B9 Computing Prof Duker Smat

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Answer All Questions
Each question is followed by four options lettered A to D. Find out the correct option for each
question and underline or circle the correct answer with pencil.
1. How many qubits does Google's Sycamore 4. Which of the following is a characteristic of
quantum computer use? quantum computers?
A. 5 A. They use binary code
B. 10 B. They rely on transistors for processing
C. 53 C. They perform calculations using qubits
D. 100 D. They are slower than traditional computers
2. Which technology is used by Google 5. What is the maximum free storage capacity
Sycamore for quantum computing? available on Google Drive for individual
A. Superconducting qubits users?
B. Fiber optics A. 10 GB
C. Transistors B. 50 GB
D. RAM chips C. 100 GB
3. What technology is helping computers to D. 15 GB
interact with humans and "see" in the 6. What is the term used to describe the next
upcoming years? generation of computers that are expected to
A. Quantum computing be much faster and more powerful than
B. Artificial intelligence current ones?
C. Facial recognition A. Supercomputers
D. Neuromorphic computing B. Next-gen computers
C. Quantum computers
D. Mega computers
7. How is the economic structure expected to 11. The digital form of printed book is well
improve significantly in the context of known as………….
increased connectivity? A. Digital book
A. Through the use of traditional phone lines B. E- book
B. With advancements in wired connections C. E-paper
C. Through 5G connectivity and improved D. E-book readers
digital connections 12. Saving your files in a remote location and
D. By decreasing digitalization access them later through the internet is
8. What is the main advantage of quantum called?
computers over traditional computers? A. Cloud storage
A. They are cheaper B. Internet storage
B. They are smaller in size C. Remote storage
C. They can perform many calculations D. Media Server
simultaneously 13. All the following are examples of smart card
D. They have a longer lifespan. except……………
9. What is the term for the technology that A. Ghana card
allows computers to understand and respond B. ATM card
to human gestures and movements? C. Voters ID card
A. Holography D. SSNIT card
B. Gesture recognition 14. Which of the following is not an example of
C. Hypnosis plug and play device?
D. Sound engineering A. Printer
10. All the following are examples of wearable B. Mouse
devices except C. Keyboard
A. Mobile Phone D. Webcam
B. Google glass 15. Which drivers control the proper functioning
C. Smart watch of audio devices connected to the computer
D. Hearing aid system
A. LAN drivers
B. Sound drivers
C. Graphic drivers
D. Card drivers 19. When a new device is added to a computer
16. Which amongst the following is not an system, what must be done before the device
example of cloud storage? can be used?
A. Hard drive A. Nothing, as devices automatically
B. Google drive configure themselves
C. One drive B. Install a new operating system
D. iCloud C. Install a new device driver for the added
17. Which of the following is considered a device
Kernel-mode Device Driver? D. Restart the computer.
A. Mouse driver 20. How do you access the Mouse Properties
B. BIOS dialog to change the mouse pointer?
C. Printer driver A. Right-click on the Start menu
D. Sound card driver B. Right-click on the desktop and select
18. What is the primary function of a device Properties
driver? C. Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete
A. To enhance gaming performance D. Left-click on the desktop
B. To control a specific hardware device
C. To improve network connectivity
D. To optimize computer speed

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