ExIIL Multitool - Feature List
ExIIL Multitool - Feature List
ExIIL Multitool - Feature List
//// ////
//// PS3 Multi CoD RTM Tool by ExIIL ////
//// ////
//// ////
//// Complete Feature List - Tool Version v5.0.0.0 ////
//// ////
Not every single Options is listed here, because it is just TOO MUCH!
I've now spent 1 year, nearly 400 hours in total in making this Tool. I want to
thank everyone that helped, even though I did the most by myself.
The Reasons for the release are personal ... I hope you have as much fun as you can
have with the Tool.
The Tool is not completed how I wanted it. Many things are missing :/. I know the
Tool is big, but I wanted to have it even bigger. Maybe sometime I will Update it.
Greetz, ExIIL.
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- Connection //Every Game has the same Connection Site
- Connect
- Choose CCAPI OR TMAPI and press connect. If there is an option to
choose Antiban or Enable RPC, click on it.
- Press on Disconnect to disconnect the tool.
- Quick Connect
- Enter your PS3 IP and Click on Save IP to save the IP for the next
- So it's just one click next time :).
- Console Control
- Temperature / Informations // On the right site of the tool you see
those Infos. Click on Refresh or on Auto Refresh to get all the Data
- Folder
- The PS3Lib and every other File, needs to be Original from my Folder,
otherwise the Tool will not load!
- Hide IP
- This will Spoof your IP, so other modder can't grab it. Click on Find
Current Offset, then Spoof the ip like // Thanks to HMX for the bo2 ip
- IP Grabber
- Get the IP's of People in your Lobby / Party
- ExIIL Grabber // Get to the ExIIL Grabber Tool
- Advanced Warfare
- Statistics
- Prestige
- XP
- Wins
- Losses
- Kills
- Deaths
- Accuracy
- Time
- Score
- Unlock All
- Legit Stats // This Option gives you an quick and legit looking
Unlock All
- Unlock Exo Zombie Loot
- Supply Challenge // This will give you an Supply Challenge that is
nearly completed
- Level 19 / Level 29 / Level 39 // This is for 120 Advanced Supply
Drops. You need to go into a game with as an example Level 19, get points untill
you are Level 20 (Only 1 XP). After you have done this 3 Times per Prestige, you
get also 1 Advanced Supply Drop if you prestige. So with all 30 Prestiges you can
get a total of 120 Advanced Supply Drops (Yes it takes ALOT of time, maybe you get
a better Idea, like rejoining a friend or smth).
- Level 50
- Statistics 2
- Exo Launcher // Change the Kills and Usage
- Frag
- Stun
- Semtex
- Smoke
- E. Drone
- Spike
- Scorestreaks // Change the Earned and Kills
- Care Package
- Remote Turret
- XS1 Vulcan
- Mortar Strike
- Scorestreaks 2
- System H.
- Bombing R.
- XS1 G.
- Warbird
- Paladin
- GameMode // To set this per Gamemode, you need to get into the
Gamemode and set the stats INGAME!!!
- Score
- Kills
- Deaths
- Confirms
- Denies
- Uplinks
- Returns
- Plants
- Defuses
- Captures
- Rescues
- Defends
- Headshots
- Assists
- Time Played
- Normal Statistics
- Ranked Play XP // Changed your Ranked Play XP, You can not go
fully because it will bug out at the last level
- Times Played
- Games Played
- Ties
- Headshots
- Assists
- Suicides
- Modded Classes // Sets you a Variety of Mods in your Class Slot
- DLC Title 1 // Every Title that follows is not unlockable
normally, you have to check if others than the bO3 Title sticks :).
- DLC Title 2
- DLC Title 3
- BO3 Title
- Clan Title 1
- Clan Title 2
- Clan Title 3
- Clan Title 4
- Clan Title 5
- Clan Title 6
- Supply Drops
- SUPPLY DROPS // Here you can choose a Supply Drop challenge and
set how much progressed it is. To get normal Drops, set the Progress one before
finish, then go into a game and fulfill the Challenge.
- Class Editor //ATTENTION! Here you will find "Class: 1" You can change that
number to any class from 1-10. It should be self explaining.
- Title And Camo
- Set Primary Camo
- Set Secondary Camo // Here is a variety of Modded Camos
- Set Title // Here is a variety of Modded Titles
- Camo Fix //Something I got from a friend, if you have a problem
with sticking a Camo, press this button
- Set Primary Camo / Secondary Camo / Title with NUMBERS // These
are BYTES for the Offset. With that you can change the Title / Camo to WHATEVER YOU
LIKE. A byte goes from 0-255 (256 in total). So you can enter a number to 255 and
check if you find anything new :).
- Modded // Again "Class 1", you can change it to ANY class.
