examination Report
2nd Term 2022
Charmaine Ndlovu Form 3 B
Exam %
Course Mark Class Form
Comment Teacher
% Set Group
She did not revise adequately resulting in poor examination marks. Mrs N
Accounting 39 43 40
She displays a good level of thinking skills and is able to explain concepts learnt. Mr N
Business 85 64 57 Well done!
Studies Mpala
She maintained a pleasing standard of work throughout the term. However, she Mrs M
Computer 47 57 55 scored badly in part of the exam resulting in her disappointing mark.
Sci. Kee Tui
A well-deserved result. She has been justly rewarded for the effort she put into her Ms L
English 76 71 68 work this term.
This is an excellent record from a determined and diligent student. Well done. Mr N
Geography 76 57 64
Pleasing results from a pupil who shows much interest in her work. Mrs S
Zulu 70 68 68
Possible Attendances 64 Actual Attendances 64 Days Late 0 Next term begins on 6th September, 2022
Students are required to attend one sport and one club, or two team sports, every
week throughout the term.
Charmaine has regularly attended the following activity(ies):-
Possible Attendances 64 Actual Attendances 64 Days Late 0 Next term begins on 6th September, 2022