Route Surveying and Design 4th ED Carl F. Meyer

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Route Surveying

and Design 4th ed.

Carl F. Meyer
International Textbooks in Civil Engineering

Consulting Editor

Russell C. Brinker

Professor of Civil Engineering

New Mexico State University
Route Surveying
and Design
Route Surveying
and Design
Fourth Edition

Professor Emeritus, Civil Engineering
Worcester Polytechnic Institute


, Scranton, Pennsylvania

Earlier editions entitled "Route Surveyint

Standard Book Number 7002 2180 5

Copyright ©, 1969, 1962, 1956, 1949,

by International Textbook Company

All rights reserved. No part of the material protected by this

copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photo-
copying, recording, or by any informational storage and
retrieval system, without written permission from the copy-
right Printed in the United States of America by
The Haddon Craftsmen, Inc., Scranton, Pennsylvania.
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 7S-98504.
Preface to the Fourth Edition

It is appropriate that the twentieth anniversary of the

publication of the first edition of this book should be marked
by a fourth edition under an expanded new title.
The new title not only reflects the advances in route sur-
veying technology but also recognizes that Route Surveying
has always contained more "design" than the usual sun-eying
textbook. This dual coverage is the outgrowth of the author's
attempt to implant in students the fact that surveying is
seldom an end in itself; more often it is a prelude to the
design of engineering works.
A simple evaluation of the scope of the advances in sur-
veying technology in the last twenty years is shown by the
progressive additions to the list of chapters. The second edi-
tion saw the inclusion of Chapter 12: "Aerial Photography
in Route Surveying." Six years later the third edition was
expanded to include Chapter 13: "Automation in Location
and Design." This fourth edition rounds out the additions to
the plan of the original book by including a new Chapter 14
entitled "New Techniques in Alignment Design and
The addition of another new chapter is not the only new
feature of this edition. Significant improvements are scat-
tered throughout the book, including additions to some of
the existing tables. Bibliographical references and descriptive
material showing progressive changes have been up-dated.
And to improve teachability, new problems are given at the
end of many chapters.
Perhaps the most valuable innovation is the exhaustive
treatment of combining spirals by exact theory. The need
for this material came from the numerous instances where
sharp combining spirals on the Interstate Highway System
were computed by the osculating-circle theory, only to find
that the work would not check in the field. The small approxi-
mations in the osculating-circle theory may grow into large
errors in the case of sharp combining spirals. Such spirals
permit great flexibility in designing interchange ramps and
in fitting alignment to terrain in urban and mountainous
locations, with consequent large savings in land damages and
grading costs.
viii Preface

The cumbersome formulas for combining-spiral theory are

developed in Appendix B. But the actual use of these for-
mulas is avoided by recourse to new extensive tables that are
found in no other existing publication.

C. F. Meyer
Winter Park, Florida
September. 1969


1. Route Locaticr 3

2. Simple Curves 14

3. Compound and Reverse Curves 52

4. Parabolic Curves 67
5. Spirals 85
6. Earthwork 126


7. Special Curve Problems 169

8. Curve Problems in Highway Design 195

9. Railroad Surveys 271

10. Highway Surveys 305

11. Surveys for Other Routes 321
12. Aerial Photography in Route Surveying 329
13. Automation in Location and Design 351
14. New Techniques in Alignment Design and Stakeout. .375


List of Tables 387


A. Theory of the Simple Spiral 611

B. Theory of the Combining Spiral 614
C. Exact Deflection Angles for Simple and
Combining Spirals 621
Index 627
Route Surveying
and Design


Route Location

1-1. Introduction. —This chapter comprises an outline of

the basic considerations affecting the general problem of route
location. The material is non-mathematical, but it is neces-
sary for a clear understanding of the purposes served by the
technical matters in the remaining chapters of Part I. Specific
practical applications of these basic considerations to the loca-
and other routes of transportation
tion of highways, railroads,
and communication are given in Part II.

1-2. Route Surveying and Systems Engineering. Route —

surveying includes all field work and requisite calculations

(together with maps, profiles, and other drawings) involved

in the planning and construction of any route of transporta-
tion. If the word transportation be taken to refer not only

to the transportation of persons but also to the movement of

liquids and gases and to the transmission of power and mes-
sages, then route surveying covers a broad field. Among the V
important engineering structures thus included are: highways
and railroads; aqueducts, canals, and flumes; pipe lines for
water, sewage, oil, and gas; cableways and belt conveyors;
and power, telephone, and telegraph transmission lines.
Though this definition of route surveying distinguishes the
subject from other branches of surveying, it is assumed that
projects involving route surveys have considerable magnitude.
There will usually be definite termini a fairly long distance
apart. In such a situation the surveys serve two purposes:
(1) todetermine the best general route between the termini;
(2) optimum combination of alignment, grades,
to find the
and other details of the selected route. To accomplish these
purposes requires not only expert survey technique but also
such judgment and experience in the art of engineering, that
the combination of creative planning, surveying, and design
involved is a good example of what is now called systems

4 Roufe Location

1-3. Relation of Project to Economics. —

Every route-sur-
veying project involves economic problems both large and
small. By far the most important. question is whether or not to
construct the -project. based on a
Essentially, this decision is

comparison of the cost of the enterprise with the probable

financial returns or social advantages to be expected. In some
cases the question can be answered after a careful preliminary
study without field work in others, extensive surveys and cost

estimates must first be made.

However simple or complex the project may be, it is rarely
possible for the engineer alone to answer this basic economic
question. To his studies must be added those of the persons
responsible for the financial and managerial policies of the
organization. In the case of a public project the broad social
and political objectives also carry weight.

The engineer responsible for conducting route surveys is

not solely a technician. In addition to his indispensable aid
in solving the larger economic problems, he is continually con-
fronted with smaller ones in the field and office. For example,
the relatively simple matter of deciding which of several
methods is to be used in developing a topographic map of a
strip of territory is, basically, an economic problem that in-
volves the purpose of the survey, the terrain, and the equip-
ment and personnel available.

1-4. Relation of Project to Design. —Design problems in

route location are closely related to route surveying. Some
matters of design must precede the field work others are de-

pendent on it. For example, in order that the field work for
a proposed new highway may be done efficiently, the designers
— —
must have chosen at least tentatively not only the termini
and possible intermediate connections but also such design de-
tails as the number of traffic lanes, width of right-of-way, maxi-
mum grade, minimum radius of curve, and minimum sight
distance. On the other hand, considerable field work must be
done before the designers can fix the exact alignment, grade
elevations, shoulder widths, and culvert locations to fit the
selected standards safely and with the greatest over-all
economy. The interrelationship between modern highway
surveying and design is outlined in Art. 10-2.
Route Location 5

1-5. Basic Factors of Alignment and Grades. —In route

location it is usually found that the termini and possible inter-
mediate controlling points are at different elevations. More-
over, the topography and existing physical features rarely
permit a straight location between the points. These circum-
stances invariably require the introduction of vertical and
horizontal changes in direction; therefore, grades, vertical
curves, and horizontal curves are important features of route
surveying and design.
Curvature is not inherently objectionable. Though a
straight line is the shortest distance between two points, it is

also the most monotonous —a consideration of some aesthetic

importance in the location of scenic highways. Thedevice
of curvature gives the designer limitless opportunities to fit a
location to the natural swing of the topography in such a. way
as to be both pleasing and economical. Excessive or poorly
designed curvature, however, may introduce serious operating
hazards, or may add greatly to the costs of constructing, main-
taining, or operating over the route.
Steep grades are likely to have the same effects on safety
and costs as excessive curvature. It should be emphasized,
nevertheless, that problems of curves and grades are ordinarily
interrelated. Thus, on highway and railroad location it is

often the practice to increase the distance between two fixed

points in order to reduce the grade. This process, known as
''development," necessarily adds to the total curvature. It is
not always a feasible solution, for the added curvature may be
more objectionable than the original steep grade.
The aim of good location should be the attainment of con-
sistent conditions with a proper balance between curvature
and grade. This is especially true in highway location, owing
to the fact that each vehicle is individually operated and the
driver often is unfamiliar with the particular highway. Many
highway accidents occur at a point where there is a sudden and
misleading variation from the condition of curvature, grade,
or sight distance found on an adjacent section of the same high-
way. To produce a harmonious balance between curvature
and grade, and to do it economically, requires that the engi-
neer ppssess broad experience, mature judgment, and a
thorough knowledge of the objectives of the project.
6 Route Location

1-6. Influence of —
Type of Project. The type of route to be
built between given termini has a decided influence on its
location. As an example, the best location for a railroad
would not necessarily be the most suitable one for a power-
transmission line. A railroad requires a location having
fairly flat grades and curves. Moreover, there are usually
intermediate controlling points -such^as major stream and
highway crossings, mountain passes, and revenue-producing
markets. In contrast, power is transmitted as readily up a
vertical cable as along a horizontal one. Grades, therefore,
have no significance, and river and highway crossings present
no unusual problems. Where changes in direction are needed,
they are made at angle towers. Consequently, the alignment
is as straightas possible from generating station to sub-station.

1-7. Influence of Terrain. —The character of the terrain

between termini or major controlling points is apt to impress
a characteristic pattern upon a route location, particularly in
the case of a highway or a railroad. Terrain may be generally
classified as level, rolling, or mountainous.

In comparatively level regions the line may be straight for

long distances, minor deviations being introduced merely to
skirt watercourses, to avoid poor foundations, or possibly to
reduce land damages. On an important project, however, the
artificial control imposed by following section lines or other
political subdivisions should not be permitted to govern.
In rolling country the location pattern depends on the
^orientation of the ridges and valleys with respect to the
general direction of the route. Parallel orientation may result
in a valley line having flat grades, much curvature, frequent
u ^culverts and bridges, and fill in excess of cut; or it may permit
/ a ridge line (from which the word highway originated) on which

Mihe alignment and drainage problems are simpler. To connect

two such situations, and also in case the ridges are oblique to
the general direction of the route, there may be a side-hill line.
This has the characteristics of uniformly rising grades, curva-
ture fitted to the hillsides, and relatively light, balanced grad-

Where the ridges and valleys are approximately at right

angles to the general direction of the route, the typical pattern
Route Location 7

which results may be called a cross-drainage line. Here the

location of passes through the ridges and the location of cross-
ings over the major streams constitute important controlling
points between which the line may be of the side-hill type.
Generally, a cross-drainage line involves steep grades, heavy
grading with alternate cuts and fills, expensive bridges, and
curvature considerably less than that on a valley line.
TyTr^TTvhgirin^s terrain impnsfis the severest burden upon the

ingenuity of the locating engineer. No simple pattern or set

of rules fits all situations. Short sections of each of the types
must be inserted as conditions
of lines previously described
require. "Development," even to the extent of switchbacks
and loops, may be the only alternative to expensive tunnel

1-8. Sequence of Field and Office Work. —The definition

of route surveying stated in Art. 1-2 referred to field work
and calculations concerning both planning and construction.
Though these operations vary with different organizations, and
particularly with the nature and scope of the project, the
following is a typical outline of the sequence of field and office

For Planning
(a) The conception of the project, and preliminary office
studies regarding its desirability and feasibility.
(b) Field reconnaissance of the terrain between the termini,
followed by further office studies and recommendation

(c) Preliminary surveys over one or more locations along

the general route recommended in the reconnaissance

(d) Office studies consisting of preparation of a map from

preliminary survey data; projection of a tentative align-
ment and profile; and preliminary estimate of quantities
and cost.
(e) Location survey involving staking of projected location,
complete with curves; minor adjustment of alignment
and grades; cross-sectioning for more accurate earth-
work estimate; ties to property lines and existing im-

8 "
Route Location

provements; and field measurements for design of mis-

cellaneous structures.

For Construction
if) Office work including preparation of specifications and
drawings covering all details of the project negotiations

for acquiring right-of-way or easement and advertising


for bids.

(g) Construction surveys including reestablishment of final

location; setting reference stakes, grade stakes, and
slope stakes for controlling the construction; making
periodic measurements and estimates of work done, to
serve as a basis for partial payments to the contractor
taking final cross-sections and other measurements of
the completed project, to serve as a basis both for final
payment and for preparation of "record" plans; and
setting right-of-way monuments in accordance with pre-
pared legal descriptions.

1-9. Importance of the Reconnaissance. — Second in im-

portance to the primary question —whether or not to build
the project — is the selection of the general route between the
termini. usually determined by the reconnaissance.
This is

The statement by Wellington,* "The reconnaissance must

not be of a line, but of an area," is a most apt one. The extent
of the area depends, of course, on the type of project and the
nature of the terrain, but the area must be broad enough to
cover all practicable routes joining the termini. Cf particular
importance- is the need for guarding against the natural
tendency to an obviously feasible location. It is
possible thatTcbuntry which is covered with tangled under-
growth, or is otherwise rough for foot travel on reconnaissance,
may hide a much better location than is available in more
settled or open territory.
With regard to the importance of the "art of reconnaissance"
and the attitude of the engineer toward it, nowhere will more
effective comments be found than in Wellington's classic
treatise.* Though written by that author in 1887 for the
Reprinted by permission from Economic Theory of the Location of Rail-
waysby A. M. Wellington, published by John Wiley & Sons. Inc.. 1915.

Route Location 9

instruction of engineers on railroad location, the following

statements are timeless in their application to all types of
route location:
". .there is nothing against which a locating engineer will find it

necessary to be more constantly on his guard than the drawing of hasty

and unfounded conclusions, especially of an unfavorable character,
from apparent evidence wrongly interpreted. If his conclusions on
reconnaissance are unduly favorable, there is no great harm done
nothing more at the worst will ensue than an unnecessary amount of
surveying; but a hasty conclusion that some line is not feasible, or that
further improvements in it cannot be made, or even sometimes often —

very absurdly that no other line of any kind exists than the one which

has chanced to be discovered these are errors which may have dis-
astrous consequences.

"On this account, no other, the locating engineer should culti-

if for
vate . . . what may be an optimistic habit of mind. He should
not allow himself to enter upon his work with the feeling that any
country is seriously difficult, but rather that the problem before him is
simply to find the line, which undoubtedly exists, and that he can only
fail to do so from some blindness or oversight of his own, which it will

be his business to guard against.

"For the reason that there is so much danger of radical error in the
selection of the lines to be surveyed (or, rather, of the lines not to be
it results that
truth once grasped, the greatest of all dangers, over-confidence in one's
own infallibility, is removed."

If, as often happens, the reconnaissance is entrusted to

one engineer, he should have mature experience in the pro-

motional, financial, and engineering aspects of similar projects.
It is not enough that he be an experienced locating engineer,
for such a man is likely to concentrate upon the purely physical
possibilities ofa route and to overlook the related commercial
or social values. Furthermore, he should be able to sense the
significance of present trends and their probable effect upon
the future utility of the project, or to realize when to seek a
specialist's advice in such matters.

1-10. Purposes of Preliminary Surveys. A preliminary —

survey follows the general route recommended in the recon-
naissance report. most important purpose of such a
survey- 4s to obtain the data for plotting an accurate map of a
strip of territory along one or more promising routes. This
1 . Route Location

map serves as the basis for projecting the final alignment and
profile, at least tentatively. Enough data are also obtained
from which to make an estimate of earthwork quantities, of the
sizes of drainage structures, and needed right-of-way. Taken
together, these data permit the compilation of a fairly close
cost estimate.
Preliminary surveys differ greatly in method and precision.
Invariably, however, there is at least one traverse (compass,
stadia, or transit-and-tape) which serves as a framework for
the topographical details. Elevations along the traverse line
and tie measurements to existing physical features are essen-
tial. Accurate contours may or may not be needed, the re-
quirement depending on the type of the project.
Detailed methods of running preliminary surveys adapted
to particular types of routes will be found in Chapters 9, 10,
and 11.

1-11. Proper —
Use of Topography. On new locations of
routes over which grades are particularly important, an
accurate contour map is indispensable. A relocation of an
existing route, such as a highway, may sometimes be made by
revising the preliminary survey directly on the ground.
This method, termed "field location" or "direct location," is
not recommended for a new line. It is true that some engi-
neers seem to have uncanny ability for locating a satisfactory
line — —
though not necessarily the best one by direct field
methods. This natural gift is not to be belittled, but it should
be subordinated in difficult terrain to careful office studies
aided by a contour map.
The primary purpose of the contour map is to serve as a
basis for making a "paper location" of the final center line.
On such a map the locating engineer is able to scan a large
area at once. By graphical methods he can study various
locations in a small fraction of the time required for a field
party to survey the lines on the ground. Furthermore, he is
not subject to the natural optical illusions which often mislead
even the most experienced engineer in the field. An added
advantage of the contour map, provided it is extensive enough,
is to supply visible evidence that no better line has been over-

Route Location 1 1

It is possible, however, to put too much reliance upon map

topography. Particularly to be avoided is the temptation to
control the work from the office by making such a meticulous
paper location, even to the extent of complete notes for stak-
ing all curves, that the field work of final location becomes a
mere routine of carrying out "instructions from headquarters."
No contour map, no matter how accurate it may be, can im-
press upon the mind more forcibly than field examination such
details as the true significance of length and depth of cuts and
fills; the nature of the materials and foundations; susceptibility

to slides, snow drifting, and other maintenance difficulties; or

the aesthetic values of the projected location. At best, the
map facilitates making what might be termed a "semi-final
location," which is to be further revised in minor details dur-
ing the location survey.

1-12. Function of Location Survey. —The purpose of the

location survey is to transfer the paper location, complete with
curves, to the ground. It is too much to expect that this line
on the ground willconform to the paper location in every
detail. It is almost certain that there will be minor deviations,
resulting usually from errors in the preliminary traverse or in
the taking or plotting of the topography. An exact agree-
ment does not assure the excellence of the location it merely ;

proves the geometric accuracy of the field and office work.

Consequently, regardless of the "fit" with the paper location,
the engineer should be constantly on watch for opportunities
to make those minor adjustments in alignment or grades which
only close observation of the field conditions will reveal.
When staked, the final location is usually cross-sectioned
determination of earthwork quantities. In addition,
for closer
tie measurements to property lines are made to serve for pre-

paring right-of-way descriptions, and all necessary field data

are obtained to permit the detailed design of miscellaneous

1-13. Relation of Surveying to Engineering. —Before we

leave these basic considerations to study the technical aspects
of route surveying,it should be pointed out that surveying and

mapping, as ordinarily practiced, are not engineering; they are

merely methods of obtaining and portraying data needed as
1 2 . Route Location

a prelude to the design and construction of engineering

During the study of the chapters which fellow, it will be
natural for the student to concentrate on the geometrical and
instrumental techniques. However, the course Route Sur-
veying will not reach its potential value unless more than
it is

drill in field and office practice. The student, stimulated by

the instructor's examples and illustrations, should attempt to
look beyond the technical details and gain some insight into
the factors which lead to the conception of a particular project.
Knowledge of those factors will give him a better appreciation
of the engineering surveys — their planning, the controlling
specifications, and the usefulness of the data to the designers.

To be of the greatest usefulness,without being unduly

costly, the surveys, maps, and computations should be only
as complete and accurate as needed for the ultimate purpose.
For some purposes the utmost in accuracy is required. For
others, extreme niceties are too costly and time-consuming;
they may be replaced by approximate methods and short cuts.
As an example, much time is often wasted in "exact" calcula-
tion of yardage estimates prior to construction, only to find
that shrinkage, compaction, overbreak, or stripping allowances
change the estimated values by large amounts. This is not to
imply that grading calculations may always be done by
approximate methods. Accuracy is always required, for
example, in determination of yardage for payment to con-
tractors. One trait of a good engineer is his judgment of the
degree of precision required in obtaining data and computing
values for use.
Surveying and mapping are essential prerequisites to engi-
neering design for mass transportation. Despite the growing
file of good maps, the rapid modernization of our transporta-

tion systems is creating expanding demands for surveying and

mapping services. Jn the highway engineering alone,
field of
the total distance covered by surveys and resurveys for a re-
cent year was estimated to reach 26,000 miles. In designing
a large transportation project, extensive surveying operations
are involved in the early reconnaissance, in the detailed pre-
liminary and location surveys, and in all the work leading to
the preparation of topographic maps, profiles, cross sections,
Route Location 1 3

and other working drawings. If to these there are added the

construction layout and "as-built" record surveys, it is
apparent that a large portion of the total engineering costs is
absorbed by surveying and mapping.
In contrast to the leisurely pace of highway construction
in the early part of this century, wherein the ordinary piece-
meal survey served the purpose, we now have vast and costly
projects. Noteworthy among these are the heavily-traveled
California Freeways and the toll highways in Massachusetts,
Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio,
Indiana, Florida, and several other states. Even these are
dwarfed by the Interstate Highway System now under con-
struction. Already conceived is the proposed Mississippi
River Parkway, for which map reconnaissance of 50,000
square miles has yielded over 8,000 miles of alternate routes.
Survey and mapping methods must be designed to keep pace
with the advanced design and construction techniques used
on such vast projects.
Applications of photogrammetry (Chapter 12), automation
(Chapter 13), and new techniques in alignment design
(Chapter 14) represent important advances in route surveying
and design. In addition to reducing cos ts L these applications
also save time — a factor that can substantially reduce interest
charges during the construction of a major project.
In fitting surveying and mapping into the plans for a
transportation project, saving in time by use of short-cut
methods should not be achieved at the expense of reduction
in the ultimate required accuracy. Time saved by short
cuts in control surveys, for example, may be lost many times
over in transferring the paper location to the ground or in
monumenting the right of way. During construction, one
field change caused by poor original surveys may delay the

work longer than the time saved earlier by the short-cut

survey methods.
By observing the ultimate accuracies needed in the various
phases of a project and adopting well-planned methods of
surveying and mapping, even at the expense of some extra
time, the whole project will have a firmer base around which
the design and construction operations can be planned. This
kind of surveying and mapping is necessary for route location
to be an exercise in systems engineering.
chapter Z.

Simple Curves

2-1. Foreword. —Every route has a calculable geometric

alignment. The form may be a simple series of straight lines
and power transmission line, or Tfp
angles, as in the case of a
may be an intricate combination of straight lines and curves.
The primary purpose of any curve is to provide the required
change in direction in the form best suited to the operating
characteristics. Secondary considerations are reasonable
economy in construction cost and ease of staking the curve in
the field.

Horizontal curves are usually arcs of circles or of spirals.

Generally, the circular arc makes up the greater portion of a
curve. The arcs of varying radii, or spirals, provide a gradual
transition between the circular arc and the tangents.
Vertical curves joining straight sections of grade line are
invariably parabolic arcs. When vertical and horizontal
curves overlap, their study is simplified by considering them

and Notation. A simple curve consists
2-2. Definitions
of a circular arc tangent to two straight sections of a route.
Though spiral transitions are commonly used at the ends of
circular arcs on modern highways and railroads, a thorough

knowledge of the simple curve its basic geometry, calcula-
tion, —
and method of staking is necessary for an understand-
ing of more complex curve problems.

There is no universally accepted notation. That shown in

Fig. 2-1, however, is commonly used in recent practice. (In
this diagram, parts of the curve layout frequently surveyed
in the field aredrawn as solid lines, whereas geometric con-
struction lines and curve parts infrequently surveyed are
shown dotted.) The intersection of the tangents at V is
called the vertex, or point of intersection, abbreviated P.I.
The deflection angle between the tangents is denoted by 7 it ;

is equal to the central angle of the curve. For a survey

progressing in the direction indicated, the tangent up to the
Simple Curves 15


90" XC^! My
;- ->- BO'

r c7
V /

4 \ x ^/^/R •v
\ /

Fig. 2-1. Simple-curve layout

P.I. is called the initial tangent, or back tangent; that beyond

the P.I. is the forward tangent. The beginning of the circular
arc atA is known as the T.C. (tangent to curve) the end at ;

B, as the C.T. (curve to tangent). In a simple curve the

T.C. and the C.T. are equidistant from the P.I. The T.C. is
sometimes designated as the P.C. (point of curve) or B.C.
(beginning of curve). Corresponding terms for the C.T. are
P.T. (point of tangent) and E.C. (end of curve).
Certain lines on the curve layout are very useful in calcula-
tions or for field work. Those shown in Fig. 2-1 are the dis- :

tance from the P.I. to the T.C. (or C.T.), known as the tangent
distance, T; the distance from the P.I. to the mid-point K of
the curve, called the external distance, E\ and the radius of the
circular arc, designated by R. Also shown, though of lesser
importance, are the long chord, L.C., which is the distance be-
tween the T.C. and the C.T.; and the middle ordinate, M,
or the distance from the mid-point C of the long chord to the
mid-point K of the curve.
2-3. General Formulas. —
Two trigonometric functions,
used rarely in plane surveying, are especially convenient in
16 - Simple Curves

route surveying form ulas These are the versed sine (vers)

and the external secant [exsec).

By definition, for any angle A, vers A = 1 —cos A and exsec
A=sec A — l. (The student should study the graphical
significance of these relations shown on page 589.)
From Fig. 2-1 the following basic formulas may be written
practically by inspection:

T=Rtaa}I (2-1)

E = R exsec §7 (2-2)

L.C.=2fisin|/ 2-3

M = R vers §J (2-4)

Some other useful expressions may be derived by combining

the basic formulas and using trigonometric conversions.
However, their derivation directly from sketches will illustrate
further interesting properties of the simple curve.
A portion of Fig. 2-1 is reproduced in Fig. 2-1 (a). If arc
VA' isdrawn with radius OV(A' being on OA produced), the
triangle A'OV will be isosceles and angle A' must equal
90° - \I. Therefore the angle at V in the right triangle A 'A V

Simple Curves 1

must equal \I, from which

E = Ttsn\I (2-5)

In Fig. 2-1 the circle inscribed within triangle must ABV

have its radius equal to M
and its center located at point K.
From this fact it follows that
M=E cos \I (2-6)

Other useful relations are

# = #tan£/tan \l (2-7)

and M = #(l-cos£7) (2-8)

2-4. —
Degree of Curve. The curvature of a circular arc is
perfectly denned by its radius. However, where the radius
is long, as on modern highway and railroad alignment, the
center of the curve is inaccessible or remote. In this case
the radius is valueless for surveying operations, though it is

still needed computations; it must be replaced by a

in certain
different characteristic of the curve which is directly useful
in the field. The characteristic commonly used is known as
the degree of curve, D. Though several definitions of degree
of curve may be found, all are based upon the fact that a circle
is a curve having a constant angular change in direction per

unit of distance. The two most widely used are the chord
definition and the arc definition of D.

According to the chord definition the degree of curve is the

central angle subtended by a 100-foot chord. It is denoted by
Dc as indicated in Fig. 2-2 (a).

According to the arc definition the degree of curve is the

central angle subtended by & 100-foot arc. It is denoted by

p a, as indicated in Fig. 2-2(6).

By inspection of Fig. 2-2 (a), it is seen that
Kf) ,

sin |Z)c = ^r (2-9)

In Fig. 2-2(6),
from which
n 5,729.58

\ /
\ /
R\ i

\ ! / \ /
\ /

Fig. 2-2. Definitions of degree of curve

It is rarely necessary to use equation 2-9 or equation 2-10.

"When D is given, the value of R or log R should be taken from
Table I. For approximate calculations using either defini-
tion of D,

D = 5,730 (2-11) Approx.

Neither definition of D is perfectly adapted to all phases of

calculation and field work. Both involve slight approxima-
tions when doing field work the usual way, though high
precision is obtainable by introducing certain small corrections.
The chord been used almost invariably by the
definition has
railroads. sometimes called the "railroad definition" of
It is

D. On the other hand, highway practice has tended toward

greater use of the arc definition. However, modern standards
of alignment for high-speed operation over both railroads and
highways have practically reduced to an academic matter all
controversy over the merits of a particular definition.
A 2° curve computed and staked according to either defini-
tion is substantially thesame curve on the ground. Never-

Simple Curves 1

theless, it will usually be necessary for the engineer to conform

to the definition of D used by the organization with which he is
associated. Moreover, he may frequently be required to use
the other definition of D, as in performing calculations for
fitting a relocation to existing alignment. For these reasons
the theoretical treatment in this book covers both definitions.
The tables in Part III are exceptionally complete, as they are
designed to simplify curve calculations based upon either
definition of D.

2-5. Measurements on Curves. Regardless of whether th€
chord definition or the arc definition of D is used, measure-
ments along a curve must be made by taping a series of chords.
An isolated curve may be staked conveniently by dividing the
central angle into an equal number of parts.The resulting
chords with their directions determined by any appropriate
method then form an inscribed polygon of equal sides. How-
ever, on most route surveys the curves are parts of the con-
tinuous alignment over which it is convenient to carry the
regular survey stationing without a break. In consequence,
a curve rarely begins or ends at a whole station; accordingly,
chords less than 100 feet long, called subchords, will adjoin
the T.C. and the C.T. The methods of treating these sub-
chords are responsible for the slight approximations or correc-
tions mentioned in Art. 2-4.
Fig. 2-3 represents a portion of a circular arc having certain
stakes located thereon. For the chord definition of D, sta-
tions 16 and 17 will be exactly 100 feet apart as measured
along the chord joining those stations. For the arc definition,
however, the stations will be slightly closer together since, by
definition, they are separated by exactly 100 feet as measured
around the arc.
It is frequently necessary to set stakes on a curve at closer
intervals than at whole stations, as at sta. 16+50, for example.
The only logical position for this stake is exactly midway be-
tween stations 16 and 17, regardless of the definition of D.
Thus, sta. 16+50 would be separated from the adjacent whole
stations by chords which are of equal length but are not 50
feet long. They would be slightly greater or slightly less than
20 Simple Curves

50 feet, the actual length depending on the definition of D.

Such chords are loosely referred to as " 50-foot subchords."
On precise work, however, it is advisable to use a more
definite terminology. All uncertainty is eliminated by calling
the actual length of a chord its true length, and designating as
the nominal length the value found by taking the difference
between the stationing at the ends of the chord. The nominal
length may be further illustrated by imagining the arc in
Fig. 2-3 between stations 16 and 17 to be divided into exactly
100 equal parts. Theoretically, sta. 16+80 is at the 80th
division, and it is joined to sta. 16 by an 80-foot nominal sub-
chord; but it is located in the field by taping a true subchord of
80 ± feet from sta. 16.
A summary on lengths of subchords follows:

For chord definition of D- True subchords are longer

than nominal subchords.

For arc definition of D—

True subchords are shorter
than nominal subchords; nominal subchords are equal to
true lengths of arc.
Simple Curves 2 1

If d, Fig. 2-3, is the central angle subtended by any nominal

subchord Cn, then d:D=Cn:100, or

The true subchord is

ct = 2R&m\d (2-13)

Note the analogy of formula 2-13 to formula 2-3. True

subchords are given in Table II.

2-6. Length of Curve. The length of curve, L, is the
nominal distance around the curve. It equals the difference
between the stationing of the C.T. and the T.C.
For either definition of D,

L:100 = I:D

or L= ~1T (

For the arc definition of D, formula 2-14 obviously gives

the true length of the total circular arc; whereas, for the chord
definition, it gives the total length of the 100-foot chords and
nominal subchords between the T.C. and C.T. In the latter
case the true length of arc is slightly greater than L. If
needed, it may be obtained theoretically from the relation
= _ oqco >' but a more practical method is to use Table II

Table VI.

Example.— Given: J = 34°14'; D c =9°; # = 637.275 (Table


34° =0.593412 rad. (Table VI) True length of arc

14' =0.004072 rad. (Table VI) =0.597484X637.275
Sum = 0.597484 rad. = 380.76
For check of above by Table II see example on page 22.

2-7. —
Use of Tables. The formulas developed thus far
may be solved with the aid of tables of logarithmic or natural
trigonometric functions. However, certain calculations are
expedited, or even eliminated, by using special curve tables.
The example on page 22, given in outline form, illustrates the
use of some of the tables given in Part III.
22 Simple Curves

Example.—Given: / = 34°14'; Z> = 9°.

For chord definition of ty For arc definition of D

T = R tan §J; $ = R vers §/ (or # = T tan |J)

Results, using Tables I and (or logs.): XX
T = 196.25 # = 29.53 |
T = 196.05 # = 29.50
Results, using Tables VIII, IX, and X:
T = 196.25 # = 29.53 I r = 196.06* #=29.50

L.C.=2#siniZ' L.C.=2#sini/
Result, using Tables I and
Result, using Tables I and
XX: L.C. =374.74
M = R vers \I
Result, using Tables I and
XX: M = 28.23 M = R vers \I
Result, using Tables I and
100/ 100X34.2333
D 9
XX: M = 28.20
or, to avoid decimals of de-
grees, convert I and to D L=
minutes, giving
L= 380.37 Compute L as shown in ad-
jacent column, giving
For true length of arc (if # = 380.37
needed) use arc for 1 sta. =
100.103 (Table II). Then,
From definition of Da, the
excess arc in L stations =
true length of arc equals L as
0.103X3.80 = 0.39.
computed above.
Therefore, true arc length =
380.37+0.39 = 380.76

Examples of true subchords Examples of true subcJwrds

inal True inal True
100 100 100 99.90 (Table II)
50 50.04 (Table II) 50 49.99 (Table II)
82.48 82.51 (Table III) 82.48 82.42 (Table IV)

•Difference is due to round numbers in Table VIII.

Simple Curves 23

The example on page 22 not only shows the utility of certain

tables but also gives an idea of the effect of using different
definitions of D. Whether the differences between the com-
puted values of corresponding parts of the curve are in-
significant or important depends on the circumstances. If
the curve is one staked on semi-final location prior to grading,
they are probably unimportant; if the curve is staked on final
location, for setting track centers or forms for concrete pav-
ing, the differences aio large enough to warrant close adherence
to a particular definition of D in all calculations. On modern
high-speed alignment where D is 3° or less, the two definitions
of D give practically the same results.

2-8. Locating the T.C. and C.T. In locating a curve on
a projected alignment, the tangents are run to an intersection
at the P.I., the angle / is measured, and the stationing is
carried forward along the back tangent as far as the P.I.
(see Art. 7-3 for a description of the process when the P.I. is
inaccessible). The degree of curve will usually have been
selected from the paper-location study. If it has not been, a
suitable value may be determined by measuring the approxi-
mate E (or T) needed to give a good fit with the topography.
The tabulated E (or T) for a 1° curve (Table VIII) divided
by the approximate E (or T) gives a value of D which will fit
the field conditions. Usually this D is rounded off to a figure
convenient for calculation, and of course it must be within the
limiting specifications for the project.
The values of T and L are next computed, and from them
the stationing of the T.C. and C.T. are determined as follows:

Sta. P.I.-r = Sta. T.C. ) Arrange

> computations
Sta. T.C. +L (nominal) = Sta. C.T. ) as on page 25.

For staking and checking the curve it is necessary to set

hubs at the T.C. and the C.T. This is done by taping the
calculated T backward and forward from the P.I. Sometimes
it is more convenient to set the T.C. by taping from a tacked

hub (P.O.T.) on the back tangent. In case the curve is long

or the terrain is difficult for taping, it is also advisable to set a
24 Simple Curves

check hub at the mid-point of the curve by taping the exact

value of E from the P.I. along the bisector of the angle.

2-9. Deflection-Angle —
Method. The convenient deflec-
tion-angle method of locating points on a simple curve is based
on a proposition in geometry: an angle formed by a tangent
and a chord is measured by one-half the intercepted arc.
In Fig. 2-4, a, b, and c represent 100-ft stations on a portion

73 V(PI)

beyond the T.C.

of a simple curve, a being less than one station
By each central angle between full stations is equal
to D; the angle subtended by the first subchord is d\. The
angles VAa, VAb, and VAc are known as the deflection angles,
or total deflections, to the stations on the curve. From the
foregoing proposition they are equal to one-half the corre-
sponding central angles. Thus, the deflection angle to locate
c from a set-up at the T.C. is %(di+2D).

The subdeflection for the fractional station is ^tfV Once this

first subdeflection has been computed, the total deflections to
succeeding points are found by adding the inscribed angles
aAb, bAc, .... Since an inscribed angle equals one-half its
central angle, the total deflections to full stations are found
by adding successive increments of %D. A second subchord
between the C.T. and the preceding full station. Its
c 2 falls
subdeflection \d-i should be added to the total deflection for
Simple Curves 25

the last full station on the curve. If the sum equals \I, the
arithmetic is checked.
In practice, subdeflections are usually small and are best
computed in minutes from either of the following formulas:

\d (in minutes) =0.3 Cn D° (2-15)

\d (in minutes) = c n X den. per ft* (2-16)

The distances taped in connection with the deflection angles

are not the rays from the T.C. to the various points on the
curve. Theoretically they are the successive true chords from
point to point, starting at the T.C. Therefore, once the deflec-
tion angles have been figured, there is practically no added
computation. However, the non-coincidence of tape and line
of sight may be slightly confusing in the field work.

Example.—Given: Sta. F.I. = 24+63.8; J = 34°14\ Stakes

to be set for semi-final highway location; curve to pass approxi-
mately 30 ft inside vertex; stakes needed at full stations and
half-stations; distances to tenths and deflections to nearest
minute adequate. Use arc definition of D.

Approx. D =^^=8.85° (Table VIII). Round off to 9°

curve with defl. per ft = 2.7'. The problem now becomes that
in Art. 2-7, from which T = 196.1, L = 380.4, and # = 29.5.
Sta. P.I. =24+63.8
-T= 1+96.1

Sta. T.C. =22+67.7 c 1= 32.3 ^ = 2.7X32.3= 1°27'

+L= 3+80.4 23 to 26 = 300.0 £DX 3 = 13°30'
Sta. C.T. = 26+48.1 c2 = 48.1 ^2 = 2.7X48.1 = 2°10'

Sum = 380.4 Sum = 17°07'

=L =i/
(check) (check)

There follows a typical form for setting up the notes on the

left-hand page of the field book. Notes run upward in order
In formula 2-16, defl. per ft means "deflection in minutes per foot of
nominal chord" (or per foot of station). Thus, if D=9° = 540', \D = 2W
and defl. per ft = 2.7'. Values of defl. per ft are listed in Table I.
26 • Simple Curves

to simplify orienting sketches on the right-hand page, where

the center line is used to represent the survey line.

Form of notes for simple curve

Sta. Point
Total Calc. Mag. Curve
Den. Bearing Bearing Data

27 7 = 34°14'
+50 Da = 9° rt.

+48.1 OCT. 17°07' X50°41'E N50§°E P.I.= 24+63.8

26 14°57' T = 196.1
+50 12°42' L = 380.4
25 O 10°27' £ = 29.5
+ 50 8°12' Den. per ft

24 5°57' = 2.7'
+50 O 3°42'
23 1°27'

+67.7 GT.C. 0°00' N16°27'E N16f°E


2-10. Transit Set-ups on Curve. — In the preceding descrip-

tion the implication is that the entire curve is staked from a

set-up at the T.C. This is often true. However, there are

circumstances (see Art. 2-11) which make this procedure im-
practicable or even impossible. Should such be the case,
deflections are computed as though for a set-up at the T.C. By
proper manipulation of the transit it can be set up at any
staked point on the curve, and the staking can then continue
from that set-up without altering the previously computed

Fig. 2-5
shows the first portion of the curve calculated in
Art. 2-9. It is assumed that the curve has been staked as
far as sta. 23+50 from a set-up at the T.C, and that condi-
tions make it difficult to sight beyond from that set-up. If,

with the transit moved to sta. 23+50, the vernier is set to 0°

and the telescope is inverted and then backsighted to the T.C.
and plunged, the condition will be as represented by the dotted
line from the T.C. through sta. 23+50. If now the upper

motion is loosened and the telescope is turned clockwise, the


Simple Curves

T.C j-23

Fig. 2-5. Moving up on curve

be on the local tangent when the vernier reads

line of sight will
3°42' and be in the correct direction for locating sta. 24
when the vernier reads 5°57'. These facts follow directly from
the geometric principle noted at the beginning of Art. 2-9.
An extension of Fig. 2-5 would show that, for a set-up
at sta. 25 with the transit to be oriented by a backsight to
the previous set-up at sta. 23+50, the vernier should first be
set at 3°42' on the correct side of 0°. Backsighting with the
telescope reversed and then plunging would permit sighting
the remaining points on the curve by using, the total deflections
opposite those stations in the transit notes. No added calcu-
lations are required ifmethod is followed; the only record
of the set-ups is the symbol O in the Point column of the notes
on page 26.
The preceding description may be summarized in a rule-of-
To move up on curve and retain original notes, occupy
Qny_^nEan-and backsight to any other station with the
vernier set to the total deflection of the station sighted.

Occasionally it may be desired to have the vernier read 0°

when the line of sight is on the local tangent to the. curve at a
new set-up, as at the C.C. of a compound curve (see Art.
3-12). To do this the vernier must be set at the difference
between the tabulated deflections for station sighted and station
28 Simple Curves

occupied* As in applying the rule-of-thumb, the surveyor

must be careful to set the vernier reading for the backsight on
the correct side of 0°.

2-11. Comments on Field Work. Transit set-ups for

staking the curve must be started at the T.C. or C.T. For
short curves which are entirely visible from one set-up, it is

preferable to occupy the C.T. and to tape the chords toward it

from the T.C. By so doing, the longer sights are taken before
possible settlement of the transit occurs. Moreover, one set-
up is then in position for lining
eliminated, for the transit is

in the stakes along the forward tangent. For a set-up at the

C.T., the transit is oriented by backsighting to the T.C. with
the vernier reading 0° or to the P.I. with the vernier set at
| /. In either case it is wise to check the angle to the other
point, in order to verify the equality of the tangent distances.

In case the field conditions require one or more set-ups

on the curve, it is good practice to occupy the T.C. first and
to tape in a forward direction, moving up the transit according
to the rule-of-thumb stated in Art. 2-10. The final portion
of the curve is best located by setting up at thlTC.T. and tap-
ing backward to the previous set-up. This practice insures
good tangencies at the T.C. and C.T., and throws any slight
error into the curve where it is more easily adjusted.
A long^ curve, or one having a large central angle, may
justify intermediate set-ups even though the entire curve is

visible from either end. The consideration here is the required

degree of accuracy in setting the points on the curve. When
the tape and the line of sight intersect at a large angle, it is

possible for the chainman to swing one end of the tape through
a certain distance without detection by the transitman, thus
throwing off the position of the point and introducing an
accumulative taping error. The amount of this swing and —
its relative importance on the particular work is best deter- —
mined by trial in the field. As a general guide, the deflection
angle from the transit to the taping point should be kept under
25° or 30°.

When this book is used as a textbook for a course in Route Surveying, it

isrecommended that students be given the opportunity to compute and
stake at least one simple curve at this point in their study. Doing so will
help to fix the principles more firmly in mind and contribute toward a better
appreciation of the practical suggestions which follow.
Simple Curves 29

Field checks should be made at every convenient oppor-

tunity. In locating the T.C. and the C.T., it is good insur-
ance to double-chain the tangent distances, at least until the
chainmen have demonstrated the reliability of their first
measurements. Less time will be lost if the check chaining is
done while curve deflections are being computed. Setting a
check point at the middle of the curve may also be advisable
(see Art. 2-8).

Before definitely opting each stake on the curve, the head

chajnjnMi_slwuld_sight to the second stake backand verify the
middle ordinate m to the intervening stake. (See Fig. 2-6.)

Fig. 2-6. Check of stake positions

A sudden change in middle ordinate (for equidistant points on

the curve) will reveal a mistake in setting off the deflection
angle. Otherwise, such an error might go undetected at the
time or even fail to show up in the final closing check if the
curve is flat.
The finalcheck occurs at the extremity of the last chord
taped. This may be at the T.C, at the C.T., or at any inter-
mediate stake previously set. The best method is to mark an
independent point by measuring the required distance and
deflection from the final set-up. The distance between this
point and its theoretical equivalent at the stake previously
set isa direct measure of the error of closure in the traverse
around the tangent distances and curve chords. This error
should be consistent with the survey methods, the difficulty of
the terrain, and the requirements of the project.

Chord lengths used in running curves depend principally

on the degree of curve and on the purpose of the survey. On
flat curves in easy terrain, full stations suffice for the field work
and for most construction purposes. Thus, for D c true chords
between full stations are exactly 100 feet long, and the end
subchords may be considered equal to their nominal lengths
(see Tables II and III). For Da the end subchords may also
30 . Simple Curves

be taken equal to their nominal (arc) lengths, but the chord

for each of a long series of full stations may require a slight
correction in order to reduce the systematic error in taping
(see Tables II and IV).
On sharp curves, or in difficult terrain requiring frequent
cross-sections, additional points between full stations ace
needed. Whether it is necessary to use true subchords instead
of nominal subchords depends on the accuracy required.
Table II shows at a glance the effect of the sharpness of the
curve on the true lengths of nominal full chords and sub-
chords. "When Table II is used in conjunction with Tables III
and IV, any degree of accuracy is readily obtainable. Study
of Table II shows in general that chord corrections are unneces-
sary on curve's" ffalter than about 5°. On sharper chord-defini-
tion curves, corrections may be eliminated by using 100-it-
chords; whereas, on sharper arc-definition curves, shorter^
nominal subchords serve the same purpose.
Stakes are set on curves where needed subsequent field
work or for controlling construction. A
tacked hub, with a
guard stafcejiesignating the point and stationing, is set at each
transit station. Important points, such as the P.I., T.C., and
C.T., are carefully referenced. Points not occupied by the
transit are identified by station stakes, which are driven and
marked as in profile leveling.
Station stakes used for cross-sectioning prior to construc-
tion need not be individually centered by the transit. Doing
this is of no practical value, and it wastes time if the stakes
are hidden by grass or brush. A rapid method is shown in
Fig. 2-7. The head chainman first obtains line from the
transitman and then sets a range pole (flag) off line about the
width of a stake and a few tenths of a foot beyond the station.
He next verifies the middle ordinate (see Fig. 2-6). Then he
stretches the tape tangent to the range pole and sets a chain-
ing pin at the exact distance. Finally, he uses the point of
the range pole to make a hole beside and slightly behind the
point where the pin enters the ground, and proceeds to the
next station with the pole and tape. The stakeman imme-
diately drives a marked station stake into the hole at the pin,
at the same time keeping the moving tape to one side with his
foot. The pin should not be disturbed in the process; it
Simple Curves 31


Fig. 2-7. Setting station stakes

remains in place until pulled by the rear chainman after the

next forward pin is set.
By following the foregoing method on tangents and flat

curves, station stakes will always be close enough in both line

and distance. On sharp curves where the angle between tape
and line of sight is large, it may be slightly better to set the
range pole practically on the line of sight.
In setting points on curves the head chainman can expedite
the work by placing himself quickly on line at the point to
be set. One method of doing this, especially suited to open
country, is for the head chainman to range f orward the proper

chord distance along a line through the last two stakes, plac-
ing himself in position as at d' in Fig. 2-6. By then pacing
inward the known chord-offset distance (Art. 2-14), he will
be in approximately the correct position for setting the re-
quired point at d. With experience the head chainman will
invariably be in the field of view by the time the transitman
sets off the deflection angle and sights.

Many variations are possible in the technique described.

The range pole may be dispensed with for short sights in
open country. Another device used where frequent plus
points are required is to set those station stakes directly at the
proper division on the tape and to move the tape forward at
each full station. The important factors to consider are speed,
accuracy consistent with the needs, and avoidance of taping
errors. In all cases, carrying the taping forward by chaining
from pin to pin is advisable.
After grading, all points on curves which are set to control
32 - Simple Curves

construction details must be more carefully centered than in

the methods just described.
On pavements or in other locations where stakes cannot be
driven, the points are chiseled or marked with keel, or a nail
may be driven flush through rn -ill square of red cloth. Guard

stakes marked with the stationing are set at a convenient off-

set distance to one side.

Minor obstacles to MifMllj calculated points on curves are

often met in running location prior to clearing or grading.
These should not be permitted to delay the field work.
Fig. 2-8 shows another sketch of the first portion of the
curve calculated in Art. 2-9. If the line of sight to m

i&^^~^=^ ^£*i* ==

\ 2 H. Passing minor obstacle


were to hit a 1
it could be backi
to the left of the tree for setting a stake fit any convenient plus
Thus, if sta. 23+90 wen in the oleer, Hi deft I o

wouldbe 10 - -.7' (ratter than that just used to -4-50.

is^4OX2.7' = 108'=l°48' and 3°42' + l ,48<
• »
:y)' may 1*' made maritally in a few si '•r the
stfit ion stake at 23 + 90
another new plue point to the
is set.

right oi the trae (such as 24+20^ ooold be eteked by following

I .-iniilir' process; or el I the teeing OOold procee<l boa
23+90 dfreeUj to the mud eelenleled point at it*. 21+50.
\ minor obotoole on the ourve tteelf (such as a large bouldef
could l>o by-passed by the same method.

Major oho olee are treeted in < Shaoiec 7.

2-12. Iven-Radius Curres. — Some organizations, im-lud-

- • the degree <>f outre
- in oeiouletioai oe bo field work, [a toedj
H.-nr. •

on the beeieol Hi radtae, widen aeneugr lee

Simple Curves 33

round number. Deflections are calculated theoretically from

the following proportion:

deflection:! arc length -360°: 2 * ll

This reduces to
^ sv;s X arc length
dell, (in minutes) =—— 1
This method has the advantage that radii may he Selected
Which are convenient for calculating curve parts. The radiitx
would also mean more to the average person than the (hujrcc,
should it become the practice to post warning values of R
at the approaches to highway curves. The calculation of
deflections, however, is much less simple than with a rounded
value of 1), and their fractional values are inconvenient in
the field.

The process of calculating and staking these "even-radius

curves" is expedited by use of Tables V and VI. The latter
table is used to compute L when / and It are given. Other
curve parts are found from the usual formulas (see Art. 2 3).
Table V gives directly most of the data concerning deflections
and chord lengths needed in the held. Subchord dcllcctions
are readily computed from the tabulated deflections j>er foot.

2-13. Metric Curves. — In countries having the metric

System, distances are usually measured with a 20-metei tape,
and a "station" is nominally a distance of 10 meters. ( hi route
surveys cither the radius in meters or the degree of curve
may be used in selecting and staking curves. However, tho
customary metric "degree of curve" I) m differs from those
already defined not only in unit of measurement but in angle
and length of chord (or arc) as well. Specifically, l) m is tho
a chord (or arc) of SO
deflection angle for yneters. Thus, by
analogy from equations 2-9 and 2-10,

sin Dm (chord def.) --^- (2-18)

g7 968
and J) m (arc def.)
^ (2-19)

Also, by analogy from (Munition 2-14,

Lm ^ 107
34 . Simple Curves

It is not necessary to use special metric-system tables to

compute and stake metric curves. The foregoing simple rela-
tions used in connection with the tables in Part III of this
book an engineer to handle any metric-curve prob-
will enable
lem. Table VIII is used, for example, the tangents and
externals for a 1° metric curve are one-tenth the tabulated
values (for the same central angle). This fact follows from
equations 2-10 and 2-19.
For a quick comparison between metric and foot curves, it
is well to remember that for curves of the same radius the ratio
between D and D m is about 3 to 1 (actually 3.048 to 1). In
other words, a curve of given D m is about 3 times as sharp as
one having the same numerical value of D.

2-14. Staking by Offsets. —

There is no good substitute for
the deflection-angle method when points must be set quickly
and accurately on long-radius curves. It is mathematically
possible, however, to devise several other methods based either
upon angles from the P. I. or upon offsets. The former basis is

rarely practicable, but there are occasions where an offset

method is very useful.
The offset methods* are known as:

(a) Chord offsets

(6) Middle ordinates

(c) Tangent offsets

(d) Ordinates from a long chord

The chord offset, tangent and middle ordinate for a


full station are designated by CO.,T.O., and M.O.; cor-

responding terms for any other distance are c.o., t, and m.
The true chord for a full station is 100 feet or C, the length de-
pending on the definition of D.
From Fig. 2-9 the following exact relations may be written
practically by inspection:
C=2 R sin I Da (2-21)

C.O. (chord def .) = 200 sin §D« (2-22)

Following the derivation of some needed mathematical relations, only

method is described in detail. Abbreviated descriptions of
the chord-offset
the remaining methods are enough to serve as a basis for applying them.
Simple Curves 35

. l&P3?nf

Fig. 2-9. Offsets for full station

CO. (arc def.) =2 C sin \Da (2-23)

T.O. = iC.O. (2-24)

M.O. = R vers \D (2-25)

Also, by similar triangles,

CO.: 100 (or C)=100 (or C):R

CO. (chord def.) =~

CO. (arc def.) =^ (2-27)

useful approximate relations are:

M.O. = £CO. (2-28) Approx.

CO. = 12 D (2-29) Approx.

t = 1 s2 D (s is chord in stations) (2-30) Approx.

m (in inches for a 62-ft chord) = D (2-31) Approx.

The approximate 8:4:1 ratio of the chord offset, tangent

and middle ordinate is worth memorizing (mnemonic:
"eight for one").
Offsets for any subchord (or subarc) may be found by first
determining the values for a full station and then applying
the principle that c.o., t, and m are proportional to the squares
36 - Simple Curves

of the subchords (or subarcs). They may also be found from

the exact relations:
CO. (2-32)
t (2-33)
m = R vers \d (2-34)

Table I contains values of certain of the full-station offsets.

The explanatory notes preceding that table show its useful-

ness in obtaining any offsets accurately.

Chord offsets, sometimes called "deflection distances,"

provide a means of setting station stakes rapidly when a
transit is not available. If the tapeman sights past his plumb-
bob cord, surprising accuracy is possible. It is invariably
adequate for surveys made prior to clearing and grading.
In Fig. 2-10 (curvature greatly exaggerated) the P.I. and

Fig. 2-10. Staking by offsets

the tangent points are assumed to have been set by the usual
methods. If the transitman and some of the field party now
proceed along the forward tangent for purposes of setting
stakes or measuring the angle I for the next curve, three men
(or even two) can set the station stakes on the curve left
The procedure follows: Knowing the stationing of the T.C.,
Simple Curves 37

calculate the subchords Ci and c2 to the adjacent full stations

at A and B (sta. A is on the curve produced backward). Then
calculate h and t 2 which are the tangent offsets for the sub-

chords. The field work may now be started after range poles
have been set at convenient points on the tangent. Establish
a temporary point at A by the "swing offset' method. Locate

the station stake at B similarly. Range the line A B ahead a

full-station chord to C, and locate the next station stake at C
by the CO. Continue around the curve by full-chord offsets
(obviously, half-stations or quarter-stations could be used
instead) until the full station preceding the C.T. has been set.
Make the final check by measuring the last subchord and the
swing offset to the forward tangent; check them against their
theoretical values.
In an exceptional situation, a curve may be selected to fit
the topography and may be completely staked without use of
the transit or tables of any kind it is assumed that the prin-

ciples are understood and that the approximate relations 2-29

and 2-30 have been memorized. For example, suppose that
the back tangent has been partially cleared, but the P.I. has
not been established and D
has not been chosen. To run the
curve, set the T.C. at a point fitting the topography, tape
toward the P.I. a certain distance (possibly 200 feet), take a
right angle by eye, and measure t to a suitable random point on
the tentative curve. For all practical purposes the chord dis-
tance c from this point to the T.C. may be taken equal to the
distance along the tangent unless t is greater than 20 per cent
of the tangent measurement. Now compute D from the
and round off the result to a convenient value.
relation 2-30,
Obtain the CO. from 2-29, compute the values of h and l2 for
the subchords at the T.C, and stake the complete curve by
chord offsets as previously described. No check can be made
at the C.T. unless / (and consequently L and the stationing of
the C.T.) can be determined by some means.
Middle ordinates are also useful in staking a curve by tape
alone. Their most valuable use, however, is in checking and
realigning existing curves on railroads. (See Art. 9-17.)
In staking problems, first locate full stations either side of
the T.C by swing tangent offsets, as in the chord-offset method
just described. Then set the next full station by sighting from
38 - Simple Curves

the rear station along a line m feet inside the forward station,
and measure the chord distance from the forward station
(see Fig. 2-10). Continue this process to the stake before the
C.T., and make the final check as in the chord-offset method.
(Fractional stations could be used instead of full stations.)
It should be noted that, when stakes are set at full stations,
the distance m
is the middle ordinate for two stations; con-

sequently, m = T.O. = | CO.

Topographical conditions sometimes make this method
preferable to chord offsets. It is probably better on sharp
curves, regardless of topography, because the offsets are only
half as long.

Tangent offsets provide a handy means of setting station

stakes by tape alone. The method is essentially one of rec-
tangular coordinates, the T.C. being used as the origin and the
tangent being used as an axis.
The deflection \d to the first regular station is first com-
puted. The tangent distance to this station is c cos \d, and
its offset is c sin \d. Coordinates of remaining full stations

by adding increments of C cos (d-\-%D) and C sin

are obtained
(d+£D), C cos (d+f D) and C sin (d+f D), etc., where C is
the chord for a Since in most cases C = 100 feet,
full station.
the computation very simply performed by using natural

sines and cosines. As a check on the computations, the co-

ordinates of the C.T. should equal R sin / and R vers J. If
tangent distances fall beyond the P. I., it is probably better to
calculate the second half of the curve with reference to the C.T.
and the forward tangent.
In the field, set temporary stakes at the calculated tangent
distances. Then locate the station stakes at the intersections
of the tangent offsets and the chords from the preceding

Ordinates from a long chord are also based upon rectangular

coordinates. As in the tangent-offset method, the origin is
at the T.C, but the axis is along a convenient long chord.
If the chord is the L.C of the curve, simple relations for the
coordinates of the station stakesmay be expressed (these will
not be derived). However, it is difficult to imagine many
practical situations in which one of the foregoing methods
would not be better than this.
Simple Curves 39

Perhaps the most useful application of this method is in

setting stakes at odd plus points between a series of minor
obstacles on a curve. Fig. 2-11 illustrates such a situation.
Station E is set by turning a deflection angle with the transit

Fig. 2-11. Ordi nates from a long chord

at A and taping the chord AE, which is 2 R sin \AOE.

Stakes set sufficiently close for cross-sectioning are then located
by taping the offsets 0\, o 2 . at convenient points along AE.
, . .

If the segments of AE at any ordinate are designated by Si

and s 2 (units are stations), then the length of the ordinate in
feet is found from the relation
o =| si s 2 D (2-35) Approx.

Note the resemblance between formulas 2-30 and 2-35.

2-15. Parallel Curves. —It is often necessary to determine

the length of a curve parallel to a curved center line. This
problem occurs with finding lengths of curb,
in connection
guardrail, or right-of-way along curved alignment. More-
over, stakes are often set along a parallel "offset" line in order
to avoid traffic or construction operations. Fig. 2-12 shows
offset curves outside and inside a center-line curve of length L.
Since the true length of a circular arc equals _. „ xeo f

*»- and Li= ~

fr0m whlch
57.2958 57.2958

L =L + (2-36)

and (2-37)
40 Simple Curves

Though an offset curve may be staked without reference to

the stationing along the center line, it is more practical to set
stakes at points radially opposite the center-line stakes. This
is done either by the deflection-angle method or by one of the
offset methods described in Art. 2-14. In either case the
true chords to be taped must be found.

True chord lengths can always be found by means of formula

2-13; they can also be taken from Table II with sufficient
precision for most purposes.
As an illustration, refer to the example on page 22 and
assume that it is required to stake one offset curve 60 feet
outside and another 25 feet inside the given curve. Stakes on
the offset curves are to be set radially opposite the full and
half stations along the center line. The length of curve L
equals 380.370 ft along the center line. From formulas 2-36
and 2-37 (Table VI is useful), L equals 416.219 ft and L,
equals 365.434 ft. The lengths of the true chords depend on
whether the 9° curve conforms to the chord definition or arc
Simple Curves 41

definition of D. Using formula 2-13 with ?d equal to 2°15',

the true half-station chords are as follows:

True Chords for Half-Station Along Center Line

Chord Def. of D Arc Def. of D
Outside curve 54.750 54.699
Center-line curve 50.039 49.987
Inside curve 48.076 48.024

2-16. Methods of Computation. Proper methods of com-
putation and use of significant figures are so important that
this and the following article are inserted here so that the
suggestions can be weighed and then used, wherever appli-
cable, in problems throughout the book.
Route surveying computations require relatively simple

mathematics arithmetic, geometry, and trigonometry. The
solution of a problem is often tedious in that it involves many
repetitions of the same mathematical operations. As a result,
students (particularly) find the manipulation of surveying
instruments much more interesting. They are likely to con-
clude that surveying field work is of primary importance,
whereas computations are a chore to be done with as quickly
as possible. This is a serious mistake. Field work and
computations are equally important.
Surveying field work alone is of little value; it is always put
to use in some practical form that involves computations.
Unless the computations are made correctly, they negate the
field work and may cause serious errors when used as a basis
for the design or construction of engineering works. The
student can take as much pride in obtaining the answer to a

tedious surveying problem the correct answer, with the
proper number of significant figures and with the decimal
point in the right place —as he does in his ability to "run a
transit" rapidlyand accurately. There is no better place to
develop the habits of computation which insure this result
than in a course in surveying.
Surveying computations are made algebraically, graphically,
and mechanically, or by a combination of these methods.
Useful tables reduce much of the drudgery (see Part III for
examples of tables).
42 « Simple Curves

A surveying problem can usually be solved by more than

one exact method. This should always be done on important
work. Moreover, all computations should be checked, pre-
ferably by a different computer. If an exact algebraic solu-
tion cannot be found, the unknowns may be scaled from an
accurate drawing on which the measured data have been
carefully plotted. This method is reliable to three significant
figures if the scale of the drawing is fairly large.
Among the mechanical aids are the slide rule, planimeter,
calculating machine, and electronic computer. The slide rule
is an excellent device for checking the first three significant
figures. The planimeter will measure irregular areas (see
Art. 6-6) to an accuracy within 1 per cent.
Important surveying computations require accuracy to at
least five significant figures. This degree of refinement may
be obtained with the aid of logarithms or by calculating
machine and natural trigonometric functions (Table XX).
Logarithms are especially useful when surveying computations
must be made "on the spot'' in the field. But desk calculating
machines are preferred in surveying offices because of their
greater speed.
The computer (Art. 13-4) is used by large organ-
izations where the number of repetitive operations is great
enough to justify the high cost of computer purchase or rental.
Such a machine is not a "brain." It does no thinking, but
only follows coded commands fed into it. Instead of making
the individual obsolete as a computer, the electronic com-
puter requires the surveyor to be even more expert in order
that he may "program" the computer to operate with the
highest efficiency.
Some practical suggestions for making surveying computa-
tions are:

1. Docomputations on "squared paper" to simplify the


making and the arranging of work in columns.

of sketches
2. After transferring data from field book to computation

sheet, check the copying. Mistakes made at this point are

common and are not usually disclosed by the computing
3. Draw a small sketch, approximately to scale, showing
the known data and the unknowns sought. Aided by the
Simple Curves 43

sketch, make an estimate of the answers to the problem and

record them.
4. Show the formula at the head of the block of computa-
tions to which it applies.
5. Adopt a clear and arrangement of computations;
a tabular form fits many problems
(see examples in Art. 4-A).
Avoid an arrangement that requires numbers to be added or
subtracted horizontally. Line up digits and decimal points
in a column of numbers.
6. Wherever possible, perform computations in a systematic

order, e.g., addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Do no work on "scratch paper." Incidental computations
may be written in a margin on the computation sheet.
7. Use a straight edge in order to avoid taking a value from

the wrong line of a table. Check additions, subtractions,

extractions of tabular values, etc. as they are made and
indicate by a check mark.
8. Follow good practice in the use of significant figures and

rounding off. In general, carry one extra significant figure in

intermediate calculations. (See Art. 2-17 for detailed sug-
9. Take advantage of all automatic checks on the accuracy
of calculations example on page 25 for illustrations).
Make a slide-rule check at convenient points; this will verify
the arithmetic to three significant figures though it will not
disclose errors resulting from the use of the wrong formula.
Any such blunder, or a great error in arithmetic, will usually
be caught by applying a graphical check.
10. Label the final answers and all intermediate results
clearly. Compare the answers with the estimated values
obtained from the sketch and do not accept the work unless
the agreement is reasonable.

2-17. Significant Figures. —

Both exact numbers and round
numbers are used in computations. Exact numbers come
from tallies and theoretical considerations; round numbers
come from measurements. For example, the number 2 in the
formula for L.C. (equation 2-3) is an exact number that
comes from geometric theory. On the contrary, the measured
length of a line is a round number; it can never be exact, lor
it would have to be correct to an infinite number of digits.
44 • Simple Curves

In computations it is often desirable to change a round

number to an equivalent one having fewer digits. This
process is called "rounding off." Common practice in
rounding off is as follows:

When dropping one or more digits, round off to the

nearer of the two round numbers between which the
given round number lies. If the digit to be dropped
is 5, use the nearest even number for the preceding
digit. (Consider zero to be an even number.)

According to this practice, the round numVer 18.1827 is

rounded off to 18.183, 18.18, or 18.2, the result depending on
the number of digits desired. Also, the round numbers 85.155
and 85.165 are rounded off to 85.16; the numbers 85.095 and
85.105 are rounded off to 85.10. When properly rounded off,
a measured quantity contains the number of significant figures
consistent with the data.
The significant figures in any round number are those digits
(including zeros) which have real meaning. The maximum
number of such figures includes those digits which are certain,
plus one that is estimated. In making measurements the
number of significant figures sought is governed by economic
considerations; whereas the number obtained is limited by the
precision with which the measurements are made.
Confusion as to which digits are significant io avoided by
observing the following principles (in each example there are
five significant figures and all significant digits and zeros are
printed in italics)

1. The digits 1through 9 are always significant.

2. Zeros which lie between any two digits a^3 significant,

regardless of the position of the decimal point Examples

are 21006 and 21.006.
3. Zeros which lie to the left of the leftmost digit are not
significant, regardless of the position of the decimal point.
Examples are 0.71700 and 0.00077700.
4. Zeros which lie to the right of any digit and also to the
right of the decimal point are significant. An example is

5. Zeros which lie to the right of any digit and aho to the
Simple Curves 45

left of the decimal point may or may not be significant. For

example, in 71700. the zeros are significant if they were
actually measured. If they were not measured, doubt as to
the number of figures which are significant is resolved by
writing the number as 717 x 10 2 .

6. The number of significant figures in any round number is

independent of the units in which it is expressed. An example
is586.08 it = 0.1 1100 miles.
It is a waste of time, as well as misleading, to carry com-
puted results beyond the precision inherent in the measure-
ments on which the computations are based. A few examples
will clarify this statement.

Example of Addition or Subtraction. —Add the round

numbers: 9.47, 241.3, 7.6625, and 0.891.

Solution and comments:

Given No. of Wrong Common Preferred
Number Sig. Figs. Method Method Method
9.47 3 9.47 9.5 9.47
241.3 4 241 241.3 241.3
7.6625 5 7.66 7.7 7.66
0.891 3 0.891 0.9 0.89
Sum = = 259.021 259.4 259.32
Rounded answer = = 259 259.4 259.3

The "wrong method" comes from a mistaken interpretation

of theadage that a chain is no stronger than its weakest link.
The fault lies in assuming that each number, before adding,
must be rounded off to the least number of significant figures
possessed by any of the numbers (3 significant figures in this
example), and also that the sum must be similarly rounded off.
In the "common method" the numbers are first rounded
off to the limit of accuracy of the least accurate number
(tenths in this example). Their sum is accepted without
further rounding.
In the "preferred method" the numbers are first rounded off
to one decimal place beyond that of the least accurate number.
Their sum is then rounded off to the nearest digit in the
preceding decimal place (nearest tenth in this example). This
method recognizes the fact that the principal sources of error
46 m
Simple Curves

liein the numbers that are not rounded off. In this example,
the final 6 and the final 9 in the last two numbers are certain.
Consequently, the final 2 in the sum may not be far in error,
and the rounded answer 259.3 has a somewhat higher proba-
bility than the answer 259.4.

Example of Multiplication. — Multiply the round numbers

362.56 and 2.13.

Solution and comments: When two or more round numbers

are to be multiplied, the common method is to round off each
number to the same number of significant figures as appears
in the least accurate number. Then multiply, and round off
each intermediate product and the final answer to this same
number of significant figures. As applied to this example, the
common method is 363 X 2. 13 = 773.19, after which 773 is used
as the intermediate product or the final answer.
A preferred method is to round off each number to one more
significant figure than appears in the least accurate number.
Then multiply, and round off each intermediate product to
this number of significant figures. Finally round off the
answer to the number of significant figures in the least accurate
number. As applied to this example, the preferred method is
362.6X2.13 = 772.3 as the intermediate product or 772 as the
final answer.

Example of Division. Divide the round number 675.41
by the round number 87.5.

Solution and comments: As in multiplication, the common

method is 675 4- 87.5 = 7.71 as the final answer. A preferred
method is to round off the divisor to the same number of
significant figures as appears in the dividend, or round off the
dividend to one more significant figure than appears in the
divisor (whichever case applies). Then divide, and round off
the final answer to the number of significant figures in the
rounded divisor. One more significant figure is temporarily
carried in the answer if the quotient is to be used in subsequent
computation involving other round numbers. As applied to
this example, the preferred method is 675.4 + 87. 5 = 7.719 as
the intermediate quotient or 7.72 as the final answer.
The difference between the results of the common and
Simple Curves 47

preferred methods will never be large. Both methods recog-

nize that final can be no more accurate than
computed results
the least accurate factor used to obtain them. The preferred
method also incorporates the practice, favored by experienced
computers, of carrying one extra significant figure in inter-
mediate calculations so as to avoid the build-up of errors due
solely to rounding off.


Note. Certain of the practical problems in Chapter 7 may also be
assigned, particularly numbers 7-1 and 7-9.

Given the following values of I and D c

2-1. After taking .

R c R c ) from Table I compute T, E, L.C., M, and L

(or log
from basic formulas. Find true arc length by Table VI.
Verify answers for T, E, and true arc length by Tables
VIII, IX, X, and II.
(a) 7 = 28°37'; D c = 4°20'. Answers: ^ = 337.31; £ = 42.34;
L.C. = 653.70; M = 41.02; L = 660.38; true arc = 660.54.
7 = 41°16';Z) = 5 10'.
(6) c

(c) J = 57°38'40"; Z) = 6°. c

(d) 7 = 93°12'; D = 15°.


2-2. Given the following values of I and Da . After taking

Ra (or log Ra) from Table I, compute T, E, L.C., M, and L
from basic formulas. Verify answers for T, E, and L by
Tables VIII and VI.
(a) / = 27 34'40";
Z) a = 2°30'. Answers: T = 562.46; E =
68.01; L.C. = 1,092.49; M = 66.05; L- 1,103.11.
(b) ^srie'jDc^^o'.
(c) / = 26°18'30"; Z) a = 3°.
(d) 7 = 87°44'; D a = 16°.
2-3. Prepare a set of field notes for staking each of the
following curves of Prob. 2-1 by the deflection-angle method:
(a) Curve 2-1 (a). Sta. P.I. =36 + 17.7. Set full stations.

Carry distances to tenths and deflections to nearest \ minute.

Partial answers: sta. T.C. =32+80.4; first deflection = 0°25£';
sta. C.T. =39+40.8; true chord for full station = 100.0 ft.

(6) Curve 2-1 (6). Sta. P.I. = 51 +67.4. Set full stations.
Carry distances to tenths and deflections to nearest minute.
48 , Simple Curves

(c) Curve 2-1 (c). Sta. P.I. =97+08.63. Set half sta-
tions. Carry distances to hundredths and deflections to
nearest 10".
(d) Curve 2-1 (d). Sta. P.I. = 106+57.12. Set quarter
stations. Carry distances to hundredths and deflections to
nearest \ minute.

2-4. Prepare a set of field notes for staking each of the

following curves of Prob. 2-2 by the deflection-angle method:

(a) Curve 2-2 (a). Sta. P.I. =25+19.55. Set full sta-
tions. Carry distances to hundredths and deflections to
nearest 10". Partial answers: sta. T.C. = 19+57.09; first
deflection =0°32'10"; sta. C.T. =30+60.20; true chord for
full station = 99.994 ft.

(b) Curve 2-2 (6). Sta. P.I. =35+18.7. Set full sta-
tions. Carry distances to tenths and deflections to nearest
(c) Curve 2-2 (c). Sta. P.I. =63+12.08. Set half sta-
tions. Carry distances to hundredths and deflections to
nearest 15".
(d) Curve 2-2 (d). Sta. P.I. =71 +18.64. Set quarter
stations. Carry distances to hundredths and deflections to
nearest £ minute.

2-5. Refer to the field notes for Prob. 2-3 (a):

(a) By the simplest method (page 32), compute the total

deflection to sta. 35+30. Answer: 5°24|'.
(6) With transit at sta. 37, what vernier reading must be
set before backsighting to sta. 34 in order for the vernier to
read 0°00' when the telescope is sighted along the local tan-
gent? Answer: 6°30'.
(c) With transit at sta. 37, what vernier reading must be
set before backsighting to sta. 34 in order for the vernier to
read 13°25£' when the telescope is plunged and sighted to
sta. 39? Answer: 2°35£'.
(d) With transit at the C.T., what vernier reading must be
set before backsighting to sta. 37 in order for the vernier to
read 0°00' when the telescope is sighted at the P.I.? Answer:

2-6. Refer to the field notes for Prob. 2-4 (a):

(a) Compute the total deflection to sta. 27+22.
Simple Curves 49

(6) With transit at sta. 25, what vernier reading must be

set before backsighting to sta. 21 in order for the vernier to
read 0°00' when the telescope is sighted along the local
(c) With transit at sta. 25, what vernier reading must be
set before backsighting to sta. 21 in order for the vernier to
read 11°47'10" when the telescope is plunged and sighted to
sta. 29?
(d) With transit at the C.T., what vernier reading must
be set before backsighting to sta. 23 in order for the vernier
to read 0°00' when the telescope is sighted at the P.I.?

2-7. Find D for each of the following curves, given / and

the approximate value of E or T:
(a) 7 = 53°44'; 7
=±450 ft. Answer: Da to nearest
2 — 1>2 •

(6) 7 = 20°17'; #=±28 ft. Answer: D c to nearest 15' =


(c) 7=43°24'; E= ±40 ft. Required: D c to nearest 1°.

(d) 7 = 75°20'; T= ±700 ft. Required: Da to nearest \°.

2-8. Compute T and L using given values of / and R:

7 = 42°34 # = 3,000 T = l, 168.65 L
(a) ; ft. Answers: ft;

(Table VI) =2,228.79 ft.

(6) / = 36°20';ie = 2,000 ft.

7 = 57°33 ;# = 700ft.

(d) T^S^e^O"; # = 400 ft.

2-9. Prepare a set of field notes for staking each of the

following curves of Prob. 2-8 by the deflection-angle method:
(a) Curve 2-8 =46+28.7. Set full stations.
(a). Sta. P.I.
Carry distances to tenths and deflections to nearest minute.
Partial answers: sta. T.C. =34+60.1; first deflection =0°19';
sta. C.T. =56+88.9; true chord for full station = 100.0 ft.

(6) Curve 2-8 (6). Sta. P.I. = 106+72.3. Set full sta-
tions. Carry distances to tenths and deflections to nearest
(c) Curve 2-8 (c). Sta. P.I. =58+19.15. Set half sta-
tions. Carry distances to hundredths and deflections to
nearest \ minute.
(d) Curve 2-8 (d). Sta. P.I. =84 + 12.67. Set quarter
stations. Carry distances to hundredths and deflections to
nearest 10 seconds.
50 9
Simple Curves

2-10. Compute the tangent offset t2 to sta. 23 for the curve

on page 26. Obtain the same answer by four different
methods: (1) formula 2-29 for CO., then * 2 = KC.O.)(0.323) 2 ;

{2) formula 2-30; (3) formula 2-33; and (4) / 2 = c 2 sin 1°27'.
Answer: h = 0.82 ft.

2-11. Compute the tangent offset h to sta. 22 for the curve

on page 26 (see Fig. 2-10). Verify the answer by at least
two different methods.

2-12. Compute the swing offset for making the final check
at the C.T. of the curve on page 26, assuming the curve to
have been staked by the chord-offset method. Verify the
answer by at least two different methods.

2-13. Find the indicated offsets to hundredths for the

following curves (refer to notes preceding Table I):
(a) D = 5°.
c Find T.O., M.O., and t for a 50-ft subchord.
(b) D a = 5°. Find T.O., M.O., and m for a 50-ft subchord.
(c) D = 24°.
c Find T.O., M.O., and t for a 20-ft subchord.
(d) D a = 24°. Find T.O., M.O., and m for a 20-ft subchord.

2-14. Compute a set of tangent distances and offsets for

staking full on each of the following curves by

tangent offsets. Set up the calculations in a systematic
tabular form and make an independent check of the coordi-
nates of the C.T.: (a) Curve of Prob. 2-3 (a), (b) Curve of

Prob. 2-4 (a).

2-15. Find the offsets o h o 2 etc. from the long chord (see

Fig. 2-11) to the regular full stations for the following curves:
(a) Curve of Prob. 2-3 (a), (b) Curve of Prob. 2-4 (a).

2-16. Find D a (to the nearest minute) for a curve which

will passthrough a point 42 ft inside the initial tangent and
at a chord distance of 300 ft beyond a selected T.C. Make
an approximate check of the answer by formula 2-30.

2-17. Compute L, L , L„ and the true full-station chords

needed for staking:
(a) Curves 150 ft outside and 150 ft inside the curve of
Prob. 2-1 (b).
Simple Curves 51

(b) Curves 200 ft outside and 200 ft inside the curve of

Prob. 2-2 (6).

2-18. Derive: (a) formula 2-30, (6) formula 2-31, and (c)

formula 2-35.
chapter %J

Compound and Reverse Curves

3-1. Definitions. —Stated generally, a compound curve
consists of two or more consecutive curves that are tangential.
In the terminology of route surveying, however, a compound
curve is a two-arc simple curve having its centers on the same
side of the common tangent at the junction; whereas a reverse
curve is one having its centers on opposite sides. A multi*
compound curve has three or more centers on the same side of
the curve.

3-2. Use. —
Owing to the inequality of their tangent dis-
tances, compound curves permit the fitting of a location to
the topography with much greater refinement than do simple
curves. Conditions often occur in railroad and highway loca-
tion where the changes in direction between established tan-
gents can only be accomplished economically by compound
curves. This is true in mountainous terrain or along a large
river winding close to a rock bluff.
The compound curves may tempt the locating
flexibility of
engineer to use them merely to reduce grading quantities or
to expedite the field work (as in Art. 3-14). This is not good
practice, as it complicates design details related to super-
elevation and introduces certain permanent operating dis-
advantages. A compound curve should not be used where a
simple curve is practicable.

3-3. Requirements for a Rigid Solution. Fig. 3-1 shows —

a compound curve, the notation for which is self-explanatory.
The layout has seven important parts: Ts, T l, Rs, Rl, Is, I l,
and /. However, since 1 = Is + Il, there are only six inde-
pendent variables, namely, the four lengths and any two angles.
Trial with compass and ruler will show that

For a rigid solution four parts must be known, including

at least one angle and at least two lengths.

Compound Curves 53

Of the many possible combinations of four known parts

giving a rigid solution,some are more readily solved than
others. In practice the more difficult problems may often be
converted to simpler cases by measuring one more angle or
distance. Certain combinations rarely occur in the field.

The treatment which follows is not exhaustive; yet it is

complete enough to serve as a basis for solving any com-

pound-curve problem.

(r.c.)A I Vs VCPI)


3-4. Solution —
Through Vertex Triangle. The most obvious
method a compound-curve problem is by means of
of solving
the triangle VVsVl, Fig. 3-1, formed by lines joining the P.I.
and the vertices of the two simple curves. (The base of the
triangle is the common tangent at the C.C.) If this vertex
triangle can be solved, all unknown parts of the layout are
easily determined. For example, if I s II, Rs, and R L are

known, solve first for the tangent distances of the individual

simple curves. Their sum equals the base of the vertex tri-
angle. Solve that triangle for the other sides by two applica-
54 Compound and Reverse Curves

tions of the sine law. Then find the missing compound-curve

tangents, Ts and Tl, by adding those sides to the proper
individual tangent distances. Of course, I = Is+Il.
It should be emphasized that the vertex-triangle method
of solution is possible only if at least two of the known com-
pound-curve parts are angles (fixing its shape), and then
only if one side of the triangle can be found (fixing its size).
The method is not applicable if, along with any two angles, the

parts Ts and Tl, Rs and Tl, or Rl and Ts are known.

3-5. Solution by Special Construction. —
One of the most
useful cases occurs when I has been measured, and topo-
graphical conditions fix the T.C. and the C.T. within narrow

limits atunequal distances from the P.L If one more variable

is assumed, the layout is fixed, but the problem may not be

solved easily. Should the- assumed variable be the degree of

the sharper curve (a practical situation, since D is often limited
by specifications), then Rs is the fourth known part, and solu-
tion through the vertex triangle is impossible.
The problem is solved by means of Fig. 3-2. From the

Fig. 3-2. Solution by construction

construction, chords AC and DOs are parallel, and point G
must lie on chord AC. Therefore triangles DEO a and AFG
are congruent.

Compound Curves 55

Since angle
tan v
DOs E=
DOs E = Ul,
m = FG =
1T Ts sin I— s vers 7 /0 ,.
tanf/£, = -^; t-tp; 5 :
Tl+Ts cos I—Rs sin

Also, Is = I — Il

The missing unknown .Rz, may be obtained either by the

vertex-triangle method of Art. 3-4 or directly from Fig. 3-2.
EO s = AF = AV+VJ-BH
or (Rl-Rs) sin I L = T L + TS cos I-Rs sin 7

fromwhich (fi L
T' + r
-fl a )- *^-* gsinJ

Or else DE = FG = JB -GH
or (Rl — Rs) vers 7l= Ts sin I — Rs vers 7

r i_- l d n
/d — Rs) = ^5 sin 7 — i?s vers 7
fromwhich (Rl 7 (3-3)
vers 7l

When I l is small, relation 3-3 is preferable to 3-2. For

moderate angles either formula is satisfactory. Though the
formulas look complicated, actual computation is simple
because the numerators of formulas 3-2 and 3-3 appear in
formula 3-1.
Fig. 3-2 applies to any rigid case in which both Ts and Rs
are known. At least two of the three general relations, 3-1,
3-2, and 3-3, are needed; the particular unknowns determine
the choice of relations, as well as their form and order of use.
If both T l and Rl are known, the diagram for direct solu-
tion results from drawing the construction lines in a reverse
way. However, the correct formulas may also be obtained
by merely changing the subscripts in formulas 3-1, 3-2, and

3-6. Solution by Traverse. The general relations de-
veloped in Art. 3-5 are used too infrequently to justify
memorizing them. Moreover, if the textbook is not available,
it may be difficult to derive them when needed, owing to the

complicated geometric construction. Fortunately, the same

56 Compound and Reverse Curves

formulas may be derived by a method which requires no con-

struction lines and involves only the elementary truth that
the algebraic sum of the latitudes and the algebraic sum of the
departures of a closed traverse must each equal zero.

Fig. 3-3. Solution by traverse

is the same as Fig. 3-2 except that construction

Fig. 3-3
lines have been omitted. Proceed clockwise around the
selected closed traverse, assuming 0° azimuth in the direction
OlA. Consider that 7<90°; recall that latitude = lengthX
cosine of azim uth and departure = lengthX sine ofazimuiTi.
— ___
Side Length Azimuth Latitude Departure
OlA Rl 0° Rl
AV Tl 90° Tl
VB Ts 90°+ 1 — Ts sin I Ts cos I
BOs Rs 180° +1 — Rs cos I — Rs sin I
OsOl Rl-Rs 180° + Il — (Rl — Rs) cos II — (Rl — Rs) sin II

Then, from S latitudes,

Rl-Ts sin I-Rs cos I-(R L -RS cos ) IL =

Rl—Ts sin I — Rs cos I (3-4)

or cos I]
Rl — Rs
Compound Curves 57

The term RL in the numerator may be eliminated and the

relation may be converted to formula 3-3 by subtracting both
sides from 1, canceling Rl, and converting cosines to ver-
sines. The result is

Ts sin I — Rs vers I
vers II =
T fo
5 5 ( )

From 2 departures,

Tl+Ts cos I-Rs sin I-{R L -R S ) sin I L =0


7z, = Tl+Ts bcos I-Rs
sin 7 ,,
/lz, — xv,s

But—; —A =
r- tan £A (for proof see page 589).

Therefore, if formula 3-3 is divided by 3-2, the result is

1T = Ts sin I-Rs vers 7

tan \lL T777 7 — 5
Tl+T'.s cos 7 — ^5 sin 7
7f, 7

W - l;

In applying the traverse method for solving any problem, it

should be obvious that the traverse must be drawn so as to
include all six independent variables (four lengths and any two
angles). Moreover, any direction may be taken as 0° azimuth;
but, in order to obtain workable relations directly, the axes
must be assumed parallel and perpendicular to an unknown
length. Summarizing,, the general rules of procedure are:

1 . Draw traverse to include all independent variables.

2. Take 0° azimuth parallel or perpendicular to an unknown
length and proceed clockwise around traverse.
S. Set 2 latitudes and 2 departures equal to zero, obtaining two
4- Solve the equation containing one unknown. If both equa-
tions have two unknowns, divide one by the other in such a
way as to eliminate an unknown.

To illustrate the directness and simplicity of the traverse

method, Fig. 3-3R shows another compound curve in which
the layout starts (for variety) with the shorter-radius arc.
Another set of general equations will be developed by taking 0°
azimuth in the direction OsA.
58 Compound and Reverse Curves

Side Length Azimuth Latitude Departure

OsA Rs 0° Rs
AV Ts 90° Ts
VB Tl 90° +1 — Tl sin I Tl cos I
BOl Rl 180°+ 1 — Rl cos I — Rl sin I
OlOs Rl-Rs Is (Rl — Rs) cos Is (Rl — Rs) sin Is

Then, from 2 latitudes,

Rs-Tl sin I—Rl cos I+(R l —Rs) cos i^O

cos 7^ = Tl sin I+Rl cos I — Rs
or (3-4R)
R.L — i^5

The term ifo in the numerator may be eliminated by sub-

tracting both sides from 1, canceling Rs, and converting
cosines to versines. The result is

= Rl vers I—Tl sin I

vers Is (3-3R)
From 2 departures,

Ts+Tl cos I-Rl sin I+ (Rl-Rs) sin Is =0

Rl sin I -TL cos I-Ts

or sin Is = (3-2R)
Rl — Rs
But —
—A =
r- tan \A (for proof see page 589).

Fl«. 3-3R
Compound Curves 59

Thus, if formula 3-3R is divided by 3-2R, the result is

Rl vers I—Tl sin I

tan \Is
RL sin I-TL cos I-TS
Inspection of the four formulas just derived shows that
they are the reversed forms of 3-1 through 3-4; that is, they
may be derived by changing the subscripts in the first set of
formulas. Thus the statement made at the end of Art. 3-5
is verified.

The traverse method is valuable not only in the "standard"

compound-curve problems just described but also in any
special-curve problem which must otherwise be solved by
means of complicated geometric construction. (Chapter 7
contains some practical examples.)

3-7. Summary of Compound Curves. —In a practical prob-

lem in which only one of the four known independent variables
is an angle, it will be the angle /. If any two angles are known,
the first step will always be to compute the dependent angle
from I = Is-\-Il. After this the method of solution will
depend on the particular combination of unknowns.
The following tabulation shows how to determine the fifth
independent variable for the ten practical cases in which / is
known, either directly or from given values of Is and Il>

Given Recommended Solution

1 2 angles, Ts Rs, Vertex-triangle, or 3-3 for Rl

2 2 angles, Tl, Rl Vertex-triangle, or 3-3R for Rs
3 2 angles, Rl, Rs Vertex-triangle, or 3-3R for TL
4 2 angles, Ts, Rl 3-3 or 3-4 for Rs
5 2 anglps, TL , Rs 3-3R or 3-4R for RL
6 2 angles, TL , Ts 3-1 for R s or 3-1R for
, RL
7 I, Tl, Ts, Rs 3-1 for \l L
8 I, TL , Ts, Rl 3-lRfor Us
9 I, Ts , Rl, Rs 3-3 or 3-4 for I L
10 I, TL , Rl, Rs 3-3R or 3-4R for Is
60 Compound and Reverse Curves

After only one independent variable remains unknown, the

solution can be performed either by the vertex-triangle method
or by use of one of the eight general equations developed in
Arts. 3-5 and 3-6.

Example of Calculation.— Given: J = 75°21'; T s =

1,175.42; TL = 2,000 (±50 ft); As = 6°. Determine a con-
venient value for Dl- Use chord definition of D, and deter-
mine the exact values of II, Is, and Tl for the selected D L .

Note. This problem illustrates the practical case noted in Art.. 3-5.
It also shows the utility of Table XX, which lists all needed natural func-
tions in one table.

Find II by formula 3-1, which is

Ts sin I— Rs vers 7
tan \Il —
T L JrT s cos I -R s sin 7
T s sin 7 = 1,175.42X0.967489= 1,137.21
R,sversl= 955.366X0.747086= 713.74
Diff.= 423.47 = Numerator, N
TL = 2,000.00
Ts cos 7 = 1,175.42X0.252914= 297.28
-Rs sin 7= 955.366X0.967489= -924.31
Alg. sum= 1,372.97 = Denominator, D
tan ^7^ = ^=0.308434 i7z, = 17°08'30"
Tentative 7 L = 34°17'

Now apply formula 3-3, which is

n = Ts sin I—Rs vers 7

tih ttS T
vers II

^-^ = 0ll738 = 2 437 41


Rs= 955.37
Sum = #L = 3,392.78andD L = l 41'-f-

Round off Dl to 1°40' for convenience in staking.

Exact R L = 3,437.87
Rs= 955.37
R L -Rs = 2,482.50
From 3-3,

vera/i 170582
=2T8br -
Reverse Curves 61

and 7z=33°57'30"
J =;75°21'00"
7,s=41 23'30"
By formula 3-2,
T L = (R L -Rs) sin Il+Rs sin I-Ts cos I
(Rl-Rs) sin 7^ = 2,482.50X0.558590 = 1,386.70
Rs am I = 924.31
-Ta cos Z« -297.28
!TL = alg. sum= 2,013.73

3-9. —
Multi-Compound Curves. In especially difficult ter-
rain,a compound curve may be made to fit the situation better
by using more than two circular arcs. Such a multi-compound
curve is located most simply by trial (see Art. 3-14). The
layout is rarely symmetrical; practical examples are given in
Art. 7-14.
Symmetrical multi-compound curves have man}- uses out-
side of route surveying, especially in architecture. The
"three-centered" oval, or "basket-handle" arch, is a common
3-10. Limitations and Uses. —
When conditions do not per-
mit a simple curve AB inside the P.I. of established tangents
(see Fig. 3-4), the change in direction may be accomplished by
locating a reverse curve A'CB' in the area beyond the P.I.
Points A' and B' may lie on either side of the P.I. and point Bf
the positions depending on the radii.

Fig. 3 Reverse curve

62 Compound and Reverse Curves

On routes where speeds are high, reverse curves are in-

admissible. This is particularly true on highways and rail-
roads because opposite superelevation at the point of reversal
cannot be provided. If the area beyond the P.I. must be
used for the location, the two arcs of the reverse curve should
be separated by a tangent long enough to permit proper operat-
ing conditions.
Reverse curves may be used to advantage on closed conduits
such as aqueducts and pipe lines; on flumes and canals where
erosion is no problem; and on local roads, in railroad yards, or
in any similar location where speeds are low.

3-11. Case of Parallel Tangents. —

The simplest case of a
reverse curve occurs when the tangents are parallel (see Fig.
With the aid of the perpendicular dropped from C to the
radii, it is clear that p = AE+FB and AD=EC+CF, or

V=(Rl+Rs) vers I (3-5)

and AD = (R L +R S ) sin / (3-6)

Usually, p is known and two more variables must be

assumed. More commonly, Rl = Rs, which reduces the
number of variables to four, of which two must be known or
Comments on Notes and Field Work 63

3-12. Case of Non-Parallel Tangents. In essential theory,
the general case of a reverse curve between non-parallel
tangents is no different from a compound curve. The same
seven parts are present, and the identical requirement for a
rigid solution must be met (see Art. 3-3). The problem may
be treated as two separate simple curves, provided sufficient
data are available. More complicated cases may be solved by
the construction method of Art. 3-5 or by the simpler traverse
method described in Art. 3-6; the final relations resemble
formulas 3-1, 3-2, and 3-3 closely. (See Art. 7-15.)


3-13. Notes. —Notes compound and reverse
for staking
curves by computed by treating the
deflection angles are
branches as separate simple curves, though they are set up in
continuous stationing according to the form given in Art. 2-9.
Owing to the change in curvature at the C.C. (or at the point
of reversal in curvature, or C.R.C., on a reverse curve), that
point must be occupied in moving up the transit from the T.C.
The deflection angle would not be correct for a sight spanning
the C.C. (or C.R.C.). Consequently, the safest form of notes
is that in which the deflection at the C.C. (or C.R.C.) is 0°

for starting the second arc. Some other method may be used,
but it is likely to confuse the transitman.

3-14. Field Work. —Set-ups and field checks follow the

general scheme outlined in Art. 2-11. If a set-up is made at
the C.C. (or C.R.C.) and the deflections are recorded as just
described, the transit is oriented so that the vernier will read 0°
when the line of sight is along the common tangent. Gen-
erally, set-ups are best made at the T.C. and C.T., with the
final check occurring at the C.C. (or C.R.C).

Location by trial in the field often expedites fitting com-

pound curves to particular situations. An example of an
obstacle on the tangent is given in Art. 7-6.
Another use of the trial method is in running semi-final
location in mountainous or otherwise difficult terrain not
accurately mapped. Fig. 3-6 represents a situation in which
64 Compound and Reverse Curves

the direction of the back tangent and the location of the T.C.
at A have been fixed by the topography. The direction of
the forward tangent is indefinite, though it should pass near

a distant prominent point. The back tangent plunges into

inaccessible territory toward the P.I

T' -T- VS'
B~Tongent or a

Fig. 3-6. Location by trial

The procedure is as follows : From the relation t = | s-D,

select the degree of an initial curve fitting the conditions, as
described on page 3 7 . Continue this curve until it requires
compounding (as at C) to fit the topography. Select the
degree of the second arc by the same method, and repeat. Do
this as many times as necessary. When the distant point is

visible from a set-up on the last arc (as at B'), measure the
angle d. To find the stationing of the C.T. at B, consider that
the directions to the distant point from B and B' are parallel.

Then, sta. B = sta. B' ^

— , where Ds is the degree of the

final arc. Check the field work, if desired, by locating B and

closing back to A by a convenient random traverse.
Comments on Notes and Field Work 65

Note. —Certain
assigned, particularly
of the practical
numbers 7-2 and 7-6.
problems in Chapter 7 may also be

3-1. Given four parts of each of the following compound

curves. Compute the remaining parts:
(a) 7 = 65°11'; 7,s=37 36'; 7 5 =481.63; D s (arc def.)
8°00'. Answers: 7 L =27 35'; D l (arc def.)=6°20'; T L =
(b) 7 <s
= 42°21'; 7L = 18°47'; 7L
= 501.26; D L (arc def.) =

(c) 7 = 77°32'; 7
(S = 648.20; D L (arc def.)=4°10'; Ds (arc
(d) 7 = 78°36'; 7^ = 518.62; r 5 =371.44; Ds (chord def.) =
(e) 7 = 62°18'; ^^ = 822.67; r s = 590.08; D L (chord def.) =

(/) 7=80°25'; TL =2,123.14; fl L = 3,000; Rs = 1,500.

3-2. Prepare a set of deflection angles for staking each of
the following curves by the deflection-angle method. Carry-
distances to hundredths and deflections to the nearest §
(a) Curve 3-1 (a). Sta. P.L =43+50.21. Curve begins
with Ds. Set full stations.

(6) Curve 3-1(6). Sta. P.I. =87+52.18. Curve begins

with DL Set full stations.

(c) Curve 3-1 (c). Sta. P.I. =20+18.62. Curve begins

with Ds. Set half stations.
{d) Curve 3-1 (d). Sta. P.I.= 106 +52.46. Curve begins
with DL Set half stations.

(e) Curve 3-1 (e). Sta. P.I. =54+21.18. Curve begins

with Ds. Set quarter stations.
if) Curve 3-l(/). Sta. P.I. =204+18.76. Curve begins
with Rl. Set quarter stations.

3-3. Compute angle 7 and radius Rs for a reverse curve

between parallel tangents 100 ft apart (Fig. 3-5), given
R L = 260 ft and AD = 280 ft. Answers: 7 = 39°18 28 R s = , //

182.00 ft.

3-4. A detour to a parallel highway is to be inserted in the

66 Compound and Reverse Curves

form of a 500-ft common-radius reverse curve. If the offset

p is 200 ft (Fig. 3-5), how much space (distance AD) would
be used by the curve?

3-5. Find the flattest common-radius reverse curve (to the

nearest 10 minutes, arc def.) that can be inserted between
parallel tangents 200 ft apart without the distance AD (Fig.
3-5) exceeding 800 ft.

3-6. Reverse curve (refer to Fig. 7-13). Given: I L = 16°42';

Js = 75 26'; D L = 1°S5'; D s =4 25' (both arc def.). Find:
TL (AV) and T s (BV). See Prob. 7-6 (a) for an extension of
this problem. Answers: 7^=2,268.52; T s =487.40.
3-7. Reverse curve beginning with D L Given: 7z, = 66°32';

7,s=30 10 D L = 5°; D S = 7°Z0' (both arc def.).

o /

(a) Find distances T.C. to P.I. (A'V) and P.I. to C.T.

(b) Assume the given curve is replaced by a 1°30' (arc
def.) simple curve joining the same tangents.
Find distances
AA' and BB' between the T.C.'s and C.T.'s of the two

3-8. The proposed compound curve lies in an

P.I. of a
A point A is chosen as the
inaccessible location (Fig. 3-6).
T.C. and a distance AX
of 2,900 ft is measured to a point
on the forward tangent. Other measurements are angle
VAX = 45°M' and angle 7JO=39°46\ The longer-radius
curve is 2°30' (arc def.) and starts at A. Angle II is taken
to be 46°.
Determine Ds (arc def.) and the distance and direction
from point X to the C.T. Answers: Z) 5 = 4 49 40"; X to
o /

C.T. = 645.35 ft toward the P.I.

chapter *T

Parabolic Curves

4-1. Uses. Parabolic, instead of circular, arcs may be
used for h orizontal cur ves. Where the curves are flat, there
is no discernible difference between the two types. However,
a parabola cannot be staked out readily by the deflection-
angle method. Moreover, the determination of the radius of
curvature at any point requires higher mathematics, thus
complicating superelevation and related calculations. Also,
parabolic alignment does not permit making simple right>-of-
way descriptions. For these reasons parabolic arcs on hori-
zontal curves are restricted to such locations as park drives
and walks, where they may be easily located by tape alone.
For curves in a vertical plane the situation is the reverse.
Here, parabolic arcs are almost always used because elevations
can be computed much more easily than on circular arcs.
The vertical curve used is a portion of a vertical-axis parabola,
the particular parabola and portion being chosen with regard
to certain practical considerations.

4-2. Equal-Tangent Vertical Curve. —From analytic geom-

etry the equation of a vertical parabola with respect to
rectangular coordinate axes is y = ax2 +bx+c (Fig. 4T 1). The
magnitude of a controls the sharpness of the parabola; its
sign controls the orientation. When a is positive, the parabola
isturned upward; when negative, downward. In a practical
situation the gradients (tangents) at the ends of the portion of
a parabola used are known. Selection of a then fixes the
sharpness of the parabola and the distance between tangent
A useful property of a vertical parabola is the fact that
tangents drawn from any two points on the curve always
intersectmidway between the points of tangency. Moreover,
there a constant change in gradient (direction) between all

pairs of tangents to the same parabola, provided that the

portions of the parabola between tangent points are the same
length, measured horizontally. (See the two shaded' angles in
68 Parabolic Curves

x- KOrigin of
Y Coordinates
Fig. 4-1. Vertical parabola

Fig. 4-1.) These properties lend great flexibility to the

selection of an "equal-tangent" vertical curve for route
For purposes of computation, the length L of a vertical
curve is not the distance along the curve; it is the difference
in stationing (foot units) between the ends of the curve,
regardless of the signs or numerical values of the tangent
gradients. Thus, in Fig. 4-2 the length L is 600 feet.

It convenient to use the beginning of a vertical curve


(point A) as the origin of coordinates. Term c then dis-

appears and the equation of the curve becomes y = ax'2 +bx.
The slope -j- of any tangent is 2 ax +b. But at the origin,

x = 0; consequently, the slope equals b. However, the slope at

the origin is also expressed by the tangent gradient Gi. The
practical formula for an equal-tangent vertical curve is
V -„X»+G,X (4-1)

where y is in feet, X is in stations, G\ is in per cent, and a is

in units of per cent per station. The usual algebraic signs

apply to the coordinates. Grades rising in the direction of
stationing are positive; falling grades are negative.
Parabolic Curves 69

hi *L
r -*- s fations

3 4-5

Fig. 4-2. Equal-tangent vertical curve

The terms in formula 4-1 have the graphical significance

shown in Fig. 4-2. The rule of offsets (coming from the term
aX 2
) is particularly important:

Vertical offsets from a tangent to a parabola are pro-

portional to the squares of the distances from the point
of tangency.

For the 600-foot curve in Fig. 4-2, the offsets from AB'
are obviously a, 4a, 9a, 16a, 25a, and 36a; those from BV
(extended) are the same. Moreover, the offsets from a tangent
at M (not shown) are a, 4a, and 9a.
In Fig. 4-2, VC = \B'B (from similar triangles). From the
rule of offsets, VM=\B'B. Consequently, = MC. Thus, VM
a parabola has the important characteristic that the external
distance and the middle ordinate are equal. (This is not
quite true for a circular arc. (See Fig. 2-1.)
The term C2 — G\ is the rate, in per cent, at which the tangent
grades diverge. It is analogous to the angle / of a simple
curve. Some formulas are simplified by replacing G 2 — Gi by
the term A, defined as the algebraic difference in grades. In
Fig. 4-2, B'B equals the amount the grades diverge in the
distance \L, or B'B = (- ( inn )> ^ oein 9 zri foot units.
70 m
Parabolic Curves

Since VM=\B'B, the external distance, designated as E, is

The term a is useful in computations. In general, the

second derivative of y = ax 2 +bz+c equals the constant 2a.
This means that a tangent to a vertical-axis parabola changes
direction a constant amount for equal increments of horizontal
distance. (By analogy, a tangent to a circular arc changes
direction a constant amount for equal increments of distance
along the arc.) Therefore, the rate of change of grade on an
equal-tangent vertical curve is constant, and equals 2a per cent
per station.
On a vertical curve the total change in direction between
the profile grades is G2—G1 (or A) per cent. If this change is
accomplished on a curve L feet long, the constant rate of
change must be
^. looffl-gj .iooA (4 _3)

It convenient to think of 2a as a measure of the sharpness


of a vertical curve. In this respect it is analogous to D for

a circular curve. Another measure of curvature that is used
in sight-distance calculations (see Chapter 8) is the term K,
which equals L-^-A. This is the horizontal distance in feet
required to effect a 1% change in gradient on a vertical curve.

X=^ =- (4-4)
A a

4-3. Methods of Calculation of Vertical Curves. —The

object of vertical-curve calculations is to determine the eleva-
tions at specified stations on the designed grade line. These
elevations are needed for cross-sectioning prior to grading and
for setting construction grade stakes.
Before starting the calculations, a simple sketch should be
drawn which shows G\ and G 2 in their correct relations with
regard to sign and magnitude. This will show to which of the
six possible types the vertical curve conforms, and will help
in making a common-sense check of the results.
Parabolic Curves 71

The calculation is simpler than for horizontal circular

curves; no trigonometric formulas or special curve tables are
needed. Either chord gradients or tangent offsets may be used.
The method of chord gradients (or "chord offsets") is based
upon the rate-of-change principle; it is a "self-checking"
method. The tangent-offset method utilizes the rule of off-

4-4. Chord-Gradient Method. —

Chords between full sta-
tions on a curve such as that in Fig. 4-2 must have the succes-
sive gradients Gi+a, Gi+3a, Gi+5a differing (algebra-
. . . ,

ically) by 2a. Since the offsets to the curve from BV are the
same as those from AV, the calculated chord gradients are
correct if the last chord gradient plus a equals G2 For the .

600-foot curve in Fig. 4-2, for example, Gi-\-\2a should

equal G2 it does when L = 600 in formula 4-3. If the calcula-

tions are started with the known elevation of A, the successive

addition of chord gradients gives the elevations of the full

stations on the curve. All elevations are checked if the

elevation at B equals value as computed around the tan-

gent grades AVB. This method has two pronounced advan-

tages: simple theory and automatic checks.
On railroads, grades are so slight that it is common practice
to place the vertex at a full station and use an even number of
stations in the curve. (On high-speed main tracks, the
A.R.E.A.* recommends that 2a should not exceed 0.05 in
sags nor 0.10 on summits.) Consequently, the calculation is
simple and requires no elaborate form; it may even be done
mentally. See example on page 72.
Elevations at plus points on vertical curves are frequently
needed for controlling cross-sections or for locating culverts
and other construction details. Moreover, an even-length
curve with the vertex at a full station does not always conform
well with the topography, particularly in hilly country where
grades are steep. In consequence, vertical curves must often
have odd lengths with vertices at plus points, especially in
highway work. (See Chapter 8 for considerations affecting
lengths of vertical curves on highways.) The tangent-offset
method has usually been used in such situations. However,
American Railway Engineering Association.
72 Parabolic Curves

IO 1>
CO ^
©^ T* CO
<N © a*
© ii

ti ii
+ ^5
> x
c5 H +

b~ © ico
10 <N CO
^ © ©
iq p Ttl
© Tj5 ©'

© M © I©
*0 <N [CO tJ< "«*
rH © © © ©I©~ © © ©I© ©I© -

© © © © © © © ©I© © © ©I© ©I©

I + I + I + I + I ++++++

e e e e e ei e e e a e ei
CO CO i-O CM 1> <M
1 © <N -H |

+ + 1 + + 1—
( 1

C5 <S p O <S 1*



Parabolic Curves 73

the chord-gradient method can also be made to apply by

calculating the gradients of the end subchords according to
the following principles:
1, The change in gradient between a tangent and a chord
equals "a" times the station length of the chord.

2. The change in gradient between two adjacent chords

equals "a" times the sum of their station lengths.
An application of these principles is given on page 74.
The foregoing relations may be easily remembered by noting
the analogy to a horizontal circular curve. The change in
direction per station (D) corresponds to the change in grade
per station (2a). On a circular arc the first subdeflection
equals \D times the nominal subchord length, and the deflec-
tionfrom any backsight chord to a foresight chord equals \D
times thesum of their nominal lengths (in stations).
The curve elevation at any plus point may also be found by
the chord-gradient method. The procedure is to find the
gradient of the subchord to the plus point (by principle 2),
and then to calculate the elevation to the required plus point.
As an illustration, the calculations to find the curve elevation
at sta. 74+30 in the foregoing example are as follows:
Chord gradient sta. 73 to 74 = +2.92%
Change in gradient at 74 = 1.30a = — 0.52
Subchord gradient 74 to 74+30 = +2.40%
Elevation at sta. 74 = 252.79
Change in elevation = +2.40 X0.30 = + 0.72
Required elevation at sta. 74+30 = 253.51
It is not essential to compute the complete vertical curve in
order to find the elevation at any plus point. Principle 1
can be used in this same example as follows
Gradient at70+65 = G X = +5.20%
Change 70+65 to 74+30= 3.65a = -1.46
in gradient

Chord gradient 70+65 to 74+30 - +3.74%

Elevation at 70+65 = 239.86
Change in elevation = +3.74X3.65 - +13.65
Elevation at 74+30 = 253.51
74 Parabolic Curves

d O
2 CO

a ©

<N l»H r-l *o

+ n

^ X

^ H I
W +

CO <N |»0 (N iH <N |CO CO

00 1> 00 Oi N h
OS CO <N t-t
3 tIs ^ C5 <N <N <N T}H rl tO
1 O
d CO

<M i^ (M T <M i^|(N TN


16 O 1-1 y-{ TH 1-1 1-1 O


i— CO T*
© o <N O
iO 00 |> 00
© O
00 i-h 00 CO Tf 00
CO iO o iO o CO <N <n O O oh do d
+ I + ! + 1
+ 1 + 1 + 1 1+ 1 1+ 1

a ^ II

^i o>
•S 3

^^ a a a a a a a a a a a a a a
»o iO t^. <N t> <N t^ <N !>; <N I> iO iO iO
CO CO CO i— iO t>
i-^ 00 i-J ^
H d d ih
+ + rH
+ + + d d

© + 6
co ^ 6 cS ef <S ss
a T^
r~^, CO
a I-

DO _i_
d -h
o © +
-^ i-
l> l>» 8 5§
^-s ^ Od
II 02
Parabolic Curves 75

4-5. Tangent-Offset Method. —The tangent-offset method

is based upon the rule of offsets. For a special case, such
as that in Fig. 4-2 VM
is first computed from the external

formula 4-2. Then the elevations at full stations along the

tangent grades AVand VB are computed, and the symmetrical
offsets — —
simple multiples of a are applied to those elevations
to give the curve elevations.
To show the application of this method to a general case,
the problem worked on page 74 is set up as on page 76.
Though the foregoing method is perfectly general, it is

not inherently self-checking, as is the chord-gradient method.

This defect may be remedied partially by testing the second
differences between elevations at equidistant points along the
curve. Theoretically the second differences must be con-
stant; they equal 2a for points 100 feet apart.

4-6. Unequal-Tangent Vertical Curve. —

A vertical parab-
ola having tangent grades of unequal station lengths is
analogous to a compound curve (Chapter 3). It consists of
two (or more) equal-tangent vertical curves having a common
tangent where they join; and it is used where a single equal-
tangent vertical curve cannot be made to fit imposed condi-
tions so well.

Fig. 4-3 shows an unequal-tangent vertical curve. It

approximates a parabola having an inclined axis. However,
for ease in calculating elevations, it is best treated as two con-
secutive equal-tangent vertical curves AM and MB. Since

*%&'V 4-3. Unequal -tangent vertical curve

76 Parabolic Curves

>>2 <*
o c< <N

11 c3
a ^

a > J>
« <D o
fe H H

00 GO oo 00
d d d d
1 1 1 1


a> i-i «p
6a CO *tf "* t* «o
C^ C^ <M <N

1—1 T-l


ih c4
I I I 1 1

O ©
00 O|00
O O p o
00 loo 00
>, -j:
<M oo 100
gc5 00 00 QD CO 00 <N <N CN

|i C5 i—l r^ lO d
io in i-oI «5N N n d
CO _|_
18 + +8 + + CN


Parabolic Curves 77

the vertices Vi and V 2 of the separate parabolas are at the mid-

points of A 7 and VB, it follows that VM=MC.
The gradients of AB and of the parallel tangent FiF2 are

both equal to


, r
— . Consequently, ViM and ViV

diverge, at the rate of



—— &; and VM
T , the divergence

l 1
in the distance \Li, equals sk(
Ll +U
r* ^w> which re-
duces to


In formula 4-5 the lengths are in feet; gradients, in per

cent. Obviously the two consecutive parabolas will have
different values of 2a. Either chord gradients or tangent
offsets may be used to calculate elevations along each parabola.
The less-practical, unequal-tangent parabola, having an
inclined axis, by R. P. Vreeland in Paper No. 5739,
is treated
Journal of the Surveying and Mapping Div., ASCE, Vol. 94,
No. SU 1, January, 1968.

4-7. Lowest or Highest Point on Vertical Curve. —The

lowest or highest point on a vertical curve is sometimes needed.
(This point is sometimes called the turning point on the curve.)
For low point, the approximate
installing a culvert at the
stationing may
be determined quickly by interpolating be-
tween calculated elevations. The stationing of a high point
or low point may be computed more accurately either by
applying the chord-gradient principle or from specific formulas.
From the definition of K, the distance in feet from the X t

beginning of a vertical curve to the turning point (where the

gradient is zero) must be —KGi. This may be derived mathe-
matically by setting —— .

equal to zero in the expression

, .


y=aX +GiX. 2
Thus, 2aX+Gi=0 at the turning point.
The result of solving this equation and expressing X in foot


is X_ =
, which reduces to

X t =-^?r =-KG l (4-6)

78 . Parabolic Curves

After Xt has been computed, the-eJevaliun ofHh e t urning,

point may be found from the fact that the gradients from the
ends of the curve to the turning point are exactly one-half the
gradients on the tangents. This comes from Principle 1, which
requires the gradient from A to the turning point to be <n+
r~ (algebraically). This is equivalent to

r iOO(G2 -Gin r LGy -]

which reduces to \Gi. From the turning point to B the
gradient is \G2 .

On an unequal-tangent vertical curve the turning point

may occur on either of the two parabolas, its position depend-
ing on the tangent grades. The final relations are:

(4 - 7)
(4 " 8)
where Xi and X
2 are the distances (in feet) to the right and

left from A and B\ they cannot exceed L x and L 2 respectively. ,

4-8. Vertical Curve to Pass Through Fixed Point. —In the

office work of grade-line design it is often necessary to find
the length of a vertical curve that will join given tangents and
will pass through a fixed point. The fixed point P (Fig. 4-4)
may be a road intersection or the minimum clearance over a
culvert or rock outcrop. Given values will usually be the
gradients Gi and G 2 the elevation and stationing of the fixed

point P, and the elevation and stationing either of the begin-

ning of the vertical curve or of the vertex.
For any given set of conditions, the unknown length of
curve may always be found by substituting known values in
formula 4-1. Careful attention must be paid to algebraic

Example— Given: (?i=-4.2%; G = +L6%;

2 Sta. P=
17+00; Elev.P = 614.00.
Case A — Beginning of curve known: Sta. = 13+00; Elev. =
Parabolic Curves 79

100 (G2 - :<7i)

y = aX*+Gl X, where y = 614.00 -624.53 and a
Substituting, -10.53= (4)* -(4.2) (4)
from which 6.27L = 4,640

and L = 740 feet

Case B— Vertex of curve known: Sta. = 16+70; Elev.=

608.99. In this case ?/ = -GiL + (614.00-608.99). Or

200 ^=m(m^y-^(^o,)
which reduces to L 2 -744.83L+3,600=0
A L is performed by first con-
rapid slide-rule solution for
verting the quadratic to the form L(L— 744.83) = —3,600.
Then, by trial, L = 740. (This is the same curve as in Case A.)

Fig. 4-4. Parabola through point /'

The need for solving a quadratic equation may be eliminated

by using the following alternate solution.*
From the rule of offsets and the construction shown in
'From suggestion by Max Kurtz, P.E., Brooklyn, N.Y.
80 Parabolic Curves



DP {hL+hY , . ,
which reduces to
, . /DP L+2h
But Z)P = F-^ and EP = V~*j~ Each term in these

expressions is known. To simplify, therefore, replace

-prr by the constant C. Substituting and solving

for L gives

L = 2h(C+l) (4-9)
In this example,

^ 01
(-4.2) (30)

(1.6) (30)

_, 2X30X2.1765 = „ Arkt
740 feet as U(
Therefore L=
_ r=~=

In formula 4-9, h is positive when the station of P exceeds

the station of V and negative when the reverse is true. For

crest vertical curves, C is found from C=

Case C—Fixed point is highest or lowest point: In this

practical case the elevation of the turning point (such as the
and the vertex of the
clearance over the invert of a culvert)
curve are known. Although the stationing of the turning
point can be scaled approximately from the profile, it is
assumed to be unknown and is not used in finding the required
If the position of the vertex is the same as in Case B and
the turning point is at elevation 613.28, then the value of
X t in stations is , ~
n — hi)
r (from 4-6). By substitution,

Parabolic Curves 8

which reduces to 0.0058 L = 4.29

and L = 740 feet
4-9. Reversed Vertical Curve. —
In highway location where
the terrain is rolling, and also on interchange ramps, it is often
necessary to insert reversed vertical curves. Fig. 4-5 shows a
simple example of thL problem.

Fig. 4-5. Reversed vertical curve

A large number of cases are possible, the conditions de-

pending on the particular combination of given values. Some
cases have little However, all of them may be
practical value.
solved by proper use of formula. 4-3. In one practical situa-
tion the given values will be the gradient Gi and the elevation
and stationing of points A, B, and C. A numerical example of
this case is given in Prob. 4-8.

4-10. Laying Out Parabola by Taping. —Though it is incon-

venient to stake a horizontal parabola by the deflection-angle
method, laying out such a curve by tape alone is very simple.
Fig. 4-6 shows two taping methods applied to the general
case of an unequal-tangent parabola. The "middle-ordinate"
method (shown by solid lines) is the simpler in field work and
arithmetic; it requires only division by 2. The "tangent-
offset" method (shown dotted) is based upon the rule of offsets.
One variation of the middle-ordinate method follows:
Set stakes at the desired controlling points A, V, and B.
Measure AV and VB; divide by 2 and set the mid-points Vi
and V2 .Measure FiF2 divide by 2 and set the point
; on M
the axis of the parabola (VM may be measured, but it is not
essential). Then measure AM and MB; divide by 2 and set

Fig. 4-6. Horizontal parabola by taping

the mid-points Ci and C2 Set two more points,

. and 2 M i M ,

on the parabola at the mid-points of C1V1 and C2 V2 (C1V1 and

C2V2 both equal \M V). If more points are required to define
the curve, measure the chords A h MiM, M
2, and M2B; MM
divide by 2 and set four more points by middle ordinates as
before. When conditions make the long chord AB inacces-
sible, the middle-ordinate method is particularly suitable.

In the tangent-offset method the long chord AB is divided

into an even number of equal parts. The tangents AV and
VB are also divided into equal parts, their number being the
same as on the long chord. Then CV is measured and bi-
sected, and the point M
on the axis of the parabola is thus
located. Offsets to the parabola from the points on the tan-
gents are measured in the direction of the corresponding
points on the long chord; the distances are simple fractions of
VM, computed according to the rule of offsets (see Art. 4r-2).
In approximate work, points on the long chord may be dis-
pensed with, except for C; the offsets from the tangents are
computed as before, but are aligned by eye.

4-1. Compute grade elevations to the nearest hundredth
at all full stations on the following equal-tangent vertical
curves. Include all checks. (Note: In some cases it may be
necessary to carry chord gradients to 3 or 4 decimal places.)
Case Sta. V Elev. V Gi Gi L
(a) 87+30 864.41 -5.0% +4.6% 800 ft

(6) 35+20 531.18 -0.8% -0.2% 600 ft

(c) 62+65 274.83 -1.2% -4.2% 400 ft

: :

Parabolic Curves 83

Case Sta. V Elev. V Gi G2 L

(d) 97+20 486.07 +1.42% -1.73% 700 ft
(e) 110+82 521.69 +0.26% +4.85% 850 ft

(/) 173+27 379.54 +6.20% -0.20% 900 ft

4-2. Compute the values of K

each of the curves in
Prob. 4-1. Assuming that (b) occur on high-
all cases except
way alignment, determine the approximate design speeds for
which the five other cases give proper sight distances (see
Figs. 8-27 and 8-30).

4-3. Compute and check independently the curve elevation

at the specified plus point on the following curves in Prob. 4-1

Case Plus Point Answer Case Plus Point Answer

(a) 86+50 874.55 (d) 98+50 482.73

(6) 35+75 (e) 108+20
(c) 60+25 (/) 175+73

4-4. Compute the station and elevation of (a) the lowest

point on the curve in Prob. 4-1 (a), and (b) the highest point
on the curve in Prob. 4-1 (d).

4-5. Unequal-tangent vertical curve. Given: sta. V =

83+75; 7 = 374.21; G 1= -2%; G2 = +5%; Li=500 ft;
L = 800 ft. Find: the external VM, and the station and

elevation of the lowest point on the curve. Answers: VM =

10.77; sta. of lowest point = 81 +07.14, elev. =381.89.

4-6. Unequal-tangent vertical curve. Given: sta. V =

74+18.55; elev. 7 = 853.47; G 1= +4%; G 2 = -2%; = 800 ^
ft; L 2 = 600 ft. Find: the external VM, and the station and
elevation of the highest point on the curve.

4-7. Given the following data for six vertical curves

Gx (? 2 Sta. A Elev. A Sta. V Elev. V

(a) +3.7% -2.2% 29+00 541.24
(6) -2.9% +4.2% 86+00 629.84
(c) +1.5% -2.5% 82+40 104.92
(d) -2.4% +4.5% 56+00 320.87
(e) -4.2% +2.2% 22+40 500.00
if) +1.3% -3.8% 75+50 409.56
84 - Parabolic Curves

Find L (to the nearest foot) for curves which will also pass
through these fixed points:
(a) Sta. P=35+00; elev. P = 548.87. Answer: 729 ft.
(b) Sta. P = 90+00; elev. P = 624.21.
(c) Sta. P=81+30; elev. P = 102.38. Answer: 526 ft.

(d) Sta. P = 55+20; elev. P = 328.39.

(e) Turning point P, = elev. 506.09. Answer: 844 ft.

if) Turning point P< = elev. 404.00.

4-8. Given the following data for two reversed vertical


Sta. and Sta. and Sta. and

Elev. of A Elev. of B Elev. of C Gi

38+00 47+00 55+00

(a) -2.4?
430.62 427.11 431.51

64+00 80+50
(b) +1.55?
750.76 761.52

In curve (a) find: G 2 , G and the separate values of 2a.


Answers: G2 =+1.62%; G =-0.52%; 2a= +0.4467 and


-0.2675% per station.

In curve (6) the reversed curves must have the same length
and the same values of 2a (but opposite in sign). Find: G2,
G 3 the sta. and elev.
, of B, the lengths of the two curves and
their values of 2a.
chapter 3

5-1. Foreword. —In high-speed operation over alignment

on which the curves are circular arcs, an abrupt change from a
straight path to a circular path required at the T.C. of the

curve. It is obviously impossible to make this change in-

stantaneously. Smooth, safe operation around railroad and
highway curves requires a gradual transition between the uni-
form operating conditions on tangents and the different (but
also uniform) operating conditions on circular curves. Any
curve inserted to provide such a transition is called an "ease-
ment" curve.
Fig. 5-1 shows a simple curve A'E'B'. The only way in
which easement curves can be inserted at the tangents, while
still preserving the radius R, is to shift the curve inward to a

position represented by the parallel curve

It is im- .

possible, however, to use a circular arc having the same length

as the original circular arc. The portions KC
and C'K' must
be deducted in order to provide room for the easement curves
AC and C'B.
The easement curve AC is tangent to the initial tangent at
A y
at which point its radius of curvature is infinite. (The
tangent may also be thought of as a curve of infinite radius.)
At AC, the radius of curvature de-
successive points along
creases until becomes equal to R at point C, where the ease-

ment AC and the circular arc CC have a common center at 0.

Thus, instead of abrupt changes in direction at A' and B' on
the original simple curve, there are now gradual transitions
between the tangents and the simple curve by means of CC
the easement curves AC and C'B.
In Fig. 5-1 the curved layout starts at the T.S. (tangent
to spiral) and ends at the S.T. (spiral to tangent). The
approach spiral AC joins the circular arc at the S.C. (spiral
to curve), and the circular arc joins the leaving spiral C'B at
the C.S. (curve to spiral). It should be observed that the
total central angle / i3 unchanged. However, the central
86 Spirals

angle of the circular arcis less than that of the original simple

curve A'B' by the amount used up by the two spirals. Thus,

the central angle I c of the arc CC
equals I— 2A. From
theory to be developed, the spiraled curve AB will be shown
to be exactly one spiral length longer than curve A'B'.

A(T.S.) A'(T.C) o V(P.L)


Fig-. 5-1. Simple curve with equal spirals

The effect of an easement curve is to introduce centrifugal

force gradually, thus reducing shock to track and equipment
on railroadsand making high-speed "streamliner" operation
attractive to passengers. Moreover, the easement curve tends
to "build safety into the highways" by following the natural
path of the vehicle between tangent and circular arc, in that
way reducing the tendency to veer from the traffic lane.
An easement curve serves several incidental purposes,
the most important of which is to provide a logical place
for accomplishing the gradual change from zero to full super-
elevation. It also simplifies, on highway curves, the addition
of the extra pavement width found to be needed on curves for
mechanical and psychological reasons.
Finding a suitable easement curve is not difficult. On
Spirals 87

the contrary, the problem confronting engineers has been to

decide which of several available forms should be selected.
Many forms have been used. Some, including the cubic
parabola, the lemniscate, and the clothoid, have definite
mathematical equations; others, such as the Searles spiral (a
multi-compound curve) and the A.R.E.A. ten-chord spiral
(see Art. 5-12), are empirical. Within the limits used in
practice, all these pa semen ts give substantially the same curve
on the ground. However, consideration of their relative
merits from three important viewpoints mathematical —
simplicity, adaptability to a variety of conditions, and ease of

staking out in the field has led most American engineers to
favor the clothoid, or the spiral first investigated by the Swiss

mathematician, Leonard Euler.

The clothoid (called the Euler spiral, the American spiral,
or the transition spiral) is adopted in this book. For simplicity
it will be referred to hereafter as "the spiral." All spiral
tables (Tables XI through XVI-D) are based upon this spiral;
some are set up with small corrections which enable rapid con-
version from the arc definition to the chord definition of D on
the circular arc, thus changing the spiral practically to the
A.R.E.A. ten-chord form used in the past on many railroads.
Therefore, the tables are adaptable to wide usage.
Although the spiral is a mathematically rich curve with
applications in other fields of pure and applied science, its
use in route surveying involves spiral parts which have clear
graphical significance, simple formulas, and easily remembered
analogies to the parts of a simple curve. Only a few relations
require use of calculus in their derivations. Tabulations of
spiral functions are given so completely in Part III that the
actual calculation and staking of a spiral-curve layout requires
only slightly more trigonometry and very little more field work
than are needed for a simple curve. On the other hand, it is
possible to compute a satisfactory transition spiral without
referring to special tables of any kind (see Art. 5-11).

The adaptability of the spiral to a great variety of practical

uses, especially in modern highway alignment, makes it

advisable to treat the subject under three headings: simple

spirals, combining spirals, and compound spirals.
A simple spiral connects and is tangent to a straight line
88 Spirals

and a circular arc. At the beginning of the spiral its radius

of curvature is infinite; at the end, its radius equals that of the
connecting arc. The most common application of the simple
spiral is shown in Fig. 5-1. A special case is outlined in
Art. 5-10.
A combining spiral connects and is tangent to two circular
arcs having different radii of curvature. At each point of
tangency the radius of curvature of the spiral equals that of
the circular arc to which it connects. Such a spiral is often
used to provide a smooth transition between the arcs of a
compound curve, as in Fig. 5-7.
A compound spiral connects and is tangent to a straight

line and a In contrast to the simple spiral, how-

circular arc.
ever, the compound spiral does not have the same radius of
curvature as the circular arc at the point of tangency. In
addition, the compound spiral may have a finite radius of
curvature where tangent to the straight line.

5-2. Geometry of the Simple Spiral. —The simple spiral
obeys an exact law

The radius of the spiral at any point is inversely pro-

portional to its length.

All the relations needed for computing and staking a

spiraled curve stem from Fig. 5-1 and the law of the spiral.
In contrast to a circular arc, the spiral is a curve of variable
radius, or variable degree of curve. At any point on the
spiral, however, the inverse relationship between R and D is
still correctly represented by equation 2-10. Since the radius
of the spiral is infinite at the T.S., its degree of curve at that
But the law of the spiral shows an inverse
point must be zero.
any point and the distance
relationship between the radius at
to that point from the T.S. The following statement is
therefore true:

The degree of curve of the spiral increases at a uni-

form rate from zero at the T.S. to the degree D of the
circular arc at the S.C.
The constant rate of increase in degree of curve per station
along a spiral is represented by k. The basic formula for k is
Simple Spirals 89

derived from its definition by dividing the total change in

degree of curve, D, by the length of the spiral in stations.
Since this length is q-~,
k=—jj- (5-1)

The constant k is useful in a variety of problems. As an

illustration,suppose a combining spiral is required in making
the transition between arcs of a compound curve on which
Z>l = 3° and As = 9°. In such a case a limitation would be
placed on the sharpness of the transition by specifying, for
example, that the value of k should not exceed 2° per station.
This condition would be met by a 300-ft spiral (k = 2°) or by
a 400-ft spiral (k = l%°). These lengths are the latter por-
tions of simple spirals that are 450 ft and 600 ft long.
An extremely important element of a spiral is its central
angle, or spiral angle, A. For a curve of constant radius (a
circular arc), equation 2-14 shows that the central angle
equals the length of curve in stations times the degree of curve,

or I— -— . Since the spiral is a curve of uniformly changing

degree of curve, it follows that its central angle equals the

length of spiral in stations times the average degree of curve, or

The foregoing central angle is exactly half that of a simple

curve of the same length and degree (see formula 2-14).
The coordinates of the S.C. are very useful in computations
involving simple spirals. Their values, which are = X AD
and Y = DC (see Fig. 5-2), have been computed from exact
relations derived in Appendix A and tabulated in the spiral
tables of Part III; it is never necessary for the surveyor to
compute them from their theoretical formulas.
In a special problem the coordinates X' and Y' may be
needed. These are the coordinates of the T.S. with respect
to the S.C. With the aid of Fig. 5-2 it may be deduced that

X' = X cos A+Y sin A (5-3)

Y' = X sin A-7 cos A (5-4)

90 Spirals


Fig. 5-2. Spiral coordinates

The point K
(the theoretical point where a tangent to the
circular curve produced backward becomes parallel to the
tangent AD) is known as the offset T.C. It is sometimes
needed in the field; but is used more often in computations.
If a perpendicular is dropped from C to OK, the coordinates
of the offset T.C, which are X
= AJ and o = JK, may be
written by inspection. Thus,

X =X-RsmA (5-3a)

o=Y—R vers A (5-4a)

The distance o is often called the "throw" (in Great Britain,

the "shift"). It is the distance through which the circular
curve must be moved inward in order to provide clearance for
inserting the spiral. The shift E'E at the middle of the curve
(Fig. 5-1) is also called the throw. Obviously, E'E = o sec \I.
In any problem the particular distance referred to as the throw
will be clear from the context.
Fig. 5-3 represents a spiral on which P is any point located
by the spiral angle 8, the radius r, and the length AP = l.

Fig. 5-3

Differentials being used,

However, from the law of the spiral,

r:R = L a :l

-. Idl
Consequently, d8 = RL8
By integration, s (5-5)
2RL 3

and (5-6)
in which the angles are in radians.

When 5-5 is divided by 5-6 and the resulting equation is

solved for 5, it is found that


which expresses the following important property:

Spiral angles are directly proportional to the squares

of the lengths from the T.S.
92 Spirals

(On a simple curve, central angles are directly proportional to

the first powers of the lengths from the T.C.)

Also, from Fig. 5-3,

sin 8 = -tj = 8 (approximately)

Therefore, dy = 5 dl = ( = dl
p J

By integration, y= (5-8) Approx.

O Kn L/T a

This relation shows that:

Tangent offsets are closely proportional to the cubes
of the lengths from the T.S.

If the deflection angle to any point P be designated by a,

sin a =-=a (approximately)

When the value in 5-8 is substituted for y}

= (5-9) Approx.
Hence, A, the deflection angle to the S.C., is

A=^~ (5-10) Approx.

If relation 5-9 is divided by 5-10 and the resulting equation

is solved for a,
a=l j- j A (5-11) Approx.

This equation expresses another important property:

Deflection angles are closely proportional to the squares

of the lengths from the T.S.

(On a simple curve, deflection angles are exactly proportional

to thefirst powers of the lengths from the T.C.)

It follows from the foregoing that

a=| 5 (5-12) Approx.

and A=£ A (5-13) Approx.

Relations 5-12 and 5-13 are correct for most practical pur-
poses. Theoretically, the relations produce values which are
Simple Spirals 93

slightly too large. Should exact deflection angles be needed

(as on a very they are given in Table
long, sharp spiral), XV
for any ten-chord spiral, and may be obtained quickly from
Tables XVI, XVI-A, and XVI-B for a spiral staked with any
number of chords up to twenty. The derivation of the small
correction which, if subtracted, would make equations 5-12
and 5-13 exact, is given in Appendix A.
Figure 5-4 shows the first half of Fig. 5-1. The original
simple curve has been omitted, however, and certain COn-

Fig. 5-4

struction lines have been added to aid in deriving necessary

formulas. The triangle ABC in Fig. 5-4 is analogous to that
formed by the vertex and tangent points of a simple curve.
The simple curve has equal tangents and equal angles at the
long chord; the spiral, on the contrary, cannot have equal
local tangents or equal angles. From formula 5-13, the
angle BCA must be almost exactly equal to f A.
The three lengths AC, AB, and BC are occasionally useful
in field work; they are called the long chord (L.C.), long
tangent (L.T.), and short tangent (S.T.) of the spiral. When
needed, their values are taken from tables, though they may
readily be computed when X, Y, and A are known. For the
flat spirals used on modern alignment, the L.T. and the S.T.
are approximately in a 2 : 1 ratio.
94 - Spirals

5-3. Simple Curve with Spirals. Theoretical relations

for laying out any spiral, once the T.S. has been located, were
given in Art. 5-2. The T.S. is usually staked, as in a simple
curve, by measuring the calculated tangent distance T, from
the P.I. The tangent distances will be equal in the usual case
of equal spirals at the tangents. There is rarely any justifica-
tion for using unequal spirals, except in realigning existing
railroad track.
If equal spirals are assumed in Fig. 5-4 and a line is drawn
parallel to AV from K
to G, T8 is made up of the three seg-
ments A J, KG, and FV, which are X
R tan \I, and o tan

\I. Therefore,

T = (R+o)
8 tan |I+X« (5-14)

or T = T+Xo+o
8 tan \l (5-15)

By the same construction, the external distance E» (VE)

may be divided into the two segments EG and GV, which are
R exsec \I and o sec \I. Therefore,
E = E+o
a sec %I (5-16)

By means of a trigonometric conversion, this equation may be

written in the form
E = (R+o)
3 exsec \I+o (5-17)

For the rare case of unequal spirals,

Tn-T+X* ^-^™ 1 (5-loa)

0l ~° 2C ° sI
and T„ = T+X c ,+ (5-15b)
sin I

In these formulas the subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the initial and

the final spirals and the resulting unequal values of T a The .

last term in each formula may be positive or negative,

depending on the magnitudes of oi, o 2 and /. (See the end ,

of Art. 5-20 for general versions of these formulas as applied

to a completely-spiraled compound curve.)

Calculations and field work for a spiral follow the general

pattern described in Chapter 2 for a simple curve; the varia-
tions are in details only. In the usual case, sta. P. I., /, and D
are known. Briefly, the sequence of the remaining work is as
Simple Spirals 95
(a) Select L s to fit the imposed conditions (Art. 5-15 con-
tains reference to the choice of La).
(b) Calculate A from formula 5-2.

(c) Take X and Y from tables, and calculate X and o from

formulas 5-3a and 5-4a. (This is theoretical; in practice, X
and o also may be taken from tables.)
(d) Calculate T8 from formula 5-14 or formula 5-15.
(e) Calculate the stationing of the T.S., which is sta.
P.I.— T8 the stationing of the
; S.C., which is sta. T.S.+L,;
the stationing of the C.S., which is sta. S.C.H ~ -;

and the stationing of the S.T., which is sta. C.S.+L,.

(f) Calculate deflection angles at selected points on the
approach spiral, using formulas 5-13 and 5-11. (This is

theoretical; for regularly spaced points on the spiral, tables or

abbreviated relations may be used.)
(g) Set hubs at the T.S. and the S.T. by measuring T, from
the P.I.
(h) Occupy the T.S. and stake the approach spiral to the
S.C. by deflection angles. (Ls ordinarily equals the sum of the
chords used to lay it out; corrections to chords are necessary
only for fairly long chords near the end of long, sharp spirals.)
(i) S.C. and backsight to the T.S. with (A — A)
Occupy the
set offon the proper side of 0°; A — A is almost exactly equal to
2 A. Then, plunge the telescope and stake the simple curve
to the chosen check point by the usual methods. (The check
point may be the C.S. or any point on the simple curve.)

(j) Occupy the S.T. and run in the leaving spiral to the C.S.

(For regularly spaced points, the deflections are the same as

those on the approach spiral.)
(k) Make the final check at the selected check point, which
should preferably be near the middle of the simple curve. A
set-up at the C.S. is required if this is done, but on final loca-
tion the resulting smooth junction at the C.S. justifies this
Conditions frequently warrant varying the foregoing pro-
cedure. For example, instead of following steps (h) and (j),
the S.C. and the C.S. may
be located (or checked) by any one
of three other methods: (1) by measuring the and Y co- X
ordinates; (2) by measuring the long tangent (L.T.), the angle
96 Spirals

A, and the short tangent (S.T.) of the spiral; (3) by measuring

§ A and the long chord (L.C.)..

Tables may be used to expedite some of the operations just


Table XI: See explanation on page 426.

Table XII: See explanation on page 426.

Table XIII: This table is explained in Art. 5-9.

Table XIV: This table is explained in Art. 5-10.

Table XV: This table gives exact deflection angles for any
spiral up to A = 45° staked with ten equal chords.
If a table such as Table XV is not available, it is not neces-
sary to use formulas 5-13 and 5-11 when points are spaced
regularly. The following method is quicker:
Let ai = the deflection angle (in minutes) to the first regular
point. Then
20 A (in degrees) ,_ 1DX
mm.) =


ai (in (5-18)

where n = the number of equal chords on the spiral.

Calculate ai for given values of A and n. Then, to find the
remaining deflection angles, simply multiply ai by the squares
of the chord-point numbers. Thus, if A were 6° and n were 10,
ai = 1.2 min. The remaining deflections are 4 a\, 9 a\, 16 a if
25 ai, etc. (The student should check these against Table
Table XVI: This table is an extension of the principle just
described. The theory underlying deflections for a set-up on
the spiral is outlined in Art. 5-7.

5-4. Locating Any Intermediate Point on Spiral. —Though

the spiral is usually laid out with equal chords, the number
commonly being such a process does not serve all purposes.
For example, on location prior to grading, earthwork esti-
mates are made more rapidly if cross-sections are taken at
regular full stations and possibly half-stations. Furthermore,
important "breaks" requiring cross-sectioning may fall be-
tween regularly spaced points. During construction it may
be necessary to set points on a spiral at trestle bents or on
bridge piers. For these reasons it is convenient to have a
Simple Spirals 97

simple formula for determining the deflection angle to any

point at a distance I feet beyond the beginning of a spiral. The
following relation serves this purpose:

a (in min.) = (5-19)

The constant Jc may

be computed from formula 5-1. It is
recommended that an k be chosen in order to
integral value of
simplify the computation.

5-5. Field Notes. —Notes for staking a spiraled curve are

set up in continuous stationing according to a modification
of the form in Art. 2-9. Deflection angles for the spirals
should start with 0° at the T.S. and S.T. The comments in
Art. 3-13 are pertinent.

Form of Notes for Spiraled Curve

Sta. Point
Total Field Curve
Den. Procedure Data

47+15.8 OS.T. ow At S.T., orient by 7 = 14° 10'

46+55.8 0°04' sighting to P.I. Z) = 3°
45+95.8 0°14' with 0W on P.I. = 43+31.1
45+35.8 0°32' vernier. Make T, = 387.5
44+75.8 0°58' final check at L = 300

44+15.8 C.S. 1°30' C.S.

44+15.8 c.s. 2°35' At S.C, orient by

44+00 2 2r sighting to T.S.
43+50 1°36' with 3Won
43+00 o°5i' proper side of
42+50 0°06' vernier.
42+43.6 os.c. OW
42+43.6 s.c. 1°30' At T.S., orient by
41+83.6 0°58' sighting to P.I.
41+23.6 0°32' with 0W on
40+63.6 0°14' vernier.
40+03.6 0°04'
39+43.6 OT.S. OW
98 Spirals

In the accompanying form, the columns for calculated and

magnetic bearings have been omitted in order to insert
explanatory notes. Otherwise the form is a typical example
of the left-hand page of a field book. Distances are here com-
puted to tenths of a foot, and deflection angles are taken to the
nearest minute. In final location a higher degree of precision
would be required.
In the foregoing example both spirals were run as five-
chord spirals. The deflection angles could be computed by
finding ai from formula 5-18 and multiplying by the squares of
the chord-point numbers; or they could be taken directly from
Table XV
for every other chord point of the ten-chord spiral.

To illustrate how easily spiral deflections may be computed

to fit any desired conditions, the following alternate notes are
given for staking the approach spiral.

Alternate Notes for Approach Spiral

Case A: 4-chord spiral. Use Case B: stakes at regular full

formula 5-18 and Table XVI. stations. Use formula 5-19.

Sta. Point
Sta. *-* !

42+43.6 S.C. 1°30' 42+43.6 S.C. 1°30'
41+68.6 o°5i' 42+00 1°06'

40+93.6 0°22' 41+00 0°24'

40+18.6 0°06' 40+00 0°03'
39+43.6 T.S. 0°00' 39+43.6 T.S. 0°00'

5-6. Theory of the Osculating Circle.— In Fig. 5-5, P is

any point on a spiral just as in Fig. 5-3. The circular arc
drawn tangent to the spiral at point P has a radius r equal to
the radius of curvature of the spiral at the point of tangency.
Any such tangential arc is called an osculating circle. From
the law of the spiral, the osculating circle at any point must
lie inside the spiral toward the T.S. and outside the spiral

toward the S.C.

At the T.S. a spiral has an infinitely long radius of curvature
and a degree of curve equal to zero. Therefore, the osculating
circle at the T.S. is a straight line coinciding with the main
Simple Spirals 99

tangent. But any circle is a curve of constant degree, whereas

a spiral is a curve of uniformly changing degree. It follows,
as an important principle, that:
A spiral departs in both directions from any osculating
circle at the same rate as from the tangent at the T.S.

This statement, known as the "theory of the osculating

circle," is valid only for rate of departure in degree of curva-
ture. As common!}' used, however, the theory is also assumed
to apply to rates of departure in angular direction and offset.
These are approximations which, fortunately, are close
enough for the relatively flat spirals used on primary highway
and railroad alignment. But where sharp spirals are used,
as sometimes occurs on highway-interchange roadways, the
approximations must be replaced by mathematical exactness.
It is more appropriate to develop these mathematical rela-
tions in connection with the theory of the combining spiral.
This is done in Art. 5-17 and Appendix B.
In order to conform to the theory of the osculating circle,
any complete spiral is bisected by its throw o, and vice versa.
That is, line JK and spiral AC (Fig. 5-2) bisect each other.
Since tangent offsets are closely proportional to the cubes of
the spiral lengths, this means that
o (5-20) Approx.

Another useful relation is found by substituting —L~ for

Y (from formula 5-8), giving

(5-21) Approx.
The mutual bisection of spiral and throw is also true for any
portion of a spiral. In Fig. 5-5, for example, assume that P
is the second of several regularly-spaced chord points on a
spiral. The offsets to chord point 1 from the osculating
circles at A and P must be equal, and each is equal to the
offset at chord point 3.
An interesting consequence of the foregoing principles is

that the three shaded portions of Fig. 5-5 are equal in area.
This property has practical value in computing areas of high-
way pavement on Bpiraled curves. (See Art. 8-21.)
1 00 *

A(T.S.) 1 /Osculating Circle at A

2 "S^/Oscu/ating
%v Circle at P
I r I

Fig. 5-5. Osculating-circle theory

5-7. Transit Set-ups on Spiral. —Field conditions sometimes

require a transit set-up on a spiral. The osculating-circle
principle supplies the basis for locating any other point on a
spiral from such a set-up.
In Fig. 5-6 assume that the spiral has been staked as far

Vsc.e ^V
/ F'

/ Osc.®
Fig. 5-6. Transit set-up on spiral

Simple Spirals 1 1

us point t from a set-up at the T.S., and that obstructions to

the line of sight prevent further staking from that set-up.
The problem is how to orient the transit at point t and stake
the rest of the spiral from the new set-up. Point b is any
point on the spiral (including the T.S.) to which a backsight
is taken in order to orient the transit. Point / is any point
on the spiral beyond point t (including the S.C.) which is to
be located by means of a foresight from t. The angle is the <f>b

orientation angle turned between the backsight to b and the,

local tangent, and <f>/ is the deflection angle to the foresight
point /. Spiral lengths from the T.S. to these points are
denoted by k, h, and If.
Angle & equals the deflection angle for a circular arc having
a length of (l — lb) and a degree of curve equal to that of the

osculating circle minus the angular departure between the

osculating circle and the spiral in the distance tb. Since
D is the degree of curve of the spiral at the S.C, the degree
of the osculating circle at t equals l—jD. In general,

*=K w) (it) 4(¥) 2a -

(Refer to formulas 2 ~ 12 '

5-7, and 5-12.) When D is replaced by its equivalent, ——


this expression may be simplified to

06 = (2l +lb )
t (lt-h) — (5-22) Approx.

Angle </>/ equals the deflection angle to the same osculating

circle for a length of (If — It) plus the angular departure
between the osculating circle and the spiral in the distance tf.

n-**r-KS)(©4J(^)\ ** -y be

simplified to

0/ = (If +2 lt ) (If - lt)

(5-23) Approx.

The total deflection angle from backsight to foresight


equals 4»> + <f>/. When formulas 5-22 and 5-23 are added, the
1 02 ' Spirals

simplified result is

4> = (h+lt+lf ) (lf-k) 3^ (5-24) Appro*.

Where stakes on a spiral are spaced regularly and a set-up

is required on a regular chord point, the foregoing formulas
may be expressed in terms of chord point numbers. Since
L a equals n equal chords and the length I of any portion of

the spiral sighted over equals — 1

times the chord point number,

it follows that
20A(in deg0
<j> b (inmm.) = (2n +n b )
t (n ( -n») (5-25) Approx.


^ / (inmin.) = (n / +2n <) (ny-n,)

20 ^ 11 * 6*
(5-26) Approx.
20A(i " deg -
0(inmin.)-(n*+n,+7i/) (n / -n6 )
(5-27) Approx.

The second terms in the formulas represent the

six foregoing
spiral lengths sighted over in performing the indicated oper-
ations. In the last three formulas the final term is the deflec-
tion angle in minutes to the first regular chord point (see
formula 5-18); the products of the first two terms yield the
coefficients given in Table XVI. These formulas give accu-
rate results except for long sights over long sharp spirals,
where the effect of the slight approximation in formula 5-12
may become noticeable. Exact results may be obtained by
applying the corrections found in Tables XVI-C and XVI-D,
as explained in Art. 5-17 and Appendix C.

Example.— Given: D = 10°; L = 900 ft.

a 8 Spiral to be staked
using fifteen 60-ft chords. Assume that obstructions require
set-ups at chord points 5 and 12 in addition to the T.S.

Preliminary computations:
L D = 900X10 co 20A 20X45 =
AA =
S .

^00- = 45 ai= 4
200 -n--l5^
Simple Spirals 1 03
Computation of Deflections

Sight at Coefficient Deflection

Point (Table XVI) X ai = to Spiral Comments

Transit at T.S.
(Orient by sighting along tangent with 0°00' on vernier.)

1 1 4' 0°04'
These same deflections
2 4 4' 0°16'
obtainable from
3 9 4' 0°36' Table XV at every
4 16 4' ,
(64 )1°04
other chord point by
4' (100')1°40' entering Table with
5 25

A = <&'*•* = 5°

Transit at Point 5
(Orient by backsight to T.S. with 3°20' on vernier.)

(T.S.) 50 4' (200') 3°20'

Orientation angle
6 16 (64') 1°04'
equals twice the
7 34 4' (136') 2°16'
deflection from the
8 54 4' (216') 3°36' T.S. Plunge tele-
9 76 4' (304') 5°04' scope after backsight
10 100 4' (400') 6°40'
and set deflections

for points 6 to 12 on
11 126 (504') 8°24'
the other side of 0°00'.
12 154 4' (616')10°16'

Transit at Point 12
(Orient by backsight to point 5 with 13°32' on vernier.)

5 203 4' (812')13°32'

pi unge telescope after
13 37 4' (148') 2°28' backsight and set
14 76 4' (304') 5°04' deflections for points

15 (S.C.) 117 4' (468') 7°48' 13 to 15 on the other

side of 0°00'.

If this spiral were staked entirely from one set-up at the

1 04 - Spirals

T.S., the deflections to the distant chord points would have to

be decreased by slight corrections. The theory behind these
corrections is outlined in Appendix A; corrections are listed
in Table XVI-A. Table XVT-A shows that these corrections
exceed | minute when the ratio of spiral length sighted over
to length L s is 0.7 or greater. In this example the correction
for chord point 12 would be —74 seconds; for the 900-ft-long
sight to the S.C.,it would be 286 seconds, or almost 5 minutes.

Obviously, one beneficial effect of setting up at points 5 and

12 is the elimination of such corrections; thus, the maximum
correction is 17 seconds for the sight from point 5 to point 12
(see Appendix C for method of computing this correction).
Regardless of the location of transit set-ups used in staking
a spiral, the actual chords taped should (theoretically) be
slightly shorter than their nominal arc lengths. For most
practical purposes, L s equals the sum of the nominal chords
used to stake the spiral. Chord corrections can ordinarily be
neglected; they are necessary only for fairly long chords near
the end of a long sharp spiral. In the preceding example the
position of the S.C. would overrun its theoretical position by
only 0.04 ft if the spiral were staked entirely from the T.S.
with fifteen 60-ft chords. If necessary to allow for this small
discrepancy, each of the last four chords could be taped as
59.99 feet long. Chord corrections may be found with the
aid of Tables II and IV.

5-8. Fitting Spiraled Curve to Specified E s or T s. —As in

the case of a simple curve, it may be necessary to fit a spiraled
curve to definite field conditions such as a specified E 3 or T s .

There are voluminous tables* giving convenient combinations

of D and L which
s approximate a specified value for E, or Ta ;
the exact values of Ea and T, for a selected combination are
obtained by interpolation.
The tables in this book may also be used to select a spiral-
curve layout fitting given conditions.

Example.— Given: J = 27W; E, = approximately 34 ft.

Determine suitable values of D and L, (slide-rale calculation).

•Barnett, Joseph, Transition Curves for Highways, Washington, D.C.

U.S. Government Printing Office, 1938.
— ;

Simple Spirals 1 05

First use Table VIII to obtain a fairly close value of D.

£ = ^f = 4.8° (roughly)

Consideration of the relation A= shows two unknowns.
Consequently, there are any number of combinations of A and
L8 which will fit the conditions. A glance at Table XI might
suggest a suitable combination.
Suppose that Ls is assumed to be 250 ft. Then
A=|^X4.8 o = 6.0 o (tentatively)

From Table XII, 0=0.00872X250 = 2.2 (approx.).

A close value of R+o is then found from formula 5-17.
Q4.—9 9

Therefore, # = 1,117 and D = 5°08' (by Table I).

If Dwere chosen to be 5°, the 250-ft spiral is one listed in

"selected spirals" of Table XI. For this combination, Es
would differ slightly from 34 ft, but a rigid requirement per-
mitting no deviation from a fixed Ea is rarely met (it would
require an odd value of either D or L 8 ).

If the approximate value of Ts were fixed, the first trial

calculation may also be made by using Table VIII. This will
give a rough value of D, but will allow selection of a suitable
value for Ls Since o is very small in comparison with R,

formula 5-14 can be expressed approximately as Tt = T-\-\L a ,

which can be solved for T.

Suppose that Tt is fixed at approximately 400 ft in this
example. From Table VIII.

Trying L 3 as 250 ft, T = T - \L = 400 - 125 = 275 ft (approx.)

a 8

and (by Table VIII) D=^^ = 5° as before.

5-9. Spiraled-Curve Formulas with Radius as Parameter.
In connection with the use of even-radius curves (Art. 2-12)
1 06 *

it is convenient to express formulas for needed spiraled-curve

parts in terms of the radius of the circular arc.
In Fig. 5-4, certain of the distances may be related to R
by means of coefficients N, P, M, and S, which have the
following significance:

N R = the distance A D = X
P R = the distance DC =Y
M R = the distance OJ = R-\-o
S R = \he distance AJ=X
Values of these coefficients for R = l have been computed
for various values of A (see Table XIII). When these values
are substituted in the following relations, parts needed for
computing and staking the layout result:

X = RN (5-28)

Y = RP (5-29)

T. = R(M tan |7+5) (5-30)

E = R(M sec lI-l)=R[Mexsec$I+(M-l)]

a (5-31)

L = 2RA
t (radians) (5-6)

In applying procedure to practical problems in the

highway field, the "proportion rule" has been suggested* for
choosing L». The "proportion of transition" p is the ratio
of the length of the two spirals to the total length of the
spiraled curve. It may be proved that

not possible (except by coincidence) to have integral
It is
values of R, L„ and A (in degrees); one, at least, must be
an odd value. When it is desired to use Table XIII without
interpolation, the odd variable is L t .

As an illustration the example of Art. 5-8 is solved by this

method. For a trial, assume that p = about 0.6 (evidence
shows that the natural value of p ranges between 0.4 and 0.7

•LeeminK, J.J., "The General Principles of Highway Transition Curve

Design," Transactions, ASCE, Vol. 113, 1948, pp. 877 ff.
Simple Spirals 1 07

for high-speed operation on highways). Then

A= °= 5 8 °
[2(2^] X27 -

Round off to 6° for convenience in using Table XIII.

From formula 5-31, R = 1,130 (approx.). Use R = 1,100,
which is listed in Table V.
Finally, 2 A = 12° =0.20944 radians (Table VI) and L = 8

0.20944X1,100 = 230.4 ft.

If L8 were rounded to a convenient value (say 250 ft),
then A would be the odd value, but the circular arc could still
be staked readily by means of the deflections listed in Table V.
When the chord definition of D is used, A is obtained from
5-32; R c from 5-31; D c from Table I; and L s from 5-2.
, , ,

The coefficients in formulas 5-28 through 5-31 apply

whether or not a central circular arc is present; that is, they
also can be used for the double-spiral curve described in the
next article.

5-10. Double-Spiral Curve. —Some engineers advocate

making curves transitional throughout by using a double spiral,
which consists of two equal spirals placed end to end with the
curvature changing from increasing to decreasing at the middle
of the layout. This simplifies the selection of a curve that
will have a specified value of Es or T8 since A = |J, it follows

that TS =X+Y tan \I and E8 = Y sec \I.

Table XIV gives values of T8 and E s for Ls = 1. Multiply-
ing the proper tabulated values by the actual length L a gives
T and E
a s for a double-spiral curve having the given value of 7.
Obviously, a double-spiral curve of given I is longer than a
spiraled simple curve having the same D; hence there is a
much greater length over which operating conditions —cen-
trifugal force and superelevation, in particular —are variable.
For this reason, the all-transitional curve should be used only
in exceptional cases, at least on highway work. Problem
5-16 illustrates a useful application at a highway-interchange

5-11. Calculating Spiral Without Special Tables.—It is

possible to compute a spiral without reference to special tables
(if the engineer will do this occasionally, he will understand

the spiral better) The method suggested is based upon cer-

108 "

may be seen by
tain approximations the significance of which
examining Fig. 5-2 in connection with Table XI. All calcu-
lations may be made by slide rule.
Procedure Recommended for Flat Spirals (up to A = 5°)
(a) Compute Y from Y=L S sin £A
Y 2

(6) Compute X from X=L — -=-j- 8

(c) Compute o from o = \Y

(d) Compute X Q from X = \ X
(e) Compute deflections by applying the principle that
deflections are proportional to the squares of the distances.

method is applied to a 200-ft spiral joining

If the foregoing
a 3° curve, the computed values are: Y=3.49, 199.97, X=
o=0.87, and X
= 99.98. For all practical purposes these are
the same as the values listed in Table XI.
As A increases beyond 5°, more significant differences arise
between the exact and approximate values of these four spiral
parts. The greatest difference will be found in the value of X.
However, X
is not often needed in the field. The values of o
and X are of more practical use, for they are needed in obtain-
ing T8 by formula 5-15. The following table shows that a
relatively small error in T8 would result from using the approxi-
mate method even when A is as large as 15°.
Values by
Approx. Exact Values from Table XI
Given Method Da = 10° Dc=10°
£,=300 Y= 26.1 26.05 26.05
D = 10° X= 298.86 297.95 297.95
(A = 15°) o= 6.52 6.53 6.51
X = 149.43 149.66 149.47

5-12. The A.R.E.A. Ten-Chord Spiral.—The ten-chord

spiral of the American Railway Engineering Association has
been used by many American railroads since about 1912.
This spiral is an approximation of equation 5-8 in which L,
is measured by ten equal chords instead of around the spiral

itself. It is commonly used in connection with the chord

definition of D.
The spiral in this book may be converted practically to
Simple Spirals 1 09

the A.R.E.A. spiral by applying the corrections marked with

an asterisk, as explained in Part III on page 426. (See Appen-
dix A for the source of those corrections.) Consequently,
there is no need to master the details of the A.R.E.A. spiral or
to use tables prepared for it alone, as demonstrated by the
following comparison in the case of an exceptionally sharp
railroad curve:
Do U X Y Xo o A
Spiral in this book lu° 300 297.95 26.05 149.47 6.51 4°59.8'
A.R.E.A. spiral 10° 300 297.96 26.05 149.48 6.51 4°59.8'

Out Spiral by Taping. A spiral may be staked
5-13. Laying
by using tangent offsets, chord offsets, or middle ordinates.
The operations in the field are similar to those described in
Art. 2-14. However, the calculations differ slightly from
those for a simple curve owing to the variable curvature on
a spiral.

Tangent offsets for selected points on the spiral are com-

puted from the cube law (Art. 5-2). It is sufficiently accurate
for the flat spirals used on modern highway and railroad align-
ment to assume that the spiral and the throw o bisect each
other, and that o = — (equation 5-20). The throw is com-
puted from the relation kt^d (equation 5-21) or is taken from

tables, afterwhich the offsets from the tangent to the mid-

point of the spiral (at equidistant points) are found from the
principle that offsets are proportional to the cubes of the
distances. The same offsets are then used to locate the second
half of the spiral by measuring them radially from the circular
arc (osculating circle) produced backward from the S.C. For
example, the five offsets required to locate a ten-chord spiral
are found by multiplying the throw by 0.004, 0.032, 0.108,
0.256, and 0.500. The advantage of this method, in compari-
son with measuring all offsets from the tangent, is that the
measurements usually come well within the limits of the graded
Chord offsets and middle ordinates are approximately
proportional to the lengths from the T.S. Needed values
may be obtained by substituting —^r— - for D in the various
110 - Spirals

simple-curve offset formulas, Di and D2 being the degrees of

curve of a spiral at the ends of a particular chord. The
values of CO. and M.O. in Table I facilitate the computation.

5-14. Parallel Spirals. — For the same reasons given in

Art. 2-15 it is often necessary to stake an offset curve parallel
to a spiral along the center line.This matter is more complex
than on circular curve alignment. It is also closely related
to the subjects of edge lengths and widening of highway
pavements. For these reasons parallel spirals are discussed
in detail in Art. 8-20 as a special curve problem in highway

5-15. Length of Spirals. —A spiral need not have a par-

ticular length, but it should be at least long enough for the
transition to be made safely and comfortably. Design speed
and the rate of attaining superelevation are controlling factors
in this respect.
On railroads, practice has been fairly well standardized
for a number though the operation of high-speed
of years,
streamliners adding new problems. Chapter 9 contains

examples and recommendations.

Practice on highways is not so definite as is that on railroads.
Lack of standardization is due to the later adoption of spirals,
the more diverse operating conditions, and the greater number
of administrative units involved. Recent practice is outlined
in Chapter 8.

5-16. Combining Spiral-Method for Flat Spirals.— The
difference in curvature at the C.C. of a compound curve may
be abrupt enough to justify the insertion of a combining spiral.
In Fig. 5-7 the combining spiral AC is tangent to the curves
having radii Rs and Rl\ and it has the same radius of curva-
ture as the circular arc at each point of tangency. That is,
AC is a portion of a simple spiral cut to fit as a transition
between curves of degree D s and Dl. With D s and D L

known, an additional value usually the length AC but

sometimes the offset JK must be assumed. The problem
is then determinate; only one combining spiral will satisfy

the given conditions.

If the combining spiral is fairly flat (true central angle less
Combining Spirals 1 1 1


Fig. 5-7. Combining spiral by osculating-circle theory

than 15°), the theory of the osculating circle is satisfactory.

According to this theory the offset or "throw" JK is the value
of o for a spiral of length AC and terminal degree Ds — Dl-
It also follows that, for all practical purposes, JK and AC
bisect each other. Accordingly, the problem of calculating
deflections for running in the spiral AC is identical with that
of calculating the deflections for staking the remainder of a
spiral from a set-up at any point, as explained in Art. 5-7.
If the length of the spiral AC be designated by la , its true
central angle equals the sum of the central angles for the
simple curves produced, that is, for the arcs AJ and KC.
From formula 2-14 the true central angle A t is

which reduces to At = (—— )

(D s + D l )=A s +Al (5-33)

In computing spiral deflection angles from a local tangent

at A or C, the nominal value of the central angle An is used.
This is defined as the difference between the true central
112 ' Spirals

angle of the combining spiral and that of the osculating circle

at either end. Since the osculating circle at A has a central

angle of in the distance ls ,

lsD s
A.y = A,

which reduces to Ax = -^- (D S — D L )=A S — A L (5-34)

Table XI may be used for combining spirals by substituting

ls , \\, and (D S — DL ) for the headings L 8 A, and D. ,

Example.—Given: Ds = 7°; AC = = 300 ft.

D L =2 Z
; ls

Here D s -D L = o°; consequently, o = 3.27 (Table XI).

From formula 5-1 the value of k is
— = lf per

station, which means that ls is the last 300 ft of a simple spiral

that is yX 100 = 420 ft long.

From formula 5-33, At = 13 c 30'; and from formula 5-3-4 (or

Table XI), A.V = 7 C 30'.
In computing spiral deflection angles, use A.v for A in
formula 5-18. Thus, if the spiral AC were to be divided

into four equal parts,

20X7.5° ntmmm
ai= ; =9375'

and the deflections to the spiral from the osculating circle at

C are a\, 4 a\, 9 ai, and 16 d. These are added to the deflec-
tions from the tangent to the corresponding points on the
osculating circle, namely, 0°45', 1°30', 2°15', and 3°00'. The
final deflections are: b°54', 2°08', 3°39', and 5°30'. For
running in the spiral from the sharper arc (set-up at A), the
required deflections from the tangent would be 2°28', 4 38',
6°28', and 8°00'. Note: This spiral is one of three used in
Prob. 5-14(6).

5-17. Combining Spiral-Method for Sharp Spirals. — In

contrast to the assumptions shown in Fig. 5-7, the derivations
Combining Spirals 113

in Appendix B prove that the correct throw is not JK.

Instead, the throw occurs along a radial line which is rotated
slightly toward the flatter end of the spiral. This rotation
is shown (greatly exaggerated) in Fig. 5-8. The vertex V

A A' sX=AD V' D

Fig:. 5-8. Combining: spiral by exact theory

is preserved, as is the total change in direction between the

local tangents. In consequence, the combining spiral takes
position A'C instead of position AC, as in the osculating-
circle theory. The true throw J'K', or p a
is .

In Appendix B it is shown that /3 is always larger than As

by a quantity Cb, where
C6 = 0.03655A S A^(A - A N (S ) { 1 + 121 [24 As (As- An)
-7AyiO" } (5-35)

inwhich As and An are in degrees and Cb is in seconds.

In a practical problem, Cb may be obtained quickly from
Table XVI-C.

Example.—Given: D s = 20°; D L = 10°; A'C' = l s = 400 ft.

Formulas 5-33 and 5-34 yield A, = 60°, Aat = 20°, and A s = 40°.
The value of Cb from Table XVI-C is 596" or 9'56". Accord-
ingly, /3 = 40°09'56" and c^^SO'CM".
1 1 4 Spirals

Appendix B also shows that p a is always less than the

throw o by a quantity Cp where ,

C p = 0.2215ZAsAAr(As-A^)10- 7 (5-36)

in which C p and l 8 are in feet and As and An are in degrees.

Table XVI-C also contains values of C p based on l s = 1,000
ft. In this example the table yields CP = 0.4X 0.354 = 0.142
ft. If Table XII is now entered with A = A^ = 20°, the value
of o is found to be 400X0.02896 = 11.584 ft. Therefore
p a = 11.584-0.142 = 11.442 ft.
The derivation of the correction to be applied to a deflection
angle obtained by the osculating-circle theory is also given
in Appendix B. The correction, C*, for the end of a com-
bining spiral is

C = O.O12185A s A^(A s -AjV )+O.3535A A iV (A s -2AAr)lO- 3 6

+0.2946AsA 3 n81A 5 -61Aiv)10- 8 +0.00309A3

+0.00228A 6 10" 5 • • • (5-37)
in which C« is in seconds and As and Ajv are in degrees.
If As is zero the combining spiral reverts to a simple spiral;
the first three terms in formula 5-37 disappear and An becomes
A. Formula 5-37 is then the same as formula A-6 (Appendix
A); that is Cf, becomes C s In a numerical problem these .

first three terms comprise the greater portion of the total

correction. It is convenient to group these terms and denote

them as Ca . Thus,
C a = 0.01285A (S AAr(A s -Ajv)+0.3535A 3 A^(A -2Aiv)10-6

+0.2946AsA 3 (181A S -61A*)10- 8 ' * (5-38)

C gives the correction for a simple spiral.

C = Ca+C gives the correction for a combining

<t> s spiral.

In general, when sighting toward the sharper end of a com-

bining spiral, the corrected deflection, c (see Fig. B-l in <t>

Appendix B), is expressed by

= </>/ - C* = </>/ - (C a +C a) (5-39)

where </>/ is found from formula 5-23 (see also Fig. 5-6).
Also, when sighting toward the flatter end of a combining

Combining Spirals 1 1

= 4>b+C = 4>b + (C a +C
4> s) (5-40)

where fa is found from formula 5-22.

In doing numerical problems, formula 5-37 is rather cum-
bersome to use. This objection is eliminated by recourse to
Tables XVI-C and XVI-D, which yield the separate values
of C a and C s quickly. Appendix C contains detailed examples
showing convenient forms of computation for deflection
angles to a series of points along a combining spiral from a
transit set-up at any point on the spiral.

5-18. Computations for Field Layout.The computations —

combining spiral are based either on the approxi-
for staking a
mate method of Art. 5-16 or on the exact method of Art.
5-17. The choice is affected by the sharpness of the spiral
and by the accuracy required in a particular situation.
Suppose a more searching examination is made of the
example in Art. 5-16. In this 300-ft spiral, A* = 13°30',
A s = 10°30', and Aa- = 7°30'. By interpolation in Tables
XVI-C and XVI-D, Cb = 9", C p = 0.002 ft, and C* (to end of
spiral) = 4". These corrections are small enough to neglect,
and the osculating-circle method of Art. 5-16 is satisfactory.
On the other hand, in the sharper spiral used as the example
in Art. 5-17, A* = 60°, and the corresponding corrections are
C6 = 9'56", C p = 0.142 ft, and C, (to end of spiral) = 3'45". To
neglect corrections of such magnitude would result in signifi-
cant errors in field layout; therefore, the exact method of
Art. 5-17 should be used.
In field layout it is convenient to stake the vertex V as a
transit set-up on the control traverse. The ends of the spiral
are then located by measuring the local tangents V'A and
V'C (or V'A' and V'C). Although the spiral could be
staked completely from a transit set-up at either end, it is
better to lay it out in part from both ends. This reduces the
lengths of sights and may make the corrections to deflection
angles negligible.
// the osculating-circle theory is used, the local tangents may
be found from the traverse OsAV'COlOs (Fig. 5-8), with
north assumed in direction OsA. This yields
116 Spirals

Rs + (Rl- -Rs — o) cosAs — Rl cos A >+A L

V'C =
sin (As+A L )


V'A = R L sin (As + &l) - (#l - #s - o) sin As

-F'Ccos (A S +A L ) (5-42)

As a check on the computation, tangent V'A may be verified

Rl-(Rl-Rs-o) cos Al-Rs cos (As+Al) . ...
K J. ; (d-43)
sin (As+A L )
This formula comes from setting 2 departure = zero with north
assumed in direction CV.
If the exact theory is used, the local tangents come from
traverse O'sA'V'C'O'lO's. The resulting alternative formulas


„.„ = Rs + (RL-Rs-Pa) COS $-Rl COS (A S +A L )

K C (5-4 la)
sin (As+Al)
and V'A'=Rl sin (A s +Al) — (/?l — #s — P<j) sin /3
-7'C'cos (As+Az,) (5-42a)

_,,, = Rl-{Rl-Rs-Vo) cos — a-#s cos (A 5 +A L ) ^. .

F'A ; (o-43a)
sin (As+Al)
As a further check on computation of the tangents,

y'C' = Fcsc (As+A L ) (5-44)

and V'A' = X-Y cot (As+Al) (5-45)

in which X and Y come from formulas B-7 and B-8, Appen-

dix B.

5-19. Practical Example of Combining Spiral. — The im-

portance of computing a sharp spiral by exact theory is not
yet commonly understood. This is a natural consequence of
the historical development of curves in route alignment.
Spiraled curves on railroads are invariably flat. In most
cases the spirals used on primary highway alignment have
also been flat enough for satisfactory computation by the

Combining Spirals 1 1

osculating-circle theory. It is only recently that spirals used

on the Interstate Highway System have sometimes been so
sharp as to warrant computation by exact theory. This
anomaly stems from the high unit cost of the Interstate
System and its interchanges when located in mountainous
terrain or in urban areas. The great flexibility of compound
curves and combining spirals permits fitting alignment to ter-
rain conditions so as to save many thousands of dollars in
grading costs or land damages.
There are instances where sharp combining spirals on the
Interstate System have been computed by the osculating-
circle theory, only to find that the work would not check in
the field. Designers have used this theory because of its
simplicity and long heritage of success, without realizing that
the small approximations involved may grow into large errors
in the case of sharp spirals.
An example of such a case occurred at an interchange ramp
to Interstate Highway 77, where a sharp combining spiral
was used to reduce the cost of grading in rough terrain. In
this instance a 300-ft combining spiral was chosen to connect
curves having radii of approximately 150 and 1,600 ft. The
approximate values of As and An were 57° and 52°. In per-
forming the original calculations the osculating-circle method
of Art. 5-16 was assumed to apply. Exact values of the
resulting tangent distances were V'C — 210.32 and V'A —
123.29 ft.

In the was found that very rough terrain prevented

field it
staking the spiral. However, the vertex V
was located and
the ends of the spiral were staked by measuring the tangents
V'A and V'C. Following rough grading it was discovered
that a 300-ft spiral would not fit between the hubs at A and
C. In particular, the deflection angle across the spiral did
not check by about 13 minutes and the curved distance was
too long by about 4 ft. Eventually, the reason for the misfit
was traced to use of the osculating-circle theory rather than
the exact method
of computation outlined in Art. 5-17. By
this time,however, construction up to and beyond the spiral
had progressed so far that it was advisable to preserve points
A and C. Consequently, the solution resorted to was to
proportion out the error in angle and distance so as to produce
118 Spirals

a smooth curve suitable for paving. The effect of this mistake

is that instead of a true combining spiral exactly 300 ft long
between points A' and C" there exists a pseudo spiral that is
about 304 ft long between points A and C. The exact data
for this case are given in Prob. 5-13.

5-20. Completely Spiraled Compound Curve. —Fig. 5-9

shows the geometric relations between the nonspiraled com-
pound curve ACB and the same curve provided with three

Figr. 5-9. Completely-spiraled compound curve

transition spirals. The spirals themselves are omitted from

the sketch, and the offsets needed to accomodate them are
exaggerated for the purpose of clarity. For this case, in
which the layout begins with the flatter arc, point a is the
offset T.C. for the first spiral. Its throw A'a is denoted
by ol. The corresponding throw for the third spiral is B'b,
denoted by os. The throw oc for the combining spiral between
the two arcs is JK. Art. 5-16 is assumed to apply.

