to support an endings to remember
 Markers
White Board idea or argument. (I.2, I.4, J.3) vocabulary.
• Essay Tests
• Practical Exams

Writing  Student’s book Writing Techniques

EFL 5.4.2 Identify a variety of types English A1.1. I.EFL.5.14.1 Learners can identify, critically • Use connectors of
and formats of potential resources  Workbook A1.1 evaluate and recommend a variety of potential contrast in a text.
and the value, purpose and audience include in resources and references, including digital Instruments
student’s book. • Writing Tests
of each for use in the educational tools, that support collaboration and
 Exercises in
domain. (Example: audio/video, productivity, for educational and academic •Training Test
multimedia, website, database, book,  Interactive games use. (I.1, I.2, S.3, S.4)
thesaurus, scholarly/popular, on-line.
current /historical, etc.)  Photocopies.
EFL 5.4.4 Select and make effective  Markers
use of a range of digital tools to write,  White Board
edit, revise and publish written work
in a way that supports collaboration,
learning and productivity. (Example:
image editing, Google Drive,
infographic makers, audio and video
editing, presentation apps, etc.)

Language through the Arts  Videos of You Language through the Arts Techniques
EFL 5.5.8 Contribute to team projects Tube I.EFL.5.19.1 Learners can engage in  Share an amazing
to produce original works and solve  Educative Web collaborative activities through a variety of experience with
problems while effectively negotiating pages student groupings in order to solve problems the class.
 Projector Instruments
and managing interactions to and reflect on literary texts, and produce
 Stationery
accomplish social and classroom criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the • Oral interviews
tasks. group. (I.1, I.2, S.2, S.3, S.4, J.3, J.4) individual/ in pairs

DOCENTE(S): Ing. Wilson Sánchez C. NOMBRE: Econ. Gustavo Palomeque A. NOMBRE: Lic. Wilson Carangui L.

Firma: Firma: Firma:

Fecha: 15 - 10 - 2019 Fecha: Fecha:


Nombre de la institución Unidad Educativa “San Sebastián”

Nombre del Docente Ing. Wilson Sánchez Crespo Fecha 15-10-2019

Área Instrumental Grado Tercero BGU Año lectivo 2019-2020

Asignatura CIENCIA TECNOLOGIA Y SOCIEDAD Tiempo 28-10 al 12-12-2019

Unidad didáctica 2 Los problemas del conocimiento

Objetivo de la unidad
OICYT.5.1.3. Investigar el problema de la esencia del conocimiento y la interrelación entre objeto y sujeto de conocimiento.
OICYT.5.1.4. Describir y diferenciar las especies de conocimiento y su independencia e interrelación en la aprehensión del
OICYT.5.1.5. Explicar el problema del criterio de la verdad y su relación entre las proposiciones, el lenguaje y la realidad.

Criterios de evaluación
CE.OICYT.5.1. Identificar, analizar y explicar los problemas fundamentales de la Epistemología, como base para todo ejercicio y
práctica científica y tecnológica, utilizando diversas herramientas y enfoques conceptuales.

Indicadores de Evaluación de la Técnicas e
unidad instrumentos de
OICYT.5.1.3. Investigar el Los límites de nuestra ignorancia Texto de Investigación I.OICYT.5.1.1. Analiza, explica y TÉCNICAS DE
problema de la esencia del Analizar por qué no siempre nos de ciencia y ejemplifica los problemas del EVALUACIÓN
conocimiento y la interrelación equivocamos o cómo podemos vivir sin Tecnología de Tercero origen, la posibilidad y la esencia Observación,
entre objeto y sujeto de pensar mucho. de bachillerato del Dr. del conocimiento desde diversas interrogatorio,
conocimiento. Identificar el papel de la experiencia en los Carlos Villalba Avilés. premisas teóricas. (J.1., J.2., J.3., pruebas.
mecanismos de error. Paleógrafos. INSTRUMENTOS DE
Láminas de Ciencia. I.1., I.2., I.3., I.4., S.2., S.3.) EVALUACIÓN
OICYT.5.1.4. Describir y Hablar sin pensar y pensar sin hablar Direcciones de sitios I.OICYT.5.1.2. Analiza, explica, Registros, lista de
diferenciar las especies de Descubrir pistas para descubrir al ser falaz Web de investigación. ejemplifica y compara los cotejos, guía de
conocimiento y su independencia que llevamos dentro. Fotocopias. problemas de las especies de preguntas,
e interrelación en la aprehensión Reconocer tipos de falacias en el habla Fotos, imágenes y conocimiento en relación con el cuestionarios, talleres,
del conocimiento. cotidiana. dibujos de Ciencia. criterio de la verdad desde mapa conceptual de
Pizarrón de tiza diversas perspectivas teóricas. araña.
liquida (J.1., J.2., J.3., I.1., I.2., I.3., I.4.,
Marcadores S.2., S.3.)
Lo que dicen en la Televisión – Ejemplo de borrables.
OICYT.5.1.5. Explicar el problema indagación
del criterio de la verdad y su Cómo registrar lo que se dicen en un
relación entre las proposiciones, el programa de TV
lenguaje y la realidad. - Cómo codificar los diálogos
- Cómo identificar las falacias
- Cómo analizar los resultados
- Cómo sacar conclusiones
- Cómo redactar el informe final

*Adaptaciones curriculares:

Especificación de la adaptación a ser aplicada

Especificación de la necesidad DETREZAS CON CRITERIO DE ACTIVIDADES DE Indicadores de la Técnicas e
DESEMPEÑO APRENDIZAJE RECURSOS evaluación de la instrumentos de
unidad Evaluación


DOCENTE(S): Ing. Wilson Sánchez Crespo. NOMBRE: Econ. Gustavo Palomeque A. NOMBRE: Lic. Wilson Carangui L.
Firma: Firma: Firma:

Fecha: 15 – 10 -2019 Fecha: Fecha:

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