Chapter 3

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DITITISITTLETELL EEE BEBE Or OK” [Ned Kelly A Tru Story ‘When Ned and Dan left thet mother's house that night, ‘hey rode away into the Wombat Hills Ar Ballock Creek, ile from anywhere, they built a small hut. They lived wild and looked for gold in the ve. Joe Byrne, Ned's good frend, went with them, because ‘he neded to ide fom the police too. And in June three ‘mom ate, Stee Har, another good fend, came ou of prison He, to0, got on ishorse and rode to Blok Creek Sothere were four af hem. ‘Then, in October, Ele's brother came to fod them, ‘with ome terrible new “Your mother’s going prison, Ned. For tree yeas. Because she and you and Dan wed tl Fitzpatrick, the jndgesaid, And the police ar locking for you and Dan. Be ‘ef, boys sty inthe ils” For a second Ned's eyes were ted like Bre. He spoke slowly and coldly "They ca lao,’ he si "bu hey cane catch me out here! He looked at his brotherDan and his rind Jo nd Stove "These policemen, thee judger~ they're wore than ope! They put my mother in prison, and wha did shedo? ‘Nothing! From now on, we'e the Kelly gang We're fee rmen-and we yng thatotay. Are you with me, boys? “And that was the beginning ofthe Kelly Gan, 4 1 ‘Three dead OCTOBER. 878. Four poicaman ride north from the foun of Mansfet. Kennedy. Mcintyre, Langan, and Scanlon ere ‘on ther may fo Stringybark Crash in the Wombst Hills. They len camp there for a wee, look for the Kelly Gang ~ ond ‘ring thas back Yo Mansfeld dead or alive Very early one morning Ned and Das lef Bullock Creek Joeand Steve waited a the hut. ‘Walk quietly, Dan sid Nod ‘and listen. saw horses ‘racks neat hee yesterday, and think the police are afer “The police camp a Stringybark Creck was only wo Sulomseres away, and the brothers soon found it. They hid behind the trees and watched, They saw the four policemen, nd their guns rwo big heavy guns and four smaller guns Late, bac a Bullock Creek, Joe and Steve listened to the news abou the guns, “We've only got wo guns. What can we do?" said Joe "They want toils sad Dan, They're going shoot ‘oll seat right Ned?" “Yes ha’s ight said Ned So, we can stay here and

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