Month - of - Consecration - 2024south Camp Road Final

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20 South Camp Road




SCRIPTURES: JOHN 16:13; ACTS 1:8; ACTS 2:16-18; ACTS 13:1-4


In this month of consecration, we will focus on strengthening our relationship with God even as
we seek to surrender to the leading and guidance of the Holy Ghost for His influence in our
lives, our assembly, our families, and our community. We will continue to ensure our
preparedness for the Rapture, with particular emphasis on being filled with the Holy Ghost.

WEEK 1: JANUARY 7 - 13

SCRIPTURES: Titus 3:5; Romans 12:1-2; Ephesians 4:22-24; ACTS 2:2-4; Acts 6:3, 1
Corinthians 12 and 14; Galatians 5:22-23

PRAYER FOCUS: Personal Influence of the Manifestation of the Holy Ghost

Prayer Schedule:
Monday morning: 6 am - 8am; online
Tuesday evening: 7:30pm - 9:30pm; online
Wednesday morning: 6am - 8am; online
Thursday evening: 6:30pm - 8:30pm; prayer in the sanctuary
Saturday morning: 6am - 8am; online

PRAYER and FOCUS POINTS (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday):

• Ask God to open your heart and attitude as you fast and pray that you will LISTEN and
hear as He speaks.
• Surrender your will so that your spirit will be aligned with God’s divine purpose.
• Pray for a continual cleansing as you seek the face of God through REPENTANCE.
• Pray that the fire of the Holy Ghost will burn out sin and carnal weaknesses.

• Pray for a transformation of our thought patterns and perspectives as the Holy Spirit
renews our minds.
• Pray that the transformative work of the Holy Spirit will shape our character to reflect the
image of Christ.
• Pray that we will have a deep and sincere desire to experience the manifest presence of
the Holy Spirit in their lives.
• Pray for the manifestation of the initial evidence of speaking in tongues as a sign of the
in-filling of the Holy Ghost in believers.
• Pray that we all will be full of the Holy Ghost.
• Pray for a personal and profound encounter with the Holy Ghost.
• Pray for wisdom and understanding of the various spiritual gifts that may accompany the
presence of the Holy Ghost.
• Pray for the manifestation of the fruit of the Spirit as evidence of the Holy Spirit's work
in the lives of believers.

WEEK 2: JANUARY 14 - 20



SCRIPTURES: Acts 1:8; John 16:3; Romans 8:14; 1Corinthians 12; James 5:14-15; Acts 1:8; 1
Corinthians 14:12; Ephesians 4:30; 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6

PRAYER FOCUS: The Influence of the Holy Ghost in our Assembly

Prayer Schedule:
Monday morning: 6 am - 8am; online
Monday evening: 9 pm - 12pm; online - ALL OFFICERS
Tuesday evening: 7:30pm - 9:30pm; online
Wednesday morning: 6am - 8am; online
Thursday evening: 6:30pm - 8:30pm; prayer in the sanctuary
Saturday morning: 6am - 8am; online

PRAYER and FOCUS POINTS (Monday morning, Tuesday, and Wednesday)

• Pray that we will be equipped and empowered by the Holy Ghost to fulfil our callings
and contribute to the growth of the body of Christ
• Pray that the Holy Ghost will Work freely in us and through us.
• Pray that we will recognize the prompting of the Holy Ghost in every aspect of our lives.
• Pray that we will recognize and celebrate the diverse ways the Holy Ghost may manifest
among individuals.
• Pray that the Holy Spirit's healing power flows through those sick and broken, bringing
restoration and wholeness.

• Pray that the Holy Spirit will empower us to effectively share the gospel message in our
• Pray for the activation and manifestation of spiritual gifts for the edification of the body
of Christ.
• Pray that we will not grieve the Holy Spirit with any form of disobedience
• Pray that the Holy Ghost will create in us a sense of urgency and expectancy for the

PRAYER and FOCUS POINTS (Monday evening, Thursday, and Saturday)