- Public Class
- Set ExoLauncher // Both Exo's have modded features.
Included so you can quickly apply them :)
- Set Exo Ability
- MW3 Riot Shield //You have to set it on Secondary OR
Primary, I can't really remember. But not on both at the same time!
- Private Class
- Set ExoLauncher // Both Exo's have modded features.
Included so you can quickly apply them :)
- Set Exo Ability
- MW3 Riot Shield //You have to set it on Secondary OR
Primary, I can't really remember. But not on both at the same time!
- Class Editor //THIS is where it gets interesting ... I've told you
before about the bytes. So now you can do that with EVERY Weapon / attachment /
perk etc. ... The Title of the Groupboxes explain the Shortcut. I have a aw-
weaponcodes.txt in the Folder. With this you can do stuff like double Sniper, or
Modded Dual Pistols with double kniff and stuff like that :) Just test it out. Big
thanks to @soul for getting me the bytes!
- Primary Weapon
- Weapon
- Attachment 1
- Attachment 2
- Attachment 3
- Secondary Weapon
- Weapon
- Attachment 1
- Attachment 2
- ?? Visier 1 / Visier 2 // This is something I've tested. Visier
is a german word. I kinda forgot what
- Perks / Wildcards // Because of no Space I had to shortcut the
- P1
- P2
- P3
- P4
- P5
- P6
- W1
- W2
- W3
- Exo / Scorestreaks
- ExoA // Exo Ability
- ExoL // Exo Launcher
- SS1 // Scorestreak 1 (You get what I am trying to say)
- SS2
- SS3
- SS4
- Class Names
- Set Class names (As simple as it is)
- Class Names Private
- Set Class names from private classes (As simple as it is)
- Name
- Name Changer
- Set Name
- Reload // This will reload your whole profile. If you
mistakenly have entered a bugged Clantag or something, press this button.
- Set Fly Name // Funny feature found by me. Your name will
appear a bit under where it should be. I found out that with those names you CAN
NOT join an online lobby (AW version 1.20 Error)
- Set Clan
- CT 1 // Those 3 are modded Clan Tags made by me while debugging
(Looks cool, but does not stick, only if you stay offline, so the others can see
- CT 2
- CT 3
- Gold Clan Tag
- Red Clan Tag
- No Clan Tag
- Normal CT
- Set Logo // Insert an Shader of the game Advanced Warfare, and
your name will appear as it
- Non-Host
- Steady Aim
- Red Box
- No Recoil
- Laser
- Wallhack
- Black Box // All the following change your name
- WaW Prestige Name
- Green Box
- Purple Box
- Cyan Box
- Yellow Box
- Skull
- Blue Box
- Outfits //Character 1-4 is all the same, it will just change the chosen
character :).
- Character 1 - 4
- Set Outfits // you can choose an Outfit and set it as whole
- Set Part // You can choose a part of the outfit. with this you
can set the part of the outfit you did choose.
- Set Piece // Here are some parts that are "Stand-Alone" and are
not belonging to a bigger Outfit.
- Zombie Head // gives and Zombie Head
- Weapon Statistics
- With his you can change the Kills / Deaths / Headshot / Hits / Misses
of EVERY GUN on the game. // Interesting is Hits and Misses. With this you can
change your Accuracy Ratio!!! (No one else besides me has that)
- Medals
- Medals // Set Every Medal in the Game // I was like 3 days fully
working on AW, so I had no motivations to sort out the Medals. The most are just
numbers, maybe you can map them out and share the .txt like @soul did :)
- Spoofer // with this you can spoof your xuid / npid. Here is like no
research, try out what you can do with it and share your exploration!
- Get NPID
- Set NPID
- Get XUID
- Set XUID
- Hide IP
- This will Spoof your IP, so other modder can't grab it. Click on Find
Current Offset, then Spoof the ip like // Thanks to HMX for the bo2 ip
- IP Grabber
- Get the IP's of People in your Lobby / Party
- ExIIL Grabber // Get to the ExIIL Grabber Tool
- Black Ops 1
- Non-Host - Name
- Name Changer
- Set Name
- Live // If you type something in the name box, it will directly
display on your name
- Flash // Your name will flash in colours
- Set Clan // Clan, but exact the same as Name
- Non-Host
- No Recoil
- Blackbird
- Wallhack
- Red Box
- Steady Aim
- Rapid Fire
- Sleight of Hand
- Statistics
- Stats
- Set Prestige
- Set Level
- Set Wins
- Set Losses
- Set Kills
- Set Deaths
- Time Played
- COD Points
- Headshots
- Fast Stats
- Set Assists
- Set Kill / Death Ratio
- Set Win / Loss Ratio
- Set Spent Contracts
- Set Purchased Contracts
- Set Awarded Contracts
- Set Games
- Set Wager
- Level 50
- Legit Stats
- Unlock All
- Trophies
- Statistics 2
- Stats
- Lifetime Earnings
- Paid Contracts
- Set Winstreak
- Set Killstreak
- Zombies
- Name
- Set Name
- Mods
- Enable / Disable FPS
- No Recoil
- Set MOTD // Message of the Day
- Class Editor
- Weapon Editor
- Weapons // Set your Weapons to whatever you like
- Set Primary
- Set Secondary
- Attachments // It will give you the same attachment on the
first and second weapon
- GodMode Class
- 3rd and 4th Weapon // Here you can do something like put Tomahawk on
Tactical, but also play with 4 weapons. 4 weapons will not stick, but modded
grenades do.