Combining Spirals 1 1

Assume the given values to be sta. V, 7, II, Rl, Rs, and the
lengths (or the /c-values) of the spirals. The problem is to
find the stationing of all curve points (T.S.,, CiS. 2 , etc.)
so that the layout may be computed and staked. The best
solution directly from the given data is VB' and A'V
to find
by the traverse method. Use the traverse OlA'VB'OsOl, and
follow the procedure developed in Art. 3-6. (Note the simi-
larity between the following tabulation and that on page 56.)
Length Azimuth Latitude Departure
Rl + ol 0° Rl + ol
A'V 90° A'V
VB' 90°+I -Tasini VB' cos I
Rs+os 180°+I — (Rs+os) cos I — (Rs+os) sin I
Rl — Rs-oc 180°+Il —(Rl — Rs — oc) cosIl — (Rl — Rs — oc) sin II

From 2 latitudes,

YB'= (^+ 0l )~(^+o.s) cos I-(Rl-Rs-Qc) cos I L ,-_ .„,

sin I

Then from 2 departures,

A'V = (Rs+os) sin I+(R L -R s -o c ) sin I L -VB' cos I (5-47)

The tangent distaDces T l and T s are X l+A'V and

s s

VB'+Xos. Stations of the curve points are then found in

the usual way by subtracting T»l from sta. V to obtain sta.
T.S. and adding successive spiral and arc lengths to sta. T.S.
It is necessary to use the principles brought out in Art. 5-16
in computing the true central angles of the circular arcs.
If the layout begins with the sharper arc, formulas 5-46 and
5-47 remain the same. The only difference is that sta. T.S.
equals sta. V minus T,s, and, of course, the stationing increases
5-9 (see also Fig. 5-7).
in the direction opposite to that in Fig.
This problem may be solved by another method that is
particularly convenient in case the given values pertain to a
nonspiraled compound curve already computed. In such a
case the tangent distances (Tl = AV
and Ts = VB) are known
from appropriate formulas derived in Art. 3-6. If it is now
required to modify the curve so as to insert three spirals,
X L and X
s are found readily from Tables XI or XII. The
additional corrections needed to convert T L and Ts to T,l
and T,s are the distances A A' and BB', denoted by th and Is.
1 20 Spirals

The arcs AC and CB of the nonspiraled curve are shifted to

their locations aJ and Kb on the spiraled curves as the result
of movements of translation involving the throws ol, oc, and
os. The combined effects of these translations yield the
distances tz and ts, which may be written by means of the
enlarged sketch in Fig. 5-9 as
. os — ol cos I — oc cos Is ,- AO ,

tL= (5_48)
oL -o s cosI+oc cos
sm I
( ^ 9)

Both tz and ts will normally be positive quantities. If

either is negative, points A and A '(or B and B') are inter-
changed in Fig. 5-9, and the t-correclion must be subtracted.
One advantage of this method is that the terms in formulas
5-48 and 5-49 are so small that the ^-corrections may be
found by slide-rule calculation.
If the combining spiral is omitted, oc equals zero and the
formulas yield the ^-corrections either for a compound curve
with spirals at the main tangents only or for a simple curve
with unequal spirals. (Compare the resulting ^-correction
formulas with the final terms in formulas 5-15a and 5-15b.)
Furthermore, for a simple curve with equal spirals, ol =
os = o, and fe—fe. In this case the ^-correction becomes

w \ —sin — J
/l— COS I\

j ) , which equals o tan \l (see formula 5-15).


5-21. Definition and Fields of Use. — In a special situation,
a better fit with terrain may
be obtained by permitting a
simple spiral to have a different radius of curvature than that
of the circular arc at the point of tangency. At that point
the condition is analogous to that at the C.C. of a compound
curve. The spiral in this case is called a compound spiral,
and the difference in degree of curvature between spiral and
circular arc at the point of tangency is called degree of com-
poundancy. Some degree of compoundancy may also be
allowed at the beginning of the spiral where it is tangent to
the straight line.

Compound spirals will provide smoother alignment along

interchange ramps where restricted physical conditions would
otherwise require multi-compound curves. They may also
Compound Spirals 21

be used on open highways in locations where a small degree

of compoundancy is not objectionable.

5-22. Computation of Compound Spirals. —The simplest

case of a compound spiral is a simple spiral with compound-
ancy at the S.C. (denoted as S.C C in such a case).
. For
example, suppose that preliminary alignment consisted of a
300-ft simple spiral to an 8° curve. If closer examination
showed that tight field conditions could be met better by
using a 10° curve while preserving the same alignment along
the spiral, the original spiral could still be used with 2° of
compoundancy at the S.C C . No special operations would be
required in computing the spiral; the procedure would follow
that for any simple spiral.
Figure 5-10 shows the first portion of an interchange ramp

Compound spiral

^Multi-compound curve

\ \
Fiar. 5-10

where the original design consisted of a multi-compound curve

having arcs with degrees 3°, 6°, 12°, and 24°. Thus, this
portion of the ramp has four points where abrupt changes in
degree of curvature occur, the maximum change being 12°.
As revised, a compound spiral is inserted between the tangent
and the 24° curve. The degree of curvature along the spiral
122 • Spirals

varies from 2° at the T.S.. to 22° at the S.C C . As a result

the four abrupt changes in curvature are replaced by two
moderate changes, each being only 2°.

The compound spiral in Fig. 5-10

is computed as a com-

bining spiral according to Art. 5-16 (or Art. 5-17 and Appen-
dix C). One possible solution for this case is given in Prob.
5-15; in another solution (a special case), a double-spiral
replaces the original multi-compound curve (see Problem

5-1. Given the following simple spirals. Compute values
of X, Y, X , and L.C. with the aid of Table XII.
o, L.T., S.T.,
Where applicable use Table XI to verify answers (exactly, or
approximately by interpolation).
(a) D a = 2°00';L, = 250 (d) Z) c = 4°00'; L,=300
(b) Z) o = 5°15';L = 400 8 (e) D = 8°20';
e L, = 360
(c) L> a = 25°00';L = 500 4 (/) Z) c = 20°00'; L = 500 8

5-2. Assume simple curves with equal spirals corresponding

to those in Prob. 5-1. For each layout, compute values of
T, and E s to hundredths using formulas 5-14 and 5-17.
Check the results to tenths by Tables VIII, IX, and X where
applicable. Given values of 7 are:
(a) 7 = 18°42' (c) 7 = 153°18'45" (e) 7 = 31°53'
(b) 7 = 27°13' [d) 7 = 62°44' (J) 7 = 141°37'20"

5-3. Prepare sets of field notes (see Art. 5-5) for staking
certain of the curves in Prob. 5-2 with set-ups at the T.S.,
S.C., and S.T. On approach spirals compute deflections for
5 equal chords; on leaving spirals and circular arcs, for full
and half stations. Carry all deflections to the nearest 10
seconds. Stations of T.S. are:
(a) 57+73.92 (d) 121+09.73
(6) 92+61.16 (e) 225+04.86

5-4. Prepare sets of field notes (see Arts. 5-5 and 5-7) for
staking certain of the spirals in Prob. 5-1. In each case also
compute the maximum theoretical correction to any tabulated
Compound Spirals 1 23

Spiral in (6): 10-chord spiral staked backward from the S.C.

Spiral in (c): 20-chord spiral staked forward from set-ups
at the T.S. and at chord points 8 and 15.
Spiral in (/): 16-chord spiral staked backward from set-ups
at the S.C. and at chord points 12 and 7.

5-5. Compute exact deflections for staking spiral (c) in

Prob. 5-1 as a 20-chord spiral from a single set-up at the T.S.
Use the form of computation in Appendix C, Case I. Com-
pare the corrections to the maximum correction found in
Prob. 5-4, spiral (c).

5-6. Compute exact deflections for staking spiral (c) in

Prob. 5-1 as a 20-chord spiral from a single set-up at the S.C.
Use the form of computation in Appendix C, Case II. Com-
pare correction with the maximum found in Prob. 5-4,
spiral (c).

5-7. For each of the following simple curves with equal

spirals list all values of D a and L 8 found in Table XI that
conform to the stated conditions, without using spirals shorter
than 200 ft or longer than 400 ft:
(a) 7 = 40°; 7 8 = 700±25 ft. Answers: D a =3°30' with

L s = 200 or 250 ft; 7) a = 4° with L 8 = 350 or 400 ft.

(6) 7 = 40°; # = 150±10ft.

7 = 28°42'; 7 = 450±20 ft.

(c) ,

I = 28 42';E 8
(d) = 50±6(t.
5-8. Use the method of Art. 5-9 to find a simple curve with
equal spirals for each of the following conditions:
(a) Given: 7 = 38°; T 8 = approximately 580 ft; p = 0.5.
Find: exact value of L 8 with nearest value of R in Table V.
Answer: L = 287.40 with fl = 1,300.

(b) = 20°; # = approximately 30 ft; p = 0.6. Find:

Given: 7 8

exact value of L with nearest value of R in Table V.


(c) Given: 7 = 30°; R =3,000 ft. Find: value of L (to 8

nearest 100 ft) so that p = approximately £.

(d) Find the exact values of X, Y, T and E in Prob. 8, s

5-8 (a).

5-9. (a) Given a simple curve having 7 = 60° and D a = 6°.

1 24 -

Replace it by a double-spiral curve having the same radius

at the mid-point. Find: L s, T s, and E s . Answers: L = s

1,000; T = 1,071.74; #, = 197.62.


(6) How much longer is the double-spiral curve of Prob.

5-9 than the original simple curve? Is the result a coinci-
dence or is it required by theory? Prove your conclusion.
(c) Replace the simple curve in Prob. 5-9 (a) by a double-

spiral curve passing through the same mid-point. Find:

L and T
8 8.

5-10. Using slide rule and the approximate relations in

Art. 5-11, compute Y, X, o, and X for the spirals in Probs.
5-1 (a), (b), (d), and (e). Compare the results with those
in Prob. 5-1.

5-11. Given a combining highway spiral having As = 20°

at A'; D
L = 4° at C; Z 8 = 500 ft. Find the local tangents
V'A' and V'C (Fig. 5-8).

5-12. Compute exact deflections for staking the com-

bining spiral in Prob. 5-11 from a set-up at point C. Assume
point C" = sta. 40+00. Use 50-ft chords and follow the form
in Appendix C, Case III.

5-13. Refer to Fig. 5-8 and the practical example in Art.

5-19. In this example the exact given values were 7? s = 150
ft; R L = 1,581.02 ft; Zs = 300 ft.

(a) Find values of V'A and V'C assuming the osculating-

circle theory to apply. Answers: V'A = 123.29; F'C = 210.32

(6) Find the deflection angle across the spiral (transit at

A, sight at C) by solving triangle VAC. Answer: 22°19 46".

(c) As a measure of the error involved in the osculating-

circle theory, compute the exact deflection angle, </> c , across

the 300-ft combining spiral A'C by formula 5-39, aided by
Tables XVI-C and XVI-D. Answer: 22°32'36".
(d) Find the tangents V'A' and V'C. Answers: V'A' =
122.75; F'C" = 206.62 ft.

(e) Find the approximate length of the pseudo spiral AC.

Answer: 304.2 ft.
Compound Spirals 1 25

5-14. Completely-spiraled compound curves. Find sta-

tioning of all curve points.

First Arc Second Arc

Sta. V D I D I Each Spiral

(a)*56+34.87 lf°(Z>c ) 33°57£' 6°(Z) C ) 41°23§' 150-ft long

(6) 75+63.42 2°(D a ) 23°48' 7°(D a ) 48°02' & = 1§°
Answers to (a): T.S. =35+45.75; = 36+95.75; dS. 2 =
38+84.50; S. 2 C. 2 = 40 +34.50; C. 2 S. 3 = 45 +74.36; S.T.=47 +

5-15. Given the first portion of a highway interchange

ramp in the form of a multi-compound curve AC (see Fig.

A=3°, A= 6°, Z) 3 = 12°, D 4
/ = 10°,
1 72 = 15°, / 3 =20°, 7 4 = 15°.
Sta. T.C. of the multi-compound curve = 5 +00.
Replace the given curve by a suitable compound spiral on
which the curvature varies from 2° at the T.S C to 22° at the .

S.Cc. The compound spiral should end on the original 24°

curve produced beyond point C. Solution (one of several
possibilities): £, = 700 ft; sta. T.S C =7+17.86; sta. S.C C .=

14+17.86 = sta. 13+86.42 on the multi-compound curve pro-

duced beyond C.

Assume that the multi-compound curve in Prob.

5-15 first half of a symmetrical highway interchange
is the
ramp. Replace it by a symmetrical double-spiral ramp
passing through the same mid-point C.

5-17. Derive:
(a) Formula 5-18 from the basic relations in Art. 5-2.
(b) Formula 5-19 from the basic relations in Art. 5-2.
(c) Formulas 5-30 and 5-31.
(d) Formula 5-32.
(e) The approximate formulas in Art. 5-11, using a sketch
to show the nature of the approximations made.
(/) Formula C-3 in Appendix C.

•This is the same compound curve used in Art. 3-8 (with sta. V added).
Solve with the aid of formulas 5-48 and 5-49 using the exact values of
T L and T 8 given in Art. 3-8.
chapter O
6-1. Foreword. —
Payment for grading is usually based on
a bid price per cubic yard for excavation measured in place as
computed from survey notes. The unit price ordinarily includes
hauling excavated material (cut) from within the limits of the
roadway moving in other material (borrow) from outside
areas; building the embankments (fill) to specified form; dis-
posing of surplus material (waste) and performing such opera-

tions as forming earth shoulders, trimming slopes, and prepar-

ing the subgrade for ballast or pavement.
Separate unit prices for different types of material excavated
may There are advantages, however, in reducing
be used.
the number —
two "rock excavation" and
of classifications to

"common excavation" or even to a single type called
"unclassified excavation" (see Art. 6-5).
Fill quantities are important in grade-line design, though
they are not paid for directly in the usual contract. However,

on projects consisting wholly of embankment such as levees
the payment is based on a unit price for fill as computed from
survey notes.
Operations included under the general heading of earthwork
are (see relation to Art. 1-8)
work of making preliminary estimate of grading
(a) Office
quantitiesby scaling depths of cut and fill at regular intervals
along one or more paper locations.
(b) Field work of taking cross-sections along located line
prior to construction.
(c) work of calculating volumes more accurately than
in from data obtained in (b) and, possibly, of making a
•distribution analysis (economical grading schedule) based upon
a mass diagram.
(d) Field work of setting stakes for controlling the construc-
tion and of making measurements needed for computing
partial and final payments.
(e) Office work of calculating all final quantities.
Earthwork 1 27

The same principles apply to computing volumes of mate-

rials other than earthwork, such as riprap and concrete built
into structures, material stock piles, and reservoir volumes.

6-2. Types of Cross-Sections. The exact determination of
earthwork quantities is usually based upon field cross-sections
taken in a specified manner before and after grading.
On highway and railroad work, cross- sections are vertical
and at right angles to the survey center-line. Every section
is an area formed by the subgrade (or base), the side slopes,

and the original ground surface. Except as noted in Art. 6-5,

the base is flat and level, and the side slopes at a section are
uniform from the edge of the base to the ground surface. The
base is usually wider in cuts than on fills, to provide room for
side ditches.
Fig. 6-1 shows a portion of a graded roadbed passing from
fill to cut(side ditches are omitted for simplicity). The
sketch illustrates several cross-sections, the types depending
on their shape and the number of rod readings used to deter-
mine them.
At any cross-section a rod reading is always taken at the
center-line stake. Two additional readings are usually taken
at the intersections of the side slopes and the ground surface;
if stakes are driven at these points they are called slope stakes.

Additional rod readings are taken where conditions require

The section at If is a regular three-level section in cut, so
named because three rod readings are used to fix it one at —
the center stake and the others at the slope-stake locations.
This type (in cut or fill) occurs more often than any other.
The sections at D and G are special cases of a three- level
section, each having a grade point (point D or G) at one corner.
The section at B is a five-level section in fill. This is a
modification of a three-level section in which two additional
readings are taken directly below (or above) the edges of the
The section at A is an irregular section in fill. A large
number of rod readings are required to fix it —in the case
shown, there are four readings at points r in addition to the
three at the slope stakes and center stake.
The section at E is a side-hill section, having cut on one
128 Earthwork

Fig. 6-1. Types of crops-sections

side and fill on the other a grade point at E. In the

side of
case illustrated the grade point on the center line, but in

general it may fall anywhere between the edges of the base.

The section at / is a level section, so designated because the
ground is level transversely and only one rod reading at the
center line is sufficient.

6-3. Location of Cross-Sections. —For convenience in

Earthwork 1 29

calculations and field work, cross-sections are usually taken

at each full-station (or half- station) stake on the survey center-
line. They are also taken at curve points and at additional
plus-points where important "breaks" in the topography occur.
Where grading is very heavy or where unit costs are high, as
in rock excavation, cross-sections are taken at closer intervals.
If the transition between cut and fill occurs on a side hill,

as many as five cross-sections may be needed. In Fig. 6-1

these sections are located at C, D, E, F, and G. Theoretically,
complete cross-sections are not necessary at C and F, but their
stationing is needed to locate the apexes of the pyramids hav-
ing triangular end bases at E. Thus, the cross-sections at the
transition are reduced to three: (1) at the fill-base grade point
D, (2) at the center-line grade point E, and (3) at the cut-base
grade point G. The points C and F are often so close to D and
G that they are omitted from the notes and the apexes of the
transition pyramids are assumed to fall at and G. Where D
the three sections at the transition are very close together, the
grade contour DEG
is assumed to be at right angles to the

center line; there are then wedged-shaped solids on either side

of the grade contour. See page 141.

6-4. Formulas for End Areas. —Fig. 6-2 shows the areas at
certain cross-sections in Fig. 6-1. The common notation is
spread among the several sketches. The distance c is always
the vertical distance (cut or fill) between ground and grade at
the center line, and hi (or hr ) is the vertical distance between
ground and grade at the slope stake. Distances between
ground and grade at other points are denoted by ci and Cr in
cut, and by fi and fr in fill (as at section B). The inclination s
of the side slopes is expressed by the ratio of horizontal dis-
tance to vertical distance (as unity).
The horizontal distance from the survey center-line to any
slope stake is

di (or dr ) = %b+shi (or s h r ) (6-1)

The area of a level section (as at /) is

M** 2 )

or AL=c(b+cs) (6-3)

The area of a regular three-level section (as at H) is found by

130 Earthwork

in Fig. €-/



—£ —

Fig. 6-2

adding the areas of the two cross-hatched triangles to the

areas of the two triangles having the common base c.

Substitution of H for hi+h r and D for di+d r reduces the

. 1

Earthwork 1 3

relation to
Another convenient formula for the area of a regular three-
found by extending the side slopes to an inter-
level section is

section at the center line so as to form a triangle, called the

grade triangle, below (or above) the base. The dimensions
of the grade triangle are constant until the base or slope
changes; its fixed ^rea is -r— . Consequently, the "grade-tri-
angle formula" is

*-§(•+£)-£ <MJ
Formula 6-5 is slightly more convenient than 6-4 for com-
puting a long series of regular three-level sections in cut or fill,

owing to the constant terms •=- and -r—

2s 4s
The having a grade point at the
special three-level section
ground surface (as at D or G, Fig. 6-1) is also determined by
formula 6-4. One of the four triangles disappears; there-
fore, D = di (or dr ) + hb, and H
= h or h r The grade- triangle
t .

formula also applies if properly modified, but its use is not

recommended at the transition between cut and fill.
At a side-hill section (as at E) the end areas for cut and fill
are kept separate. Obviously, both are triangles. In the
general case, with the grade point not at the center line, each
area is
A T = \wh (6-6)

where w is the actual base width of the triangle. At section E

in Fig. 6-2, w=^.
The area of a five-level section (as at B) is found by combin-
ing the indicated triangles having common bases. The final
relation is
A,= h (Cb+ftdi+frdr) (6-7)

If the section is in cut, c t and cr are substituted for f and fr

t .

The area of an irregular section (as at A, Fig. 6-1) is best

found by a coordinate method. Thus, the coordinates of the

corners of the area the origin being taken at the center of
the base and the order of the coordinates being determined by
progressing clockwise from A and repeating those at A —are
arranged as in the first form on page 133.
132 . Earthwork

It will be recalled from plane surveying that the area of a

closed figure whose coordinates are set up in the preceding
form is equal to one-half the difference between the algebraic
sums of the products indicated by the full diagonal lines and
those indicated by the dotted diagonal lines. Careful atten-
tionmust be paid to algebraic signs, since both sets of products
contain positive and negative quantities.
A method of making the foregoing calculations in such a
way as to reduce chances of errors in signs is to set up the
coordinates as in the second form on page 133.
The coordinates start at the center of the base as origin,
and then proceed clockwise around the left 'portion of the section
and counter-clockwise around the right portion in the form of a
figure 8 on its side. Algebraic signs are omitted. All products
indicated by the solid diagonal lines have the same sign; all
those indicated by the dotted diagonal lines have the opposite
sign. As before, the end area is one-half the difference be-
tween the sums of the two sets of products.

Machine calculation of areas is done best with coordinates

set up in the second form. In using the machine, multiply

the figures connected by the solid diagonal lines, accumulating
the products on the proper dial. Then reverse-multiply the
figures connected by the dotted diagonal lines, thus subtract-
ing those products. The final result remaining on the dial is
the double area. For cut areas, the sum of the products
indicatedby dotted diagonal lines is larger than the sum of
the products indicated by full diagonal lines; for fill areas,
the reverse is true. When using the calculating machine the
products making up the larger sum are set up first.
Some computers prefer to use machine calculation for all
areas, even the standard types represented by formulas 6-2
through 6-7. This is done by a generalization of the method
just described. In all cases omit algebraic signs. For areas
lying entirely to the left of the survey center-line, use the
coordinates in clockwise order; for areas to the right, use
counter-clockwise order of the coordinates. It makes no dif-

ference which coordinate used first, so long as it is repeated


at the end, i.e., so long as the traverse is closed. For areas

cut by the survey center-line, use the figure-S construction
described for section A, starting at a point on the center

Earthwork 133

X olo

i I i

o Lo Id
fit 1
X It?

1 °

X 73
*> lo

—e>-o|o .s

-5 -tf
© Uo |c*


*<|l3 1-

X —
X ©

1 X
© ©
e '5

5 <
1 34 -

After a little practice it be found unnecessary actually

to write down the coordinates. Their values may be trans-
ferred directly from field notes to machine in proper sequence.

6-5. Compound and Other Irregular Sections. In locations —

where rock lies between ground and grade, a compound section
occurs, as in Fig. 6-3. If there are different unit prices for

^£/pa/__eor '/-/
1 surteee


Fig. 6-3. Compound section

rock and earth ("common") excavation, it is necessary to

determine the quantities of each material. This is done by
first cross-sectioning the original surface, and then doing the

same to the rock surface after stripping.

In modern highway construction the trend is toward
denoting all excavation as "unclassified." There is only one
unit price, regardless of whether the material excavated is
ledge rock, loose rock, earth of any type, or a combination of
such materials with boulders and (as on much reconstruction)
old pavement, building foundations, railroad ties, or mis-
cellaneous scrap deposited in dumps. Even in a clear-cut
situation such as in Fig. 6-3, the contractor may prefer to
expedite the work by drilling through the earth cover and
blasting the underlying rock without having to clean the rock
surface for separate cross-sectioning. Obviously, the unclas-
sified specification speeds the work and eliminates arguments
between contractor and engineer as to the pay classification of
material excavated.
Railroad roadbeds on curves are not usually crowned or
banked; the superelevation is adjusted in the rock ballast.
Earthwork 1 35

Earthwork quantities in the drainage ditches are usually com-

puted as a separate item.
On highway roadbeds the subgrade may be crowned on
tangents and is usually banked parallel to the surface on
curves. Moreover, the drainage ditches and earth shoulders
are usually considered part of the cross-sectional area. (See
Fig. 6-4.) The resulting irregular areas may be found by the


Fig. 6-4. Side-hill section on curve

coordinate method (possibly employing a calculating machine

or an electronic computer) orby graphical methods.
6-6. End Areas by Graphical Methods. End areas, no —
matter how irregular, are easily found by plotting them to
scale and running a planimeter around the boundaries. This
method is widely used in highway work, especially if ditches
and shoulders are part of the cross-section proper. It is
particularly adapted to projects on which a permanent
graphical record of the cross-sections is desired, as in tunnel
construction through rock. Another distinct advantage of
plotted sections is their value in studying the effects of minor
changes in alignment or grade elevation. (See Chapter 10.)
In order to obtain precision consistent with the field work,
areas are plotted to a fairly large scale, usually 1 inch = 10 feet
or larger; consequently, the file of cross-section sheets is
Another graphical method, which is especially useful for
shallow areas plotted accurately to scale, is to mark off on the
edge of a paper strip the continuous summation of verticals at
1-foot intervals across the area. Each vertical is the area of
a trapezoidal strip 1 foot wide; the total length, applied
136 Earthwork

against the scale of the cross-section, is the desired end area.

A special scale A:ol rule, can replace the paper strip.

6-7. Methods of Cross-Sectioning. — The term cross-sec-

tioning is loosely used to include any vertical and horizontal
measurements made on a transverse section. On routes such
as railroads, highways, and canals, two methods of cross-
sectioning are in use: (1) cross-section leveling, and (2) slope

Cross-section leveling is used when end areas are to be

determined graphically, as by planimeter. It is also the
method which must be used to obtain whatever cross-profiles
are needed in the office work of grade-line design. The field
process is essentially that of profile leveling, the difference

being that intermediate foresights are taken at breaks in the

transverse profile in addition to breaks along the survey
center-line. The left-hand page of the notes is similar to
a page in differential leveling, but the notes run up the page.
On the right-hand page the cross- section notes are entered in
the form of fractions, the numerator of each fraction indicating
the rod reading ^intermediate foresight) and the denominator
indicating the transverse distance to the rod from the survey

Form of Notes for Cross-Section Leveling

Portion of
It ft -hand page Right-hand pagt

Station H.I. _L _£_ B

* <o > o> NJ CM ^. Hi
*> oj £ n; N n: k> *
r< <o <o <o <o «o CO <o
* > > > ^ * ^ *
(T.C.) -0.8 3.0 42 4.7 5.3 5.4 7.5 8.1
71+76.2 .... ~32
40 26 12 12 18 40
k> *0 Ob * *>
CO »»»

<S <*> <d <o « ^ > csi

Ns <o <o <G $9 <o «o CO
S* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ \r M
2.1 4.3 5.7 6.2 6.8 7.0 8.5 9.8
71 + 00 472.5S
40 20 12 12 16 24 40
BLL- 472.C
Earthwork 1 37

The hand supplement to the engineer's

level is a useful
level, on steep transverse slopes. Rod readings
on ground higher than the H.I. are recorded as negative;
they must be added to the H.I. elevation (see the extreme left
reading at sta. 71+76.2 in the notes.
The form of notes represents a portion of the left-hand
page and complete notes for two cross-sections on the right-
hand page. The sections are plotted and used in office studies
as explained further in Art. 10-6.

Slope staking* is a special form of leveling used only after

the grade line and the form of cross-section have been decided
upon. The cross-sections are not usually plotted; either areas
or volumes are computed directly from the field notes.
This method may be used solely for the purpose of obtaining
data for calculating volumes without actually setting slope-
stakes. It is also used preceding construction where grading
is heavy and slope stakes are needed to control the work.

The process of slope staking at any cross-section consists

of finding and recording the positions where the designed
ground surface and of recording
side slopes will intersect the
breaks in the transverse ground profile between slope stakes.
The work may be done in connection with profile leveling over
the located line or as a separate process after profile leveling.
The latter is the simpler and speedier method.
When levels have already been run, the slope-
staking party provided with the ground and subgrade eleva-

tions at each station stake. Leveling is done with an engi-

neer's level, a hand level, a level board, or a combination of
these instruments. The form of notes resembles that used
in cross-section leveling. But the numerator of the fraction,
instead of being the rod reading, is the difference between the
ground-surface elevation and the center-line grade elevation
at the particular station. Cuts are designated C or fills, + ;

F or — . No record kept of the actual rod readings used in


the process. Also, the extreme left-hand and right-hand

entries in the notes are for the slope-stake locations.
The form on page 138 is a record of slope-staking notes
for sections along the 2-lane road shown in Fig. 6-1.

'See slope staking by traverse, Art. 10-7; by trigonometry, Art. 14-8.

138 Earthwork

In the example illustrated, elevations will have been sup-

plied for the full stations only, since the exact locations of
the grade points are not known in advance. Grade points are
Slope-Staking Notes — First Example
Bases: 40 ft in cut; 30 ft in fill.

Side slopes: l|:lj Gradient: .+1.2%.

Surface Grade
Elev. Elev. B

(7) -63 +00 570.4 562.84

(H) 62+00 568.4 561.64

(G) 61+48 565.1 561.02

(E) 61+36 560.9 560.87

(D) 61+25 557.1 560.74

(B) 61+00 554.6 560.44

15.0 27.3

„ F8.1 F9.3 F9.4

U) 60+00 551.2 559.24
20.0 14.7
18.0 24.0 29.1

found by trial in the field, their grade elevations are computed,

and their surface elevations are obtained by leveling from any
convenient known point. It will be noted that the stations
at C and F were omitted. These points are assumed to fall

at D and G, as explained in Art. 6-3.

In the field the process of finding the slope-stake locations
is trial and error.
a matter of It is one of those procedures
in which a detailed numerical illustration of the method
appears more complicated than it actually is. Briefly, the
process follows:
(1) Record the cut or fill at the center, found by taking the
difference between the given elevations.
(2) Observe whether the ground slopes up or down trans-
Earthwork 139

versely, estimate the cut or fill h at the probable slope-stake

location, and calculate the corresponding distance d from the
center line by the relation d = \b +s h.

(3) Take a rod reading at the computed distance and find

the actual h

(4) If the actual and estimated values of h differ by more

than 0.1 foot, make a new estimate, being guided by the first
result then repeat the process until d and h satisfy formula 6-1.

Distances and depths are determined to the nearest tenth.

Slope staking is done rapidly by the foregoing method.
With a little experience many of the points are located close
enough for thepurpose on the first trial. More than two
trials are seldom needed.

Slope stakes, if set, are driven aslant. The cut or fill is

marked on the side facing the center line, and the stationing is

marked on the back.

If profile levels have not been run or if it is desired to verify
them in slope staking, the engineer's level used to carry is

continuous elevations along the line by usual leveling methods.

In this case it is convenient to use a device known as the grade
rod (see Fig. 6-5), which is the imaginary reading on a rod
held on the finished subgrade. If the line of sight is below

Rod (+)

Ground Grade
Rod Rod(-)

Grade Elev.

Fig. 6-5
1 40 Earthwork

subgrade elevation, the rod is assumed to be read downward

and the grade rod is given a negative sign. Various com-
binations are possible, the sign of the result depending on the
type of section 'cut or filly and the relative elevations of
instrument and subgrade. The following rules always give
correct results if algebraic signs are strictly observed:

(1) H.I. minus grade elevation equals grade rod.

(2) Grade rod minus ground rod equals cut or fill at the
ground rod (the sign -j- signifies cut; the sign — indi-

If desired, grade-rod readings may be entered in a separate

column on the left-hand page of the field
in the leveling notes
book, with slope-staking notes on the right-hand page. Once
the center cut or fill has been determined, the slope- staking
process is the same as that previously described.

In brush or on steep slopes the work may be expedited


by using a hand level or a level board to supplement the


engineer ? level.
The second example of slope-staking notes on page 141
shows irregular ground with more-complex transitions between
excavation and embankment. Included also are wedge-
shaped solids either side of a grade contour at right angles to
the center line.

6-8. Volume by Average End Areas.* —Except

where the
solid between cross-sections is a between E and F
pyramid (as
in Fig. 6-1 it is usually considered a prism whose right cross-

sectional area is the average of the end areas. For sections

having areas of A\ and A 2 square feet and L feet apart, the
average-end-area formula for volume in cubic vards is

This formula is exact only when the end areas are equal.
For other cases it usually gives volumes slightly larger than
their true values. If it were to be applied to a pyramid, for
example, the error would be the maximum and would be
equal to 50 per cent of the correct volume. In practice, how-
ever, the total error in a long line is rarely more than 2 per

* See "contour grading" in Art. 10-7.

Earthwork 141

cent. Also, calculation of the errors or corrections (see Art.

6-11) much more complicated than determining the average-

end-area volumes themselves. In consequence, the average-

end-area method is almost always used; it is invariably ruled
to apply in the absence of specifications to the contrary.

Slope- Staking Notes —Second Example

Bases: 50 ft in cut; 40 ft in fill.

Side slopes: 2:1; Gradient -2%.

Surface Grade
Sta. Elev. Elev. L $ R
C18.1 C20.0 C20.1 C17.9 C15.1 C10.2
92+00 891.6 874.63 C17.0
61.2 40.3 25.0 17.8 36.8 45.4

91+52 875.6 875.59 —

25 20 20 25

F6.9 F11.4
91+00 864.5 876.63 F12.1
33L8 42.8

F8.2 F10.1
90+50 867.3 877.63 F10.3
3uT 40.2

90+05 875.3 878.53 *" F3.2
20 45.6

C16.3 F12.2
89+73 879.2 879.17
57.6 44.4

89+59 885.6 879.45

^\ F8.3

59.8 ^^14 36\6

89+43 879.8 879.77


^ o

89+08 873.7 880.47 F6.8
20 52.2

88+68 881.3 881.27

^^°\ F12.9

58.6 45.8

C24.0 ^
88+30 890.9 882.03 C8.9
73.0 25
142 - Earthwork

In applying the average-end-area formula the simplest

method is to add the end areas (determined by calculation or

by planimeter) and multiply their sum by —

. Table XIX
facilitates the process.

6-9. Example of Earthwork Calculation. —The tabulation

on page 143 gives the results of earthwork calculations for
the notes on page 138. Areas were computed from formulas
given in Art. 6-4; and volumes from the average-end-area
formula (except for the two pyramids).

The number of significant figures used in computing the

areas and volumes is inconsistent with the principles set forth
in Arts. 2-16 and 2-17. Both the rod readings and measured
distances are round numbers; consequently, the computed
volumes are reliable to only two significant figures. Yet it is
conventional practice to consider the recorded measurements
as exact numbers and to compute volumes to the nearest
cubic yard (or to the nearest TV cu yd as in this example).

6-10. Earthwork Tables.— Table XIX is especially adapted

to highway work or other projects on which cross-sectional
areas are obtained graphically. Two other tables in Part III
are useful in earthwork computations:

Table XVII gives cubic yards per 100 feet for level sections
having various base widths and side-slope ratios. It is very
useful in making preliminary estimates of grading quantities
by scaling center cuts and fills from a projected paper location.
(See Art. 9-11.)

Table XVIII gives cubic yards per 50 feet for triangular

prisms having various widths and heights. It is the most
useful earthwork table for general purposes, since practically
all solids met in route surveying may be broken up into con-
stituent triangular prisms.
If w is the width (base) of any triangle and h is the height
(altitude), the volume in cubic yards for a triangular prism
50 feet long is

Vw = ^wh (fr-9)
Earthwork 143

Comparison with the average-end-area formula shows that

the volume between two end sections with areas At and Ai and
spaced 100 feet apart is equal to the sum of the volumes of two
50-ft prisms having the given right cross- sectional areas.
Even more generally, if the area of any type of section is
converted into the form A = | X (the product of two quanti-

End Areas Volumes, Cu Yd

Formula SqFt Cut Fill

63+00 6-3 390.64

62+00 6-4 338.34
61+48 &-4 144.76
37.9 2.2
C 26.00
61+36 6-6
F 15.00
3.5 26.1
61+25 6-4 113.16
61+00 6-7 258.15
60+00 coordinates 338.16

Totals = 1,856.6 1,304.5

ties), the volume in cubic yards between sections 100 feet

apart may be found simply by adding two values taken from
Table XVIII, each one found by entering the table with the
proper given quantities. If the distance between the stations
is less than 100 feet, the sum of the tabulated quantities is

multiplied by the ratio of the actual spacing to 100. By means

of this principle, volumes may be computed directly from
slope-staking notes without separate computation of areas.
The following computations show the use of Table XVIII
in determining three of the volumes previously found
(Art. 6-9) by the average-end-area method.
144 Earthwork

Formula Cu Yd
Sta. Converted to CuYd Between
Form $ w h Entries per Stations
50 Ft

.=2c = 15.2
63+00 K2c)(6+cs) 723.4
h = b+cs = 51A
. = c = 6.8
k = D = m.l
62+00 §cl>+i(|)(fl) 626.6
.=| = 20
A=# = 13.4
w = c = 4.1
/i= D = 47.2
61+48 icD+hfyih) 268.1
. = | = 20
61+36 ^w hi A = ^ = 2.6

In entering Table XYTII either of the given quantities may

be taken as the height. By proper shifting of the decimal
point all the separate values making up a given product may
be taken from the same line in the table. For example, at
sta. 63 the given quantities are 15.2 and 51.4.
Enter left-hand column with 15.2
Take out under 5 (X10) 703.7
Take out under 1 14.1
Take out under 4 (X0.1) 5X
Sum = cu yd per 50 ft = 723.4
At sta. 62, instead of entering the table with 20.0 and taking
out the three values under 1(X10), 3, and 4(X0.1), it is
quicker to enter with 13.4 and take out the result in one
operation under 2(X10). Any slight error caused by multi-
plying a tabular value by 10 can be eliminated, if desired, by
adding proper values. For example, a result found under
Earthwork 1 45

2(X10) is obtained more accurately by adding the tabular

values under 6, 7, and 7.

6-11. Prismoidal Volumes and Corrections. —As noted in

Art. 6-8, the average-end-area formula usually gives volumes
slightly largerthan their true values. When a precise value
is —and the
necessary field measurements are refined enough
to warrant —the
it solid between cross-sections is considered
to be a prismoid rather than an average-end-area prism.
The prismoidal formula for volume in cubic yards is

L A+4Ui. _
(6 10)
| j
where A m is the area of a section midway between Ai and Ai
and the other terms have the same meanings as in formula 6-8.
In route surveying the prismoidal formula applies to any
solid generated by a straight line passing around the sides of
plane parallel end-bases. Accordingly, it fits warped-surface

solids as well as plane-surface solids, provided that the warp

is continuous between the ends. The formula also applies to
a wide variety of solids seldom found in earthwork calcula-
tions,such as the frustums of prisms, cylinders, and cones.
Owing to the need
for computing the area of the mid-section
A m direct determination of volumes from the basic prismoidal

formula is inconvenient. It is easier to apply a prismoidal

coirection Cp to the average-end-area volume. By definition,

Cp = V e -Vp (fr-11)

When the values given by formulas 6-8 and 6-10 are sub-
stituted in formula 6-11 and the resulting formula is reduced,
the general prismoidal-correction formula is

Cp = " 2 A«+^ 6 " 12 )

3^7 (Al C

More convenient working formulas for solids commonly met

in practice are found by calculating A m in terms of the given
dimensions of Ay and At and substituting in formula 6-12.
(Note: A m is not the mean of A\ and A 2 but its dimensions

are themeans of corresponding dimensions at the end sections.)

For a solid having triangular end areas the result is

Ct= 12^27 («* -«*)(** -W (6-13)

1 46 Earthwork

Formula 6-13 can be made to any type of end area by


dividing the area into triangles. However, the prevalence of

three-level sections makes the following formula valuable

Although formula 6-14 is derived from the dimensions of

three-level sections, it also fits a solid having level- section end
areas and a having a triangular section at one end.
The prismoidal correction is applied with the sign indicated
in formula 6-11; that is, it is normally subtracted from the
average-end-area volume. In case the sign of Ct or C 3 should
happen to be negative (rare, but possible), the prismoidal cor-
rection is added.
The corrections to the three volumes computed in Art. 6-10,
in cubic yards, are:

Sta.62+00to63+00:C = j^7^ 3 (62.8 -60.1) (7.6 -6.8) =0.7

Sta. 61+48 to 62+00:03 = ^2^27 ( 60 - 1 - 47 - 2 )( 6 8

- 4 1 )= 5
- - 6

Sta. 61+36 to 61+48:C = j^727( 47 2 - 23

3 - - 9 )( 4 1 -°-
=3 - 5

Prismoidal corrections may also be determined by means of

Table X
VIII. The tabulated values come from formula 6-9,
which may be w ritten in the following general form:

Voo'=^tX (product of two quantities)

When L = 100 the prismoidal-correction formulas 6-13 and

6-14 may also be written as follows:
CP = (I) (f£) X (product of two quantities)
Consequently, the prismoidal correction for sections 100
feet apart is one-third the value found by entering Table
XVIII with (wy —w 2) and {hi — h*),
or (D — D 2 ) and x (ci — 2 ), as
the given height and width. The three corrections previously
computed are verified by Table XVIII to be:
AX2.00 =0.7
^X0.52X32.25 = 5.6
iX0.12X88.5 =3.5
Earthwork 147

The foregoing corrections are 0.05 per cent, 1.2 per cent,
and 9.2 per cent of the respective average-end-area volumes.
It is evident that prismoidal corrections are insignificant,
except at transitions between cut and fill. Since, normally,
these locations account for only a small percentage of the total
yardage, it is obvious that volumes determined by the average-

end-area method are adequate for all but rare situations,

6-12. Correction for Curvature. —Where conditions warrant

calculation of prismoidal corrections, they may also justify
correcting the prismoidal volumes on curves for the slight
error involved in assuming the center line to be straight.
On curves, cross-sections are taken radially. The true volume
between two such sections is a curved solid with plane, non-
parallel ends, as portrayed by Fig. 6-6 (a). But when curva-
ture is ignored, the computed volume is that represented by
Fig. 6-6(6). The curvature correction is the difference between
these volumes, i.e.,

Cc = Tcomputed — T^True (6"15)

Fig. 6-6 (c) representsa typical cross-section at a station
on a curve. The center of gravity of the total end area is at
point G, located at a distance e from the survey center line.
The volume generated by revolving the end area is the product
of the area and the length of path described, by its center of
gravity (theorem of Pappus). Obviously, if the end area were


1 48 *

shaped so that G fell on the survey center line, the curvature

correction would be zero.
Let A denote the total end area of the section in Fig. 6-6 (c)
The curvature correction per station is .4X1 sta. -A{R—e)

^ D°. Since
RD° equals 1 station, the curvature cor-

rection is — AeD° per station. When A is in square feet and

e is in feet, this reduces to
Ce = cu yd per sta. (6-16)

Three-level sections occur so often that

it is convenient to

have a special version formula 6-16 in which A and e are

replaced by the notation used in three-level sections. Fig.
6-6 (c) is a three-level section in cut with the slope stake S on
the inside of the curve. If B' is drawn on the inner side slope
at the same elevation as slope stake B, the non-shaded portion
of the end area is symmetrical about the survey center line
and there is no curvature correction for that portion. The
remaining shaded area SB'C has its center of gravity at g,
which is two-thirds the distance from C to the mid-point
of SB'.
The curvature correction per station is
Area SB'CXl sta. -Area SB'C [R-i(di+d r )] -^- D°

Since r^r RD° equals 1 station, the curvature correction is

Area SB'C Udi+d r) ^D° per station. But Area SB'C equals
|(|&+*c) (hi — hr) sq ft, where (hi—h r ) is the difference
between the slope-stake heights, and is always used as a plus
quantity. Therefore,

C = Q6+sc)
c (ht-hr) {di+dr)
fg^g) cu yd per sta. (6-17)

For irregular sections, C c may

be found by plotting the
sections to scale, drawing for each an equivalent three-level
section by estimation, and scaling the values needed in formula
6-17. If this method is not considered accurate enough (as it
may not be for highly-eccentric sections in rock), the following
procedure may be applied An irregular section may be divided
Earthwork 1 49

into triangles; each triangular area may be multiplied by the

distance from its center of gravity to a vertical axis at the
survey center-line; and the algebraic sum of the products may
be divided by the total area of the irregular section. The
result is the eccentricity
the total cross-section, or the dis-
e of
tance from the survey center-line to the center of gravity G
(see Fig. 6-6). This is the familiar method of moments.
The curvature correction is applied as indicated in formula
6-15. The sign of C however, may be positive or negative.

Where the end area is unsymmetrical about the survey center

line and has excess area on the inside of the curve, Cc has a
positive sign and is subtracted from the volume as computed
by ignoring the curvature. Where the excess area is on the
outside of the curve, the curvature correction is added. These
rules for the sign of the curvature correction apply to both
excavation and embankment and hold true regardless of the
direction of curvature.
In applying either of the formulas to find the curvature
correction for a solid between two different cross-sections L
feet apart, the results are averaged and multiplied by the
ratio of L to 100. For example, if a 10° curve to the left is
assumed, calculations for the curvature correction between
stations 61+48 and 62+00 in the notes in Art. 6-7 give:

Sta. 62+00. . . .C.-1.17 cu yd per sta.

Sta. 61+48... .Cc = 6.37

Sum = 7.54 cu yd per sta.

Avg = 3.77 cu yd per sta.

C =0.52X3.77 = 2.0
c cu yd to be subtracted

6-13. Borrow Pits. When the quantity of material within
the theoretical limits of excavation is not enough to make the
fills, it is necessary to provide additional material, termed

borrow. It is most convenient to obtain borrow by widening

the cuts adjacent to the fills where the material is needed.
When this can be done within the right-of-way limits (and
without interfering with existing or planned structures), it has
the added advantages of permitting wider shoulders (on
highways), of "daylighting" curves, of reducing slope erosion,
and of minimizing snow drifting on the traveled way.
Material taken from borrow pits adjacent to the main
150 Earthwork

construction may be measured by extending the regular cross-

sections'and adding intermediate ones where necessary. The
work, is conveniently done by the cross- section-leveling
method (see Art. 6-7).
Borrow pits located away from the route are cross-sectioned
independently of the survey stationing. A convenient method
is to stake out over the area a system of rectangles referenced

to points outside the limits of the work. By leveling at the

stakes before and after excavation, data are obtained from
which to compute the volume of borrow taken from the pit.


f 5 s 13
n 21

6 JO 14 /a 2Z |2C
<z<|— >b— <


3 7


12 /e




Fig. 6-7. Borrow pit

Fig. 6-7 shows a borrow-pit area over which 28 squares were

originally staked out. The cross-hatched line represents the
limits of the excavation. Squares are of such size that no
important breaks, either in the original ground surface or in
the pit floor, are assumed to lie between the corners of squares
or between the edge of the excavation and the nearest interior
corner. Those squares falling completely within the excava-
tion are outlined by a heavy line. Within that line each
square excavated to the pit floor is the volume of a truncated
square prism. Square 7, for example, has the surface corner
points b, c, d, and e; after excavation, corresponding points on
the pit floor are b', c', d', and e' (see Fig. 6-8). The volume
of the resulting prism is the product of the right cross- sectional
area A and the average of the four corner heights bb', cc', dd'
and ee . In cubic yards,

F7 =
4^27 W+M'+M'+ee')
Earth work 151

Each similar complete prism might be computed by the

preceding method. However, when a number of such prisms
adjoin one another, it is quicker to use the following relation
which gives the total volume of any number of complete prisms:

V= 4X27 (2/ii+2 27i2+3 S&3+4 Z/u) (*-18)

In formula 6-17, A is the right cross-sectional area of the

unit rectangular prism, not the total area of all the complete

prisms; hi isa corner height found in only one prism; /i 2 is one

common to two prisms; h z is one common to three prisms; and
&4 is one common to four prisms.
For example, ee is an hi,
dd r is an 7^, and cc' is an h A .

The total borrow-pit quantity also includes the wedge-

shaped volumes lying between the complete prisms and the
limits of the excavation.
The portion of square 3, Fig. 6-7 excavated to the near
face of prism 7 shown in Fig. 6-8 to be a wedge-shaped mass

with the cutting edge fa and the trapezoidal base ebb'e'. For
all practical purposes its volume is one-half the product of

the area of the base and the average of the horizontal dis-
tances ab and fe.
At a corner the portion of the square excavated is composed
approximately of two quarter-cones, base to base. For
example, as shown in Fig. 6-8, the mass in square 4 has one
quarter-cone with basefxg and altitude xe, and another quarter-
cone with the same base but with altitude xe'. The radius r
of the circular base may be taken as the average of fx and g&

Consequently, the volume at the corner equals % (^T~)Xee'

152 Earthwork

cu ft. If the height ee' is designated by h, the volume reduces

r2 h
to approximately r-j^r cu yd.

G-14. Shrinkage, Swell, and Settlement. —On many routes,

one object of the paper-location study is to design the grade
line so that total cut within the limits of the work will equal
total fill. If it is assumed economical to haul all excavated
material to the embankments, the result is that borrow and
waste are eliminated. Attainment of this ideal is prevented
by many factors, one of which is the uncertainty regarding,
shrinkage or swell of the material.
Shrinkage denotes the fact —commonly noticed —that 1
cubic yard of earth as measured by cross-sectioning before
excavation will occupy less than a cubic yard of space when
excavated, hauled to an embankment, and compacted in place.
This difference due principally to the combined effects of loss

of material during hauling and compaction to a greater than

original density by the heavy equipment used in making the
embankment. Shrinkage is small in the case of granular
materials such as sand and gravel; larger in ordinary earth
containing appreciable percentages of silt, loam, or clay;
and very high (possibly as much as 30 per cent) for shallow
cuts containing humus which is discarded as being unsuitable
for building embankments.
Since payment for grading is usually based upon excavation
quantities (see Art. 6-1), the shrinkage allowance in grade-
line design is made by adding a percentage to the calculated
fill quantities.
Swell is the term used in referring to a condition which is
the reverse of shrinkage. It occurs rarely, and then usually
in the case of broken rock blasted from solid beds and mixed
with little, if any, earth in making embankments.
Swell is apt to be fairly uniform for a given material.
Shrinkage, however, varies not only with changes in the soiL
constituents but also with fluctuations in moisture content
when compacted and with the type of construction equipment
used. Consequently, a percentage allowance assumed in
design may eventually prove to be 5 per cent or more in error.
A common shrinkage allowance is 10 to 15 per cent for ordinary
earth having little material unsuitable for fills.
Distribution Analysis 1 53

The term settlement refers to subsidence of the completed

embankment. It is due to slow additional compaction under
traffic and to gradual plastic flow of the foundation material
beneath the embankment. On railroad fills, small settlement
can be corrected by tamping more ballast beneath the ties as
routine maintenance work. In highway construction, new
fills are sometimes built higher than the designed subgrade

elevation and the placing of permanent pavement is deferred

until most of the settlement has taken place. With modern
construction methods, however, involving good foundations
and compaction at optimum moisture content, settlement of
fills is rarely serious.


On projects in which embankments are built from material

excavated and hauled from cuts within the limits of the right-
of-way, mere calculation of separate cut and fill quantities
does not provide enough information. The distribution of
the earthwork, which involves the quantity, direction, and
distance hauled, is also important both in planning the work

and in computing extra payment in case the contract contains

an overhaul clause.

6-15. Haul, Free Haul, and Overhaul. —

The word haul
has several definitions. In earthwork analyses, however,
it means either the distance over which material is moved or

(in a more technical sense) the product of volume and distance

moved, the units being station-yards.

The contract sometimes contains a clause providing extra
payment for hauling material a distance greater than a
specified amount, known as the limit of free haul. In this
case there is one unit price, per cubic yard, for earth excavation
and another unit price, per station-yard, for overhaul. The
former price includes hauling within the free-haul limit and
forming the embankments either inside or outside that limit
(see Art. 6-1). Short hauls are never averaged with those
longer than the free-haul limit; therefore, there is no need to
calculate the station-yards of free haul.

6-16. Limit of Economic Haul. — With an overhaul clause

in effect, there is obviously a certain distance beyond which
154 Earthwork

the cost of overhaul exceeds the cost of excavation without

overhaul. This limit of economic haul equals the limit of free
haul plus the quotient found by dividing the unit price for
borrow (or for excavation, if there is no separate price for
borrow) by the unit price for overhaul. Thus, if the free-haul
limit were 1,000 feet and unit prices for excavation and over-
haul were $0.60 per cu yd and $0.05 per sta.-yd, respectively,
the limit of economic haul would be 10 +^
= 22 stations.
fr-17. Balance Points. —The principal problem in making a
distribution analysis is locating the stationing of balance -points
between which excavation equals fill plus shrinkage allowance.
On a small job the primary balance points may be found by
making separate sub- totals of the cuts and corrected fills,
balance points being located where the two sub- totals are
equal. On important work this method is inadequate. It
does not fix intermediate balance points; neither does it give
data for computing overhaul, nor show how to schedule the
work. More detailed analyses may be made by the station-to-
station method or by the mass-diagram method.
Regardless of how complete an analysis is made, it is

fairly common practice to show balance points on the plans,

together with estimated quantities of cut, fill, borrow, and
waste. It is advisable to label such balance points as "approxi-
mate," in order to avoid controversy with the contractor in
case the balance points should prove to be in error because of
variable shrinkage.

6-18. Station-to-Station Method. —

Making a distribution
analysis by the station-to-station method is a numerical
process. The steps are illustrated by Fig. 6-9 which shows a

Ba/ance po/nfis

Fig. 6-9. Station-to-station method

Distribution Analysis 1 55

portion of the profile along a route center-line. A grade

point G is first located in the notes. Then balance points A
and A', a distance apart equal to the limit of economic haul,
are found by adding computed cuts and fills (plus shrinkage
allowance) in opposite directions from G. Balance points L
and Z/, spaced at the limit of free haul, are located similarly.

Excavation between A and L, which just equals that portion

of the fill between 1/ and A', is subject to payment for over-

haul. The average distance over which that excavation is

hauled is assumed to be the distance between the center of
gravity of the cut mass and the center of gravity of the fiil
mass. Deducting the free-haul limit LU
from that distance
and multiplying by the yardage hauled gives the overhaul in

In this method the center of gravity of each cut solid and

each fill solid between adjacent cross-sections (usually one
station apart) is assumed to lie midway between the sections.
Overhaul on each solid is the product of its volume and the
distance between its center of gravity and the beginning of
the free-haul limit. Thus, in Fig. 6-9, C is at the center of
gravity of the individual cross-hatched cut volume and F
is at the center of gravity of the indicated fill volume. The
overhaul on the cut is its volume times CL; the overhaul on
the fill is its volume times L'F. The total overhaul is the
sum of the products found by multiplying each volume of cut
between A and L by the distance between its center of gravity
and station L, plus those products found by multiplying each
volume of fill (plus shrinkage) between JJ and A' by the dis-
tance between its center of gravity and station U.

If B is an economic balance point following an earlier

grade point, the quantity of excavation between B and A is
not used in making embankment; it represents waste.

(M9. Mass-Diagram Method. Though the numerical
method just described is quite simple and rapid, it is not
adapted to making a broad study of grading operations by
analyzing the effects upon the over-all economy produced by
various shifts in balance points. This is best done by a semi-
graphic method in which the mass diagram is used.
The earthwork mass-diagram is a continuous graph of
net cumulative yardage. It is plotted with stations aj
156 Earthwork

abscissas and algebraic sums of cut and fill as ordinates.

Customarily, a cut volume isgiven as a plus sign a fill volume

(plus shrinkage allowance) is given a minus sign.

Haul in station-yards is measured by areas on the mass

diagram. In Fig. 6-10, suppose 1 cu yd of excavation at A on


Mass Diagram
Fig. 6-10

the profile is moved X stations to A' in the embankment.

The haul is obviously X station-yards, which shown graphi-

cally on the mass diagram by the cross-hatched trapezoidal

area. If the remaining excavation between A and G were to
be moved to the embankment between G and A', the haul for
each cubic yard would be shown on the mass diagram as a
stack of trapezoidal areas above the one indicated. The total
haul in station-yards between A and A' would be the area aga

The profile illustrated in Fig. 6-9 is repeated (to reduced

scale) in the upper sketch of Fig. 6-11. Directly below is a
representation of the corresponding mass diagram.
By reference to Fig. 6-11 the following characteristics of a
mass diagram are apparent:
(a) Any horizontal line (as aa') intersecting the mass dia-
gram at two points is a balance line; total cut and total fill are
Distribution Analysis 157


Mass Diagram
Fig. 6-11

equal between the stations at the intersections (as A and A').

(b) Any ordinate between two balance lines (as is a kl)

measure of the yardage between the stations at the extremities

of the balance lines (as between A and L or between and A'). U
Stated more generally, the vertical distance between two
points on the diagram (as a and b) is a measure of the yard-
age between the corresponding stations.
(c) The highest point of a loop (as at g) indicates a change

from cut to fill (in the direction of the stationing) conversely, ;

the lowest point represents a change from fill to cut. Such

points may not fall exactly at the stationing of center-line
grade points if there is a side-hill transition (as at sta. E in
Fig. 6-1).
(d) The area between the diagram and any balance line is a

measure of the haul in station-yards between the stations at

the extremities of the balance line. If this area were divided
by the maximum ordinate between the balance line and the
mass diagram, the result would be the average haul in stations.
In Fig. 6-11 the area bounded by aga f measures the total haul
between A and A') that bounded by IgV measures the total
haul between L and U. Since the latter is free haul, as is also
the station-yards represented by the rectangle kl
, the differ-
158 ^ Earthwork

ence between total haul and free haul is the overhaul between
A and A'. This overhaul is represented by the two cross-
hatched areas.
When the portions of a mass diagram on the sides of two
related overhaul areas are fairly smooth (as al and Va'), even
though not straight, the sum of the two areas may be found by
drawing a horizontal line midway between the two balance
lines, deducting the free-haul distance from its length, and
multiplying the difference by the ordinate between the balance
lines. For example, hh' bisects hi. The points h and h' are
approximately at the centers of gravity of the volumes between
A and L and between and A'. Consequently, the overhaul
between A and A' is (hh'—ll')Xkl.
In case the mass diagram is very irregular between balance
lines,the overhaul may be determined either by planimeter or
by the method of moments. In the first of these methods the
overhaul is found directly by planimetering the areas repre-
senting overhaul and applying the necessary scale factors to
convert areas to station-yards. If needed, the distance to the
center of mass of the yardage overhauled could be found by
dividing the overhaul by the volume. Thus, in Fig. 6-11, the
station of the center of mass of the yardage between A and L
. ..
is sta. A-\
. ,
area alk

In the method of moments each separate volume is multi-
plied by its distance from a selected station, and the sum of the
products is divided by the sum of the volumes. The result is
the distance from the selected station to the center of mass.
As in any other method, overhaul = yardage X (distance between
centers of mass — free-haul distance) .

Other useful principles in making a distribution analysis by

mass diagram are illustrated by Fig. 6-12, which represents
the profile and mass diagram of a continuous section of line.
Balance lines equal in length to the limit of economic haul
aa and cc') are first drawn in the larger loops.
Between a' and c the most economical position of the balance
line is at bb', which is drawn so that bbi = b b with neither

segment longer than the limit of economic haul. That this

is the best position may be shown by imagining bb' lowered to

coincide with the horizontal plotting axis. There would be

Distribution Analysis 159




-+• O T
1 60 Earthwork

no change in the total waste; the waste at b would be decreased

by the increase at b'. However, the total haul would be
increased by the area shown cross-hatched diagonally and
would be decreased by the area cross-hatched vertically. Since
these areas have equal bases bbi and bib', there is a net increase
in area, or haul. Shifting the balance line higher than b¥
would obviously have the same effect.
The balance line dd' is adjusted so that (ddx+d^d'—dM
is equal to the limit of economic haul and no segment is greater
than that limit. An analysis similar to that made for bb

would prove that raising or lowering dd' from the position

shown also increases the cost.
In general, the most economical position for a balance line
cutting any even number of loops is that in which the sum of the
segments cutting convex loops equals the sum of the segments
cutting concave loops, no segment being longer than the
limit of economic haul. The most economical position for a
balance line cutting any odd number of loops is that in which
the sum of the segments cutting convex (or concave) loops
less the sum of the segments in loops of opposite form equals
the limit of economic haul, no segment being longer than that
Theoretically, the foregoing principles are unaffected by the
length of free haul. For example, if the alternate positions of
balance line bb' produced segments longer than the free-haul
limit, overhaul would be increased with consequent increase in
the payment to the contractor. If the balance lines were
shorter than the free-haul limit, there would be no actual pay-
ment for overhaul in either case. Nevertheless, the total
haul in station-yards would be increased, thus adding to the
contractor's cost of doing the work and, possibly, influencing
him to submit slightly higher bid prices.
In drawing balance lines, one note of caution should be
mentioned: adjacent balance lined must not overlap. The effect
is to use part of the mass diagram twice —
an obvious impossi-
bility except by borrowing an extra mass of earthwork meas-
ured by the distance between the overlapping balance lines.
Figs. 6-13 and 6-14 show two solutions for a case not found
in Fig. 6-12. This is the case in which there is an intermediate
loop that is not cut by a balance line equal in length to the limit
of economic haul.
Distribution Analysis 161

In both solutions, AB is the limit of economic haul and CD

is the free-haul distance. The total overhaul in Fig. 6-13 is
the sum of the two numbered cross-hatched triangles on the

Yardage K-

Mass Diagram
Fig. 6-13. Two-way hauling from intermediate cut

Yardage K-

Mass Diagram
Fijr. 6-14. Uni-directional hauling
1 62 Earthwork

mass diagram (found in the usual way) plus the overhaul

(shaded) on yardage K, which equals (IF- CD) XK station-
In the solution shown by Fig. 6-14, the total overhaul is the
sum of the four numbered cross-hatched triangles plus the over-
haul (shaded) on yardage K', which equals {X'Y' — CD)XK'
Theoretically, the solution in Fig. 6-14 is the more eco-
nomical one because it has less overhaul, more free haul, and
the same amounts of borrow and waste. Yet, in practice, the
solution in Fig. 6-13 might be preferred because of the two-
way hauling and the shorter haul distances.
Making a distribution analysis by mass diagram is not the
purely mechanical process implied in the preceding discussion.
Factors other than obtaining theoretical maximum economy
enter into the planning of grading operations. For example,
on steep grades the contractor prefers loaded hauls to be down
hill. Moreover, he may prefer to haul more of a particular
cut in a certain direction than is indicated on the plans.
Again, there may be one fill which acts as a bottle-neck.
Building it ahead of schedule, possibly by using extra borrow
or longer hauls than those theoretically needed, may save time
and money. These preferences may be realized by exercising
good judgment in altering the theoretical balance lines. The
result may be submission of lower bid prices. Even if the
bid not lower, the contractor is better satisfied a condition
is —
which should produce a better job and friendlier relations with
the owners.
Even if a grading contract contains no overhaul clause (this
practice becoming more common), the mass diagram is still

very useful in the work of grade-line design. Approximate

balance points are shown on the final plans to indicate the
grading schedule to the contractor. It is then his responsibility
to calculate or estimate the hauls and to adjust his bid prices
for excavation to cover their cost.

(Note. —Problems 6-1 through 6-8 refer to the notes on page 138.)

6-1. Compute grade-rod and ground-rod readings at:

(a) Sections atA and B. Assume H.I. =557.65.


Distribution Analysis 1 63

(b) Sections at D, E, and G. Assume H.I. =566.14.

(c) Sections at H and I. Assume H.I. =575.32.

6-2. Verify any of the end areas specified by the instructor,

using the formulas shown in the table on page 143. Check the
results at stations 61+25, 61+48, 62+00, and 63+00 by use
of formula 6-5.

6-3. Verify any of the volumes specified by the instructor,

assuming the areas tabulated on page 143 to be correct. Use
formula 6-8 (except for the two pyramids) and check the
results by use of Table XIX.

6-4. Verify the calculations tabulated on page 144

6-5. Verify the prismoidal corrections for the three cut

solidsbetween stations 61+36 and 63+00 as found by the
two methods used in Art. 6-11. Then find values of Vp by
applying these corrections (with proper sign) to the values
of V e tabulated on page 143.

Use formula 6-10 to compute values of Vp for any

between stations 61+36 and 63+00.
(or all) of the cut solids
Compare the results with Prob. 6-5 and decide which of the
two methods of finding Vp is preferable.

6-7. Assume that all sections lie on a curve to the left. By

inspection of the notes, determine the sign of the curvature
correction for each solid.

6-8. Using formula 6-17and assuming a 12° curve to the

left,determine the curvature corrections for any (or all) of
the cut volumes between stations 61+36 and 63+00. Indi-
cate whether the corrections should be added or subtracted.

(Note. — Problems 6-9 through 0-17 refer to the notes on page 141.)

6-9. Compute grade-rod and ground-rod readings at:

(a) Stations88+68 through 90+05. Assume H.I. =
(b) Stations 90+50 through 91+00. Assume H.I. =

6-10. Compute yardages

of cut and fill between stations
by the instructor. Use formula 6-8 (except for the
pyramids) and check the results by use of Table XIX.
1 64 Earthwork

6-11. Use Table XVIII to obtain yardages of cut and fill

between stations specified by the instructor.

6-12. What condition must exist in formulas 6-13 or 6-14
in order for the prismoidal volume to (a) exceed the average-
end-area volume, and (6) equal the average-end-area volume?
Which solids in the notes conform to either of these conditions?

6-13. Compute the prismoidal corrections for the solids

between the following stations, and state whether the correc-
tions should be added to, or subtracted from, the average-
end-area volumes.
(a) 88+30 to 88+68 (cut). Answer. Subtract 41.1 cu yd.
(b) 88+68 to 89+08 (fill). Answer: Subtract 22.2 cu yd.
(c) 89+43 to 89+59 (fill).

(d) 90+05 to 90+50.

(e) 91 +00 to 91 +52.
(/) 91+52 to 92+00.
6-14. Compute the prismoidal corrections for any (or all)
of the solids in Prob. 6-13, using Table XVIII as explained
in Art. 6-11.

6-15. Use formula 6-10 to compute the values of Vp for

any (or all) of the solids in Prob. 6-13. Compare the results
with those obtained by combining Probs. 6-10 (or 6-11) and
6-13 (or 6-14).

6-16. Assume that all sections lie on a curve to the right.

By inspection of the notes, determine the sign of the curvature

correction for each solid.

6-17. Assume that all sections lie on a 6° curve to the right.

Determine the curvature corrections for any (or all) of the
solids in Prob. 6-13. Indicate sign. Partial answers: (a)

add 16.6 cu yd; (b) subtract 7.2 cu yd.

6-18. Plot a mass diagram from the data in Table A or

Table using a horizontal scale of 1"=5 sta. and a vertical
scale of 1" = 5,000 cu yd. (An 8§X11 inch sheet of cross-
section paper will suffice.) Show a hypothetical profile
above the diagram, as in Fig. 6-12. Establish balance points
and compute the cost of grading. On the profile show the
separate amounts of waste, borrow, and yardage excavated;
indicate disposition of excavation by arrows.
Disiribution Analysis 165

Table A: Free-haul limit 800 ft. Cost of excavation $1.00

per cu yd; borrow $0.80 per cu yd; overhaul $0.10 per sta.-yd.
Net Cumu- Net Cumu- Net Cumu-
Sta. lative Sta. lative Sta. lative
Yardage Yardage Yardage

17 33 4504 49 -4202
18 +1990 34 6708 50 -5112
19 4264 35 7852 51 -5694
20 5852 36 8580 52 -5805
21 7006 37 9004 53 -5511
22 7995 38 8881 54 -4725
23 8512 39 8348 55 -3684
24 8727 40 7850 56 -2012
25 8915 41 7002 57 -490
26 8668 42 6100 58 + 1294
27 7750 43 5148 59 2307
28 6118 44 3887 60 3009
29 3862 45 2191 61 3698
30 2710 46 100 62 4150
31 2335 47 -2046 63 4603
32 2687 48 -3318 64 4892

Table B: Free-haul limit 900 ft. Cost of excavation $0.80

per cu yd; borrow $0.90 per cu yd; overhaul $0.09 per sta.-yd.
Net Cumu- Net Cumu- Net Cumu-
Sta. lative Sta. lative Sta. lative
Yardage Yardage Yardage

44 59 -9226 74 -2398
45 -1995 60 -8548 75 -1501
46 -3212 61 -7290 76 -732
47 -4007 62 -5761 77 -16
48 -3508 63 -4854 78 +527
49 -2453 64 -4600 79 1110
50 -1380 65 -5118 80 1594
51 -711 66 -6904 81 1968
52 -402 67 -8247 82 2190
53 -596 68 -8782 83 2011
54 -1205 69 -8198 84 1621
55 -2400 70 -6995 85 1013
56 -4581 71 -5451 86
57 -6780 72 -4307 87 -682
58 -8647 73 -3254 88 -1675

chapter /
Special Curve Problems

7-1. Foreword. —
In a subject as utilitarian as route survey-
ing, there is harcTy a strict division between basic principles
and practical applications. Though these headings are used
in this book, many practical features have already been re-
ferred to in Part I moreover, some problems involving addi-

tional theory will be found in Part II. Nevertheless, Part I

iscomplete in itself; it does not require this additional material
in order to understand and apply the theory to any practical
problem met in route surveying.
Part II contains specific applications of basic theory to
some of the common problems and survey procedures found
in practice. It is not a detailed compilation of instructions
covering field and office work such instructions are well taken

care of in the manuals published by most state highway de-

partments and various other organizations for the guidance
of their chiefs of party. Part II is in the nature of a supple-
ment to such manuals. Technical knowledge of route survey-
ing being assumed, the explanations are briefer than those
given in Part I and the simpler proofs are omitted.

In practice, special curve problems occur in such great

variety that it is not possible to include a large number of

them in the space allotted to this chapter. Doing so, if

possible,would have questionable merit, since the "textbook
type" of problem is less apt to occur than some perplexing

variation of it. To serve the purpose, a few of the more

common problems will be described and general methods of
approach will be outlined. These, combined with a thorough
grounding in the basic principles of Part I, should enable the
engineer to develop the skill needed for solving any special
curve problem.

7-2. Methods of Solution. — In solving special curve prob-

lems there are four general methods of approach: (1) an exact
geometric or trigonometric solution, (2) a cut-and-try calcula-
1 70 Special Curve Problems

tion method, (3) a graphical method, and (4) a cut-andtry

field method.
Generally thefirst method is preferred. However, if the
solution cannot be found or is very complicated, cut-and-try
calculation often provides a fairly quick solution. In case a
problem is not readily solvable by either of these methods, the
unknowns may sometimes be scaled from a careful drawing;
the scale must be fairly large to give adequate precision. Some
problems are adaptable to cut-and-try solution in the field
(see Art. 3-14 for an example previously described). Addi-
tional examples of these methods of solution follow.

7-3. P.I. Inaccessible. Simple Curve: This problem is of
frequent occurrence. Conditions are shown in Fig. 7-1. The
problem is to locate the curve points A and B.

Fig. 7-1

Find any convenient line XY cutting the established

Measure distance XY and deflection angles x and y. Angle
XV and VY by using the sine law. Subtract
their valuesfrom T (or T,) giving the required distances to

the beginning and end of the curve.

Compound Curve, Fig. 7-2: In this case the cut-off line is

chosen so as to establish the T.C. and C.T. at X
and Y. One
Obstacle Problems 171

more variable must be known. Assume Rs, since the maxi-

mum D is often fixed by specifications. Thus, the four known
values are XY, Rs, and the angles x and y.
Use the closed traverse shown by heavy lines and solve by
the traverse method described in Art. 3-6.

Angle I=x-\-y
From 2 latitudes'.

Rl—XY sin x— Rs cos I-(Rl-Rs) cos Il—0

Fig. 7-2

If the hint preceding equation 3-3 in Art. 3-6 is used, this

relation reduces to
XY sin x — Rs vers
,„ -%

Similarly, the relation based on 2 departures reduces to

XY cos x — Rs sin I
RL -Bs
When equation 7-1 is divided by 7-2, the result is

tan */£'
XY sin x—Rs vers 7
.XY cosx— Ifesin /
Solve equation 7-3 for I L Then obtain R L —Rs from

equation 7-1 (or 7-2). Finally, Is = I—Il.

Use the same method if ifo were assumed; the final relations
differ only in signs and subscripts.
1 72 • Special Curve Problems

7-4. T.C. or C.T. Inaccessible.—In Fig. 7-3, assume B

to be the C.T. The problem is to stake the computed curve
and to check the work for alignment and stationing.-
Set a check point F on the forward tangent by measuring
VF, using right-angle offsets to get around the obstacle. Sta.
P = Sta. C.T.+VF-T.

Fig. 7-3

Stake the curve from A to a station (as P) from which a

sight parallel to the forward tangent would clear the obstacle.

Occupy P and deflect angle I— = (i.e., angle / minus the

tabulated deflection for the station occupied), thereby placing

the line of sight parallel to the tangent. Set pc!nt E on this
line by measuring Pi? = Sta. F— Sta. B-\-R sin (I— a).
Occupy E, turn 90° from EP, and check the distance and
direction to F. The offset EF should equal P vers {I — a).
(If EF is small, it may be computed by slide rub from formula
2-30, in which arc PB is used for s.)

While the transit is at A (or P), set stakes on the curve

for cross-sectioning between P and the obstacle, leaving one

stake at the plus point marking the beginning o' the obstacle.

If B were the T.C, run in the part AP of the curve back-

ward from the C.T. The rest of the process is similar in
principle to that just described.

If the curve is spiraled and the S.T. or T.S. is made inacces-

Obsfacle Problems 173

sible, such as by the obstacle at position 1 in Fig. 7-k, the field

procedure is the same but the computations differ somewhat.
In the general case, assume that the line of sight from the
C.S., pointed parallel to the forward tangent, would be cut off
by the obstacle at the S.T. As before, run in the layout to a
station P on "the circular arc, a being the central angle (twice
the deflection difference) between P and the C.S. at C.

J)f-Pos/f/on 2

Position i

Fig. 7-4

Occupy P, turn the line of sight parallel to the forward

tangent, and measure the distance PE to any convenient point
beyond the obstacle.
Point K is the offset C.T. (KJ = o) BJ = X ).

The offset ( (PK)* D, the value for PK

PQ = EF)=o + i
being taken equal to the difference in stationing between P
and C plus £ L 8 If the offset is large, compute it from the

relation PQ = o-\-R vers (a+A).

For checking out on the tangent, the relation is:
sta. P+PC+CB+BF
F = sta.
or sta. F-sta. P+^^~+L +[PE-X -R sin
3 (o+A)]

If both the P.I. and the T.C. (or C.T.) are inaccessible, a
combination of the foregoing procedures will provide the solu-
1 74 Special Curve Problems

7-5. Obstacle on Curve. —For methods of by-passing

obstacles preventing sights to curve points or obstacles on the
curve itself, see Arts. 2-11 and 2-14 along with Figs. 2-8 and
If the obstacle cuts the spiral and the tangent but does
not obstruct the S.T. (or T.S.), as at position 2 in Fig. 7-4,
first run in the layout to the C.S. (or B.C.). Then set up at
the C.S. (or S.C.) and locate stakes on the spiral which are
needed for cross-sectioning between the set-up and the
obstacle. Finally, check the position of the S.T. (or T.S.)
and the direction of the main tangent, by measuring the spiral
coordinates X and Y
and turning the necessary right angles.
An alternate procedure, which may be used if the obstacle
interferes with the sight from C pointed parallel to the main
tangent, is to place the line of sight on the local tangent at C
and to measure the spiral short tangent to a point X on the
main tangent. The field work may then be checked by
occupying point X, deflecting angle A from a backsight to
point C, and measuring (possibly using right- angle offsets
around the obstacle) the spiral long tangent to a check at the
S.T. (or T.S.) of the layout.

7-6. Obstacle on Tangent. —For the general method of by-

passing an obstacle on a tangent at a point unaffected by a
curve, see Art. &-13.
Examples of obstacles spanning both a tangent and a curve
are given in Arts. 7-4 and 7-5.
Special problems affecting tangent distances of curves have
infinite variety. 7-5 represents a case in which it was
required to run a spur track to a proposed warehouse. Con-
ditions (not shown) fixed the warehouse location as indicated.
It was impossible to run in a simple curve AB without inter-
fering with existing buildings and a turnout track. The solu-
tion was a compound curve APB'. See Prob. 7-9 for the
numerical values involved.


After part of the paper-location alignment has been staked,

desirable minor adjustments often become apparent (see Art.
1-12). Frequently the data obtained and the stakes already
Change-of-Location Problems 175

/ Proposed -? t
/ Warehouse TL3
/ / \

/ I
/ I

k% Fig. 7-5

set for the original curve can be used to advantage in making

the revision. A few common cases coming under this heading
are outlined in the following articles. More extensive adjust-
ments are best made by locating the new P.I. and staking the
revised curve irrespective of the original layout.
If the line has been staked and cross-sectioned beyond a
location change, it is necessary to determine and mark clearly
the station equation at the point common to both layouts.

7-7. Practical Suggestions. — Skill in solving change-

of-location problems does not come from memorizing certain
"textbook solutions" but developed by identifying the key

steps in those solutions and applying them to the unusual prob-

lems that arise in practice. The following practical hints,
numbered for case of reference, are helpful.
1 76 "
Special Curve Problems

Hint1: Draw a careful sketch, which is not necessarily to

scale. Exaggerate small distances to make their effects clear.
Preserve right angles. Do not make other angles close to 90°
otherwise, a special case might result. If only one graphical
solution is possible when the known data are used, the problem
is definite and determinate.

Hint 2: If the problem involves a revision of some kind,

such as the shift of a tangent, the solution must contain that
known revision. Try to connect known revisions to known
points on the original layout by simple geometric construction,

especially by triangles. Considering a triangle containing

curve centers or vertices often leads to the solution.

Hint 3: A known linear revision may often be expressed

as the difference between a known part of the original layout
and a similar unknown part of the revised scheme. Also, an
unknown linear revision may equal the difference between
similar known parts of the two layouts.

Hint 4' If a point is common to both layouts, perpendicu-

lars dropped from that point to tangents or radii frequently
disclose the key to the solution.

Hint 5: Although there is only one correct set of numerical

answers to a definite problem, there may be several correct
geometric solutions. If a certain solution cannot produce
adequate precision, determine the reason for the lack of preci-
sion and search for a better solution.

Hint 6: If a solution by means of simple construction can-

not be found, recall that a solution by traverse is usually
applicable. (See Art. 3-6.)

7-8. Simple Curve; New Parallel Tangent; Same D.

Assume that the forward tangent is to be shifted outward
parallel to itself a small distance p in order to reduce grading
or to improve the approach to the next curve.

In Fig. 7-6, the skew shift obviously equals AA' = 00' =

VV' = BB'. From a triangle at any one of these positions
(see Hint 2, Art. 7-7),

skew shift = ^7
sin /
Change-of-Location Problems 77

Fig. 7-6

Tape the skew shift from A and B to locate hubs at the

new curve points A' and B'.
For a tangent shifted inward, use A'B' as the original curve.

7-9. Compound Curve; New Parallel Tangent; Same Z>*s.

This is the same problem as the one in Art. 7-8, except that the
curves are compounded at C and C" (Fig. 7-7).

Although a solution by construction is possible (Hints 3

and 4 being used), it may not be readily apparent. Therefore,
use the traverse method (see Hint 6).
In the closed traverse bBOLOsO'ib,
2 departures = — Rl-\-(Rl — Rs) cos II
-(Rl-Rs) cos I'l+(Rl-p)=0
178 Special Curve Problems

from which
cos I'l = cos II — (7-5)
The distance bB needed for locating the new C.T. at B' is

found by setting S latitudes equal to zero and reducing. The

result is
bB = (R L - R s ) (sin I' L - sin IL ) (7-6)

(Observe that equation 7-6 also comes directly -from Hints 3

and 4 by dropping perpendiculars from Os to the radii.)
There are four variations of this problem, the solution
depending on whether the layout starts with the sharper or
flatter arc and on the direction (outward or inward) of the
tangent shift. The final relations contain different signs and

7-10. Simple Curve; Parallel Tangent; Same T.C.—In

contrast to the situation in Art. 7-8, assume that the original
T.C. must be preserved, thereby requiring a curve of new £>,
as indicated in Fig. 7-8.

Fig. 7-8

From the triangle at the vertex (Hint 2), FT' = the skew
and the new tangent distance T' equals T+W.
Then D' is found from Table VIII, or, if preferred (Hints 4
and 3), from
R' = R+ vers /
Change-of-Location Problems 179

For setting the new C.T. at B', notice that B' must lie on
AB produced. Since angle bBB' equals §/,

BB' = V (7-8)
sin \I
When the tangent is shifted inward, use AB' as the original

7-11. Simple Curve; New C.T. Opposite Original C.T.— If

conditions do not permit moving the C.T. forward (as in
Fig. 7-8), it may be kept on the same radial line opposite the
original position, as in Fig. 7-9.

Fig. 7-10

2), VK = p cot /, and

For the triangle at the vertex (Hint
new tangent distance T' equals T — VK.
Then D' is found from Table VIII, or (if preferred) BB' =
BX-B'X (Hint 3). That is, p = (R-R') exsec /, from which
R' =R V
exsec /

For setting the new T.C. at A', notice that A A' does not
equal W. Find A A' from the triangle at the centers (Hint
2). This triangle gives

A A' = (R - R') tan J (7-10)

When the tangent is shifted inward, use A'B' as the original


7-12. Simple Curve; New Direction From C.T. Changing —

the direction of the forward tangent after a curve has been
staked may place the alignment on more favorable ground
180 '
Special Curve Problems

than by shifting the tangent parallel to its original position.

Fig. 7-10 represents a case in which the tangent is swung in-
ward through a measured angle a, the C.T. at B being pre-
served. The new central angle I' equals I-\-a.
Using Hint 4, drop perpendiculars (not shown) from B to
the tangent AY produced and to the radii OA and O'A'.
Then, by inspection, R' vers I' = R vers /, and

RI = R^2l (7 _ n)
vers I
Also, from Hint 3,

AA' = R sin J-B'sin V (7-12)

If preferred, solve triangle VBV (Hint 2) for T'. Thus,

m , T sin J
sin /'

Then, obtain D' from Table VIII.

7-13. Modification for Spiraled Curve. In the preceding —

examples illustrating change-of-location problems, the curves
were not spiraled. Spiraling complicates field adjustments to
a certain extent. The best general method is to locate on the
ground the positions of the offset T.C.'s and the offset P. I.,
thereby converting the problem to one involving unspiraled
In a simple problem it may not be necessary actually to
stake the offset T.C.; but the calculations must then take the
spiral into account. (See Fig. 7-4 for an example.)


Major relocations of existing highways are continually

being made in order to bring them into conformity with
modern standards. To a lesser extent, some large sections
of railroad line are being relocated, especially in
terrainwhere the amount of traffic originally expected did
not warrant low grades and expensive alignment. In such
work little, if any, use is made of the existing alignment

Minor relocations, both on highways and railroads, are

even more common; they will probably continue to outrank
major relocation projects in total mileage and construction
cost. The shorter the relocation the more convenient it
Relocation Problems 181

becomes to tie the survey work closely to the original align-

ment. Survey and design problems are closely related to
those having to do with obtaining new right-of-way and
abandoning old right-of-way.
Two typical minor relocation problems are outlined in
the following articles. References to some major projects
are given in Chapters 9 and 10.

7-14. Replacement of Broken-Back Curve. A "broken- —

back" curve consists of two curves in the same direction
separated by a tangent shorter than the sum of the distances
needed to run out the superelevation. Formerly, such align-
ment was often used for reasons of economy, but present
standards rarely justify the practice. When the entire lay-
out is visible, it is very unsightly; even though obscured, it is
apt to be dangerous (on highways).
Elimination of the tangent between the curves is a common
relocation problem. Occasionally it can be done by inserting
a single curve between the outer tangents of the existing curves.
A more general method is illustrated in Fig. 7-11, which
shows the original tangent BC separating curves with centers
at Os and Ol. A new curve with its center at is sprung
between points A and D on the existing curves, thus forming a

3. "
y .»»• ^ -""" ^^ "•» ^^*

Fig. 7-11
182 Special Curve Problems

three-centered compound curve (Art. 3-9). The problem is

to locate points A and D.

If a value assumed for the radius R of the new curve, the

positions of and D can be found by solving the right tri-

angle OsHOl and the triangle OsOOl, and then calculating
the angles Is and II, which locate A and D.
The maximum offset PK between the original and revised
layouts should be computed to see if it falls within the limit
permitted by topography.

PK=(R-R S ) vers Is (7-14)

If spirals are required between the curves, the problem

then becomes a special case of inserting spirals between arcs
of a compound curve. The center is preserved and the

radius of the new curve is increased to R+KJ, where KJ =

Oi = 02. The two spirals usually have different lengths, since
the differences between the degrees of the new and original
curves will rarely be the same. The theory of the process is
outlined in Arts. 5-16 and 5-20.
Fig. 7-12 illustrates how a change in specifications some-
times complicates a problem. The existing layout is a broken-

Relocation Problems 1 83

back curve similar to that in Fig. 7-11, but field conditions

require that the new curve start at A (the T.C. of the original
shorter-radius curve) and end on the existing forward tangent
at an unknown point X. The problem is to find the new radius
R and the distance DX. No solution is possible by merely
Bolving two triangles, as was the case in Fig. 7-11. To avoid
more-intricate construction, the traverse method is used.
(Hint 6, Art. 7-7).
The closed traverse DXOOsBCOlD is imagined to be
oriented so that direction DX is 0° azimuth (Rule 2, Art. 3-6).
The data for the traverse are then as follows:

Side Length Azimuth

DX DX 0°
XO R 270°
OOs R — Rs 90° -I
O sB Rs 90° -I L
BC BC 180°- L
CO L Rl 270° -I L
Ol D Rl 90°

Setting 2 departures equal to and reducing gives

P _ Rs (cos II — cos I)+BC sin Il+Rl vers II ,„_, ^\

vers /

Similarly, setting 2 latitudes equal to gives

DX=(R L -Rs) sin I L -(R-R S ) sin I+BC cos I L (7-16)

As in Fig. 7-11, the maximum offset is expressed by formula

The foregoing formulas are solved quickly by calculating
machine and Table XX, in which all needed natural functions
appear in the same table. (See Prob. 7-5.)

7-15. Replacement of Reverse Curve. Fig. 7-13 shows an —

existing reverse curve ACB
which is to be replaced by a new
simple curve starting at the same T.C. at A. The problem is
to find the new radius R and distance XB. The following
solution is by the traverse method employed in Fig. 7-12, 0°
azimuth being taken parallel to OX in the closed traverse
OXBOsOlO. Angle I = I S -I L .
184 Special Curve Problems

Fig. 7-13

Setting 2 latitudes equal to and reducing gives

RL (cos 7 -cos I s ) + Rs vers Is
R (7-17)
vers I

Setting 2 departures equal to and reducing gives

XB = (R L +R) sin I-(R L + Rs) sin Is (7-18)

To find the maximum offset PK, first calculate angle a

from the relation

tan a = (7-19)
.ft Rs
Then, Offset PK=(R- Rs) exsec a (7-20)

(See Prob. 7-6.)

7-16. General Method for Major Relocation. —Even in the

case of a long relocation supplanting several curves and their
intervening tangents, it is useful to tie the survey to the exist-
ing alignment and to compute the resulting closed traverse by
means of the old alignment data on
This not only gives

a check on the field work without extra surveying but also

provides the coordinates needed for drawing a map of the two
Relocations often result in surprisingly simple alignment.
Fig. 7-14* shows a case in which a single 1° curve and two

* Concrete Highways, Vol. XX, No. 1, Jan.-Feb., 1939.

Miscellaneous Problems 1 85


r— A^y T 1 *\s&
Location J 5%?^
^ *-&
\te.9milee;lcutvc)Ss^ J
*-3/Z/ST0W\ ^yjT N
7"\ j? ]
L Begin
\ '
/ *^- Old Location
(3.8 miks,n curves)
Fig. 7-14

tangents replaced seventeen curves having total central angles

of more than 900°.

7-17. Curve Through Fixed Point. —A curve may be made
to pass through (or close to) a fixed point either by trial
methods or by an exact geometric solution.
A method of accomplishing the result by a trial field method
from a selected T.C. was described in Art. 2-14 under the
heading of chord offsets.

This problem is more where the P.I. and the

directions of the tangents have been established. In this
situation a trial field method is apt to be unduly time-con-
suming. Either a trial calculation or an exact geometric
method is better. Fig. 7-15 shows this situation, P being the
point fixed by ties to the P.I. The tie measurements may be
the distances VP' and P'P or the distance VP and the angle a.
Either pair of values may be obtained from the other by
computation. The problem is to find the unknown radius R,
after which all remaining data are easily computed.
The key to the trigonometric solution is the triangle OPV
(the interior angles of which are denoted by o, p, and v).
Although only one side (PV) and one angle (v) are known,
the relation between the two unknown sides is known; there-
fore, the triangle can be solved.
The ratio of the unknown sides OP and OV is R'.R sec \I,
which equals cos \l. Therefore, the law of sines can be
1 86 Special Curve Problems

Fig. 7-15

used in the key triangle, giving sin p'.sin v = OV:OP, from

sinp = j-j (7-21)
cos fi

Since all angles of the triangle are now known, R may be

found from the sine law. However, if angles v and o are very
small, R may not be calculable to sufficient precision owing to
the rapid variation in the sines of the angles (see Hint 5,
Art. 7-7). In this case, solve for R from the relation

R= PV sin (I+a)
vers (hl+o)

The problem just described may be used to illustrate how

a quick slide-rule solution by a trial calculation method often
gives results close enough for the purpose. For example, sup-
pose that 7 = 28°16', FP' = 150 ft, and P'P = 20 ft. It is
required to find D to the nearest 10 minutes.
7V (Table VIII) = 1,442.7
Try D = 3°

VP' =150
AP' = ditt. =331
T.0. 3 ° (Table I)-2.62 and PjPy-3.3PX2.62 =28.7
(PPV may be checked by formula 2-30.) Since PP' 3 °
exceeds 20 feet, the correct 1) is greater than 3°.
Miscellaneous Problems 1 87

Try D = 4°
From a similar process, PP\° = 15.4
Hence, by interpolation, the required value of D is approxi-
mately equal to 3°+^X60' = 3°39' (say 3°40').

3°40' curve will not pass exactly through point P.

If a closer value of D is required, interpolation between
another pair of values for D = 3°30' and 3°40' should give D
to the nearest minute.

7-18. Intersection of Straight Line and Curve. —

Fig. 7-16
represents a more general case of Fig. 7-15 in which a straight
line XP' cuts the tangent AV of a given curve. The problem

Fig. 7-16

is to locate the intersection of the line and the curve at P.

Among other places this problem occurs in right-of-way work,
as in defining the corner of the piece of property shown shaded.
All curve data are known and the survey notes also provide
the angle a and the distance AP' (or P'V).
This information being given, the problem could be con-
verted to the preceding one by drawing another tangent (not
shown) from P' to the curve, thereby making P' correspond to
1 88 Special Curve Problems

point V in Fig. 7-15. The problem could also be converted

to one in analytic geometry (see Art. 7-19) by finding the
equations of the line and of the circle and solving them
simultaneously. However, the traverse solution is more direct.
If 0° azimuth is assumed in the direction PP', setting
2 departures equal to in the traverse PP'AOP gives

, . * R cos a—P'A sin a ,„ ._.

cos (a+c)= tj (7-23)

from which the central angle c and the stationing of P may be

From 2 latitudes = 0,
PP' = R sin a+P'A cosa-R sin (a+c) (7-24)

This the type of problem which is solved readily by


graphical methods. For example, if f

is known, the exact

tangent offset at P' is computed and laid off at right angles

to a line representing the tangent A V. large scale should A
be used (say 1 inch =l foot). Then, at a point 10 feet closer
to A, another tangent offset is computed and laid off parallel
to the previous one and 10 inches away. A spline fitted to
three such points is used for drawing in the curve, and the
line XP' is then drawn to the intersection at P. Finally,
the required distance P'P is scaled to the nearest 0.01 inch,
the ground distance thus being determined with an error hardly
greater than 0.01 foot.
In the case of a problem, rather than one met in the
office, the point P may
be found by setting two points close
together on the curve either side of where the straight line
comes through. Point P is then located by "string intersec-

7-19. Solutions by Analytic Geometry. When a curve —

problem cannot be solved readily by any other method,
recourse may be had to analytic geometry. This procedure
relies on a basic mathematical tool and has the virtue that
computations can be arranged so as to be self-checking.
Analytic geometry, is also the basis for the COGO system of
programming problems for solution by electronic digital com-
puter (Art. 13-5).
Miscellaneous Problems 189

To review some of the principles of analytic geometry, the

equation of a line cutting the F-axis (as line 1 in Fig. 7-17) is

r -'>*£i "
(7 25)

For a line cutting the X-axis (line 2),

X = J ±7tan0
x (7-26)

Fig. 7-17

To find the equation of a line from the coordinates of

two points on the line, first find the bearing from =
arc tan . Then find Iv or Ix by substituting the
y ,.

coordinates of one of the points in equation 7-25 or 7-26.

When 6 falls between zero and 10°, equation 7-26 is preferred;
between 80° and 90°, equation 7-25 is preferred. In either
case, it is advisable to check the result by using the coordinates
of the second point in the same equation.
The equation shown in Fig. 7-18,
of a circle, as is

(X-h¥ + (Y-ky = R> (7-27)

Any of the problems previously solved by the traverse

method might have been solved by analytic geometry. In
fact, analytic geometry can also be applied to computing the

Fig. 7-18

locations of critical points along a simple-curve or spiraled-

curve layout. This method is particularly useful where all
details of a route alignment are tied to a state plane coordinate
Analytic geometry is especially adapted to solving a problem
that requires finding the locations of points of intersection of
straight lines or curves. The problem in Art. 7-18 is such a
case. Fig. 7-19 illustrates the solution of this problem by
analytic geometry for the general case where the coordinate
axes are not rotated or translated so as to simplify the solution.
The same basic data are known as in the traverse solution of
Art. 7-18. These data are the coordinates of V (or A), the
bearings of the tangents, all geometric-curve data, the distance
VP' (or AP'), and the bearing 2 of the intersecting line. To
find the desired coordinates of the intersection P, proceed
as follows:
Solve for the unknown constants h and k from Ji = Xa+
R sin 0i and 1c = Ya— R cos 0i. The equation of the simple
curve (formula 7-27) is then known. Commence with the
given coordinates of V (or A) and find the coordinates of P

This fixes the coordinates of one point on the intersecting line.

Find the value of I u from I v = Yp'-\-

XP '

" The equation of

tan 2

the intersecting line (formula 7-25) is then known. Finally,

Miscellaneous Problems 191

Fig. 7-19

obtain the required coordinates of P by solving the equations

of the curve and the intersecting line simultaneously.
For additional applications of analytic geometry to practical
problems, see "Analytic Geometry in Highway Design and
Layout," Proceedings ASCE, Vol. 86, Paper 2548, July, 1960
and "Drafting-Room Problems Solved by Analytic Geometry"
by S. L. Goldberg, Civil Engineering, Vol. 30, No. 12,
December, 1960, pp. 68-70.

7-1. Simple curve with P.I. inaccessible (Fig. 7-1).
sta. T.C. {A), C.T. (B), and distance YB.
(a) Sta. X=73+50; XF=708.55; x=32°48'; 2/ = 25°24';
Z)„=4°30'. Answers: sta. T.C. =66+41.32; sta. C.T. =79 +
34.65; YB =257.06.
1 92 - Special Curve Problems

b Sta. A'=275-25: XF =588.62; x=21°36 20": y =

15°21'10*; #=2.000.

7-2. Compound curve with P.I. inaccessible Fig. 7-2 .

Find: sta. C.T. P . I l. Is. and the missing radius.

(a) Sta. T.C. A" =84+00; XY = 3.048.27: x=31°ll';
y=49°52 : #. = 1.500. -

sta. C.T. = 117-04.64:

)L =30 C
56'34": I< = 50 :
06'26": i? L =3.090.08.
(6) Sta. T.C. A" =268+50; A"}" = 1.800.00: r = 29 :

?/=35 iS

: L. arc def. =5°.

7-3. Change-of-location problems. Find: the station of

the new C.T. and the distances needed to set hubs at the
new T.C. and C.T. by taping from their original positions.
(a) Fig. 7-6: Sta. .4=24-13.44: 7=39 12': Z^=4 / =15. : :

(6) Fig. 7-8: Sta. .4 =37+79.06; 7 = 2v45: #=2.000:

(c) Fig. 7-0: Sta. .4 =04-21.82: /=51 :
10 : D.=6 :
: p=$.
(d) Fig. 7-10: Sta. 4=73+09.67; 7=52
34': D,=o :

a=3 :

7-4. Broken-back curve Fig. 7-11 . Find: PK and the

station equation at point D.
a Sta. 8=27+18.94; #,-=400: R L =800; # = 1,200:
BC =642.81. Answer*: PK =96.95: sta. D 39 -70.25 revised =
39-30.67 original.
(b) Sta. 5 = 18-19.17: #, =500:
: #1=600: # = 1,000:
BC = 510.24.
7-5. Broken-back curve Fig. 7-12 . Find: R. the maxi-
mum and the station equation at point D.
Sta. .4=12-41.83: D> = 10\ D L =S
a both arc def..:
7,=42 4S2n": I L = 32.30'1<'- BC =264.37. Answers: R =

793.346: max. offset =58.70: sta. D 23-71.34 revised =23-

40.54 original.
4=41+82.07; #.=400: #/.=700: /,=47

(6) Sta. lo ;

/L =36 :
42 :
fir =670.52.

7-6. Replacement of reverse curve Fig. 7-13 . Fr

PK, and the station equation at point A".

(a) Sta. T.C. (4) = 18+52.34; I) L = V2>b' and D«-

both arc def. : f*«16 42 7=752.,. tfofe; This is the

Miscellaneous Problems 1 93

reverse curve used in Prob. 3-6.) Answers: ft =4,031.47;

PK =528.97; sta. X
59+84.96 revised =63 +96. 13 original.
(6) Sta. T.C. (A) =63+21.86; #/, = 1,200; ft s =600; I L =
26°18';/ s =57 o 10'.

7-7. Curve through fixed point (Fig. 7-15). Find: Da

and Sta. T.C. (A). Verify D a by trial calculation.
(a) Sta. P.I. (V) =37+25.4; I = 53°40'; VP' =297.2; P'P =
28.8. Answers: D a -5°19'22"; sta. T.C. =31 +80.9.
(b) Sta. P.I. (V) =57 + 18.6; 7 = 62°05'; FP=300;a=5°.
7-8. Intersection of line and curve (Fig. 7-16). Find:
distance P'P, sta. P, and the coordinates of P by the method
of Art. 7-18. Verify answers by the method of Art. 7-19.
(a) Sta. T.C. (A) =73+24.32; coordinates of A =N
5,475.47, E 7,182.63; bearings AV = S 71°47'W, VB = S
12°43'E, XP=S 74°30'E; lengths AP' =960.82, 7? = 1,200.
Answers: PP' =358.98; sta. P = 80+25.81; coordinates of
A=N 5,079.17, E 6,615.89.
(6) Sta. P.I. (V) =46 + 19.57; coordinates of F=N 4,210.17,
E 4,781.73; bearings AV =S 83°56'E, VB=S 19°18'E, XP' =
S3°05'E; lengths FP' -721.42, ft =3,000.

(Note: The remaining problems are "original" in the sense that no

special formulas for solving them appear in this book. The suggestions
found in Arts. 7-2 and 7-7 are especially pertinent. Problems appear in
the order of increasing difficulty. Answers are purposely omitted as a chal-
lenge to the computer to verify his work by a different method.)

7-9. Fig. 7-5. Given: angles XVA = 100°, VXP = 36°,

VAP =22°; distances VA = 1,200, AO s = 1,000; sta. A = 12 +
00. Find: sta. B' (along curve APB') and distance VB'.

7-10. A 400-ft vertical curve joining gradients of —4%

and +6%
ends at elev. 127.86. The 6% gradient must be
lowered, but drainage requirements preclude any horizontal
shift in the low point of the curve. Find the length of the
revised vertical curve and the elevation of its low point.

7-11. Connect the center lines of two parallel roadways

200 ft apart with a crossover consisting of equal turnout

curves separated by a 400-ft tangent. Find the central angle

of the turnout curves.

7-12. Given: a simple curve with /=38°24'; />> a =6°; sta.

1 94 Special Curve Problems

T.C. =64+88.27. Replace it by a symmetrical 3-centered

compound curve, flattened at the tangents, which passes
through the same mid-point. It is required that As=6°40'
and that the sta. of the new T.C. =64+00. Find: D L and
sta. of new T.C.
7-13. Given two independent simple curves:
Curve 1. R = 1,000; sta. T.C. =35+42.76; coordinates of
T.C. =N 5,280.64, E 6,178.51; bearing of initial tangent = N
68°28'E, final tangent = N 6°05'W.
Curve R =2,000; sta. T.C. = 18+71.34; coordinates of

T.C.=N 6,980.11, E 8,821.27; bearing of initial tangent = N

5°58'W, final tangent =N 62°30'E.
A common tangent is to be run from point X on curve 1
to point Y on curve 2. Find: length and bearing of XY, sta.
X on curve 1, and sta. Y on curve 2.
7-14. Reverse curve between non-parallel tangents. Given:
angle between tangents at P.I. =30°28'; T s (P.I. to T.C.) =
533.24; TL (P.I. to C.T.) =2,169.43; sta. T.C. =39+57.46.
Conditions require that both arcs have the same radius.
Find: R, sta. of point of reversal, and sta. of C.T.
chapter O
Curve Problems in Highway Design
8-1. Foreword. — Because__of the public nature of highway
traffic,highway curves have a greater effect upon safety of
operation than do curves on railroad lines. Railways,
operating over fixed track on private right-of-way, are able
to control the volume and spacing of traffic and to enforce
slow orders on dangerous curves. Such restrictions are not
practicable on the public highway. Consequently, it is neces-
sary to "build safety into the highways" by proper location
and design. It would be difficult enough to meet this require-
ment if conditions were static, but the continuous improve-
ments in vehicle design and in highway construction, both of
which encourage ever-increasing speeds, make safety the high-
way designer's paramount engineering problem as yet —
unsolved in several important respects.

The importance and variety of curve problems in highway

design warrant devoting a separate chapter to aspects of these
problems not fully covered in the preceding chapters. Though
certain physical and geometric principles are reasonably well
established, the numerical recommendations controlling design
are in many cases only tentative. Illustrative examples are
taken from recent research or from current design "policies"
or "standards." Revision of policies and standards can be
expected as conditions change and as research discloses facts
not yet known.

Until recently the various elements entering into highway-

alignment design had been fixed largely by rule-of-thumb
methods, and there was little agreement among State highway
departments. This difference in practice was partly due to
the mushroom growth of traffic, which forced the highway
engineer to concentrate upon meeting the resulting demands
quickly by any methods that seemed adequate at the time.
However, the principal reason was lack of basic research
concerning the human and mechanical factors which con-
tribute to safe operation at high speeds. Research during
1 96 Curv§ Problems in Highway Design

the decade preceding World War II supplied much of the

missing information; from time to time additional research
continues to reveal new facts needed to bring all design ele-
ments into harmony with a chosen design speed.
C. M. Noble has listed 1 * the design elements affected by-
speed as follows:

(1) Over-all Width of Highway

(a) Median strip, width and treatment
(6) Shoulders, width and treatment
(c) Paved lane width

(2) Sight Distance

(a) Vertically
(b) Horizontally
(c) Determination of proper friction factor and reac-
tion time

(3) Minimum Radius for Horizontal Curvature

(4) Rates of Superelevation for Horizontal Curves

(a) Determination of proper friction factor (un-
balanced centrifugal ratio)
(6) Correlation of superelevation rate with require-
ments of slow and fast vehicles

(5) Length of Spiral Curves

(6) Length of Superelevation Runout Beyond Spiral

(7) Length of Profile Tangents

(8) Distance Between Horizontal Curves

(a) Same direction
(b) Reverse direction

(9) Spacing of Points of Access and Exit

(10) Length of Acceleration and Deceleration Lanes at

Points of Access and Exit

(11) Design of Turnouts at Points of Exit

(12) Signs
(a) Size of letters

(6) Maximum number of words in sign message

"Superscript numbers refer to the bibliography at the end of this chapter.
Sight Distance 1 97

(c) Reflectorization
(d) Position

(13) Type of Pavement

Of the items in the foregoing list, those from (2) to (8) inclu-
sive come 'logically within the scope of this chapter; the others
belong more properly to the field of highway construction and

An imp ortan£-s&H> toward the-4neorporation in_practice


of_design featuresjadiich will results in-thejnaximum degree of

safety and utility-was- taken in 1937 by the American Associa-
tion of State Highway Officials with the organization of a
"Special Committee on Administrative Design Policies."
Within a few years seven brochures on various aspects of
geometric design were approved by the member States after
thoughtful research and discussion. They played an impor-
tant role in the gradual replacement of rule-of-thumb methods
by scientific design based on research. In 1954 this material
was revised, expanded, and brought up to date in the form
of a single volume 2 entitled "A Policy on Geometric Design
of Rural Highways." This volume, which came to be known
as the blue book, was a monumental work that has exerted a
major influence on highway design. It was further revised
and up-dated in 1965. In the following articles, references
to the blue book are denoted by AASHO Policy.

8-2. Speeds. —Speed and sight distance are closely related.
Several definitions of speed are used in the AASHO Policy.
Over-all travel speed is the speed over a specified section of
highway, being the distance divided by the over-all travel
time. The term running speed refers to the distance divided
by the time the vehicle is in motion. In either case, the
average speed for all traffic, component thereof, is the
summation of distances divided by the summation of running
(or over-all travel) times. The most useful concept of speed
isdesign speed! which is the maximum safe speed that can be
maintained over a specified section of highway when conditions
are so favorable that the design features of the highway govern.

8-3. Definitions. Two definitions of sight distance are in
use^Jaxojjm.a^fitspping'' and "p assin g."
1 98 Curve Vroblems in Highway Design

Stopping sight distance should be long enough to permit a

vehicle traveling at the assumed design speed to stop safely
before reaching a stationary object inits path. At horizontal
curves and at crest vertical curves, the height of the driver's
eye is assumed to be 3.75 feet, and the height of the object is
taken as 6 inches {AASHO Policy^. At no point on a high-
way should the sight distance be less than the stopping value.
Passing sight distance on a tangent is the shortest distance
required for a vehicle safely to pull out of a traffic lane, pass a
vehicle traveling in the same direction, and return ta the
correct lane without interfering either with the overtaken
vehicle or with opposing traffic. At horizontal curves and at
crest vertical curves, passing sight distance is the length of
road that must visibly be free of obstructions in order to permit
a vehicle moving at the design speed to pass a slower-moving
vehicle. For these cases the height of eye is taken as 3.75 ft
height of object, as 4.5 ft [AASHO Policy^. Highways on
which passing must be accomplished on lanes that may be
occupied by opposing traffic should be provided with fre-
quent safe passing sections on which the sight distance is not
less than the passing value for the assumed design speed.
Sight distances on overlapping horizontal and vertical
curves are determined independently for each type of curva-
ture. The critical sight distance at any point is then taken
as the smaller of the two.

8-4. Stopping Sight Distance. —Stopping sight distance is

the sum of two distances: (1) that traversed during perception

plus brake reaction time; (2) that required for stopping after
brakes are applied.
Numerous scientifically controlled tests have been made to
determine perception time and brake reaction time. As might
be expected, the results vary according to vehicle speed, age
and natural aptitude of the driver, and the conditions accom-
panying the test. Brake reaction time is assumed to be 1
second, this having been found to be the value sufficient for
most drivers; perception time is selected as slightly greater
than that required by most drivers, and is assumed to be 1.5
seconds (AASHO Policy).
Sight Distance 1 99

For a speed of V miles per hour and perception plus brake

reaction time of t seconds, the total reaction distance in feet is

D = lA7Vt
r (8-1)

(The conversion factor 1.47 may be recalled more readily by

means of the exact relation: 60 mph = 88 ft per sec.)
Braking distance may
be determined from fundamental
principles of mechanics. The
force causing a vehicle to stop
after application of the brakes equals mass times decelera-
tion, or

F = Ma=—a

If the coefficient of friction /is assumed to be uniform during

deceleration, F = W f; hence, a=f g. Since the distance trav-
ersed in decelerating from a velocity v to rest is jr— , the brak-
, ^a
ing distance is 5-j—. When g is taken as 32.2 ft per sec 2, and

the speed is converted to V in miles per hour, the braking dis-

tance in feet reduces to

Actually the coefficient of friction is not constant during

deceleration, but assuming it to be constant introduces no
error so long as the proper equivalent uniform value is assumed
to fit the speed in effect at the beginning of the operation. The
used in the AASHO Policy apply to
coefficients of friction
normal clean wet pavements that are free of mud, snow, or ice.
In Table 8-1 (AASHO Policy), design speeds of 75 and 80
mph are applicable only to highways with full control of
access. The speed for wet conditions is taken to be slightly
less than the design speed so that the greater proportion of
traffic, traveling at yet lower speeds, will enjoy an additional

safety factor. If the full design speed were used along with
the coefficients of friction for dry pavements (almost double
the tabulated values), the required stopping sight distances
would be somewhat less than those for the assumed wet con-
200 Curve Problems in Highway Design

ditions. Therefore, the critical design values are those in

Table 8-1.



Assumed Coef-
Braking Sight Distance
Speed Reaction Dis-
Design ficient
for tance
Speed Condi- of
Level Com- Rounded
Time Dist. for
mph mpli sec ft ft ft ft

V / Db 1 Dr + Db

30 28 2.5 103 0.36 73 176 200

40 36 2.5 132 0.33 131 263 275
50 44 2.5 161 0.31 208 369 350
60 52 2.5 191 0.30 300 491 475
65 59 2.5 216 0.29 400 616 600
70 67 2.5 245 0.28 535 780 775
75 75 2.5 275 0.28 670 945 950
80 82 2.5 300 0.27 830 1,130 1,150

Theoretically, stopping distances are affected slightly

by grades. If G is the per cent grade divided by 100, the
formula for braking distance becomes

D (8-3)
30 (/*G)

In practice the sight distance is usually longer on down-

grades than on upgrades, a fact that automatically compen-
sates for the greater braking distances on downgrades required
by formula 8-3. Exceptions would be one-way lanes on
divided highways having independent profiles for the two

8-5. Passing Sight Distance.— In the .1/157/0 Policy the

minimum passing sight distance for two-lane highways is the

Sight Distance 201

sum of the following four distances which are shown in Fig.


di = distance traversed during the preliminary delay period

(the distance traveled during perception and reaction
time and during the initial acceleration to the point
of encroachment on the left lane).

d2 = distance traveled while the passing vehicle occupies any

part of the lelt lane.

dz = distance between the passing vehicle at the end of its

maneuver and the opposing vehicle.

di = distance traversed by an opposing vehicle for two-thirds

of the time the passing vehicle occupies the left lane,
or ld2 .

The^ preliminary delay period di is a^complex one. For

purposes of analysis it may be broken into two components:
(1) time for perception and reaction^ aniLI2) an int erval dur -
in^_jyjiich-the_d riv er a cceler ates his vehic le_fromJjie^niili n
speegl_I^iQ_t o the passing speed V at the^point oLeneco&ch-
ment on the left lane. The distance traversed is expressed as

d^lAlufv-iyi+^j (8-4)

The distance traveled while the passing vehicle occupies the

left lane is

d2 = 1.47 Vt 2 (8-5)

Reference to Fig. 8-1 shows that during the first part of

the passing maneuver the driver can still return to the right
lane if he sees an opposing vehicle. From experience, this
"uncommitted" distance is about \d 2 Since the opposing .

and passing vehicles are assumed to be traveling at the same

speed, d t = \d2 .

Basic data used in establishing the design curves in Fig.

8-1 are summarized in Table 8-2. The values of a, t lf t 2 d z and , ,

average passing speed come from a report 3 on extensive field

observations of driver behavior during passing maneuvers.
The average value of m is taken as 10 mph.
202 Curve Problems in Highway Design

Passing Vehicle

Opposing vehicle appears
when passing vehicle
reaches point A

hd 2

d: d3

Design Speed -mph

40 50


2 1.500

* 1,000

30 40 50 60
Average Speed of Passing Vehicle -mph

Fig. 8-1. Passing sight distance (2-lane highways)

Sight Distance 203


Speed Group, mph 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70

Average Passing speed, mph 34.9 43.8 52.6 62.0

Initial maneuver:
a=avg. acceleration, mph
per second 1.40 1.43 1.47 1.50
h = time, seconds 3.6 4.0 4.3 4.5
di= distance traveled, ft 145 215 290 370

Occupation of left lane:

^2= time, seconds 9.3 10.0 10.7 11.3
do = distance traveled, ft 475 640 825 1,030

Clearance length:
d3 = distance traveled, ft 100 180 250 300
Opposing vehicle:
d\ = distance traveled, ft 315 425 550 680

Total distance,
(h+dt+dz+dt, ft 1,035 1,460 1,915 2,380


Assumed Speeds Minimum Passing

Design Sight Distance, ft

mph Passed Passing

Vehicle, mph Vehicle, mph Fig. 8-1 Rounded

30 26 36 1,090 1,100
40 34 44 1,480 1,500
50 41 51 1,840 1,800
60 47 57 2,140 2,100
65 50 60 2,310 2,300
70 54 64 2,490 2,500
75 56 66 2,600 2,600
80 59 69 2,740 2,700
204 Curve Problems in Highway Design

Table 8-3 contains a summary of passing sight distances

determined from the foregoing analysis.

8-6. Superelevation Theory. — Fig. 8-2 shows the forces
W (weight of vehicle) and F (centrifugal force) acting through,
the center of gravity c of a vehicle traveling at a speed v
around a curve of radius R, when the pavement is super-
elevated at an angle with the horizontal (0 = tan -1 e).

w Wp

Possible directions
of resultant
Fig. 8-2. Superelevation theory

In order to simplify the analysis, the two forces are resolved

into theircomponents normal and parallel to the pavement.
The resultant of the forces must take one of three possible
general directions:

(1) When Wp—Fpf the resultant is perpendicular to the

pavement and no centrifugal sensation is felt by the occupants
of the vehicle. The speed which produces this effect is called
"equilibrium speed."
(2) When WP >FP
the resultant is inclined to the pavement

down the slope. Consequently, there is a tendency for the

vehicle to slide inward, and this tendency is resisted by a
lateral force acting up the slope at the contact between the
Horizontal Alignment 205

wheels and the road surface. Obviously, there is also a

clockwise overturning moment causing the vehicle to tilt

(3) When WP <F P , the resultant is inclined to the pavement

up the slope. The effects are then opposite to those in (2) the ;

resisting lateral force acts down the slope and the tilt is out-
At equilibrium speed, WP = FP or ,

IF sin =—W cos v2

g R
Solving for gives the following basic equilibrium formula:

tan0 = e = -^ (8-6)
g a
The equilibrium formula is expressed in more usable form
by replacing v in feet per second by V in miles per hour and
by substituting 32.16 ft per sec 2 for g. The result is
0.067 V 2
V 2

R 15 R

(8" 8)
When Wp j^Fp, the magnitude of the tendency for the vehicle
to move laterally may be denoted by the term /, which is the
ratio of the lateral component of the resultant to its normal
component. If all forces are assumed to have positive signs,
the value of / is

FP -WP F cos 0-W sin

= 6
J~Fn +Wn~F sin 6+W cos

Since the superelevation angles used in practice are small

(0 is rarely permitted to exceed 7°), it is sufficiently accurate to
assume that F sin = 0, term being very small in compari-
son with W cos 0. Therefore, / is approximately equal to
Fcosd-W sinB = F m ,. , ,
777— tan 0, which reduces to
W cos W
The resulting working relations are:
206 Curve Problems in Highway Design

When Wp>Fp (or V is less than equilibrium speed),

(8- lo)
When WP <Fp (or V exceeds equilibrium speed),

=i^ = S^ (8 - n)

It should be observed that / is necessarily proportional to,

and opposite in direction to, the resisting side friction which
automatically comes into action at other than equilibrium

In solving problems for various operating conditions, con-

fusion in signsmay be avoided by considering the terms in the
foregoing equations to be positive quantities that are propor-
tional to the actual forces acting on the vehicle. Since the
forces themselves act in definite directions, these same direc-
tions may be given to the terms e, /, and . ,-, . Fig. 8-3

and the accompanying analysis illustrate this procedure.

rv*j£jjfo/ Q&& fo

1 1
(a) Favorable crown (b) Adverse crown
Fig. 8-3

The term / has been called the "lateral ratio" in research

done by Leeming 4 in Great Britain, and this appears to be the
most logical expression. In the United States, / has been
termed "unbalanced centrifugal ratio," cornering ratio" (at

General Motors Proving Ground), "unbalanced side friction,"

and "side friction factor." Because of the widespread use of the
last expression, it will be adopted in this book with the warn- —
ing that itshould not be confused with the "coefficient of
friction" as understood in dynamics.
Horizontal Alignment 207

Fig. 8-3 (a) —Favorable crown y 2

(1) V= Equilibrium speed 15
Superelevation counterbalances the
centrifugal force. There is no (Formula 8-7)
side friction.

(2) V< Equilibrium speed

Side friction and centrifugal force /+ Io^ = e
assist each other in counter-
balancing excessive supereleva-
(Formula 8-10)

(3) V> Equilibrium speed

Side friction and superelevation 15 R
= e + /
assist each other in counter-
balancing centrifugal force. (Formula 8-11)

Fig. 8-3 (b) —Adverse crown

Only one
y 2
possible case regardless / - 15 R
of speed. Side friction alone
holds car on road.

8-7. Dynamics of Vehicle Operation on Curves. On a —

curve havings accurately built constant superelevation, there
is a particular speed, known as the equilibrium speed or "hands-

off" speed, at which a car steers itself around the curve. At

this speed W
P = FP and the value of /is zero.

At other than equilibrium speed, equations 8-10

and 8-11
seem to indicate that around a given curve is
safe operation
entirely within the control of the driver. He has only to
adopt any desired speed and rely upon the automatic develop-
ment of whatever value of / is needed to make up for the lack of
balance between e and
V 2

~ . However, the matter is not so

simple as this. On the contrary, it is very complex; and

further research is required before curve design for high-speed
operation can be placed upon a sound scientific basis.
208 Curve Problems in Highway Design

When Wp5*Fp the car , tends to creep out of the traffic lane.
To offset this tendency the driver must exert force at the
steering wheel and must steer slightly toward or away from the
center of curvature, the direction depending on whether V is
greater or less than equilibrium speed. As a result, each pair
of tires must "slip" across the surface at a definite angle
between the path of travel and the longitudinal axis of the
wheels. Fig. 8-4 illustrates the normal condition when V
exceeds the equilibrium speed.

Rsrth of front,
Cfcor-^^' ^
<C_ . ^£T£-Fbfh of rear
of cor
Rear Slip Anqle_
Fig. 8-4. Understeering action

Front and rear slip angles are rarely equal. When the
front slip angle is greater than the rear slip angle, the car is

said to be "understeering," as in Fig. 8-4; when the reverse

is true, the car is "oversteering." Whether a car understeers
or oversteers depends principally on its design and partly
on factors within the control of the operator. For example,
research at the General Motors Proving Ground 5 shows that
possible to make a car either highly oversteering or highly
it is
understeering by merely varying front and rear tire pressures
within certain limits.
The understeering car is somewhat more stable and sus-

ceptible to control than the oversteering type. Perhaps

this is true because an increase in speed on a curve requires an
increase in the steering angle of the understeering car (an
operation that is instinctively natural), whereas a decrease in
Horizontal Alignment 209

the steering angle is necessary in the case of the oversteering

car. Above a certain critical speed the front wheels of the
understeering car start to slide off the road, but by careful
braking the driver can generally regain control and return to
a a speed below the critical value. It is
fairly fixed course at
more hold an oversteering car on a fixed path even
difficult to
at moderate speeds. Above a certain critical speed the rear
end of the car starts to slide off the road, and any slight
application of brakes is apt to put the car into a spin.
At the same time at which a car develops certain slip angles
in rounding a curve, there is some tilt or "body roll." The
roll anglea linear function of/, at least up to the limits of/

considered safe. Roll angles are not large. Tests show that,
when /=0.20, body-roll angles vary between 1.8° and 3.5°,
the value depending on the make and model year of the car.
Though body roll has less effect upon a car's general "road-
ability" than do the slip angles, it is a factor that must be
allowed for in the accurate use of the ball bank indicator (see
Art. 8-8).
Valuable research on the relation of slip angles, steering
angles, and body roll to safe speed on curves has been pub-
lished by Fox 6 (low-speed tests) and by Stonex and Noble7
(high-speed tests on the Pennsylvania Turnpike). The facts
brought out show why all cars do not handle alike on the same
curves. Information is also available on the special problems
involved in test-track design. 24

8-8. Side Friction Factors. —

The value of / at which side
skidding imminent depends principally upon the speed of

the vehicle, the condition of the tires, and the characteristics

of the roadway surface. Mover's work 8 indicated maximum
values of / of about 0.50 at relatively low speeds, with a
reduction to approximately 0.35 at high speeds. The tests
at very high speed on the Pennsylvania Turnpike 7 (speeds
to 105 mph) showed maximum values as low as 0.30, even
though the cars were driven by skilled test drivers.
An important problem in curve design especially on —
curves to be marked with safe-speed signs is to determine —
the percentage of the maximum side friction that can be
21 Curve-Problems in Highway Design

by the average driver. The resulting values

utilized safely
of/ used in design should give posted speeds that have an
ample margin of safety even when the pavement is wet.
Furthermore, when the posted speed is exceeded, the added
unbalanced centrifugal force should be enough to produce
an uncomfortable sensation and an instinctive reduction in

The simplest device yet developed for determining maxi-

mum safe speeds and their relation to side friction factors
is the ball bank indicator, apparently first used by the Missouri
State Highway Department in 1937. It consists of a sealed
curved glass tube containing liquid and a steel ball slightly
smaller than the bore of the tube. When the indicator is

mounted on the dash by means of rubber suction cups, the

under the influence of the forces
ball is free to roll transversely
acting upon it. The enough damping effect
liquid produces
to hold the ball fairly steady, even when the car is driven
around a curve at high speed on a slightly rough surface.
Readings are taken on a scale graduated in degrees with the
0°mark at the center of the tube.
Where the ball bank indicator is to be used, it is first
mounted on the dash with the ball at the 0° reading when the
car is in a stationary level position. Obviously, all observers
who are to be in the car during the test run must be in then-
assigned positions when the indicator is set in place.
The indicator is used for two purposes: (1) to determine
the ball bank angle and side friction factor at the maximum
comfortable speed on a particular curve, and (2) to determine
the speed on a curve required to produce a specified ball bank
In the first use, the body roll p of the test car is determined
by stopping the car on the curve and reading the ball bank
angle p. the car is stationary, p = $ — 6, as shown in
Fig. 8-5. (Obviously the superelevation 6 must be measured.)
Then trial runs are made around the curve at various constant
speeds until that speed is reached which first produces an
uncomfortable centrifugal sensation. Simultaneous readings
of speed and ball bank angle are then made, and the averages
are taken. Thus, one of the desired values, 0, is measured by
direct observation.
Horizontal Alignment 211

Ball bank

Fig. 8-5. Ball bank indicator —car stopped

To find the desired side friction factor /, the following
analysis, based on Fig. 8-6, is made:
When a car rounds a superelevated curve at equilibrium
speed, the resultant of the forces is perpendicular to the pave-

ment surface; there is no body roll and the ball bank indicator
Teads 0°. At a speed greater than equilibrium speed, side
friction comes into play, acting inward. Were it not for the
body the ball bank angle would be practically a direct

function of this side friction. However, the outward body

roll tilts the car toward the horizontal, thereby increasing the

reading of the ball bank indicator. The condition is shown

in Fig. 8-6, from which

/3-prrtan" 1 —-- (8-12)

But equation 8-9 shows that

or tan -1 /= tan" e
(jli- )
Because of the small angles involved, it is sufficiently
accurate to assume that
tan -1 /= tan -1 —R~ — tan" 1
e = tan _1 —v =r—

g g R
212 Curve Problems in Highway Design

Bo// bank

Fig. 8-6. Ball bank indicator when V > equilibrium speed

Substituting from equation 8-12 gives

tan" 1
f=p-p (8-13) Approx.

The work may be checked by assuming that p is zero and

solving equation 8-12 for /3, thus obtaining the theoretical ball
bank angle on the assumption of zero body roll. The difference
between the calculated and observed ball bank angles is the
body roll, which should agree with the value measured while
the car is stationary on the superelevated curve. For any
one test car there should be a linear relation between the values
p and /.
This first use of the ball bank indicator represents its
application in research. After the ball bank angle correspond-
ing to the maximum safe speed has been determined, the
second use of the indicator is in connection with establishing
posted speeds on curves. In this application it is not neces-
sary to measure the radius or the superelevation. The speed
Horizontal Alignment 2 1 3

of the test car is gradually increased until the specified ball

bank angle is reached, and this maximum speed is recorded.
The practical value of the ball bank indicator rests in
its and in the fact that there is a surprisingly
close agreement among the various States using it in regard
to the numerical value, 10°, most widely adopted to indicate
maximum safe speed. A canvass made by Moyer and Berry 9
showed that, after curves were first marked with safe-speed
indications in Missouri in 1937, the plan was quickly adopted
in 25 States and the ball bank indicator was the device most
commonly used for determining posted speeds. As a result
of this study, which also included an analysis of driver reaction
to posted speeds, the authors arrived at the following conclu-

To obtain the driver's respect for the speed on the sign over a wide
range of speed, the following ball bank angles are recommended: 14°
for speeds below 20 mph, 12° for speeds of 25 and 30 mph, and 10° for
speeds of 35 mph and higher.
For speeds up to 50 or even 60 mph, a ball bank angle of 10° has
been found to be quite satisfactory but for speeds above 60 mph a
lower value should be used.

recommendations are converted into side

If the foregoing
friction factors by means
of equation 8-13 (in which average
values of body roll reported by the General Motors Proving
Ground are used), the resulting values of / range from about
0.21 at 20 mph to 0.14 at 50 mph.
In earlier tests reported by Barnett 10 a safe side friction
factor of 0.1G had been recommended for speeds up to 60 mph,
with a reduction of 0.01 in / for each 5 mph increase in speed
above 60 mph. However, of the 900 tests involved in this
research only a few were made at speeds of 60 or more mph.
As a result of the high-speed tests on the Pennsylvania
Turnpike, Stonex and Noble 7 concluded: "/=0.10 is the
maximum that should be utilized in curve design on public
highways at speeds of 70 mph and higher."
The slight inconsistencies in the recommended values of
/ noted in the preceding paragraphs merely reflect the dif-
ferences in judgment as to what constitutes incipient insta-
bility uncomfortable centrifugal sensation. Further
research and a more scientific means of measuring discomfort
should narrow the range of disagreement.
214 CurvQ Problems in Highway Design

For reasons to be explained in Art. 8-9, it is not practicable

to use sufficient superelevation to counteract centrifugal force
completely, except possibly on sharp curves designed for low-
speed operation. On flat curves on which vehicles are operated
at high speeds, drivers place more reliance upon side friction
than upon superelevation. It is therefore logical to design
with a greater margin of safety at high speeds, owing to the
greater difficulty in steering a true course and to the longer
stopping distance required in case of an emergency. The
practice may be stated differently as follows: A smaller
percentage of the available side friction should be used at
high speeds than at low values.

In view of the maximu m.. values, of J notedr-m thp first

paragraph of this article, it will be observed that the values


Design Side Body Ball

Speed tan -1 /
Friction or Roll Bank
V Factor Angle Angle
(/J-P)° 0°
mph / P°

20 0.17 9.6 3.0 12.6

25 0.165 9.4 2.7 12.1
30 0.16 9.1 2.5 11.6
35 0.155 8.8 2.4 11.2
40 0.15 8.5 2.2 10.7
45 0.145 8.3 2.1 10.4
50 0.14 8.0 2.0 10.0
55 0.135 7.7 1.9 9.6
60 0.13 7.4 1.8 9.2
65 0.125 7.1 1.7 8.8
70 0.12 6.8 1.6 8.4
80 0.11 6.3 1.5 7.8
90 0.10 5.7 1.4 7.1
100 0.09 5.2 1.3 6.5

of/ summarized in Fig. 8-7 (jtouclAASILO Eolicy) ombody this

principle of a greater safety factor at high speeds. The
straight-line relation assumed for curve design represents a
Horizontal Alignment 215

0.22 1 1
1 r
H.R.B. 1940
__^Moyer & Berry


0.18 £
\ V
A \Meyer 1949

V \ ^HJjJ. 1936Barnett

\ H.R.B. 1940
\ Moyer & Berry

reasonable compromise based on the safe values recommended

by various investigators;was purposely kept lower at the

low design speeds in order to compensate for the tendency of

drivers to overdrive on highways with low design speeds.
Table 8-4 gives recommended side friction factors cor-
responding to the straight-line relation in Fig. 8-7. The
ball bank angles were found by calculation, average body roll
angles reported by General Motors Proving Ground being
used. The final ball bank angles are accurate enough for
determining posted speeds on curves, even though test-car
roll angles differ somewhat from those listed. In the range
of speeds — —
45 to 55 mph within which the safe-speed signs
216 Curve Problems in Highway Design

are most frequently used, the recommended side friction factors

give ball bank angles very close to the value 10° used by most

8-9. Maximum Superelevation Rates. Because- o£— the —

presence of both slow-moving and fast traffic, and the varia-
tions in weather conditions over the seasons, it is impossible
to design a highway so that the superelevation is ideal for all
tr affic_ at .all. times. Safety is the paramount consideration.
This requires a fairly low superelevation rate, with the result
that road speeds are usually greater than the equilibrium
When the speed is less than the equilibrium value, the
resultant (Fig. 8-2) acts inward and the driver must steer
slightly away from the center of curvature in order ta maintain
a true co urse in the tra ffic lane. The effect is somewhat like
the action of an oversteering car. Since steering outward on
a curve is not a natural operation, there is a tendency for
slow-moving vehicles to "edge in" toward the shoulder or
toward the inner traffic lane. Moreover, if the side friction
factor is greater than about 0.05 when the road is icy, vehicles

may slide inward despite the driver's efforts to steer a true

course. On the other hand, if the superelevation rate is too
low, design speeds on curves are limited by the safe side fric-
tion factors to values less than considered practicable in
modern design. Therefore, a compromise between these con-
flicting requirements is necessary.
There is fairly general agreement that a superelevation rate
of 0.10 (approximately 1| inches per foot) is about the maxi-
mum that should be used in regions where snow and ice are
encountered. Where exceptionally adverse winter conditions
are likely to prevail for several months, a maximum super-
elevation rate of 0.07 or 0.08 is recommended. A maximum
aa high as 0.13 is used in localities free from snow orjce.

Fig. 8-8shows superelevation practice in several States

when it was customary to ignore design speed. This was the
traditional method. Since publication of the AASHO Policy
an increasing number of States vary superelevation with
design speed. In general the same maximum superelevation
is used at all speeds, but at the higher design speeds the
maximum is reached on natter curves.

Horizontal Alignment 217

4 5 6 7
D = Degree of Curve

Fig. 8-8

In the AASHO Policy it is "c oncluded that (a) seyeralxates

rather than a single rate of maximum superelevation should be
recognized in establishing design controls for highway curves,
(b) a rate of 0.12 should not be exceeded, and (c) at the other

extreme a rate of 0.06 is applicable for urban design. Con-

sistentwith current practice, values for the 0.10 rate are
referred to as generally desirable or nationally representative.

8-10. Maximum Degree of Curve.—The use of any recom-

mended maximum rate of superelevation in combination with
a particular design speed results in a maximum degree (or
218 Curve Problems in Highway Design

Design Minimum Maximum
Speed Maximum Maximum Total R D
V, mph e / e+f ft deg

30 .06 .16 .22 273 21.0

40 .06 .15 .21 508 11.3
50 .06 .14 .20 833 6.9
60 .06 .13 .19 1,263 4.5
65 .06 .13 .19 1,483 3.9
70 .06 .12 .18 1,815 3.2
75 .06 .11 .17 2,206 2.6
80 .06 .11 .17 2,510 2.3

30 .08 .16 .24 250 22.9

40 .08 .15 .23 464 12.4
50 .08 .14 .22 758 7.6
60 .08 .13 .21 1,143 5.0
65 .08 .13 .21 1,341 4.3
70 .08 .12 .20 1,633 3.5
75 .08 .11 .19 1,974 2.9
80 .08 .11 .19 2,246 2.5

30 .10 .16 .26 231 24.8

40 .10 .15 .25 427 13.4
50 .10 .14 .24 694 8.3
60 .10 .13 .23 1,043 5.5
65 .10 .13 .23 1,225 4.7
70 .10 .12 .22 1,485 3.9
75 .10 .11 .21 1,786 3.2
80 .10 .11 .21 2,032 2.8

30 .12 .16 .28 214 26.7

40 .12 .15 .27 395 14.5
50 .12 .14 .26 641 8.9
60 .12 .13 .25 960 6.0
65 .12 .13 .25 1,127 5.1

70 .12 .12 .24 1,361 4.2

75 .12 .11 .23 1,630 3.5

80 .12 .11 .23 1,855 3.1
1 .

Horizontal Alignment 219

mini mum r adius! of__curye. If sharper curvature were used

with the stated design speed, either the superelevation rate or
the side friction factor would have to be increased beyond
recommended safe limits. Thu&—this—maximum deg ree of
cur ve is a significant value i n alignm ent design

Table 8-5 (frovcL-A-ASHCL Policy) lists li miting vain pa of

"nryatn™* fr>r four mn Y irrmm r a,tg g piLsjipexelevation. The

final values are consistent with formula 8-1 1 in which are sub-
stituted the safe side friction factors from Table 8-4.
The relationships given b y formula 8-1 a re s how a. gr a p h i-

calLy-in Eig..8-9 (1954 A ASHQ Policy.) hy 4he_straighUi»es

for each design speed. Superimposed on the graph are the
values of maximum curvature, as taken from Table 8-5.

R = Radius in Feet

12 16 20 28
D = Degree of Curve

Fig. 8-9
220 Curve Problems in Highway Design

8-11. Superelevation Rate Over Range of Curvature.—It_

is notjaecessary to superelevate very flat curves; the normal
crown is carried around the curve unchanged.
(This matter is
treated in Art. 8-12.) However,
not logical to change
it is

abruptly from zero superelevation on a very flat curve to

maximum superelevation at some arbitrary value of D or R.
There should be a transition range of curvature within which
maximum superelevation increases in a rational manner from
zero to the full value permitted by climatic conditions. Fig.
8-8 indicates how some States have handled this matter.
As a result of careful analysis of the dynamic factors
involved in four different methods of approach to this problem,
it was concluded (A AS HO Policy) that a parabolic form,
with the horizontal distance governing, represents a practical
distribution [of superelevation] over the range of curvature."
This is the type of relationship that was proposed in the first
edition of this textbook as "a rational suggestion for general

8-12. Superelevation Rates for Design. —Fig. 8-10

(AASHO Policy) shows recommended design superelevation
rates for the case where the maximum rate of superelevation
equals 0.10. values of curvature at e = 0.10
The maximum
correspond to those in Table 8-5. On curves flatter than the
maximum, the superelevation rates lie on parabolic curves of
the form recommended in Art. 8-11. In practice similar
design curves could be constructed for other maximum super-
elevation rates, such as those given in Table 8-5.

On two-lane highways, if the pavement cross-section

normally used on tangents is carried around a horizontal curve
unchanged, traffic entering a curve to the right has the benefit
of some favorable superelevation from the crowned pavement.
On the other hand, traffic entering a curve to the left meets an
adverse crown, as in Fig. 8-3 (6). This leads to a considera-
tion of the maximum curvature for which the normal crowned
cross-section is suitable.

As a general rule, it is recommended that the minimum rate

of superelevation on any curve (except at a reverse transition)
should be about 0.012 and that the particular value should
correspond to the average rate of cross slope used on tangents.
Horizontal Alignment 221

- "

- "

*>, "


- "


\ "





\ -

\\ t*

x >

fa- -
\^ "



0? *^ -

e« a> oO w

c> c3 C;
D L/
3 C3 c3
C3 C3 °
9}ey uojieA8|9jadns =a
222 Curve Problems in Highway Design

With an average adverse cross slope of 0.012, the correspoad-

ing degree of curve (rounded) for each design speed in Fig.
8rl0 is shown in the third column of Table 8-6 (1954 AASRQ
Policy). It should be observed that the resulting side friction
required to counteract both adverse superelevation and cen-
trifugal force is very small. Obviously, if the curves were
made sharper, the required side friction factors would increase,


Resulting Side Friction

Average Factor / When Adverse
Design Running Minimum Crown e = 0.012
Speed Maximum R
Speed D
V, mph mph.
At Design At Running
Speed Speed

30 27 1°30' 3,800 .028 .025

40 34 0°45' 7,600 .026 .023
50 40 0°30' 11,450 .027 .022
60 45 0°20' 17,200 .026 .020
70 49 0°15' 22,900 .027 .019

and a point would be reached where a favorable slope across

the entire pavement would be desirable.
In the A ASHCjPolicy it is recommended that a plane^sjope
across the pavement should be used wherever^ curve Js_sharp
enough to require a superelevation rate in excess of about 02.
This practical limit corresponds to degrees of curve ranging
from 2°30' at 30 mph to 0°30'at 80 mph. For curves between
these values and those in Table 8-6 a compromise could be
made, in the interest of construction economy, by rotating the
normal crown slightly toward the inside of the curve. How-
ever, a change to a plane slope across both lanes would be pre-
ferable, at least at the higher design speeds.
Table 8-7 shows the resulting design superelevation rates
which e = 0.10; it is the tabular form of Fig. 8-10.
for the case in
Similar tables for three other values of maximum e are found
Horizontal Alignment 223

o © ©© o ©
ooo O >r>
»* r—
<N <M <N <N

o oo
o o oo
oo oo

<N «r> G\ *"» vo

u c w
O oj<"
w S
c s
g & ES rV»

» NN »ri rr\^ h
I o « a
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~ fc
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O C\ Q £
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tf F
CO C\C\ 2 o W ea
O O ©O © © s 03 2 o

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H O fc
oo© ©oo© o©
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o ©© o ©© © OO o | 2 .
> .3 <u
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•a a s
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ouu2 IO OKMfl r- © 2 q
« ofi©
©oo© oooo ©oo £*M

CM <M rrv

yyyy ° £ m 00 w> oo
ZZtfps © c o© oooo ©© oo


©•<r r- ©
op © ©pop pppp ©pop
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CS © O m
NO *•>«<-> -ir «r> hh mh <N r- •*! o <r\ —> oo \0 »«->«>
rsio\ VO -<r -< Os 00l^vO>r\ ^l"<r •<? «Mf\(NN N N

<rNO«r\© OOOO
O mo
rTv^jiirvvO t~ CO C\ O -- <N i
224 Curve Problems in Highway Design

in the AASHO Policy. The basis for selecting the tabulated

runoff or spiral lengths is discussed in Arts. 8-13 and 8-15.

8-13. Length of Spiral. The purposes served by an ease-
ment curve and the reasons for choosing the spiral as the ease-
ment were stated succinctly in Art. 5-1.
Safe operation at high speeds requires that curves be
designed to fit natural driver-vehicle behavior. It is obviously
impossible, when traveling at any appreciable speed, to change
instantaneously from a straight to a circular path at the T.C.
of an unspiraled curve. On such alignment the driver makes
his own transition as a matter of necessity, usually by starting
to steer toward the curve in advance of the T.C. In so doing,
there is bound to be some deviation from the traffic lane. If
the curve is sharp or if the speed is high, the deviation may
result in dangerous encroachment on the shoulder or on the
adjacent traffic lane (see Fig. 8-11).

Ineffective pavement

Fig. 8-11. Vehicle paths on unspiraled curve

Though the operational and aesthetic advantages of spirals

are generally recognized, their adoption in the United States
(since about 1925) has been very gradual; as of 1969 more than
one-half of the State highway departments used them. Among
the reasons for this are the cumbersome, highly-mathematical
treatments often presented, which result in the belief that
tedious computations and awkward field work are inherent in
the use of the spiral; the mistaken belief that a spiral of
particular length is required for each different value of curve
radius or of design speed; and inertia —a reluctance to change
existing rule-of-thumb practices.
Horizontal Alignment 225

It is hoped that the simple presentation of the basic geo-

metry Chapter 5, in which easily remembered
of the spiral in
analogies to the corresponding parts of a circular curve are
emphasized, will assist in dispelling the bugaboo of mathe-
matical complexity. Moreover, the various spiral tables in
Part III are so complete and so readily adapted to basing
the circular arc either upon the radius or upon the chord or
the arc definition of degree of curve that the required trigo-
nometry and field work are no more complicated for the
calculation and staking of a spiral-curve layout than for an
unspiraled curve. (As a matter of interest, it is the author's
compute and stake
practice to require that students be able to
an acceptable spiral without referring to tables of any kind.

The method given in Art. 5-11 is based upon a sketch —
showing the basic geometry of the spiral, from which all
needed approximate relations may be derived by inspection;
slide-rule calculation is adequate.)
The proper length of spiral is closely cal-
belief that the
culable adds to the impression of mathematical complexity
This belief is probably based upon early research done by
Shortt 11 in the field of railroad practice. Later, the Shortt
formula was applied to highways by Royal-Davvson 12 and
others, although the physical conditions differed in some
important respects. Until recently, no proof of the correct-
ness of this transfer existed, although observation of highway
driving practices led many engineers to doubt its validity.
Fortunately, certain fallacies have been disclosed by recent
research, the outcome of which promises to be a simpler
method of selecting spirals.
It is significant that Shortt's research was on unsuper-
elevated transition curves on railway track. Briefly, the result
of his work seemed to indicate that the length of transition
for comfortable operation was a definitely calculable variable.
The reasoning was as follows: At constant speed, the length
of time required to traverse an easement curve of length L 8 is

-- seconds. On the curve, the acceleration toward the center

is -=? ft per sec 2 . Consequently, the average (assumed con-
stant) rate of change in centripetal acceleration is -^-y- ft per
ti L 8

sec. 3 Shortt denoted this constant rate by C. Converting v

226 Curve Problems in Highway Design

to V in miles per hour and solving for L, gives the basic Shortt
formula, which is

Shortt concluded from these experiments on unsuperelevated

railroad track that a value for C of 1 ft per sec 3 was the maxi-
mum that would go unnoticed.
In transplanting the Shortt formula to highway practice,
it has been customary to overlook the possible effect of super-

elevation and also to use a larger value of C. Tentative sug-

gestions that 2 might be a suitable value of C for highways
led to the following version of the Shortt formula:

fcjyje (8_ 15)

Unfortunately, equation 8-15 has sometimes been used

quite literally, as though to deviate from it would represent

a departure from correct spiral theory as applied to highways.

Arbitrary use of this equation involves two fallacies. One is

neglect of the superelevation. Actually, the presence of

superelevation cancels out part or all of the centrifugal force
(as far as its effect upon comfort is concerned), thereby
invalidating any mathematical relation that is based upon
unsuperelevated curves. Review of the geometry of the spiral
shows that it is a curve of uniformly increasing degree. If
superelevation on a curve were increased uniformly, it follows
from basic superelevation theory (Art. 8-6) that the side fric-
tion factor / would be zero when traversing the spiral at the
so-called equilibrium speed for the circular arc. In other
words, would be theoretically possible for a car to steer itself

on a true course around the complete spiral-curve layout with-

out the driver touching the wheel.
It may be shown that the correct form of the Shortt formula
for superelevated curves is

~ V9 (8~ 16)
K% C0S 6 Sin

Since the values of 6 used in practice are small, it is close

enough to assume that cos = 1 and that sin = tan 6 = c.
Horizontal Alignment 227

When these substitutions are made and v is converted to V

in miles per hour, equation 8-16 becomes' 3

When e = 0, formula 8-17 reduces to the Shortt formula

for unsuperelevated curves; for this reason it has been called
the "modified Short* formula."
In practice the speed on the circular arc is usually greater
than the equilibrium value, resulting in a uniform value of /
that must fit equation 8-11. Both comfort and safety at
high speed make it desirable to approach / at a uniform rate
along some form of easement curve. The spiral, when banked
at a uniformly increasing rate, produces this condition.
A simpler form of equation 8-17 for the case in which V is
greater than the equilibrium value is found by substituting

15(«+/) for ^.
The result is

Ls = (8-18)
A relation of this basic form was given by Haile, 14 though
he recommended that it should not be used because of the
short spiral lengths produced when / is small. There is no
need to discard the theoretically correct relation represented
by equation 8-18 solely for this reason. It is important,
however, to consider the rotational effect. Though an
extremely short spiral to a superelevated curve will result in
no centrifugal sensation (if traversed at equilibrium speed),
yet the rotational change about the axis of the car may be too
rapid for comfort or safety.

Long years on spiraled superelevated

of operating experience
American Railway Engineering
railroad track have led the
Association to recommend that minimum spiral lengths be
based upon attaining superelevation across standard-gage
track at a desirable maximum rate of 1\ inches per second of
time. Highway and railroad operation are by no means
analogous; but, in the absence of research on the motor-
vehicle rotational rate at which discomfort begins, there is
228 CurVe Problems in Highway Design

logic in tentative adoption of the same rate used successfully

on railroads. (Haile 14 and other engineers advocated consid-
eration of the rotational effect as early as 1936.)

A rise of 1.25 inches per second across the track gage of

4 ft 8? in. is equivalent to about 0.022 ft per ft per sec. Con-
sequently, L = 1A7 V
8 or
L = Q7eV
s (8-19)

The two formulas for minimum desirable spiral length are

separately inconsistent conditions.
for Equation
8-18 gives values which are too short when / is small (I< 8 =
at equilibrium speed), whereas equation 8-19 gives values
which are too short when e is small (L« = for unsuperelevated
curves). However, by using each formula within its proper
range, the resulting minimum spiral lengths will produce
neither unsafe values of / nor an uncomfortable rate of angular

The spiral length at which the change from equation 8-18

to 8-19 occurs is found by equating the two values of L s .


Vf governs choice
. /
minimum L when e<0.7 ^7

67 e V governs choice of minimum L, when e>0.7 ~

V Da 2

The value of e is found from the relation TAn ~/ ( or

50, /UU

Rotational change, rather than side friction and centripetal

acceleration, is likely to govern minimum spiral lengths on the

open highway. This is because e will exceed 0.7 ^ wherever

the actual superelevation rate is greater than about 60 per

cent of the recommended maximum for the given degree of
curve and design speed.
Table 8-8 (1954 AASHO Policy) shows values of spiral

Horizontal Alignment 229

length on the sharpest curves recommended when e = 0.10,

as determined from the several formulas just described. The
variations serve to emphasize that there is no basis for insist-
ing on great precision in calculating lengths of spirals for

The practical value of the rotational-change method of

choosing minimum spiral lengths is well-illustrated in the
case of the Pennsylvania Turnpike. The spirals on this high-
way (Table 8-10) were designed on the basis of a rotational
change of about 0.02 ft per ft per second— practically the value

L = Minimum
t length of
spiral in feet for design
speed, mph, of:
e = 0.10
30 40 50 60 70

Shortt formula, C=l 370 470 570 650 730

Shortt formula, C=2 185 235 285 325 365
Modified Shortt formula, C= l 230 285 330 370 400
Modified Shortt formula, C = 1.35 170 210 250 275 295
Meyer, L = 67e V
4 200 270 335 400 470

used in deriving equation 8-19. The generally favorable

operating characteristics of these spirals, as observed on
high-speed tests, 7 are undoubtedly due in no small measure to
the constant (and comfortable) rate of rotational change
experienced on successive curves.
Until recently, valid objection to this method of selecting
spiral lengthsmight have been made on the grounds that it
does not necessarily produce a constant value of C. The
impression that C must be constant on a highway spiral
as it must of necessity be in the case of a spiral on railroad

track is another fallacy which has been disclosed by research.
This assumption is equivalent to stating that the driver of a
motor vehicle who is free to choose his own path in making
230 Curve Problems in Highway Design
the transition from a tangent to a circular curve always turns
his wheel (1) at a constant rate on any given transition and
(2) at the same rate on all transitions.

The careful field tests and statistical analyses made by

Leeming and Black, 1 B
summarized and amplified in Leeming's
later report, 16 verify the first part of this assumption. (This,
in effect, validates the spiral as a curve of suitable shape but
does not involve any condition as to its length.) However,
the research, made with a recording accelerometer on more
than 2,000 curves, shows that C varies between such wide
limits that there no "natural rate of turning" the wheel,

such as is represented by C = 2 or by any other constant value.

Though these investigators found no correlation between C
and V nor between C and R, there was a definite tendency for
C to increase as the value of / reached on any curve becomes
greater. Since the higher values of / were recorded on the
sharper curves, this trend is equivalent to stating that a driver
turns his wheel faster upon entering a sharp curve than upon
entering a flat one. Though contrary to the Shortt formula,
this conclusion is in accordance with observation of general
driver behavior, and has been verified in tests by Warren 17 and
by Welty. 18
From Leeming's experiments it appears that safety and
comfort depend mainly on the value of /; and that a driver
slows down to reduce /, not to reduce C. Relatively large
values of C (far in excess of 2 ft per sec 3 ) were frequently
recorded as producing an 'imperceptible' degree of discom- '

fort, aslong as the accompanying values of / were moderate

(in the neighborhood of the design values suggested in Fig.
The length of spiral may also be made equal to the length
required for superelevation runoff. Runoff length is deter-
mined by the rate at which the pavement cross slope is
changed, or rotated, subject to some modification on the basis
of appearance as viewed by the driver. Thus, the resulting
formula for runoff (and spiral) length would have the same
general form as 8-19. This subject is treated in greater detail
in Art. 8-15.

8-14. Minimum Curvature for Use of Spirals. —Neither

superelevation nor spirals are required on extremely flat curves.
Horizontal Alignment 231

It would appear logical to use spirals approaching all curves on

which a plane cross slope is used across the entire pavement.
In Art. 8-12 the superelevation requiring such design was fixed
(AASHO Policy) at the rate e = 0.02 or greater. However, at
this limiting rate a selected spiral would have such a small o-
distance (offset, or throw, at the offset T.C.) that the spiral
would have little significance. It could be omitted without
hampering the ability of the driver to keep well within the
traffic lane; if used, it would serve principally as a graceful
method of changing from the normal crown to the super-
elevated cross-section.
In view of the fact that minimum curvature for use of spirals


Assumed Mini- Calculated
Speed Minimum mum Length of
Curvature Spiral
mph ft

30 3°30' 100 .25

40 2°15' 125 .26
50 1°45' 150 .29
60 1°15' 175 .26
70 1°15' 200 .36

must be set arbitrarily, the control values selected in the

AASHO Policy were taken as rounded values obtained from
Fig. 8-10 at the points where e = 0.03, approximately. The
resultingrecommendations are given in Table 8-9, the throws
in the last column being obtainable from Table XI. Mini-
mum lengths of spirals approximate the distances traveled in
2 seconds at the design speeds.

8-15. Length of Superelevation Runoff. —Superelevation

runoff is the general term denoting the transition from the
normal crown section on a tangent to the fully superelevated
section on a curve. The runoff should be pleasing in appear-
232 Curve Problems in Highway Design

ance to the driver and effected smoothly over a length that is

safe and comfortable when the vehicle is operated at design
There no completely rational method of determining

length of runoff. It has been made equal to the length of

spiral, as calculated from one of the formulas in Art. 8-13. If
this method is used, the most logical formula would be one
having the same general form as 8-19, since this formula is
based on restricting the rate of angular change in supereleva-
To possess a pleasing appearance as viewed by the driver,
the edge profiles should not appear to be distorted. Control
of runoff length from this standpoint has also been used; the
numerical controls must, of course, be empirical. In the
AASHO Policy the values suggested are as follows:

Design speed, mph 30 40 50 60 70

Max. relative slope in %
gradient between edges of
2-lane pavement 1.33 1.14 1.00 0.89 0.80

On spiraled curves there is no sound basis for using dif-

ferent lengths of spiral and runoff. Simplicity in construction
is gained by using identical lengths. Since length of runoff is

applicable to all superelevated curves, whether spiraled or not,

it is concluded (AASHO Policy) that runoff lengths, as deter-
mined from the foregoing appearance controls, should also be
used for minimum lengths of spirals. On 4-lane highways the
runoff lengths are taken to be 1.5 times the lengths for 2-lane
highways, purely on an empirical basis. The resulting spiral

and runoff lengths are listed in Table 8-7. It should be

emphasized that these are minimum values; high-type align-
ment or the attainment of proper pavement drainage may
justify the use of greater lengths.

8-16. Methods of Attaining Superelevation. —The transi-

tion from the normal crowned section on a tangent to the fully
superelevated section on a curve should be pleasing in appear-
ance and inherently safe and comfortable for the operation of
vehicles at the highway design speed. In addition, it should
be relatively simple to calculate and stake out the transition.
Horizontal Alignment 233
Spiraled curves may be superelevated by the method shown
in Fig. 8-12. In this method the normal profile grade of the
center line is unchanged. The outer lane between sections

Plan Szct/ons Prpfjle
Fig. 8-12. Attaining superelevation at spiraled carve

a-a and 6-6 is gradually warped from the normal crowned

section to a straight level section at the T.S. beyond the T.S.

the section isrotated at a uniform rate about the survey center-

line until it reaches full superelevation at the S.C. (section d-d).
The normal profile grade of the inner edge of the pavement is
continued as far as section c-c. Between sections 6-6 and c-c
the normal convex crown (if any) on the inner lane is gradually
converted to a straight inclined section at c-c, where the rate
234 Curve Problems in Highway Design

of superelevation equals that on the outside lane. (The pave-

ment areas over which the crown is taken out are shown cross-
hatched in the plan view.) Between sections c-c and d-d
there is a uniformly increasing one-way bank across both lanes.
The same method is used on a curve to the left and on the
leaving spiral.
In Fig. 8-12 the edge profiles are shown as straight lines
merely to illustrate the basic design; the edge breaks would
actually be rounded in construction. Some agencies obtain
the effect of short vertical curves by eye adjustments of the
stakes or forms; others insert true vertical curves at the breaks;
and a few States use reversed vertical curves. Graphical
determination of edge profiles by means of splines is an excel-
lent and economical method in office design.

The preceding method of rotating a section about the center

lineshould not be adhered to rigidly. Practical considerations,
as well as aesthetics, are poorly served by such stereotyped
design. Drainage conditions, for example, may not permit
depressing the inside edge of the pavement by the amount
required by this method. In such a case the pavement can be
rotated about the normal profile grade of the inside edge or
about a line a short distance from that edge and parallel to it.
Where summit vertical curves and horizontal curves overlap,
rotation about the normal grade of the outside edge
may be the obvious method of reducing the unsightly hump
produced along that edge by either of the preceding methods.
No one method is best for all situations; each case should be
studied individually.
Multi-lane highways having a median strip present an
especially difficult problem in runoff design. Here, considera-
tion of all —
important factors aesthetics, drainage conditions,
economics of grading, riding comfort, and safety — is neces-
sary in arriving at a harmonious solution.
The design finally adopted on the original section of the
Pennsylvania Turnpike is especially instructive in these
respects. On this highway the rather narrow median strip
(10 ft wide) and frequent curves —aggregating 50 1 miles in
the 160-mile distance —were principally responsible for the
Horizontal Alignment 235

decision to keep the edges of the paved roadway nearest the

median strip in the same horizontal plane at all times. Each
24-ft roadway slopes away from these edges at a rate of
i in. per ft. Consequently, on tangents there is surface
drainage over the roadways from the median strip. This
disadvantage, however, is offset by the simpler method of
runoff design made possible. The method is essentially that
of Fig. 8-12, adapted to rotation about the edges closest to
the median strip. Fig. 8-13 shows the runoff details for a
curve to the left; specific curve data are given in Table 8-10.


Length of Spiral I

Fig. 8-13. Runoff design on Pennsylvania Turnpike

It should be observed that the level-inclined section, cor-

responding to 6-6 in Fig 8-12, occurs in advance of the T.S.
in Fig. 8-13, and that the inclined section corresponding to
c-c in Fig. 8-12 occurs at the T.S. in Fig. 8-13. These modifica-

tions are required by the one-way bank over the roadways on

Observations of high-speed driving over spiraled curves
built with and without a tangent runout on the outer lane
indicate that the runout is a desirable feature of superelevation

Tunoff design. Used combination with a suitable length of

spiral, it is "a pronounced aid in entering horizontal curva-

ture. This is quite noticeable at night during adverse visi-

236 Curve Problems in Highway Design

TABLE 8-10

Rate of
Degree Superelevation
per Foot
Curve of Width Feet

1°45' 16 150 260
2°00' 3
8 150 210
2°15' 7
16 200 210
2°30' 9
16 200 164
250 162
3°00' 4 250 160
3°15' 13
16 280 158
3°30' 8 300 157
4°00' 1 350 154
4 30' 1* 370 148
5°00' 1A 410 146
5°15' 1A 400 145
5°30' 1A 400 141

bility conditions. The car appears to steer itself into the

curve before the operator is aware of its presence. This
quality of self-steering eliminates the element of surprise
when entering curves traveling at speeds in excess of visibility
requirements during adverse weather."

Unspiraled circular curves are superelevat?d by various

rule-of-thumb methods. Obviously, no method can be com-
pletely rational, since it is impossible to have full supereleva-
tion between the T.C. and the C.T. (where it belongs) without
placing the runoff entirely on the tangent (where it does not
belong). On the other hand, the runoff cannot be accom-
plished completely on the curve without having inadequate
and variable superelevation over a substantial portion of the
distance. No agencies are known to follow the latter proce-
dure, although several States (Massachusetts among them)
Horizontal Alignment 237

place all the runoff on the tangent. The method adopted is

usually a compromise, in which the runoff starts on the tangent

and ends at a point some distance beyond the T.C.
In the foregoing method there is invariably a section of
tangent at each end of the curve over which the cross-section
varies from the normal crown on tangents to a one-way bank
at the T.C. and C.T., where the rate is between seven-tenths
and nine-tenths of the full superelevation value. There is no
standard practice as to details. For example, some State
highway departments provide full superelevation a fixed
distance beyond the T.C, regardless of the length of runoff
(Washington, 50 feet). The distance may or may not coincide
with the point at which full widening (Art. 8-18) is attained.
Other States provide full superelevation beyond the T.C. at a
variable distance equal to a certain fraction of the length of
runoff. In Michigan and California the fraction is one-third.
Rotation may be about the center-line or about any other line
parallel to the center-line; the modifying circumstances that
need to be considered are the same as those in the case of
spiraled curves.
The objection inherent in all methods of designing super-
elevation runoff for unspiraled curves is the inevitable viola-
tion of sound dynamic principles. In traversing that portion
of the runoff on the entering tangent, the driver —
if he is to

maintain a straight course must steer against the gradually
increasing superelevation. However, as soon as he reaches
the T.C. of a curve involving the usual combination of an
understeering car and a speed greater than the equilibrium
value, he must steer toward the center of curvature (see
Art. 8-7). This reversal in steering direction is neither
natural nor obtainable instantaneously. Consequently, dur-
ing the approach to the T.C. the vehicle usually creeps toward
the shoulder or toward the inner lane. Near the T.C. it
traverses a reverse curve in getting back into the traffic lane.
Upon leaving the curve similar effects are produced.
The effects just described are not particularly important
where vehicles are operated at low speeds. But at high design
speeds they may have consequences serious enough to justify
universal adoption of center-line spiraling. In fact, one of
238 Curve Problems in Highway Design

the conclusions of Stonex and Noble as a result of the care-

fully-instrumented high-speed tests on the Pennsylvania Turn-
pike 7 was: "the use of spirals in modern highway design is

imperative if inherent safety is to be provided."

8-17. Pavement Widening on Curves. The practice of —

widening pavements on sharp curves is well established,
although there is little uniformity among State highway
departments as to the amount of widening required.
When a vehicle travels at equilibrium speed around a curve,
the rear wheel s track inside the front wheels by an amount
equal to R — y/R — L
2 2
(see Fig. 8-14) . At other than equilib-

Fig. 8-14

rium speed, the rear wheels track further in or out, the posi-
tions depending on whether the speed is less or greater than the
equilibrium value. When the speed is high, though still
may even track outside the
within safe limits, the rear wheels
front wheels (see Fig. 8-4). There is no way of determining
the exact amount of extra lane widening required to compen-
sate for the non-tracking effect, except at equilibrium speed,
since it depends on the particular slip angles developed by

each vehicle. However, measurements of actual wheel paths

on two-lane highways show that drivers sense the need for
greater clearance between opposing traffic, and that they
instinctively increase the clearance when the speed is higher
or the curvature is sharper.
Horizontal Alignment 239

One of the earliest formulas giving the recommended total

extra width for a two-lane highway was that suggested by
Voshell. This formula is

w=2[r-VW=I?]+— (8-20)

Formula 8-20, with L taken as 20 ft, has been used by

several agencies. The not entirely rational,

expression is

however, since the first term applies only at equilibrium speed

and the second term is purely empirical. Other simpler
empirical formulas give results fully as satisfactory. Among

these are: w= y/T>, w = r^+l, and w=—.

It is customary to limit the widening for a 2-lane pavement
to between 1.5 and 6.0 feet, approximately, there being no
widening on curves than 5° or 6°. There are many
exceptions to these values, however. Some States determine
the widening only to the nearest foot; others work as close as
the nearest 0.1 foot.
In an attempt to rationalize the subject, the AASHO Policy
contains an analysis in which four factors enter into the
formula for widening. These are (1) the track width of the
design vehicle (a single-unit truck or bus); (2) the lateral
clearance per vehicle; (3) the width of front overhang of the
vehicle on the inner lane; and (4) an extra width allowance
that depends on the sharpness of the curve and the design
speed. Accompanying the analysis is the recommendation
that design values for widening should be multiples of \ foot
and the minimum value should be 2 feet. On this basis no
widening is required on 2-lane pavements that are normally
24 feet wide or greater. In much modern alignment design
no extra widening is used, since high design speeds limit
curvature to 5° or 6° and traffic lanes are commonly 11 and
12 feet wide.

8-18. Transition to Widened Section. —Theoretically, the

full extra widening should continue for the whole length of a
circular arc. It is relatively easy to do
with spiraled
curves. When curves are not spiraled, however, it is impos-

sible to carry the full widening from the T.C. to the C.T.
240 Curve Problems in Highway Design

without introducing undesirable kinks in the edge of the pave-

Spiraled curves may be widened by the methods shown in
and 8-16. In Fig. 8-15 the total widening is placed
Figs. 8-15

Fig. 8-15. Inside widening: on spiraled curve

x rU-'

Fig. 8-16. Equal lane widening on spiraled curve

on the inside of the curve. Widening begins at the T.S.,

reaches the full at the S.C., and tapers off from the
C.S. to the S.T. in like manner. At intermediate points on the
Horizontal Alignment 241

transition the widenings are proportional to the distances from

the T.S. Forms for the curve at the inside edge of the roadway
are located on radial offsets from the survey center-line at
distances equal to |6 plus the proportional amounts of the
In this method the curve of the inside edge is not a true
spiral. However, the transition is smooth except at the S.C.,
where the slight break may be remedied by eye adjustment of
the stakes or forms. The alternative would be to calculate a
separate spiral for the inside edge having a throw equal to
w plus the throw of the center-line spiral, and having a radius
R' equal to R — \b — w. The length of the edge spiral is com-
puted as in the example on page 243. This procedure, pre-
ferred by some engineers, results in a spiral much longer than
that on the center line; it also complicates the field work
somewhat. Fig. 8-17 illustrates the layout; see also Prob. 8-9.

Fig. 8-17. Spiraled center-line and inside edge

In Fig. 8-16 the total widening is divided equally between

the inside and outside edges, and is distributed along the
transition by the proportion method used in Fig. 8-15. If
the spirals are long enough to attain the superelevation
properly, the breaks in the edges of the pavement at the S.C.
are hardly noticeable; in case they are apparent at all, they
may be rectified by eye adjustment of the forms.
The slight reverse curve in the outer edge of the pavement
242 Curte Problems in Highway Design

near the T.S. may be

avoided by starting the outside widening
at the point where the tangent produced intersects the
widened pavement, as point t in Fig. 8-16. The distance
from the T.S. to t is approximately equal to

x t
= L,/^ (8-21)

Theoretically, there is a slight break at point t, but it

is imperceptible. Moreover, the small loss in widening

between t and the T.S. is negligible. For example, on a 10°
curve for which L, = 400 ft and w = 2 ft, z* = 59 ft and the
widening at point t is only 0.15 ft.
When curves are spiraled, the method of Fig. 8-16 has
considerable justification, particularly in the case of a 2-lane
concrete pavement having a longitudinal joint on the survey
center-line. For one thing, staking is simplified. In addi-
tion, traffic on the outside lane is provided with the same

extra widening that is given to the inner lane, and the ten-
dency to edge across the longitudinal joint is thereby reduced.
On sharp curves requiring center striping, there is no unsightly

and confusing deviation between the striping and the center


Unspiraled circular curves are widened at the inside edge

of the pavement and approached by some sort of easement
curve, such as a spiral (Fig. 8-18). Theoretically, a perfectly

Fig. 8-18. Inside widening on unspiraled curve

Horizontal Alignment 243

smooth transition will result by using a spiral which has a

throw equal to w and which terminates in a circular curve hav-
ing a radius R equal to R — \b—w. There are several methods

of determining the value of L s The simplest is to assume that


F = 4 times the throw (equation 5-20). Then,

L = \/24 R'o
s (from equation 5-21)

after which A (in radians) =^-57 (from equation 5-6)

Example.— Given: Da = 10°; §6 = 12 ft; w=2 ft.

L = V24X558.958X2 = 163.8
S ft, and A = 8.395°

On a very sharp curve having a large value of A, the approxi-

mation Y =4 o may not give sufficient accuracy. In this case,
calculate the coefficient M
(Art. 5-9) and determine A from
Table XIII. Thus, in the preceding example,

, R'+w = 560.96
% ™ or>TO
- „

Rv ,Q

From Table XIII, by interpolation, A = 8.397°. Then, from

formula 5-6, L 8 = 163.8 ft as before. (In this example the
two methods agree.) Or, from Table XII,

-=oiik= 163 8ft -

The method of Fig. 8-18 leaves a strip of ineffective pave-

ment at the outside edge near the T.C. (see Fig. 8-11). In
order to compensate for this, the outside edge may be inde-
pendently spiraled. This produces a layout in which the
survey center-line is a simple curve but the edges of the pave-
ment are true spirals. (The State of Indiana used this practice
for many years on curves having D = 5° and greater.) One
method of selecting the spirals is by using the following pro-
cedure, illustrated with the aid of Fig. 8-19:
1. Choose a value for the throw o of the outside spiral.
In practice, o is usually about \w.
2. Calculate L, (and A) for the outside spiral, as previously
described, using R' = R + \b — o.
3. Calculate L, (and A) for the inside spiral, using a throw
equal to o+w and a radius R' = R — \b— o— w.
244 Curve Problems in Highway Design

4. Examine the two spiral lengths and, if necessary, adjust

the value of o (and possibly of w) to give more suitable

IS. rO
ib\ T^T" -s.c.

& l—o
—u="- , ,.




Fig. 8-19. True edge spirals on unspiraled curve

When the inner and outer edges are separately spiraled,

the S.C.'s of the two spirals will not be opposite each other.
Moreover, the inside spiral must be longer than that on the
outside edge, because of the greater throw (see Prob. 8-9).

An objection to using a spiral for the widening transition

to unspiraled curves —aside from the fact that each combina-
tion of R, b, and w requires a different spiral —is that only one-
half the desired wideningis attained at the T.C. of the circular

arc. Furthermore, if the circular curve is short, there may

not be distance enough beyond the T.C. in which to reach full
widening unless an exceedingly short spiral is used. Accord-
ingly, most State highway departments that have not yet
adopted center-line spiraling use transitions which reach full
widening on the inside edge at some relatively small fixed
distance beyond the T.C, regardless of the values of R, b, and
w. The length of the transition is also a fixed distance,
although some States vary the length with the degree of curve
according to a rule-of-thumb procedure. The edge transition
itself cannot be a spiral; usually it is a curve approximating a

parabola. On pavement work, the eye adjustment of the

forms required to produce a smooth curve near the point of
Horizontal Alignment 245

maximum widening is likely to be quite extensive. This

matter is treated in greater detail in Art. 8-19.
The voluminous tables worked up by some State highway
departments for staking widening transitions and supereleva-

tion runoffs on unspiraled curves in contrast to the simple
procedures based upon Figs. 8-12, 8-15, and 8-16 are them- —
selves strong arguments for adoption of center-line spiraling.

8-19. Edge Lengths. It is often necessary to determine the
curved length of the inner edge or outer edge of the pavement
or of a line a certain distance from either edge. This problem
occurs in connection with estimating the length of curb or of
guard rail and in staking an offset curve parallel to the
center line.

Unwidened circular arcs present no special difficulty. This

form of the problem is treated in detail in Art. 2-15.
In the case of a circular arc on which inside widening is
accomplished by means of a true spiral (Fig. 8-18), the length
of each spiraled edge is found from the basic spiral-length
formula, L 6 = 2 A R' (equation 5-6), A being in radians and R'
being the radius of the fully widened edge, i.e., R' = R — \b — w.
The total length of the curved inside edge between the T.S.
and S.T. of the spirals is {1+2 A) (R — ^b — w), whereas the
length of the curved outside edge is I(R + %b).
The modification of the preceding case, in which the true
spiral is replaced by a rule-of-thumb transition reaching full
widening a short distance beyond the T.C., does not admit of
any mathematically simple method of calculating edge lengths
accurately. Since high precision is rarely required, approxi-
mate methods usually suffice. Thus, in Fig. 8-20, full widen-
ing is attained at C, the distances a, d, h, and w being given.
The length of the curved edge AB is approximately equal to
the chord distance, or

AB = a-{-^— (approx.)

Also, the curve BC is approximately equal to the arc BC, or

R ~^~ h
BC = BC'=( \ d (approx.)

Curved edge lengths along an unwidened curve which is

246 Curve Problems in Highway Design

spiraled along the center line depend on the method of aligning

the edges. used for the edge curves, their
If true spirals are
lengths equal 2 A (R ± %b) and the total curved edge lengths
equal (7+2 A) (Rdc?b). However, the edge spirals do not
quite begin, or end, on radial lines through the T.S. and S.C.
Moreover, the pavement width is not exactly uniform between
those points. Simplicity is gained and the effects of true
spirals are closely approximated by keeping a uniform width
of pavement. That is, the edges of the pavement are on
radial offsetsfrom the center line at distances of \b (as in
Fig. 8-15, but without the widening).
The lengths of the resulting edge curves between points
radially opposite the T.S. and S.C. are found as follows:
In Fig. 5-3, dl = rdb, and the corresponding relations for the
inside and outside edges are

dU = {r-\b)db and dl = {r + \b)db

Consequently, dli = dl — %bd8 and dl = dl Jr\bdb. But from

formula 5-7, 5 = f j- A, from which d8=- After sub-

stitution, therefore,

bAldl bAldl
dL = dl — and dl = dl +
Horizontal Alignment 247

By integration, ^ = ^ — ( ~o~ ) (


For the complete edge curve, l =L s, U = Li, and l =L .

Consequently (Fig. 8-21),

Li=L -^bA 8 (8-24)

and L =L +\bA s (8-25)
in which A is in radians.

To PI.

Fig. 8-21. Offset curve parallel to spiral

If the pavement iswidened on the inside by the method

shown in Fig. 8-15, an analysis similar to the foregoing yields

Li = L -A{\b + lw)
8 (8-26)
Where the widening is divided equally between the inside
and outside lanes, as in Fig. 8-16, the edge lengths are given by
Li= L -A(\b + \w)
& (8-27)

and L = L +A{\b + \w)

s (8-28)

8-20. Staking Offset Curve Parallel to a Spiral.— An offset

curve parallel to a spiral may be staked either by deflection
angles or by Chapter 5). In either method it is
offsets (see
necessary to find the chords to be taped. To illustrate the
theory involved, Fig. 8-21 shows a center-line spiral L s divided
into three equal parts. It is required to stake the parallel
248 Curve Problems in Highway Design

offset curve L by setting points radially opposite the corre-

sponding points on the center line. In contrast to the analo-
gous problem at a circular curve (Art. 2-15), the chords along
the offset curve are not the same length because of the
increasing rate of curvature along the spiral and the con-
sequent increase in the values of 5.
If the offset curve is divided into n equal parts, for-

mula 8-23 shows that Ci =—

+( —
2 \ J
\nj ) . Also c2 = —n +

I — j I
- — ci, which may bereduced to c = Ci-f2( — (-) 2


Similarly, c 3 = c2 -|-2( —y J (—),..., etc. To generalize, sub-

stitute the offset p for \b. The formulas applicable to parallel

offset curves outside or inside a center-line spiral then become

C2 = d±2i (8-29)
cz = c ±2i

Cn = Cn-\±2i

where the increment i equals f — j ( ,-

9Qfi j.

The actual chords to be taped will differ slightly from the

nominal chords (given by formulas 8-29) only near the end of
a long sharp spiral. Where this is the case, the chord cor-
rections may be found with the aid of Tables II and III.
Though the parallel offset curves have the same central
angle, A, as the center-line spiral, the relation A = $A is not
valid for these curves. This is because the offset curves are
not true spirals; consequently, deflection angles cannot be
taken from Table XV.
The correct deflection angles may be computed by first
finding the coordinates of the end of an offset curve relative
to its beginning. For the outer curve these coordinates are
x =X+p sin A and y„ = Y + p vers A, where X and Y refer to
the center-line spiral. The corresponding coordinates for
the inner curve are Xi=X — p sin A and yi = Y — p vers A.
Horizontal Alignment 249

The total deflection angle to the end of an offset curve from

y / yi\
a set-up at its beginning is ^4 =tan _1 — ( or Ai=tan _1 — ).
X \ £,/
Finally, the deflection angles to points alongan offset curve
may be computed on the assumption that they are closely
proportional to the squares of the lengths from its beginning
(formula 5-11).
If the center-lip^ spiral has been staked and it becomes
necessary to set parallel edge curves, the required points may
be located by offsets (Art. 5-13). Each point is at a constant
offset p from the center-line stake and also at the computed
chord distance ahead of the offset stake previously set.

8-21. Pavement Areas on Curves. —The area of pavement

along any unwidened curve equals pavement width times
length of curve. For a circular curve, A =bL, where L is the
arc length between T.C. and C.T.