• For God’s strength and protection upon our Pastor physically, spiritually, mentally and all
aspects of his life.
• For God to anoint our Pastor to preach and teach with boldness, truth, and grace.
• That the Holy Ghost will help our Pastor and leaders of our assembly to develop godly
leadership skills.
• That the Holy Ghost will help our Pastor and leaders of our assembly to have a servant’s
heart toward the people.
• That our Pastor would walk humbly with God, seeking His will and direction in all
• That our Pastor and leaders of our assembly will maintain a proper balance between God,
ministry, and the family.
• That our Pastor and leaders of our assembly and department heads be blessed with the
provisions necessary to accomplish the mission of their ministry.
• For effective communication and open dialogue between the Pastor and ministry leaders.
• That ministry leaders and saints will have a willing and obedient spirit to follow the
leadership, vision, and direction of the Pastor.
• For ministry leaders to model a strong relationship with Christ that emanate in all aspects
of their lives.
• For unity among the ministries with the local church and among the Bethel assemblies

WEEK 3: JANUARY 21 - 27


SCRIPTURES: Psalm 51 ; Luke 11:9-13; Matthew 18:3; Matthew 21:22; Acts 4:31; Psalm
80:19; Acts 2:17; Acts 14:3; Acts 1:8; Mark 16:17-20; 1 Thessalonians 5:19-20

PRAYER FOCUS: The Influence of the Holy Ghost in our Family and Environs

Prayer Schedule:
Monday morning: 6 am - 8am; online
Tuesday evening: 7:30pm - 9:30pm; online
Wednesday morning: 6am - 8am; online
Thursday evening: 6:30pm - 8:30pm; online
Friday evening 9:00pm to Saturday 6am: ALL NIGHT PRAYER in the sanctuary

PRAYER and FOCUS POINTS (Monday and Wednesday)
• Pray for a spirit of repentance and surrender that creates a receptive heart for the Holy
Spirit to dwell.
• Pray for a spirit of eagerness and anticipation among believers desiring to receive the gift
of the Holy Ghost.
• Pray that believers will have a childlike faith that believes and receives the gift of the
Holy Ghost without doubt.
• Pray that there will be a fresh outpouring of the Holy Ghost in all believer's lives.
• Pray that the Holy Spirit will set ablaze the fire of revival within our hearts and
• Ask God to pour out His Spirit upon our sons and daughters, granting them visions that
align with His kingdom's purposes and dreams that reflect His divine guidance.
• Pray that the Holy Spirit will empower us to speak with authority and conviction.
• Pray that we will be carriers of the power of the Holy Ghost.
• Pray that we will inspire and encourage others to tap into the power available in Jesus
• Pray that signs and wonders will accompany the preaching of God's words.
• Pray that the prophet's voice will not be silenced in our churches.

PRAYER and FOCUS POINTS (Tuesday) Joshua 24:14-15; Proverbs 1: 8-9;7: 1- 5

 Pray for unity and a demonstration of godly love among your family.
 Pray that family members would love and obey God’s Word and make consistent time
for family devotion in the home.
 Ask for discernment as to how the enemy is trying to affect the family, and wisdom to
know how to respond in prayer and action.
 Pray for healing of negative words and emotional wounds.
 Ask God to show you any hurt you have caused a family member. Repent of those things
and be willing to make amends
 Pray for open communication for all members, no matter the age or status.
 Pray for sensitivity toward the needs of every family member.
 Ask for guidance on how to make sufficient time for one another.
 Ask for wisdom to maintain proper priorities between God, ministry, work, and family.
 That the Lord would increase our burden for our city through prayer, fasting, and
 That revelation of truth would come to local pastors and congregations who do not fully
understand the gospel message of salvation.
 That God would break spiritual strongholds of darkness, including crime, addiction,
violence, deceit, immorality, human trafficking, rebellion, and false religion.
 That the people of our city would repent and turn their hearts toward God that times of
calamity and disasters would turn them to the Lord.

 For God to bestow spiritual hunger in His people and draw them to fervent intercession
for unity between the saints and churches
 For restoration and healing in families, marriages, and broken relationships
 That those who have backslid would repent and return to God and the church.
 For a renewed passion in the saints to see people saved
 That people would give freely and with joy to the work of God.

PRAYER and FOCUS POINTS (Friday – Saturday)

Focus is on receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost
The prayer line will be opened throughout the consecration period for prayer during the watches.
Persons are welcome to enter for prayer within any watch desired.

Prayer Watches
 First Watch: 6PM - 9PM

 Second Watch: 9PM-12 Midnight

 Third Watch: 12 Midnight - 3AM

 Forth Watch: 3AM -6AM

 Fifth watch which is the first watch of the new working day: 6AM-9AM

 Sixth Watch: 9AM-12Noon

 Seventh Watch: 12 Noon -3PM

 Eight Watch: 3PM-6PM


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