- 3rd Weapon
- 4th Weapon
- Class Names
- No Function! // Does not work :( (Dynamic Offsets)
- Name Changer
- Party Names // Get Names of your Party Members and Rename them (Only
- Special Name Changer
- Activate 32 Name
- Set Name
- Stair Case Name // Your name will fall down
- Funny Name // Something I tested out.
- String Renamer // Like Zone Edits. Only for the GERMAN Version of the game.
It changes the text :).
- Renamer 1
- Renamer 2
- Renamer 3
- Last Players
- Get all Last Players // Was an test from my site. Did not work xd. At
least you can try to do something with it.
- Black Ops 2
- Non-Host - Name
- Name Changer
- Set Name
- Reset Name
- Live / Moving / Flash (Name Animation)
- Fuck Up Your TV Sound // This will give you a weird noise :D
- Set Clan
- Non-Host
- No Recoil
- Wallhack
- Red Box
- Steady Aim
- Laser
- Hide Microphone
- Rotate Screen
- Pro Mode
- Splitscreen
- Floating Bodies
- Set Sky Colour
- Set Body Colour
- MP Statistics
- Stats
- Set Prestige
- Set Level
- Set Wins
- Set Losses
- Set Kills
- Set Deaths
- Set Time
- Set Score
- Set Headshots
- Fast Stats
- Legit Stats
- High Stats
- Mid Stats
- Call Signs
- Level 55
- 10 Classes
- 255 Tokens
- All Weapons 100% Accuracy
- Unlock All (from B777x)
- Ghost Title
- Roxann (AW) Title
- MP Statistics 2
- Unlock All Trophies
- Set Medals (Every single Medal can be set)
- Showcase //Will set 3 of them in your showcase
- Nuketown
- Benjamins
- Ghosts
- Germany
- Nuclear
- Zombie Statistics // This was the point where I decided to quickly end the
feature list, it's so fucking damn much lol
- Set Kills
- Set Deaths
- Set Downs
- Set Revives
- Set Doors bought
- Set Grenades
- Set Bullets
- Set Miles
- Set Perks
- Set Headshots
- Set Blue Eyes
- Set Level
- Set Gibs
- Class Editor
- Sticky Ghosts Camo
- Sticky Digital CE // Warning!!! If you have set them, also set Ghosts
Camo all as Primary OR Secondary! OR YOU WILL FREEZE!
- Special Camo
- Online Weapons
- Private Weapons
- 3rd and 4th Weapon
- Crosshair
- Class Names
- Class Names 2
- League Statistics
- Set Sticky Rank
- Stats
- Names
- Modded Names by ExIIL / Also animated
- Advanced Nonhost
- Special Level
- BO2 Notify
- Multiplayer #1
- Multiplayer #2
- Multiplayer #3
- Multiplayer #4
- Multiplayer #5
- Zombies
- Friends
- Kick
- Join
- FPS Text
- Party Cloner
- Last Player Cloner
- Second Controller
- Format Screen
- Advanced Stuff
- Non Host #1
- Derank / Rank Host // You need to be YOU and the Host. ONLY 2
PEOPLE!. RPC needs to be activated.
- Non Host #2
- Host #1
- Advanced Names
- 32 Name Changer
- 4000 Names
- Custom Logo
- Preset Names
- Non-Host Name Ingame Changer
- Name Changer Zombies
- Party Name Changer
- Lobby Name Changer
- 31 Ingame name
- Emblem
- Custom #1
- Custom #2
- Logo + Name
- Party 64 Name Changer #1 // This will change the name of the Host to this.
If you are not the Host only YOU see it. If you are the host you need to go to
search a game (Don't actually search one) and go back to party and your name will
be changed.