Fig. 8-22. Pavement areas at spiraled curve

At an unwidened spiraled curve (see lightly-shaded portion

of Fig. 8-22),

A =b [2L, + (I-2A)R] (8-30)

where I and A are in radians; or

= t>[~2L s +- (8-30a)
250 Curve'Problems in Highway Design

where / and A are in degrees. In other words, the presence of

spirals does not affect the basic relation for pavement area so
long as the pavement width is uniform.
If the pavement is widened as in Fig. 8-15, the total extra
area along the inside of a curve with equal spirals consists of
a curved strip of uniform width w and two equal curved strips
of variable width. From the osculating-circle principle (Fig.
5-5), the four heavily-shaded areas in Fig. 8-22 are approxi-
mately equal. Therefore, the total extra area due to wid-
ening is

A w = wI(R-\b-\w) (8-31) Approx.

where I is in radians. If slightly higher precision is needed,

a theoretically correct relation for the area of the strip of
variable width (A vw ) may be found by expressing dA as the
difference between two sectors. Then by integration,

A V = hwL -&{\bw + \w*)

u, 8 (8-32)

where A is in radians. The second term in this formula is

usually small enough to be neglected at the flat curves used on

high-speed alignment. Omission of this term indicates that
the area approximates a triangle.

8-22. Sight Distances on Horizontal Curves. Where a —

is located at the
building, wall, cut slope, or other obstruction
inside of a curve, the designer must consider the possible effect
of the obstruction on the sight distance. Fig. 8-23 shows this
situation for the case in which the sight line AB is shorter

Fig. 8-23. Sight distance on horizontal curve


Horizontal AH gnmenf 251

than the curve. The driver's eye at A is assumed to be at

the center of the inside lane. Although the chord AB is the
Sh is taken as
actual line of sight, the stopping sight distance
the arc AB
because this is the travel distance available for
stopping in order to avoid hitting an object at B.
In the following analysis, R, D, and L refer to the center
of the inside lane, not to the survey center-line. If the nota-
tion on Fig. 8-23 is used, m=R vers a. But a:D = %Sn 100 :

and R is approximately equivalent to '

. Hence

vers __
5,730 ShD
m = ___ ,
q oon

A ,so, ^ = _|_ cos -._^ _

(8 34)

Fig. 8-24 is a design chart (AASHO Policy) showing the

required middle ordinates, at various degrees of curve, needed
to satisfy the stopping sight distances given in Table 8-1.
Where the obstruction is a cut slope, the criteria for height of
eye and object (Art. 8-3) can be approximated by using a
height of 2.0 feet at the point where m is measured.
In case the sight distance is longer than the curve, the
following approximate formulas may be used

L(2SH -L)
m— (8-35) Approx.
o It

and Sh-—j- h^ (8-36) Approx.

These formulas may also be used with the passing sight

distances given in Table 8-3. However, this application is

of little value except on long flat curves.

Instead of using the foregoing methods, the designer may
prefer to scale sight distances from the plans. Since high
precision is unnecessary, the procedure is to place a straight-

edge on the survey center-line (at the station for which the
sight distance is to be determined) and tangent to the obstruc-
tion. The sight distance is then taken as the difference
in stationing between the points where the straightedge inter-
sects the center line. When scaled, it is suggested (AASHO
252 Curve Problems in Highway Design

}98J- 3ubi 9p|su| jo sun jajuaQ-smpey — a oo —

S §
cm in"
1 9 CD

tors CD
,—. oo
1 1

1 '
V l i i i i i V
\ \
> \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ 1

\ ol

\ ._s\ SI

\ \ %V 2,Uf
N vP\
\ I

<a\ * I " 1

% 1 \A 3 £

2 -=
o t %^\ \~\



II >



VM <n\
\ i

V\ \\
\ 1

\ 1

• \ \l

1 t 1 1
. t t i I I : •
iiit 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M<

8UB-J 3pjSU| JO 8UH J3)U33-3AJn3 JO 89J39Q =Q

Vertical Alignment 253

Policy) that Sh be recorded to the nearest 50 feet when less

than 1,000 feet and to the nearest 100 feet when greater than
1,000 feet.

8-23. Sight Distances at Crest Vertical Curves. —At a crest

vertical curve the sight distance is considered to be the hori-
zontal projection of the line of sight for the assumed condi-
tions. Fig. 8-25 sho *vs the situation where the sight distance S
is lessthan the length L of the vertical curve, or S<L. The
distances hi and h 2 representing the height of the driver's eye

Fig. 8-25. Sight distance on vertical curve, where S<L

and the height of the object, respectively, are vertical offsets
to the tangent sight line. In the general case, hi^h 2 and ,

the sight line is not parallel to the chord joining the ends of the
From the rule of offsets in Art. 4-2 and formula 4-2,

=" «©
(In sight distance formulas, A is used as a positive number
equal to the change in gradient from Gi to 2 .) Therefore, G

„ /200 L h2
S2 =

The result obtained by substituting S for $i+$2 and solving
254 Curve Problems in Highway Design

for L is the following general relation:

WhenS<L, L= (8-37)
200{Vhi+Vh2) 2
In the AASHO Policy the values in the case of stopping
sight distance are hi =3.75 ft and /i2 = 6 in. In the case of
passing sight distance, h\=3.75 ft and /i2 = 4.5 ft. (See Art.
8-3.) Substituting these values in formula 8-37 gives the
following practical relations

When S<L,
(non-passing conditions) L •
AS 2

(passing conditions)
AS 2

Figure 8-26 shows the situation where S>L. In the general

case hi7*h2 and the sight line ad is not parallel to the chord
joining the ends of the parabola.
The problem is to find the slope of the sight line that will
make the distance ad a minimum. Let g represent the dif-

ference between the gradient of the sight line and the gradient
G\. Then A —g will be the difference between the gradient of

Fig-. 8-26. Sight distance on vertical curve, where S>L

the sight line and the gradient G-i. Use is also made of the
following property of the parabola: If a tangent to the para-
bola is drawn between the main tangents, the horizontal pro-
on this new tangent by the main
jection of the intercept cut off
tangents equal to one-half the horizontal projection of the

long chord of the parabola; that is, the horizontal projection

of 6c is equal to \L.

Vertical Alignment 255

By definition, S equals the sum of the horizontal projections

of the distances ab, be, and cd. Consequently, the general
expression for sight distance where S>L is
p lOOfti ,
L, 100/12 /

For the sight distance to be a minimum, -r- = 0, or

dg -100 fti 100 fe

dg g> ^{A-gY
Solving for g gives

AVhjhz-hiA (B)
°~ ht-hi

The result of substituting the value of g from equation B

in equation A and solving for L is the following general rela-

Whe„S>L, L=2S .mV^VMl _

(8 40)

For the values of hi and h 2 in the AASHO Policy the practi-

cal relations are:

When S>L,
1 398
(non-passing conditions) L=2S ^j— (8-4 1

L — 2S—

(passing conditions)
' '

Figure 8-27 (AASHO Policy) shows minimum lengths of

crest vertical curves needed to provide stopping sight dis-
tances at various design speeds. The value of K, or the
length of curve required to effect a 1 %
change in A (Art. 4-2),
is a simple expression of the design control. For convenience,
the theoretical values of K required to fit the stopping dis-
tances in Table 8-1 have been rounded to integral values;
lengths of vertical curves computed from the rounded values
of K are plotted as the heavy solid lines in Fig. 8-27.

Where S>L the theoretical minimum lengths become zero

for small values of A because the sight line passes over the
256 Curve Problems in Highway Design

E i

\u*3JZd -s3pDJ9 ui aouaja^iQ Dit)jqa6|v =v

Vertical Alignment 257

crest of the vertical curve. However, good practice in design

calls for inserting a vertical curve at all changes in vertical
alignment. As an approximation of current practice, the
minimum length of vertical curve is taken as about 3 times the
design speed. This approximation is represented by the heavy
vertical lines at the lower left of Fig. 8-27.
The heights of eye and object used in developing Fig. 8-27
are different from those appearing in the 1956 blue book.
These changes are tne result of later research 25 as to the effect
of lower vehicles on crest sight distances.
Drainage requirements may affect the maximum lengths of
vertical curves. If pavements are curbed, experience indi-
cates the desirability of attaining a minimum longitudinal
grade of 0.35% at a point about 50 feet from the crest. This
corresponds to a K-vsdue of 143 feet for a change of 1 per cent
in A the resulting line is plotted in Fig. 8-27 as the drainage

maximum. Special attention to drainage should be given for

combinations below and to the right of this line.
Some attempts have been made to introduce headlight sight
distance as a design control for stopping sight distance at crest
vertical curves, the height of headlight hi being taken as 2.0
feetand the height of object h 2 as 4 inches or more. Obviously
these conditions would demand much longer vertical curves,
but this requirement is considered to be unnecessary in view
of the lower running speeds used in night driving.
Although formulas 8-39 and 8-42 for passing sight distance
are contained in the AASHO Policy, there is no design chart
comparable to Fig. 8-27. (This is in contrast to the original
1940 Policy. 20 ) Because of the high construction cost where
crest cuts are made, it is ordinarily impracticable to provide
the much longer vertical curves needed for passing.

8-24. Sight Distances at Sag Vertical Curves. There is —

no generally accepted basis for establishing the lengths of sag
vertical curves. Four criteria have been used: (1) headlight-
beam distance, (2) rider comfort, (3) drainage control, and
(4) general appearance.
Headlight-beam distance, as used by the Pennsylvania
Turnpike Commission is represented by Figs. 8-28 and 8-29.

With the aid of these figures it is not difficult to derive the

258 Curve-Problems in Highway Design

Z.O' r
Fig. 8-28. Headlight beam distance, where S<L


Fig. 8-29. Headlight beam distance, where S>L

practical relations, which are:

When S<L, L= (8-43)
400+3.5 S
400+3.5 S
When S>L, L = 2S- (8-44)

Figure 8-30 (AASHO Policy) shows lengths of sag vertical

curves conforming to the preceding formulas, in which values
of S are the stopping distances in Table 8-1. The /(-values
are rounded as in Fig. 8-27.
When a vehicle is traversing a sag vertical curve, centrifugal
and gravitational force act in the same direction. As a result
there is some discomfort when the speed is high. The effect
is not easily evaluated, but limited attempts at its measure-
ment have led to the general conclusion (ASSIIO Policy) that
riding on sag vertical curves is comfortable when the centri-
petal acceleration does not exceed 1 ft per sec 2 . A mathe-
matical approximation of this criterion can be derived with
the aid of Fig. 8-31.
Because of the small gradients used in practice, the curve
AB may be taken as a circular arc and the distance VB as
Vertical Alignment 259

ju83 j8<-) -saponin aouajajjiQ Diojq96|v = v

260 Curve Problems in Highway Design

Fig:. 8-31

approximately §L. In the similar triangles AOB and CVB,

AB:OA=BC:VB or L R = 4ik'-k (approximately)


Thus, L 100*
But d" = 1 ft per sec .
Substituting for 72

and converting v to T in mph gives

AV 2
Lengths of sag vertical curves satisfying this comfort factor
are about 75 per cent of those required by the conditions for
headlight beam distance.
The criterion for drainage is the same as on a crest vertical
curve; i.e., K should not exceed 143 feet for a change of 1 per
cent in A . This criterion is plotted in Fig. 8-30 as the drainage
maximum. The maximum length for drainage on a sag curve
exceeds the minimum length required by headlight beam
distance up to design speeds of about 70 mph — a fortunate
Several rule-of-thumb relationships have been used to insure
that a sag curve will have satisfactory appearance. One of
the simplest requires that L be at least 100 A. In Fig. 8-30
this corresponds to a design speed of almost 60 mph, based
on headlight-beam distance.
Of the four criteria for the minimum length of a sag vertical
Design Principles 261

curve, that based on headlight-beam distance appears to be

the most logical. This is the conclusion in the AASHO Policy,
in which the iT-values have been rounded off for convenience
in design, as represented by the heavy solid lines in Fig. 8-30.

8-25. Sight Distances at Interchanges. Sight distances at
interchanges should be at least as long as the stopping dis-
tances listed in Table 8-1. When a sag vertical curve occurs
at an underpass, the overhead structure may shorten the sight
distance otherwise obtainable. However, if the length of the
sag curve conforms with that in Fig. 8-30, the structure does
not shorten the sight distance below the minimum required for
stopping. This is true even though the sight distance is
measured from a height of eye of 6 feet (truck driver) to a
1 .5 feet (tail light) and the vertical clearance
height of object of
is the recommended minimum of 14 feet. The practical rela-
tions (AASHO Policy) corresponding to these conditions are:

When S <L, L =^q (8-46)

When S>L, L = 2S-^- (8-47)

In the case of dual highways it may be desirable to check

the distance available for passing at an undercrossing without
ramps. This can be done either by using the preceding
formulas or by scaling from the profile.
Limited sight distance is more likely to occur where an
interchange is located at a horizontal curve. Ordinarily, the
lateral clearance to bridge rails at an overpass or to abut-
ments at an underpass is not enough to permit use of maximum

curvature for the design speed. The formulas for Sh in Art.

8-22 can be used in analyzing this situation.

Exact adherence to the specific controls outlined in the
foregoing articles will not guarantee attainment of the best
location. Experience, judgment, and the observance of
Tecognized principles of good design are also necessary. When
"the geometric controls are applied, certain general principles
should also be observed. The significance and importance of
262 Curve Problems in Highway Design

many of the following principles are brought out vividly by

photographs in reference 26.

8-26. General Controls for Horizontal Alignment. Impor- —

tant principles relating to horizontal alignment are as follows:
1. Alignment between the location control points (see Art.
9-3) should be as directional as possible. Long, flowing curves
fitted to the topography (Fig. 8-32) are better than long
tangents that slash through the terrain in an artificial manner.
2. Closely spaced short curves should be avoided. Such
unsightly kinks as broken-back and reverse curves may be
converted into more pleasing alignment in several ways. (See
Arts. 7-14 and 7-15.)
3. Small changes in direction should not be accomplished
by means of the sharpest curve permitted by the design speed.
The maximum degree of curve should only be used with large
central angles and at critical locations in general.

4. Curves, unless very flat, should be avoided on long, high

5. Consistent alignment design should be attained (see
Art. 1-5). In case the topography requires a reduction in
design speed, the change —reflected in reduced sight distances,
increased curvature, and shorter distances between curves
should be made gradually over a distance of several miles.
Moreover, there should be conspicuous warning signs to show
that such a change is in progress.
6. Horizontal and vertical alignment should be studied
together. Models are particularly useful in designing intri-
cate interchanges. 27

8-27. General Controls for Vertical Alignment.— When

considering vertical alignment, some important principles are
the following:
1. A smooth-flowing profile with long vertical curves is

preferable to a profile with numerous breaks and short grades.

2. Care should be taken to avoid sag vertical curves on
comparatively straight horizontal alignment. These produce
"hidden dips" and are serious hazards, especially during pass-
ing maneuvers.
3. In general, long steep grades may be broken to the
Design Principles 263

Photo by Josef Scaylea, A. Devaney, Inc., N. Y.

Fig. 8-32. Merritt Parkway in Connecticut
264 Curve Problems in Highway Design

advantage of traffic by placing the steepest grade at the

bottom of the ascent.

4. Steep grades should be reduced through important inter-

sections at grade, in order to minimize hazards to turning

5.Unnatural and unsightly design should be avoided.

Among these defects are crest vertical curves on embankments
and sag vertical curves in cuts; broken-back vertical curves;
and the presence of numerous minor undulations in grade line
so located that they are visible to the driver.

6. On important highways carrying a large percentage of

commercial traffic, economic studies of motor-truck perform-
ance relative to grades should accompany the office work of
grade-line design. Some references s 1 - 22 .
are included in the
bibliography at the end of this chapter.

8-28. Combination of Horizontal and Vertical Alignment.

Where there is a combination of horizontal and vertical curva-
ture the following principles should be kept in mind.

1. It is not essential to separate horizontal and vertical

curves; in general, the alignment is more natural and more
pleasing in appearance if they are combined —subject to the
limitations which follow in 2 and 3.

2. A change in horizontal alignment should preferably be

made at a sag vertical curve where the change in direction is

readily apparent to the driver. However, the horizontal curve

should be flat, in order to avoid the distorted appearance
caused by foreshortening.

3. If horizontal curvature at a crest vertical curve can-

not be avoided, the change in direction should precede the

change in profile.
4. Relatively small savings in cost of right-of-way or of
grading should not be an excuse for the insertion of short
sections of sub-standard design. On most locations in rural
areas the cost of these relatively permanent elements of the
highway than that of the pavement and other shorter-
is less

lived appurtenances. Therefore, it is unwise to reduce the

built-in safety of some sections of a highway, and to invite
Design Principles 265

almost certain early obsolescence, for the sole purpose of

reducing the cost by a small percentage.
5. As noted in Art. 1-5, "the aim of good location should
be the attainment of consistent conditions with a proper
balance between curvature and grade." Balanced design,
everywhere consistent with the chosen design speed, is the
ideal to be constantly sought. Straight alignment obtained
at the expense of long, steep grades, or excessive curvature
inserted to follow tne grade contour closely, are both poor
designs. The best design is a compromise in which safety,
economics, and aesthetics are sensibly blended.


8-1. Compute the side friction factor / developed on the

following curves, each of which has favorable crown. la /
within the safe maximum recommended by AASHO-
(a) Z) a = 6°; e=0.08; F=60 mph. Answer: 0.17; no.
(6) R = 1,500 e=0.10; 7=60 mph.
ft; Answer: 0.00; yes.
(c) #=2,500 ft; e=0.12; 7=80 mph.
(d) D.=3°;c =0.10; 7=40 mph.
8-2. If the actual coefficient of sliding friction on icy pave-
ment is 0.05, theoretically within what range of speeds could
a vehicle be operated without sliding inward or outward on
the curves in Prob. 8-1? Partial answers: (a) 20| to 43 mph.

8-3. Compute the stopping sight distance on straight icy

pavement when operating without chains (/ = 0.05) at a speed
of 35 mph (take t from Table 8-1). Compare answer with
range of speeds found in Prob. 8-2. What conclusions
appear to be justified (a) with regard to the curve designs in
Prob. 8-1, and (b) with regard to maximum speed of opera-
tion without chains on icy curves?

8-4. For any assigned speed, verify:

(a) Values of R and D listed in Table 8-5.
(b) Values of R, D, and / listed in Table 8-6.
(c) The fact that superelevation rates in Table 8-7 and
Fig. 8-10 on parabolic curves.

(d) Values of L 8 listed in Table 8-8.

266 Curve Problems in Highway Design
8-5. Compute design speeds at the following curves on
the Pennsylvania Turnpike consistent with values of / recom-
mended by AASHO
(Fig. 8-7 and Table 8-4). See Table
8-10 for the superelevation rates.
(a) D a =2°; (b) A, =3°; (c) D a =4°; (d) D a =5°. Partial
answers: (a) 78 mph; (b) 72 mph.

8-6. A typical section of the Massachusetts Turnpike is a

6-lane dual highway. On tangents, each inner lane has a 2
per cent cross slope toward the median; outer lanes, a 2 per
cent cross slope toward the shoulders.If this section were
continued around a 3,500-ft radius curve without rotating
the pavement, for what maximum speeds would the lanes be
safe? Take / from Table 8-4.

8-7. Compute the length of true spiral on the inside edge

of the following spiraled curves, assuming that the inside lane
is widened as in Fig. 8-17:
(a) Z) a = 8°;£6 = ll ft; w =2.5 ft; L s on t = 250ft. Answer:
321.9 ft.

(b) R = 1,000 ft; §6 = 10 ft; w=2 ft; L on

s <t =200 ft.

8-8. Compute the length of true spiral on the inside edge

of the following unspiraled curves, assuming that the inside
lane is widened as in Fig. 8-18. Compare answers with those
in Prob. 8-7.
(a) D a =8°; §6 = 11 ft; w=2.5 ft. Answer: 205.4 ft.

(b) R = 1,000 ft; £6 = 10 ft; w =2 ft.

8-9. Compute the lengths of true spirals on the inside and
outside edges of the curves in Prob. 8-8, assuming that the
inside lane is widened as in Fig. 8-19. Use \w as the throw
of the outside spiral. Compare answers with those in Prob.
8-8. Partial answers: (a) inside 251.3 ft; outside 147.5 ft.

8-10. Compute the edge lengths of the curves in Prob.

8-7 between points radially opposite the T.S. and S.C.,
assuming that widening is omitted. Partial answers: (a)
Li =247.89 ft; L =252.11 ft.

8-11. Compute the inside-edge lengths of the curves in

Prob. 8-7 between points radially opposite the T.S. and
Design Principles 267
S.C., assuming that the widening is applied as in Fig. 8-15.
Partial answer: (a) Li =247. 61 ft.

8-12. Compute the edge lengths of the curves in Prob. 8-7

between points radially opposite the T.S. and S.C., assuming
that the widening is divided equally between the lanes as in
Fig. 8-16. Partial answers: (a) Li =247.93 ft; L =252.07 ft.

8-13. Compute the chords needed to locate offset curves

parallel to the spirals in Prob. 8-7. (As a check, the sum of
the chords should equal the value found by formula 8-24 or
8-25, in which p is substituted for £6.)
Spiral (a): n = 10; p = 100 ft inside.
Spiral (6) : n =8; p = 100 ft outside.

8-14. Find the deflection angles for staking the offset curve
in Prob. 8-13 (a). Partial answers: deflection angle to mid-
point =0°51'47"; to end of curve = 3°12'23".

8-15. Compute the total pavement area between the T.S.

and S.T. of the following unwidened spiraled curves:
(a) 7=39°47'; D a =4°; £6 = 11 ft; L s = 250 ft. Answer:
3,042.3 sq yd.
(6) 7=43°18'; 72 = 1,000 ft; §6 = 10 ft; L,=200ft,

8-16. Compute the extra pavement area caused by widen-

ing the curves in Prob. 8-15 by the method of Fig. 8-15.
Use formula 8-31; check by formula 8-32.
Curve (a) w =2 ft.
: Curve (6) w = 3 : ft.

8-17. The design for a 2-lane highway provides for 11-ft

lanes and 8-ft shoulders. Overhead bridge abutments are
located 2 ft beyond the shoulders. At an abutment along a
5° curve,
(a) What is SH if /=30°? Answer: 371 ft,

(b) What is the maximum recommended design speed in

(c) Would the foregoing speed be limited by the bridge
abutment or by side friction, considering e to be 0.08?

8-18. Determine the recommended minimum lengths of

crest and sag vertical curves where:
268 Curve Problems in Highway Design

(a) A = 6%; V = 50 mph. Answers: crest 526 ft; sag 452 ft.

(b) A = 4%; 7=70 mph.

8-19. At which of the vertical curves in Prob. 8-18 would
difficulty with surface drainage probably occur, assuming the
pavements to have edge curbs?

8-20. Compute the stopping sight distances at the follow-

ing vertical curves:
(a) Crest curve:L=600 ft; A =3%. Answer: 553 ft.

(6) Crest curve:L = 600 ft; A =6%.

(c) Sag curve: L= 600 ft; A =3%.
(d) Sag curve: L=600 ft; A =6%.

8-21. If the sag vertical curves in Prob. 8-18 occurred at

underpasses, what sight distances would be provided?
(a) Sag curve (a). Answer: 908 ft.

(6) Sag curve (6).


1. Noble, CM.,
'Engineering Design of Superhigh-
ways," Proceedings, American Road Builders' Association, 1941,
pp. 183-217.
2. "A Policy on Geometric Design of Rural Highways,"
American Association of State Highway Officials, 1965.
3. Prisk, C.W., "Passing Practices on Rural Highways,"
Proceedings, Highway Research Board, 1941, pp. 366-378.
4. Leeming, J. J., "Road Curvature and Superelevation,"
Road Paper No. 7, Inst. C.E., Oct., 1942.
5. Stonex, K.A., "Car Control Factors and Their Mea-
surement," £. A. E. Journal, March, 1941.
6. Fox, M.L., "Relations Between Curvature and
Speed," Proceedings, Highway Research Board, 1937, pp. 202-
7. Stonex, K.A., and Noble, CM., "Curve Design and
Tests on the Pennsylvania Turnpike," Proceedings, Highway
Research Board, 1940, pp. 429-451.
8. Moyer, R.A., Bulletin 120, Iowa Engineering Experi-
ment Station, 1934.
9. Moyer, R.A., and Berry, D.S., "Marking Highway
Bibliography 269

Curves with Safe Speed Indications," Proceedings, Highway

Research Board, 1940, pp. 399-428.
10. Barnett, J., "Safe Side Friction Factors and Super-
elevation Design," Proceedings, Highway Research Board, 1936,
pp. 69-76.
11. Shortt, W.H., "A Practical Method for the Improve-
ment of Existing Rail way-Curves/ ' Proceedings, Inst. C.E.,
Vol. 176, 1909, pp. 97 ff.

12. Royal-Dawscn, F.G., Elements of Curve Design, E.&

F.N. Spon, Ltd., London, 1932.
13. Smirnoff, M.V., "Analytical Method of Determin-
ing the Length of Transition Spiral," Transactions, ASCE,
Vol. 116, 1951, pp. 155-185.

14. Haile, E.R., Discussion on "The Modern Express

Highway," Transactions, ASCE, Vol. 102, 1937, pp. 1091-

15. Leeming, J.J., and Black, A.N., "Road Curvature

and Superelevation: Experiments on Comfort and Driving
Practice," Journal, Inst. Municipal and County Engineers,
Vol. LXXI, No. 5, Dec, 1944, pp. 137 ff.

16. Leeming, J.J., "The General Principles of Highway

Transition Curve Design," Transactions, ASCE, Vol. 113,
1948, pp. 868-896.

17. Warren, H.A., and Hazeldine, E.R., "Experimental

Transition Curves," Journal, Inst. Municipal and County
Engineers, Vol. LXV, No. 21, March, 1939, pp. 1012 ff.

18. Welty, W.R.,. "A Method for Studying the Paths

of Motor Vehicles on Curves," Bureau of Highway Traffic,
Yale University, New Haven, Conn., 1947.
Bruce, A.G., and Brown, R.D., "The Trend of Highway
Design," Public Roads, Vol. 8, No. 1, March, 1927, p. 8.

20. "A Policy on Sight Distance for Highways," American

Association of State Highway Officials, 1940.
21. Saal, C.C., "Hill Climbing Ability of Motor Trucks,"
Public Roads, Vol. 23, No. 3, May, 1942, pp. 33-54.
22. Taragin, A., "Effect of Length of Grade on Speed
of Motor Vehicles," Proceedings, Highway Research Board,
1945, pp. 342-353.
23 . "Time and Gasoline Consumption in Motor Truck Oper-
270 Curve Problems in Highway Design

ation," Research Report No. 9-A, Highway Research Board,

"Highway Curves and Test Track Design," Bulletin
149, Highway Research Board, 1957.
25. Lee, C. E., "Driver Eye Height and Related Highway-
Design Features," Proceedings, Highway Research Board, 1960,
pp. 46-60.
"Some Visual Aspects
26. Smith, B. L., and Fogo, R. D.,
of Highway Design," Highway Research Board, Research
Record No. 1503, 1967, pp. 1-20.
27. Berry, F. R., and McCabe, E. J., "Development of
Models in Design of Highways," Highway Research
Board, Research Record, No. 1503, 1967, pp. 21-38.
chapter V
Railroad Surveys

9-1. Foreword. The purpose of this chapter is to present
a few examples of curve and earthwork theory and surveying
procedures applied to the field of railway surveying. More
detailed description* of some of the subjects, particularly
track layout and maintenance (turnouts, connecting tracks,
found in railway surveying hand-
string lining, etc.), will be
books, notably Railroad Curves and Earthwork, by Allen, or
Field Engineering, by Searles, Ives, and Kissam.
It is essential that Chapter 1 be restudied in connection
with the following description of survey methods and paper-
location procedure. Otherwise, much of the material in that
chapter —consisting of basic considerations more important
than the technical details to be presented —would have to be
Fig. 9-1 shows an example of railroad location in the Rocky
Mountains near Blacktail, Montana. The pictured alignment
includes a simple 8° curve with a total central angle of 152°40'
and a total length, including two 180-foot spirals, of 2,088 feet.
On the adjoining tangents the grade is 1.80%; on the curve
it is compensated 0.04% per degree, and the actual grade is

1.48%. Shown is a 106-car freight train powered by a 5,400-

horsepower diesel locomotive at the head and a 4,050-horse-
power helper at the rear.

9-2. Reconnaissance. —Typically, the conception of a

project is followed first by a careful study of the best available
maps and then by reconnaissance of the terrain between
the proposed termini. In the early years of railroad expansion
in the United States, it was often necessary to reconnoiter
relatively unexplored regions without the aid of maps. Direc-
tions were determined by pocket compass; elevations, by
barometer; slopes, by clinometer; and distances, by pedometer
or by timing the gait of saddle horses. Though such devices
are still useful at times, they have been made nearly obsolete
by the growing file of good maps and by improvements in
272 Railroad Surveys
Railroad Surveys 273

the science of photogrammetry. In fact, it is becoming

increasingly apparent that, except for minor projects, aerial-
surveying methods may almost entirely supplant the older
methods of field reconnaissance, and perhaps of the pre-
liminary survey as well. Several particularly valuable types
of information that may be obtained more readily from aerial
photographs than from former ground methods are noted in
Chapter 12. See also Reference 7 in Art. 9-20.

9-3. Location. Controls. The proposed railway must pass
through or near certain controlling points. Some of the
primary controls will have been fixed in the conception of the
project; others, including most of the secondary ones, will be
Tevealed by office studies of the maps and by whatever field
reconnaissance is needed to verify questionable points.
Typical location controls include:
Primary Controls
The termini.
Important intermediate traffic centers.
Unique mountain passes, tunnel sites, or major stream

Secondary Controls
Minor intermediate markets or production centers.
"Water courses.
Crossings of existing railroads or important highways.
Swampy areas.
Areas subject to snow or rock slides.
Areas involving costly land damages.
Topography in general, as it affects the economical attain-
ment of desirable grades and curvature.
9-4. Organizing the Field Work. —Prior to starting exten-
sive field work, the locating engineer preferably should make
a examination of the general route recommended in the
reconnaissance report. Before going into the field, he must
become acquainted with the general objectives of the project.
Moreover, he should be informed as to how much information
he may divulge to curious property owners along the route.
A great variety of useful purposes may be accomplished in
this preliminary field examination. Among these are:
274 • Railroad Surveys

Arrangements for temporary office quarters, and for housing

and boarding the men.
Hiring of local help for axemen or other positions.
Permission to trespass on private property for survey pur-
poses, with whatever qualifications are imposed by the
Identification of convenient bench marks described in
Federal or State publications.
Determination of best access to the work by automobile
or other means of transportation.

Making of special notes regarding secondary controls.

Taken together, the information acquired should enable

the locating engineer to select the needed field and office
personnel and to determine the most efficient methods of per-
forming the various surveying operations.

9-5. Stadia Traverse. In remote regions that are in-
adequately mapped and on projects for which aerial-surveying
methods are not justified, the reconnaissance may not definitely
disclose the best general route. In such cases it is wise to
run a stadia traverse along each of the possible locations.
Needed measurements are made as rapidly as possible,
consistent with the required accuracy. Transit stations are
far apart. Single deflection angles need be read no closer
than the nearest 10 minutes, though it is advisable to check
the resulting bearings by compass in order to guard against
blunders. A few intermediate shots along the traverse line
may be needed to give data for plotting a profile of the
traverse. Only enough side shots (supplemented by sketches)
need be taken to give the approximate positions and elevations
of the secondary controls.
Especially good judgment is needed in conducting this
type of stadia survey; if the survey is intrusted to inexperi-
enced personnel, it usually reverts to an unnecessarily detailed
and time-consuming topographical survey.
The resulting maps, plotted by protractor and scale, really
serve as high-grade reconnaissance; if the work is well done,

they permit the definite discard of certain routes and go far

Railroad Surveys 275

toward fixing closely the best general route to be followed in

the more precise preliminary surveys.

9-6. Transit-and-Tape Traverse. —Whenever the recon-

naissance narrows the location down to a fairly definite route,
it is good practice to run a careful transit-and-tape traverse,
called the "base line" or "P-line," joining the various loca-
tion controls. This traverse then serves not only as an accu-
rate frameworkfor plotting the topographic details but also
as a convenient means of transferring the paper location to the
ground and checking its accuracy.
The^=line4s-a~continuous deflection-angle traverse located
as^close as convenient to the expected position of the final
location. Transit stations are marked by substantial tacked
hubs, which are driven flush, carefully referenced, and
identified by guard stakes. Deflection angles are at least
doubled, the telescope being reversed on the second angle in
order to eliminate instrumental errors. To guard against
blunders in reading angles the magnetic bearing of the forward
line should be compared with the calculated bearing before
leaving any transit station. If the survey is a long one, a
traverse bearing should be checked independently every 10
miles or so by means of a sun or star observation for azimuth.
Horizontal distances are measured with a 100-foot (or
longer) steel tape, usually being recorded to the nearest tenth
of a foot, but sometimes to hundredths. Station stakes are
set at regular 100-ft stations, at intermediate plus points
where profile breaks occur, and, possibly, at fence lines and
highways crossing the center line. It is not necessary to
center all station stakes, since they serve only for profile
leveling and cross-sectioning. The method described in Art.
2-11 invariably close enough for the purpose. However,

chaining from pin to pin, not from stake to stake, is always


9-7. Levels. — If the survey is over terrain permitting the

transit party to make rapid progress, it is often worth while
to start two two-man level parties at the time at which the
transit party begins its work. One, the bench level party,
from the nearest bench mark and sets
carries the elevations
additional bench marks every 1,000 feet or so along the
276 Railroad Surveys

general route. It is not necessary for this party to follow

the exact path taken by the transit party; swampy areas and
steep slopes, for example, should be by-passed wherever
possible. In fact, the best plan is for the bench level party
to work ahead of the transit party along a general route
specified by the locating engineer. This party can then close
its levels back to the starting point each half-day without
falling behind the transit party.
The second level party, the profile level party, takes its
initial backsight on a bench mark established near station P
0+00 by the bench level party. It follows immediately
behind the transit party, taking rod readings to tenths of a
foot on the ground at every station stake and intermediate plus
point. Elevations are carried along through turning points
on which readings are made to hundredths. In proceeding
along the line, a check is made on bench marks previously set
by the bench level party. Thus, there is no need for the
profile level party to close its levels back; the party is always
close to the transit party, where the locating engineer fre-
quently needs the information on elevations in planning the
position of forward transit stations.
In following the dual leveling-party scheme, it is advisable
to alternate rodmen every half-day; this practice reduces
delays to the profile leveling party in searching for bench
marks established by the bench level party.
Bench-mark elevations should be adjusted as required by
the closing errors. Closures of bench levels should be less
than 0.05 VM, where M
is the distance between bench marks

in miles. Another criterion sometimes used is 0.01 V§, where

S is the total number of set-ups in a closed circuit between
bench marks.
Bench-mark elevations as determined by the profile level
party should be compared with their adjusted values each
day. The adjusted elevations should be noted in the field
book and used on all subsequent work.

9-8. Topography by Stadia. The method to be used for
taking topography depends on the character of the terrain,
the scale of the map, and the selected contour interval. A
= 400 ft, with 10-ft contours, is about the small-
scale of 1 in.
Railroad Surveys 277

est useful combination. A better general combination is

1 in. = 200 ft, with 5-ft contours; a scale of 1 in. = 100 ft, with
5-ft contours, is also popular.

Under some circumstances the stadia method of taking

topography is the most efficient one. This may be the case
in open regions permitting unobscured sights, especially if a
wide strip of topography is required. In this method, no
station stakes are s^t between traverse stations, and profile
leveling is unnecessary. All field work (except bench leveling)
is done by one large party. It is good practice to have a
separate computer and field draftsman in the party, in order
that the notes may be reduced and plotted as the field work
progresses. This method requires skilled personnel and care-
ful supervision by the locating engineer.

9-9. Topography —
by Hand Level. Wherever a narrow
strip of accurate topography is required through a region
covered with brush or timber, the "standard" railway-survey-
ing method of taking topography with hand level, rod, and
tape is almost essential. In this method the topography
party is supplied with the ground elevation at each station
stake, as determined by the profile leveling. The locations of
contours on lines at right angles to the survey center-line
are then determined by the following method:
A perpendicular to the traverse is first established at each
station either by estimation or with the aid of a pocket com-
pass, an optical square, or a cross staff. In timber or brush
the transverse lines are kept reasonably straight by ranging
through with three flags or range poles.
The location of the first regular contour on a transverse
line determined by hand leveling from the known ground

elevation at the station stake. A forked stick cut for a 5-ft

height of eye is a convenient support for the hand level. To
illustrate the process, assume that the center-line ground
elevation is 673.2 and that the locations of 5-ft contours are
required along rising ground to one side of the center line.
The levelman, resting the hand level in the fork of the 5-ft
the rodman out until the hand level reads 3.2 on
stick, directs
the rod. This reading locates the 675-ft contour, the distance
to which, say 36 ft, is measured with a metallic tape. If notes
278 ' Railroad Surveys

are kept (somewhat similar to cross-section leveling, Art. 6-7),

the entry is recorded as ^. The levelman then continues
out past the rodman until he reads 10.0 on the rod, and the
distance beyond the previous point, say 42 ft, is measured.
The corresponding entry would be Iff-. If the distances
between contours are too great for hand-level readings, inter-
mediate readings are taken at shorter distances by the same
step-by-step process until the desired contour is reached.
The hand-level method is surprisingly accurate. With a
little experience, levels may
be carried 400 ft from the center
line and checked back with an error of less than 0.5 ft. Since
each new cross line starts with a correct center-line elevation,
there is no cumulative error.
In wooded terrain the speed in taking topography is greater
by hand leveling than by any other method giving comparable
accuracy. Only a thin gap need be cut through brush. Trees
never need be cut, for the tape and sight line may be offset
around them by eye without introducing serious error, the
scale of the map being considered.
In addition to locating contours, the topography party
locates all buildings, property lines, highways, streams, rock
outcrops, and other physical features likely to affect the loca-
tion of the railroad.
Though some engineers prefer to record notes of contour
locations (supplemented by sketches in the field book), a
method which is usuallymore accurate and much faster is to
plot the topography in the field at once on special field sheets.
These are usually strips of cross- section drawing paper
mounted on a topographer's sketch board about 12"X18" in
size. The sheets are prepared in advance by drawing the
survey center-line straight and continuous through traverse
stations, provided the angles are small (possibly less than 5°).
Where the deflection angles are larger, distortion of the plotted
topography is reduced by repeating the traverse station after
leaving a 1-inch gap in the center line. A still better method
—one that eliminates all distortion at large horizontal angles
is to cut adjoining sheets on the proper bevel through the
plotted position of the transit station and mount them on the
sketch board so that the center line is an exact reproduction
of the traverse line. The lines on the cross- section paper are
Railroad Surveys 279

thus parallel and perpendicular to the center line, thereby-

being more convenient for plotting in the field. The final step
in preparing the field sheets is to record the stations and eleva-
tions along one edge.

The particular advantage of the preceding method, aside

from eliminating voluminous notes, is that contours and all
other topographic details are plotted immediately in the field,
where the faithfulness of the reproduction is readily apparent.
Moreover, field plotting to the scale that is to be used on the
subsequent map gives the topographer a clear idea of the
degree of precision needed in the field work. He is better
able to decide whether cross lines at some stations might
logically be omitted, and whether contours along additional
lines (such as on lines parallel to the center line or on ridge lines
and valley lines making an angle with the center line) are
necessary in order to complete the topography of difficult

9-10. Plotting the Preliminary Map. — If the map is to

serve most efficiently for paper-location purposes, the con-
should be plotted by coordinates. The survey
trol traverse
should be if convenient, to a State-plane-coordinate
system or to some other official system having coordinated
monuments; otherwise, an origin of coordinates may be
assumed arbitrarily.

Stadia topography is plotted in the usual manner by pro-

tractor angles and distances scaled from the plotted transit


Hand-level topography taken on special field sheets may

be transferred to the map by scale or dividers. However,
this is a time-consuming method. When the field sheets are

to the scale of the preliminary map a relation strongly

recommended a much better way is to fit each section of
field sheet to the corresponding traverse line and to transfer
the plotted topography to the map directly through thin
carbon paper, using a well-sharpened, very hard pencil or a
slightly-rounded stylus. This process is rapid, inexpensive,
and accurate; it results in the exact reproduction of the field
sheets, free from the possibility of drafting-room errors.
280 Railroad Surveys

9-11. Paper-Location Procedure. The preliminary sur-
veys and subsequent office work result in a topographic map
of a strip of territory, varying possibly from 400 to 1,000 feet
in width, in which the ultimate location is expected to lie.
Finding a satisfactory location having suitable curves
and grades is not usually a difficult task; it is largely a technical
process involving patience and quite a bit of routine scaling,
and calculation. But finding the best location requires some-
thing more than drafting-room technique. As stated in
Art. 1-5, "To produce a harmonious balance between curva-
ture and grade, and to do it economically, requires that the
engineer possess broad experience, mature judgment, and a
thorough knowledge of the objectives of the project."
It is obviously impossible to write a set of rules which, if
followed, will inevitably produce the best location. The set
which follows is merely a suggested office procedure that will
be principally of value to the novice the intangible ingredients,

skill and judgment, grow with the locator's experience.

(Note : In the technique to be described, splines may be

substituted for thread and curve templates.)
1. Using the preliminary map, set small pins at the termini
and also near the intermediate controls. Stretch a fine
thread around the pins.
2. Examine the terrain along the thread line,and set addi-
tional pins (angle points) where they apparently are
needed between location controls.
3. Scale the elevations at the pins and the distances between
them, thus giving the approximate grades.
4. Place transparent circular-curve templates tangent to
the thread, allowing enough room between curves for
subsequent insertion of spirals. Shift pins and change
templates until a trial alignment is obtained which fits
the alignment specifications and appears to be reasonable
in so far as gradients and probable earthwork quantities
are concerned. It may be helpful to use the grade con-
tour as a guide (see Art. 11-5).
5. Pencil the trial alignment lightly but precisely, and
stationit continuously along the tangents and curves

by stepping around it with dividers.


Railroad Surveys 28

6. Plot the ground profile of the trial alignment to an

exaggerated vertical scale.
7. Using pins and thread, establish a tentative grade line
on the profile which fits the specifications for grades
and appears to produce a reasonable balance of earth-
work. The may be used for
circular-curve templates
vertical curves. In estimating earthwork balance from
center cuts and fills, make approximate allowance for
the fact that the graded roadbed is wider in cuts than
on fills and that a certain percentage will be added to the
fill quantities for shrinkage (see Art. 6-14).

8. Examine the trial alignment and grade line together. Go

over the alignment station by station, visualizing the
finished roadbed if built as indicated. The need for
drainage structures and the probable maintenance diffi-
culties dealing with drainage, slides, and snow drifting
should be examined. Then make whatever changes will
obviously improve operating and maintenance character-
istics without changing earthwork quantities appreciably.
9. Make an earthwork estimate, using the following column
Center Cubic Yards
Station Height Cut Fill+*%
(*Insert suitable shrinkage factor — possibly from 10
to 15% for purposes of estimate)

In the station column, enter in proper order each

100-ft station, the station and plus of each high or
low point, and the station and plus of each grade point.
Scale center heights from the profile at positions midway
between the points entered in the station column;
designate the values C or F. Take earthwork quantities
from the proper table of level sections (Table XVII, Part
III). Do not forget to reduce tabulated quantities for
fractional distances or to add the shrinkage percentage to
the fill quantities.

10. Enter the sub-totals for each increment of cut and fill.
If conditions appear to warrant striving for an approxi-
mate balance of quantities along certain grading sec-
282 - Railroad Surveys

tions, see how close the balance comes. Observe also

the relative sizes of adjoining cuts and fills and the
approximate distances between their centers of gravity.
For convenience, note these numerical values on the

11. Re-examine the tentative alignment and grade line in

the light of the numerical values obtained in the first
earthwork estimate. Make any minor changes in the
alignment or the grade line, or both, which will reduce
the pay quantities and improve the balance and distribu-
tion of earthwork. Do not erase the first trial; merely
use a different style of line for the revised portions. Scale
new center heights along the revised portions and deter-
mine the new quantities. Preserve all discarded tabula-
tions, but identify them and mark them "void."

12. Repeat step 11 until the location appears to be the best

one possible.
The paper location finally established by the foregoing
process should not be accepted rigidly as final; the remarks
contained in Arts. 1-11 and 1-12 are pertinent in this respect.
Though the earthwork estimate is based upon level sections,
the errors introduced by transverse slopes tend to cancel. In
a long line, level-section quantities will usually be within 5
per cent of the true values found later by cross-sectioning.

9-12. The Location Survey. —The principal purpose of the

location survey is to transfer the paper location, called the
"L-line," to the ground. This may be done quite accurately
if the preliminary map is based upon a transit-tape traverse
plotted by coordinates.
The first step is to scale the coordinates of the P.I.'s of the
L-lineand from them to compute the bearings of the tangents
and the distances between P.I.'s. If the map is carefully
drawn to a scale of 1 in. = 100 ft, these computed bearings and
lengths are usually reliable to the nearest minute and foot.
The bearings and lengths are useful not only in making ties
to the P-line but also in checking the location field work.
The L-line should never be run by turning the calculated
angles and measuring the calculated distances continuously
from beginning to end. Instead, each L-line tangent should
Railroad Surveys 283

be tied independently to the P-line and run to a string inter-

section with the adjacent L-line tangent, at which point the
exact central angle of the curve is then measured.
An excellent tie exists wherever an L-line tangent crosses
the P-line. The P-line stationing of the cross-
ing can be scaled close enough for the purpose if
the angle of intersection is large; otherwise, it j

may be computed by coordinates. A hub at the

intersection is then located by sighting and meas-
uring from the most convenient P-line hub, after
which the L-line tangent is projected in both
and turning
setting up at the intersection
the calculated angle.
hub D
L-line tangents may
sometimes be tied to the
P-line by Another method is
right- angle offsets.
to produce a P-line course for a scaled or cal- I

culated distance to an intersection with the

L-line. Considerable ingenuity and field experi-
ence are needed in establishing ties rapidly and

accurately. |

Great care should be taken to insure the I

straightness of the L-line tangents. The lines C££J

should always be produced forward through
P.O.T.'s by double centering. Obstacles on the
tangents may be by-passed by the method
described in Art. 9-13.
After the P.I.'s have been located and the fe
central angles have been measured, the curves sg\
and spirals are run in as described in Part I. ^y*'
Stationing is continuous along the tangents and
curves. Some minor adjustments in alignment
are usually made during or following the staking
of the curves (see Art. 1-12). These adjust-
ments may involve some of the special curve
problems described in Chapter 7.

It is a good plan to run profile levels over Fig. 9-2

the staked L-line in order to compare the actual
ground profile with the paper-location ground profile. The
degree of "fit" is a measure of the accuracy of the topog-

284 Railroad Surveys

earthwork estimate may be in

If it is suspected that the
error, owing possibly to the prevalence of side-hill sections,
the line may be cross-sectioned by the slope-staking method
described in Art. 6-7. The more accurate earthwork quanti-
ties may then justify some slight revisions in the grade line
without necessarily changing the alignment. Further analysis
of the earthwork distribution may be made by means of a
mass diagram (see Art. 6-19).
The location survey also includes ties to property lines
and existing improvements, as well as a variety of measure-
ments needed for the design of miscellaneous structures.

9-13. By-Passing Obstacles on Tangents. —Where location

tangents (or other straight survey lines) are produced through
woods, large trees often obstruct the line. To avoid felling
them without authorization, and also to save time, the best
recourse is to by-pass them by a small-angle deflection-angle
Fig. 9-2 and the accompanying notes illustrate the process.
Point Ais a transit station (P.O.T.) on the location tangent.

It is assumed that large trees obstruct the line beyond A.

Consequently, a small deflection angle is turned to the right

Notes for Fig. 9-2

Angle Offset
Sta. Defl. with Dist. from
Tangent Angle X Tangent
Alg. Sum

A 35' zero
35' 640 +22,400
B 42' +22,400 6.5 R
7'L 400 -2,800
C 30' +19,600 5.7 R
37' 420 -15,540
D 20' +4,060 1.2 R
17' 238.82 -4,060
E 17' zero zero
Railroad Surveys 285

and a hub B is set at any convenient distance. At B it does

not prove possible to get back on the tangent; therefore, the
auxiliary traverse is continued through convenient openings
between the trees until point D
is reached, after which the

tangent is resumed at E.
convenient to adopt a systematic form of notes which
It is

from the tangent as well as the

will indicate the distance
measurements needed to get back on line. In the form sug-
gested, for example, the algebraic sum of the products of
distances minutes must be zero up to a point on
and angles in
the tangent. Moreover, since the reciprocal of the sine of 1
minute is 3,440, the offset at any point is found by dividing
the proper algebraic sum by that constant. The sign of any
product is determined by the angle that the course makes with
the tangent. An angle to the right gives a plus product;
one to the left, minus.
In the example given, it is assumed that a deflection angle
of 20' R at D is a convenient direction toward the tangent.
The required distance to a P.O.T. at E is, therefore, 4,060 + 17
= 238.82 ft. At E the deflection required to place the line
of sight on the correct tangent produced is obviously 17' R.

the angle between any auxiliary course and the tangent

is kept below 1 or 2 degrees, a negligible error results from
assuming that the length along the auxiliary traverse is
the same as the distance along the tangent. In the foregoing
example the true tangent distance between A and E is only
0.06 ft shorter than the traverse distance of 1,698.82 ft. This
small correction is found quickly by slide rule, if required, by
summing the products of the distances and the versines of
the angles with the tangent.
It is not usual to move station stakes back on the correct
tangent. However, if required, it may be done by eye with
the aid of the offsets in the last column of the notes.

9-14. Construction Surveys. —

It is not considered necessary
in a book of this kind to give detailed examples of the great
variety of measurements required on railroad construction.
These are best covered by reference to instructions and forms
supplied by railroads to their resident engineers. Briefly,
286 - Railroad Surveys

the principal survey work related to new construction includes

the following operations:

1, Re-Establishing the Final Location

Checking and referencing key points, such as P.I.'s,
T.S.'s,S.T.'s, and occasional intermediate points on
long tangents, so that they are quickly available during
Resetting enough station stakes on curves to control
clearing of the right-of-way.
Checking the bench-mark elevations and setting con-
venient new bench marks in locations in which they are
not likely to be disturbed during construction.

2. Setting Construction Stakes

Cross-sectioning the line after clearing (and just ahead

of grading operations), together with setting slope stakes
wherever needed.
Line and grade stakes (and in some cases, batter boards)
for appurtenant structures, such as buildings, bridge
piers, culverts, and trestles.

Finishing stakes for completing cuts and fills to exact

grade; center stakes for track laying; grade stakes for
ballast and final rail profile.

Stakes for borrow pits; also cross-sectioning borrow

pits after stripping.
Stakes for right-of-way fences.

8. Making Periodic Quantity Measurements

Measurements, calculations, and estimates of work done
to serve as basis of monthly payments to contractor, as
well as for progress reports to headquarters.

4. Final Measurements
Final cross-sections for calculation of total grading
pay quantities.
"As-built" measurements of all work to serve as basis for
final payment, as well as for preparation of "record"
Monumenting curve points.
Railroad Surveys 287

5. Property Surveys
Making measurements needed for preparing legal

descriptions of easements and of land acquired by pur-

chase or through condemnation proceedings.
Setting right-of-way monuments.

9-15. Superelevation. Fundamentally, superelevation
theory is the same on railways as on highways. Fig. 8-2
and the equations developed in Art. 8-6 are valid for both
types of operation.

The equilibrium formula for superelevation of railroad

track* is

# = 0.0007 V*D (9-1)

in which E
is the superelevation, in inches, of the outer rail.

This relation corresponds to formula 8-8, and is found by

substituting E-v-59.5 for e. ("Standard gage" of track is 4 ft
8| inches, but E is measured with respect to center to center
i.e., 4 ft 11£ inches.)
of rails,

According to the A.R.E.A. Manual:

"If it were possible to operate all classes of traffic at the same speed

on. a curve, the ideal condition for smooth riding and minimum rail
wear would be obtained by elevating for equilibrium. However,
curved track must handle several classes of traffic operating at various
speeds, which results in slow trains causing excessive wear on the inside
rail and high-speed trains causing accelerated wear on the outside rail.

"Safety and comfort limit the speed with which a passenger train
may negotiate a curve. Any speed which gives comfortable riding on
a curve is well within the limits of safety. Experience has shown that
the conventional baggage cars, passenger coaches, diners, and Pullman
cars will ride comfortably around a curve at a speed which will require
an elevation about 3 inches higher for equilibrium. Equipment
designed with large center bearings, roll stabilizers, and outboard
swing hangers can negotiate curves comfortably at greater than 3
inches unbalanced elevation because there is less car body roll. It is
suggested that where complete passenger trains are equipped with
cars utilizing the foregoing refinements that a lean test be made on
the equipment to determine the amount of body roll. If the roll
angle is less than 1°30', experiments indicate that cars can negotiate
curves comfortably at 4J inches unbalanced elevation.

"The inner rail should preferably be maintained at grade."

•1956 Manual, American Railway Engineering Association.

288 Railroad Surveys

* 5
8 re5
t— i- c

N x
— ~

o re
Ci re - d T)

— f» _ —
o DC
q '-. re
as ?i d X =
:'. •c - Ti
q iq c '-. —
00 !N d t>^ d

> "* oo o •c
X O <N — r~ - n
- —

» N d r. _
IV 1 *
- -
~ X - —
•a 1
ob BC * X
** ~ re iO | t^ - —
— 9
a 1

1 co re
— «--:

to K OS
- o i
: ~. 1
x .
'-. -'
*" —i X
re - * d
X -
S x QO
~ >*
— cn r- --

c -
.". - -. re X r-.

— -c _ (N >* d X- X d

a 2 .5

> -_ --T 7i x 1

- c •c ti X —c
CJ i-Z t- q re .."
X rt ci re «o --: t- X d
'- II

lolt C5 « H
— t^ r.
z -! « CI CO >*
c H N re

** a d t^ X d

H -
< 00 re o
re c
> § 6 U"
00 1*. ec sq
d d
(N re -r t^ X d
a — 7. re •<* -* IO © r^ o _ <N -
M3 r- — — x '. <N en c p -. o \
-* C ~ :> ri re — >* -
K3 t^ X ~

a V2 -> X - c CC «N 00 o ri — X O
o 0 — - :. DO re CO -* •c r-. 00 § o M
1 * d — — ri ri w re * a ~ t^ 00 d —

E — -
o re

r>- r.
n N — i- o
o re
— S ^ o
go rj X

d q
•?: X. r- -.
X t- "* r;
re d d — _ T) <N r^ re -<* d d t>^ X d d
II 1

s ~i d X _ >-. X — ,- - CO
° :t

1 >n
c; CN L
00 CI
•0 r- t
5 CO re
- c 6 -H •"* '->
" re re »* * d d d t^

- -
-* s o
- rt c
e T)
d d d C = d d ~' - h ^ rj 71 ei re re

- ;- _ - CO _ -
00 -. n o - re o ^ •*
o - ~ *-• — c<

Tl T) re -* * .-.
c t^
r>- 00
c ~ d d d d C c c d d c d d d d

Ms -
= d

| 8
Q « J -
Railroad Surveys 289

Using these recommendations, the A.R.E.A. formula for

superelevation based on maximum speed becomes
E = 0.0007 (max. V) 2 D -3 (9-2)

Formula 9-2 is analogous to equation 8-11.

Table 9-1 gives the equilibrium elevation E for various

values of D c The 5-mph increments represent general prac-

tice for use on speed-limit signs.

9-16. Spirals. —In contrast to the situation with regard

on highways (Art. 8-13),
to the use of spirals spirals have
been used on railroad track since about 1880. (A concise
history of the use of spirals is given in Proceedings, A.R.E.A.,
Vol. 40, 1939, pp. 172-174.)

As a result of long years of experience in operating over

spiraled superelevated curves, American railroads almost in-
variably base minimum spiral length upon the rate of rota-
tional change. For many years the A.R.E.A. had recom-
mended that spiral length be based on attaining supereleva-
tion across standard-gage track at a desirable maximum rate
of 1.25 inches per second. Such a rate yields the expression
L = 1.17 EV.
s This equation is the same as 8-19 except for
different notation.
As the result of a committee report* on "Length of Railway
Transition Spiral — Analysis and Running Tests," the recom-
mendation for desirable spiral length has been changed to
L = 1.63 E U V
s (9-3)

where Eu is the unbalanced elevation in inches.

Where speed is designed for passenger equipment which has
car-body roll controlled by special designs, the recommended
desirable length is to be found from

L =&2E
S (9-3a)

As in the case of highways, the superelevation is run out

uniformly over the spiral. The slight vertical curves in the

• Proceedings, A.R.E.A., Vol. 65, 1964, pp. 91-129.

290 . Railroad Surveys

outer rail at the beginning and end of the spiral are taken
care of automatically by the flexibility of the rail.

Track spirals are staked either by deflection angles or

by offsets. The basic theory is fully covered in Chapter 5.
Art. 5-13 contains practical suggestions for applying the
offset methods.

9-17. String Lining. —In spite of ballast and rail braces,

tracks on curves tend to creep slowly out of line. This creep-

ing due principally to the unbalanced lateral forces caused

by operation at other than equilibrium speed. Other con-

tributing factors are rapid deceleration during emergency
stops and, possibly, temperature expansion and contraction.
Track once irregularly out of line becomes progressively worse,
owing to the variable impact produced by moving trains.
The trend toward higher train speeds in both freight and
passenger operation makes it more important than ever to
maintain curved track continuously in good alignment. This
can be done either by the deflection-angle method or by string
lining. The latter method has so many obvious advantages
that it is rapidly superseding the former method.
Briefly, string lining consists in shifting the track in or out
along the circular curve until equal middle ordinates are
obtained at equal chords. Theoretically, the chord used may
be of any length; but to obtain good control on main-line
track it should be between 50 and 80 feet. Many engineers
use a 62-ft chord. This is the value recommended by the
A.R.E.A.; a convenient length, and also produces the
it is

useful relation that the degree of curve is numerically equal

to the middle ordinate in inches (see equation 2-31).

Equipment consists simply of a tape, a strong fish line or a

fine wire,and a scale for measuring the middle ordinates.
Some engineers use wooden or metal templates which are held
against the rail head; the string passes through holes or slots

a fixed distance from the rail. With such devices, it is neces-

sary to deduct the fixed distance from the measured middle
ordinates, or to use a special scale with an offset zero point.
The procedure involves (1) preliminary field work, (2)

Railroad Surveys 291

calculation, and (3) track shifting in accordance with the

approved calculations.

Preliminary field work

1. Locate the T.C. by sighting along the gage side of the

outer rail. Make a keel mark on the inside of the rail
head at this point and mark it sta. on the web.
2. Mark sta. —t similarly, 31 feet back from sta. on the
tangent. Then mark stations, 1, 2, 3, etc. at 31-ft
intervals along the outer rail until the last station is
beyond the end of the curve.

3. Stretch the line taut between the keel marks at stations

—1 and Measure and record the middle ordinate at

sta. 0. In similar manner, stretch the cord between

stations and 2 and measure the middle ordinate at
sta. 1. Continue this process until the middle ordinates
become zero.

Calculation is based upon four simple rules. The first comes

from the fact that the middle ordinate m is proportional to D.
Since D = —j— , it follows that 2m <x I. This relation may
be expressed by the following rule

Rule 1. For any chord length the sum of the middle

ordinates on a curve between given tangents is constant.

The other rules come from Fig. 9-3, in which the solid
line represents the outer rail of curved track badly out of
line, and the dotted line shows the correct position. (The
scale is greatly exaggerated in order to make the relations

The offset distance between the original and final positions

of the track at any station is called the throw. Track moved
outward in revising given a positive throw;
its position is

for track moved inward, the throw is negative. Thus, the

throw at sta. 1 is negative and is numerically equal to the
distance ab.

The error at any station is found from the following relation:

292 Railroad Surveys

error = original middle ordinate minus revised middle ordinate

(algebraically). In the sketch the error at sta. 1 is ac— bd.

Fig. 9-3

It is obvious that the first throw will occur at sta. 1. Since

the middle ordinates at successive stations are practically
the throw at sta. 1 is twice the error at sta. 0; both
have negative signs. This relation may be expressed by the
following rule:

Rule 2. At the first station at which a throw occurs, the

half-throw (§ t) equals the error at the 'preceding station.

The throw at sta. 2 is ef (negative sign) and for all practical


purposes ef= twice cd. The length cd may be written in the

following form:
-cd=(-% ab) + (-$ ab) + \(ab+bc)-bd]
W {2) (3) (4)

Term (1) is the half- throw at sta. 2.

Railroad Surveys 293

Term (2) is the half-throw at sta. 1.

Term (3) is the error at sta. 0.

Term the error at sta. 1.
(4) is
From the foregoing relation, the following rule may be

Rule 3. The half-throw at any station equals the half-

throw at the preceding station plus the algebraic sum of
the errors up to and including the preceding station.

10 15 20 25
Stations at 31 ft intervals

Fig. 9-4

In solving a string-lining problem, it is helpful to plot a

graph of the measured middle ordinates. Fig. 9-4 shows such
a graph for a spiraled curve very badly out of line. The curve
istoo flat near sta. 13 and too sharp near sta. 22. The original
middle ordinates were measured to tenths of inches at stations
31 feet apart; their values (with the decimal point omitted for
simplicity) are given in Table 9-2, col. (2).
For perfect alignment the middle ordinates on the circular
curve must be constant, and those on the spirals must change
uniformly. Moreover, the half-throw at the final station
must be zero; otherwise, the forward tangent will be shifted
parallel to itself by an amount equal to the full throw.
Trial 1 is shown in Table 9-2; it approximates trial 3, shown
in Fig. 9-4. The middle ordinate for a 4.4° curve between
stations 7 and 28 was assumed to be the average of the exist-
ing middle ordinates on the circular arc.
Col. (3) contains the revised middle ordinates. The middle
ordinates on the spirals were adjusted so that the sum of the
294 Railroad Surveys


"3 -3
e o m o
.52 ~»
u ,
o .2 ~» i °2 *
_ o

5s '5 S o
u £2 '> ft o £2
h u
TO 6 K mm w tea eh
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

1 4 6 -2 x -2i 5 -1 s- 1 *

+2< +3<

25 -2<
TV 11
18 -2<
24 -1< *-l<
5 36 31 +5<= ^0 ^-10 30 +6< -+5
6 41 38 +3 +3 -10 37 +4 +9 +5
7 40 44 -4 -1 -7 44 -4 +5 + 14
8 48 44 +4 +3 -8 44 +4 +9 + 19
9 47 44 +3 +6 -5 44 +3 + 12 +28
10 44 44 +6 +1 44 + 12 +40
11 40 44 -4 +2 +7 44 -4 +8 +52
12 40 44 -4 -2 +9 44 -4 +4 +60
13 36 44 -8
-10 +7 44 -8 -4 +64
14 38 44 -6
-16 -3 44 -6 -10 +60
15 41 44 -3
-19 -19 44 -3 -13 +50
16 42 44 -2
-21 -38 44 -2 -15 +37
17 44 44 -21 -59 44 -15 +22
18 46 44 +2 -19 -SO 44 +2 -13 +7
19 46 44 +2 -17 -99 44 +2 -11 -6
20 47 44 +3 -14 -116 44 +3 -8 -17
21 50 44 +6 -8 -130 44 +6 -2 -25
22 50 44 +6 -2 -138 44 +6 +4 -27
23 48 44 +4 +2 -140 44 +4 +8 -23
24 44 44 +2 -138 44 +8 -15
25 41 44 -3 -1 -136 44 -3 +5 -7
26 40 44 -4 -5 -137 44 -4 + 1 -2
27 42 44 -2 -7 -142 44 -2 -1 -1
28 44 44 -7 -149 44 -1 -2
29 43 38 +5 -2 -156 39 +4 +3 -3
30 34 32 +2 -158 33 + 1 +4
31 24 25 -1 -1 -158 26 -2 +2 +4
32 15 19 -4 -5 -159 21 -6 -4 +6
33 14 12 +2 -3 -164 12 +2 -2 +2
34 9 6 +3 -167 7 +2
35 -167
Sum 1231 1231 J
1231 .

Railroad Surveys 295

TABLE 9-2— (Continued) Revision—Trial 1 to 2

TRIAL 3 Change Change in

in i fat
Sta. sta. 35
a OS *
.2 u ,

o £2
"S In 1 _1 +34
w EH 2 —1 +33
(11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
3 —1 +32
-1 4 —1 +31
5 —1 +30
1 7 -3 6 —1 +29
2 13 + l< --2«
3 18 -2< —
*-4< I Sum -6 + 189
Ms ^-9
+6< -+1 -14 k
29 +1
6 35 +6 +7 -13 30 +1 -5
7 41 -1 +6 -6 31 +1 -4
8 44 +4 + 10 32 +2 -6
9 44 +3 + 13 + 10 33
10 44 + 13 +23 34 +1 -i
11 44 -4 +9 +36
12 44 -4 +5 +45 Sum +6 -22
13 44 -8 -3 +50 Net +167
14 44 -6 -9 +47
15 44 -3 -12 +38
16 44 -2 -14 +26
17 44 -14 + 12
18 44 +2 -12 -2 Revision—Trial 2 to 3
19 44 +2 -10 -14
20 44 +3 -7 -24 Change Change in

21 44 +6 -1 -31 Sta.
TO 35
at sta.
13 22
22 44 +6 +5 -32
23 44 +4 +9 -27 1 +2 -68 -24 -42
24 44 +9 -18 2 +2 -66 -22 -40
25 44 -3 +6 -9 6 -2 +58 +14 +32
26 44 -4 +2 -3 7 -3 +84 + 18 +45
27 44 -2 -1
28 44 -1 Sum -1 +8 -14 -5
29 40 +3 +3 -1
30 35 -1 +2 +2
29 +1 -6
31 26 -2 +4 30 +2 -10
32 18 -3 -3 +4 32 -3 +9
33 12 +2 -1 +1 34 +1 -1
34 8 +1
35 Sum +1 -8
Sum 1231 Net
296 • Railroad Surveys

revised middle ordinates is equal to the original sum. Rule 1

requires this relation.
The errors and their algebraic sums were next calculated;
the arithmetic was automatically checked by the zero value
at the foot of col. (5).
Then the half-throws were calculated from Rules 2 and 3
and entered in col. (6). Arrows indicate the additions.
Up to about sta. 17, it appeared that a fairly close solution
might be found on the first trial. After that, however,
the half-throws became excessive. Instead of starting over
when this happens, it is a good plan to continue col. (6) to
completion otherwise, a large number of trials might have to

be made before finding a solution giving zero half-throw at the

final station.
In the illustrative example the result of the first trial was
modified by a method which guarantees a check on the second
trial. The method is based upon the following rule:
Rule 4, The effect upon the half-throw at any station
caused by a change in middle ordinate at any preceding
station equals the product of the change in middle ordinate
and the difference in stationing; the sign of the product is

opposite to the sign of the change in the middle ordinate.

The modification of trial 1 shown at the top

of the page

to the right of trial 3. be observed that the small

It should
changes were made entirely on the spirals. The middle
ordinates were adjusted in such a way as to make their net
change zero (Rule 1) and at the same time to produce the
required change of +167 units in the half-throw at sta. 35.
The resulting half-throws are given in col. (10).
Trial 2 might be considered an acceptable solution, pro-
vided that there are no objects which might interfere with the
fairly large throws between stations 10 and 15.
There are any number of solutions which will give zero
throw at the end of the curve. The best solution is the one
having the smallest intermediate throws, consistent with
specified clearances and smooth curvature.
Trial 3 shows a second solution to the illustrative example.
In revising trial 2, an attempt was made to decrease the
throws near sta. 13 without increasing those near sta. 22 too
Railroad Surveys 297

much. The
tabulation at the bottom of the page to the right
shows how this was done and the zero throw at the
of trial 3
end checked before the detailed calculations for trial 3 were
performed. The resulting half-throws are given in col. (15).
By using trial 3 instead of trial 2, the full throw is reduced
from a maximum of 12.8 inches to 10.0 inches.

It is possible to obtain further improvement in this example

by continuing the foregoing process, especially if the middle
ordinates are expressed to the nearest 0.05 inch. (This is

suggested as a profitable exercise for the student.)

String-lining problems are more complicated if it is neces-
sary to hold the track fixed at certain points, such as at
frogs, bridges, or station platforms. In such cases, zero
throws are entered at the proper stations and the middle
ordinates are adjusted so as to produce the required result.
Numerous restrictions on throws make it difficult to obtain
perfectly smooth track.
Track shifting in conformity with the throws finally
approved is controlled by setting suitable line (and, possibly,
grade) stakes.

Stout tacked line stakes are driven between the ties opposite
each station, or as close thereto as permitted by the position
of the ties. On double-track roadbeds, stakes are eliminated
by setting tacks on the ties of the parallel track.
Some engineers prefer to set the line stakes on the revised
center line. Track in the shifted position is then checked by
means of the usual track gage. Instead of being centered, the
line stakes may be set level with the base of the rail at a
distance such that, when the track is shifted, the base of the
rail will be a constant distance, e.g., 1 foot, from the tack.
On a curve requiring large throws, it may also be necessary to
set grade stakes for adjusting the rails to proper superelevation.

Track shifting was formerly done by moving track and ties

with the aid of lining bars. Lining and ballasting about 300
feet of main track was a normal day's work for a 10-man
section gang. Since about 1956, specially-designed machines
permit the same-sized gang to surface at least ten times as
much track per day.
298 Railroad Surveys

9-18. Spiraling Existing Curves. In earlier years of —

railway surveying a variety of track realignment problems
arose in connection with spiraling existing track originally
laid out as simple curves. Since such problems are much less
common now, only one typical case will be illustrated.
Fig. 9-5 shows half of an existing circular curve, AE.


Fig. 9-5. Spiraling an existing curve

It is necessary to introduce spirals in such a way as to minimize

shifting of the trackand at the same time to keep the new
and old track lengths practically the same. So doing facili-
tates shifting the track to its new position. The spiraled
half-curve is shown at A'E'. The throw EE' at the center
of the curve is usually restricted to a maximum value of 10
to 12 inches.

Obviously, the new simple curve, with radius Ri, must be

somewhat sharper than the original one. The selected value
of L 8 and the final value of R 2 must fit the following relation:

(R1-R2+EE') vers \I = EE'+o (9-4)

Any number of combinations of R 2 and L may

9 be found.
A suggested procedure follows
1. Select a trial value of D 2 slightly greater than the original
degree of curve.
Railroad Surveys 299

2. Select a practical spiral length not less than that required

by equation 9-3; and calculate the resulting value of o
from the relation . . or from Tables XI or XII.

3. By a trial slide-rule calculation, determine the value of

EE' needed to balance equation 9-4. If EE' is greater
than the permitted maximum, go through the same
process with new values of D 2 and L s properly chosen to
bring EE' within the required limit.
4. After satisfactory values of D
2 and L s have been obtained,

calculate the difference in length between the original

and revised alignments. This difference should be
figured between points common to both layouts, namely,
the T.S. and the S.T. of the new alignment.
See Prob. 9-3 for practical examples of the preceding case.
In other problems, it may
be necessary to hold a certain
portion of the circular curve in its original position, such

as on a bridge, trestle, or high embankment. In this case,

it is necessary to compound the curve with slightly sharper

arcs in order to obtain the needed clearance for inserting the

spirals. As in the previous case, any number of combina-
tions of R2 and L 8 will fit the conditions. A practical example
of this type of problem is given in Prob. 9-4.

^-19. Track Layouts. Railway track layouts involving
surveying operations in their location are exceedingly com-
plex. Included under this heading are:
1. Turnouts
(a) Simple split-switch turnouts from straight track
(6) Turnouts from curved track
(c) Double turnouts, involving three-throw and tandem
split switches

2. Crossovers
(a) Between parallel straight tracks (see Fig. 9-6)
(b) Between parallel curved tracks

3. Crossings
(a) Straight or curved track
(b) Combination crossings, or slip switches
300 Railroad Surveys

Connecting tracks from turnout to:

(a) Diverging track
(6) Another turnout, such as at wye tracks
(c) Parallel siding

5. Yard Layouts
(a) Complex combinations of the foregoing
(b) Various arrangements of ladder tracks

Each of these layouts involves a multitude of features,

including switches, frogs, guard rails, operating devices, rail
braces, and fasteners of various kinds.

One of the layouts most frequently used is a crossover

between parallel straight tracks, a simplified diagram of
which is shown in Fig. 9-6.

Fig. 9-6

The layout involves two turnouts, each of whicL. includes the

two switch rails, the frog, and the sections of curved and
straight track shown located between lines s-s and /-/. The
crossover tracks are straight between lines /-/, which are
located at the heels of the frogs.

The best source of information concerning tr.ick details is

the portfolio of Trackwork Plans of the A.R.E.A. These have
been revised extensively since 1940, and will probably be
further revised to accommodate the high speed turbo trains
expected to be in operation by 1970.
9-20. Relocations. —Though the principal trunk railroad
lines in the United States that can be justified in the foresee-

Railroad Surveys 301

able future have already been located, relocations are con-

tinually being made in order to bring sub-standard sections
of line into conformity with modern requirements.
A typical relocation problem takes the form of flattening
a single sharp curve formerly requiring operation under a slow
order. economic considerations do not eventually force
the relocation, a serious wreck of a fast passenger train usually
does. The elimination (in 1947) of the "Gulf curve" at Little
Falls, N. Y.,* is an evimple.

Major relocations are invariably made for economic reasons.

The changes include (either separately or in combination)
reduction in distance, in grade, or in rate of curvature.
The objectives generally sought are: (1) increased speed, in
order to reduce running time; (2) greater riding comfort for
passengers; (3) operating savings; (4) increased train tonnage,
either as a result of grade reduction or from conservation of
momentum formerly wasted through braking at the approach
to slow-order curves.
A complete treatment of the economics of railway location
and operation is beyond the scope of a Route Surveying text-

book. Excellent analyses of these subjects will be found in

Proceedings, A.R.E.A., Vol. 39 (1938), pp. 439-560, and in
Proceedings, A.R.E.A., Vol. 45 (1944), pp. 25-44. See also
Chapter 16 in the latest A.R.E.A. Manual.
Major relocations involve surveying operations fully as
complex and interesting as those met in the original location
of trunk lines. In view of the existence of thousands of miles
of track having curvature and grades which limit economical
operation at high speeds, there is every reason to believe that
such major relocations will continue to be made for many
years. —
The railroads stimulated by competition from other
forms of transportation, as well as by competition from each

other are apparently aware of the necessity for making many
improvements in the alignment of main-line track.
References to a few examples of relocation and new location
follow (it is suggested that they be made required reading
assignments for students)
1. "The Eight-Mile Cascade Tunnel, Great Northern Rail-

*Railway Age, Vol. 122, No. 1. Jan. 4, 1947, p. 118.

302 '
Railroad Surveys

way," Transactions, ASCE, Vol. 96 (1932), pp. 915-1004.

2. "Two Important Tunnels Built in 1945."

(1) The 3,015-Foot Bozeman Pass Tunnel in Montana

(Northern Pacific), Railway Age, Vol. 120, No. 19,
May 11, 1946, pp. 952-955.
(2) The 2,550-Foot Tennessee Pass Tunnel in Colorado
(Denver & Rio Grande Western), Railway Age, Vol.
120, No. 21, May 25, 1946, pp. 1056-1058.

3. "Frisco Line Changes Improve Operation" (12-mile re-

location in Missouri, involving grade reductionfrom 2.3
to 1.27% and curvature reduction amounting to more
than 1,046 degrees), Railway Age, Vol. 121, No. 7, Aug.
17, 1946, pp. 281-284.
4. "Rock Island Completes Relocation in Iowa" (about
88 miles of relocation, involving elimination of 1,020
feet of rise and fall, and curvature reduction of 2,900
degrees), Engineering News-Record, Vol. 139, No. 22,
Nov. 27, 1947, pp. 726-730.

5. "Grade and Line Revisions Lower Operating Costs on

Missouri Pacific" (two relocations involving grade reduc-
tion from maximum of 2.45% to 1.25% compensated,
distance saving of 3 miles, and curvature reduction of
almost 900 degrees), Civil Engineering, March, 1949.
6. "Short-cut Through Missouri" (71-mile relocation on
C.B. &Q. reduces Chicago-Kansas City run by 22 miles
and passenger schedules by 5 hours. Has high design
standards, such as maximum grade of 0.8% and maxi-
mum curvature of 1°. Aerial photographs used in
planning the location). Engineering New-Record, Vol.
145, No. 19, Nov. 9, 1950, pp. 32-35.

7. "Crews Race to Complete Port, Railroad" (193-mile ore-

handling railroad built through rugged terrain in Quebec
Province. About half of line is curve track with few
curves sharper than 5£°. Construction to high standards
of curvature and grade required 14 million cu yd of
excavation, half of it rock. Extensive use made of aerial

photogrammetry). Engineering News-Record, Vol. 165,

No. 24, Dec. 15, 1960, pp. 34-40.
8. "New Rails Cross Oregon Trail to Reach Mine" (76-mile
Railroad Surveys 303

railroad spur built in Wyoming to main line criteria.

Location surveyed and designed by combining traditional
methods with use of aerial photographs and electronic
computer). Engineering News-Record, Vol. 166, No. 24,
June 15, 1961, pp. 44-46.

9. "Southern Pacific Finishes 78-Mile Cut-Off Line at Cost

of $22 Million" (huge job required new construction
methods and equipment). Railway Age, Vol. 163, July
17, 1967, pp. 22-23 and 26-29.

9-1. From the notes for Fig. 9-2 compute:
(a) The true tangent distance AE by the most efficient
(6) The deflection angles at D and E if distance DE were
304.5 ft.

(c) The distance CX and the deflection angle at X the if

tangent were resumed at X after deflecting 40' L at station C.

9-2. Revise the string-lining problem of Art. 9-17 so as to:

(a) Obtain equal maximum positive and negative throws.

(6) Hold the track fixed at stations 8 and 9.

9-3. In the following cases of Fig. 9-5, verify the given

solutions and find another suitable combination of L s and new
D c which has a smaller difference in length, yet a throw that
does not exceed 10 inches.
(a) Given: Existing £ = 5°;
c 7 = 36°28'; Sta. T.C. = 179 +
43.27; # = 5.75 inches; max. F = 50 mph. Solution: New
L> c = 5°30'; L = 350 s ft; throw #£' = 0.36 ft; sta. T.S. = 178 +
01.20; revised length 0.45 ft shorter than original.

(6) Given: Existing Z) c = 8°; 7 = 47°56'; sta. T.C. =74+81.06;

E=b inches; max. 7 = 40 mph. Solution: New D c = 8°30';
L = 240
8 ft; throw ##' = 0.09 ft; sta. T.S. =73 +78.43; revised
length 0.50 ft shorter than original.

9-4. Given: An unspiraled curve on existing track; Z) c = 3°;

J = 27°16'; £ = 2.25 inches;
T.C. =26+44.82; max. 7 = 50
mph. The central 200 feet of track is on a bridge. Verify
304 - Railroad Surveys

the following solution and find another suitable curve which,

when compounded and spiraled with values of L 8 closer to
their desirable minimum, will not require shifting track on
the bridge. Solution: D c of first and third arcs=3°10'; L 8 =
270 ft; unchanged length of 3° curve = 210.21 ft; sta. T.S.=
25+28.14; revised length 0.13 ft shorter than original.
chapter I \J

Highway Surveys

10-1. Foreword. As a separate subject, adequate treat-
ment of Highway Surveys would require many pages of detailed
description. In this chapter, however, the subject is pre-
sented briefly in order to avoid repeating material already
covered in previous chapters. One referring directly to this
chapter for information about highway surveys should not
fail to note the discussion in Chapter 1 of the basic considera-

tions affecting route location; the details of curve and earth-

work theory given Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6; and, in
particular, the practical treatment of curve problems in high-
way design found in Chapter 8. Much of Chapter 9 (Railroad
Surveys) applies equally to highways. Moreover, all applica-
tions of aerial photography, automation, and new techniques in
Chapters 12, 13, and 14 are to highway location.

Purposely omitted are samples of field notes and examples

of the various maps and needed for location and con-

struction. Typical curve notes are given in Arts. 2-9 and 5-5;
notes for cross-sectioning and slope staking, in Art. 6-7. Gen-
erally, the best sources of information for practical forms of
notes are the instruction manuals issued to their engineers by
State highway departments. Highway drawings, especially
plan-profile sheets and "vicinity maps" for railroad crossings
or bridge sites, suffer so much by reduction to book-page size
as to be practically worthless for illustration. For instruction
of students, reference to a set of full-scale highway plans
(obtainable from most State highway departments) is strongly
Continued improvements in survey methods and in stand-
ards of alignment design are due not alone to the progressive
policies of numerous State highway departments but also to
the activities of certain other organizations. Among these
are the Bureau Roads (formerly the Public Roads
of Public
Administration), whose original research and whose insistence
upon high standards of design and construction in administer-
ing the provisions of the Federal-Aid Highway Act are per-
306 * Highway Surveys

petual stimuli to progress; the American Association of State

Highway Officials, whose close cooperation with the B.P.R.

in developing modern "design policies" (Art. 8-1) is only one

of its many valuable activities; the American Road Builders'
Association (the oldest highway organization in the United
States), pre-eminent in highway public relations, early sponsor
of improved alignment standards, and recently active in
attracting better trained engineering personnel to the highway
profession and the Highway Research Board, whose outstand-

ing work in basic highway research organizing, correlating,
disseminating information —has
been largely responsible for
supplanting rule-of-thumb methods with scientific design.

10-2. The Scope of a Modern Highway Project. —The

definition of Route Surveying given in Art. 1-2 suggested the
broad economic aspects of the subject. Modern highway
planning illustrates the economic relationships particularly
well, for in highway construction the taxpayer's dollar is
spent, in competition with countless other demands for public
services, upon projects which return to him only the intangible
benefits of improved transportation.
Though many phases of highway planning and design are
not properly a part of route surveying, it is felt that an illus-
tration of their interrelationship would be valuable at least —
to students. For this reason, there is included the following
outline taken directly from the Manual for Chiefs of Party
issued by the New Jersey State Highway Department.



(Responsibility of Division of Planning and Economics)

1. Prepare brief report on purpose of highway, giving its


(a) To serve through traffic

(b) To serve local traffic predominantly
(c) To develop recreational, industrial, residential and
agricultural areas.

Highway Surveys 307

2. Recommend classification of highway

(a) Density of traffic (30th peak hour, 30 years hence)
(6) Passenger cars (P), Mixed traffic (M), Trucks (T)
(c) Design speed.
3. Recommend type of highway:
(a) Two lane
(b) Three lane (not normally recommended)
(c) Four lane undivided (not normally recommended)
id) Four or more lanes divided (not more than four lanes
normallv recommended)
(e) At grade "land service highway"
if) At grade with major intersections separated (either
initially or eventually)

(g) Freeway
(Ji) Parkway.
4. Recommend location of termini.

5. Recommend general area of location and reasons therefor.

6. Preliminary recommendations on traffic
Interchange locations.
7. Justification:

(a) Traffic
(6) Economic factors
(c) Benefit-cost ratio
(d) Priority
(e) Place in comprehensive plan.

8. Review of report by Department of Design and Construc-


After approval (or modification) of above report by the

State Highway Engineer he transmit to the Chief, Depart-
ment of Design and Construction, for progressing Surveys and
Plans. (Copies of this report shall be sent to Bureau of Public
Roads if participation in financing is expected.)

(Responsibility of Department of Design and Construction)
1. Reconnaissance surveys and proposed typical cross-sec-
308 Highway Surveys

2. After approval by the State Highway Engineer of Item 1,

prepare "Hearing Map" precedent to line adoption. After
line has been adopted by the State Highway Com-
missioner, design shall proceed.

3. Develop typical main roadway cross-sections (including

right-of-way width) based on satisfactory maximum
roadway capacity for the 30th peak hour, thirty years
hence. (In some cases this may be desirable, tolerable,
or maximum roadway capacity, in which case it will be
the subject of individual decision of the State Highway
Engineer with review by the State Highway Com-

4. Develop geometric design standards for approved design


5. Field reports on Interchange locations as outlined in

Memo of State Highway Engineer dated October 3, 1946,
shall be submitted.

6. Detailed and economic data relating to Interchange

be obtained from Planning and Economics and
sites shall
transmitted to field.

7. Preliminary sketch designs of Interchanges based on data

included in (6) above shall be submitted by field for

8. Submission of a general plan (generally 1" = 200') and

profileshowing widths, alignment, grades, and tentative
Interchanges to State Highway Engineer for approval.
(After approval, prints of this plan shall be submitted to
Bureau of Public Roads.)

9. On approval of Interchange sketches and alignment and

grades,an accurate layout of Interchange design shall be
submitted for approval before being tied down mathe-

10. Submission of proposal for developing order and extent

of construction contracts shall be submitted to the State
Highway Engineer for approval, plus special or unusual
specification provisions.
Highway Surveys 309

11. Approval of construction plans and specifications by

State Highway Engineer and State Highway Com-

In developing plans it is expected that Planning and

Economics and Department of Design and Construction will
cooperate closely and draw freely on information and tech-
niques each from the other, and that the Maintenance Division
and Parkway Engineer will be consulted freely on matters of
mutual concern.
10-3. Similarity to Railroad Surveys on New Locations.
Surveys for major rural highways on new locations may
follow identically the same procedure as those on railroad loca-
tion. For this reason, the descriptive material in Arts. 9-2
to 9-14 should also be considered as part of this chapter.
However, new techniques in alignment design and stakeout
(Chapter 14) have been developed which tend to out-date
these traditional methods.
Some differences between railroad and highway survey
methods are caused by the highway's greater latitude with
respect to grades and by problems of interchange design.
These factors require a wider strip of topography than on
railroad location. This is why aerial survey methods have
supplanted ground reconnaissance and preliminary surveys
on important new highway location.
Aside from the use of aerial survey methods, the greatest
on new locations is in the method of
difference in technique
cross-sectioning, which is usually done by cross-section level-
ing rather than by slope staking (see Art. 6-7). The reason
for this is that the exact profile grades are not designed until
after the alignment is fixed. The cross-sections, plotted to
scale, aid in selecting the grades and in designing drainage

10-4. Modifications of Railroad Methods on Relocations.

Most new highway construction is in the form of improve-
ments of existing highways. The changes usually involve
widening of pavements, increasing the number of traffic lanes,
reduction of grades, and flattening of curves to increase sight
distances and safe speeds. Frequently, most of the existing,
right-of-way can be utilized, but minor relocations or "cut-
310 * Highway Surveys

offs" overnew right-of-way are often required when sub-stand-

ard sections cannot be improved without incurring excessive
land damages. A closely related problem is the location of
by-passes around congested areas, with the accompanying
problems of grade separation and interchange design.
Surveys for relocations involve numerous modifications
of the usual railroad survey methods. A few of the common
modifications are described in the following paragraphs.
thing, reconnaissance is more localized.
For one The reason
isthat the need for possible relocation is usually disclosed by
accident statistics or by obvious traffic bottle-necks. Recon-
naissance is often simplified by reference to the original con-
struction plans, to tax maps, —
and in increasing instances to —
aerial photographs (in New Jersey, for example, photographs
and can be ordered to any
are available for the entire State
scale). Alignment closely approximating the final location
can usually be selected from a study of the reconnaissance
The proposed alignment, complete with curves, is very
carefully staked, since it serves as one of the "base lines" for
design and construction. In case it is not possible to fix the
alignment in advance, the base line may follow the center
line of the old road; all drawings and designs are simplified,
however, if it follows the center line of the proposed road. In
the case of dual highways, it is advisable to use two base lines,
one at the crown line (the profile grade line) of each roadway.
Additional construction base lines are needed at interchanges;
in most cases the center lines of ramps or connections serve
Ordinarily the alignment is staked at full stations and at
half-stations. Station stakes are centered and tacked; on a
pavement each exact point is chiseled or marked by a nail
driven through a washer or a square of red cloth. Angles
are determined at least to the nearest 30 seconds; distances,
to the nearest 0.01 foot. On important surveys through
congested areas, temperature corrections are applied to the
taped distances, and tape tension is estimated carefully and
checked occasionally with a spring balance. Check chaining
or calculated traverse closures are required to have a precision
of from 1 in 5,000 to 1 in 10,000.
Highway Surveys 3 1 1

In comparison with surveys for new locations, those for

relocations cover a relatively narrow strip of territory. But
it is necessary to measure and record many more topographic

details. Among these are present paving, curbs, sidewalks,

trees, guard rails, drainage structures, fences, walls, property
lines, public utilities, buildings, land usage, intersecting high-
ways, streams, railroads, and in general —
all features which —
might affect the grade-line design or which might have to be
removed and relocated.

Measurements for topography and right-of-way data are

customarily made by the transit party and recorded in the
field book. Details are tied to the base line by "plus and
offset," supplemented by range ties. Intersecting railroads,
pole lines, etc. are located by stationing and angle of intersec-
tion. Contours are not located in this form of topographic
survey. Some highway departments use the "field-sheet"
method described in Art. 9-9.

Cross-sectioning differs from railroad practice in that the

process of cross-section leveling is used instead of slope stak-
ing. The usual method is that given in Art. 6-7, though some
engineers prefer to run profile levels first and then to do cross-
sectioning by recording rod readings as plus or minus from
the given center-line elevations. Since no elevations are de-
termined in taking topography, the cross-sections must give
the needed information concerning elevations of existing
curbs, walls, drainage structures, utilities, and building
foundations. Other special methods are found in Art. 10-7.

Though ground cross-sections are used principally for deter-

mining earthwork end areas, they sometimes serve the purpose
of plotting contours to assist in the design of ramps and grade

10-5. Soil Surveys. Comprehensive soil surveys, rarely
needed in railroad location, have become standard practice
among progressive State highway departments. Such surveys
are superseding the former types of soil surveys which were
often restricted to borings at bridge sites and cursory examina-
tion of the route for surface indications of snow slides or
unstable side slopes.
3 1 2 Highway Surveys

Modern alignment standards often require that routes

traverse topographic features formerly avoided; as a result,
long heavy fills and deep cuts —sometimes through bedrock
are frequently necessary. Since the cost of a modern high-
way may exceed one-half million dollars per mile, possible
savings in construction and maintenance costs justify using
fairly expensive methods of determining pertinent informa-
tion about surface and subsurface soil conditions.
Soils investigations for highways continue to grow more
comprehensive in scope. This phase of highway engineering
requires close cooperation with the soil physicist, the geologist,
and even the seismologist. The modern tendency is to go
beyond merely making auger borings along the proposed route
and classifying the soil samples in the laboratory. Instead,
the past geologic history of the area is investigated. From
these studies, area soil maps are prepared which show the soil
''pattern" —land forms, types of soil deposits, swamp areas,
drainage conditions, and related information. A proposed
route traversing the region covered by an area soil map is then

the subject of a preliminary soil report which shows the rela-

tionship of the soils to the engineering considerations of align-
ment, grade, drainage, and grading and compaction processes.
The availability of materials for borrow, for subbase, or for
concrete aggregates is also indicated. The report may suggest
alignment changes; it also contains specific recommendations
regarding the extent of subsurface exploration needed to
answer detailed questions for design and construction.
In glaciated regions, erratic depths to bedrock may justify
the use of seismic methods of subsurface exploration. Mass-
achusetts, for example, has developed a procedure in which a
geologic "strip" map is prepared and the locations where
seismic studies are recommended, such as at deep cuts and
bridge sites, are shown on this map. Seismological field work
has been done under a cooperative program of the Mass-
achusetts Department of Public Works and the U.S. Geological
Survey. Extensive use was made of seismic profiles in obtain-
ing quantity estimates on the Massachusetts Turnpike. 1

Seismic methods have become less costly with the develop-

ment of a light-weight seismograph, the sound waves for
'Superscript numbers refer to the bibliography at the end of this chapter.
Highway Surveys 3 1 3

which are generated by the impact of a sledge hammer on a

metal plate instead of by an explosive charge. 2
Complete treatment of the subject of modern highway
soil surveys is beyond the scope of a text on Route Surveying.
For detailed information, see any modern text on Highway
Engineering. Broader aspects of the subject are described in
detail in References 3 through 7 in the bibliography.
10-6. Preparation of Plans. — Office procedure in design
and preparation of plans for a major highway project involves
a multitude of operations. Some of these are quite routine
and may be done by the sub-professional members of the
surveying crews during rainy weather; others require special-
ized training and experience.
State highway departments usually follow certain "stand-
ards" with regard to methods of design, sizes of drawing
sheets,arrangement of work, and forms for estimating quanti-
ties. No one scheme is best for all projects; a great deal
depends on the and type of the project and on the per-
sonnel available. However, on Federal-Aid projects certain
specifications of the B.P.R. relative to size of drawing sheet
and form of layout must be followed.
The final objective of the office work is to prepare a cost
estimate and a complete set of plans showing clearly all in-
formation needed (1) by the engineers in laying out the lines
and grades to be used by the contractor in building the project,
(2) by the contractor in estimating the nature and extent of all
work to be performed, in order that he may prepare his bid,
and (3) by the legal agents to assist in preparing the right-of-
way descriptions and other data connected with land takings
and easements.
A detailed description of office design methods not only
would be too voluminous for inclusion in this book but also
would encroach upon subjects more properly treated in a
study of highway engineering. Consequently, only an outline
of conventional office routine is given to show the relation
between survey work and design. Since about 1956, the use
of automation in location and design (see Chapter 13) has led
to important changes in some of the steps described.
Supplied with the reconnaissance report and all the data
from the field surveys, the designers carry out these steps:
314 • Highway Surveys

1. Design of typical sections: These are dimensioned

drawings showing the proposed roadway cross-sections of the
standard portions of the project. Shown are width, thick-
ness, and crown of pavements; shoulder widths and slopes;
positions of ditches, side slopes, curbs, median strips, guard
rails, and other construction details.

2. Preparation of location map: Usually done on a series

of 22"X36" Federal Aid Sheets, which show the profile as
well as the plan. Common scales are 1" = 100' horizontally;
1" = 10' vertically. Plan shows survey base lines, topographic
details, and all alignment and right-of-way data. Profile
(sometimes drawn on separate sheets) shows the ground line,
grade line as finally designed, drainage structures, and esti-
mated earthwork quantities and balance points.
3. Plotting of cross-sections: Ground cross-sections, used
for earthwork calculation and in grade-line design, are plotted
directlyfrom the cross-section leveling notes. common A
scale 1" = 10'. Scale may be larger when end areas are to

be determined by the "strip" method (Art. 6-6); smaller

when found by calculating machine (Art. 6-4).
4. Establishing of profile grades: Grade line designed with
regard to relative importance of economy of construction,
balance of earthwork quantities, property damage, sight
distances, safety of operation, drainage and soil conditions,
aesthetics,and adaptability to future property development
and to future highway or railroad grade separations. Fre-
quent reference to plotted ground cross-sections is helpful in
5. Drawing of cross-section plans: Proposed roadway
cross-sectionsdrawn on ground cross-section sheets in con-
formity with the designed profile grades. These sections
show the pay lines for excavation. Widening and supereleva-
tion are allowed for.
6. Making of special detail drawings: Includes detail draw-
ings of all types of drainage structures; of retaining walls,
curbs, guard rails,and other appurtenances; and of compli-
cated interchanges and intersections. In connection with the
latter problems, standards often followed are those given in
the AASIIO Policy on Geometric Highway Design.
7. Preparation of right-of-way plans: Property maps of all

Highway Surveys 315

parcels to be acquired or conveyed, showing locations, owners'

names, and ties to existing and proposed right-of-ways.
Estimate of quantities: Detailed estimate of quantities
of grading, paving, and other construction work, prepared
systematically with the aid of special "take-off sheets.'
Summary of results, to serve as basis for engineer's cost esti-
mate and to aid contractors in preparing bids.
9. Preparation of specifications'. Detailed general and
special provisions relating to proposal conditions, submission
of bids, prosecution of work, construction details, and methods
of measurement and payment.

10-7. Construction Surveys. Generally, the types of sur-
veying operations needed on highway construction are the
same as those outlined for railroad construction in Art. 9-14;
be repeated here.
therefore, the descriptions will not
In general, field layout and staking are somewhat more
complex in highway work, owing to the multiplicity of lanes
and the many ramps and intersections. Staking practices
vary with the type of highway, the nature of the terrain, the
magnitude and the cuts and fills, and the preferences of the
particular organization.
In the conventional method, tacked line stakes, marked with
station and offset, are set no more than 50 feet apart on offset
lines from the construction base lines. Their elevations are
determined and recorded for future use in setting grade stakes.
After the right-of-way has been cleared, a double line of slope
stakes or "rough grading" stakes is set at 50-foot intervals.
Finishing stakes are necessary for the final operations of side-
slope trimming, subgrade preparation, and setting of forms for
paving. After the grading has been completed, "blue-topped"
lineand grade stakes are set on the subgrade near enough to
the work to permit forms to be set truly by means of a short
grade board.
In mountainous terrain, where grading is very heavy and
there are complications in the form of variable slopes and
benches, the customary method of setting construction slope
stakes is very clumsy. Instead, a "traverse method" may
be used to great advantage. Because of its specialized applica-
tion, the traverse method will not be described. (See Refer-
ence 8 for details).
316 * Highway Surveys

The use of freeway design, in which double roadways are

often at different levels separated by a median of varying
width, complicates not only the construction staking but also
the calculation of grading quantities. Good results can be
obtained by substituting a contour grading plan for the usual
voluminous set of cross-section sheets. In essence, "contour
grading" consists in superimposing contour lines of the pro-
posed construction on the existing contour map, thereby form-
bounded by closed contours. The areas
ing a series of areas
are planimetered,and the volumes of the horizontal slices of
earthwork are determined by the average-end-area method.
This method is subject to further refinement and greater
accuracy if partial contour intervals are taken into account.
As a result of some time studies, it is estimated that earthwork
calculations, together with the drafting and survey operations,
can save about 40 per cent in man-hours. 9 Even this saving
is small, however, compared with that resulting from the use

of electronic computers (see Chapter 13)

Warped surfaces at intersections require specially worked
out staking arrangements in order to produce smooth riding
Record plans of all work "as built" are worked up as con-
struction proceeds. Since pavement is usually paid for on
the basis of surface area, the final measurement of the length
of the project is somewhat greater than the horizontal survey
10-8.Examples of Modern Practice. Examples of good —
practice inhighway location and interchange design are so
numerous as to permit reference to only a few. The following
examples illustrate various types of problems:

1. Problems on 476-Mile Blue Ridge

"Difficult Location
Parkway." (Shows application of railway surveying methods
to new highway location in mountainous terrain. Alignment
includes spirals and double spirals, eleven tunnels, grade
separations, and grade compensation for curvature.) Civil
Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 7, July, 1947, pp. 378 ff.
2. "North Santiam Highway Follows Difficult Route Near

Cascade Summit." (Costly 15.6-mile Oregon highway in-

volves heavy cuts and fills; stability of fills affected by possible

Highway Surveys 31

sudden drawdown of flood-control reservoir.) Civil Engineer-

No. 8, August, 1948, pp. 507 ff.
ing, Vol. 18,

3. "Application of Coordinate Methods to Freeway Plan-

ning and Construction." (Describes precise surveying
methods used to solve complex design and right-of-way prob-
lems on freeway construction in urban areas.) California
Highways and Public Works, Nov.-Dec, 1946.

4."Evolution of ine Pennsylvania Superhighway." (Entire

issue devoted to the history, financing, design and construc-
tion of the nation's first modern toll highway.) Roads and
Streets, Vol. 82, No. 10, October, 1939.

5. "New Jersey Turnpike." (A group of articles covering

the planning, financing, design, and construction of this 118-

mile expressway.) Civil Engineering, Vol. 22, No. 1, January,
1952, pp. 1-69.

6. "New York State Thru way." (A group of articles

covering the planning, financing, and design of the first 427-
mile section of this modern highway.) Civil Engineering,

Vol. 23, No. 11, November, 1953, pp. 735-752.

7. "Tough Terrain Conquered by Builders of West Virginia

Turnpike." (Describes a difficult location problem in which
a modern 88-mile highway, having geometric design standards
suited to speeds of 60 mph or higher, replaced a tortuous route
107 miles long that had some grades of 9% and some curves of
50-ft radius.) Civil Engineering, Vol. 24, No. 2, February,
1954, pp. 74-80.

8. "Big Freeway Will Link Los Angeles, San Diego, Mexico."

(Describes 165-mile San Diego Freeway being constructed to
8-lane width at an ultimate cost close to one-half billion
dollars.) Engineering News-Record, Vol. 161, No. 22, Nov.
27, 1958, pp. 30 ff.

9. "1-80 Spans Mid- America from Coast to Coast."

(Describes the 2,900-mile highway which by 1972 will link
New York City and San Francisco, with termini marked by
two of the world's greatest bridges.)Engineering News-
Record, Vol. 175, No. 5, July 29, 1965, pp. 28-32.
3 1 8 Highway Surveys

10-9. —
Use of Aerial Surveys. It is noteworthy that high-
way engineers have been active in adapting aerial surveys to
ever-widening fields of usefulness in the planning, location,
and design of highways.
In fact, the science has progressed
to such a point that E. T. Gawkins, commenting upon the
results of experience in New York State, wrote: 10
. .aerial surveying
. will in most cases obviate the need for one
. . .

or more reconnaissance surveys and all the labor required for pre-
liminary estimates of several alternate routes. Once the line has been
selected from the use of aerial surveys, field surveying can be reduced
to include only those necessary steps such as laying out of base line,
setting of stakes, determination of right-of-way limits on the ground
and taking earthwork estimates prior to the award of the
of sections for

contract the steps that will always be required for the construction of
a highway.

The most suitable relationship between ground-survey and

aerial-survey methods has yet to be worked out. Possible
combinations of these two methods are suggested in Chapter
12. Their relative use is largely an economic question involv-
ing the size of the project, the character of the terrain, and
the availability of existing photographs to suitable scale.
Most of the United States has been photographed from the
air at least once. The work has been done by several agencies
and for a variety of purposes. Consequently, not all the
photographs are suitable for highway-location purposes.
Up-to-date information on the existence and nature of avail-
able aerial photographs may be obtained from the Map
Information Office of the United States Geological Survey.
The Bureau of Public Roads lists the six stages of highway
location as follows: 11

First —
Stage Reconnaissance survey of the entire area
between terminal points.
Second Stage —Reconnaissance survey of all feasible route
Third Stage —Preliminary survey of the best route.
Fourth Stage —Location of the highway on the ground.
Fifth Stage — Construction of the highway.
Sixth Stage —Operation and maintenance of the highway.
The earliest use of aerial photography in highway location
was as a supplement to the usual ground reconnaissance
Highway Surveys 319

surveys. Improvements in the art have now enabled photo-

grammetry to supplant ground methods for reconnaissance
studies of large areas.
The first stage, according to present practice, consists of
stereoscopic examination of small-scale aerial photographs
covering a broad area between the terminal points. Inter-
mediate controls related to topography and land-use are
disclosed and broadly considered. The result of these studies
is the determination of all bands within the area which might

contain a feasible location for the highway.

In the second stage, large-scale aerial photographs are
taken along each of the feasible route bands. The photographs
are examined stereoscopically, as before, but their larger
scale permits the controls of topography and land-use to be
given special scrutiny. bands are compared,
All possible route
after evaluating the several controls, and the best one is
chosen for more-detailed surveys. Thus, the use of aerial
photographs in two stages of reconnaissance will have dis-
closed the best route without costly ground surveys of several
alternate routes.
The third stage of location includes themaking of a topo-
graphic map and the projection
of the selected route band,
of a geometric location by the familiar paper-location method
(see Art. 9-11). As indicated in the quotation on page 318
photogrammetric methods are being used to an increasing
degree in studies following reconnaissance, especially in the
preparation of topographic maps. A reproduction of an
original aerial photograph, and the resulting topographic map,
are shown in Fig. 12-3. Fig. 12-4 shows a newer develop-

ment the photo-contour map.
The fourth stage will always be done by ground surveying,
since aerial methods cannot conceivably be extended to the
processes of running in curves or setting stakes for grading and
other construction operations. Information of great value in
connection with the fifth and sixth stages can also be obtained
from aerial photographs.
In the over-all problem of route location, both photogram-
metric and ground surveying methods will be used. For
practical examples of their interrelationships the engineer
should study the up-to-date practices described in Chapter 12.
320 Highway Surveys

1. Murphy, V.J., "Seismic Profiles Speed Quantity Esti-
mates for Massachusetts Turnpike/' Civil Engineering, Vol.
26, No. 6, June, 1956, pp. 374-375.

2. Liebenow, W.R., "Subsurface Bedrock Along Highway

Route Mapped by Seismograph," Public Works, July, 1960,

pp. 111-112.

3. "Highway-Materials Surveys," Bulletin 62, Highway

Research Board, 1952.

4. "Mapping and Subsurface Explorations for Engineering

Purposes," Bulletin 65, Highway Research Board, 1952.

5. "Engineering Applications of Soil Surveying and Map-

ping," Bulletin 83, Highway Research Board, 1953.
6. "Air Photo and Soil Mapping Methods: Appraisal and
Application," Bulletin 180, Highway Research Board, 1958.

7. and Materials Surveys by Use of Aerial Photo-

graphs," Bulletin 213, Highway Research Board, 1959.

8. Construction Manual, State of California, Dept. of Public

Works, Div. of Highways.
9. Kane, C.V., "Contour Grading," California Highways
and Public Works, Sept.-Oct., 1952, pp. 1-5.
10. Gawkins, E.T., "Aerial Mapping Cuts Cost of Highway
Location in New York," Civil Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 2,
February, 1947, pp. 80-82.

11. Pryor, W.T., "Photogrammetry as Applied to Highway

Engineering," Photogrammetric Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 1,
March, 1951, pp. 111-125.

Surveys for Other Routes

11-1. Foreword. —Reference to the broad definition of

transportation stated in Art. 1-2 suggests that the following
additional types of transportation may involve surveying
operations similar to those already described for railroads
and highways:
1. Transportation (transmission) of power and messages
by means of overhead tower or pole lines, or by lines in under-
ground conduits.
2. Transportation of liquids and gases through closed
conduits under pressure, such as pipe lines for water, gasoline,
oil, and natural by means of
gas; through closed conduits
gravity, such as sewers and aqueducts; and through open
channels, such as canals and flumes.
3. Transportation of materials (sand, gravel, stone, or
selected borrow) to the site of large construction projects, by
means of cableways and belt conveyors.
Whenever any of the foregoing are projects of considerable
magnitude and involve termini a fairly long distance apart,
the required surveying operations may properly be included
in the term route surveying.
Special types of surveys are necessary in the case of tunnel
location and construction. These are noted briefly in Art.

11-2. Similarity to Railroad and Highway Surveys. Sur- —

veys for all routes of transportation and communication are
similar in general respects to those described in Chapters 9
and 10 for railroads and highways. This is because all
routes have certain location controls (Art. 9-3) ; in fitting the
line to those controls the natural sequence of field and office
work approximates that outlined in Art. 1-8. The particular
differences that do occur are caused by requirements peculiar
to a specific type of route. The engineer acquainted with
railroad or highway surveying should have no difficulty in

322 - Surveys for Other Routes

adapting his knowledge to surveys for other routes, once the

uses to which the surveys are to be put are known. Surveys
for some other routes are described briefly in the succeeding

11-3. Transmission-Line Surveys. —The location of a

power transmission line is controlled less by topography than
is the location of other types of routes. Power loss due to
voltage drop is proportional to the length of the conductor;
consequently, high-tension transmission lines run as directly
as possible from generating station to substation. Changes in
direction, where required by intermediate controls, are made
at angle towers instead of along curves. A trunk telephone or
telegraph line is usually located within the right-of-way of a

highway or of a railroad, in which case the curves of the right-

of-way must be followed.
Unless aerial photographs are used, the field and office work
for transmission-line location involves, after a study of avail-
able maps, the following operations:
1. Reconnaissance for the location of intermediate features
to be avoided, such as buildings, cemeteries, extensive swamps,
stands of heavy timber, and particularly valuable improved
land; and for the location of intermediate controls fixing points
on the line, such as the most advantageous crossings of impor-
tant highways, railroads, and streams.
2. A transit-and-tape (or a stadia) traverse. The traverse
may be either a preliminary line or the final center line, the
selection depending on the difficulty of the problem. In stak-
ing the long straight sections between intermediate controls,
the deflection-angle method of by-passing obstacles on tan-
gents (described in Art. 9-13) is particularly useful. Contours
are not located; however, all topographic features and right-
of-way data are measured with respect to the traverse, as
described in Art. 10-4.
3. Levels sufficient in extent to aid in locating the towers.
These may be merely "spot" elevations or those for a complete
profile along the traverse line. On final location in difficult
terrain, it is advisable to take levels along two lines, one on
each side of the center line, in order to obtain proper conductor
clearance when spotting the positions of the towers.
Surveys for Other Routes 323
4, Office studies, including the features common to all route
location : drawing of the map, description of right-of-way ease-
ments, estimate of quantities and cost, and preparation of
specifications. A special problem in transmission-line design
is the location of the towers. This location work may be done
with the aid of special transparent templates, as described
after step 5.

5. Construction surveys. These are relatively simple on

transmission-line construction, since there is practically
no grading. Stakes are needed only for clearing the right-
of-way and for building tower footings. However, the sur-
veyor's assistance is also valuable in planning other details
related to construction, such as in spotting cable reels and
locating suitable dead-end and pulling points.

convenient method of spotting tower locations on the
a transparent template, the lower edge of
profile is to use
which is cut to the curve (approximately a parabola) that
willbe taken by the conductor cables. Obviously the curve
must be modified to fit the scale of the profile. Two other
curves are inscribed on the template parallel to the curve of
the lower edge. The axial distance from the lower edge to
the middle curve equals the maximum cable sag for a par-
ticular span; that from the middle curve to the upper curve
equals the specified minimum ground clearance.
The template is used as shown in Fig. 11-1. First a

Fig. n-i
point Xlocated at a suitable position for a tower; then the

lower edge of the template is placed on this point and the

template is moved until the middle curve touches the ground
324 _ Surveys for Other Routes

line. The other point Y at which the lower edge of the tem-
plate intersects the ground line is the possible location of the

next tower. One template fits a considerable range of spans

with sufficient accuracy.
After the towers at certain controlling points have been
located, the location of the intermediate towers is a matter of
cut and try; the object is to cover the greatest length of line
with the least number of towers.
On important new transmission-line work, aerial photo-
graphs are now commonly used, at least for reconnaissance,
and they are sometimes used for all phases of the survey work
except final staking. The growing file of available aerial
photographs (Art. 10-9) often makes this method feasible
where it was formerly prevented by economic considerations.

11-4. Surveys for Pressure Pipe Lines and Underground

Conduits. —
Surveys for the location of long pressure pipe
lines are almost as simple as those for transmission lines. In
fact, the descriptions contained in steps 1 and 2 in Art. 11-3
apply also to pipe-line surveys. However, since pressure
pipe lines are usually located underground, greater attention
is paid to foundation conditions and especially to avoiding
costly rock excavation and frequent stream crossings. Acces-
power for operating booster pumping
sibility to stations is also
an important intermediate control.
Grades and undulations in the profile are relatively unim-
portant, especially on small-diameter steel pipe lines; conse-
quently, detailed profile levels may be omitted and replaced
by spot elevations at proposed pumping stations and at the
high and low points along the line.

On construction, line more important than

stakes are
grade stakes. In fact, grade stakes for steel pipe lines may
be needed only at pumping stations and at crossings of high-
ways, railroads, and streams. Along intervening sections,
at least in easy terrain, several sections of pipe are welded
together on the ground before being laid in the relatively uni-
form trench dug by the trenching machine.
Large reinforced-concrete pipe lines require much more
careful attention to undulations in the profile, since there is a
Surveys for Other Routes 325

practical limit to the change in direction possible at each joint,

and beyond that limit special pipe sections are necessary.
As in the case of transmission lines, right-of-way for a
pressure pipe line usually takes the form of easements for
its construction and operation.
Aerial surveys are particularly useful in the location of long
pipe lines. Only mosaics are used, since contours are not
essential. As a rule, a stereoscopic study of the photographs
will give enough information for the preliminary location.
After this the line may be "walked over" prior to deciding
upon the final location. It is possible, however, to rely upon
aerial photographs to an even greater extent. 1,2 * For example,
in building one of the longest pipe lines from the southwestern
part of the United States to the industrial middle west, no
surveyor went on the job until the sections of pipe were ready
to be laid; yet, the right-of-way agents completed much of
their work before that time.
Surveys for underground conduits containing power lines
on private right-of-way are much the same as those for pres-
sure pipe lines.
Underground communication circuits are commonly placed
in conduits located beneath the highway pavement. Access
for maintenance is by means of manholes. Coaxial cables
used for telephone, broadcast, and television circuits may be
drawn through existing conduits. However, they are also
placed directly in a shallow ploughed trench beside the high-
way. In neither case is any extensive survey work required.
11-5. Surveys for Construction at the Hydraulic Gradient.
Surveys for hydraulic construction in which flow is by gravity
require very careful attention to elevations, owing to the flat
grades used. If the flow is in an open channel, as in a canal,
the alignment may have to be circuitous in order to obtain
proper velocity and to avoid costly grading. A more direct
alignment is possible if the construction is below the ground
surface, such as in the case of a grade-line tunnel, aqueduct, or
Surveys for surface construction may be identical with those
for railroad location, the principal modification being that
a narrower strip of topography will suffice. This condition is

•Superscript numbers refer to the bibliography at the end of this chapter.

326 m
Surveys for Other Routes

caused by the necessity for keeping the gradients between,

relatively narrow limits.
Stations on the preliminary traverse are kept close to the
final location by settingthem near the "grade contour." The
grade contour is the line on the ground (starting at a con-
trolling point) along which the grade changes at the rate best
suited to the construction. In locating the stations, it is

obviously necessary that the leveling be kept up with the

transit work. In simple irrigation-ditch construction in easy
terrain, a line may be located on the grade contour in the field

by tape and level, without need for the transit.

On a contour map the grade contour is found by starting
at a controlling point and stepping from contour to contour
with dividers set at a distance equal to the contour interval
divided by the desired rate of grade. The closer the final
alignment follows the grade contour, the lower will be the
grading quantities.
Since economy of grading is an important factor in canal
construction, careful cross-sections are taken at short inter-
vals. Construction surveys for canals are very similar to
those for highways, but all stakes must be set on offset lines.

There are cases in which have been used in

aerial surveys
studies for canal location — on the proposed
for example,
Florida Barge Canal. They have also been used in studies for
levees and dikes to control meandering rivers. Difficulty of
access for ground-survey parties is an important consideration
favoring the use of aerial-survey methods. However, the
small contour interval needed on maps for canal studies does
not ordinarily permit the location of contours by photo-
grammetric methods. Mosaics are useful for general studies;
but for detailed location the best method probably is to make
an accurate planimetric map from the aerial photographs and
then to add the contours by the plane-table method.
For gravity-flow structures below the ground surface, it is

entirely suitable to use railroad surveying methods, supple-

mented by adequate subsurface exploration. A most impor-
tant aspect of the such construction is to
office studies for
decide whether cut-and-cover construction or tunnel con-
struction is the better. Often a combination of the two pro-
vides the most economical solution.

Surveys for Other Routes 327

11-6. Tunnel Surveys. In mountainous terrain, it is
sometimes necessary to use tunnels on route alignment.
Surveying operations for locating tunnels vary greatly in
complexity. Preliminary studies are best made by using
aerial photography, especially in regions which have experi-
enced earth movements. Even detailed field studies may not
disclose old earthquake faults, but good photographs quickly
reveal them. As an example, some topographically-favorable
tunnel sites considered for Interstate Highway 70 under the
Continental Divide, west of Denver, were found to follow
major fault zones 3 a fact which resulted in the choice of a

different location. 4
The alignment of a short tunnel may be fixed by
locating a transit lineon the ground directly over the tunnel.
As a rule, however, an indirect precise traverse is necessary.
In the case of subaqueous tunnels or long tunnels to be driven
through rugged mountain ranges, triangulation control must
be used. This is a subject outside the scope of route surveying.
The traverse or triangulation control provides only the
data for calculating the tunnel alignment elevations must be

determined by careful spirit leveling between the proposed

Locating the portals, and shafts by means of the
accurate control surveys only one of the surveyor's impor-

tant tasks. His work in controlling the accuracy of the tunnel

driving is fully as important; it must be done with the highest
precision, for it cannot be verified conclusively until the head-
ings are holed through —and then it is too late to make adjust-
Surveying for tunnels driven through rock involves special-
ized operations not found in other types of route surveying.
Among these are
1. Carrying the alignment down shafts by means of heavy
bobs damped in oil and suspended from piano wires. The
equipment also includes lateral adjusting devices for the
sheaves and scales for measuring the swing of the wires.
2. Transferring the alignment from the wires to plumb
bobs suspended from riders, or "skyhooks," mounted on scales
attached to the roof of the tunnel.
3. Extending the alignment into the tunnel on "spads"
328 - Surveys for Other Routes

driven in plugged holes in the roof. The transitman usually

works on a suspended platform, out of the way of the muck

4. Carrying the alignment to the working face, or "painting

the heading," for locating the drill holes.

5. Transferring grade down shafts by means of weighted

tapes or by taping down elevator guides.
6. Carrying temporary grade into the tunnel by means of
inverted rod readings on the wood plugs in which the spads
are driven.

7. Cross-sectioning twice; first for locating "tights" (points

needing trimming), and finally for obtaining permanent
graphical records of the sections and for computing pay
yardage and overbreak.
Several ingenious devices for cross-sectioning have been
used, such as pantographs and "sunflowers." The latter
are designed to locate breaks in the tunnel cross-section by
polar coordinates.
Since 1965 several different commercial laser instruments 5
have become available for accurate line-and-grade control in
the construction of tunnels and underwater pipelines.

1. MacDonald, G.E., "Surveys and Maps for Pipelines,'
Transactions, ASCE, Vol. 121, 1956, pp. 121-134.

2. Guss, P., "Aerial Photography Aids Pipeline Location,"

Civil Engineering, Vol. 31, No. 6, June, 1961, pp. 48-51.

3. Mitcham, T.W., "Tunnel-Site Selection by Use of Aerial

Photography," Civil Engineering, Vol. 31, No. 8, August, 1961,
p. 64.

4. "Road Tunnel Will Pierce Divide," Engineering News-

Record, Vol. 167, No. 7, Aug. 17, 1961, p. 25.

5. Bengston, D., "Construction Control with Lasers," Civil

Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 4, April, 1968, pp. 72-74.
chapter I /-

Aerial Photography in Route Surveying

12-1. Foreword. The uses of aerial photographs in route
surveying justify devoting a separate chapter to aspects of the
subject not covered in textbooks on photogrammetry. Aside
from a brief review <> f certain definitions and mapping proc-
esses, this chapter avoids repeating the technical principles of
photogrammetric mapping as described in books on the sub-
ject. 1 * Instead, the emphasis is on the special applications of
this new science to route location, and on their advantages,
limitations, and economic value. Some new developments
that involve photogrammetry appear in Chapter 13.

12-2. Definitions. —Definitions of photogrammetric terms

to be used in this chapter are given in this article. For a more
comprehensive list the engineer is referred to the Manual of
Photogrammetry of the American Society of Photogrammetry. 2
Photogrammetry Js the science or art of obtaining reliable
mea surements by means of photography. The subject is sub-
divided into terrestrial photogrammetry and aeria l^pkoiogram-
metry. In terrestrial photogrammetry the photographs are
taken from one or more ground stations; in aerial photogram-
metryj from an aeroplane in flight. Terrestrial photogram-
metry utilizes horizontal photographs or oblique photographs,
whereas aerial photogrammetry utilizes vertical photographs or
oblique photographs. Since oblique photographs are used only
for special purposes (see Art. 12-12), the aerial photograpjhs
referred to in this chapter are considered to have been made
with the camera axis vertical, or as nearly vertical as practi-
an aircraft.
cable in
The photographs used may be contact prints, made with the
negatives in contact with sensitized photographic paper; ratio
prints, the scales of which have been changed from those of
the negatives by enlargement or reduction; or stereoscopic pairs
(stereo-pairs), in which two photographs of the same area are
taken in such a manner as to afford stereoscopic vision.

*Superscript numbers refer to the bibliography at the end of this chapter.

330 Aerial Photography in Route Surveying

An important property of a photograph is its scale, which

is the ratio of a distance on the photograph to a corresponding
distance on the ground. The scale of a photograph varies
from point to point because of displacements caused by camera
tilt and topographic relief. These displacements must be cor-
rected for, if the photograph is to be used for precise measure-

A^jghLskip is a succession pi j)verlapplng aeriaLphoto-

graphs taken along a single course. The overlap is necessary
for stereoscopic examination and for the construction of

A mosaic isan assemblage of aerial photographs the edges

of which have been trimmed and matched to form a continu-
ous photographic representation of a portion of the earth's
surface. If the photographs are matched without reference.

to ground control points, the resulting map is an uncontrolled

mosaic; if they have first been brought to a uniform scale and
fitted to ground control stations, the map is a controlled mosaic.

A planimetric map
one which shows the horizontalj)Osi-

tions of selected natural and cultural features, wherea s a


topographic map also shows relief in measurable form,- usually

by contours. The term base map is used to define a large-scale
planimetric map compiled from aerial photographs. A copy
of the base map may be used for the addition of contours and
other data located by means of the plane table and/or photo-
gramme trie methods.

12-3. Uncontrolled Mosaics.^rln-nftaking_a»-uncontrolled

mosaic, contact prints covering the area to be studied are
trimmed and assembled by matching like images and are then
fastened to a rigid or flexible backing. If the mosaic is for
temporary use in the field, the prints are mounted on linen or
other material that will permit the map to be rolled up. For
this purpose semi-matte prints are preferred because they take
and are not scratched as easily as glossy
pencil lines readily
prints. For more permanent use, properly matched glossy
prints may be stapled or pasted to a rigid backing. If desired,
the assembly may be photographed to preserve one or more
copies of the complete map, after which the mosaic is dis-
Aerial Photography in Route Surveying 331

mantled so that the contact prints may be used for stereoscopic

Such a mosaic is relatively inexpensive and, though subject
to errors because of scale variations and displacements, it is
extremely valuable for reconnaissance (Art. 12-9) and mis-
cellaneous uses (Art. 12-12).

12-4. Importance of Stereoscopic Vision.— Most aerial

photography is done u y flying parallel flights across an area.
During the flights, photographs are taken at intervals such
that adjacent photographs will overlap approximately 30 per
cent at the sides and 60 per cent in the direction of flight.
This insures that the ce nter pHncijpaljQoin^ in_each. photo-

g^^^wTlTappeafnTthe adjacent picture taken in the line^of

flight, thus providing what is called "stereoscopic overlap."
By properly orienting the overlapping photographs (stereo-
pairs)and viewing them through a stereoscope, the process
known as "stereoscopic fusion" takes place. IiL_this-process
thej^Bis-a^vividjmejitaiimpression of the .terrain in -three dimen-
sions. (A simple demonstration of stereoscopic fusion is

shown in Fig. 12-1.) In_effect, two positions of the camera

lejis—severaLthousand feet apart are substituted for the
observer's eyes. In the resulting image (known as the
"stereomodel"), relative heights of hills and structures, depths
of canyons, and slopes of terrain are determinable. Used in
this way, the old principle of stereoscopic vision has become
probably the most important basic tool for studying the
manifold problems of route-location.

12-5. Controlled Mosaics. The utility of a mosaic may
be greatlyjncreased by bringing the photographs to a uniform
scale, correcting them for tilt, and fitting them in their correct
relative positions. This procedure requires the- locaiion^of
control 'points by ground surveying methods.
Control stations, properly distributed over the area, are
first selected with the aid of the stereoscope. They should be
definite points easily recognized on the photographs and
accessible on the ground. Buildings, fence corners, or road
intersections usually serve this purpose. Preparatory to
planning the ground control surveys, the selected control
points are marked on each photograph by a circled prick point.
332 Aerial Photography in Route Surveying

The ground control consists of suitable triangulation,

traverse, and from which the coordinates- and
level circuits
elevations of the control points may be computed. Ground
control is costly and should therefore be no more precise or
extensive than is required for the purpose. In research aimed
at reducing the cost of ground control for surveys of very large
areas, great progress in use of air-borne radar, and shoran
techniques, has been made. 3,4 - 5
See also Art. 13-2.
In making the finished mosaic, the contact prints areratioed
(brought to the same predetermined scale), rectified (corrected
for tilt), and fitted on a base board to the plotted ground-eon-
trol points. There are several methods of doing thisy-all of
which are highly technical and require special equipment.
Only the central part of each photograph is used in compiling
the mosaic, and the trimmed edges are feathered on the under-
side. In addition, prints having the same tone, or degree of
exposure, are selected. The finished mosaic then has the
appearance of a single large photograph.

12-6. Planimetric Maps. —Ajjlajiime£rican£p^_n_which are

shown the accurate positions of such natural and^ cultural
features as watercourses, forests, highways, and buildings,, may
be constructed from aerial photographs which are tiedjto
adequate ground control. The first step is to make a control
plot on which the ground control points are located from their
computed coordinates. Photographic control points ("pic-
ture points") must also be located on the plot to permit proper
matching of the photographs. These are points that are
clearly visible on two or more photographs but are not tied in
by the ground surveys. They are usually located on the con-
trol plot by an analytic or graphical method of radial tri-
The p^sjtionsJif-details jnay be transferred from the photo-
graphs to the plot either by a relatively simple tracing method
or by a stereographic method that employs special plotting
instruments. The tracing method yields good results only
if the photographs are relatively free from relief or tilt dis-

placements. In this method each photograph is fitted as

closely as possible to the plotted control points, and the
selected details are traced onto the plot. The positions of
Aerial Photography in Route Surveying 333

details which show on two photographs may have to be

adjusted to compensate for slight differences in their traced
A jnore accurate -map, free from the effects of tilt displace-
ment^ may be constructed with the aid complex optical and
mechanical instruments called "stereoplotters." Those most
widely used include the double-projection map compilation
plotters: Balplex, Kelsh, Multiplex, and Nistri Photocarlograph;
and the mofe^costly optical train instruments: Galileo-Santoni
Wild Autograph, and
Stereocartograph, Nistri Photostereograph,
Zeiss Stereoplanigraph.

Hold a card at right angles to the page and along

the dotted line. Closing one eye at a time,
adjust the head so that letter X
(but not 0) can
be seen with the left eye, and conversely with the
right eye. Then open both eyes and focus them
beyond the page. The four dots above the let-
ters will fuse and appear as two. Moreover, the
lower dot will seem to be floating in space relative
to the upper dot. To prove that all four dots are
in the image, notice that the letters X and O are

Fig. 12-1. Stereoscopic fusion

These instruments employ the principle of the floating mark.

In the stereoplanigraph and related instruments, the photo-
graphs of a stereo-pair are viewed through two movable
334 Aerial Photography in Route Surveying

Fig. 12-2. Pair of Multiplex projectors forming a stereoscopic

model. (Courtesy U.S. Geological Survey.)

optical trains, each having a small dot or mark etched on a

lens of the optical system. When the photographs are viewed,
the two marks appear to fuse to form a single mark apparently
floating in space above or below the stereomodel, as demon-
strated in Fig. 12-1. (In a double-projection plotter, of the
type shown in Fig. 12-2, a pin point of light projected through
a hole in a tracing-table platen forms the floating mark.) By
proper manipulation of the instrument the floating mark can
Aerial Photography in Route Surveying 335

be made to rise or sink vertically. In planimetric mapping,

the general procedure is to operate the plotter so that the
floating mark appears to be touching the surface of the ground
(or other feature to be mapped) in the stereomodel, and then to
mark the corresponding points on the manuscript map. In
some stereoplotters the coordinates of the point viewed are
read from scales. More-complex instruments have a special
arrangement of levers, gears, and shafts which permits the
path of the floating T^ark to be plotted directly (Art. 12-7).
Some types-ef Tstereoplotters, particularly the optical-train
instruments, are able to extend ground control accurately
through a chain of stereomodels by a process known as bridg-
ing,which is an application of aerotriangulation. Aerotri-
angulation and the linkage of stereoplotter to electronic com-
puter are described in Art. 13-9.
Many details appearing on the photographs may be
transferred to the planimetric map
without commensurate

increase in cost in contrast to the situation in ground survey-
ing. Moreover, only the relevant details need be transferred.
Thus, several different planimetric maps may be constructed
from the same photographs, the features shown on a map
depending on the use to be made of the map.

12-7. Topographic Maps by Photogrammetric Methods.

A stereoscopic plotting instrument may also be manipulated in
such a way as to measure the differences in elevation between
points on the stereo-pairs. In principle, the first step in doing
this is to adjust theinstrument until the floating mark rests on
a control point of known elevation. The frame carrying the 'Id
two eyepieces is then moved in the x-and ^-directions until the
mark is at the detail being measured but is apparently floating
in space above or below it. The mark is then made to rise or
sink until it is at the same elevation as the detail. This is
done by narrowing or increasing the distance between the
eyepieces. Scale readings made during the procedure can be
converted to give the x- and ^-coordinates of the particular
detail viewed and its elevation with respect to the control
point. The principle can be extended to the drawing of con-
tours, thus converting the planimetric map into a complete
topographic representation.
336 Aerial Photography in Route Surveying

As instruments improve, the accuracy-of ma ps made by

phoiog^am metric methods approaches that obtained by-ground
surveys. For example, the National Map Accuracy Standards
for horizontal accuracy (scales larger than 1:20,000) require
that "not more than 10 per cent of the points tested shall be in
error by more than -
3 V inch; for maps on scales of 1 :20,000 or
smaller, 5V inch." As to vertical accuracy, "not more than 10

Fig. 12-3. Reproduction of an aerial photograph, and a photo-

graminetric map. (Courtesy Jack Ammann Photogrammetric
Engineers, Inc.)

Aerial Photography in Route Surveying 337

per cent of_the el eyationsjtested shall be in error more than

. '
That such standards are realistic and attainable was
demonstrated by their use in planning the Pennsylvania Turn-
pike extensions, 6 7 which utilized photogrammetric maps made

to a scale of 1 in. = 200 ft, showing planimetric details, spot

elevations, and 5-ft contours. Even more-rigid requirements
are sometimes specified. For example, topographic maps with


SCALE I 2*00

C0N70U" MTC*v»l

Fig. 12-3— Continued
338 Aerial Photography in Route Surveying

a contour interval of 1 ft, at a scale of 1 in. = 40 ft, have been

prepared for the highway commission of one eastern state.
The accuracy required was that 90 per cent of the contours be
dependable within | ft. 8 9 A reproduction of a portion of an

aerial photograph is shown in P'ig. 12-3 (a), and a photogram-

metric map of the area covered by the photograph is shown
in Fig. 12-3(6).

12-8. Orthophotography. — AjTPjy_2HHl™vempn *' over con ^

ventional stereoscopic photogrammetry took place- about-1956^
with the development of equipment to produce the equivalent
of an orthographic photograph, i.e., a uniform-scale photo-
graph free from distortions due to tilt and relief. The U.S.
Geological Survey accomplished this by means of a machine
called the orthophotoscope. 23 The original incentive came from
the acute need for geologic use of uniform-scale maps on which
the full wealth of planimetric detail is provided by photo-
graphic images.
At about the same time a different system of producing
topographic maps based on orthophotography was developed
commercially by the R.M. Towhill Corporation of Honolulu. 24
The product, called the Photo-Contour Map (Fig. 12-4), is not
a mosaic with contours superimposed. Because of the method
by which the photographic perspective is rectified, it is an
orthographic projection at the same scale as the contour
plotting. The finished map is a photo copy on which contours
are shown as black or white lines, or a combination of both.
The tone of the photograph usually determines which is pre-
ferable. The Photo-Contour Map is practically self-checking.
Inaccurate work in compiling is revealed by obvious mis-
matches in contours and planimetric features. Inspection of
Fig. 12-4 shows that all contours properly track the visible
drains and roads.
IjL general, Photo-Contour Maps cost more than topo-
graphic maps made by conventional photogrammetric methods
(see Art. 12-11). However, where a proposed route location
passes through areas having dense planimetric detail, they
may be less costly because of saving in drafting time.

12-9. Photogrammetry for Reconnaissance. — Before mak-

ing the detailed projection of a route between selected termini,
Aerial Photography in Route Surveying 339
340 AeriaLPhotography in Route Surveying

there must be general studies dealing with intermediate con-

trols and interpretation of terrain. These studies may be
summarized in the one word reconnaissance. If the controls
usually present are examined (see Art. 9-3), they will be seen
to fall into two principal types: (Inland usage and (2)
topography. Both types of controls are recorded in great
detail on aerial photographs. In fact, it is now generally
agreed that such photographs provide the best means of mak-
ing the type of careful reconnaissance so aptly emphasized by
Wellington (Art. 1-9).
For the first stage of reconnaissance, as described in. Art.
10-9, small-scale photographs of the region between the
termini will enable the designer to select the important con-
trols and locate all feasible route bands. The scale of these
photographs will depend on the distance between the termini
and the importance of the intervening terrain. In practice,
scales as small as 1 in. = 2,000 ft (1:24,000) are quite suitable.
The best procedure is to lay up an uncontrolled mosaic and to
study it in conjunction with stereoscopic examination of
stereo-pairs. The result will be the selection of several bands
of terrain between the termini within each of which lies an
apparently feasible location. These bands may be from 1,800
feet to 1 mile or more in width.

The second stage of reconnaissance has for its purpose the

comparison of the route bands and the selection of the most
promising one. In some instances the choice will become
apparent during the first stage, but in more-difficult cases it
may first be necessary to study larger-scale photographs.
These may be prepared with little extra cost by enlarging the
original photographs up to a practical maximum of about four
diameters. Even when the original photographs are taken in
the summer, these enlargements are usable, since heavy foliage
does not detract seriously from their value in reconnaissance
In both stages of reconnaissance the aerial photographs
should be supplemented by other available maps. One in-
genious method is to make photographic enlargements of
U.S.G.S. sheets on a transparent-film base, to serve as an over-
10 Used in conjunction
lay at the same scale as the mosaic.
with the stereo-pairs, this method adds a quantitative factor
Aerial Photography in Route Surveying 341

to the study. Inaccuracies in the maps or scale distortions in

the photographs affect all route bands equally and are not
large enough to invalidate this procedure. Many of the mis-
cellaneous values disclosed by aerial photographs (Art. 12-12)
will become apparent in these studies and will also contribute
toward the selection of the best route band. Field inspection
at critical locations may be needed to resolve some difficulties.
12-10. Photogrammetry for Detailed Location Studies—The
typ e of ph otogramnijboric application used for detailed location
depends on the type of transportation route involved. It is
possible to establish the location of a transmission line or a long
pressure pipe line simply from the study of mosaics and stereo-
pairs. However, the accurate location of a highway, a rail-
road, or other route on which grades and right-of-way costs
are more important requires a complete topographic map
showing contours at not more than 5-ft intervals.
In some instances contours may be drawn by stereoscopic
plotting only on certain portions of the planimetric map, the
remaining contours being fixed by plane-table or other ground-
survey methods. This might be true, for example, in ex-
tremely flat areas or where dense ground cover prevents obtain-
ing the specified accuracy of contour location from photo-
graphs. 19
Complete topographic maps, made as outlined in Art. 12-7,
vary in scale from 1 in. = 200 ft, with a 5-ft or 10-ft contour
interval, to 1 in. = 40 ft, with 1-ft contours. To meet the
National Map Accuracy Standards the scale of the contact
prints cannot ordinarily exceed four times the map scale,
although the maps to a scale of 1 in. = 200 ft prepared for the
Pennsylvania Turnpike extensions6 7 were made from prints

having a taking scale of about 1 in. = 1,000 ft. (The selected

route band in these examples was 1 mile wide.)

Other practical examples from states that have used photo-

grammetric maps on highway projects are:
California 11 —Taking scale 200 ft per inch. Map scale
1 in. = 50 ft, with 2-ft contours.

Connecticut 12 —Taking scales 500, 200, and 100 ft per inch.

Corresponding map scales 1 in. =200 ft (5-ft contours),
1 in. = 100 ft (2-ft contours), 1 in. = 40 ft (1-ft contours).
342 Aerial Photography in Route Surveying

Massachusetts* -
—Taking scale 600 ft per inch for rural
locations; 400 ft per inch for urban work. Map scales
1 in. =200 ft (5-ft contours) and 1 in. = 100 ft (2-ft con-

Ohio 10 Taking scale 200 ft per inch. Map scale 1 in. = 50
ft, with 2-ft contours.

Once the topographic maps are prepared, trial lines are laid
down on them with a spline, and the best route is chosen by
following the usual paper-location procedure, as outlined in
Art. 9-11. With the advent of automation, more-sophisti-
cated methods of alignment design are now available. These
are described in Art. 13-9.
An important feature of the paper-location study is the
estimate of grading quantities. IJL topographic maps made
from aerial photographs actually meet the National Map
Accuracy Standards, there is no reason why adequate quantity
estimates cannot be prepared from them. Recently, highway
engineers are finding that this is true. For example, in
Massachusetts on a 2-mile relocation the difference between
quantities computed from surveyed cross-sections and from
sections plotted from aerial topographic maps was only 2.6
per cent in embankment and 3.3 per cent in excavation. 13 A
similar comparison on a 7,600-ft project in Connecticut 12
showed discrepancies of 1.4 per cent in cut and 1.2 per cent in
fill. On a 30-mile project in California 11 the variation in the
excavation quantities was less than 2.5 per cent.
The foregoing results lead to the belief that in -highway
construction we may eventually make contract .payment for
excavation on the basis of quantities derived from photogram-
metric studies. A step in this direction was taken in Ohio 10
on a 4.12-mile relocation for which a complete set of construc-
tion plans was prepared by photogrammetric studies and these
plans were used immediately for award of the construction con-
tract by the usual competitive method. Since that example,
Ohio has had excellent measurement
results with photographic
pay quantities. 27 Research shows that
of cross-sections for
by adjusting photogrammetric sections to field elevations
along a route center-line and taking cross sections from a
stereomodel, the resulting quantities are within limits con-

Aerial Photography in Route Surveying 343

sidered satisfactory for purposes of payment. 25 -
The linkage
of stereoplotter and electronic computer (Art. 13-9) is a
further step toward this goal.
12-11. Costs of Photogrammetric Mapping. In add ition to
possessing- many other advantages, photogrammetric maps
can often be prepared at far less cost than maps made by con-
ventional ground survey methods. The tabulation on page
344 is instructive in this regard.
In preparing the tabulation, the cost data for projects not
listed in the bibliography were obtained from commercial
organizations specializing in photogrammetric mapping. It
is important to observe that the cost per mile of photogram-

metric maps depends principally on the scale and the contour

interval. —
The length of the proj ect for given specifications —
has practically no effect on unit costs. Also mapping costs
have not increased significantly over the years despite the
large increase in construction costs. This is due to better
equipment, improved techniques, and more competition among
a greater number of mapping companies. An important fac-
tor in keeping costs down is the ability of modern stereo-
plotters to extend sparse ground control by bridging.

On a cost-per-mile basis, comparable maps made by ground

survey methods will rarely cost less, and will usually cost much
more, than photogrammetric maps. However, a fairer com-
parison of costs should take into account the fact that maps
compiled from ground surveys rarely cover as wide a strip of
topography as those made photogrammetrically. On work
in Massachusetts, for example, the average cost of aerial
topographic maps was $680 per mile for a strip 6,000 ft wide;
whereas costs for ground surveys and plotting were about
$1,500 per mile for a strip only 500 ft wide. 13
Regardless of whether photogrammetry produces savings in
mapping costs, it is likely to yield substantial savings in
construction costs. These savings accrue not only from time
savings but also from reduction in grading quantities and
construction difficulties because the wider strip of topography
and the astute use of stereo-pairs may result in the projec-
tion of a better location than is possible by former methods.

As an example, on a highway project in Mississippi, excavation

344 Aerial Photography in Route Surveying

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o O
o CO £T3 £ "^
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Aerial Photography in Route Surveying 345

quantities averaged 42,872 cu yd per mile as determined from

a ground survey location, whereas another location, worked
out later with the aid of aerial photographs, was selected with
excavation quantities averaging only 27,536 cu yd per mile. 14
Similar comparisons on highway projects in Central America
and Alaska showed phenomenal savings in construction costs
in addition to improvements in alignment and gradients. 15

The comments made in Art. 1-13 relative to costs and

ultimate accuracies are especially pertinent in aerial photog-
raphy and mapping. Photographs should be taken at a scale
suited to resolving the smallest detail thatmust actually be
shown on the map; otherwise additional field surveys will be
needed and costs will mount. The topographic map itself
should be drawn with the smallest horizontal scale and largest
contour interval that will serve the requirements. Greater
accuracy and larger scales than are needed are wasteful and

12-12. Miscellaneous Uses of Aerial Photographs. —The

technical utility and economic advantages of aerial photo-
graphs, as described in the preceding articles, carry enough
weight to justify their employment on all important route-
location projects. However,worth emphasizing that
it is

aerial photographs possess other inherent values which may

result as by-products from their primary uses. Often, these
miscellaneous uses will require little additional cost or effort.
The auxiliary uses of aerial photographs are many and
varied. They may be found in any stage of route location,
from the preliminary planning to studies made after the route
is in operation. The following valuable uses have been re-
ported :

For Preliminary Planning

Interpretation of terrain. Drainage patterns. Soil
types. Land use as affecting costs of right-of-way.
Location and extent of wooded areas, swamps, rock
outcrops, snow-slide and erosion scars, and borrow
material and granular deposits for use in construction.
For Detailed Studies
Size of drainage areas for culvert determination. Plan-
ning of interchanges, using oblique photographs *
Large-scale site maps for bridges, intersections, and
346 Aerial Photography in Route Surveying

other detailed studies, prepared from one pair of

photographs with a stereoscopic plotting instrument. 1(>

For Construction
Determination of best means of access. Type of clearing.
Possible effect of terrain and climatic conditions on
choice of construction equipment. Progress reports,
using series of oblique photographs taken in sequence
along route at convenient time intervals. 7

After Construction

Traffic studies, including traffic counts, speeds, and

densities, congestion, railroad grade-crossing elimina-
tion, efficiency of existing parking facilities, and location
of new parking areas. Road-inventory studies, includ-
ing changes in use of abutting land and pavement-con-
dition surveys. 16

Public-relations purposes in general, 17 such as illustrations
at public hearings and legislative reviews pertaining
to proposed route location and land takings, using
oblique photographs that are easier for the layman to
understand (see the Frontispiece).

12-13. Limitations of Photogrammetry. — Photogrammetry

for purposes of route location not without its limitations.

Clarity in photographs requires good atmospheric conditions

freedom from clouds, mist, smoke, or severe haze. In some
parts of the world such ideal conditions may occur only one
or two days in the year. 13

The interrrelationship between aerial photographs and

ground control requires careful planning as to their timing. A
hasty decision to take aerial photographs, solely in the belief
that they always save time, invites inefficiency and may raise
It is virtually impossible to determine precise elevations
from photographs taken when there is heavy snow cover or
dense vegetation. Consequently, for contour mapping the
photographs should be taken when the ground is bare and the
trees are defoliated. Regions having dense forests of different
Aerial Photography in Route Surveying 347
types and heights of evergreens obviously present a difficult
problem. Reference 19 offers a possible solution.
Photogrammetric methods should not usually be used for
maps requiring elevations with an error of less than 1 ft. For
example, contour mapping by photogrammetry is questionable
for canal location in areas when contours are widely spaced
and where high precision is needed. In such circumstances
is would be better to draw a planimetric map by photogram-

metric methods and then add contours and spot elevations by

appropriate ground surveying methods.
If the area to be mapped is small or if only a narrow strip
of topography is needed, photogrammetry may then be re-
stricted by economics rather than by technical limitations.
Finally, projects such as highway relocation require addi-
tional data about details that can only be obtained by ground
methods. Among these are: precise location of hydrants,
water gates, and property-line markers; utility-pole numbers;
type, critical elevation, and house number of buildings; size
and invert elevation of culverts; and all the information regard-
ing existing subsurface installations that are needed for design
drawings and construction planning.

12-14. Summary of Advantages of Aerial Photography in

Route Surveying. To summarize the information in this
chapter, it is apparent that the salient advantages of aerial
photography in route surveying are:
1. The larger area and wider route bands covered by the
photographs give greater flexibility in route location
and practically insure that no better location has been

2. Practically all the studies preceding construction can be

made without encroaching on private property or arous-
ing premature fears in regard to the extent of property
damage. Land speculation is thereby reduced. 20 More-
over, the eventual acquiring of right-of-way is expedited
because property owners can see clearly on the photo-
graphs the effects of the takings.
3. On a large project the elapsed time between starting the
survey work and construction can be greatly shortened.
Should weather conditions provide only a short field
348 Aerial Photography in Route Surveying

season, ground control and photography can be done

then, the map compilation being left for indoor work dur-
ing the winter months. In contrast to plane-table work,
the stereoscopic plotting of contoursis independent of

weather and can be done on a day-and-night schedule if


4. Over-all survey and mapping costs may be considerably

less than by ground methods.
5. Maps made by photogrammetric methods possess a
more uniform accuracy than is usually found in those
compiled from ground surveys.
6. What was formerly thought to be the ultimate goal of
aerial photography —
the compilation of detailed topo-
graphic maps — is being extended to even more useful
purposes, such as quantity estimates and complete con-
struction plans.

7. Photogrammetry is of direct value in reducing the short-

age of engineering services by releasing engineering
personnel from routine survey work for more-advanced
employment in design.

8. Aerial photographs have many auxiliary uses and con-

tain more information about a variety of significant fea-
tures than the engineer can obtain by ground methods
except at greatly increased cost.

1. Moffitt, F.H., Photogrammetry, 2d ed., Scranton: Inter-
national Textbook Company, 1967.
2. Manual of Photogrammetry, 3d ed., American Society of
Photogrammetry, Washington, D.C., 1965.
3. Hoover, C.R., "Development of an Optical Radar
System for Surveying Purposes," Transactions, American
Geophysical Union, Vol. 31, No. 4, August, 1950, pp. 518-524.
4. Ross, J.E.R., "Shoran, Application to Geodetic Tri-
angulation," The Canadian Surveyor, Vol. 10, No. 3, Jan-
uary, 1950, pp. 9-18.
5. Aslakson, C.I., "The Importance of Shoran Surveying,"
Transactions, ASCE, Vol. 120, 1955, pp. 225-234.
Bibliography 349

6. Williams, F. J., "Photogrammetry Locates 208 Miles of

Pennsylvania Turnpike Extensions," Civil Engineering, Vol.
20, No. 12, December, 1950, pp. 761-763.

7. Gilbert, G.B., "Photogrammetry Aids the Pennsyl-

vania Turnpike," Proceedings ASCE, Vol. 80, Separate No.
577, December, 1954.
8. Hooper, C. J., "Photogrammetry and Its Uses in High-
way Planning and Design," Photogrammetric Engineering, Vol.
XVII, No. 1, March, 1951, pp. 133-137.
9. Quinn, A.O., "Photogrammetry Aids Highway Engin-
eers," Photogrammetric Engineering, Vol. XVIII, No. 5, De-
cember, 1952, pp. 787-790.
10. Meyer, R.W., "Aerial Photography Streamlines Ohio's
Highway Program," Photogrammetric Engineering, Vol. XIX,
No. 5, December, 1953, pp. 771-776.
11. Telford, E.T., "Photogrammetry as Applied to High-
way Engineering, "Photogrammetric Engineering, Vol. XVII,
No. 1, March, 1951, pp. 175-180.
12. Perkins, E.T., "Use of Aerial Surveys in Highway
Location," Proceedings of Conference on Modern Highway s,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, June, 1953, pp.
13. Houdlette, E.C., "Photogrammetry as Applied to
Highway Engineering in Massachusetts," Photogrammetric
Engineering, Vol. XVII, No. 1, March, 1951, pp. 138-143.
14. Brown, I.W., "Photogrammetry as Applied To High-
way Engineering in Mississippi," Photogrammetric Engineer-
XVII, No. 1, March, 1951, pp. 151-160.
ing, Vol.

15. "Photogrammetry and Aerial Surveys," Bulletin 157,

Highway Research Board, 1957, p. 59.
16. McMaster, H.M., and Legault, A.R., "Pavement Con-
dition Surveysby Means of Aerial Photographs," Univ. of
Nebraska, Eng. Exp. Sta., Bulletin No. 1, April, 1952.
17. Johnson, D.S., "Photogrammetry in Highway Plan-
ning," Bulletin 228, Highway Research Board, 1959, pp. 12-20.

18. Cottrell, CM., Panel: "Engineering Applications of

Photogrammetry," Photogrammetric Engineering, Vol. XX,
No. 3, June, 1954, pp. 516-520.
19. Sternberg, I., "Aerial Mapping in Areas of Heavy
350 Aerial Photography in Route Surveying

Ground Cover," Bulletin 199, Highway Research Board, 1958,

pp. 44-48.
20. Winsor, D.E., "Survey Security Through Photogram-
metry," Bulletin 199, Highway Research Board, 1958, pp. 14-23.
21. Nelson, S., "Aerial Surveys Expedite Highway Plan-
ning," 1944 Group Meeting Book, American Association of
State Highway Officials.

22. Houdlette, E.C., "Massachusetts Adapts Aerial Photo-

graphy to Highway Location," Civil Engineering, Vol. 17,
No. 2, February, 1947, pp. 85 ff.
23. Southard, R.B., Jr., "Orthophotography—Its Tech-
niques and Applications," Photogrammetric Engineering, Vol.
XXIV, No. 3, June, 1958, pp. 443-451.
24. Mahan, R.O., "The Photo-Contour Map," Photogram-
metric Engineering Vol., XXIV, No. 3, June, 1958, pp. 451-457.
25. Funk, L.L., "Terrain Data for Earthwork Quantities,"
Bulletin 228, Highway Research Board, 1959, pp. 49-65.
26. Funk, L.L., "Adjustment of Photogrammetric Surveys,"
Bulletin 228, Highway Research Board, 1959, pp. 12-20.
27. Sheik, R.K., "Photographic Measurement of Cross-
Sections for Pay Quantities," Bulletin 812, Highway Research
Board, 1961, pp. 29-39.

chapter I

Automation in Location and Design

13-1. Foreword. —
Automation is entering every aspect of
transportation. Electronic controls have already been ap^
plied to road-building equipment, notably, graders and pavers.
Automatic train control has proved its worth, as has radio
control ofhighway traffic signals. Progress has been made
toward startling new developments in highway operating
controls, such as induction radio to transmit instructions to
the driver of a moving vehicle, induction loops under the
road surface to detect the passage of a vehicle and actuate
warning signals to trailing vehicles, and the complete elec-
tronic guidance of streams of traffic on important arteries.
Signals for such guidance can be carried by multi-frequency
conductor elements designed for the simultaneous transmission
of voices, teleprinter, facsimile, and other signals. * Despite

the importance of these subjects, this chapter is restricted to

automation in the field and office aspects of route location.
The use of automation in location and design is so new that
most of the applications to be described date since publication
of the second edition of this book in 1956. These applications
are largely in the office procedures of mapping and design.
Yet some revolutionary improvements in surveying field work

have also occurred especially in distance measurement.

13-2. Automation in Field Measurements. A major break-
through in distance measurement has occurred with the intro-
duction of accurate portable devices that depend on wave
mechanics and electronics. Their development was stimu-
lated by the successful application to geodetic surveying of
Shoran 2 a blind-bombing instrument used in World War II.

Without Shoran, for example, the islands adjoining the missile

test range southeast of Cape Canaveral would remain geodeti-
cally isolated.
In distance measurement using light waves, an instrument

•Superscript numbers refer to the bibliography at end of this chapter.

352 Automation in Location and Design

beam of light through crossed

called the geodimeter transmits a
polaroids and a Kerr which modulates the light at a

definite frequency between 10 and 30 mc (megacycles) per

second. A passive mirror or bank of prisms ("slave unit") at
the remote station reflects the light back to a phototube
multiplier in the geodimeter. Here a detector instantaneously
compares the phase of the returning light with that of the beam
just leaving. The phase detector is then moved to zero
("nulled") through manual control, thus bringing the phases
into agreement and yielding readings which, with the velocity
of light known, may be converted to the distance between
the stations.
Geodimeters come in several models, the heaviest of which
weighs over 200 pounds. The accuracy of these non-portable
models is such that they can replace conventional first-order
triangulation with trilateration (measurement of the sides of
a network of triangles). The maximum effective distance is
limited only by attainment of line-of -sight" conditions; this
approximates 40 to 50 miles except under unusual circum-
A lighter model geodimeter weighing 58 pounds is well
adapted to route-surveying projects requiring photogram-
metric ground control by precise traverse or trilateration.
This model (Fig. 13— l) 3 can measure distances up to 20 miles
long with a maximum error of about 4 inches. An even
lighter model (35 pounds) is available for short-range work

50 feet to 5 miles on which cheap expendable reflectors may
be used as unmanned receiving stations. This model can
replace taping on most route layout, boundary line surveys,
and traversing in general.
The principal disadvantage of the geodimeter is its depend-
ence on fairly good visibility. The light beam will not pene-
trate dense fog or haze. Measurements over fairly long lines
must be made at night. Fortunately these disadvantages
can now be overcome by use of the laser geodimeter.
The first working laser developed in 1962 gave off inter-
mittent flashes of "coherent light." This is which
light in
the waves are exactly parallel; they travel in phase and all
have the same wave length. Today there are many com-
mercial lasers 4 available that produce a continuous visible
Automation in Location and Design 353
354 Automation in Location and Design

beam of monochromatic light. By 1966 the U.S. Coast and

Geodetic Survey had equipped a standard geodimeter with a
laser light source and modified it in other ways to produce
an instrument that could measure longer distances in moder-
ate haze and in bright sunlight, 5 but with no sacrifice in
A commercial version of the laser geodimeter was marketed
in 1967 under the name geodolite. This instrument has a
range in clear air of about 50 miles at night and 20 miles in
full sunlight. It will function accurately over shorter dis-
tances in humid, hazy air.
Instruments for measuring distances using microwaves have
reached a high degree of efficiency since 1957. These devices,
like geodimeters, are also phase-comparison systems; but their
operating principle based on the instantaneous sampling of

the phase of independent crystal oscillators located at each

end of the line being measured.
In the tellurometer (Fig. 13-2) a carrier microwave radiated
at the master unit at about 3,000 mc per sec is modulated to
frequencies of 10 mc per sec and others. The remote unit
receives, analyzes, and retransmits the pulses to the master
unit, where the phase shift is portrayed on a cathode-ray
tube and measured with the aid of a calibrated graticule over
the tube. The distance between the units is derived from the
phase shift and the known velocity of radio waves corrected
for humidity and atmospheric pressure.
The master and remote units of the original tellurometer
each weighed 57 pounds including built-in radio-telephone
system, vibrator supply unit, carrying case, and tripod. Fig.
13-2 (a) shows a master unit of the original model. A newer
version called "Micro-Distancer". [Fig. 13-2(6)] is lighter and
has the advantage that master and remote units are inter-
changeable. Other tellurometer systems ("Aero-Dist," "Hy-
dro-Dist," "Terra-Fix") are available for special commercial
and military uses.
The electrotape* is a light-weight, all-transistorized measur-
ing system that employs the same basic principle as the
tellurometer. The units are interchangeable and are mounted
on standard surveyor's tripods. Round-trip transmission
times come from a direct-reading counter instead of a cathode-
ray tube.
Automation in Location and Design 355

Fig. 13-2 (a). Master unit of a tellurometer.

(Courtesy California Division of Highways)

Fig". 13-2 (b). Remote unit of a tellurometer.

(Courtesy of Highway Information Services)
356 Automation in Location and Design

In contrast to the geodimeter, measuring systems using

microwave transmission are practically independent of the
weather. They are effective day or night, even during fog or
light rain. Like the geodimeter, they require an optical line
of sightand they measure slope distances. Therefore, vertical
angles must also be measured with a theodolite so that slope
distances may be reduced to horizontal.
waves or radio waves have
All measuring systems using light
an accuracy which is a certain percentage of the distance plus
or minus a fixed amount. Depending on the type and model
of instrument, the fixed amount (according to manufacturers'
claims) ranges from 3 millimeters to 2 inches; the percentage,
from 1 to 3 millionths of the distance measured. Unbiased
7 8
tests 3 - '
substantially verify these claims and also indicate
survey cost savings of from 40 to 70 per cent over conven-
tional precise traverse or triangulation. For all but very
short lines, the accuracy attained is far better than that
required on most route-location surveys.

The accurate determination of ground profile by electronics

has also become practical by adaptation of the laser geodolite
as an air-borne terrain profile recorder. Another electronic
device is a truck-mounted elevation meter 9 with a revolution
counter on a fifth wheel and a pendulum cutting an electro-

magnetic field designed so that electrical signals generated by

counter and pendulum are combined by an electronic inte-
grator to produce a continuous record of the road profile; the
accuracy is satisfactory for fourth-order vertical control.

13-3. Terminology in Automation. —Automation is break-

ing downthe traditional distinction between field work and
office work. As an example, making rod readings in cross
sectioning and recording them in a field book is considered to
be field work; But is notekeeping field or office work when
the readings are recorded on Mark
Sense cards (Art. 13-6)
which are to be run through automatic office machines?
Among the common terms used in automation are data
procurement, data processing, data reduction, data transmission,
and data presentation. These expressions do not involve bas-
ically new operations for the route surveyor or designer.
Automation in Location and Design 357
Measurements of distances taped in the field and of xyz
coordinates of points read from a stereomodel as the output of
a stereoplotter are both forms of data procurement. Com-
putations made in the field by slide rule and in the office by
electronic computer are merely different forms of data proc-
essing. The slereomat (Art. 13-8), an electronic plotting
instrument, isa data-reduction system; but so is the drafts-
man's hand and contour pen. Mailing a typewritten record
of earthwork quantities from field to office serves the same
purpose in data transmission as sending the record over a
telephone line in the form of binary-coded electrical pulses.
Cross sections are a form of data presentation, whether plotted
in the field directly from rod readings or stripped from a
photogrammetric map and drawn by an automatic line plotter.
In route location and design, the electronic computer serves
as a bridge linking these applications of automation into an
integrated system (Art. 13-9). For this reason it is advisable
to review the fundamentals of modern computers.

13-4. Fundamentals of Modern Computers. —

It would be
inconsistent with the title of this book to cover intricate
details of the design, circuitry, and programming of modern
computers; nor is this essential. Most engineers and science-
motivated high-school students know, at least in a general
way, what computers do and how they do it. The purpose of
this article is to review the fundamentals of computers for
readers unfamiliar with them so that the special applications
described later in the chapter will be better understood.
Engineering data may be presented in analog (graphical)
form or in digital (numerical) form. Plotted cross sections
and contour maps are examples of analog form; rod readings
and distances, of digital form. Engineers have long used
mechanical types of analog and digital computers such as the
planimeter (analog) and desk calculator (digital). But the
application of electronic computers to route-location problems
dates only since about 1955.
The modern analog computer is especially suited to the
analysis of flow in networks, e.g., water or gas pipe systems
and electrical circuits; it has also been applied to traffic
engineering problems. But all subsequent references to com-
358 Automation in Location and Design

puters in this book are to the more widely used electronic

digital computer.
The stored-program computer has five basic components:
input, memory (storage), arithmetic, control, and output.
The input unit takes information (problem data and program
instructions) from punched cards,punched tape, magnetic
tape, or a special typewriter and places it in memory. All
items of information must be stored in primary or auxiliary
memory before the computer can solve a problem without
interruption. The arithmetic unit usually performs only four
arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication,
and division. (Multiplication may be done by repeated addi-
tion and shifting of the decimal point; division, by repeated
subtraction.) Another function of the arithmetic unit is to
assist in making decisions by comparing two numbers (through
subtraction) and then following either of two prescribed
courses of action depending on which number is the larger.
The control unit decodes the program instructions stored in
memory and directs signals to the other units based on those
instructions and on the results of arithmetic operations. The
output unit records numerical answers and any other specified
data taken from memory, employing one of the forms used for
input or even a graphical display.
In most computers the internal computations are done in
the binary system rather than the decimal-number system.
There are several ways of coding binary variables to represent
one decimal digit. In straight binary, for example, the deci-
mal number 18.625 is written as 10010.101, each digit in the
binary number being the coefficient of a power of 2. Thus
(18.625) 10 = (10010.101)2, which equals l-2 +0-2 3 +0-2 2 + l-2 +
4 l

0-2° + l'2- 1 +0-2- 2 + l-2- 3 Evaluating these terms gives 16 +


2+0.5+0.125, or 18.625. The reason for using binary num-

bers lies in the ease with which they can be represented by
cards, tape, or circuitry. In the computer something is either
present or absent — a particular place
on a punched card or
tape either has a hole or does not; a switch or vacuum tube is
either on or off; or a magnetic memory core is magnetized in
one direction or the other at a given" point. The digit is

used to symbolize one condition; the digit 1, the other. These

binary digits are called bits.
It is not essential that the computer user or programmer be
Automation in Location and Design 359
concerned with further details of the binary system. Num-
erical data are "read" into memory by the input device as
decimal numbers. Built-in circuitry converts the numbers to
binary form for computation and back to decimal form for
The medium-size stored-program computer used in most
route-location problems has an internal memory unit capable
of storing from 1,000 to 8,000 combinations of bits, with each
combination (word) m
a separate location (address). A prob-
lem to be solved by the computer is broken down to a definite
sequence of elementary steps called the program. Each step
is a coded number which is also stored in memory at a par-

ticular address.
Since the computer can only add, subtract, multiply and
divide, all required algebraic and trigonometric operations
must be converted to arithmetic. If a problem contains many
special operations, such as rinding the square root of a number
or evaluating a function of an angle by means
power series,
of a
too many addresses in the high-speed memory unit may be
used up. For this reason some of these operations may be
supplied as subroutines in auxiliary memory, usually in the
form of slower but more economical magnetic tape.
Some newer computers are designed to accept input instruc-
tions in a code based on common English terms —and even to
translate simple formulas (e.g., Fortran) into machine lan-
guage for internal processing. Programming is thus simplified.
Because of its electronic circuitry, a computer operates at
very high speed. The over-all time for solving a given prob-
lem depends on the efficiency of the program and the design
of the computer, particularly with respect to access time
(to memory) and to the type of input and output units.
Actual internal operations proceed at rates as high as millions
of bits per minute. Reference 10 gives further non-technical
information about computers.
The advantages and uses of computers in route location and
design are outlined in the next article. Before considering
it is worth remembering that the
these applications, however,
computer, though a powerful tool for the engineer, is not his
master. Though future computers may be developed to
function like the human brain, those presently used in high-
way-engineering applications were characterized sensibly as
360 Automation in Location and Design

follows by the Chief of the Electronics Branch of the Bureau

of Public Roads: 11
"The electronic computer is only a calculating machine. The
thinking involved in the solution of an engineering problem mu3t
continue to be done by the engineer. Although the computer can
call upon its memory for information and can make simple logical
decisions, it can do these things only when explicitly directed to do
them by means of instructions in the program. There is no
computer instruction which'says, 'Use your own judgment.' The
computer cannot exercise judgment, it cannot reason or accum-
ulate experience, and it cannot create. It will do exactly what it
is directed to do — no more and no less."

13-5. Computer Programs in Route Location. —In 1955,

the Arizona State Highway Department and the California
Division of Highways pioneered in adapting electronic data
processing to traverse and earthwork computations. Stirred
by the significance of these applications, regional conferences
on electronics in highway engineering were held in widely
separated States for several years (starting in 1956) under the
joint sponsorship of the American Association of State High-
way Officials, the Bureau of Public Roads, and the host high-
way department. No more effective action could have been
taken to stimulate interest among highway engineers, admin-
istrators, and computer manufacturers toward exchange of
ideas and development of computer programs. The con-
ference reports are invaluable sources of reference on com-
puter applications in all phases of highway operation.

Alignment and earthwork computations are repetitive in

nature; they consume countless man-hours that the engineer
could use to better advantage on more professional work.
This characteristic of a lengthy numerical problem frequent —

occurrence is what makes the use of the computer attractive
and economical. Once a program has been prepared, its high
development cost can be spread over repeated applications.
Computers yield extraordinary savings in computation time.
"For example, 11 in computing the volumes of earth to be
moved in constructing a proposed highway, about 80 to 90
man-hours per mile are required using the traditional method.
In the electronic-computer method, using an intermediate
size computer, only about 15 minutes per mile of computer
time is required. Additional time is, of course, required to
punch the input data on cards or tape, but even including
this, the time consumed is only about one-thirtieth of that

Automation in Location and Design 361

required by the traditional method. Also, because the com-

puter results are obtained entirely by arithmetic computation,
errors and inaccuracies in plotting, measuring, and tran-
scribing data are eliminated.'
"In other types of problems, even more impressive savings
are attained. The computation of the dimensions and elevaT
tions needed for laying out, fabricating, and constructing
multispan curved bridges with various skewed piers and
abutments is tedious and time consuming. In one project
of this kind with fourteen spans, a complete solution was
obtained on an intermediate size computer in 11 minutes.
Based on similar problems done previously, it was estimated
that it would have taken 22 man-days to solve the problem
using a desk calculator. This is a time ratio of about one
to a thousand."
More significant than saving in computation time is the
potential upgrading in the quality of the end result. Tradi-
tional approximations and rules of thumb can be replaced by
more exhaustive treatments based on exact theory. The
computer can handle solutions of special alignment problems
by analytic geometry (Art. 7-19) with great speed and ease.
Refinements in design formerly avoided to simplify computa-

tions become practicable such as more careful fitting of the
grade line to terrain by use of unequal-tangent vertical curves
(Art. 4-6). As a result of evaluating more possible routes by
use of the computer, the savings in the cost of building a

project and particularly the capitalized saving in annual
operation and maintenance costs —can far exceed the mone-
tary value of saving in computation time.
When first applied to route location, the digital computer
merely replaced the desk calculator in performing familiar
routine computations. Among these were: (1) calculation of
a closed traverse including error of closure, balancing, coordi-
nates of stations, and area enclosed; (2) determination of any
two items of missing data in an open traverse; and (3) calcula-
tion of earthwork quantities from cross sections by any of the
methods described in Arts. 6-8 to 6-10.
As the spectacular time savings became known, computer
programs were developed for all phases of horizontal and
vertical alignment —
straight and curved, for structural design,
362 Automation in Location and Design
traffic problems, soils analyses, and administrative procedures.
And the use of computers mushroomed. In 1960, for example,
the California Division of Highways processed each month an
average of 125,000 traverse courses and over 300 miles of
earthwork calculations alone.^ 2 By 1961, 49 of the 53 member
departments of AASHO were using computers in highway
work; their use is now universal.
The financial burden of program development has been
eased by the formation of "user groups" composed of highway
departments and consulting firms using the same make and
model ofcomputer. However, as of 1968, at least twenty
different computers were in use on highway work, each having
its own coding system and terminology. In order to over-
come difficulties in exchange of programs, the Bureau of
Public Roads has a Computer Program Library that serves as
an agency for the receipt and distribution of programs used in
all fields of highway operation. Perhaps the most valuable
feature of this service is the conversion of programs to a
"library form" consisting of common English and mathe-
matical terms and standardized flow-charting symbols. As a
result, any BPR program can be readily coded for use with

any computer. Library "memoranda" are published from

time to time. Memorandum No. 8, for example, gives the
details of all programs available in library form and lists 349
other programs on file. Additions to these lists are covered
in later memoranda, such November, 1968.
as No. 13, dated
Abstracts of four of the library-form programs follow:

PROGRAM BPR SU-2 Traverse Computation— developed in Cali-

fornia Division ofHighways
This program is designed to perform the trigonometric computations
encountered in surveys, or in any problem involving the relations
between the sides and angles of triangles. It will deduce from
given elements, other required elements, calculate area and produce
an orderly tabulation of courses with their computed or known
factors. Provision is made for some interdependence of traverses,
allowing data from specified courses to be stored for later use.
Included in the program is a routine for the solution of horizontal
curve data.

PROGRAM BPR E-2 Earthwork Quantities —developed in Missouri

Highway Department
This is a design program which is used for both undivided and
divided roadways. In addition, it computes rock excavation
Automation in Location and Design 363
quantities separately from earth excavation quantities. The
program has 7 segments:
1. Station sequence check
2. Conversion of rod readings to elevations
3. Computation of template points and corrections for super-
elevation and variable width
4. Slope selection and slope stake coordinates
5. Total areas
6. Earth and rock areas
7. Shrinkage, volumes and cumulative volumes

PROGRAM BPR h.A-2 Horizontal Alignment—developed as Digital

Terrain Model* Systems by Massachusetts
Institute of Technology under sponsorship
of Massachusetts Department of Public
Works in cooperation with the Bureau of
Public Roads

Part 1 —Basic Horizontal Alignment Program computes centerline

geometry of alignment including the station of each PI, TC,
and CT; external angle between tangents and tangent dis-
tance for each curve; azimuth of each tangent; and center-
line station, baseline offset, ground elevation at centerline
and skew angle for each terrain cross section.
Part 2 — Even Station Interpolation Program computes ground ele-
vations at equal intervals (either full stations or plusses)
for plotting a ground profile.
Part 3 — Parallel Offset Alignment Program computes geometry of
two and relates
parallel offset lines as well as the centerline
it to DTM terrain data.
Part 4 — Special Alignment Geometry Program computes centerline
geometry only without reference to DTM terrain data.

PROGRAM BPR VA-1 Vertical Alignment— developed as in Pro-

gram HA-2
Part 1 — Basic Vertical Alignment Program computes profile geome-
try including the station and elevation
each end of vertical
curves, the gradient for each tangent, and the profile grade
elevation at each station where a cross section was taken.
Part 2 — Profile Geometry Program computes profile grade elevations
at constant interval stations (either full stations or plusses).

Computer programming systems are not yet in their final

form. Further improvements will be aimed at developing
flexible systems capable of handling entire branches of civil
engineering. At the same time, attempts will be made to
keep them simple enough to yield direct results in the every-
day design operations in an engineering office.

*See Art. 13-9 for explanation of the Digital Terrain Model System.
364 Automation in Location and Design
A valuable approach called COGO (from Coordinate

GeOmetry) was introduced in 1961. COGO freed the engi-

neer from having to force a solution to an established form.
It gave him control over the form of input/output and the
sequence of mathematical operations, without requiring costly
program investment. Since then, COGO has become one of
several subsystems in the Integrated Civil Engineering System
(ICES). Information on available ICES systems is circu-
lated at intervals. 14
Another approach to the development of large systems is
Universal Programs. 15 This approach uses a different system
for each of a dozen branches of civil engineering, but each
system can solve all problems commonl}' met in the particular

13-6. Recording Field Data. —The worst bottleneck in the

efficient use of the computer is in preparing input data. It
takes far longer to punch cards or tape with readings from
fieldnotebooks than it does for the computer to process them
and perform the computations programmed. Moreover, mis-
takes arising from illegible figures and from human lapses in
transcribing data are difficult to avoid.
Methods of reducing these effects show great promise. The
Arizona and Texas highway departments eliminate hand-
written cross section field notes by substituting IBM Mark

Sense Cards. These cards are imprinted wiJi rows and

columns of small ellipses identified by the digits through 9.
In the field, the station and plus, leveling readings, and cross
section notes are recorded by marking the proper ellipses with
a special graphite pencil. The cards are collated in the office
and the marks are read by an interpreting machine as the
cards pass under metal brushes. Electrical contacts made
through the graphite cause holes corresponding to the field
readings to be punched in another deck of cards. These
cards are processed through a printer to furnish the field

officewith a typed record of the cross section data; they also

serve as input to the computer for use in the preliminary or
final earthwork programs. The Remington Rand Optical
Scanning Punch 17 operates in much the same way as an experi-
mental system developed by Omnidata Corp.
Automation in Location and Design 365

Several highway departments have used other devices for

recording field data. These include a pocket-size card punch,
a portable imprinter for tape, and field dictating equipment.

13-7. Data Transmission. —

High-speed transmission of in-
data in highway work takes several forms. Teletype
has been used, but because of its limitations in speed and
format it is being superseded by methods employing elec-
tronics,microwave radio, and optics.
Commercial systtrr.3 are available whereby signals in binary
code are shaped for transmission over regular telephone lines
at speeds of thousands of bits per second and reshaped at a
remote receiver into the original form transmitted. Digital
data for input to these transceiver systems may be punched
cards, punched tape, or magnetic tape, with output in any of
these media or in hard copy readout. Such a system will
probably be adopted by most very large highway organizations
having outlying offices and a centralized computer complex.
Microwave radio is used in somewhat similar data-trans-
mission systems, and has the advantage of being free from
line failures during storms.
Analog as well as digital data can be transmitted by a
facsimile printing system that employs optical-electronic
scanning. In this process the document, map, or photo-
graph to be reproduced is scanned by a spot of light generated
by a cathode-ray tube. The light is reflected to a photo-
multiplier and converted to electrical pulses for transmission
over coaxial cable or microwave relay system. At the re-
ceiving station, the incoming signals reproduce a facsimile on
the face of another cathode-ray tube. The facsimile image
is then reflected to a selenium-coated rotating drum on which

black powder clings to form an exact reproduction of the origi-

nal. The powder is offset on paper passing under the drum,
and the final print is fixed by heat. This system (1961 model)
produces copy on continuous rolls of 8|-inch wide paper at a
paper speed of 15 ft per minute. Only large organizations
having need for rapid transmission of a high volume of written,
drawn, or printed matter can justify the costs entailed.

13-8. Automation in Plotting. — Graphical representation of

data by conventional methods, e.g., hand-drawn cross sections,
366 Automation in Location and Design
may contain undetected mistakes in transcribing or plotting.
Such effects are eliminated by using an electronically-controlled
machine (coordinatograph) for plotting points denoted by xy
coordinates. Among such devices are the Dataplotter (Fig.
13-3) and the Electroplotter (Benson-Lehner Corp.). These

Fig. 13-3. Dataplotter. (Courtesy Electronic Associates, Inc.)

machines use either punched card, punched tape, or keyboard

input; each has a plotting accessory that converts input data
to continuous line representations such as profiles or cross
A further step toward automation in plotting is represented
by an electronically-activatedinstrument formerly called
''Auscor" (Automatic Scanning Correlator) 19 an improved

form of which was patented in 1961 and is marketed under

the name Stereomat. This device is fitted to a double-projec-
tion stereoplotter and achieves automation in the operations of
clearing parallax and guiding the floating mark so as to
produce profiles or contours as well as in determining spot
One of the photogrammetric engineer's goals is a completely
automated, integrated mapping system. That its attainment
Automation in Location and Design 367
is supported by a progress report 20 on an electron-
in sight is

system in which stereoplotter, coordinato-

graph, and orthophotoscope (Art. 12-8) are integrated.
13-9. Integration of Photogrammetry and Computer. —
Before photogrammetry and electronics were adapted to route
location, the usual procedure in design followed the sequence
traced through Fig. 13-4 by 1-2-3-4-H-l-H-I-L (see Chap-
ters 9 and 10). The computations (H) were done with the

® Aerial Photos

© Measuring

Preliminary Studies
© [xyz
Terrain Data
coords, of points)
of Trial Lines
(Involving right of way,
alignment, grades, drain-
age, earthwork, etc.)

Compu ter Input
(Cards or tape)
© Computer Programs
For example,HA-2,
© Dimensional Data
For detailed study,
of trial and final

VA-1, E-2(Art. 13-5)

in ©
and vert-

© Printed Copy
Detailed align-

ment, profile,

coordinates of
cross sections,
4 Computer
Cards or Tape
earthwork quan-


HA-2, VA-1,
(Art. 13-5) Electrical

(Plan, pro-
On-Line file, mass
x - sections)

Fig. 13-4. Flow diagrams in highway design

368 Automation in Location and Design
and planimeter; drawings
aid of logarithms, desk calculator,
(L) were plotted manually. With the advent of automation,
however, several systems were developed for mechanizing
these operations.
In California an economical method of obtaining digital
terrain data for determining highway earthwork quantities is
based on key punching for computer use directly from strips
of map manuscript. 21 This is a special example of semi-
The Digital Terrain Model (DTM) System, 22 developed non-
commercially at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
is a prototype of a system which effects the maximum inte-

gration of photogrammetry and computer in highway work.

Other functionally-similar systems differ from DTMprinci-
pally in the design and arrangement of the components and
in the extent to which automation is used. These include
unique systems assembled for their own use by the Ohio
Department of Highways, by commercial mapping agencies,
and by consulting engineering firms, e.g., Photronix, Inc. No
one of these automated systems is portrayed perfectly by the
oversimplified diagram in Fig. 13-4. The best approximation
to the DTM System is the sequence: A-B-2; B or 2-C-D-E;
E, F, and 4-G-H-I and/or J-K-L.
A digital terrain model is a statistical representation of the
ground surface within a route band by the xyz coordinates of a
large number of points. When stored on computer input
material, these data are available at any time for analysis of a
great variety of route-location problems. For easy recovery
from computer memory the points must be stored systemati-
cally. One method is to lay a baseline within the route band
and use it as the x-axis of the coordinate system. Terrain data
(offset and elevation) are then taken along a series of parallel
scan lines (cross sections) at right angles to the baseline. This
may be done manually by scaling from a topographic map,
recording the values, and manually punching them on cards or
tape. Fully automated operation is achievable, however, by
fitting a stereoplotter with a measuring system (C) for the
automatic readout of coordinates (D) from the stereomodel
(B) and for constraining the floating mark along a given line
or section. The terrain data are displayed and automatically
Automation in Location and Design 369
converted to a form for computer input (E). Reference 23
contains an extensive analysis of automated alignment design
involving the DTM System.
Fig. 13-5 shows a commercial system for digitizing stereo-
plotter output. It consists of a Kelsh plotter modified so that
the yz movements of the tracing table are registered by shaft
encoder assemblies as the table is constrained to move along

Fig. 13-5. Commercial system for digitizing stereoplotter output.

(Courtesy Photronix, Inc.)

the horizontal guide bar (cross section). Gear trains convert

shaft positions to a digital coded output for storage in the
control chassis. When the floating mark is on the ground at a
desired point, the plotter operator steps on a foot-treadle
switch. This action (by the controls exercised in the para-
meter board, chassis, and programmer assembly) causes the
station number and the yz coordinates to be typed on hard
copy and punched on paper tape in a standard code. An
automated stereoplotter such as the Stereomat would elim-
inate manual operation of the plotter. A possible answer to
the problem of cross-sectioning with the Kelsh plotter is
370 "
Automation in Location and Design
found in a new electronic device (the "Auto-trol Scaler") 24 ,

which is an analog-digital converter.

Many engineers feel that there is no good substitute for a
topographic map on which the designer can lay his trial lines
and visualize many other matters pertaining to his design.
However, automatic readout of terrain data directly from a
stereomodel theoretically eliminates the need for a map. In
test comparisons on a highway project in Pennsylvania,
controlling dimensional data for trial lines were taken success-
fully from banks of multiplex models rather than from a
topographic map. As a result of further tests, it has become
a standard practice for the Pennsylvania Department of
Highways to use three stereoplotters, equipped with electronic
terrain-data translators, to strip terrain data from the stereo-
models. The information is stored on punched cards and
used in the DTM
computer programs for alignment design. 26
Research continues on methods of improving automated
systems of alignment design. One sophisticated new method
mathematically selects the best location fitting specified
criteria. 27

The computer has almost entirely supplanted the tradi-

tional cross section and planimeter method of determining
grading quantities. In States where cross sections are still
included in the construction plans, 28 they may be drawn by an
off-line plotter (K) of the type shown in Fig. 13-3. However,
a survey shows a definite trend toward digital cross sections
in lieu of drawings. Instead of a large number of drawn
cross sections, a few sheets of numerical data (I) supply even
more information in felt to be superior by both engi-
a form
neers and contractors. 30 In California where this is done, it
is the practice to supply a few sample cross sections in the
contract plans merely for pictorial purposes.
The terrain data (D) may be taken along a particular trial
alignment as in the traditional method of design. This pro-
cedure requires repeating the readout operation for each new
alignment, but it has advantages where topography limits the
line to only a few logical trials. By contrast, in the DTM
System terrain data in the route band are taken from a

generalized baseline and stored at one time; readings do not

have to be retaken with each change in alignment. This
Automation in Location and Design 371

contributes to the ease of carrying out the premise on which

the DTM System is built, i.e., that the best use of computer
time is for studying a large number of alignments and profiles.
However, the fact that DTM output data are for skewed
sections (with respect to the route alignment) creates some
problems. These are discussed in a series of searching evalu-
ation studies in the report that includes Reference 25.
Fig. 13-4 does not portray the details of the computer
phase. With the medium-size computer used by most State
Highway Departments, it is necessary to run appropriate data
through the computer in a series of passes. Eventually some
States may join in integrating these smaller computers with
regionally-located and financed super-computers each having
memory storage large enough to handle all programs on im-
portant projects in one pass. If line representations of cross
sections are to be continued as part of the construction plans,
may be replaced by a cathode-ray
the slower off-line plotter
tube and camera assembly connected on-line with the com-
puter in such a way that cross sections are portrayed and
photographed rapidly and automatically. This was done to a
limited degree in Ohio.
A special problem involving the integration of photogram-
metry and computer is that of analytic aerotriangulation.
Aerotriangulation uses measurements between points on aerial
photographs for the purpose of determining the corresponding
ground positions of the points. The process, if done analyti-
cally, is more complex than geodetic triangulation because the
lines joining the ground points and aerial camera position
must be treated as a system of raj's in three dimensional space.
In route surveying, instrumental aerotriangulation has been
used for many years to extend control through a chain of
stereomodels by a process called ''bridging." With the im-
provement in stereoplotters, bridging serves to reduce the
amount of costly ground control. An excellent example of
the advantages of bridging is described in Reference 28.

Because of the complexity of the mathematical relationships

in aerotriangulation, most of the early attempts to accomplish
the process analytically involved approximations, and all were
time-consuming. With the advent of the computer, how-
ever, analytic aerotriangulation can now be done accurately
372 Automation in Location and Design
and rapidly. The U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey devised a
system in which the positions of points on aerial photographs
are read to the nearest micron by a precise comparator. The
measurements are transmitted to an electronic readout device
and simultaneously punched on computer input material.
Finally, the computer processes the data through a program
built around the correct mathematical formulas and delivers
the positions and elevations of the points. Reference 33
describes a practical test of the usefulness and limitations of
In closing this chapter, the engineer is urged to maintain
a proper perspective while confronted with the many auto-
mated developments in alignment design. The problem of
optimum highway location can hardly be fully automated.
Great reliance will continue to be placed on those intangible
ingredients —experience and judgment.

1. Kelsey, G., and Halstead, W.S., "Multipurpose Com-

munications System for Highway Use," AASHO Proceed- —

ings, Conference on Improved Highway Engineering Pro-
ductivity, Boston, Mass., 1965, pp. 234-255.
2. Aslakson, C.I., "The Importance of Shoran Surveying,"
Transactions, ASCE, Vol. 120, 1955, pp. 225-234.
3. Alexander, I.H., and Goldin, A.K., "Sierra Highway

Geodimeter Speeds Relocation Survey," California Highways

and Public Works, May- June, 1960, pp. 16 ff.
4. Bengston, D., Control with Lasers,"
No. 4, April, 1968, pp. 72-74.
Civil Engineering, Vol. 38,
5. Lesley, G.B., "Laser Geodimeter," Surveying and
Mapping, Vol. XXVII, No. 4, December, 1967, pp. 625-631.
6. Hempel, C.B., "Electrotape —
A Surveyor's Electronic
Eyes," Surveying and Mapping, Vol. XXI, No. 1, March,
1961, pp. 85-88.
7. "Electronic Surveying — 1960 Developments," Bulletin
258, Highway Research Board.
8. Antonino, R.A., "Electronic Distance Measurement,"
Civil Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 2, February, 1968, pp. 50-55.
9. Moore, R.H., "What's New in Surveying Instruments,"
Civil Engineering, Vol. 29, No. 8, August, 1959, pp. 550-553.
Bibliography 373
10. Merritt, F.S., "What You Should Know About Com-
puters," Engineering News-Record, Vol. 164, No. 15, April 14,
1960, pp. 39-63.
11.Schureman, L.R., "The Use of Electronic Computers
in Highway Engineering," Miller-Smith Lecture Series, Rutgers
University, April 20, 1959.
12. Reynolds, F.M., "Data Processing," California High-
ways and Public Works, March-April, 1960, pp. 39-42.
13. Miller, C.L., "COGO— A Computer Programming
System for Civil Engineering Problems," Civil Engineering
Systems Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
August 15, 1961.
14. "ICES Newsletter #10," November 1, 1967, Civil
Engineering Systems Laboratory, MIT, Cambridge, Mass.
15. Tung, C, and Carson, D., "Universal Programs Third —
Generation Systems for Third Generation Computers," Civil
Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 2, February, 1968, pp. 62-65.
16. Dingwall, J.C., "Mark —
Sensing Field Recording
of Earthwork Cross Sections," American Highways, Vol.
XXXVIII, No. 2, April, 1959, pp. 9 ff.
17. Schureman, L.R., "Optical-Electronic Scanning
Planes, Lines and Print," American Highways, Vol. XL, No.
2, April, 1961, pp. 12 ff.

18. Nielsen, T.R., "Data Transcription from Maps and

Field by Use of Dictating Equipment," American Highways,
Vol. XXXVIII, No. 2, April, 1959, p. 10.
19. " 'Oscar' Can Cut Road Costs by Millions," Engineering
News-Record, Vol. 160, No. 25, June 19, 1958, pp. 23-24.
20. Boyajean, J., "The Implementation of the Integrated
Mapping System," Photogrammelric Engineering, Vol.
XXVII, No. 1, March, 1961, pp. 55-60.
21. Funk, L.L., "From Map to Computer," Bulletin 283,
Highway Research Board, 1960, pp. 49-55.
22. Miller, C.L., and LaFlamme, R.A., "The Digital Ter-
rain —
Model Theory and Application," Photogrammetric
Engineering, Vol. XXIV, No. 3, June, 1958, pp. 433-442.
23. Suhrbier, and Roberts, P.O., "Engineering of

Location Selection and Evaluation of Trial Grade Lines by
Electronic Digital Computer," Highway Research Board,
Research Record, No. 83, 1965, pp. 88-113 (26 references).
374 Automation in Location and Design

24. Winson, D.E., "Digitizing Stereoplotter Output for

Preliminary Design and Construction," Bulletin 312, High-
way Research Board, 1961, pp. 43-73.
25. Richardson, E.C., "An Evaluation of the DTM System
of Electronic Computer Programs for Highway Location and
Design," Reportof Electronics Committee, AASHO, San
Francisco, Calif.,December 4-5, 1958, pp. 62-70.
26. Anckaitis, V.W., "Mapping for the Pennsylvania High-
ways," Journal of the Surveying and Map-ping Division, ASCE,
Vol. 93, No. SU 2, Proc. Paper 5530, October, 1967.
27. Howard, B.E., Bramniek, and
Shaw, J.F.B.,
"Optimum Curvature Principle in Highway
Journal of the Highway Division, ASCE, Vol. 94, No. 1, HW
Proc. Paper 5987, June, 1968.
28. "Eleven Miles of Interstate Designed in 16Weeks,"
Engineering News-Record, Vol. 161, No. 13, September 25,
1958, pp. 42-48.
29. Huffine, W.B., "Highway Department Usage of
Advanced Techniques," American Highways, Vol. XL, No.
2, April, 1961, pp. 14 ff.

30. Schlitt, H.G., "Our Experience on the Use of Digital

Cross-Section Presentations," Report of Electronics Committee,
AASHO, Boston, Mass., October, 15-16, 1959, pp. 15-17.
31. Funk, L.L., "Applications of Photogrammetry to the
Location and Design of Freeways in California," Bulletin
157,Highway Research Board, 1957, pp. 26-38.
32. "Ohio Mechanizes Highway Design," Engineering
News-Record, Vol. 158, No. 11, March 14, 1957, pp. 37 ff.
33. Chaves, J.R., "Aerial Analytic Triangulation Investi-
gation on Interstate 80 in Wyoming," Highway Research
Board, Research Record No. 201, 1967, pp. 8-21.
chapter 14
New Techniques in Alignment Design
and Stakeout
14-1. Foreword. —The traditional procedures in railway
surveying, alignment design, and stakeout are described in
Arts. 9-6 through 9-12. These procedures comprise a time-
tested method that is also highway design.
successful in
However, the efficient application ofmethod has become
increasingly difficult on Interstate highway location in urban
areas. The method requires the staking of the highway
center line prior to final design and plan preparation a field —
operation that can rarely be done while traffic is maintained
or before buildings have been cleared from the site.
New techniques 1 * are being devised to overcome this diffi-
culty. These techniques use the new developments in
electronic distance measurement and computers (Chapter 13),
coordinated with photogrammetry (Chapter 12). They are
made more efficient by the use of design tables, special design
templates, and a coordinate system.

14-2. Sequence of Operations. —The new techniques in-

volve more than technical changes in executing the several
steps in design and stakeout. The sequence of the steps is

also changed significantly, as may be seen in the accompany-

ing tabulation

The key change in the sequence of steps is the deferring

of alignment stakeout until after final design and plan

Mapping.— Initial photogrammetric mapping

14-3. Initial
maps to a scale
involves the preparation of small-scale base
normally 1"=200' with 2-ft or 5-ft contours. These maps
cover areas large enough to warrant disclosing all feasible
alternative alignments. More detailed information about

•Superscript numbers refer to the bibliography at the end of this chapter.

376 New Techniques in Alignment Design and Stakeout

Steps in Design and Stakeout

Step Traditional Method New Technique

1 Initial ground reconnaissance Photogrammetric prepara-
and preliminary surveys to tion of initial small-scale
develop topographic maps maps for location studies.
for location studies.

2. Paper location of the center Paper location of the cen-

line. ter line.

3. "Location survey" combined Photogrammetric prepara-

with calculation of final tion of base
alignment. maps alignment
for final
design, aided by ground
location of a coordinated

4. Final design and plan prepa- Detailed calculation of

ration, e.g., profiles, cross- final alignment.
sections, drainage, and
5. Construction surveys, e.g., Final design and plan
setting line-and-grade stakes. preparation, e.g., profiles,
cross-sections, drainage,
and rights-of-way.
Stakeout of alignment by
setting control points on
the center line from the
coordinated baseline.

scalesand data on mapping costs are found in Arts. 12-10

and 12-11.
14-4. Paper Location of the Center Line. — Alternative
alignments are drawn on the base maps, following the con-
ventional railroad-location procedures of Art. 9-11. In high-
way alignment, splines are very useful in developing flowing
curves bent to fit the numerous controlling points.
Since the purpose of this step is to select the best of several
alternative alignments for final design, each possibility is

subjected to detailed analysis. This includes the drawing of

longitudinal profiles to which suitable grade lines are fitted;
the plotting of cross-sections for estimates of grading; the
New Techniques in Alignment Design and Stakeout 377
examination of aesthetic values and operational character-
including safety considerations; and the compilation of

adequate road-user and over-all construction costs. In per-

forming all these details it is important to adhere to the
design principles outlined in Arts. 8-26 through 8-28.

The larger-scale base maps needed
14-5. Final Mapping.
prepared by photogrammetric methods.
for final design are also
Control for this mapping depends on first locating an accurate,
coordinated baseline, which is chosen tentatively with the
aid of the small-scale maps used in paper location of the
center line. The baseline is modified, as conditions require,
when staked in the field. Enough intervisible control points
on the baseline are monumented to permit staking critical
points along the center line and right-of-way lines before,
during, and after construction. Electronic measurement of
distances is essential on the baseline survey if traffic move-
ments are present.
The topographic base map for final alignment design is
drawn to a scale of 1" = 100', with coordinate grid, control
baseline, and spot elevations superimposed. Larger-scale
base maps, up to 1"=40', are prepared for development of
other plan details.
14-6. Calculation of Alignment. —
Final alignment may now
be computed without reliance on field stakeouts. For use in
a large office, time is saved by preparing numerous special
design aids. Among these are tables and templates. Such
devices are used in addition to the usual route surveying
tables and circular curve templates.
Table 14-1 is an example of a special table for circular
curves. A large number of similar tables would be needed
covering other ranges of central angle and different degrees
of curve. Comparable tables covering three-centered and
multi-centered curves are sometimes useful. Table XI (Part
III in this book) is already a "special" table for simple spirals.
Design tables giving properties of combining spirals are
ramp alignments at interchanges.
particularly useful in fixing
These tables are best built up around numerous convenient
lengths of combining spirals joining various combinations of
D 8 and DL .

Design tables serve no purpose without special templates

378 New Techniques in Alignment Design and Stakeout

TABLE 14-1
(D=5° (72 = 1145.92) 7=20° to 30°)

7° T L L.C. E M
20 202.057 400.000 397.973 17.678 17.409
21 212.384 420.000 417.656 19.515 19.188
22 222.744 440.000 437.304 21.448 21.054
23 233.140 460.000 456.920 23.476 23.004
24 243.573 480.000 476.501 25.601 25.041
25 254.045 500.000 496.046 27.823 27.163
26 264.556 520.000 515.552 30.142 29.370
27 275.111 540.000 535.019 32.561 31.662
28 285.710 560.000 554.447 35.081 34.038
29 296.356 580.000 573.831 37.701 36.500
30 307.048 600.000 593.172 40.423 39.046

or transparencies. These are cut to a scale of 1 " = 100'. Each

transparency portrays several of the values listed in the
appropriate design table, as shown by Fig. 14-1.

Fig. 14-1
New Techniques in Alignment Design and Stakeout 379
With these design aids available, final alignment design
and calculation proceeds according to the following steps:
1. Transfer the selected center line to the 100-scale base
map. Before drawing the curves adjust each spline
slightly to a suitable degree of curve by template, as
shown in Fig. 14-2. Then pencil the complete "initial

Figr. 14-2

2. Revise the alignment slightly by substituting a closely

fittedmathematical line. Start with the coordinates of
a known point near the beginning of the alignment, draw
the tangents, and extend them to tentative P.I.'s.
Compute the bearing of the initial tangent from coordi-
nates.Then round the bearing to the nearest whole
degree and replot to conform.
3. Repeat step 2 for each successive tangent, thus yielding
whole-degree /-values for curves found in tables similar
to Table 14-1.

4. Check the selection of degree of curve and the accept-

ability of its slightly altered position by applying the
appropriate transparency (Fig. 14-1).
380 New Techniques in Alignment Design and Stakeout

5. Where spirals are specified apply the same circular-curve

transparencies with o-offsets taken from Table XI.

6. Compute the coordinates of the adjusted P.I.'s and the

stationing of all curve points on the final alignment.

Similar design aids can be used to advantage in alignment

design at interchange ramps. The transparencies portraying
combining spirals, and three-centered curves are used

singly or in combination to best fit the requirements. Figure

14-3 shows three transparencies being adjusted to yield a


Fig. 14-3

suitable ramp alignment. By simply overlaying the trans-

parencies on the base map, without actually drawing the
curves, pertinent data can be picked off and taken from
design tables for entry as input to an electronic computer
program for calculation of ramp alignment. 2

14-7. Final Design and Plans. — Under circumstances re-

quiring these new techniques, final plans for cross-sections,
drainage, right-of-way limits, interchanges, and other struc-
tures are normally developed with the aid of photogrammetric
base maps plotted to a scale of 1" =40'. The final alignment
is plotted on these larger-scale maps by use of the coordinate
New Techniques in Alignment Design and Stakeout 381

system. Some supplementary ground surveys may be needed

to supply details not adequately disclosed by the photogram-
metric maps.

14-8. Stakeout of Alignment. —The key to the efficient

stakeout of the designed center line is the accurately coordi-
nated and monumented baseline. In contrast to traditional
procedure, the P.I.'s are rarely used in setting points on
curves. Instead, such points are set by angle and distance
measurements from control stations on the baseline.
Proper control in stakeout of the center line requires the
location of points at intervals not much over 500 ft. For
this purpose the T.C.'s and C.T.'s are supplemented by
points on tangents (P.O. TVs) and points on curves (P.O.C.'s).
The coordinated baseline rarely contains enough well-located
stations for setting all control points on the center line. Thus,
it is necessary to monument numerous auxiliary stations along

the baseline.
In preparation for field work, the electronic computer is

used to deliver lists of coordinates of baseline stations and

center-line points, in addition to the distances and azimuths
to center-line points from two or more baseline stations.
A control point on the center line is set by intersecting
directions from two stations on the baseline and checked by
measuring the distance from one of the stations. Obviously,
other combinations of measurements may be used.
For construction purposes the short sections of center line
between control points may be filled in by conventional survey
methods. The surveys need only be to third-order accuracy,
since they start and close on accurately coordinated points
previously set from the baseline. Where traffic interferes
with taping along the center line, points in these short sections
may be set by triangulation from baseline stations. In Fig.
14-4, stations on the baseline as initially staked are shown
by open triangles; auxiliary stations, by solid triangles. The
dotted lines illustrate how some of the points on the center
line are set and checked by ties from the baseline.
The difficult problem of slope staking in mountainous ter-
rain accomplished in California by using a computer pro-

gram which delivers the elevation and offset of slope stakes

382 New Techniques in Alignment Design and Stakeout


Fig. 14-4

on each digitized cross section. 3 The printout also includes

the grid azimuths and vertical angles from baseline stations
to the slope-stake locations. In the field, the slope stakes
are set by "triangulation" at the intersection of horizontal
and vertical lines of sight from two or more theodolites. No
time-consuming linear measurements are required.

14-9. Staking Right-of-Way at Spiraled Curves.— Many

special problems arise in connection with the calculation,
description, and stakeout of highway right-of-way lines.
This article illustrates one such problem and shows a feasible
The right-of-way consists, traditionally, of a strip of land
having boundary lines equidistant from the center line. Such
an arrangement creates no problems in stakeout or in describ-
ing abutting parcels, provided the center line is a succession
of tangents and circular curves. However, complications
develop if transition spirals are used along the center line.
It is possible to fix right-of-way boundaries so as to be
parallel to a spiraled center line.But the parallel offset
curves are not true spirals. In Arts. 8-19 and 8-20 it is
shown how the true lengths of these offset curves may be
computed and how the curves may be staked by deflection
angles. Even so, it is difficult to compute the coordinates
where straight or curved boundary lines intersect the right-
of-way. Intricate electronic computer programs have been
devised for solving such problems. 4 But though the com-
puter can come to the designer's rescue, it does nothing toward
New Techniques in Alignment Design and Stakeout 383

eliminating the problem of right-of-way description. How

do you describe, to the owner's satisfaction, the side of his
tract of land bounded by a curved line that is parallel to a
portion of a center-line spiral?
In the suggested solution for this problem, the right-of-way
isa strip of uniform width, the boundaries of which are easy
to describe and along which the coordinates of boundary
corners may be calculated without an electronic computer.
In Fig. 14-5 +he center line has a spiral AC between the

approach tangent and a curve of radius R. (Another spiral

is assumed to exist at the end of the circular curve.) The
right-of-way is a strip of uniform width W. If the length of
spiral is known, all parts of the spiral may be computed or
taken from tables. To determine the suggested right-of-way
boundaries opposite AC, draw Cv tangent at C and make vB
equal to Cv. Extend CO to an intersection at 0' with a
perpendicular dropped from B. The outer right-of-way
boundary opposite spiral AC now consists of the straight
portion ab followed by the circular arc 6c, the radius of which
is O'b, or VhW. The inner right-of-way boundary lies
vers A
a distance W inside the outer boundary. Thus, each "right-
384 New Techniques in Alignment Design and Stakeout

of-way boundary is a three-centered compound curve flattened

at the tangents.
The resulting right-of-way is a strip of uniform width.
Description of tracts of land abutting the right-of-way can
follow long-established procedures for circular-curved align-
ment. And calculation of the coordinates required at points
on the right-of-way is a simple geometric problem.
Of course the edges of the right-of-way in this method
would not be everywhere hW distant from the spiraled
center line.But in any practical situation this discrepancy
would be so small it could have no visible adverse effect on

1. Leisch, J.E., "New Techniques in Alinement Design and
Stakeout," Journal of the Highway Division, AfiCE, Vol. 92,
No. HW 1, Proc. Paper 4711, March, 1966.
2. Leisch, J.E., "Developing Tools and Techniques for
Geometric Design of Highways," Proceedings, Highway
Research Board, Vol. 38, 1959, pp. 321-352.
3. Stipp, D.W., "Trigonometric Construction Staking,"
Surveying and Mapping, Vol. XXVIII, No. 3, September,

1968, pp. 437-446.

4. Tonias, E.C., "Spiral Problems for an Electronic Com-

puter," Journal of the Highway Division, ASCE, Vol. 91, No.
HW 2, Proc. Paper 4590, December, 1965.
part III


I. Radii, Reflections, Offsets, etc 388

II. Lengths of Arcs and True Chords 400
III. Correction Coefficients for Subchords. Chord
Definition of D 401
IV. Correction Coefficients for Subchords. Arc
Definition of D 401
V. Even-Radius Curves. Deflections and Chords 402
VI. Lengths of Circular Arcs; Radius = 1 404
VII. Minutes and Seconds in Decimals of a Degree 405
VIII. Tangents and Externals for a 1° Curve 406
IX. Corrections for Tangents. Chord Def of D .425 . .

X. Corrections for Externals. Chord Def. of D . . 425

XI. Selected Spirals 427
XII. Spiral Functions for L =
s 1 436
XIII. Coefficients for Curve with Equal Spirals .... 450
XIV. Tangents and Externals for Unit Double-
Spiral Curve 452
XV. Deflection Angles for 10-Chord Spiral 454
XVI. Coefficients of a\ for Deflections to any Chord
Point on Spiral 460
XVI-A. Corrections C, to Deflections from T.S 461
XVI-B. Corrections C<t> to Deflections from S.C 462
XVI-C. Corrections for Combining Spirals 463
XVI-D. Corrections C s for Simple Spiral. Transit at
T.S.; sight at S.C 477
XVII. Level Sections 478
XVII-A. Corrections to Table XVII for Transverse
Ground Slopes 485
XVII-B. Corrections to Table XVII for Transverse
Ground Slopes 485
XVIII. Triangular Prisms. Cubic Yards per 50 feet 486
XIX. Cubic Yards per 100-Foot Station 496
XX. Natural Trigonometric Functions 498
XXI. Trigonometric Formulas 589
XXII. Squares, Cubes, Square Roots, Cube Roots,
and Reciprocals 591


Chord Definition of Degree of Arc Definition of Degree of Curve*


Mathematical Relations Mathematical Relations


sin n = 50
-^- c
exactly 1
1. v a - 5,729.58 . . . . exactly

2. CO. = ^
100 2
= 200 sin
±De 2. CO. = 4#sin 2

3. T.O.=ic.O exactly 3. T.O.=ic.O... . . . exactly

4. M.O.=4c.O approx. 4. M.O. = ^CO.. . . . approx.



1) For values of D a less than 12°, the CO. (not tabulated)

may be taken equal to the tabulated CO. for the correspond-
ing value of D c Exact values of CO. are tabulated for both

definitions of D, where D equals or exceeds 12°.

2) For values of c and D D

a less than 12°, relation 4 will
give M.O. without perceptible error. Beyond c = 12°, the D
exact values of M.O. are tabulated.


3) For any value of D, the ratio '

is numerically the

same for both definitions of D. Thus, if Da were 52°, the

M.O. equals (84.69), which is 11.17.

4) To obtain c.o., t, and m.o. for a chord or arc shorter thaD

^ —Y'
chor( r
100 ft, multiply CO., T.O., and M.O. by
* See Arts. 2-4 and 2-14.



D (MIN) R 1 STA. R

C°0' Infinite 1 nf n.i Infinite Inf in.

0.005 343775. 5.536274 0.03 343775. 5.536274
2' 0.01 171887. 5.235244 0.C6 17 887 1 5.235244
3' 0.015 1IU592. 5.059153 0.09 1 14592. 5.C59I53
4' C.02 85943.7 14.93142H4 0.12 85943.7 4.934214
5" 0.025 68754.9 4.837304 0.15 68754.9 4.8373C4
6' 0.C3 57295.8 4. 758123 0.17 57295.8 4.758123
7' C.035 491 10.7 4.691 176 0.20 49IIC.7 4.691 176
8' 0.04 U297 .8 1 4.633184 0.23 42971 .8 4.633184
9» 0.045 38197.2 4.582031 0.26 38197.2 4.582031
10' C.05 3U377.5 4.536274 0.29 34377.5 4.536274
' II
0.055 31252.3 4.494881 0.32 31252.2 4.494881
12' C.06 28647.8 4.457093 0.35 28647.8 4.457C93
13' 0.C65 26444.2 4.422331 0.38 26444.2 4.422331
m« 0.C7 24555.4 4.39CI46 0.41 24555.3 4.390146
15' 0.075 22918.3 4.360183 0.44 22918.3 4.360183
16' 0.08 21485.9 4.332154 0.47 21485.9 4.332154
17' 0.085 20222.1 4.305825 0.49 20222.0 4.3C5825
18' 0.09 19098.6 4.281002 0.52 I9C98.6 4.28ICCI
19* 0.C95 I8C93.4 4.257521 0.55 18093.4 4.257520
20' 0.1 17188.8 4.235244 0.58 17188.7 4.235244
21 '
0.105 16370.2 4.21 4055 0.61 16370.2 4.214055
22' 0.1 1 15626.1 4.193852 0.64 15626.1 4.193851
23' 0.115 14946.8 4.174547 0.67 14946.7 4. 174546
2 qt 0.12 14324.0 4.156064 0.70 14323.9 4.156063
25' 0.125 13751.0 4.138335 0.73 13751.0 4.138334
26' 0.13 13222.1 4. 2 302
1 1 0.76 13222.1 4.121300
27' 0.135 12732.4 4.IC49I 1 0.79 12732.4 4.IC49I0
28' 0.14 12277.7 4.C69I 17 0.81 12277.7 4.0891 16
29' 0.1 U5 1 1854. 4.073877 0.84 11854.3 4.073876
30' 0.15 11459.2 4.059154 0.87 11459.2 4.C59I53
31 ' 0.155 11089.6 4.044914 0.90 1 089.
1 4.044912
32' 0.16 10743.0 4.031 125 C.93 I0743.C 4.C3I 124
33' 0.165 10417.5 4.017762 0.96 10417.4 4.017760
34' 0.17 I0IN.I 4.004797 0.99 ION 1 .0 4.CC4795
35' 0.175 9822 . 1 3.992208 1 .02 9822 . 1 3.992206
36' 0.18 95149.3U 3.979973 1.05 9549.29 3.979971
37' 0.185 9291.25 3.968074 1.07 9291 .21 3.968072
38' 0.19 9046.75 3.956493 1 . 1 1 9046. 7C 3.956490
39" 0.195 88H4.78 3.945212 1.13 88 4 73
1 . 3.9452C9
40' 0.2 8594.42 3.934216 1.16 8594.37 3.934214
41' 0.205 83814.80 3.923493 1.19 8384.75 3.923490
42 0.21 8185.16 3.913027 1.21 8185.1 3.913025
43' 0.215 7994.81 3.902808 1.25 7994.76 3.9028C5
U4 0.22 7813.11 3.892824 1.28 7813.06 3.892821
45' 0.225 7639. 49 3.883065 1.31 7639.44 3.883061
46' 0.23 7U73.142 3.873519 1.34 7473.36 3.873516
47' 0.235 7314.41 3.864179 1.37 7314.35 3.864176
48' 0.24 7162.03 3.855036 1.39 7161.97 3.855033
U9' 0.245 7015.87 3.846082 1.43 7CI5.8I 3.846078
50' 0.25 6875.55 3.837308 1.45 6875.49 3.837304
51 ' 0.255 6740.74 3.828708 1.48 6740.68 3.828704
52' 0.26 66 1 1 . 1 3.820275 1.51 661 1.05 3.820270
53' 0.265 6486 38 . 3.812002 1.54 6486.31 3.811998
54' 0.27 6366.26 3.803885 1.57 6366.20 3.803880
55' 0.275 6250.51 3.795916 1.60 6250.45 3.79591
56' 0.28 6138.90 3.788091 1.63 6138.83 3.788086
57' 0.285 6031.20 3.780404 1.66 603 1 . 1 3.780399
58' 0.29 5927.22 3.772851 1.69 5927.15 3.772846
59' 0.295 5826 76 . 3.765427 1.72 5826.69 3.765422



D (MIN) R 1 ST A. R

1° 0' C.3 5729.65 3.758128 1.75 5729.58 3.758123

1 C.3C5 5635.72 3.75095C 1.77 3.75C9U4
2' C.3I 55UU.83 3.7U386e 1.80 55UU.75 3.7U25E2
3' 0.315 5U56.82 3.736939 1.83 545f .74 3. 736933
U' C.32 5371.56 3.730100 1 .66 5371 .US 3.721
C 1

C.325 5288.92 3.723367 1.69 5266. 6U 3.72325:

6' C.33 5208.79 3.716737 1.92 5208.71 3.716"
7' C.335 5131. 05 3.7I02C6 1.95 5130.97 3.7IC
6' C.3U 3.7C3772 1.95 3.7C3"!
9' C.3U5 U962.33 3.697U32 2. CI U982.2U 3.697U25
10' U9II.I5 3.691 183 2.C3 U9I I.C7 3.691 176
0.355 ueui .9e 3.685023 2. 07 |
U8UI .90 3.6c-
12' C.36 U77U.7U 3.67e9U9 2. 09 |
U77U.65 3.6 r

12' 0.365 U7C9.33 2.12 U709.2U 3.672951

III' 0.37 U6U5.69 3.667C5I 2.15 U6U5.6C 3.667(
15' C.375 U583.75 3.661221 2.18 U583.66 3.661213
16' C.36 U523.UU 3.655469 2.21 U523.35 3.6f -
17' 0.365 UU6U.70 3.649792 2.2U UU6U.6I 19783
ie' C.39 UUC7.U6 3.6UUI89 2.27 UUC7.37 3.6UUI79
19' C.395 4351.67 3.638656 2.30 U35I.56 3.6366U7
20' 0.4 U297.28 3.633I9U 2.33 U297.I8 3.633IEU
21' C.UC5 U2UU.23 3.627799 2.35 U2UU. 13 3.627789
cm UI92.U7 3.622U7C 2.39 UI92.37 3.62Z
0.415 Ul HI .96 3.617206 2.UI 41 4 .86
1 7196
24' C.U2 UC92.66 3.612005 2.UU UC92.56 3.6M995
25' 0.M25 UCUU.5I 3.606866 2.U7 UCUU.UI 3.606855
26' C.U3 3997. U9 3. 60 1787 2.50 3997.38 "75

27' 0.U35 395 .54 3.596766 2.53 395I.U3 3.596755

28' O.IW 3.59I6C3 2.56 3906.53 3.591791
29' C.UU5 3862. 7U 3.586696 2.59 3862. 6U 3.58688U
30« 0.U5 3ei9.83 3 582CUU
. 2.62 3819.71 2C3I
31' 0.U55 3777.85 3.5772U5 2.65 3777. 7U 3.577232
32' C.U6 3736.79 3.572U99 2.68 3736.68 3.572U66
33' C.U65 3696.6 3.5678CU 2.71 3695.50 3.567791
34« C.U7 3657.29 3.563160 2.73 3657.18 3 563 U6
. 1

35' 0.U75 3618.80 3.55856U 2.76 3618.68 3.558!

36' 0.U8 3581 .10 3.55UCI7 2.79 3580.99 3.5: -

37' C.U85 35UU. 19 3.5U95I7 2.82 35UU.C7

38' C.U9 3508.02 3.5450W 2.85 3.5-:'
39' C.U95 3U72.59 3 . 5U065U 2.88 3U72.U7 3.5U0638
40' 0.5 3U37.87 3.5362e9 2.91 3U37.75 3.53627U
Ul' C.505 3UC3.83 3.531968 2.9U 3UC3.7I 3.531952
42' 0.51 337C.U6 3.527690 2.97 337C.3U 3.527673
U3' 0.515 3337. 7U 3.523U53 3.0C 3337.62 3.523U37
yyi 3.519257 3305.53 3.5I92UI
0.52 3305.65 3. 03
C.525 327U.I7 3.5151 01 3.05 327U.CU 3.5I5C85
U6' C.53 32U3.29 3.510985 3. 08 3243.16 3.5IC968
47' C.535 3212.98 J.fCtrlE 3.11 3212. e5 3.506890
118* 0.5U 3183.23 3 5C2868
. 3.14 3183.10 3.5C265C
Ugi 0.5145 3I5U.C3 3.U98866 3.17 3153.90 3.U988U7
50' C.55 3125.36 3.U9U900 3.20 3125.22 3 U9U86

51' 0.555 3097.20 3.U9097C 3.23 3097.07 3.U9C95I

52' C.56 3069.55 3.U87075 3.26 3069 42 3.U87C56
C.565 3042.39 3.U832I5 3.29 30U2.25 3.U83I95
5U' C.57 3CI5.7I 3.U79389 3.32 3015.57 3.U79369
55' 0.575 2989. U8 3.U75596 3.35 2989. 3U 3.U75576
0.58 2963.72 3.U7I836 3.37 2963.58 3.U7I8I6

0.585 2938.39 3.U68I09 3.UC 2938.25 3 U68C87


58' 0.59 2913. U9 3.U6UUI3 3.U3 2913. 3U 3.U6U392

59' C.595 2889.01 3 U607U9
. 3.U6 2888.86 3.U6C727




2° 0' C.6 2864.93 3.4571 15 3.49 2864.79 3.457093
C.6C5 2841 .26 3.453511 3.52 2841.1 3.453488
i 2* 0.61 2817.97 3.449937 3.55 2817.83 3.449914
3' C.6I5 2795.06 3.4U6392 3.58 2794.92 3.446369
l|" C.62 2772.53 3.442876 3.61 2772.38 3.442852
5' 0.625 2750.35 3.439388 3.64 2750.20 3.439364
6' 0.63 2728.52 3.435928 3.66 2728.37 3.435903
7' 0.635 27C7.C4 3.432495 3.69 2706.89 3.43247C
8 1
0.64 2685.89 3.429089 3.72 2685.74 3.429C64
9' C.645 2665.08 3.425710 3.75 2664.92 3.425684
10' 0.65 2644.58 3.422356 3.78 2644.42 3.422330
1 1
0.655 2624.39 3.4I9C29 3.81 2624.23 3.4I9C02
12' 0.66 26C4.5I 3.415727 3.84 2604.35 3.4I57CC
13' 0.665 2584.93 3.412449 3.87 2584.77 3.412422
IU 1
C.67 2565.65 3.409197 3.90 2565.48 3. 409 169
15' 0.675 2546.64 3.405968 3.93 2546.48 3.405940
16' 0.68 2527.92 3.402763 3.96 2527.75 3.4C2735
17- C.685 2509.47 3.399582 3.98 2509.30 3.399553
18' 0.69 2491.29 3.396424 4.01 2491.12 3.396395
19' 0.695 2473.37 3.393289 4. 04 2473.20 3.393259
20' C.7 2455.70 3.390176 4.07 2455.53 3.39CI45
21 '
0.705 2438.29 3.387085 4.10 2438.12 3.387055
22' 0.71 2421 .12 3.384CI6 4.13 2420.95 3.383985
23' 0.715 24C4. 19 3.38C969 4. 16 2404.02 3.380938
24' 0.72 2387.50 3.377943 4.19 2387.32 3.37791
25' 0.725 2371 .04 3.374938 4.22 2370.86 3.374905
26' 0.73 2354.80 3.371954 4.25 2354.62 3.371921
27" 0.735 2338.78 3.368990 4.28 2338.60 3.368956
28' 0.74 2322.98 3.366046 4.30 2322.80 3.366CI2
29' 0.745 2307.39 3.363122 4.33 2307.21 3.363087
30' 0.75 2292. CI 3.360217 4.36 2291.83 3.36CI83
31 ' 0.755 2276.84 3.357332 4.39 2276.65 3.357297
32' 0.76 2261 .86 3.354466 4.42 2261 .68 3.354430
33' C.765 2247.08 3.351618 4.45 2246.89 3.351582
34* C.77 2232.49 3.348789 4.48 2232.30 3.348753
35' 0.775 22 18. 09 3.345797 4.51 2217.90 3.345942
36' 0.78 2203.87 3.343187 4.54 2203.68 3.343149
37' C.785 2189.84 3.34C4I2 4.57 2189.65 3.34C374
38' 0.79 2175.98 3.337655 4.6C 2175.79 3.337617
39' C.795 2162.30 3.334916 4.62 2 621 . 1 3.334877
MO' 0.8 2148.79 3.332193 4.65 2148.59 3.332154
m C.8C5 2135.44 3.329488 4.68 2135.25 3.329448
LI2' C.8I 2122.26 3.326799 4.71 2122.07 3.326759
43' 0.815 2109.24 3.324127 4.74 2IC9.C5 3.324Ce6
44 0.82 2096.39 3.321471 4.77 2096.19 3.321430
45' 0.825 2083.68 3.318832 4.80 2083.48 3.3I879C
46' 0.83 2C7 1 . 1 3.3I62C8 4.83 2070.93 3.316166
U7' 0.835 2058.73 3.3I360C 4.86 2058.53 3.313557
48' 0.84 2046.48 3.31 ICC8 4.89 2046.28 3.3IC964
U9 i 0.845 2034.37 3.3C843I 4.92 2034.17 3.308387
50' C.85 2C22.4I 3.305869 4.94 2022.20 3.305825
51 ' C.855 2010.59 3.3C3323 4.97 2CIC.36 3.303278
52' C.86 1998.90 3.3C079I 5.00 1998.69 3.3C0745
53' 0.865 1987.35 3.298274 5.03 1987 . 1 3.298228
5U' 0.87 1975.93 3.295771 5. 06 1975.72 3.295725
55' 0.875 1964.64 3.293283 5.09 1964.43 3.293236
56' 0.88 1953.48 3 290809
. 5.12 1953.27 3.290761
57' 0.885 1942.44 3.288349 5.15 1942 23 3.288301
58' 0.89 1931.53 3.285902 5.18 1931 .32 3.285854
59' 0.895 1920.75 3.283470 5.21 1920.53 3.283421



D (MIN) R 1 STA. R
3° 0' 0.9 1910.08 3.2eiC5l 5.2U 1909.86 3.28I0CI

0.9C5 1899.53 3.278646 5.26 1899.31 3.278595

2' C.9I 1869. C9 3.276253 5.29 1888.87 3.276203
31 0.915 1878.77 3.273871 5.32 1878.55 3.273823
i 1
C.92 1868.56 3.27I5C8 5.35 I868.3U 3.271156
5' C.925 1858.17 3.269155 5.38 I858.2U 3.269IC2
6" 0.93 1818.18 3.266811 5.m 16U8.25 3.266761
7' 0.935 1838.59 3.261186 5.UU 1838.37 3.261132
8' 0.91 1828.82 3.262170 5.U7 1828.59 3.2621 16
9' 0.915 1819. 3.259867 5.50 1818.91 3.259812
10' 0.95 1809.57 3.257576 5.53 I8C9.3M 3.257520
1 1
0.955 I8CC.IC 3.255296 5.56 1799.87 3.255210
12' C.96 1790.73 3.253C29 5.58 I79C.U9 3.252973
13' 0.965 1781 . H5 3.25C771 5.61 1781.22 3.250716
il' C.97 1772.27 3.21853C 5.6U 1772.03 3.218172
15' 0.975 1763.18 3.216297 5.67 1762.95 3.216239
16" C.98 1751.19 3.211C77 5.7C 1753.95 3.211018
17' C.985 1715.29 3.211867 5.73 I7U5.05 3. 211 808
18' C.99 1736 48 . 3.239669 5.76 1736. 2U 3.2396C9
19' C.995 1727.75 3.237181 5.79 1727.51 3.237121
20' 1 .0 1719.12 3.235305 5.82 1718.87 3.235211
21 '
I.0C5 1710.57 3. 233 IU0 5.85 1710.32 3.233078
22' I.CI 1702.10 3.230985 5.88 1701 .85 3.230922
23' 1.015 1693.72 3.228811 5.90 i693.H7 3.228778
2u< 1.02 1685.12 3.226707 5.93 1685.17 3.226611
25' 1.025 1677.20 3.221581 5.96 1676.95 3.221520
26' I.C3 1669.06 3.222172 5.99 1668.81 3.222107
27' 1.035 1661 .CO 3.220369 6. 02 1660.75 3.220303
28" 1 .01 1653. CI 3.218277 6.05 1652.76 3.218210
29' I.CU5 I6U5. 1 3.216195 6.08 I6M1.85 3.216128
30' 1 .05 1637.28 3.211122 6.1 1 1637.02 3.2I1C55
31 '
1.055 1629.52 3.212060 6.m 1629.26 3.21 1991
32' 1.06 1621 .81 3.2ICCC7 6.17 1621 .58 3.2C9938
33' 1.065 1611.22 3.2C7961 6.19 1613.96 3.2C7891
31' I.C7 I6C6.68 3.205930 6.22 I6C6.U2 3.205860
35' 1 .075 1599.21 3.203906 6.25 1598.95 3.203835
36' 1 .08 1591 .81 3.201892 6.28 1591.55 3.2CI820
37' 1.085 1581 18 . 3.199886 6.31 1584.21 3.199811
38' 1 .09 1577.21 3.197890 6.3U 1576.95 3.197817
39' I.C95 1570 C . 3.I959C3 6.37 1569.75 3.195830
MO 1
1 .1 1562.88 3.193925 6.U0 1562.61 3.193851
m 1.105 1555.81 3.191956 6.U3 1555.51 3.191881
12' 1 .1 1 1518.80 3.189996 6.U6 1518.53 3.189921
13' 1 .1 15 1511 .86 3. I88CU5 6. U9 1511 .59 3.187969
n 1
1 .12 1531.98 3 . 1 86 03
1 6.51 1531.71 3.1 86026
15' 1 .125 1528.16 3. I8UI69 6.511 1527.89 3.181091
U6' 1 .13 1521 .10 3. 162211! 6.57 1 52 1 . 1 3 3.182165
U7' 1 .135 1514.17 3.I8C327 6.60 1511.13 3. 80218

US' 1 . m 1508 C6 . 3. I78UI9 6.63 1507.78 3.178339

U9' 1 .145 I5CI .U8 3.176519 6.66 1501.20 3.176138
50' 1.15 1191.95 3.I7U627 6.69 1191.67 3.171516
51 '
1.155 1 188 18 . 3.I727UU 6.72 1188.20 3.172661
52' 1.16 1182.07 3.I7C858 6.75 1181 .79 3.170786
53' 1. 165 1H75.7I 3. I69CCI 6.78 1175.13 3.168918
51' 1 . 17 IU69.HI 3. I67IU2 6.81 1169.12 3.I67C58
55' 1 .175 IU63.I6 3.165291 6.83 1162.87 3.I652C6
56' 1 .18 IU56.96 3.I63UU7 6.86 1156.67 3.163362
57' 1.185 1150.81 3.161612 6.89 1150.53 3.161526
58' 1.19 1111.72 3.I5978H 6.92 1111.13 3.159697
59' 1.195 1M38.68 3.157963 6.95 1138.39 3. 57876




D (MIN) R 1 ST A. R
4° 0' 1.2 1432.69 3. 1561 51 6.98 1432.39 3.156063
M 1.205 1426.74 3.154346 7. CI 1426.45 3.154257
2' 1 .21 1420.85 3.152548 7.04 1420.56 3.152458
3' 1.215 1415.01 3. 5C758
1 7.07 1414.71 3.150667
14' 1.22 1409.21 3. 48975
1 7.10 1408 9 . 3. 148884
5' 1.225 14Lo 46 . 3.147200 7.13 1403.16 3.147108
6' 1.23 1397.76 3.145431 7.15 1397.46 3.145339
7' 1.235 1392.10 3.143670 7.18 1391.80 3.143577
8' 1 .2U 1386.49 3.141916 7.21 1386 . 1 3.141822
9' 1 .245 1380.92 3.140170 7.24 1380.62 3. I40C74
10' 1.25 1375.40 3.138430 7.27 1375.10 3.138334
1 M 1.255 1369.92 3.136697 7.30 1369.62 3.I3660C
12' 1 .26 1364.49 3. 134971 7.33 1364.19 3.134873
13' 1.265 1359.10 3.133251 7.36 1358.79 3.133153
IU' 1.27 1353.75 3.131539 7.39 1353.44 3. 131440
15' 1.275 1348.45 3.129833 7.42 1348.14 3.129734
16' 1.28 1343.18 3.128134 7.45 1342.87 3.I28C34
17' 1.285 1337.96 3.126442 7.47 1337.64 3.126341
18' 1.29 1332.77 3.124756 7.50 1332.46 3.124654
IS' 1.295 1327.63 3.123077 7.53 1327.32 3.122974
20' 1.3 1322.53 3. 121 404 7.56 1322.21 3.I2I3CC
21' 1 : 305 1317.46 3.1 19738 7.59 1317. 14 3.1 19633
22' 1.31 1312.43 3.118078 7.62 1312.12 3.1 17972
23' 1.315 1307.45 3.116424 7.65 1307.13 3.1 16318
2U> 1.32 1302 50 . 3.11 4777 7.68 1302.18 3.1 14669
25' 1.325 1297.58 3. 1 1 3 36
1 7.71 1297.26 3.1 I3C28
26' 1.33 1292.71 3.1 1 1501 7.74 1292.39 3.1 1392 1

27' 1.335 1287.87 3.109872 7.76 1287.55 3.109762

28' 1.34 1283.07 3.108249 7.79 1282.74 3.IC8I39
29- 1.345 I278.3C 3.IC6632 7.82 1277.97 3.IC652I
30' 1.35 1273.57 3.105022 7.e5 1273.24 3.I049IC
31' 1.355 1268.87 3. IC34I7 7.88 1268.54 3. 03304

32' 1.36 1264.21 3.ICI8I8 7.91 1263.88 3.ICI7C5

33' 1.365 1259.58 3.I0C225 7.94 1259.25 3.I0CI II
34' 1 .37 1254.98 3.C98638 7.97 1254.65 3.098523
35" 1.375 1250.42 3.C97C57 8. CO I25C.C9 3.096941
36' 1 .38 1245.89 3.C9548I 8. 03 1245.56 3.C95365
37' 1.385 1241 .40 3.C939I2 8.06 1241 .06 3.C93974
38' 1.39 1236.94 3.C92347 8.08 1236.60 3.092229
39' 1.395 1232.51 3.090789 8.1 1 1232.17 3.09067C
40' 1 .4 1228.1 3.089236 8. 14 1227.77 3.0891 16
41 '
1 .U05 1223.74 3.087689 8.17 1223.40 3.C87566
U2' I .m 1219.40 3.086147 8.20 1219.06 3.C86C25
143' 1 .1415 1215.09 3.0846IC 8.23 1214.75 3.084487
I.U2 I2IC.82 3.083C79 8.26 1210.47 3.082955
45' 1.425 1206.57 3.081553 8.29 1206.23 3.081429
U6' 1.143 1202.36 3.08CC33 8.32 1202. CI 3.C79908
147' 1 .435 1 198. 17 3.078518 8.35 1 197.82 3.078392
148' 1 .IU4 1 194. CI 3.C77CC8 8.38 1 193.66 3.076681
149' 1 .445 1 189.88 3.C75504 8.40 1 189.53 3.075376
50' 1.45 1 185.78 3.074C05 8.43 1185.43 3.073876
1 1 i
1.455 1 181 .71 3.07251 8.46 1181 .36 3.072381
52' 1.46 1 177.66 3.C7I022 8.49 1 77 3
1 . 3.070891
53* 1.465 1 173.65 3.069538 8.52 1 173.29 3.0694C6
54' 1.47 1 169.66 3.C68C59 8.55 1 169.30 3.067927
55' 1 .475 1 165.70 3.066585 8.58 1165.34 3.065452
56' 1 .48 1 161.76 3.0651 16 8.61 1161.40 3.064982
57' 1 .485 1 157.85 3.063653 8.64 1157.49 3.063517
58' 1 .49 1 153.97 3.C52I94 8.67 1 153.61 3.062057
59' 1 .495 1 150 . 1 1 3.C6C740 8.69 1 149.75 3.C6C603



D (MIN) R 1 ST A. R
5° 0' 1.5 1 146.28 3.C5929C 8.72 1 145.92 3.C59I53
1.505 1 142.47 3.057846 8.75 1 142.11 3.C577C7
2' 1 .51 1 138.69 3.056407 8.78 1 138.33 3.056267
3' 1.515 1 134.94 3.054972 8.81 1 134.57 3.C5483I
4' 1 .52 1 131 .21 3.053542 8.84 1 130.84 3.C534C0
5' 1.525 1127.50 3.052116 8.87 1127.13 3. 05 1974
6' 1.53 1123.82 3.05C696 8.90 1123.45 3.C5C553
7' 1.535 1120.16 3.C49280 8.93 1 19.79 1 3.C49I35
8' 1.54 1 16.52 1 3.C47868 8.96 1 16.15 1 3.C47723
9' 1.545 1112.91 3.C46462 8.99 1 12.54 1 3.C463I5
10' 1 .55 1109.33 3.C45059 9. CI 1 108.95 3. 0449 12
1 1
1 .555 1105.76 3.043662 9.C4 1 105.38 3.043514
12' 1 .56 1102.22 3.042268 9.C7 1 ICI .84 3.0421 19
13' 1 .565 1098. 70 3.C4C88C 9.10 IC98.32 3.C4C729
14' 1 .57 1095.20 3.C39495 9.13 IC94.82 3.C39343
15' 1.575 1091.73 3.C38I 15 9.16 IC9I .35 3.C37963
16' 1 .58 1088.28 3.C3674C 9.19 IC87.89 3.C36587
17' 1 .585 IC84.85 3.035368 9.22 1084.46 3.C352I5
18' 1 .59 108 44 1 . 3.C34CC2 9.25 1081.05 3.C33847
19' 1 .595 1078. 05 3.C32639 9.28 1077.66 3.C32483
20' 1.6 1074.68 3.031281 9.31 1074.30 3.C3I 124
21' 1 .605 IC7I .34 3.029927 9.33 IC7C.95 3.C29769
22' 1 .61 IC68.CI 3.C28577 9.36 1067.62 3.C284I8
23' 1.615 1064. 71 3.C2723I 9.39 1064.32 3.C27C7I
2M' 1.62 IC6I .43 3.C2589C 9.42 1061.03 3.C25729
25' 1.625 IC58.I6 3.C24552 9.45 IC57.77 3.C2439C
26' 1 .63 IC54.92 3. 0232 19 9.48 IC54.52 3.C23C56
27' 1 .635 IC5I .70 3.C2I89C 9.51 IC5I .3C 3.C2I726
28' 1 .64 IC48.49 3.C2C565 9.54 IC48.C9 3.C204CC
29' i .645 IC45.3I 3. CI 9244 9.57 1044.91 3.CI9C78
30' 1 .65 IC42. 14 3.CI7927 9.60 1041 .74 3.CI776C
31 '
1.655 IC39.CC 3.CI66I4 9.62 IC38.59 3. CI 6446
32' 1.66 IC35.87 3.0I53C5 9.65 IC35.47 3.015136
33' 1.665 IC32.76 3.CI3999 9.68 IC32.36 3.013829
34' 1.67 IC29.67 3. CI 2698 9.71 1029.27 3. CI 2527

35' 1 .675 IC26.60 3 C . 1 1 40 9.74 1026. 19 3. CI 1229

36' 1 .68 IC23.55 3.CI0I07 9.77 1023.14 3.CC9935
37' 1 .685 IC2C.5I 3. 0088 18 9. 80 1020.10 3.CC8644
38' 1 .69 1 7.49
CI 3.CC7532 9.83 1017.08 3.CC7357
39' 1 .695 ICI4.5C 3.CC6250 9.86 ICI4.C8 3.CC6C74
40' 1 .7 ICI 1 .51 3.CC4972 9.89 101 .10 1 3.CC4795
m 1 .7C5 ICC8.55 3.CC3698 9.92 1008. IK 3.C03520
42' 1 .71 ICC5.6C 3.CC2427 9.94 1005.19 3.0C2248
43' 1 .715 ICC2.67 3 CO. 60 1 1 9.97 ICC2.26 3.CCC980
44' 1 .72 999.762 2.999897 IC.CO 999.345 2.999715
45' 1.725 996.867 2.998637 10.03 996.448 2.998455
46' 1.73 993.988 2.997381 I0.C6 993.568 2.997198
47' 1.735 991 .126 2.996129 IC.C9 990.705 2.995944
48' 1.74 988.280 2.994880 10.12 987.858 2.994695
49' 1.745 985.451 2.993635 10.15 985.028 2.993448
50' 1.75 982.638 2.992393 10.18 982.213 2.992206
51 1.755 979.840 2.991 155 10.21 979.415 2.990967
52' 1.76 977. C6C 2.989921 10.23 976.632 2.989731
53' 1.765 974.294 2 988690
. 10.26 973. e66 2.988499
54' 1 .77 971 .544 2.987463 10.29 971 .1 15 2.987271
55' 1.775 968.810 2.986239 IC.32 968.379 2.986C45
56' 1.78 966. 09 2.985CI8 IC.35 965.659 2.984824
57' 1.785 963.387 2.9838CI IC.38 962.954 2.983606
58' 1.79 960.698 2.982587 IC.4I 960.264 2.982391
59' 1.795 958.025 2.981377 10.44 957.590 2.981 179



(MIN) R 1 ST A. R

6° 0' 1.8 955.366 2.980170 10. M7 95M.930 2.979971

2» 1.81 950.093 2.977766 10.53 9M9.65M 2.977565
M' 1.82 9MM.877 2.975375 10.58 9MM.M36 2.975173
6' 1.83 939.719 2.972998 10. 6M 939.275 2.972793
8' 1.8M 93M.6I6 2.970633 10.70 93M. 170 2.970M26
10' 1.85 929.569 2.968282 10.76 929.121 2.968072
12' 1.86 92M.576 2.9659M3 10.82 92M.I26 .
m< 1.87 919.637 2.963616 10.87 919. I8M 2.963M02
16' 1.88 91 M. 750 2.961303 10.93 9IM.29M 2.961086
18' 1.89 909.915 2.959001 10.99 909. M57 2.958783
20' 1.9 905.131 2.95671 1 1.05 90M.670 2.956M90
22' 1.91 900.397 2.95MM3M 11.11 899. 93M 2.95M2I
24' 1.92 895.712 2.952168 11.16 895. 2M7 2.95I9M3
26' 1.93 891 .076 2.9M99I5 11.22 890.608 2.9M9687
28' 1.9M 886. M88 2.9M7673 11.28 886.017 2.9M7MM2
30' 1.95 881 .9M6 2.9M5MM2 1 1.3M 881 .M7M 2.9M5209
32' 1.96 877. M5I 2.9M3223 1 I.MO 876.976 2.9M2988
3U' 1.97 873.002 2.9MICI5 1 I.M5 872.525 2.9MC778
36' 1.98 868.598 2.938819 1 1 .51 868. 1 18 2.938579
38' 1.99 86M.238 2.936633 1 1.57 863.756 2.936391
40' 2.0 859.922 2.93MM59 11.63 859. M37 2.93M2IM
M2' 2. CI 855. 6M8 2.932295 11.69 855.161 2.932CM8
MM' 2.02 851 .Ml 7 2.9301 M2 11.75 850.927 2.929892
146' 2.03 8M7.228 2.9280C0 1 1 .80 8M6.736 2.9277M8
M8' 2. CM 8M3.080 2.925869 II .86 8M2.585 2.925616
50' 2.05 838.972 2.9237M7 1 1 .92 838. M75 2.923M90
52' 2.06 83M.90M 2.921637 1 1 .98 83M.M05 2.921377
5M' 2.07 830.876 2.919536 12.OM 830. 37M 2.9I927M
56' 2.08 826.886 2.9I7MM6 12.09 826.381 2.917181
58' 2. 09 822. 93M 2.915365 12.15 822. M27 2.9I5C98
7° C 2.1 819.020 2.913295 12.21 818.51 2.913025
2' 2.1 1 815.1 MM 2.91 I23M 12.27 8IM.632 2. 91 096
M' 2.12 81 .303
1 2. 909 183 12.33 810.789 2.9C89C8
6' 2.13 807. M99 2.9071 M2 12.38 806.983 2.9C686M
8' 2.IM 803.731 2.9C5I II 12. MM 803.212 2.90M830
IC 2.15 799.997 2.9C3089 12.50 799. M76 2.902805
12' 2.16 796.299 2.901076 12.56 795.775 2.900790
IM' 2.17 792. 63M 2.899073 12.62 792 08
. 1 2.89878M
16' 2.18 789.003 2.897079 12.67 788. M7M 2.896787
18' 2.19 785. M05 2.89509M 12.73 78M.87M 2.89M800
20' 2.2 781 .8M0 2.8931 18 12.79 781 .306 2.892821
22' 2.21 778.307 2.891 151 12.85 777.771 2.890852
2M> 2.22 77M.806 2.889193 12.91 77M.267 2.888891
26' 2.23 771 .336 2.8872MM 12.96 770.795 2.886939
28' 2.2M 767.897 2.885303 13.02 767. 35M 2.88M996
30' 2.25 76M.M89 2.883371 13.08 763. 9MM 2.883061
32' 2.26 76 1 2
. 1 1 2.881 MM8 13. IM 760.563 2.881 135
3M' 2.27 757. 76M 2.87953M 13.20 757.213 2.879218
36' 2.28 75M.MM5 2.877627 13.25 753.892 2.877309
38' 2.29 751 .155 2.875730 13.31 750.600 2.875M08
MO' 2.3 7M7.89M 2.8738M0 13.37 7M7.336 2.873516
142' 2.31 7MM.66I 2.871959 I3.M3 7MM. 101 2.871631
MM' 2.32 7MI .M56 2.870086 I3.M9 7M0.89M 2.869756
M6' 2.33 738.279 2.868221 13.55 737. 7IM 2.867888
M8' 2.3M 735.129 2.866363 13.60 73M.56I 2.866028
50' 2.35 732.005 2.86M5IM 13.66 731 .M36 2.86MI76
52' 2.36 728.909 2.862673 13.72 728.336 2.662332
5M' 2.37 725.838 2.8608M0 13.78 725.263 2.860M96
56' 2.38 722.793 2.8590IM 13. 8M 722.216 2.858667
58' 2.39 719. 77M 2.857196 13.89 719. 194 2.8568M6



(MIN) R 1 ST A. R

8° 0' 2.4 716.779 2.855385 13.95 716.197 2.855033

2' 2.m 713.810 2.853583 14.01 713.226 2.853227
4' 2.H2 710.865 2.851787 14.07 710.278 2.851428
6' 2.U3 707.945 2.849999 14.13 707.355 2.849638
8' 2.44 705.048 2.848219 14. 18 704.456 2.847854
10' 2.45 702.175 2.846446 14.24 70 58
1 . 2.846078
12' 2.46 699.326 2.844679 14.30 698.729 2.844309
IU« 2. 47 696.499 2.842921 14.36 695.900 2.842547
16' 2.U8 693.696 2.841 169 14.42 693.094 2.840792
18' 2.M9 690.914 2.839424 14.47 690.311 2.839045
20' 2.5 688 56 . 1 2.837687 14.53 687.549 2.837304
22 2.51 685.419 2.835956 14.59 684.810 2.835570
24' 2.52 682.704 2.834232 14.65 682.093 2.833843
26 •
2.53 680.010 2.832515 14.71 679.397 2.832123
28" 2. 5U 677.338 2.830805 14.76 676.722 2.830410
30' 2.55 674.686 2.829102 14.82 674.068 2.828704
32' 2.56 672.056 2.827405 14.88 671.435 2.827004
34' 2.57 669.446 2.825715 14.94 668.822 2.825311
36' 2.58 666.856 2.824032 15. CO 666. 23C 2.823624
38' 2.59 664.286 2.822355 15.05 663.658 2.821944
40 2.6 661.736 2.820685 15.11 661 .105 2.820270
42' 2.61 659.205 2.819021 15.17 658.572 2.818603
um 2.62 656.694 2.817363 15.23 656.059 2.816941
U6' 2.63 654.202 2.815712 15.29 653.564 2.815288
48' 2.64 651.729 2.814067 15.34 651. 088 2.814640
50' 2.65 649.274 2.812428 15.40 648.632 2 8
. 998
1 1

52' 2.66 646.838 2.810796 15.46 646. 193 2.810362

54' 2.67 644.420 2.809169 15.52 643.773 2.808732
56' 2.68 642.021 2.8C7549 15.58 641.371 2.807109
58' 2.69 639.639 2.805935 15.63 638. S86 2.805492
go q, 2.7 637.275 2.804327 15.69 636.620 2.803880
2" 2.71 634.928 2.802724 15.75 634.271 2.802275
4' 2.72 632.599 2.801 128 15.81 631.939 2.8C0675
6' 2.73 630.286 2.799538 15.87 629.624 2.799081
8' 2.74 627.991 2.797953 15.92 627.326 2.797494
10" 2.75 625.712 2.796374 15.98 625.045 2.79591
12' 2.76 623.450 2.794801 16.04 622.780 2.794335
14' 2.77 621.203 2.793234 16. 10 620.532 2.792764
16' 2.78 618.974 2.791673 16.16 618. 3CC 2.791 199
18' 2.79 616.760 2.7901 17 16.21 616.084 2.789640
20' 2.8 614.563 2.788566 16.27 613.883 2 788086

22' 2.81 6 2 380

1 . 2.787021 16.33 611.699 2.786538
2U" 2.82 610.214 2.785482 16.39 609.530 2.784995
26' 2.83 608.062 2.783948 16.45 607.376 2.783457
28' 2.8U 605.926 2.782420 16.50 605.237 2.781926
30' 2.e5 603.805 2.780897 16.56 603. 1 14 2.780399
32' 2.86 601 .698 2.779379 16.62 60I.CC5 2.778878
34' 2.87 599.607 2.777867 16.68 598.91 2.777362
36' 2.88 597.530 2.776360 16.74 596.831 2.775851
38' 2.89 595.467 2.774858 16.79 594.766 2.774346
U0' 2.9 593.419 2.773361 16.85 592.715 2.772846.
42' 2.91 591 .384 2.771870 16.91 590.678 2.771351
MM' 2.92 589.364 2.770383 16.97 588.655 2.769851
46* 2.93 587.357 2.768902 17.03 586.646 2.768376
US' 2.914 585.364 2.767426 17.08 584.651 2.766897
50' 2.95 583 385 . 2.765955 17.14 582.669 2.765422
52' 2.96 58 4 1 . 1 2.764489 17.20 580 700
. 2.763952
5U' 2.97 579.466 2.763028 17.26 578.745 2.762487
56' 2.98 577.526 2.761572 17.32 576.803 2. 761 028
58' 2.99 575.599 2. 760 120 17.37 574.874 2.759573



D (MIN) R 1 ST A. R
10° 0' 3.0 573.686 2.758674 17.43 572.958 2.758123
2' 3. CI 571 784
. 2.757232 17.49 571 .054 2.756667
3. 02 569.896 2.755796 17.55 569.163 2.755237
6' 3.C3 568. C2C 2.754364 17.61 567.285 2.7538CI
8' 3. 04 566.156 2.752937 17.66 565.419 2.752370
10' 3.05 564.305 2.751514 17.72 563.565 2.750944
12' 3. 06 562.466 2.75CC96 17.78 561 .723 2.749522
|i|> 3. 07 560.638 2.748683 17.84 559.894 2.748IC6
16' 3. 08 558.823 2.747274 17.89 558.076 2.746693
18' 3.C9 557. 019 2.745870 17.95 556.270 2.745285
20' 3.1 555.227 2.744471 18. CI 554.475 2.743882
22' 3.1 1 553.447 2.743076 I8.C7 552.692 2.742483
24' 3.12 551 .678 2.741686 18.13 550.92 2.74IC89
26' 3.13 549. 920 2.74C3CC 18.18 549.161 2.73970C
28' 3.14 548.174 2.738918 18.24 547.412 2.738314
30 3.15 546.438 2.737541 18.30 545.674 2.736933
32' 3.16 544.714 2.736169 18.36 543.947 2.735557
3»4' 3.17 543. CO 1 2.7348CC 18.42 542.231 2.734185
36' 3.18 541 .298 2.733436 18.47 540.526 2.732817
38' 3.19 539.606 2.732C77 18.53 538.832 2.731453
110' 3.2 537.924 2.730721 18.59 537.148 2.73CC94
U2' 3.21 536.253 2.72937C 18.65 535.475 2.728739
l|l|i 3.22 534.593 2.728023 18.71 533.812 2.727388
46' 3.23 532.943 2.726681 18.76 532.159 2.726C4I
US' 3.24 531 .303 2.725342 18.82 530. 516 2.724699
50" 3.25 529.673 2.724CC8 18.88 528. e84 2.723360
52' 3.26 528.053 2.722677 18.94 527.262 2.722026
54' 3.27 526.443 2.721351 19. CC 525.649 2.72C696
56' 3.28 524.843 2.72CC29 19.05 524.047 2.7I937C
58' 3.29 523.252 2.71871 19. 1 1 522.454 2.7I8C48
1° 0' 3.3 521 .671 2.717397 19.17 520. 871 2.7I673C
2' 3.31 520. ICC 2.716087 19.23 519.297 2.7I5UI7
4' 3.32 518.539 2.714781 19.28 517.733 2 7 4 C6
. 1 1

6' 3.33 516.986 2.713479 19.34 516.178 2.712799

8' 3.3U 515.443 2.712181 19.40 514.633 2.71 1497
10' 3.35 513.909 2.7IC887 19.46 513. 097 2 7 C 99
. 1 1

12' 3.36 512.385 2.709596 19.52 511.569 2.708905

m 1
3.37 510.869 2.7C83IC 19.57 5IC.C5I 2.7C76I4
16' 3.38 509.363 2.7C7C27 19.63 508.542 2.706327
18' 3.39 507.865 2.705748 19.69 507. C42 2.7C5C44
20' 3.4 5C6.376 2.704473 19.75 505. 551 2.703765
22 3.HI 504.896 2.7032C2 19.81 504. C68 2.7C249C
2U- 3.42 503.425 2.701934 19.86 502 595
. 2 70 2 e
. 1 i

26' 3.43 501 .962 2.700671 19.92 501.129 2 69995C


28' 3.44 500. 5C7 2.6994IC 19.98 499.672 2.698685

30' 3. U5 499. 06 2.698:54 2C.04 498.224 2.697425
32' 3.U6 497.624 2.6969CI 20.10 1
496.784 2.696168
34' 3.U7 496.195 2.695652 20.15 495.353 2.694914
36' 3.U8 494.774 2.69l,4C7 2C.2I 493.929 2.693665
38' 3.49 493.361 2.693165 2C.27 492.514 2.692418
uc 3.5 491 .956 2.691926 20.33 1491.107 2. 69 II 76
42' 3.51 490.559 2.690692 20.38 439.708 2.669937
liU 1 3.52 489. 171 2.689460 20.44 488.316 2.6887CI
146" 3.53 487.790 2.688233 2C.5C 486.933 2.687469
148' 3. 5U 486 4 . 1 2.687CC3 20.56 485.557 2.686241
50' 3.55 485.051 2.685788 2C.62 484. 190 2.685CI5
52' 3.56 483.694 2.68U57C 20.67 482. 830 2.683974
5«' 3.57 482.344 2.683357 20.73 481 .477 2.682576
56' 3.58 481 .001 2.682146 20.79 480. 132 2.681361
58' 3.59 479.666 2.680939 20.85 478.795 2.68CI49


D (MIN) R 1 STA. 1 STA. R 1 STA.

12° 0' 3.6 1478.339 2.679735 20.91 2.62 477.465 2.678941 20.87
10' 3.65 U7I .810 2.673767 21 .19 2.66 470.924 2.672951 21.15
20' 3.7 465.459 2.667881 21 .48 2.69 464.560 2.667042 21 .44
30' 3.75 U59.276 2.662074 21 .77 2.73 458.366 2.661213 21 .73
40' 3.8 453.259 2.656345 22.06 2.77 452.335 2.655460 22.02
50 3.85 447.395 2.650691 22.35 2.80 446.461 2.649783 22.30
13° 0' 3.9 441 .68U 2.6451 II 22.64 2.84 440.737 2.644179 22.59
10' 3.95 U36. 17 1 2.639603 22.93 2.88 435.158 2.638547 22.88
20' 4.0 M30.690 2.634164 23.22 2.91 429.718 2.633184 23.16
30' 4.05 425.396 2.628794 23.51 2.95 424.413 2.627789 23.45
40 4. 1 420.233 2.623490 23.80 2.99 419.237 2.622460 23.74
50 4. IS 415.194 2.618251 24.09 3.02 414.186 2.617196 24.03
m° c 14.2 UIO. 275 2.613075 24.37 3. 06 409.256 2.61 1995 24.31
10' 4.25 405.473 2.607962 24.66 3.10 404. 441 2.606855 24.60
20' 4.3 U0C.782 2.6C29C8 24.95 3.13 399.738 2.601775 24.89
30' 4.35 396.200 2.597914 25.24 3.17 395.143 2.596755 25.17
40' 4.4 391 .722 2.592978 25.53 3.20 390.653 2.591791 25.46
50' 4.45 387.345 2.588097 25.82 3.24 386.264 2.586884 25.74
15° 0' 4.5 383.065 2.583272 26.11 3.28 381 .972 2.582031 26.03
10' 4.55 378.880 2.5785CI 26.39 3.31 377.774 2.577232 26.32
20' 4.6 374.786 2.573783 26.68 3.35 373.668 2.572486 26.60
30 4.65 370.780 2.5691 16 26.97 3.39 369.650 2.567791 26.89
40' 4.7 366.859 2.564500 27.26 3.42 365.718 2.563146 27.17
50' M.75 363.022 2.559933 27.55 3.46 361 .868 2.558550 27.46
16° 0' 4.8 359.265 2.555415 27.83 3.50 358.099 2.554003 27.74
10' 4.85 355.585 2.550944 28.12 3.53 354.407 2.549502 28.03
20' 4.9 351 .981 2.546519 28.41 3.57 350.790 2.545048 28.31
30' U.95 348.450 2.542140 28.70 3.61 347.247 2.540638 28.60
UO' 5.0 344.990 2.537806 28.99 3.64 343.775 2.536274 28.89
50' 5.05 341.598 2.533516 29.27 3.68 340.371 2.531952 29. 16
17° 0' 5.1 338.273 2.529268 29.56 3.72 337.034 2.527673 29.45
10' 5.15 335.013 2.525062 29.85 3.75 333.762 2.523437 29.73
20- 5.2 331 .816 2.520898 30. 14 3.79 330.553 2.519241 30.02
30' 5.25 328.689 2.516774 30.42 3.82 327.404 2.515085 30.31
MO' 5.3 325. 604 2. 51 2690 30.71 3.86 324.316 2.510968 30.59
50' 5.35 322.585 2.508645 31 .00 3.90 321.285 2.5C689C 30.87
18° 0' 5.U 319.623 2.504638 31 .29 3.94 318.310 2.5C2850 31 .16
10' 5.U5 316.715 2.50C668 31 .57 3.97 315.390 2.498847 31 .44
20' 5.5 313.860 2.496736 31 .86 4.01 312.522 2.494881 31 .72
30' 5.55 31 1 .056 2.492839 32.15 4.04 309.707 2.490951 32.00
UO' 5.6 308.303 2.488978 32.44 4.08 306.942 2.487056 32.29
50' 5.65 305.599 2.485152 32.72 4.12 304.225 2.483195 32.58
19° 0' 5.7 302. 9143 2.481361 33.01 4. 16 301.557 2.479369 32.86
10' 5.75 300.333 2.477603 33.30 4.19 298.934 2.475576 33.14
20' 5.8 297.768 2.473878 33.58 4.23 296.357 2.471816 33.42
30' 5.85 295.247 2.470186 33.87 4.26 293.825 2.468087 33.71
MO' 5.9 292.770 2.466526 34.16 4.30 291 .334 2.464392 33.99
50' 5.95 290. 3314 2.462897 34.44 4.34 289.886 2.460727 34.27
20° 0' 6.0 287.939 2.459300 34.73 4.37 286.479 2.457093 34.55
10' 6.05 285.583 2.455733 35.02 4.41 284.1 1 2.453488 34.83
20' 6.1 283.267 2.452195 35.30 4.45 28 783
1 . 2.449914 35.12
30' 6.15 280.988 2.448688 35.59 4.48 279.492 2.446369 35.40
UO 1
6.2 278. 746 2.445209 35.87 4.52 277.238 2.442852 35.68
50' 6.25 276.5MI 2.441759 36.16 4.56 275.020 2.439364 35.96
21° 0- 6.3 27U.370 2.438337 36.45 4.59 272.837 2.435903 36.24
10' 6.35 272. 2314 2.434943 36.73 4.63 270.689 2.43247C 36.52
20' 6.4 270. 132 2.431576 37.02 4.67 268.574 2.429064 36.80
30' 6.145 268.062 2.428235 37.30 4.70 266.492 2.425684 37.08
UO' 6.5 266.024 2.424921 37.59 4.74 264.442 2.422330 37.37
50' 6.55 264.018 2.421633 37.88 4.78 262.423 2.41 9002 37.65



D (MIN) R 1 STA. 1 STA. R 1 STA.

22° 0» 6.6 262. 0U2 2. U 18371 38.16 U.8I 260. U35 5700
2. Ml 37.93
10' 6.65 260.098 2.UI5I3U 38. U5 U.85 258. U77 2.UI2U22 38.21
20' 6.7 258. 180 2. U 1 1922 38.73 U.89 256. 5U8 2.UC9I69 38. U9
30' 6.75 256 .-292 2.UC873U 39.02 U.92 25U.6U8 2.U059U0 38.77
UO' 6.8 25U.U3I 2.U0557I 39.30 U.96 252.775 2.UC2735 39.05
50 6.85 252.599 2.U02U3I 39.59 5.00 250.930 2.399553 39.33
23° C 6.9 25C.793 2.399315 39.87 5.0U 2U9.I 12 2.396395 39.61
IC 6.95 2U9.0I3 2.396222 UO. 16 5.07 2U7.320 2.393259 39.89
20' 7.C 2U7.258 2.393151 UC.UU 5.1 1 2U5.553 2.39CIU5 UC. 16
3C 7.05 2U5.529 2.39CI03 U0.73 5.IU 2U3.8I2 2.387C55 UC.UU
UC 7. 1 2U3.825 2.387077 Ul .01 5.18 2U2.C95 2.383985 U0.72
50' 7.15 2U2. IUU 2.38UC7U Ul .30 5.22 2U0.U02 2.380938 Ul .00
2U° C 7.2 2U0.U87 2.381091 m .58 5.26 238.732 2.37791 Ul .28
10' 7.25 238.853 2. 3781 30 Ul .87 5.29 237.086 2.37U905 Ul .56
20' 7.3 237. 2UI 2.375190 142. 15 5.33 235. U62 2.371921 Ul .8U
30' 7.35 235.652 2.372270 U2.UU 5.37 233.860 2.368956 U2. 1 1

UO' 7.U 23U.08U 2.369371 U2.72 5.U0 232.280 2.366012 U2.39

50 •
7.U5 232.537 2.366U92 U3.00 5.UU 230.721 2.363087 U2.67
25° 0' 7.5 231 .01 2.363633 U3.29 5.U8 229.183 2.360183 U2.95
IC 7.55 229.506 2.36079U U3.57 5.51 227.665 2.357279 U3.23
20' 7.6 228.020 2.35797U U3.86 5.55 226.168 2.35UU30 U3.50
3C 7.65 226.555 2.355173 UU. IU 5.59 22U.689 2.351582 U3.78
uc 7.7 225. 108 2.352391 UU.U2 5.62 223.230 2.3U8753 UU.06
50' 7.75 223.680 2.3U9627 UU 71 . 5.66 221 .790 2.3U59U2 UU.33
26° C 7.8 222.271 2.3U6882 UU.99 5.70 220.368 2.3U3IU9 UU.60
30' 7.95 218.150 2.338755 U5.8U 5.81 216.210 2.33U877 U5.U3
27° C 8.1 2IU.I83 2.330785 U6.69 5.92 212.207 2.326759 U6.26
30' 8.25 210.362 2.322967 U7.5U 6.03 208. 3U8 2.318790 U7.C8
28° C 8.U 206.678 2.315295 U8.38 6.IU 2CU.628 2.3I096U U7.9I
30' 8.55 203. 125 2.30776U U9.23 6.25 201 .038 2.303278 U8.72
29° C 8.7 199.696 2.300370 50.08 6.36 197.572 2.295725 U9.55
30' 8.85 196.385 2.293108 50.92 6.U7 I9U.223 2.288301 50.36
30° C 9.0 193.185 2.28597U 51 .76 6.58 190.986 2.28I0CI 51.18
32° C 9.6 181 .398 2.258632 55.13 7. 03 I79.0U9 2.252973 5U.U2
3U° C 10.2 171 .015 2.233035 58. U7 7.U7 1 68 5
. 1 2.2266UU 57.62
36° C 10.8 161 .803 2.208988 61 .80 7.92 159.155 2.2CI820 60.79
38° C 1 1 .U 1 53 578
. 2.186328 65.1 1 8.37 150.778 2.178339 63.93
C 12.3 IU2.773 2.I5U6U5 70. CU 9.0U I39.7U6 2.IU5339 68.55
uu° c 13.2 I33.U73 2.125395 7U.92 9.72 130.218 2. 1 IU669 73.09
U8° C IU.U 122. 930 2.0e9657 81 .35 10.63 1 19.366 2 . C7688 78.98
52° C 15.6 1 IU.058 2.C57I28 87.67 1 1 .54 1 10. I8U 2.CU2I 19 8U.69
57° C 17. 1 ICU.787 2.020307 95. U3 12. 70 100.519 2.CC22U8 91 .55
6U° C 19.2 9U.35U 1.97U760 106.0 IU.3U 89.525 1 .95I9U3 100.6
72° C 21 .6 85.065 1 .929751 1 17.6 16.25 79.577 1 .900790 1 10.0
82° C 2U.6 76.213 1 .882027 131.2 18.69 69.873 1 .8UU309 120.3
95° C 28.5 67.817 1 .831339 IU7.5 22.00 60.31 1 .780399 131 .1
115° C 3U.5 59.28U I.7729UI 168.7 27. U3 U9.822 1 .697U25 IUI .8

NOTE: The odd values of D between 30° and 115° are those
whose arc-def n ioni radii vary approximately from

190 feet to 50 feet by 10-ft intervals. For curves

having exactly these radii, see Table V.



1 ST A. 1/10 STA. 1/4 STA. 1/2 STA. 1/4 STA. 1/2 STA. 1 STA.
1 IC0.C0I 10 25 50 25 50 100
2° ! CO 005 . 10 25 50 25 50 100
3° 100.01 10 25 50 25 50 99.99
4° 100.020 10 25 50.01 25 50 99.98
5° 100.032 10 25.01 50.01 25 50 99.97
6° 100.046 10.01 25.01 50.02 25 50 99.95
7° ICO. 062 10.01 25.02 50.02 25 50 99.94
8° 100.081 10.01 25.02 50.03 25 49.99 99.92
9° 100.103 10.01 25.02 50.04 25 49.99 99.90
10° 100.127 10.01 25.03 50.05 25 49.98 99.88
1° 100. I5M 10.02 25.01 50.06 25 49.98 99.85
!2° 100.183 10.02 25. 04 50.07 25 49.98 99.82
13° 100.215 10.02 25.05 5C.08 25 49.97 99.79
14 s 100.249 10.02 25.06 50.09 25 49.97 99.75
15° ICO. 286 10.03 25.07 50.1 1 25 49.96 99.72
16° 100.326 10.03 25.08 50.12 25 49.96 99.68
17° ICO. 368 10.04 25. C9 50. 11 25 49.95 99.63
18° 100.112 10.04 25.10 50.16 24.99 49.95 99.59
19° ICG. 460 10.01 25. i 1 50.17 24.99 49.94 99.54
20° 100 5 . 1 10.05 25.12 50.19 24.99 49.94 99.49
21° 100.562 10.06 25.13 50.21 24.99 49.93 99.44
22° 100.617 IC.C6 25.11 50.23 24.99 49.92 99.39
23° 100.675 10.07 25.16 50.25 24.99 49.92 99.33
24° ICO. 735 10.07 25.17 50.27 24.99 49.91 99.27
25° 100.798 10.08 25.19 50.30 24.99 49.90 99.21
26° 100.863 10.08 25.20 50.32 24.99 49.89 99.14
27° 100.931 10.09 25.22 50.35 24.99 49.88 99.08
28° 101.002 10.10 25.23 50.38 24.98 49.88 99. CI
29° 101.075 10. 1 1 25.25 50.40 24.98 49.87 98.94
30° 101 .152 10.11 25.27 50.13 24.98 49.86 98.86
32° 101 .312 10.13 25.31 50.19 24.98 49.84 98.71
34° 101 .M82 10.15 25.35 50.56 24.98 49.82 98.54
36° 101.661 10.16 25.39 5C.62 24.97 49.79 98.36
38° 101 .857 10.18 25.43 50.69 24.97 49.77 98.18
m° 1 02 . 1 66 10.21 25.51 50.81 24.97 49.73 97.88
44° 102.500 10.25 25.59 50.91 24.96 49.69 97.56
M8° 102.986 10.30 25.70 51 .12 24.95 49.63 97.10
52° 103.516 10.35 25.82 51.31 24.95 49.57 96.60
57° 104.246 10.12 25.98 51.59 24.94 49.49 95.93
64° 105.394 10.53 26.26 52.01 24.92 49.35 94.88
72° 106.896 10.68 26.61 52.57 24.90 49.18 93.55
82° 109.073 10.90 27.12 53.38 24.87 48.94 91 .68

95° 1 12.445 1 1 .23 27.91 51.63 24.82 48.58 88.93

115° 1 18.992 II .88 29. 44 57.03 24.74 47.93 84.04

Chord C ef i n i t ion of D
For c egrees of cu rve not 1 sted obtai n excess a re per sta tion appro x imatel y
by in terpol at ion, or exactl y to- 3 dec ma place s (up to C = 15°) fr om:
i 1

Excess = .00127

Arc Del i n 1 1 ion of C

For c eorees of ci rve not sted obtai n chord de f c ency p er stat ion approxi-
i i

mate y by interpc lat Ion, or exactly to 2 decimal places (up to D = 3C °) from:

D ( ficiency = 0.00127 C

Chord Definition of D Arc Definition of D
The following table may be The following table may be
used to obtain true lengths of used to obtain true lengths of
subchords not listed in Table subchords not listed in Table
For any degree of curve the
For any degree of curve the small correction to be sub-
small correction to be added tracted from an arc length in
to the nominal length in order order to obtain the true chord
to obtain the true length is length is almost a constant
almost a constant percentage percentage of the chord defi-
of the excess of arc for 1 sta- ciency for a 100-foot arc on a
tion on a curve of that degree. curve of that degree. These
The maximum correction is percentages vary approxi-
required for a nominal sub- mately as the cubes of the arc
chord about 57.5 feet long. lengths.

Ratio of Chord Ratio of Chord

Nominal Correction to Length Correction to
Subchord Excess Arc of Arc Chord Deficiency
per Station for 100-ft Arc

5 .050 5 .0001
10 .099 10 .0010
15 .147 15 .0034
20 .192 20 .0080
25 .234 25 .016
30 .273 30 .027
35 .307 35 .043
40 .336 40 .064
45 .359 45 .091
50 .375 50 .125
55 .383 55 .166
60 .384 60 .216
65 .375 65 .275
70 .357 70 .343
75 .328 75 .422
80 .288 80 .512
85 .236 85 .614
90 .171 90 .729
95 .093 95 .857
100 100 1

Example. Given: a 20° Example. Given: a 25°

curve. Required: true sub- curve. Required: true sub-
chord for 75-ft nominal chord for 75-ft arc.
length. Chord def. per
Solution:Excess arc per sta.=0.79 (from Table II).
sta. =0.510 (from Table II). Corr. =0.79X0.422 = 0.33.
Corr. = 0.5 10 X 0.328 = 0. 17. Subtract corr. from arc giv-
Add corr. to nominal length ing true subchord = 74.67.
giving true subchord =75.17. For arcs not listed, note
For subchords not listed, that correction coefficients
interpolate for correction co- are proportional to the cubes
efficients. of the arcs.


ARC 10 FT 25 FT 100 FT 10 FT 25 FT 100 FT

50 3U.377 5°U3.78' m°i9.uu' 57°I7.75' 9.98 2U.7U 8U.I5

60 28.6U8 u°u6.ue' ll°56.2C' U7°UU.79' 9.99 2U.82 88.82
70 2U. 555 U°05.55' I0°I3.88' UC°55.53' 9.99 2U.87 91.73
80 2 U86
1 . 3°3U.86' 8°57.I5» 35°U8.59' IC 2U.9C 93.62
90 I9.C99 3°I0.99' 7 57.U6' 3I°U9.86' 10 2U.92 9U.9U
ICC 17.189 2°5I .89' 7°09.72' 28°38.87' IC 2U.93 95.89
1 IC 15.626 2°36.26' 6 3C.65' 26°C2.6I' 10 2U.95 96.59
120 IU.32U 2°23.2U' 5°58.IC 23°52.39" IC 2U.96 97.13
130 13.222 2°I2.22' 5°3C.55' 22°C2.2M 10 2U.96 97.55
mo 12.278 2°C2.78' 5°C6.9a' 2C°27.77' 10 2U.96 97.88
150 1 .459
1 l°5U.59' U°U6.U8' I9°C5.92' 10 2U.97 98.16
I6C I0.7U3 l°U7.U3' 14°28.58' I7 5U.30' 10 2M.97 98.38
170 10.111 i°m . 1 1 M°I2.77' I6°5I IC . IC 2U.97 98.57
180 9.5U9 l°35.U9' 3°58.73' I5°5i4.93' 10 24.98 98.72
I9C 9.CU7 l°3C.U7' 3°U6. 17' I5°CM.67' IC 2U.9e 98.85

25 FT 50 FT 25 FT 50 FT
200 8.59U 3°3U.86' 7°09.72' m°l9.UU' 2U.98 M9.87 98.96
225 7.639 3° IC.99' 6°2I.97' I2°U3.9U' 2U.99 U9.9C 99.18
250 6.875 2°5I .89' 5°43.78' 1l°27.55' 2U.99 U9.92 99. 3U
275 6.25C 2°36.26' 5°I2.52' !C°25.C5» 2U.99 U9.93 99. U5
3C0 5.73C 2°23.2U- a°a6.u8 r
9°32.96' 2M.99 U9.9U 99. 5U

325 5.289 2°I2.22' U°2M.UU' 8°U8.88' 2U.99 U9.95 99.61

350 U.9I 1 2°02.78' U°C5.55' 8°l 1 . 1 1
25 U9.96 99.66
375 M.58U l°5U.59' 3°U9.I8' 7°38.37' 25 U9.96 99.70
UCO U.297 l°M7.U3' 3°3a.86' 7°C9.72' 25 U9.97 99. 7U
U25 U.CUU l°UI . 1
3°22.22' 6°' 25 U9.97 99.77
U5C 3.82C l°35.U9' 3°I0.99' 6°2I.97' 25 U9.97 99.79
U75 3.619 l°30.U7' 3°CC93' 6°CI .87' 25 U9.98 99.82
5CC 3.U38 l°25.9U' 2°5I .89' 5°M3.77' 25 U9.98 99.83
550 3.235 1
° 18. 13' 2°36.26' 5°I2.52' 25 ug.9e 99.86
600 2.865 l°l .62' 1 2°23.2U' U°U6.U8' 25 U9.99 99.89
65C 2.6UU 1
°C6 . 1 1
2°I2.22' U°2U.UU' 25 U9.99 99.90
7CC 2.U55 I °CI .39' 2°C2.76' U°C5.55' 25 U9.99 99.92
75C 2.292 C°57.3C' l°5U.59' 3°U9.I8' 25 5C 99.93
8C0 2.IU9 C°53.7M l°U7.U3' 3°3U.86' 25 5C 99.93
o 3°22.22' 5C 99. 9U
850 2.C22 50.56' 1 •III. II' 25
o 99.95
9CC 1.910 U7.75' l°35.U9' 3°IC99' 25 5C
o 99.95
950 I.8C9 0°U5.23' l 30.U7 l
3°CC.93' 25 5C
1000 1.719 C°U2.97' l°25.9U' 2°5I .89- 25 5C 99.96
1050 1.637 0°a0.93' l°2l .85' 2°U3.70' 25 5C 99.96
1 ICC 1.563 0°39.C7« 1
° 18. 13' 2°36.26' 25 5C 99.96
I2C0 1.U32 0°35.8I' l°l 1
.62- 2°23.2U' 25 5C 99.97
I3C0 1.322 0°33.C6' l°C6.l M 2°I2.22' 25 5C 99.97
IU0C 1.228 0°30.69' l°CI .39' 2°C2.78' 25 5C 99.98
I5CC I.IU6 0°28.65' 0°57.3C l°5U.59' 25 5C 99.98
I6C0 1.C7U 0°26.86' 0°53.72' l°U7.U3' 25 5C 99.98
1700 1.01 1
0°25.28' 0°5C.56' l°UI . 1
25 50 99.99
1800 C.955 C°23.87' C°U7.75' l°35.U9' 25 50 99.99
I90C 0.905 0°22.62' C°U5.23' l°3C.U7' 25 5C ICC
2 COO C.859 C°2I .U9' 0°U2.97' l°25.9U' 25 50 ICC
2100 C.8I9 o o 2C.M6' C°MC93' l°2l.85' 25 5C ICC

2200 C.78I 0°I9.53' 0°39.C7' I I8.I3' 25 50 ICC

2300 C.7U7 C°I8.68' 0°37.37' l°m.73' 25 50 ICC
2 HOC C.7I6 C° 7. 911 0°35.8M 1
° 1 1.62' 25 50 ICC
2 500 C.688 0°I7. 19' 0°3M.38' l°C8.75' 25 5C ICC
2600 C.66I 0°I6.53' 0°33.C6' 1
°C6. 1 1
25 50 ICO


ARC 25 FT 50 FT 100 FT 25 FT 50 FT 100 FT

2700 C.637 0°I5.9I' 0°3I .83' l°C3.66' 25 50 ICO

2800 0.6IU 0°I5.35'
o^ 1
l°CI .39' 25 50 100
2900 0.593 m.82' 0°29.6U l
0°59.27' 25 50 ICO
3CCC C.573 0°m.32' 0°28.65' 0°57.3C 25 50 ICC
3100 C.555 0° 13.86' 0°27.72' 0°55.U5' 25 50 100
3200 0.537 0°I3.U3 ;
0°26.86' C°53.7I 25 50 ICO
3300 C.52I 0°I3.C2' 0°26.CU' 0°52.C9' 25 50 ICO
: 3U00 0.5C6 0°I2.6U' C°25.28' 0°5C55' 25 50 ICO
0°I2.28' 0°2U.56' I'
3500 C.U9I 0°U9.I 25 50 ICC
3600 C.U77 0°l 1
.94' 0°23.87' 0°U7.75' 25 50 ICC
3700 C.U65 0°l .61'
0°23.23' 0°i46.M6' 25 50 ICC
3800 C.U52 C°l I.3M C°22.62' C°U5.23' 25 50 ICC
39C0 cum C°l 1.02' C°22.CM' o
UU.C7' 25 50 ICC
UOOO C.U30 CIC^U' 0°2I .U9' C°U2.97' 25 50 ICC
moo 0.UI9 0°IC.U8' C°2C96' C°m.92' 25 50 ICC
U500 C.382 C°C9.55' C°I9.IC C°38.20' 25 50 ICC
5C00 C.3UU C°C8.59' 0°I7.I9' 0°3U.38' 25 50 ICC
5500 C.3I3 C°07.8I' 0°I5.63» C°3I .25' 25 50 ICC
6C00 0.286 0°C7. 16' 0°m.32' 0°28.65» 25 50 ICC
6500 C.26U C°C6.6I' C°I3.22' C°26.UU' 25 50 ICC
7000 C.2U6 0°C6. IU' 0° 12.28' 0°2U.56' 25 50 ICC
7500 C.229 C°C5.73' 0°l .<46'
1 0°22.92' 25 50 ICC
8000 C.2I5 C°C5.37- 0° IC.7U' 0°2I .U9' 25 50 ICO
9000 C.I9I C°CU. 77' 0°C9.55' 0°I9.IC 25 50 ICC
I00CC C.I72 C°CM.3C 0°C8.59' C°I7.I9' 25 50 ICC


Dearee of Curve (arc definition) = twice the deflection for a 100-ft arc,

Deflections for even-radius curves or arcs not listed may be computed from:

l7l8 873
Defl. (in minutes) = x Arc Length

Chords not listed may be obtained by interpolation or computed from:

Chord = 2R sin Defl

Total length of curve may be determined by use of Table VI. See Art. 5-9
for selection of spirals for even-radius curves.


(Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds to Radians)


| 0.017 45 329 61 1.064 65 084 1 .000 29 089 | .000 00 485

2 .034 90 659 62 .082 10 414 2 58 178 2 00 970
3 .052 35 988 63 .099 55 743 3 87 266 3 01 454
l| .069 81 317 64 .1 17 01 072 4 16 355
1 4 01 939
5 0.087 26 646 65 1. 134 46 401 5 .001 45 444 5 .000 02 424
6 . 104 71 976 66 .151 91 731 6 1 74 533 6 02 909
7 .122 17 305 67 .169 37 060 7 2 03 622 7 03 394
6 . 1 39 62 634 68 .186 82 389 8 2 32 7 1 1 8 03 879
9 . 1 57 07 963 69 .204 27 718 9 2 61 799 9 04 363
10 0.174 53 293 70 1.221 73 048 10 .002 90 888 10 .000 04 848 !

.191 98 622 71 .239 18 377 II 3 19 977 II 05 333 |

12 .209 43 951 72 .256 63 706 12 3 49 066 12 05 818

13 .226 89 280 73 .274 09 035 13 3 78 155 13 06 303
114 .244 34 610 74 .291 54 365 14 4 07 243 14 06 787
15 0.261 79 939 75 1.308 99 694 15 .004 36 332 15 .000 07 272
16 .279 25 268 76 .326 45 023 16 4 65 421 16 07 757
17 .296 70 597 77 .343 90 352 17 4 94 510 17 08 242
18 .314 15 927 78 .361 35 682 18 5 23 599 18 08 727
19 .331 61 256 79 .378 81 01 19 5 52 688 19 09 211
20 0.349 06 585 80 1.396 26 340 20 .005 81 776 20 .000 09 696
21 .366 51 914 81 .413 7! 669 21 6 10 865 21 10 181
22 .383 97 244 82 .431 16 999 22 6 39 954 22 10 666
23 .401 42 573 83 .448 62 328 23 6 69 043 23 1 1 151
24 .418 87 902 84 .466 07 657 24 6 98 132 24 1 1 636
25 0.436 33 231 85 1.483 52 986 25 .007 27 221 25 .000 12 120
26 .453 78 561 86 .500 98 316 26 7 56 309 26 12 605
27 .471 23 890 87 .518 43 645 27 7 85 398 27 13 090
28 .488 69 219 88 .535 88 974 28 8 14 487 28 13 575
29 .506 14 548 89 .553 34 303 29 8 43 576 29 14 060

30 0.523 59 878 90 1 . 570 79 633 30 .008 72 665 30 .000 14 544

31 .541 05 207 91 .588 24 962 31 9 01 753 31 15 029
32 .558 50 536 92 .605 70 291 32 9 30 842 32 15 514
33 .575 95 865 93 .623 15 620 33 9 59 931 33 15 999
314 .593 41 195 94 .640 60 950 34 9 89 020 34 16 484
35 0.610 86 524 95 1 .658 06 279 35 .010 18 109 35 .000 16 969
36 .628 31 853 96 .675 51 608 36 10 47 198 36 17 453
37 .645 77 182 97 .692 96 937 37 10 76 286 37 17 938
38 .663 22 512 98 .710 42 267 38 1 05 1 375 38 18 423
39 .680 67 841 99 .727 87 596 39 1 34 1 464 39 18 908

140 0.698 13 170 100 1.745 32 925 40 .01 1 63 553 40 .000 19 393
141 .715 58 499 101 .762 78 254 41 1 1 92 642 41 19 377
142 .733 03 829 102 .780 23 584 42 12 21 730 42 20 362
143 .750 49 158 103 .797 68 913 43 12 50 819 43 20 847 :

1414 .767 94 487 104 .815 14 242 44 12 79 908 44 21 332

45 0.735 39 816 105 1.832 59 571 45 .013 08 997 45 .000 21 817 ;

146 .802 85 146 106 .850 04 901 46 13 38 086 46 22 301

147 .820 30 475 107 .867 50 230 47 13 67 175 47 22 786 1

148 .837 75 804 108 .884 95 559 48 13 96 263 48 23

49 .855 21 133 1
09 .902 40 888 49 14 25 352 49 23 ,

50 0.872 66 463 1 10 1 .919 86 218 50 .014 54 441 50 .000 24 241 !

51 .890 II 792 1 1 1 .937 31 547 51 14 83 530 51 24 726

52 .907 57 121 1 12 .954 76 876 52 15 12 619 52 25 210 j

53 ..925 02 450 1 13 .972 22 205 53 15 41 708 53 25 695 '

514 .942 47 780 1 14 .989 67 535 54 15 70 796 1

54 26 180

55 0.959 93 109 1 15 2.007 12 864 55 .015 99 885 55 .000 26 665

56 0.977 38 438 1 16 .024 58 193 56 16 28 974 56 27 150
57 0.994 83 767 1 17 .042 03 522 57 16 58 063 57 27 634
58 1.012 29 097 1 18 .059 48 852 58 16 87 152 58 28 119
59 1.029 74 426 119 .076 94 181 59 17 16 240 59 28 604
60 1.047 19 755 120 .094 39 510 60 17 45 329 60 29 C89



10 15 20 30 40 45 50

.0000 .0028 .0042 .0056 .0083 .01 1 1 .0125 .0139

1 .0167 .0194 .0208 .0222 .0250 .0278 .0292 .0306
2 .0333 .0361 .0375 .0389 .0417 .0444 .0458 .0472
3 .0500 .0528 .0542 .0556 .0583 .061 1 .0625 .0639
4 .0667 .0694 .0708 .0722 .0750 .0778 .0792 .0806
5 .0833 .0861 .0875 .0689 .0917 .0944 .0958 .0972
6 .ICCO .1028 .1042 .1056 .1083 .1111 .1 125 .1 139
7 .1 167 .1194 .1208 .1222 .1250 .1278 .1292 .1306
8 .1333 .1361 .1375 .1389 .1417 .1444 .1458 .1472
9 .1500 .1528 .1542 .1556 .1583 .161 1 .1625 .1639
10 .1667 .1694 .1708 .1722 .1750 .1778 .1792 .1806
1 1 .1833 .1861 .1875 .1889 .1917 .1944 .1958 .1972
12 .2000 .2028 .2042 .2056 .2083 .21 II .2125 .2139
13 .2167 .2194 .2208 .2222 .2250 .2278 .2292 .2306
14 .2333 .2351 .2375 .2389 .2417 .2444 .2458 .2472
15 .2500 .2528 .2542 .2556 .2583 .261 1 .2625 .2639
16 .2667 .2694 .2708 .2722 .2750 .2778 .2792 .2806
17 .2833 .2861 .2875 .2889 .2917 .2944 .2958 .2972
18 .3CCC .3028 .3042 .3056 .3083 .31 II .3125 .3139
19 .3167 .3194 .3206 .3222 .3250 .3278 .3292 .3306
20 .3333 .3361 .3375 .3389 .3417 .3444 .3458 .3472
21 .3500 .3528 .3542 .3556 .3583 .361 1 .3625 .3639
22 .3667 .3694 .3708 .3722 .3750 .3778 .3792 .3806
23 .3833 .3851 .3875 .3889 .3917 .3944 .3958 .3972
24 .4000 .4028 .4042 .4056 . 4083 .41 1 1 .4125 .4139
25 .m 67 .4194 . 4208 .4222 .4250 .4278 .4292 .4306
26 .4333 .4361 . 4375 .4389 .4417 .4444 .4458 .4472
27 .4500 .4528 .4542 .4556 .4583 .461 1 .4625 .4639
28 .4667 .4694 .4706 .4722 .4750 .477e .4792 .4806
29 .4833 .4661 .4875 .4889 .4917 .4944 .4958 .4972
30 .5000 .5026 .5042 .5056 .5083 .51 1 1 .5125 .5139
31 .5167 .5194 .5208 .5222 .5250 .5278 .5292 .5306
32 .5333 .5.361 .5375 .5389 .5417 .5444 .5458 .5472
33 .55CC .5528 .5542 .5556 .5583 .561 1 .5625 .5639
34 .5667 .5694 .5708 .5722 .5750 .5778 .5792 .5806
35 .5633 .5861 .5875 .5889 .5917 .5944 .5958 .5972
36 . 60C0 .6028 .6042 .6056 .6083 .61 1 1 .6125 .6139
37 .6167 .6194 .6206 .6222 .6250 .6278 .6292 .6306
38 .5333 .636! .6375 .6369 .6417 .6444 .6458 .6472
39 .6500 .6528 .5542 .6556 .6583 .661 1 .6625 .6639
uc .6667 .6694 .6708 .6722 .6750 .6778 .6792 .6806
m .6833 .6861 .6875 .6889 .6917 .6944 .6958 .6972
42 .7000 .7028 .7042 .7C56 .7083 .71 1 1 .7125 .7139
43 .7167 .7194 .7206 .7222 .7250 .7278 .7292 .7306
uu .7333 .7361 .7375 .7389 .7417 .7444 .7458 .7472
U5 .7500 .7528 .7542 .7556 .7583 .7611 .7625 .7639
U6 .7667 .7694 .7708 .7722 .7750 .7778 .7792 .7806
47 .7833 .7861 .7875 .7889 .7917 .7944 .7958 .7972
ue .8000 .8028 .0042 .8056 .8083 .81 1 1 .8125 .8139
49 .8167 .8194 .6208 .8222 .8250 .8278 .8292 .8306
50 .8333 .8361 .8375 .8389 .8417 .8444 .8458 .8472
5 .8500 .8528 .8542 .8556 .8583 .861 1 .8625 .8639
52 .8667 .8694 .8708 .8722 .8750 .6778 .8792 .8806
53 .8833 .8861 .8875 .eee9 .8917 .8944 .8958 .8972
54 .9000 .9028 .9042 .9056 .9083 .91 1 1 .9125 .9139
55 .9167 .9194 .9208 .9222 .9250 .9278 .9292 .9306
56 .9333 .936J .9375 .9389 .9417 .9444 .9458 .9472
57 .9500 .9528 .9542 .9556 .9583 .961 1 .9625 .9639
58 .9667 .9694 .9708 .9722 .9750 .9778 .9792 .9806
V; .9833 .9861 .9875 .9889 .9917 .9944 .9958 .9972


(Chord or Arc Definition)


Chord Definition of Degree of Curve Arc Definition of Degree of Curve

(D c ) (Da )
Mathematical Relations Mathematical Relations
sm-Dn = -. exactly 1
1. D a — 5,729.58
— ....exactly
5,730 5,730
la. D approx. la. D approx.

T= R tan -/.... exactly 2. T = Rtsm-I exactly


2a. T= approx. 2a -
T =± exactly

3. E=R exsec tJ exactly 3. E= R exsec -I. . . exactly

3a. E Es approx. 3a. E = Eji

D c

Table VIII gives values of T and E for a 1° curve having

various central angles. The values may be considered correct
for both the chord definition and the arc definition of D, since
the difference in R for D
= l° is only seven units in the sixth
significant figure. To find T and E for any given values of /
and D, use relations 2a and 3a, as in the following example:
Example. Given: 7 = 68°45', Z) = 8°40\ (Note: To
2 26
avoid lack of precision in calculation, use D as S-=-— }
O o
of 8.666 . . .)

For Arc Definition of D f

r = 3,919.5X^ = 452.25

E 1,212.3X^7 = 139.

For Chord Definition of D,

T = Arc-definition value plus correction of 0.43 found
from Table IX by interpolation; or T = 452.68
E Arc-definition value plus con-eel ion of 0.14 found
from Table X
by interpolation; or # = 140.02


(Chord or Arc Definition)

1 = 0° l = 1° 1 = 2° 3° 1
= 4°
' '


0.0 0.0 50.0 0.2 100.0 0.9 150.0 2.0 2CC.I 3.5
1 0.8 o.c 50.8 0.2 ICC. 0.9 I5C.9 2.0 200.9 3.5 1

2 I .7 0.0 51.7 0.2 101 .7 0.9 151.7 2.C 2CI .8 3.6 2

3 2.5 0.0 52.5 0.2 102.5 0.9 152.5 2.0 2C2.6 3.6 3
H 3.3 0.0 53.3 0.2 IC3.3 0.9 153.4 2.1 203.4 3.6 4

5 4.2 0.0 54.2 0.3 104.2 0.9 154.2 2.1 204.3 3.7 5
6 5.0 CO 55." 0.3 IC5.C 1 .0 I55.C 2.1 205. 1 3.7 6
7 5.8 CO 55.8 0.3 105.8 1 .0 155.9 2.1 2C5.9 3.7 7
8 6.7 o.c 56.7 0.3 106.7 1 .0 156.7 2.1 206.8 3.7 8
9 7.5 CO 57.5 0.3 IC7.5 1 .0 157.5 2.2 207. 3.8 9
10 8.3 CO 58.3 0.3 IC8.3 1.0 158.4 2.2 208.4 3.8 10
1 1 9.2 CO 59.2 0.3 IC9.2 1 .0 159.2 2.2 209.3 3.8 1 1

12 ICO CO 60.0 0.3 1 ICO 160. 2.2 210.1 3.9 12

13 10.8 CO 60.8 0.3 1 10.8 160.9 2.3 210.9 3.9 13
IU 1 1 .7 CO 61.7 0.3 1 1 1 .7 161 .7 2.3 21 1 .8 3.9 14

15 12.5 CO 62.5 0.3 1 12.5 162.5 2.3 212.6 3.9 15

16 13.3 CO 63.3 c.n 1 13.3 163.4 2.3 213.4 4.C 16
17 14.2 CO 64.2 0.4 1 m.2 164.2 2.4 214.3 4.C 17
18 15. CO 65. 0.4 1 15. 1 .2 165.0 2.4 215.1 4.C 18
19 15.8 CO 65.8 0.4 1 15.9 1 .2 165.9 2.4 215.9 4. 1 19
20 16.7 CO 66.7 0.4 116.7 1 .2 166.7 2.4 216.8 4. 1 20
21 17.5 CO 67.5 0.4 117.5 1 .2 167.6 2.4 217.6 4. 1 21
22 18.3 CO 68.3 0.4 118.4 1 .2 168.4 2.5 218.4 4.2 22
23 19.2 CO 69.2 0.4 119.2 1 .2 169.2 2.5 219.3 4.2 23
24 20.0 CO 70.0 0.4 I2C.0 1.3 I7C.I 2.5 220. 1 4.2 24
25 20.8 CO 70. CM 120.9 1.3 170.9 2.5 22C.9 4.3 25
26 21 .7 CO 71 .7 0.4 121.7 1 .3 171 .7 2.6 221 .8 4.3 26
27 22.5 CO 72.5 0.5 122.5 1 .3 172.6 2.6 222.6 4.3 27
28 23.3 CO 73.3 0.5 123.4 1 .3 173.4 2.6 223.4 4.4 28
29 24.2 CI 74.2 0.5 124.2 1 .3 174.2 2.6 224.3 4.4 29
30 25.0 0.1 75.0 0.5 125. 1 .4 175. 1 2.7 225. 1 4.4 30
31 25.8 0.1 75.8 0.5 125.9 1 .4 175.9 2.7 226. C 4.5 31
32 26.7 0.1 76.7 0.5 126.7 1 .4 176.7 2.7 226.8 4.5 32
33 27.5 0.1 77.5 0.5 127.5 1 .4 177.6 2.8 227.6 4.5 33
34 28.3 0.1 78.3 0.5 128.4 1 .4 178.4 2.8 228.5 4.6 34
35 29.2 0.1 79.2 0.5 129.2 1 .5 179.2 2.8 229.3 4.6 35
36 30. 0.1 80.0 0.6 I30.C 1 .5 180. 1 2.8 230.1 4.6 36
37 30. 0.1 80.8 0.6 I3C.9 1 .5 I8C.9 2.9 231 .0 4.7 37
38 31 .7 0.1 81.7 0.6 131 .7 1 .5 181.7 2.9 231 .8 4.7 38
39 32.5 0.1 82.5 0.6 132.5 1.5 182.6 2.9 232.6 4.7 39
40 33.3 0.1 83.3 0.6 133.4 1 .6 183.4 2.9 233.5 4.8 40
41 34.2 0.1 84.2 0.6 134.2 1 .6 184.2 3.0 234.3 4.8 41
42 35.0 0.1 85.0 C.6- 135.0 1 .6 185.1 3.0 235.1 4.8 42
143 35.8 0.1 85.8 0.6 135.9 1 .6 185.9 3.0 236.0 4.9 43
44 36.7 0.1 86.7 0.7 136.7 1 .6 186.7 3.0 236.8 4.9 44
45 37.5 0.1 87.5 0.7 137.5 1 .7 187.6 3.1 237.6 4.9 45
46 38.3 0.1 88.3 0.7 138.4 1 .7 188.4 3.1 238.5 5.0 46
47 39.2 0.1 89.2 0.7 139.2 1 .7 189.2 3.1 239.3 5.0 47
48 40. 0.1 90.0 0.7 140.0 1.7 190.1 3.2 240. 1 5.C 48
49 40.8 0. 1 90.8 0.7 140.9 1 .7 190.9 3.2 241 .0 5.1 49
50 41 .7 0.2 91.7 0.7 141 .7 1 .8 191 .7 3.2 241 .8 5.1 50
51 42.5 0.2 92.5 0.7 142.5 1.8 192.6 3.2 242.6 5. 1 51
52 43.3 0.2 93.3 0.8 143.4 i.e 193.4 3.3 243.5 5.2 52
53 44.2 0.2 94.2 0.8 144.2 1 .8 194.2 3.3 244.3 5.2 53
54 45.0 0.2 95.0 0.8 145.0 1 .8 195.1 3.3 245.2 5.2 54
55 45.8 0.2 95.8 0.8 145.9 1 .9 195.9 3.3 246.0 5.3 55
56 46.7 0.2 96.7 0.8 146.7 1 .9 196.7 3.4 246.8 5.3 56
57 47.5 0.2 97.5 0.8 147.5 1 .9 197.6 3.4 247.7 5.3 57
58 4e.3 0.2 98.3 0.8 148.4 1 .9 198.4 3.4 248.5 5.4 58
59 49.2 0.2 99.2 0.9 149.2 1 .9 199.2 3.5 249.3 5.4 59


(Chord or Arc Definition)

1 = 5° , = 6° , = 7° 1 = 8° 1 = 9°


25C.2 5.5 300.3 7.9 350.4 10.7 400.7 14. C 450.9 17.7
1 251.0 5.5 30 1 .1 7.9 351.3 10.8 401 .5 14. 1 451.8 17.8 1

2 251.8 5.5 301.9 8.0 352. 1 10.8 4C2.3 14. 1 452.6 17.8 2
3 252.7 5.6 302.8 8.0 352.9 IC.9 403.2 14.2 453.4 17.9 3
4 253.5 5.6 303.6 8.0 353.8 1 1 .0 4C4.C 14.2 454.3 18. 4
5 254.3 5.6 304.5 8.1 354.6 1 1 .0 404.8 14.3 455.1 18.0 5
6 255.2 5.7 305.3 8.1 355.5 1 1 .0 405. 14.3 456.0 18.1 6
7 256. C 5.7 306. 1 8.2 356.3 1 1 . 1 406.5 14.4 456.8 18.2 7
8 256.8 5.8 307.0 8.2 357.1 407.4 14.5 457.6 18.2 8
9 257.7 5.8 307. 8.3 358.0 1 1.2 408.2 14.5 458.5 18.3 9
10 258.5 5.8 308.6 8.3 358.8 11.2 409.0 14.6 459.3 18.4 10
II 259.3 5.9 309.5 8.4 359.6 t1.3 409.9 14.6 460.2 18.4 1 1

12 260.2 5.9 310.3 8.4 360.5 1 1 .3 410.7 14.7 461 .0 18.5 12

13 261 .0 5.9 311. 1 8.4 361.3 1 1 .4 41 1.5 14.8 461 .8 18.6 13
14 261 .9 6.C 312.0 8.5 362.2 11.4 412.4 14.8 462.7 18.7 14

15 262.7 6.0 312.8 8.5 363. C 11.5 413.2 14.9 463.5 18.7 15
16 263.5 6.1 313.7 8.6 363.8 II .5 414.1 14.9 464.4 18.8 16
17 264.4 6.1 314.5 8.6 364.7 11.6 414.9 15.0 465.2 18.9 17
18 265.2 6.1 315. 8.7 365.5 11.6 415.7 15.1 466.0 18.9 18
19 266.0 6.2 316.2 8.7 366.3 1 1 .7 416.6 15.1 466.9 19.0 19

20 266.9 6.2 317.0 8.8 367.2 1 1 .8 417.4 15.2 467.7 19.1 20

21 267.7 6.3 317.8 8.8 368.0 1 1 .8 418.2 15.2 468.5 19. 1 21
22 268.5 6.3 318.7 8.9 368.8 11.9 419.1 15.3 469.4 19.2 22
23 269.4 6.3 319.5 8.9 369.7 11.9 419.9 15.4 470.2 19.3 23
24 270.2 6.4 320.3 8.9 370.5 12.0 420.8 15.4 471 . 1 19.3 24
25 271 .0 6.4 321.2 9.0 371 .4 12.0 421 .6 15.5 471.9 19.4 25
26 271.9 6.4 322.0 9.0 372.2 12.1 422.4 15.6 472.7 19.5 26
27 272.7 6.5 322.8 9.1 373. C 12. 1 423.3 15.6 473.6 19.5 27
28 273.5 6.5 323.7 9.1 373.9 12.2 424. 1 15.7 474.4 19.6 28
29 274.4 6.6 324.5 9.2 374.7 12.2 424.9 15.7 475.3 19.7 29
30 115. 6.6 325.4 9.2 375.5 12.3 425.8 15.8 476. 1 19.7 30
31 "76.1 6.6 326.2 9.3 376.4 12.3 426.6 15.9 476.9 19.8 31
32 75.9 6.7 327.0 9.3 377.2 12.4 427.5 15.9 477.8 19.9 32
33 ,i?7.7 6.7 327.9 9.4 378.1 12.5 428. 16.0 478.6 20. 33
34 278.6 6.8 328.7 9.4 578.9 12.5 429.1 16.0 479.5 20. 34
35 279.4 6.8 329.5 9.5 379.7 12.6 430. 16.1 480. 20. 1 35
36 280.2 6.9 33C.4 9.5 38C.6 12.6 430.8 16.2 481.1 20.2 36
37 281.1 6.9 331.2 9.6 381 .4 12.7 431 .7 16.2 482.0 20.2 37
38 281.9 6.9 332.0 9.6 362.2 12.7 432.5 16.3 482.8 20.3 38
39 282.7 7.0 332.9 9.7 383.1 12.8 433.3 16.4 483.6 20. 39
40 283.6 7.0 333.7 9.7 383.9 12.8 434.2 16.4 484.5 20.4 40
41 284.4 7.1 334.6 9.8 384.7 12.9 435. 16.5 485.3 20. 41
42 285.2 7.1 335.4 9.8 385.6 13.0 435.8 16.6 486.2 20.6 42
43 2R6. 1 7.1 336.2 9.9 386.4 13.0 436.7 16.6 487. C 20.7 43
44 286.9 7.2 337.1 9.9 387.3 13.1 437.5 16.7 487.8 20. 44
45 287.7 7.2 337.9 10.0 388.1 13. 1 438.4 16.7 488.7 20. 45
46 288.6 7.3 338.7 10.0 388.9 13.2 439.2 16.8 489.5 20.9 46
47 289.4 7.3 339.6 IC.I 389.8 13.2 440.0 16.9 490.4 2C.9 47
48 290.3 7.3 340.4 IC.I 390. 13.3 440.9 17.0 491 .2 21 .0 48
49 291 .1 7.4 341.2 10.2 391.4 13.4 441 .7 17.0 492. C 21.1 49
50 291 .9 7.4 342.1 10.2 392.3 13.4 442.5 17.1 492.9 21.2 50
51 292.8 7.5 342.9 10.3 393.1 13.5 443.4 17. 1 493.7 21.2 51
52 293.6 7.5 343.7 10.3 394.0 13.5 444.2 17.2 494.6 21.3 52
53 294.4 7.6 344.6 10.4 394.8 13.6 445. 1 17.3 495.4 21.4 53
54 295.3 7.6 345.4 10.4 395.6 13.6 445.9 17.3 496.2 21.5 54
55 296.1 7.6 346.3 10.5 396.5 13.7 446.7 17.4 497. 1 21.5 55
56 296.9 7.7 3M7. 1 10.5 397.3 13.8 447.6 17.5 497.9 21 .6 56
57 297.8 7.7 347.9 10.6 398.1 13.8 448.4 17.5 498.8 21.7 57
58 298.6 7.8 348.8 10.6 399.0 13.9 449.3 17.6 U'"<. h 21 .7 58
59 299.4 7.8 349.6 10.7 399.8 13.9 450.1 17.7 50C.4 21 .e 59


(Chord or Arc Definition)

1 = 10° 1 = 11° 1 = 12° 1 = 13° 1 = 14°

• '


501.3 21 .9 551.7 26.5 602.2 31 .6 652.8 37.1 703.5 43.0

1 5C2.I 22. 552.5 26.6 603. 1 31.6 653.7 37.2 704. 43.1 1

2 5C3.C 22.0 553.4 26.7 603. 31 .7 654.5 37.3 705.2 43.2 2

3 5C3.8 22.1 554.2 26.7 604.7 31 .8 655.3 37.4 706.1 43.3 3
U 504. 22.2 555.1 26.8 605. 31 .9 656.2 37.5 706. 43.4 4
5 5C5.5 22.3 555.9 26.9 606.4 32. C 657.0 37.6 707.7 43.5 5
6 5C6.3 22.3 556./ 27.0 607. 32.1 657.9 37.6 708. 43.7 6
7 5C7.2 22.4 557.6 27.1 608.1 32.2 658.7 37.7 709. 43.8 7
8 508. C 22.5 558.4 27.2 609.0 32.3 659.6 37.8 710.3 43.9 8
9 5C8.6 22.6 559.3 27.2 609. 32.4 660.4 37.9 71 1 . 1 44.0 9
10 509.7 22.6 560.1 27.3 6IC.6 32.4 661 .3 38.0 712. 44. 1 10
I | 5IC.5 22.7 561 .0 27.4 61 1 .5 32.5 662.1 38.1 712.8 44.2 1 1

12 51 1 .4 22.8 561 .8 27.5 612.3 32.6 662.9 38.2 713.7 44.3 12

13 512.2 22.8 562.6 27.6 613.2 32.7 663.8 38.3 714.5 44.4 13
14 513. C 22.9 563.5 27.6 614.0 32.8 664.6 38.4 715.4 44.5 14

15 513.9 23. 564.3 27.7 614.9 32.9 665.5 38.5 716.2 44.6 15
16 514.7 23.1 565.2 27.8 615.7 33. 666.3 38.6 717.1 44.7 16
17 515.6 23.1 566.0 27.9 616.5 33.1 667.2 38.7 717.9 44.8 17
18 516.4 23.2 566.8 28. 617.4 33.2 668. C 38.8 718.7 44.9 18
19 517.2 23.3 567.7 28.1 618.2 33.3 668.9 38.9 719.6 45. 19
20 518.1 23.4 568.5 28.1 619.1 33.3 669.7 39.0 720. 45.1 20
21 518.9 23.5 569.4 28.2 619.9 33.4 670.5 39.1 721.3 45.2 2!
22 519.8 23.5 570.2 28.3 620. 33.5 671 .4 39.2 722.1 45.3 22
23 520. 23.6 571 .1 28.4 621 .6 33.6 672.2 39.3 723.0 45.4 23
24 521 .4 23.7 571 .9 28.5 622.4 33.7 673.1 39.4 723.8 45.5 24
25 522.3 23.8 572.7 28.6 623.3 33.8 673.9 39.5 724.7 45.6 25
26 523.1 23.8 573.6 28.6 624.1 33.9 674.8 39.6 725.5 45.8 26
27 524. C 23.9 574.4 28.7 625.0 34. 675.6 39.7 726.4 45.9 27
28 524.8 24. 575.3 28.8 625.8 34.1 676.5 39.8 727.2 46. C 28
29 525.6 24.1 576.1 28.9 626.7 34.2 677.3 39.9 728.1 46.1 29
30 526.5 24.1 576.9 29.0 627.5 34.3 678.1 40. 728.9 46.2 30
31 527.3 24.2 577.6 29.1 628.3 34.4 679.0 4C. 1 729.8 46.3 31
32 528.2 24.3 578.6 29. 1 629.2 34.4 679.8 40.2 730. 46.4 32
33 529. C 24.4 579.5 29.2 630. 34.5 680.7 40.3 731 .4 46.5 33
34 529.8 24.4 580.3 29.3 630. 9 34.6 681 .5 40. 732.3 46.6 34
35 53C.7 24.5 581 .2 29.4 631 .7 34.7 682.4 40. 5 733.1 46.7 35
36 531 .5 24.6 582.0 29.5 632.6 34.8 683.2 40. 734. C 46.8 36
37 532.4 24.7 582.8 29.6 633.4 34.9 684.1 40.7 734.8 U6.9 37
38 533.2 24.8 583.7 29.7 634.2 35. C 684.9 40. 735.7 47. 38
39 534. C 24.8 584.5 29.7 635.1 35. 1 685.8 40. 736.5 47. 1 39
40 534.9 24.9 585.4 29.8 635.9 35.2 686.6 41 .0 737.4 47.3 40
41 535.7 25.0 586.2 29.9 636.8 35.3 687.4 41 . | 738.2 47.4 41
42 536.6 25.1 587. C 30. C 637.6 35.4 688.3 41 .2 739.1 47.5 42
43 537.4 25.1 587.9 30.1 638.5 35.5 689. 1 41 .3 739.9 47.6 43
44 538.2 25.2 588.7 30.2 639.3 35.6 690. C 41 .4 740. 47.7 44
45 539.1 25.3 589.6 30.3 640. 35.7 690. 41 .5 741 .6 47.8 45
46 539.9 25.4 590.4 30.3 641 .0 35.7 691.7 41.6 742.5 47.9 46
47 540. 25.5 591 .3 30.4 641 .8 35.8 692.5 41 .7 743.3 48. C 47
48 541 .6 25.5 592.1 30.5 642.7 35.9 693.4 41 .8 744.2 48. 1 48
49 542.5 25.6 592.9 30.6 643.5 36. C 694.2 41 .9 745. C 4e.2 49
50 543.3 25.7 593.6 30.7 644.4 36.1 695.1 42.0 745. e 4e.3 50
51 544. 1 25.8 594.6 30. 645.2 36.2 695.9 42. 1 746.7 48.5 51
52 545. 25.9 595.5 30. 646.1 36.3 696.7 42.2 747.5 4e.6 52
53 545.8 25.9 596.3 30.9 646.9 36.4 697.6 42.3 748.4 4e.7 53
54 546.7 26.0 597.2 '31 .0 647.7 36.5 698.4 42.4 749.2 4e.e 54
55 547.5 26.1 598.0 31 .1 648.6 36.6 699.3 42.5 750.1 48.9 55
56 548.3 26.2 598.3 31 .2 649.4 36.7 700. 1 42.6 7.50.9 49. C 56
57 549.2 26.3 599.7 31 .3 650. 3 36.8 70 .0
1 42.7 751 .8 49. 1 57
58 550. C 26.3 6CC.5 31 .4 651 .1 36.9 701 .8 42.8 752.6 49.2 58
59 550. 26.4 60 .4
1 31 .5 652. C 37.0 7C2.7 42.9 753.5 49.3 59


(Chord or Arc Definition)

1 = 15° 1 = 16° 1 = 17° 1 = 18° 1 = 19° i


754.3 49.4 805.2 56.3 856.3 63.6 907.5 71.4 958.8 79.7
1 755.2 49.6 806.1 56.4 857.2 63.8 908.3 71.6 959.7 79.8 1

2 756.0 49.7 806.9 56.5 858.0 63.9 909.2 71.7 960.5 80.0 2
3 756.9 49.8 807.8 56.7 858.9 64.0 910. 1 71.8 961.4 80. 1 3
4 757.7 49.9 808.6 56.8 859.7 64.1 910.9 72.0 962.2 80.2 4
5 758.6 50.0 809.5 56.9 860.6 64.3 911.8 72.1 963.1 80.4 5
6 759. 50.1 810.3 57.0 861.4 64.4 912.6 72.2 964.0 80.5 6
7 760.3 50.2 811.2 57.1 862.3 64.5 913.5 72.4 964.8 80.7 7
8 761.1 50.3 812.0 57.3 863.1 64.6 914.3 72.5 965.7 80.8 8
9 762.0 50.4 812.9 57.4 864.0 64.8 915.2 72.6 966.5 80.9 9
10 762.8 50.6 813.7 57.5 864.8 64.9 916.0 72.8 967.4 81.1 10
1 1 763.7 50.7 814.6 57.6 865.7 65.0 916.9 72.9 968.2 81.2 II
12 764.5 50.8 815.5 57.7 866.5 65.2 917.7 73.0 969.1 81.4 12
13 765.3 50.9 816.3 57.9 867.4 65.3 918.6 73.2 970.0 81.5 13
in 766.2 51.0 817.2 58.0 868.2 65.4 919.5 73.3 970.8 81.7 14
15 767.0 51.1 818.0 58.1 869.1 65.5 920.3 73.4 971.7 81.8 15
16 767.9 51.2 818.9 58.2 869.9 65.7 921.2 73.6 972.5 82.0 16
17 768.7 51.3 819.7 58.3 870.8 65.8 922.0 73.7 973.4 82.1 17
18 769.6 51.5 820.6 58.5 871.6 65.9 922.9 73.8 974.2 82.2 18
19 770.4 51.6 821.4 58.6 872.5 66.1 923.7 74.0 975.1 82.4 19

20 771.3 51.7 822.3 58.7 873.3 66.2 924.6 74. 1 976.0 82.5 20
21 772.1 51.8 823.1 58.8 874.2 66.3 925.4 74.3 976.8 82.7 21
22 773.0 51.9 824.0 58.9 875.1 66.4 926.3 74.4 977.7 82.8 22
23 773.8 52.0 824.8 59.1 875.9 66.6 927.1 74.5 978.5 83.0 23
24 774.7 52.1 825.7 59.2 876.8 66.7 928.0 74.7 979.4 83.1 24
25 775.5 52.2 826.5 59.3 877.6 66.8 928.9 74.8 980.2 83.2 25
26 776.4 52.4 827.4 59.4 878.5 67.0 929.7 74.9 981.1 83.4 26
27 777.2 52.5 828.2 59.5 879.3 67.1 930.6 75.1 982.0 83.5 27
28 778.1 52.6 829. 1 59.7 880.2 67.2 931.4 75.2 982.8 83.7 28
29 778.9 52.7 829.9 59.8 881.0 67.3 932.3 75.4 983.7 83.8 29
30 779.8 52.8 830.8 59.9 881.9 67.5 933.1 75.5 984.5 84.0 30
31 780.6 52.9 831.6 60.0 882.7 67.6 934.0 75.6 985.4 84.1 31
32 781.5 53.0 832.5 60.2 883.6 67.7 934.8 75.8 986.3 84.3 32
33 782.3 53.2 833.3 60.3 884.4 67.9 935.7 75.9 987.1 84.4 33
3U 783.2 53.3 834.2 60.4 885.3 68.0 936.6 76.0 988.0 84.6 34
35 784.0 53.4 835.0 60.5 886. 1 68.1 937.4 76.2 988.8 84.7 35
36 784.9 53.5 835.9 60.7 887.0 68.3 938.3 76.3 989.7 84.8 36
37 785.7 53.6 836.7 60.8 887.9 68.4 939. 1 76.5 990.5 85.0 37
38 786.6 53.7 837.6 60.9 888.7 68.5 940.0 76.6 991.4 85.1 38
39 787.4 53.9 838.4 61.0 889.6 68.6 940.8 76.7 992.3 85.3 39
40 788.3 54.0 839.3 61.1 890.4 68.8 941.7 76.9 993.1 85.4 40
41 789. 1 54.1 840. 1 61.3 891.3 68.9 942.5 77.0 994.0 85.6 41
42 790.0 54.2 841.0 61.4 892. 1 69.0 943.4 77. 1 994.8 85.7 42
43 790.8 54.3 841.8 61.5 893.0 69.2 944.3 77.3 995.7 85.9 43
44 791.7 54.4 842.7 61.6 893.8 69.3 945.1 77.4 996.5 86.0 44
45 792.5 54.6 843.5 61.8 894.7 69.4 946.0 77.6 997.4 86.2 45
46 793.4 54.7 844.4 61.9 895.5 69.6 946.8 77.7 998.3 86.3 46
47 794.2 54.8 845.2 62.0 896.4 69.7 947.7 77.8 999. 1 86.5 47
48 795. 1 54.9 846.1 62.1 897.2 69.8 948.5 78.0 I00C.0 86.6 48
49 795.9 55.0 846.9 62.3 898. 1 70.0 949.4 78. 1 1000.8 86.8 49
50 796.8 55. 1 847.8 62.4 898.9 70.1 950.2 78.3 1001.7 86.9 50
51 797.6 55.2 848.6 62.5 899.8 70.2 951.1 78.4 1002.6 87. 1 51
52 798.5 55.4 849.5 62.6 900.7 70.4 952.0 78.5 1003.4 87.2 52
53 799.3 55.5 850.3 62.8 901.5 70.5 952.8 78.7 1004.3 87.3 53
54 800.2 55.6 851 .2 62.9 902.4 70.6 953.7 78.8 1005. 87.5 54
55 801.0 55.7 852.0 63.0 903.2 70.8 954.5 79.0 1006.0 87.6 55
56 801.9 55.8 852.9 63.1 904.1 70.9 955.4 79.1 1006.9 87.8 56
57 802.7 56.0 853.7 63.3 904.9 71.0 956.2 79.2 1007.7 87.9 57
58 803 . 56. 1 854.6 63.4 905.8 71.2 957. 1 79.4 1008.6 88.1 58
59 804.4 56.2 855.5 63.5 906.6 7I.S 958.0 79.5 1009.4 88.2 59


(Chord or Arc Definition)

1- 20° 1
= 21° 1
= 22° 1 = 23° •


o 1010.3 88.4 106 1 . 97.6 13.7

1 1 107.2 1165.7 117.4 o
101 1.2 88.5 1062.8 97.7 14.6
1 1 107.4 1166.6 117.6
2 1012.0 88.7 1063.7 97.9 1 15.5 107.6 1167.4 117.7 2
3 1012.9 88.8 1064.5 98.1 1116. 3 107.7 1168.3 117.9 3
U 1013.7 89.0 1065.4 98.2 1117. 2 107.9 1169.2 118. 4
5 iom.6 89.1 1066.2 98.4 II 18.1 108. 1 1170. 1 18.3 5
1015.4 89.3 ,n 57.l 98.5 II18.9 108.2 170.9 18.4
6 1 1
7 1016.3 89.4 1068.0 98.7 1 19.8
1 108.4 1171. 8 1 18.6 7
8 1017.2 89.6 1068.8 98.8 1120.7 108.6 1 172.7 1 18.8 8
9 1018.0 89.7 1069.7 99.0 1 121.5 108.7 1 173.5 1 18.9 9
10 1018.9 89.9 1070.6 99.2 1 122.4 108.9 1174.4 1 19. 1
1 1
1019.8 90.0 1071.4 99.3 1 123.2 109.1 1175.3 1 19.3 I |

12 1020.6 90.2 1072.3 99.5 1 124.1 109.2 1 176. 1 19.5 12

13 1021.5 90.3 1073. 99.6 125.0
1 109.4 1177.0 1 19.6 13
14 1022.3 90.5 1074.0 99.8 1125.8 109.6 1177.9 119.8 14
15 1023.2 90.6 1074.9 100.0 1126.7 109.7 1178.7 120.0 15
16 1024.0 90.8 1075.7 100. 1 1127.6 109.9 1179.6 120.2 16
17 1024.9 90.9 1076.6 100.3 1128.4 1 10. 1180.5 120.3 17
18 1025.8 91.1 1077.5 100.4 1129.3 110.2 1181. 3 120.5 18
19 1026.6 91.2 1078.3 100.6 1130.2 110.4 1182.2 120.7 19
20 1027.5 91.4 1079.2 100.7 1 131.0 1 10.6 1 183.1 120.9 20
21 1028.3 91.6 1080.0 100.9 1 131.9 1 10.7 1 183.9 121.0 21
22 1029.2 91.7 1080.9 101. 1 1 132.8 1 10.9 1 184.8 121.2 22
23 1030.1 91.9 1081.8 101 .2 1 133.6 1 1 1. 1 1 185.7 121.4 23
24 1030.9 92.0 1082.6 101.4 1 134.5 1 1 1.2 1 186.6 121.6 24
25 103 1 . 92.2 1083.5 101.6 1135.4 1 1 1.4 1187.4 121.8 25
26 1032.6 92.3 1084.4 101.7 1 136.2 1 11.6 1188.3 121.9 26
27 1033.5 92.5 1085.2 101.9 1 137.1 1 11.8 1189.2 122. 1
28 1034.4 92.6 1086.1 102.0 1138.0 1 11.9 1190.0 122.3 28
29 1035.2 92.8 1086.9 102.2 1138.8 1 12.1 1190.9 122.5 29
30 1036.1 92.9 1087.8 102.3 1 139.7 112.3 1 191.8 122.6 30
31 1037.0 93. 1 1088.7 102.5 1 140.6 112.4 1 192.6 122.8 31
32 1037.8 93.2 1089.5 102.7 1 141.4 112.6 1 193.5 123.0 32
33 1038.7 93.4 1090.4 102.8 1 142.3 112.8 1 194.4 123.2 33
3U 1039.5 93.5 1091.3 103.0 1 143.2 1 12.9 1 195.2 123.3 34
35 1040.4 93.7 1092. 103.2 1144.0 1 13. 1 1 196.1 123.5 35
36 1041 . 93.8 1093.0 103.3 144.9
1 113.3 1197.0 123.7 36
37 1042. 94.0 1093.9 103.5 1145.8 113.4 1198.9 123.9 37
38 1043.0 94.2 1094.7 103.6 1146.6 113.6 1198.7 124. 1
39 1043. 94.3 1095.6 103.8 1147.5 1 13.8 1199.6 124.2 39
uo 1044.7 94.5 1096.4 104.0 1 148.4 1 13.9 1200.5 124.4 40
HI 1045.6 94.6 1097.3 104. 1 1 149.2 1 14. 1 1201.3 124.6 41
42 1046.4 94.8 1098.2 104.3 1150. 1 14.3 1202.2 124.8 42
43 1047.3 94.9 1099.0 104.5 1151. 114.5 1203. 124.9 43
UU 1048.1 95.1 1099.9 104.6 1 151.8 114.6 1203.9 125.1 44
45 1049.0 95.2 1100.8 104.8 1152.7 1 14.8 1204.8 125.3 45
46 1049.9 95.4 HOI. 104.9 1153.6 1 15.0 1205.7 125.5 46
U7 1050: 95.5 1 102 . 105.1 1154.4 1 15.1 1206.6 125.7 47
48 1051.6 95.7 1 103.4 105.3 1155.3 115.3 1207.4 125.8 48
U9 1052.4 95.9 1 104.2 105.4 1156.2 115.5 1208.3 126.0 49
50 1053.3 96.0 1 105.1 105.6 1 157.0 115.7 1209.2 126.2 50
51 1054.2 96.2 1105.9 105.8 1 157.9 115.8 1210.0 126.4 51
52 1055.0 96.3 1 061 . 105.9 1 158.8 116.0 1210.9 126.6 52
53 1055.9 96.5 1107.7 106. 1 1 159.6 116.2 121 1.8 126.7 53
54 1056.8 96.6 1108.5 106.3 1 160.5 116.3 1212.6 126.9 54
55 1057.6 96.8 1109.4 106.4 1 161.4 1 16.5 1213.5 127. 1 55
56 1058.5 97.0 1 10.3
1 106.6 1 162.2 1 16.7 1214.4 127.3 56
57 1059.3 97.1 II II. 1 106.7 1 163. 1 16.9 1215.3 127.5 57
58 1060.2 97.3 1 112.0 106.9 1 164.0 1 17.0 1216. 1 127.6 58
59 1061. 97.4 II 12.9 107.1 1 164.8 1 17.2 1217.0 127.8 59


(Chord or Arc Definition)

= 24° 1
= 25° 1 = 26° 1 = 27° i


1217.9 128.0 1270.2 139. 1 1322.8 150.7 1375.6 162.8

1218.7 128.2 1271. 139.3 1323.7 150.9 1376.4 163.0 |

2 1219.6 128.4 1272.0 139.5 1324.5 151. 1377.3 163.2 2

3 1220.5 128.5 1272.9 139.7 1325.4 151.3 1378.2 163.4 3
i| 1221.4 128.7 1273.7 139.9 1326.3 151.5 1379.1 163.6 4
5 1222.2 128.9 1274.6 140.1 1327.2 151.7 1380.0 163.8 5
6 1223.1 129.1 1275.5 140.3 1328. 151.9 1380.9 164.0 6
7 1224.0 129.3 1276.4 140.4 1328.9 152.1 1381.7 164.2 7
8 1224.8 129.5 1277.2 140.6 1329.8 152.3 1382.6 164.5 8
g 1225.7 129.6 1278. 140.8 1330.7 152.5 1383.5 164.7 9
10 1226.6 129.8 1279.0 141.0 1331.6 152.7 1384.4 164.9 10
1227.5 130.0 1279.9 141.2 1332.5 152.9 1385.3 165.1 | |

12 1228.3 130.2 1280.7 141.4 1333.3 153.1 1386.1 165.3 12

13 1229.2 130.4 1281.6 141.6 1334.2 153.3 1387.0 165.5 13
IU 1230.1 130.6 1282.5 141.8 1335. 153.5 1387.9 165.7 14
15 1230.9 130.7 1283.4 142.0 1336.0 153.7 1388.8 165.9 15
16 1231.8 130.9 1284.2 142.2 1336.8 153.9 1389.7 166.1 16
17 1232.7 131. 1285. 142.4 1337.7 154. 1 1390.6 166.3 17
18 1233.6 131.3 1286.0 142.5 1338.6 154*3 1391.4 166.5 18
19 1234.4 131.5 1286.9 142.7 1339.5 154.5 1392.3 166.7 19
20 1235.3 131.7 1287.7 142.9 1340.4 154.7 1393.2 167.0 20
21 1236.2 131.8 1288.6 143. 1 1341.2 154.9 1394. 167.2 21
22 1237.0 132.0 1289.5 143.3 1342. 155. 1 1395.0 167.4 22
23 1237.9 132.2 1290.4 143.5 1343.0 155.3 1395.9 167.6 23
24 1238.8 132.4 1291.2 143.7 1343.9 155.5 1396.7 167.8 24
25 1239.7 132.6 1292.1 143.9 1344.8 155.7 1397.6 168.0 25
26 1240.5 132.8 1293.0 144. 1 1345.6 155.9 1398.5 168.2 26
27 1241 .4 132.9 1293.9 144.3 1346.5 156.1 1399.4 168.4 27
28 1242.3 133.1 1294.7 144.5 1347.4 156.3 1400.3 168.6 28
29 1243.2 133.3 1295.6 144.7 1348.3 156.5 140 1 . 168.8 29
30 1244.0 133.5 1296.5 144.9 1349.2 156.7 1402.0 169.0 30
31 ,244.9 133.7 1297.4 145.0 1350.0 156.9 1402 . 169.3 31
32 1245.6 133.9 1298.2 145.2 1350.9 157.1 1403.8 169.5 32
33 1246.6 134. 1 1299. 145.4 1351.8 157.3 1404.7 169.7 33
34 1247.5 134.2 1300.0 145.6 1352.7 157.5 1405.6 169.9 34
35 1248.4 134.4 1300.9 145.8 1353.6 157.7 1406.5 170.1 35
36 1249.3 134.6 1301.7 146.0 1354.4 157.9 1407.3' 170.3 36
37 1250. 134.8 1302.6 146.2 1355.3 158.1 1408.2 170.5 37
38 1251 .0 135.0 1303.5 146.4 1356.2 158.3 1409. 170.7 38
39 1251.9 135.2 1304.4 146.6 1357.1 158.5 1410.0 170.9 39
40 1252.8 135.4 1305.3 146.8 1358.0 158.7 1410.9 171.2 40
41 1253.6 135.5 1306.1 147.0 1358.8 158.9 141 1 .8 171.4 41
42 1254.5 135.7 1307.0 147.2 1359.7' 159. 1 1412.6 171.6 42
43 1255.4 435.9 1307.9 147. U 1360.6 159.3 1413.5 171.8 43
44 1256.3 136. 1 I3C8.8 147.6 1361.5 159.5 1414.4 172.0 44
45 1257.1 136.3 1309.6 147.8 1362.4 159.7 1415.3 172.2 45
46 1258.0 136.5 1310.5 148.0 1363.2 159.9 1416.2 172.4 46
47 1258.9 136.7 1311. 148.2 1364.1 160.1 1417. 172.6 47
48 1259.7 136.9 1312.3 148.4 1365.0 160.4 1417.9 172.8 48
49 1260.6 137.0 1313. 148.6 1365.9 160.6 1418.8 173.1 49
50 1261.5 137.2 1314.0 148.7 1366.8 160.8 1419.7 173.3 50
51 1262.4 137.4 1314.9 148.9 1367.6 161.0 1420.6 173.5 51'
52 1263.2 137.6 1315.8 149.1 1368.5 161.2 1 42 1 . 173.7 52
53 1264. 137.8 1316.7 149.3 1369.4 161.4 1422.4 173.9 53
54 1265.0 138.0 1317.5 149.5 1370.3 161.6 1423.3 174. 1
55 1265.9 138.2 1318.4 149.7 1371.2 161.8 1424. 174.3 55
56 1266.7 138.4 1319.3 149.9 1372.0 162.0 1425.0 174.6 56
57 1267.6 138.5 1320.2 150.1 1372.9 162.2 1425.9 174.8 57
58 1268.5 138.7 1321.0 150.3 1373.8 162.4 1426.8 175.0 58
59 1269.4 138.9 1321.9 150.5 1374.7 162.6 1427.7 175.2 59


(Chord or Arc Definition)

1- 28° 1 = 29° 1 = 30° 1
= 51° '


1428.6 175.4 1481.8 188.5 1535.3 202.1 1589.0 216.2 o

1429.4 175.6 1482.7 188.7 1536. 202.4 1589.9 216.5 I

2 1430.3 175.8 1483.6 189.0 1537.0 202.6 1590.8 216.7 2

3 IM3I.2 176.1 1484.5 189.2 1537.9 202.8 1591 .7 217.0 3
M 1432.1 176.3 1485.3 189.4 1538.8 203.0 1592.6 217.2 4
5 1433.0 176.5 ,4:6.2 189.6 1539.7 203.3 1593.5 217.5 5
6 1433.9 176.7 1487. 189.8 1540.6 203.5 1594.4 217.7 6
7 1434.8 176.9 1488.0 190. 1 1541.5 203.7 1595.3 217.9 7
8 1435.6 177.1 1488.9 190.3 1542 . 204.0 1596.2 218.2 8
9 1436.5 177.3 1489.8 190.5 1543.3 204.2 1597. 218.4 9
10 1437.4 177.6 1490.7 190.7 1544.2 204.4 1598.0 218.7 10
1 1
1438.3 177.8 1491.6 191.0 1545. 204. 1598.8 218.9 I |

12 1U39.2 178.0 1492.5 191.2 1546.0 204.9 1599.7 219.1 12

13 muo. i 178.2 1493.4 191.4 1546.9 205.1 1600.6 219.4 13
m mm .0 178.4 1494.2 191.6 1547.8 205.4 1601.5 219.6 14
15 mm .8 178.6 1495. 191.9 1548.7 205.6 1602.4 219.9 15
16 1442.7 178.9 1496.0 192. 1 1549.6 205.8 1603.3 220.1 16
17 1443.6 179.1 1496.9 192.3 1550.4 206. 1 1604.2 220.4 17
18 1444.5 179.3 1497.8 192.5 155 1 . 206.3 1605.1 220.6 18
19 1445.4 179.5 1498.7 192.8 1552.2 206.5 1606.0 220.8 19
20 1446.3 179.7 1499.6 193.0 1553. 206.8 1606.9 221.1 20
21 1447.2 180.0 1500.5 193.2 1554.0 207.0 1607.8 221.3 21
22 1448. 180.2 1501.4 193.4 1554.9 207.2 1608.7 221.6 21
23 1448.9 180.4 1502.3 193.7 1555.8 207.5 1609.6 221.8 21
24 1449.8 180.6 1503. 1 193.9 1556.7 207.7 1610.5 222.1 2'

25 1450.7 180.8 1504.0 194. 1 1557.6 207.9 161 1 .4 222.3 2,

26 1451.6 181.0 1504.9 194.3 1558.5 208.2 1612.3 222.5 26
27 1452.5 181.2 1505.8 194.6 1559.4 208.4 1613.2 222.8 27
28 1453.4 181.5 1506.7 194.8 1560.3 208.7 1614. 223.0 28
29 1454.3 181.7 1507.6 195.0 156 1 . 208.9 1615.0 223.3 2?
30 1455.1 181.9 1508.5 195.2 1562.1 209.1 1615.9 223.5 30
31 1456.0 182.1 1509.4 195.5 1563.0 209.4 1616.8 223.8 31
32 1456.9 182.3 1510.3 195.7 1563.9 209.6 1617.7 224.0 31
33 1457.8 182.5 151 1.2 195.9 1564.8 209.8 1618.6 224.2 33
3U 1453.7 182.8 1512. 196.2 1565.7 210. 1 1619.5 224.5 34
35 1459.6 183.0 1512.9 196.4 1566.6 210.3 1620.4 224.7 35
36 1460.5 183.2 1513.8 196.6 1567.5 210.5 162 1 . 225.0 36
37 1U6 U 1 . 183.4 1514.7 196.8 1568.4 210.8 1622.2 225.2 37
38 1462.2 183.6 1515.6 197.1 1569.2 211.0 1623.1 225.5 38
39 1463.1 183.9 1516.5 197.3 1570. 21 1.2 1624.0 225.7 39
HO 1464.0 184. 1 1517.4 197.5 1571.0 21 1.5 1624.9 226.0 40
HI 1464.9 184.3 1518.3 197.8 1571 .9 211.7 1625.8 226.2 41
U2 1465.8 184.5 1519.2 198.0 1572.8 212.0 1626.7 226.5 42
43 1466.7 184.7 1520.1 198.2 1573.7 212.2 1627.6 226.7 43
44 1467.6 185.0 1521.0 198.4 1574.6 212.4 1628.5 226.9 44
45 1468.5 185.2 1 52 1 . 198.7 1575.5 212.7 1629.4 227.2 45
m 1469.3
185.4 1522.8 198.9 1576.4 212.9 1630.3 227.4 46
47 185.6 1523.6 199.1 1577.3 213.1 1631 .2 227.7 47
48 147 I.I 185.8 1524.5 199.4 1578.2 213.4 1632. 227.9 48
49 1472.0 186.1 1525.4 199.6 1579. 213.6 1633.0 228.2 49
50 1472 . 186.3 1526.3 199.8 1580.0 213.9 1633.9 228.4 50
Bi 1473.8 186.5 1527.2 200. 1 1580.9 214.1 1634.8 228.7 51
52 1474.7 186.7 1528.1 200. 3 1581.8 214.3 1635.7 228.9 52
53 1475.6 187.0 1529.0 200.5 1582.7 214.6 1636.6 229.2 53
54 1476.5 187.2 1529.9 200.7 1583.6 214.8 1637.5 229.4 54
55 1477.3 187.4 1530.8 201.0 1564.5 215.1 1638.4 229.7 55
56 1478.2 187.6 1 53 1 . 7 201.2 1585.4 215.3 1639.3 229.9 56
57 1479. 187.8 1532.6 201.4 1586.3 215.5 1640.2 230.2 57
58 1480.0 188. 1
1533.5 201.7 1587.2 215.8 1641 . 230.4 58
59 1480.9 188.3 1534.4 201.9 1588. 216.0 1642.0 230.7 59


(Chord or Arc Definition)

1- 32° 1
= 33° 1
= 34° 1 = 35° '


o 1643.0 230.9 1697.2 246. 1 1751.7 261.8 1806 . 278. 1

1643.9 231. 1 1698. 246.3 1752.6 262. 1 1807.5 278.3

2 1644.8 231. U 1699.0 246.6 1753.6 262.3 1808.4 276.6 2
3 1645.7 231.6 1699.9 246.9 1754.5 262.6 1809.3 278.9 3
4 I6M6.6 231.9 1700.8 247.1 1755.4 262.9 1810.2 279.2 14

5 1647.5 232.1 1701.7 247.4 1756.3 263. 1 1811. 1 279.4 5

6 1648.4 232.4 1702.6 247.6 1757.2 263.4 1812. 279.7 6
7 1649.3 232.6 1703.5 247.9 1758. 263.7 1813.0 280.0 7
8 1650.2 232.9 1704.5 248. 1 1759.0 263.9 1813.9 280.3 8
9 1651. 233. 1 1705.4 248.4 1759.9 264.4 1814.8 280.5 9
10 1652.0 233. 1706.3 248.7 1760.8 264.5 1815.7 280.8 10
1 |
1652.9 233.6 1707.2 248.9 1761.8 264.7 1816.6 281. 1
I |

12 1653.8 233.9 1708. 249.2 1762.7 265.0 1817.6 281.4 12

13 1654.7 23U. 1 1709.0 249.4 1763.6 265.3 1818.5 281.7 13
14 1655.6 234.4 1709.9 249.7 1764.5 265.5 1819.4 281.9 114

15 1656.5 234.6 1710.8 250.0 1765.4 265.8 1820.3 282.2 15

16 I657.U 234.9 171 1.7 250.2 1766.3 266. 1 182 1 . 282.5 16
17 1658.3 235. 1 1712.6 250.5 1767.2 266.4 1822.1 282.8 17
18 1659.2 235. U 1713.5 250.7 1768. 266.6 1823.1 283.0 18
19 1660. 235.6 1714.4 251.0 1769. 266.9 1824.0 283.3 19

20 1661.0 235.9 1715.3 251.3 1770.0 267.2 1824.9 283.6 20

21 166 1 . 236.2 1716.3 251.5 1770.9 267.4 1825.8 283.9 21
22 1662.8 236. 4 1717.2 251.8 177 1 . 267.7 1826.7 284.2 22
23 1663.7 236.7 1718. 252.0 1772.7 268.0 1827.6 284.4 23
2U 1664.6 236.9 1719.0 252.3 1773.6 268.2 1828.6 284.7 2U
25 1665.5 237.2 1719.9 252.6 1774.5 266.5 1829.5 285.0 25
26 1666. 14 237. 1720.8 252.8 1775.4 268.8 1830.4 285.3 26
27 1667.3 237.7 172 1 . 253. 1 1776.4 269. 1 183 1 . 285.6 27
28 1668.2 237.9 1722.6 253.3 1777.3 269.3 1832 . 285.8 28
29 1669. 238.2 1723.5 253.6 1778.2 269.6 1833.2 286.1 29
30 1670.0 238. 14 1724.4 253.9 1779.1 269.9 1834.1 286.4 30
31 1670.9 238.7 1725.3 254.1 1780.0 270. 1 1835.0 286.7 31
32 1671.8 238.9 1726.2 254.4 1780.9 270.4 1835.9 287.0 32
33 1672.8 239.2 1727.2 254.7 1781. 270.7 1836.8 287.2 33
34 1673.7 239. M 1728.1 254.9 1762.8 270.9 1837.8 287.5 34
35 1674.6 239.7 1729.0 255.2 1783.7 271.2 1638.7 287.8 35
36 1675.5 239.9 1729.9 255.4 1784.6 271.5 1839.6 288. 1
37 1676.4 240.2 1730.8 255.7 1785.5 271.8 1840.5 288.4 37
38 1677.3 240.5 1731.7 256.0 1786.4 272.0 1841.4 288.6 38
39 1678.2 240.7 1732.6 256.2 1787.3 272.3 1842.4 288.9 39
40 1679. 241.0 1733.5 256.5 1788.2 272.6 1843.3 289.2 40
Ul 1680.0 241. 1734.4 256.8 1789.2 272.9 1844.2 269.5 Ul
U2 1680.9 241.5 1735.3 257.0 1790. 273.1 1845. 289.8 42
43 1661.6 241. 7 1736.3 257.3 1791.0 273.4 1846.0 290.0 43
44 1682.7 242.0 1737.2 257.6 1791.9 273.7 1847.0 290.3 UU
45 1683.6 242.2 1738. 257.8 1792.8 273.9 1847 . 290.6 145
146 16614.5 242.5 1739.0 258. 1 1793.7 274.2 1848.8 290.9 46
147 1685. 242.8 1739.9 258.3 1794.6 274.5 1849.7 291.2 47
U8 1686.3 243.0 1740.8 258.6 1795.6 274.8 1850.6 291.5 48
149 1687.2 243.3 1741.7 258.9 1796.5 275.0 1851.5 291.7 49
50 1688.1 243.5 1742.6 259.1 1797.4 275.3 1852.5 292.0 50
1669.0 243.8 1743.5 259.4 1798.3 275.6 1853.4 292.3 '51
52 1690.0 244.0 1744.4 259.7 1799.2 275.9 1854.3 292.6 52
53 1690.9 244.3 1745.4 259.9 1800. 276. 1 1855.2 292.9 53
514 1691.8 244.5 1746.3 260.2 1801. 276.4 1856.2 293.2 54
55 1692.7 244.8 1747.2 260.5 1802.0 276.7 1857.1 293.4 55
56 1693.6 245. 1 1748. 260.7 1802.9 277.0 1858.0 293.7 56 '

57 1 69M. 245.3 1749.0 261.0 1803.8 277.2 1858.9 294.0 57

58 1695.4 245.6 1749.9 261.3 1804.7 277.5 1859.6 294.3 58 |

59 1696.3 245.8 1750.8 261.5 1605.6 277.8 1860.8 294.6 59



(Chord or Arc Definition)

• - ,. .
= 37° 1
= J8° 1 = 39° i

T . i E T E T E

o 186 7 1 . 294.9 1917. 312.2 1972.9 330. 1 2029.0 348.6

1862.6 295. 1 1918.0 312.5 1973.8 330.5 2029.9 349.0 1

2 1863.5 295.4 1919.0 312.8 1974.7 330.6 2030.9 349.3 2

3 1864.4 295.7 1919.9 313.1 1975.7 331.1 203 1 . 349.6 3
4 1865.4 296.0 1920.8 313.4 1976.6 331.4 2032.7 349.9 4
5 1866.3 296.3 192 1 . 313.7 1977.5 331.7 2033.7 350.2 5
6 1867.2 296.6 1922.7 314.0 1978.5 332.0 2034.6 350.5 6
7 1868. 296.9 1923.6 314.3 1979.4 332.3 2035.5 350.8 7
8 1869.0 297. 1 1924.5 314.6 1980.3 332.6 2036.5 351.2 8
9 1870.0 297.4 1925.5 314.9 1981.3 332.9 2037.4 351.5 9
10 1870.9 297.7 1926.4 315.2 1982.2 333.2 2038.4 351.8 10
1 I
1871.8 298.0 1927.3 315.5 1983.1 333.5 2039.3 352. 1
1 1

12 1872.7 298.3 1928.2 315.8 1984. 333.8 2040.2 352.4 12

13 1873.7 298.6 1929.2 316.1 1985.0 334.1 2041.2 352.7 13
14 1874.6 298.9 1930. 316.4 1985.9 334.4 2042. 353.0 14

15 1875.5 299.2 1931.0 316.7 1986.9 334.7 2043. 353.4 15

16 1876.4 299.4 1932 . 316.9 I9e7.8 335.0 2044.0 353.7 16
17 1877.4 299.7 1932.9 317.2 1988.7 335.3 2044.9 354.0 17
18 1878.3 300.0 1933.8 317.5 1989.7 335.6 2045.9 354.3 18
19 1879.2 300.3 1934.7 317.8 1990.6 335.9 2046.8 354.6 19

20 I860. 300.6 1935.7 318. 1 1991.5 336.2 2047.8 354.9 20

21 1881.0 300.9 1936.6 318.4 1992.5 336.6 2048.7 355.3 21
22 IS82.0 301.2 1937.5 318.7 1993.4 336.9 2049.6 355.6 22
23 1882.9 301.5 1938.5 319.0 1994.3 337.2 2050.6 355.9 23
2U 1883.8 301.7 1939.4 319.3 1995.3 337.5 2051.5 356.2 24
25 1884.7 302.0 1940.3 319.6 1996.2 337.8 2052.5 356.5 25
26 IB85.7 302.3 1941.2 319.9 1997. 338.1 2053.4 356.8 26
27 1886.6 302.6 1942.2 320.2 1998.1 338.4 2054.3 357.2 27
28 1887 5 . 302.9 1943. 320.5 1999.0 338.7 2055.3 357.5 28
29 1888.4 303.2 1944.0 320.8 1999.9 339.0 2056.2 357.8 29
30 1889.4 303.5 1945.0 321. 1 2000.9 339.3 2057.2 356. 1 30
31 1890.3 303.8 1945.9 321.4 2001.8 339.6 2058. 358.4 31
32 1891.2 304.1 1946.8 321.7 2002.8 339.9 2059.0 358.7 32
33 1892. 304.3 1947.7 322.0 2003.7 340.2 2060.0 359. 1 33
3U 1893. 304.6 1946.7 322.3 2004.6 340.6 2060.9 359.4 34
35 1894.0 304.9 1949.6 322.6 2005.6 340.9 2061.9 359.7 35
36 1894.9 305.2 1950.5 322.9 2006.5 341.2 2062.8 360.0 36
37 1895.8 305.5 1951.5 323.2 2007. 341.5 2063.7 36C.3 37
38 1896.7 305.8 1952.4 323.5 2008.4 341.8 2064.7 360.7 38
39 1697.7 306.1 1953.3 323.8 2009.3 342.1 2065.6 361.0 39
UO 1896.6 306.4 1954.3 324.1 2010.2 342.4 2066.6 361.3 40
Ul 1899.5 306.7 1955.2 324.4 201 1 . 342.7 2067.5 361.6 41
142 1900.4 307.0 1956. 324.7 2012.1 343.0 2066.5 361.9 42
43 90 1.4
1 307.2 1957.0 325.0 2013.0 343.3 2069.4 362.3 43
44 1902.3 307.5 1958.0 325.3 2014.0 343.7 2070.3 362.6 44
45 1903.2 307.8 1958.9 325.6 2014.9 344.0 2071.3 362.9 45
U6 1904. 308.1 1959.8 325.9 2015.9 344.3 2072.2 363.2 46
47 1905. 308.4 1960.8 326.2 2016.8 344.6 2073.2 363.5 47
U8 1906.0 308.7 196 1 . 326.5 2017.7 344.9 2074. 363.9 48
49 1906.9 309.0 1962.6 326. 2018.7 345.2 2075.0 364.2 49
50 1907.9 309.3 1963.6 327.1 2019.6 345.5 2076.0 364.5 50
51 1908.8 309.6 1964.5 327.4 2020.5 345.8 2076.9 364.8 51
52 1909.7 309.9 1965.4 327.7 2021.5 346. 1 2077.9 365. 1 52
53 1910.6 310.2 1966.4 328.0 2022.4 346.5 2078.8 365.5 53
54 191 1.6 310.5 1967.3 328.3 2023.4 346.8 2079.8 365.8 54
55 1912.5 310.8 1968.2 328.6 2024.3 347. 1 2080.7 366. 1
56 1913.4 31 1.0 1969. 328.9 2025.2 347.4 2081.6 366.4 56
57 1914.3 31 1.3 1970. 329.2 2026.2 347.7 2082.6 366.8 57
58 1915.3 31 1.6 1 97 1 . 329.5 2027. 348.0 2083.5 367. 1 58
59 1916.2 311.9 1 97 1 . 329.8 2026.0 348.3 2084.5 367.4 59
- 416


(Chord or Arc Definition)

1- 40° l
= 41° 1- 42° 43° '


2085. 367.7 2142.2 387. U 2 99.- UC7.6 2257. 428.5

366.0 2143.2 387.7 2200. U08.0 2257.9 428.9 1

2 225 .I 368. U 2IUU. 1 388.0 2201.3 U08.3 2256.9 429.2 2

3 2088.3 368.7 2145. 1 368.4 2202.3 U08.7 2259.9 429. 3
U 2089.2 369.0 2146.0 388.7 2203.2 UC9.0 2260.8 429.9 U
5 2090. 369. 2147.0 389.0 2204.2 1409.14 2261.8 430.3 5
6 2091. 369.7 2147.9 389. U 2205. 1409.7 2262.7 430. 6
7 2C92.0 370.0 2148.9 389.7 2206. HIO.O 2263.7 431. 1
E 2093.0 370.3 2149.8 390.0 2207. HIO.H 2264.7 431.3 8
9 2093.9 370.6 2150.8 390. a 2208.0 mo. 2265.6 431.7 9
10 2094.9 371.0 2151.7 390.7 2209.0 ifii.i 2266.6 432.0 10
1 1
2C95.6 371.3 2152.7 391.0 2209.9 141 1 .14 2267.6 432.4 I |

12 2096.8 371.6 2153.6 391. 2210.9 mi. 8 2268.5 -11. 12

13 2C97.7 371.9 2154.6 391.7 221 1.8 1412. 1 2269.5 433.1 13
IU 2098. 372.3 2155.5 392. 1 2212.8 412. 2270.5 433.5 IU
15 2099.6 372.6 2156.5 392. U 2213.8 1412.8 2271.4 433.8 15
16 2100.5 372.9 2157. 392.7 2214.7 UI3.I 2272.4 434.2 16
17 2 ! i . 5 373.2 2158.4 393.1 2215.7 413.5 2273.4 434.5 17
IS 2102. 4 373.6 2159.3 393. 4 2216.6 413.8 2274.3 434.9 18
19 2103. 373.9 2160.3 393.7 2217.6 414.2 2275.3 435.2 19
20 2iG4.3 37U.2 2161.2 394.1 2218.6 414.5 2276.2 435.6 20
21 2105.3 37U.5 2162.2 394.4 2219.5 414.9 2277.2 435.9 21
22 2106.2 374.9 2163.2 394.7 2220-. 5 415.2 2278.2 436.3 22
22 21 07. 375.2 2I6U. 395. 1 2221 .U HI5.6 2279. 436.7 23
2U 2108. 375.5 2165. 395. a 2222. 14 415.9 2280. 437.0 24
25 375.8 2166.0 395.7 2223.3 416.3 2281.1 437.4 25
26 21 10. 376.2 2167.0 396. 1 2224.3 416.6 2282.0 437.7 26
27 21 10.9 376.5 2167.9 396. 4 2225.3 416.9 2283.0 438. 1
28 21 .91 1 376.8 2166.9 396.8 2226.2 417.3 2284.0 438.4 28
29 2112.8 377. 1 2169.8 397.1 2227.2 417.6 2284.9 436.6 29
30 21 13.8 377.5 2170.8 397. 14 2228. 418.0 2265.9 439.2 30
31 21 m.7 377.8 2171.7 397.8 2229. 418.3 2266.9 439.5 31
32 21 15.7 378. 1 2172.7 398. I 2230. 418.7 2287.6 439.9 32
33 21 16.6 378.5 2173.6 398. a 2231.0 419.0 2288.8 mio."2 33
3U 21 17.6 378.8 2174.6 398.8 2232.0 419.4 2289.8 440.6 34
35 21 18.5 379. 1 2175.5 399. 1 2232.9 419.7 2290.7 441 .0 35
36 21 19.5 379. «4 2176.5 399.5 2233.9 420.1 2291.7 441 .3 36
37 2120. 379.8 2177. 399.8 2234. 420.4 2292.7 441 .7 37
38 2121. 380. 1 2178.4 400. 1 2235.8 420.8 2293.6 442.0 38
39 2122.3 380. 4 2179. 1400.5 2236.8 421. 1 2294.6 442.4 39
UO 2123.3 380.8 21 80. 400.8 2237.7 421.5 2295.6 442.7 UO
Ul |
2124.2 381. 1 2181.3 HOI. 2238.7 421.8 2296.5 443. 1 Ul
42 1
2125. 1 38!. U 2182.2 HOI. 2239.7 422.2 2297.5 443.5 U2
U3 '
2126. 381.8 2183.2 HOI.8 2240.6 422.5 2298.5 443.8 43
U4 ;
2127.0 382. 1 2I8U. U02. 2241 .6 422.9 2299.4 444.2 UU
U5 2128.0 382. U 2185. U02.5 2242.5 423.2 2300.4 444.6 U5
46 2128.9 382.7 2185.0 402. 9 2243.5 423.6 2301.4 4UU.9 U6
U7 2129.9 383. 1 2187.0 U03.2 22UU.5 423.9 2302.3 445.3 U7
U8 2130.8 383. 4 2187.9 403.5 22U5.U 424.3 2303.3 445.6 U8
49 2131.8 383.7 2188.9 403.9 22U6.U 424.6 2304.3 446.0 U9
50 2132.7 384. 1 2189.9 404.2 22U7.3 425.0 2305.2 446.4 50
51 2133.7 384.4 2190.8 404.6 22U8.3 425.3 2 306. 446.7 51
52 2134.6 364.8 2191.8 404.9 22M9.3 425.7 2307.2 447. 1
53 2135.6 385.1 2 1 92 7. 1405.2 2250.2 426.0 2308. 447.4 53
5U 2136.5 385.4 2193.7 405.6 2251.2 426.4 2309. 447.8 5U
55 2137.5 385.7 2194.6 U05.9 2252.2 426.7 2310.1 448.2 55
56 2136. 386.1 2195.6 U06.3 2253. 427.1 231 1. 1 44e.5 56
57 2139. 366. 4 2196.5 406.6 225U. 427.4 2312.0 448.9 57
58 2140. 386.7 2197.5 U07.0 2255.0 427.8 2313.0 449.3 5S
59 2141. 387.0 2196.5 U07. 3 2256.0 428.1 2314.0 449.6 59