- Party 64 Name Changer #2 // Same here, only with 4000 Names !!! DON'T USE
- AntiFreeze / Freeze // Several Freezes / Antifreezes (Do not use them, use
the Advanced Freeze Section)
- Protection
- GSC Injector
- Image Injector
- IP Grabber
- Zombie Clients
- Spoofer
- Get XUID of ANY Player
- Spoof XUID to ANY Player
- ExIIL Grabber
- Arab Freeze
- Escober
- Freeze Host
- Non Host
- Freeze
- Apo Freeze
- Black Ops 2 Grabber
- Grabber
- Advanced Warfare
- Modern Warfare 2
- Black Ops 2
- Modern Warfare 3
- Check PORT // if it is open
- CCAPI Exploit
- Webman Exploit
- Spoofer //Here you can change the Names of the players in your Lobby /
- Bo2 Exploit
- Black Ops 3
- Statistics
- Multiplayer
- The 100% MP Unlock all was found by MYSELF. No one helped me
- Stats
- Zombies #1
- 100% Unlock All
- Stats
- Zombies #2
- Set Gum Names
- Name
- Name Changer / Clan
- Name / Clan / NPID
- Second Controller
- Class Editor #1 // Change it to anything you like 3rd and 4th Weapons DO
STICK!!! (Weapons on Grenade slot)
- Weapons
- Grenades
- Extra
- Specialists
- Class Editor #2
- Weapons etc. with bytes (0-255)
- Class 2
- Class Names
- Class Names Private
- Title // Bytes (0-255)
- Non-Host
- Multiplayer
- Zombies
- Advanced Statistics //Should have been for all Weapons ... After KN44 I had
no motivations anymore ... You can set the Accuracy with Hits / Misses.
- CCAPI Proof
- System
- Proof
- Special // Connect with your Webman MMAPI
- CID Generator // An old Tool from me that I did built in the Multitool
- Ghosts
- Statistics #1
- Stats
- Statistics #2
- Fast Stats
- Unlock All
- Extinction Stats
- Non-Host - Name
- Name Changer
- Set Name
- Set Clan
- Change Clan Colour
- Modded Clan Names
- Reload Profile // This reloads your whole profile, good if you
messed something up
- Non-Host
- Names
- Logo Names
- Non-Host
- Endgame
- FPS Crosshair
- Host
- RPC / CBUF etc.
- Class Editor
- Class Name
- Soldier Name
- Title and Emblem // Here are cool modded Titles and Emblems :)
- Class 1 Editor // Bytes (0-255) You can set EVERYTHING how you want
it! :)
- Weapons
- Grenades
- Strike Package
- Character
- Modded (Like all Perks, etc.)
- Extinction
- Stats
- Level 31
- Extinction Mods
- Host Mods
- Hide IP
- Spoof IP
- Spoof NAT
- IP Grabber
- Music Jam Box // Hear good music while using my Tool. 3 Songs in Total :)
- Modern Warfare
- Statistics
- Stats
- Fast Stats
- Unlock All
- Level 55
- Non-Host - Name
- Name Changer
- Set Name
- Set Clan
- Box Names
- Modern Warfare 2
- Statistics
- Stats
- Fast Stats
- Unlock All
- Level 70
- 10 Classes
- Non-Host - Name
- Name Changer
- Set Name
- Reload Profile // Reconnects / Reloads your profile
- Hide Name
- Modded ExIIL Names
- Non-Host
- Red Box
- No Recoil
- Steal Host (xuid)
- Grabber + Spoofer
- Get XUID
- Set XUID
- Get NPID
- Set NPID
- ExIIL Grabber
- Clients
- All Clients Stats
- Unlock All
- Derank
- Level 70
- Prestige
- Infection
- Prestige 11
- Aimbot + UAV + FPS
- IP Grabber
- Modern Warfare 3
- Statistics #1
- Stats
- Statistics #2
- Unlock All
- Level 80+
- Max Weapons
- 15 Classes
- COD Prestiges
- Class Editor #1
- Class Names
- Class Editor #2
- God Mode Classes
- AUG Classes
- Name #1
- Set Name (Also Animated)
- Clan Tag (Also Golden)
- Set Clan Title
- Set Clan Title Text
- Name #2
- Logo Names
- Non-Host #1 (RPC)
- Change ingame Name
- End Game
- Non-Host #2
- Set Lobby Timer
- Spec Ops
- Stats
- Level 50
- GodMode
- Lobby
- Host
- Change Gametype
- Change Map
- Kick Options
- Party
- Lobby
- Hide IP
- IP Grabber
- ExIIL Grabber
- World at War
- Non-Host - Names
- Name Changer
- Set Name
- Set Clan
- Non-Host
- Cbuf_Addtext
- Statistics
- Stats
- Fast Stats
- Unlock All
- Level 55
- Level 1
- Class Editor
- Class Names
- Set MOTD
- Set Players Online
- Clients
- All Clients Stats
- Unlock All
- Level 65
- Derank
- Prestige
- Spoofer
- Get NPID
- Set NPID
- Get XUID
- Set XUID
- Steal Host
- Steal Host Ingame
- IP Grabber
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