(Chord or Arc Definition)

1- 44° = 45° i = 46° 1
17° '


o 2314.9 450.0 2373.3 472. 1 2432.1 494.8 2491. 3 518.2

2315.9 450.3 2374.3 472.5 2433. 495.2 2492. 3 518.6 1

2 2316.9 450.7 2375.3 472.8 2434. 495.6 2493. 3 519.0 2

3 2317.8 451.1 2376.2 473.2 2435.0 496.0 2494. 3 519.4 3
4 2318.8 451.4 2377.2 473.6 2436.0 496.4 2495. 3 519.8 4
5 2319.8 451.8 2o,6.2 474.0 2437.0 496.7 2496 3 520.2 5
6 2320.7 452.2 2379.2 474.3 2438.0 497.1 2497. 3 520.6 6
7 2321.7 452.5 2380. 474.7 2439.0 497.5 2498 3 521.0 7
8 2322.7 452.9 2381. 475. 1 2440.0 497.9 2499 3 521.4 8
9 2323.7 453.3 2382.1 475.4 2440.9 498.3 2500. 2 521.8 9
10 2324.6 453.6 2383. 475.8 2441.9 498.7 2501. 2 522.2 10
1 I
2325.6 454.0 2384.0 476.2 2442.9 499.1 2502 2 522.6 1 I

12 2326.6 454.4 2385.0 476.6 2443.9 499.4 2503 2 523.0 12

13 2327.5 454.7 2386.0 477.0 2444.9 499.8 2504 2 523.4 13
14 2328.5 455.1 2387.0 477.3 2445.9 500.2 2505 2 523.7 14
15 2329.5 455.4 2388.0 477.7 2446.9 500.6 2506. 2 524. 1
16 2330.5 455.8 2388.9 478. 1 2447.8 501.0 2507 2 524. 5 16
17 2331.4 456.2 2389.9 478.5 2448.8 501.4 2508 2 524.9 17
18 2332.4 456.5 2390.9 478.8 2449.8 501.8 2509 2 525.3 18
19 2333.4 456.9 2391.9 479.2 2450.8 502.2 2510 2 525.7 19
20 2334.3 457.3 2392.8 479.6 2451.8 502.5 2511 2 526.1 20
21 2335.3 457.6 2393.8 480.0 2452.8 502.9 2512 2 526.5 21
22 2336.3 458.0 2394.8 480.3 2453.8 503.3 2513 2 526.9 22
23 2337.3 458.4 2395.8 460.7 2454.7 503.7 2514 | 527.3 23
2U 2338.2 458.7 2396.8 461. 1 2455.7 504. 1 2515 1 527.7 24
25 2339.2 459. 1 2397.7 481.5 2456.7 504.5 2516 1 528.1 25
26 2340.2 459.5 2398.7 481.9 2457.7 504.9 2517 1 528.5 26
27 2341.1 459.8 2399.7 482.2 2458.7 505.3 2518 1 528.9 27
28 2342.1 460.2 2400.7 482.6 2459.7 505.6 2519 1 529.3 28
29 2343. 460.6 2401.7 483.0 2460.7 506.0 2520 1 529.7 29
30 2344. 460.9 2402.6 483.4 2461.7 506.4 2521 1 530.1 30
31 2345.0 461.3 2403.6 483.8 2462.6 506.8 2522 1 530.5 31
32 2346.0 461.7 2404.6 484. 1 2463.6 507.2 2523 I 530.9 32
33 2347.0 462. 1 2405.6 484.5 2464.6 507.6 2524 1 531.3 33
3U 2348.0 462.4 2406.6 484.9 2465.6 508.0 2525 1 531.7 34
35 2348.9 462.8 2407.5 485.3 2466.6 508.4 2526 1 532.1 35
36 2349.9 463.2 2408.5 485.7 2467.6 508.8 2527 1 532.5 36
37 2350.9 463.5 2409.5 486.0 2468.6 509.2 2528 1 532.9 37
38 2351.8 463.9 2410.5 486.4 2469.6 509.5 2529 1 533.3 38
39 2352.8 464.3 241 1.5 486.8 2470.5 509.9 2530 1 533.7 39
UO 2353.8 464.6 2412.4 487.2 2471.5 510.3 2531 1 534. 1 40
ill 2354.8 465.0 2413.4 487.6 2472.5 510.7 2532 | 534.6 41
U2 2355.7 465.4 2414.4 487.9 2473.5 51 I.I 2533 1 535.0 42
43 2356.7 465.8 2415.4 488.3 2474.5 51 1.5 2534 1 535.4 43
44 2357.7 466. 1 2416.4 488.7 2475.5 51 1.9 2535 535.6 44
U5 2358.7 466.5 2417.4 489. 1 2476.5 512.3 2536 536.2 45
46 2359.6 466.9 2418.3 489.5 2477.5 512.7 2537 536.6 46
47 2360.6 467.2 2419.3 489.8 2478.5 513.1 2536 537.0 47
48 2361.6 467.6 2420.3 490.2 2479.4 513.5 2539 537.4 48
49 2362.6 468.0 2421.3 490.6 2480.4 513.9 2540 537.6 49
50 2363.5 468.4 2422.3 491 .0 2481.4 514.3 2541 538.2 50
51 2364.5 U68.7 2423.2 491.4 2482.4 514.6 2542 538.6 51
52 2365.5 469. 1 2424.2 491.7 2483.4 515.0 2543 539.0 52
53 2366.5 469.5 2425.2 492. 1 2484.4 515.4 2544 539.4 53
54 2367.4 469.8 2426.2 492.5 2485.4 515.8 2545 539.8 54
55 2368.4 470.2 2427.2 492.9 2486.4 516.2 2546 540.2 55
56 2369.4 470.6 2428.2 493.3 2487.4 516.6 2547 540.6 56
57 2370.4 471.0 2429. 493.7 2488. 517.0 2548 541.0 57
58 2371.3 471.3 2430. 494. 1 2489.3 517.4 2549 541 .4 58
59 2372.3 471.7 2431. 494.4 2490.3 517.8 2550 541.8 59


(Chord or Arc Definition)

= 48° 1 = 49° 1 = 50° 1 = 51° t


2551.0 542.2 26 1 1 . 566.9 2671.8 592.3 2732.9 618.4

2552.0 542.6 2612.2 567.4 2672.8 592.8 2733.9 618.8 1

2 2553.0 5143.0 2613.2 567.8 2673.8 593.2 2734.9 619.3 2

3 2554.0 543.5 2614.2 568.2 2674.8 593.6 2736.0 619.7 3
14 2555.0 5M3.9 2615.2 568.6 2675.8 594.0 2737.0 620.2
5 2556.0 544.3 2616.2 569.0 2676.9 594.5 2738.0 620.6 5
6 2557.0 5UU.7 2617.2 569.4 2677.9 594.9 2739.0 621.0 6
7 2558.0 545.1 2618.2 569.9 2678.9 595.3 2740. 621.5 7
8 2559.0 5145.5 2619.2 570.3 2679.9 595.8 2741. 621.9 8
9 2560.0 545. 9 2620.2 570.7 2680.9 596.2 2742. 622.4 9
10 2561.0 5U6. 2621.2 571.1 2681.9 596.6 2743. 622.8 10
1 1
2562.0 546.7 2622.2 571.5 2682.9 597.1 2744.2 623.3 I |

12 2563.0 5U7.I 2623.2 572.0 2684.0 597.5 2745.2 623.7 12

13 2564.0 5147.5 2624.2 572.4 2685.0 597.9 2746.2 624. 1
14 2565.0 5147.8 2625.3 572.8 2686.0 598.3 2747.2 624.6 14
15 2566.0 5U8.3 2626.3 573.2 2687.0 598.8 2748.3 625.0 15
16 2567.0 5148.8 2627.3 573.6 2688.0 599.2 2749.3 625.4 16
17 2568.0 549.2 2628.3 574. 1 2689.0 599.6 2750.3 625.9 17
18 2569.0 5149.6 2629.3 574.5 2690. 600. 1 2751.3 626.4 18
19 2570.0 550.0 2630.3 574.9 2691. 1 600.5 2752.4 626.8 19
20 2571.0 550. 14 2631.3 575.3 2692.1 600.9 2753.4 627.2 20
21 2572.0 550.8 2632.3 575.7 2693. 601.4 2754.4 527.7 21
22 2573.0 551.2 2633.3 576.2 2694. 601.8 2755.4 628. 1
23 2574.0 551.6 2634.3 576.6 2695.2 602.2 2756.5 628.6 23
24 2575.0 552.0 2635.3 577.0 2696.2 602.7 2757.5 629.0 24
25 2576.0 552.14 2636.4 577.4 2697.2 603. 1 2758.5 629.5 25
26 2577.0 552.9 2637.4 577.9 2698.2 603.5 2759.5 629.9 26
27 2578.0 553.3 2638.4 578.3 2699.2 604.0 2760.6 630.4 27
28 2579.0 553.7 2639.4 578.7 2700.2 604.4 2761.6 630.8 28
29 2580.0 554. 2640.4 579. i 2701.3 604.8 2762.6 631.2 29
30 2581 .0 5514.5 2641.4 579.5 2702.3 605.3 2763.7 631.7 30
31 2562.0 554.9 2642.4 580.0 2703.3 605.7 2764.7 632.1 31
32 2583.0 555.3 2643.4 580.4 2704.3 606.1 2765.7 632.6 32
33 2584.0 555.7 2644.4 580.8 2705.3 606.6 2766.7 633.0 33
34 2585.0 556.2 2645.4 581.2 2706.4 607.0 2767.8 633.5 34
35 2586.0 556.6 2646.5 581.7 2707.4 607.4 2768.8 633.9 35
36 2587.0 557.0 2647.5 582. 1 2708.4 607.9 2769.8 634.4 36
37 2588.0 557. 4 2648.5 582.5 2709.4 608.3 2770.8 634.8 37
38 2589.0 557.8 2649.5 582.9 2710.4 608.8 2771.9 635.3 38
39 2590.0 558.2 2650.5 583.4 271 1.5 609.2 2772.9 635.7 39
U0 2591.1 558.6 2651.5 583.8 2712.5 609.6 2773.9 636.2 40
141 2592. 559.0 2652.5 584.2 2713.5 610. 1 2775.0 636.6 41
U2 2593. 559.5 2653.5 584.6 2714.5 610.5 2776.0 637. 1
43 25914. 1 559.9 2654.6 585. 1 2715.5 610.9 2777.0 637.5 43
44 2595. 560.3 2655.6 585.5 2716.6 61 1.4 2778.1 638.0 44
U5 2596.1 560.7 2656.6 585.9 2717.6 61 1.8 2779. 638.4 45
146 2597. 561. 1 2657.6 586.3 2718.6 612.2 2780. 638.9 46
147 2598. 561.5 2658.6 586.8 2719.6 612.7 2781.1 639.3 47
148 2599. 561.9 2659.6 587.2 2720.6 613. 1 2782.2 639.8 48
149 2600. 562.4 2660.6 587.6 2721.7 613.6 2783.2 640.2 49
50 2601. 562.8 2661.6 588.0 2722.7 614.0 2784.2 640.7 50
51 2602. 563.2 2662.7 588.5 2723.7 614.4 2785.3 641. 1 51
52 2603. 563.6 2663.7 588.9 2724.7 614.9 2786.3 641.6 52
53 2604. 564.0 2664.7 589.3 2725.7 615.3 2787.3 642.0 53
514 2605. 564.4 2665.7 589.8 2726.8 615.8 2788.4 642.5 54
55 2606. 564.9 2666.7 590.2 2727.8 616.2 2789.4 642.9 55
56 2607. 565.3 2667.7 590.6 2728.8 616.6 2790.4 643.4 56
57 2608. 565.7 2658.7 591.0 2729.8 617.1 2791.4 643.8 57
58 2609. 566.1 2669.8 591.5 2730.9 617.5 2792.5 644.3 58
59 566.5 2670.8 591.9 2731.9 618.0 2793.5 644.7 59


(Chord or Arc Definition)

1 1
= 52° 1
= 53° 1
= 54° 55° i


o 2794.5 645.2 2856.7 672.7 2919.4 700.9 2982.7 729.9

2795.6 645.6 2857.7 673. 1 2920.5 701.4 2983.7 730.3 1

2 2796.6 646. 1 2858.8 673.6 2921.5 701.8 2984.8 730.8 2

3 2797.6 646. 2859.8 674.1 2922.6 702.3 2985.8 731.3 3
U 2798.7 647. 2860.9 674.5 2923.6 702.8 2986.9 731.8 4
5 2799.7 647.4 2861.9 675.0 2924.7 703.3 2988.0 732.3 5
6 2800.7 647.9 2ou^.9 675.5 2925.7 703.8 2989.0 732.8 6
7 280 1 . 648.3 2864.0 675.9 2926.6 704.2 2990. 733.3 7
8 2802.8 648.8 2365.0 676.4 2927.8 704.7 2991. 733.8 8
9 2803.8 649.2 2866.1 676.9 2928.9 705.2 2992.2 734.3 9
10 2804.9 649.7 2867. 677.3 2929.9 705.7 2993.3 734.8 10
1 1
2805.9 650.2 2868.2 677.8 2931.0 706.1 2994.3 735.3 1 1

12 2806.9 650.6 2869.2 678.3 2932.0 706.6 2995.4 735.7 12

13 2808.0 651.! 2870.2 678.7 2933. 707. 1 2996.5 736.2 13
114 2809.0 651.5 2871.3 679.2 2934. 707.6 2997.5 736.7 14
15 2810.0 652.0 2672.3 679.7 2935.2 708.1 2998.6 737.2 15
16 2811. 652.4 2873.4 680.1 2936.2 708.6 2999.6 737.7 16
17 2812. 652.9 2674.4 680.6 2937.3 709.0 3000.7 738.2 17
18 2813. 653.3 2875.5 661.1 2938.3 709.5 3001.6 736.7 18
19 2814.2 653.8 2876.5 681.5 2939.4 710.0 3002.8 739.2 19
20 2815.2 654.3 2877.5 682.0 2940.4 710.5 3003.9 739.7 20
21 2816.2 654.7 2878.6 662.5 2941.5 710.9 3004.9 740.2 21
22 2817.3 655.2 2879.6 682.9 2942.5 71 .4
1 3006.0 740.7 22
23 2818.3 655.6 2e80.7 683.4 2943.6 71 1.9 3007.1 741.2 23
24 2819.3 656. 1 2881.7 683.9 2944.6 712.4 3008. 741.7 24
25 2820. 656.5 2882.8 684.3 2945.7 712.9 3009.2 742. 1
26 2821 .U 657.0 2663.8 684.8 2946.7 713.4 3010.3 742.6 26
27 2622.4 657.5 2884.8 685.3 2947.8 713.8 301 1.3 743. 1
28 2823.5 557.9 2885.9 685.7 2948.9 714.3 3012.4 743.6 28
29 2821-1.5 658.4 2886.9 686.2 2949.9 714.8 3013.5 744. 1 29
30 2825.6 658.8 2888.0 686.7 2951.0 715.3 3014.5 744.6 30
31 2826.6 659.3 2889.0 687.2 2952.0 715.8 3015.6 745. 1 31
32 2827.6 659.7 2890. 667.6 2953. 716.2 3016.6 745.6 32
33 2628.7 660.2 2891 . 686. 1 2954. 716.7 3017.7 745. 1 33
34 2829.7 660.7 2692.2 688.6 2955.2 717.2 3018.8 746.6 34
35 2830.7 661. 1 2893.2 689.0 2956.2 717.8 3019.8 747. 1 35
36 2831.8 661.6 2894.3 689.5 2957.3 716.2 3020.9 747.6 36
37 2832.8 662.0 2895.3 690.0 2956.3 718.7 3022.0 748. 1 37
38 2833.8 662.5 2896.3 690.5 2959.4 719. 1 3023.0 748.6 38
39 2834.9 663.0 2897.4 690.9 2960.5 719.6 3024. 749. I 39
40 2835.9 663.4 2898.4 691.4 2961.5 720. 1 3025.2 749.6 40
41 2837.0 663.9 2899.5 691.9 2962.6 720.6 3026.2 753. 1 41
U2 2636. 664.3 2900.5 692.3 2963.6 721.1 3027.3 750.6 42
M3 2639.0 664.8 2901.6 692.8 2964.7 721.6 3028.4 751. 1 43
44 2840. 665.3 2902.6/ 693.3 2965.7 722.1 3029.4 751.6 44
145 2841.1 665.7 2903.7 693.8 2956.8 722.5 3030.5 752. 1 45
H6 2842. 666.2 2904.7 694.2 2967.9 723.0 3031.6 752.6 46
147 2843.2 666.6 2905.8 694.7 2968.9 723.5 3032.6 753. 1 47
148 2844.2 667. 1 2906.8 695.2 2970.0 724.0 3033.7 753.6 48
149 2845.3 667.6 2907.9 695.7 2971.0 724.5 3034.8 754. 1 49
50 2846.3 658.0 2908.9 696.1 2972. 725.0 3035.8 754.6 50
51 2847.3 668.5 2910.0 696.6 2973. 725.5 3036.9 755.1 51
52 2848.4 669.0 291 1.0 697.1 2974.2 725.9 3038.0 755.6 52
53 2649.4 669.4 2912. 697.6 2975.3 726.4 3039.0 756. 1 53
54 2e50.5 669.9 2913.1 698.0 2976.3 726.9 3040. 756.6 54
55 2851.5 670.3 2914.2 698.5 2977.4 727.4 3041.2 757. 1 55
56 2852.5 670.8 2915.2 699.0 2978.4 727.9 3042.2 757.6 56
57 2853.6 671.3 2916.3 699.5 2979.5 728.4 3043.3 758. 1 57
5e 2854.6 671.7 2917.3 699.9 2980.5 728.9 3044.4 758.6 58
59 2e55.7 672.2 2918.4 700.4 2981.6 729.4 3045.4 759. 1 59


(Chord or Arc Definition)

.= 56° 57° i = 58° 59° '


3046.5 759.6 3110.9 790. 1 3176.0 82 I.U 3241.7 853.5

3047.6 760.1 31 12.0 790.6 3177. 821.9 3242.8 654.0 1

2 30148.6 760.6 3113. 1 791.1 3178.2 822. U 3243.9 854.5 2

3 30U9.7 761.1 31 IU.2 791.6 3179.3 823.0 3245.0 855.1 3
U 3050.8 761.6 3115.3 792.1 3I80.U 823.5 3246.1 855:6 14

5 3051.9 762.1 3116.3 792.7 3181. 8244.0 3247.2 856.2 5

6 3052.9 762.6 31 17. 793.2 3182.5 82U.5 3246.3 656.7 6
7 3054.0 763. 1 31 18.5 793.7 3183.6 625.1 3249.4 857.3 7
8 3055. 763.6 31 19.6 794.2 3184.7 625.6 3250.5 857.8 8
9 3056.1 764. 1 3120.7 79U.7 3185.8 826. 1 3251.6 856.3 9
10 3057.2 764. 3121.7 795.2 3166.9 826.7 3252.7 858.9 10
I |
3058.3 765. 1 3122.8 795.8 3188.0 827.2 3253.8 859.4 1 |

12 3059.3 765.6 3123.9 796.3 3189.1 827.7 3254.9 860.0 12

13 3060. 14 766.1 3125.0 796.8 3190.2 828.3 3256.0 860.5 13
14 3061.5 766.6 3126.1 797.3 3191.3 828.8 3257. 861.1 14
15 3062.6 767. 1 3127.2 797.8 3192.14 829.3 3258.2 861.6 15
16 3063.6 767.6 3126.2 798.3 3193.5 829.9 3259.3 862.2 16
17 3064. 768.1 3129.3 798.9 3I9U.5 830.4 3260.4 862.7 17
18 3065.8 768.6 3130. 799. 14 3195.6 830.9 3261.5 863.2 18
19 3066.8 769.2 3131.5 799.9 3196.7 831. 14 3262.6 863.8 19
20 3067.9 769.7 3132.6 800. 14 3197.8 832.0 3263.7 864.3 20
21 3069.0 770.2 3133.6 800.9 3198.9 832.5 3264.8 864.9 21
22 3070. 770.7 3I3U.7 801.5 3200.0 833.0 3265.9 865.4 22
23 3071. 1 771.2 3135.8 802.0 3201. 833.6 3267.0 866. 23
24 3072.2 771.7 3136.9 802.5 3202.2 834. 1 3268. 866.5 24
25 3073.3 772.2 3138.0 803.0 3203.3 834.6 3269.2 867.1 25
26 3074.4 772.7 3139. 803.5 320U.14 835.2 3270.3 867.6 26
27 3075. 773.2 3 mo. 1 eou. 1 3205.5 835.7 3271.4 868.2 27
28 3076.5 773.7 31 m .2 80M.6 3206.6 836.2 3272.6 868.7 28
29 3C77.6 774.2 3IU2.3 805. 1 3207.7 836.8 3273.7 869.3 29
30 3078.7 774.7 3143.4 805.6 3208.6 837.3 3274.8 869.8 30
31 3079.7 775.2 3144.5 806. 1 3209.9 837.8 3275.9 870.4 31
32 3080.8 775.7 3145.6 806.7 3210.9 838.4 3277.0 870.9 32
33 3081.9 776.3 3146.6 807.2 3212.0 838.9 3278. 871.5 33
3U 3082.9 776.8 3IM7.7 807.7 3213. 839.5 3279.2 872.0 34
35 3064.0 777.3 3 me. 8 808.2 32H4.2 840.0 3280.3 672.6 35
36 3085. 777.8 3149.9 808.8 3215.3 840.5 3261.4 873.1 36
37 3066.2 778.3 3151.0 809.3 3216. 14 841 . 1 3262.5 873.7 37
38 3087.2 778.8 3152. 809.8 3217.5 841.6 3283.6 874.2 38
39 -.8c. 3 779.3 3153.2 810.3 3218.6 842.1 3284.7 874.8 39
UO 3089. 779.8 3I5U.2 810.9 3219.7 842.7 3285.8 875.3 40
Ml 3GS0.5 780.3 3155.3 81 I.U 3220.8 843.2 3286.9 875.9 41
42 3091.6 780.9 3I56.U 811.9 3221.9 843.7 3288.0 876.4 42
143 3092.6 7ei.a 3157.5 812. 3223.0 844.3 3289.2 877.0 43
44 3093.7 781.9 3158.6 812.9 3224. 844.8 3290.3 877.5 44
45 3094.8 782.14 3159.7 813.5 3225.2 845.4 3291.4 878.1 45
46 3095.9 782.9 3160.8 8H4.0 3226.3 845.9 3292.5 878.6 46
U7 3096.9 783. 4 3161.8 8H4.5 3227. 14 846.4 3293.6 879.2 47
U8 3098.0 783.9 3162.9 815.0 3228.5 847.0 3294.7 879.7 48
49 3099. 78M. a 3164.0 815.6 3229.6 847.5 3295.8 880.3 49
50 3 IOC. 2 784.9 3165.1 816.1 3230.7 848.1 3296.9 880.8 50
51 3101.2 785.5 3166.2 816.6 3231.8 848.6 3298.0 881.4 51
52 3102.3 786.0 3167.3 817.2 3232.9 649.1 3299. 681.9 52
53 3103. 786.5 3168. 14 817.7 32314.0 849.7 3300.2 882.5 53
54 3I0U.5 787.0 3169.5 818.2 3235. 850.2 3301.4 883.1 54
55 3105.6 787.5 3170.6 818.7 3236.2 650.8 3302.5 883.6 55
56 3'06.6 788.0 3171.6 819.3 3237.3 851.3 3303.6 684.2 56
57 3! VI. 788.5 3172.7 819.8 3238.44 851.8 3304.7 884.7 57
58 3108.8 789. 1 3173.8 820.3 3239.5 852.4 3305.8 885.3 58
59 3109.9 789.6 31714.9 820.8 3240. 852.9 3306.9 885.8 59


(Chord or Arc Definition)

1 = 60° 1 = 61° 1
= 52° .= 63° '


3308.0 886. U 3375.0 920. 1 3442.7 954.8 351 1. 990.2

3309. 886.9 3376. 920.7 3443.9 955.3 3512.3 990.8
2 3310.2 887.5 3377.3 921.3 3445.0 955.9 3513.4 991 .4 2
3 331 1.3 888. 1 3378. 921.9 3446. 1 956.5 3514.6 992.0 3
U 3312.5 888.6 3379.5 922.4 3447.3 957. 1 3515.7 992.6 4
5 3313.6 889.2 3380.6 923.0 3448.4 957.7 3516.9 993.2 5
6 3314.7 889.7 3381.8 923.6 3449.5 958.3 3518.0 993.8 6
7 3315.8 890.3 3382.9 924. 1 3450.7 956.8 3519.2 994.4 7
8 3316.9 890.8 3384.9 924.7 3451.8 959.4 3520.3 995.0 8
9 3318.0 89I.U 3385. 925.3 3452.9 960.0 352 1 . 995.6 9
10 3319. 891.9 3386.3 925.8 3454. 960.6 3522.6 996.2 10
3320.2 892.5 3387. 926.4 3455.2 961.2 3523.8 996.8 1 1

12 3321 .4 893. 1 3388.5 927.0 3456.3 961.8 3524.9 997.5 12

13 3322.5 893.6 3389.6 927.6 3457.5 962.4 3526. 998. 1
IU 3323.6 89U. 3390.8 928. 1 3458.6 963.0 3527.2 998.7 14
15 3324.7 894.7 3391.9 928.7 3459.8 963.5 3528.4 999.3 15
16 3325.8 895.3 3393.0 929.3 3460.9 964. 1 3529.5 999.9 16
17 3326.9 895.9 3394. 929.9 3462.0 964.7 3530.7 I0C0.5 17
18 3328.0 896. U 3395.3 930.4 3463.2 965.3 3531.8 100 1 .
19 3329.2 897.0 3396. 14 931.0 3464.3 965.9 3533.0 1001 .7 19

20 3330.3 897.5 3397.5 931.6 3465.4 966.5 3534.1 1002.3 20

21 3331.4 898. 1 3398.6 932.2 3466.6 967.1 3535.3 1002.9 21
22 3332.5 898.7 3399.8 932.7 3467.7 967.7 3536.4 1003.5 22
23 3333.6 6S9.2 3400.9 933.3 3468.9 958.2 3537.6 1004. 23
2U 3334.7 899.8 3402.0 933.9 3470.0 968.8 3538.7 1004.7 24
25 3335.9 900.3 3U03. 1 934.5 3471. 969.4 3539.9 1005.3 25
26 3337.0 900.9 3U0U.3 935.0 3472.3 970.0 3541.0 1005.9 25
27 3338. 901.5 3405.4 935.6 3473.4 970.6 3542.2 1006.5 27
28 3339.2 902.0 3406. 936.2 3474.6 971.2 3543.3 1007. 28
29 3340. 902.6 3U07.7 936.8 3475.7 971.8 3544.5 1007.7 29
30 3341.4 903.2 3408.8 937.3 3476.8 972.4 3545.6 1008.3 30
31 3342.6 903.7 3409.9 937.9 3478.0 973.0 3546.8 1008.9 31
32 3343.7 904.3 3m i.o 938.5 3479. 973.6 3547.9 1009.5 32
33 3344.8 904.8 3412.2 939. 1 3480.3 974.2 3549. 1010. 33
3U 3345.9 905. 4 3413.3 939.7 3481 .4 974.8 3550.2 1010.7 34
35 3347. 906.0 3414.4 940.2 3482.5 975.3 3551.4 101 1.3 35
36 33U8. 906.5 3415.6 940.8 3483.7 975.9 3552.5 1012.0 36
37 3349.3 907. 1 3416.7 941.4 3484.8 976.5 3553.7 1012.6 37
38 3350. 907.7 3417.8 942.0 3486.0 977. 1 3554.8 1013. 38
39 3351.5 908.2 34418.9 942.5 34e7. 977.7 3556.0 1013.8 39
UO 3352.6 908.8 3420. 943. 1 3488.2 97e.3 3557.2 1014.4 40
Ul 3353.7 909. 4 3421.2 943.7 3489.4 978.9 3558.3 1015.0 41
U2 3354.8 909.9 3U22.3 944.3 3490.5 979.5 3559.5 1015.6 42
43 3356.0 910.5 3U23.5 944.9 3491.7 980. 1 3560.6 1016.2 43
>4U 3357. 91 I.I 3424.6 945.4 3492.8 980.7 3561.8 1016.8 44
45 3358.2 91 1.6 3U25. 946.0 3494.0 981.3 3562.9 1017.4 45
U6 3359.3 912.2 34426.9 946.6 3495. 981.9 3564. 1018. 46
47 3360. 912.8 34428.0 947.2 3496.2 982.5 3565.2 1018.7 47
U8 3361.6 913.3 3M29. 947.8 3497.4 983. 1 3566.4 1019.3 48
49 3362.7 913.9 34430.3 948.3 3498.5 983.7 3567.5 1019.9 49
50 3363.8 9114.5 34431.44 948.9 3499.7 984.3 3568.7 1020.5 50
51 3364. 915.0 3432.5 949.5 3500.8 984.9 3569.9 1021 .1 51
52 3366.0 915.6 3M33.7 950. 1 3502.0 985.5 3571.0 102 1 .
53 3367.2 916.2 3434.8 950.7 3503.1 986. 1 3572.2 1022.3 53
5U 3368.3 916.7 3U35. 951.3 3504.3 986.7 3573.3 1022.9 54
55 3369. 917.3 34437. 1 951.8 3505.4 987.3 3574.5 1023.5 55
56 3370.5 917.9 3U38.2 952.4 3506.6 987.9 3575.6 1024.2 56
57 3371.7 918.14 3439. 953.0 3507.7 988.4 3576.8 1024.6 57
58 3372.8 919.0 3440.5 953.6 3508.8 989.0 3578.0 1025.4 58
59 3373.9 919.6 3U44I.6 954.2 3510.8 989.6 3579. 1026.0 59


(Chord or Arc Definition)

• 1
= 64° i- 65° 1 = 66° 1
= 67°


3580.3 1026.6 3650.2 1063.9 3720.9 1102.2 3792.4 1141.4

3581 .a 1027.2 3651.4 1064.5 3722. 1102.8 3793.6 1 142.
2 3582.6 1027.8 3652.5 1065.2 3723.2 103.5
1 3794.8 1 142.7 2
3 3583.8 1028.5 3653.7 1065.8 3724.4 1 104. 3796.0 1 143 .
U 3584.9 1029. 3654.9 1066.4 3725.6 1 104.8 3797.2 1 144.0 4
5 3586. 1029.7 3656. 1067.0 3726.8 1105.4 3798.4 1 144.7 5
6 3587.2 1030.3 3657.2 1067.7 3728.0 106.0
1 3799.6 1 145.4 6
7 3588. 1030.9 3658.4 1068.3 3729.2 1106.7 3800.8 1 146.0 7
8 3589.6 103 1 . 3659.6 1068.9 3730.4 107.3
1 3802.0 1 146.7 8
9 3590.7 1032.2 3660.7 1069.6 3731.6 108.0
1 3803.2 1 147.3 9
10 3591.9 1032.8 3661.9 1070.2 3732.7 1 108.6 3804.4 1 148.0 10
1 I
3593.0 1033.4 3663. 1070.8 3733.9 1 109.2 3805.6 1 148.7 1 1

12 3594.2 1034.0 3664.3 107 1 . 3735. 1 109.9 3806.8 1 149.3 12

13 3595. 1034.7 3665.4 1072. 3736.3 1 110.5 3808.0 1 150.0 13
IU 3596.5 1035.3 3666.6 1072.8 3737.5 1 1 1 1.2 3809.2 1 150.7 14

15 3597.7 1035.9 3667.8 1073.4 3738.7 1 1 1 1.8 3810.4 1 151.3 15

16 3598.8 1036.5 3669.0 1074.0 3739.9 11 12.5 381 1.6 1 152.0 16
17 3600.0 1037.1 3670. 1074.7 3741. 1 1 13. 3812.8 1152.7 17
18 3601.2 1037.8 3671.3 1075.3 3742.2 1 1 13.8 3814.0 1 153.4 18
19 3602.3 1038.4 3672.5 1076.0 3743.4 1 1 14.4 3815.2 1 154.0 19

20 3603.5 1039.0 3673.7 1076.6 3744.6 1 1 15. 3816.4 1 154.7 20

21 3604.7 1139.6 3674.8 1077.2 3745.8 1 1 15.8 3817.6 1 155.4 21
22 3605.8 1040.2 3676.0 1077.9 3747.0 II 16.4 3818.8 1 156.0 22
23 3607.0 1040.9 3677.2 1078.5 3748.2 1 1 17. 3820.0 1 156.7 23
2U 3608.2 1041.5 3678.4 1079.1 3749.4 1 1 17.7 382 1 . 1 157.3 24
25 3609.3 1042. 3679.5 1079.7 3750.6 1 1 18.4 3822.4 1158.0 25
26 3610.5 1042.7 3680.7 1080.4 3751.8 1 1 19. 3823.6 1158.7 26
27 361 1.6 1043.3 3681.9 1081.0 3752.9 1 119.7 3824.8 1159.3 27
28 3612.8 1044.0 3683. 108 1 . 3754. 1 120.4 3826.0 1160.0 28
29 3614.0 1044.6 3684.3 1082.3 3755.3 1 121.0 3827.2 1160.6 29
30 3615. 1045.2 3685.4 1082.9 3756.5 1 121.7 3828.4 1161.3 30
31 3616.3 1045.8 3686.6 1083.5 3757.7 1 122.3 3829.6 1162.0 31
32 3617.5 1046.4 3687.8 1084.2 3758.9 1 123.0 3830.8 1162.7 32
33 3617.6 1047. 3689.0 1084.8 3760. 1 123.6 3832.0 1163.3 33
314 3619.8 1047.7 3690. IC85.5 3761.3 1 124.3 3833.3 1164.0 34
35 3621.0 1048.3 3691.3 1086. 3762.5 1 124.9 3834.5 1164.7 35
36 3622. 1048.9 3692.5 1086.7 3763.7 1 125.6 3835.7 1165.4 36
37 3623.3 1049.5 3693.7 1087.4 3764.9 1 126.2 3836.9 1 166. 37
38 3624.5 1050.2 3694.9 1088.0 3766. 1 126.9 3838. 1 166.7 38
39 3625.6 1050.8 3696.0 1088.7 3767.3 1 127.5 3839.3 1 167.4 39
UO 3626.8 1051.4 3697.2 1089.3 3768.5 1128.2 3840.5 1 168.1 40
41 3628.0 1052.0 3698.4 1089.9 3769.6 1128.9 3841.7 1166.8 41
42 3629. 1052.7 3699.6 1090.6 3770.8 1129.5 3842.9 1169.4 42
U3 3630.3 1053.3 3700.8 1091.2 3772.0 1130.2 3844. 1 170.1 43
44 3631.5 1053.9 3702.0 1091.9 3773.2 1130.8 3845.3 1 170.8 44
145 3632.6 1054.5 3703. 1092.5 3774.4 1 131.5 3846.5 1 171.4 45
46 3633.8 1055.2 3704.3 1093. 3775.6 1 132.2 3847.7 1 172. 46
H7 3635.0 1055.8 3705.5 1093.8 3776.8 1 132.8 3849.0 1 172.8 47
H8 3636. 1 1056.4 3706.7 1094.4 3778.0 1 133.5 3850.2 1 173.5 48
149 3637.3 1057.1 3707.9 1095. 3779.2 1 134. 3851.4 1 174. 49
50 3638.5 1057.7 3709.0 1095.7 3760.4 1 134.8 3852.6 1174.8 50
51 3639.7 1058.3 3710.2 1096.3 3781.6 1 135.5 3853.8 1175.5 51
52 3640.8 1058.9 371 1.4 1097.0 3782.8 1 136. 3855.0 1176.2 52
53 3642.0 1059.6 3712.6 1097.6 3784.0 1136.8 3856.2 1176.8 53
514 3643.2 1060.2 3713.8 1098.3 3785.2 1137.4 3857.4 1177.5 54
55 3644.3 1060.8 3715.0 1098.9 3786.4 1 138. 3858.6 1 178.2 55
56 3645.5 1061.4 3716. 1099.6 3787.6 1 138.8 3859.8 1 178.9 56
57 3646.7 1062.0 3717.3 1100.2 3788.8 1 139.4 386 1 . 1 179.6 57
58 3647.8 1062.7 3718.5 1100.9 3790.0 1 140. 3862.3 1 180.2 58
59 3649.0 1063.3 3719.7 1101.5 3791.2 1 140.7 3863.5 1 180.9 59


(Chord or Arc Definition)

, = 68° , = 69° f0° 1
= 71° •


3864.7 1 181.6 3937.9 1222.7 40 1 1 . 1265.0 4086.9 1308.2

3865.9 1 182.3 3939. 1223. 14 4013.2 1265.7 4088.2 1308.9
2 3867. 1 183.0 3940.3 1224. 40 4 1 . 1266.4 4089.4 1309.7 2
3 3868.3 1 183.6 39UI. 12214.8 4015.7 1267.1 4090.7 1310.4 3
14 3869.6 1 184.3 3942.8 1225.5 4016.9 1267.8 4091.9 131 1.2 14

5 3870.8 1185.0 3944.0 1226.2 4018.2 1268.5 4093.2 131 1.9 5

6 3872.0 1185.7 3945. 1226.9 4019.4 1269.3 4094.5 1312.6 6
7 3873.2 1 1 86. 3946.5 1227.6 4020.6 1270.0 4095.7 1313.4 7
8 3874. 1187.0 39U7.7 1228.3 402 1 . 1270.7 4097.0 1314. 8
9 3875.6 1187.7 3948.9 1229.0 4023. 1 1271.4 4098.2 1314.9 9
10 3876.8 1188.4 3950.2 1229.7 4024.4 1272.1 4099.5 1315.5 10
1 1
3878.0 1 189. 3951 .a 1230. 4025.6 1272.8 4100.8 1316.3 1 1

12 3879.3 1 189.8 3952.6 1231. 4026.9 1273.5 4102.0 1317. 12

13 3880.5 1190. 3953.9 1231.8 4028. 1274.3 4103.3 1317.8 13
IU 3861.7 1191. 3955. 1232.5 4029.4 1275.0 4104.5 1318.5 IU
15 3882.9 1191.8 3956.3 1233.2 4030.6 1275.7 4105.8 1319.2 15
16 3884. 1192.5 3957.5 1233.9 4031.8 1276.4 4107. 1320.0 16
17 3885.3 1193.2 3958.8 1234.6 4033. 1 1277. 4108.3 1320.7 17
18 3886.6 1193.8 3960.0 1235.3 4034.3 1277.9 4109.6 1321 .4 18
19 3887.8 1194.5 3961.2 1236.0 4035.6 1278.6 41 10.9 1322.2 19
20 3889.0 1195.2 3962.5 1236.7 4036.8 1279.3 41 12. 1322.9 20
21 3890.2 1195.9 3963.7 1237. 4038. 1280.0 41 13.4 1323.6 21
22 3891.4 1196.6 3964.9 1238. 4039.3 1260.7 41 14.6 1324.4 22
23 3892.6 1197.2 3966.2 1238.8 4040.6 1281.5 41 15.9 1325. 23
24 3893.9 1197.9 3967. 1239.5 4041 .8 1282.2 41 17.2 1325.9 24
25 3895. 1198.6 3968.6 I2U0.2 4043. 1282.9 41 18.4 1326.6 25
26 3896.3 1199.3 3969.9 I2M0.9 4044.3 1283.6 41 19.7 1327.3 26
27 3897.5 1200.0 3971. I2UI. 4045.6 1284.3 4121.0 1328.1 27
28 3898.7 1200.6 3972.3 1242.3 4046.8 1285. 4122.2 1328.8 28
29 3900.0 1201.3 3973.6 12143.0 4048. 1285.8 4123.5 1329.6 29
30 3901.2 1202.0 3974.8 1243. 4049.3 1286.5 4124.8 1330.3 30
31 3902. 1202.7 3976.0 121414.14 4050.6 1287.2 4126.0 1331.0 31
32 3903.6 1203.4 3977.3 12145. 1 4051.8 1287.9 4127.3 1331.8 32
33 3904.8 1204. 3978.5 I2U5.8 4053. 1288.6 4128.6 1332.5 33
34 3906. 12014.8 3979.7 1246.5 4054.3 1289.3 4129.8 1333.3 34
35 3907.3 1205.4 3981.0 1247.2 4055.6 1290.0 4131. 1334.0 35
36 3908.5 1206. 3982.2 1248.0 4056.8 1290.8 4132.4 1334.7 36
37 3909.7 1206.8 3983. 1248.7 4058. 1291.5 4133.6 1335.5 37
38 3910.9 1207.5 3984. 1249.4 4059.3 1292.2 4134.9 1336.2 38
39 3912.2 1208.2 3985.9 1250.1 4060.6 1292.9 4136.2 1337.0 39
140 3913. 1208.9 3987.2 1250.8 406 1 . 1293.7 4137.4 1337.7 40
Ul 39IU. 1209.6 39e8.U 1251.5 4063. 1294.3 4138.7 1338.4 41
U2 3915.8 1210.3 3989.6 1252.2 4064.3 1295. 4140.0 1339.2 42
U3 3917. 121 1.0 3990.9 1252.9 4065.6 1295.8 4141.2 1339.9 43
1414 3918.3 121 1.7 3992. 1253.6 4066.8 1296.5 4142.5 1340.7 44
»45 3919.5 1212.3 3993.3 1254.3 4068. 1297.2 4143.8 1 34 1 . 45
U6 3920.7 1213.0 399U.6 1255. 4069.3 1298.0 4145.0 1342. 1 46
147 3921.9 1213.7 3995.8 1255.8 4070.6 1298.7 4146.3 1342.9 47
U8 3923.2 1214.4 3997. 1256.5 407 1 . 1299.4 4147.6 1343.6 48
U9 3924.4 1215. 3998.3 1257.2 4073. 1300.2 4148.8 1344.4 49
50 3925.6 1215.8 3999.5 1257.9 4074.4 1300.9 4150. 1345. 50
51 3926.8 1216.5 4000.8 1258.6 4075.6 1301.6 4151.4 1345.8 51
52 3928. 1217.2 4002.0 1259.3 4076.9 1302 . 4152.7 1346.6 52
53 3929.3 1217.9 U003.3 1260.0 4078. 1303. 4153.9 1347.3 53
514 3930.5 1218.6 4004.5 1260.7 4079.4 1303.8 4155.2 1348. 54
55 3931.7 1219.2 U005.7 1261.4 4080.6 1304.5 4156.5 1348.8 55
56 3933.0 1219.9 U007.0 1262.2 4081 .9 1305.3 4157.7 1349.6 56
57 3934.2 1220.6 14008.2 1262.9 4083. 1306.0 4159.0 1350.3 57
58 3935. 1221.3 4009.5 1263.6 4084.4 1306.7 4160.3 1351. 58
59 3936.7 1222.0 M0I0.7 1264.3 4085.7 1307.5 4161.6 1351.8 59


(Chord or Arc Definition)
= 72° 1 = 73° 1 = 74° 75° •


o 4162.8 1352.6 4239.7 1398.0 4317.6 1444.6 4396.5 1492.4

4164. 1 1353.3 4241.0 1398.8 4318.9 1445.4 4397.8 1493.2
2 4165.4 1354. 4242.3 1399.5 4320.2 1446.2 4399.2 1494.0 2
3 4166.7 I35U.8 4243.6 1400.3 432 1 . 1447.0 4400.5 1494.8 3
4 4167.9 1355.6 4244.9 140 1 . 4322.8 1447.8 4401.8 1495.6 M
5 4169.2 1356.3 4246.2 1401.8 4324. 1448.5 4403. 1496.4 5
6 4170.5 1357.1 4247.5 1402.6 4325.4 1449.3 4404.5 1497.3 6
7 4171.8 1357.8 4248.8 1403.4 4326.8 1450. 4405.8 1498. i
8 4173.0 1358.6 4250.0 1404.2 4328. 1450.9 4407. 1498.9 8
9 4174.3 1359.3 4251.3 1404.9 4329.4 1451.7 4408.4 1499.7 9
10 4175.6 1360.1 4252.6 1405.7 4330.7 1452.5 4409.8 1500.5 10
1 1
UI76.9 1360.8 4253.9 1406.5 4332.0 1453.3 441 1. 150 1 .
I |

12 4178. 1361.6 4255.2 1407.3 4333.3 1454. 4412.4 1502.1 12

13 4179.4 1362.3 4256.5 1408.0 4334.6 1454.9 44 31 . 1502.9 13
IU 4180.7 1363.1 4257.8 1408.8 4335.9 1455.7 4415. 1503.7 14
15 UI82.0 1363.8 4259. 1409.6 4337.2 1456.4 4416.4 1504.5 15
16 14183.2 1364.6 4260.4 1410.4 4338.5 1457.2 4417.7 1505.4 16
17 4184.5 1365.3 4261.7 1411. 2 4339.9 1458.0 4419. 1506.2 17
18 4185.8 1366. 4263.0 141 1.9 4341.2 1458.8 4420.4 1507.0 18
19 4187.1 1366.8 4264.3 1412.7 4342.5 1459.6 4421.7 1507.8 19

20 4188.4 1367.6 4265.6 1413.5 4343.8 1460.4 4423. 1508.6 20

21 4189.6 1368.4 4266.9 1414.3 4345. 1461.2 4424.4 1509.4 21
22 4190.9 1369. 4268.2 1415.0 4346.4 1462.0 4425.7 1510.2 22
23 4192.2 1369.9 4269.5 1415.8 4347.7 1462.8 4427.0 151 1.0 23
24 4193.5 1370.6 4270.7 1416.6 4349.0 1463.6 4428.4 151 1.8 24
25 UI94.8 1371 .4 4272.0 1417.3 4350.4 1464.4 4429.7 1512.6 25
26 UI96.0 1372.2 4273.3 1418. 4351.7 1465.2 4431 .0 1513.5 26
27 UI97.3 1372.9 4274.6 1418.9 4353.0 1466.0 4432.4 1514.3 27
28 4198.6 1373.7 4275.9 1419.7 4354.3 1466.8 4433.7 1515. 28
29 4199.9 I37M.U 4277.2 1420.4 4355.6 1467.6 4435.0 1515.9 29
30 4201.2 1375.2 4278.5 1 42 1 . 4356.9 1468.4 4436.4 1516.7 30
31 4202.4 1376.0 4279.8 1422.0 4358.2 1469.2 4437.7 1517.5 31
32 4203.7 1376.7 4281. 1422.8 4359.6 1470.0 4439.0 1518.3 32
33 4205.0 1377.5 4282.4 1423.5 4360.9 1470.8 4440.4 1519.2 33
3U 4206.3 1378.2 4283.7 1424.3 4362.2 1471.6 4441 .7 1520.0 34
35 U207.6 1379.0 4285.0 1425.1 4363.5 1472.4 4443.0 1520.8 35
36 4208.8 1379.8 4286.3 1425.9 4364.8 1473.2 4444.4 1 52 1 . 36
37 4210. 1380.5 4287.6 1426.7 4366.1 1474.0 4445.7 1522.4 37
38 U2 1 U1 . 1381.3 4288.9 1427.4 4367.5 1474.8 4447.0 1523.3 38
39 4212.7 1382.0 4290.2 1428.2 4368.8 1475.6 4448.4 1524.1 39
UO 4214.0 1382.8 4291.5 1429.0 4370. 1476.4 4449.7 1524.9 40
41 42 15. 1383.6 4292.8 1429.8 4371.4 1477.2 4451. 1525.7 41
42 4216.5 1384.3 4294. 1430.6 4372.7 1478.0 4452.4 1526.5 42
U3 4217.8 1385. 4295.4 1431 .3 4374. 1478.8 4453.7 1527.4 43
44 U2I9. 1385.8 4296.7 1432. 4375.4 1479.6 4455. 1528.2 44
45 4220.4 1386.6 4298.0 1432.9 4376.7 1460.4 4456.4 1529.0 45
46 1122 1.7 I387.U 4299.3 1433.7 4378.0 1481.2 4457.7 1529.8 46
H7 4223.0 1388. 4300.6 1434.5 4379.3 1482.0 4459. 1530.6 47
U8 4224.3 1388.9 4301.9 1435.2 4380.6 1482.8 4460.4 1 53 1 . 48
49 4225.5 1389.6 4303.2 1436.0 4382.0 1483.6 446 1 . 1532.3 49
50 4226.8 1390.4 4304.6 1436.8 4383.3 1484.4 4463. 1533.1 50
51 4228. 1391.2 4305.9 1437.6 4384.6 1485.2 4464.4 1533.9 51
52 4229.4 1391.9 4307.2 1438.4 4395.9 1486.0 4465.8 1534.8 52
53 U230. 1392.7 4308.5 1439. 4387.3 1486.8 4467. 1535.6 53
5M 4232.0 1393.4 4309.8 1439.9 4388.6 1487.6 4468.4 1536.4 54
55 4233.3 1394.2 431 1. 1 1440.7 4389.9 1488.4 4469.8 1537.2 55
56 4234.6 1395.0 4312.4 1441 .5 4391.2 1489.2 4471. 1538. 56
57 4235.9 1395.7 4313.7 1442.3 4392.5 1490.0 4472.5 1538.9 57
1 58 U237. 1396.5 4315.0 1443.0 4393.9 1490.8 4473.8 1539.7 58
59 4238.4 1397.2 4316.3 1443.8 4395.2 1491.6 4475.2 1540.6 59


(Chord Definition of D)
After dividing Ti° (Table VIII) by D c add the correction.

Degree of Curve (D c )
1 1

2° 3° 4° 5° 6° 8° 10° 12° 14° 16° 20°

5° .00 .00 .01 .01 .02 .02 .03 .03 .04 .05 .06 5°
10° .01 .02 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .10 .13 10°
15° .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .08 .10 .11 .13 .16 .19 15°
20° .02 .03 .05 .06 .08 .10 .13 .15 .18 .21 .25 20°
25° .03 .04 .06 .08 .10 .13 .16 .20 .23 .26 .32 25°

30° .03 .04 .07 .08 .11 .15 .19 .23 .27 .30 .39 30°
35° .04 .06 .08 .10 .13 .18 .22 .27 .32 .37 .46 35°
40° .05 .08 .10 .13 .15 .21 .26 .32 .37 .42 .53 40°
45° .05 .08 .12 .15 .18 .24 .30 .35 .42 .48 .61 45°
50° .05 .09 .13 .16 .19 .26 .33 .40 .47 .54 .68 50°

52° .05 .09 .14 .18 .21 .29 .36 .42 .49 .57 .71 52°
54° .05 .10 .14 .18 .22 .30 .37 .45 .52 .59 .74 54°
56° .06 .10 .15 .19 .23 .31 .38 .46 .54 .61 .78 56°
58° .06 .11 .15 .19 .24 .32 .40 .48 .56 .64 .81 58°
60° .06 .11 .16 .20 .25 .33 .42 .50 .58 .67 .84 60°

62° .07 .12 .16 .21 .26 .34 .44 .53 .61 .70 .87 62°
64° .07 .12 .17 .21 .26 .35 .45 .54 .63 .72 .90 64°
66° .07 .13 .18 .22 .27 .37 .47 .56 .66 .75 .95 66°
68° .07 .13 .18 .24 .28 .38 .49 .58 .68 .79 .98 68°
70° .08 .14 .20 .25 .30 .40 .51 .61 .71 .82 1.02 70°

72° .08 .15 .21 .26 .31 .42 .53 .63 .74 .84 1.06 72°
74° .08 .15 .21 .26 .32 .43 .54 .65 .76 .88 1.10 74°
76° .08 .15 .22 .27 .33 .45 .56 .68 .79 .91 1.14 76°
78° .09 .16 .22 .28 .34 .46 .58 .70 .82 .94 1.18 78°
80° .10 .17 .24 .30 .37 .49 .61 .73 .85 .98 1.23 80°


(Chord Definition of D)
After dividing by Ei° (Table VIM) add the correction.

Degree of Curve (D c )
2° 3° 4° 5° 6° 8° 10° 12° 14° 16° 20°

10° .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 10°
20° .00 .00 .00 .00 .01 .01 .01 .01 .02 .02 .02 20°
30° .01 .01 .02 .02 .02 .03 .03 .03 .04 .04 .06 30°
40° .01 .01 .02 .03 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .10 40°
50° .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .08 .09 .10 .12 .14 50°

55° .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .08 .10 .11 .13 .15 .18 55°
60° .02 .03 .04 .06 .07 .09 .11 .13 .16 .18 .22 60°
65° .03 .04 .05 .07 .08 .11 .14 .16 .19 .22 .27 65°
70° .03 .05 .07 .08 .10 .13 .16 .19 .22 .26 .32 70°
75° .04 .06 .08 .09 .11 .15 .19 .23 .27 .30 .38 75°

*See page 406 for explanation and example.



Partial Notation
(See Chapter 5 for complete theory and notation)

D Degree of central circular curve (D = arc definition of

D; D c = chord definition of D).
Ls Length of spiral curve, in feet.
A Central angle of the spiral, or spiral angle.
X, Y Coordinates (abscissa and ordinate) of the S.C. referred
to the T.S. as origin and to the initial tangent as X-axis.
X , o Coordinates (abscissa and ordinate) of the offset T.C.,
which is the point where a tangent to the circular curve
produced backward becomes parallel to the tangent at
the T.S.
L.T. "Long tangent" of the spiral.
S.T. "Short tangent" of the spiral.
L.C. "Long chord" of the spiral.

Table XI. This table gives spiral parts for various selected
values of D and L
s It may be used for both chord definition and

arc definition of D. The definition of D affects only the co-

ordinates of the offset T.C.; correct values of these coordinates
may be obtained by observing the following:
1 When arc definition of D is used, select values of o and X
from sub-columns headed Da .

2. When chord definition of D is used, subtract the correc-

tions in the columns headed * from the arc-definition
values of o and Xq.

Table XII. This table may be used to obtain spiral parts

for any combination of D and L s up to A = 90°. Proceed as
1. When arc definition of D is used, enter table with given
value of A (interpolating if necessary) and multiply the
tabulated coefficients by the value of L s .

2. When chord definition of D is used, calculate spiral parts as

above. Then, since only the coordinates of the offset
T.C. are affected by the definition of D, correct the calcu-
lated values of o and X
by subtracting the products of D
and the coefficients in the columns headed by an asterisk.

Example. D = 12; L = 320; A = 19.2.

8 For arc definition,

o = 320 X. 02781= 8.90

X = 320 X. 49813 = 159.40
For chord definition,

o= 8.90 - 12 X. 0041= 8.85

Xo = 159.40- 12X. 0240= 159.11


*o | I
L.T. | S.T. | L.C.
D = 0° 30'
100 0°15.0' 0.03 50.00 100.00 0.14 66.67 33.33 100.00
125 18.8 0.06 62.50 125.00 0.23 83.33 41.67 125.00
150 22.5 0.08 75.00 150.00 0.33 100.00 50.00 150.00
200 30.0 0.15 100.00 200.00 0.58 133.33 66.67 200.00

250 37.5 0.23 125.00 250.00 0.91 166.67 83.33 250.00

300 45.0 0.31 150.00 299.99 1.31 200.00 100.00 300.00
350 52.5 0.44 175.00 349.99 1.78 233.34 116.67 350.00
400 1 00.0 0.58 200.00 399.99 2.33 266.67 133.34 399.99

450 1 07.5 0.74 225.00 449.98 2.95 300.01 150.01 449.99

500 1 15.0 0.91 250.00 499.98 3.64 333.34 166.67 499.99
550 1 22.5 1.10 274.99 549.97 4.40 366.68 183.34 549.99
600 1 30.0 1.31 299.99 599.96 5.24 400.01 200.01 599.98

700 1 45.0 1.78 349.99 699.93 7.13 466.69 233.35 699.97

800 2 00.0 2.33 399.98 799.90 9.31 533.37 266.70 799.96
900 2 15.0 2.94 449.98 899.86 11.78 600.05 300.05 899.94
1000 2 30.0 3.64 499.97 999.81 14.54 666.73 333.39 999.92

D = 0° 40'
0°20.0' 0.05 50.00 100.00 0.18 66.67 33.33 100.00
25.0 0.08 62.50 125.00 0.30 83.33 41.67 125.00
30.0 0.11 75.00 150.00 0.44 100.00 50.00 150.00
40.0 0.20 100.00 200.00 0.78 133.33 66.67 200.00

50.0 0.30 125.00 249.99 1.21 166.67 83.33 250.00

1 00.0 0.44 150.00 299.99 1.75 200.00 100.00 300.00
1 10.0 0.59 175.00 349.99 2.38 233.34 116.67 349.99
1 20.0 0.78 200.00 399.98 3.10 266.67 133.34 399.99

1 30.0 0.98 225.00 449.97 3.93 300.01 150.01 449.99

1 40.0 1.21 249.99 499.96 4.85 333.35 166.68 499.98
1 50.0 1.47 274.99 549.95 5.87 366.69 183.35 549.98
2 00.0 1.75 299.99 599.93 6.98 400.03 200.02 599.97

2 20.0 2.38 349.98 699.88 9.50 466.71 233.37 699.95

2 40.0 3.10 399.97 799.83 12.41 533.39 266.72 799.92
3 00.0 3.93 449.96 899.75 15.70 600.09 300.08 899.89
3 20.0 4.85 499.94 999.66 19.39 666.79 333.44 999.85
D = 0° 50'
0°25.0' 0.06 50.00 100.00 0.24 66.67 33.33 100.00
31.3 0.09 62.50 125.00 0.38 83.33 41.67 125.00
37.5 0.14 75.00 150.00 0.55 100.00 50.00 150.00
50.0 0.24 100.00 200.00 0.97 133.33 66.67 200.00

1 02.5 0.38 125.00 249.99 1.52 166.67 83.34 250.00

1 15.0 0.55 150.00 299.99 2.18 200.00 100.00 299.99
1 27.5 0.74 175.00 349.98 2.97 233.34 116.67 349.99
1 40.0 0.97 199.99 399.97 3.88 268.68 133.34 399.99

52.5 1.23 224.99 449.95 4.91 300.02 150.02 449.98

05.0 1.51 249.99 499.93 6.06 333.36 166.69 499.97
17.5 1.83 274.99 549.91 7.33 366.70 183.36 549.96
30.0 2.18 299.98 599.89 8.73 400.04 200.04 599.95

55.0 2.97 349.97 699.82 11.88 466.73 233.39 699.92

20.0 3.88 399.95 799.73 15.51 .533.43 266.75 799.88
45.0 4.91 449.93 899.63 19.63 600.14 300.12 899.83
10.0 6.06 499.91 999.47 24.23 666.85 333.50 999.77


L.T. S.T. L.C.
D = l°
100 0°30.0' 0.07 50.00 100.00 0.29 66.67 33.33 100.00
125 37.5 0.11 62.50 125.00 0.45 83.33 41.67 125.00
150 45.0 0.16 75.00 150.00 0.65 100.00 50.00 150.00
200 1 00.0 0.29 100.00 199.99 1.16 133.34 66.67 200.00

250 1 15.0 0.45 125.00 249.99 1.82 166.67 83.34 249.99

300 1 30.0 0.65 150.00 299.98 2.62 200.01 100.01 299.99
350 1 45.0 0.89 174.99 349.97 3.56 233.34 116.68 349.99
400 2 00.0 1.16 199.99 399.95 4.65 266.68 133.35 399.98

450 2 15.0 1.47 224.99 449.93 5.89 300.02 150.02 449.97

500 2 30.0 1.82 249.98 499.91 7.27 333.37 166.70 499.96
550 2 45.0 2.20 274.98 549.87 8.80 366.71 ?.83.37 549.94
600 3 00.0 2.62 299.97 599.84 10.47 400.06 200.05 599.93

700 3 30.0 3.56 349.94 699.74 14.25 466.76 233.42 699.89

800 4 00.0 4.65 399.94 '.bi' 799.61 18.61 533.47 266.79 799.82
900 4 30.0 5.89 449.91 .01 899.44 23.55 600.19 300.18 899.76
1000 5 00.0 7.27 499.87 .01 999.24 29.07 666.93 333.58 999.66

D == 1° 15'
100 0°37.5' 0.09 50.00 100.00 0.36 66.67 33.33 100-.00
125 46.9 0.14 62.50 125.00 0.57 83.33 41.67 125.00
150 56.2 0.20 75.00 150.00 0.82 100.00 50.00 150.00
200 1 15.0 0.36 100.00 199.99 1.45 133.34 66.67 200.00

250 1 33.8 0.57 124.99 249.98 2.27 166.67 83.34 244.99

300 1 52.5 0.82 149.99 299.97 3.27 200.01 100.01 299.99
350 2 11.3 1.11 174.99 349.95 4.45 233.35 116.68 349.98
400 2 30.0 1.45 199.99 399.92 5.82 266.69 133.36 399.97

450 2 48.8 1.84 224.98 449.89 7.36 300.04 150.03 449.95

500 3 07.5 2.27 249.97 499.85 9.09 333.39 166.71 499.93
550 3 26.3 2.75 274.97 '.bi' 549.80 11.00 366.74 183.40 549.91
600 3 45.0 3.27 299.96 .01 599.74 13.09 400.09 ?00.08 599.89

700 4 22.5 4.45 349.93 .01 699.59 17.81 466.81 233.46 699.82
800 5 00.0 5.82 399.90 .01 799.39 23.26 533.54 266.86 799.73
900 5 37.5 7.36 449.86 .01 899.13 29.43 600.30 300.28 899.62
1000 6 15.0 9.08 499.80 .01 998.80 36.33 667.08 333.71 999.48

D == 1°30'
100 0°45.0' 0.11 50.00 100.00 0.44 66.67 33.33 100.00
125 56.2 0.17 62.50 125.00 0.68 83.33 41.67 125.00
150 1 07.5 0.25 75.00 149.99 0.98 100.00 50.00 150.00
200 1 30.0 0.44 100.00 199.99 1.75 133.34 66.67 199.99
250 1 52.5 0.68 124.99 249.97 2.73 166.68 83.34 249.99

300 2 15.0 0.98 149.99 299.95 3.93 200.02 100.01 299.98

350 2 37.5 1.33 174.99 349.93 5.34 233.36 116.69 349.97
400 3 00.0 1.74 199.98 399.89 6.98 266.71 133.37 399.95
450 3 22.5 2.20 224.97 .01 449.85 8.83 300.06 150.05 449.93
500 3 45.0 2.72 249.96 .01 499.78 10.90 333.41 166.74 499.90

550 4 07.5 3.30 274.95 .01 549.71 13.19 366.77 183.42 549.87
600 4 30.0 3.92 299.94 .01 599.63 15.70 400.13 200.12 599.84
700 5 15.0 5.35 349.90 .01 699.41 21.36 466.88 233.52 699.74
800 6 00.0 6.98 399.86 .01 799.12 27.90 533.64 266.94 799.61
900 6 45.0 8.83 449.79 .01 898.75 35.31 600 ,11 300.40 899.44

* Subtract from tabulated value for Da when chord definition of D is used.



Ls A o Da |
* X Y L.T. S.T. | L.C.

D = 1°45'
100 0°52.5' 0.13 50.00 100.00 0.51 66.67 33.33 100.00
125 1 05.6 0.20 62.50 125.00 0.80 83.33 41.67 125.00
150 1 18.8 0.29 75.00 149.99 1.15 100.00 50.00 150.00
200 1 45.0 0.51 100.00 199.98 2.36 133.34 66.67 199.99
250 2 11.3 0.80 124.99 249.96 3.18 166.68 83.35 249.98

300 2 37.5 1.15 149.99 .01 299.94 4.58 200.02 100.02 299.97
350 3 03.8 1.56 174.98 .01 349.90 6.23 233.37 116.70 349.96
400 3 30.0 2.03 99.98 .01 399.85 8.14 266.72 133.38 399.93
450 3 56.3 2.57 224.96 .01 449.79 10.30 300.07 150.07 449.91
500 4 22.5 3.18 249.95 .01 499.71 12.72 333.43 166.76 499.87

550 4 48.8 3.85 274.93 .01 549.61 15.39 366.80 183.46 549.83
600 5 15.0 4.58 299.92 .01 599.50 18.32 400.18 200.16 599.78
700 6 07.5 6.24 349.87 .01 699.20 24.92 466.95 233.59 699.65
800 7 00.0 8.14 399.80 .02 798.81 32.54 533.75 267.05 799.47
900 7 52.5 10.30 449.71 .02 898.31 41.18 600.60 300.55 899.25

D = 2°
100 1°00.0' 0.15 50.00 100.00 0.58 66.67 33.33 100.00
125 1 15.0 0.23 62.50 124.99 0.91 83.34 41.67 125.00
150 1 30.0 0.33 75.00 149.99 1.31 100.00 50.00 150.00
200 2 00.0 0.58 100.00 .01 199.98 2.33 133.34 66.67 199.99
250 2 30.0 0.91 124.99 .01 249.95 3.64 166.68 83.35 249.98

300 3 00.0 1.30 149.99 .01 299.92 5.24 200.03 100.03 299.96
350 3 30.0 1.78 174.98 .01 349.87 7.13 233.38 116.71 349.94
400 4 00.0 2.32 199.97 .01 399.80 9.30 266.73 133.40 300.01
450 4 30.0 2.94 224.96 .01 449.72 11.78 300.10 150.09 449.88
500 5 00.0 3.64 249.94 .01 499.62 14.54 333.47 166.79 499.83

550 5 30.0 4.40 274.92 .01 549.49 17.59 366.84 183.50 549.77
600 6 00.0 5.23 299.89 .02 599.34 20.93 400.23 200.21 599.71
700 7 00.0 7.13 349.82 .02 698.96 28.48 467.03 233.67 699.54
800 8 00.0 9.30 399.74 .02 798.44 37.18 533.88 267.16 799.30

D=2° 15'
100 1°07.5' 0.16 50.00 100.00 0.65 66.67 33.33 100.00
125 1 24.4 0.26 62.50 124.99 1.02 83.34 41.67 125.00
150 1 41.2 0.37 74.99 149.99 1.47 100.00 50.00 149.99
200 2 15.0 0.65 99.99 .01 199.97 2.62 133.34 66.68 100.00
250 2 48.8 1.02 124.99 .01 249.94 4.09 166.69 83.35 249.97

300 3 22.5 1.47 149.98 .01 299.90 5.89 200.04 100.03 299.95
350 3 56.3 2.00 174.97 .01 349.83 8.02 233.39 116.72 349.93
400 4 30.0 2.62 199.96 .01 399.75 10.47 266.75 133.41 399.89
450 5 03.8 3.31 224.94 .01 449.65 13.24 300.12 150.11 449.84
500 5 37.5 4.09 249.92 .02 499.52 16.35 333.50 166.82 499.79

550 6 11.3 4.94 274.90 .02 549.36 19.78 366.89 183.54 549.72
600 6 45.0 5.89 299.86 .02 599.17 23.54 400.29 200.26 599.63
700 7 52.5 8.02 349.78 .03 698.69 32.03 467.13 233.75 699.42
800 9 00.0 10.46 399.67 .03 798.03 41.82 534.02 267.30 799.12

* Subtract from tabulated value for D a when chord definition of D is used.

- 430


L, 1
A Da |
* X Y L.T. 1 S.T. L.C.

100 1°15.0' 0.18 50.00 100.00 0.72 66.67 33.33 100.00
12.5 1 33.8 0.28 62.50 124.99 1.14 83.34 41.67 125.00
150 1 52.5 0.41 75.00 .01 149.98 1.64 100.01 50.01 149.99
200 2 30.0 0.73 99.99 .01 199.96 2.91 133.35 66.68 199.98
250 3 07.5 1.13 124.99 .01 249.93 4.54 166.69 83.36 249.97

300 3 45.0 1.63 149.98 .01 299.87 6.54 200.04 100.04 299.94
350 4 22.5 2.22 174.97 .01 349.80 8.91 233.40 116.73 349.91
400 5 00.0 2.91 199.95 .02 399.70 11.63 266.77 133.43 399.86
450 5 37.5 3.68 224.93 .02 449.56 14.72 300.15 150.14 449.81
500 6 15.0 4.54 249.90 .02 499.40 18.16 333.54 166.86 499.73

550 6 52.5 5.49 274.87 .02 549.21 21.98 366.94 183.59 549.65
GOO 7 30.0 6.55 299.83 .02 598.97 26.15 400.36 200.33 599.54
700 8 45.0 8.90 349.73 .03 698.37 35.57 467.24 233.86 699.27
800 10 00.0 11.62 399.59 .03 797.57 46.44 534.18 267.45 798.92

100 1°22.5' 0.20 50.00 .... 99.99 0.80 66.67 33.34 100.00
125 1 43.2 0.31 62.50 .01 124.99 1.25 83.34 41.67 125.00
150 2 03.8 0.45 75.00 .01 149.98 1.80 100.01 50.01 149.99
200 2 45.0 0.80 99.99 .01 199.95 3.20 133.35 66.68 199.98
250 3 26.3 1.25 124.98 .01 249.91 5.00 166.70 83.36 249.96

300 4 07.5 1.80 149.97 .01 299.85 7.20 200.06 100.05 299.93
350 4 48.8 2.45 174.96 .02 349.75 9.79 233.42 116.75 349.89
400 5 30.0 3.20 199.94 .02 399.63 12.79 266.80 133.45 399.84
450 6 11.3 4.05 224.91 .02 449.47 16.19 300.19 150.17 449.77
500 6 52.5 5.00 249.88 .02 499.28 19.98 333.58 166.90 499.68

550 7 33.8 6.04 274.84 .03 549.03 24.17 367.00 183.64 549.58
600 8 15.0 7.20 299.79 .03 598.76 28.76 400.43 200.40 599.45
700 9 37.5 9.80 349.67 .03 698.02 39.12 467.36 233.96 699.13

E = 3°
100 1°30.0' 0.22 50.00 .01 99.99 0.87 66.67 33.34 100.00
125 1 52.5 0.34 62.50 .01 124.99 1.36 83.34 41.67 124.99
150 2 15.0 0.49 75.00 .01 149.98 1.96 100.01 50.01 149.99
200 3 00.0 0.87 99.99 .01 199.95 3.49 133.35 66.68 199.98
250 3 45.0 1.36 124.98 .01 249.89 5.45 166.70 83.37 249.95

300 4 30.0 1.96 149.97 .02 299.81 7.85 200.06 100.06 299.92
350 5 15.0 2.67 174.95 .02 349.71 10.68 233.44 116.76 349.87
400 6 00.0 3.49 199.93 .02 399.56 13.95 266.82 133.47 399.80
450 6 45.0 4.42 224.89 .03 449.37 17.65 300.22 150.20 449.72
500 7 30.0 5.46 249.86 .03 499.14 21.79 333.63 166.94 499.62

550 8 15.0 6.60 274.81 .03 548.86 26.36 367.06 183.70 549.49
600 9 00.0 7.85 299.75 .03 598.52 31.36 400.52 200.47 599.34
700 10 30.0 10.68 349.61 .04 697.66 42.66 467.49 234.08 698.96

* Subtract from tabulated value for D a when chord definition of D is used.



L. 1
A Da |
* X Y L.T. S.T. L.C.

D= = 3° 30'
100 1°45.0' 0.25 50.00 .01 99.99 1.02 66.67 33.34 100.00
125 2 11.3 0.40 62.50 .01 124.98 1.59 83.34 41.67 124.99
150 2 37.5 0.57 74.99 .01 149.97 2.29 100.01 50.01 149.99
200 3 30.0 1.02 99.99 .02 199.93 4.07 133.36 66.69 199.97
250 4 22.5 1.59 124.98 .02 249.85 6.36 166.72 83.38 249.94

300 5 15.0 2.29 149.96 .02 299.75 9.16 200.09 100.08 299.89
350 6 07.5 3.12 174.93 .03 349.60 12.46 233.47 116.97 349.82
400 7 00.0 4.07 199.90 .03 399.40 16.27 266.88 133.52 399.73
450 7 52.5 5.15 224.86 .03 449.15 20.59 300.30 150.27 449.63
500 8 45.0 6.36 249.80 .04 498.84 25.41 333.74 167.04 499.48

550 9 37.5 7.69 274.74 .04 548.45 30.73 367.21 183.83 549.31
600 10 30.0 9.16 299.66 .05 597.99 36.56 400.71 200.64 599.10
700 12 15.0 12.45 349.46 .05 696.80 49.72 467.79 234.35 698.58

D= = 4°
L, A Da |
* Da \
* X Y L.T. S.T. L.C.
100 2°00.0' 0.29 50.00 .01 99.99 1.16 66.67 33.34 99.99
125 2 30.0 0.45 62.50 .01 124.98 1.82 83.34 41.67 124.99
150 3 00.0 0.65 74.99 .02 149.96 2.62 100.01 50.01 149.98
200 4 00.0 1.16 99.98 .02 199.90 4.65 133.37 66.70 199.96
250 5 00.0 1.82 124.97 .03 249.81 7.27 166.73 83.39 249.92

300 6 00.0 2.62 149.95 .03 299.67 10.46 200.11 100.10 299.85
350 7 00.0 3.56 174.91 .04 349.48 14.24 233.52 116.83 349.77
400 8 00.0 4.65 199.87 .04 399.22 18.59 266.94 133.58 399.65
450 9 00.0 5.89 224.82 .05 448.89 23.52 300.39 150.35 449.5C
500 10 00.0 7.26 249.74 .05 498.48 29.02 333.87 167.15 499.32

550 11 00.0 8.79 .01 274.66 .06 547.98 35.11 367.38 183.98 549. 1C
600 12 00.0 10.46 .01 299.56 .06 597.37 41.75 400.92 200.84 598.83
650 13 00.0 12.27 .01 324.44 .07 646.66 48.98 434.51 217.74 648.51

D=4°30 /

100 2°15.0' 0.33 50.00 .01 99.98 1.31 66.67 33.34 99.99
125 2 48.8 0.51 62.50 .02 124.97 2.04 83.34 41.67 124.99
150 3 22.5 0.74 74.99 .02 149.95 2.94 100.02 50.02 149.98
200 4 30.0 1.31 99.98 .03 199.88 5.23 133.38 66.71 199.95
250 5 37.5 2.04 124.96 .03 249.76 8.18 166.75 83.41 249.89

300 6 45.0 2.94 149.93 .04 299.58 11.77 200.15 100.13 299.81
350 7 52.5 4.01 174.89 .04 349.34 16.02 233.56 116.88 349.71
400 9 00.0 5.23 199.84 .05 399.02 20.91 267.01 133.65 399.56
450 10 07.5 6.62 .01 224.77 06 448.60 26.45 300.49 150.45 449.37
500 11 15.0 8.17 .01 249.68 .06 498.08 32.64 334.01 167.28 499.14

550 12 22.5 9.88 .01 274.57 .07 547.44 39.47 367.57 184.15 548.86
600 13 30.0 11.76 .01 299.45 .08 596.68 46.94 401.17 201.07 598.52
650 14 37.5 13.79 .01 324.30 .08 645.78 55.05 434.82 218.02 648.12

* Subtract from tabulated value for D a when chord definition of D is used.



o Xo
Ls A Da I
* Da 1
* X Y L.T. S.T. 1 L.C.

2°30.0' 0.36 50.00 99.98 1.45 66.67 33.34 99.99
3 07.5 0.57 62.49 124.96 2.27 83.35 41.68 124.98
3 45.0 0.82 74.99 149.94 3.27 100.02 50.02 149.97
5 00.0 1.45 99.97 199.85 5.81 133.39 66.72 199.93

6 15.0 2.27 124.95 249.70 9.08 166.77 83.43 249.87

7 30.0 3.27 149.91 299.49 13.07 200.18 100.10 299.77
8 45.0 4.45 174.86 349.18 17.79 233.62 116.93 349.64
10 00.0 5.81 199.80 398.78 23.22 267.09 133.72 399.46

11 15.0 7.36 224.71 448.27 29.37 300.61 150.55 449.23

12 30.0 9.08 249.60 497.62 36.24 334.17 167.43 498.94
13 45.0 10.98 274.47 546.84 43.82 367.78 184.36 !
15 00.0 13.06 299.32 595.90 52.10 401.45 201.32 I

D=5 °30'
100 2°45.0' 0.40 50.00 .02 99.98 1.60 66.67 33.34 99.99
125 3 26.3 0.62 62.49 .02 124.96 2.50 83.35 41.68 124.98
150 4 07.5 0.90 74.99 .03 149.92 3.60 100.03 50.02 149.97
200 5 30.0 1.60 99.97 .04 199.82 6.40 133.40 66.73 199.92

250 6 52.5 2.50 124.94 .05 249.64 9.99 166.79 83.45 249.84
300 8 15.0 3.60 149.90 .06 299.38 14.38 200.22 100.20 299.72
350 9 37.5 4.90 *.bV 174.84 .07 349.01 19.56 233.68 110.98 349.56
400 11 00.0 6.39 .01 199.76 .08 398.53 25.53 267.18 133.80 399.34

450 12 22.5 8.09 .01 224.65 .09 447.90 32.29 300.74 150.67 449.07
500 13 45.0 9.98 .01 249.52 .10 497.13 39.83 334.35 167.59 498.72
550 15 07.5 12.07 .01 274.36 .10 546.16 48.15 368.02 184.56 548.30
600 16 30.0 14.36 .02 299.17 .11 595.04 57.26 401.75 201.59 597.79

D = 6°
100 3°00.0' 0.44 50.00 .02 99.97 1.74 66.68 33.34 99.99
125 3 45.0 0.68 62.49 .03 124.95 2.73 83.35 41.68 124.98
150 4 30.0 0.98 74.98 .03 149.91 3.93 100.03 50.03 149.96
200 6 00.0 1.74 99.96 .05 199.78 6.98 133.41 66.74 199.90
250 7 30.0 2.73 124.93 .06 249.57 10.90 166.82 83.47 249.81

300 9 00.0 3.92 .01 149.88 .07 299.26 15.68 200.26 100.24 299.67
350 10 30.0 5.34 .01 174.80 .08 348.83 21.33 233.75 117.04 349.48
400 12 00.0 6.97 .01 199.71 .09 398.25 27.84 267.28 133.89 399.22
450 13 30.0 8.82 .01 224.59 .10 447.51 35.20 300.88 150.80 448.89
500 15 00.0 10.88 .01 249.43 .11 496.58 43.42 334.54 167.76 498.48

D=6 3
100 3°15.0' 0.47 49.99 .03 99.97 1.89 66.68 33.34 99.99
125 4 03.8 0.74 62.49 .03 124.94 2.95 83.36 41.69 124.97
150 4 52.5 1.06 74.98 .04 149.89 4.25 100.04 50.04 149.95
200 6 30.0 1.89 99.96 .05 199.74 7.56 133.42 66.75 199.89
250 8 07.5 2.95 124.91 .07 249.50 11.80 166.84 83.49 249.78

300 9 45.0 4.25 .01 149.85 .08 299.13 16.98 200.30 100.28 299.61
350 11 22.5 5.78 .01 174.77 .09 348.62 23.10 233.82 117.11 349.39
400 13 00.0 7.55 .01 199.66 .11 397.94 30.14 267.39 133.99 399.08
450 14 37.5 9.55 .02 224.51 .12 447.08 38.11 301.03 150.94 448.70
500 16 15.0 11.78 .02 249.33 .13 495.99 47.00 334.75 167.96 498.22

* Subtract from tabulated value for Da when chord definition of D is used.



Ls L.T. S.T. L.C.

D=7 C

100 3°30.0' 0.51 49.99 99.96 2.04 66.68 33.35 99.98

125 4 22.5 0.79 62.49 124.93 3.18 83.36 41.69 124.97
150 5 15.0 1.15 74.98 149.87 4.58 100.04 50.04 149.94
200 7 00.0 2.04 99.95 199.70 8.14 133.44 66.76 199.87
250 8 45.0 3.18 124.90 249.42 12.70 166.87 83.52 249.74

300 10 30.0 4.58 149.83 298.99 18.28 200.35 100.32 299.55

350 12 15.0 6.23 174.73 348.40 24.86 233.89 117.18 349.29
400 14 00.0 8.13 199.60 397.62 32.44 267.51 134.10 398.94
450 15 45.0 10.28 224.43 446.61 41.01 301.20 151.09 448.49
500 17 30.0 12.68 249.22 495.36 50.56 334.98 168.16 497.93

D == 8°
100 4°00.0' 0.58 49.99 .04 99.95 2.33 66.68 33.35 99.98
125 5 00.0 0.91 62.48 .05 124.90 3.63 83.37 41.70 124.96
150 6 00.0 1.31 74.97 .06 149.83 5.23 100.06 50.05 149.93
200 8 00.0 2.33 .01 99.93 .08 199.61 9.30 133.47 66.79 199.83
250 10 00.0 3.63 .01 124.87 .10 249.24 14.51 166.93 83.58 249.66

300 12 00.0 5.23 .01 149.78 .12 298.69 20.88 200.46 100.42 299.42
350 14 00.0 7.11 .02 174.65 .14 347.92 28.38 234.07 117.33 349.07
400 16 00.0 9.28 .02 199.48 .16 396.89 37.03 267.76 134.33 398.62
450 18 00.0 11.74 .03 224.26 .18 445.58 46.79 301.57 151.42 448.03
500 20 00.0 14.48 .04 248.99 .20 493.94 57.68 335.49 168.63 497.30
D = = 9°
100 4°30.0' 0.65 49.99 .05 99.94 2.62 66.69 33.35 99.97
125 5 37.5 1.02 62.48 .06 124.88 4.09 83.38 41.71 124.95
150 6 45.0 1.47 74.96 .08 149.79 5.88 100.07 50.07 149.91
200 9 00.0 2.62 .01 99.92 .10 199.51 10.45 133.51 66.82 199.78
250 11 15.0 4.09 .01 124.84 .13 249.04 16.32 167.00 83.64 249.57

300 13 30.0 5.88 .02 149.72 .15 298.34 23.47 200.58 100.53 299.26
350 15 45.0 7.99 .02 174.56 .18 347.36 31.90 234.26 117.51 348.83
400 18 00.0 10.43 .03 199.34 .20 396.07 41.59 268.06 134.60 398.25
450 20 15.0 13.19 .04 224.07 .23 444.41 52.54 301.99 151.81 447.51
500 22 30.0 16.27 .05 248.72 .25 492.34 64.73 336.07 169.15 496.58
D = 10°
100 5°00.0' 0.73 49.99 .06 99.92 2.91 66.69 33.36 99.97
125 6 15.0 1.14 62.48 .08 124.85 4.54 83.39 41.71 124.93
150 7 30.0 1.64 .01 74.96 .10 149.74 6.54 100.09 50.08 149.89
200 10 00.0 2.91 .01 99.90 .13 199.39 11.61 133.55 66.86 199.73
250 12 30.0 4.54 .02 124.80 .16 248.81 18.12 167.08 83.71 249.47

300 15 00.0 6.53 .02 149.66 .19 297.95 26.05 200.72 100.66 299.09
350 17 30.0 8.88 .03 174.46 .22 346.75 35.40 234.48 117.71 348.55
400 20 00.0 11.58 .04 199.19 .25 395.15 46.14 268.39 134.90 397.84
450 22 30.0 14.64 .06 223.85 .28 443.11 58.26 302.46 152.24 446.92
500 25 00.0 18.06 .07 248.42 .31 490.56 71.74 336.72 169.75 495.78

* Subtract from tabulated value for Da when chord definition of D is used.



Ls Da I
L.T. S.T. L.C.

D = 11°
80 4°24.0' 0.51 39.99 .06 79.95 2.05 53.35 26.68 79.98
100 5 30.0 0.80 49.98 .08 99.91 3.20 66.70 33.36 99.96
125 6 52.5 1.25 .01 62.47 .10 124.82 5.00 83.40 41.72 124.92
150 8 15.0 1.80 .01 74.95 .12 149.69 7.19 100.11 50.10 149.86
200 11 00.0 3.20 .01 99.88 .15 199.26 12.77 133.59 66.90 199.67

250 13 45.0 4.99 .02 124.76 .19 248.56 19.92 167.17 83.79 249.36
300 16 30.0 7.18 .03 149.59 .23 297.52 28.63 200.88 100.80 298.90
350 19 15.0 9.76 .04 174.34 .26 346.07 38.88 234.73 117.94 348.25
400 22 00.0 12.73 .06 199.02 .30 394.14 50.66 268.76 135.23 397.39
500 27 30.0 19.84 .09 248.09 .37 488.60 78.69 337.45 170.41 494.90

D = 12 c

80 4°48.0' 0.56 i
39.99 79.94 2.23 53.35 26.68 79.98
100 6 00.0 0.87 I
49.98 99.89 3.49 66.70 33.37 99.95
125 7 30.0 1.36 62.46 124.79 5.45 83.41 41.74 124.90
150 9 00.0 1.96 74.94 149.63 7.84 100.13 50.12 149.84
200 12 00.0 3.49 99.85 199.12 13.92 133.64 66.95 199.61

250 15 00.0 5.44 124.72 248.29 21.71 167.27 83.88 249.24

300 18 00.0 7.82 149.51 297.05 31.19 201.04 100.95 298.69
350 21 00.0 10.64 174.22 345.33 42.35 235.00 118.18 347.91
400 24 00.0 13.88 198.84 393.04 55.16 269.16 135.60 396.89
500 30 00.0 21.60 247.73 486.46 85.57 338.25 171.14 493.93

D = 13°
80 5°12.0' 0.60 39.99 79.93 2.42 53.36 26.69 79.97
100 6 30.0 0.94 49.98 99.87 3.78 66.71 33.37 99.94
125 8 07.5 1.48 62.45 124.75 5.90 83.42 41.75 124,89
150 9 45.0 2.13 74.93 149.57 8.49 100.15 50.14 149.81
200 13 00.0 3.77 99.83 198.97 15.07 133.69 67.00 199.54

250 16 15.0 124.67 248.00 23.50 167.37 83.98 249.11

300 19 30.0 8.47 149.42 296.54 33.75 201.23 101.12 298.46
350 22 45.0 11.52 174.09 344.52 45.80 235.29 118.45 347.55
400 26 00.0 15.01 198.63 391.84 59.62 269.60 136.00 396.35
500 32 30.0 23.36 247.34 484.15 92.39 339.13 171.95 492.89

D = 14°
80 5°36.0' 0.64 39.99 79.93 2.56 53.36 26.69 79.97
100 7 00.0 1.02 49.98 99.85 4.07 66.72 33.38 99.93
125 8 45.0 1.59 62.45 124.71 6.35 83.44 41.76 124.87
150 10 30.0 2.29 74.92 149.50 9.14 100.18 50.16 149.78
200 14 00.0 4.06 99.80 198.81 16.22, 133.75 67.05 199.47

250 17 30.0 6.34 124.61 247.68 25.28 167.49 84.08 248.96

300 21 00.0 9.12 149.33 296.00 36.30 201.43 101.30 298.21
350 24 30.0 12.39 173.94 343.65 49.24 235.61 118.74 347.16
400 28 00.0 16.15 198.42 390.55 64.06 270.08 136.44 395.77
500 35 00.0 25.12 246.92 481.66 99.13 340.09 172.83 491.76

* Subtract from tabulated value for Da when chord definition of D is used.



Ls A Da 1
* Da I
* X Y L.T. S.T. L.C.

D = 15°
80 6°00.0' 0.70 .01 39.99 .11 79.91 2.79 53.36 26.69 79.96
100 7 30.0 1.09 .01 49.97 .14 99.83 4.36 66.73 33.39 99.92
125 9 22.5 1.70 .01 62.44 .18 124.67 6.80 83.45 41.77 124.85
150 11 15.0 2.45 .02 74.90 .21 149.42 9.79 100.20 50.18 149.74
200 15 00.0 4.35 .04 99.77 .28 198.63 17.37 133.82 67.11 199.39

250 18 45.0 6.79 .06 124.56 .35 247.34 27.06 167.61 84.19 248.81
300 22 30.0 9.76 .08 149.23 .42 295.41 38.84 201.64 101.49 297.95
350 26 15.0 13.26 .11 173.78 .48 342.72 52.65 235.95 119.05 346.75
400 30 00.0 17.28 .15 198.18 .55 389.17 68.46 270.60 130.92 395.15
500 37 30.0 26.86 .22 246.48 .67 479.00 105.79 341.14 173.78 490.55

D = 16°
80 6°24.0' 0.74 .01 39.98 .13 79.90 2.98 53.37 26.70 79.96
100 8 00.0 1.16 .01 49.97 .16 99.80 4.65 66.74 33.40 99.91
125 10 00.0 1.82 .02 62.44 .20 124.62 7.26 83.47 41.79 124.83
150 12 00.0 2.61 .03 74.89 .24 149.34 10.44 100.23 50.21 149.71
200 16 00.0 4.64 .05 99.74 .32 198.45 18.51 133.88 67.17 199.31

250 20 00.0 7.24 .07 124.50 .40 246.97 28.84 167.74 84.31 248.65
300 24 00.0 10.41 .10 149.13 .48 294.78 41.37 201.87 101.70 297.67
350 28 00.0 14.13 .14 173.62 .55 341.73 56.05 236.32 119.39 346.30
400 32 00.0 18.41 .18 197.94 .62 387.70 72.82 271.16 137.43 394.48
500 40 00.0 28.59 .27 246.00 .75 476.18 112.30 342.26 174.S1 489.25

D= 18°
80 7°12.0' 0.84 .01 39.98 .15 79.87 3.48 53.38 20.71 79.94
100 9 00.0 1.31 .02 49.96 .21 99.75 5.23 00.75 33.41 99.89
125 11 15.0 2.04 .03 62.42 .26 124.52 8.16 83.50 41.82 124.79
150 13 30.0 2.94 .04 74.86 .31 149.17 11.73 100.29 50.27 149.63
200 18 00.0 5.22 .06 99.67 .41 198.04 20.80 134.03 67.30 199.12

250 22 30.0 8.14 .10 124.36 .50 246.17 32.36 168.03 84. 5S 2 IS. 29
300 27 00.0 11.69 .14 148.90 .60 293.41 40.3S 202. 3S 102.16 297.05
350 31 30.0 15.S6 .19 173.25 .69 339.57 62.77 237.14 120.13 345.32
400 36 00.0 20.65 .25 197.40 .77 384.50 81.44 272.40 138.56 393.03
500 45 00.0 32.02 .38 244.95 .93 470.02 125.24 344.78 177.12 4S6.43

D = 20°
60 6°00.0' 0.52 .01 29.99 .15 59.93 2.09 40.02 20.02 59.97
80 8 00.0 0.93 .01 39.97 .20 79.84 3.72 53.39 26.72 79.93
100 10 00.0 1.45 .02 49.95 .25 99.70 5.80 66.77 33.43 99.86
125 12 30.0 2.27 .03 62.40 .31 124.41 9.06 83.54 41.86 124.74
150 15 00.0 3.26 .05 74.83 .38 148.98 13.03 100.36 50.33 149.54

200 20 00.0 5.79 .09 99.60 .SO 197.58 23.07 134.19 67.45 198.92
250 25 00.0 9.03 .14 124.21 .62 245.28 35.87 168.36 84.87 247.89
300 30 00.0 12.96 .20 148.64 .73 291.88 51.34 202.95 102.69 296.36
350 35 00.0 17.58 .27 172.85 .84 337.16 69.39 238.06 120.98 344.23
400 40 00.0 22.87 .34 196.80 .94 380.94 89.89 273.81 139.85 391.40

Subtract from tabulated value for Da when chord dehnition of D is used.



/ DQ
* X Y L.T. S.T. L.C

0.0 .00000 .0000 . 50000 .0000 1.00000 .00000 . 66667 .33333 1.00000
1 015 00 000 01 1 00000
. 058 667 333 1 . 00000
029 00 000 03 1.00000 16 1 667 334 1 . 00000
.3 044 00 000 04 .99999 175 667 334 1.00000
.M 058 00 000 05 99999
. 233 667 334 1 . 00000
0.5 .00073 .0000 . 50000 .0006 . 99999 .00291 .66667 .33334 1.00000
.6 088 00 000 08 999 349 667 334 1.00000
.7 102 00 000 09 998 407 668 334 .99999
.8 1 17 00 000 10 998 465 668 334 999
.9 131 00 000 1 1 997 524 668 334 999
1.0 .00146 .0000 .U9999 .0013 . 99997 .00582 .66668 .33334 .99999
. | 161 00 999 14 996 640 668 335 998
.2 175 00 999 15 995 698 668 335 998
.3 190 00 999 17 995 756 669 335 998
.4 204 00 999 18 994 814 669 335 997
1 .5 .00219 .0000 .149999 .0019 .99993 .00873 .66669 .33336 . 99997
.6 233 00 999 20 992 931 669 336 997
.7 248 00 998 22 991 989 670 336 996
.8 262 00 998 23 990 .01047 670 337 996
.9 277 00 998 24 989 105 671 337 995
2.0 .00291 .0000 .49998 .0025 . 99988 .01 163 .66671 .33337 .99995
305 00 998 27 987 222 671 338 994
.2 320 00 997 28 985 280 672 338 993
.3 334 01 997 29 984 338 672 339 993
.U 349 01 997 31 982 396 673 339 992
2.5 .00363 .0001 .49997 .0032 .99981 .01454 .66673 .33339 .99992
.6 377 01 996 33 979 512 674 340 991
.7 392 01 996 34 978 571 675 340 990
.8 406 01 996 36 976 629 675 341 990
.9 421 01 996 37 975 687 676 341 989
3.0 .00435 .0001 .49995 .0038 . 99973 .01745 . 66676 .33342 . 95988
450 01 995 39 971 803 677 343 987
!2 464 01 994 41 969 861 678 343 986
.3 479 01 994 42 967 919 678 344 985
.U 493 01 994 43 965 978 679 345 984
3.5 .00508 .0001 .49994 .0045 .99963 .02036 .66680 .33345 .99983
.6 523 01 993 46 961 094 681 346 982
.7 537 01 993 47 958 152 681 347 981
.8 552 02 993 48 956 210 682 347 980
.9 566 02 992 50 953 268 683 348 979
4.0 .00581 .0002 . 49992 .0051 .99951 .02326 .66684 .33349 .99978
596 02 991 52 948 384 685 350 977
!2 610 02 991 53 946 443 686 350 976
.3 625 02 991 55 943 501 686 351 975
.4 639 02 990 56 941 559 687 352 974
a. .00654 .0002 .49990 .0057 .99938 .02617 .66688 .33353 .99973
.6 669 02 989 59 935 675 689 354 971
.7 683 02 989 60 932 733 690 355 970
.8 698 03 988 61 930 791 691 356 969
.9 712 03 988 62 927 849 692 357 967
5 - .00727 .0003 .49987 .0064 .99924 |.02907 .66693 .33358 .99966

• Multiply functions (except * values) by the given value of L s When chord .

defmi'ion of degree of curve (d c is used, correct the calculated values of )

o or x by subtracting the product of D c and the • values. See page 426 for
examp le.


J° * X Y L.T. S.T.
Da * L.C.

5.0 .00727 .0003 . 49987 .0064 .99924 .02907 . 66693 .33358 .99966
. 1 7U2 03 987 65 921 965 694 359 965
.2 756 03 986 66 918 .03023 696 360 963
.3 771 03 986 67 914 082 697 361 962
.4 785 03 985 59 91 1 140 698 362 961
5.5 .00800 .0003 . 49985 .0070 .99908 .03198 .66699 .33363 .99959
.6 814 03 984 71 904 256 700 364 958
.7 829 04 984 73 901 314 701 365 956
.8 843 04 983 74 897 372 703 366 954
.9 858 04 983 75 894 430 704 367 953
6.0 . 00872 .0004 . 49982 .0076 .99890 .03488 .66705 .33368 .99951
. 1 887 04 981 78 886 546 706 369 950
.2 901 04 981 79 882 604 708 371 948
.3 916 04 980 80 879 662 709 372 946
.4 930 05 979 81 875 720 710 373 944
6.5 .009U5 .0005 .49979 .0083 .99871 .03778 .66712 .33374 .99943
.6 960 05 978 84 867 836 713 376 941
.7 974 05 977 85 863 894 715 377 939
.8 989 05 976 86 859 952 716 378 937
.9 .01003 05 976 88 855 .04010 717 380 936
7.0 .01018 .0005 .49975 .0089 .99851 .04068 .66719 .33381 .99934
. I 033 06 974 90 846 126 720 382 932
.2 047 06 973 91 842 184 722 384 930
.3 062 06 973 93 838 242 724 385 928
.14 076 06 972 94 833 300 725 386 926
7.5 .01091 .0006 .49971 .0095 .99829 .04358 .66727 .33388 .99924
.6 105 06 970 97 824 416 728 389 922
.7 120 07 969 98 619 474 730 391 920
.8 I3U 07 969 99 815 532 732 392 918
.9 IU9 07 968 .0100 810 590 733 394 916
8.0 .01163 .0007 .49967 .0102 . 99805 .04648 .66735 .33395 .99913
. 1 178 07 966 03 800 706 737 397 91 1

.2 192 07 965 04 795 764 738 399 909

.3 207 08 965 05 790 822 740 400 907
.4 221 08 964 07 785 879 742 402 904
8.5 .01236 .0008 .49963 .0108 .99780 .04937 .66744 .33403 .99902
.6 250 08 962 09 775 995 745 405 900
.7 265 08 961 10 770 .05053 747 407 897
.8 279 09 961 12 764 1 1 1 749 409 895
.9 294 09 960 13 759 169 751 410 893
9.0 .01308 .0009 .49959 .01 14 .99754 .05227 .66753 .33412 . 99890
.1 323 09 958 16 748 285 755 414 888
.2 337 09 957 17 742 342 757 416 885
.3 352 10 956 18 737 400 759 417 883
.14 366 10 955 19 731 458 761 419 880
9.5 .01381 .0010 .49954 .0120 .99725 .05516 .66763 .33421 .99878
.6 395 10 953 22 719 574 765 423 875
.7 mo 10 952 23 713 632 767 425 873
.8 142U 1 951 24 708 690 769 427 870
.9 U39 1 950 26 702 747 771 428 867
10.0 .01453 .0011 .49949 .0127 .99696 . 05805 .66773 .33430 .99865

' Multiply functions (except * values) by the given value of L s When chord .

definition of degree of curve (d c is used, correct the calculated values of


o or x by subtracting the product of D c and the * values. See page 426 for
examp le.


J° * X Y L.T. S.T.
Dq Do * L.C.

10.0 .01453 .001 1 .49949 .0127 .99696 .05805 .66773 .33430 .99865
1 468 1 1 948 28 690 863 776 432 862
.2 482 12 947 29 684 921 778 434 859
.3 497 12 946 31 677 978 780 436 856
.4 51 1 12 945 32 671 . 06036 782 438 854
10.5 .01526 .0012 .49944 .0133 .99665 . 06094 .66784 .33440 .99851
.6 540 12 943 34 658 152 787 442 848
.7 555 13 942 36 652 210 789 444 845
.8 569 13 941 37 645 267 791 447 842
.9 584 13 940 38 639 325 794 449 839
1 1.0 .01598 .0013 .49939 .0139 .99632 .06383 .66796 .33451 .99836
1 613 m 938 Ml 625 440 798 453 833
627 14 937 42 618 498 801 455 830
.3 642 14 935 43 612 556 803 457 827
.4 656 14 934 44 605 614 806 460 824
1 1.5 .01671 .0015 .49933 .0146 .99598 .06671 .66808 .33462 . 9982
.6 685 15 932 47 591 729 81 1 464 818
.7 700 15 931 48 584 787 813 466 815
.8 7114 15 929 49 576 844 816 469 812
.9 729 16 928 51 569 902 818 471 808
12.0 .01743 .0016 .49927 .0152 .99562 .06959 .66821 .33473 .99805
. | 757 16 926 53 555 .07017 823 476 802
.2 772 16 924 54 5U7 075 826 478 799
.3 786 17 923 56 540 132 828 480 795
.4 801 17 922 57 532 190 831 483 792
12.5 .01815 .0017 .49921 .0158 .99525 .07248 .66834 .33485 .99789
.6 829 18 919 59 517 305 836 488 785
.7 844 18 918 60 509 363 839 490 782
.8 858 18 917 62 502 420 842 493 778
.9 873 18 915 63 494 478 845 495 775
13.0 .01887 .0019 .49914 .0164 .99486 .07535 .66847 .33498 .99771

| 902 19 913 65 478 593 850 500 768

916 19 91 1 67 470 650 853 503 764
.3 931 20 910 68 462 708 856 505 761
.4 945 20 909 69 454 765 859 508 757
13.5 .01960 .0020 .49908 .0170 .99446 .07823 .66862 .33511 . 99753
.6 97U 20 906 72 438 880 865 513 750
.7 989 21 905 73 430 938 868 516 746
.8 .02003 21 904 74 421 995 871 519 742
.9 018 21 902 75 413 .08053 874 521 739
m.o .02032 .0022 .49901 .0177 .99405 .081 10 .66877 .33524 . 99735
046 22 900 78 396 168 880 527 731
061 22 898 79 387 225 883 530 727
.3 075 23 897 80 379 282 886 532 723
.4 090 23 895 82 370 340 889 535 720
14.5 .02104 .0023 .49894 .0183 .99362 .08397 .66892 .33538 .99716
.6 118 24 892 84 353 455 895 541 712
.7 133 2M 891 85 344 512 898 544 708
.8 147 24 889 86 335 569 901 547 704
.9 162 25 888 88 326 627 904 550 700
15.0 . 02 76
1 .0025 .49886 .0189 . 993 1 .08684 .66908 .33553 .99696

* Multiply functions (except * values) by the given value of L s When chord .

definition of degree of curve (d c is used, correct the calculated values of


o or x by subtracting the product of D c and the * values. See page 426 for
examp e I


J° * X Y L.T. S.T.
* L.C.
Do °a
15.0 .02176 .0025 .49886 .0189 .99317 . 08684 .66908 .33553 . 99606
.1 190 25 884 90 308 741 91 1 556 692
.2 205 26 883 91 299 799 914 559 688
.3 219 26 881 93 289 856 918 561 683
.11 234 26 880 94 280 913 921 564 679
15.5 .02248 .0026 .49878 .0195 .99271 .08970 .66924 .33567 .99675
.6 262 27 876 96 261 .09028 928 571 671
.7 277 27 875 98 252 085 931 574 667
.8 291 28 873 99 242 142 934 577 662
.9 3C6 28 872 .0200 233 200 938 580 658
16.0 .02320 .0028 . 49870 .0201 .99223 .09257 .66941 .33583 .99654
. | 335 29 868 02 213 314 945 586 649
.2 349 29 867 04 203 371 948 589 645
.3 364 29 865 05 194 428 952 593 641
.M 378 30 864 06 164 485 955 596 636
16.5 .02393 .0030 . 49862 .0207 .99174 .09543 .66959 .33599 .99632
.6 407 30 860 09 164 600 962 602 627
.7 422 31 859 10 154 657 966 606 623
.8 U36 31 857 1 1 143 714 970 609 618
.9 1151 32 856 12 133 771 973 612 614
17.0 .02465 .0032 .49854 .0213 .99123 .09828 .66977 .33615 .99609
. | 4479 32 852 15 1 13 885 981 619 605
.2 494 33 850 16 102 942 984 622 600
.3 508 33 849 17 092 999 988 626 595
.14 522 33 847 18 081 . 0056
1 992 629 591
17.5 .02537 .0034 .49845 .0220 .99071 .101 13 .66995 .33632 . 99586
.6 551 34 843 21 060 170 999 636 581
.7 565 35 841 22 050 227 .67003 639 576
.8 579 35 840 23 039 284 007 643 572
.9 594 35 838 24 029 341 01 1 646 567
18.0 .02608 .0036 .49836 .0226 .99018 .10398 .67015 .33650 .99562
. I 622 36 834 27 007 455 019 654 557
.2 637 37 832 28 .98996 512 023 657 552
.3 651 37 830 29 985 569 027 661 547
.4 666 37 828 30 974 626 031 664 542
18.5 .02680 .0038 . 49827 .0232 . 98962 .10683 .67035 .33568 .99537
.6 69M 38 825 33 951 740 039 672 532
.7 709 39 823 34 940 797 043 675 527
.8 723 39 821 35 929 854 047 679 522
.9 738 39 819 36 917 910 051 683 517
19.0 .02752 .0040 .49817 .0238 .98906 .10967 .67055 .33687 .99512
. 1 766 40 815 39 894 . 1 1024 059 690 507
.2 781 111 813 40 883 081 063 694 502
.3 795 111 81 1 41 871 138 067 698 497
.M 810 41 809 42 860 194 072 702 491
19.5 .028214 .0042 . 49808 .0244 .9884e .1 1251 .67076 .33706 .99486
.6 838 42 806 45 836 308 080 709 481
.7 853 M3 804 46 824 364 084 713 476
.8 867 43 802 47 812 421 089 717 470
.9 882 MM 800 48 800 478 093 721 465
20.0 .02896 .0044 .49798 .0250 . 98788 . 1 1535 .67097 .33725 .99460

" Multiply functions (except * values) by the given value of L s When chord .

definition of degree of curve (d c is used, correct the calculated values of


o or x by subtracting the product of D c and the • values. See page 426 for
exarnp I e.


A° * * X Y L.T. S.T. L.C.
Da Da

20.0 .02896 .0044 . 49798 .0250 . 98788 .1 1535 .67097 .33725 .99460
. | 910 44 796 51 776 591 102 729 454
.2 925 45 794 52 764 648 106 733 449
.3 939 45 791 53 752 705 II 1 737 443
.U 954 46 789 54 740 761 1 15 741 438
20.5 .02968 .0046 .49787 .0256 .98728 .11818 .671 19 .33745 .99432
.6 982 47 785 57 715 875 124 749 427
.7 997 47 783 58 703 931 128 753 421
.8 .0301 48 781 59 690 988 133 758 415
.9 026 48 779 60 678 . 12044 137 762 410
21.0 .03040 .0048 . 49777 .0262 .98665 .12101 .67142 .33766 . 99404
. 1 054 49 775 63 652 157 147 770 399
.2 068 49 773 64 639 214 151 774 393
.3 083 50 770 65 627 270 156 779 387
.4 097 50 768 66 614 327 161 783 381
21.5 .031 1 .0051 .49766 .0267 . 9860 .12383 .67165 .33787 .99376
.6 125 51 764 68 588 439 170 791 370
.7 mo 52 762 70 575 496 175 796 364
.8 154 52 759 71 562 552 180 800 358
.9 169 53 757 72 549 609 184 804 352
22.0 .03183 .0053 .49755 .0273 .98536 .12665 .67189 .33809 .99346
. | 197 54 753 75 523 721 194 813 340
.2 21 1 54 751 76 509 777 199 818 334
.3 226 55 749 77 496 834 204 822 328
.U 240 55 747 78 482 890 208 826 322
22.5 .03254 .0056 .49745 .0279 .98469 .12946 .67213 . 3383 .99316
.6 268 56 743 81 455 . 3002
1 218 835 310
.7 283 57 740 82 442 059 223 840 304
.8 297 57 738 83 428 1 15 228 844 298
.9 312 58 735 84 415 172 233 849 292
23.0 .03326 .0058 .49733 .0285 .98401 .13228 .67238 .33854 .99286
. | 3 UO 59 731 86 387 284 243 858 279
.2 354 59 728 88 373 340 248 863 273
.3 369 60 726 89 359 396 254 868 267
.14 383 60 723 90 345 452 259 872 261
23.5 .03397 .0061 .49721 .0291 . 9833 . 1 3508 .67264 .33877 .99254
.6 Ml 1 61 719 92 316 564 269 882 248
.7 426 62 716 93 302 621 274 886 242
.8 440 62 714 95 288 677 280 891 235
.9 455 63 71 1 96 274 733 285 896 229
24.0 .03469 .0063 . 49709 .0297 . 98260 .13789 .67290 .33901 .99222
483 64 707 98 245 845 295 906 216
497 64 704 99 231 901 301 910 209
.3 512 65 702 .0300 216 957 306 915 203
.14 526 65 699 02 202 . 14012 31 1 920 196
24. .03540 .0066 .49697 .0303 .98187 . 1 4068 .67317 .33925 .99190
.6 554 66 694 04 172 124 322 930 183
.7 568 67 692 05 157 180 328 935 177
.8 583 67 689 06 143 236 333 940 170
.9 597 68 687 07 128 292 339 945 163
25.0 .03611 .0068 . 49684 .0309 .98113 . 14348 .67344 .33950 . 99 57

* Multiply functions (except * values) by the given value of L s When chord .

definition of degree of curve (d c ) is used, correct the calculated values of

o or x by subtracting the product of D c and the values. See page 426 for
ex amp e. I


J° * * X Y L.T. S.T. L.C.
Da Da

25.0 .03611 .0068 .49684 .0309 .981 13 . 1 4348 .67344 .33950 .99157
. 1 625 69 681 10 098 404 350 955 150
.2 640 69 679 1 1 083 459 355 960 143
.3 654 70 676 12 068 515 361 965 136
.4 669 71 674 13 053 571 366 970 129
25.5 .03683 .0071 .49671 .0314 .98037 . 1 4627 .67372 .33975 .99123
.6 697 72 668 15 022 682 378 981 1 16
.7 71 1 72 666 17 007 738 383 986 109
.8 725 73 663 18 .97991 794 389 991 102
.9 739 73 661 19 976 849 395 996 095
26.0 .03753 .0074 .49658 .0320 .97960 . 1 4905 . 67400 .34001 . 99088
. | 767 74 656 21 945 961 406 007 081
.2 782 75 653 22 929 .15016 412 012 074
.3 796 76 651 23 913 072 418 017 067
.4 81 1 76 648 25 898 128 424 023 060
26.5 .03825 .0077 .49646 .0326 .97882 .15183 .67430 .34028 .99053
.6 839 77 643 27 866 239 435 033 046
.7 853 78 640 28 850 294 441 039 038
.8 868 78 638 29 834 350 447 044 031
.9 882 79 635 30 818 405 453 049 024
27.0 .03896 .0080 . 49632 .0331 . 97802 .15461 .67459 .34055 .99017
.1 910 80 629 33 786 516 465 060 009
.2 92U 81 626 34 770 571 471 066 002
.3 939 81 624 35 753 627 477 071 .98995
.4 953 82 621 36 737 682 483 077 987
27.5 .03967 .0082 .49618 .0337 .97721 . 1 5738 .67490 .34083 .98980
.6 981 83 615 38 704 793 496 088 973
.7 995 84 613 39 688 848 502 094 965
.8 .04009 84 610 40 671 903 508 099 958
.9 023 85 608 42 655 959 514 105 950
28.0 .04037 .0085 . 49605 .0343 .97638 .16014 .67520 .3411 1 .98943
. 1 051 86 602 44 621 069 527 1 16 935
.2 065 87 599 45 604 124 533 122 928
.3 080 87 596 46 588 180 539 128 920
.4 094 88 593 47 571 235 546 134 913
28.5 .04108 .0088 .49590 .0348 .97554 . 1 6290 .67552 .34139 .98905
.6 122 89 587 49 537 345 558 145 897
.7 136 90 584 51 520 400 565 151 890
.8 151 90 582 52 503 455 571 157 882
.9 165 91 579 53 486 510 578 163 874
29.0 .04179 .0092 .49576 .0354 .97469 .16565 .67584 .34169 . 98866
.1 193 92 573 55 452 620 591 165 859
.2 207 93 570 56 434 675 597 171 851
.3 222 93 567 57 417 730 604 177 843
.4 236 94 564 58 399 785 610 193 835
29.5 .04250 .0095 .49561 .0359 .97382 .16840 .67617 .34199 .98827
.6 264 95 558 61 364 895 623 205 819
.7 278 96 555 62 346 950 630 211 81 1

.8 293 97 552 63 329 . 7005

1 637 217 803
.9 307 97 549 64 311 060 643 223 795
30.0 .04321 .0098 .49546 .0365 .97293 . 171 14 .67650 .34229 .98787

• Multiply functions (except • values) by the given value of L s When chord .

definition of degree of curve (d c ) is used, correct the calculated values of

o or x by subtracting the product of D c and the * values. See page 426 for
examp le.


J° * X Y L.T.
* S.T. L.C.
Do Da

30.0 .04321 .0098 .49546 .0365 .97293 .171 14 .67650 .34229 . 98787
1 335 98 543 66 275 169 657 235 779
.2 349 99 540 67 257 224 664 241 771
.3 563 .0100 537 68 239 279 670 248 763
.11 377 00 534 69 221 333 677 254 755
30.5 .04391 .0101 .49531 .0371 . 97203 . 17388 .67684 .34260 .98746
.6 405 02 528 72 185 443 691 266 738
.7 419 02 525 73 167 498 698 273 730
.8 434 03 522 74 148 552 705 279 722
.9 448 04 519 75 130 607 712 285 713
31 .0 .04462 .0104 .49516 .0376 .971 12 .17661 .67719 .34292 . 98705
.1 476 05 513 77 094 716 726 298 697
.2 490 06 510 78 075 770 733 304 688
.3 504 06 506 79 057 825 740 31 1 680
.4 518 07 503 80 038 879 747 317 672
31.5 .04532 .0108 .49500 .0381 . 97020 .17934 .67754 .34324 .98663
.6 546 08 497 83 00! 988 761 330 655
.7 560 09 494 84 . 96982 . 8043
1 768 337 646
.8 574 10 490 85 963 097 775 343 638
.9 588 10 487 86 944 152 783 350 629
32.0 .04602 .011 1 .49484 .0387 .96926 . 1 8206 .67790 .34356 . 9862
. | 616 12 481 88 907 260 797 363 612
.2 630 12 478 89 887 315 804 370 603
.3 645 13 475 90 868 369 812 376 595
.4 659 14 472 91 849 424 819 383 586
32.5 .04673 .01 14 .49469 .0392 .96830 . 1 8478 .67826 .34390 .98577
.6 687 15 466 93 811 532 834 397 569
.7 701 16 462 94 791 586 841 403 560
.8 715 16 459 95 772 640 849 410 551
.9 729 17 455 97 752 694 856 417 542
33.0 .04743 .01 18 .49452 .0398 .96733 .18748 .67863 .34424 .98534
. 1 757 18 449 99 713 803 871 431 525
.2 771 19 445 .0400 694 857 878 438 516
.3 785 20 442 01 674 91 1 886 444 507
.14 799 21 438 02 655 965 894 451 498
33.5 .04813 .0121 .49435 .0403 .96635 .19019 .67901 .34458 .98489
.6 827 22 432 04 615 073 909 465 480
.7 841 23 429 05 595 127 916 472 471
.8 855 23 425 06 576 181 924 479 462
.9 869 24 422 07 556 234 932 486 453
34. .04883 .0125 .49419 .0408 . 96536 . 1 9288 .67939 .34493 .98444
. | 897 26 415 09 516 342 947 500 435
.2 91 1 26 412 10 496 396 955 508 425
.3 925 27 408 I | 475 450 963 515 416
.H 939 28 405 12 455 504 971 522 407
34.5 .04953 .0128 .49401 .0413 . 96.435 . I 9557 .67979 .34529 . 98398
.6 967 29 398 15 414 611 987 536 389
.7 981 30 395 16 394 665 994 544 379
.8 995 31 391 17 373 718 .68002 551 370
.9 .05009 31 388 18 353 772 010 558 361
35.0 .05023 .0132 .49385 .0419 .96332 .19826 .68018 .34565 .98351

* Multiply functions (except * values) by the Qive.n value of L s When chord .

definition of degree of curve (d c is used, correct the calculated values of


o or Xo by subtracting the product of d c and the values. See page 426 for
examp e. I


A° * * X Y L.T. S.T. L.C.
Da Do

35.0 . 05023 .0132 .49385 .0419 .96332 . 9826

1 .68018 . 34565 . 9835
.1 037 33 381 20 3! 1 879 026 573 342
.2 051 33 378 21 291 933 034 580 333
.3 065 34 374 22 270 987 042 587 323
.4 079 35 371 23 250 .20040 051 595 314
35.5 .05093 .0136 .49367 .0424 .96229 .20094 .68059 .34602 . 98304
.6 107 36 363 25 208 147 067 610 295
.7 121 37 360 26 187 201 075 617 285
.8 135 38 356 27 166 254 083 625 276
.9 149 39 353 28 145 307 092 632 266
36.0 .05163 .0139 .49349 .0429 .96124 .20361 .68100 .34640 .98257
I 177 40 345 30 103 414 108 647 247
.2 191 41 342 31 081 467 1 16 655 237
.3 204 42 338 32 060 521 125 663 227
.14 218 42 335 33 038 574 133 670 218
36.5 .05232 .0143 .49331 .0434 .96017 .20627 .68141 . 34678 . 98208
.6 246 44 327 35 . 95996 680 150 686 198
.7 260 45 324 36 974 734 158 693 188
.8 273 45 320 37 953 787 167 701 179
.9 287 46 317 38 931 840 175 709 169
37.0 .05301 .0147 .49313 .0439 .95910 .20893 . 68 84
1 .34717 .98159
. | 315 48 309 40 888 946 192 725 149
.2 329 49 306 41 866 999 201 732 139
.3 343 49 302 42 844 .21052 210 740 129
.4 357 50 299 43 822 105 218 748 119
37.5 .05371 .0151 .49295 .0444 . 95800 .21158 .68227 .34756 .98109
.6 385 52 29) 45 778 21 1 236 764 099
.7 399 52 287 46 756 264 244 772 089
.8 413 53 284 47 734 317 253 780 079
.9 U27 54 280 48 712 370 262 788 069
38.0 .05441 .0155 .49276 .0449 . 95690 .21423 .68271 .34796 . 98059
. 1 455 56 272 50 668 475 279 804 049
.2 U69 56 268 51 645 528 288 812 038
.3 482 57 264 52 623 581 297 820 028
.4 a 96 58 260 53 601 634 306 829 018

38.5 .05510 .0159 .49256 .0454 .95578 .21686 .68315 .34837 .98008
.6 524 59 252 55 556 739 324 845 .97997
.7 538 60 249 56 533 792 333 853 987
.8 551 61 245 57 511 844 342 861 977
.9 565 62 242 58 488 897 351 870 967
39.0 .05579 .0163 .49238 .0459 .95466 .21949 .68360 .34878 .97956
.1 593 63 234 60 443 .22002 369 886 946
.2 607 64 230 61 420 054 379 895 935
.3 620 65 226 62 397 107 388 903 925
.4 634 66 222 63 374 159 397 91 1 914
39.5 .05648 .0167 .49218 .0464 .95351 .22212 .68406 .34920 .97904
.6 662 68 214 65 328 264 415 928 893
.7 676 68 210 66 305 316 424 937 883
.8 690 69 207 67 281 369 434 945 872
.9 704 70 203 68 258 421 443 954 861
40.0 .05718 .0171 .49199 .0469 .95235 .22473 .68452 .34962 .97851

* Multiply functions (except * values) by the given value of L s When chord .

definition of degree of curve (d c ) is used, correct the calculated values of

o or x by subtracting the product of d c and the * values. See page 426 for
examp e. I


/ Da
* X Y L.T. S.T. L.C

uo.o .05718 .0171 .49199 .0469 .95235 .22473 .68U52 .34962 .97851
1 732 72 195 70 212 526 462 971 840
.2 7U5 72 191 71 188 578 471 980 829
.3 759 73 187 72 165 630 481 988 819
.4 772 74 183 73 141 682 490 997 808
MO. 5 .05786 .0175 .49179 .0474 .951 18 .22734 .685C0 .35006 .97797
.6 800 76 175 75 094 786 509 014 786
.7 81 U 77 171 76 071 838 519 023 775
.8 827 77 167 77 047 890 528 032 765
.9 8m 78 163 78 023 942 538 041 754
41.0 .05855 .0179 .49159 .0479 .95000 .22994 .685U7 .35049 .97743
. 1 869 80 155 80 .9U976 .23046 557 058 732
.2 883 81 151 81 952 098 567 067 721
.3 896 82 146 82 928 150 577 076 710
.U 910 82 142 83 904 202 586 085 699
m.5 .059214 .0183 .49138 .01484 . 94880 .23254 .68596 .35094 . 97688
.6 938 84 134 85 856 306 606 103 677
.7 952 85 130 86 832 358 616 112 666
.8 965 86 126 87 807 409 626 121 655
.9 979 87 122 88 783 161 635 130 643
U2.C .05993 .0187 .491 18 .0488 .94759 .23513 .66645 .35139 .97632
. | .06007 88 14
1 89 734 564 655 148 621
.2 020 89 1 10 90 710 616 665 158 610
.3 034 90 105 91 685 667 675 167 599
.11 047 91 101 92 661 719 685 176 587
U2.5 . 0606 .0192 .49097 .0493 .94636 .23771 .68695 .35185 .97576
.6 075 93 093 94 612 822 706 194 565
.7 089 93 088 95 587 874 716 204 553
.8 102 94 084 96 562 925 726 213 5142
.9 1 16 95 079 97 538 976 736 222 531
143.0 .06130 .0IS6 .49075 .0498 .94513 .24028 .68746 .35232 .97519
. | imi 97 071 99 488 079 756 241 508
157 98 067 .0500 463 130 767 250 496
.3 171 99 062 01 438 182 777 260 485
.4 184 .0200 058 02 413 233 787 269 473
143.5 .06198 .0200 . 49054 .0503 .94388 .24284 .68798 .35279 .97462
.6 212 01 050 03 363 335 808 288 450
.7 226 02 045 04 337 387 818 298 438
.8 239 03 041 05 312 438 829 307 427
.9 253 04 036 06 287 489 839 317 415
44.0 .06267 .0205 .49032 .0507 . 94262 .245M0 . 68850 .35327 .97UC4
1 281 06 028 08 236 591 860 336 392
.2 294 07 024 09 211 642 871 346 380
.3 308 08 019 10 185 693 882 356 368
.U 321 08 015 1 1 160 744 892 365 357
44.5 .06335 .0209 .4901 .0512 .94134 .24795 .68903 .35375 .97345
.6 349 10 007 13 108 846 914 385 333
.7 362 1 1 003 14 082 896 924 395 321
.8 376 12 . 48998 14 057 9U7 935 405 309
.9 389 13 994 15 031 998 946 415 297
145.0 . C6I403 .0214 . U8990 .0516 .94005 .25049 .68957 .35'424 .97285

• Multiply functions (except * values) by the given value of L 8 When chord .

definition of degree of curve (d c ) is used, correct the calculated values of

o or x by subtracting the product of d c and the " values. See page 426 for
examp e. I


A° Xo X Y A Xo X Y
45.0 .06403 .48989 .94005 .25049 47.5 .06741 .48876 .93342 .26307
45.1 .06416 .48985 .93979 .25100 47.6 .06755 .48871 .93315 .26357
45.2 .06430 .48980 .93953 .25150 47.7 .06768 .48867 .93288 .26407
45.3 .06443 .48976 .93927 .25201 47.8 .06782 .48862 .93261 .26457
45.4 .06457 .48972 .93901 .25252 47.9 .06795 .48857 .93233 .26506

45.5 .06471 .48967 .93875 .25302 48.0 .06809 .48853 .93206 .26556
45.6 .06484 .48963 .93849 .25353 48.1 .06822 .48848 .93178 .26606
45.7 .06498 .48958 .93823 .25403 48.2 .06836 .48843 .93151 .26656
45.8 .06511 .48954 .93796 .25454 48.3 .06849 .48839 .93124 .26705
45.9 .06525 .48949 .93770 .25504 48.4 .06863 .48834 .93096 .26755

46.0 .06538 .48945 .93744 .25554 48.5 .06876 .48829 .93068 .26804
46.1 .06552 .48940 .93717 .25605 48.6 .06890 .48824 .93041 .26854
46.2 .06566 .48936 .93691 .25655 48.7 .06903 .48820 .93013 .26904
46.3 .06579 .48931 .93664 .25706 48.8 .06916 .48815 .92985 .26953
46.4 .06593 .48927 .93638 .25756 48.9 .06930 .48810 .92958 .27002

46.5 .06606 .48922 .93611 .25806 49.0 .06943 .48805 .92930 .27052
46.6 .06620 .48918 .93584 .25856 49.1 .06957 .48801 .92902 .27101
46.7 .06633 .48913 .93558 .25907 49.2 .06970 .48796 .92874 .27151
46.8 .06647 .48908 .93531 .25957 49.3 .06984 .48791 .92846 .27200
46.9 .06660 .48904 .93504 .26007 49.4 .06997 .48786 .92818 .27249

47.0 .06674 .48899 .93477 .26057 49.5 .07010 .48781 .92790 .27299
47.1 .06687 .48895 .93450 .26107 49.6 .07024 .48777 .92761 .27348
47.2 .06701 .48890 .93424 .26157 49.7 .07037 .48772 .92733 .27397
47.3 .06714 .48885 .93396 .26207 49.8 .07051 .48767 .92705 .27446
47.4 .06728 .48881 .93369 .26257 49.9 .07064 .48762 .92677 .27495

47.5 .06741 .48876 .93342 .26307 50.0 .07078 .48757 .92648 .27544

For values of A exceeding 45°, Table XII does not contain the * corrections
for conversion to the A.R.E.A. spiral nor the functions for obtaining L.T., S.T.,
and L.C. In the event these missing values are needed, they may be obtained
as follows
Find L.T., S.T., and L.C. by solving triangle ABC (Fig. 5-4) knowing X, Y,
and A.
Find * value for o from *=0.0730 vers A.
Find * value for Xo from *=0.0730 sin A.

EXAMPLE. Given L = 500, D = 30°, A = 75°.


o=0.10264 X 500 - 30 X0.0730 X0.741 1 8 = 49.70

Xo = 0.47276X 500 -30X0.0730X0.96593 = 234.26


A Xo X Y A° Xo X Y
50.0 .07078 .48757 .92648 .27544 55.0 .07741 .48503 .91170 .29952
50.1 .07091 .48752 .92620 .27593 55.1 .07754 .48498 .91139 .30000
50.2 .07104 .48748 .92592 .27642 55.2 .07768 .48492 .91109 .30047
50.3 .07118 .48743 .92563 .27691 55.3 .07781 .48487 .91078 .30094
50.4 .07131 .48738 .92534 .27740 55.4 .07794 .48482 .91047 .30141

50.5 .07144 .48733 .92506 .27789 55.5 .07807 .48476 .91016 .30188
50.6 .07158 .48728 .92477 .27838 55.6 .07820 .48471 .90985 .30235
50.7 .07171 .48723 .92449 .27887 55.7 .07833 .48466 .90954 .30282
50.8 .07184 .48718 .92420 .27936 55.8 .07846 .48460 .90923 .30329
50.9 .07198 .48713 .92391 .27984 55.9 .07859 .48455 .90892 .30376

51.0 .07211 .48708 .92362 .28033 56.0 .07872 .48449 .90860 .30423
51.1 .07224 .48703 .92333 .28082 56.1 .07886 .48444 .90829 .30470
51.2 .07238 .48698 .92304 .28130 56.2 .07899 .48439 .90798 .30516
51.3 .07251 .48693 .92276 .28179 56.3 .07912 .48433 .90767 .30563
51.4 .07264 .48688 .92246 .28228 56.4 .07925 .48428 .90735 .30610

51.5 .07278 .48683 .92217 .28276 56.5 .07938 .48422 .90704 .30657
51.6 .07291 .48678 .92188 .28325 56.6 .07951 .48417 .90672 .30703
51.7 .07304 .48673 .92159 .28373 56.7 .07964 .48412 .90641 .30750
51.8 .07318 .48668 .92130 .28422 56.8 .07977 .48406 .90609 .30796
51.9 .07331 .48663 .92101 .28470 56.9 .07990 .48400 .90578 .30843

52.0 .07344 .48658 .92071 .28518 57.0 .08003 .48395 .90546 .30890
52.1 .07358 .48653 .92042 .28567 57.1 .08016 .48390 .90514 .30936
52.2 .07371 .48648 .92012 .28615 57.2 .08029 .48384 .90483 .30982
52.3 .07384 .48643 .91983 .28663 57.3 .08042 .48379 .90451 .31029
52.4 .07398 .48638 .91954 .28712 57.4 .08056 .48373 .90419 .31075

52.5 .07411 .48633 .91924 .28760 57.5 .08068 .48368 .90387 .31121
52.6 .07424 .48628 .91894 .28808 57.6 .08082 .48362 .90356 .31168
52.7 .07437 .48623 .91865 .28856 57.7 .08095 .48356 .90324 .31214
52.8 .07451 .48618 .91835 .28904 57.8 .08108 .48351 .90292 .31260
52.9 .07464 .48612 .91805 .28952 57.9 .08121 .48345 .90260 .31306

53.0 .07477 .48607 .91776 .29000 58.0 .08134 .48340 .90227 .31352
53.1 .07490 .48602 .91746 .29048 58.1 .08147 .48334 .90195 .31398
53.2 .07504 .48597 .91716 .29096 58.2 .08160 .48329 .90163 .31444
53.3 .07517 .48592 .91686 .29144 58.3 .08173 .48323 .90131 .31490
53.4 .07530 .48587 .91656 .29192 58.4 .08186 .48318 .90099 .31536

53.5 .07543 .48582 .91626 .29240 58.5 .08199 .48312 .90066 .31582
53.6 .07557 .48576 .91596 .29287 58.6 .08212 .48306 .90034 .31628
53.7 .07570 .48571 .91566 .29335 58.7 .08224 .48301 .90002 .31674
53.8 .07583 .48566 .91536 .29383 58.8 .08238 .48295 .89969 .31720
53.9 .07596 .48561 .91506 .29430 58.9 .08250 .48290 .89937 .31765

54.0 .07609 .48556 .91475 .29478 59.0 .08263 .48284 .89904 .31811
54.1 .07623 .48550 .91445 .29526 59.1 .08276 .48278 .89872 .31857
54.2 .07636 .48545 .91415 .29573 59.2 .08289 .48272 .89839 .31902
54.3 .07649 .48540 .91384 .29621 59.3 .08302 .48267 .89806 .31948
54.4 .07662 .48535 .91354 .29668 59.4 .08315 .48261 .89774 .31994

54.5 .07675 .48529 .91323 .29716 59.5 .08328 .48256 .89741 .32039
54.6 .07688 .48524 .91293 .29763 59.6 .08341 .48250 .89708 .32084
54.7 .07702 .48519 .91262 .29810 59.7 .08354 .48244 .89675 .32130
54.8 .07715 .48514 .91232 .29858 59.8 .08367 .48238 .89642 .32175
54.9 .07728 .48508 .91201 .29905 59.9 .08380 .48233 .89610 .32221

55.0 .07741 .48503 .91170 .29952 60.0 .08393 .48227 .89577 .32266


A° Xo X Y A Xo X Y

60.0 .08393 .48227 .89577 .32266 65.0 .09031 .47930 .87874 .34478
60.1 .08406 .48221 .89544 .32311 65.1 .09044 .47924 .87839 .34521
60.2 .08418 .48215 .89511 .32356 65.2 .09056 .47918 .87804 .34565
60.3 .08431 .48210 .89478 .32402 65.3 .09069 .47912 .87769 .34608
60.4 .08444 .48204 .89444 .32447 65.4 .09081 .47905 .87734 .34651

60.5 .08457 .48198 .89411 .32492 65.5 .09094 .47899 .87698 .34694
60.6 .08470 .48192 .89378 .32537 65.6 .09107 .47893 .87663 .34737
60.7 .08483 .48187 .89345 .32582 65.7 .09119 .47887 .87628 .34780
60.8 .08496 .48181 .89311 .32627 65.8 .09132 .47881 .87592 .34822
60.9 .08508 .48175 .89278 .32672 65.9 .09144 .47874 .87557 .34865

61.0 .08521 .48169 .89245 .32717 66.0 .09157 .47868 .87521 .34908
61.1 .08534 .48163 .89211 .32762 66.1 .09170 .47862 .87486 .34951
61.2 .08547 .48158 .89178 .32806 66.2 .09182 .47856 .87450 .34994
61.3 .08560 .48152 .89144 .32851 66.3 .09195 .47850 .87415 .35036
61.4 .08573 .48146 .89111 .32896 66.4 .09207 .47843 .87379 .35079

61.5 .08586 .48140 .89077 .32940 66.5 .09220 .47837 .87344 .35121
61.6 .08598 .48134 .89043 .32985 66.6 .09232 .47831 .87308 .35164
61.7 .08611 .48128 .89010 .33030 66.7 .09245 .47824 .87272 .35206
61.8 .08624 .48122 .88976 .33074 66.8 .09257 .47818 .87236 .35249
61.9 .08637 .48116 .88942 .33119 66.9 .09270 .47812 .87200 .35291

62.0 .08650 .48111 .88908 .33163 67.0 .09282 .47806 .87164 .35334
62.1 .08662 .48105 .88874 .33208 67.1 .09295 .47799 .87129 .35376
62.2 .08675 .48099 .88841 .33252 67.2 .09307 .47793 .87093 .35418
62.3 .08688 .48093 .88807 .33296 67.3 .09320 .47787 .87057 .35460
62.4 .08701 .48087 .88773 .33341 67.4 .09332 .47780 .87021 .35502

62.5 .08714 .48081 .88739 .33385 67.5 .09345 .47774 .86985 .35545
62.6 .08726 .48075 .88705 .33429 67.6 .09357 .47768 .86948 .35587
62.7 .08739 .48069 .88670 .33474 67.7 .09370 .47761 .86912 .35629
62.8 .08752 .48063 .88636 .33518 67.8 .09382 .47755 .86876 .35671
62.9 .08764 .48057 .88602 .33562 67.9 .09395 .47748 .86840 .35713

63.0 .08777 .48051 .88568 .33606 68.0 .09407 .47742 .86804 .35755
63.1 .08790 .48045 .88534 .33650 68.1 .09420 .47736 .86767 .35796
63.2 .08803 .48039 .88499 .33694 68.2 .09432 .47729 .86731 .35838
63.3 .08816 .48033 .88465 .33738 68.3 .09445 .47723 .86695 .35880
63.4 .08828 .48027 .88430 .33782 68.4 .09457 .47716 .86658 .35922

63.5 .08841 .48021 .88396 .33826 68.5 .09469 .47710 .86622 .35963
63.6 .08854 .48015 .88362 .33869 68.6 .09482 .47704 .86585 .36005
63.7 .08866 .48009 .88327 .33913 68.7 .09494 .47697 .86549 .36047
63.8 .08879 .48003 .88292 .33957 68.8 .09507 .47691 .86512 .36088
63.9 .08892 .47997 .88258 .34001 68.9 .09519 .47684 .86476 .36130

64.0 .08904 .47991 .88223 .34044 69.0 .09532 .47678 .86439 .36171
64.1 .08917 .47985 .88188 .34088 69.1 .09544 .47671 .86402 .36213
64.2 .08930 .47979 .88154 .34131 69.2 .09556 .47665 .86366 .36254
64.3 .08942 .47973 .88119 .34175 69.3 .09569 .47658 .86329 .36295
64.4 .08955 .47967 .88084 .34218 69.4 .09581 .47652 .86292 .36337

64.5 .08968 .47961 .88049 .34262 69.5 .09593 .47646 .86255 .36378
64.6 .08980 .47954 .88014 .34305 69.6 .09606 .47639 .86218 .36419
64.7 .08993 .47948 .87979 .34348 69.7 .09618 .47632 .86181 .36460
64.8 .09006 .47942 .87944 .34392 69.8 .09630 .47626 .86144 .36501
64.9 .09018 .47936 .87909 .34435 69.9 .09643 .47619 .86107 .36542

65.0 .09031 .47930 .87874 .34478 70.0 .09655 .47613 .86070 .36583


A° Xo X Y A° Xo X Y
70.0 .09655 .47613 .86070 .36583 75.0 .10264 .47276 .84172 .38576
70.1 .09668 .47606 .86033 .36624 75.1 .10276 .47269 .84133 .38614
70.2 .09680 .47600 .85996 .36665 75.2 .10288 .47262 .84094 .38653
70.3 .09692 .47593 .85959 .36706 75.3 .10300 .47256 .84055 .38691
70.4 .09704 .47587 .85922 .36747 75.4 .10312 .47249 .84016 .38730

70.5 .09717 .47580 .85885 .36788 75.5 .10324 .47242 .83977 .38768
70.6 .09729 .47574 .85847 .36828 75.6 .10336 .47235 .83938 .38807
70.7 .09741 .47567 .85810 .36869 75.7 .10348 .47228 .83899 .38845
70.8 .09754 .47560 .85773 .36910 75.8 .10360 .47221 .83860 .38883
70.9 .09766 .47554 .85735 .36950 75.9 .10372 .47214 .83821 .38922

71.0 .09778 .47547 .85698 .36991 76.0 .10384 .47207 .83782 .38960
71.1 .09790 .47540 .85660 .37032 76.1 .10396 .47200 .83742 .38998
71.2 .09803 .47534 .85623 .37072 76.2 .10408 .47193 .83703 .39036
71.3 .09815 .47527 .85586 .37112 76.3 .10420 .47186 .83664 .39074
71.4 .09827 .47521 .85548 .37153 76.4 .10432 .47179 .83625 .39112

71.5 .09840 .47514 .85510 .37193 76.5 .10444 .47172 .83585 .39150
71.6 .09852 .47507 .85473 .37233 76.6 .10456 .47165 .83546 .39188
71.7 .09864 .47501 .85435 .37274 76.7 .10468 .47158 .83506 .39226
71.8 .09876 .47494 .85397 .37314 76.8 .10480 .47150 .83467 .39264
71.9 .09888 .47487 .85360 .37354 76.9 .10492 .47144 .83427 .39302

72.0 .09901 .47480 .85322 .37394 77.0 .10504 .47136 .83388 .39340
72.1 .09913 .47474 .85284 .37434 77.1 .10516 .47129 .83348 .39377
72.2 .09925 .47467 .85246 .37474 77.2 .10528 .47122 .83309 .39415
72.3 .09937 .47460 .85208 .37514 77.3 .10540 .47115 .83269 .39452
72.4 .09950 .47454 .85170 .37554 77.4 .10551 .47108 .83230 .39490

72.5 .09962 .47447 .85132 .37594 77.5 .10563 .47101 .83190 .39528
72.6 .09974 .47440 .85094 .37634 77.6 .10575 .47094 .83150 .39565
72.7 .09986 .47434 .85056 .37674 77.7 .10587 .47087 .83110 .39602
72.8 .09998 .47427 .85018 .37713 77.8 .10599 .47080 .83070 .39640
72.9 .10010 .47420 .84980 .37753 77.9 .10611 .47072 .83031 .39677

73.0 .10023 .47413 .84942 .37792 78.0 .10622 .47065 .82991 .39714
73.1 .10035 .47406 .84904 .37832 78.1 .10634 .47058 .82951 .39752
73.2 .10047 .47400 .84866 .37872 78.2 .10646 .47051 .82911 .39789
73.3 .10059 .47393 .84828 .37911 78.3 .10658 .47044 .82871 .39826
73.4 .10071 .47386 .84789 .37951 78.4 .10670 .47037 .82831 .39863

73.5 .10083 .47379 .84751 .37990 78.5 .10682 .47030 .82791 .39900
73.6 .10095 .47372 .84713 .38029 78.6 .10693 .47022 .82751 .39937
73.7 .10108 .47366 .84674 .38069 78.7 .10705 .47015 .82711 .39974
73.8 .10120 .47359 .84636 .38108 78.8 .10717 .47008 .82671 .40011
73.9 .10132 .47352 .84597 .38147 78.9 .10729 .47001 .82631 .40048

74.0 .10144 .47345 .84559 .38186 79.0 .10741 .46994 .82590 .40084
74.1 .10156 .47338 .84520 .38226 79.1 .10752 .46986 .82550 .40121
74.2 .10168 .47331 .84482 .38264 79.2 .10764 .46979 .82510 .40158
74.3 .10180 .47325 .84443 .38304 79.3 .10776 .46972 .82470 .40194
74.4 .10192 .47318 .84404 .38343 79.4 .10788 .46965 .82430 .40231

74.5 .10204 .47311 .84366 .38382 79.5 .10799 .46958 .82389 .40268
74.6 .10216 .47304 .84327 .38420 79.6 .10811 .46950 .82349 .40304'
74.7 .10228 .47297 .84288 .38459 79.7 .10823 .46943 .82308 .40340
74.8 .10240 .47290 .84250 .38498 79.8 .10835 .46936 .82268 .40377
74.9 .10252 .47283 .84211 .38537 79.9 .10846 .46928 .82227 .40413

75.0 .10264 .47276 .84172 .38576 80.0 .10858 .46921 .82187 .40450


A° Xo X Y A° Xo X Y

80.0 .10858 .46921 .82187 .40450 85.0 .11435 .46548 .80123 .42201
80.1 .10870 .46914 .82146 .40486 85.1 .11446 .46540 .80081 .42235
80.2 .10881 .46906 .82106 .40522 85.2 .11458 .46533 .80039 .42268
80.3 .10893 .46899 .82065 .40558 85.3 .11469 .46525 .79997 .42302
80.4 .10905 .46892 .82025 .40594 85.4 .11480 .46518 .79955 .42336

80.5 .10916 .46885 .81984 .40630 85.5 .11492 .46510 .79913 .42369
80.6 .10928 .46877 .81943 .40666 85.6 .11503 .46502 .79871 .42403
80.7 . 1 0940 .46870 .81903 .40702 85.7 .11514 .46495 .79829 .42436
80.8 .10952 .46863 .81862 .40738 85.8 .11526 .46487 .79786 .42470
80.9 .10963 .46855 .81 Q 21 .40774 85.9 .11537 .46479 .79744 .42503

81.0 .10975 .46848 .81780 .40810 86.0 .11548 .46472 .79702 .42536
81.1 .10986 .46841 .81739 .40846 86.1 .11560 .46464 .79660 .42570
81.2 .10998 .46833 .81698 .40881 86.2 .11571 .46456 .79617 .42603
81.3 .11010 .46826 .81658 .40917 86.3 .11582 .46448 .79575 .42636
81.4 .11021 .46818 .81617 .40952 86.4 .11594 .46441 .79532 .42669

81.5 .11033 .46811 .81576 .40988 86.5 .11605 .46433 .79490 .42702
81.6 .11044 .46804 .81535 .41024 86.6 .11616 .46425 .79448 .42735
81.7 .11056 .46796 .81494 .41059 86.7 .11627 .46417 .79405 .42768
81.8 .11068 .46789 .81453 .41094 86.8 .11639 .46410 .79363 .42801
81.9 .11079 .46781 .81412 .41130 86.9 .11650 .46402 .79320 .42834

82.0 .11091 .46774 .81370 .41165 87.0 .11661 .46394 .79278 .42866
82.1 .11102 .46767 .81329 .41200 87.1 .11672 .46386 .79235 .42899
82.2 .11114 .46759 .81288 .41236 87.2 .11684 .46379 .79192 .42932
82.3 .11126 .46752 .81247 .41271 87.3 .11695 .46371 .79150 .42964
82.4 .11137 .46744 .81206 .41306 87.4 .11706 .46363 .79107 .42997

82.5 .11149 .46737 .81164 .41341 87.5 .11717 .46355 .79065 .43030
82.6 .11160 .46729 .81123 .41376 87.6 .11728 .46348 .79022 .43062
82.7 .11172 .46722 .81082 .41411 87.7 .11740 .46340 .78979 .43094
82.8 .11183 .46714 .81040 .41446 87.8 .11751 .46332 .78936 .43127
82.9 .11195 .46707 .80999 .41481 87.9 .11762 .46324 .78894 .43159

83.0 .11206 .46699 .80958 .41515 88.0 .11773 .46316 .78851 .43191
83.1 .11218 .46692 .80916 .41550 88.1 .11784 .46308 .78808 .43224
83.2 .11229 .46684 .80875 .41585 88.2 .11795 .46300 .78765 .43256
83.3 .11241 .46677 .80833 .41620 88.3 .11806 .46293 .78722 .43288
83.4 .11252 .46669 .80792 .41654 88.4 .11818 .46285 .78679 .43320

83.5 .11264 .46662 .80750 .41689 88.5 .11829 .46277 .78636 .43352
83.6 .11275 .46654 .80709 .41723 88.6 .11840 .46269 .78593 .43384
83.7 .11287 .46647 .80667 .41758 88.7 .11851 .46261 .78550 .43416
83.8 .11298 .46639 .80625 .41792 88.8 .11862 .46253 .78507 .43448
83.9 .11310 .46632 .80584 .41826 88.9 .11873 .46246 .78464 .43479

84.0 .11321 .46624 .80542 .41861 89.0 .11884 .46238 .78421 .43511
84.1 .11332 .46617 .80500 .41895 89.1 .11895 .46230 .78378 .43543
84.2 .11344 .46609 .80458 .41929 89.2 .11906 .46222 .78335 .43574
84.3 .11355 .46601 .80417 .41963 89.3 .11918 .46214 .78292 .43606
84.4 .11367 .46594 .80375 .41997 89.4 .11929 .46206 .78249 .43638

84.5 .11378 .46586 .80333 .42032 89.5 . 1 1 940 .46198 .78206 .43669
84.6 .11390 .46579 .80291 .42066 89.6 .11951 .46190 .78162 .43701
84.7 .11401 .46571 .80249 .42099 89.7 .11962 .46182 .78119 .43732
84.8 .11412 .46563 .80207 .42133 89.8 .11973 .46174 .78076 .43763
84.9 .11424 .46556 .80165 .42167 89.9 .11984 .46166 .78033 .43795

85.0 .11435 .46548 .80123 .42201 90.0 .11995 .46158 .77989 .43826



N P M s

1 00 0.034906 0.000203 1 . 00005 0.017454

20 0.046540 0.000361 1 . 000090 0.023271
uo 0.058173 0.00056U 1. 0001 41 0.029088
2 00 0.069805 0.000812 1.000203 0.034905
20 0.081435 0.001 106 1.000277 0.040722
40 0.0930614 O.OOIMMU 1.000361 0.046539
3 00 0.1014691 0.001827 1 000457. 0.052355
20 0.1 16316 0.002256 1.000564 0.058171
no 0.127938 0.002729 1.000682 0.063986
4 00 0. 139558 0.0032U8 1.000812 0.069802
20 0. 151 175 0.003812 1 000953. 0.075616
40 0.162789 0.004421 1.001 106 0.081430
5 00 0. 174400 0.005074 1.001269 0.087244
20 0.186007 0.005773 1.001444 0.093057
no 0. 19761 0.006517 1.001630 0.098870
6 00 0.209210 0.007305 1.001827 0.104682
20 0.220805 0.008139 1.002036 0. 1 10492
40 0.232396 0.009017 1.002255 0.1 16306
7 00 0.243982 0.009940 1.002486 0. 1221 13
20 0.255563 0.010908 1.002728 0. 127921
40 0.267139 0.01 1921 1.002982 0.133729
8 00 0.278709 0.012979 1.003247 0. 139536
20 0.290274 0.014081 1.003523 0.145342
40 0.301832 0.015229 1.00381 0.151 146
9 00 0.313358 0.016420 1.004108 0.156951
20 0.324931 0.017657 1.004419 0.162753
uo 0.336471 0.018938 .004739
1 0.168555
10 00 0.348004 0.020264 1.005072 0.174356
20 0.359530 0.021634 1.005415 0. 180155
MO 0.371049 0.023049 1 005770. 0.185954
1 1 00 0.382560 0.024508 1.006135 0. 1 91 751
20 0.394063 0.02601 1 .00651 0.197546
uo 0.U05558 0.027559 1 .006900 0.203340
12 00 0.417046 0.029152 1.007300 0.209134
20 0.428524 0.030788 1.007710 0.214925
40 0.435994 0.032469 1. 008131 0.220715
13 00 0.451455 0.034194 1.008564 0.226504
20 0.462907 0.035963 1.009008 0.232291
40 0.474350 0.037777 .009464
1 0.238077
\n oo 0.485783 0.039634 1.009930 0.243861
20 0.497206 0.041535 1.010407 0.249643
uo 0.508619 0.043480 1.010895 0.255424
15 00 0.520022 0.045469 1 .01 1395 0.261203
20 0.53IUIM 0.047502 1.01 1906 0.266980
no 0.5U2795 0.049579 1.012428 0.272755
16 00 0.55UI66 0.051699 1 .012961 0.278529
20 0.565525 0.053863 1.013505 0.284300
40 0.576873 0.056071 1. 014061 0.290070
17 00 0.588209 0.058322 1 .014627 0.295837
20 0.599534 0.060616 1 .015204 0.301604
MO 0.6I08U6 0.062954 1.015792 0.307367
18 00 0.622H46 0.065335 1. 016391 0.313129
20 0.633U33 0.067759 1.017002 0.318688
40 0.6U4708 0.070227 1 .017624 0.324646 .

19 00 0.655969 0.072737 1.018256 0.330401

20 0.667217 0.075291 1.018899 0.336154
MO 0.678U52 0.077888 1.019554 0.341904
20 00 0.689673 0.0e0527 1.020220 0.347653
20 0.700881 0.083209 1.020896 0.353400
no 0.7I207U 0.085934 1.021584 0.359143


O '

21 00 0.723252 0.088702 1.022282 0.364884

30 0.739993 0.092933 1.023351 0.373492
22 00 0.756700 0.097260 1 .024444 0.382093
30 0.773373 0.101682 1.025562 0.390690
23 00 0.790011 0.106198 1.026703 0.399280
30 0.80661 3 0.110810 1.027870 0.407864
24 00 0.823178 0.115515 1 .029061 0.416441
30 0.839706 0.120315 1.030276 0.425013
25 00 0.856196 0.125208 1.031516 0.433578
30 0.872648 0.130195 1.032780 0.442137
26 00 0.8890GC 0.135275 1 .034069 0.450689
30 0.905432 0.140447 1.035381 0.459234
27 00 0.921763 0.145712 1.036718 0.467773
30 0.938052 0.151069 1 .038080 0.476303
28 00 0.954299 0.156518 1 .039466 0.484827
30 0.970504 0.162058 1 .040875 0.493345
29 00 0.986664 0.167689 1.042309 0.501854
30 1.002780 0.173410 1.043766 0.510356
30 00 1.018851 0.179222 1 .045247 0.518851
30 1.034876 0.185124 1.046753 0.527338
31 00 1 .050854 0.191115 1.048282 0.535816
30 1.066785 0.197195 1.049835 0.544286
32 00 1.082668 0.203365 1.051413 0.552749
30 1.098503 0.209623 1.053014 0.561203
33 00 1.114288 0.215967 1.054638 0.569649
30 1.130023 0.222399 1.056285 0.578086
34 00 1.145707 0.228919 1.057957 0.586514
30 1.161340 0.235525 1.059651 0.594934
35 00 1.176922 0.242218 1.061370 0.603346
30 1.192451 0.248997 1.063113 0.611748
36 00 1.207926 0.255861 1 .064878 0.620141
30 1.223347 0.262809 1 .066666 0.628524
37 00 1.238714 0.269842 1.068478 0.636899
30 1.254026 0.276959 1.070312 0.645265
38 00 1.269281 0.284160 1.072171 0.653619
30 1.284479 0.291444 1.074052 0.661964
39 00 1.299621 0.298809 1.075955 0.670301
30 1.314705 0.306257 1.077882 0.678627
40 00 1.329730 0.313788 1.079832 0.686942
30 1.344696 0.321399 1.081805 0.695248
41 00 1.359603 0.329090 1.083800 0.703544
30 1.374449 0.336862 1.085818 0.711829
42 00 1.389234 0.344714 1.087859 0.720103
30 1.403958 0.352645 1 .089922 0.728368
43 00 1.418619 0.360654 1 .092008 0.736621
30 1.433217 0.368741 1.094115 0.744862
44 00 1.447752 0.376906 1 .096246 0.753094
30 1.462223 0.385148 1.098398 0.761314
45 00 1.476630 0.393466 1.100573 0.769523
30 1.490971 0.401861 1.102770 0.777721
46 00 1.505248 0.410331 1.104989 0.785908
30 1.519457 0.418875 1.107230 0.794083
47 00 1.533600 0.427495 1.109493 0.802246
30 1.547674 0.436187 1.111777 0.810397
48 00 1.561682 0.444954 1.114085 0.818537
30 1.575620 0.453792 1.116412 0.826664
49 00 1.589490 0.462704 1.118763 0.834780
30 1 .603290 0.471686 1.121134 0.842884
50 00 1.617020 0.480740 1.123528 0.850976


1° Ts Es 1° Ts Es 1° Ts Es

u 1.00028 .01 164 42.5 1.03394 .13135 57.0 1.06399 .18536

6 1.00064 .01747 43.0 1.03479 . 3309
1 .2 I.C6449 . 1 86 7 1

8 1 .001 14 .02332 43.5 1.03566 .13484 .4 1.06499 . 8698


10 1.00178 .02918 44.0 1.03653 .13660 .6 1.06550 . 8778


12 1.00257 .03507 44.5 1.03742 .13836 .8 1.06600 .18859

13 1.00302 .03802 45.0 1.03831 .14013 58.0 1.06651 .18940
14 1.00350 .04098 45.5 1.03922 . 14191 .2 1.06703 . 902

15 1 00402
. .04396 46.0 1.04015 . 14370 .4 1.06754 .19103
16 1.00458 .04696 46.5 1.04109 . 14550 .6 1.06606 .19184
17 1.00518 .04992 47.0 1.04204 . 14730 .8 1.06857 .19266
18 1.00581 .05292 47.5 1.04301 .14912 59.0 1.06909 . 1 9348
19 1.00648 .05593 48.0 1.04399 . 5094
1 .2 1 06962
. .19431
20 1.00719 .05895 48.5 1.04498 .15277 .4 1.07015 .19513
21 1.00794 .06198 49.0 1.04598 . 5460
1 .6 1.07068 . 9596

22 1 00873
. .06502 49.5 1.04701 .15645 .8 1 .07121 .19679
23 1.00955 .06808 50.0 1 .04804 .15831 60.0 1.07174 . 9762

24 1.01042 .07115 .2 1 .04845 . 5905

1 .2 1.07228 .19846
25 1.01 132 .07424 .4 1 .04887 . 5980
1 .4 1.07282 .19929
26 1.01226 .07734 .6 1 .04929 .16055 .6 1.07337 .20013
27 1.01324 .08045 .8 1.04971 .16130 .8 1.07391 .20097
27.5 1.01375 .08201 51.0 1.05014 . 1 6206 61.0 1 .07446 .20181
28.0 1.01427 .08358 .2 1 05057
. .16281 .2 1 .07501 .20266
28.5 1.01480 .08515 .4 1.05100 .16356 .4 1.07556 .20350
29.0 1.01533 .08674 .6 1.05143 .16432 .6 1 076
. 1 .20435
29.5 1.01588 .0883 .8 1.05186 . 1 5508 .8 1.07668 .20519
30.0 1.01644 .08990 52.0 1.05230 . 1 6584 62.0 1.07724 .20604
30.5 1.01700 .09149 .2 1.05274 .16660 .2 1 .07781 .20690
31.0 1.01758 .09309 .4 1.05318 .16736 .4 1.07838 .20775
31.5 1. 01817 .09469 .6 1.05362 .16813 .6 1.07895 .20861
32.0 1.01877 .09630 .8 1.05407 .16889 .8 1.07953 .20947
32.5 1.01938 .09791 53.0 1.05452 .16966 63.0 1.08010 .21034
33.0 1.02000 .09952 .2 1.05497 .17043 .2 1.08068 .2 20 1 1

33.5 1.02064 .101 14 .4 1.05542 .17120 .4 1.08126 .21207

34.0 1.02128 . 1 0277 .6 1 05588
. . 1 7 97
1 .6 1.08184 .21294
34.5 1.02194 . 1 0440 .8 1.05634 . 1 7275 .8 1.08243 .21381
35.0 1.02260 .10604 54.0 1.05680 .17352 64.0 1.08302 .21468
35.5 1.02327 .10768 .2 1.05726 . 7430
1 .2 1 0836
. .21555
36.0 1.02396 .10933 .4 1.05772 . 7508
1 .4 1.08421 .21643
36.5 1.02466 .1 1099 .6 1.05819 . 7586
1 .6 1.08481 .21731
37.0 1.02537 . 1 265 .8 1.05866 . 7664
1 .8 1.08541 .21820
37.5 1.02609 . 1 1 432 55.0 1.05913 . 7742
1 65.0 1.08602 .21908
38.0 1.02682 . 1 1599 .2 1.05961 .17820 .2 1.08663 .21997
38.5 1.02756 . 1 1 767 .4 1 06009
. . 7899
1 .4 1 08724
. .22086
39.0 1.02832 . 1 1 936 .6 1.06057 . 7979
1 .6 1 08785
. .22175
39.5 1.02909 . 1 2 051 .8 1.06105 . 8058
1 .8 1.08847 .22265
40. 1.02987 .12275 56.0 1.06153 .18137 66.0 1.08909 .22355
40.5 1.03066 .12446 .2 1 .06201 . 821 1 .2 1 .08971 .22445
41 .0 1.03146 .12617 .4 1.06250 .18296 .4 1.09034 .22535
41.5 1.03227 . 2789
1 .6 1.06299 .18376 .6 1 09097
. .22625
42.0 1.03310 . 2962
1 .8 1.06349 . 8456
1 .8 1.09160 .22716


1° Ts Es ,. Ts Es l° Ts Es

67.0 I.C9223 .22807 75.0 1.12036 .26669 83.0 1 . 15453 .31048

.2 1.09287 .22898 .2 1. 12124 .26772 .2 1. 15547 .31165
.4 1.09351 .22990 .4 1 2 92
. 1 1 .26875 .4 1 . 15642 .31283
.6 1.09m 6 .23082 .6 1.12270 .26978 .6 1 . 15738 .31401
.8 1.09481 .23174 .8 1.12348 .27082 .8 1 . 15834 .3 520

68.0 1.09546 .23266 76.0 1.12427 .27186 84.0 1 . 1 5930 .31639

.2 1.09612 .23358 .2 1.12507 .27290 .2 1 . 1 6027 .31759
.4 1.09678 .23451 .4 1.12587 .27394 •4 1.16124 .31879
.6 1.09744 .235U4 .6 1.12667 .27499 .6 1.16222 .31999
.8 1.09810 .23637 .8 1 2747
. 1 .27604 .8 1.16320 .32120
69.0 1.09876 .2373! 77.0 1 .12828 .27710 85.0 1. 16418 .32241
.2 1.09943 .23825 1 . 2909
1 .27816 .2 1. 16517 .32363
.U I.I 0010 .23919 i 1. 12991 .27923 .4 I.I 66 17 .32485
.6 1 . 1 0078 .24013 .6 1 . 1 3074 .28030 .6 1. 16717 .32607
.8 1. 10146 .24108 .8 1 . 1 3 57
1 .28137 .8 1. 16818 .32730
70.0 1 . 1 02 H 1 .24203 78.0 1.13240 .28244 86.0 1. 16919 .32854
.2 1 0283
. 1 .24298 .2 1 13323
. .28352 .2 1 702
. 1 .32978
.4 1.10352 .24393 .4 1 3407
. 1 .28460 .4 1. 17123 . 33 021

.6 1 042
. 1 .24489 .6 1. 13491 .28568 .6 1. 17226 .33227
.8 1 . 10491 .24585 .8 1 . 1 3576 .28677 .8 1.17329 .33352
71.0 1. 10561 .24681 79.0 1 366
. 1 .28786 87.0 1.17433 .33478
.2 1 . 1 0632 .24777 .2 1.13746 .28896 .2 1.17537 .33605
.H 1. 10703 .24874 .4 1 3832
. 1 .29006 .4 1 7642
. 1 .33732
.6 1 . 10774 .24971 .6 1. 13918 .29116 .6 1. 17748 .33859
.8 1. I085U .25069 .8 1 4005
. 1 .29226 .8 1 7854
. 1 .33987
72.0 1 .10917 .25167 80.0 1 4092
. 1 .29337 88.0 1 . 1 7960 .341 15
.2 1 . 0989
1 .25265 .2 1.14179 .29449 .2 1 . 1 8067 .34244
.a 1 . 062
1 1 .25363 .4 1.14267 .29561 .4 1. 18174 .34373
.6 I.I 1135 .25462 .6 1 4356
. 1 .29673 .6- 1 . 18282 .34503
.8 1 . 1 1 208 .25561 .8 1.14445 .29785 .8 1. 18391 .34633
73.0 I.I 1281' .25660 81.0 1.14535 .29898 89.0 1 . 1 8500 .34764
.2 I.I 1355 .25760 .2 1.14625 .30011 .2 1 . 1 8609 .34895
1. 14291 .25860 .4 1. 14715 .30125 .4 1.18719 .35027
,1.1 i^oa .25960 .6 1 4805
. 1 .30239 .6 1.18830 .35159
.8 1 . 1 1 579 .26060 .8 1 4896
. 1 .30353 .8 1.18942 .35292
74.0 1 . 1 I65U .26161 82.0 1 . 1 4988 .30468 90.0 1 . 9054
1 .35425
.2 1 .
| 730 .26262 .2 1 . 1 5080 .30583 .2 1. 19167 .35559
.a 1.11 806 .26363 .4 1. 15173 .30699 .4 1 .19280 .35693
.6 1. 11882 .26465 .6 l .15266 .30815 .6 1 .19394 .35828
.8 1 . 1 1 959 .26567 .8 1 .15359 .30931 .8 1 . 1 9508 .35963

NOTES: (I) For any given I and selected spiral length, T s and E s
for the double-spiral, or all-transitional, curve may be found by
multiplying the tabulated values by the length of spiral. (2) If
the given I does not correspond to a tabulated value, T s and E s
may be found by simple interpolation. (3) Deflection angles for
staking the curve may be computed, as for any spiral, by using
. 454


A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
o o / o / o / o / o / / / o / o / o /

0.0 00.00 00.0 00.0 ooo.o 00.0 3 00.0 3 00.0 ooo.o 00.0 3 00.0
.1 00.02 00.1 00.2 00.3 00.5 00.7 01.0 01.3 01.6 02.0
.2 00.04 00.2 00.4 00.6 01.0 01.4 02.0 02.6 03.2 04.0
.3 00.06 00.2 00.5 01.0 01.5 02.2 02.9 03.8 04.9 06.0
.4 00.08 00.3 00.7 01.3 02.0 02.9 03.9 05.1 06.5 08.0
0.5 I) 00.10 00.4 00.9 01.6 02.5 0O3.6 04.9 06.4 08.1 10.0
.6 00.12 00.5 01.1 01.9 03.0 04.3 05.9 07.7 09.7 12.0
.7 00.14 00.6 01.3 02.2 03.5 05.0 06.9 09.0 11.3 14.0
.8 00.16 00.6 01.4 02.6 04.0 05.8 07.8 10.2 13.0 16.0
.9 00.18 00.7 01.6 02.9 04.5 06.5 08.8 11.5 14.6 18.0

1.0 00.20 00.8 01.8 03.2 05.0 07.2 09.8 12.8 16.2 20.0
.1 00.22 00.9 02.0 03.5 05.5 07.9 10.8 14.1 17.8 22.0
.2 00.24 01.0 02.2 03.8 06.0 08.6 11.8 15.4 19.4 24.0
.3 00.26 01.0 02.3 04.2 06.5 09.4 12.7 16.6 21.1 26.0
.4 00.28 01.1 02.5 04.5 07.0 10.1 13.7 17.9 22.7 28.0

1.5 00.30 01.2 02.7 04.8 07.5 10.8 14.7 19.2 24.3 30.0
.6 00.32 01.3 02.9 05.1 08.0 11.5 15.7 20.5 25.9 32.0
.7 00.34 01.4 03.1 05.4 08.5 12.2 16.7 21.8 27.5 34.0
.8 00.36 01.4 03.2 05.8 09.0 13.0 17.6 23.0 29.2 36.0
.9 00.38 01.5 03.4 06.1 09.5 13.7 18.6 24.3 30.8 38.0
2.0 00.40 01.6 03.6 06.4 10.0 14.4 19.6 25.6 32.4 40.0
.1 00.42 01.7 03.8 06.7 10.5 15.1 20.6 26.9 34.0 42.0
.2 00.44 01.8 04.0 07.0 11.0 15.8 21.6 28.2 35.6 44.0
.3 00.46 01.8 04.1 07.4 11.5 16.6 22.5 29.4 37.3 46.0
.4 00.48 01.9 04.3 07.7 12.0 17.3 23.5 30.7 38.9 48.0

2.5 00.50 02.0 04.5 08.0 12.5 18.0 24.5 32.0 40.5 50.0
.6 00.52 02.1 04.7 08.3 13.0 18.7 25.5 33.3 42.1 52.0
.7 00.54 02.2 04.9 08.6 13.5 19.4 26.5 34.6 43.7 54.0
.8 00.56 02.2 05.0 09.0 14.0 20.2 27.4 35.8 45.4 56.0
.9 00.58 02.3 05.2 09.3 14.5 20.9 28.4 37.1 47.0 58.0

3.0 00.60 02.4 05.4 09.6 15.0 21.6 29.4 38.4 48.6 1 00.0
.1 00.62 02.5 05.6 09.9 15.5 22.3 30.4 39.7 50.2 02.0
.2 00.64 02.6 05.8 10.2 16.0 23.0 31.4 41.0 51.8 04.0
.3 00.66 02.6 05.9 10.6 16.5 23.8 32.3 42.2 53.5 06.0
.4 00.68 02.7 06.1 10.9 17.0 24.5 33.3 43.5 55.1 08.0

3.5 00.70 02.8 06.3 11.2 17.5 25.2 34.3 44.8 56.7 1 10.0
.6 00.72 02.9 06.5 11.5 18.0 25.9 35.3 46.1 58.3 12.0
.7 00.74 03.0 06.7 11.8 18.5 26.6 36.3 47.4 59.9 14.0
.8 00.76 03.0 06.8 12.2 19.0 27.4 37.2 48.6 1 01.6 16.0
.9 00.78 03.1 07.0 12.5 19.5 28.1 38.2 49.9 03.2 18.0

4.0 00.80 03.2 07.2 12.8 20.0 28.8 39.2 51.2 1 04.8 1 20.0
.1 00.82 03.3 07.4 13.1 20.5 29.5 40.2 52.5 06.4 22.0
.2 00.84 03.4 07.6 13.4 21.0 30.2 41.2 53.8 08.0 24.0
.3 00.86 03.4 07.7 13.8 21.5 31.0 42.1 55.0 09.7 26.0
.4 00.88 03.5 07.9 14.1 22.0 31.7 43.1 56.3 11.3 28.0

4.5 00.90 03.6 08.1 14.4 22.5 32.4 44.1 57.6 1 12.9 1 30.0
.6 00.92 03.7 08.3 14.7 23.0 33.1 45.1 58.9 14.5 32.0
.7 00.94 03.8 08.5 15.0 23.5 33.8 46.1 1 00.2 16.1 34.0
.8 00.96 03.8 08.6 15.4 24.0 34.6 47.0 01.4 17.8 36.0
.9 00.98 03.9 08.8 15.7 24.5 35.3 48.0 02.7 19.4 38.0

5.0 01 .00 04.0 09.0 16.0 25.0 36.0 49.0 1 04.0 1 21.0 1 40.0
01.02 04.1 09.2 16.3 25.5 36.7 50.0 05.3 22.6 42.0
.2 01 04 04.2 09.4 16.6 26.0 37.4 51.0 06.6 24.2 44.0
.3 01.06 04.2 09.5 17.0 26.5 38.2 51.9 07.8 25.9 46.0
.4 01.08 04.3 09.7 17.3 27.0 38.9 52.9 09.1 27.5 48.0

5.5 01.10 04.4 09.9 17.6 27.5 39.6 53.9 1 10.4 1 29.1 1 50.0
.6 01.12 04.5 10.1 17.9 28.0 40.3 54.9 11.7 30.7 52.0
.7 01.14 04.6 10.3 18.2 2H.5 41.0 r> .">.•.» 13.0 32.3 54.0
.8 01.16 04.6 10.4 18.6 29.0 41.8 56.8 14.2 34.0 56.0
.9 01.18 04.7 10.6 18.9 29.5 42.5 57.8 15.5 35.6 58.0


A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
o / o / o / o / O 1 o / o / o / o / o /

6.0 01.20 04.8 10.8 19.2 30.0 43.2 58.8 1 16.8 1 37.2 2 00.0
.1 01.22 04.9 11.0 19.5 30.5 43.9 59.8 18.1 38.8 02.0
.2 01.24 05.0 11.2 19.8 31.0 44.6 1 00.8 19.4 40.4 04.0
.3 01.26 05.0 11.3 20.2 31.5 45.4 01.7 20.6 42.1 06.0
.4 01.28 05.1 11.5 20.5 32.0 46.1 02.7 21.9 43.7 08.0
6.5 01.30 05.2 11.7 20.8 32.5 46.8 1 03.7 1 23.2 1 45.3 2 10.0
.6 01.32 05.3 11.9 21.1 33.0 47.5 04.7 24.5 46.9 12.0
.7 01.34 05.4 12.1 21.4 33.5 48.2 05.7 25.8 48.5 14.0
.8 01.36 05.4 12.2 21.8 34.0 49.0 06.6 27.0 50.2 16.0
.9 01.38 05.5 124 22.1 34.5 49.7 07.6 28.3 51.8 18.0
7.0 01.40 05.6 12.6 22.4 35.0 50.4 1 08.6 1 29.6 1 53.4 2 20.0
.1 01.42 05.7 12.8 22.7 35.5 51.1 09.6 30.9 55.0 22.0
.2 01.44 05.8 13.0 23.0 36.0 51.8 10.6 32.2 56.6 24.0
.3 01.46 05.8 13.1 23.4 36.5 52.6 11.5 33.4 58.3 26.0
.4 01.48 05.9 13.3 23.7 37.0 53.3 12.5 34.7 59.9 28.0
7.5 01.50 06.0 13.5 24.0 37.5 54.0 1 13.5 1 36.0 2 01.5 2 30.0
.6 01.52 06.1 13.7 24.3 38.0 54.7 14.5 37.3 03.1 32.0
.7 01.54 06.2 13.9 24.6 38.5 55.4 15.5 38.6 04.7 34.0
.8 01.56 06.2 14.0 25.0 39.0 56.2 16.4 39.8 06.4 36.0
.9 01.58 06.3 14.2 25.3 39.5 56.9 17.4 41.1 08.0 38.0
8.0 01.60 06.4 14.4 25.6 40.0 57.6 1 18.4 1 42.4 2 09.6 2 40.0
.1 01.62 06.5 14.6 25.9 40.5 58.3 19.4 43.7 11.2 42.0
.2 01.64 06.6 14.8 26.2 41.0 59.0 20.4 45.0 12.8 44.0
.3 01.66 06.6 14.9 26.6 41.5 59.8 21.3 46.2 14.5 46.0
.4 01.68 06.7 15.1' 26.9 42.0 1 00.5 22.3 47.5 16.1 48.0
8.5 01.70 06.8 15.3 27.2 42.5 1 01.2 1 23.3 1 48.8 2 17.7 2 50.0
.6 01.72 06.9 15.5 27.5 43.0 01.9 24.3 50.1 19.3 52.0
.7 01.74 07.0 15.7 27.8 43.5 02.6 25.3 51.4 20.9 54.0
.8 01.76 07.0 15.8 28.2 44.0 03.4 26.2 52.6 22.6 56.0
.9 01.78 07.1 16.0 28.5 44.5 04.1 27.2 53.9 24.2 58.0
9.0 01.80 07.2 16.2 28.8 45.0 1 04.8 1 28.2 1 55.2 2 25.8 3 00.0
.1 01.82 07.3 16.4 29.1 45.5 05.5 29.2 56.5 27.4 02.0
.2 01.84 07.4 16.6 29.4 46.0 06.2 30.2 57.8 29.0 04.0
.3 01.86 07.4 16.7 29.8 46.5 07.0 31.1 59.0 30.7 06.0
.4 01.88 07.5 16.9 30.1 47.0 07.7 32.1 2 00.3 32.3 08.0
9.5 01.90 07.6 17.1 30.4 47.5 1 08.4 1 33.1 2 01.6 2 33.9 3 10.0
.6 01.92 07.7 17.3 30.7 48.0 09.1 34.1 02.9 35.5 12.0
.7 01.94 07.8 17.5 31.0 48.5 09.8 35.1 04.2 37.1 14.0
.8 01.96 07.8 17.6 31.4 49.0 10.6 36.0 05.4 38.8 16.0
.9 01.98 07.9 17.8 31.7 49.5 11.3 37.0 06.7 40.4 18.0
iO.O 02.00 08.0 18.0 32.0 50.0 1 12.0 1 38.0 2 080 2 42.0 3 20.0
.1 02.02 08.1 18.2 32.3 50.5 12.7 39.0 09.3 43.6 21.9
.2 02.04 08.2 18.4 32.6 51.0 13.4 40.0 10.6 45.2 23.9
.3 02.06 08.2 18.5 33.0 51.5 14.2 40.9 11.8 46.8 25.9
.4 02.08 08.3 18.7 33.3 52.0 14.9 41.9 13.1 48.5 27.9
10.5 02.10 08.4 18.9 33.6 52.5 1 15.6 1 42.9 2 14.4 2 50.1 3 29.9
.6 02.12 08.5 19.1 33.9 53.0 16.3 43.9 15.7 51.7 31.9
.7 02.14 08.6 19.3 34.2 53.5 17.0 44.9 17.0 53.3 33.9
.8 02.16 08.6 19.4 34.6 54.0 17.8 45.8 18.2 54.9 35.9
.9 02.18 08.7 19.6 34.9 54.5 18.5 46.8 19.5 56.6 37.9
11.0 02.20 08.8 19.8 35.2 55.0 1 19.2 1 47.8 2 20.8 2 58.2 3 39.9
.1 02.22 08.9 20.0 35.5 55.5 19.9 48.8 22.1 59.8 41.9
.2 02.24 09.0 20.2 35.8 56.0 20.6 49.8 23.4 3 01.4 43.9
.3 02.26 09.0 20.3 36.2 56.5 21.4 50.7 24.6 03.0 45.9
.4 02.28 09.1 20.5 36.5 57.0- 22.1 51.7 25.9 04.7 47.9
11.5 02.30 09.2 20.7 36.8 57.5 1 22.8 1 52.7 2 27.2 3 06.3 3 49.9
.6 02.32 09.3 20.9 37.1 58.0 23.5 53.7 28.5 07.9 51.9
.7 02.34 09.4 21.1 37.4 58.5 24.2 54.7 29.7 09.5 53.9
.8 02.36 09.4 21.2 37.8 59.0 25.0 55.6 31.0 11.1 55.9
.9 02.38 09.5 21.4 38.1 59.5 25.7 56.6 32.3 12.7 57.9


A 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
o / o / o / o / o / O 1 o / o / / o /

12.0 02.40 09.6 21.6 38.4 1 00.0 1 26.4 1 57.6 2 33.6 3 14.4 3 59.9
.1 02.42 09.7 21.8 38.7 00.5 27.1 58.6 34.9 16.0 4 01.9
.2 02.44 09.8 22.0 39.0 01.0 27.8 59.5 36.1 17.6 03.9
.3 02.46 09.8 22.1 39.4 01.5 28.6 2 00.5 37.4 19.2 05.9
.4 02.48 09.9 22.3 39.7 02.0 29.3 01.5 38.7 20.8 07.9
12.5 02.50 10.0 22.5 40.0 1 02.5 1 30.0 2 02.5 2 40.0 3 22.5 4 09.9
.6 02.52 10.1 22.7 40.3 03.0 30.7 03.5 41.3 24.1 11.9
.7 02.54 10.2 22.9 40.6 03.5 31.4 04.4 42.5 25.7 13.9
.8 02.56 10.2 23.0 41.0 04.0 32.2 05.4 43.8 27.3 15.9
.9 02.58 10.3 23.2 41.3 04.5 32.9 06.4 45.1 28.9 17.9

13.0 02.60 10.4 23.4 41.6 1 05.0 1 33.6 2 07.4 2 46.4 3 30.5 4 19.9
.1 02.62 10.5 23.6 41.9 05.5 34.3 08.4 47.7 32.2 21.9
.2 02.64 10.6 23.8 42.2 06.0 35.0 09.3 48.9 33.8 23.9
.3 02.66 10.6 23.9 42.6 06.5 35.8 10.3 50.2 35.4 25 9
.4 02.68 10.7 24.1 42.9 07.0 36.5 11.3 51.5 37.0 27 9
13.5 02.70 10.8 24.3 43.2 1 07.5 1 37.2 2 12.3 2 52.8 3 38.6 4 29.9
.6 02.72 10.9 24.5 43.5 08.0 37.9 13.3 54.0 40.3 31.9
.7 02.74 11.0 24.7 43.8 08.5 38.6 14.2 55.3 41.9 33.9
.8 02.76 11.0 24.8 44.2 09.0 39.4 15.2 56.6 43.5 35.9
.9 02.78 11.1 25.0 44.5 09.5 40.1 16.2 57.9 45.1 37.9

14.0 02.80 11.2 25.2 44.8 1 10.0 1 40.8 2 17.2 2 59.2 3 46.7 4 39.9
.1 02.82 11.3 25.4 45.1 10.5 41.5 18.2 3 00.4 48.4 41.9
.2 02.84 11.4 25.6 45.4 11.0 42.2 19.1 01.7 50.0 43.9
.3 02.86 11.4 25.7 45.8 11.5 43.0 20.1 03.0 51.6 45.9
.4 02.88 11.5 25.9 46.1 12.0 43.7 21.1 04.3 53.2 47.9

14.5 02.90 11.6 26.1 46.4 1 12.5 1 44.4 2 22.1 3 05.6 3 54.8 4 49.9
.6 02.92 11.7 26.3 46.7 13.0 45.1 23.1 06.8 56.4 51.9
.7 02.94 11.8 26.5 47.0 13.5 45.8 24.0 08.1 58.1 53.9
.8 02.96 11.8 26.6 47.4 14.0 46.6 25.0 09.4 59.7 55.8
.9 02.98 11.9 26.8 47.7 14.5 47.3 26.0 10.7 4 01.3 57.8

15.0 03.00 12.0 27.0* 48.0 1 15.0 148.0 2 27.0 3 12.0 4 02.9 4 59.8
.1 03.02 12.1 27.2 48.3 15.5 48.7 28.0 13.2 04.5 5 01.8
.2 03.04 12.2 27.4 48.6 16.0 49.4 28.9 14.5 06.1 03.8
.3 03.06 12.2 27.5 49.0 16.5 50.2 29.9 15.8 07.8 05.8
.4 03.08 12.3 27.7 49.3 17.0 50.9 30.9 17.1 09.4 07.8

15.5 03.10 12.4 27.9 49.6 1 17.5 1 51.6 2 31.9 3 18.4 4 11.0 5 09.8
.6 03.12 12.5 28.1 49.9 18.0 52.3 32.9 19.6 12.6 11.8
.7 03.14 12.6 28.3 50.2 18.5 53.0 33.8 20.9 14.2 13.8
.8 02.16 12.6 28.4 50.6 19.0 53.7 34.8 22.2 15.9 15.8
.9 03.18 12.7 28.6 50.9 19.5 54.5 35.8 23.5 17.5 17.8

16.0 03.20 12.8 28.8 51.2 1 20.0 1 55.2 2 36.8 3 24.8 4 19.1 5 19.8
.1 03.22 12.9 29.0 51.5 20.5 55.9 37.8 26.0 20.7 21.8
.2 03.24 13.0 29.2 51.8 21.0 56.6 38.7 27.3 22.3 23.8
.3 03.26 13.0 29.3 52.2 21.5 57.3 39.7 28.6 23.9 25.8
.4 03.28 13.1 29.5 52.5 22.0 58.1 40.7 29.9 25.6 27.8

16.5 03.30 13.2 29.7 52.8 1 22.5 1 58.8 2 41.7 3 31.1 4 27.2 5 29.8
.6 03.32 L3.3 29.9 53.1 23.0 59.5 42.7 32.4 28.8 31.8
.7 03.34 13.4 30.1 53.4 23.5 2 00.2 43.6 33.7 30.4 33.8
.8 03.36 13.4 30.2 53.8 24.0 00.9 44.6 35.0 32.0 35.8
.9 03.38 13.5 30.4 54.1 24.5 01.7 45.6 36.3 33.6 37.8

17.0 03.40 13.6 30.6 54.4 1 25.0 2 02.4 2 46.6 3 37.5 4 35.3 5 39.8
.1 03.42 13.7 30.8 54 .7 25.5 03.1 47.5 38.8 36.9 41.8
.2 03.44 13.8 31.0 55.0 26.0 03.8 48.5 40.1 38.5 43.7
.3 03.46 13.8 31.1 55.4 26.5 04.5 49.5 41.4 40.1 45.7
.4 03.48 13.9 31.3 55.7 27.0 05.3 50.5 42.7 41.7 47.7

17.5 o 03.50 14.0 31.5 o 58.0 1 27.5 2 06.0 2 51.5 3 43.9 4 43.4 5 49.7
.6 03.52 11.1 31.7 56.3 2S.0 06.7 52.4 4 5.2 45.0 51.7
14.2 31.9 56.6 28.5 07.4 53.4 46.5 46 8 53.7
.7 03.54
.8 03 50 1 4.2 32 r
. »7.0 20.0 OS 5 1
47. 48.2
1 1 55.7
32.2 57.3 20.5 08.9 55 19.0 '•• 8 57.7
.9 03 58 1 1.3 I



A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
o o / o / o / o / o / o / / o / O 1 /

18.0 03.60 14.4 32.4 57.6 1 30.0 2 09.6 2 56.4 3 50.3 4 51.5 5 59.7
.1 03.62 14.5 32.6 57.9 30.5 10.3 57.3 51.6 53.1 6 01.7
.2 03.64 14.6 32.8 58.2 31.0 11.0 58.3 52.9 54.7 03.7
.3 03.66 14.6 32.9 58.6 31.5 11.7 59.3 54.2 56.3 05.7
.4 03.68 14.7 33.1 58.9 32.0 12.5 3 00.3 55.4 57.9 07.7
18.5 03.70 14.8 33.3 59.2 1 32.5 2 13.2 3 01.3 3 56.7 4 59.5 6 09.7
.6 03.72 14.9 33.5 59.5 33.0 13.9 02.2 58.0 5 01.2 11.7
.7 03.74 15.0 33.7 59.8 33.5 14.6 03.2 59.3 02.8 13.7
.8 03.76 15.0 33.8 1 00.2 34.0 15.3 04.2 i 00.6 04.4 15.7
.9 03.78 15.1 34.0 00.5 34.5 16.1 05.2 01.8 06.0 17.7
19.0 03.80 15.2 34.2 1 00.8 1 35.0 2 16.8 3 06.2 4 03.1 5 07.6 6 19.7
.1 03.82 15.3 34.4 01.1 35.5 17.5 07.1 04.4 09.2 21.7
.2 03.84 15.4 34.6 01.4 36.0 18.2 08.1 05.7 10.9 23.7
.3 03.86 15.4 34.7 01.8 36.5 18.9 09.1 06.9 12.5 25.6
.4 03.88 15.5 34.9 02.1 37.0 19.7 10.1 08.2 14.1 27.6
19.5 03.90 15.6 35.1 1 02.4 1 37.5 2 20.4 3 11.1 4 09.5 5 15.7 6 29.6
.6 03.92 15.7 35.3 02.7 38.0 21.1 12.0 10.8 17.3 31.6
.7 03.94 15.8 35.5 03.0 38.5 21.8 13.0 12.1 18.9 33.6
.8 03.96 15.8 35.6 03.4 39.0 22.5 14.0 13.3 20.6 35.6
.9 03.98 15.9 35.8 03.7 39.5 23.3 15.0 14.6 22.2 37.6
20.0 04.00 16.0 36.0 1 04.0 1 40.0 2 24.0 3 16.0 4 15.9 5 23.8 6 39.6
.1 04.02 16.1 36.2 04.3 40.5 24.7 16.9 17.2 25.4 41.6
.2 04.04 16.2 36.4 04.6 41.0 25.4 17.9 18.5 27.0 43.6
.3 04.06 16.2 36.5 05.0 41.5 26.1 18.9 19.7 28.6 45.6
.4 04.08 16.3 36.7 05.3 42.0 26.9 19.9 21.0 30.3 47.6
20.5 04.10 16.4 36.9 1 05.6 1 42.5 2 27.6 3 20.9 4 22.3 5 31.9 6 49.6
.6 04.12 16.5 37.1 05.9 43.0 28.3 21.8 23.6 33.5 51.6
.7 04.14 16.6 37.3 06.2 43.5 29.0 22.8 24.8 35.1 53.6
.8 04.16 16.6 37.4 06.6 44.0 29.7 23.8 26.1 36.7 55.6
.9 04.18 16.7 37.6 06.9 44.5 30.5 24.8 27.4 38.3 57.5
21.0 04.20 16.8 37.8 1 07.2 1 45.0 2 31.2 3 25.8 4 28.7 5 40.0 6 59.5
.1 04.22 16.9 38.0 07.5 45.5 31.9 26.7 30.0 41.6 7 01.5
.2 04.24 17.0 38.2 07.8 46.0 32.6 27.7 31.2 43.2 03.5
.3 04.26 17.0 38.3 08.2 46.5 33.4 28.7 32.5 44.8 05.5
.4 04.28 17.1 38.5 08.5 47.0 34.1 29.7 33.8 46.4 07.5
21.5 04.30 17.2 38.7 1 08.8 1 47.5 2 34.8 3 30.7 4 35.1 5 48.0 7 09.5
.6 04.32 17.3 38.9 09.1 48.0 35.5 31.6 36.4 49.7 11.5
.7 04.34 17.4 39.1 09.4 48.5 36.2 32.6 37.6 51.3 13.5
.8 04.36 17.4 39.2 09.8 49.0 37.0 33.6 38.9 52.9 15.5
.9 04.38 17.5 39.4 10.1 49.5 37.7 34.6 40.2 54.5 17.5
22.0 04.40 17.6 39.6 1 10.4 1 50.0 2 38.4 3 35.5 4 41.5 5 56.1 7 19.5
.1 04.42 17.7 39.8 10.7 50.5 39.1 36.5 42.7 58.7 21.5
.2 04.44 17.8 40.0 11.0 51.0 39.8 37.5 44.0 59.3 23.5
.3 04.46 17.8 40.1 11.4 51.5 40.6 38.5 45.3 6 01.0 25.5
.4 04.48 17.9 40.3 11.7 52.0 41.3 39.5 46.6 02.6 27.5
22.5 04.50 18.0 40.5 1 12.0 1 52.5 2 42.0 3 40.5 4 47.9 6 04.2 7 29.4
.6 04.52 18.1 40.7 12.3 53.0 42.7 41.4 49.1 05.8 31.4
.7 04.54 18.2 40.9 12.6 53.5 43.4 42.4 50.4 07.4 33.4
.8 04.56 18.2 41.0 13.0 54.0 44.2 43.4 51.7 09.0 35.4
.9 04.58 18.3 41.2 13.3 54.5 44.9 44.4 53.0 10.7 37.4
23.0 04.60 18.4 41.4 1 13.6 1 55.0 2 45.6 3 45.3 4 54.2 6 12.3 7 39.4
.1 04.62 18.5 41.6 13.9 55.5 46.3 46.3 55.5 13.9 41.4
2 04.64 18.6 41.8 14.2 56.0 47.0 47.3 56.8 15.5 43.4
.3 04.66 18.6 41.9 14.6 56.5 47.8 48.3 58.1 17.1 45.4
.4 04.68 18.7 42.1 14.9 57.0 48.5 49.2 59.4 18.7 47.4
23.5 04.70 18.8 42.3 1 15.2 1 57.5 2 49.2 3 50.2 5 00.6 6 20.4 7 49.4
.6 04.72 18.9 42.5 15.5 58.0 49.9 51.2 01.9 22.0 51.4
.7 04.74 19.0 42.7 15.8 58.5 50.6 52.2 03.2 23.6 53.3
.8 04.76 19.0 42.8 16.2 59.0 51.4 53.2 04.5 25.2 55.3
.9 04.78 19.1 43.0 16.5 59.5 52.1 54.2 05.7 26.8 57.3


A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
o o / o / O / o / o / o / o / o / o / O /

34.0 04.80 19.2 43.2 1 16.8 2 00.0 2 52.8 3 55.1 5 07.0 6 28.4 7 59.3
.1 04.82 19.3 43.4 17.1 00.5 53.5 56.1 08.3 30.1 8 01.3
.2 04.84 19.4 43.6 17.4 01.0 54.2 57.1 09.6 31.7 03.3
.3 04.86 19.4 43.7 17.8 01.5 55.0 58.1 10.9 33.3 05.3
.4 04.88 19.5 43.9 18.1 02.0 55.7 59.0 12.1 34.9 07.3

24.5 04.90 19.6 44.1 1 18.4. 2 02.5 2 56.4 4 00.0 5 13.4 6 36.5 8 09.3
.6 04.92 19.7 44.3 18.7 03.3 57.1 01.0 14.7 38.1 11.3
.7 04.94 19.8 44.5 19.0 03.5 57.8 02.0 16.0 39.7 13.3
.8 04.96 19.8 44.6 19.4 04.0 58.6 03.0 17.2 41.3 15.3
.9 04.98 19.9 44.8 19.7 04.5 59.3 03.9 18.5 43.0 17.2

25.0 05.00 20.0 45.0 1 20.0 2 05.0 3 00.0 4 04.9 5 19.8 6 44.6 8 19.2
.1 05.02 20.1 45.2 20.3 05.5 00.7 05.9 2L1 46.2 21.2
.2 05.04 20.2 45.4 20.6 06.0 01.4 06.9 22.4 47.8 23.2
.3 05.06 20.2 45.5 21.0 06.5 02.1 07.9 23.6 49.4 25.2
.4 05.08 20.3 45.7 21.3 07.0 02.9 08.8 24.9 51.0 27.2

25.5 05.10 20.4 45.9 1 21.6 2 07.5 3 03.6 4 09.8 5 26.2 6 52.7 8 29.2
.6 05.12 20.5 46.1 21.9 08.0 04.3 10.8 27.5 54.3 31.2
.7 05.14 20.6 46.3 22.2 08.5 05.0 11.8 28.7 55.9 33.2
.8 05.16 20.6 46.4 22.6 09.0 05.8 12.8 30.0 57.5 35.2
.9 05.18 20.7 46.6 22.9 09.5 06.5 13.7 31.3 59.1 37.1

26.0 05.20 20.8 46.8 1 23.2 2 10.0 3 07.2 4 14.7 5 32.6 7 00.7 8 39.1
.1 05.22 20.9 47.0 23.5 10.5 07.9 15.7 33.9 02.3 41.1
.2 05.24 21.0 47.2 23.8 11.0 08.6 16.7 35.1 04.0 43.1
.3 05.26 21.0 47.3 24.2 11.5 09.3 17.6 36.4 05.6 45.1
.4 05.28 21.1 47.5 24.5 12.0 10.1 18.6 37.7 07.2 47.1

26.5 05.30 21.2 47.7 1 24.8 2 12.5 3 10.8 4 19.6 5 39.0 7 08.8 8 49.1
.6 05.32 21.3 47.9 25.1 13.0 11.5 20.6 40.2 10.4 51.1
.7 05.34 21.3 48.1 25.4 13.5 12.2 21.6 41.5 12.0 53.1
.8 05.36 21.4 48.2 25.8 14.0 13.0 22.5 42.8 13.7 55.1
.9 05.38 21.5 48.4 26.1 14.5 13.7 23.5 44.1 15.3 57.0

27.0 05.40 21.6 48.6 1 26.4 2 15.0 3 14.4 4 24.5 5 45.4 7 16.9 8 59.0
.2 05.44 21.8 49.0 27.0 16.0 15.8 26.5 47.9 20.1 9 03.0
.4 05.48 21.9 49.3 27.7 17.0 17.3 28.4 50.5 23.3 06.9
.6 05.52 22.1 49.7 28.3 18.0 18.7 30.4 53.0 26.6 10.9
.8 05.56 22.2 50.0 29.0 19.0 20.1 32.3 55.6 29.8 14.9

28.0 05.60 22.4 50.4 1 29.6 2 20.0 3 21.5 4 34.3 5 58.1 7 33.0 9 18.9
.2 05.64 22.6 50.8 30.2 21.0 23.0 36.2 6 00.7 36.3 22.9
.4 05.68 22.7 51.1 30.9 22.0 24.4 38.2 03.2 39.5 26.8
.6 05.72 22.9 51.5 31.5 23.0 25.9 40.2 05.8 42.7 30.8
.8 05.76 23.0 51.8 32.2 24.0 27.3 42.1 08.3 45.8 34.7

29.0 05.80 23.2 52.2 1 32.8 2 25.0 3 28.8 4 44.1 6 10.8 7 49.1 9 38.7
.2 05.84 23.4 52.6 33.4 26.0 30.2 46.0 13.4 52.3 42.7
.4 05.88 23.5 52.9 34.1 27.0 31.6 48.0 16.0 55.6 46.7
.6 05.92 23.7 53.3 34.7 28.0 33.1 49.9 18.5 58.8 50.7
.8 05.96 23.8 53.6 35.4 29.0 34.5 51.9 21.0 8 02.0 54.6

30.0 06.00 24.0 54.0 1 36.0 2 30.0 3 35.9 4 53.8 6 23.6 8 05.3 9 58.6
.2 06.04 24.2 54.4 36.6 31.0 37.4 55.8 26.2 08.5 10 02.6
.4 06.08 24.3 54.7 37.3 32.0 38.8 57.8 28.8 11.7 06.5
.6 06.12 24.5 55.1 37.9 33.0 40.3 59.7 31.3 15.0 10.5
.8 06.16 24.6 55.4 38.6 34.0 41.7 5 01.7 33.9 18.2 14.5

31.0 06.20 24.8 55.8 1 39.2 2 35.0 3 43.1 5 03.6 6 36.4 8 21.4 10 18.5
.2 06.24 25.0 56.2 39.8 36.0 44.6 05.6 39.0 24.6 22.5
.4 06.28 25.1 56.5 40.5 37.0 46.0 07.5 41.5 27.8 26.4
.6 06.32 25.3 56.9 41.1 38.0 47.5 09.5 44.0 31.0 30.4
.8 06.36 25.4 57.2 41.8 39.0 48.9 11.5 46.6 34.3 34.3

32.0 06.40 25.6 57.6 142.4 2 40.0 3 50.3 5 13.4 6 49.2 8 37.5 10 38.3
.2 06.44 25.8 68.0 43.0 41.0 51.8 15.4 51.7 40.7 42.3
.4 06.48 25.9 58.3 43.7 42.0 53.2 17.3 54.2 43.9 46.2
.6 06.52 26.1 58.7 44.3 43.0 54.7 19.3 56.8 47.1 50.2
.8 06.56 26.2 59.0 45.0 44.0 56.1 21.2 59.3 50.4 54.2


A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
o o / o / o / o / o / o / o / o / o / o /

33.0 06.60 26.4 59.4 145.6 2 45.0 3 57.5 5 23.2 7 01.9 8 53.6 10 58.1
.2 06.64 26.6 59.8 46.2 46.0 59.0 25.1 04.5 56.8 11 02.1
.4 06.68 26.7 1 00.1 46.9 47.0 4 00.4 27.1 07.0 9 00.0 06.1
.6 06.72 26.9 00.5 47.5 48.0 01.8 29.1 09.5 03.2 10.0
.8 06.76 27.0 00.8 48.2 49.0 03.3 31.0 12.1 06.5 14.0

34.0 06.80 27.2 1 01.2 148.8 2 50.0 4 04.7 5 33.0 7 14.7 9 09.7 11 18.0
.2 06.84 27.4 01.6 49.4 51.0 06.2 34.9 17.2 12.9 21.9
.4 06.88 27.5 019 50.1 52.0 07.6 36.9 19.7 16.1 25.9
.6 06.92 27.7 02.3 50.7 53.0 09.0 38.8 22.4 19.4 29.9
.8 06.96 27.8 02.6 51.4 54.0 10.5 40.8 24.9 22.6 33.8

35.0 07.00 28.0 103.0 152.0 2 55.0 4 11.9 5 42.8 7 27.4 9 25.8 11 37.8
.2 07.04 28.2 03.4 52.6 56.0 13.3 44.7 29.9 29.0 41.7
.4 07.08 28.3 03.7 53.3 57.0 14.8 46.7 32.6 32.3 45.7
.6 07.12 28.5 04.1 53.9 58.0 16.2 48.6 35.1 35.5 49.7
.8 07.16 28.6 04.4 54.6 59.0 17.7 50.6 37.6 38.7 53.6

36.0 07.20 28.8 104.8 155.2 3 00.0 4 19.1 5 52.5 7 40.2 9 41.9 1157.6
.2 07.24 29.0 05.2 55.8 01.0 20.5 54.5 42.7 45.1 12 01.6
.4 07.28 29.1 05.5 56.5 02.0 22.0 56.5 45.2 48.3 05.5
.6 07.32 29.3 05.9 57.1 03.0 23.4 58.4 47.8 51.6 09.5
.8 07.36 29.4 06.2 57.8 04.0 24.8 6 00.4 50.3 54.8 13.4

37.0 07.40 29.6 1 06.6 1 58.4 3 05.0 4 26.3 6 02.3 7 52.9 9 58.0 12 17.4
.2 07.44 29.8 07.0 59.0 06.0 27.7 04.3 55.5 10 01.2 21.3
.4 07.48 29.9 07.3 59.7 07.0 29.2 06.2 58.0 04.4 25.3
.6 07.52 30.1 07.7 2 00.3 08.0 30.6 08.2 8 00.6 07.6 29.3
.8 07.56 30.2 08.0 01.0 09.0 32.0 10.1 03.1 10.9 33.2

38.0 07.60 30.4 108.4 2 01.6 3 10.0 4 33.5 6 12.1 8 05.6 10 14.1 12 37.1
.2 07.64 30.6 08.8 02.2 11.0 34.9 14.0 08.2 17.3 41.1
.4 07.68 30.7 09.1 02.9 12.0 36.3 16.0 10.7 20.5 45.0
.6 07.72 30.9 09.5 03.5 13.0 37.8 18.0 13.3 23.7 49.0
.8 07.76 31.0 09.8 04.2 14.0 39.2 19.9 15.8 26.9 52.9

39.0 07.80 31.2 1 10.2 2 04.8 3 15.0 4 40.7 6 21.9 8 18.4 10 30.1 12 56.9
.2 07.84 31.4 10.6 05.4 16.0 42.1 23.8 20.9 33.4 13 00.9
.4 07.88 31.5 10.9 06.1 17.0 43.5 25.8 23.5 36.6 04.8
.6 07.92 31.7 11.3 06.7 18.0 45.0 27.7 26.0 39.8 08.8
.8 07.96 31.8 11.6 07.4 19.0 46.4 29.7 28.6 43.0 12.7

40.0 08.00 32.0 1 12.0 2 08.0 3 20.0 4 47.9 6 31.6 8 31.1 10 46.2 13 16.7
.2 08.04 32.2 12.4 08.6 20.9 49.3 33.6 33.7 49.4 20.6
.4 08.08 32.3 12.7 09.3 21.9 50.7 35.5 36.2 52.7 24.6
.6 08.12 .32.5 13.1 09.9 22.9 52.2 37.5 38.8 55.9 28.5
.8 08.16 32.6 13.4 10.6 23.9 53.6 39.5 41.3 59.1 32.4

41.0 08.20 32.8 1 13.8 2 11.2 3 24.9 4 55.0 6 41.4 8 43.9 11 02.3 13 36.4
.2 08.24 33.0 14.2 11.8 25.9 56.5 43.4 46.4 05.5 40.4
.4 08.28 33.1 14.5 12.5 26.9 57.9 45.3 49.0 08.7 44.3
.6 08.32 33.3 14.9 13.1 27.9 59.4 47.3 51.5 11.9 48.3
.8 08.36 33.4 15.2 13.8 28.9 5 00.8 49.2 54.0 15.1 52.2

42.0 08.40 33.6 1 15.6 2 14.4 3 29.9 5 02.2 651.1 8 56.5 11 18.3 13 56.1
.2 08.44 33.8 16.0 15.0 30.9 03.7 53.1 59.1 21.6 14 00.1
.4 08.48 33.9 16.3 15.7 31.9 05.1 55.1 9 01.7 24.8 04.0
.6 08.52 34.1 16.7 16.3 32.9 06.5 57.0 04.2 28.0 08.0
.8 08.56 34.2 17.0 17.0 33.9 08.0 59.0 06.8 31.2 11.9

43.0 08.60 34.4 1 17.4 2 17.6 3 34.9 5 09.4 7 00.9 9 09.3 11 34.4 14 15.8
.2 08.64 34.6 17.8 18.2 35.9 10.9 02.9 11.9 37.6 18.8
.4 08.68 34.7 18.1 18.9 36.9 12.3 04.8 14.4 40.8 23.7
.6 08.72 34.9 18.5 19.5 37.9 13.7 06.7 16.9 44.0 27.7
.8 08.76 35.0 18.8 20.2 38.9 15.2 08.7 19.5 47.2 31.6

44.0 08.80 35.2 1 19.2 2 20.8 3 39.9 5 16.6 7 10.7 9 22.0 11 50.4 14 35.5
.2 08.84 35.4 19.6 21.4 40.9 18.0 12.6 24.6 53.6 39.5
.4 08.88 35.5 19.9 22.1 41.9 19.5 14.6 27.1 56.8 43.4
.6 08.92 35.7 20.3 22.7 42.9 20.9 16.5 29.7 12 00.0 47.4
.8 08.96 35.8 20.6 23.4 43.9 22.4 18.5 32.2 03.3 51.3

45.0 09.00 36.0 1 21.0 2 24.0 3 44.9 5 23.8 7 20.4 9 34.8 12 06.5 14 55.2

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R = Ra1 io I to Ls

A R=0.5 R=0.6 R=0.7 R=0.8 R=0.9 R = 1.0

Cs Cs Cs Cs Cs Cs

Deg. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec.

10 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.8 1.7 3.1

15 0.2 0.5 1.2 2.8 5.5 10.5
20 0.4 1.2 2.9 6.5 13.2 24.8
25 0.8 2.3 5.7 12.7 25.8 48.6
30 1.3 ? 9 9.8 22.0 44.6 84.1

32 1.6 4.8 12.0 26.7 54.2 102.2

34 1.9 5.7 14.4 32.0 65.0 122.7
36 2.3 6.8 17.1 38.0 77.2 145.8
38 2.7 7.9 20.1 44.8 90.9 171.6
40 3.1 9.2 23.4 52.2 106.1 200.4

41 3.3 9.9 25.2 56.2 114.3 215.9

42 3.6 10.7 27.1 60.4 122.9 232.2
43 3.9 11.5 29.1 64.9 132.0 249.4
44 4.1 12.3 31.2 69.5 141.5 267.4
45 4.4 13.2 33.3 74.4 151.4 286.2

46 4.7 14.1 35.6 79.5 161.8 305.9

47 5.0 15.0 38.0 84.8 172.6 326.5
48 5.4 16.0 40.5 90.4 184.0 348.0
49 5.7 17.0 43.1 96.2 195.8 370.5
50 6.0 18.1 45.8 102.2 208.2 394.0

51 6.4 19.2 48.5 108.5 221.0 418.4

52 6.8 20.3 51.5 115.1 234.3 443.8
53 7.2 21.5 54.5 121.8 248.2 470.3
54 7.6 22.7 57.7 129.0 262.7 497.8
55 8.1 24.0 60.9 136.3 277.7 526.4

56 8.5 25.4 64.4 143.9 293.3 556.0

57 9.0 26.8 67.8 151.8 309.4 586.8
58 9.5 28.3 71.5 159.9 326.1 618.8
59 10.0 29.8 75.2 168.4 343.5 651.9
60 10.5 31.4 79.2 177.2 361.6 686.2

'See Appendix C for notation and examples.



R = Ratio I to L

A R=0.3 R=0.4 R = 0.5 R=0.6 R=0.7 R=0.8 R=0.9 R = 1.0

C<£ C« C* C* C</> C* C<£ C(p

Deg. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec.

10 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.3 1.8 2.4 3.1

15 0.0 0.7 1.6 2.8 4.5 6.4 8.4 10.5
20 0.6 1.6 3.4 6.3 10.0 14.5 19.6 24.8
25 1.1 3.1 6.4 12.4 19.5 28.4 38.8 48.6
30 1.9 5.4 11.3 21.0 33.2 49.5 66.2 84.1

32 2.4 6.6 14.1 25.2 40.8 59.7 80.6 102.2

34 2.9 8.0 17.0 30.4 49.1 71.6 95.0 122.7
36 3.4 9.5 20.1 36.5 58.5 85.2 113.2 145.8
38 4.0 11.1 23.8 43.2 69.0 100.3 134.6 171.6
40 4.6 12.9 27.6 50.2 80.2 117.0 158.2 200.4

41 5.0 13.8 29.7 53.7 86.3 126.2 170.3 215.9

42 5.4 14.8 31.9 57.7 92.8 135.8 183.2 232.2
43 5.7 15.8 34.3 62.2 99.7 145.9 196.8 249.4
44 6.1 17.0 36.8 66.8 107.0 156.3 211.1 267.4
45 6.5 18.2 39.4 71.5 114.6 167.1 226.0 286.2

46 7.0 19.5 42.2 76.4 122.5 178.7 241.6 305.9

47 7.5 20.8 45.0 81.5 130.7 190.8 257.9 326.5
48 8.0 22.1 47.9 86.8 139.2 203.4 274.9 348.0
49 8.5 23.6 51.0 92.4 148.1 216.4 292.6 370.5
50 9.0 25.2 54.2 98.2 157.4 230.0 311.0 394.0

51 9.5 26.7 57.5 104.3 167.1 244.2 330.1 418.4

52 10.1 28.2 61.0 110.6 177.2 259.0 350.1 443.8
53 10.7 29.8 64.6 117.2 187.8 274.4 371.0 470.3
54 11.3 31.5 68.4 124.0 198.9 290.5 392.8 497.8
55 11.9 33.3 72.3 131.0 210.4 307.1 415.6 526.4

56 12.5 35.2 76.3 138.3 222.3 324.3 439.0 556.0

57 13.1 37.1 80.5 145.8 234.6 342.1 463.3 586.8
58 13.8 39.1 85.0 153.8 247.3 360.6 488.5 618.8
59 14.6 41.2 89.9 162.0 260.4 379.9 514.6 651.9
60 15.4 43.3 95.3 170.5 273.9 400.1 541.5 686.2

*See Appendix C for notation and examples.



As An Cb cP Ca As An Cb cP Ca
Deg. Deg. Sec. Ft. Sec. Deg. Deg. Sec. Ft. Sec.
10 18 3 29.84 0.018 9.95
10 1 3.30 0.002 1.10 18 4 37.11 0.022 12.38
10 2 5.86 0.004 1.95 18 5 43.05 0.026 14.36
10 3 7.69 0.005 2.56 18 6 47.66 0.029 15.90
10 4 8.79 0.005 2.93 18 7 50.93 0.031 17.00
10 5 9.15 0.006 3.05 18 8 52.88 0.032 17.65
10 6 8.78 0.005 2.93 18 9 53.51 0.032 17.87
10 7 7.68 0.005 2.56 18 10 52.81 0.032 17.64
10 8 5.85 0.004 1.95 18 11 50.80 0.031 16.98
10 9 3.29 0.002 1.10 18 12 47.46 0.029 15.87
10 10 18 13 42.82 0.026 14.33
12 18 14 36.86 0.022 12.34
12 1 4.84 0.003 1.62 18 15 29.60 0.018 9.92
12 2 8.80 0.005 2.94 18 16 21.03 0.013 7.05
12 3 11.88 0.007 3.96 18 17 11.16 0.007 3.75
12 4 14.07 0.009 4.69 18 18
12 5 15.39 0.009 5.13 20
12 6 15.82 0.010 5.28 20 1 14.04 0.008 4.68
12 7 15.37 0.009 5.13 20 2 26.59 0.016 8.86
12 8 14.05 0.009 4.69 20 3 37.65 0.023 12.55
12 9 11.85 0.007 3.96 20 4 47.22 0.028 15.74
12 10 8.77 0.005 2.93 20 5 55.30 0.033 18.44
12 11 4.82 0.003 1.61 20 6 61.89 0.037 20.65
12 12 20 7 67.00 0.040 22.36
14 20 8 70.64 0.043 23.58
14 1 6.69 0.004 2.23 20 9 72.79 0.044 24.31
14 2 12.34 0.007 4.11 20 10 73.47 0.044 24.55
14 3 16.96 0.010 5.66 20 11 72.68 0.044 24.30
14 4 20.55 0.012 6.85 20 12 70.42 0.043 23.55
14 5 23.11 0.014 7.71 20 13 66.70 0.040 22.32
14 6 24.64 0.015 8.22 20 14 61.52 0.037 20.60
14 7 25.14 0.015 8.39 20 15 54.89 0.033 18.39
14 8 24.61 0.015 8.22 20 16 46.80 0.028 15.69
14 9 23.06 0.014 7.70 20 17 37.26 0.023 12.50
14 10 20.49 0.012 6.84 20 18 26.28 0.016 8.82
14 11 16.89 0.010 5.65 20 19 13.86 0.008 4.66
14 12 12.28 0.007 4.11 20 20
14 13 6.65 0.004 2.22 22
14 14 22 1 17.11 0.010 5.70
16 22 2 32.58 0.019 10.86
16 1 8.83 0.005 2.94 22 3 46.39 0.028 15.47
16 2 16.48 0.010 5.50 22 4 58.56 0.035 19.53
16 3 22.95 0.014 7.65 22 5 69.08 0.041 23.04
16 4 28.23 0.017 9.41 22 6 77.97 0.047 26.01
16 5 32.32 0.019 10.78 22 7 85.21 0.051 28.44
16 6 35.24 0.021 11.76 22 8 90.82 0.055 30.32
16 7 36.98 0.022 12.34 22 9 94.81 0.057 31.66
16 8 37.55 0.023 12.54 22 10 97.16 0.058 32.46
16 9 36.94 0.022 12.34 22 11 97.89 0.059 32.72
16 10 35.16 0.021 11.75 22 12 97.00 0.058 32.44
16 11 32.21 0.019 10.77 22 13 94.50 0.057 31.62
16 12 28.09 0.017 9.40 22 14 90.38 0.055 30.26
16 13 22.81 0.014 7.63 22 15 84.66 0.051 28.37
16 14 16.36 0.010 5.48 22 16 77.33 0.047 25.93
16 15 8.76 0.005 2.94 22 17 68.41 0.041 22.96
16 16 22 18 57.89 0.035 19.44
18 22 19 45.79 0.028 15.39
18 1 11.28 0.007 3.76 22 20 32.10 0.019 10.80
18 2 21.23 0.013 7.08 22 21 16.84 0.010 5.67
18 3 29.84 0.018 9.95 22 22

*See Art. 5-1 7 and Appendixes B and C for theory and examples.


As An Cb cP Ca As An Cb CP Ca

Deg. Deg. Sec. Ft. Sec. Deg. Deg. Sec. Ft. Sec.
22 22 28 6 137.48 0.082 45.86
24 28 7 152.96 0.091 51.04
24 1 20.50 0.012 6.83 28 8 166.33 0.099 55.53
24 2 39.19 0.023 13.06 28 9 177.60 0.106 59.31
24 3 56.07 0.033 18.70 28 10 186.77 0.112 62.40
24 4 71.15 0.043 23.73 28 11 193.84 0.116 64.79
24 5 84.43 0.051 28.16 28 12 198.83 0.119 66.50
24 6 95.91 0.057 31.99 28 13 201.73 0.121 67.50
24 7 105.59 0.063 35.24 28 14 202.56 0.122 67.82
24 8 113.48 0.068 37.88 28 15 201.31 0.121 67.45
24 9 119.59 0.072 39.94 28 16 198.00 0.119 66.39
24 10 123.92 0.074 41.40 28 17 192.64 0.116 64.64
24 11 126.46 0.076 42.27 28 18 185.22 0.112 62.20
24 12 127.23 0.077 42.55 28 19 175.77 0.106 59.08
24 13 126.24 0.076 42.24 28 20 164.27 0.099 55.26
24 14 123.47 0.074 41.34 28 21 150.75 0.091 50.76
24 15 118.95 0.072 39.86 28 22 135.21 0.082 45.58
24 16 112.68 0.068 37.78 28 23 117.66 0.071 39.70
24 17 104.65 0.063 35.12 28 24 98.10 0.060 33.14
24 18 94.88 0.057 31.87 28 25 76.54 0.047 25.89
24 19 83.38 0.051 28.03 28 26 53.00 0.032 17.95
24 20 70.14 0.043 23.60 28 27 27.49 0.017 9.32
24 21 55.18 0.033 18.58 28 28
24 22 38.50 0.023 12.98 30
24 23 20.10 0.012 6.78 30 1 32.60 0.019 10.87
24 24 30 2 62.90 0.037 20.97
26 30 3 90.91 0.054 30.31
26 1 24.21 0.014 8.07 30 4 116.61 0.069 38.88
26 2 46.44 0.028 15.48 30 5 140.03 0.083 46.70
26 3 66.71 0.040 22.24 30 6 161.16 0.096 53.76
26 4 85.01 0.051 28.35 30 7 180.02 0.107 60.07
26 5 101.35 0.060 33.80 30 8 196.60 0.117 65.63
26 6 115.74 0.069 38.61 30 9 210.91 0.126 70.43
26 7 128.16 0.077 42.77 30 10 222.96 0.133 74.49
26 8 138.64 0.083 46.28 30 11 232.75 0.139 77.80
26 9 147.18 0.088 49.15 30 12 240.29 0.144 80.36
26 10 153.77 0.092 51.38 30 13 245.59 0.147 82.18
26 11 158.43 0.095 52.96 30 14 248.66 0.149 83.26
26 12 161.16 0.097 53.90 30 15 249.49 0.150 83.59
26 13 161.96 0.097 54.20 30 16 248.10 0.149 83.19
26 14 160.85 0.097 53.86 30 17 244.50 0.147 82.04
26 15 157.82 0.095 52.88 30 18 238.70 0.144 80.16
26 16 152.88 0.092 51.26 30 19 230.69 0.139 77.54
26 17 146.04 0.088 49.01 30 20 220.49 0.133 74.18
26 18 137.31 0.083 46.11 30 21 208.11 0.126 70.08
26 19 126.68 0.077 42.58 30 22 193.56 0.117 65.24
26 20 114.18 0.069 38.41 30 23 176.84 0.107 59.67
26 21 99.80 0.060 33.61 30 24 157.97 0.096 53.36
26 22 83.55 0.051 28.16 30 25 136.95 0.083 46.31
26 23 65.43 0.040 22.08 30 26 113.79 0.069 38.53
26 24 45.47 0.028 15.36 30 27 88.51 0.054 30.00
26 25 23.65 0.014 8.00 30 28 61.11 0.037 20.74
26 26 30 29 31.60 0.019 10.74
28 30 30
28 1 28.24 0.017 9.41 31

28 2 54.34 0.032 18.12 31 1 34.91 0.021 11.64

28 3 78.32 0.047 26.11 31 2 67.44 0.040 22.48
28 4 100.16 0.060 33.40 31 3 97.58 0.058 32.53
28 5 119.88 0.071 39.98 31 4 125.34 0.074 41.80
28 6 137.48 0.082 45.86 31 5 150.73 0.089 50.27


As An Cb cP Ca As An Cb CP Ca
Deg. Deg. Sec. Ft. Sec. Deg. Deg. Sec. Ft. Sec.
31 5 150.73 0.089 50.27 32 32
31 6 173.75 0.103 57.96 33
31 7 194.40 0.115 64.87 33 1 39.78 0.023 13.26
31 8 212.70 0.126 71.00 33 2 77.01 0.045 25.67
31 9 228.65 0.136 76.36 33 3 111.68 0.066 37.23
31 10 242.26 0.144 80.94 33 4 143.80 0.085 47.95
31 11 253.53 0.151 84.74 33 5 173.37 0.102 57.82
31 12 262.46 0.157 87.78 33 6 200.41 0.118 66.86
31 13 269.08 0.161 90.04 33 7 224.92 0.133 75.06
31 14 273.37 0.163 91.53 33 8 246.90 0.146 82.42
31 15 275.36 0.165 92.26 33 9 266.37 0.158 88.95
31 16 275.04 0.165 92.22 33 10 283.32 0.168 94.66
31 17 272.43 0.163 91.41 33 11 297.77 0.177 99.53
31 18 267.54 0.161 89.84 33 12 309.72 0.184 103.58
31 19 260.36 0.157 87.51 33 13 319.19 0.190 106.81
31 20 250.92 0.151 84.41 33 14 326.18 0.194 109.21
31 21 239.22 0.144 80.55 33 15 330.69 0.197 110.80
31 22 225.27 0.136 75.93 33 16 332.74 0.199 111.56
31 23 209.07 0.126 70.54 33 17 332.33 0.199 111.51
31 24 190.64 0.115 64.40 33 18 329.48 0.197 110.64
31 25 170.00 0.103 57.49 33 19 324.19 0.194 108.96
31 26 147.13 0.089 49.82 33 20 316.48 0.190 106.46
31 27 122.07 0.074 41.38 33 21 306.34 0.184 103.51
31 28 94.81 0.058 32.18 33 22 293.80 0.177 99.03
31 29 65.38 0.040 22.22 33 23 278.86 0.168 94.09
31 30 33.77 0.021 11.49 33 24 261.53 0.158 88.34
31 31 33 25 241.83 0.146 81.78
32 33 26 219.76 0.133 74.40
32 1 37.30 0.022 12.44 33 27 195.34 0.118 66.21
32 2 72.14 0.043 24.05 33 28 168.57 0.102 57.21
32 3 104.50 0.062 34.84 33 29 139.47 0.085 47.40
32 4 134.40 0.079 44.82 33 30 108.05 0.066 36.77
32 5 161.84 0.096 53.98 33 31 74.32 0.045 25.33
32 6 186.83 0.111 62.33 33 32 38.30 0.023 13.07
32 7 209.37 0.124 69.87 33 33
32 8 229.47 0.136 76.60 34
32 9 247.14 0.147 82.53 34 1 42.35 0.025 14.12
32 10 262.38 0.156 87.66 34 2 82.05 0.048 27.35
32 11 275.20 0.164 91.99 34 3 119.11 0.070 39.71
32 12 285.61 0.170 95.52 34 4 153.53 0.090 51.20
32 13 293.61 0.175 98.25 34 5 185.33 0.109 61.81
32 14 299.21 0.179 100.18 34 6 214.50 0.127 71.56
32 15 302.42 0.181 101.33 34 7 241.06 0.142 80.44
32 16 303.25 0.181 101.68 34 8 265.00 0.157 88.46
32 17 301.71 0.181 101.24 34 9 286.34 0.169 95.62
32 18 297.80 0.179 100.00 34 10 305.09 0.181 101.93
32 19 291.53 0.175 97.98 34 11 321.25 0.191 107.38
32 20 282.91 0.170 95.17 34 12 334.83 0.199 111.98
32 21 271.96 0.164 91.57 34 13 345.84 0.206 115.72
32 22 258.68 0.156 87.19 34 14 354.28 0.211 118.62
32 23 243.07 0.147 82.02 34 15 360.17 0.215 120.67
32 24 225.16 0.136 76.06 34 16 363.52 0.217 121.88
32 25 204.95 0.124 69.31 34 17 364.32 0.218 122.24
32 26 182.45 0.111 61.77 34 18 362.60 0.217 121.77
32 27 157.67 0.096 53.45 34 19 358.37 0.215 120.44
32 28 130.63 0.079 44.34 34 20 351.62 0.211 118.28
32 29 101.33 0.062 34.44 34 21 342.38 0.206 115.28
32 30 69.78 0.043 23.75 34 22 330.65 0.199 111.44
32 31 36.00 0.022 12.27 34 23 316.44 0.191 106.77
32 32 34 24 299.77 0.181 101.25


As An Cb CP Ca As An Cb CP Ca
Deg. Deg. Sec. Ft. Sec. Deg. Deg. Sec. Ft. Sec.
34 24 299.77 0.181 101.25 36 12 388.03 0.230 129.77
34 25 280.64 0.169 94.90 36 13 402.36 0.238 134.63
34 26 259.07 0.157 87.71 36 14 413.95 0.246 138.60
34 27 235.07 0.142 79.68 36 15 422.83 0.251 141.66
34 28 208.65 0.127 70.82 36 16 428.99 0.255 143.83
34 29 179.82 0.109 61.11 36 17 432.45 0.258 145.10
34 30 148.59 0.090 50.57 36 18 433.21 0.258 145.47
34 31 114.99 0.070 39.19 36 19 431.30 0.258 144.95
34 32 79.10 0.048 26.97 36 20 426.72 0.255 143.54
34 33 40.68 0.025 13.94 36 21 419.47 0.251 141.24
34 34 36 22 409.58 0.246 138.04
35 36 23 397.05 0.238 133.96
35 1 45.00 0.026 15.00 36 24 381.90 0.230 128.99
35 2 87.27 0.051 29.09 36 25 364.13 0.219 123.13
35 3 126.80 0.074 42.28 36 26 343.76 0.207 116.38
35 4 163.62 0.096 54.56 36 27 320.81 0.194 108.74
35 5 197.71 0.116 65.94 36 28 295.28 0.179 100.21
35 6 229.10 0.135 76.43 36 29 267.19 0.162 90.80
35 7 257.79 0.152 86.02 36 30 236.55 0.144 80.50
35 8 283.78 0.167 94.73 36 31 203.38 0.124 69.31
35 9 307.08 0.181 102.55 36 32 167.68 0.102 57.23
35 10 327.70 0.194 109.48 36 33 129.49 0.079 44.26
35 11 345.64 0.205 115.53 36 34 88.80 0.054 30.40
35 12 360.93 0.214 120.70 36 35 45.63 0.028 15.65
35 13 373.56 0.222 125.00 36 36
35 14 383.54 0.228 128.42 37
35 15 390.88 0.233 130.96 37 1 50.57 0.030 16.86
35 16 395.60 0.236 132.64 37 2 98.23 0.057 32.75
35 17 397.69 0.237 133.44 37 3 142.98 0.084 47.67
35 18 397.18 0.237 133.37 37 4 184.83 0.108 61.63
35 19 394.07 0.236 132.44 37 5 223.79 0.131 74.64
35 20 388.36 0.233 130.64 37 6 259.86 0.152 86.69
35 21 380.08 0.228 127.98 37 7 293.05 0.172 97.79
35 22 369.24 0.222 124.45 37 8 323.38 0.190 107.95
35 23 355.84 0.214 120.06 37 9 350.84 0.207 117.16
35 24 339.89 0.205 114.80 37 10 375.45 0.221 125.43
35 25 321.40 0.194 108.68 37 11 397.22 0.234 132.77
35 26 300.40 0.181 101.70 37 12 416.14 0.246 139.17
35 27 276.89 0.167 93.86 37 13 432.25 0.256 144.63
35 28 250.88 0.152 85.15 37 14 445.54 0.264 149.17
35 29 222.39 0.135 75.58 37 15 456.02 0.270 152.78
35 30 191.42 0.116 65.14 37 16 463.70 0.275 155.47
35 31 158.00 0.096 53.85 37 17 468.60 0.279 157.23
35 32 122.13 0.074 41.68 37 18 470.72 0.280 158.07
35 33 83.83 0.051 28.66 37 19 470.08 0.280 157.98
35 34 43.12 0.026 14.76 37 20 466.68 0.279 156.98
35 35 37 21 460.55 0.275 155.07
36 37 22 451.68 0.270 152.23
36 1 47.74 0.028 15.91 37 23 440.10 0.264 148.48
36 2 92.66 0.054 30.89 37 24 425.81 0.256 143.82
36 3 134.76 0.079 44.93 37 25 408.83 0.246 138.24
36 4 174.05 0.102 58.04 37 26 389.17 0.234 131 75
36 5 210.53 0.124 70.22 37 27 366.84 0.221 124.34
36 6 244.22 0.144 81.47 37 28 341.86 0.207 116.02
36 7 275.12 0.162 91.81 37 29 314.24 0.190 106.79
36 8 303.23 0.179 101.22 37 30 284.00 0.172 96.64
36 9 328.57 0.194 109.72 37 31 251.14 0.152 85.58
36 10 351.15 0.207 117.31 37 32 215.69 0.131 73.61
36 11 370.96 0.219 123.99 37 33 177.65 0.108 60.72
36 12 388.03 0.230 129.77 37 34 137.05 0.084 46.92


As An Cb cP Ca As An Cb cP Ca

Deg. Deg. Sec. Ft. Sec. Deg. Deg. Sec. Ft. Sec.
37 34 137.05 0.084 46.92 39 16 537.14 0.318 180.09
37 35 93.90 0.057 32.20 39 17 545.15 0.323 182.91
37 36 48.21 0.030 16.56 39 18 550.21 0.327 184.75
37 37 39 19 552.34 0.328 185.62
38 39 20 551.54 0.328 185.52
38 1 53.49 0.031 17.83 39 21 547.84 0.327 184.45
38 2 103.98 0.061 34.66 39 22 541.25 0.323 182.41
38 3 151.47 0.088 50.50 39 23 531.77 0.318 179.40
38 4 195.97 0.114 65.35 39 24 519.43 0.311 175.43
38 5 237.48 0.139 79.21 39 25 504.23 0.302 170.49
38 6 276.03 0.162 92.08 39 26 486.19 0.292 164.58
38 7 311.60 0.183 103.98 39 27 465.32 0.280 157.71
38 8 344.22 0.202 114.90 39 28 441.64 0.266 149.88
38 9 373.89 0.220 124.86 39 29 415.16 0.251 141.08
38 10 400.61 0.236 133.84 39 30 385.90 0.233 131.31
38 11 424.41 0.250 141.86 39 31 353.88 0.214 120.59
38 12 445.28 0.263 148.91 39 32 319.10 0.194 108.90
38 13 463.24 0.274 155.00 39 33 281.59 0.171 96.24
38 14 478.30 0.283 160.14 39 34 241.35 0.147 82.62
38 15 490.46 0.290 164.32 39 35 198.42 0.121 68.03
38 16 499.75 0.296 167.55 39 36 152.80 0.093 52.48
38 17 506.16 0.301 169.83 39 37 104.51 0.064 35.96
38 18 509.72 0.303 171.16 39 38 53.57 0.033 18.46
38 19 510.42 0.304 171.54 39 39
38 20 508.29 0.303 170.98 40
38 21 503.34 0.301 169.47 40 1 59.60 0.035 19.87
38 22 495.57 0.296 167.02 40 2 116.02 0.067 38.68
38 23 485.00 0.290 163.63 40 3 169.26 0.098 56.43
38 24 471.65 0.283 159.30 40 4 219.32 0.128 73.13
38 25 455.52 0.274 1 54.02 40 5 266.22 0.155 88.79
38 26 436.64 0.263 147.81 40 6 309.96 0.181 103.40
38 27 415.01 0.250 140.66 40 7 350.55 0.205 116.98
38 28 390.64 0.236 132.57 40 8 388.01 0.227 129.52
38 29 363.56 0.220 123.55 40 9 422.34 0.247 141.04
38 30 333.78 0.202 113.58 40 10 453.55 0.266 151.52
38 31 301.30 0.183 102.67 40 11 481.65 0.283 160.98
38 32 266.15 0.162 90.83 40 12 506.65 0.298 169.43
38 33 228.35 0.139 78.05 40 13 528.57 0.311 176.86
38 34 187.90 0.114 64.32 40 14 547.40 0.323 183.28
38 35 144.82 0.088 49.66 40 15 563.18 0.332 188.68
38 36 99.14 0.061 34.05 40 16 575.89 0.340 193.08
38 37 50.86 0.031 17.50 40 17 585.57 0.346 196.47
38 38 40 18 592.21 0.351 198.86
39 40 19 595.84 0.354 200.24
39 1 56.50 0.033 18.83 40 20 596.46 0.354 200.63
39 2 109.91 0.064 36.64 40 21 594.09 0.354 200.02
39 3 160.22 0.093 53.42 40 22 588.74 0.351 198.42
39 4 207.46 0.121 69.18 40 23 580.42 0.346 195.82
39 5 251.62 0.147 83.92 40 24 569.16 0.340 192.22
39 6 292.72 0.171 97.65 40 25 554.96 0.332 187.64
39 7 330.77 0.194 110.38 40 26 537.83 0.323 182.06
39 8 365.76 0.214 122.10 40 27 517.80 0.311 175.49
39 9 397.72 0.233 132.81 40 28 494.87 0.298 167.94
39 10 426.64 0.251 142.53 40 29 469.06 0.283 159.39
39 11 452.55 0.266 151.26 40 30 440.40 0.266 149.85
39 12 475.44 0.280 1 59.00 40 31 408.89 0.247 139.33
39 13 495.34 0.292 165.74 40 32 374.55 0.227 127.81
39 14 512.25 0.302 171.51 40 33 337.39 0.205 115.31
39 15 526.18 0.311 176.29 40 34 297.44- 0.181 101.81
39 16 537.14 0.318 180.09 40 35 254.71 0.155 87.33
- 468


As An Cb cP Ca As An Cb CP Ca
Deg. Deg. Sec. Ft. Sec. Deg. Deg. Sec. Ft. Sec.
40 35 254.71 0.155 87.33 42 11 542.77 0.317 181.41
40 36 209.22 0.128 71.85 42 12 572.23 0.335 191.36
40 37 160.98 0.098 55.38 42 13 598.42 0.351 200.23
40 38 110.02 0.067 37.92 42 14 621.36 0.365 208.03
40 39 56.36 0.035 19.46 42 15 641.06 0.377 214.77
40 40 42 16 657.52 0.387 220.44
41 42 17 670.77 0.395 225.05
41 1 62.80 0.036 20.93 42 18 680.81 0.402 228.60
41 2 122.32 0.071 40.78 42 19 687.67 0.407 231.10
41 3 178.56 0.104 59.53 42 20 691.34 0.409 232.54
41 4 231.54 0.134 77.21 42 21 691.85 0.410 232.93
41 5 281.26 0.163 93.81 42 22 689.22 0.409 232.27
41 6 327.74 0.191 109.33 42 23 683.44 0.407 230.56
41 7 370.97 0.216 123.79 42 24 674.55 0.402 227.81
41 8 410.98 0.240 137.19 42 25 662.56 0.395 224.01
41 9 447.76 0.262 149.52 42 26 647.47 0.387 219.16
41 10 481.34 0.282 160.81 42 27 629.31 0.377 213.28
41 11 511.72 0.300 171.04 42 28 608.10 0.365 206.35
41 12 538.91 0.316 180.22 42 29 583.85 0.351 198.38
41 13 562.92 0.331 188.35 42 30 556.57 0.335 189.37
41 14 583.77 0.343 195.45 42 31 526.29 0.317 179.32
41 15 601.46 0.354 201.50 42 32 493.02 0.298 168.23
41 16 616.02 0.363 206.53 42 33 456.77 0.276 156.10
41 17 627.44 0.371 210.51 42 34 417.58 0.253 142.93
41 18 635.74 0.376 213.47 42 35 375.45 0.228 128.72
41 19 640.94 0.380 215.40 42 36 330.41 0.201 113.46
41 20 643.05 0.381 216.30 42 37 282.47 0.172 97.16
41 21 642.09 0.381 216.18 42 38 231.65 0.141 79.82
41 22 638.06 0.380 215.03 42 39 177.97 0.109 61.44
41 23 630.98 0.376 212.86 42 40 121.46 0.074 42.01
41 24 620.86 0.371 209.68 42 41 62.13 0.038 21.53
41 25 607.73 0.363 205.47 42 42
41 26 591.58 0.354 200.25 43
41 27 572.45 0.343 194.01 43 1 69.48 0.040 23.16
41 28 550.35 0.331 186.76 43 2 135.48 0.078 45.16
41 29 525.29 0.316 178.49 43 3 198.02 0.114 66.02
41 30 497.28 0.300 169.20 43 4 257.10 0.149 85.73
41 31 466.35 0.282 158.90 43 5 312.74 0.181 104.30
41 32 432.51 0.262 147.59 43 6 364.94 0.211 121.75
41 33 395.78 0.240 135.26 43 7 413.72 0.240 138.06
41 34 356.18 0.216 121.92 43 8 459.09 0.267 153.25
41 35 313.72 0.191 107.55 43 9 501.05 0.291 167.32
41 36 268.42 0.163 92.18 43 10 539.62 0.314 180.27
41 37 220.30 0.134 75.78 43 11 574.80 0.335 192.12
41 38 169.38 0.104 58.37 43 12 606.62 0.354 202.86
41 39 115.67 0.071 39.93 43 13 635.08 0.371 212.49
41 40 59.21 0.036 20.48 43 14 660.19 0.387 221.03
41 41 43 15 681.97 0.400 228.47
42 43 16 700.43 0.412 234.82
42 1 66.09 0.038 22.03 43 17 715.58 0.421 240.08
42 2 128.80 0.074 42.94 43 18 727.44 0.429 244.25
42 3 188.15 0.109 62.73 43 19 736.02 0.434 247.34
42 4 244.14 0.141 81.41 43 20 741.34 0.438 249.35
42 5 296.77 0.172 98.98 43 21 743.40 0.440 250.28
42 6 346.06 0.201 115.45 43 22 742.23 0.440 250.13
42 7 392.03 0.228 130.82 43 23 737.84 0.438 248.91
42 8 434.67 0.253 145.10 43 24 730.25 0.434 246.61
42 9 474.00 0.276 158.28 43 25 719.46 0.429 243.24
42 10 510.03 0.298 170.39 43 26 705.51 0.421 238.80
42 11 542.77 0.317 181.41 43 27 688.39 0.412 233.29
As An Cb cP Ca As An Cb CP Ca

Deg. Deg. Sec. Ft. Sec. Deg. Deg. Sec. Ft. Sec.
43 27 688.39 0.412 233.29 44 42 133.43 0.082 46.32
43 28 668.14 0.400 226.72 44 43 68.17 0.042 23.71
43 29 644.76 0.387 219.07 44 44
43 30 618.28 0.371 210.36 45
43 31 588.72 0.354 200.59 45 1 76.53 0.044 25.51
43 32 556.08 0.335 189.74 45 2 149.40 0.086 49.80
43 33 520.39 0.314 177.84 45 3 218.61 0.126 72.88
43 34 481.67 0.291 164.86 45 4 284.17 0.163 94.76
43 35 439.94 0.267 150.82 45 5 346.10 0.199 115.43
43 36 395.22 0.240 135.71 45 6 404.40 0.233 134.91
43 37 347.52 0.211 119.53 45 7 459.08 0.265 153.19
43 38 296.86 0.181 102.29 45 8 510.16 0.295 170.29
43 39 243.27 0.149 83.98 45 9 557.64 0.323 186.21
43 40 186.77 0.114 64.59 45 10 601.55 0.349 200.96
43 41 127.38 0.078 44.14 45 11 641.88 0.373 214.54
43 42 65.11 0.040 22.60 45 12 678.66 0.395 226.95
43 43 45 13 711.90 0.415 238.20
44 45 14 741.61 0.433 248.29
44 1 72.96 0.042 24.32 45 15 767.80 0.449 257.22
44 2 142.34 0.082 47.45 45 16 790.49 0.463 265.01
44 3 208.17 0.120 69.40 45 17 809.70 0.475 271.65
44 4 270.45 0.156 90.18 45 18 825.42 0.484 277.15
44 5 329.18 0.190 109.79 45 19 837.70 0.492 281.50
44 6 384.39 0.222 128.23 45 20 846 53 0.498 284.72
44 7 436.07 0.252 145.52 45 21 851.93 0.502 286.80
44 8 484.25 0.281 161.65 45 22 853.92 0.504 287.76
44 9 528.93 0.307 176.63 45 23 852.52 0.504 287.58
44 10 570.12 0.331 190.46 45 24 847.74 0.502 286.27
44 11 607.84 0.354 203.16 45 25 839.59 0.498 283.84
44 12 642.09 0.374 214.72 45 26 828.10 0.492 280.28
44 13 672.90 0.393 225.15 45 27 813.29 0.484 275.61
44 14 700.27 0.409 234.45 45 28 795.17 0.475 269.81
44 15 724.21 0.424 242.62 45 29 773.76 0.463 262.89
44 16 744.75 0.437 249.68 45 30 749.08 0.449 254.85
44 17 761.88 0.447 255.61 45 31 721.14 0.433 245.69
44 18 775.64 0.456 260.43 45 32 689.98 0.415 235.41
44 19 786.03 0.463 264.14 45 33 655.60 0.395 224.02
44 20 793.06 0.468 266.74 45 34 618.02 0.373 211.51
44 21 796.76 0.471 268.24 45 35 577.28 0.349 197.88
44 22 797.13 0.472 268.62 45 36 533.38 0.323 183.14
44 23 794.20 0.471 267.91 45 37 486.35 0.295 167.27
44 24 787.97 0.468 266.10 45 38 436.20 0.265 150.29
44 25 778.47 0.463 263.18 45 39 382.98 0.233 132.19
44 26 765.71 0.456 259.17 45 40 326.68 0.199 112.97
44 27 749.71 0.447 254.07 45 41 267.34 0.163 92.62
44 28 730.49 0.437 247.87 45 42 204.98 0.126 71.16
44 29 708.06 0.424 240.57 45 43 139.62 0.086 48.56
44 30 682.45 0.409 232.19 45 44 71.29 0.044 24.85
44 31 653.66 0.393 222.71 45 45
44 32 621.73 0.374 212.14 46
44 33 586.66 0.354 200.47 46 1 80.21 0.046 26.74
44 34 548.48 0.331 187.72 46 2 156.66 0.090 52.22
44 35 507.21 0.307 173.87 46 3 229.34 0.131 76.46
44 36 462.86 0.281 158.93 46 4 298.28 0.171 99.46
44 37 415.47 0.252 142.90 46 5 363.49 0.209 121.23
44 38 365.04 0.222 125.78 46 6 424.98 0.245 141.77
44 39 311.60 0.190 107.56 46 7 482.75 0.278 161.09
44 40 255.17 0.156 88.24 46 8 536.82 0.310 179.19
44 41 195.77 0.120 67.83 46 9 587.20 0.339 196.08
44 42 133.43 0.082 46.32 46 10 633.90 0.367 211.77


As An Cb cP Ca As An Cb CP Ca
Deg. Deg. Sec. Ft. Sec. Deg. Deg. Sec. Ft. Sec.
46 10 633.90 0.367 211.77 47 22 973.26 0.573 327.96
46 11 676.95 0.392 226.26 47 23 975.15 0.575 328.93
46 12 716.34 0.416 239.54 47 24 973.48 0.575 328.72
46 13 752.10 0.437 251.64 47 25 968.27 0.573 327.33
46 14 784.23 0.457 262.55 47 26 959.54 0.568 324.75
46 15 812.75 0.474 272.28 47 27 947.32 0.562 321.01
46 16 837.68 0.489 280.82 47 28 931.61 0.554 316.08
46 17 859.03 0.502 288.20 47 29 912.45 0.543 309.98
46 18 876.81 0.514 294.40 47 30 889.84 0.531 302.71
46 19 891.05 0.523 299.43 47 31 863.81 0.516 294.27
46 20 901.75 0.530 303.29 47 32 834.38 0.500 284.66
46 21 908.94 0.535 305.99 47 33 801.57 0.481 273.88
46 22 912.62 0.538 307.53 47 34 765.41 0.460 261.93
46 23 912.83 0.539 307.92 47 35 725.91 0.437 248.81
46 24 909.56 0.538 307.14 47 36 683.09 0.412 234.52
46 25 902.85 0.535 305.22 47 37 636.98 0.385 219.06
46 26 892.71 0.530 302.14 47 38 587.60 0.356 202.43
46 27 879.15 0.523 297.92 47 39 534.98 0.325 184.63
46 28 862.20 0.514 292.54 47 40 479.13 0.292 165.66
46 29 841.88 0.502 286.02 47 41 420.08 0.256 145.52
46 30 818.20 0.489 278.35 47 42 357.86 0.219 124.21
46 31 791.19 0.474 269.54 47 43 292.49 0.179 101.72
46 32 760.85 0.457 259.59 47 44 223.99 0.137 78.06
46 33 727.23 0.437 248.49 47 45 152.40 0.094 53.22
46 34 690.32 0.416 236.24 47 46 77.72 0.048 27.20
46 35 650.17 0.392 222.86 47 47
46 36 606.78 0.367 208.33 48
46 37 560.17 0.339 192.66 48 1 87.86 0.050 29.29
46 38 510.38 0.310 175.84 48 2 171.76 0.098 57.26
46 39 457.43 0.278 157.88 48 3 251.70 0.144 83.92
46 40 401.32 0.245 138.77 48 4 327.69 0.187 109.27
46 41 342.10 0.209 118.52 48 5 399.75 0.229 133.32
46 42 279.78 0.171 97.12 48 6 467.88 0.268 156.08
46 43 214.39 0.131 74.56 48 7 532.11 0.305 177.56
46 44 145.94 0.090 50.86 48 8 592.44 0.340 197.76
46 45 74.47 0.046 26.01 48 9 648.89 0.373 216.68
46 46 48 10 701.46 0.404 234.34
47 48 11 750.18 0.433 250.73
47 1 83.99 0.048 28.00 48 12 795.06 0.459 265.86
47 2 164.11 0.094 54.71 48 13 836.11 0.484 279.75
47 3 240.37 0.137 80.14 48 14 873.35 0.506 292.38
47 4 312.79 0.179 104.30 48 15 906.78 0.526 303.77
47 5 381.37 0.219 127.20 48 16 936.44 0.544 313.93
47 6 446.14 0.256 148.83 48 17 962.33 0.560 322.84
47 7 507.09 0.292 169.21 48 18 984.47 0.574 330.53
47 8 564.24 0.325 188.35 48 19 1002.87 0.586 336.99
47 9 617.61 0.356 206.24 48 20 1017.56 0.595 342.23
47 10 667.21 0.385 222.89 48 21 1028.55 0.603 346.24
47 11 713.04 0.412 238.32 48 22 1035.86 0.608 349.04
47 12 755.14 0.437 252.52 48 23 1039.50 0.611 350.63
47 13 793.49 0.460 265.49 48 24 1039.50 0.612 351.00
47 14 828.13 0.481 277.25 48 25 1035.87 0.611 350.17
47 15 859.07 0.500 287.79 48 26 1028.64 0.608 348.13
47 16 886.32 0.516 297.13 48 27 1017.81 603 344.88
47 17 909.90 0.531 305.26 48 28 1003.42 0.595 340.43
47 18 929.82 0.543 312.19 48 29 985.48 0.586 334.78
47 19 946.10 0.554 317.92 48 30 964.02 0.574 327.94
47 20 958.76 0.562 322.46 48 31 939.04 0.560 319.89
47 21 967.81 0.568 325.80 48 32 910.58 0.544 310.64
47 22 973.26 0.573 327.96 48 33 878.66 0.526 300.20


As An Cb cP Ca As An Cb CP Ca
Deg. Deg. Sec. Ft. Sec. Deg. Deg. Sec. Ft. Sec.
48 33 878.66 0.526 300.20 49 43 458.83 0.280 159.55
48 34 843.30 0.506 288.57 49 44 390.40 0.239 136.04
48 35 804.52 0.484 275.74 49 45 318.72 0.195 111.29
48 36 762.34 0.459 261.71 49 46 243.81 0.150 85.32
48 37 716.79 0.433 246.49 49 47 165.70 0.102 58.11
48 38 667.88 0.404 230.08 49 48 84.42 0.052 29.67
48 39 615.66 0.373 212.46 49 49
48 40 560.12 0.340 193.66 50
48 41 501.32 0.305 173.65 50 1 95.92 0.054 31.98
48 42 439.25 ^.268 152.45 50 2 187.67 0.106 62.56
48 43 373.96 0.229 130.05 50 3 275.26 0.156 91.77
48 44 305.47 0.187 106.45 50 4 358.69 0.204 119.61
48 45 233.80 0.144 81.65 50 5 437.99 0.249 146.08
48 46 158.98 0.098 55.64 50 6 513.16 0.292 171.19
48 47 81.04 0.050 28.42 50 7 584.22 0.333 194.95
48 48 50 8 651.19 0.372 217.37
49 50 Q 714.07 0.409 238.45
49 1 91.84 0.052 30.61 50 10 772.88 0.443 258.19
49 2 179.61 0.102 59.88 50 11 827.64 0.475 276.61
49 3 263.32 0.150 87.79 50 12 878.36 0.505 293.71
49 4 342.99 0.195 114.37 50 13 925.05 0.533 309.50
49 5 418.62 0.239 139.62 50 14 967.74 0.558 323.98
49 6 490.22 0.280 163.54 50 15 1006.43 0.582 337.15
49 7 557.82 0.319 186.14 50 16 1041.15 0.603 349.02
49 8 621.42 0.356 207.43 50 17 1071.92 0.621 359.60
49 9 681.04 0.391 227.42 50 18 1098.74 0.63S 368.88
49 10 736.68 0.423 246.10 50 19 1121.64 0.652 376.89
49 11 788.38 0.454 263.49 50 20 1140.63 0.665 383.60
49 12 836.13 0.482 279.60 50 21 1155.74 0.675 389.04
49 13 879.96 0.508 294.42 50 22 1166.98 0.682 393.21
49 14 919.88 0.532 307.96 50 23 1174.38 0.688 396.10
49 15 955.90 0.554 320.22 50 24 1177.94 0.691 397.73
49 16 988.04 0.573 331.22 50 25 1177.70 0.692 398.09
49 17 1016.33 0.590 340.95 50 26 1173.67 0.691 397.19
49 18 1040.77 0.606 349.43 50 27 1165.87 0.688 395.02
49 19 1061.38 0.619 356.64 50 28 1154.33 0.682 391.60
49 20 1078.18 0.630 362.61 50 29 1139.06 0.675 386.93
49 21 1091.19 0.638 367.32 50 30 1120.09 0.665 381.00
49 22 1100.42 0.645 370.79 50 31 1097.43 0.652 373.82
49 23 1105.90 0.649 373.02 50 32 1071.12 0.638 365.38
49 24 1107.65 0.651 374.00 50 33 1041.18 0.621 355.70
49 25 1105.67 0.651 373.75 50 34 1007.62 0.603 344.77
49 26 1100.00 0.649 372.27 50 35 970.48 0.582 332.59
49 27 1090.65 0.645 369.55 50 36 929.77 0.558 319.16
49 28 1077.65 0.638 365.60 50 37 885.52 0.533 304.48
49 29 1061.01 0.630 360.43 50 38 837.76 0.505 288.56
49 30 1040.76 0.619 354.03 50 39 786.50 0.475 271.40
49 31 1016.91 0.606 346.40 50 40 731.79 0.443 252.98
49 32 989.49 0.590 337.55 50 41 673.64 0.409 233.32
49 33 958.52 0.573 327.48 50 42 612.07 0.372 212.40
49 34 924.03 0.554 316.18 50 43 547.12 0.333 190.24
49 35 886.03 0.532 303.66 50 44 478.81 0.292 166.83
49 36 844.56 0.508 289.92 50 45 407.17 0.249 142.17
49 37 799.62 0.482 274.96 50 46 332.23 0.204 116.25
49 38 751.26 0.454 258.78 50 47 254.01 0.156 89.07
49 39 699.49 0.423 241.38 50 48 172.55 0.106 60.64
49 40 644.33 0.391 222.76 50 49 87.87 0.054 30.95
49 41 585.82 0.356 202.91 50 50
49 42 523.98 0.319 181.85 51
49 43 458.83 0.280 159.55 51 1 100.11 0.056 33.37


As An Cb CP Ca As An Cb CP Ca

Deg. Deg. Sec. Ft. Sec. Deg. Deg. Sec. Ft. Sec.
51 1 100.11 0.056 33.37 52 8 713.14 0.405 238.04
51 2 195.94 0.111 65.32 52 9 782.83 0.446 261 .40
51 3 287.50 0.163 95.85 52 10 848.25 0.484 283.37
51 4 374.81 0.212 124.98 52 11 909.41 0.520 303.94
51 5 457.87 0.260 152.71 52 12 966.34 0.553 323.13
51 6 536.71 0.305 179.04 52 13 1019.03 0.584 340.94
51 7 611.33 0.348 204.00 52 14 1067.52 0.613 357.38
51 8 681.76 0.389 227.57 52 15 1111.83 0.639 372.45
51 9 748.00 0.427 249.77 52 16 1151.96 0.664 386.15
51 10 810.07 0.463 270.61 52 17 1187.93 0.685 398.51
51 11 867.98 0.497 290.10 52 18 1219.78 0.705 409.51
51 12 921.75 0.529 308.22 52 19 1247.50 0.722 419.16
51 13 971:41 0.558 325.01 52 20 1271.13 0.737 427.48
51 14 1016.95 0.585 340.45 52 21 1290.68 0.750 434.45
51 15 1058.40 0.610 354.55 52 22 1306.18 0.760 440.09
51 16 1095.79 0.633 367.33 52 23 1317.63 0.768 444.40
51 17 1129.11 0.653 378.78 52 24 1325.08 0.774 447.38
51 18 1158.40 0.671 388.91 52 25 1328.52 0.778 449.04
51 19 1183.67 0.687 397.72 52 26 1328.00 0.779 449.39
51 20 1204.94 0.700 405.22 52 27 1323.52 0.778 448.41
51 21 1222.23 0.712 411.42 52 28 1315.12 0.774 446.12
51 22 1235.56 0.721 416.31 52 29 1302.81 0.768 442.52
51 23 1244.95 0.728 419.90 52 30 1286.62 0.760 437.61
51 24 1250.41 0.732 422.19 52 31 1266.57 0.750 431.39
51 25 1251.98 0.734 423.18 52 32 1242.68 0.737 423.86
51 26 1249.66 0.734 422.89 52 33 1214.99 0.722 415.04
51 27 1243.48 0.732 421.31 52 34 1183.51 0.705 404.91
51 28 1233.47 0.728 418.44 52 35 1148.27 0.685 393.47
51 29 1219.65 0.721 414.29 52 36 1109.29 0.664 380.74
51 30 1202.03 0.712 408.85 52 37 1066.60 0.639 366.71
51 31 1180.64 0.700 402.14 52 38 1020.23 0.613 351.38
51 32 1155.51 0.687 394.15 52 39 970.21 0.584 334.74
51 33 1126.66 0.671 384.88 52 40 916.56 0.553 316.81
51 34 1094.10 0.653 374.34 52 41 859.30 0.520 297.58
51 35 1057.88 0.633 362.52 52 42 798.47 0.484 277.05
5 36 1018.00 0.610 349.43 52 43 734.09 0.446 255.22
5i 37 974.50 0.585 335.06 52 44 666.20 0.405 232.09
51 38 927.40 0.558 319.42 52 45 594.82 0.363 207.65
51 39 876.74 0.529 302.51 52 46 519.98 0.318 181.92
51 40 822.52 0.497 284.33 52 47 441.71 0.271 154.87
51 41 764.78 0.463 264.87 52 48 360.04 0.221 126.52
51 42 703.56 0.427 244.14 52 49 275.01 0.169 96.86
51 43 638.86 0.389 222.13 52 50 186.63 0.115 65.89
51 44 570.73 0.348 198.84 52 51 94.95 0.059 33.60
51 45 499.19 0.305 174.28 52 52
51 46 424.27 0.260 148.44 53
51 47 346.00 0.212 121.32 53 1 108.80 0.061 36.27
51 48 264.41 0.163 92.92 53 2 213.10 0.120 71.04
51 49 179.53 0.111 63.24 53 3 312.92 0.176 104.33
51 50 91.38 0.056 32.26 53 4 408.28 0.230 136.14
51 51 53 5 499.19 0.282 166.48
52 53 6 585.65 0.331 195.37
52 1 104.40 0.059 34.80 53 7 667.70 0.378 222.80
52 2 204.41 0.115 68.14 53 8 745.33 0.423 248.79
52 3 300.05 0.169 100.04 53 9 818.58 0.465 273.34
52 4 391.33 0.221 130.49 53 10 887.44 0.505 296.46
52 5 478.27 0.271 159.51 53 11 951.95 0.542 318.15
52 6 560.87 0.318 187.10 53 12 1012.11 0.578 338.43
52 7 639.16 0.363 213.28 53 13 1067.95 0.611 357.30
52 8 713.14 0.405 238.04 53 14 1119.48 0.641 374.76


As An Cb CP Ca As An Cb cP Ca

Deg. Deg. Sec. Ft. Sec. Deg. Deg. Sec. Ft. Sec.
53 14 1119.48 0.641 374.76 54 19 1380.62 0.795 463.87
53 15 1166.72 0.669 390.83 54 20 1409.22 0.813 473.89
53 16 1209.69 0.695 405.50 54 21 1433.54 0.829 482.51
53 17 1248.40 0.719 418.78 54 22 1453.61 0.842 489.74
53 18 1282.88 0.740 430.69 54 23 1469.46 0.853 495.58
53 19 1313.14 0.758 441.21 54 24 1481.09 0.861 500.03
53 20 1339.21 0.775 450.36 54 25 1488.54 0.867 503.10
53 21 1361.11 0.789 458.14 54 26 1491.83 0.871 504.79
53 22 1378.85 0.801 464.56 54 27 1490.98 0.872 505.11
53 23 1392.46 0.810 469.62 54 28 1486.01 0.871 504.05
53 24 1401.96 0.817 473.33 54 29 1476.96 0.867 501.63
53 25 1407.37 0.822 475.68 54 30 1463.84 0.861 497.84
53 26 1408.71 0.824 476.68 54 31 1446.67 0.853 492.69
53 27 1406.01 0.824 476.34 54 32 1425.49 0.842 486.17
53 28 1399.29 0.822 474.66 54 33 1400.32 0.829 478.30
53 29 1388.57 0.817 471.63 54 34 1371.19 0.813 469.07
53 30 1373.88 0.810 467.27 54 35 1338.12 0.795 458.48
53 31 1355.24 0.801 461.57 54 36 1301.14 0.775 446.54
53 32 1332.67 0.789 454.54 54 37 1260.28 0.752 433.24
53 33 1306.20 0.775 446.17 54 38 1215.56 0.727 418.60
53 34 1275.86 0.758 436.48 54 39 1167.02 0.700 402.59
53 35 1241.67 0.740 425.46 54 40 1114.67 0.670 385.24
53 36 1203.66 0.719 413.11 54 41 1058.56 0.638 366.54
53 37 1161.85 0.695 399.43 54 42 998.71 0.603 346.48
53 38 1116.28 0.669 384.43 54 43 935.15 0.566 325.07
53 39 1066.96 0.641 368.10 54 44 867.90 0.526 302.31
53 40 1013.93 0.611 350.45 54 45 797.01 0.484 278.20
53 41 957.21 0.578 331.47 54 46 722.50 0.440 252.72
53 42 896.84 0.542 311.16 54 47 644.40 0.394 225.90
53 43 832.84 0.505 289.53 54 48 562.75 0.345 197.72
53 44 765.25 0.465 266.57 54 49 477.57 0.293 168.17
53 45 694.08 0.423 242.29 54 50 388.91 0.239 137.27
53 46 619.38 0.378 216.67 54 51 296.78 0.183 105.00
53 47 541.17 0.331 189.72 54 52 201.23 0.124 71.37
53 48 459.48 0.282 161.45 54 53 102.30 0.063 36.37
53 49 374.34 0.230 131.84 54 54
53 50 285.80 0.176 100.89 55
53 51 193.87 0.120 68.60 55 1 117.92 0.066 39.31
53 52 98.59 0.061 34.97 55 2 231.12 0.129 77.05
53 53 55 3 339.63 0.190 113.23
54 55 4 443.46 0.249 147.87
54 1 113.30 0.063 37.77 55 5 542.61 0.305 180.97
54 2 222.00 0.124 74.01 55 6 637.11 0.358 212.54
54 3 326.12 0.183 108.73 55 7 726.98 0.409 242.58
54 4 425.65 0.239 141.93 55 8 812.22 0.458 271.11
54 5 520.63 0.293 173.64 55 9 892.86 0.504 298.14
54 6 611.06 0.345 203.85 55 10 968.91 0.548 323.67
54 7 696.97 0.394 232.57 55 11 1040.39 0.590 347.71
54 8 778.36 0.440 259.81 55 12 1107.32 0.629 370.26
54 9 855.25 0.484 285.58 55 13 1169.71 0.665 391.34
54 10 927.66 0.526 309.89 55 14 1227.60 0.699 410.95
54 11 995.60 0.566 332.74 55 15 1280.98 0.731 429.09
54 12 1059.10 0.603 354.14 55 16 1329.89 0.760 445.78
54 13 1118.17 0.638 374.10 55 17 1374.34 0.787 461 .02
54 14 1172.83 0.670 392.62 55 18 1414.36 0.811 474.81
54 15 1223.10 0.700 409.71 55 19 1449.96 0.833 487.16
54 16 1268.99 0.727 425.37 55 20 1481.16 0.853 498.08
54 17 1310.53 0.752 439.62 55 21 1 508.00 0.870 507.56
54 18 1347.73 0.775 452.45 55 22 1530.48 0.*885 515.63
54 19 1380.62 0.795 463.87 55 23 1548.64 0.897 522.27


As An Cb cP Ca As An Cb CP Ca
Deg. Deg. Sec. Ft. Sec. Deg. Deg. Sec. Ft. Sec.
55 23 1548.64 0.897 522.27 56 26 1665.37 0.968 563.47
55 24 1562.49 0.906 527.50 56 27 1668.45 0.971 565.19
55 25 1572.06 0.914 531.31 56 28 1667.23 0.973 565.48
55 26 1577.37 0.919 533.72 56 29 1661.72 0.971 564.34
55 27 1578.45 0.921 534.72 56 30 1651.97 0.968 561.77
55 28 1575.32 0.921 534.32 56 31 1637.98 0.961 557.79
55 29 1568.00 0.919 532.53 56 32 1619.80 0.953 552.39
55 30 1556.52 0.914 529.34 56 33 1597.43 0.942 545.57
55 31 1540.91 0.906 524.76 56 34 1570.93 0.928 537.34
55 32 1521.19 0.897 518.79 56 35 1540.30 0.912 527.69
55 33 1497.39 0.885 511.43 56 36 1505.59 0.893 516.64
55 34 1469.54 0.870 502.68 56 37 1466.81 0.872 504.18
55 35 1437.66 0.853 492.56 56 38 1424.00 0.849 490.31
55 36 1401.78 0.833 481.05 56 39 1377.20 0.822 475.04
55 37 1361.92 0.811 468.16 56 40 1326.42 0.794 458.36
55 38 1318.13 0.787 453.88 56 41 1271.70 0.763 440.27
55 39 1270.42 0.760 438.24 56 42 1213.06 0.729 420.78
55 40 1218.82 0.731 421.21 56 43 1150.55 0.693 399.89
55 41 1163.38 0.699 402.80 56 44 1084.20 0.655 377.59
55 42 1104.10 0.665 383.02 56 45 1014.02 0.614 353.88
55 43 1041.04 0.629 361.85 56 46 940.07 0.571 328.77
55 44 974.21 0.590 339.31 56 47 862.37 0.525 302.25
55 45 903.65 0.548 315.39 56 48 780.95 0.476 274.33
55 46 829.39 0.504 290.09 56 49 695.85 0.426 244.99
55 47 751.46 0.458 263.40 56 50 607.10 0.372 214.24
55 48 669.90 0.409 235.34 56 51 514.74 0.316 182.08
55 49 584.73 0.358 205.89 56 52 418.81 0.258 148.51
55 50 496.00 0.305 175.05 56 53 319.33 0.197 113.52
55 51 403.73 0.249 142.83 56 54 216.34 0.134 77.10
55 52 307.96 0.190 109.21 56 55 109.89 0.068 39.26
55 53 208.72 0.129 74.21 56 56
55 54 106.06 0.066 37.80 57
55 55 57 1 127.48 0.071 42.50
56 57 2 250.03 0.139 83.35
56 1 122.65 0.068 40.88 57 3 367.66 0.205 122.58
56 2 240.47 0.134 80.16 57 4 480.37 0.268 160.18
56 3 353.48 0.197 117.85 57 5 588.20 0.328 196.17
56 4 461.70 0.258 153.95 57 6 691.15 0.386 230.56
56 5 565.13 0.316 188.48 57 7 789.25 0.442 263.36
56 6 663.81 0.372 221.44 57 8 882.50 0.495 294.57
56 7 757.73 0.426 252.84 57 9 970.94 0.545 324.21
56 8 846.93 0.476 282.70 57 10 1054.57 0.593 352.28
56 9 931.42 0.525 311.02 57 11 1133.41 0.639 378.79
56 10 1011.21 0.571 337.80 57 12 1207.49 0.682 403.75
56 11 1086.32 0.614 363.06 57 13 1276.82 0.722 427.16
56 12 1156.78 0.655 386.80 57 14 1341.43 0.760 449.04
56 13 1222.59 0.693 409.03 57 15 1401.33 0.795 469.39
56 14 1283.79 0.729 429.75 57 16 1456.54 0.828 488.22
56 15 1340.38 0.763 448.99 57 17 1507.09 0.859 505.53
56 16 1392.40 0.794 466.73 57 18 1553.00 0.886 521.33
56 17 1439.85 0.822 482.98 57 19 1594.28 0.912 535.63
56 18 1482.77 0.849 497.77 57 20 1630.97 0.934 548.43
56 19 1521.17 0.872 511.08 57 21 1663.08 0.955 559.74
56 20 1555.07 0.893 522.92 57 22 1690.64 0.972 569.56
56 21 1584.50 0.912 533.30 57 23 1713.68 0.987 577.89
56 22 1609.48 0.928 542.23 57 24 1732.21 1.000 584.76
56 23 1630.04 0.942 549.70 57 25 1746.26 1.010 590.14
56 24 1646.19 0.953 555.74 57 26 1755.85 1.018 594.07
56 25 1657.96 0.961 560.32 57 27 1761.02 1.023 596.52
56 26 1665.37 0.968 563.47 57 28 1761.78 1.025 597.52


As An Cb cP Ca As An Cb cP Ca

Deg. Deg. Sec. Ft. Sec. Deg. Deg. Sec. Ft. Sec.
57 28 1761.78 1.025 597.52 58 29 1857.35 1.081 630.72
57 29 1758.17 1.025 597.06 58 30 1851.26 1.079 629.49
57 30 1750.20 1.023 595.15 58 31 1840.75 1.075 626.78
57 31 1737.92 1.018 591.79 58 32 1825.84 1.069 622.59
57 32 1721.33 1.010 586.98 58 33 1806.57 1.060 616.93
57 33 1700.48 1.000 580.73 58 34 1782.97 1.048 609.80
57 34 1675.40 0.987 573.04 58 35 1755.07 1.034 601.20
57 35 1646.10 0.972 563.90 58 36 1722.89 1.018 591.13
57 36 1612.62 0.955 553.33 58 37 1686.47 0.998 579.60
57 37 1574.98 B.934 541.32 58 38 1645.84 0.976 566.61
57 38 1533.23 0.912 527.88 58 39 1601.03 0.952 552.16
57 39 1487.39 0.886 513.01 58 40 1552.07 0.925 536.25
57 40 1437.48 0.859 496.70 58 41 1498.99 0.896 518.88
57 41 1383.55 0.828 478.96 58 42 1441.82 0.863 500.05
57 42 1325.62 0.795 459.79 58 43 1380.61 0.829 479.76
57 43 1263.73 0.760 439.19 58 44 1315.38 0.791 458.02
57 44 1197.91 0.722 417.15 58 45 1246.16 0.752 434.82
57 45 1128.18 0.682 393.69 58 46 1172.99 0.709 410.16
57 46 1054.59 0.639 368.79 58 47 1095.91 0.664 384.04
57 47 977.17 0.593 342.46 58 48 1014.95 0.617 356.46
57 48 895.96 0.545 314.70 58 49 930.14 0.567 327.42
57 49 810.98 0.495 285.50 58 50 841.53 0.514 296.91
57 50 722.27 0.442 254.86 58 51 749.15 0.459 264.95
57 51 629.87 0.386 222.79 58 52 653.03 0.401 231.51
57 52 533.82 0.328 189.27 58 53 553.21 0.340 196.61
57 53 434.14 0.268 154.31 58 54 449.73 0.278 160.24
57 54 330.89 0.205 117.91 58 55 342.63 0.212 122.40
57 55 224.09 0.139 80.06 58 56 231.95 0.144 83.08
57 56 113.78 0.071 40.76 58 57 117.73 0.073 42.28
57 57 58 58
58 59
58 1 132.44 0.073 44.15 59 1 137.50 0.076 45.84
58 2 259.82 0.144 86.62 59 2 269.84 0.149 89.96
58 3 382.17 0.212 127.42 59 3 397.03 0.220 132.37
58 4 499.50 0.278 166.56 59 4 519.08 0.288 173.08
58 5 611.82 0.340 204.05 59 5 636.01 0.353 212.12
58 6 719.16 0.401 239.90 59 6 747.84 0.416 249.47
58 7 821.53 0.459 274.13 59 7 854.58 0.476 285.16
58 8 918.94 0.514 306.74 59 8 956.27 0.533 319.19
58 9 1011.43 0.567 337.73 59 9 1052.90 0.588 351.58
58 10 1099.00 0.617 367.12 59 10 1144.52 0.640 382.32
58 11 1181.67 0.664 394.92 59 11 1231.12 0.690 411.44
58 12 1259.47 0.709 421.13 59 12 1312.75 0.737 438.94
58 13 1332.42 0.752 445.76 59 13 1 389.40 0.782 464.82
58 14 1400.53 0.791 468.82 59 14 1461.12 0.823 489.10
58 15 1463.83 0.829 490.32 59 15 1527.91 0.863 511.78
58 16 1522.33 0.863 510.27 59 16 1589.80 0.899 532.87
58 17 1576.07 0.896 528.66 59 17 1646.81 0.933 552.38
58 18 1625.06 0.925 545.51 59 18 1698.97 0.965 570.31
58 19 1669.32 0.952 560.83 59 19 1746.30 0.993 586.68
58 20 1708.88 0.976 574.61 59 20 1788.82 1.019 601.48
58 21 1743.76 0.998 586.87 59 21 1826.56 1.043 614.72
58 22 1773.99 1.018 597.62 59 22 1859.54 1.064 626.42
58 23 1799.58 1.034 606.85 59 23 1887.78 1.082 636.57
58 24 1820.58 1.048 614.57 59 24 1911.32 1.098 645.18
58 25 1836.99 1.060 620.79 59 25 1930.18 1.111 652.26
58 26 1848.84 1.069 625.51 59 26 1944.38 1.121 657.80
58 27 1856.17 1.075 628.73 59 27 1953.95 1.129 661.83
58 28 1859.00 1.079 630.47 59 28 1958.92 1.134 664.33
58 29 1857.35 1.081 630.72 59 29 1959.32 1.137 665.31


As An Cb cP Ca As An Cb CP Ca
Deg. Deg. Sec. Ft. Sec. Deg. Deg. Sec. Ft. Sec.
59 29 1959.32 1.137 665.31 60 15 1593.58 0.897 533.77
59 30 1955.17 1.137 664.79 60 16 1658.96 0.936 556.04
59 31 1946.50 1.134 662.75 60 17 1719.34 0.972 576.70
59 32 1933.35 1.129 659.21 60 18 1774.77 1.005 595.75
59 33 1915.74 1.121 654.17 60 19 1825.25 1.035 613.19
59 34 1893.70 1.111 647.63 60 20 1870.82 1.063 629.04
59 35 1867.26 1.098 639.59 60 21 1911.51 1.089 643.30
59 36 1836.46 1.082 630.06 60 22 1947.32 1.111 655.97
59 37 1801.32 1.064 619.03 60 23 1978.31 1.131 667.07
59 38 1761.87 1.043 606.52 60 24 2004.47 1.148 676.60
59 39 1718.16 1.019 592.51 60 25 2025.86 1.163 684.56
59 40 1670.20 0.993 577.02 60 26 2042.48 1.175 690.97
59 41 1618.04 0.965 560.04 60 27 2054.38 1.184 695.82
59 42 1561.70 0.933 541.58 60 28 2061.57 1.191 699.11
59 43 1501.22 0.899 521.63 60 29 2064.09 1.195 700.86
59 44 1436.64 0.863 500.20 60 30 2061.97 1.196 701 .07
59 45 1367.99 0.823 477.28 60 31 2055.23 1.195 699.74
59 46 1295.31 0.782 452.88 60 32 2043.90 1.191 696.87
59 47 1218.62 0.737 427.00 60 33 2028.02 1.184 692.47
59 48 1137.97 0.690 399.62 60 34 2007.61 1.175 686.54
59 49 1053.40 0.640 370.76 60 35 1982.71 1.163 679.09
59 50 964.93 0.588 340.41 60 36 1953.35 1.148 670.12
59 51 872.61 0.533 308.58 60 37 1919.56 1.131 659.62
59 52 776.48 0.476 275.25 60 38 1881.36 1.111 647.60
59 53 676.57 0.416 240.43 60 39 1838.81 1.089 634.07
59 54 572.92 0.353 204.11 60 40 1791.92 1.063 619.03
59 55 465.58 0.288 166.30 60 41 1740.74 1.035 602.47
59 56 354.57 0.220 126.98 60 42 1685.30 1.005 584.39
59 57 239.94 0.149 86.16 60 43 1625.62 0.972 564.81
59 58 121.74 0.076 43.84 60 44 1561.75 0.936 543.71
59 59 60 45 1493.73 0.897 521.10
60 60 46 1421.58 0.856 496.98
60 1 142.69 0.078 47.56 60 47 1345.35 0.812 471.35
60 2 280.09 0.154 93.37 60 48 1265.07 0.766 444.21
60 3 412.23 0.227 137.44 60 49 1180.78 0.716 415.55
60 4 539.11 0.298 179.76 60 50 1092.51 0.665 385.38
60 5 660.76 0.366 220.37 60 51 1000.32 0.610 353.70
60 6 777.19 0.431 259.26 60 52 904.22 0.553 320.49
60 7 888.42 0.493 296.45 60 53 804.27 0.493 285.77
60 8 994.48 0.553 331.95 60 54 700.50 0.431 249.53
60 9 1095.38 0.610 365.76 60 55 592.95 0.366 211.77
60 10 1191.14 0.665 397.89 60 56 481.67 0.298 172.48
60 11 1281.78 0.716 428.37 60 57 366.69 0.227 131.66
60 12 1367.32 0.766 457.18 60 58 248.06 0.154 89.31
60 13 1447.79 0.812 484.35 60 59 125.82 0.078 45.42
60 14 1523.20 0.856 509.88 60 60
60 15 1593.58 0.897 533.77




A = An Cs A = An Cs A = An Cs

Deg. Sec. Deg. Sec. Deg. Sec.

1 0.00 21 28.75 41 215.93

2 0.02 22 33.07 42 232.25
3 0.08 23 37.80 43 249.40
4 0.20 24 42.96 44 267.37
5 0.39 25 48.58 45 286.21

6 0.67 26 54.66 46 305.92

7 1.06 27 61.24 47 326.52
8 1.59 28 68.32 48 348.05
9 2.26 29 75.94 49 370.52
10 3.10 30 84.11 50 393.96

11 4.12 31 92.84 51 418.38

12 5.35 32 102.17 52 443.80
13 6.81 33 112.10 53 470.26
14 8.50 34 122.67 54 497.77
15 10.46 35 133.88 55 526.35

16 12.70 36 145.76 56 556.03

17 15.24 37 158.33 57 586.83
18 18.09 38 171.61 58 618.78
19 21.28 39 185.63 59 651.89
20 24.83 40 200.39 60 686.19





14 16 18 20 24 30 40 ADDED BASE

0.5 26 30 34 37 45 56 74 1.85
1.0 53 60 68 75 90 112 149 3.70
1.5 80 91 102 113 135 169 224 5.56
2.0 107 122 137 152 181 226 300 7.41
2.5 135 154 172 191 228 284 376 9.26
3.0 163 186 208 231 275 342 453 11.11
3.5 193 219 245 271 322 400 530 12.96
4.0 222 252 281 311 370 459 607 14.81
4.5 252 285 319 352 419 519 685. 16.67
5.0 282 319 356 394 468 579 764 18.52
5.5 313 354 395 435 517 639 843 20.37
6.0 344 389 433 478 567 700 922 22.22
6.5 376 424 472 521 617 761 1002 24.07
7.0 408 1460 512 564 668 823 1083 25.93
7.5 am U97 552 608 719 885 1 163 27.78
8.0 474 533 593 652 770 948 1245 29.63
8.5 508 571 634 696 822 101 1 1326 31.48
9.0 542 608 675 742 875 1075 1406 33.33
9.5 576 647 717 787 928 1 139 1491 35.18
10.0 61 1 685 759 833 981 1204 1574 37.04
10.5 647 72 4 802 880 1035 1269 1658 38.89
11.0 682 764 845 927 1090 1334 1742 40.74
11.5 719 804 889 974 1 144 1400 1826 42.59
12.0 756 844 933 1022 1200 1467 191 1 44.44
12.5 793 885 978 1071 1256 1534 1996 46.30
13.0 831 926 1023 II 19 1312 1601 2082 48.15
13.5 869 969 1069 1169 1369 1669 2169 50.00
14.0 907 1010 1115 1219 1426 1737 2256 51 .85
m.5 947 1054 1 161 1269 1484 1806 2343 53.70
15.0 986 1096 1208 1319 1542 1875 2431 55.56
15.5 1026 1 mi 1256 1371 1600 1945 2519 57.41
16.0 1067 II 8M 1304 1422 1659 2015 2607 59.26
16.5 1108 1230 1352 1474 1719 2085 2696 61.1 1

17.0 1149 1274 1401 1527 1779 2157 2786 62.96

17.5 1 191 1321 1450 1580 1839 2228 2876 64.82
18.0 1233 1366 1500 1633 1900 2300 2967 66.67
18.5 1276 1413 1550 1687 1961 2373 3058 68.52
19.0 1319 1460 1601 1742 2023 2445 3149 70.37
19.5 1363 1508 1652 1797 2085 2519 3241 72.22
20 mo7 1556 1704 1352 2148 2593 3333 74.07
21 11497 1653 1808 1964 2275 2742 3520 77.78
22 1589 1752 1915 2078 2404 2893 3707 81.48
23 1682 1853 2023 2194 2534 3045 3897 85.19
24 1778 1956 2133 231 1 2667 3200 4089 88.89
25 1875 2060 2245 2431 2801 3357 4282 92.59
26 1974 2166 2359 2552 2937 3514 4478 96.30
27 2075 227U 2475 2675 3075 3675 4675 100.00
28 2178 2384 2593 2800 3215 3837 48714 103.70
29 2282 2496 2712 2927 3356 4001 5075 107.41
30 2389 261 1 2833 3056 3500 4167 5278 1 1 1 . 1 1

31 2497 2726 2956 3186 3645 4334 5482 1 14.81

32 2607 2844 3081 3319 3793 4504 5689 118.52
33 2719 2964 3208 3453 3942 4675 5897 122.22
34 2833 3085 3337 3589 4093 4848 6108 125.93
35 2949 3208 3468 3727 4245 5023 6320 129.63
36 3067 3333 3600 3867 4400 5200 6533 133.33
37 3186 3460 3734 4008 4556 5379 6749 137.04
38 3307 3589 3870 4152 4715 5559 6967 140.74
39 3U3I 3719 4008 4297 4875 5742 7166 144.44
40 3556 3852 4148 4444 5037 5926 7407 148.15




14 16 18 20 24 30 40 ADDED BASE

0.5 26 30 34 38 45 56 75 1.85
1.0 54 61 69 76 91 113 150 3.70
1.5 82 93 104 1 15 138 171 226 5.56
2.0 1 1 1 126 141 156 185 230 304 7.41
2.5 mi 160 178 197 234 289 382 9.26
3.0 172 194 217 239 283 350 461 11.11
3.5 204 230 256 282 334 412 541 12.96
4.0 237 267 296 326 385 474 622 14.81
U.5 271 304 338 371 438 538 704 16.67
5.0 306 343 380 417 491 602 787 18.52
5.5 3MI 382 423 463 545 667 871 20.37
6.0 378 422 467 51 1 600 733 956 22.22
6.5 415 463 512 560 656 800 1041 24.07
7.0 454 506 557 609 713 869 1128 25.93
7.5 U93 549 604 660 771 938 1215 27.78
8.0 533 593 652 71 1 830 1007 1304 29.63
8.5 575 638 700 763 889 1078 1393 31 .48
9.0 617 683 750 817 950 1150 1483 33.33
9.5 660 730 800 871 1012 1223 1575 35.18
10.0 704 778 852 926 1074 1296 1667 37.04
10.5 749 826 904 982 1138 1371 1760 38.89
II. 79U 876 957 1039 1202 1446 1854 40.74
1 8m 926 1012 1097 1267 1523 1949 42.59
12.0 889 978 1067 1 156 1333 1600 2044 44.44
12.5 937 1030 1123 1215 1400 1678 2141 46.30
13.0 987 1083 1180 1276 1469 1757 2239 48.15
13.5 1037 1138 1238 1338 1538 1838 2338 50.00
14.0 1089 1 193 1296 1400 1607 1919 2437 51 .85
114.5 1 IUI 1248 1356 1463 1678 2000 2538 53.70
15.0 1 I9U 1306 1417 1528 1750 2083 2639 55.56
15.5 I2U9 1363 1478 1593 1823 2167 2741 57.41
16.0 1304 1422 1541 1659 1896 2252 2844 59.26
16.5 1360 1482 1604 1726 1971 2338 2949 61 .1 1

17.0 1417 1543 1669 1794 2046 2424 3054 52.96

17.5 11*75 1604 1734 1863 2123 2512 3160 64.82
18.0 1533 1667 1800 1933 2200 2600 3267 66.67
18.5 1593 1730 1867 2004 2278 2689 3375 68.52
19.0 I65U 1794 1935 2076 2357 2780 3483 70.37
19.5 1715 I860 2004 2149 2438 2871 3593 72.22
20 1778 1926 2074 2222 2519 2963 3704 74.07
21 1906 2061 2217 2372 2683 31 15 3928 77.78
22 2037 2200 2363 2526 2852 3341 4156 81 .48
23 2172 2343 2513 2683 3024 3535 4387 85.19
24 231 1 2489 2667 2844 3200 3733 4622 88.89
25 245U 2639 2824 3009 3380 3935 4861 92.59
26 2600 2793 2985 3178 3563 4141 5104 96.30
27 2750 2950 3150 3350 3750 4350 5350 100.00
28 290U 31 1 1 3319 3526 3941 4563 5600 103.70
29 3061 3276 3491 3706 4135 4780 5854 107.41
30 3222 3444 3667 3889 4333 5000 61 1 1 1 1 1 . II
31 3387 3617 3846 4076 4535 5224 6372 1 14.81
32 3556 3793 4030 4267 4741 5452 6637 118.52
33 3728 3972 4217 4461 4950 5683 6906 122.22
34 3904 4156 4407 4659 5163 5919 7178 125.93
35 4083 4343 4602 4861 5380 6157 7454 129.63
36 4267 4533 4800 5067 5600 6400 7733 133.33
37 4454 4728 5002 5276 5824 6646 8017 137.04
38 4644 4926 5207 5489 6052 6896 8304 140.74
39 4839 5128 5417 5706 6283 7150 8594 144.44
U0 5037 5333 5630 5926 6519 7407 8889 148. 15



14 16 16 20 24 30 40 ADDED BASE
0.5 27 31 34 38 45 56 75 M85
1.0 56 63 70 78 93 1 15 152 3.70
1.5 81 97 108 1 19 142 175 231 5.56
2.0 1 19 133 148 163 193 237 31 1 7.41
2.5 153 171 190 208 245 301 394 9.26
3.0 189 211 233 256 300 367 478 M .1 1

3.5 227 253 279 305 356 434 564 12.96

4.0 267 296 326 356 415 504 652 14.81
4.5 308 342 375 408 475 575 742 16.67
5.0 352 389 426 463 537 648 833 18.52
5.5 397 438 479 519 601 723 927 20.37
6.0 444 489 533 578 667 800 1022 22.22
6.5 494 542 590 638 734 879 1 1 19 24.07
7.0 544 596 648 700 804 959 1219 25.93
7.5 597 653 708 764 875 1042 1319 27.78
8.0 652 71 1 770 830 948 M26 1422 29.63
8.5 708 771 834 897 1023 1212 1527 3M48
9.0 767 833 900 967 1100 1300 1633 33.33
9.5 827 897 968 1038 1179 1390 1742 35.18
10.0 889 963 1037 MM 1259 1481 1852 37.04
10.5 953 1031 1108 1186 1342 1575 1964 38.89
1 1.0 1019 1 100 1 181 1263 1426 1670 2078 40.74
1 1.5 1086 1 171 1256 1342 1512 1768 2194 42.59
12.0 1 156 1244 1333 1422 1600 1867 231 1 44.44
12.5 1227 1319 1412 1505 1690 1968 2431 46.30
13.0 1300 1396 1493 1589 1781 2070 2552 48.15
13.5 1375 1475 1575 1675 1875 2175 2675 50.00
H4.0 1452 1556 1659 1763 1970 2281 2800 5M85
m.5 1531 1638 1745 1853 2068 2390 2927 53.70
15.0 161 1 1722 1833 1944 2167 2500 3056 55.56
15.5 1694 1808 1923 2038 2268 2612 3186 57.41
16.0 1778 1896 2015 2133 2370 2726 3319 59.26
16.5 1864 1986 2108 2231 2475 2842 3453 6MM
17.0 1952 2078 2204 2330 2581 2959 3589 62.96
17.5 2042 2171 2301 2431 2690 3079 3727 64.82
18.0 2133 2267 2400 2533 2800 3200 3867 66.67
18.5 2227 2364 2501 2638 2912 3323 4008 68.52
19.0 2322 2463 2604 2744 3026 344e 4152 70.37
19.5 241 9 2564 2708 2853 3142 3575 4297 72.22
20 2519 2667 2815 2963 3259 3704 4444 74.07
21 2722 2878 3033 3189 3500 3967 4744 77.78
22 2933 3096 3259 3422 3748 4237 5052 81.118
23 3152 3322 3493 3663 4004 4515 5367 85.19
24 3378 3556 3733 391 1 4267 4800 5689 88.89
25 361 1 3796 3981 4167 4537 5093 6019 92.59
26 3852 4044 4237 4430 4815 5393 6356 96.30
27 moo 4300 4500 4700 5100 5700 6700 100.00
28 4356 4563 4770 4978 5393 6015 7052 103.70
29 4619 4833 5048 5263 5693 6337 741 1 107.41
30 4889 511 1 5333 5556 6000 6667 7778 M \ . 1 1

31 5167 5396 5626 5856 6315 7004 8152 1 14.81

32 5452 5689 5926 6163 6637 7348 8533 118.52
33 5744 5989 6233 6478 6967 7700 8922 122.22
34 6044 6296 6548 6800 7304 8059 9319 125.93.
35 6352 6611 6870 7130 7648 8426 9722 129.63
36 6667 6933 7200 7467 8000 8800 10133 133.33
37 6989 7263 7537 781 1 8359 9181 10552 137.04
38 7319 7600 7881 8163 8726 9570 10978 140.74
39 7656 7944 8233 8522 9100 9967 M4M 144.44
140 8000 8296 8593 8889 9481 10370 M852 148.15




14 16 18 20 24 30 40 ADDED BASE

0.5 27 31 35 38 46 57 75 1.85
1.0 57 65 72 80 94 117 154 3.70
1.5 90 101 113 124 146 179 235 5.56
2.0 126 141 156 170 200 244 319 7.41
2.5 164 183 201 220 257 313 405 9-. 26
3.0 206 228 250 272 317 383 494 11.11
3.5 250 275 301 327 379 457 587 12.96
u.o 296 32 6 356 385 444 533 681 14.81
4.5 346 379 413 446 513 613 779 16.67
5.0 398 435 472 509 583 694 880 18.52
5.5 1453 494 535 575 657 779 983 20.37
6.0 511 556 600 644 733 867 1089 22.22
6.5 572 620 668 716 813 957 1198 24.07
7.0 635 687 739 791 894 1050 1309 25.93
7.5 701 757 813 868 979 1 146 1424 27.78
8.0 770 830 889 948 1067 1244 1541 29.63
8.5 841 905 968 1031 1157 1346 1661 31.48
9.0 917 983 1050 1 171 1250 1450 1783 33.33
9.5 994 1064 1135 1205 1346 1557 1909 35.18
10.0 1074 1148 1222 1296 1444 1667 2037 37.04
10.5 1157 1235 1313 1390 1546 1779 2168 38.89
II. 1243 1324 1406 1487 1650 1894 2302 40.74
11.5 1331 1416 1501 1587 1757 2013 2438 42.59
12.0 1422 1511 1600 1689 1867 2133 2578 44.44
12.5 1516 1609 1701 1794 1979 2257 2720 46.30
13.0 1613 1709 1806 1902 2094 2383 2865 48.15
13.5 1713 1813 1913 2013 2213 2513 3013 50.00
IU.0 1815 1919 2022 2126 2333 2644 3163 51.85
m.5 1920 2027 2135 2242 2457 2779 3316 53.70
15.0 2028 2139 2250 2361 2583 2917 3472 55.56
15.5 2138 2253 2368 2483 2713 3057 3631 57.41
16.0 2252 2370 2489 2607 2844 3200 3793 59.26
16.5 2368 2490 2613 2735 2979 3346 3957 61.11
17.0 2487 2613 2739 2865 31 17 3494 4124 62.96
17.5 2609 2738 2868 2998 3257 3646 4294 64.82
18.0 2733 2867 3000 3133 3400 3800 4467 66.67
18.5 2861 2998 3135 3272 3546 3957 4642 68.52
19.0 2991 3131 3272 3413 3694 41 17 4820 70.37
19.5 3124 3268 3413 3557 3846 4279 5001 72.22
20 3259 3407 3556 3704 4000 4444 5185 74.07
21 3539 3694 3850 4006 4317 4783 5561 77.78
22 3830 3993 4156 4319 4644 5133 5948 81.48
23 4131 4302 4472 4643 4983 5494 6346 85.19
214 4444 4622 4800 4978 5333 5867 6756 88.89
25 4769 4954 5139 5324 5694 6250 7176 92.59
26 5104 5296 5489 5681 6067 6644 7607 96.30
27 5450 5650 5850 6050 6450 7050 8050 100.00
28 5807 6015 6222 6430 6844 7467 8504 103.70
29 6176 6391 6606 6820 7250 7894 8969 107.41
30 6556 6778 7000 7222 7667 8333 9444 1 1 1 . 1 1

31 6946 7176 7406 7635 8094 8783 9931 114.81

32 7348 7585 7822 8059 8533 9244 10430 118.52
33 7761 8006 8250 8494 8983 9717 10939 122.22
34 8185 8437 8689 8941 9444 10200 11459 125.93
35 8620 8880 9139 9398 9917 10694 II 991 129.63
36 9067 9333 9600 9867 10400 11200 12533 133.33
37 9524 9798 10072 10346 10894 11717 13087 137.04
38 9993 10274 10556 10837 11400 12244 13652 140.74
39 10472 10761 11050 11339 11917 12783 14228 144.44
UO 10963 11259 11556 11852 12444 13333 14815 148.15




14 16 18 20 24 30 40 ADDED BASE

0.5 28 31 35 39 46 57 76 1.85
1.0 59 67 74 81 96 119 156 3.70
1.5 94 106 1 17 128 150 183 239 5.56
2.0 133 148 163 178 207 252 326 7.41
2.5 176 194 213 231 269 324 417 9.26
3.0 222 244 267 289 333 400 511 11.11
3.5 272 298 324 350 402 480 609 12.96
4.0 326 356 385 415 474 563 711 14.81
4.5 383 417 450 483 550 650 817 16.67
5.0 444 481 519 556 630 741 926 18.52
5.5 509 550 591 631 714 835 1039 20.37
6.0 578 622 667 711 800 933 1 156 22.22
6.5 650 698 746 794 891 1035 1276 24.07
7.0 726 778 830 881 985 1 141 1400 25.93
7.5 806 861 917 972 1083 1250 1528 27.78
8.0 889 948 1007 1067 1185 1363 1659 29.63
8.5 976 1039 1102 1165 1291 1480 1794 31 .48
9.0 1067 1133 1200 1267 1400 1600 1933 33.33
9.5 1161 1231 1302 1372 1513 1724 2076 35.18
10.0 1259 1333 1407 1481 1630 1852 2222 37.04
10.5 1361 1439 1517 1594 1750 1983 2372 38.89
II. 1467 1548 1630 171 1 1874 21 19 2526 40.74
11.5 1576 1661 1746 1831 2002 2257 2683 42.59
12.0 1689 1778 1867 1956 2133 2400 2844 44.44
12.5 1806 1898 1991 2083 2269 2546 3009 46.30
13.0 1926 2022 2119 2215 2407 2696 3178 48.15
13.5 2050 2150 2250 2350 2550 2850 3350 50.00
14.0 2178 2281 2385 2489 2696 3007 3526 51 .85
m.5 2309 2417 2524 2631 2846 3169 3706 53.70
15.0 2444 2556 2667 2778 3000 3333 3889 55.56
15.5 2583 2693 2813 2928 3157 3502 4076 57.41
16.0 2726 2844 2963 3081 3319 3674 4267 59.26
16.5 2872 2994 31 17 3239 3483 3850 4461 61.11
17.0 3022 3148 3274 3400 3652 4030 4659 62.96
17.5 3176 3306 3435 3565 3824 4213 4861 64.82
18.0 3333 3467 3600 3733 4000 4400 5067 66.67
18.5 3494 3631 3769 3906 4180 4591 5276 68.52
19.0 3659 3800 3941 4081 4363 4785 5489 70.37
19.5 3828 3972 41 17 4261 4550 4983 5706 72.22
20 4000 4148 4296 4444 4741 5185 5926 74.07
21 4356 451 1 4667 4822 5133 5600 6378 77.78
22 4730 4889 5052 5215 5541 6030 6844 81.48
23 51 1 1 5281 5452 5622 5963 6474 7326 85.19
24 551 1 5689 5867 6044 6400 6933 7822 88.89
25 5926 61 1 1 6296 6481 6852 7407 8333 92.59
26 6356 6548 6741 6933 7319 7896 8859 96.30
27 6800 7000 7200 7400 7800 8400 9400 100.00
28 7259 7467 7674 7881 8296 8919 9956 103.70
29 7733 7948 8163 8378 8807 9452 10526 107.41
30 8222 8444 8667 8889 9333 10000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I.I 1

31 8726 8956 9185 9415 9874 10563 1 171 1 1 14.81

32 9244 9481 9719 9956 10430 1 1 141 12326 118.52
33 9778 10022 10267 1051 1 1 1000 11733 12956 122.22
3U 10326 10578 10830 11081 1 1585 12341 13600 125.93
35 10889 11148 11407 11667 12185 12963 U259 129.63
36 11467 11733 12000 12267 12800 13600 14933 133.33
37 12059 12333 12607 12881 13430 14252 15622 137.04
38 12667 12948 13230 1351 1 14074 14919 16326 140.74
39 13289 13578 13867 14156 14733 15600 17044 144.44
40 13926 14222 14519 14815 15407 16296 17778 148.15




14 16 18 20 24 30 40 ADDED BASE

0.5 29 32 36 40 47 58 77 1.85
1.0 63 70 78 85 100 122 159 3.70
1.5 103 114 125 136 158 192 247 5.56
2.0 148 163 178 193 222 267 341 7.41
2.5 199 218 236 255 292 347 440 9.26
3.0 256 278 300 322 367 433 544 11.11
3.5 318 344 369 395 447 525 655 12.96
4.0 385 415 444 474 533 622 770 14.81
4.5 458 492 525 558 625 725 892 16.67
5.0 537 574 61 1 648 722 833 1019 18.52
5.5 621 662 703 744 825 947 1151 20.37
6.0 711 756 800 844 933 1067 1289 22.22
6.5 806 855 903 951 1047 1192 1432 24.07
7.0 907 959 101 1 1063 1167 1322 1581 25.93
7.5 iom 1069 1125 1181 1292 1458 1736 27.78
8.0 1126 1185 1244 1304 1422 1600 1896 29.63
8.5 1244 1306 1369 1432 1558 1747 2062 31.48
9.0 1367 1433 1500 1567 1700 1900 2233 33.33
9.5 1495 1566 1636 1706 1847 2058 2410 35.18
10.0 1630 1704 1778 1852 2000 2222 2593 37.04
10.5 1769 1847 1925 2003 2158 2392 2781 38.89
II. 1915 1996 2078 2159 2322 2567 2974 40.74
11.5 2066 2150 2236 2321 2492 2747 3173 42.59
12.0 2222 231 1 2400 2489 2667 2933 3378 44.44
12.5 2384 2477 2569 2662 2847 3125 3588 46.30
13.0 2552 2648 2744 2841 3033 3322 3804 48.15
13.5 2725 2825 2925 3025 3225 3525 4025 50.00
m.o 2904 3007 31 1 1 3215 3422 3733 4252 51 .85
IU.5 3088 3195 3303 3410 3625 3947 4484 53.70
15.0 3278 3389 3500 3611 3833 4167 4722 55.56
15.5 3473 3588 3703 3818 4047 4392 4966 57.41
16.0 3674 3793 391 1 4030 4267 4622 5215 59.26
16.5 3881 4003 4125 4247 4492 4858 5469 61.11
17.0 4093 4219 4344 4470 4722 5100 5730 62.96
17.5 4310 4440 4569 4699 4958 5347 5995 64.82
18.0 4533 4667 4800 4933 5200 5600 6267 66.67
18.5 4762 4899 5036 5173 5447 5858 6544 68.52
19.0 4996 5137 5278 5419 5700 6122 6826 70.37
19.5 5236 5381 5525 5669 5958 6392 71 14 72.22
20 5481 5630 5778 5926 6222 6667 7407 74.07
21 5989 6144 6300 6456 6767 7233 801 1 77.78
22 6519 6681 6844 7007 7333 7822 8637 81 .48
23 7070 7241 741 1 7581 7922 8433 9285 85.19
24 7644 7822 8000 8178 8533 9067 9956 88.89
25 8241 8426 861 1 8796 9167 9722 10648 92.59
26 8859 9052 9244 9437 9822 10400 11363 96.30
27 9500 9700 9900 10100 10500 II100 12100 100.00
28 10163 10370 10578 10785 11200 11822 12859 103.70
29 10848 11063 11278 11493 11922 12567 13641 107.41
30 11556 11778 12000 12222 12667 13333 14444 1 1 1. 1 1

31 12285 12515 12744 12974 13433 14122 15270 1 14.81

32 13037 13274 1351 1 13748 14222 14933 16119 118.52
33 13811 14056 14300 14544 15033 15767 16989 122.22
34 14607 14859 151 II 15363 15867 16622 17881 125.93
35 15426 15685 15944 16204 16722 17500 18796 129.63
36 16267 16533 16800 17067 17600 18400 19733 133.33
37 17130 17404 17678 17952 18500 19322 20693 137.04
38 18015 18296 18578 18859 19422 20267 21674 140.74
39 18922 1921 1 19500 19789 20367 21233 22678 144.44
MO 19852 20148 20444 20741 2 333
1 22222 23704 148.15
- 484

The coefficients in the tables on the opposite page provide a

rapid method of correcting the level-section quantities of
Table XVII for transverse ground slopes.

6, ,sd t G
From the figure, di +sc+
2 Too

or dv (1)

+ SC
Similarly, dr = (2)
1 + 100
From equation 6-3, the area of the level section is Al =
c(b+cs). On a transverse slope, the level-section area is in-
creased by one triangular area and decreased by another, as
shown by the cross-hatched areas in the figure. The resulting
net area A is

which reduces to
A=AL+ ioG +sc di -d (3)
)( ')

When equations 1 and 2 are substituted in equation 3, the

net area A reduces to
A=Al+ (c+a (4)
= level-section yardage+C( c+«r Y
/ 6
Cr Cu yd per 100 ft I




b 4:1 i: 1 1:1 14:1 2: 1 3:1

m 28 14 7 4.67 3.50 2.33

16 32 16 8 5.33 4 2.67
18 36 18 9 6 14.50 3
20 140 20 10 6.67 5 3.33
24 48 24 12 8 6 4
30 6u 30 15 10 7.5 5
40 80 no 20 13.3 10 6.67
50 100 50 25 16.7 12.5 8.33
60 120 60 30 20 15 10




G 4: 1 i:l 1: 1 li:l 2: 1 3: 1

5% 0.0001 0.0012 0.0093 0.0313 0.0748 0.2558

10% 0.0006 0.0046 0.0374 0.1278 0.3086 1.099
15% 0.0013 0.0105 0.0852 0.2962 0.7325 3.821
20% 0.0023 0.0187 0. 1543 0.5494 1.41 1 6.250
25% 0.0036 0.02914 0.2U69 0.9090 2.469 14.29
30% 0.0052 0.0426 0.3663 1.41 1 4. 167 47.37
35% 0.0071 0.0585 0.5170 2.1 13 7. 1 17
40% 0.0093 0.0771 0.7054 3. 125 13.17
45% 0.01 19 0.0988 0.9405 4.650 31.58
50% O.OH47 0. 1234 1.235 7. 143
60% 0.0213 0.1831 2.083 23.68
70% 0.0292 0.2585 3.557
80% 0.0386 0.3526 6.584
90% 0.0494 0.M702 15.79
100% 0.0617 0.6172

where c
Example. Given: a cross section on a uniform transverse
ground slope G of 20%. Other data are: base b = 30 ft; center
fill c=15 ft; side
cut or slope ratio s = l£:l.
From Table XVII,
Level-section quantity =2917 cu yd per sta.
From Tables XVII. -A and XVII.-B,
Correction for slope =
(15+ 10) (0.5494) 2
= _343 cu yd per sta.
Yardage corrected for slope = 3260 cu yd per sta.


WIDTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0.1 0.09 0.19 0.28 0.37 0.46 0.56 0.65 0.74 0.83
.2 0.19 0.37 0.56 0.74 0.93 1. 1 1 1.30 1.48 1.67
.3 0.28 0.56 0.83 I.I 1 1.39 1.67 1.94 2.22 2.50
.4 0.37 0.714 I.I 1 1 .48 1.85 2.22 2.59 2.96 3.33
0.5 0.46 0.93 1.39 1.85 2.31 2.78 3.24 3.70 4.17
.6 0.56 I.I 1 1.67 2.22 2.78 3.33 3.89 4.44 5.00
.7 0.65 1.30 1.94 2.59 3.24 3.89 4.54 5.19 5.83
.8 0.7U 1.48 2.22 2.96 3.70 4.44 5.19 5.93 6.67
.9 0.83 1.67 2.50 3.33 4.17 5.00 5.83 6.67 7.50
1.0 0.93 1.85 2.78 3.70 4.63 5.56 6.48 7.41 8.33
.1 1.02 2.04 3.06 4.07 5.09 6.1 1 7. 13 8.15 9.17
.2 I.I 1 2.22 3.33 4.44 5.56 6.67 7.78 8.89 10.00
.3 1.20 2.41 3.61 4.81 6.02 7.22 8.43 9.63 10.83
.4 1.30 2.59 3.89 5.19 6.48 7.78 9.07 10.37 11.67
1.5 1.39 2.78 4.17 5.56 6.94 8.33 9.72 11.11 12.50
.6 I.U8 2.96 4.44 5.93 7.41 8.89 10.37 11.85 13.33
.7 1.57 3.15 4.72 6.30 7.87 9.44 11.02 12.59 14.17
.8 1.67 3.33 5.00 6.67 8.33 10.00 11.67 13.33 15.00
.9 1.76 3.52 5.28 7.04 8.80 10.56 12.31 14.07 15.83
2.0 1.85 3.70 5.56 7.41 9.26 11.11 12.96 14.81 16.67
.1 I.9U 3.89 5.83 7.78 9.72 11.67 13.61 15.56 17.50
.2 2.04 14.07 6.11 8.15 10.19 12.22 14.26 16.30 18.33
.3 2.13 4.26 6.39 8.52 10.65 12.78 14.91 17.04 19.17
.4 2.22 4.44 6.67 8.89 11.11 13.33 15.56 17.78 20.00
2.5 2.31 4.63 6.94 9.26 11.57 13.89 16.20 18.52 20.83
.6 2. HI 4.81 7.22 9.63 12.04 14.44 16.85 19.26 21.67
.7 2.50 5.00 7.50 10.00 12.50 15.00 17.50 20.00 22.50
.8 2.59 5.19 7.78 10.37 12.96 15.56 18.15 20.74 23.33
.9 2.69 5.37 8.06 10.74 13.43 16.11 18.80 21.48 24.17
3.0 2.78 5.56 8.33 11.11 13.89 16.67 19.44 22.22 25.00
. 1 2.87 5.74 8.61 11.48 14.35 17.22 20.09 22.96 25.83
.2 2.96 5.93 8.89 11.85 14.81 17.78 20.74 23.70 26.67
.3 3.06 6.1 1 9.17 12.22 15.28 18.33 21.39 24.44 27.50
.4 3.15 6.30 9.44 12.59 15.74 18.89 22.04 25.19 28.33
3.5 3. 24 6.U8 9.72 12.96 16.20 19.44 22.69 25.93 29. 17
.6 3.33 6.67 10.00 13.33 16.67 20.00 23.33 26.67 30.00
.7 3.U3 6.85 10.28 13.70 17.13 20.56 23.98 27.41 30.83
.8 3.52 7. 04 10.56 14.07 17.59 21.1 1 24.63 28.15 31.67
.9 3.61 7.22 10.83 14.44 18.06 21.67 25.28 28.89 32.50
U.O 3.70 7. 141 11.11 14.81 18.52 22.22 25.93 29.63 33.33
. | 3.80 7.59 11.39 15.19 19.98 22.78 26.57 30.37 34.17
.2 3.89 7.78 11.67 15.56 19.44 23.33 27.22 31.1 1 35.00
.3 3.98 7.96 11.94 15.93 19.91 23.89 27.87 31.85 35.83
.4 U.07 8.15 12.22 16.30 20.37 24.44 28.52 32.59 36.67
U. U.I7 8.33 12.50 16.67 20.83 25.00 29.17 33.33 37.50
.6 U.26 8.52 12.78 17.04 21 .30 25.56 29.81 34.07 38.33
.7 U.35 8.70 13.06 17.41 21.76 26.11 30.46 34.81 39.17
.8 4.44 8.89 13.33 17.78 22.22 26.67 31.1 1 35.56 40.00
.9 U.514 9.07 13.61 18.15 22.69 27.22 31.76 36.30 40.83
5.0 U.63 9.26 13.89 18.52 23.15 27.78 32.41 37.04 41.67
14.72 9.1414 14. 17 18.89 23.61 28.33 33.06 37.78 42.50
U.8I 9.63 14.44 19.26 24.07 28.89 33.70 38.52 43.33
.3 U.9I 9.81 14.72 19.63 24.54 29.44 34.35 39.26 44.17
.14 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00
5.5 5.09 10.19 15.28 20.37 25.46 30.56 35.65 40.74 45.83
.6 5.19 10.37 15.56 20.74 25.93 31.11 36.30 41 .48 46.67
.7 5.28 10.56 15.83 21.11 26.39 31 .67 36.94 42.22 47.50
.8 5.37 10.74 16.1 1 21.48 26.85 32.22 37.59 42.96 4e.33
.9 5.146 10.93 16.39 21.85 27.31 32.78 38.24 43.70 49.17


WIDTH 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9

6.0 5.56 11.11 16.67 22.22 27.78 33.33 38.89 44.44 50.00
. 1 5.65 11.30 16.94 22.59 28.24 33.89 39.54 45.19 50.83
.2 5. 7U 1 1 .1*8 17.22 22.96 28.70 34.44 40.19 45.93 51.67
.3 5.83 1 1.67 17.50 23.33 29.17 35.00 40.83 46.67 52.50
.14 5.93 11.85 17.78 23.70 29.63 35.56 41.48 47.41 53.33
6.5 6.02 12. OU 18.06 24.07 30.09 36.11 42.13 48.15 54.17
.6 6.11 12.22 18.33 24.44 30.56 36.67 42.78 48.89 55.00
.7 6.20 12. m 18.61 24.81 31.02 37.22 43.43 49.63 55.83
.8 6.30 12.59 18.89 25.19 31 .48 37.78 44.07 50.37 56.67
.9 6.39 12.78 19.17 25.56 31.94 38.33 44.72 51 .1 1 57.50
7.0 6.48 12.96 19.44 25.93 32.41 38.89 45.37 51.85 58.33
. 1 6.57 13.15 19.72 26.30 32.87 39.44 46.02 52.59 59.17
.2 6.67 13.33 20.00 26.67 33.33 40.00 46.67 53.33 60.00
.3 6.76 13.52 20.28 27.04 33.80 40.56 47.31 54.07 60.83
.M 6.85 13.70 20.56 27.41 34.26 41.1 1 47.96 54.81 61.67
7.5 6.94 13.89 20.83 27.78 34.72 41.67 48.61 55.56 62.50
.6 7.0M 14.07 21.1 1 28.15 35.19 42.22 49.26 56.30 63.33
.7 7.13 14.26 21.39 28.52 35.65 42.78 49.91 57.04 64.17
.8 7.22 14.44 21 .67 28.89 36.1 1 43.33 50.56 57.78 65.00
.9 7.31 14.63 21.94 29.26 36.57 43.89 51.20 58.52 65.83
8.0 7.141 14.81 22.22 29.63 37.04 44.44 51.85 59.26 66.67
. I 7.50 15.00 22.50 30.00 37.50 45.00 52.50 60.00 67.50
.2 7.59 15.19 22.78 30.37 37.96 45.56 53.15 60.74 68.33
.3 7.69 15.37 23.06 30.74 38.43 46.1 1 53.80 61.48 69.17
.4 7.78 15.56 23.33 31.1 1 38.89 46.67 54.44 62.22 70.00
8.5 7.87 15.74 23.61 31.48 39.35 47.22 55.09 62.96 70.83
.6 7.96 15.93 23.89 31.85 39.81 47.78 55.74 63.70 71 .67
.7 8.06 16.1 1 24.17 32.22 40.28 48.33 56.39 64.44 72.50
.8 8.15 16.30 24.44 32.59 40.74 48.89 57.04 65.19 73.33
.9 8.24 16.48 24.72 32.96 41.20 49.44 57.69 65.93 74.17
9.0 8.33 16.67 25.00 33.33 41.67 50.00 58.33 66.67 75.00
. 1 8. 43 16.85 25.28 33.70 42. 13 50.56 58.98 67.41 75.83
.2 8.52 17.04 25.56 34.07 42.59 51 .1 1 59.63 68.15 76.67
.3 8.61 17.22 25.83 34.44 43.06 51.67 60.28 68.89 77.50
.14 8.70 17.41 26.11 34.81 43.52 52.22 60.93 69.63 78.33
9.5 8.80 17.59 26.39 35.19 43.98 52.78 61.57 70.37 79.17
.6 8.89 17.78 26.67 35.56 44.44 53.33 62.22 71 .1 1 80.00
.7 8.98 17.96 26.94 35.93 44.91 53.89 62.87 71.85 80.83
.8 9.07 18. 15 27.22 36.30 45.37 54.44 63.52 72.59 81.67
.9 9.17 18.33 27.50 36.67 45.83 55.00 64.17 73.33 82.50
10.0 9.26 18.52 27.78 37.04 46.30 55.56 64.81 74.07 83.33
. 1 9.35 18.70 28.06 37.41 46.76 56.1 1 65.46 74.81 84. 17
.2 9.44 18.89 28.33 37.78 47.22 56.67 66.1 1 75.56 85.00
.3 9.54 19.07 28.61 38.15 47.69 57.22 66.76 76.30 85.83
.U 9.63 19.26 28.89 38.52 48. 15 57.78 67.41 77.04 86.67
10.5 9.72 19.44 29. 17 38.89 48.61 58.33 68.06 77.78 87.50
.6 9.81 19.63 29.44 39.26 49.07 58.89 68.70 78.52 88.33
.7 9.91 19.81 29.72 39.63 49.54 59.44 69.35 79.26 89.17
.8 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00
.9 10.09 20.19 30.28 40.37 50.46 60.56 70.65 80.74 90.83
1 1.0 10.19 20.37 30.56 40.74 50.93 61.11 71.30 81.48 91.67
.1 10.28 20.56 30.83 41.11 51.39 61.67 71.94 82.22 92.50
.2 10.37 20.74 31 . II 41 .48 51.85 62.22 72.59 82.96 93.33
.3 10.06 20.93 31.39 41 .85 52.31 62.78 73.24 83.70 94.17
.4 10.56 21.11 31.67 42.22 52.78 63.33 73.89 84.44 95.00
11.5 10.65 21.30 31.94 42.59 53.24 63.89 74.54 85.19 95.83
.6 10.714 21.48 32.22 '42 . 96 53.70 64.44 75.19 85.93 96.67
.7 10.83 21.67 32.50 43.33 54. 17 65.00 75.83 86.67 97.50
.8 10.93 21.85 32.78 43.70 54.63 65.56 76.48 €7.41 98.33
9 1 1 .02 22.04 33.06 44.07 55.09 66.1 1 77.13 88.15 99.17
l -


WIDTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

12.0 11.11 22.22 33.33 44.44 55.56 66.67 77.78 88.89 100.00
.1 11.20 22. m 33.61 44.81 56.02 67.22 78.43 89.63 100.83
.2 11.30 22.59 33.89 45. 19 56.48 67.78 79.07 90.37 101.67
.3 11.39 22.78 34.17 45.56 56.94 68.33 79.72 91.11 102.50
.4 11.18 22.96 34.44 45.93 57.41 68.89 80.37 91.85 103.33
12.5 11.57 23.15 34.72 46.30 57.87 69.44 81.02 92.59 104.17
.6 11.67 23.33 35.00 46.67 58.33 70.00 81.67 93.33 105.00
.7 1 1.76 23.52 35.28 47.04 58.80 70.56 82.31 94.07 105.83
.8 i 1.85 23.70 35.56 47.41 59.26 71.11 82.96 94.81 106.67
.9 11.94 23.89 35.83 47.78 59.72 71.67 83.61 95.56 107.50
13.0 12.04 24.07 36.11 48.15 60.19 72.22 84.26 96.30 108.33
.1 12.13 24.26 36.39 48.52 60.65 72.78 84.91 97.04 109.17
.2 12.22 24.44 36.67 48.89 61.1 1 73.33 85.56 97.78 110.00
.3 12.31 24.63 36.94 49.26 61.57 73.89 86.20 98.52 110.83
.4 12.41 24.81 37.22 49.63 62.04 74.44 86.85 99.26 1II .67

13.5 12.50 25.00 37.50 50.00 62.50 75.00 87.50 100.00 112.50
.6 12.59 25.19 37.78 50.37 62.96 75.56 88.15 100.74 113.33
.7 12.69 25.37 38.06 50.74 63.43 76.1 1 88.80 101.48 1 14. 17
.8 12.78 25.56 38.33 51.11 53.89 76.67 89.44 102.22 115.00
.9 12.87 25.74 38.61 51.48 64.35 77.22 90.09 102.96 115.83
IU.0 12.96 25.93 38.89 51.85 64.81 77.78 90.74 103.70 116.67
.1 13.06 26. 1 1 39.17 52.22 65.28 78.33 91.39 104.44 117.50
.2 13.15 26.30 39. 44 52.59 65.74 78.89 92.04 105.19 118.33
.3 13.24 26.48 39.72 52.96 66.20 79.44 92.69 105.93 119.17
.4 13.33 26.67 40.00 53.33 66.67 80.00 93.33 106.67 120.00
IU.5 13.43 26.85 40.28 53.70 67. 13 80.56 93.98 107.41 120.83
.6 13.52 27.04 40.56 54.07 67.59 81.1 1 94.63 108.15 121.67
.7 13.61 27.22 40.83 54.44 68.06 81 .67 95.28 108.89 122.50
.8 13.70 27.41 41.1 1 54.81 68.52 82.22 95.93 109.63 123.33
..9 13.80 27.59 41.39 55.19 68.98 82.78 96.57 110.37 124.17
15.0 13.89 27.78 41.67 55.56 69.44 83.33 97.22 II I.I 1 125.00
.1 13.98 27.96 41.94 55.93 69.91 83.89 97.87 111.85 125.83
.2 14.07 28.15 42.22 56.30 70.37 84.44 98.52 112.59 126.67
.3 14.17 28.33 U2.50 56.67 70.83 85.00 99.17 113.33 127.50
.4 14.26 28.52 42.78 57.04 71.30 85.56 99.81 114.07 128.33
15.5 14.35 28.70 43.06 57.41 71.76 86.11 100.46 1 14.81 129.17
.6 14.44 28.89 43.33 57.78 72.22 86.67 101. 1 1 15.56 130.00
.7 14.54 29.07 43.61 58.15 72.69 87.22 101.76 1 16.30 130.83
.8 14.63 29.26 43.89 58.52 73.15 87.78 102 4 . 1 17.04 131.67
.9 14.72 29.44 44.17 58.89 73.61 88.33 103.06 1 17.78 132.50
16.0 14.81 29.63 44.44 59.26 74.07 88.89 103.70 118.52 133.33
. 1 14.91 29.81 44.72 59.63 74.54 89.44 104.35 119.25 134.17
.2 15.00 30.00 45.00 60.00 75.00 90.00 105.00 120.00 135.00
.3 15.09 30.19 45.28 60.37 75.46 90.56 105.65 120.74 135.83
.u 15.19 30.37 45.56 60.74 75.93 91. 1 1 106.30 121.48 136.67
16.5 15.28 30.56 45.83 61.11 76.39 91.67 106.94 122.22 137.50
.6 15.37 30.74 46.1 1 61 .48 76.85 92.22 107.59 122.96 138.33
.7 15.46 30.93 46.39 61.85 77.31 92.78 108.24 123.70 139.17
.8 15.56 31.11 46.67 62.22 77.78 93.33 108.89 124.44 140.00
.9 15.65 31.30 46.94 62.59 78.24 93.89 109.54 125. 19 140.83
17.0 15.74 31.48 47.22 62.96 78.70 94.44 110.19 125.93 141.67
.1 15.83 31.67 47.50 63.33 79.17 95.00 110.83 126.67 142.50
.2 15.93 31.85 47.78 63.70 79.63 95.56 1.48
1 1 127.41 143.33
.3 16.02 32.04 48.06 64.07 80.09 96.1 1 12.13
1 128.15 144. 17
.4 16.1 1 32.22 48.33 64.44 80.56 96.67 112.78 128.89 145.00
17.5 16.20 32.41 48.61 64.81 81 .02 97.22 113.43 129.63 145.83
.6 16.30 32.59 U8.89 65.19 81.48 97.78 114.07 130.37 146.67
.7 16.39 32.78 49.17 65.56 81 .94 98.33 14.72
1 131.11 147.50
.8 16.48 32.96 49.44 65.93 82.41 98.89 115.37 131.85 148.33
.9 16.57 33.15 49.72 66.30 82.87 99.44 116.02 132.59 149.17
1 1 11



WIDTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

18.0 16.67 33.33 50.00 66.67 83.33 100.00 116.67 133.33 150.00
. 1 16.76 33.52 50.28 67.04 83.80 100.56 117.31 134.07 150.83
.2 16.85 33.70 50.56 67.41 84.26 101. 1 117.96 134.81 151.67
.3 I6.9U 33.89 50.83 67.78 84.72 101.67 1 18.61 135.56 152.50
.4 17.04 34.07 51.1 1 68.15 85.19 102.22 119.26 136.30 153.33
18.5 17.13 34.26 51.39 68.52 85.65 102.78 119.91 137.04 154.17
.6 17.22 34.44 51.67 68.89 86.1 1 103.33 120.56 137.78 155.00
.7 17.31 34.63 51 .94 69.26 86.57 103.89 121 .20 138.52 155.83
.8 17.41 34.81 52.22 69.63 87.04 104.44 121.85 139.26 156.67
.9 17.50 35.00 52.50 70.00 87.50 105.00 122.50 140.00 157.50
19.0 17.59 35.19 52.78 70.37 87.96 105.56 123.15 140.74 158.33
.1 17.69 35.37 53.06 70.74 88.43 106.11 123.80 141.48 159.17
.2 17.78 35.56 53.33 71.11 88.89 106.67 124.44 142.22 160.00
.3 17.87 35.74 53.61 71.48 89.35 107.22 125.09 142.96 160.83
.4 17.96 35.93 53.89 71.85 89.81 107.78 125.74 143.70 161.67
19.5 18.06 36.1 1 54.17 72.22 90.28 108.33 126.39 144.44 162.50
.6 18.15 36.30 54.44 72.59 90.74 108.89 127.04 145.19 163.33
.7 18.24 36.48 54.72 72.96 91.20 109.44 127.69 145.93 164. 17
.8 18.33 36.67 55.00 73.33 91.67 110.00 128.33 146.67 165.00
.9 18.43 36.85 55.28 73.70 92.13 110.56 128.98 147.41 165.83
20.0 18.52 37.04 55.56 74.07 92.59 1 1 1. 1 1 129.63 148.15 166.67
. 1 18.61 37.22 55.83 74.44 93.06 1 1 .67 1 130.28 148.89 167.50
.2 18.70 37.41 56. II 74.81 93.52 1 12.22 130.93 149.63 168.33
.3 18.80 37.59 56.39 75.19 93.98 1 12.78 131 .57 150.37 169.17
.H 18.89 37.78 56.67 75.56 94.44 1 13.33 132.22 151. 1 170.00
20.5 18.98 37.96 56.94 75.93 94.91 113.89 132.87 151.85 170.83
.6 19.07 38.15 57.22 76.30 95.37 114.44 133.52 152.59 171.67
.7 19.17 38.33 57.50 76.67 95.83 I15.00 134.17 153.33 172.50
.8 19.26 38.52 57.78 77.04 96.30 115.56 134.81 154.07 173.33
.9 19.35 38.70 58.06 77.41 96.76 1 16.1 1 135.46 154.81 174.17
21.0 19.44 38.89 58.33 77.78 97.22 116.67 136.11 155.56 175.00
. | 19.54 39.07 58.61 78. 15 97.69 117.22 136.76 156.30 175.83
.2 19.63 39.26 58.89 78.52 98.15 117.78 137.41 157.04 176.67
.3 19.72 39.44 59.17 78.89 98.61 118.33 138.06 157.78 177 50 .

.4 19.81 39.63 59.44 79.26 99.07 118.89 138 70 . 158.52 178.33

21.5 19.91 39.81 59.72 79.63 99.54 119.44 139.35 159.26 179.17
.6 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 120.00 140.00 160.00 180.00
.7 20.09 40. 19 60.28 80.37 100.46 120.56 140.65 160.74 180.83
.8 20.19 40.37 60.56 80.74 100.93 121.11 141.30 16 48
1 . 181 .67
.9 20.28 40.56 60.83 81 .1 1 101.39 121.67 14 94
1 . 162.22 1 82 50 .

22.0 20.37 40.74 61.11 81.48 101 .85 122.22 142.59 162 96 . 183.33
. 1 20.46 40.93 61.39 81.85 102 3 . 122.78 143.24 163.70 184. 17
.2 20.56 41.11 61.67 82.22 102.78 123.33 143.89 164.44 185.00
.3 20.65 41.30 61.94 82.59 103.24 123.89 144 54 . 165.19 185.83
.4 20.74 41.48 62.22 82.96 103.70 124.44 145.19 165.93 186.67
22.5 20.83 41.67 62.50 83.33 104.17 125.00 145.83 166.67 187.50
.6 20.93 41 .85 62.78 83.70 104.63 125.56 146 48 . 167.41 188.33
.7 21.02 42.04 63.06 84.07 105.09 126.1 1 147.13 168.15 189.17
.8 21.11 42.22 63.33 84.44 105.56 126.67 147.78 168.89 190.00
.9 21.20 42.41 63.61 84.81 106.02 127.22 148.43 169.63 190.83
23.0 21.30 42.59 63.89 85.19 106.48 127.78 149.07 170.37 191 .67
. 1 21.39 42.78 64.17 85.56 106.94 128.33 149.72 171 .1 192.50
.2 21.48 42.96 64.414 85.93 107.41 128.89 150.37 171.85 193.33
.3 21.57 43. 15 64.72 86.30 107.87 129.44 151.02 172.59 194. 17
.4 21 .67 43.33 65.00 86.67 108.33 130.00 151.67 173.33 195.00
23.5 21 .76 43.52 65.28 87.04 108.80 130.56 152.31 174.07 195.83
.6 21.85 43.70 65.56 87.41 109.26 131.11 152 96 . 174.81 196.67
.7 21.94 43.89 65.83 87.78 109 72 . 131.67 153.61 175.56 197.50
.8 22.04 44.07 66.11 88.15 110.19 132.22 154.26 176.30 198.33
.9 22.13 44.26 66.39 88.52 110.65 132 78 . 154.91 177.04 199.17


WIDTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

24.0 22.22 44.44 66.67 88.89 II I.I 1 133.33 155.56 177.78 200.00
. | 22.31 44.63 66.94 89.26 1 11.57 133.89 156.20 178.52 200.83
.2 22. Ml 44.81 67.22 89.63 1 12.04 134.44 156.85 179.26 201.67
.3 22.50 45.00 67.50 90.00 1 12 50 . 135.00 157.50 180.00 202.50
.4 22.59 45.19 67.78 90.37 1 12 96 . 135.56 158.15 180.74 203.33
2U.5 22.69 45.37 68.06 90.74 113.43 136.1 158.80 181.48 204.17
.6 22.78 45.56 68.33 91.1 1 113.89 136.67 159.44 182.22 205.00
.7 22.87 45.74 68.61 91.48 114.35 137.22 160.09 182 96 . 205.83
.8 22.96 45.93 68.89 91.85 1 14.81 137.78 160.74 183.70 206.67
.9 23.06 46.1 1 69.17 92.22 1 15.28 138.33 161.39 184.44 207.50
25.0 23.15 46.30 69.44 92.59 115.74 138.89 162.04 185.19 208.33
.1 23.214 46.48 69.72 92.96 116.20 139.44 162.69 185.93 209.17
.2 23.33 46.67 70.00 93.33 116.67 140.00 163.33 186.67 210.00
.3 23. U3 46.85 70.28 93.70 117.13 140.56 163.98 187.41 210.83
.4 23.52 47.04 70.56 94.07 117.59 141.11 164.63 188.15 211.67
25.5 23.61 47.22 70.83 94.44 118.06 141.67 165.28 188.89 212.50
.6 23.70 47.41 71.11 94.81 118.52 142.22 165.93 189.63 213.33
.7 23.80 47.59 71.39 95.19 118.98 142.78 166.57 190.37 214.17
.8 23.89 47.78 71.67 95.56 119.44 143.33 167.22 191. 1 215.00
.9 23.98 47.96 71.94 95.93 1 19.91 143.89 167.87 191.85 215.83
26.0 24.07 48.15 72.22 96.30 120.37 144.44 168.52 192.59 216.67
I 2U.I7 48.33 72.50 96.67 120.83 145.00 169.17 193.33 217.50
.2 24.26 48.52 72.78 97.04 12 30 1 . 145.56 169.81 194.07 218.33
.3 24.35 48.70 73.06 97.41 12 76 1 . 146.1 1 170.46 194.81 219.17
.14 24.44 48.89 73.33 97.78 122.22 146.67 171 .1 195.56 220.00
26.5 214.514 49.07 73.61 98.15 122.69 147.22 171.76 196.30 220.83
.6 2M.63 49.26 73.89 98.52 123.15 147.78 172.41 197.04 221.67
.7 24.72 49.44 74.17 98.89 123.61 148.33 173.06 197.78 222.50
.8 24.81 49.63 74.44 99.26 124.07 148.89 173.70 198.52 223.33
.9 2U.9I 49.81 74.72 99.63 l'2454 . 149.44 174.35 199.26 224.17
27.0 25.00 50.00 75.00 100.00 125.00 150.00 175.00 200.00 225.00
.1 25.09 50.19 75.28 100.37 125.46 150.56 175.65 200.74 225.83
.2 25.19 50.37 75.56 100.74 125.93 151.11 176.30 201 .48 226.67
.3 25.28 50.56 75.83 101. 1 126.39 151.67 176.94 202.22 227.50
.M 25.37 50.74 76. 1 1 101.48 126.85 152.22 177.59 202 96 . 228.33
27.5 25. 146 50.93 76.39 101.85 127.31 152.78 178.24 203.70 229. 17
.6 25.56 51.11 76.67 102.22 127.78 153.33 178.89 204.44 230.00
.7 25.65 51.30 76.94 102.59 128.24 153.89 179.54 205. 19 230.83
.8 25. 714 51.48 77.22 102.96 128.70 154.44 180.19 205.93 231.67
.9 25.83 51.67 77.50 103.33 129.17 155.00 180.83 206.67 232.50
28.0 25.93 51.85 77.78 103.70 129.63 155.56 181.48 207.41 233.33
. 1 26.02 52.04 78.06 104.07 130.09 156.1 1 182 3 . 1 208. 15 234.17
.2 26.11 52.22 78.33 104.44 130.56 156.67 182 78 . 208.89 235.00
.3 26.20 52.41 78.61 104.81 131.02 157.22 183.43 209.63 235.83
.M 26.30 52.59 78.89 105.19 13 48 1 . 157.78 184.07 210.37 236.67
28.5 26.39 52.78 79.17 105.56 131.94 158.33 184.72 211.11 237.50
.6 26. 148 52.96 79. HU 105.93 132.41 158.89 185.37 211.85 238.33
.7 26.57 53. 15 79.72 106.30 132 87 . 159.44 186.02 2 1 2 . 59 239.17
.8 26.67 53.33 80.00 106.67 133.33 160.00 186.67 213.33 240.00
.9 26.76 53.52 80.28 107.04 133.80 160.56 187.31 214.07 240.83
29.0 26.85 53.70 80.56 107.41 134.26 161. 1 1 187.96 214.81 241.67
. | 26.94 53.89 80.83 107.78 134.72 161.67 188.61 215.56 242.50
.2 27.04 54.07 81.11 108.15 135.19 162.22 189.26 216.30 243.33.
.3 27.13 54.26 81.39 108.52 135.65 162.78 189.91 217.04 244.17
.4 27.22 54.44 81.67 108.89 136.11 163.33 190.56 217.78 245.00
29.5 27.31 54.63 81.94 109.26 136.57 163.89 191.20 218.52 245.83
.6 27.41 54.81 82.22 109.63 137.04 164.44 191.85 219.26 246.67
.7 27.50 55.00 82.50 110.00 137.50 165.00 192.50 220.00 247.50
.8 27.59 55.19 82.78 110.37 137.96 165.56 193.15 220.74 248.33
.9 27.69 55.37 83.06 110.74 138.43 166.11 193.80 221.48 249. 1? |
1 1 11 1



WIDTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

30.0 27.78 55.56 83.33 1 1 I.I 1 138.89 166.67 194.44 222.22 250.00
.1 27.87 55.74 83.61 1 48
1 1 . 139.35 167.22 195.09 222.96 250.83
.2 27.96 55.93 83.89 1 1.85
1 139.81 167.78 195.74 223.70 251.67
.3 28.06 56.1 1 84.17 112.22 140.28 168.33 196.39 224.44 252.50
.4 28.15 56.30 84.44 1.12.59 140.74 168.89 197.04 225.19 253.33
30.5 28. 2U 56.48 84.72 112.96 141.20 169.44 197.69 225.93 254.17
.6 28.33 56.67 85.00 113.33 141.67 170.00 198.33 226.67 255.00
.7 28. U3 56.85 85.28 113.70 142. 13 170.56 198.98 227.41 255.83
.8 28.52 57.04 95.56 114.07 142.59 171.11 199.63 228.15 256.67
.9 28.61 57.22 85.83 114.44 143 06. 171.67 200.28 228.89 257.50
31.0 28.70 57.41 86.11 1 14.81 143.52 172.22 200.93 229.63 258.33
.1 28.80 57.59 86.39 115.19 143.98 172.78 201.57 230.37 259.17
.2 28.89 57.78 86.67 115.56 144.44 173.33 202.22 231.1 1 260.00
.3 28.98 57.96 86.94 115.93 144.91 173.89 202.87 231.85 260.83
.14 29.07 58.15 87.22 116.30 145.37 174.44 203.52 232.59 261.67
31.5 29.17 58.33 87.50 116.67 145.83 175.00 204.17 233.33 262.50
.6 29.26 58.52 87.78 117.04 146.30 175.56 204.81 234.07 263.33
.7 29.35 58.70 88.06 1 17.41 146.76 176.11 205.46 234.81 264.17
.8 29.UU 58.89 88.33 1 17.78 147.22 176.67 206.1 235.56 265.00
.9 29. 5»4 59.07 88.61 1 18.15 147.69 177.22 206.76 236.30 265.83
32.0 29.63 59.26 88.89 118.52 148.15 177.78 207.41 237.04 266.67
.1 29.72 59.44 89.17 118.89 148.61 178.33 208.06 237.78 267.50
.2 29.81 59.63 89.44 119.26 149.07 178.89 208.70 238.52 268.33
.3 29.91 59.81 89.72 119.63 149.54 179.44 209.35 239.26 269.17
.M 30.00 60.00 90.00 120.00 150.00 180.00 210.00 240.00 270.00
32.5 30.09 60.19 90.28 120.37 150.46 180.56 210.65 240.74 270.83
.6 30.19 60.37 90.56 120.74 150.93 181 . 1 1 21 1.30 241 .U8 271.67
.7 30.28 60.56 90.83 121. 1 1 151.39 181.67 21 1.94 242.22 272.50
.8 30.37 60.74 91.1 1 12 48 1 . 151.85 182.22 212.59 242.96 273.33
.9 30.46 60.93 91.39 121.85 152.31 182.78 213.24 243.70 274.17
33.0 30.56 61 .1 1 91.67 122.22 152.78 183.33 213.89 244.44 275.00
.1 30.65 61.30 91.94 122.59 153.24 183.89 214.54 245.19 275.83
.2 30. 7M 61.48 92.22 122.96 153.70 184.44 215.19 245.93 276.67
.3 30.83 61.67 92.50 123.33 154.17 185.00 215.83 246.67 277.50
.14 30.93 61.85 92.78 123.70 154.63 185.56 216.48 247.41 278.33
33.5 31.02 62.04 93.06 124.07 155.09 186.1 217.13 248.15 279.17
.6 31.11 62.22 93.33 124.44 155.56 186.67 217.78 248.89 280.00
.7 31.20 62.41 93.61 124.81 156.02 187.22 218.43 249.63 280.83
.8 31.30 62.59 93.89 125.19 156.48 187 78 . 219.07 250.37 281 .67
.9 31.39 62.78 94.17 125.56 156 94. 188.33 219.72 251.11 282.50
3M.0 31.48 62.96 94.44 125.93 157.41 188.89 220.37 251 .85 283.33
. 1 31.57 63.15 94.72 126.30 157.87 189.44 221.02 252.59 284.17
.2 31 .67 63.33 95.00 126.67 158.33 190.00 221.67 253.33 285.00
.3 31.76 63.52 95.28 127.04 158.80 190.56 222.31 254.07 285.83
.14 31.85 63.70 95.56 127.41 159.26 191. 1 222.96 254.81 286.67
314.5 31.94 63.89 95.83 127.78 159.72 191.67 223.61 255.56 287.50
.6 32.04 64.07 96. II 128.15 160.19 192.22 224.26 256.30 288.33
.7 32.13 64.26 96.39 128.52 160.65 192 78 . 224.91 257.04 289.17
.8 32.22 64.44 96.67 128.89 161. 1 193.33 225.56 257.78 290.00
.9 32.31 64.63 96.94 129.26 161.57 193.89 226.20 258.52 290.83
35.0 32.41 64.81 97.22 129.63 162.04 194.44 226.85 259.26 291.67
.1 32.50 65.00 97.50 130.00 162 50
. 195.00 227.50 260.00 292.50
.2 32.59 65.19 97.78 130.37 162.96 195.56 228.15 260.74 293.33
.3 32.69 65.37 98.06 130.74 163.43 196.11 228.80 261 .48 294.17
.4 32.78 65.56 98.33 131. 1 163.89 196.67 229.44 262.22 295.00
35.5 32.87 65.74 98.61 131.48 164.35 197.22 230.09 262 96
. 295.83
.6 32.96 65.93 98.89 131.85 164.81 197.78 230.74 263.70 296.67
.7 33.06 66.1 1 99.17 132.22 165.28 198.33 231.39 264. U4 297.50
.8 33.15 66.30 99.44 132.59 165.74 198.89 232.04 265.19 298.33
.9 33.24 66.48 99.72 132.96 166.20 199.44 232.69 265.93 299.17


» :--

li.Z 33.33 56 6" X X 133.33 I

EE 6" 222 :: 2EE 61 322 22
. I 33. U3 55 E: :: ze 133.70 1
6". 3 2.: 36 23 3 3-E 267.- 222 E2
.2 33.52 67. CU :: :E I3U.07 ,
5" 22 2 3 23-. 63 268.15 301.67
.3 33.6! 57.22 :: E3 I3U.UU 1 ee 05 23 6" 235.26 2EE E2 502 X
.u 13. 71 67. Ul 101.11 i3u.8i ;
1 68.52 202 22 . 235.93 1E2 E3 323.33
36.5 :: k 67.59 101.39 135.19 M EE 2E 202.78 236.57 270.37 32-
.6 32 E2 67.78 : .67 35.56 59 -- 2:3.33 23". 22 271.11 305. 00
.7 2 3 22 5" Vz 1 1 . 9U .35.92 l E 2 2 233 Er 23" E" 2" E2 333 E3
E 3U.C7 6E : :: :: :E 33 70.37 23- -- 23E 52~ 2~2 32 3:6.6"
.2 3- ~ 68.33 :: -:: .36.67 1 70.83 2:5.0: 232 273.33 3:7.50
2". 2 5H.26 EE 22 102.76 3" n 71.30 22: 22 23 2 E >7U.C7
.i 3U.35 58 7C 3 3 >: 137. Ul 1 71.76 2EE 2-2 -E E 222
.2 3U.UU 56 B9 '.3.33 137.78 1 72.22 2 25 5" 2UI . I I 2: :E 310.00
.3 3U.5U 59 07 D3.6 3E : 72 69 25". 22 2UI.76 :•: 32 3 2.E2
.H 3U.63 59.25 :: 99 138.52 I 73.15 207.78 2U2.UI 31 1.67

37.5 I3U.72 69. UU on - 3E Er 73.61 ::e 33 2-3 :e 277.78 312.50

.6 38.81 59 53 IQU.UU 59.26 7U.07 222 Er 2-3 ~: 278 52 313.33
.7 38.91 69 E :- 72 59.63 7U.5U 2 3 3- -- 2- 35 22 2E 3!U. 17
.8 3-1 :: 7C :: .: :: luC.OO I
": X 2 2 2-5 :: 2E3 22 3 5 3 2

.9 3: 09 re g OS IE H0.37 75 -: 2 : 2-5.55 Y-/. -- 3 5.53

38.0 35.19 70.37 05 X IUC.7U '

1 75.93 211. 2H6 2 2 2E -E 3 E

3: 2E 7C.56
OS E3 IUI . 1 1 . 1 76.39 211, 2-E 2- 2e2.22 3 " 22
.2 3: 57 7C - 106.1 1 - -E "E E: 212 2-- 59 2E2 2E 3 5.33
.3 35. U6 -: :-3 X 59 IUI. 85 1 77.31 2 2 2-5.2- 283 7C 319.17
.U 35.56 71 . I i 106.67 -2.22 77.78 213.33 2-5.59 28U.UU 52c ::

38.5 35.65 " :-- IU2.59 7e.2U 213.89 2U9.5U :

5C DE 1 1 : 2 93
.6 3: "- 71 .US 07.22 -: :-e 78 7C 2 IU.UU : 5 2 : 285.93 32 67
.7 3: 52 "
67 01 5C IU3.33 I 79.17 : -:
X 25C 93 2EE 51 322.55
.8 3: 2 3 B5 01 78 -3 7C 79 E3 2 5 .55 25 .-= 2E7.UI 323.33
.9 35 :: 72 :- 08 :e 1 UU 07 . 1 e: 09 216.1 I 252.13 - E E : 32U.I7
39.0 I36.ll 72.22
108.33 IUU.UU 1 80.56 216. 51 252 78 _EE V, 22: 22
. I :
2C 2 - 06 B luu.Bi I
I 81.02 217. 22 253. -3 :
53 32: E3
.2 72 59 2 2 2 2 IU5.I9 ' I a ue 217. ~E 25- 07 2 3-2 57 32E 6"
.3 x 59 72 78 99 7 -: 35 81 .9U 218. 53 22- 72 29 .
22" 22
.U X -: 72 >-: 09 -- IU5.93 I 52.- 218. El 255 57 32E 23
39.5 :-: 5? "3 5 OS 72 -E X
E2 E" 219. -- ::: 02 292.59 3 2 2 "
.6 56.67 "3.33 : :: -e 93.33 222. 22 25t 67 223 33 322 22
.7 X ~z 73.52 1 10.28 IU7.0U 1 e: k 222. X 22" 2 2- 07
.8 M 95 73. 7C : a IU7.UI 1 1 E- 26 22 . 251 2E 12- E 23 E~
9 2E 2- 73.89 [
: IU7.78 ! 1 E- "1 221. 61 258 E 295 X 322.55
00. 57 . OK 7H.07 in. II IU6.I5 1 95 9 222. :: 259 2f 333.33"
. 51 : 7H -z 59 -E 52 95 65 222. 78 259 2 ?91 3 3-
.2 51 :: 7U.UU 1 11.67 ---
99 223. 33 3E3 :E 297.78 335.X
.3 3" 3 7U.63 2- U9 :• 9E 51 223. 99 : 2 2
.u 51 - 7U.8I 2.22 IU9.63 I 97. OH 22U. -- 26 85 3 3E 67
K 5 51 5C 75 DC : 5C X :: 91 :: 225. C _ 262 3 2 2 3 32" :2
.6 51 59 75.19 : ^e X 57 91 96 225. 35 25 3 22E 23
.7 51 69 75.37 1(3.06 X 7H EE -3 :: ;
U8 3 3 2
.8 37.78 75.56 2 53 151.11 i 22E. 122.22 2-2 2 2

.9 73 W M3.6I 15! .08 1 22 7 22 . 265. 2 22.26 2-2 E2

Ul .0 I" 9f 75.93 1 13.89 !

-\ 99 E 221
. I 3E 2 2 76.1 I 1 IU. 17 52.22 22E. 3 3 2EE 3 2 - 5U2 X
.2 56 5 1 IU.UU 225. 3-2 ::
.3 38. 2U 7€ -E 1 1U 72 . :- :: 229. 3UU. I 7
56 3 3 I 15.00 53 33 9 67 2 32
- - 76.85 1 15.28 232.
5 X I5U.C7 I
77.22 5 E3 93 DC 23 .

77. Ul 116.11 I5U.8I I

93.52 232. 1 2-- ::
77.59 1 16.39 232. 3 0.37
11 11 1 11111 1 1



WIDTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

M2. 38.89 77.78 116.67 155.56 194.44 233.33 272.22 311. 1 1 350.00
38.98 77.96 116.94 155.93 194.91 233.89 272.87 31 1.85 350.83
39.07 78.15 117.22 156.30 195.37 234.44 273.52 312.59 351.67
.3 39.17 78.33 117.50 156.67 195.83 235.00 274.17 313.33 352.50
.U 39.26 78.52 117.78 157.04 196.30 235.56 274.81 314.07 353.33
U2.5 39.35 78.70 118.06 157.41 196.76 236.1 275.46 314.81 354.17
.6 39.14U 78.89 118.33 157.78 197.22 236.67 276.1 315.56 355.00
.7 39. 514 79.07 1 18.61 158.15 197.69 237.22 276.76 316.30 355.83
.8 39.63 79.26 !'3.89 158.52 198.15 237.78 277.41 317.04 356.67
.9 39.72 79.44 119.17 158.89 198.61 238.33 278.06 317.78 357.50
43.0 39.81 79.63 119.44 159.26 199.07 238.89 278.70 318.52 358.33
.1 39.91 79.81 119.72 159.63 199.54 239.44 279.35 319.26 359.17
.2 MO. 00 80.00 120.00 160.00 200.00 240.00 280.00 320.00 360.00
.3 U0.09 80.19 120.28 160.37 200.46 240.56 280.65 320.74 360.83
.4 U0.I9 80.37 120.56 160.74 200.93 241.1 281.30 321 48 . 361.67
43.5 U0.28 80.56 120.83 161 .1 201 .39 241.67 281 .94 322.22 362.50
.6 40.37 80.74 121. 1 1 161 .48 201.85 242.22 282.59 322.96 363.33
.7 140.U6 80.93 121 .39 161.85 202 3 . 242.78 283.24 323.70 364. 17
.8 U0.56 81 .1 1 121.67 162.22 202.78 243.33 283.89 324.44 365.00
.9 40.65 81.30 121 .94 162.59 203.24 243.89 284.54 325.19 365.83
44.0 U0.7U 81 .48 122.22 162 96 . 203.70 244.44 285.19 325.93 366.67
. 1 U0.83 81.67 122.50 163.33 204.17 245.00 285.83 326.67 367.50
.2 40.93 81 .85 122.78 163.70 204.63 245.56 286.48 327.41 368.33
.3 UI.02 82.04 123.06 164.07 205.09 246.1 287.13 328.15 369.17
.4 m.ii 82.22 123.33 164.44 205.56 246.67 287.78 328.89 370.00
44.5 141.20 82.41 123.61 164.81 206.02 247.22 288.43 329.63 370.83
.6 41.30 82.59 123.89 165.19 206.48 247.78 289.07 330.37 371.67
.7 UI.39 82.78 124.17 165.56 206 94 . 248.33 289.72 331 .1 372.50
.8 41.48 82.96 124.44 165.93 207.41 248.89 290.37 331 .85 373.33
.9 Ml. 57 83.15 124.72 166.30 207.87 249.44 291 .02 332.59 374.17
45.0 UI.67 83.33 125.00 166.67 208.33 250.00 291.67 333.33 375.00
.1 m.76 83.52 125.28 167.04 208.80 250.56 292.31 334.07 375.83
.2 m.85 83.70 125.56 167.41 209.26 251.1 292.96 334.81 376.67
.3 41 .914 83.89 125.83 167.78 209.72 251.67 293.61 335.56 377.50
.4 142. 04 84.07 126.1 168.15 210.19 252.22 294.26 336.30 378.33
M5.5 142.13 84.26 126.39 168.52 210.65 252.78 294.91 337.04 379.17
.6 U2.22 84.44 126.67 168.89 21 1. II 253.33 295.56 337.78 380.00
.7 142.31 84.63 126.94 169.26 21 157 . 253.89 296.20 338.52 380.83
".8 H2.UI 84.81 127.22 169.63 212.04 254.44 296.85 339.26 381.67
.9 142.50 85.00 127.50 170.00 2 2 50
1 . 255.00 297.50 340.00 382 50 .

M6.0 U2.59 85.19 127.78 170.37 2 2 96

1 . 255.56 298.15 340.74 383.33
.1 142.69 85.37 128.06 170.74 213.43 256.11 298.80 34' 48 384.17
.2 42.78 85.56 128.33 171 .1 213.89 256.67 299.44 342.22 385.00
.3 142.87 85.74 128.61 1 48
7 1 . 214.35 257.22 300.09 342 96 . 385.83
.4 142.96 85.93 128.89 171.85 214.81 257.78 300.74 343.70 386.67
M6.5 U3.06 86.1 1 129.17 172.22 215.28 258.33 301 .39 344.44 387.50
.6 143. 15 86.30 129.44 172 59 . 215.74 258.89 302.04 345.19 388.33
.7 43.24 86.48 129.72 172.96 216.20 259.44 302.69 345.93 389.17
.8 43.33 86.67 130.00 173.33 216.67 260.00 303.33 346.67 390.00
.9 143.143 86.85 130.28 173 70 . 217.13 260.56 303.98 347.41 390.83
147.0 143.52 87.04 130.56 174.07 217.59 261.11 304.63 348.15 391.67
. 1 143.61 87.22 130.83 174.44 218.06 261.67 305.28 348.89 392.50
.2 143.70 87.41 131. 1 174.81 218.52 262.22 305.93 349.63 393.33
.3 143.80 87.59 131.39 175.19 218.98 262 78. 306.57 350.37 394.17
.14 143.89 87.78 131.67 175.56 219.44 263.33 307.22 351.11 395.00
147.5 143.98 87.96 131.94 175.93 219.91 263.89 307.87 351.85 395.83
.6 44.07 88.15 132.22 176.30 220.37 264.44 308.52 352 59 . 396.67
.7 44. 17 88.33 132 50 . 176.67 220.83 265.00 309.17 353.33 397.50
.8 44.26 88.52 132.78 177.04 221.30 265.56 309.81 354.07 398.33
.9 44.35 88.70 133.06 177.41 22 1 . 76 266.1 310.46 354.81 399. 1


WIDTH 1 2 3 4 5 i 7 8 9

48.0 1414.44 88.89 133.33 177.78 222.22 266.67 31 I.I 1 355.56 400.00
.1 44.54 89.07 133.61 178.15 222.69 267.22 31 1.76 356.30 400.83
.2 44.63 89.26 133.89 178.52 223.15 267.78 312.41 357.04 401.67
.3 44.72 89.44 134.17 178.89 223.61 268.33 313.06 357.78 402.50
.M 44.81 89.63 134.44 179.26 224.07 268.89 313.70 358.52 403.33
M8.5 44.91 89.81 134.72 179.63 224.54 269.44 314.35 359.26 404.17
.6 45.00 90.00 135.00 180.00 225.00 270.00 315.00 360.00 405.00
.7 45.09 90.19 135.28 180.37 225.46 270.56 315.65 360.74 405.83
.8 45.19 90.37 135.56 180.74 225.93 271.11 316.30 361.48 406.67
.9 45.28 90.56 135.83 181. 1 226.39 271.67 316.94 352.22 407.50
43.0 45.37 90.74 136.1 1 181.48 226.85 272.22 317.59 362.96 408.33
.1 45.46 90.93 136.39 181.85 227.31 272.78 318.24 363.70 409.17
.2 45.56 91.11 136.67 182 22 . 227.78 273.33 318.89 364.44 410.00
.3 45.65 91. 30 136.94 182.59 228.24 273.89 319.54 365.19 410.83
.4 45.74 91.48 137.22 182.96 228.70 274.44 320.19 365.93 411.67
49. 45.83 91.67 137.50 183.33 229.17 275.00 320.83 366.67 412.50
.6 45.93 91.85 137.78 183.70 229.63 275.56 321.48 367.41 413.33
.7 46.02 92.04 138.06 184.07 230.09 276.11 322.13 368.15 414.17
.8 46.1 1 92.22 138.33 184.44 230.56 276.67 322.78 368.89 415.00
.9 46.20 92.41 138.61 184.81 231.02 277.22 323.43 369.63 415.83
50.0 46.30 92.59 138.89 185.19 231.48 277.78 324.07 370.37 416.67
.1 46.39 92.78 139.17 185.56 231.94 278.33 324.72 371.1 417.50
.2 46.48 92.96 139.44 185.93 1 232.41 278.89 325.37 371.85 418.33
.3 46.57 93.15 139.72 186.30 232.87 279. 4L' 326.02 372.59 419.17
.4 46.67 93.33 140.00 186.67 233.33 280.00 326.67 373.33 420.00
50.5 46.76 93.52 IU0.28 187.04 233.80 280.56 327.31 374.07 420.83
.6 46.85 93.70 140.56 187.41 234.26 281.11 327.96 374.81 421.67
.7 46.94 93.89 140.83 187.78 234.72 281.67 328.61 375.56 422.50
.8 47.04 94.07 141. 1 188.15 235. -19 282.22 329.26 376.30 423.33
.9 47.13 94.26 141 .39 188.52 235.65 282.78 329.91 377.04 424.17
51.0 47.22 94.44 141.67 188.89 236.1 283.33 330.56 377.78 425.00
.1 47.31 94.63 14 941 . 189.26 236.57 283.89 331.20 378.52 425.83
.2 47.41 94.81 142.22 189.63 237.04 284.44 331.85 379.26 426.67
.3 47.50 95. 0C 142.50 190.00 237.50 285.00 332.50 380.00 427.50
.U 47.59 95.19 142.78 190.37 237.96 285.56 333.15 380.74 428.33
51.5 47.69 95.37 143.06 190.74 238.43 286.1 333.80 381.48 429.17
.6 47.78 95.56 143.33 191. 1 1 238.89 286.67 334.44 382.22 430.00
.7 47.87 95.74 143.61 191.48 239.35 287.22 335.09 382.96 430.83
.8 47.96 95.93 143.89 191.85 239.81 287.78 335.74 383.70 431.67
.9 48.06 96.1 1 144.17 192.22 240.28 288.33 336.39 384.44 432.50
52.0 48.15 96.30 144.44 192.59 240.74 288.89 337.04 385.19 433.33
. 1 48.24 96.48 144.72 192.96 241 .20 289.44 337.69 385.93 434.17
.2 48.33 96.67 145.00 193.33 241.67 290.00 338.33 386.67 435.00
.3 48.43 96.85 145.28 93 70
1 . 242.13 290.56 338.98 337.41 435.83
.n 48.52 97.04 145.56 194.07 242.59 291.1 339.63 388.15 436.67
52.5 48.61 97.22 145.83 194.44 243.06 291.67 340.28 388.89 437.50
.6 48.70 97.41 146.1 194.81 243.52 292.22 340.93 389.63 438.33
.7 48.80 97.59 146.39 195.19 243.98 292.78 341.57 390.37 439.17
.8 48.89 97.78 146.67 195.56 244.44 293.33 342.22 391.1 440.00
.9 48.98 97.96 146.94 195.93 244.91 293.89 342.87 391.85 440.83
53.0 49.07 98.15 147.22 196.30 245.37 294.44 343.52 392.59 441.67
. 1 49.17 98.33 147.50 196.67 245.83 295.00 344.17 393.33 442.50
.2 49.26 98.52 147.78 197.04 246.30 295.56 344.81 394.07 443.33
.3 49.35 98.70 148.06 197.41 246.76 296.1 345.46 394.81 444. 17
.4 49.44 98.89 148.33 197.78 247.22 296.67 346.1 1 395.56 445.00
53.5 49.54 99.07 148.61 198.15 247.69 297.22 346.76 396.30 445.83
.6 49.63 99.26 148.89 198.52 248.15 297.78 347.41 397.04 446.67
.7 49.72 99.44 149.17 198.89 248.61 298.33 348.06 397.78 447.50
.8 49.81 99.63 149.44 199.26 249.07 298.89 348.70 398.52 448.33
.9 49.91 99.81 149.72 199.63 249.54 299.44 349.35 399.26 449. 17
11 1 1 11 5



WIDTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

54. 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 450.00
.1 50.09 100.19 150.28 200.37 250.46 300.56 350.65 400.74 450.83
.2 50.19 100.37 150.56 200.74 250.93 301.11 351.30 401 .48 451.67
.3 50.28 100.56 150.83 201.1 251.39 30 67
1 . 351.94 402.22 452.50
.4 50.37 100.74 151.11 201.48 251.85 302.22 352.59 402.96 453.33
54.5 50.46 100.93 151.39 201.85 252.31 302.78 353.24 403.70 454. 17
.6 50.56 101. 1 1 151.67 202.22 252.78 303.33 353.89 404.44 U55.00
.7 50.65 101.30 151 on 202.59 253.24 303.89 354.54 405. 19 455.83
.8 50.74 101.48 152.22 202.96 253.70 304.44 355.19 405.93 456.67
.9 50.83 101.67 152.50 203.33 254.17 305.00 355.83 406.67 457.50
55.0 50.93 101.85 152.78 203.70 254.63 305.56 356.48 407.41 458.33
.1 51.02 102.04 153.06 204.07 255.09 306.11 357.13 408.15 U59.I7
.2 51.11 102.22 153.33 204.44 255.56 306.67 357.78 408.89 460.00
.3 51.20 102 4
. 153.61 204.81 256.02 307.22 358.43 409.63 460.83
.4 51.30 102.59 153.89 205. 19 256.48 307.78 359.07 410.37 461.67
55.5 51.39 102.78 154.17 205.56 256.94 308.33 359.72 411.11 462 50

.6 51.48 102.96 154.44 205.93 257.41 308.89 360.37 411.85 463.33

.7 51.57 103.15 154.72 206.30 257.87 309.44 361.02 412.59 464. 17
.8 51.67 103.33 155.00 206.67 258.33 310.00 361.67 413.33 465.00
.9 51.76 103.52 155.28 207.04 258.80 310.56 362.31 414.07 465.83
56.0 51.85 103.70 155.56 207.41 259.26 311.11 362.96 414.81 466.67
. 1 51.94 103.89 155.83 207.78 259.72 311.67 363.61 415.56 467.50
.2 52.04 104.07 156. II 208.15 260.19 312.22 364.26 416.30 468.33
.3 52.13 104.26 156.39 208.52 260.65 312.78 364.91 417.04 469.17
.4 52.22 104.44 156.67 208.89 261.1 313.33 365.56 417.78 470.00
56.5 52.31 104.63 156.94 209.26 261.57 313.89 366.20 418.52 470.83
.6 52.41 104.81 157.22 209.63 262.04 314.44 366.85 419.26 471.67
.7 52.50 105.00 157.50 210.00 262.50 315.00 367.50 420.00 472 50

.8 52.59 105.19 157.78 210.37 262.96 315.56 368.! 420.74 473.33

.9 52.69 105.37 158.06 210.74 263.43 316.1 368.80 421.48 474.17
57.0 52.78 105.56 158.33 211.11 263.89 316.67 369.44 422.22 475.00
.1 52.87 105.74 158.61 2 148 1 . 264.35 317.22 370.09 422.96 475.83
.2 52.96 105.93 158.89 21 1.85 264.81 317.78 370.74 423.70 476.67
.3 53.06 106.1 159.17 212.22 265.28 318.33 371.39 424.44 477.50
.4 53.15 106.30 159.44 212.59 265.74 318.89 372.04 425.19 478.33
57.5 53.24 106.48 159.72 212.96 266.20 319.44 372.69 425.93 479. 17
.6 53.33 106.67 160.00 213.33 266.67 320.00 373.33 426.67 480.00
.7 53.43 106.85 160.28 213.70 267.13 320.56 373.98 427.41 480.83
.8 53.52 107.04 160.56 214.07 267.59 321. 1 374.63 428.15 481.67
.9 53.61 107.22 160.83 214.44 268.06 321.67 375.28 428.89 482 50

58.0 53.70 107.41 161.11 214.81 268.52 322.22 375.93 429.63 483.33
. I 53.80 107.59 161.39 215.19 268.98 322.78 376.57 430.37 484. 17
.2 53.89 107.78 161 .67 215.56 269.44 323.33 377.22 431.1 1 485.00
.3 53.98 107.96 161.94 215.93 269.91 323.89 377.87 431.85 485.83
.4 54.07 108.15 162.22 216.30 270.37 324.44 378.52 432.59 486.67
58.5 54.17 108.33 162.50 216.67 270.83 325.00 379.17 433.33 487.50
.6 54.26 108.52 162.78 217.04 271.30 325.56 379.81 434.07 U88.33
.7 54.35 108.70 163.06 217.41 271.76 326.1 380.46 43U.8I 489.17
.8 54.44 108.89 163.33 217.78 272.22 326.67 381.1 435.56 490.00
.9 54.54 109.07 163.61 218.15 272.69 327.22 381.76 436.30 490.83
59.0 54.63 109.26 163.89 218.52 273.15 327.78 382 4
. 437.04 491.67
.1 54.72 109.44 164.17 218.89 273.61 328.33 383.06 437.78 492.50
.2 54.81 109.63 164.44 219.26 274.07 328.89 383.70 438.52 493.33
.3 54.91 109.81 164.72 219.63 274.54 329.44 384.35 439.26 494. 17
.4 55.00 110.00 165.00 220.00 275.00 330.00 385.00 4U0.00 495.00
59.5 55.09 110.19 165.28 220.37 275.46 330.56 385.65 440.74 495.83
.6 55.19 110.37 165.56 220.74 275.93 331.1 1 386.30 441 .48 496.67
.7 55.28 110.56 165.83 221 .1 1 276.39 331.67 386.94 442.22 497.50
.8 55.37 110.74 166.11 221.48 276.85 332.22 387.59 442 96
. 498.33
.9 55.46 110.93 166.39 221.85 277.31 332.78 388.24 443.70 499.17


cu * 100 200 300 aoo 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1 100

0.0 sa 108 162 216 270 32a 378 a32 486 sao 59a
1.9 1 55 109 163 217 271 325 379 a33 487 5a 1 595
3.7 2 56 1 10 i6a 218 272 326 380 a3a 488 5a2 596
5.6 3 57 1 II 165 219 273 327 381 a35 489 5a3 597
7.4 4 58 1 12 166 220 27a 328 382 a36 490 5aa 598
9.3 5 59 113 167 221 275 329 383 a37 491 sas 599
1 I.I 6 60 I ia 168 222 276 330 38a a38 492 5a6 600
13.0 7 61 1 15 169 223 277 331 385 a39 493 5a7 601
14.8 8 62 116 170 22a 278 332 386 aao 494 sas 602
16.7 9 63 117 171 225 279 333 387 aai 495 5a9 603
18.5 10 64 118 172 226 280 33a 388 aa2 496 550 604
20. 1 1 65 1 19 173 227 281 335 389 aa3 497 551 605
22.2 12 66 120 17a 228 282 336 390 aaa a98 552 606
24. 1 13 67 121 175 229 283 337 391 aas a99 553 607
25.9 m 68 122 176 230 28a 338 392 aa6 500 55a 608
27.8 15 69 123 177 231 285 339 393 aa7 501 555 609
29.6 16 70 12a 178 232 286 3ao 39a aas 502 556 610
31.5 17 71 125 179 233 287 3a1 395 aa9 503 557 61 1

33.3 18 72 126 180 23a 288 3a2 396 aso 50a 558 612
35.2 19 73 127 181 235 289 3a3 397 451 505 559 613
37.0 20 7a 128 182 236 290 3aa 398 a52 506 560 614
38.9 21 75 129 183 237 291 3a5 399 a53 507 561 615
40.7 22 76 130 18a 238 292 3a6 aoo asa 508 562 616
42.6 23 77 131 185 239 293 3a7 aoi ass 509 563 617
44.4 24 78 132 186 2ao 29a 3a8 ao2 a56 510 56a 618
46.3 25 79 133 187 2a1 295 3a9 ao3 a57 511 565 619
48. 1 26 80 13a 188 2a2 296 350 aoa a58 512 566 620
50.0 27 81 135 189 2a3 297 351 aos a59 513 567 621
51.9 28 82 136 190 2aa 298 352 ao6 a60 514 568 622
53.7 29 83 137 191 2a5 299 353 ao7 461 515 569 623
55.6 30 8a 138 192 2a6 300 35a aos 462 516 570 624
57. 4 31 85 139 193 2a7 301 355 ao9 a63 517 571 625
59.3 32 86 iao 19a 2a8 302 356 aio a6a 518 572 626
61 .1 33 87 iai 195 2a9 303 357 an a65 519 573 627
63.0 3U 88 142 196 250 30a 358 412 a66 520 57a 628
64.8 35 89 ia3 197 251 305 359 ai3 a67 521 575 629
66.7 36 90 ma 198 252 306 360 aia a68 522 576 630
68.5 37 91 145 199 253 307 361 ais a69 523 577 631
70. 4 38 92 146 200 25a 308 362 416 a70 524 578 632
72.2 39 93 1147 201 255 309 363 417 471 525 579 633
714. 1 140 9a 148 202 256 310 36a 418 472 526 580 634
75.9 m 95 IU9 203 257 311 365 419 473 527 581 635
77.8 142 96 150 20a 258 312 366 a20 474 528 582 636
79.6 143 97 151 205 259 313 367 421 475 529 583 637
81.5 44 98 152 206 260 31a 368 a22 476 530 58a 638
83.3 us 99 153 207 261 315 369 a23 477 531 585 639
85.2 U6 100 15a 208 262 316 370 a2a 478 532 586 640
87.0 U7 101 155 209 263 317 371 a25 479 533 587 641
88.9 148 102 156 210 26a 318 372 a26 480 53a 588 642
90.7 U9 103 157 211 265 319 373 a27 481 535 589 643
92.6 50 10a 158 212 266 320 37a a28 482 536 590 644
9M.14 51 105 159 213 267 32 1 375 a29 483 537 591 645
96.3 52 106 160 21a 268 322 376 a30 484 538 592 646
98.1 53 107 161 215 269 323 377 431 485 539 593 647
100 200 300 aoo 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1 100


1200 1300 moo 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 <-cu

648 702 756 810 864 918 972 1026 1080 1134 0.0
649 703 757 81 1 865 919 973 1027 1081 1135 1 .9
650 704 758 812 866 920 974 1028 1082 1136 3.7
651 705 759 813 867 921 975 1029 1083 1137 5.6
652 706 760 81 U. 868 922 976 1030 1084 1138 7.4
653 707 761 815 869 923 977 1031 1085 1 139 9.3
654 708 762 816 870 924 978 1032 1086 1 140 M.I
655 709 763 817 871 925 979 1033 1087 1 141 13.0
656 710 764 818 872 926 980 1034 1088 1 142 14.8
657 71 1 765 819 873 927 981 1035 1089 1 143 16.7
658 712 766 820 874 928 982 1036 1090 1 144 18.5
659 713 767 821 875 929 983 1037 1091 1 145 20.4
660 714 768 822 876 930 984 1038 1092 1 146 22.2
661 715 769 823 877 931 985 1039 1093 1 147 24.1
662 716 770 824 878 932 986 1040 1094 1 148 25.9
663 717 771 825 879 933 987 1041 1095 1 149 27.8
664 718 772 826 880 934 988 1042 1096 1 150 29.6
665 719 773 827 881 935 989 1043 1097 1 151 31.5
666 720 774 828 882 936 990 1044 1098 1 152 33.3
667 721 775 829 883 937 991 1045 1099 1 153 35.2
668 722 776 830 884 938 992 1046 1 100 1 154 37.0
669 723 777 831 885 939 993 1047 1 101 1 155 38.9
670 724 778 832 886 940 994 1048 1102 1 156 40.7
671 725 779 833 887 941 995 1049 1 103 1 157 42.6
672 726 780 834 888 942 996 1050 1 104 1158 44.4
673 727 781 835 889 943 997 1051 1 105 1 159 46.3
674 728 782 836 890 944 998 1052 1 106 1 160 48.1
675 729 783 837 891 945 999 1053 1 107 1 161 50.0
676 730 78U 838 892 946 1000 1054 1108 1 162 51.9
677 731 785 839 893 947 1001 1055 1109 1 163 53.7
678 732 786 840 894 948 1002 1056 1 1 10 1 164 55.6
679 733 787 841 895 949 1003 1057 1 1 1 1 1 165 57.4
680 734 788 8142 896 950 1004 1058 1 1 12 1 166 59.3
681 735 789 843 897 951 1005 1059 II 13 1 167 61.1
682 736 790 844 898 952 1006 1060 1 1 14 1 168 63.0
683 737 791 845 899 953 1007 1061 1 1 15 1 169 64.8
684 738 792 846 900 954 1008 1062 1 1 16 1 170 66.7
685 739 793 847 901 955 1009 1063 1 1 17 1 171 68.5
686 740 79U 848 902 956 1010 1064 1 1 18 1 172 70.4
687 741 795 849 903 957 101 1 1065 1 1 19 1 173 72.2
688 7U2 796 850 904 958 1012 1066 1120 1 174 74. 1

689 743 797 851 905 959 1013 1067 1121 1 175 75.9
690 744 798 852 906 960 1014 1068 1122 1 176 77.8
691 745 799 853 907 961 1015 1069 1123 1 177 79.6
692 746 800 854 908 962 1016 1070 1 124 1 178 81.5
693 747 801 855 909 963 1017 1071 1125 1 179 83.3
694 748 802 856 910 964 1018 1072 1126 1 180 85.2
695 749 803 857 91 1 965 1019 1073 1127 1 181 87.0
696 750 804 858 912 966 1020 1074 1128 1 182 88.9
697 751 805 859 913 967 1021 1075 1129 1 183 90.7
698 752 806 860 914 968 1022 1076 1130 1 184 92.6
699 753 807 861 915 969 1023 1077 1131 1 185 9U.4
700 75U 808 862 916 970 1024 1078 1132 1 186 96.3
701 755 809 863 917 971 1025 1079 1133 1 187 98. 1

1200 1300 moo 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100
'•• - 498



This table is adapted to the rapid solution of route-survey-

ing problems by computing machine. Its special advantages
are: (1) six significant figures; (2) most-frequently used func-
tions in one table; (3) "streamline" interpolation for multiples
of 10" and 15"; (4) chances for mistakes reduced by elimina-
tion of column headings at bottom of page and by use of only
one degree per page.
Precise angleand distance measurements in route surveying
justify one more figure than in the usual 5-place table, but
hardly justify 7-place tables.
In a large number of curve formulas the sine and versine
of the same angle appear. Other combinations are sin-tan-cos
and sin-cos- tan-vers. The appearance of these functions in
the same table should save time. The omission of cotangents
is of little consequence since they are rarely used in route sur-
veying; if needed, they are equivalent to the tangent of the
The most serious defect of most tables of natural functions
is the absence of a convenient aid in interpolating for seconds.
This defect is remedied in Table XX, largely through the use
of sets of corrections for multiples of 10" and 15". These
multiples are the ones most frequently needed when single or
double angles are turned with a 20", 30", or 1' instrument.
Example. Find the tangent of 28° 18' 45". Answer:
0.538444+281 =0.538725.
The foregoing is the quickest method and is sufficiently
precise for most purposes. However, because the sets of
corrections are exact at the middle of the indicated range,
slightly greater precisionwould be obtained in this example
by adding a correction of 282, since the 45" correction at
28° 30' is 283. This method gives 0.538726. Many com-
puters would prefer to subtract the 15" correction of 94 from
the tangent of 28° 19' (an excellent method), giving also
0.538726. Use of these more
methods is recommended
for finding exsecants of angles between 45° and 60°, and for
tangents and exsecants of angles above 70°.
Obviously, corrections for any number of seconds could be
obtained speedily, if the field work justifies, by combining
the tabulated corrections and shifting the decimal point.






+ One
— + Zero Zero + + Zero
.000291 One Zero Zero .000291 1

2 0582 One Zero Zero 0582 2

3 0873 One Zero Zero 0873 3
U 1 I6H .999999 .000001 .000001 1164 U
5 .001454 . 999999 .000001 .000001 .001454 5
6 1745 9998 0002 0001 1745 6
7 2036 9998 0002 0002 2036 7
9 2327 9997 By 0003 0003 By 2327 8
2618 oo 37 Inspec- 0003 0003 nspec- 2618
9 1
t ion t ion
10 .002909 .999996 .000004 .000004 .002909 10
i 1
3200 "Con 9995 0005 0005 "Corr. 3200 II
12 3491 10 48 9994 0006 0006 10 48 3491 12
13 3782 15 73 9993 0007 0007 15 73 3782 13
in U072 20 97 9992 0008 0008 20 97 4072 IU
15 .004363 30 145 .999990 .000010 .000010 30 145 .004363 15
16 4654 uo 194 9989 001 1 001 1 40 194 4654 16
17 4945 U5 218 9988 0012 0012 45 218 4945 17
18 5236 50 242 9986 0014 0014 50 242 5236 18
19 5527 9985 0015 0015 5527 19
20 .005818 .999983 .000017 .000017 .005818 20
21 6109 9981 0019 0019 6109 21
22 6400 9980 0020 0020 6400 22
23 6690 9978 0022 0022 6690 23
2U 6981 9976 0024 0024 6981 24
25 .007272 .999974 .000026 .000026 .007272 25
26 7563 9971 0029 0029 7563 26
27 7854 9969 0031 0031 7854 27
28 8145 9967 0033 0033 8145 28
29 8436 9964 0036 0036 8436 29
30 .008726 .999962 .000038 .000038 .008727 30
31 9017 9959 0041 0041 9018 31
32 9308 9957 0043 0043 9309 32
33 9599 9954 0046 0046 9600 33
3U 9890 9951 0049 0049 9890 34
35 .010181 .999948 .000052 .000052 .010181 35
36 0472 9945 0055 0055 0472 36
37 0763 9942 0058 0058 0763 37
38 1054 9939 0061 0061 1054 38
39 1344 9936 0064 0064 1345 39
UO .01 1635 .999932 .000068 .000068 .01 1636 40
HI 1926 " C orr . 9929 0071 0071 " Co r r 1927 41
42 2217 10" 48 9925 0075 0075 10 48 2218 42
U3 2508 15 73 9922 0078 0078 15 73 2509 43
44 2799 20 97 9918 0082 0082 20 97 2800 44
45 .013090 30 145 .999914 .000066 .000086 30 145 .013091 45
U6 3380 40 194 9910 0090 0090 40 194 3382 46
47 3671 U5 218 9906 0094 0094 45 218 3673 47
He 3962 50 242 9902 0098 0098 50 242 3964 48
U9 4253 9898 0102 0102 4254 49
50 .014544 .999894 .000106 .000106 .014545 50
51 4835 9890 01 10 01 10 4836 51
52 5126 9886 01 14 01 14 5127 52
53 5416 9881 0119 01 19 5418 53
5U 5707 9877 0123 0123 5709 54
55 .015998 .999872 .000128 .000128 . 1 6000 55
56 6289 9867 0133 0133 6291 56
57 6580 9862 0138 0138 6562 57
58 6871 9858 0142 0142 6873 58
59 7162 9853 0147 0147 7164 59
60 .017452 . 999848 .000152 . 000 52
1 .017455 60




+ .999848
— + .000152 .000152 + + .017455
7743 9843 0157 0157 7746 1

2 8034 9837 0163 0163 8037 2

3 8325 9832 0168 0168 8328 3
4 8616 9827 0173 0173 8619 4
5 .018907 .999821 .000179 .000179 .018910 5
6 9197 9816 0184 0184 9201 6
7 9488 9810 0190 0190 9492 7
8 9779 9804 0196 0196 9783 8
9 .020070 9799 0201 0201 .020074 9
10 .020361 .999793 .000207 .000207 .020365 10
1 1 0652 "C orr. 9787 Corr. 0213 0213 " Co r r "Corr. 0656 II
0942 10"
48 9781 10 0219 0219 10 10 49 0947
12 1 1 12
13 1233 15 73 9774 15 2 0226 0226 15 2 15 73 1238 13
14 1524 20 97 9768 20 2 0232 0232 20 2 20 97 1529 14
15 .021815 30 145 .999762 30 3 .000238 .000238 30 3 30 146 .021820 15
16 2106 40 194 9756 40 4 0244 0244 40 4 40 194 21 1 1 16
17 2396 45 218 9749 45 5 0251 0251 45 5 45 218 2402 17
18 2687 50 242 9743 50 5 0257 0257 50 5 50 243 2693 18
19 2978 9736 C264 0264 2984 19

20 .023269 .999729 .000271 .000271 .023275 20

21 3560 9722 0278 0278 3566 21
22 3851 9716 0284 0284 3857 22
23 4141 9709 0291 0291 4148 23
24 4432 9702 0298 0299 4439 24
25 .024723 .999694 .000306 .000306 .024730 25
26 5014 9687 0313 0313 5022 26
27 5305 9680 0320 0320 5313 27
28 5595 9672 0328 0328 5604 28
29 5886 9665 0335 0335 5895 29
30 .026177 .999657 .000343 .000343 .026186 30
31 6468 9650 0350 0350 6477 31
32 6758 9642 0358 0358 6768 32
33 7049 9634 0366 0366 7059 33
34 7340 9626 0374 0374 7350 34
35 .027631 .999618 .000382 . 000382 .027641 35
36 7922 9610 0390 0390 7932 36
37 8212 9602 0398 0398 8224 37
38 8503 9594 0406 0406 8515 38
39 8794 9585 0415 0415 8806 39
40 .029085 .999577 .000423 .000423 .029097 40
41 9376 " Corr 9568 "Corr. 0432 0432 "Corr. "Corr. 9388 41
42 9666 10 48 9560 10 1 0440 0440 10 1 10 49 9679 42
43 9957 15 73 9551 15 2 0449 0449 15 2 15 73 9970 43
44 .030248 20 97 9542 20 3 0458 0458 20 3 20 97 .030262 44
45 .030538 30 145 .999534 30 4 .000466 .000467 30 4 30 146 .030553 45
46 0829 UO 194 9525 40 6 0475 0476 40 6 40 194 0844 46
47 1120 U5 218 9516 45 7 0484 0485 45 7 45 218 1135 47
48 141 1 50 242 9507 50 7 0493 0494 50 7 50 243 1426 48
49 1701 9497 0503 0503 1717 49
50 .031992 .999488 .000512 .000512 .032009 50
51 2283 9479 0521 0521 2300 51
52 2574 9469 0531 0531 2591 52
53 2864 9460 0540 0540 2882 53
54 3155 9450 0550 0550 3173 54
55 .033446 .999440 .000559 .000560 .033465 55
56 3737 9431 0569 0570 3756 56
57 4027 9421 0579 0579 4047 57
58 4318 9411 0589 0589 4338 58
59 4609 9401 0599 0599 4629 59

60 .034899 .999391 .000609 .000609 .034921 60

. 1 . .

501 4-1





+ - + .000609 .000610 + + .034921
.034900 .999391
5190 9381 0619 0620 5212 1

2 5481 9370 C630 0630 5503 2

3 5772 9360 0640 0640 5794 3
U 6062 9350 0650- 0651 6086 U
5 .036353 .999339 .000661 .000661 .036377 5
6 6644 9328 0672 0672 6668 6
7 6934 9318 0682 0683 6960 7
8 7225 9307 0693 0694 7251 8
9 7516 oo 96 0704 0704 7542 9
10 .037806 .999285 .000715 .000715 .037834 10
1 1 8097 " Co r r 9274 " Co r r . 0726 0726 " Corr. " Co r r 8125 1 1

12 8388 10 48 9263 10 2 0737 0738 10 2 10 49 8416 12

13 8678 15 73 9252 15 3 C748 0749 15 3 15 73 8707 13
IU 8969 20 97 9240 20 4 0760 0760 20 4 20 97 8999 IU
15 .039260 30 145 .999229 30 6 .000771 .000772 30 6 30 146 .039290 15
16 9550 40 194 9218 40 8 0782 0783 40 8 40 194 9581 16
17 9841 45 218 9206 45 9 0794 0795 45 9 45 219 9873 17
18 .040132 50 242 9194 50 10 0606 0806 50 10 50 243 .040164 18
19 0422 9183 0817 0818 0456 19
20 .040713 .999171 .000829 .000830 .040747 20
21 1004 9159 0841 0842 1038 21
22 1294 9147 0853 0854 1330 22
23 1585 9135 0865 0866 1621 23
24 1876 9123 0877 0878 1912 24
25 .042166 .9991 1 .000889 . 000890 .042204 25
26 2457 9098 0902 0902 2495 26
27 2748 9086 0914 0915 2787 27
28 3038 9073 0927 0927 3078 28
29 3329 9061 0939 0940 3370 29
30 .043619 .999048 .000952 .000953 .043661 30
31 3910 9036 0964 0965 3952 31
32 4201 9023 0977 0978 4244 32
33 4491 9010 0990 0991 4535 33
34 4782 8997 1003 1004 4827 34
35 .045072 .998984 .001016 .001017 .0451 18 35
36 5363 8971 1029 1030 5410 36
37 5654 8957 1043 1044 5701 37
38 5944 8944 1056 1057 5993 38
39 6235 8931 1069 1070 6284 39
40 .046525 .998917 .001083 .001084 .046576 40
Ul 6816 " Co r r 8904 " Co r r 1096 1098 "Corr. " Co r r . 6867 Ul
>42 7106 10 48 8890 10 2 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 10 2 10 49 7159 42
43 7397 15 73 8876 15 3 1 124 1125 15 3 15 73 7450 43
UU 7688 20 97 8862 20 5 1 138 1139 20 5 20 97 7742 44
U5 .047978 30 145 .998848 30 7 .001 152 .001 153 30 7 30 146 .048033 45
46 8269 40 194 8834 40 9 1 166 167 40
1 9 40 194 8325 46
47 8559 45 218 8820 45 10 1 180 1 45 10
181 45 219 8617 47
48 8850 50 242 8806 50 12 1 194 1195 50 12 50 243 8908 48
49 9140 8792 1208 1210 9200 49
50 .049431 .998778 .001222 .001224 .049491 50
51 9721 8763 1237 1238 9783 51
52 .050012 8749 1251 1253 .050075 52
53 0302 8734 1266 1268 0366 53
54 0593 8719 1281 1282 0658 54
55 .050884 . 998705 .001295 .001297 . 050950 55
56 1174 8690 1310 1312 1241 56
57 1464 8675 1325 1327 1533 57
58 1755 8660 1340 1342 1824 58
59 2046 8645 1355 1357 21 16 59
60 .052336 .998630 .001370 .001372 .052408 60




SEC. s c. s EC. SEC.

+ 998630 + 00 370 .001372 + +
. . 1 . 052408
12626 8614 1386 1388 2700 1

2 2917 8599 1401 1403 2991 2

3 3207 8584 1416 1418 3283 3
M 3498 8568 1432 1434 3575 u
5 .053788 .998552 . 00 448 .001450
1 .053866 5
6 4079 8537 1463 1466 4158 6
7 4369 8521 1479 1481 4450 7
8 4660 8505 1495 1497 4742 8
9 4950 8489 1511 1513 5033 9
10 .055241 .998473 .001527 .001529 .055325 10
1 1 5531 " Corr. 8457 " Co r r 1543 1545 " C orr. " Co r r 5617 II
12 5822 10 48 8441 10 3 1559 1562 10 3 10 49 5909 12
13 61 12 15 73 8424 15 4 1576 1578 15 4 15 73 6200 13
14 6402 20 97 8408 20 5 1592 1594 20 5 20 97 6492 IU
15 .056693 30 145 .998392 30 8 .001608 . 00 6
1 30
1 8 30 146 .056784 15
16 6983 40 194 8375 40 1 1 1625 1628 40 I | 40 195 7076 16
17 7274 45 218 8358 45 12 1642 1644 45 12 45 219 7368 17
18 7564 50 242 8342 50 14 1658 1661 50 14 50 243 7660 18
19 7854 8325 1675 1678 7952 19
20 .058145 .998308 .001692 .001695 .058243 20
21 8435 8291 1709 1712 8535 21
22 8726 8274 1726 1729 8827 22
23 9016 8257 1743 1746 9119 23
2U 9306 8240 1760 1763 9411 24
25 .059597 .998222 .001778 .001781 .059703 25
26 9887 8205 1795 1798 9995 26
27 .060178 8188 1812 1816 .060287 27
28 0468 8170 1830 1833 0579 28
29 0758 8152 1848 1851 0871 29
30 .061048 .998135 .001865 .001869 .061 163 30
31 1339 8117 1883 1887 1455 31
32 1629 8099 1901 1904 1747 32
33 1920 8081 1919 1922 2039 33
3U 2210 8063 1937 1941 2331 34
35 .062500 .998045 .001955 .001959 .062623 35
36 2790 8027 1973 1977 2915 36
37 3081 8008 1992 1996 3207 37
38 3371 7990 2010 2014 3499 38
39 3661 7972 2028 2033 3791 39
40 .063952 .997953 .002047 .002051 .064083 40
4l 4242 " Co r r 7934 " Co r r 2066 2070 " Corr. Jl_Corr. 4375 41
U2 4532 10 48 7916 10 3 2084 2089 10 3 10 49 4667 42
U3 4823 15 73 7897 15 5 2103 2108 15 5 15 73 4959 43
44 51 13 20 97 7878 20 6 2122 2127 20 6 20 97 5251 44
45 .065403 30 145 .997859 3C 9 .002141 .002146 30 9 30 146 .065544 U5
U6 5693 40 194 7840 40 13 2160 2165 40 13 40 195 5836 46
47 5984 45 218 7821 45 14 2179 2184 45 14 45 219 6128 47
U8 6274 50 242 7802 50 16 2198 2203 50 16 50 243 6420 48
49 6564 7782 2218 2223 6712 49
50 .066854 .997763 .002237 .002242 .067004 50
51 7145 7743 2257 2262 7297 51
52 7435 7724 2276 2282 7589 52
53 7725 7704 2296 2301 7881 53
54 8015 7684 2316 2321 8173 54
55 .068306 .997664 .002336 .002341 .068465 55
56 8596 7644 2356 2361 8758 56
57 8886 7624 2376 2381 9050 57
58 9176 7604 2396 2401 9342 58
59 9466 7584 2416 2422 9634 59
60 .069756 .997564 .002436 .002442 .069927 60
7 .





s EC. s EC. s EC. SEC.

+ .997564 + .002436 .002442 + + .069927
7544 2456 2462 .070219 1

2 0337 7523 2477 2483 0512 2

3 0627 7503 2497 2504 0804 3
M 0917 7482 2518 2524 1096 4
5 .071207 . 997462 .002538 .002545 .071388 5
6 1497 7441 2559 2566 1681 6
7 1788 7420 2580 2587 1973 7
8 2078 7399 2601 2608 2266 8
9 2368 7Z78 2622 2629 2558 9
10 .072658 .997357 .002643 .002650 .072850 10
II 2948 "Corr. 7336 "Corr. 2664 2671 -c orr. "Corr. 3143 II
12 3238 10 48 7314 10 4 2686 2693 10 4 10 49 3435 12
13 3528 15 73 7293 15 5 2707 2714 15 5 15 73 3728 13
14 3818 20 97 7272 20 7 2728 2736 20 7 20 97 4020 14

15 .074108 30 145 .997250 30 1 1 .002750 .002757 30 II 30 146 .074313 15

16 4399 40 193 7229 uo 14 2771 2779 40 14 40 195 4605 16
17 4689 45 218 7207 45 16 2793 2801 45 16 45 219 4898 17
18 4979 50 242 7185 50 18 2815 2823 50 18 50 244 5190 18
19 5269 7163 2837 2845 5483 19
20 .075559 .997141 .002859 .002867 .075776 20
21 5849 71 19 2881 2889 6068 21
22 6139 7097 2903 2911 6361 22
23 6429 7075 2925 2934 6653 23
24 6719 7053 2947 2956 6946 24
25 .077009 . 997030 .002970 .002979 .077238 25
26 7299 7008 2992 3001 7531 26
27 7589 6985 3015 3024 7824 27
28 7879 6963 3037 3046 81 16 28
29 8169 6940 3060 3069 8409 29
30 .078459 . 9969 1 .003083 .003092 .078702 30
31 8749 6894 3106 31 15 8994 31
32 9039 6872 3128 3138 9287 32
33 9329 6848 3152 3162 9580 33
34 9619 6825 3175 3185 9873 3U
35 .079909 . 996802 .003198 .003208 .080165 35
36 .080199 6779 3221 3232 0458 36
37 0489 6756 3244 3255 0751 37
38 0779 6732 3268 3279 1044 38
39 1069 6708 3292 3302 1336 39
40 .081359 . 996685 .003315 .003326 .081629 40
m 1649 -Con 6661 ." Co r r 3339 3350 -Cor. "Corr. 1922 41
42 1939 10 48 6637 10 4 3363 3374 10 4 10 49 2215 42
43 2228 15 72 6614 15 6 3386 3398 15 6 15 73 2508 43
44 2518 20 97 6590 20 8 3410 3422 20 8 20 98 2801 44
U5 .082808 30 145 .996566 30 12 .003434 .003446 7,0 12 30 146 .083094 45
46 3098 193 w 6541 40 16 3459 3471 40 16 40 195 3387 46
47 3388 45 217 6517 U5 18 3483 3495 4 5 18 45 220 3679 47
48 3678 50 242 6493 50 20 3507 3520 50 20 50 244 3972 48
49 3968 6468 3532 3544 4265 49
50 .084258 . 996444 .003556 .003569 .084558 50
51 4547 6420 3580 3593 4851 51
5? 4837 6395 3605 3618 5144 52
53 5127 6370 3630 3643 5437 53
54 5417 6345 3655 3668 5730 54
55 . 085707 .996320 .003680 .003693 .086023 55
56 5997 6295 3705 3718 6316 56
57 6286 6270 3730 3744 6609 57
58 6576 6245 3755 3769 6902 58
59 6866 6220 3780 3794 7196 59
60 .087156 .996195 .003805 .003820 .087489 60






. 087 561
+ .996195
— + .0038051 .003820 + .087489
7446 6169 3831 3845 7782 1

2 7735 6144 3856 3871 8075 2

3 8025 6118 3882 3897 8368 3
4 8315 6093 39C7 3923 8661 4
5 .zrzz'.i .996067 .003933 .003949 .088954 5
6 = Sr- 6041 3959 3975 9248 6
7 9184 6015 3965 4001 9541 7
s 9474 5989 401 14027 9634 8
9 9764 5963 4037 4053 .090127 9
10 . i---.ui 5937 4063 4080 0421 10
1 1
0343 "Corr. 591 1 "Corr. 4089 4106 "Corr. "Corr. 0714 II
12 0633 : -5 5884 10 4 41 16 4133 10 4 10 49 1007 12
13 0922 15 72 5658 15 7 4142 4159 15 7 15 73 1300 13
14 1212 20 97 5832 20 9 4168 4186 20 9 20 98 1594 14
15 .091502 30 145 .995805 30 13 .004195 .004213 30 13 30 147 .091887 15
16 1791 40 193 5778 40 18 4222 4240 40 18 40 196 2180 16
17 2081 45 217 5752 45 20 4248 4267 45 20 45 220 2474 17
18 2371 50 241 5725 50 22 4275 4294 50 22 50 244 2767 18
19 2660 5698 4302 4321 3061 19

20 .092950 . 99567 .004329 .004348 .093354 20

21 324C 5644 4356 4375 3647 21
22 3529 5616 4384 4403 3941 22
23 3619 5589 441 14430 4234 23
24 4108 5562 4438 4458 4528 24
26 .C9-Z9E .995534 .::-- 56 .CC-56 .094821 25
26 4686 5507 4493 4513 51 15 26
27 4977 5480 4520 4541 5408 27
25 5267 5452 4548 4569 5X2 23
29 5556 5424 4576 4597 5996129
30 .095846 .995396 .004604 .004625 .096289 30
31 6135 5368 4632 4653 6583 31
32 6425 5340 4660 4682 6876 32
33 6714 5312 4688 4710 7170 33
34 7004 5284 4716 4738 7464 34

35 .C9"rZ . 995256 .004744 .004767 .097757 35

36 7583 5227 4773 4796 8051 36
37 7672 5199 U80I 4824 8345 37
38 8162 5170 4830 4853 8638 3S
39 8451 5142 4858 4882 8932 39
MO .098741 .995113 .004887 .00491 .099226 40
41 903C "Corr. 5084 "Corr. 4916 4940 " Corr. "Corr. 9520 41
42 932C 10 48 5056 10 5 4944 4969 10 5 10 49 9613 U2
43 9609 15 72 5027 15 7 4973 4998 15 7 15 73 .100107 43
44 9699 20 96 4998 20 10 5002 5026 20 10 20 98 0401 44
45 .100188 30 145 .994968 30 15 .005032 .005057 30 15 30 147 . 1 00695 45
46 0478 40 193 4939 40 20 5061 5066 40 20 40 196 0989 46
47 0767 45 217 4910 45 22 5090 51 16 45 22 45 220 1282 47
48 1056 50 241 4881 50 24 5119 5146 50 24 50 245 1576 48
49 1346 4851 5149 5175 1870 49

50 .101635 .994822 .005178 .005205 .102164 50

51 1924 4792 5208 5235 2458 51
52 2214 4762 5236 5265 2752 52
53 2503 4733 5267 5295 3046 53
54 2792 4703 5297 5325 3340 54

55 .103082 .994673 .005327 .005356 . 103634 55

56 3371 4643 5357 5386 3928 56
57 3660 4613 5387 5416 4222 57
58 3950 4582 5418 5447 4516 58
59 4239 4552 5448 5478 4810 59
60 .104528 .994522 .005478 .c:55:s .105104 60
1 . . . .





5c. SEC. SEC. SEC.

+ .994522
- + .005478 .005508 + + .105104
4818 4491 5509 5539 5398 1

2 5107 4461 5539 5570 5692 2

3 5396 4430 5570 5601 5987 3
4 5686 4400 5600 5632 6281 4
5 .105975 .994369 .005631 .005663 .106575 5
6 6264 4338 5662 5694 6869 6
7 6553 4307 5693 5726 7163 7
8 6842 4276 5724 5757 7458 8
9 7132 U2U5 5755 5788 7752 9
10 . 1 0742 .994214 .005786 .005820 . 08046 10

1 1
7710 " Corr. 4182 Corr. 5818 5852 " Co r r " Co r r 8340 1 1

12 7999 10 48 4151 10 5 5849 5883 10 5 10 49 8635 12

13 8288 15 72 4120 15 8 5880 5915 15 8 15 74 8929 13
111 8578 20 96 4088 20 1 1 5912 5947 20 1 1 20 98 9223 14
15 .108867 30 145 .994056 30 16 .005944 .005979 30 16 30 147 .109518 15
16 9156 UO 193 4025 40 21 5975 601 40 21 1 40 196 9812 16
17 9445 45 217 3993 45 24 6007 6044 45 24 45 221 .1 10107 17
18 9734 50 241 3961 50 26 6039 6076 50 27 50 245 0401 18
19 .110023 3929 6071 6108 0696 19
20 .110313 .993897 .006103 .006140 . 1 10990 20
21 0602 3865 6135 6173 1284 21
22 0891 3833 6167 6206 1579 22
23 1 180 3800 6200 6238 1873 23
24 1469 3768 6232 6271 2168 24
25 .1 11758 .993736 .006264 .006304 .1 12462 25
26 2047 3703 6297 6337 2757 26
27 2336 3670 6330 6370 3052 27
28 2625 3638 6362 6403 3346 28
29 29-14 3605 6395 6436 3641 29
30 .113203 .993572 .006428 . 006470 .113936 30
31 3492 3539 6461 6503 4230 31
32 3781 3506 6494 6537 4525 32
33 4070 3473 6527 6570 4820 33
34 4359 3440 6560 6604 51 14 34

35 .1 14648 .993406 .006594 .006638 . 1 1 5409 35

36 4937 3373 6627 6671 5704 36
37 5226 3339 6661 6705 5999 37
38 5515 3306 6694 6739 6294 38
39 5804 3272 6728 6774 6588 39
40 . 1 1 6093 .993238 .006762 .006808 . 1 1 6883 40
41 6382 " Co r r 3204 " Co r r 6796 6842 "Corr. "Corr. 7178 41
42 6671 10 48 3171 10 6 6829 6876 10 6 10 49 7473 42
43 6960 15 72 3137 15 9 6863 6911 15 9 15 74 7768 43
44 7248 20 96 3103 20 II 6897 6945 20 12 20 98 8063 44
45 . 1 1 7537 30 144 . 993069 30 17 .006931 .006980 30 17 30 147 . 1 18358 45
46 7826 40 193 3034 40 23 6966 7015 40 23 40 197 8653 46
47 81 15 45 217 3000 45 26 7000 7049 45 26 45 221 8948 47
48 8404 50 241 2966 50 29 7034 7084 50 29 50 246 9243 48
49 8693 2931 7069 71 19 9538 49
50 .1 18982 .992896 .007104 .007154 . 9833 50
1 1

51 9270 2862 7138 7190 .120128 51

52 9559 2827 7173 7225 0423 52
53 9848 2792 7208 7260 0718 53
54 . 1 20 37 1 2757 7243 7296 1013 54
55 .120426 .992722 .007278 .007331 . 1 2 308
1 55
56 0714 2687 7313 7367 1604 56
57 1003 2652 7348 7402 1899 57
58 1292 2617 7383 7438 2194 58
59 1581 2582 7418 7474 2489 59
60 .121869 .992546 .007454 .007510 .122785 60





+ .992546
— + .007454 .007510 + + .122785
2158 251 1 7489 7546 3080 1

2 2447 2475 7525 7582 3375 2

3 2736 2439 7561 7618 3670 3
u 3024 2404 7596 7654 3966 4
5 .123313 .992368 .007632 .007691 . 124261 5
6 3602 2332 7668 7727 4557 6
7 3890 2296 7704 7764 4852 7
8 UI79 2260 7740 7800 5147 8
9 4467 2224 7776 7837 5443 9
10 . 124756 . 992 871 .007813 .007874 . 1 25738 10
1 1 5045 " Cor r. 2151 " Co r r 7849 791 " Co r r
" Co r r 6034 II
12 5333 10 48 2115 10 6 7885 7948 10 6 10 49 6329 12
13 5622 15 72 2078 15 9 7922 7985 15 9 15 74 6625 13
IU 5910 20 96 2042 20 12 7958 8022 20 12 20 99 6920 IU
15 .126199 30 144 .992005 30 18 .007995 .008060 30 19 30 148 .127216 15
16 6488 40 192 1968 40 25 8032 8097 40 25 40 197 7512 16
17 6776 45 216 1931 45 28 8069 8134 45 28 45 222 7807 17
18 7G65 50 241 1894 50 31 8106 8172 50 31 50 246 8103 16
19 7353 1857 8143 8209 8399 19

20 .127642 .991820 .008180 .008247 .128694 20

21 7930 1783 8217 8285 8990 21
22 8219 1746 8254 8323 9286 22
23 8507 1709 8291 8361 9582 23
24 8796 1671 8329 8399 9877 24
25 . 1 29084 .991634 .008366 .008437 .130173 25
26 9372 1596 8404 8475 0469 26
27 9661 1558 8442 8514 0765 27
28 9949 1521 8479 8552 1061 28
29 . 130238 1483 8517 8590 1357 29
30 .130526 .991445 .008555 .008629 .131652 30
31 0815 1407 8593 8668 1948 31
32 1103 1369 8631 8706 2244 32
33 1391 1331 8669 8745 2540 33
34 1680 1292 8708 8784 2836 34
35 . 1 3 968
1 .991254 .008746 .008823 .133132 35
36 2256 1216 8784 8862 3428 36
37 2545 1177 8823 8902 3725 37
38 2833 1138 8862 8941 4021 38
39 3121 1 100 8900 8980 4317 39
40 .133410 .991061 .008939 .009020 .134613 40
HI 3698 " Co r r 1022 Corr. 8978 9059 "Corr. "Corr. 4909 41
42 3986 10 48 0983 10 7 9017 9099 10 7 10 49 5205 42
U3 4274 15 72 0944 15 10 9056 9139 15 10 15 74 5502 43
44 4563 20 96 0905 20 13 9095 9178 20 13 20 99 5798 44
U5 .134851 30 144 . 990866 30 20 .009134 .009218 30 20 30 148 . 1 36094 45
U6 5139 40 192 0827 40 26 9173 9258 40 27 40 198 6390 46
U7 5427 45 216 0787 45 29 9213 9298 45 30 45 222 6687 47
U8 5716 50 240 0748 50 33 9252 9339 50 33 50 247 6983 48
U9 6004 0708 9292 9379 7279 49
50 . 1 36292 . 990669 .009331 .009419 . 1 37576 50
51 6580 0629 9371 9460 7872 51
52 6868 0589 941 1 9500 8168 52
53 7156 0549 9451 9541 8465 53
54 7444 0510 9490 9582 8762 54
55 .137733 .990469 .009531 .009622 . 1 39058 55
56 8021 0429 9571 9663 9354 56
57 8309 0389 961 19704 9651 57
58 8597 0349 9651 9745 9948 58
59 8885 0308 9692 9786 . 140244 59
60 .139173 .990268 .009732 .009828 . 1 4054 60
11 .. . . 1






+ . 990268
— + .009732 .009828 + + . 1 4054
9U6I 0228 9772 9869 0838 1

2 97U9 0187 9813 9910 1134 2

3 . 1 U0037 0146 9854 9952 1431 3
M 0325 0106 9894 9993 1728 4
5 . 1 406 1 . 990065 .009935 .010035 . 1 42024 5
6 0901 0024 9976 0077 2321 6
7 1189 . 989983 .010017 0119 2618 7
8 1477 9942 0058 0161 2915 8
9 1765 as JO 0100 0203 3212 9
10 . 1 U2053 .989859 .010141 .010245 .143508 10
1 1 23MI " Co r r 9818 " Co r r . 0182 0287 "Corr. "Corr. 3805 II
12 2629 10 48 9776 10 7 0224 0329 10 7 10 50 4102 12
13 2917 15 72 9735 15 10 0265 0372 15 15 74
1 1 4399 13
|1| 3205 20 96 9693 20 14 0307 0414 20 14 20 99 4696 14
15 . 1 43493 30 144 .989651 30 21 .010349 .010457 30 21 30 149 . 1 44993 15
16 3780 40 192 9610 40 28 0390 0500 40 28 40 198 5290 16
17 14066 45 216 9568 45 31 0432 0542 45 32 45 223 5587 17
18 4356 50 240 9526 50 35 0474 0585 50 36 50 248 5884 18
19 4644 9484 0516 0628 6181 19
20 . 1 44932 .989442 .010558 .010671 . 1 46478 20
21 5220 9399 0601 0714 6776 21
22 5508 9357 0643 0757 7073 22
23 5795 9315 0685 0801 7370 23
24 6083 9272 0728 0844 7667 24
25 .14637 . 989230 . 1 0770 .010888 . 1 47964 25
26 6658 9187 0813 0931 8262 26
27 6946 9144 0856 0975 8559 27
28 7234 9102 0898 1018 8656 28
29 7522 9059 0941 1062 9154 29
30 . 1 U7809 .969016 .010984 .01 1 106 .149451 30
31 8097 8973 1027 1150 9748 31
32 8385 8930 1070 1194 . 1 50046 32
33 8672 8886 1 1 14 1238 0343 33
34 8960 8843 1 157 1283 0641 34
35 149248 . . 988800 .011200 .011327 . 1 50938 35
36 9535 8756 1244 1372 1236 36
37 9823 8713 1287 1416 1533 37
38 .150111 8669 1331 1461 1831 38
39 0398 8626 1374 1505 2128 39
40 . 1 50686 . 988582 .01 1418 .011550 .152426 40
HI 0973 " Co r r 8538 " Co r r 1462 1595 " Corr. Co r r 2724 41
U2 1261 10 48 8494 10 7 1506 1640 10 8 10 50 3022 42
U3 I5M8 15 72 8450 15 1 1 1550 1685 15 1 1 15 74 3319 43
44 1836 20 96 8406 20 15 1594 1730 20 15 20 99 3617 44
M5 .152123 30 144 .988362 30 22 .01 1638 .01 1776 30 23 30 149 .153915 45
U6 2411 40 192 8317 40 29 1683 1821 40 30 40 199 4212 46
U7 2698 45 216 8273 45 33 1727 1866 45 34 45 223 4510 47
U8 2986 50 240 8228 50 37 1772 1912 50 38 50 248 4808 48
M9 3273 8184 1816 1958 5106 49
50 . 1 5356 . 988 39
1 .011861 .012003 . 1 55404 50
51 3848 8094 1906 2049 5702 51
52 4136 8050 1950 2095 6000 52
53 U423 8005 1995 2141 6298 53
5U 4710 7960 2040 2187 6596 54
55 .154998 .987915 .012085 .012233 . 1 56894 55
56 5285 7870 2130 2279 7192 56
57 5572 7824 2176 2326 7490 57
58 5860 7779 2221 2372 7788 58
59 6147 7734 2266 2418 8086 59
60 . 1 56434 . 987688 .012312 .012465 . 1 58384 60




. 56434
+ . 987688
— + .012312 .012465 + + . 1 58384

6722 7643 2357 2512 8683 1

2 7009 7597 2403 2559 8981 2

3 7296 7551 2449 2606 9279 3
4 7584 7506 2494 2652 9577 4
5 . 1 5787 .987460 .012540 .012700 . 1 59876 5
6 8158 7414 2586 2747 . 1 60 74
7 8445 7368 2632 2794 0472 7
8 8732 7322 2678 2841 0771 8
9 9020 7275 2725 2889 1069 9
10 . 1 59307 .987229 .012771 .012936 .161368 10
1 1
9594 " Corr. 7183 "Corr. 2817 2984 " Corr. "Corr. 1666 II
12 9881 10 48 7136 10 8 2864 3031 10 8 10 50 1965 12
!? .160168 72 15 7090 15 12 2910 3079 12 15 15 75 2263 13
14 0456 20 96 7043 20 16 2957 3127 20 16 20 100 2562 14
15 60743 30 144
. 1 .986996 30 23 .013004 .013175 30 24 30 149 . 1 62860 15
16 1030 40 191 6950 40 31 3050 3223 40 32 40 199 3159 16
17 1317 45 215 6903 45 35 3097 3271 45 36 45 224 3458 17
18 1604 50 239 6856 50 39 3144 3319 50 40 50 249 3756 18
19 1891 6809 3191 3368 4055 19
20 .162178 .986762 .013238 .013416 . 164354 20
2 1
2465 6714 3286 3465 4652 21
22 2752 6667 3333 3513 4951 22
23 3039 6620 3380 3562 5250 23
2U 3326 6572 3428 361 1 5549 24
25 .163613 .986525 .013475 .013660 . 165848 25
26 3900 6477 3523 3708 6147 26
27 4187 6429 3571 3757 6446 27
28 4474 6382 3618 3807 6745 28
29 4761 6334 3666 3856 7044 29
30 . 1 65048 . 986286 .013714 .013905 .167343 30
31 5334 6238 3762 3954 7642 31
32 5621 6189 38! 4004
1 7941 32
33 5908 6141 3859 4054 8240 33
34 6195 6093 3907 4103 8539 34
35 . 1 66482 .986044 .013956 .014153 . 1 68838 35
36 6769 5996 4004 4203 9137 36
37 7056 5948 4052 4253 9437 37
38 7342 5899 4101 4303 9736 38
39 7629 5850 4150 4353 . 1 70035 39
40 .167916 . 98580 .014199 .014403 .170334 40
41 8203 "Corr. 5752 " Co r r 4248 4454 "Corr. "Corr. 0634 41
42 8489 10 48 5704 10 8 4296 4504 10 8 10 50 0933 42
43 8776 15 72 5654 15 12 4346 4554 15 13 15 75 1232 43
44 9063 20 96 5605 20 16 4395 4605 20 17 20 100 1532 44
45 169350 30 143 . .985556 30 25 .014444 .014656 30 25 30 150 .171831 45
U6 9636 40 191 5507 40 33 4493 4706 40 34 40 200 2131 46
U7 9923 45 215 5457 45 37 4543 4757 45 38 45 225 2430 47
48 .170210 50 239 5408 50 41 4592 4808 50 42 50 250 2730 48
49 0496 5358 4642 4859 3030 49
50 . 1 70783 .985309 .014691 .014910 .173329 50
51 1069 5259 4741 4962 3629 51
52 1356 5209 4791 5013 3928 52
53 1642 5159 4841 5064 4228 53
54 1929 5109 4891 5116 4528 54
5b . 1 722 1 . 985059 .014941 .015167 .174828 55
56 2502 5009 4991 5219 5128 56
57 2789 4959 5041 5271 5427 57
58 3075 4909 5091 5323 5727 58
59 3362 4658 5142 5375 6027 59 J

r,o . 173646 . 984808 .015192 .015427 .176327 60

. 11 .. . 1







+ .984808
— + .015192 .015427 + + .176327
3935 4757 5243 5479 6630 1

2 4221 U707 5293 5531 6927 2

3 4508 4656 5344 5583 7227 3
If 4794 4605 5395 5636 7527 4
5 . 1 75080 .984554 .015446 .015688 .177827 5
6 5367 4503 5497 5741 8127 6
7 5653 4452 5548 5793 8427 7
8 5940 4401 5599 5846 8727 8
9 6226 4350 5650 5899 9028 9
10 .176512 .984298 .015702 .015952 .179328 10
1 6798 " Co r r
1 4247 " Co r r 5753 6005 "Corr. " Co r r 9628 1 1

12 7085 10 48 4196 10 9 5804 6058 10 9 10 50 9928 12

13 7371 15 72 umu 15 13 5856 6111 15 13 15 75 .180229 13
IU 7657 20 95 4092 20 17 5908 6165 20 18 20 100 0529 14
15 . 1 77944 30 IU3 . 98404 30 26 .015959 .016218 30 27 30 150 .180830 15
16 8230 UO 191 3989 40 35 6011 6272 40 36 40 200 1130 16
17 8516 45 215 3937 45 39 6063 6325 45 40 45 225 1430 17
ie 8802 50 239 3885 50 43 61 15 6379 50 45 50 250 1731 18
19 9088 3833 6167 6433 2031 19
20 . 1 79375 . 98378 .016219 .016486 .182332 20
21 9661 3729 6271 6540 2632 21
22 9947 3676 6324 6595 2933 22
23 .180233 3624 6376 6649 3234 23
2U 0519 3572 6428 6703 3534 24
25 . 180805 .983519 .016481 .016757 .183835 25
26 1091 3466 6534 6812 4136 26
27 1377 3414 6586 6866 4436 27
28 1664 3361 6639 6921 4737 28
29 1950 3308 6692 6976 5038 29
30 .182236 .983255 .016745 . 1 7030 .185339 30
31 2522 3202 6798 7085 5640 31
32 2808 3149 6851 7140 5941 32
33 3094 3096 6904 7195 6242 33
34 3380 3042 6958 7250 6543 34
35 .183665 .982989 .017011 .017306 .186844 35
36 3951 2935 7065 7361 7145 36
37 4237 2882 71 18 7416 7446 37
38 4523 2828 7172 7472 77'47 38
39 4809 2774 7226 7528 8048 39
UO . 1 85095 .982721 .017279 .017583 . 1 88350 40
Ul 5381 " Co r r 2667 " Co r r 7333 7639 "Corr. "Corr. 8651 41
42 5667 10 48 2613 10 9 7387 7695 10 9 10 50 8952 42
U3 5952 15 71 2559 15 14 7441 7751 15 14 15 75 9253 43
U4 6238 20 95 2505 20 18 7495 7807 20 19 20 100 9555 44
45 . 186524 30 143 .982450 30 27 .017550 .017863 30 28 30 151 . 1 89856 45
tie 6810 UO 190 2396 40 36 7604 7919 40 37 40 201 . 1 90 57146
U7 7096 45 214 2342 45 41 7658 7976 45 42 45 226 0459 47
48 7381 50 238 2287 50 45 7713 8032 50 47 50 251 0760 48
U9 7667 2233 7767 8089 1062 49
50 .187953 . 982 78
1 .017822 .018145 . 1 9 363 50

51 8238 2123 7877 8202 1665 51

5? 852U 2069 7931 8259 1966 52
53 8810 2014 7986 8316 2268 53
54 9095 1959 8041 8373 2570 54
55 .189381 .981904 . 1 8096 .018430 . 1 9287 55
30 9667 1848 8152 8487 3173 56
57 9952 1793 8207 8544 3475 57
58 . 190238 1738 8262 8602 3777 58
59 0523 1683 8317 8659 -
4078 59
60 . 1 90809 .981627 .018373 .018717 .194380 60





5! c. s EC. SE c. SEC.
+ .981627
+ .018373 .018717 -\ +
. 1 908C9 . 1 94380
1094 1572 8428 8774 4682 1

2 1380 1516 8454 8832 4984 2

3 1666 1460 8540 8890 5286 3
4 1951 1404 8596 8948 5588 4
5 . 1 92236 .981349 .018651 .019006 . 1 95890 5
6 2522 1293 8707 9064 6192 6
7 2807 1237 8763 9122 6494 7
8 3093 1180 8820 9180 6796 8
9 3378 1124 8876 9239 7099 9
10 .193664 .981068 .018932 .019297 . 197401 10

3949 n Con

4234 10" 48
1012 "

0955 fo" 9
Corr. 8988
9356 "Corr
9415 10 10 TO
"Corr. 7703 II
8005 12
13 4520 15 71 0899 15 14 9101 9473 15 15 15 76 8308 13
14 4805 20 95 0842 20 19 9158 9532 20 20 20 101 8610 14
15 .195090 30 143 .980785 30 28 .019215 .019591 30 29 30 151 .198912 15
16 5376 40 190 0728 40 38 9272 9650 40 39 40 202 9215 16
17 5661 45 214 0672 45 43 9328 9709 45 44 45 227 9517 17
18 5946 50 238 0615 50 47 9385 9769 50 49 50 252 9820 18
19 6231 0558 9442 9828 .200122 19

20 . 1 965 1 . 980500 .019500 .019887 .200425 20

21 6802 0443 9557 9947 0727 21
22 7087 0386 9614 .020006 1030 22
23 7372 0329 9671 0066 1333 23
24 7657 0271 9729 0126 1635 2U
25 . 1 97942 .980214 .019786 .020186 .201938 25
26 8228 0156 9844 0246 2241 26
27 8513 0098 9902 0306 2544 27
28 8798 0040 9960 0366 2846 28
29 9083 .979983 .020017 0426 3149 29
30 .199368 .979925 .020075 .020487 .203452 30
31 9653 9867 0133 0547 3755 31
32 9938 9809 0191 0608 4058 32
33 .200223 9750 0250 0668 4361 33
34 0508 9692 0308 0729 4664 34
35 . 200793 .979634 .020366 .020790 .204967 35
36 1078 9575 0425 0851 5270 36
37 1363 9517 0483 0912 5574 37
38 1648 9458 0542 0973 5877 38
39 1933 9399 0601 1034 6180 39
40 .202218 .979341 .020659 .021095 .206483 40
HI 2502 IQon 9282 "Con 0718 157 " Co r r
" Co r r 6787 41
U2 2787 10 47 9223 10 10 0777 1218 10 10 10 51 7090 42
43 3072 15 71 9164 15 15 0836 1280 15 15 15 76 7393 43
44 3357 20 95 9105 20 20 0895 1341 20 21 20 101 7697 44
45 .203642 30 142 .979046 30 30 .020954 .021403 30 31 30 152 . 208000 45
46 3926 40 190 8986 40 40 1014 1465 40 41 40 202 8304 46
47 421 45 214 1 8927 45 44 1073 1527 45 46 45 228 8607 47
48 4496 50 237 8867 50 49 1133 1589 50 51 50 253 8911 48
49 4781 8808 1192 1651 9214 49
50 .205066 .978748 .021252 .021713 .209518 50
51 5350 8689 1311 1776 9822 51
52 5635 8629 1371 1838 .210126 52
53 5920 8569 1431 1900 0429 53
54 6204 6509 1491 1963 0733 54
55 .206489 .978449 .021551 .022026 .21 1037 55
56 6773 8389 161 1 2088 1341 56
57 7058 8329 1671 2151 1645 57
56 7343 8268 1732 2214 1949 58
59 7627 8208 1792 2277 2252 59
60 .207912 . 978 481 .021852 .022341 .212557 60
1 . 1 .




s EC. SE c. s :c. SEC.

.20 7912
+ .021852 .022341 h + .212557
8196 8087 1913 2404 2861 I

2 8481 8026 1974 2467 3165 2

3 8765 7966 2034 2531 3469 3
M 9050 7905 2095 2594 3773 4
5 .209334 . 977844 .022156 .022658 . 2 4077
1 6 9619 7783 2217 2722 4381 6
7 9903 7722 2278 2785 4686 7
8 .210187 7661 2339 2849 4990 8
9 0472 fudO 2400 2913 5294 9
10 .210756 .977539 .022461 .022977 .215599 10
1 1 1040 n Corr. 7477 "Corr. 2523 3042 "Corr. " Corr. 5903 II
12 1325 10 47 7416 10 10 2584 3106 10 1 1 10 51 6208 12
13 1609 15 71 7354 15 15 2646 3170 15 16 15 76 6512 13
IK 1893 20 95 7293 20 21 2707 3235 20 21 20 102 6817 IU
15 .212178 30 142 .977231 30 31 .022769 .023299 30 32 30 152 .217121 15
16 2462 40 189 7169 40 41 2831 3364 40 43 40 203 7426 16
17 2746 45 213 7108 45 46 2892 3429 45 49 45 228 7731 17
18 3030 50 237 7046 50 51 2954 3494 50 54 50 254 8035 18
19 3315 6984 3016 3559 8340 19
20 .213599 .976922 .023078 .023624 .218645 20
21 3883 6859 3141 3689 8950 21
22 4167 6797 3203 3754 9254 22
23 4451 6735 3265 3820 J559 23
24 4735 6672 3328 3885 9864 24
25 .215019 .976610 .023390 .023950 .220169 25
26 530 4 6547 3453 4016 0474 26
27 5588 6484 3516 4082 0779 27
28 5872 6422 3578 4148 1084 28
29 6156 6359 3641 4214 1390 29
30 .2I6U140 .976296 .023704 .024280 .221695 30
31 672U 6233 3767 4346 2000 31
32 7008 6170 3830 4412 2305 32
33 7292 6107 3893 4478 2610 33
34 7575 6044 3956 4544 2916 34
35 . 2 1 7859 .975980 .024020 .02461 .223221 35
36 8H43 5917 4083 4678 3526 36
37 8U27 5853 4147 4744 3832 37
38 871 1 5790 4210 4811 4137 38
39 8995 5726 4274 4878 4443 39
no .219279 . 975662 .024338 .024945 .224748 40
HI 9562 "Corr. 5598 " Co r r 4402 5012 " Co r r .
" Co r r 5054 41
42 98U6 10 47 5534 10 1 1 4466 5079 10 1 | 10 51 5360 42
U3 .220130 15 71 5471 15 16 4529 5146 15 17 15 76 5665 43
44 OU H4 20 95 5406 20 21 4594 5214 20 22 20 102 5971 44
45 .220697 30 142 .975342 30 32 .024658 .025281 30 34 30 153 .226277 45
U6 0981 UO 189 5278 40 43 4722 5349 40 45 40 204 6583 46
U7 1265 145 213 5214 45 48 4786 5416 45 51 45 229 6888 47
U8 1548 50 236 5149 50 53 4851 5484 50 56 50 255 7194 48
49 1832 5085 4915 5552 7500 49
50 .2221 16 .975020 .024980 .025620 .227806 50
51 2399 4956 5044 5688 81 12 51
52 2683 4891 5109 5756 8418 52
53 2967 4826 5174 5824 8724 53
54 3250 4761 5239 5892 9031 54
55 .2235314 .974696 .025304 .025961 .229337 55
56 3817 4631 5369 6029 9643 56
57 14101 4566 5434 6098 9949 57
58 1438M 4501 5499 6166 .230256 58
59 U668 4436 5564 6235 0562 59
60 .22495 .974370 .025630 .026304 .230868 60





Sf c. SE c. SE c. SEC.

+ .974370 + .025630 .026304 ^ + .230868
5234 4305 5695 6373 1175 1

2 5518 4239 5761 6442 1481 2

3 5801 4173 5827 651 1 1788 3
U 6085 4108 5892 6581 2094 4
5 .226368 .974042 .025958 .026650 .232401 5
6 6651 3976 6024 6719 2707 6
7 6935 3910 6090 6789 3014 7
8 7218 3844 6156 6859 3321 8
9 7501 3778 6222 6928 3627 9
10 .227784 .973712 .026288 .026998 .233934 10
1 l
8068 " Cor r 3645 " Co r r 6355 7068 " Corr. " Co r r 4241
8351 10" 47 3579 10 6421 7138 10 12 10 51 4546 12
12 1 |

13 8634 15 71 3512 15 17 6488 7208 15 18 15 77 4855 13

in 8917 20 94 3446 2C 22 6554 7278 20 23 20 102 5162 14

15 .229200 30 142 .973379 30 33 .026621 .027349 30 35 30 153 .235469 15

16 9484 40 189 3312 40 44 6688 7419 40 47 40 205 5776 16
17 9767 45 212 3246 45 50 6754 7490 45 53 45 230 6083 17
18 .230050 50 236 3179 50 56 6821 7560 50 59 50 256 6390 18
19 0333 31 12 6888 7631 6697 19

20 .230616 .973045 .026955 .027702 .237004 20

21 0899 2978 7022 7773 7312 21
22 1 182 2910 7090 7844 7619 22
23 1465 2843 7157 7915 7926 23
24 1748 2776 7224 7986 8234 24
25 .232031 .972708 .027292 . 028057 .238541 25
26 23 m 2641 7359 8129 8848 26
27 2597 2573 7427 8200 9156 27
28 2880 2506 1
7494 8272 9464 28
29 3162 2438 7562 8343 9771 29
30 .233445 .972370 .027630 .028415 .240079 30
31 372S 2302 7698 8487 0386 31
32 UOI 1 2234 7766 8559 0694 32
33 4294 2166 7834 8631 1002 33
3U 4577 2098 7902 8703 1310 34
35 .234859 .972029 .027971 .028776 .241618 35
36 5142 1961 8039 8848 1926 36
37 5425 1893 8107 8920 2233 37
38 5708 1824 8176 8993 2541 38
39 5990 1755 8245 9066 2849 39
U0 .236273 .971687 .028313 .029138 .243158 40
41 6556 " Co r r 1618 " Co r r . 8382 921 " Co r r 1 .
" Corr. 3466 41
42 6838 10 47 1549 10 12 8451 9284 10 12 10 51 3774 42
43 7121 15 71 1480 15 17 8520 9357 15 18 15 77 4082 43
44 7403 20 94 141 201 23 8589 9430 20 24 20 103 4390 44
U5 .237686 30 141 .971342 30 35 .028658 .029503 30 37 30 154 .244698 45
46 7968 40 188 1273 uo 46 8727 9577 40 49 40 206 5007 46
147 8251 45 212 1204 45 52 8796 9650 45 55 45 231 5315 47
4e 8534 50 235 1134 50 58 8866 9724 50 61 50 257 5624 48
49 8816 1065 8935 9797 5932 49
50 .239098 .970995 .029005 .029871 .246240 50
51 9381 0926 9074 9945 6549 51
52 9663 0856 9144 .030019 6858 52
53 9946 0786 9214 0093 7166 53
5H .240228 0716 9284 0167 7475 54
55 .240510 .970647 .029353 .030241 .247784 55

56 0793 0577 9423 0315 8092 56

57 1075 0506 9494 0390 8401 57
^P 1357 0436 9564 0464 8710 58
59 1640 0366 9634 0539 9019 59
60 .241922 .970296 .029704 . 0306 1 .249328 60
1 ..






s c. SE c. SE c. SEC.
+ .970296
+ .029704 .030614 4 + .249328
2204 0225 9775 0688 9637 1

2 2466 0155 9845 0763 9946 2

3 2768 0084 9916 0838 .250255 3
4 3051 0014 9986 0913 0564 4
5 .2143333 .969943 .030057 .030989 .250873 5
6 3615 9872 0128 1064 1183 6
7 3897 9801 0199 139 1 1492 7
8 UI79 9730 0270 1215 1801 8
9 4461 9*59 0341 1290 21 1 1
10 .214147143 .969588 .030412 .031366 .252420 10
5025 " Corr. 9517 "Corr. 0483 1442 " C orr. " Co r r 2729 II
12 5307 10 47 9445 10 12 0555 1518 10 13 10 52 3039 12
13 5589 15 70 9374 15 18 0626 1594 15 19 15 77 3348 13
14 5871 20 94 9302 20 24 0698 1670 20 25 20 103 3658 14
15 .246153 30 141 .969231 30 36 .030769 .031746 30 38 30 155 .253968 15
16 6435 40 188 9159 40 48 0841 1822 40 51 40 206 4277 16
17 6717 45 211 9088 U5 54 0912 1896 45 57 45 232 4587 17
18 6999 50 235 9016 50 60 0984 1975 50 64 50 258 4897 18
19 7281 8944 1056 2052 5207 19
20 .247563 . 968872 .031 128 .032128 .255516 20
21 7844 8800 1200 2205 5826 21
22 8126 8728 1272 2282 6136 22
23 8408 8656 1344 2359 6446 23
2U 8690 8583 1417 2436 6756 24
25 .248972 .96851 .031489 .032513 .257066 25
26 9253 8438 1562 2590 7377 26
27 9535 8366 1634 2668 7687 27
28 9817 8293 1707 2745 7997 28
29 .250098 8220 1780 2823 8307 29
30 . 250380 .968148 .031852 .032900 .258618 30
31 0662 8075 1925 2978 8928 31
32 0943 8002 1998 3056 9238 32
33 1225 7929 2071 3134 9549 33
34 1506 7856 2144 3212 9859 34
35 .251788 .967782 .032218 .033290 . 260 70 35

36 2069 7709 2291 3368 0480 36

37 2351 7636 2364 3447 0791 37
38 2632 7562 2438 3525 1102 38
39 2914 7489 251 13604 1413 39
140.253195 .967415 .032585 .033682 .261723 40
41 3477 " Corr. 7342 "Corr. 2658 3761 " Corr. " Co r r 2034 41
42 3758 10 47 7268 10 12 2732 3840 10 13 10 52 2345 42
43 4039 15 70 7194 15 19 2806 3919 15 20 15 78 2656 43
44 4321 20 94 7120 20 25 2880 3998 20 26 20 104 2967 44
45 .254602 30 141 .967046 30 37 .032954 .034077 30 40 30 156 .263278 45
U6 4883 40 188 6972 40 49 3028 4156 40 53 40 207 3589 46
M7 5164 45 211 6898 45 56 3102 4236 45 59 45 233 3900 47
U8 5446 50 234 6823 50 62 3177 4315 50 66 50 259 4211 48
49 5727 6749 3251 4395 4523 49
50 .256008 .966675 .033325 .034474 .264834 50
51 6289 6600 3400 4554 5145 51
52 6570 6526 3474 4634 5457 52
53 6852 6451 3549 4714 5768 53
5U 7133 6376 3624 4794 6079 54
55 .257414 .966301 .033699 .034874 .266391 55
56 7695 6226 3774 4954 6702 56
57 7976 6151 3849 5035 7014 57
58 8257 6076 3924 5115 7326 58
59 8538 6001 3999 5196 7637 59
60 .258819 .965926 .034074 .035276 .267949 60




F0R \


+ .965926
+ .034074
+ +
9100 5850 4150 5357 8261 1

2 9381 5775 4225 5438 8573 2

3 9662 5700 4300 5519 8885 3
U 9943 5624 4376 5600 9197 4
5 .260224 .9655148 .034452 .035681 .269509 5
6 0504 5U73 4527 5762 9821 6
7 0785 5397 4603 5844 .270133 7
8 1066 5321 4679 5925 0445 8
9 1347 5245 4755 6006 0757 9
10 .261628 .965169 .034831 .036088 .271069 10
1 ! 1908 Corr. 5093 " Corr. 4907 6170 " Co r r . " Corr. 1382 II
12 2189 10 147 5016 10 13 4984 6252 10 14 10 52 1694 12
13 2470 15 70 4940 15 19 5060 6334 15 21 15 78 2006 13
IU 2751 20 9U 4864 20 25 5136 6416 20 27 20 104 2319 IU
15 . 26303 30 mo . 964787 30 38 .035213 .036498 30 41 30 156 .272631 15
16 3312 MO 187 471 1 UO 51 5289 6580 40 55 40 208 2944 16
17 3592 145 210 4634 M5 57 5366 6662 45 62 45 234 3256 17
18 3873 50 234 4557 50 64 5443 6745 50 68 50 260 3569 18
19 4154 4481 5519 6828 3882 19
20 .264434 .964404 .035596 .036910 .274194 20
21 4715 4327 5673 6993 4507 21
22 4995 4250 5750 7076 4820 22
23 5276 4173 5827 7159 5133 23
2U 5556 4095 5905 7242 5446 2U
25 .265837 .964018 .035982 .037325 .275759 25
26 6117 3941 6059 7408 6072 26
27 6397 3863 6137 7492 6385 27
28 6678 3786 6214 7575 6698 28
29 6958 3708 6292 7658 701 1 29
30 .267238 .963630 .036370 .037742 .277324 30
31 7519 3553 6447 7826 7638 31
32 7799 3475 6525 7910 7951 32
33 8079 3397 6603 7994 8265 33
34 8359 3319 6681 8078 8578 3U
35 268640 . .963241 .036759 .038162 .278892 35
36 8920 3163 6837 8246 9205 36
37 9200 3084 6916 8331 9519 37
38 9480 3006 6994 8415 9832 38
39 9760 2928 7072 8500 .280146 39
UO .2700U0 .962849 .037151 .038584 .280460 UO
41 0320 n Corr. 2770 "Corr. 7230 8669 JLCorr. " Corr. 0774 Ul
M2 0600 10 U7 2692 10 13 7308 8754 10 14 10 52 1087 U2
43 0880 15 70 2613 15 20 7387 8839 15 21 15 79 1401 U3
44 1 160 20 93 2534 20 26 7466 8924 20 28 20 105 1715 UU
45 .27H4U0 30 mo .962455 30 40 .037545 .039009 30 43 30 157 .282029 U5
46 1720 UO 187 2376 40 53 7624 9095 40 57 40 209 2343 U6
47 2000 145 210 2297 145 59 7703 9180 45 64 45 235 2657 U7
U8 2280 50 233 2218 50 66 7782 9266 50 71 50 262 2972 U8
U9 2560 2139 7861 9351 3286 U9
50 .2728140 .962059 .037941 .039437 .283600 50
51 3120 1980 8020 9523 3914 51
52 3400 1900 8100 9608 4229 52
53 3679 1821 8179 9694 4543 53
54 3959 1741 8259 9781 4858 5U
55 .274239 .961662 .038338 .039867 .285172 55
56 4519 1582 8418 9953 5487 56
57 4798 1502 8498 .040040 5801 57
58 5078 1422 8578 0126 6116 58
59 5358 1342 8658 0213 6431 50
ao .275637 .961262 .038738 L 040299 .286745 60
. . 1






$ EC. SE c. SE c. SEC.

+ .961262 + .038738 .040299 Hr + .286745
5917 1182 8818 0386 7060 1

2 6197 1 101 8899 0473 7375 2

3 6476 1021 8979 0560 7690 3
4 6756 0940 9060 0647 8005 4
5 .277035 . 960860 .039140 .040735 .288320 5
6 7315 0779 9221 0822 8635 6
7 7594 0698 9302 0909 8950 7
8 7874 0618 9382 0997 9266 8
9 8153 ^537 9463 1084 9581 9
10 .278432 .960456 .039544 .041 172 .289896 10
1 1 8712 " Co r r 0375 Core 9625 1260 "Corr. "Corr. .29021 II
12 8991 10 47 0294 10 14 9706 1348 10 15 10 53 0527 12
13 9270 15 70 0212 15 20 9788 1436 15 22 15 79 0842 13
m 9550 20 93 0131 20 27 9869 1524 20 29 20 105 1 158 14
15 .279829 30 140 .960050 30 41 .039950 .041613 30 44 30 158 .291473 15
16 .280108 40 186 .959968 40 54 .040032 1701 UO 59 40 210 1789 16
17 0388 45 209 9887 45 61 01 13 1789 U5 66 45 237 2105 17
18 0667 50 233 9805 50 68 0195 1878 50 74 50 263 2420 18
19 0946 9724 0276 1967 2736 19

20 .281225 .959642 .040358 .042055 .293052 20

21 1504 9560 0440 2144 3368 21
22 1783 9478 0522 2233 3684 22
23 2062 9396 0604 2322 4000 23
2U 2342 9314 0686 2412 4316 24
25 .282620 .959232 .040768 .042501 .294632 25
26 2900 9150 0850 2590 4948 26
27 3178 9067 0933 2680 5264 27
28 3458 8985 1015 2769 5581 28
29 3736 8902 1098 2859 5897 29
30 .284015 . 958820 .041 180 .042949 .296214 30
31 4294 8737 1263 3039 6530 31
32 4573 8654 1346 3129 6846 32
33 U852 8572 1428 3219 7163 33
34 5131 8489 1511 3309 7480 34
35 .285410 .958406 .041594 .043400 .297796 35
36 5688 8323 1677 3490 81 13 38
37 5967 8239 1761 3580 8430 37
38 6246 8156 1844 3671 8746 38
39 6525 8073 1927 3762 9063 39
40 . 286803 . 957990 .042010 .043853 .299380 40
Ul 7082 "Con 7906 " Corr. 2094 3944 " Co r r "Corr. 9697 41
U2 7360 10 46 7822 10 14 2178 4035 10 15 10 53 .300014 42
43 7639 15 70 7739 15 21 2261 4126 15 23 15 79 0332 43
UU 7918 20 93 7655 20 28 2345 4217 20 30 20 106 0649 44
U5 .288196 30 139 .957571 30 42 .042429 .044309 30 46 30 159 .300966 45
U6 8475 UO 186 7488 UO 56 2512 4400 UO 61 40 212 1283 46
47 8753 45 209 7404 45 63 2596 4492 U5 69 45 238 1600 47
U8 9032 50 232 7320 50 70 2680 4583 50 76 50 264 1918 48
U9 9310 7235 2765 4675 2235 49
50 .289589 .957151 .042849 .044767 .302553 50
51 9867 7067 2933 4859 2870 51
52 .290146 6982 3018 4951 3188 52
53 0424 6898 3102 5043 3506 53
54 0702 6814 3186 5136 3823 54
55 .290980 .956729 .043271 .045228 .304141 55
56 1259 6644 3356 5321 4459 56
57 1537 6560 3440 5413 4777 57
58 1815 6475 3525 5506 5095 58
59 2094 ! 6390 3610 5599 5413 59
60 .292372 .956305 .043695 .045692 .305731 60





Sf c. SE c. SE c. SEC.
+ + .043695 .045692 H + .305731
.292372 .956305
2650 6220 3780 5785 60U9 1

2 2928 6134 3866 5878 6367 2

3 3206 6049 3951 5971 6685 3
U 3484 5964 4036 6065 7003 4

5 .293762 .955878 .044122 .046158 .307322 5

6 4040 5793 4207 6252 7640 6
7 4318 5707 4293 63U5 7959 7
8 4596 5622 4378 6U39 8277 8
9 4874 5536 4464 6533 8596 9
10 .295152 .955450 .044550 .046627 .308914 10
1 1
5430 Corr. 5364 "Corr. 4636 6721 "Corr " Co r r 9233 II
12 5708 10 46 5278 10 14 4722 6815 10 16 10 53 9552 12
13 5986 15 69 5192 15 22 4808 6910 15 24 15 80 9870 13
14 6264 20 93 5106 20 29 4894 7004 20 32 20 106 .310189 14

15 .296542 30 139 . 955020 30 43 .044980 .047099 30 47 30 159 .310508 15

16 6819 UO 185 U934 UO 58 5066 7193 uo 63 40 213 0827 16
17 7097 U5 208 4847 U5 65 5153 7288 U5 71 45 239 1146 17
18 7375 50 231 4761 50 72 5239 7383 50 79 50 266 1465 18
19 7653 4674 5326 7478 1784 19

20 .297930 .95U588 .045412 .047573 .312104 20

21 8208 4501 5499 7668 2U23 21
22 8486 4414 5586 7763 2742 22
23 8763 4327 5673 7859 3062 23
24 9041 4240 5760 7954 3381 24
25 .299318 .954153 .045847 .048050 . 3 3700 25

26 9596 4066 5934 8145 4020 26

27 9873 3979 6021 8241 43U0 27
28 .300151 3892 6108 8337 U659 28
29 0428 3804 6196 8433 4979 29
30 . 300706 .953717 .046283 .048529 .315299 30
31 0983 3629 6371 8625 5619 31
32 1261 3542 6458 8722 5938 32
33 1538 3454 6546 8818 6258 33
34 1815 3366 6634 8915 6578 34
35 . 302093 .953279 .046721 . 0490 1 . 3 6899 35

36 2370 3191 6809 9108 7219 36

37 2647 3103 6897 9205 7539 37
38 2924 3015 6985 9302 7859 38
39 3202 2926 7074 9399 8179 39
HO .303479 .952838 .047162 .049496 . 3 8500 40

Ul 3756 " Corr. 2750 "Corr. 7250 9593 "Corr. "Corr. 8820 41
U2 4033 10 46 2662 10 15 7338 9691 10 16 10 53 9141 42
43 4310 15 69 2573 15 22 7427 9788 15 24 15 80 9461 43
44 4587 20 92 2484 20 30 7516 9886 20 33 20 107 9782 44
45 .304864 30 138 .952396 30 44 .047604 .049984 30 49 30 160 .320102 45
46 5141 MO 185 2307 UO 59 7693 050082 uo
. 65 40 214 0U23 46
47 5418 U5 208 2218 U5 67 7782 0179 U5 73 45 241 0744 47
48 5695 50 231 2129 50 74 7871 0277 50 82 50 267 1065 48
49 5972 2040 7960 0376 1386 49

50 .306249 .951951 .048049 .050474 .321707 50

51 6526 1862 8138 0572 2028 51
52 6803 1773 8227 0671 2349 52
53 7080 1684 8316 0769 2670 53
54 7357 1594 8406 0868 2991 54

55 .307633 .951505 .048U95 .050967 .323312 55

56 7910 1415 8585 1066 3634 56
57 8187 1326 8674 165 1 3955 57
58 8464 1236 8764 1264 4277 58
59 8740 1 146 8854 1363 4598 59

60 .309017 .951056 .0U8944 .051462 .324920 60

. 3






s EC. Si c. s :c. SEC.

+ .951056 + .048944 .051462 + .324920
9294 0967 9033 1562 5241 1

2 9570 0877 9123 1661 5563 2

3 9847 0786 9214 1761 5885 3
4 .310123 0696 9304 1861 6207 4
5 . 3 1 0400 . 950606 .049394 .051960 .326528 5
6 0676 0516 9484 2060 6850 6
7 0953 0425 9575 2160 7172 7
8 1229 0335 9665 2261 7494 8
9 1506 0244 9756 2361 7816 9
10 .311782 .950154 .049846 .052461 .328139 10
1 1 2059 " Corr. 0063 "Corr. 9937 2562 " C orr. " Corr. 8461 II
12 2335 10 46 .949972 10 15 .050028 2662 10" 17 10 54 8783 12
13 261 15 69 1 9881 15 23 0119 2763 15 25 15 81 9 106 13
14 2888 20 92 9790 20 30 0210 2864 20 34 20 107 9428 14
15 .313164 30 138 .949699 30 46 .050301 .052965 30 51 30 161 .329750 15
16 3440 UO 184 9608 40 61 0392 3066 UO 67 40 215 .330073 16
17 3716 45 207 9517 M5 68 0483 3167 U5 76 45 242 0396 17
18 3992 50 230 9426 50 76 0574 3269 50 84 50 269 0718 18
19 4269 9334 0666 3370 1041 19
20 .314545 .949243 .050757 .053471 .331364 20
21 4821 9151 0849 3573 1687 21
22 5097 9060 0940 3675 2010 22
23 5373 8968 1032 3776 2333 23
2U 5649 8876 1124 3878 2656 24
25 .315925 .948784 .051216 .053980 .332979 25
26 6201 8692 1308 4083 3302 26
27 6477 8600 1400 4185 3625 27
28 6753 8508 1492 4287 3948 28
29 7029 8416 1584 4390 4272 29
30 .317305 .948324 .051676 .054492 .334595 30
31 7580 8231 1769 4595 4919 31
32 7856 8139 1861 4698 5242 32
33 8132 8046 1954 4801 5566 33
3U 8408 7954 2046 4904 5690 34
35 .318684 . 94786 I .052139 .055007 . 3362 1 35
36 8959 7768 2232 51 10 6537 36
37 9235 7676 2324 5213 6861 37
38 951 1 7583 2417 5317 7185 38
39 9786 7490 2510 5420 7509 39
40 . 320062 .947397 .052603 .055524 .337833 40
Ml 0337 " Co r r . 7304 "C or r 2696 5628 " Corr. "Corr. 8157 41
42 0613 10 46 7210 10" 16 2790 5732 10 17 10 54 8481 42
M3 0888 15 69 71 17 15 23 2883 5836 15 26 15 81 8806 43
UU 1 164 20 92 7024 20 31 2976 5940 20 35 20 108 9130 44
45 .321440 30 138 .946930 30 47 .053070 .056044 30 52 30 162 .339454 45
46 1715 HO 184 6837 UO 62 3163 6148 UO 70 40 216 9779 46
U7 1990 IJ5 207 6743 45 70 3257 6253 45 78 45 243 .340103 47
148 2266 50 229 6649 50 78 3351 6358 50 87 50 270 0428 48
U9 2541 6556 3444 6462 0752 49
50 .322816 .946462 .053538 .056567 .341077 50
51 3092 6368 3632 6672 1402 51
52 3367 6274 3726 6777 1727 52
53 3642 6180 3820 6882 2052 53
54 3917 6085 3915 6987 2376 54
55 .324193 .945991 .054009 .057092 .342702 55
56 4468 5897 4103 7198 3027 56
57 4743 5802 4198 7303 3352 57
58 5018 5708 4292 7409 3677 58
59 5293 5613 4387 7515 4002 59
60 . 325568 .945519 .054481 .057621 . 344328 60





SEC. SI c. s :c sec
+ .905519
+ .050081 .057621 h +
c .325568 .344328
1 5843 5020 4576 7727 4653 1

2 61 18 5329 0671 7833 4978 2

3 6393 5230 0766 7939 5304 3
U 6668 5139 0861 8045 5630 U
5 .326943 .945044 .050956 .058152 .345955 5
6 7218 0909 5051 8258 6281 6
7 7493 0850 5106 8365 6607 7
9 7768 0758 5202 8472 6933 8
9 8042 0663 5337 8579 7259 9
IC .328317 .900568 .055032 .Z555S5 .347585 10
1 1 8592 "Corr. 0072 "Corr. 5526 8793 Corr. " Corr. 791 1 II
12 8867 10 06 0376 10 16 5620 5?:: : 18 10 50 8237 12
13 9im 15 69 0281 15 20 5719 9007 15 2" 15 82 8563 13
14 9m 6 20 92 0185 20 32 5815 9115 20 36 20 109 8889 IU
15 30
.329691 137 . 900089 30 08 .05591 .059222 30 54 30 163 .349216 15
16 9965 00 183 3993 IW 60 6007 9330 -: 72 00 218 9542 16
17 .330200 45 206 3697 05 72 6103 9438 45 81 05 245 9868 17
19 05IU 50 229 3801 50 80 6199 9545 50 90 50 272 .35: r5 18
19 0769 3705 6295 9653 0522 19

20 .331063 . 903608 .056392 .059762 .350848 20

21 1338 3512 6488 9870 1175 21
22 1612 3416 6580 9978 1502 22
23 1887 3319 6681 .:;::;f 1829 23
24 2161 3223 6777 0195 2156 24
25 .332436 .903126 .056870 .ZzZ2Z-- .352483 25
26 2710 3029 6971 0412 2810 26
27 2984 2932 7068 0521 3I37|27
28 3258 2836 7160 0630 3064 28
29 3533 2739 7261 0740 3791 29
30 .333607 .942642 .057358 .060849 . 354 130 1

31 0081 2544 7056 0958 4446 31

32 0355 2447 7553 1068 4773 32
33 0629 2350 7650 177
1 5101 33
3U 0903 2252 7708 1287 5429 34
35 .335178 .902155 .057805 .061397 .355756 35
36 5052 2058 7902 1506 6084 36
37 5726 I960 8000 1616 6412 37
39 6000 1862 8138 1726 6740 38
39 6274 1760 8236 1837 7068 39
4c .336508 .941666 .058330 .061947 .357396 HO
" Co r r 1
Ul 6621 1569 Corr. 8031 IC55 " Co r r " Co r r . || 7724 41
U2 7095 10 06 1070 10 16 8530 2168 10 19 10 55 rCrZ 42
43 7369 15 68 1372 15 25 8628 2279 15 28 15 82 8360 43
4U 7643 20 91 1270 20 33 8726 2390 20 37 [20 109 8708 44
45 .337917 30 137 . 90 1 76 50
1 09 .058820 .062500 ?: 56 30 164 .359037 45
U6 8190 00 183 1078 00 66 8922 2612 -: 70 40 219 9365 46
47 8060 05 205 0979 45 70 9021 2723 -5 83 45 246 9694 47
48 8738 50 228 0881 50 82 91 19 2834 5C 93 50 274 .360022 48
49 9012 0782 9218 2945 0351 49

50 .339285 . 900680 .059316 .063057 .360680 50

51 9559 0585 9015 3168 1008 51
52 9832 0086 9514 3280 1337 52
53 .300106 0387 9613 3392 1666 53
54 0380 0288 9712 3500 1995 54
55 300653 . .900189 .05981 .063616 .362324 55
56 0926 0090 9910 3728 2653 56
57 1200 .939991 .060009 3840 2982 57
59 1073 9891 0109 3953 3312 58
59 1747 9792 0208 4065 3601 59
M .302020 . 939693 .060307 .064178 . 363970 60




s EC. SE c. s EC. SEC.

+ .939693 + .060307 .064178 + . 363970
2294 9593 0407 4290 4300 1

2 2567 9494 0506 4403 4629 2

3 2840 9394 0606 4516 4959 3
4 31 13 9294 0706 4629 5288 4
5 . 343386 .939194 .060806 .064742 .365618 5
6 3660 9094 0906 4856 5948

7 3933 8994 1006 4969 6278 7
8 4206 8894 106
1 5083 6608 8
9 4479 R794 1206 5196 6938 9
10 .344752 .938694 .061306 .065310 .367268 10
1 5025 "Con
1 8593 "Corr 1407 5424 " Corr. "Corr. 7598 II
12 5298 10 45 8493 10 17 1507 5538 10 19 10 55 7928 12
13 5571 15 68 8392 15 25 1608 5652 15 29 15 83 8259 13
IU 5844 20 91 8292 20 34 1708 5766 20 38 20 110 8589 IU
15 .3461 17 30 136 .938191 30 50 .061809 .065881 30 57 30 165 .368920 15
16 6390 40 182 8091 40 67 1909 5995 40 76 40 220 9250 16
17 6663 45 205 7990 45 76 2010 6110 45 86 45 248 9581 17
18 6936 50 227 7889 50 84 2111 6224 50 95 50 275 991 1 18
19 7208 7788 2212 6339 .370242 19
20 .347481 .937687 .062313 .066454 .370573 20
21 7754 7586 2414 6569 0904 21
22 8027 7485 2515 6684 1235 22
23 8299 7383 2617 6799 1566 23
2U 8572 7282 2718 6915 1897 24
25 .348845 .937181 .062819 .067030 .372228 25
26 91 17 7079 2921 7146 2559 26
27 9390 6977 3023 7262 2890 27
28 9662 6876 3124 7377 3222 28
29 9935 6774 3226 7493 3553 29
30 .350207 .936672 .063328 .067609 .373885 30
31 0480 6570 3430 7726 4216 31
32 0752 6468 3532 7842 4548 32
33 1025 6366 3634 7958 4880 33
34 1297 6264 3736 8075 5212 34
35 351569 .936162 .063838 .068191 .375543 35
36 1842 6060 3940 8308 5875 36
37 21 14 5957 4043 8425 6207 37
38 2386 5855 4145 8542 6539 38
39 2658 5752 4248 8659 6872 39
MO .352931 .935650 .064350 .068776 . 377204 40
HI 3203 " Corr. 5547 "Corr. 4453 8894 " Co r r "Cor 7536 41
42 3475 1.0 45 5444 10 17 4556 901 10
1 20 10 55 7868 42
43 3747 15 68 5341 15 26 4659 9129 15 29 15 83 8201 43
44 4019 20 91 5238 20 34 4762 9246 20 39 20 1 II 8534 44
45 .354291 30 136 .935135 30 52 .064865 .069364 30 59 30 166 .378866 45
U6 4563 U0 181 5032 40 69 4968 9482 40 79 40 222 9199 46
H7 4835 U5 204 4929 45 77 5071 9600 45 88 45 250 9532 47
U8 5107 50 227 4826 50 86 5174 9718 50 98 50 277 9864 48
U9 5379 4722 5278 9836 .360197 49
50 .355651 .934619 .065381 .069955 .380530 50
51 5923 4515 5485 .070073 0863 51
52 6194 4412 5588 0192 1196 52
53 6466 4308 5692 031 1 1530 53
54 6738 4204 5796 0430 1863 54
55 .357010 .934101 .065899 .070548 .382196 55
56 7281 3997 6003 0668 2530 56
57 7553 3893 6107 0787 2863 57
58 7825 3789 621 1 0906 3197 58
59 8096 3685 6315 1025 3530 59
60 .358368 .933580 .066420 .071145 .383864 60





SE c. SE c. SEC. SEC.

. 358368
.933580 + .066420 .071145 + + .383864
1 8640 3476 6524 1265 4198 1

2 891 1 3372 6628 1384 4532 2

3 9182 3267 6733 1504 4866 3
U 9U54 3163 6837 1624 5200 4
5 .359725 . 933058 .066942 .071744 .385534 5
6 9997 2954 7046 1865 "Corr. "Corr. 5868 6
7 360268
. 2849 7151 1985 io ~^o 10 56 6202 7
8 0540 2744 7256 2106 15 30 15 84 6536 8
9 081 1 2639 7361 2226 20 40 20 1 12 6871 9
10 . 36 082
1 .932534 .067466 .072347 30 60 30 167 . 387205 10
1 1 1353 n Corr. 2429 "Corr. 7571 2468 40 81 40 223 7540 1 1

12 1625 TO" 45 2324 10 18 7676 2589 45 91 45 251 7874 12

13 1896 15 68 2219 15 26 7781 2710 50 101 50 279 8209 13
14 2167 20 90 21 13 20 35 7887 2831 8544 14
15 .362438 3D 136 . 932008 30 53 .067992 .072952 .388879 15
16 2709 ^C 181 1902 no 70 8098 3074 9214 16
17 2980 45 203 1797 145 79 8203 3195 9549 17
16 3251 50 226 1691 50 88 8309 3317 9884 IB
19 3522 1586 8414 3439 .3902 1 19

20 .363793 . 93 480
1 .068520 .073561 . 390554 20
21 406U 1374 8626 3683 0889 21
22 4335 1268 8732 3805 1225 22
23 4606 1162 8838 3927 1560 23
2U 4877 1056 8944 4050 1896 24
25 .365148 .930950 . 069050 .074172 .392231 25
26 5418 0843 9157 4295 " Co r r .
" Cor r 2567 25
27 5689 0737 9263 4417 10 21 10 56 2903 27
28 5960 0631 9369 4540 15 31 15 84 3239 23
29 6231 0524 9476 4663 20 41 20 1 12 3574 29
30 . 36650 .930418 .069582 .074786 30 62 30 168 .393910 3D
31 6772 0311 9689 4910 40 82 40 224 4246 31
32 7042 0204 9796 5033 45 92 45 252 4583 32
33 7313 0097 9903 5156 50 103 50 280 4919 33
3U 7584 .929990 .070010 5280 5255 34
35 . 367854 . 929884 .0701 16 .075404 . 395592 35
36 8125 9776 0224 5527 5928 33
37 8395 9669 0331 5651 6264 37
38 8665 9562 0438 5775 6601 33
39 8936 9455 0545 5900 6938 39
UO .369206 .929348 .070652 .076024 .397275 40
41 9476 " Corr. 9240 "Corr 0760 6148 761 1
U2 9747 10 45 9133 1(5" 16 0867 6273 7948 42
43 .370017 15 68 9025 15 27 0975 6397 8285 43
44 0287 20 90 8917 20 36 1083 6522 8622 44

45 . 370557 30 135 .928810 30 54 .071 190 .076647 . 398960 45

" Co r r 9297
46 0828 140 180 8702 40 72 1298 6772 " Co r r . . 45
47 1098 H5 203 8594 145 81 1406 6897 10 21 10 56 9634 47
48 1366 50 225 8486 50 90 1514 7022 15 31 Il5 64 9972 48
49 1636 8378 1622 7148 20 42 20 113 .400309 49
50 . 37 9081 .928270 .071730 .077273 30 63 30 169 . 400646 50
51 2178 8161 1839 7399 40 84 40 225 0984 51
52 2448 8053 1947 7525 45 94 45 253 1322 52
53 2718 7945 2055 7650 50 105 50 281 1660 53
54 2988 7836 2164 7776 1997 54

55 .373258 .927728 .072272 .077902 .402335 55

56 3528 7619 2381 8029 2673 56
57 3797 7510 2490 8155 3012 57
58 4067 7402 2598 8282 3350 58
59 4337 7293 2707 8408 3668 59
60 .374607 .927184 .072816 .078535 . 404026
1 . 1 . . 4






s EC. SE c. SEC. SEC.

+ .927184 + .072816 .078535 + + .404026
4876 7075 2925 8662 4365 1

2 5146 6966 3034 8788 4703 2

3 5416 6857 3143 8916 5042 3
4 5685 6747 3253 9043 5380 4
5 .375955 .926638 .073362 .079170 .405719 5
6 6224 6529 3471 9298 " Co r r "Corr. 6058 6
7 6494 6419 3581 9425 10 21 10 57 6397 7
8 6763 6310 3690 9553 15 32 15 85 6736 8
9 7033 6200 3800 96eo 20 43 20 113 7075 9
10 .377302 .926090 .073910 .079808 30 64 30 170 .407414 10
1 1 7571 " Corr. 5980 " Co r r . 4020 9936 40 85 40 226 7753 1 1

12 7841 10 45 5871 10 18 4129 .080065 45 96 45 254 8092 12

13 81 10 15 67 5761 15 28 4239 0193 50 107 50 283 8432 13
14 8379 20 90 5651 20 37 4349 0321 8771 14
15 .378649 30 135 .925540 30 55 .074460 .080450 .4091 1
16 8918 40 180 5430 UO 73 4570 0578 9450 16
17 9187 45 202 5320 45 83 4680 0707 9790 17
18 9456 50 224 5210 50 92 4790 0836 .410130 18
19 9725 5099 4901 0965 0470 19
20 .379994 . 924989 .07501 .081094 .410810 20
21 .380263 4878 5122 1223 1150 21
22 0532 4768 5232 1353 1490 22
23 0801 4657 5343 1482 1830 23
24 1070 4546 5454 1612 2170 24
25 .381339 .924435 .075565 .081742 .41251 25
26 1608 4324 5676 1872 "Corr. " Co r r . 2851 26 I

27 1877 4213 5787 2002 10 22 10 57 3192 27

28 2146 4102 5898 2132 15 33 15 85 3532 28
29 2415 3991 6009 2262 20 43 20 MM 3873 29
30 .382683 .923880 .076120 .082392 30 65 30 170 . 4 42
1 1 30
31 2952 3768 6232 2523 40 87 40 227 4554 31
32 3221 3657 6343 2653 45 98 45 256 4895 32
33 3490 3545 6455 2784 50 109 50 284 5236 33
34 375e 3434 6566 2915 5577 34
35 . 384027 .923322 .076678 .083046 .415919 35
36 4295 3210 6790 3177 6260 36
37 4564 3098 6902 3308 6601 37
38 4832 2986 7014 3440 6943 39
39 5101 2874 7126 3571 7284 39
40 .385369 .922762 .077238 .083702 .417626 40
41 5638 " Corr 2650 "Corr 7350 3834 7967 41
42 5906 10 45 2538 10 19 7462 3966 8309 42
43 6174 15 67 2426 15 28 7574 4098 8651 43
4U 6443 20 89 2313 20 37 7687 4230 8993 44
45 .38671 30 134 .922201 30 56 .077799 .084362 .419335 45
46 6979 40 179 2088 UO 75 7912 4495 "Corr. " Co r r 9677 46
U7 7247 45 201 1976 45 84 8024 4627 10 22 10 57 .420019 47
48 7516 50 224 1863 50 94 8137 4760 15 33 15 86 0361 48
49 7784 1750 8250 4892 20 44 20 1 14 0704 49
50 . 388052 . 92 638
1 .078362 .085025 30 66 30 171 .421046 50
51 8320 1525 8475 5158 40 89 40 228 1388 51
B2 8588 1412 8588 5291 45 100 45 257 1731 52
53 8856 1299 8701 5424 50 II 1 50 285 2074 53
54 9124 1185 8815 5558 2416 54
55 .389392 . 92 072
1 .078928 .085691 .422759 55
M 9660 0959 9041 5825 3102 56
57 9928 0846 9154 5958 3445 57
58 .390196 0732 9268 6092 3788 58
B9 0463 0618 9382 6226 4132 59
60 .390731 .920505 .079495 .086360 .424475 60






+ .920505
— + .079495 .086360 + + .424475
o .

0999 0391 9609 6495 4818 1

2 1267 0277 9723 6629 5162 2

3 1534 0164 9836 6763 5505 3
U 1802 0050 9950 6898 5849 4
5 . 392070 .919936 .080064 .087033 .426192 5
5 2337 9822 0178 7163 JLCorr. JLCorr. 6536 6
7 2605 9707 0293 7302 10 23 10 57 6880 7
8 2S72 9593 0407 7438 15 34 15 86 7224 8
9 3140 9479 0521 7573 20 45 20 115 7568 9
.393407 . 9 9364
1 .080636 .087708 30 68 30 172 .427912 10
1 1
3674 "Corr. 9250 "Corr. 0750 7844 40 90 40 230 8256 II
12 3942 10 45 9135 10 19 0865 7979 45 102 45 258 8600 12
13 4209 15 67 9021 15 29 0979 8115 50 113 50 287 8945 13
IU 4U77 20 89 8906 20 38 1094 8251 9289 IU
'5 .394744 30 134 .918791 30 57 .081209 .088387 . 429634 15
ie 501 40 1 178 8676 40 77 1324 8523 9978 16
17 5276 45 200 8561 45 86 1439 8659 . 430323 17
IS 5546 50 223 8446 50 96 1554 8795 0668 18
13 5813 8331 1669 8932 1013 19
20 . 396080 .918216 .081784 .089068 .431358 20
2 63U7 8101 1899 9205 1703 21
22 6614 7986 2014 9342 2048 22
23 6881 7870 2130 9479 2393 23
2h 7148 7755 2245 9616 2739 2U
25 .397415 .917639 .082361 .089753 . 433084 25
25 7682 7523 2477 9890 " Co r r . "Corr. 3430 28
27 7949 7408 2592 .090028 10 23 10 58 3775 27
28 8216 7292 2708 0166 15 34 15 86 4121 28
23 8482 7176 2824 0303 20 46 20 115 4466 29
30 . 398749 .917060 .082940 .090441 30 69 30 173 .434812 30
31 9016 6944 3056 0579 40 92 40 231 5158 31
32 9282 6828 3172 0717 45 104 45 259 5504 32
33 9549 6712 3288 0855 50 115 50 288 5850 33
3U 9816 6596 3404 0994 6197 34
35 . 400082 .916479 .083521 .091132 .436543 35
36 0349 6363 3637 1271 6889 38
37 0616 6246 3754 I4IC 7236 37
33 0882 6130 3870 1548 7582 38
39 1 149 6013 3987 1688 7929 39
HO . 40 4
1 1 .915896 .084104 .091827 . 438276 UO
Ul 1581 "Corr. 5780 " Co r r 4220 1966 8622 Ul
U2 1948 10 44 5663 10 20 4337 2105 6969 U2
U3 2214 15 67 5546 15 29 4454 2245 9316 U3
uu 2480 20 89 5429 20 39 4571 2384 9663 UU
U5 .402747 30 133 . 9 53
1 1 30 59 . 084688 .092524 . 4400 1U5
ue 30 13 40 178 5194 40 78 4806 2664 ."Corr. " Corr. 0358 U6
U7 3279 45 200 5077 45 88 4923 2804 10 23 10 56 0705 U7
43 3545 50 222 4960 50 98 5040 2944 15 35 15 87 1053 U8
uc 381 1 4842 5158 3085 20 47 20 16 1 1400 U9
50 . 404078 .914725 .085275 .093225 30 70 30 174 . 44 748 50

5 4344 4607 5393 3366 40 94 40 232 2095 51

52 4610 4490 5510 3506 45 105 45 261 2443 52
53 48761 4372 5628 3647 50 17 1 50 290 2791 53
5u 5142 4254 5746 3788 3139 5U
55 . 405408 .914136 . 085864 .093929 .443487 55
56 5673 4018 5982 4070 3835 56
57 5939 3900 6100 4212 4183 57
Be 6205 3782 6218 4353 4532 58
59 6471 3664 6336 4495 4880 59
60 .4C6737 .913546 .086454 .094636 .445229 60
11 . 9






s c. s EC. SEC. SEC.

. 406737
+ .913546 + .086454 .094636 + + .445229
7002 3427 6573 4778 5577 1

2 7268 3309 6691 4920 5926 2

3 7534 3190 6810 5062 6275 3
U 7799 3072 6928 5204 6624 4
5 . 408065 .912953 .087047 .095347 .446973 5
6 8330 2834 7166 5489 " Corr. "Corr. 7322

7 8596 2715 7285 5632 10 24 10 58 7671 7
8 8862 2596 7404 5775 15 36 15 87 8020 8
9 9127 :;78 7522 5917 20 48 20 1 16 8369 9
10 . U09392 .912358 .087642 .096060 30 72 30 175 . 4487 101

II 9658 "Corr. 2239 "Corr. 7761 6204 40 95 40 233 9068 1 1

12 9923 10 44 2120 10 20 7880 6347 45 107 45 262 9418 12

13 .1110168 15 66 2001 15 30 7999 6490 50 191 50 291 9768 13
IU 0454 20 88 1882 20 40 81 !8 6634 .4501 17 IU
15 .410719 30 133 .911762 3C 60 .088238 .096777 .450467 15
16 0984 UC 177 1642 40 80 8358 6921 0817 16
17 1249 ^5 199 1523 45 90 8477 7065 !167 17
18 I5IM 50 221 1403 50 100 8597 7209 1517 18
19 1780 1284 8716 7353 1868 19
20 .412044 .91 1164 . 088836 .097498 .452216 20
21 2310 1044 8956 7642 2566 21
22 2574 0924 9076 7787 2919 22
23 2840 0804 9196 7931 3269 23
2U 3104 0684 9316 8076 3620 24
25 .413369 .910564 .089436 . 09822 .453971 25
26 3634 0443 9557 8366 "Corr. " Cor r. 4322 26
27 3899 0323 9677 851 24
1 10 10 59 4673 27
28 6u m 0202 9798 8657 36 15 15 86 5024 28
29 4428 0082 9918 8802 20 49 20 1 17 5375 29
3D .414693 .909961 .090039 .098948 30 73 30 176 .455726 30
31 4958 9841 0159 9094 40 97 40 234 6078 31
32 5223 9720 0280 9240 45 109 45 263 6429 32
33 5487 9599 0401 9386 50 121 50 293 6781 33
3U 5752 9478 0522 9532 7132 34
35 .416016 . 909357 .090643 .099678 .457484 35
36 6281 9236 0764 9824 7836 36
37 6545 9115 0885 9971 8188 37
38 6810 8994 1006 . 1001 18 8540 38
39 7074 8872 1 128 0264 8892 39
UG .417338 .908751 .091249 . IC04I 1 .459244 40
Ul 7603 " Corr. 8630 "Corr. 1370 0558 9596 41
U2 7867 10 44 8508 10 20 1492 0706 9949 42
U3 8131 15 66 8387 15 30 1613 0853 .460301 43
uu 8396 20 88 8265 20 41 1735 1000 0654 44
U5 . 4 1 8660 30 132 . 908 43 30
1 61 .091857 . 1 1 1 48 . 46 006 45

U6 8924 110 176 8021 U0 81 1979 1296 Co r r n

"Corr. 1359 46
U7 9188 U5 198 7900 U5 91 2100 1444 10 25 10 59 1712 47
ue 9452 50 220 7778 50 101 2222 1592 15 37 15 88 2065 48
U9 9716 7655 2345 1740 20 49 20 18
1 2418 49
50 4 9980
. 1 .907533 .092467 .101888 30 74 30 177 .462771 50
51 .420244 741 1 2589 2036 40 99 40 235 3124 51
52 0508 7289 271 2185 45
1 1 1 1 45 265 3478 52
53 0772 7166 2834 2334 50 123 50 294 3831 53
5u 1036 7044 2956 2482 4184 54
55 . 42 300 1 .906922 .093078 . 1 0263 .464538 55
56 1563 6799 3201 2780 4892 56
57 1827 6676 3324 2930 5246 57
58 2091 6554 3446 3079 5600 58
59 2355 6431 3569 3228 5954 59
60 .422618 . 906308 .093692 . 103378 .466308 60



cots. CORR. CORR. ;



SE c. SE c. SEC SEC.
+ - + .093692 .103378 + +
c .422618 .92^225 . 466308
2682 6165 3815 3528 6662 1

2 3146 6062 3938 3678 7016 2

3 3409 5939 4061 3828 7370 3
4 3672 5815 4185 3978 7725 4
5 .423936 .905692 .094306 .104126 .46808C 5
6 4199 5569 4431 4278 "Corr. "Corr. 6434 6
7 1463 5445 4555 4429 10 25 10 59 8769 7
e 4726 5322 4678 4580 15 38 15 89 9144 8
9 4990 5198 4802 4730 20 50 20 118 9499 9
: .1425253 .:-:-:: ^_ .094925 .104881 30 76 30 178 .469854 10
n 5516 "Corr U95I "Corr 5049 5032 40 101 40 236 .470209 II
12 5779 10 44 U827 10 21 5173 5184 45 13 1 45 266 3564 12
13 6042 z €c 14703 5 31 5297 5335 50 126 50 296 0920 3
lU 6306 i: 88 14579 z: 41 5421 5486 1275 14
15 .426569 30 132 .904455 5C 62 .095545 . 05638 .471631 15
16 6832 -: 175 U33I -: 83 5669 5790 1966 16
17 7095 «5 197 U207 -: 93 5793 5942 2342 17
18 7356 :'. 219 4082 50 103 5918 6C94 2696 18
.2 7621 3958 6042 6246 3054 19
2: .427884 .903834 .096166 .106398 .473410 20
2. 8147 3709 6291 : : 3766 21
22 8410 3585 6415 6703 4122 22
23 6672 3U60 6540 '-- 4478 23
2^ 8935 3335 6665 7009 4835 24
25 .429198 .903210 .096790 .107162 .475191 25
26 9461 2255 6914 7315 " Co r r ^.Corr. 5546 26
27 9723 2961 7039 7468 10 26 10 60 5905 27
28 5955 2836 7164 7621 15 38 15 89 6262 28
29 .430248 2710 7290 7775 20 51 20 1 19 6616 29
2: .143051 1 .902565 .097415 .107928 30 179 .476976 30
31 0774 2U60 7540 B082 40 103 UO III 7333 31
32 1036 2335 7665 8236 45 115 45 268 7690 32
33 1299 2209 7791 r:"rl 50 128 50 296 8047 33
2- 1561 208U 7916 8544 8405 34
35 .431823 .901958 .0980ti2 . :~92 . 478762 35
2e 2C55 1632 6168 6853 9120 36
37 2348 1707 8293 92Z5 9477 37
38 2610 1581 8419 9163 9835 38
39 2873 IM55 8545 9318 .480 .-: 39

UO .433135 .901329 .098671 .109473 .48055 40

-: 3397 "Con 1203 " Co r r 8797 9628 C909 41
-2 3659 10 44 1077 10 21 8923 9783 1266 42
43 2921 65-:
0951 5 32 9049 9938 1626 43
uu 14183 zz 87 0825 z: 42 9175 . 10094
1 1984 44
~5 .434445 30 131 .900696 30 63 .099302 .110250 .482343 45 I

tie 4707 UO 175 0572 UG 84 9428 0406 " Corr. " Corr. 2701 ue
47 4969 -5 196 OUU5 US 95 9555 0562 10 26 10 60 2:e: k7
-3 5231 50 218 0319 50 105 9661 0718 15 39 15 90 3419 48
ug 5493 0192 96C8 C874 20 52 20 120 3778 49
5C .435755 .900065 .099935 . 1 1 1030 30 78 30 180 . 484 37 5C

51 6017 .899939 .100061 1187 40 104 40 239 4496 51

£2 6278 9812 0188 1344 45 17 1 45 269 4655 52
53 6540 9685 0315 1500 50 130 50 299 5214 53
66C2 9558 0442 1657 5574 5U
55 .U37C63 .899U3I .100569 . 1 1 1814 .485933 55
55 7325 9304 0696 1972 6293 5€
57 7587 9176 0824 2129 6653 57
56 7eu8 9049 0951 2286 7013 5S
56 81 10 8922 1078 2444 7373 59

e: .438371 .898794 .101206 .112602 .487733 6C

1 1





s EC. s c. SEC. SEC.

+ .89879U + .101206 12602 + + .487733
u .438371 .1
1 8633 8666 1334 2760 8093 1

2 8894 8539 1461 2918 8453 2

3 9155 841 1 1589 3076 8813 3
u 9417 8283 1717 3234 9174 U
5 . 439678 .898156 . 101844 . 1 1 3393 .489534 5
6 9939 8028 1972 3552 "Corr. " Corr. 9895 6
7 . 440200 7900 2100 3710 10 27 10 60 .490255 7
8 0462 7772 2228 3869 15 40 15 90 0617 8
9 0723 7643 2357 4028 20 53 20 120 0978 9
10 . 440984 .897515 .102485 . 1 14187 30 80 30 181 .491339 10
1 1
I2U5 "Corr. 7387 " Co r r . 2613 4347 40 106 40 241 1700 1 1

12 1506 10" U3 7258 10 21 2742 4506 45 19 1 45 271 2061 12

13 1767 15 65 7130 15 32 2870 4666 50 133 50 301 2422 13
IU 2028 2C 87 7001 20 43 2999 4826 2784 IU
15 .442289 30 130 .896873 30 64 . 1 03 27
1 . 1 14985 .493145 15
16 2550 UO 174 6744 40 86 3256 5145 3507 16 I

17 2810 U5 196 6615 U5 97 3385 5306 3869 17

18 3071 50 217 6486 50 107 3514 5466 4231 18
19 3332 6358 3642 5626 4593 19
20 .443593 .896228 .103772 . 1 1 5787 .494955 20
21 3853 6099 3901 5948 5317 21
22 mm 5970 4030 6108 5679 22
23 4375 5841 4159 6269 6042 23
24 4635 5712 4288 6431 6404 2U
25 .444896 .895582 .104418 . 1 1 6592 .496767 25
26 5156 5453 4547 6753 "Corr. "Corr. 7130 26
27 5417 5323 4677 6915 10 27 10 61 7492 27
28 5677 5194 4806 7077 15 U| 15 91 7855 28
29 5938 5064 4936 7238 20 54 20 121 8218 29
30 .14U6I98 .894934 . 105066 . 1 1 7400 30 81 30 182 .498582 30
31 6458 4804 5196 7562 40 108 40 242 8945 31
32 6718 4675 5325 7725 45 122 45 272 9308 32
33 6979 4545 5455 7887 50 135 50 303 9672 33
3U 7239 4415 5585 8050 .500035 34
35 .447499 .894284 . 105716 . 1 18212 . 500399 35
36 7759 4154 5846 8375 0763 36
37 8019 4024 5976 8538 1127 37
38 8279 3894 6106 8701 1491 38
39 8539 3763 6237 8865 1855 39
UO .448799 .893633 . 106367 . 1 1 9028 .502219 UO
Ul 9059 ICon 3502 "Corr. 6498 9192 2583 Ul
U2 9319 10 U3 3371 2210 6629 9355 2946 42
U3 9579 15 65 3241 15 33 6759 9519 3312 U3
uu 9639 20 87 3110 20 44 6890 9683 3677 UU
45 . 450098 30 130 .892979 30 65 . 10702 19847. 1 .504042 U5
46 0358 UO 173 2648 UO 87 7152 .120012 " Co r r . "Corr. UU06 U6
U7 0618 4 5 195 2717 U5 98 7283 0176 10 27 10 61 4771 U7
48 0878 50 216 2586 50 109 7414 0340 15 41 15 91 5136 U8
U9 1 137 2455 7545 0505 20 55 20 122 5502 U9
50 .U5I397 .892323 . 107677 20670 30 82
. 1 30 183 . 505867 50
51 1656 2192 7808 0835 40 10 1 40 244 6232 51
52 1916 2061 7939 1000 45 124 45 274 6598 52
53 2175 1929 8071 1 165 50 137 50 304 6963 53
5U 2435 1798 8202 1331 7329 5U
55 .14526914 .891666 . 108334 .121496 .507695 55
56 2954 1534 8466 1662 806 56
57 3213 1402 8596 1828 8427 57
58 3472 1270 8730 1994 8793 58
59 3731 1138 8862 2160 9159 59
80 .1453990 .891006 . 108994 . 122326 . 509525 60





S! c. SE c. SEC. SEC.

+ .891006 + . 1 08994 .122326 + + .509525
4250 0874 9126 2493 9892 1

2 4509 0742 9258 2659 .510258 2

3 4768 0610 9390 2826 0625 3
n 5027 0478 9522 2993 0992 4
5 . 455286 .890345 .109655 .123160 .511359 5
6 5545 0213 9787 3327 "Corr. "Corr. 1726 6
7 5804 0080 9920 3494 I0~~28 10 61 2093 7
8 6063 .889948 . 0052 1 3662 15 42
1 15 92 2460 8
9 6322 9815 0185 3829 20 56 20 122 2828 9
10 . 456580 .889682 .1 10318 . 123997 30 84 30 184 .513195 10
1 1 6839 "Corr 9549 " Co r r 0451 4165 40 12 1 40 245 3562 II
12 7098 10 43 9416 10 22 0584 4333 45 126 45 276 3930 12
13 7357 15 65 9283 15 33 0717 4501 50 140 50 306 4298 13
m 7615 20 86 9150 20 44 0850 4669 4666 14
15 .457874 30 129 .889017 30 67 .1 10983 . 1 24838 .515034 15
16 8132 U0 172 8884 40 89 1 116 5006 5402 16
17 8391 U5 194 8751 45 100 1249 5175 5770 17
18 8650 50 215 8617 50 1 1 1 1383 5344 6138 18
19 8908 8484 1516 5513 6507 19

20 .U59 166 .888350 . 1 1 1 650 .125682 . 5 6876 20


21 9425 8217 1783 5851 7244 21

22 9683 8083 1917 6021 7613 22
23 9942 7949 2051 6190 7982 23
2U .U60200 7815 2185 6360 8351 24
25 . 460458 .887682 .112318 .126530 .518720 25
26 0716 7548 2452 6700 "Corr. " Corr. 9089 26
27 0974 7413 2587 6870 10 28 10 62 9458 27
28 1232 7279 2721 7041 15 43 15 92 9828 28
29 1491 7145 2855 721 20 57 20 123 1 .520197 29
30 .146 I7U9 .88701 . 1 1 2989 .127382 30 85 30 185 .520567 30
31 2007 6876 3124 7553 40 14 1 40 246 0937 31
32 2265 6742 3258 7724 45 128 45 277 1307 32
33 2522 6608 3392 7895 50 142 50 308 1677 33
34 2780 6473 3527 8066 2047 34
35 .1463038 .886338 . 1 1 3662 . 128237 .522417 35
36 3296 6204 3796 8409 2787 36
37 35514 6069 3931 8581 3158 37
38 3812 5934 4066 8752 3528 38
39 14069 5799 4201 8924 3899 39
MO .146U327 .885664 .1 14336 . 129096 .524270 40
4l 1458U " Co r r 5529 " Co r r 4471 9269 4641 41
U2 4842 10 43 5394 10 23 4606 9441 5012 U2
43 5100 15 64 5258 15 34 4742 9614 5383 43
1414 5357 20 86 5123 20 45 4877 9786 5754 44
145 .14656114 30 129 .884988 30 68 . 1 1 50 1 . 129959 .526126 45
146 5872 M0 172 4852 40 90 5148 . 130 32 1
" Corr. "Corr. 6497 46
47 6129 45 193 4717 45 102 5283 0306 10 29 10 62 6868 47
148 6387 50 214 4581 50 1 13 5419 0479 15 43 15 93 7240 48
149 661414 4445 5555 0652 20 58 20 124 7612 49
50 .1466901 . 8843 1 . 1 1 5690 . 1 30826 30 87 30 186 .527984 50
51 7158 4174 5826 1000 40 16 1 40 248 8356 51
52 714 16 4038 5962 174 45 130
1 45 279 8728 52
53 7673 3902 6098 1348 50 145 50 310 9100 53
5U 7930 3766 6234 1522 9473 54
55 .1468187 .883630 . 116370 .131696 .529845 55
56 8U 14 14 3493 6507 1871 .5302 56 1

57 8701 3357 6643 2045 0591 57

58 8958 3221 6779 2220 0963 58
59 9215 3084 6916 2395 1336 59

60 .U69H72 .882948 . 1 1 7052 . 1 32570 . 53 709 60

. 5
1 .. .
. 9





s c s EC. SEC SEC.

+ .882948 + .117052 . 1 32570 + + .531709
9728 2811 7189 2745 2083 1

2 9985 2674 7326 2921 2456 2

3 470242
. 2538 7462 3096 2829 3
u 0U99 2401 7599 3272 3203 4
5 .470755 .882264 .117736 . 1 33448 .533576 5
6 1012 2127 7873 3624 JLCorr. "Corr. 3950 6
7 1268 1990 8010 3800 10 29 TTJ—62 4324 7
8 1525 1853 8147 3976 15 44 15 94 4698 8
9 1782 1716 8284 4153 20 59 20 125 5072 9
10 .472038 .881578 .1 18422 . 134329 30 88 30 187 .535446 10
1 1
2294 " Co r r 1441 "C orr. 8559 4506 40 18 1 40 249 5821 1 1

12 2551 10 43 1304 10"23 8696 4683 45 133 45 281 6195 12

13 2807 15 64 1166 15 34 8834 4860 50 147 50 312 6570 13
m 3063 20 85 1028 20 46 8972 5037 6945 14
15 . 473320 30 128 .880891 30 69 .119109 . 1 352 1 .537319 15
16 3576 40 171 0753 40 92 9247 5392 7694 16
17 3832 45 192 0615 45 103 9385 5570 8069 17
18 4088 50 213 0477 50 115 9523 5748 8444 18
19 4344 0339 9661 5926 8820 19
20 .474600 .880201 . 9799
1 1 . 1 36 041 .539195 20
21 4856 0063 9937 6282 9571 21
22 51 12 .879925 .120075 6460 9946 22
23 5368 9787 0213 6639 .540322 23
24 5624 9649 0351 6818 0698 24
25 . 475880 .879510 .120490 . 1 36996 .541074 25
26 6136 9372 0628 7176 " Co r r " Co r r 1450 26
27 6392 9233 0767 7355 TO^O TO ~63 1826 27
28 6647 9095 0905 7534 15 45 15 94 2203 28
29 6903 8956 1044 7714 20 60 20 126 2579 29
30 .477159 .878817 .121183 . 1 37893 30 90 30 188 .542956 30
31 7414 8678 1322 8073 40 120 40 251 3332 31
32 7670 8539 1461 8253 45 135 45 283 3709 32
33 7926 8400 1600 8433 50 150 50 314 4086 33
34 8181 8261 1739 8613 4463 34
35 . 478436 .878122 . 1 2 878
1 . 1 38794 . 544840 35
36 8692 7983 2017 8974 5218 36
37 8947 7844 2156 9155 5595 37
38 9203 7704 2296 9336 5973 38
39 9458 7565 2435 9517 6350 39
40 .479713 .877425 .122575 . 1 39698 .546728 40
9968 "Corr.
.480224 10 42
7286 "Corr.
7146 TO" Z3
2854 . 1
43 0479 15 64 7006 15 35 2994 0242 7862 43
44 0734 20 85 6867 20 47 3133 0424 8240 44
45 . 480989 30 127 .876727 30 70 .123273 . 140606 .5486 1 45
1244 40 170
1499 45 191
40 93
45 105

Co r r

Co r r 8997
48 1754 50 212 6307 50 117 3693 1153 15 46 15 95 9755 48
49 2009 6166 3834 1336 20 61 20 126 .550134 49
50 .482263 .876026 .123974 . 141518 30 91 30 190 .550512 50
51 2518 5886 41 14 1701 40 122 40 253 0892 51
52 2773 5746 4254 1884 45 137 45 284 1271 52
53 3028 5605 4395 2067 50 152 50 316 1650 53
54 3282 5464 4536 2251 2030 54
55 .483537 .875324 . 24676 .142434
1 .552409 55
56 3792 5183 4817 2618 2789 56
57 4046 5042 4958 2802 3169 57
58 4301 4902 5098 2986 3549 58
59 4555 4761 5239 3170 3929 59
60 .484810 .874620 .125380 43354 . 1 .554309 60




s c. s EC. SEC. SEC.

.484810 + .874620 + . 1 25380 . 143354 + + . 554309

5064 4479 5521 3538 4689 1

2 5318 4338 5662 3723 5070 2

3 5573 4196 5804 3908 5450 3
U 5827 4055 5945 4093 5831 4
5 48608 . .873914 . 126086 . 1 44278 .556212 5
6 6335 3772 6228 4463 " Co r r "Corr. 6593 6
7 6590
4648 K5 31
4834 15 46
— 10
8 8
9 7098 3348 6652 5020 20 62 20 127 7736 9
10 .487352 .873206 .126794 . 145206 30 93 30 191 .558118 10
1 1
7606 orr. 3064 JLCorr. 6936 5392 40 124 40 254 8499 1 1

12 7860 10' 42 2922 10 24 7078 5578 45 140 45 286 8881 12

13 81 14 15 63 2780 15 36 7220 5764 50 155 50 318 9263 13
111 6367 20 85 2638 20 47 7362 5950 9645 14
15 . 48862 30 127 .872496 30 71 . 127504 . 1 46 37
1 . 560027 15
16 8875 40 169 2354 40 95 7646 6324 0409 16
17 9129 45 190 2212 45 107 7788 6511 0791 17
18 9382 50 211 2069 50 1 18 7931 6698 1174 18
19 9636 1927 8073 6885 1556 19

2G . 489890 .871784 .128216 . 147073 . 56 939 20


21 . 490 43
1 1642 8358 7260 2322 21
22 0397 1499 8501 7448 2705 22
23 0650 1357 8643 7636 3088 23
24 0904 1214 8786 7824 3471 24
25 .491 157 .871071 . 128929 . 1 480 1 .563854 25
26 1410
8200 " Cor r. " Corr.
8389 TO ~32 ro s~4
- 4238 26
27 27
28 1917 0642 9358 8578 15 47 15 96 5005 28
23 2170 0499 9501 8766 20 63 20 128 5389 29
30 .492424 .870356 . 129644 . 148956 30 95 30 192 .565773 30
31 2677 0212 9788 9145 40 126 40 256 6157 31
32 2930 0069 9931 9334 45 143 45 288 6541 32
33 3183 .869926 . 1 30074 9524 50 158 50 320 6925 33
34 3436 9782 0218 9713 7310 34
35 . 493689 .869639 . 130361 . 1 49903 .567694 35
36 3942 9495 0505 . 1 50093 8079 36
37 4195 9351 0649 0283 8464 37
38 4448 9207 0793 0473 8849 38
39 4700 9064 0936 0664 9234 39
UO .494953 .868920 . 1 3 080
1 . 1 50854 .5696 1 40
41 5206 " Co r r 8776 "C orr. 1224 1045 .570004 41
42 5459 10 42 8632 10^4 1368 1236 0390 42
U3 5711 15 63 8487 15 36 1513 1427 0776 43
44 5964 20 84 8343 20 48 1657 1618 1161 44
U5 . 4962 6 1 30 126 .868199 50 72 . 131801 .151810 .571547 45
46 6469 40 168 8054 40 96 1946 2002 n Corr.
_ " Co r r 1933 46
47 6722 45 189 7910 45 108 2090 2193 I0 T2 10 64 2319 47
48 6974 50 210 7766 50 120 2234 2385 15 48 15 97 2705 48
49 7226 7621 2379 2577 20 64 20 129 3092 49
50 .497479 .867476 .132524 . 1 52769 30 96 30 193 .573478 50
51 7731 7331 2669 2962 40 128 40 256 3865 51
52 7983 7187 2813 3154 45 144 45 290 4252 52
53 8236 7042 2958 3347 50 160 50 322 4638 53
54 8488 6897 3103 3540 5026 54
55 . 498740 .866752 .133248 .153733 . 5754 1 55
56 8992 6607 3393 3926 5800 56
67 9244 6461 3539 4120 6187 57
68 9496 6316 3684 4313 6575 58
58 9748 6171 3829 4507 6962 59

60 . 500000 .866025 . 133975 . 154700 .577350 60

1 . 2 . 11






s c. s c. SEC. SEC.

. 500000
.866025 . 1 33975 . 1 54700 + + .577350
0252 5880 4120 4894 7738 1

2 0504 5734 4266 5089 8126 2

3 0756 5589 441 1 5283 851$ 3
4 1007 5443 4557 5478 8903 4
5 .501259 .865297 . 1 34703 . 1 55672 .579291 5
6 151 1 5151 4849 5867 "Corr. " Co r r 9680 6
7 1762 5006 4994 6062 10 33 10 65 . 580068 7
8 20m 4860 5140 6257 15 49 15 97 0457 8
9 2266 4713 5287 6452 20 65 20 130 0846 9
10 .502517 .864567 .135433 . 1 56648 30 98 30 195 .581235 10
1 1
2768 JLQorr. 4421 " Co r r . 5579 6844 40 130 40 259 1624 II
12 3020 10 42 4275 f0~ 24 5725 7039 45 147 45 292 2014 12
13 3271 15 63 4128 15 37 5872 7235 50 163 50 324 2403 13
IU 3523 20 84 3982 20 49 6018 7432 2793 14
15 .503774 30 126 .863836 30 73 .136164 . 1 57628 .583183 15
16 4025 UC 167 3689 nc 98 631 1 7824 3573 16
17 4276 U5 188 3542 45 10 1 6458 8021 3963 17
18 4528 50 209 3396 50 122 6604 8218 4353 18
19 4779 3249 6751 8415 4743 19
20 505030 . .863102 . 1 36898 . 1 586 1 .585134 20
21 5281 2955 7045 8809 5524 21
22 5532 2808 7192 9006 5915 22
23 5783 2661 7339 9204 6306 23
24 6034 2514 7486 9402 6696 24
25 .506285 .862366 . 1 37634 . 59600
1 . 587088 25
26 6536 2219 7781 9798 ' Corr. " Corr. 7479 26
27 6786 2072 7928 9996 T0~33 10 65 7870 27
28 7037 1924 8076 . 160195 15 50 15 98 8262 28
23 7288 1777 8223 0393 20 66 20 131 8653 29
30 . 507538 .861629 . 138371 . 160592 30 100 30 196 .589045 30
31 7789 1482 8518 0791 40 133 40 261 9437 31
32 8040 1334 8666 0990 45 149 45 294 9829 32
33 8290 1 186 8814 189 50
1 166 50 327 .59022 33
3U 8541 1038 8962 1389 0613 34
35 . 50879 .860890 .139110 .161588 .591006 35
36 9041 0742 9258 1788 1398 36
37 9292 0594 9406 1988 1791 37
33 9542 0446 9554 2188 2184 38
39 9792 0298 9702 2389 2577 39
HO .510043 .860 49 1
. 139851 .162589 .592970 40
41 0293 " Corr. 0001 " Corr 9999 2790 3363 41
U2 0543 TO 42 .859852 10 25 . 1 40 481 2990 3756 42
43 0793 15 62 9704 15 37 0296 3191 4150 43
UH 1043 20 83 9555 20 50 0445 3392 4544 44
U5 .51 1293 30 125 .859406 30 74 . 1 40594 .163594 .594938 45
U6 1543 uo 167 9258 UO 99 0742 3795 " Corr. " Corr. 5331 46
U7 1793 45 187 9109 U5 112 0891 3997 ro~^4 10 66 5726 47
U8 2043 50 208 8960 50 124 1040 4199 15 51 15 99 6120 48
U9 2293 881 1 1 189 4401 20 67 20 132 6514 49
50 .512542 . 858662 .141338 .164603 30 101 30 197 .596908 50
51 2792 8513 1487 4805 40 135 40 263 7303 51
52 3042 8364 1636 5008 45 152 45 296 7698 52
53 3292 8214 1786 5210 50 169 50 329 8093 53
5U 3541 8065 1935 5413 8488 54
55 .513791 .857916 . 1 42084 .165616 .598883 55
56 4040 7766 2234 5819 9278 56
57 4290 7616 2384 6022 9674 57
56 4539 7467 2533 6226 .600069 58
59 4789 7317 2683 6430 0465 59
,0 .515038 .857167 . 1 42833 . 1 66633 . 60086 60




, F0R F0" F0R FOR

"1- SEC. SEC. SEC.

.515038 .857167 42833 166633 + + .600861

c . 1 .

5267 7017 2983 6637 1257 1

2 5537 6866 3132 7042 1653 2

3 5766 6718 3282 7246 2049 3
4 6C35 6567 3433 7450 2445 4
5 .5 526- .856417 . -3383 .167655 .602842 5
8C65 TO
8270 15 51
* "Corr.
9 7280 5816 4184 8476 20 69 20 132 4429 9
10 "322 3 633855 . 1 44334 . 1 6868 30 103 30 199 .52-52" 10
1 "Corr. 5515 " Corr. 4485 8887 40' 137 UO 265 5224 II
12 5C27 ro~ur 536U 10^3 4636 9093 45 154 45 298 5622 12
3 8276 15 62 5214 15 38 4786 9299 50 171 50 331 6019 13
ID 8525 20 83 5063 20 50 4937 9505 6417 14
15 .518773 30 124 .854912 30 76 , -33 88 .169711 .5:56 3 15
i6 9022 40 166 4761 40 101 5239 9918 7213 16
17 92" -3 86 4610 45 113 539C .170124 7611 17
£ :--: :- 50 207 4459 50 126 5541 0331 8010 18
ig 9768 4308 5692 0538 8408 19
29 .52:: : .854156 . 1 45844 . 1 70746 .608807 20
21 C265 4005 5993 0953 9205 21
22 0513 3854 6146 1 161 9604 22
23 0761 ;
3702 6298 1368 .6 :::: 23
24 : : 3551 5449 1576 0403 24

25 .52I256 .353322 .146601 . 1 7 784

1 .6 2522 25
26 I5C6
3248 6752
1993 ' Corr.
2201 T3D~35~ I0 67

"Corr. 1201 26
27 : : 96 5 27
28 2::: 2944 333 2410 15 52 15 100 2001 28
29 2252 2792 7208 2619 20 70 20 133 2401 29
2: .522499 .5525-2 . 147360 !72 p 28 30 105 3 3 22 3 .5 252 30
27U7 2488 7512 -3 25" 3201
-'". 3037J40 139 31
32 2994 2336 3246 45 157 -3 5:: 3601 32
33 32U2 2184 7816 3456 50 174 50 333 -222 33
3U :-:: 2032 7968 3665 4402 34
35 . 523736 .851879 . 148121 .173875 .614803 35
36 3S86 1727 8273 -2 8 3 5204 38
37 423U 1574 8-25 U295 5605 37
38 4481 1422 8578 -335 5006 38
39 14729 1269 8731 4716 6408 39
-: .524S77 .851 1 17 .IU6883 . 174927 .6 653 9 40
m 5224 " Corr. 0964 c-^- 9036 5138 7211 41
U2 5472 10 41 081 1 m 9189 5349 7613 42
u2 5719 15 62 D658 15 38 9342 5560 8014 43
i* 5966 20 82 D505 20 51 9495 5772 8417 44
-6 .5262IU 30 124 .850352 30 77 . 49648 .175983
1 .618819 45
6708 45 186
40 165 0199 40 102
3 2-6 U5 115
6195 " Co r r
6-3" T7j-^55

Co r r . 9221 46
9624 47
U8 6956 50 206 .849893 50 128 .150107 6619 15 53 15 ICI .620026 48
U9 7203 9739 0261 6831 20 71 20 134 0U29 U9
5'..527450 .849586 .150414 . 1 77044 30 106 30 202 .620632 50
51 7697 9432 0568 7257 40 142 40 269 1235 51
52 7944 9279 2"2 7469 45 160 45 302 1638 52
52 8191 9125 0875 7682 50 177 50 336 2042 53
n 8438 8972 1028 7896 2445 5^4
55 . 528685 .848818 . 151 182 .178109 .622849 55
56 8932 866U 1336 8322 3253 56
57 9179 8510 1490 6536 3657 57
58 9U26 8356 1644 8750 4061 58
59 9673 8202 1798 8964 4465 59
6C .529919 .848048 .151952 .179178 .624869 60
. 11







.529919 + .848048 + . 1 5 952

1 .179178 ++ .624869
.530166 7894 2106 9393 1 Corr. "Corr. 5274

2 0412 7740 2260 9607 TO ~35 K>~58 5679


3 0659 7585 2415 9822 15 54 15 101 6083 3
M 0906 7431 2569 .180037 20 72 20 135 6488 4
5 . 53 1 521 .847276 .152724 .180252 30 108 30 203 .626894 5
6 1399 7122 2878 0468 40 144 40 270 7299 6
7 1645 6967 3033 0683 45 162 45 304 7704 7
1891 6813 3187 0899 50 180 50 '338 81 10
8 B
9 2138 6658 3342 115 1 8516 9
10 .532384 .846503 . 1 53497 .181331 .628922 10
1 1
2630 " Co r r 6348 " Corr. 3652 1547 9327 I |

12 2876 10 07 6193 ro~75 3807 1763 9734 12

13 3122 15 61 6038 15 39 3962 1980 .630140 13
14 3368 20 82 5883 20 52 41 17 2197 0546 IU
15 .533614 30 123 .845728 30 78 .154272 .182414 .630953 15
16 3860 40 164 5573 40 103 4427 2631 ' Corr. " Corr. 1360 16
17 4106 45 185 5417 45 1 16 4583 2848 TO 10 68 ^6 1767 17
18 4352 50 205 5262 50 129 4738 3065 15 55 15 102 2174 16
19 4598 5106 4894 3283 20 73 20 136 2581 19
20 .534844 .844951 . 1 55049 . 18350130 109 30 204 .632988 20
21 5090 4795 5205 3719 40 146 40 272 3396 21
22 5336 4640 5360 3937 45 164 45 306 3804 22
23 5581 4484 5516 4155 50 182 50 340 4211 23
2U 5827 4328 5672 4374 4619 24
25 . 536072 .844172 . 1 55828 .164593 .635027 25
26 6318 4016 5984 4812 5436 26
27 6563 3860 6140 5031 5844 27
28 6809 3704 6296 5250 6253 28
29 7054 3548 6452 5469 6661 29
30 . 537300 .843391 . 1 56609 .185689 .637070 30
31 7545 3235 6765 5909 " Corr. "Corr. 7479 31
32 7790 3079 6921 6129 I0~~37 10 68 7888 32
33 8035 2922 7078 6349 15 55 15 103 8298 33
34 8281 2766 7234 6569 20 74 20 137 8707 34
35 . 538526 .842609 . 1 5739 186790 30
. II 1 30 205 .6391 17 35
36 8771 2452 7548 701 40 147 1 40 273 9527 36
37 9016 2296 7704 7232 45 166 45 308 9937 37
38 9261 2139 7861 7453 50 184 50 342 .640347 38
39 9506 1982 8018 7674 0757 39
40 .539751 .841825 .158175 . 187895 .641 167 40
Ul 9996 1668 " Co r i 8332 81 17 1578 41
42 . 540240 rc^ff- 151 1 ro 26 8489 8339 1989 42
U3 0485 15 61 1354 15 39 8646 8561 2399 43
44 0730 20 82 1 196 20 52 8804 8783 2810 44
45 .540974 30 122 .841039 30 79 . 1 5896 . 189006 .643222 45
46 1219 40 163 0882 40 105 91 18 9228 " Corr. " Co r r . 3633 46
47 1464 45 183 0724 45 18 1 9276 9451 ro~37 m~55 4044 47
48 '708 50 204 0567 50 131 9433 9674 15 56 15 103 4456 48
49 1953 0409 9591 75 9897 20 20 137 4868 49
50 .542197 .840251 .159749 .190120 30 112 30 206 .645280 50
51 2442 0094 9906 0344 40 149 40 275 5692 51
52 2686 .839936 . 60064
1 0567 45 168 45 309 6104 52
53 2930 9778 0222 0791 50 186 50 344 6516 53
54 3174 9620 0380 1015 6929 54
55 .543419 .839462 . 160538 .191239 .647342 55
56 3663 9304 0696 1464 7755 56
57 3907 9146 0854 1688 8168 57
58 4151 3987 1013 1913 8581 58
59 4395 8829 1 171 2138 8994 59
60 .544639 .838671 .161329 .192363 .649408 60





SI c. SE c. SEC. SEC.

544639 + .838671 + .161329 + +

: . . 1 92363 .649408
U883 8512 1488 2569 -"Corr. " Co r r 9821 1

2 5127 8354 1646 2814 10 38 10 69 .650235 2

2 5371 8195 1805 3:-: 15 57 15 104 >:-:- 3
u 5614 8036 1964 3266 20 76 20 138 1063 U
5 .5-5=5= .837878 .162122 . 1 93492 30 113 30 207 .651477 5
6 6102 7719 2281 3718 40 151 40 276 1892 6
7 6346 7560 2440 3945 45 170 45 311 2306 7
£ 6589 7401 2599 4171 50 189 50 346 2721 8
9 6833 7242 2758 4398 3136 9
10 .547076 .837083 .162917 .194625 .653551 10
II 7320 — Corr. 6924 "Corr 3076 4852 3966 II
12 7563 10 41 6764 10 27 3236 -::-.: -351 12
13 7807 15 61 6605 15 40 3395 5307 4797 13
14 8050 z: 81 6446 2C 53 3554 5535 5213 IU
15 . 548293 30 122 .836286 30 80 . 163714 . 1 95763 .655529 15
16 8536 -: 32 6127 -: 106 3873 5991 " Co r r " Corr. 6045 16
17 6780 -: 182 5967 45 120 4033 6219 10 38 iO 69 6461 17
18 9023 53 203 5607 3 3 133 4193 6448 15 57 15 104 6877 18
15 9266 5648 4352 6677 20 77 20 139 7294 19

20 .f-rflr .835488 .164512 . 1 96906 30 115 30 209 .657710 20

21 9752 5328 4672 7135 40 153 -: :~i 8127 21
22 9995 5168 4832 7364 45 172 45 313 8544 22
23 . 550238 5008 4992 7593 50 191 « 8961 23
24 048 1 4848 5152 7823 9378 24
25 .550724 .834688 .165312 .196053 .659796 25
26 0966 4528 5472 8283 .6602 14 26
27 1209 4367 5633 8513 0631 27
28 1452 4207 5793 8744 1049 28
29 1694 4046 5954 8974 1467 29 I

30 .551937 .833886 .1661 14 99205

. 1 .661866 30
31 2180 3725 6275 9436 "Corr. "Corr. 2304 :

2422 3565 6435 9667 10 39 70 2722,32

33 2664| 3404 6596 9898 15 58
15 105 314
" :

34 2907 3243 6757 .z:: z: 20 77 20 140 3560 34 j


35 .553149 .833062 .166918 .200362 30 116 30 210 .663979135

36 3392 2921 7079 0594 40 155 40 260 4355 36
37 3634 2760 7240 0826 45 174 45 315 4SI8 37
38 3876 2599 7401 1058 50 194 50 350 5257 38
39 4118 2438 7562 1291 5657 3G
40 .554360 .832277 .167723 .201523 .666077 40
4602 c orr.

4844 0" 40
1954 fO 27
"Corr. 7864
U3 5086 15 60 1793 15 40 8207 2223 7337 H3
44 5328 20 81 1631 2 3 54 8369 2456 7756 44
U5 . 555570 30 121 .831470 5C 81 .168530 .202690 .666!79|45
46 5812 uc 161 1308 W 108 8692 2924 " Corr. "Corr. - 8600 46
47 6054 ~3 181 1 146 W5 121 8854 3158 I0~T9 'iC 7C 902C 47
U8 6296 50 202 0984 -:: 135 9016 3392 15 59 15 106 U8
U9 6537 0823 9177 3626 20 76 ,2C 141 9663
50 .556779 .830661 .169339 .203861 30 118 30 211 .670264
51 7021 0499 9501 4096 40 157 40 281 D70€ 51
52 7262 0337 9663 4331 45 176 45 316 1128 52
53 7504 0174 9826 4566 50 196 50 352 1550 53
5U 7745 0012 9988 4601 1972 c -

55 . 557986 .829850 .170150 .205037 .672394 58

56 8228 9688 0312 5273 2817 56
57 8469 9525 0475 5509 3240 57
58 8710 9363 0637 5745 3562 5G
59 8952 9200 0800 5981 4085 59

6C .559193 . 829038 . 170962 .206218 .674508 60

. . .







+ .829038
— + 70962 .206218 + + .674508
o .559193 . 1

9434 8875 1125 6455 B Co r r .

" Co r r . 4932

2 9675 8712 1288 6692 10 40 io 5355 2

3 9916 8549 1451 6929 15 60 15 106 5779 3
4 .560157 8386 1614 7166 20 79 20 141 6203 4
5 .560398 .828223 .171777 . 207404 3D 1 19 30 212 .676627 5
6 0639 8060 1940 7642 40 159 40 283 7051 6
7 0880 7897 2103 7879 45 179 45 318 7475 7
8 1 121 7734 2266 8118 50 198 50 354 7900 8
9 1361 7371 2429 8356 8324 9
10 .561602 .827407 .172593 . 208594 .678749 10
1 1
1843 Corr" 7244 " Corr. 2756 8833 9174 1 1

12 2083 I0~ 40 7081 ro^? 2919 9072 9599 12

13 2324 15 60 6917 15 41 3083 931 1 .680025 13
m 2564 20 80 6753 20 55 3247 9550 0450 14

15 .562805 30 120 .826590 30 82 . 173410 .209790 .680876 15

45 123
109 3574 .210030
3738 0270 I0
Co r r .
" Co r
ro ~tt
r 1302
13 3526 50 200 6098 50 136 3902 0510 15 60 15 107 2154 18
19 3766 5934 4066 0750 20 80 20 142 2580 19

20 .564007 .825770 .174230 .210990 30 121 30 213 .683007 20

21 4247 5606 4394 1231 40 161 40 285 3433 21
22 4487 5442 4558 1472 45 181 45 320 3860 22
23 4727 5276 4722 1713 50 201 50 356 4287 23
24 4967 51 14 4886 1954 4714 24
25 .565207 .824949 .175051 .212196 .685142 25
26 5447 4785 5215 2438 5569 26
27 5687 4620 5380 2680 5997 27
28 5927 4456 5544 2922 6425 28
29 6166 4291 5709 3164 6853 29
30 .566406 .824126 .175874 . 2 1 3406 .687281 30
31 6646 3961 6039 3649 "Corr. "Corr. 7709 31
32 6886 3796 6204 3892 10 41 10 72 8138 32
33 7125 3632 6368 4135 15 61 15 107 8567 33
34 7365 3467 6533 4378 20 81 20 143 8996 34
35 .567604 .823302 . 176698 .214622 30 122 30 215 .689425 35
36 7844 3136 6864 4666 40 163 40 286 9854 36
37 8083 2971 7029 5109 45 183 45 322 .690283 37
38 8322 2806 7194 5354 50 203 50 358 0713 30
39 6562 2640 7360 5598 1 142 39
UO .568801 .822475 .177525 .215842 .691572 40
Ml 9040 "Corr . 2310 " Co r r 7690 6087 2003 UI
42 9280 10 39 2144 10 28 7856 6332 2433 42
43 9519 15 60 1978 15 41 8022 6577 2863 43
44 9758 20 80 1813 20 55 8187 6822 3294 44
45 .569997 30 19 1 .821647 30 83 . 1 78353 . 2 1 7068 .693725 45
46 .570236 40 159 1481 40 10 1 8519 7314 "Corr. " Corr. 4156 46
47 0475 45 179 1315 45 124 8685 7559 10 41 R5-72 4587 47
48 0714 50 199 1149 50 138 8851 7806 15 62 15 108 5018 48
49 0952 0983 9017 8052 20 81 20 144 5450 49
50 .571191 .820817 .179183 .218298 30 124 30 216 .695681 50
51 1430 0651 9349 8545 40 165 40 288 6313 51
52 1669 0485 9515 8792 45 185 45 324 6745 52
53 1907 0318 9682 9039 50 206 50 360 7177 53
54 2146 0152 9848 9286 7610 54
55 .572384 .819985 .180015 .219534 .698042 55
56 2623 9ei9 0181 9782 8475 56
57 2861 9652 0348 .220030 8908 57
58 3100 9486 0514 0278 9341 58
59 3338 9319 0681 0526 9774 59
60 .573576 .819152 . 180846 .220775 .700208 60





SEC. 5 EC. SEC. sec.

.573576 + .819152 + .180848 .220775 + + .700208

3815 8985 1015 1023 "Corr. 1 Corr. 0641 1

2 4053 8818 1182 1272 1042 10 72 1075 2

3 4291 8651 1349 1522 1563 15 109 1509 3
N 4529 8484 1516 1771 20 83 20 145 1943 U
5 .574767 .818317 .181683 .222020 30 125 30 217 .702377 5
6 5005 8150 1850 2270 40 167 40 290 2812 6
7 5243 7982 2018 2520 45 188 45 326 3246 7
8 5481 7815 2185 2770 50 208 50 362 3681 8
9 5719 7648 2352 3021 • 41 16 9
10 . 575957 .817480 . 1 82520 .223271 .704552 10
1 1
6195 n Corr. 7312 " Co r r 2688 3522 4987 1

12 6432 10 0D 7145 TO "~ ZB 2855 3773 5422 12

13 6670 15 59 6977 15 42 3023 4024 5858 13
6908 20 79 6809 20 56 3191 4276 6294 IU
15 .577145 30 19
1 .816642 30 84 . 83358 .224527
1 .706730 15
16 7383 40 158 6U7M 40 12 1 3526 4779 "Corr. " Co r r 7166 16
17 7620 45 178 6306 45 126 3694 5031 10 42 10 73 7603 17
18 7858 50 198 6138 50 140 3862 5284 15 63 15 109 8040 18
19 8095 5970 4030 5536 20 84 20 146 8476 19
20 .578332 .815801 .184199 .225789 30 127 30 219 .708913 20
21 8570 5633 4367 6042 40 169 40 292 9350 21
22 8807 5465 4535 6295 45 190 45 328 9788 22
23 9044 5296 4704 6548 50 21 50 365 1 .710225 23
2M 9281 5128 4872 6802 0663 24
25 .579518 .814959 .185041 .227055 .71 1 101 25
26 9755 4791 5209 7309 1539 26
27 9992 4622 5378 7563 1977 27
28 .580229 4453 5547 7818 2416 28
29 0466 4284 5716 8072 2854 29
30 .580703 .8IUI 16 . 85884 .228327
1 .713293 30
31 0940 3947 6053 8582 " Corr. "Corr. 3732 31
32 1 176 3778 6222 8837 TO 43 TO ^3 4171 32
33 mi3 3608 6392 9092 15 64 15 1 10 4611 33
34 1650 3439 6561 9348 20 85 20 147 5050 34
35 .581886 .813270 .186730 .229604 30 128 30 220 .715490 35
36 2123 3101 6899 9860 40 171 40 293 5930 36
37 2360 2931 7069 .2301 16 45 192 45 330 6370 37
38 2596 2762 7238 0372 50 214 50 367 6810 38
39 2832 2592 7408 0629 7250 39
HO .583069 .812423 .187577 .230886 .717691 40
41 3305
- 7747
8132 41
8573 42
U2 TO"
43 3777 15 59 1914 15 42 8086 1658 9014 43
44 ho m 20 79 1744 20 57 8256 1916 9455 44
U5 . 584250 30 118 .81 1574 30 85 .188426 .232174 .719897 45
H6 4486 40 157 IUOM 40 1 13 8596 2432 " Corr. n Co r r . .720339 46
U7 4722 U5 177 1234 45 127 8766 2690 I0~43 T0~74 0781 47
48 4958 50 197 10614 50 142 8936 2949 15 65 15 II 1 1223 48
149 5194 0894 9106 3207 20 87 20 148 1665 49

50 .585429 .810723 .189277 .233466 30 130 30 222 .722108 50

51 5665 0553 9447 3726 40 173 40 295 2550 51
52 5901 0383 9617 3985 45 195 45 332 2993 52
53 6137 0212 9788 4245 50 216 50 369 3436 53
54 6372 0042 9958 4504 3879 54
55 . 586608 .809871 .190129 .234764 .724323 55
56 6844 9700 0300 5025 4766 56
57 7079 9530 0470 5285 5210 57
58 73 m 9359 0641 5546 5654 58
59 7550 9188 0812 5807 6098 59
60 . 587785 .809017 .190983 .236068 .726542 60
. 1 .. .. 1







+ .809017
— + 90983 .236068 + +
.587785 . 1

8021 8846 1154 6329 "Corr. "Corr. 6987 1

2 8256 8675 1325 6591 44

10 10 74 7432 2
3 8491 8504 1496 6853 15 66 15 1 1 1 7877 3
4 8726 8332 1668 71 15 20 88 20 149 8322 4
5 .588961 .808161 .191839 .237377 30 131 30 223 .728767 5
6 9196 7990 2010 7639 40 175 40 297 9212 6
7 9431 7818 2182 7902 45 197 45 334 9658 7
8 9666 7647 2353 8165 50 219 50 372 .730104 8
9 9901 7475 2525 8428 0550 9
10 .590136 .807304 . 1 92696 .238691 .730996 10
0371 "t orr
1 . 7132 "Corr. 2868 8955 1443 II
12 0606 10 39 6960 10 29 3040 9218 1889 12
13 0840 15 59 6788 15 43 3212 9482 2336 13
IU 1075 20 78 6617 20 57 3383 9746 2783 IU
15 . 59 3
1 30
1 17 1 .806445 30 85 . 193555 .24001 .733230 15
1544 40 156
1779 45 176
40 15
45 129
1 3727
0275 " Co r r
0540 10 44

Co r r 3678 16
4125 17
18 2013 50 195 5928 50 143 4072 0805 15 67 15 1 12 4573 18
19 2248 5756 4244 1070 20 89 20 150 5021 19

20 .592482 .805584 .194416 .241336 30 133 30 224 .735469 20

21 2716 541 1 4589 1602 40 177 40 299 5917 21
22 2950 5239 4761 1868 45 200 45 337 6366 22
23 3185 5066 4934 2134 50 222 50 374 6815 23
24 3419 4894 5106 2400 7264 24
25 .593653 .804721 .195279 .242666 .737713 25
26 3887 4548 5452 2933 8162 26
27 4121 4376 5624 3200 8612 27
28 4355 4203 5797 3468 9061 28
29 4589 4030 5970 3735 951 1
30 .594823 .803857 . 1 96 43 .244003
1 .739961 30
31 5057 3684 6316 4270 " Co r r " Co r r .74041 31
32 5290 351 1 6489 4538 10 45 10 75 0862 32
33 5524 3338 6662 4807 15 67 15 113 1312 33
34 5758 3164 6836 5075 20 90 20 151 1763 34
35 .595991 .802991 .197009 .245344 30 135 30 226 .742214 35
36 6225 2818 7182 5613 40 180 40 301 2666 36
37 6458 2644 7356 5882 45 202 45 339 31 17 37
38 6692 2470 7530 6152 50 225 50 376 3569 38
39 6925 2297 7703 6421 4020 39
UO .597159 .802123 . 1 97877 .246691 .744472 40
Ml 7392 " Corr. 1950 " Co r r 8050 6961 4925 41
42 7625 TO ^9 1776 TTj-29 8224 7232 5377 42
43 7858 15 58 1602 15 44 8398 7502 5830 43
44 8092 20 78 1428 20 58 8572 7773 6282 44
45 .598325 30 17 1 .801254 30 87 . 98746 .248044
1 .746735 45
46 8558 40 155 1080 40 16 1 8920 8315 " Co r r " Co r r 7189 46
47 8791 45 175 0906 45 131 9094 8587 10 45 10 76 7642 47
48 9024 50 194 0731 50 145 9269 8858 15 68 15 1 14 8096 48
49 9256 0557 9443 9130 20 91 20 152 8549 49
50 .599489 .800383 .199617 .249402 30 136 30 227 .749003 50
51 9722 0208 9792 9675 40 182 40 303 9458 51
52 9955 0034 9966 9947 45 205 45 341 9912 52
53 .600188 .799859 .200141 .250220 50 227 50 379 .750366 53
54 0420 9685 0315 0493 0821 54
55 .600653 .799510 .200490 .250766 .751276 55
56 0885 9335 0665 1040 1731 56
57 II 18 9160 0840 1313 2187 57
58 1350 8986 1014 1587 2642 58
59 1583 8810 1190 1861 3098 59
60 .601815 . 798636 .201364 .252136 .753554 60




+ - + + +
.601815 .798636 .201364 .252136 .753554
2047 8U60 1540 2410 _!! Corr. "Corr. 4010 I

2 2280 8285 1715 2685 10 46 : 76 4467 2

3 2512 8110 1890 2960 15 69 JI5 114 4923 3
4 2744 7935 2065 3235 20 92 20 153 5380 4
5 .602976 .797759 .202241 .25351 30 138 30 229 .755837 5
6 3208 7584 2416 3786 40 184 |40 305 '6294 6
7 3440 7408 2592 4062 45 207 45 343 6751 7
8 3672 7233 2767 4339 50 230 50 38! 7209 8
9 3904 7057 2943 4615 7667 9
10 .60MI36 . 796882 .203118 .254892 .758125 10
II 4367 " Corr. 6706 "C orr . 3294 5168 8563 1 I

12 4599 10 39 6530 10 29 3470 5446 9041 12

13 4831 15 58 6354 15 44 3646 5723 9500 13
IU 5062 20 77 6178 20 59 3822 6000 9959 14
15 .605294 30 116 .796002 30 88 .203998 .256278 .760418 15 1

16 5526 U0 154 5826 UC 1 17 4174 6556 " Corr. "Corr. 0877 16

17 5757 45 174 5650 45 132 4350 6835 10 47 10 77 1336 17
18 5988 50 193 5474 50 147 4526 71 13 15 70 15 1 15 1796 18
IS 6220 5297 4703 7392 20 93 20 154 2256 19
20 .606451 .795121 .204879 .257670 30 140 30 230 .762716 20
21 6682 4944 5056 7950 40 186 40 307 3176 2:
22 6914 4768 5232 8229 45 210 U5 345 3636 22
23 7145 4591 5409 8509 50 233 50 384 4097 23
24 7376 4415 5585 8788 4558 24
25 . 607607 .794238 .205762 .259069 .765019 25
26 7838 4061 5939 9349 5480 26
27 8069 3684 61 16 9629 5941 27
28 8300 3707 6293 9910 6403 28
29 8531 3530 6470 .260191 6865 29
30 .608761 .793353 .206647 .260472 .767327 30
31 8992 3176 6824 0754 "Corr. " Corr. 7789 31
32 9223 2999 7001 1036 "TO 47 id ~^n 8252 32
33 9454 2822 7178 1318 15 71 15 1 16 8714 33
34 9684 2644 7356 1600 20 94 20 155 9177 34
35 X99I5 .792467 .207533 .261882 30 142 30 232 .769640 35
36 .6.0145 2290 7710 2165 40 189 40 309 .770104 36
37 0376 21 12 7888 2448 45 212 45 348 0567 37
35 0606 1934 8066 2731 50 236 50 386 1031 38
39 0836 1757 8243 3014 1495 39
no .611067 .791579 .208421 .263298 .771959 40
Ul 1297 "Corr. 1401 "C orr. 8599 3581 2423 41
42 1527 10 38 1224 T0~^C 8776 3865 2888 42
U3 1757 15 57 1046 15 45 8954 4150 3353 43
44 1987 20 77 0868 20 59 9132 4434 3818 44
U5 .612217 30 15
1 .790690 30 89 .209310 .264719 .774283 45
U6 2447 40 153 0512 40 1 19 9488 500 4 " Co r r . "Corr. 4748 46
U7 2677 45 173- 0333 U5 134 9667 5289 JO 48 T0-T8 5214 47
U6 2907 50 192 0155 50 148 9845 5574 15 72 15 1 17 5680 48
U9 3137 .789977 .210023 5860 20 95 20 156 6146 49
50 .613367 .789798 .210202 .266146 30 143 30 233 .776612 50
51 3596 9620 0380 6432 40 191 40 31 1 7078 51
52 3826 944! 0559 6719 45 215 45 350 754552
53 4056 9263 0737 7005 50 239 50 389 801253
5U 4285 9084 0916 7292 8479 54
55 .614515 .788905 .21 1095.267579 .778946 55
56 4744 8727 1273 7866 9414 56
57 4974 8548 1452 8154 9881 57
58 5203 8369 1631 8442 .780349 58
59 5432 8190 1810 8730 0817 59
60 .615662 .78801 .211989 .269018 .761286 60
m .







.615662 + . 7880 1 1
+ .21 1989.269018 + + .781286
5891 7832 2168 9307 " Corr. "Corr. 1754 1

2 6120 7652 2348 9596 10 48 10 78 2223 2

3 6349 7U73 2527 9884 15 73 15 117 2692 3
U 6578 7294 2706 .270174 20 97 20 157 3161 4
5 .616807 .7871 .212686 .270463 30 145 30 235 .783630 5
6 7036 6935 3065 0753 40 193 40 313 4100 6
7 7265 6756 3244 1043 45 218 45 352 4570 7
8 7494 6576 3424 1333 50 242 50 392 5040 8
9 7722 CJ96 3604 1624 5510 9
10 .617951 .786216 .213784 .271914 .785981 10
1 1
8180 " Corr. 6037 "Corr. 3963 2205 6452 II
12 8408 10 38 5857 10^50 4143 2496 6922 12
13 8637 15 57 5677 15 45 4323 2788 7394 13
14 8866 20 76 5U97 20 60 4503 3079 7865 14
15 .619094 30 141 1 .785317 30 90 .214683 .273371 .788336 15
16 9322 UO 152 5137 40 120 4863 3663 "Corr. "Corr. 8808 16
17 9551 U5 171 44957 45 135 5043 3956 10 49 10 79 9280 17
18 9779 50 190 44776 50 150 5224 4248 15 73 15 1 18 9752 18
19 .620007 44596 5404 4541 20 98 20 158 .790225 19
20 .620236 .78144416 .215584 .274834 30 147 30 237 .790698 20
21 0464 4235 5765 5128 40 196 40 316 1170 21
22 0692 14055 5945 5421 45 220 45 355 1643 22
23 0920 3874 6126 5715 50 245 50 394 21 1723
24 1 148 •36914 6306 6009 2590 24
25 .621376 .783513 .216487 .276303 .793064 25
26 1604 3332 6668 6598 3538 26
27 1831 3151 6849 6893 4012 27
28 2059 2970 7030 7188 4486 28
29 2287 2789 721 17483 4961 29
30 .622515 .782608 .217392 .277779 .795436 30
8074 n Corr.
8370 I0 50"
— "
Co r r 591 1

6386 32

33 3197 2065 7935 8667 15 74 15 1 19 6862 33

3U 3425 1883 81 17 8963 20 99 20 159 7337 34
35 .623652 .781702 .218298 .279260 30 149 30 238 .797813 35
36 3880 1520 8480 9557 40 198 40 318 8290 36
37 UI07 1339 8661 9854 45 223 45 357 8766 37
38 4334 1157 8843 .280152 50 248 50 397 9242 38
39 4561 0976 9024 0450 9719 39
UO .624788 .780794 .219206 .280748 .800196 UO
Ul 5016 "Corr. 0612 " Corr. 9388 1046 0674 Ul
42 52U3 ro^58 0430 TO^TO 9570 1344 1151 U2
U3 5U70 15 57 0248 15 46 9752 1643 1629 U3
44 5697 20 76 0066 20 61 9934 1942 2107 UU
U5 .62592U 30 113 .779884 30 91 .2201 16 .282241 .802585 45
6150 M0 151
6377 445 170
40 121
45 137
2541 "
2840 ro 50
Corr. "

Co r r 3063 46
3542 U7
48 6604 50 189 9338 50 152 0662 3140 15 75 15 120 4021 48
149 6830 9156 0844 3441 20 100 20 160 4500 U9
50 .627057 . 778973 .221027 .283741 30 151 30 240 .804979 50
51 7284 8791 1209 4042 40 201 40 320 5458 51
52 7510 8608 1392 4343 45 226 45 360 5938 52
53 7737 8426 1574 4644 50 251 50 400 6418 53
54 7963 8243 1757 4944 6898 5U
55 .b28l89 .778060 .221940 .285247 .807379 55
56 8416 7878 2122 5549 7859 56
57 8642 7695 2305 5851 8340 57
58 8868 7512 2488 6154 8821 58
59 9094 7329 2671 6457 9302 59
60 .629320 .777146 .222854 .286760 .809784 60




.629320 + 777 46
- + .222854 .286760 + +
. 1 .809784 o
7063 " Co r r
7366 T0~TT

Co r r .810266

2 2
3 9998 6596 3404 7670 15 76 15 121 1230 3
4 .630224 6413 3587 7974 20 102 20 161 1712 4
5 .630450 .776230 .223770 . 288278 30 152 30 242 .812195 5
6 0676 6046 3954 8583 40 203 40 322 2678 6
7 0902 5863 4137 8888 45 229 45 362 3161 7
8 1 127 5679 4321 9192 50 254 50 403 3644 8
9 1353 5496 4504 9498 4128 9
10 . 63 578
1 .775312 .224688 .269803 .814612 10
1 1
1804 " Co r r 5128 "C orr. 4872 .290109 5096 I |

12 2029 4944 5056 0415 5580 12

13 2255 15 56 4761 15 46 5239 0721 6065 13
111 2480 20 75 4577 20 61 5423 1028 6549 14
15 .632705 30 13 1 .774393 30 92 .225607 .291335 .817034 15
16 2931 U0 150
3156 U5 169
1949 I0
- Corr. "Corr.
7520 16
6005 17
17 5~l

18 3381 50 188 3840 50 153 6160 2256 15 77 15 121 8490 18

19 3606 3656 6344 2564 20 103 20 162 8976 19
20 .633831 .773472 .226528 .292872 30 154 30 243 .819462 20
21 4056 3287 6713 3181 40 205 40 324 9949 21
22 4281 3103 6897 3489 45 231 45 364 .820435 22
23 4506 2918 7082 3798 50 256 50 405 0922 23
2U 4730 2734 7266 4107 1409 24
25 .634955 .772549 .227451 .294416 .821896 25
26 5180 2364 7636 4726 n Co r r .
Co r r 2384 26
27 5405 2179 7821 5036 10 52 10 81 2872 27
28 5629 1994 8006 5346 15 78 15 122 3360 28
29 5854 1810 8190 5656 20 104 20 163 3848 29
30 .636078 .771625 .228375 .295967 30 155 30 244 .824336 30
31 6303 1440 8560 6278 40 207 40 326 4825 31
32 6527 1254 8746 6589 45 233 45 367 5314 32
33 6751 1069 8931 6900 50 259 50 407 5803 33
34 6976 0884 91 16 7212 6292 34
35 .637200 .770699 .229301 .297524 .826782 35
36 7424 0513 9487 7836 7272 36
37 7648 0328 9672 8149 7762 37
38 7872 0142 9858 8461 8252 38
39 8096 .769957 .230043 8774 8743 39
140 .638320 .769771 .230229 .299088 .829234 40
41 8544 " Corr. 9585 " Co r r 0415 9401 Corr. " Co r r 9725 41
42 8768 \0~T7 9400 TO" "31 0600 9715 10 52 10 82 .830216 42
U3 8992 15 56 9214 15 46 0786 .300029 15 78 15 123 0708 43
44 9215 20 75 9028 20 62 0972 0343 20 105 20 164 1199 44
U5 .639439 30 12 1 . 768842 30 93 .231 158 . 300658 30 157 30 246 .831691 45
U6 9663 U0 149 8656 40 124 1344 0972 40 209 40 328 2183 46
U7 9886 45 168 8470 45 139 1530 1288 45 235 45 369 2676 47
U8 .6401 10 50 186 8284 50 155 1716 1603 50 262 50 410 3169 48
49 0333 8097 1903 1918 3662 49
50 .640557 .76791 .232089 .302234 .834155 50
51 0780 7725 2275 2550 " Co r r .
" Co r r . 4648 51
52 1003 7538 2462 2867 TTj-53 FT5 82 5142 52
53 1226 7352 2648 3183 15 79 15 124 5636 53
5U IM50 7165 2835 3500 20 106 20 165 6130 54
55 .6441673 .766978 .233022 .303818 30 159 30 247 .836624 55
56 1896 6792 3208 4135 40 211 40 330 7119 56
57 21 19 6605 3395 4453 45 238 45 371 7614 57
58 2342 6418 3582 4771 50 264 50 412 8109 58
59 2565 6231 3769 5089 8604 59
60 .6142788 .766044 .233956 . 305407 .839100 60
. . .






SE c. SE c. SEC. SEC.

.642768 + .766044 + .233956 .305407 1

+ + .839100
3010 5857 4H43 5726 "Corr. " Corr. 9596 1

2 3233 5670 4330 60451 10 53 10 83 .840092 2

3 3M56 5483 4517 6364 15 80 15 124 0588 3
4 3678 5296 4704 6684 20 107 20 166 .1084 4
5 .6143901 .765109 .234891 .307004 30 160 30 249 .841581 5
6 4124 4921 5079 7324 40 214 40 332 2078 6
7 143U6 14734 5266 764U 45 240 45 373 2576 7
8 U568 " c 46 5454 7965 50 267 50 414 3073 8
9 U79I 4359 5641 8286 3571 9
10 .6H50 13 .764171 .235829 .308607 .844069 10
1 1 5236 ICori 3984 n Corr. 6016 8928 4567 II
12 51458 10 37 3796 10" 31 6204 9250 5066 12
13 5680 15 55 3608 15 47 6392 9572 5564 13
111 5902 20 74 3420 20 63 6580 9894 6063 14
15 .6146I2U 30 1 1 1 .763232 30 94 .236768 .310217 .846562 15
16 6346 40 148 30414 MO 125 6956 0540 n Co r r " Corr. 7062 16
17 6568 45 166 2856 U5 141 7H414 0863 10 54 10 83 7562 17
18 6790 50 185 2668 50 157 7332 1186 15 81 15 125 8062 18
19 7012 2480 7520 1510 20 108 20 167 8562 19
20 .6147233 .762292 .237708 .311833 30 162 30 250 .849062 20
21 71455 2104 7896 2158 40 216 40 333 9563 21
22 7677 1915 8085 2482 45 243 45 375 .850064 22
23 7898 1727 8273 2807 50 270 50 417 0565 23
2U 8120 1538 8462 3132 1067 24
25 .648341 .761350 .238650 .313457 .851568 25
26 8563 1161 8839 3782 " Co r r . A
" Co r r 2070 26
27 87814 0972 9028 4108 10 54 10 84 2573 27
28 9006 0784 9216 41434 15 82 15 126 3075 28
29 9227 0595 9405 4760 20 109 20 168 3578 29
30 .649448 .760406 .239594 .315087 30 163 30 262 .854081 30
31 9669 0217 9783 5414 40 218 40 335 4584 31
32 9890 0028 9972 5741 45 2145 45 377 5087 32
33 .6501 1 1 .759839 .240161 6068 50 272 50 419 5501 33
314 0332 9650 0350 6396 6095 34
35 .650553 .759461 .240539 .316724 .856599 35
36 077U 9271 0729 7052 7104 36
37 0995 9082 0918 7381 7608 37
38 1216 8893 1107 7710 81 13 38
39 IM37 8703 1297 8039 8618 39
no .651657 .758514 .241486 .318368 .859124 40
Ml 1878 "Corr. 8324 " Co r r 1676 86 9e "Corr. "Corr. 9630 41
42 2098 10 37 8134 TO" 32 1866 9027 T0~^5 TO 84 .860136 42
43 2319 15 55 7945 15 47 2055 9358 15 83 15 127 0642 43
44 2539 20 73 7755 20 63 2245 9688 20 10 20 169 1 1 148 44
45 .652760 30 110 .757565 30 95 .242435 .320019 30 165 30 253 .861655 45
U6 2980 uo 147 7375 UO 127 2625 0350 40 220 40 337 2162 46
47 3200 45 165 7185 45 142 2815 0681 45 248 45 380 2669 47
ue 342 1 50 184 6995 50 158 3005 1013 50 275 50 422 3177 48
U9 3641 6805 3195 1344 3685 49
50 .653861 .756615 .243385 .321676 .864193 50
51 4081 6425 3575 2009 " Corr. n Corr. 4701 51
52 4301 6234 3766 2342 10 56 ID 85 5209 52
53 4521 60 414 3956 267U 15 83 15 127 5718 53
54 47141 5854 4146 3008 20 20 170 1 1 1 6227 54
55 .654961 .755663 .244337 .323341 30 167 30 255 .866736 55
56 5160 5472 4528 3675 40 222 40 339 7246 56
57 5400 5282 4718 4009 45 250 45 382 7756 57
58 5620 5091 4909 43144 50 278 50 424 8266 58
Bfi 5840 4900 5100 4678 8776 59
60 .656059 .754710 .245290 .325013 .869287 60





+ .75U7I0
— + .2U5290 .325013 + + .869287
6278 U5I9 5U8I 53U8 n Co r r Corr 9798 1

2 6498 U328 5672 568U 10 56 10 85 .870309 2

3 6717 UI37 5663 6019 15 8U 15 128 0820 3
u 6937 39U6 605U 6355 20 121 20 171 1332 U
5 .657156 .753755 .2U62U5 .326692 30 168 30 256 .87I8UU 5
6 7375 3563 6U37 7028 UO 225 UO 3U2 2356 6
7 7594 3372 6628 7365 U5 253 U5 38U 2868 7
8 7814 3181 6819 7702 50 281 50 U27 3381 8
9 8033 2989 701 80 UO
1 389U 9
10 .658252 .752798 .2U7202 .328378 .87UU07 10
1 8471 I
2606 n Corr. 739U 8716 U920 1 1

12 8690 2UI5 TTj— 32 7585 905U 5U3U 12

13 8908 15 55 2223 15 U8 7777 9392 59U8 13
IU 9127 20 73 2032 20 6U 7968 9731 6U62 IU

15 .6593U6 30 109 .75I8U0 30 96 .2U8I60 .330071 .876976 15

16 956U UO US 1 I6U8 U0 128 8352 OUIO _1 Corr. "Corr. 7U9I 16
17 9783 U5 164 IU56 U5 IUU 85UU 0750 10 57 10 86 8006 17
18 .660002 50 182 I26U 50 160 8736 1090 15 85 15 129 8522 18
19 0220 1072 8928 IU30 20 113 20 172 9037 19

20 .660U39 .750880 .2U9I20 .331771 30 170 30 258 .879553 20

21 0657 0688 9312 21 12 UO 227 UO 3U3 .880069 21
22 0875 0U96 950U 2U53 U5 255 U5 387 0585 22
23 I09U 0303 9697 279U 50 28U 50 U29 102 23

2U 1312 0111 9889 3136 1619 24

25 .661530 .7U99I9 .250081 .333U78 .882136 25
26 I7U8 9726
0U66 UI63 TO 57
3820 n Corr. '

2653 26
3171 27
27 1966
28 2I8U 93UI 0659 U506 15 86 15 130 3689 28
29 2402 9IU8 0852 U8U9 20 15 1 20 173 U207 29
30 .662620 .7U8956 .25I0UU .335192 30 172 30 259 .88U725 30
31 2838 8763 1237 5536 UO 229 UO 3U6 52UU 31
32 3056 8570 IU30 5880 U5 258 U5 369 5763 32
33 3273 8377 1623 6225 50 286 50 U32 6282 33
3U 3491 8I8U 1816 6569 6802 34
35 .663709 .7U799I .252009 .3369 1 .887322 35
36 3926 7798 2202 7259 76U2 38
37 umu 7605 2395 7605 8362 37
38 U36I 7UI2 2588 7951 8882 38
39 U578 7218 2782 8297 9U03 39

40 .66U796 .7U7025 .252975 .3386U3 .88992U 40

III 5013 " Corr. 6832
"Corr, " Corr.
58 "TO 87
- .890UU6 41
0968 42
42 5230 10 36 10 10
43 5UU8 15 5U 6UU5 15 U8 3555 968U 15 87 15 130 IU89 43
44 5665 20 72 6251 20 65 37U9 .3U0032 20 16 20 I7U
1 2012 44
U5 .665882 30 108 .7U6057 30 97 .2539U3 .3U0380 30 I7U 30 261 .89253U 45
U6 6099 U0 IU5 586 U UO 129 UI36 0728 UO 232 UO 3U8 3057 46
U7 6316 U5 163 5670 U5 IU5 U330 1076 U5 260 U5 391 3580 47
U8 6532 50 181 5U76 50 161 U52U 1425 50 289 50 U35 UI03 48
U9 67U9 5282 U7I6 I77U U627 49

50 .666966 .7U5088 .25U9I2 .3U2I23 .895151 50

51 7183 U89U 5106 2U73 " Corr. "Corr. 5675 51
52 7399 U700 5300 2823 10 58 10 87 6199 52
53 7616 U506 5U9U 3173 15 88 15 131 672U 53
5U 7833 U3I2 5688 3523 20 17 1 20 175 72U9 54

55 .6680U9 .7UUI 17 .255883 .3U387U 30 175 30 263 .89777U 55

56 8266 3923 6077 U225 UO 23U UO 350 8299 56
57 8U82 3728 6272 U577 U5 263 U5 39U 8825 57
58 8698 353U 6U66 U928 50 292 50 U38 9351 58
59 8914 3339 6661 5280 9878 59
60 .669131 .7U3IU5 .256855 .3U5633 . 900U0U 60
. .. .








+ .743145
— + .256855 .345633 + + .900404
9347 2950 7050 5985 "
Co r r .
" Co
r r . 0931
9563 2755 7245 6338 IC 59 \0~~88 1458

2 2
3 9779 2561 7439 6691 15 89 15 132 1985 3
M 9995 2366 7634 7045 20 118 20 176 2513 U
5 .670211 .742171 .257829 .347399 30 177 30 264 .903041 5
6 0427 1976 8024 7753 40 236 40 352 3569 6
7 0642 1781 8219 8107 45 266 45 396 4098 7
8 0858 1586 8414 8462 50 295 50 440 4627 8
9 I07U 1390 8610 8817 5156 9
10 .671290 .741 195 . 258805 .349172 .905665 10
1 1 1505

Corr. 1000 "

0805 ro— 33
Co r r 9000
9528 " Co r r
9884 10-59

- 88
Co r r . 6215
6745 12
1 1

13 1936 15 54 0609 15 49 9391 .350240 15 89 15 133 7275 13
14 2152 20 72 0414 20 65 9586 0596 20 19 1 20 177 .7805 IU
15 .672367 30 108 .740218 30 98 .259782 .350953 30 179 30 266 .908336 15
16 2582 MO UU 1 0022 40 130 9978 1310 40 238 40 354 8867 16
17 2797 45 161 .739827 45 147 .260173 1666 45 268 45 398 9396 17
18 3012 50 179 9631 50 163 0369 2025 50 298 50 443 9930 18
19 3228 9435 0565 2383 .910462 19
20 .673443 .739239 .260761 .352742 .910994 20
21 3658 9044 0956 3100 " Co r r " Co r r . 1526 21
22 3873 8848 1152 3459 I0~"60 10 89 2059 22
23 4088 8652 1348 3818 15 90 15 133 2592 23
2U U302 8455 1545 4178 20 120 20 178 3126 2 14 i

25 .674517 .738259 .261741 .354538 30 180 30 267 .913659 25

26 4732 8063 1937 4898 40 240 UO 356 4193 26
27 4947 7867 2133 5256 45 270 45 400 4727 27
28 5161 7670 2330 5619 50 300 50 445 5262 28
29 5376 7474 2526 5980 5796 29
30 .675590 .737277 .262723 .356342 .916331 30
31 5805 7081 2919 6703 " Co r r "Corn. 6666 31
32 6019 6884 31 16 7065 10 61 TO" 89 7402 32
33 6233 6688 3312 7428 15 91 15 134 7938 33 1

34 6448 6491 3509 7790 20 121 20 179 8474 3U

35 .676662 .736294 .263706 .358153 30 182 30 268 .919010 35
36 6876 6097 3903 8516 40 242 40 358 9547 36
37 7090 5900 4100 8880 45 272 45 403 .920084 37
38 7304 5703 4297 9244 50 303 50 447 0621 38
39 7518 5506 4494 9608 1 159 39
UO .677732 .735309 .264691 .359972 .921697 UO
10 55
51 12 "

4915 "TO 33
Corr. 4888 .360337 " Co r r
5085 0702 TO 61
- "

Co r r
U3 8373 15 53 4717 15 49 5283 1068 15 92 15 135 3312 U3
UU 8587 20 71 4520 20 66 5480 1433 20 122 20 180 3851 UU
45 .678801 30 107 .734322 30 99 .265678 . 36 800 30 183 30 270 .924390 U5

46 90 U0 142 4125 40 132 5875 2166 40 244 40 360 4930 46

47 9228 45 160 3928 45 148 6072 2532 45 275 45 405 5470 U7
M8 9441 50 178 3730 50 165 6270 2899 50 305 50 450 6010 U8
U9 9655 3532 6468 3267 6551 U9
50 .679868 .733334 .266666 .363634 .927091 50
51 .680081 3137 6663 4002 " Corr " Co r r 7632 51
52 0295 2939 7061 4370 I0~62 T0~90 8174 52
53 0508 2741 7259 4739 15 92 15 136 8715 53
5U 0721 2543 7457 5108 20 123 20 181 9257 5U
55 .680934 .732345 .267655 .365477 30 185 30 271 .929800 55
56 1147 2147 7853 5846 40 246 40 362 .930342 56
57 1360 1949 6051 6216 45 277 45 407 0885 57
58 1573 1750 8250 6586 50 308 50 452 1428 58
59 1786 1552 8448 6957 1971 59
60 .681998 .731354 .268646 .367328 .932515 60
. 542






+ .731354
— + .265646 .367328 + + .932515
221 1 1 155 6645 7698 " Co r r 3059 1

2 2424 0957 9043 8070 10 62 nftR- 3603 2

3 2636 0756 9242 6442 15 93 15 136 4148 3
4 2849 0560 9440 8814 20 124 20 162 4693 4
5 .683C6I .730361 .269639 .369166 30 186 30 273 .935236 5
6 3274 0162 9838 9559 40 248 40 364 5763 6
7 3486 .729964 .270036 9932 45 260 45 409 6329 7
8 3696 9765 0235 .370305 50 31 1 50 454 6875 8
9 391 1 9566 0434 0676 7422 9
10 .684123 .729367 .270633 .371052 .937968 10
4335 " c or r
9168 _!!.Corr 0832 1427 " Co r r " Corr. 651 5 |

12 4547 10" 35 8969 10 33 1031 1801 10 63 10 91 9C62 12

13 4759 15 53 8770 15 50 1230 2176 15 94 15 137 96IC 13
14 4971 20 71 8570 20 66 1430 2551 20 125 20 163 .940156 14
r .685183 30 106
.726371 30 100 .271629 .372927 30 188 30 274 .940706 15
16 5395 40 141 8172 40 133 1826 3303 40 250 40 366 1254 16
17 56C7 45 159 7972 45 150 2028 3679 45 262 45 41 1 1603 17
18 5818 50 176 7773 50 166 2227 4055 50 313 50 457 2352 18
19 6030 7573 2427 4432 2902 19

20 .686242 .727374 .272626 .374809 .943451 20

21 6453
5167 " Corr
5564 ID 53
- .

Co r r . 4001
22 22
23 6876 6774 3226 5943 15 95 15 136 5102 23
24 7088 6575 3425 6321 20 126 20 164 5653 24
25 .687299 .726375 .273625 .376700 30 190 30 276 .946204 25
26 7510 6175 3825 7079 40 253 40 368 6756 26
27 7721 5975 4025 7458 45 284 45 414 7307 27
28 7932 5775 4225 7838 50 316 50 459 7860 28
29 8144 5575 4425 6218 8412 29
30 .688355 .725374 .274626 378598 . .948965 30
31 8566 5174 4826 8979 " Co r r .
Co r r 9518 31
32 8776 4974 5026 9360 10 64 m~92 .950071 32
33 8987 4773 5227 9742 15 96 15 139 0624 33
3U 9198 4573 5427 .380123 20 127 20 185 178 3U

35 .689409 .724372 .275628 . 380505 30 191 30 277 .951733 35

35 9620 4172 5828 0868 40 255 40 370 2287 36
37 9830 3971 6029 1270 45 287 45 416 2842 37
33 .690041 3770 6230 1653 50 319 50 462 3397 38
39 0251 3570 6430 2037 3953 39
40 .690462 .723369 .276631 .382420 .954508 40
41 0672 " Co r r 3168 " Co r r 6832 2804 " Co r r "
Co r r . 5064 41
42 0882 ro~35 2967 ra^54 7033 3189 10 64 10 93 5621 42
43 1093 15 53 2766 15 50 7234 3573 15 96 15 139 6177 43
44 1303 20 70 2565 20 67 7435 3958 20 129 20 186 6734 44
45 .691513 30 105 .722364 30 101 .277636 .384344 30 193 30 279 .957292 45
46 1723 UO 140 2163 40 134 7837 4729 40 257 40 372 7849 46
47 1933 45 158 1962 45 151 e038 51 15 45 289 45 418 6407 47
46 2143 50 175 1760 50 168 6240 5502 50 321 50 465 8966 48
49 2353 1559 844 5888 1 9524 49
50 .692563 .721357 .278643 .386275 . 960083 50
51 2773 1 156 8844 6663 " Co r r
. 0642 51
52 2982 0954 9046 7050 10 f0~93 1202 52
53 3192 0753 9247 7438 15 97 15 mo 1761 53
54 3402 0551 9449 7827 20 130 20 187 2322 54
55 .693611 .720349 .279651 . 38821 30 194 30 260 .962862 55
3821 0148 9852 8604 40 259 40 374 3443 56
57 4030 .719946 .280054 6994 45 292 45 421 4004 57
53 4240 9744 0256 9383 50 324 50 467 4565 58
59 4449 9542 0458 9773 5127 59

90 .694658 .719340 . 260660 .390164 .965689 60

1 4
5 . .. 3







+ .719340
- + .280660 .390164 + + .965669
4868 9138 0862 0554 " Corr. " Corr. 6251 1

2 5077 8936 1064 0945 10 65 10 94 6814 2

3 5286 8733 1267 1337 15 98 15 141 7377 3
4 5495 8531 1469 1728 20 131 20 188 7940 U
5 .695704 .718329 .281671 .392120 30 196 30 282 .968504 5
6 5913 8126 1874 2513 40 262 40 376 9067 6
7 6122 7924 2076 2905 45 294 45 423 9632 7
8 6330 7721 2279 3298 50 327 50 470 .970 961
9 6539 7MQ 2481 3692 0761 9
10 .696748 .717316 . 282684 . 394086 .971326 10
6956 " Co r r
1 . 71 13 " Cor r 2887 4480 "Corr. " Corr. 1892 II
7165 ro^55 691 10 34' 3089 4874 10 66 10 94 2458 12
12 1

13 7374 15 52 6708 15 51 3292 5269 15 99 15 142 3024 13

14 7582 20 69 6505 20 68 3495 5664 20 132 20 189 3590 IU
15 .697790 30 104 .716302 30 101 .283698 . 396059 30 198 30 284 .974157 15
16 7999 40 139 6099 40 135 3901 6455 40 264 40 378 4724 16
17 8207 45 156 5896 45 152 4104 6851 45 297 45 425 5291 17
18 6415 50 174 5693 50 169 4307 7248 50 329 50 473 5859 18
19 8623 5490 4510 7644 6427 19

20 .698832 .715286 . 2847 1 . 398042 .976996 20

21 9040 5083 4917 8439 "Corr. " Co r r 7564 21
22 9248 4880 5120 8837 10 67 \0~95 8133 22
23 9456 4676 5324 9235 15 100 15 143 8703 23
2U 9663 4473 5527 9634 20 133 20 190 9272 24
25 .699871 .714269 .285731 .400032 30 200 30 285 . 979842 25
26 .700079 4066 5934 0432 40 266 40 380 . 9804 26

27 0287 3862 6138 0831 45 299 45 428 0983 27

28 0494 3658 6342 1231 50 333 50 475 1554 28
29 0702 3454 6546 1632 2126 29
30 . 700909 .713250 .286750 .402032 .982697 30
31 1 117 3046 6954 2433 " Co r r .
Corr. 3269 31
32 1324 2843 7157 2834 I0~6? 10 96 3842 32
33 1531 2638 7362 3236 15 101 15 143 4414 33
34 1739 2434 7566 3638 20 134 20 191 4987 34
35 .701946 .712230 .287770 404040 30 201
. 30 287 . 985560 35
36 2153 2026 7974 4443 40 268 40 382 6134 36
37 2360 1822 8178 4846 45 302 45 430 6708 37
38 2567 1617 8383 5249 50 336 50 478 7282 38
39 2774 1413 8587 5653 7857 39
UO .702981 .71 1209 .288791 . 406057 . 988432 40
m 3188 " Co r r . 1004 " Co r r . 8996 6462 " Cor r "
Corr. 9007 41
42 3395 f0~34 0800 10 34 9200 6866 10 68 10 96 9582 42
43 3601 15 52 0595 15 51 9405 7272 15 102 15 144 . 990 58
1 43
44 3808 20 69 0390 20 68 9610 7677 20 135 20 192 0735 44
U5 .704015 30 103 .710185 30 102 .2898 1 . 408083 30 203 30 288 .99131 45
U6 4221 40 138 .70998 40 137 .290019 8489 40 271 40 385 1888 46
47 4428 45 155 9776 45 154 0224 8896 45 305 45 433 2465 47
48 4634 50 172 9571 50 171 0429 9303 50 338 50 481 3043 48
49 4841 9366 0634 9710 3621 49
50 .705047 .709161 .290839 .4101 18 .994199 50
51 5253
1044 0526

Co r r .
" Co r
r 4778 51
52 1250 I0 68 10 5357 52
53 5566 8545 1455 1343 15 102 15 145 5936 53
54 5872 8340 1660 1752 20 137 20 193 6515 54
55 .706078 . 708 34
1 .291866 .412161 30 205 30 290 .997095 55
56 6284 7929 2071 2571 40 273 40 387 7676 56
57 6489 7724 2276 2981 45 307 45 435 8256 57
58 6695 7518 2482 3392 50 341 50 484 8837 58
69 6901 7312 2688 3802 9418 59
BO .707107 .707107 .292893 .414214 1 .00000 60







.707107 + . 707 07 1
— + .292893 .414214 + + 1 .00000
7312 6901 3099 4625 n r
torr .00058 1

2 7518 6695 3305 5037 10 69 .001 16 2

3 7724 6489 3511 5449 15 103 .00175 3
U 7929 6284 3716 5862 20 138 .00233 4
5 .708134 .706078 .293922 .416275 30 207 1.00291 5
6 8340 5872 4128 6688 40 276 .00350 6
7 8545 5666 4334 7102 45 310 .00408 7
8 8750 5459 U54I 7516 50 344 .00467 8
9 8956 5253 14747 7931 .00525 9
10 .709161 .705047 .294953 .418345 1 .00583 10

1 9366 " Corr.
9571 ro^u
463U ro"3n
" Co r r . 5159
8760 " Corr.
9176 ro~59

Co r r .00642


13 9776 15 51 4428 15 52 5572 9592 15 104 15 15 .00759 13

|1| 9981 20 68 4221 20 69 5779 420008 20 139
. 20 20 .00818 14
15 .710185 30 102 .704015 30 103 .295985 .420425 30 208 30 29 1 .00876 15
16 0390 40 137 3808 40 138 6192 0842 40 278 40 39 .00935 16
17 0595 45 154 3601 45 155 6399 1259 45 313 45 44 .00994 17
18 0800 50 171 3395 50 172 6605 1677 50 347 50 49 .01053 18
19 1004 3188 6812 2095 .01 112 19
20 .71 1209 .702981 .297019 .422513 1 .01 170 20
21 1413 2774 7226 2932 " Co r r .01229 21
22 1617 2567 7433 3351 FoTO .01288 22
23 1822 2360 7640 3771 15 105 .01347 23
2U 2026 2153 7847 4191 20 140 .01406 24
25 .712230 .701946 .298054 .U2146I 30 210
1 (.01465 25
26 2434 1739 8261 5032 40 280 .01524 26
27 2638 1531 8469 5453 45 316 .01583 27
28 2843 1324 8676 5874 50 351 .01642 28
29 3046 1 1 17 6883 6296 .01702 29
30 .713250 . 700909 .299091 .426718 1. 01761 30
3 1
3454 0702 9298 7141 " Co r r .01820 31
32 3658 0494 9506 7564 fO~TT .01879 32
33 3862 0287 9713 7987 15 106 .01939 33
34 4066 0079 9921 8410 20 141 .01996 34
35 .714269 .699871 .300129 .428834 30 212 1.02057 35
36 4473 9663 0337 9259 40 283 .02117 36
37 4676 9456 0544 9684 45 316 .02176 37
38 4860 9248 0752 .430109 50 354 .02236 38
39 5083 9040 0960 0534 .02295 39
uo .715286 .698832 .301 168 . 430960 1.02355 40
Ml 5490 " Cor
5693 115 ~34
r . 8623
8415 R5~35
" C ( ,r r . 1377
"Corr. -71 "

ID —
C(,r r

. .02414
42 TTJ)

43 5896 15 51 8207 15 52 1793 2240 15 107 15 15 .02533 43

44 6099 20 68 7999 20 69 2001 2667 20 143 20 20 .02593 44
U5 .716302 30 101 .697790 30 104 .302210 .433095 30 214 30 30 1 .02653 45
46 6505 40 135 7582 U0 139 2418 3523 40 285 40 40 .02713 46
U7 6708 45 152 7374 45 156 2626 3952 45 321 45 45 .02772 47
48 691 50 169
1 7165 50 174 2835 4380 50 357 50 50 .02832 48
49 71 13 6956 3044 4810 .02892 49
50 .717316 .696748 .303252 .435239 1.02952 50
51 7519 6539 3461 5669 ^Corr. .03012 51
52 7721 6330 3670 6100 10 72 .03072 52
53 7924 6122 3878 6530 15 108 .03132 53
54 8126 5913 4087 6962 20 144 .03192 54
55 .718329 .695704 .304296 .437393 30 216 1 .03252 55
56 8531 5495 4505 7825 41 28!', 1 .03312 56
5 7 8733 5286 4714 8257 45 324 .03372 57
68 !',<)',(, 5077 4923 8690 50 360 .03433 58
69 9138 4868 5132 9123 .03493 59
60 .719340 .694658 .3053U2 .439556 1.03553 60
. 1 . ...







— + .305342 .439556 + + 1.03553
9542 4449 5551 9990 " Corr .03613 1

2 9744 4240 5760 .440425 lTj-73 .03674 2

3 9946 4030 5970 0659 15 109 .03734 3
M .720148 3821 6179 1294 20 145 .03794 4
5 .720349 .69361 .306389 .441730 30 218 1.03855 5
6 0551 3402 6598 2165 40 290 .03915 6
7 0753 3192 6808 2601 45 327 .03976 7
8 0954 2982 7018 3038 50 363 .04036 8
9 1 156 277o 7227 3475 .04097 9
10 .721357 .692563 .307437 .443912 1.04158 10

1 1559

Co r r . 2353
" Cor
r 7647
4350 " Co r r
4788 ro~73
. "Corr.
- TO


13 1962 15 50 1933 15 53 8067 5226 15 110 15 15 .04340 13

m 2163 20 67 1723 20 70 8277 5665 20 147 20 20 .04401 14
15 .722364 30 101 .691513 30 105 .308487 .446104 30 220 30 30 1.04461 15
16 2565 40 134 1303 40 140 8697 6544 40 293 UO 41 .04522 16
17 2766 45 151 1093 45 158 8907 6984 45 330 U5 46 .04583 17
18 2967 50 168 0882 50 175 9118 7424 50 366 50 51 .04644 18
19 3168 0672 9328 7865 .04705 19
20 .723369 .690462 .309538 .448306 1 .04766 20
8748 " Co r r
9190 to
-m .04827
23 3971 .689830 .310170 9632 15 II 1 .04949 23
2U 4172 9620 0380 .450075 20 148 .05010 24
25 .724372 .669409 .310591 .450518 30 222 1 .05072 25
26 4573 9198 0802 0962 40 296 .05133 26
27 4773 8987 1013 1406 45 333 .05194 27
28 4974 e776 1224 1850 50 370 .05255 28
29 5174 6566 1434 2295 .05317 29
30 .725374 .688355 .31 1645 .452740 1.05378 30
31 5575 8144 1856 3185 " Co r r .05439 31
32 5775 7932 2068 3631 TC)~T5 .05501 32
33 5975 7721 2279 4077 15 12 1 .05562 33
34 6175 7510 2490 4524 20 149 .05624 34
35 .726375 .687299 .312701 .454971 30 224 1.05685 35
36 6575 7088 2912 5419 40 298 .05747 36
37 6774 6876 3124 5867 45 336 .05809 37
38 6974 6665 3335 6315 50 373 .05870 38
39 7174 6453 3547 6764 .05932 39
40 .727374 .686242 .313758 .457213 1.05994 40
41 7573 " Co r r 6030 " Cprr. 3970 7662 " Cprr. "C .06056 41
42 7773 10 33 5818 FO 35 4182 81 12 10 75 10 1 .061 17 42
43 7972 15 50 5607 15 53 4393 8562 15 13 1 15 15 .06179 43
44 8172 20 66 5395 20 71 4605 9013 20 150 20 21 .06241 44
45 .728371 30 100 .685183 30 106 .314617 .459464 30 226 30 31 1 .06303 45
46 8570 40 133 4971 40 141 5029 9916 40 301 40 41 .06365 46
47 e770 45 150 4759 45 159 5241 .460368 45 339 45 46 .06427 47
48 8969 50 166 4547 50 176 5453 0820 50 376 50 52 .06469 48
49 9168 4335 5665 1273 .06551 49
50 .729367 .684123 .315677 .461726 1.06613 50
51 9566 391 1 6089 2179 " Co r r .06676 51
52 9765 3698 6302 2633 ro—76 .06738 52
53 9964 3486 6514 3088 15 14 1 .06800 53
54 .730162 3274 6726 3542 20 152 .06662 54
55 .730361 .683061 .316939 .463997 30 228 1.06925 55
56 0560 2849 7151 4453 40 304 .06987 56
57 0758 2636 7364 4909 45 342 .07049 57
58 0957 2424 7576 5365 50 380 .071 12 58
59 155 1 2211 7769 5822 .07174 59
80 .731354 .681998 .316002 .466279 1.07237 60
- 546






— + .318002 .466279 + + 1.07237
1552 1786 8214 6737 _!!_Corr. .07299 1

2 1750 1573 6427 7195 10 77 .07362 2

3 1949 1360 8640 7653 15 15 1 .07425 3
U 2147 1 147 8853 81 12 20 153 .07487 4
5 .732345 .680934 .319066 .468571 30 230 1.07550 5
6 2543 0721 9279 9031 40 306 .07613 6
7 2741 0508 9492 9491 45 345 .07676 7
8 2939 0295 9705 9951 50 383 .07738 8
9 3137 C08I 9919 4704 . 1 .07801 9
10 .733334 .679868 .320132 . 470874 1.07864 10
1 3532 " Co r r
9655 " Co r r . 0345 1335 " Co r r . Corr. .07927 1 1

12 3730 ro~T3 9441 ra^6 C559 1798 10 77 ro^r .07990 12

13 3928 15 49 9228 15 53 0772 2260 15 16 1 15 16 .08053 13
14 4125 20 66 9014 20 71 0986 2723 20 155 20 21 .081 16 14

15 .734322 30 99 .678601 30 107 .321 199 .473186 30 232 30 32 1.08179 15

16 U520 40 132 8587 40 142 1413 3650 40 309 40 42 .08243 16
17 4717 45 148 8373 45 160 1627 4114 45 348 45 47 .08306 17
18 4915 50 165 8160 50 176 1640 4579 50 366 50 53 .08369 18
19 51 12 7946 2054 5044 .08432 19

20 .735309 .677732 .322268 .475510 1.08496 20

21 5506 7518 2482 5975 " Corr .08559 21
22 5703 7304 2696 6442 10 78 .08622 22
23 5900 7090 2910 6908 15 17 1 .08686 23
24 6097 6876 3124 7376 20 156 .08749 24
25 .736294 .676662 .323338 . 477843 30 234 1.08813 25
26 649! 6448 3552 831 40 1 312 .08676 26
27 6688 6233 3767 8780 45 351 .08940 27
6664 6CI9 3981 9248 50 390 .09003 28
^— 4195
.324410 .480187
9718 .09067
1. 09131
31 7474 5376 4624 0657 " Corr. .09195 31
32 7670 5161 4639 128 ro 79 1 .09258 32
33 7867 4947 5053 1599 15 18 1 .09322 33
34 8063 4732 5268 2070 20 157 .09386 34
35 .738259 .674517 .325483 .482542 30 236 1.09450 35
36 8455 4302 569e 3014 40 315 .09514 38
37 8652 4oes 5912 3487 45 354 .09578 37
36 eeue 3873 6127 3960 50 393 .09642 38
39 9044 3658 6342 4433 .09706 39

40 .739239 .673443 .326557 .484907 1.09770 40

Ul 9435 "
Core 3228 " Core 6772 5362 " Corr. "Cftrf. .09834 41
U2 9631 H3~33 3012 10 36 6988 5856 I0~79 TO 1 1 .09899 42 |

U3 9827 15 49 2797 15 54 7203 6332 15 19 15 16 1 .09963 43 |

44 .740022 20 65 2582 20 72 7418 6807 20 159 20 21 .10027 44 i

U5 .740218 30 98 .672367 30 108 .327633 . 487283 30 238 30 32 1. 10091 45 I

U6 04 40 130 1 2152 40 144 7848 7760 40 318 40 43 .10156 46 1

U7 0609 45 147 1936 45 161 8064 8237 45 357 45 48 .10220 U7

US 0805 50 163 1721 50 179 6279 8714 50 397 50 54 .10285 ue
U9 1000 1505 8495 9192 .10349 49
50 .741 195 .671290 .328710 .489670 1 . 04 u
1 1 50
51 1390 1074 8926 .490149 " Co r r .10478 51
52 1586 0858 9142 0628 10 60 .10543 52
53 1781 0642 9358 108 15 120 1 .10606 53
54 1976 0427 9573 1588 20 160 .10672 54

55 .742171 .67021 .329789 .492066 30 240 1.10737 55

56 2366 .669995 .330005 2549 40 320 .10602 56
57 2561 9779 0221 3030 45 361 10667
. 57
2755 9563 0437 3512 50 401 .10931 58
59 2950 9347 0653 3994 0996
. 1

60 .743145 .669131 . 330869 .494476 I.I 1061 60

1 .. .
. . M 11







.743145 + .669131 + .330869 .494476 + + 1 . 1 1 06

3339 8914 1086 4960 " Corr. .1 1 126 1

2 3534 8698 1302 5443 10 81 .11191 2

3 3728 8482 1518 5927 15 121 .1 1256 3
U 3923 8266 1734 641 20 162 1 . 32
1 1 4
5 .7441 17 .668049 .331951 .496896 30 243 1 . 387
1 1
6 4312 7833 2167 7381 40 323 '
. 452
1 1
7 4506 7616 2384 7867 45 364 .11517 7
8 4700 7399 2601 8353 50 404 . 582
1 1 8
9 4894 7183 2817 6840 . 1 1648 9
10 .745088 .666966 .333034 .499327 1713 10
1 . 1

1 1 5282 " Co r r 6749 n Corr 3251 9814 "Corr. "Corr. . 1 1 778 1 1

12 5476 ro~32~ 6532 ID" 36 3468 .500302 10 82 TO 17 . 1 1844 12

13 5670 15 48 6316 15 54 3684 0790 15 122 15 16 . 1 1 909 13
111 5864 20 65 6099 20 72 3901 1279 20 163 20 22 .1 1975 m
15 .746057 30 97 .665882 30 108 .3341 18 . 50 768 30 245
1 30 33 1 . 12041 15
16 6251 40 129 5665 40 145 4335 2258 40 326 40 44 . 12 06 161

17 6445 45 145 5448 45 163 4552 2748 45 367 45 49 .12172 17

18 6638 50 161 5230 50 181 4770 3239 50 408 50 55 .12238 18
19 6832 5013 4987 3730 .12303 19
20 .747025 .664796 .335204 .504221 1.12369 20
21 7218 4578 5422 4713 " Co r r .12435 21
22 7412 4361 5639 5205 10 82 250 . 1 22
23 7605 4144 5856 5698 15 124 .12567 23
24 7798 3926 6074 6192 20 165 12633 . 24
25 .747991 .663709 .336291 . 506685 30 247 1 . 12699 25
26 818M 3491 6509 7179 40 329 . 12765 26
27 8377 3273 6727 7674 45 371 . 12831 27
28 8570 3056 6944 8169 50 412 .12897 28
29 8763 2838 7162 8664 .12963 29
30 .7U8956 .662620 .337380 509 60
. 1 1.13029 30
31 9IU8 2402 7598 9657 " Corr. 3096 . 1 31
32 93MI 2184 7816 .510154 ro-33 .13162 32
33 9534 1966 6034 0651 15 125 .13228 33
34 9726 1748 8252 1149 20 166 .13295 34
35 .7449919 .661530 . 338470 .51 1647 30 249 1. 13361 35
36 . 750 1 1 1312 8688 2146 40 332 . 3428
1 38
37 0303 1094 8906 2645 45 374 .13494 37
38 01496 0875 9125 3145 50 416 .13561 38
39 0688 0657 9343 3645 .13627 39
UO .750880 .660439 .339561 .514145 1 .13694 40
4l 1072 " Co r r 0220 B C or r 9780 4646 "Corr. " Co r r . . 376
1 41
U2 1264 10 32 0002 10 36 9998 5148 10 84 TO— .13828 42
U3 IU56 15 48 .659783 15 55 .340217 5650 15 126 15 17 .13894 43
44 I6U8 20 64 9564 20 73 0436 6152 20 168 20 22 .13961 44
145 .751840 30 96 .659346 30 109 .340654 .516655 30 252 30 33 1 . 402e
1 45
U6 2032 40 128 9127 40 146 0873 7158 40 336 40 45 . 4095
1 46
47 2223 45 144 8908 45 164 1092 7662 45 378 45 50 .14162 47
48 241 50 160 8690 50 182 1310 8166 50 419 50 56 .14229 48
U9 2606 8471 1529 8671 . 4296
1 49
50 .752798 .656252 .341748 .519176 1. 14363 50
1967 9682 " Co r r
2186 .520188 TO 65
- . .

1 4430
14498 52

53 3372 7594 2406 0694 15 127 . 14565 53

5U 3563 7375 2625 1201 20 169 . 14632 54
55 .753755 .657156 .342844 .521709 30 254 1 . 4699 55

56 3946 6937 3063 2217 40 339 . 4767 56


57 4137 6717 3283 2725 45 381 .14834 57

58 4328 6498 3502 3234 50 423 .14902 58
59 4519 6278 3722 3743 . 4969 59

60 .754710 .656059 .343941 .524253 1. 15037 60






s 5 EC. SEC. SEC.

.754710 + .656059 + .343941 .524253 + + 5037

1 . 1
4900 5840 4160 4763 " Co r r .15104 I

2 5091 5620 4380 5274 ro~83 .15172 2

3 5282 5400 4600 5785 15 128 . 5240
4 5472 5180 4820 6297 20 171 . 5308
5 .755663 .654961 .345039 .526809 30 256 1.15375 5
6 5854 4741 5259 7322 40 342 .15443 6
7 6044 4521 5479 7835 45 384 .15511 7
8 6234 4301 5699 8349 50 427 .15579 B
9 6425 4081 5919 8863 . 5647
10 .756615 .653861 .346139 .529377 1. 15715 10
1 6805 "Corr.

6995 TO" 32
37 TO"
6359 9892 " Corr.
6579 .530408 R5 86
- "

Co r r .15783
1 1

12 1 1
13 7185 15 47 3200 15 55 6800 0924 15 129 15 17 .15919 13
114 7375 20 63 2980 20 73 7020 1440 20 172 20 23 .15987 14
15 .757565 30 95 .652760 30 101 .347240 .531957 30 259 30 34 1.16056 15
16 7755 40 127 2539 40 147 7461 2475 40 345 40 46 .16124 16
17 7945 45 142 2319 45 165 7681 2992 45 388 45 51 16192 17

18 8134 50 158 2098 50 184 7902 351 1 50 431 50 57 .16261 18

19 8324 1878 8122 4030 .16329 19
20 .758514 .651657 .348343 . 534549 1 . 6398
1 20

Co r r . 6466

23 9082 0995 9005 61 10 15 131 .16603 23
24 9271 0774 9226 6631 20 174 .16672 24
25 .759461 .650553 .349447 .537153 30 261 1. 16741 25
26 9650 0332 9668 7675 40 348 .16809 26
27 9839 01 1 1 9889 8198 45 392 . 6878
1 27
28 .760028 .649890 .3501 10 8721 50 435 .16947 28
29 0217 9669 0331 9245 .17016 29
30 .760406 .649448 .350552 .539769 1 . 7085 1 30
31 0595 9227 0773 .540294 " Corr. . 7 54
1 1 31
32 0784 9006 0994 0819 I0~~88 .17223 32
33 0972 8784 1216 1344 15 132 . 7292 33

34 1 161 8563 1437 1871 20 176 .17361 34

35 .761350 .648341 .351659 .542397 30 264 1.17430 35
36 1538 8120 1880 2924 40 351 7500
. 1 36
37 1727 7898 2102 3452 45 395 7569
. 1 37
38 1915 7677 2323 3980 50 439 17638
. 38
39 2104 7455 2545 4509 7708
. 1 39
40 .762292 .647233 .352767 .545038 1 . 1 7777 40
41 2480 " Corr. 7012 "Con 2988 5567 "Corr. " Corr. . 1 7846 41
42 2668 10 31 6790 10 37 3210 6097 10 89 10 12 .17916 42
43 2856 15 47 6568 15 55 3432 6628 15 133 15 17 .17986 43
44 3044 20 63 6346 20 74 3654 7159 20 177 20 23 .18055 44
45 .763232 30 94 .646124 30 1 1 1 .353876 .547691 30 266 30 35 1. 18125 45
46 3420 UO 125 5902 M0 148 4098 8223 40 355 40 46 .18194 46
47 3608 U5 141 5680 U5 166 4320 8755 45 399 45 52 .18264 47
48 3796 50 157 5458 50 185 4542 9288 50 443 50 58 .18334 48
49 3984 5236 4764 9822 .18404 49
50 .764171 .645013 .354987 . 550356 1.18474 50
1425 to
Corr. 18544

. 1 1
53 4734 4346 5654 1961 15 134 18684
. 53
54 4921 4124 5876 2497 20 179 18754
. 54
55 .765109 .643901 .356099 . 553034 30 269 1.18824 55
56 5296 3678 6322 3571 40 358 18894 . 56
57 5483 3456 6544 4108 45 403 18964 . 57
58 5670 3233 6767 4646 50 448 .19035 58
59 5857 3010 6990 5185 .19105 59
60 .766044 .642788 .357212 .555724 1. 19175 60
. . 2 1




.766044 + .642788 - + . 3572 .555724

+ + 1. 19175
6231 2565 7435 6263 "Corr. . 9246

2 6418 2342 7658 6804 I0~90~ .19316 2

3 6605 21 19 7881 7344 15 136 . 9387
4 6792 1896 8104 7885 20 181 . 9457
5 .766978 .641673 .358327 .558427 30 271 1 . 9528
6 7165 1450 8550 8969 40 361 .19599 6
7 7352 1226 8774 9512 45 407 .19669 7
8 7538 1003 8997 .560055 50 452 . 9740
9 7725 0780 9220 0598 .19811 9
10 .767911 .640557 .359443 .561142 1 . 9882
1 n
8097 Corr 0333 "Corr. 9667 1687 -2 c ore .19953
2232 re ^' TTJ—T2
I | 1

12 C284 rrj^i 0110 TO-T? 9890 .20024 12

13 8470 15 46 .639886 15 56 .360114 2778 15 137 15 18 .20095 13
i4 8656 20 62 9663 20 75 0337 3324 20 182 20 24 .20166 14
15 .768842 30 93 .639439 30 112 .360561 .563871 30 274 30 36 1.20237 15
16 9028 40 124 9215 40 149 0785 4418 40 365 UO 47 .20308 16
17 9214 45 139 8992 45 168 1008 4966 45 410 45 53 .20379 17
18 9400 50 155 8768 50 186 1232 5514 50 456 50 59 .20451 18
19 9585 8544 1456 6063 .20522 19
20 .769771 .638320 .361680 .566612 1.20593 20
9957 8096 1904 7162 .20665
22 .770142 7872 2128 7712 ro
-^ -

23 0328 7648 2352 8263 15 138 .20808 23
2U 0513 7424 2576 8814 20 184 .20879 24
25 .770699 .637200 .362800 569366 30 . 276 1.20951 25
26 0884 6976 3024 9919 40 368 .21023 26
27 1069 6751 3249 .570472 45 414 .21094 27
28 1254 6527 3473 1025 50 460 .21166 28
29 1440 6303 3697 1579 .21238 29
30 .771625 .636078 .363922 . 572 34
1 1. 21310 30
31 1810 5854 4146 2689 "Corr. .2 382 1
32 1994 5629 4371 3244 TTJ—53 .21454 32
33 2179 5405 4595 3800 15 139 .21526 33
3U 2364 5180 4820 4357 20 186 .21598 34
35 .772549 .634955 .365045 .574914 30 279 1.21670 35
36 2734 4730 5270 5472 40 372 .21742 36
37 2918 4506 5494 6030 45 418 .21814 37
38 3103 4281 5719 6589 50 465 .21886 38
39 3287 4056 5944 7148 .21959 39
UO .773472 .633831 .366169 . 577708 1.22031 40
m 3656 -^- 3606 " Co r r 6394 -
8268 n Corr. "Corr. .22104 41
42 3840 ro 3381 ro~3B 6619 8829 TO $4 ro 12 .22176 42
U3 4024 15 46 3156 15 56 6844 9390 15 141 15 18 .22249 43
44 4209 20 61 2931 20 75 7069 9952 20 188 20 24 .22321 44
U5 .774393 30 92 .632705 30 131 .367295 .580515 30 281 30 36 1.22394 45
46 4577 40 123 2480 40 150 7520 1078 40 375 40 48 .22467 46
U7 4761 45 138 2255 45 169 7745 1641 45 422 45 55 .22539 47
48 4944 50 153 2029 50 188 7971 2205 50 469 50 61 .22612 48
49 5128 1804 8196 2770 .22685 49
50 .775312 .631578 . 368422 .583335 1.22758 50
3900 1 Corr.
4467 TO 55
- .22831 51
.22904 52
53 5863 0902 9098 5033 15 142 .22977 53
54 6046 0676 9324 5601 20 189 .23050 54
55 .776230 .630450 .369550 .586168 30 284 1.23123 55
56 6413 0224 9776 6737 40 379 .23196 56
57 6596 .629998 .370002 7306 45 426 .23270 57
58 6780 9772 0228 7875 50 474 .23343 58
59 6963 9546 0454 8445 .23416 59
60 .777146 .629320 . 370680 .589016 1.23490 60



com. CORR. CORR. ||



— + .370660 .589016 + + 1.23490
7329 9094 0906 9587 — Qqll- .23563 1

2 7512 8868 1 132 .590158 10 96 .23637 2

3 7695 8642 1358 0731 15 143 .23710 3
4 7878 8416 1584 1303 20 191 .23784 U
5 .778060 .628189 .37181 .591877 30 287 1.23858 5
6 8243 7963 2037 2450 40 382 .23931 6
7 8426 7737 2263 3025 45 430 .24005 7
8 8608 7510 2490 3600 50 478 .24079 8
9 8791 7284 2716 4175 .24153 9
10 .778973 .627057 .372943 .594751 1.24227 10

1 9156 " Corr.
9338 io~30
9520 15 46
6604 li
6377 15 57
* 3170
5328 " Corr.
5905 10 97
6482 15 145
"C Drr
. .24301
.24375 12
.24449 13

IU 9702 20 61 6150 20 76 3850 7061 20 193 20 25 .24523 14

15 .779884 30 91 .625924 30 113 .374076 .597639 30 290 30 37 1.24597 15
16 .780066 40 121 5697 40 151 4303 8219 40 386 40 50 .24672 16
17 0248 45 137 5470 45 170 4530 8799 45 434 U5 56 .24746 17
IB 0430 50 152 5243 50 189 4757 9379 50 483 50 62 .24820 18
19 0612 5016 4984 9960 .24895 19

20 .780794 .624788 .375212 .600542 1.24969 20

21 0976 4561 5439 124 " Corr.
1 .25044 21
22 157 1 4334 5666 1706 10 97 .251 18 22
23 1339 4107 5893 2290 15 146 .25193 23
24 1520 3880 6120 2873 20 195 .25268 24
25 .781702 .623652 .376348 .603458 30 292 1.25343 25
26 1883 3425 6575 4043 40 390 .25417 26
27 2065 3197 6803 4628 45 439 .25492 27
28 2246 2970 7030 5214 50 487 .25567 28
29 2427 2742 7258 5801 .25642 29
30 .782608 .622515 . 377485 .606388 1.25717 30
31 2789 2287 7713 6976 " Corr. .25792 31
32 2970 2059 7941 7564 T0~5B .25867 32
33 3151 1831 8169 8153 15 148 .25943 33
34 3332 1604 8396 8742 20 197 .26018 34
35 .783513 .621376 .378624 .609332 30 295 1.26093 35
36 3694 1 148 8852 9923 40 394 .26169 36
37 3874 0920 9080 .610514 45 443 .26244 37
38 4055 0692 9308 1106 50 492 .26320 38
39 4235 0464 9536 1698 .26395 39
40 .784416 .620236 .379764 .612291 1.26471 40
41 4596 JLCorr. 0007 "Corr. 9993 2884 "Corr. "C orr .26546 41
42 4776 10^30 .619779 ro~38 .380221 3478 10 99 ro" 13 .26622 42
43 4957 15 45 9551 15 57 0449 4073 15 149 15 19 .26698 43
44 5137 20 60 9322 20 76 0678 4668 20 199 20 25 .26774 44
45 .785317 30 90 .619094 30 141 .380906 .615264 30 298 30 38 1.26849 45
46 5497 40 120 8866 40 152 1134 5860 40 397 UO 51 .26925 46
47 5677 45 135 8637 45 171 1363 6457 45 447 U5 57 .27001 47
48 5857 50 150 6408 50 190 1592 7054 50 497 5C 63 .27077 48
49 6037 8180 I82& 7652 .27153 49
50 .786216 .617951 .382049 .618251 1.27230 50
51 6396 7722 2278 8850 " Co r r . .27306 51
52 6576 7494 2506 9450 lOTCO .27382 52
53 6756 7265 2735 .620050 15 151 .27458 53
54 6935 7036 2964 0651 20 201 .27535 54
55 .7871 14 .616807 .383193 .621253 30 301 1.2761 55

56 7294 6578 3422 1855 40 401 .27688 56

57 7473 6349 3651 2458 45 452 .27764 57
58 7652 6120 3880 3061 50 502 .27841 58
59 7832 5891 4109 3665 .27917 59
60 .788011 .615662 .384338 .624269 1.27994 60
111 . 11







.615662 + .384338 .624269 + + 1 .27994
1 8190 5432 4568 4874 .2807 1

2 8369 5203 4797 5480 nftfif- .28148 2

3 8548 149744 5026 6086 15 152 .28225 3
U 8727 1471414 5256 6693 20 203 .28302 U
5 .788905 .6144515 .385485 .627300 30 304 1.28379 5
6 9084 14285 5715 7908 40 405 .28456 6
7 9263 14056 5944 8517 45 456 .28533 7
8 9LIU 3826 6174 9126 50 507 .28610 8
9 9620 3596 6404 9736 28687
. 9
10 .789798 .613367 .386633 .630346 1.28764 10
1 1 9977 "Corr. 3137 " Corr. 6863 0957 " Corr. " Corr. .28842 II
12 .790155 10 30 2907 TO" 38 7093 1569 I0T02 ro~T3 .28919 12
13 0333 15 45 2677 15 57 7323 2181 15 153 15 19 .28997 13
14 0512 20 59 214147 20 77 7553 2794 20 205 20 26 .29074 14
15 .790690 30 89 .612217 30 1 15 .387783 .633407 30 307 30 39 1.29152 15
16 0868 140 1 19 1987 40 153 8013 4021 40 409 40 52 .29229 16
17 1046 145 1314 1757 45 173 8243 4636 45 460 45 58 .29307 17
18 1224 50 me 1527 50 192 8473 5251 50 512 50 65 .29385 18
19 100 1297 8703 5866 .29463 19
20 .791579 .611067 .388933 .636483 1.29541 20
21 1757 0836 9164 7100 "Corr. .29618 21
22 1934 0606 9394 7717 ro~ro3 .29696 22
23 21 12 0376 9624 8336 15 155 .29775 23
2U 2290 01145 9855 8954 20 207 .29853 24
25 .792467 .609915 . 390085 .639574 30 310 1.29931 25
26 26UU 968U 0316 .640194 40 413 . 30009 26
27 2822 9454 0546 0814 45 465 . 30087 27
28 2999 9223 0777 1435 50 517 .30 66 281

29 3176 8992 1008 2057 .30244 29

30 .793353 .608761 .391239 .642680 1.30323 30
31 3530 8531 1469 3303 " Corr 3040
. 31
32 3707 8300 1700 3926 FT) 104 30480
. 32
33 388U 8069 1931 4551 15 157 30558
. 33
34 U06I 7838 2162 5175 20 209 .30637 34
35 .79U238 .607607 .392393 .645801 30 313 1.30716 35
36 44UI5 7376 2624 6427 40 417 .30795 36
37 44591 7145 2855 7054 45 470 30873
. 37
38 U768 6914 3086 7681 50 522 30952
. 38
39 1491414 6682 3318 8309 .31031 39
U0 .795121 .606451 .393549 .648938 1.31 1 10 40
Ul 5297 " Co r r . 6220 " C orr . 3780 9567 " Co r r .
" Corr. 3 . 90
1 1 41
U2 544714 10 29 5988 10" 39 4012 650 97 I0~f0~5
. 1 R3~T3 .31269 42
43 5550 15 1414 5757 15 58 4243 0827 15 158 15 20 .31348 43
UU 5826 20 59 5526 20 77 4474 1458 20 21 1 20 26 .31427 44
45 .796002 30 88 .605294 30 16 1 .394706 .652090 30 316 30 40 1 .3 507
1 45
U6 6178 MO 1 17 5062 40 154 4938 2722 40 421 40 53 .3 586
1 46
M7 635U 145 132 4831 45 174 5169 3355 45 474 45 60 .31666 47
148 6530 50 1147 4599 50 193 5401 3988 50 527 50 66 .31745 48
us 6706 4367 5633 4623 .31825 49
50 . 796882 .604136 .395864 .655258 1 .3 904
1 50
51 7057 3904 6096 5893 " Co r r . .31984 51
52 7233 3672 6326 6529 lO^TOo .32064 52
53 7U08 3440 6560 7166 15 160 .32144 53
54 758U 3208 6792 7803 20 213 .32224 54
55 .797759 .602976 .397024 .658441 30 319 1.32304 55
56 7935 2744 7256 9080 40 426 .32384 56
57 8110 2512 7488 9719 45 479 .32464 57
58 8285 2280 7720 .660359 50 532 .32544 58
5fi 84460 2047 7953 0999 .32624 59
60 .798636 .601815 .398185 .661640 1 .32704 60





5 :C. i EC. SEC. SEC.

+ + + +
.798636 .601815 .398185 .661640 1.32704
1 8810 1583 8417 2282 "Corr. .32785 1

2 8986 1350 8650 2924 TBT07 .32865 2

3 9160 1 1 18 8882 3567 15 161 .32946 3
4 9335 0885 9115 421 20 215 1 .33026 4
5 .799510 .600653 .399347 .664855 30 322 1.33107 5
6 9685 0420 9580 5500 40 430 .33188 6
7 9859 0188 9812 6146 45 484 .33268 7
8 .800034 .599955 .U00045 6792 50 537 .33349 8
9 0208 9722 0278 7439 .33430 9
10 .800383 .599489 .40051 .668086 1.3351 10
1 1 0557 "Corr. 9256 "Corr. 0744 873U " Co r r " Corr. .33592 II
12 0731 I0~T9 9024 10 39 0976 9383 10 108 10 14 . 33673 12
13 0906 15 44 8791 15 58 1209 .670033 15 163 15 20 .33754 13
14 1080 20 58 8558 20 78 1442 0683 20 217 20 27 .33835 14
15 .801254 3C 87 .598325 30 171 .401675 .671334 30 326 30 41 1.33916 15
16 1428 UC 161 8092 U0 155 1908 1985 40 434 40 54 .33998 16
17 1602 U5 131 7858 45 175 2142 2637 45 489 45 61 .34079 17
18 1776 50 145 7625 50 194 2375 3290 50 543 50 68 .34160 18
19 1950 7392 2608 3943 .34242 19
20 .802123 .597159 .402841 .674597 1.34323 20
21 2297 6925 3075 5252 "Corr. .34405 21
22 2470 6692 3308 5907 10 10 1 .34487 22
23 2644 6458 3542 6563 15 164 .34568 23
24 2818 6225 3775 7220 20 219 .34650 24
25 .802991 .595991 . 404009 .677877 30 329 1.34732 25
26 3164 5758 4242 8535 40 438 .34814 28
27 3338 5524 4476 9193 45 493 34896
. 27
28 3511 5290 4710 9852 50 548 .34978 28
29 3684 5057 4943 .680512 .35060 29
30 .8C3e57 .594823 .405177 .681 173 1.35142 30
31 4C3C 4589 5411 1834 "Corr. .35224 31
32 4203 4355 5645 2496 TO 1 1 1 .35307 32
33 4376 4121 5879 3159 15 166 .35389 33
34 4548 3887 6113 3822 20 222 .35472 34
35 .804721 .593653 .406347 .68UU86 30 332 1.35554 35
36 4894 3419 6581 5150 40 443 .35637 38
37 5066 3185 6815 5816 45 498 .35719 37
38 5239 2950 7050 6481 50 554 .35802 38
39 5411 2716 7284 7148 .35885 39
40 .805584 .592482 .407518 .687815 1.35968 40
41 5756 " Co r r 2248 "Corr. 7752 8483 " Co r r "Corr. .36051 41
42 5928 ro^s 2013 fo~ 39 7987 9152 10 112 10 14 .36134 42
43 6100 15 43 1779 15 59 8221 9821 15 168 15 21 .36217 43
44 6273 20 57 1544 20 78 8456 .690491 20 224 20 28 .36300 44
45 .806445 30 86 .591310 30 171 . 408690 .691161 30 336 30 42 1 .36383 45
46 6617 uo 115 1075 UO 156 8925 1833 40 447 40 55 .36466 46
47 6788 U5 129 0840 U5 176 9160 2504 45 503 45 62 .36549 47
48 6960 50 143 0606 50 195 9394 3177 50 559 50 69 .36633 48
49 7132 0371 9629 3850 .36716 49
50 .807304 .590136 . 409864 .694524 1 .36800 50
51 7475 .589901 . 4 0099
1 5199 " Co r r .36883 51
52 7647 9666 0334 5874 10 113 .36967 52
53 7818 9431 0569 6550 15 170 .37050 53
54 7990 9196 0804 7227 20 226 .37134 54
55 . 808 6
1 . 58896 .41 1039 .697904 30 339 1.37218 55
56 e332 8726 1274 8582 40 452 37302
57 8504 8491 1509 9261 45 509 37386
58 8675 8256 1744 9941 50 565 .37470 58
59 8846 8021 1979 70062
. .37554 59
60 .809017 .587785 .412215 . 70 302
1.37638 60
1 . . 1







+ — + + +
.8C90I7 .587785 .1412215 .701302 1.37638
1 9188 7550 21450 1983 "Corr. .37722 1

2 9359 73IU 2686 2665 10 114 .37807 2

3 9530 7079 2921 3348 15 171 .37891 3
4 9700 681414 3156 4032 20 228 .37976 4
5 .809871 .586608 .Ml 3392 .704716 30 342 1.38060 5
6 .8I00U2 6372 3628 5401 40 457 .38145 6
7 0212 6137 3863 6087 45 514 .38229 7
8 0383 5901 14099 6773 50 571 .38314 8
9 0553 3665 14335 7460 .38399 9
10 .810723 .5851429 .14114571 708 48
. 1 1.38484 10

1 089M
1064 ro~^8
1234 15 U2
"Corr. 51914
8836 "Corr.
9525 10 15
5278 .710215 15 173
1 W

Co r r
in mou 20 57 14U86 20 79 55114 0906 20 231 2C 28 .38824 14
15 .81 15714 30 85 .58U250 30 118 .1415750 .711597 30 346 30 43 1.38909 15
16 1 71414 140 1 13 U0H4 no 157 5986 2289 40 461 40 57 .38994 16
17 91 U
1 U5 127 3777 145 177 6223 2982 45 519 45 64 .39079 17
18 208«4 50 1142 35141 50 197 6459 3675 50 577 50 71 .39165 18
19 2253 3305 6695 4369 .39250 19

20 .812423 .583069 .1416931 .715064 1.39336 20

21 2592 2832 7168 5759 " Co r r .39421 21
22 2762 2596 714014 6456 10 16 1 .39507 22
23 2931 2360 76U0 7152 15 175 .39593 23
2U 3101 2123 7877 7850 20 233 .39679 24
25 .813270 .581886 .14181 m
.718548 30 350 1.39764 25
26 31439 1650 8350 9248 40 466 .39850 26
27 3608 11413 8587 9947 45 524 .39936 27
28 3778 1 176 882U .720648 50 583 .40022 28
29 39147 09140 9060 1349 40 09 29
. 1

30 .81141 16 .580703 .419297 .722051 1 .40195 30

31 4284 0M66 9534 2753 " Co r r .40281 31
32 141453 0229 9771 3457 10 1 18 .40367 32
33 U622 .579992 .42C008 4161 15 177 .40454 33
3U U79 9755 0245 4866 20 235 .40540 34
35 .8114959 .579518 .420482 .725571 30 353 1 .40627 35
36 5128 9281 0719 6277 40 471 .40714 36
37 5296 901414 C956 6984 45 530 .40800 37
38 5465 8807 193
1 7692 50 588 .40887 38
39 5633 8570 1430 8400 .40974 39
MO .815801 .578332 .421668 .7291 10 1 . 4 06
1 40
5970 "Corr.
6138 r0~2B
8095 "Corr.
7858 ro 00"
- 1905 9820
2142 .730530
10 1 19
ICf 15
.41 148
.41235 42

143 6306 15 M2 7620 15 59 2380 1241 15 178 15 22 .41322 43

1414 6147U 20 56 7383 20 79 2617 195420 238 20 29 .41409 44
145 .8I66U2 30 84 .5771145 30 119 .422855 .732666 30 357 30 44 1 .41497 45
146 6809 M0 12 1 6908 140 158 3092 3380 40 476 40 58 .41584 46
147 6977 145 126 6670 145 178 3330 4094 45 535 45 66 .41672 47
148 71145 50 IMO 6M32 50 198 3568 4809 50 595 50 73 .41759 48
149 7312 6195 3805 5525 .41847 49
50 .8171480 .575957 .424043 .736241 1.41934 50
51 7648 5719 4281 6958 "Corr. .42022 51
52 7815 5M8I 4519 7676 I0T20 .421 10 52
53 7982 52U3 4757 8395 15 180 .42198 53
5H 8150 5005 4995 91 14 20 240 .42286 54
55 .818317 .5714767 .425233 .739835 30 360 1 .42374 55
56 814814 14529 5471 .740556 40 480 .42462 56
57 8651 14291 5709 1277 45 541 .42550 57
58 8818 14053 5947 2000 50 601 .42638 58
59 8985 3815 6185 2723 .42726 59
60 .819152 .573576 .426424 .743447 1 .42815 60




F0R F0R F0R 1 \ OR

s EC. s EC. SEC. SEC.

+ + +
.819152 .573576 .1426142U .743447 1.42815
19319 3338 6662 4172 "Corr. .42903 1

2 9486 3 ICC 690C 4897 10 121 .42992 2

3 9652 2861 7139 5623 15 182 .43080 3
U 9819 2623 7377 6350 20 243 .43169 4
5 .819985 .572384 .U276I6 .747078 30 364 1 .43258 5
5 .820152 2146 785U 7806 40 486 .43347 6
7 0318 I9C7 8093 8535 45 546 .43436 7
8 0485 1669 8331 9265 50 607 .43525 8
9 0651 I43C 8570 9996 .43614 9
10 .820817 .571191 .U288C9 .750727 1 .43703 10
1 1
0983 Co r r . 0952 " Corr. 9048 1460 "Corr. "Corr. .43792 II
12 1 1149 JC~2B 07 m
F0~39 9286 2192 FCT23 re~rs .43881 12
13 1315 15 111 0475 15 60 9525 2926 15 184 15 22 .4397C 13
14 1481 2C 55 0236 20 80 9764 3661 20 245 2: 30 .44060 IU
15 .821647 30 83 .569997 30 119 . U30CC3 .754396 30 368 3C 45 1 .44149 15
16 1813 UC 110 9758 40 159 C2U2 5132 40 491 UC 60 .44239 16
17 1978 45 124 9519 U5 179 0481 5869 45 552 U5 67 .44329 17
18 2144 5C 138 928C 50 199 0720 6606 50 613 50 75 .44418 18
19 2310 90140 096C 7345 .44508 19

20 .822475 .5688CI .431 199 .758084 1 .44598 20

21 2640 8562 1438 8824 "Corr. .44688 21
22 2806 8322 1678 9564 10 124 .44778 22
23 2971 8C83 1917 .7603C6 15 186 .44868 23
24 3136 7844 2156 1048 20 248 .44958 2U
25 .823302 .56760U .432396 .761791 30 372 1 .45048 25
25 3467 7365 2635 2534 4C 496 .45139 26
27 3632 7125 2875 3279 45 558 .45229 27
28 3796 6886 3114 4024 50 620 .4532C 28
29 3961 6646 3354 4770 .45410 29
30 .824126 .5664C6 .433594 .765517 i .455CI 30
31 4291 6166 3834 6265 n Corr. .45592 31
32 4456 5927 4073 7CI3 10 125 .45682 32
33 4620 56e7 4313 7762 15 188 .45773 33
3U 4785 5447 4553 8512 20 251 .45864 34
35 .824949 .565207 .434793 .769263 30 376 1.45955 35
36 5i iu 4967 5033 .77CCI5 40 50 .46046 38
37 5278 4727 5273 0767 45 564 .46137 37
38 5442 4487 5513 I52C 50 626 .46229 38
39 5606 4247 5753 2274 .46320 39
DO .825770 . 564CC7 .435993 .773029 1 .4641 UO
Ul 5934 " Corr. 3766 Corr. 6234 3784 "Corr. n Co r r .46503 Ul
U2 6098 10" 27 3526 IC MC 6474 4541 IC 127 IC 15 .46595 42
43 6262 15 11 3286 15 60 6714 5298 15 190 15 23 .46686 43
uu 6426 2C 55 3045 2C 80 6955 6056 20 253 20 31 .46778 44
45 .826590 30 82 .562805 30 120 .437195 . 77681 30 380 3C 46 1 .46870 45
46 6753 UC 109 2564 UC 159 7436 7574 40 506 UC 61 .46962 46
U7 6917 45 123 2324 U5 I8C 7676 8334 45 57C U5 69 .47054 47
U8 7081 50 136 2C83 5C 200 7917 9096 50 633 5C 77 .47146 48
49 7244 I8U3 8157 9857 .47238 49
50 .827407 .56I6C2 .438398 .780620 1 .4733C 50
51 7571 1361 8639 1384 "Corr. .47422 51
52 7734 1 121 8879 2148 10 128 .47514 52
53 7897 C880 9120 2913 15 192 .476C7 53
5U 8060 0639 9361 3679 20 256 .47699 54
55 .828223 .560398 .439602 .784446 30 384 1.47792 55
55 8386 0157 9843 5213 40 512 .47885 56
57 8549 .559916 .440084 5982 45 576 .47977 57
58 8712 9675 C325 6751 50 640 48C70
. 58
53 8875 91434 0566 7521 .48163 59
60 .829038 .559193 . 440807 .788292 1 .48256 60
. .. .







+ + + +
.829038 .559193 .440807 .788292 1.48256
1 9200 8952 1048 9063 "Corr. .48349 1

2 9363 8710 1290 9836 10 129 .48442 2

3 9525 8469 1531 .790609 15 194 48536
. 3
4 9688 8228 1772 1383 20 259 .48629 U
5 .829850 .557986 .442014 .792158 30 388 1.48722 5
6 .830012 7745 2255 2934 40 517 .48816 6
7 CI 74 7504 2496 3710 45 582 .48909 7
8 0337 7262 2738 4488 50 646 .49003 8
9 0499 7021 2979 5266 49097
. 9
10 .830661 .556779 .443221 .796045 1 .49 90 10

i 1 C823 "Corr. 6537 "Corr. 3463 6825 "Corr. "Corr. .49284 1 1

12 0984 10 27 6296 ro ~m 3704 7605 10 131 10 16 .49376 12

13 1146 15 UO 6054 15 60 3946 8387 15 196 15 24 .49472 13
14 I3C8 20 54 5812 2C 81 4188 9169 20 261 20 31 .49566 14
15 .831470 30 81 .555570 30 121 .444430 .799952 30 392 30 47 1 .49661 15
16 1631 40 108 5328 uc 161 4672 .800736 40 523 40 63 .49755 16
17 1793 45 121 5086 45 181 4914 1521 45 588 45 71 .49849 17
18 1954 50 135 4844 50 202 5156 2307 50 653 50 79 .49944 18
19 21 16 4602 5398 3094 .50038 19

20 .832277 .554360 .445640 .803881 1 .50133 20

21 2U38 41 18 5882 4669 "Corr. .50228 21
22 2599 3876 6124 5458 10 132 .50322 22
23 2760 3634 6366 6248 15 198 .50417 23
2U 2921 3392 6608 7039 20 264 .50512 24
25 .833082 .553149 .446851 .807830 30 396 1.50607 25
26 3243 2907 7093 8623 40 528 50702
. 26
27 3404 2664 7336 9416 45 594 .50797 27
28 3565 2422 7578 .810210 50 660 .50893 28
29 3725 2180 7820 IC05 50988
. 29
30 .833886 .551937 . 448C63 .811801 1 .51084 30
31 4046 1694 8306 2598 "Corr. .51 179 31
32 14207 1452 8548 3395 10 133 .51275 32
33 U367 1209 8791 4194 15 200 .51370 33
34 4528 0966 9034 4993 20 267 .51466 34
35 .83U688 .550724 .449276 .815793 30 400 1.51562 35
36 M848 0481 9519 6594 40 534 .51658 36
37 5008 0238 9762 7396 45 601 .51754 37
38 5168 .549995 .450005 8198 50 667 .51850 38
39 5328 9752 0248 9002 .51946 39
UO .8354488 .549509 .450491 .819806 1 .52043 40
III 56U8 "Corr. 9266 " Co r r 0734 .820612 " Co r r " Co r r .52139 41
42 5807 10 27 9023 10" 41 0977 1418 ro~T35 10 16 .52235 42
U3 5967 15 40 8780 15 61 1220 2225 15 202 15 24 .52332 43
44 6127 20 53 8536 2C 81 1464 3033 20 270 20 32 .52429 44
U5 .836286 30 80 .548293 3C 122 .451707 .823842 30 405 30 48 1 .52525 45
U6 644M6 40 106 8050 UC 162 1950 4651 40 540 40 66 .52622 46
47 6605 45 120 7807 4 5 182 2193 5462 45 607 45 73 .52719 47
48 6764 50 133 7563 50 203 2437 6273 50 675 50 81 .52816 48
49 6924 7320 2680 7085 .52913 49
50 .837083 .547076 .452924 .827898 " Co r r 1.53010 50
51 72442 6833 3167 8712 10 136 .53107 51
52 74401 6589 341 9527 15 2C5
1 .53205 52
53 7560 6346 3654 .830343 20 273 .53302 53
5U 7719 6102 3898 160 1 .53400 54
55 .837878 .545858 .454142 .831977 30 409 1.53497 55
56 8036 5614 4386 2796 40 546 .53595 56
57 8195 5371 4629 3615 45 614 .53693 57
58 835M 5127 4873 4435 50 682 .53791 58
59 8512 4883 51 17 5256 . 53888 59
60 .838671 .544639 .455361 .836078 1 . 53986 60




F0R F0 « F0 "

s :c. s EC. SEC. I SEC.

+ + + +
.838671 .544639 .455361 .836078 i .539ee
1 8829 4395 5605 "Corr.
69CI 1
.54C85 1

2 8987 4151 5849 7725 10 138 .54183 2

3 9 me 3907 6093 8550 15 207 .54281 3
* 9304 3663 6337 9375 20 276 .54379 H
5 .839462 .543419 .456581 .840202 30 414 1 .54478 5
6 9620 3174 6826 1029 40 552 .54576 6
7 9778 2930 707C 1857 45 621 .54675 7
8 9936 2686 7314 2687 50 689 .54774 8
9 .840094 2442 7558 3517 .54873 9
10 .840251 .542197 .457803 .644348 1.54972 10
1 1 0409 1 Corr. 1953 "Corr. 8047 5180 1 Corr. " Co ' r .55071 1 1

12 C567 TTJ-26 1708 10" 41 8292 6012 10 139 10 "7 .55170 12

13 0724 15 39 1464 15 61 8536 6846 15 209 15 25 .55269 13
IU C882 2C 52 1219 2C 82 8781 7681 20 279 20 33 .55368 IU
15 .841039 30 79 .540974 30 122 .459026 .848516 30 418 30 50 1.55467 15
16 196 UC 1 105 0730 40 163 9270 9352 40 558 40 66 .55567 16
17 1354 -5 118 0485 H5 183 9515 .650190 45 627 45 '5 .55666 17
18 151 1 5C 131 0240 5C 204 9760 1028 50 697 50 l«3 .55766 18
19 1668 .539996 .460004 1867 .55666 19

20 .841825 .539751 .460249 .852707 1 .55966 20

21 1982 9506 0494 3548 "Corr. .56065 21
22 2139 9261 0739 439C IC 141 .56165 22
23 2296 9CI6 0964 5233 15 211 .56265 23
2U 2U52 8771 1229 6C77 20 282 .56366 2U
25 .842609 .538526 .461474 .856922 30 423 1.56466 25
25 2766 8281 1719 7767 40 564 .56566 26
27 2922 8035 1965 8614 45 634 .56667 27
23 3079 7790 2210 9461 50 705 .56767 28
29 3235 7545 2455 .860310 = .56863 29
30 .8U339I .537300 .462700 .861159 .56969
1 30
31 3548 7054 2946 2009 "Corr. .57C69 31
32 3704 6809 3191 2860 IC 142 .57170 32
33 3860 6563 3437 3713 15 214 .57271 33
314 MO 16 6318 3682 4566 2C 285 .57372 3U
35 .8MUI 72 .536072 .463928 .865420 30 427 1 .57474 35
35 4328 5827 4173 6275 40 57C .57575 36
37 4484 5581 4419 7131 45 641 .57676 37
38 4640 5336 4664 7988 50 712 .57778 38
39 4795 5C9C 49 10 8845 ====== .57879 39
40 .844951 .534844 .465156 .869704 1.57981 UO
Ul 5106 orr.1
C 4598 I I orr. 5402 .870564 1 Corr. " Coi r. .58083 Ul
142 5262 2610 4352 10 Ul 5648 1424 IC 144 10 17 .58184 U2
43 5417 3915 4106 15 61 5894 2286 15 216 15 26 .58286 U3
uu 5573 2C 52 3860 2C 82 6140 3148 2C 2e8 20 34 .58388 UU
U5 .845728 2C 78 .533614 30 123 .466386 .874012 30 432 30 .51 1 .58490 U5
U6 5883 UC 103 3368 4C 164 6632 4876 40 576 40 68 .58593 U6
U7 6038 U5 116 3122 U5 185 6878 5742 45 648 45 77 .58695 U7
U8 6193 5C 129 2876 5C 205 7124 6608 50 720 50 85 .58797 U8
49 6348 2630 7370 7476 ^______= .58900 U9
50 .846503 .532384 .467616 .878344 1 .59CC2 50
51 6658 2138 7862 9213 "Corr. .59105 51
52 6813 1891 8IC9 .880083 10 145 .59208 52
53 6967 1645 8355 C954 15 218 .5931 53
54 7122 1399 860 1827 20 291 .59414 5U
55 .847276 .531152 .468848 .882700 30 437 1.59517 55
55 7431 0906 9094 3574 40 583 .59620 56
57 7585 0659 9341 4449 45 655 .59723 57
58 7740 0412 9588 5325 50 728 .59826 58
59 7894 0166 9834 6202 .59930 59
60 .848048 .529919 .470081 .887080 1 .6CC33 60
. . . 1 1






s EC. $ EC. SEC. SEC.

+ + + +
.848048 .529919 .470081 .887080 1.60033
1 8202 9673 0327 7959 n Corr. .60137 1

2 8356 9426 0574 8839 10 147 .60241 2

3 8510 9179 0821 9720 15 221 .60345 3
U 8664 8932 1068 .890602 20 295 .60449 4
5 .8148818 . 528685 .471315 .891484 30 442 1.60553 5
6 8972 8438 1562 2368 40 589 .60657 6
7 9125 8191 1809 3253 45 663 .60761 7
8 9279 7944 2056 4139 50 737 .60865 e
9 9U32 (697 2303 5026 .60970 9
10 .849586 .527450 .472550 .895914 1 .61074 10
1 9739
1 Co r r 7203 "Corr. 2797 6803 n Co r r "Corr. .61 179 1

12 9893 10 26 6956 10 41 3044 7692 10 149 10 18 .61283 12

13 .8500146 15 38 6708 15 62 3292 8583 15 223 15 26 .61388 13
14 0199 20 51 6461 20 82 3539 9475 20 298 20 35 .61493 IU
15 .850352 30 77 .526214 30 124 .473786 .900368 30 447 30 53 1.61598 15
16 0505 40 102 5966 40 165 4034 1262 40 596 40 70 .61703 16
17 0658 45 151 5719 45 186 4281 2156 45 670 45 79 6 808
. 1 17
18 0811 50 128 5472 50 206 4528 3052 50 745 50 88 .61914 18
19 0964 5224 4776 3949 .62019 19

20 .851117 .524977 .475023 .904847 1.62125 20

21 1269 4729 5271 5746 "Corr. .62230 21
22 1422 4481 5519 6646 10 151 .62336 22
23 1574 4234 5766 7546 15 226 .62442 23
24 1727 3986 6014 8448 20 301 .62548 24
25 .851879 .523738 .476262 .909351 30 452 1.62654 25
26 2C32 3490 6510 .910255 40 603 .62760 26
27 21 8U 3242 6758 160 45 678
1 .62866 27
28 2336 2994 7C06 2066 50 753 .62972 28
29 2488 2747 7253 2973 .63079 29
30 .852640 .522499 .477501 .913881 1.63185 30
31 2792 2250 7750 479C "Corr. .63292 31
32 2944 2002 7998 5700 10 152 .63398 32
33 3096 1754 8246 6611 15 229 .63505 33
34 3248 1506 8494 7523 20 305 .63612 3U
35 .853399 .521258 .478742 .918436 30 457 1.63719 35
36 3551 1010 8990 9350 40 609 .63626 36
37 3702 0761 9239 .920266 45 686 .63934 37
38 3854 0513 9487 182 50 762
1 .64041 38
39 4005 0265 9735 2099 .64148 39
40 .854156 .520016 .479984 .923017 1.64256 40
4308 " Corr.
4459 TT5 Z5
.519768 n C orr
9519 ro ^
- .480232
3937 "Corr. "Corr.
4857 10 154 I0-T8
.64363 Ul
.64471 U2
43 4610 15 38 9270 15 62 0730 5778 15 231 15 27 .64579 U3
uu 4761 20 50 9022 20 83 0978 6701 20 308 20 36 .64687 UU
45 .854912 30 76 .518773 30 124 .481227 .927624 30 462 30 54 1 .64795 U5
U6 5063 40 101 8525 40 166 1475 8549 40 616 40 72 .64903 U6
47 5214 45 13 1 8276 115 186 1724 9475 45 693 45 81 .6501 U7
U8 5364 50 126 8027 50 207 1973 .930401 50 770 50 90 .65120 U8
149 5515 7778 2222 1329 .65228 U9
50 .855666 .517529 .482471 .932258 1 .65337 50
51 5816 7280 2720 3188 "Corr. .65445 51
52 5966 7031 2969 4118 10 156 .65554 52
53 61 17 6782 3218 5050 15 234 .65663 53
5U 6267 6533 3467 5984 20 312 .65772 5U
55 .856417 .516284 .483716 .936918 30 468 1 .65881 55
56 6567 6035 3965 7853 40 623 .65990 56
57 6718 5786 4214 8789 45 701 .66099 57
58 6868 5537 4463 9726 50 779 .66209 58
BO 7017 5287 4713 .940665 .66318 59
eo .857167 . 5 5038
1 .484962 .941604 1 .66428 60




+ — + + +
.857167 .515038 .U8U962 .9UI6CU I.66U28
I7317 U789 521 1 25UU " Corr. .66538 I

2 7U67 U539 5U6I 3U86 10 158 .666U7 2

3 7616 U29C 57IC UU29 15 236 .66757 3
U 7766 UCU0 5960 5372 20 315 .66867 U
5 .857916 .513791 .U862C9 .9U63I7 30 U73 1 .66978 5
6 8C65 35UI 6U59 7263 U0 630 .67088 6
7 82 m 3292 67C8 82 IC U5 709 .67198 7
8 836U 3CU2 6958 9158 50 788 .67309 8
9 8513 2792 7208 .95CIC8 .67UI9 9
10 .858662 .5I25U2 .U87U58 .95IC58 1.67530 10
1 1 881 1
Core 2293 " Co r r . 77C7 2CC9 "Corr. "Corr. .676UI II
12 896C ra~?5 2CU3 IC 02 7957 2962 IC 159 IC T9 .67752 12
13 9IC9 15 37 1793 15 62 8207 3915 15 239 15 28 .67863 13
IU 9258 20 50 1543 20 83 8U57 U87C 2C 319 20 37 .6797U IU
15 .859UC6 30 7U .51 1293 30 125 .U887C7 .955825 30 U78 30 56 1 .68085 15
16 9555 UC 99 ICU3 UC 167 8957 6782 UC 638 U0 7U .68196 16
17 97CU U5 112 0793 U5 187 92C7 77UC U5 718 U5 83 .68308 17
18 9852 50 124 C5U3 5C 2C8 9U57 8699 50 797 50 93 .68UI9 18
19 .86CCCI 0293 9707 9659 .68531 19

20I.86CIU9 .51COM3 .U89957 .960621 I.686U3 20

21 C298 .509792 .U9C2C8 1583 " Corr. .6875U 21
22 CUU6 1 9542 CU58 25U6 IC 161 .68866 22
23 C5SU 9292 C7C8 351 15 2U2
1 .68979 23
2U C7U2 9CUI C959 UU77 2C 323 .69C9I 2U
25 .86CS9C .508791 .U9I2C9 .965UUU 30 U8U I.692C3 25
26 IC38 i
85UI IU59 6UII UC 6U5 .69316 26
27 1186 8290 1TIC 7380 U5 726 .69U28 27
28 I33U j
8CUC I960 8351 5C 6C7 .69541 28
29 U82 '
1 7789 221 1 9322 .69653 29
30 !. 86 1629 .507538 .U92U62 .97C29U 1 .69766 30
31 1 777 7288 2712 1268 n Corr. .69879 31
32 I92U 7C37 2963 22U3 IC 163 .69992 32
33 2C72 6786 32 IU 3218 15 2U5 .70IC6 33
314 2219 6536 3U6U UI95 2C 326 .70219 3U
35 .862356 .506285 .U937I5 .975I7U 30 U9C 1 .70332 35
36 25 IU 6C3U 3966 6153 UC 653 .7CUU6 36
37 2661 5783 U2I7 7133 U5 73U .70560 37
38 28C8 5532 UU68 6115 50 816 .70673 38
391 2955 5281 U7I9 9C97 .70787 39
UoLe63lC2 .5C5C3C .U9U97C .98CC8I 1 .70901 U0
32U9 "Corr.
3396 PC 214
- U779 "Corr.
U528 IC U2
IC66 "Corr.
2C52 IC 165
IC 19
U3 35U2 15 37 U276 15 63 572U 3C39 15 2U8 5 29 .7I2UU U3
UU 3689 20 149 14C25 20 8U 5975 UC28 2C 330 20 38 .71358 UU
U5 .863836 30 73 .5C377U 30 126 .U96226 .985CI7 30 U95 30 57 1 .7IU73 U5
U6 3982 UC 98 3523 'UC 167 6U77 6CC8 UC 66C ^C 76 .71588 U6
U7 UI28 145 10 1 3271 U5 188 6729 70CC U5 7U3 ^5 86 .71702 U7
us U275 50 122 3C2C 50 209 6980 7993 50 826 50 96 .71817 U8
U9 UU2I 2768 7232 8987 .71932 U9
53 .86U567 .502517 .U97U83 .989982 I.720U7 50
51 U7I3 2266 773U .990979 JLCorr. .72163 51
52 U86C 20 IU 7986 1976 10 167 .72278 52
53 5CC6 1762 8238 2975 15 251 .72393 53
5U 5151 1511 8U89 3975 20 33U .72509 5U
55 .865297 .501259 .U987UI .99U976 30 501 1.72625 55
56 5UU3 IC07 8993 5979 UC 668 .727UI 56
57 55e9 0756 92UU 6982 U5 752 .72857 57
56 573U C5CU 9U96 7987 5C 835 .72973 58
59 588C 0252 97U8 8993 .73089 59
60 .866025 .5CCCCC .500000 1 .CCCCO 1.73205 60
. .. 1 1 . . 1







+ - + + +
.866025 .500000 .500000 I.0CC0C I.732C5
1 6171 9748 0252 .00101 .73321 1

2 6316 9496 0504 .CC2C2 .73U38 2

3 6461 9244 0756 .00303 .73555 3
4 6607 8992 1008 .00404 .73671 4
5 .866752 .498740 .501260 .00505 1.73788 5

6 6897 8488 1512 .00607 "Corr. "Corr. .73905 6

7 7042 8236 1764 .00708 TD T7 ro^o .74022 7
8 7187 7983 2017 .00810 15 25 15 29 .74140 8
9 7331 1 /3 1 2269 .00912 20 34 20 39 .74257 9
10 .867476 .497479 .502521 1. 01014 30 51 30 59 1.74375 10
1 1 7621 "Com. 7226 n Co r r 2774 .011 16 40 68 40 78 .74492 II
12 7766 TO" 24 6974 10 42 3026 .01218 45 76 45 88 .74610 12
13 7910 15 36 6722 15 63 3278 .01320 50 85 50 98 .74728 13
IU 8054 20 48 6469 20 84 3531 .01422 .74846 14
15 .868199 30 72 .496216 30 126 .503784 1.01525 1 .74964 15
16 8343 UO 96 5964 40 168 4036 .01628 .75082 16
17 8487 U5 108 571 45 189
1 4289 .01730 .75200 17
18 8632 50 120 5459 50 210 4541 .01833 .75319 18
19 8776 5206 4794 .01936 .75437 19
20 .868920 .494953 .505047 I.C2039 1.75556 20
21 9064 4700 5300 .02143 .75675 21
22 9207 4448 5552 .02246 .75794 22
23 935! 4195 5805 .02349 .75913 23
2U 9495 3942 6058 .02453 .76032 24
25 .869639 .493689 .50631 1 .02557 1. 76151 25
26 9782 3436 6564 .02661 " Co r r "Corr. .76271 26
27 9926 3183 6817 .02765 10 17 10 20 .76390 27
28 .870069 2930 7070 .02869 15 26 15 30 .76510 28
29 0212 2677 7323 .02973 20 35 20 40 .76630 29
30 .870356 .492424 .507576 1.03077 30 52 30 60 1 .76749 30
31 0499 2170 7830 .03182 40 70 40 80 .76869 31
32 0642 1917 8083 .03286 45 78 45 90 .76990 32
33 0785 1664 8336 .03391 50 87 50 100 .771 10 33
34 0928 1410 8590 .03496 .77230 34
35 .871071 .491 157 .508843 1 .03601 1.77351 35
36 1214 0904 9096 .03706 .77471 36
37 1357 0650 9350 .0381 .77592 37
38 1499 0397 9603 .03916 .77713 38
39 1642 0143 9857 .04022 .77834 39
40 .871784 .489890 .5101 10 1. 04 128 1 .77955 40
Ul 1927 " Co r r 9636 " Co r r 0364 .04233 .78077 41
U2 2069 10 24 9382 10 42 C6I8 .04339 .78 98
43 2212 15 36 9129 15 63 0871 .04445 .78319 43
44 2354 20 47 8875 20 85 1 125 .04551 .78441 44
45 .872496 30 71 .488621 30 127 .51 1379 1 .04658 1 .78563 45
46 2638 UO 95 8367 40 169 1633 .04764 "Corr. " Co r r .78685 46
47 2780 U5 107 81 14 45 190 1886 .04870 re-T8 TD—20 .78807 47
48 2922 50 118 7860 50 21 1 2140 .04977 15 27 15 31 .78929 48
49 3064 7606 2394 .05084 20 36 20 41 .79051 49
50 .873206 .487352 .512648 1 .05191 30 53 30 61 1 .79174 50
51 3348 7098 2902 .05298 40 71 40 82 .79296 51
52 3489 6844 3156 .05405 45 80 45 92 .79419 52
53 3631 6590 3410 .05512 50 89 50 102 .79542 53
54 3772 6335 3665 .05619 .79665 54
55 .873914 .486081 .513919 1 .05727 1 .79788 55
56 4055 5827 4173 .05835 .7991 56
57 4196 5573 4427 .05942 .80034 57
58 4338 5318 4682 .06050 .80158 58
59 4479 5064 4936 .06158 .80281 59
60 .874620 .484810 .515190 1 .06267 1 .80405 60





SE c. 5 EC. SEC. SEC.

+ + + +
.874620 .484810 .515190 1 .06267 1 .80405 0.
1 4761 44555 5445 .06375 .80529 1

2 4902 4430 5699 .06483 .80653 2

3 5042 4046 5954 .06592 .80777 3
U 5183 3792 6208 .06701 .80901 U
5 .875324 .1483537 .516463 1 .06809 I.8IG25 5
6 5464 3282 6718 .06918 Corr. "Corr. .81 150 6
7 5605 3028 6972 .07027 10 18 10 21 .81274 7
8 5746 2773 7227 .07137 15 27 15 31 .81399 8
9 5886 2518 7482 .07246 20 37 20 42 .81524 9
10 .876026 .4482263 .517737 1 .07356 30 55 30 63 1.81649 10
1 1 6166 " Co r r 20C9 Co r r 7991 .07465 40 73 40 83 .81774 1 1

12 6307 TO" 23 1754 10" 42 8246 .07575 45 82 45 94 .81899 12

13 6447 15 35 1499 15 64 esol .07685 50 91 50 104 .82025 13
m 6587 20 U7 I244M 2C 85 8756 .07795 .82150 14
IS .876727 30 70 .1480989 3C 127 . 5 90
1 1 1 .07905 1.82276 15
16 6867 UC 93 07344 UC 170 9266 .08015 .82402 16
17 7006 U5 105 01479 M5 191 9521 .08126 .82528 17
18 7146 50 1 17 022U 50 212 9776 .08236 .82654 18
19 7286 .1479968 .520032 .08347 .82780 19
20 .877425 .1479713 .520287 1 .08458 1.82906 20
21 7565 9U58 0542 .08569 .83033 21
22 7704 9203 0797 .08680 .83159 22
23 7844 89147 1053 .08791 .83286 23
2U 7983 8692 I3C8 .08903 .83413 24
25 .878122 .14781436 .521564 1 .09014 1.83540 25
26 8261 8181 1819 .09126 n Corr. " Co r r .83667 28
27 8400 7926 2074 .09238 10 19 10 21 .83794 27
28 8539 767C 2330 .09350 15 28 15 32 .83922 28
29 8678 7UI14 2586 .09462 20 37 20 43 .84049 29
30 .878817 .1477159 .522841 i. 09574 30 56 30 64 1.84177 30
31 8956 6903 3097 .09686 40 75 40 85 .84305 31
32 9095 66U7 3353 .09799 45 84 45 96 .84433 32
33 9233 6392 3608 .0991 50 94 50 106 .84561 33
34 9372 6136 3864 . 0024
1 .84689 34
35 .879510 .475880 .524120 1 .10137 1.84818 35
36 9649 562U 4376 .10250 .84946 38
37 9787 5368 4632 .10363 .85075 37
38 9925 51 12 4888 .10477 .85204 38
39 .880063 14856 5144 .10590 .85333 39
HO .880201 .44714600 .525400 1 . 0704
1 1.85462 40
HI 0339 " Co r r USUI! Corr.
" 5656 .10817 .85591 41
42 0477 10' 23 14088 10"
43 5912 .10931 .85720 U2
43 0615 15 3U 3832 15 64 6168 . 1045
1 .85850 43
uu 0753 20 U6 3576 20 85 6424 .1 159 1 .85979 44
U5 .880891 30 69 .1473320 30 128 .526680 1 . 1 1274 1.86109 45
U6 1028 UO 92 3063 40 171 6937 . 1 1388 "Corr. "Corr. .86239 48
U7 166 1 45 103 2807 45 192 7193 . 1 1503 10 19 10 22 .86369 47
ue 1304 5C 115 2551 5C 213 7449 .1 1617 15 29 15 33 .86499 48
U9 mm 229U 7706 .1 1732 20 38 20 44 .86630 49

50 .881578 .472038 .527962 1 .1 1847 30 58 30 65 1 .86760 50

51 1716 1782 8218 .1 1963 40 77 40 87 .86891 51
52 1853 1525 8475 . 2078 45
1 86 45 98 .8702152
53 I99C 1268 8732 .12193 50 96 50 109 .87152 53
5U 2127 1012 8988 .12309 .87283 5U
55 .882264 .1470755 .529245 1.12425 1.87415 55
56 2401 01499 9501 .12540 .87546 56
57 2538 02U2 9758 .12657 .87677 57
58 2674 .469985 .5300 .12773
1 .87e09 58
59 281 1 9728 0272 2889 . 1 .87941 59
60 .882948 .469472 .530528 1 .13005 1 .88073 60
1 4 . . 1





F0R F0R F0 * =OR


+ — + + +
.882948 .469472 . 530528 1 . 1 3005 1.88073
1 3084 9215 0785 . 3 22 1 1 .88205 1

2 3221 8958 1042 .13239 .88337 2

3 3357 8701 1299 . 3356 1 .88469 3
4 3493 8444 1556 . 3473 1 .88602 4
5 .883630 .468187 .531813 1 . 1 3590 1.88734 5
6 3766 7930 2070 . 1 3707 "Corr. ( orr. .88867 6
7 3902 7673 2327 . 1 3825 10 20 10 22 .89000 7
8 4038 7416 2584 . 1 3942 15 30 15 33 .89133 8
9 4174 ^'58 2842 . 1 4060 20 39 20 44 .89266 9
10 .884310 .466901 .533099 1 .14178 30 59 30 67 1 .89400 10
1 1 4445 Corr. 6644 " Co r r 3356 . 4296 1 40 79 40 89 .89533 1 1

12 4581 10 23 6387 10 43 3613 .14414 45 89 45 100 .89667 12

13 4717 15 34 6129 15 64 3871 .14533 50 98 50 III .89801 13
14 4852 20 45 5872 20 86 4128 .14651 .89935 IU
15 .884988 30 68 . 46561 30 129 .534386 1 . 4770 1 1 .90069 15
16 5123 40 90 5357 40 172 4643 . 4889 1 .90203 16
17 5258 45 102 5100 45 193 4900 . 5008 1 .90337 17
18 5394 50 113 4842 50 214 5158 .15127 .90472 18
19 5529 4584 5416 . 5246 1 .90607 19
20 .885664 .464327 .535673 1 . 5366 1 1 .9074 20
21 5799 4069 5931 . 5485 1 .90876 21
22 5934 3812 6188 . 5605 1 .91012 22
23 6069 3554 6446 .15725 .91 14723
24 6204 3296 6704 .15845 .91282 24
25 .886338 .463038 .536962 1 . 5965 1 1. 91418 25
2780 7220 .16085 " Corr. "Corr. - .91554 26
2522 7478 . 6206 TO 20 TO" 23
1 .91690 27
28 6742 2265 7735 .16326 15 30 15 34 .91826 28
29 6876 2007 7993 .16447 20 40 2C 45 .91962 29
30 .88701 .461749 .538251 1 .16568 30 61 30 68 1 .92098 30
31 7145 1491 8509 . 6689
1 40 81 40 91 .92235 31
32 7279 1232 8768 .16810 45 91 45 102 .92371 32
33 7413 0974 9026 .16932 50 101 50 1 14 .92508 33
34 7548 0716 9284 . 7053
1 .92645 34
35 .887682 .460458 .539542 I.I 71 75 1.92782 35
36 7815 0200 9800 .17297 .92920 36
37 7949 .459942 .540058 .17419 .93057 37
38 8083 9683 0317 .17541 .93195 38
39 8217 9425 0575 .17663 .93332 39
40 .888350 .459166 .540834 1 . 1 7786 1.93470 UO
m 8484 orrn r
. 8908 "Corr. 1092 . 1 7909 93608 . 41
42 8617 2210 8650 10 43 1350 .18031 .93746 U2
43 8751 3315 8391 15 65 1609 .18154 .93885 43
44 8884 20 44 8132 20 86 1868 .18277 .94023 44
ne .889017 30 67 .457874 30 129 .542126 1 .18401 1 .94162 U5
46 9150 40 89 7615 40 172 2385 .18524 "Corr. " Co r r .94301 46
47 9283 45 100 7357 45 194 2643 .18648 T0-2T Rf 23 .94440 47
48 9416 50 1 1 1 7098 50 215 2902 .18772 15 31 15 35 .94579 48
49 9549 6839 3161 . 8895 20 41
1 20 47 .94718 49
50 .889682 .456580 .543420 1. 19019 30 62 30 70 1.94858 50
51 9815 6322 3678 .19144 40 83 40 93 .94997 51
52 9948 6063 3937 . 9268
1 45 93 45 105 .95137 52
53 .890080 5804 4196 . 9393
1 50 104 50 16 1 .95277 53
54 0213 5545 4455 .19517 .95417 54
55 .890345 .455286 .544714 1 . 9642
1 1.95557 55
56 0478 5027 4973 . 9767
1 .95698 56
57 0610 4768 5232 . 9892
1 .95838 57
58 0742 4509 5491 .20018 .95979 58
59 0874 4250 5750 .20143 .96120 59
60 .891006 .453990 .546010 1 .20269 1 .96261 60




+ +
.45399C .5U6CIC 1 .2C269 1.96261
1 1 138 373 6269 i
.2C395 . 96UC2 1

2 I27C 3-^2 6528 .2C52I .965UU! 2

3 I
IM02 32 3 6787 .2C6U7 .96689 3
» I53U 2 2: 7CU6 .2C773 .2-5 52- U
5 .59 565 .-3269- .5U73C6 1 .2C9CC 1.96969 5
B 1798 2-3: 7565 .2IC26 "Corr. 'Corr. 97. 1 1 e
7 1929 2175 7825 .21153 IC 21 1 IC 2U .97253 7
9 2C6I 1916 8CSU .2I28C 15 32 15 36 .97395 8
9 2192 1656 83UU .2IUC7 2C U2 2C U8 .97538 9
I0 .892323 ;

.U5I397 .5U86C3 1 .21535 3C 6U 3C 71 I.9768C 10

1 2-2: " Ccrr.
1 1137 "Corr 8863 .21662 UC 65 UC 95 97823
. 1 1

12 ::-: : 22 C878 TO" -3 9122 .2I79C U5 96 U5 IC7 .2-255 12

13 2717 15 33 C6I8 15 65 22 22 .21918 50 106 5C 119 .981 IC 13
in 2E-E 20 UU C358 2 2 87 96U2 .220U5 .98253 IU
15 .=929^9 :: 5 2 .U5CC98 32 I3C .5M99Q2 I.22I7U 1 .98396 15
16 31 IC UO 5" .UU9839 -: 173 .550161 .223C2 252-2 16
17 3i- -5 95 23 2 -5 195 CU2I .22-32 .9868U 17
18 ::- :: IC9 9319 5C 216 C68I .22559 .25525 18
9 3502 9C59 C9UI .22686 .98972 19

2! 393633 .UU8799 -5512CI 1.22817 1.991 16 22

2 3763 8539 IU6I .229U6 .99261 21
22 389U 52~2 1721 .23C75 .99-25 22
-::- - - 1
23 1981 .232C5 .99332 23
2U UI5U 7759 22UI .2333U 2 22 2: 2U

25 :-:-- .14U7U99 .5525CI I.23U6U .998UI 25 1

26 -- 5 7239 2761 .22:2- •Corr. Corr. 22255 26

27 -: --: 6979 3C2I .2372U IC 22 IC 2U 2.CCI3I 27
29 U675 6718 3282 .23855 15 33 15 37 .CC277 28
29 U8CU 6U5S 35U2 .23985 2C UU 20 U9 .CCU23 29
a 52-23- .UU6I98 .5538C2 I.2UII6 3C 65 3C 73 2.CC569 30
31 506U 5938 -25 2 .2U2U7 UC 87 UC 97 .CC7I5 31
32 5I9M 5677 U323 .2U376 U5 98 U5 UC .CC862 32
33 5323 5UI7 U583 .2U5C9 50 IC9 5C 122 .CICC8 33
3U 5U53 5156 U8UU .2U6UC .01155 3U
35 532:52 .—525 .555ICU .2M772 2.CI3C2 35
36 5712 3: 325; .2U902 .CIUU9 26
37 56UI U375 5625 .23235 .CI596 37
38 597C Ul IU 5866 2: 57 .CI7U3 35
39 6C99 3852 6IU7 2::i2 .CI 891 39

UO :
; 22- .UU3593 .556UC7 1 .25U32 UO
HI 6358 c :
' 3332 " Co r r 6568 .25565 .C2I87 -
U2 5-55 : 2 3C7I To~ U3 6929 .2359" .C2335 U2
U3 66 5 5 32 28IC 3 65 7I9C .2583C .C2U83 U3
-- B70U 2 9 U3 255C 2 2 87 7U5C .25963 .C263I UU
U5 :: 6U .UU2289 130 .55771 I.26C97 2.C278C U5
U6 7001 no 86 2G28 -2 I7U 7972 .2523C " Co r r .
" Co r r . .C2929 U6
7I3C -3
97 1767 --2 196
I5C6 217
.2636U IC 22
.26U98 5 3-
.C3227 U8
49 7387 I2U5 8755 .26632 2C U5 2C 5C .C3376 -9
50 .697515 .UU098U .559CI6 1 .26766 3C 67 3C 75 2.C3526 5C
51 76M3 C723 9277 .269CC UC 90 UC ICC .C3675 5
52 7772 CU62 9538 .27C35 U5 ICI U5 112 .C3825 52
53 ? 02CC 98CC .27169 5C 112 50 125 .C3975 53
5U 8C28 .U39939 .273CU .CUI25 5U
55 .U39678 .56C322 1 .27U39 2.CU276 55
56 8283 9UI7 C583 .CUU26 5*
57 em 1 9155 C8U5 .CU577 57
58 6S9U IIC6 .278U5 .CU72e 58
59 86 33 1367 .27981 .CU879 59
.U3837I .561629 1 .28117 2.C5C3C 60
. 1 . 1 .
. 6






s c. SEC. SEC. SEC.

+ - + + +
.898794 .438371 .561629 1.281 17 2.05030
1 8922 81 10 1890 .28253 "Corr. "Corr. .05182 1

2 9049 7848 2152 .28390 10 23 10 25 .05333 2

3 9176 7587 2413 .28526 15 34 15 38 .05485 3
M 930U 7325 2675 .28663 20 46 20 51 .05637 4
5 .899431 . 437063 .562937 1 .28800 30 69 30 76 2.0579C 5
6 9558 6802 3198 .28937 40 92 40 102 .05942 6
7 9685 6540 3460 .29074 45 103 45 141 .06094 7
8 9812 6278 3722 .2921 50 14 1 50 127 .06247 8
9 9939 6CI7 3983 .29349 .06400 9
10 .900065 .433755 .564245 1 .29487 2.06553 10
1 1 0192 "Corr 5493 Co r r 4507 .29625 .06706 II
12 0319 10 21 5231 44
10 4769 .29763 .06860 12
13 0445 15 32 4969 15 65 5031 .29901 070
. 13 1

in 0572 2C 42 4707 20 87 5293 .30040 .07167 14

15 .900698 3C 63 .434445 30 131 .565555 1.30179 2.07321 15
16 0825 I4C 84 4183 UO 175 5817 .30318 "Corr. "Corr. .07476 16
17 0951 U5 95 3921 U5 196 6079 .30457 10 23 10 26 .07630 17
18 1077 50 105 3659 50 218 6341 .30596 15 35 15 39 .07785 18
19 1203 3397 6603 .30735 20 47 20 52 .07939 19
20 .901329 .1133135 .566865 1.30875 30 70 30 78 2.C8C94 20
21 1455 2873 7127 .31015 40 93 40 104 .08250 21
22 1581 2610 7390 .31155 45 105 45 171 .08405 22
23 I7C7 2348 7652 .31295 50 17 1 50 130 .08560 23
2U 1832 2086 7914 .31436 .087 24 1

25 .901958 .431823 .568177 1.31576 2.08872 25

26 2084 1561 8439 .31717 .09028 26
27 2209 1299 8701 3 858 . 1 .09184 27
28 2335 1036 8964 .31999 .09341 28
29 2460 0774 9226 .32140 .09498 29
30 .902585 .43051 .569489 1.32282 2.09654 30
31 27 10 0248 9752 .32424 "Corr. " Co r r .0981 31
32 2836 .429986 .570014 .32566 10 24 10 26 .09969 32
33 2961 9723 0277 .32708 15 36 15 40 .10126 33
34 3086 9U6I 0539 .32850 20 48 20 53 .10284 34
35 .903210 .429198 . 5708C2 1.32993 30 72 30 79 2.10442 35
36 3335 8935 1065 .33135 40 95 40 106 C6CC
. 1 36
37 3460 8672 1328 .33278 45 107 45 191 0758
. 1 37
38 3585 841 1590 .33422 50 19 1 50 132 .10916 38
39 3709 8147 1853 .33565 .1 1075 39
40 .903834 .427884 .5721 16 1 .33708 2.1 1233 40
Ul 3958 " Co r r 7621 orr.
" C 2379 .33852 . 1 1392 41
U2 I4C82 10 21 7358 10 44 2642 .33996 . 1 1552 42
U3 4207 15 31 7095 15 66 2905 .34140 .11711 43
4331 20 Ul 6832 20 88 3168 .34284 .1 1871 44
45 .904455 30 62 .426569 3C 132 .573431 1 .34429 2 . 2030 45

U6 4579 40 83 6306 no 175 3694 .34573 " Co r r .

" Co r r . 2 90 46
1 1

U7 4703 M5 93 6042 45 197 3958 .34718 10 24 10 27 .12350 47

us 4827 C/J 103 5779 5C 219 4221 .34863 15 37 15 40 .1251 48
U9 4951 5516 4484 .35009 20 49 20 54 .12671 49
50 .905075 .425253 .574747 1 .35154 30 73 30 81 2.12832 50
51 5198 4990 5010 .35300 40 97 40 108 .12993 51
52 5322 4726 5274 .35446 45 1 10 45 121 .13154 52
53 5445 4463 5537 .35592 50 122 50 134 .13316 53
5U 5569 4199 5801 .35738 . 3477
1 54
55 . 905692 .423936 . 576064 1.35885 2.13639 55
56 5815 3672 6328 .36031 .13801 56
57 5939 3409 6591 .36178 .13963 57
58 6062 3146 6854 .36325 .14125 58
59 6185 2882 71 18 .36473 . 4288 59

60 . 9C63C8 .422618 . 577382 1 .36620 2.14451 60






s c. s EC. SEC. SEC.

+ + .577382 I.3662C + +
c . 9C63C8 .422618 2.14451
1 6U3I 2355 7645 .36768 .ICorr. "Corr. .14614 1

2 6554 209 7909 .36916 10 25 IC 27 4777 . 1

3 6676 1827 8173 .37064 15 37 15 41 494C . 1 3
4 6799 1563 8437 .37212 2C 50 20 55 .15104 4
5 . 906922 .421300 . 5787CC 1 .37361 30 75 30 82 2.15268 5
6 7044 IC36 8964 .37509 40 99 40 1 10 5432
. 1 6
7 7166 0772 9228 .37658 45 112 45 123 5596
. 1 7
S 7289 0508 9492 .37808 50 124 50 137 .15760 8
9 741 1 0244 9756 .37957 5925
. 1 9
10 .9C7533 . 4 9980
1 .58CC20 1.38106 2.I6C9C 10
II 7655 " Corr. 9716 |ore 0284 .38256 .16255 II
12 7778 10 20 9452 To" 44 0548 .384C6 .16420 12
13 79CC 15 30 9188 15 66 08 12 .38556 .16585 13
14 8C2I 20 41 8924 20 88 1076 .38707 .16751 14
15 . 908 43
1 30 61 .418660 3C 132 .581340 1.38857 2.16917 15
16 8265 -: 81 8396 40 176 I6C4 .39CC8 "Corr. "Corr. 7C83 16 . 1

17 8387 ^5 91 8131 45 198 1869 .39159 10 25 IC 28 .17249 17

18 8508 50 ICI 7867 50 220 2133 .3931 15 38 15 42 .17416 18
19 8630 7603 2397 .39462 20 51 2C 56 . 7582
1 19

20 .908751 .417338 .582662 1.39614 30 76 30 84 2 . 7749 20


21 8872 7074 2926 .39766 40 102 40 112 .17916 21

22 8994 68 10 3190 .39918 45 114 45 126 .I8C84 22
23 9115 6545 3455 40C7C 50 127
. 50 140 .18251 23
24 9236 6281 3719 .40222 .18419 24
25 .909357 .416016 .583984 1 .40375 2.18587 25
26 9U78 5752 4248 .4C528 .18755 26
27 9599 5487 4513 .4068 .18923 27
23 9720 5223 4777 .40835 .19092 28
29 9841 4958 5042 .40988 .19261 29
30 .909961 .414693 .585307 1 .41 142 2.1 9430 30
31 .910082 4428 5572 .4 296
" Corr. JLCorr. .19599 31
32 C2C2 4164 5836 .41450 IC 26 IC 28 . 9769
1 32
33 C323 3899 6101 .41605 15 39 15 43 . 9938
1 33
3* 0443 3634 6366 .41760 20 52 20 57 .20108 34
35 .910564 .413369 .586631 1. 41914 30 78 30 85 2.20278 35
36 C68U 31 04 6896 .42C7C 010 104 40 14 1 .20449 36
37 C8C4 2840 7160 .42225 45 117 45 128 .20619 37
33 0924 2574 7426 .42380 50 130 50 142 .2C79C 38
39 1044 23IC 7690 .42536 .2C96I 39
uo .911 164 .412044 .587956 1.42692 2.21132 40
HI 1284 "Corr I78C "Con 8220 .42848 .2I3C4 41
42 I4C3 10 20 1514 10 44 8486 .43005 .21475 42
43 1523 15 30 1249 15 66 8751 .43162 .21647 43
44 1642 20 40 0984 2: 88 90 16 .43318 .21819 44
45 .911762 30 60 .4107 19 30 133 .589281 1 .43476 2.21992 45
1882 40 80
2CCI 45 90
C454 uc 177
CI 88 u5 199
.43633 1 Co r r
.43790 to" ^6

48 21 20 50 ICC .409923 5C 221 .59CC77 .43948 15 40 15 44 .22510 48
49 2239 9658 0342 .44106 2C 53 20 58 .22683 49
50 .912358 .409392 .590608 1 .44264 30 79 30 87 2.22857 50
51 2478 9127 0873 .44423 UC IC6 40 16 1 .23C3C 51
62 2596 8862 1138 .44582 45 19 1 45 131 .23204 52
53 2715 8596 1404 .44741 50 132 50 145 .23378 53
54 2834 8330 1670 .449CC .23553 54
55 .912953 .408065 .591935 1 .45059 2.23727 55
56 3072 7799 220 .45219 .23902 56
67 31 90 7534 2466 .45378 .24077 57
Vt 3309 7268 2732 .45539 .24252 58
N 3427 7CC2 299e .45699 .24428 59

SO .913546 .406737 .593263 1 .45859 2.24604 60

64 .






.913546 .406737
- + +
.593263 1.45859] 2.2460L o
I 3664 6471 3529 •4602C J!. Corr. "Corr.
3782 .2478C 1
2 6205 3795 .4618 10 27 10 30 .24956 2
3 3900 593S 4061 .46342 15 41 15 44
4018 .25132 3
U 5673 4327 .4650U 20 54 20 59 .25309 U
5 .914136 .405408 .594592 1.46665 30 81 30 89 2.25486 5
6 4254 5142 4858 .46827 40 108 40
7 4372
181 .25663 6
4876 5124 .4698S 45 122 45 133 .25840
8 4490 7
4610 5390 .47152 50 135 50 148 .26018
9 4607 8
4344 5656 473 .26196
. 1
10 .914725 404078 .595922 .47477
4842 _" Co r r
2.26374 10
. 381 1 "Corr. 6189 .47640 .26552 1
12 4960 10 2Q 3545 10 44 6455 47804

13 5077 15 29
.26730 12
3279 15 67 6721 .47967 .26909 13
111 5194 20 39 3013 20 89 6987 .48131 .27088 14
15 .915312 .402747 30 133 .597253 .482951
2.27267 15
16 5429 2480 40 178 7520 .48459 "Corr. "Corr. .27447 16
17 5546 2214 45 200 7786 .48624 10 27 IC 30 .27626 17
18 5663 1948 50 222 8052 .48789 15 41 15 45 .27806 18
19 5780 1681 8319 .48954 20 55 20 60 .27987 19
20 .915896 .401415 598585 1. 49119 30
82 30 90 2.28167 20
21 6013 149 8851 .49284 40 10
40 120 .28348 21 1

! 6130 0882 91 18 .49450 45 124 45 135

23 6246 .28528 22
0616 9384 496 50 137 50 150
. 1
.28710 23
24 6363 0349 9651 49782 .
.28891 24
25 .916479 .400082 .599918 1.49948 2.29073 25
26 6596 .399816 .600184 .501 15 "Corr. "Corr. .29254 26
27 6712 9549 0451 .50282 10 28 10 31 .2.9437 27
28 6828 9282 0718 .50449 15 42
29 6944 15 46 .29619 28
90 16 0984 506 20 56 20 61
. 1
.29801 29
30 .917060 398749 .601251 1.50784 30 84 30 92 2.29984 30
31 7176 8482 1518 .50952 40 112 40 122
32 7292 .30167 31
8216 1784 .51 120 45 126 45 137 .3035! 32
33 7408 7949 2051 .51289 50 140 50 153
3U 7523 .30534 33
7682 2318 .51457 .30718 34
35 .917639 397415 .602585 1.51626 2.30902 35
36 7755 7148 2852 .51795
37 7870 3 086 36 . 1

6881 3119 .51965

38 7986 .31271 37
6614 3386 .52134 .31456 38
39 8101 6347 3653 .52304 .31641 39
U0 .918216 396080 .603920 1 .52474 2.31826 UO
III 8331 J!_Co_rr. 5813 "Corr. 4187 .52645 "Corr. " Corr.
42 8446 10 .32012 41
19 5546 10 45 4454 .52815 10 28 10
U3 8561 15 29
31 .32197 42
5278 15 67 4722 .52986 15 43 46
44 8676 20 38
15 .32383 43
501 20 89
4989 .53157 20 57 20 62 .32570 44
U5 .918791 30 57 394744 30 134 .605256 .53329 30 85 30 93 2.32756 45

8906 40 77 4477 40 178 5523 .53500 40

47 9021 45 14 40 124 .32943 46 1

86 4209 45 200 5791 .53672 45 128 45 139

48 9135 50 96 .33130 47
3942 50 223 6058 .53845 50 142 50 155
U9 9250 .33317 48
3674 6326 .54017 .33505 49
50 919364 393407 .606593 .54190 2.33693 50
51 9479 3140 6860
.54363 " Co r r "Corr. .33881 51
9593 2872
53 9707 2605
7128 .54536 10 29 10^2 .34069 52
7395 .54709 15 43 15 47 .34258 53
54 9822 2337 7663 .54883 20 58 20 63 .34447 54
919936 392070 .607930 .55057 30 87 30 95 2.34636 55
920050 1802 8198 .55231 40 16 140 126 .34825 56
0164 1534 8466

0277 .55405 45 130 45 142 .35015 57

1267 8733 55580 50 145 50 158
.35205 58
0999 9001 .55755 .35395 59
.920505 390731 .609269 .55930 >. 35585 60






+ — + + +
.920505 .390731 .609269 1.55930 2.35585
1 0618 0463 9537 .56106 "Corr. "Corr. .35776 1

2 0732 0196 9804 .56282 10 30 10 32 .35967 2

3 0846 .389928 .610072 .56458 15 44 15 48 .36158 3
1 0959 9660 0340 .56634 20 59 20 64 .36349 4
5 .921072 .389392 .610608 1 .568 1 30 89 30 96 2.36541 5
6 185 1 9124 0876 .56988 40 181 40 129 .36733 6
7 1299 8856 1 144 .57165 45 133 45 145 .36925 7
8 1412 8588 1412 .57342 50 148 50 161 .371 18 8
9 1525 8320 1680 .57520 .3731 9
10 .921638 .388052 .61 1948 1.57698 2.37504 10
1 1 1750 " Corr. 7784 "Corr. 2216 .57876 .37697 II
12 1863 10 19 7516 10 45 2484 58054 378QI 12
13 1976 15 28 7247 15 67 2753 .58233 .38084 13
ID 2088 20 37 6979 20 89 3021 .58412 .38279 14
15 .922201 30 56 .386711 30 134 .613289 1.58591 2.38473 15
16 2313 40 75 6443 40 179 3557 .58771 "Corr. "Corr. .38668 16
17 2426 45 84 6174 45 201 3826 .58950 10 30 10 33 .38862 17
18 2538 50 94 5906 50 224 4094 .59130 15 45 15 49 .39058 18
19 2650 5638 4362 .5931 20 60 20 65 .39253 19
20 .922762 .385369 .614631 1 .59491 30 90 30 98 2.39449 20
21 2874 5101 4899 .59672 40 120 40 130 .39645 21
22 2986 4832 5168 .59853 45 135 45 147 .39841 22
23 3098 4564 5436 .60035 50 150 50 163 .40038 23
2U 3210 4295 5705 .60217 1
.40235 24
25 .923322 .384027 .615973 1 .60399 2.4C432 25
26 3434 3758 6242 .60581 "Corr. "Corr. 40629
. 26
27 3545 3490 6510 .60763 10 31 10 33 .40827 27
28 3657 3221 6779 .60946 15 46 15 50 .41025 28
29 3768 2952 7048 .61 129 20 61 20 66 .41223 29
30 .923880 .382683 .617317 1. 61313 30 92 30 99 2.41421 30
31 3991 2415 7585 .61496 40 122 40 133 .41620 31
32 4102 2146 7854 .61680 45 138 45 149 .41819 32
33 4213 1877 8123 .61864 50 153 50 166 .42019 33
314 4324 1608 8392 .62049 422
. 1 34
35 .924435 .381339 .618661 1.62234 2.42418 35
36 4546 1070 8930 .62419 .42618 36
37 4657 0801 9199 .62604 .42819 37
38 4768 0532 9468 .62790 .43019 38
39 4878 0263 9737 .62976 .43220 39
MO .924989 .379994 .620006 1.63162 2.43422 40
Ul 5099 "Corr. 9725 n Co r r 0275 .63348
Corr. "Corr. .43623 41
.43825 42
42 5210 10 18 9456 10 45 .63535 10 31 lO
U3 5320 15 28 9187 15 67 0813 .63722 15 47 15 51 .44027 U3
44 5430 20 37 8918 20 90 1082 .63909 20 62 20 67 .44230 44
45 .925540 30 55 .378649 30 135 .621351 1.64097 30 94 30 101 2.44433 U5
46 5651 40 73 8379 40 180 1621 .64285 40 125 40 135 .44636 46
47 5761 45 83 81 10 45 202 1890 .64473 45 140 45 152 44839
. 47
U8 5871 50 92 7841 50 224 2159 .64662 50 156 50 168 .45043 48
49 5980 7571 2429 .64851 .45246 49
50 .926090 .377302 .622698 1.65040 2.45451 50
51 6200 7033 2967
.65229 "Corr. "Corr.
.65419 10 32 34
- 51
52 6310 6763 TO
53 6419 6494 3506 .65609 15 48 15 51 .46065 53
54 6529 6224 3776 .65799 20 64 20 69 .46270 54
55 .926638 .375955 .624045 1.65989 30 95 30 103 2.46476 55
56 6747 5685 4315 .66180 40 127 40 137 .46682 56
57 6857 5416 4584 .66371 45 143 45 154 46888 . 57
58 6966 5146 4854 .66563 50 159 50 171 .47095 58
59 7075 4876 5124 .66755 .47302 59
60 .927184 .374607 .625393 1.66947 2 . 47509 60
— 6
1 . 1







+ — + + +
.927184 .374607 .625393 1.66947 2.47509
i 7293
.67139 1 Corr. n Corr.
.67332 10 32 f0 35
— 1

3 7510 3797 6203 .67525 15 48 15 52 .48132 3
4 7619 3528 6472 .67718 20 65 20 70 48340 . H
5 .927728 .373258 .626742 1.6791 30 97 30 104 2.48549 5
6 7836 2988 7012 .68105 40 129 40 139 .'48758 6
7 7945 2718 7282 .68299 45 145 45 157 .48967 7
8 8053 2448 7552 .68494 50 162 50 174 .49177 8
9 8161 2178 7822 .68689 .49386 9
10 . 928270 .371908 .628092 1 .68884 2.49597 10
1 1 8378 " Corr. 1638 "Corr. 8362 .69079 "Corr. "Corr. .49807 II
12 8486 10 18 1368 10 45 8632 .69275 10 33 10 35 .50018 12
13 859H 15 27 1098 15 68 8902 .69471 15 49 15 53 .50229 13
IM 8702 20 36 0828 20 90 9172 .69667 20 66 20 71 .50440 IU
15 .928810 30 54 .370557 30 135 .629443 1.69864 30 98 30 106 2.50652 15
16 8917 40 72 0287 40 180 9713 .70061 40 131 40 141 .50864 16
17 9025 45 81 0017 45 203 9983 .70258 45 148 45 159 .51076 17
18 9133 50 90 .369747 50 225 .630253 .70455 50 164 50 177 .51289 18
19 9240 9476 0524 .70653 .51502 19
20 .929348 .369206 .630794 1 .70851 2.51715 20
21 9455 8936 1064 .71050 " Corr. "Corr. .51929 21
22 9562 8665 1335 .71249 10 33 10 36 .52142 22
23 9669 8395 1605 .7 448 15
1 50 15 54 .52357 23
24 9776 8125 1875 .71647 20 67 20 72 .52571 2H
25 .929884 .367854 .632146 1 .71847 30 100 30 108 2 52786 25

26 9990 7584 2416 .72047 40 133 40 143 .53001 26

27 .930097 7313 2687 .72247 45 150 45 161 .53217 27
— 2958
.633499 1.72850

2.53865 30
167 50 179 .53432 28
.53648 29

31 0524 6231 3769 .73052 "Corr. "Corr. .54082 31

32 0631 5960 4040 .73254 10 34 10 36 .54299 32
33 0737 5689 431 1 .73456 15 51 15 55 .54516 33
3U 0843 5418 4582 .73659 20 68 20 73 .54734 34
35 .930950 .365148 .634852 1.73862 30 102 30 109 2.54952 35
36 1056 4877 5123 .74065 40 136 40 146 .55170 38
37 1162 4606 5394 .74269 45 152 45 164 55389
. 37
38 1268 4335 5665 .74473 50 169 50 182 .55608 38
39 1374 4064 5936 .74677 .55827 39
HO .931480 .363793 .636207 7488
1 . 2 56046
. uo
HI 1586 "Corr. 3522 Co r r . 6478 .75086 "Corr. " Co r r .56266 HI
H2 1691 10 18 3251 10 45 6749 .75292 10 5U TO ^7 .56487 42
H3 1797 15 26 2980 15 68 7020 .75497 15 52 15 55 .56707 43
HH 1902 20 35 2709 20 90 7291 75703 20 69
. 20 74 .56928 44
H5 .932008 30 53 .362438 30 136 .637562 1.75909 30 103 30 II 1 2.57150 45
H6 21 13 40 70 2167 40 181 7833 76 .40 138 1 1 40 148 .57371 46
H7 2219 45 79 1896 45 203 8104 .76323 45 155 45 166 .57593 47
H8 2324 50 88 1625 50 226 8375 .76530 50 172 50 185 .57815 48
H9 2429 1353 8647 .76737 .58038 49
50 .932534 .361082 .638918 1 .76945 2 .5826 50
51 2639 081 1 9189 .77154 "Corr. " Corr. .58484 51
52 2744 0540 9460 .77362 10 35 10 37 .58708 52
53 2849 0268 9732 .77571 15 52 15 56 .58932 53
5H 2954 .359997 .640003 . 77780 20 70 20 75 .59 56
1 54
55 .933058 .359725 .640275 1.77990 30 105 30 112 2.59381 55
56 3163 9454 0546 .78200 40 140 40 150 59606
. 56
57 3267 9182 0818 .78410 45 157 45 169 5983
. 57
58 3372 8911 1089 .78621 50 175 50 187 .60057 58
59 3476 8640 1360 .78832 .60283 59
60 .933580 .358368 .641632 1.79043 2.60509 60






+ — + + +
.93358C .358368 .641632 1 .79043 2.6C5C9
13685 8C96 I9C4 .7925U "Corr. "Corr. .60736 1

2 3789 7825 2175 .79466 10 36 10 38 .60963 2

3 3893 7553 2447 .79679 15 53 15 57 .61 190 3
U 3997 7281 2719 .79891 20 71 20 76 .61418 4
5 .9341 CI .357CIC .6U299C 1 .80104 30 107 30 114 2.61646 5
6 42C4 6738 3262 .80318 4C 142 40 152 .61874 8
7 43C8 6466 3534 .80531 45 I6C 45 171 .62IC3 7
8 4412 6194 38C6 .80746 50 178 50 190 .62332 8
9 4515 5923 4077 .8C96C .62561 9
10 .934619 .355651 .644349 1.81 175 2.62791 10
1 4722 " Corr.
I 5379 Corr.
" 4621 .8I39C n Corr. "Corr. .63C2I 1 1

12 U826 10 17 5IC7 10 45 U893 .81605 10 36 10 39 .63252 12

13 4929 15 26 4835 15 68 5165 .81821 15 54 15 58 .63483 13
IU 5032 20 34 4563 20 91 5437 .82037 20 72 20 77 .63714 14
15 .935135 30 52 .354291 30 136 .645709 1.82254 30 IC8 30 !6 1 2.63945 15
16 5238 40 69 4CI9 40 181 5981 .82U7I UC 145 40 156 .64177 16
17 5341 45 77 3747 U5 204 6253 .82688 45 163 45 174 .64410 17
18 5444 50 86 3475 50 227 6525 .829C6 50 181 50 193 .64642 18
19 5547 3203 6797 .83I2U .64875 19
20 .93565C .352931 .647069 1.83342 2.65IC9 20
21 5752 2658 7342 .83561 " Corr. Corr. .65342 21
22 5655 2386 7614 .83780 10 37 10 39 .65576 22
23 5957 21 14 7886 .83999 15 55 15 59 .6581 23
24 606C 1842 8158 .84219 20 73 20 78 .66046 24
25 .936162 .351569 .648431 1.84439 30 110 |30 118 2.66281 25
26 6264 1297 8703 .84659 40 147 40 157 .66516 26
27 6366 IC25 8975 .84880 45 165 45 177 .66752 27
23 6U68 C752 9248 .85IC2 50 184 50 196 .66989 28
29 6570 CU8C 9520 .85323 .67225 29
30 .936672 .35C2C7 .649793 1 .85545 2.67462 30
31 6774 .349935 .650C65 .85767 _lCorr. "Corr. .677CC 31
32 6876 9662 0338 .85990 10 37 10 40 .67937 32
33 6977 9390 0610 .86213 15 56 15 60 .68175 33
34 7079 91 17 C883 .86437 20 75 20 80 .68414 34
35 .937181 .3488U5 .651 155 1.86661 30 112 30 120 2.68653 35
36 7282 8572 1428 .86885 140 149 40 160 .66892 36
37 7383 8299 1701 .87IC9 45 168 45 179 .69131 37
38 7485 8027 1973 .87334 50 187 50 199 .69371 38
39 7586 7754 2246 .87560 .69612 39
40 .937687 .3U748I .652519 1.87785 2.69853 40
HI 7788 " Co r r . 72C8 " Corr. 2792 .88011 "Corr. "Corr. .70094 41
42 7889 ro^n 6936 ro~45 3C6U .88238 10 38 10 40 .70335 42
U3 7990 15 25 6663 15 68 3337 .88465 15 57 15 61 .70577 43
uu 8091 20 34 6390 20 91 3610 .88692 20 76 20 81 .70819 44
45 .938191 30 50 .3461 17 30 136 .653883 I.8892C 30 14 1 30 121 2.7IC62 45
U6 8292 UC 67 5844 40 182 4156 .891148 40 152 40 162 .71305 46
47 6392 45 76 5571 45 2C5 4429 .89376 45 171 45 182 .71548 47
U8 8493 50 84 5298 5C 227 4702 .89605 50 190 50 202 .71792 48
49 8593 5025 4975 .89834 .72036 49
50 .938694 .344752 .655248 1 .9CC63 2.72281 50
51 6794 4479 5521 .9C293 n Corr. "Corr. .72526 51
52 8894 42C6 5794 .90524 10 39 10 41 .72771 52
53 8994 3933 6067 .9C754 15 58 15 62 .73CI7 53
5U 9094 3660 6340 .90986 20 77 20 82 .73263 54
55 .939194 .343386 .656614 1 .91217 30 116 30 123 2.735C9 55
56 9294 31 13 6887 .91449 140 156 40 165 .73756 56
57 9394 28U0 7160 .91681 45 174 45 185 .74004 57
58 9494 2567 7433 .91914 50 193 50 206 .74251 58
59 9593 2294 7706 .92147 .74499 59
60 .939693 .342C2C .657980 1.92380 2.74748 60
. 91 ... .. 4






SE c. s EC. SEC. SEC.

f + + +
.939693 .342020 .657980 1.92380 2.74748
9792 1747 8253 .92614 "Corr. " Co r r .74997 1


9891 1473 8527 .92849 TO 10 42 ^9 .75246 2

3 9991 1200 8800 .93083 15 59 15 63 .75496 3
4 .940090 0926 9074 .93318 20 78 20 84. .75746 4

5 .940189 .340653 .659347 .93554 30 118 30 125

i 2.75996 5
6 0288 0380 9620 .93790 40 157 40 167 .76247 6
7 0387 0106 9894 .94026 45 177 45 188 .76498 7
8 0486 .339832 .660168 .94263 50 196 50 209 .76750 8
9 0585 95C3 0441 .94500 .77002 9

10 .940684 .339285 .660715 I .94737 2.77254 10

1 1 0782 "Corr. 9012 "Con 0988 .94975 " Co r r " Co r r .77507 II

12 0881 ro~T6 8738 10" 46 1262 .95213 10 40 10 42 .77761 12

13 0979 15 25 8464 15 68 1536 .95452 15 60 15 64 .780 13

14 1078 2C 33 8190 20 91 1810 .95691 20 80 20 85 .78269 14

15 .941176 3C 49 .337917 30 137 .662083 1 .95931 30 120 30 127 2.78523 15
16 1274 40 66 7643 4C 183 2357 .96171 40 160 40 170 .78778 16
17 1372 M5 74 7369 45 205 2631 .9641 45 180 45 191 .79033 17
13 1470 50 82 7095 5C 228 2905 .96652 50 200 50 212 .79289 18
19 1569 6821 3179 .96893 .79545 19

20 .941666 .336548 .663452 1.97135 2.79802 20

21 1764 6274 3726 .97377 "Corr. "Corr. .80059 21
22 1862 6000 4000 976 10 41 . 1 10 43 .80316 22
23 I960 5726 4274 .97862 15 61 15 65 .80574 23
24 2058 5452 4548 .98106 20 81 20 86 .80833 24
25 .942 155 .335178 .664822 1 .98349 30 122 30 130 2.81091 25
26 2252 4903 5097 .98594 40 163 40 173 .81350 26
27 2350 4629 5371 .98838 45 183 45 194 .81610 27
28 2447 4355 5645 .99083 50 203 50 216 .81870 28
29 2544 4081 5919 .99329 .82130 29
30 .942642 .333807 .666193 .99574 1 2.82391 30
31 2739 3533 6467 .99821 "Corr. " Corr. .82653 31
32 2836 3258 6742 2 00067 10 41 . 10 44 .82914 32
33 2932 2984 7016 .00315 15 62 15 66 .83176 33
34 3029 2710 7290 .00562 20 83 20 88 .83439 34
35 .943126 .332436 .667564 2.00810 30 124 30 132 2.83702 35
36 3223 2161 7839 .01059 40 166 40 176 .83965 36
37 3319 1887 81 13 .01308 45 186 45 198 .84229 37
38 3416 1612 8388 .01557 50 207 50 220 .84494 38
39 3512 1338 8662 .01807 .84758 39
40 .943608 .331063 .668937 2.02057 2.85023 40
41 3705 "Corr. 0789 " Co r r 921 .02308 " Co r r
1 "Corr. .85289 41
42 3801 ro~T6 0514 TO 46 9486 .02559 10 42 10 45 .85555 42
43 3897 15 24 0240 15 69 9760 .02810 15 63 15 67 .85822 43
44 3993 20 32 .329965 20 92 .670035 .03062 20 84 20 89 .86089 44
45 .944089 30 48 .329691 30 137 .670309 2.03315 30 126 30 134 2.86356 45
46 4185 MO 64 9416 UO 183 0584 .03568 40 169 40 179 .86624 46
47 4281 U5 72 9141 45 206 0859 .03821 45 190 45 201 .86892 47
48 4376 50 80 8867 50 229 1133 .04075 50 211 50 223 .87161 48
49 4472 8592 1408 .04329 .87430 49
50 .944568 .328317 .671683 2.04584 2.87700 50
51 4663 8042 1958 .04839 " Co r r " Corr. .87970 51
52 4758 7768 2232 .05094 10 43 10 45 .88240 52
53 4854 7493 2507 .05350 15 64 15 68 .8851 53
54 4949 7218 2782 .05607 20 86 20 91 .88783 54
55 .945044 .326943 .673057 2.05864 30 129 30 136 2.89055 55
56 5139 6668 3332 .06121 40 172 40 182 .89327 56
57 5234 6393 3607 .06379 45 193 45 204 .89600 57
58 5329 61 18 3882 .06637 50 214 50 227 .89873 58
59 5424 5843 4157 .06896 .90147 59
60 .945519 .325568 .674432 2.07155 2.90421 60





HE c. s c. SEC. SEC.

+ .674432 2.07155 + 2.90421
15613 5293 4707 .C74I5 "Corr. "Corr. .9C696 1

2 57C8 5018 4982 .07675 10 44 IC 46 .90971 2

3 58C2 4743 5257 .07936 15 66 15 69 .91246 3
4 5897 4468 5532 .08197 20 87 20 92 .91523 4
5 .9459SI .324193 .675807 2.08459 30 131 30 139 2.91799 5
e 6085 3917 6083 .08721 40 175 40 185 .92076 6
7 6 ISC 3642 6358 .08983 45 197 45 208 .92354 7
8 6274 3367 6633 .09246 50 218 50 231 .92632 8
9 6368 3092 6908 .C95IC .92910 9
10 .946462 .322816 .677184 2.09774 2.93189 10
1 1 6556 n Core 2541 " Co r r 7459 .CC38 " Corr. "Corr.
1 .93468 II
12 6649 10 16 2266 10 46 7734 .10303 IC 44 IC 47 .93748 12
13 6743 15 23 I99C 15 69 8CIC .10568 15 67 15 70 .94028 13
m 6837 20 31 1715 20 92 8285 .10834 20 89 20 94 .94309 14
15 .94693C 30 47 .321440 30 138 .678560 2.III0I 30 133 30 141 2.94590 15
16 7024 40 62 II6M 40 184 8836 .1 1367 40 178 40 188 .94872 16
17 71 17 45 70 0888 45 207 91 12 . 1635 45 200
1 45 21 1 .95155 17
18 72 IC 50 78 06 13 50 229 9387 .1 I9C3 50 222 50 235 .95437 18
19 73C4 0337 9663 .1217, .95720 19
20 .947397 .32CC62 .679938 2.I244C 2.96CC4 20
951 1
.I27C9 " Corr. 1 Corr.
.12979 10 45 IC 48
.96288 21
.96573 22
23 7676 9235 0765 .13249 15 68 15 72 .96858 23
2U 7768 8959 1041 .I352C 20 91 20 96 .97144 24
25 .947861 .318684 .681316 2.13791 30 136 30 143 2.97430 25
26 7954 8408 1592 .14063 40 181 40 191 .97717 26
27 8046 8132 1868 .14335 45 204 45 215 .98004 27
28 8139 7856 2144 .4608
1 50 226 50 239 .98292 28
29 8231 7580 2420 .4881 .98580 29
30 .948324 .317305 .682695 2.15155 2.98868 30
31 8416 7029 2971 .5429 _!LC_o_r_r.
1 "Corr. .99158 31
32 85C8 6753 3247 .15704 IC 46 IC 49 .99447 32
33 86CC 6U77 3523 .5979 15 69
1 15 73 .99738 33
3U 8692 6201 3799 .16255 20 92 20 97 3.C0C28 34
35 .948784 .315925 .684075 2.16531 30 138 30 146 3 C03
. 1 35
36 8876 5649 4351 .6808
1 40 185 40 194 .CC6M 36
37 8968 5373 4627 .I7C85 45 208 45 219 .CC9C3 37
38 9C60 5097 4903 .17363 50 231 50 243 .CI 196 38
39 9151 4821 5179 .17641 .01489 39
UO .949243 .314545 .685455 2.17920 3.CI783 40
Ul 9334 Co r r U269 Corr. 5731 .18199 1 Corr. " Co r r . .C2077 41
U2 9426 IC~"T5~ 3992 10" 46 60C8 .18479 10 47 IC 49 .C2372 42
U3 9517 15 23 3716 15 69 6284 .18759 15 70 15 74 .02667 43
44 9608 2C 30 3440 2C 92 6560 .9C4C 20 94 20 99
1 .C2963 44
45 .949699 30 46 .31316*1 20 138 .686836 2.19322 30 141 30 148 3.C3260 45
U6 9790 40 61 2888 U0 184 71 12 .I96C4 40 188 40 198 .C3556 46
47 9881 U5 68 261 U5 207
1 7389 .9886
1 45 21 1 45 223 .C3854 47
U8 9972 5C 76 2335 50 230 7665 .2CI69 50 235 50 247 .C4I52 48
U9 .950063 2059 7941 .2C453 .04450 49
50 .950154 .311782 .688218 2.20737 3.04749 50
51 0244 I5C6 8494 .21021 "Corr. " Corr. .05049 51
52 0335 1229 877' .2I3C6 10 48 10 50 .05349 52
53 0425 0953 9047 .21592 15 72 15 76 .05649 53
54 05 16 0676 9324 .21878 20 96 20 101 .05950 54
55 .950606 .310400 .6896C0 2.22165 30 144 30 151 3.C6252 55
56 0696 CI 23 9877 .22452 40 192 40 20 .06554 56
57 0786 .309847 .690153 .22740 45 215 45 227 .06857 57
58 0877 9570 0430 .23C28 50 239 50 252 .07160 58
59 0967 9294 0706 .23317 .07464 59
60 .951056 .309017 .690983 2.236C7 3.07768 60
. 1 .







+ + + +
c .951056 .309017 .690983 2.23607 3 C7768 .

! 1146 8740 1260 .23897 _!LCorr. Corr. .08073 1

2 1236 8464 1536 .24187 10 49 10 51 .08379 2

3 1326 8187 1813 .24478 15 73 15 77 .08685 3
M mis 7910 2090 .24770 20 98 20 103 .08991 U
5 .951505 .307633 .692367 2.25062 30 146 30 154 3.09298 5
6 I59U 7357 2643 .25355 40 195 40 205 .09606 6
7 1684 7080 2920 .25648 45 220 45 231 .09914 7
8 1773 6803 3197 .25942 50 244 50 256 .10223 8
9 1862 5526 3474 .26237 .10532 9
10 .951951 .306249 .693751 2.26531 3.10842 10
1 1 2040 " Cor r 5972 "Corr. 4C28 .26827 "Corr. "Corr. . 1 1 1 53 II
12 2129 10 15 5695 10 46 4305 .27123 10 50 10 52 . 1 1464 12
13 2218 15 22 5418 15 69 4582 .27420 15 75 15 78 . 1 1775 13
14 2307 20 30 5141 2C 92 4859 .27717 20 99 20 104 . 1 2087 IM
15 .952396 30 44 .304864 30 138 .695136 2.28015 30 149 30 157 3.12400 15
16 2484 40 59 4587 40 185 5413 .28313 40 199 40 209 .12713 16
17 2573 45 67 4310 U5 208 5690 .28612 45 224 45 235 .13027 17
18 2662 50 74 4033 5C 231 5967 .28912 50 249 50 261 .13341 18
19 2750 3756 6244 .29212 .13656 19

20 .952838 .303479 .696521 2.29512 3.13972 20

21 2926 3202 6798 .29814 " Corr. " Corr. 4288 21 . 1

22 3015 2924 7076 .30115 10 51 10 53 .14605 22

23 3103 2647 7353 .30418 15 76 15 80 .14922 23
2U 3191 2370 7630 .30721 20 101 20 106 .15240 24
25 .953279 .302093 .697907 2.31024 30 152 30 159 3 . 1 5558 25
26 3366 1815 8185 .31328 40 203 40 213 . 1 5877 26
27 314514 1538 8462 .31633 45 228 45 239 . 6 97 27
1 1

28 35142 1261 8739 .31939 50 253 50 266 .16517 28

29 3629 0983 9017 .32244 . 6838 29

30 .953717 .300706 .699294 2.32551 3.17159 30

31 38G4 0428 9572 .32858 "Corr. "Corr. .17481 31
32 3892 0151 9849 .33166 T0~52" 10 54 . 7804 32

33 3979 .299873 .700127 .33474 15 78 15 81 .18127 33

34 U066 9596 0404 .33783 20 103 20 108 .18451 34
35 .954153 .299318 .700682 2.34092 30 155 30 162 3.18775 35
36 14240 9041 0959 .34403 40 207 40 217 . 9 00
1 1 36
37 4327 8763 1237 .34713 45 233 45 244 .19426 37
38 4414 8486 1514 .35025 50 258 50 271 . 9752
1 38
39 4501 8208 1792 .35336 .20079 39
UO .954588 .297930 .702070 2.35649 3.20406 40
41 4674 " Corr. 7653 "Corr. 2347 .35962 "Corr. " Co r r .20734 41
42 4761 10 14 7375 10 46 2625 .36276 10 53 10 55 .21063 42
143 4847 15 22 7097 15 69 2903 .36590 15 79 15 83 .21392 43
U14 4934 20 29 6819 20 93 3181 .36905 20 105 20 10 1 .21722 44
145 .955020 30 43 .296542 30 139 .703458 2.37221 30 158 30 166 3.22053 45
146 5106 40 58 6264 40 185 3736 .37537 40 211 40 221 .22384 46
147 5192 45 65 5986 45 208 4014 .37854 45 237 45 248 .22715 47
H8 5278 50 72 5708 50 231 4292 .38171 50 263 50 276 .23048 48
149 5364 5430 4570 .38489 .23381 49
50 .955450 .295152 .704848 2.38808 3.23714 50
51 5536 4874 5126 .39128 " Corr. _!!_Corr. .24049 51
52 5622 4596 5404 .39448 10 54 10 56 .24383 52
53 5707 4318 5682 .39768 15 81 15 84 .24719 53
5H 5793 4040 5960 40089 20 107 20 12
. .25055 541

55 .955878 .293762 .706238 2 404

. 30 161
1 30 169 3.25392 55
56 5964 3484 6516 .40734 40 215 40 225 .25729 56
57 6049 3206 6794 .41057 45 242 45 253 .26067 57
58 6134 2928 7072 4 38
. 50 269
1 50 281 .26406 58
59 6220 2650 7350 .41705 .26745 59
60 .956305 .292372 .707628 2.42030 3.27085 60






f — + + +
.956305 .292372 .707628 2.42030 3.27085
16390 2094 7906 .42356 " Co r r "Corr. .27426 1

2 6475 1815 8185 .42683 10 55 10 57 .27767 2

3 6560 1537 8463 .43010 15 82 15 86 .28109 3
4 6644 1259 8741 .43337 20 110 20 115 .28452 U
5 .956729 .290980 .709020 2.43666 30 164 30 172 3.28795 5
6 68IM 0702 9298 .43995 40 219 40 229 .29139 6
7 6898 0424 9576 .44324 45 247 45 258 .29483 7
8 6982 0146 9854 .44655 50 274 50 287 .29829 8
9 7067 .289867 .710133 .44986 .30174 9
10 .957151 .289589 .71041 2.45317 3.30521 10
1 1 7235 " C orr. 9310 "Corr. 0690 .45650 " Corr. " Corr. .30868 II
12 7320 IC 14 9032 10 46 0968 .45983 10 56 10 58 .31216 12
13 7404 15 21 8753 15 70 1247 .46316 15 84 15 88 .31565 13
14 7488 20 28 8475 20 93 1525 .46651 20 112 20 1 17 .31914 114
15 .957571 30 42 .288196 30 139 .71 1804 2.46986 30 168 30 175 3.32264 15
16 7655 4C 56 7918 40 186 2082 .47321 40 224 40 234 .32614 16
17 7739 45 63 7639 45 209 2361 .47658 45 252 45 263 .32965 17
18 7822 50 70 7360 50 232 2640 .47995 50 280 50 292 .33317 18
19 7906 7082 2918 .48333 .33670 19
20 .957990 .286803 .713197 2.48671 3.34023 20
21 8073 6525 3475 .49010 "Corr. "Corr. .34377 21
22 8156 6246 3754 .49350 10 57 |I0 59 .34732 22
23 8239 5967 4033 .49691 15 86 15 89 .35087 23
24 8323 5688 4312 .50032 20 14 20 119 .35443 24

25 .958U06 .285410 .714590 2.50374 30 171 30 179 3.35800 25

26 8489 5131 4869 .50716 40 228 40 236 .36158 26
27 8572 4852 5148 .51060 45 257 45 268 .36516 27
28 865U 4573 5427 .51404 50 285 50 298 .36875 28
29 8737 4294 5706 .51748 .37234 29
30 .958820 .284015 .715985 2.52094 3.37594 30
31 8902 3736 '
6264 .52440 "Corr. n Co r r .37955 31
32 8985 3458 6542 .52787 10 58 10 61 .38317 32
33 9C67 3178 6822 .53134 15 87 15 91 .38679 33
34 9150 2900 7100 .53482 20 17 20 122 1 .39042 34
35 .959232 .282620 .717380 2.53831 30 175 30 182 3.39406 35
36 93 m 2342 7658 .54181 40 233 40 243 .39771 36
37 9396 2062 7938 .54531 45 262 45 273 .40 36 37

38 9478 1783 8217 .54883 50 291 50 304 .40502 38

39 9560 1504 8496 .55234 .40869 39
40 .9596142 .281225 .718775 2.55587 3.41236 40
Ml 972U "Corr. 0946 " Co r r 9054 .55940 " Corr. " Co r r .41604 41
142 9805 10 14 0667 10 47 9333 .56294 10 59 10 62 .41973 42
U3 9887 15 20 0388 15 70 9612 .56649 15 89 15 93 .42343 43
44 9968 20 27 0108 20 93 9892 57005 20 119 20 124
. .42713 44
45 . 960050 30 41 .279829 30 140 .720171 2.57361 30 178 30 186 3.43084 45
U6 0131 uo 54 9550 40 186 0450 .57718 40 238 40 248 .43456 46
147 0212 U5 61 9270 45 209 0730 58076
. 45 268 45 279 .43829 47
U8 029U 50 68 8991 50 233 1009 .58434 50 297 50 310 .44202 48
U9 0375 8712 1288 .58794 .44576 49
50 .960U56 .278432 .721568 2.59154 3.44951 50
51 0537 8153 1847 .59514 "Corr. "Corr. .45327 51
52 0618 7874 2126 .59876 10 61 10 63 .45703 52
53 0698 7594 2406 .60238 15 91 15 95 .46080 53
5U 0779 7315 2685 .60601 20 122 20 126 46458 54 .

55 . 960860 .277035 .722965 2.60965 30 182 30 190 3.46837 55

56 0940 6756 3244 .61330 40 243 40 253 472 56 . 1

57 1021 6476 3524 .61695 45 273 45 285 .47596 57

58 1101 6196 3804 .62061 50 304 50 316 .47977 58
59 1182 5917 4083 .62428 59
60 .961262 .275637 .724363 2.62796 3.48741 60
. .. 6






SE c. s EC. SEC. sec.

+ + + +
.961262 .275637 .72U363 2.62796 3.48741
1 1342 5358 4642 .6316U n Corr. Corr. .U9I25 1

2 1422 5078 4922 .63533 10 62 TO 65 .U95C9 2

3 1502 4798 5202 .63903 15 93 15 97 .U989U 3
4 1582 4519 5481 .6U27U 20 124 20 129 .50279 4
5 .961662 .274239 .725761 2.64645 30 186 30 194 3.50666 5
6 1741 3959 6041 .65018 40 248 UO 258 .51053 6
7 1821 3679 6321 .65391 U5 279 U5 290 .51441 7
8 1900 3400 6600 .65765 50 310 50 323 .51829 8
9 1980 3120 6880 .66140 .52219 9
10 .962059 .272840 .727160 2.66515 3.52609 10
1 2139 " Co r r
1 . 2560 "Con 7440 .66892 " Co r r "Corr. .53001 1 1

12 2218 10 13 2280 TO 147 7720 .67269 10 63 10 66 .53393 12

13 2297 15 20 2000 15 70 8000 .676U7 15 95 15 99 .53785 13
IU 2376 20 26 1720 20 93 8280 .68025 20 127 20 132 .54179 14
15 .962455 30 MO .271440 3C 140 .728560 2.684C5 30 190 30 198 3.54573 15
16 2534 UO 53 1 160 uc 187 8840 .68785 40 254 UO 263 .54968 16
17 2613 45 59 0880 U5 210 9120 .69167 145 285 U5 296 .55364 17
18 2692 5C 66 0600 50 233 9400 .69549 50 317 50 329 .55761 18
19 2770 0320 9680 .69931 .56159 19

20 .962849 .270040 .729960 2.70315 3.56557 20

21 2928 .269760 .730240 .70700 " Corr. "Corr. .56957 21
22 3006 9ueo 0520 .71085 10 65 10 67 .57357 22
23 3084 9200 C8CC .71471 15 97 15 ICI .57758 23
2U 3163 8920 1080 .71858 20 130 20 134 58 60 24 . 1

25 .963241 .268640 .731360 2.722U6 30 194 30 202 3.58562 25

26 3319 8359 1641 .72635 UO 259 UC 269 .58966 26
27 3397 8079 1921 .73024 U5 292 U5 303 .59370 27
28 3475 7799 2201 .73414 50 324 50 336 .59775 28
29 3553 7519 2481 .73806 .60181 29
30 .963630 .267238 .732762 2.74198 3.60588 30
31 3708 6958 3C42 .74591 " Co r r "Corr. .60996 31
32 3786 6678 3322 .74984 10 66 10 69 .61405 32
33 3863 6397 •3603 .75379 15 99 15 103 .61814 33
34 3941 61 17 3883 .75775 20 132 20 137 .62224 34
35 .964018 .265837 .734163 2.76171 30 199 30 206 3.62636 35
36 4095 5556 4444 .76568 UO 265 UO 275 .63048 36
37 4173 5276 4724 .76966 U5 298 U5 309 .63461 37
38 4250 4995 5005 .77365 50 331 50 3U3 .63874 38
39 4327 4715 5285 .77765 .64289 39
40 .964404 .264434 .735566 2.78166 3.647C5 40
Ul 4481 " Co r r 4154 "Con 5846 .78568 " Corr. -lCo_rr. .65121 41
42 4557 T0~13 3873 TO" 47 6127 .78970 10 68 10 70 .65538 42
U3 4634 15 19 3592 15 70 6408 .79374 15 102 15 105 .65957 43
44 471 20 25
1 33J2 20 94 6688 .79778 20 135 20 140 .66376 44
45 .96U787 30 38 .263031 3C 140 .736969 2.80183 30 203 30 210 3.66796 45
46 4864 uo 51 2751 40 187 72U9 .80589 UC 271 UO 281 .67217 46
47 4940 45 57 2470 45 210 7530 .80996 45 305 U5 316 .67638 47
U8 5016 50 64 2189 50 234 781 .81404 50 338
1 50 351 .68061 48
U9 5093 I9C8 8092 .81813 .68485 49
50 .965169 .261628 .738372 2.82223 3.68909 50
.82633 " Corr. "Corr.
.83045 TO ~6D TO 72"
.69335 51
.69761 52
53 5397 0785 9215 .83457 15 104 15 107 .70188 53
54 5473 0504 9496 .83871 20 138 20 143 706 54 . 1

55 .965548 .260224 .739776 2.84285 30 208 30 215 3.71046 55

56 5624 .259943 .740057 .8U700 UO 277 40 287 .71476 56
57 5700 9662 0338 .85116 145 311 U5 322 .71907 57
58 5775 9381 0619 .85533 50 346 50 358 .72338 58
59 5850 9100 0900 .85951 .72771 59
60 .965926 .258819 .741181 2.86370 3.73205 60



:-." CORR. CORK. |,


WKE FO" '" F0 "

i — + +
: 2:82 2 .741181 2 9637C 3 333:
6DCI 653E 1462 .8679C '
Corr. 7360C 1

2 6076 225" 1743 .87211 10 71 2 "2 --3": 2

2 6151 7976 2C24 '--Y: 5 22 15 no .714512 3
- 6226 "2 2 5 2305 22 2 3-3 20 142 2C 106 -333 U
5 9663C .257414 2.88479 30 212 22 222 3 3322 5
e -:: : 7133 TOSl .88904 UC 222 -3 293 6
7 6U5I 6652 3 -2 -5 2 2 -2 333 "32 2 7
B 8:2 ; 6570 3-22 2 3 56 22 32- 22 322 8
9 2-2.3 6289 3711 .77152 9
: ."-3222 2.322 2 3 77595 10
67U9 5727 4273 .2 2-2 " Cc r r . •Corr. 7800C II
2 6622 2 : 5UU6 2 -" .91473 IC 72 3 73 78085 12
2 15 :- 5164 15 70 -\v-. .91904 15 109 15 112 13
- 6972 :: 25 -2 2 3 20 94 5117 .92337 23 -3 3 3 3 3 .79378 10
- _
.25U6C2 30 mi 2.9277C 30 217

5 .967046 22 37 : 79827 15
16 7120 -2 49 4321 -2 22 .93200 UC 29C UC 299 . 80276 16
7191 U5 56 -23 2 45 21 1 232-2 -2 228 -2 337 90721 17
8 ~v-\ :: 62 3756 50 234 22-2 .94076 33 322 3 3
3~- 3 "- 18
s 7302 3477 2:23 .94514 3 333 19

2: .967UI 252 M .7468C5 2.94952 3 12 2 3 20

2 7489 29 IU 7086 "Corr. 21
22 7562 2622 7366 2 70 10 77 -:-): 22
23 --.:-: 2251 7649 9627U 15 . 1 1 1 15 1 15 93009 22
2- 7709 2069 7931 .96716 20 IU8 22 33 23332 2-
25 .251786 .748212 2.97I6C 22 222 :: 23C 3 2-32- 25
26 V 2 86 8494
— -3 306 ---2- 26
€7 "222 1225
= -2 332 -2 3 — 2526- 27
22 E : : 9057 .98097 5C 57C 21 323 .85705 28
22 2652 23:2 .26 228 29

22 ::- ue . 2:2322 .7U9620 3 9667 30

2 22 22 2222 .99843 'Corr. '

"Ccrr. .87136 31
22 .2U9ei7 .750163 3 2223; 3 76 3 78 .876 3 3!
2 2 9535 0465 .007U5 15
I m 15 117 3B06E 82
2- 9036 2253 0707 .01198 2: 3 3 57

2: 2-22-2 75 :: :
3C 221 XN 25
26 9690 1310 23-"- 86
37 965c 9001 32562 145 3UI 99905 27
22 9728 8126 1874 .23222 3 579 31 59 22
22 7644 2156 33079
-: 2-":63 .752037 3.2 360 -3
- 8944 •Corr 7281 'Corr. 2719 S "Corr. Ul
-2 10 12 6999 10 U7 3 78 3 2 3 .223 6 -2
-2 -:
ie 6717 71 -:
2222 .23 322 15 1 16 -2
— 9159 22 24 6435 20 9U 20 I6C .9327 444

-5 . 96923 12 36 .2U6I53 30 mi 32 232 30 240 -5

-5 23 22 -8 5871 40 188 UI29 .06717 U6
-- :-•-- -: U5 211 414 .071614 -7
50 1 1

-2 w* 5 2 5C 5307 50 235 U693

4975 .06121
-5 9517 5225
52 2232-2 .244743 .755257 55 52
5 4461 .09063 •Ccrr. "Corr. 51
52 4179 5821 10 79 ilC 82 52
52 61 03 .10009 15 19 1 15 123 52
5- 9672 3615 6385 . 3-6- 20 159 20 164 5-

55 .969903 .2U3333 30 239 30 2U6 55

H7 J7C0 - 69U9 .11037 UC 318 A
5 oceu 2768 7232 .11915 145 358 U5 369 57
52 0155 2-22 7510 2 2 3 22 50 - 2 - 822-2 58
52 0225 222- 7796 .12875 .22:82 55


.2UI 922 .758076 3.13357 U. CI 078 60

. 4 . 6






SEC. s :C. SEC. SEC.

+ + .758078 3.13357 + +
.970296 .241922 4.01078
1 0366 1640 8360 .13839 "Corr. " Co r r .01576 1

2 0436 1357 8643 .14323 10 81 10 84 .02074 2

3 0506 1075 8925 . 4809 15 122
1 15 126 .02574 3
4 0577 0793 9207 . 5295 20 163 20 168
1 .03076 4
5 .970647 .240510 .759490 3.15782 30 244 30 252 4.03578 5
6 0716 0228 9772 .16271 40 326 40 336 .04081 6
7 0786 .239946 .760054 .16761 45 367 45 378 .04586 7
8 0856 9663 0337 .17252 50 407 50 420 .05092 8
9 0926 9381 0619 .17744 .05599 9
10 .970995 .239098 .760902 3.18238 4.06107 10
1 1 1065 n Corr. 8816 n Corr. 184
1 .18733 "Corr. Corr. .06616 II
12 1134 T0~T2 8534 Kf 47 1466 .19228 10 83 10 86 .07127 12
13 1204 15 17 8251 15 71 1749 .19725 15 125 15 129 .07639 13
14 1273 20 23 7968 20 94 2032 .20224 20 167 20 172 .08152 14
15 .971342 30 35 .237686 3C 141 .762314 3.20723 30 250 30 258 4.08666 15
16 141 1 40 46 7403 UO 188 2597 .21224 40 334 40 344 .09182 16
17 1480 45 52 7121 45 212 2879 .21726 45 376 45 387 .09699 17
18 1549 50 58 6838 50 235 3162 .22229 50 417 50 430 . 021 18 1

19 1618 6556 3444 .22734 .10736 19

20 .971687 .236273 .763727 3.23239 4.11256 20
21 1755 5990 4010 .23746 " Corr. "Corr. 778 21 . 1 1

22 1824 5708 4292 .24255 TO 85 10 88 .12301 22

23 1893 5425 4575 .24764 15 128 15 132 .12825 23
24 1961 5142 4858 .25275 20 171 20 176 3350 24 . 1

25 .972029 .234859 .765141 3.25787 30 257 30 264 4.13877 25

26 2098 4577 5423 .26300 40 342 40 352 4405 26 . 1

27 2166 4294 5706 268

. 45 385 45 396
1 .14934 27
28 2234 401 i 5989 .27330 50 428 50 440 5465 28 . 1

29 2302 3728 6272 27847

. 5997 29 . 1

30 .972370 .233445 .766555 3.28366 4.16530 30

31 2438 3162 6838 .28885 "Corr. "Corr. .17064 31
32 2506 2880 7120 .29406 10 88 10 90 7600 32 . 1

33 2573 2597 7403 .29929 15 132 15 135 .18137 33

3U 2641 2314 7686 .30452 20 175 20 180 .18675 34
35 .972708 .232031 .767969 3.30977 30 263 30 270 4. 19215 35
36 2776 1748 8252 .31503 40 351 40 361 .19756 36
37 2843 1465 8535 .32031 45 395 45 406 .20298 37
38 2910 1 182 8818 .32560 50 438 50 451 .20842 38
39 2978 0899 9101 .33090 .21387 39
UO .973045 .230616 .769384 3.33622 4.21933 40
31 12
3179 TO
Co r r 0333 n C orr.
0050 10 47
.3HI 54 "Corr.
.34689 10 90
10 92
.22481 41
.23030 42
43 3246 15 17 .229767 15 71 .770233 .35224 15 135 15 139 .23580 43
44 3312 20 22 9484 2C 94 0516 .35761 20 180 20 185 .24132 44
U5 .973379 30 33 .229200 30 142 .770800 3.36299 30 270 30 277 4.24685 45
U6 3446 M0 44 8917 UO 189 1083 .36839 40 360 40 370 .25239 46
U7 3512 45 50 8634 U5 212 1366 .37380 45 405 45 416 .25795 47
48 3579 50 56 8351 5C 236 1649 .37923 50 450 50 462 .26352 48
49 3645 8068 1932 .38466 .26911 49
50 .973712 .227784 .772216 3.39012 4.27471 50
51 3778 7501 2499 .39558 "Corr. " Corr. .28032 51
52 3844 7218 2782 40 06 10 92
. 10
1 95 .28595 52
53 3910 6935 3065 .40656 15 138 15 142 .29159 53
54 3976 6651 3349 .41206 20 185 20 189 .29724 54
55 .974042 .226368 .773632 3.41759 30 277 30 284 4.30291 55
56 4ioe 6085 3915 .42312 40 369 40 379 .30860 56
57 4173 5801 4199 42867 45 415 45 426
. .31430 57
58 4239 5518 4482 .43424 50 461 50.474 .32001 58
59 4305 5234 4766 .43982 .32573 59
60 .974370 .224951 .775049 B. 44541 4.33148 60




+ — +
.97M370 .224951 .775049 3.44541 4.33148
1 4436 4668 5332 .45102 93.5 95.8 .33723 1

2 U50I 4384 5616 .45664 93.7 96.2 .34300 2

3 4566 4101 5899 .46228 94.0 96.5 .34879 3
4 4631 3817 6183 .46793 94.2 96.7 .35459 4
94.5 96.8
5 .974696 .223534 .776466 3 47360
. 4.3604C 5
6 476 3250 6750 .47928 94.7 97.2 .36623 6
7 4826 2967 7033 .48498 95.0 97.3 .37207 7
8 4891 2683 7317 .49069 95.2 97.7 .37793 8
9 4956 2399 7601 .49642 95.5 98.0 .38381 9
95.7 98.0
10 .975020 .2221 16 .777884 3.50216 4.38969 10
1 1 5085 " Corr. 1832 "Corr. 8168 5078 .
95.8 98.5 .39560 II
12 5149 10 1 1 1548 10 47 8452 .51368 96.2 98.7 .40152 12
13 5214 15 16 1265 15 71 8735 .51947 96.5 98.8 .40745 13
111 5278 20 21 0981 20 95 9019 .52527 96.7 99.2 .41340 14
97.0 99.3
15 .975342 30 32 .220697 30 142 .779303 3.53109 4.41936 15
16 5406 40 43 0414 40 189 9586 .53692 97.2 99.7 .42534 16
17 5471 45 48 0130 45 213 9870 .54277 97.5 100.0 .43134 17
18 5534 50 53 .2 9846
1 50 236 .780154 54863 .
97.7 100.2
.43735 18
19 5598 9562 0438 .55451 98.0 100.5 .44338 19
98.3 100.7
20 .975662 .219279 .780721 3.56041 4.44942 20
21 5726 8995 1005 .56632 98.5 101.
.45548 21
22 5790 8711 1289 .57224 98.7 101.2 .46155 22
23 5853 8427 1573 578 . 1
99.2 101.5 .46764 23
2U 5917 8143 99.2 101.7 24
1857 .58414 .47374
99.7 102.0
25 .975980 .217859 . 782 4 3.59012
1 4.47986 25
26 6044 7575 2425 .5961 99.8 102.3 .48600 26
27 6107 7292 2708 .6021
100.0 102.5 .49215 27
28 6170 7008 2992 .60813 100.3 102.8 .49832 28
100.7 103.2
29 6233 6724 3276 .61417 .50451 29
101. 103.3
30 .976296 .216440 .783560 3.62023 4.51071 30
31 6359 6156 3844 .62630 101.2 103.7 .51693 31
32 6422 5872 4128 .63238 101.3 103.8 .52316 32
33 6484 5588 4412 .63849 101.8 104.2 .52941 33
34 6547 5304 4696 .64461 102.0 104.5 .53568 34
102.2 104.7
35 .976610 .215019 .784981 3.65074 4.54196 35
36 6672 4735 5265 .65690 102.7 IC5.0 .54826 36
37 6735 4451 5549 .66307 102.8 105.3 .55458 37
38 6797 4167 5833 .66925 103.0 105.5 .56091 38
39 6859 3883 61 17 .67545 103.3 105.8 .56726 39
103.7 106.2
UO .976922 .213599 .786401 3.68167 4 57363 40

104.0 IC6.3
m 6984 " Corr. 3315 " Corr. 6685 .68791
104.3 106.7
.58001 41
42 7046 10 10 3030 10 47 6970 .69417 .58641 42
43 7108 15 15 2746 15 71 7254 .70044 104.5 107.
.59283 43
104.8 107.3
un 7169 20 21 2462 20 95 7538 .70673 .59927 44
105.0 107.5
45 .977231 30 31 .212178 30 142 .787822 3.71303 4.60572 45
U6 7293 40 41 1893 40 189 8107 .71935 105.3 107.8 .61219 46
U7 7354 45 46 1609 45 213 8391 .72569 105.7 108.2 .6 868
1 47
46 7UI6 50 51 1325 50 237 8675 .73205 106.0 108.5 .62518 48
no 7477 106.3 108.8 .63171 49
1040 8960 .73843
106.5 109.0
50 .977559 .210756 .789244 3.74482 4.63825 50
51 7600 0472 9528 .75123 106.8 109.2 .64480 51
7661 0187 9813 .75766 107.2 109.7 .65138 52
/j 7722 .209903 .790097 .7641 107.5 109.8 .65797 53
7783 107.7 110.2 .66458 54
5U 9619 0381 .77057
108.0 110.5
55 .977844 .209334 . 790666 3.77705 4.67121 55
7905 9050 0950 .78355 108.3 I 10.8 .67786 56
7966 8765 1235 79007 108.7 II 1.0
.68452 57
57 .

109.0 II .5
5R 8026 8481 1519 .79661

.69121 58
8087 803 109.2 .7
59 8196 1804 . 1
1 1 1

.69791 59
109.3 1 12.0
60 .976 me .207912 . 792088 3.80973 4.70463 60
9 1




DIFF. 10"

+ + .792088 3.80973
.978148 .207912 4.70463
1 8208 7627 2373 .81633 1 1 0.0 1 \C. J .71 137 1

7343 10.2 12.7 .71813

2 8268 2657 .82294 1 1

8329 7058 2942 .82956 1 10.3 112.8 .72490
3 3
10.8 13.3
U 8389 6773 3227 .83621
1 1

.73170 U
1 1 1 .2 113.5
5 .978449 .206489 .793511 3.84288 4.73851 5
8509 6204 3796 .84956 1 1 1 .3 113.8 .74534
6 6
7 8569 5920 4080 .85627 1 1 1 .8 114.2 .75219 7
8629 5635 4365 .86299 112.0 114.5 .75906
8 8
9 8689 5350 4650 .86973 112.3 114.8 .76595 9
12.7 115.2
10 .978748 .205066 .794934 3.87649 4.77286 10
1 1 8808 "Corr. U78I " Co r r . 5219 .88327 113.0 1 15.3 .77978 1 1

12 8867 10 10 4496 10 47 5504 .89007 113.3 1 15.8 .78673 12

8927 15 13.7 16.2 .79370 13
13 15 421 1 15 71 5789 .89689
1 1

14.0 16.3
111 8986 20 20 3926 20 95 6074 .90373
! 1

.80068 14
114.2 1 16.8
15 .979046 30 30 .203642 3C 142 .796358 3.91058 4.80769 15
16 9105 mo 40 3357 UC 190 6643 .91746 114.7 117.0 .81471 16
17 9 164 45 44 3072 U5 214 6928 .92436 115.0 117.3 .82175 17
18 9223 50 49 2787 5C 237 7213 .93128 115.3 117.8 .82882 18
19 9282 2502 7498 9382
115.5 118.0 .83590 19
116.0 118.3
20 .979341 .202218 .797782 3.94517 4.84300 20
2! 9399 1933 8067 .95215 1 16.3 118.8 .85013 21
22 9458 1648 8352 .95914 1 16.5 119.0 .85727 22
9517 17.0 19.5 .86444
23 1363 8637 .96616 1 1

24 9575 17.3 19.7
1078 8922 .97320
1 1

.87162 24
1 17.5 120.0
25 .979634 .200793 .799207 3.98025 4.87882 25
26 9692 0508 9492 118.0 120.5 .88605
.98733 26
9750 0223 9777 .99443 118.3 120.8
27 .89330 27
9809 18.7 121.0
.199938 .800062 4.00155

28 .90056 28
9867 119.0 121.5
29 9653 0347 .00869 .90785 29
119.3 121.8
30 .979925 .199368 .800632 4.01585 4.91516 30
31 9983 9083 0917 .02303 119.7 122.2 .92249 31
.980040 8798 120.2 122.5
32 1202 .03024 .92984 32
33 0098 8513 120.3 122.8
1487 .03746 .93721 33
3U 0156 8228 1772 .04471
120.8 123.2 .94460 34
121 .0 123.5
35 . 9802 4 1 .197942 .802058 4.05197 4.95201 35
36 0271 7657 2343 .05926 121 .5 124.0 .95945
121 .8 124.2 36
37 0329 7372 2628 .06657 .96690 37
38 0386 7087 2913 .07390 122.2 124.7 .97438
122.5 125.0 38
39 0443 6802 3198 .08125 .98188 39
123.0 125.3
UO .980500 .196517 .803483 4.08863 4.98940 UO
123.2 125.8
0558 " Corr.
0615 TO —m 6231
5946 TO
123.7 126.0
.99695 41
5.00451 42
U3 0672 15 5661 15 71 4339 .0881 1
124.0 126.5 .01210 43
44 0728 20 19 5376 20 95 4624 .11835 124.5 126.8 .01971 44
124.7 127.2
45 . 980785 30 28 . 1 95090 30 143 .804910 4.12583 5.02734 45
0842 125.2 127.5
U6 UO 38 4805 40 190 5195 13334
. .03499 46
0899 4520 125.5 128.0
47 45 43 45 214 5480 4087
. 1 .04267 47
125.8 128.3
U8 0955 50 47 4234 50 238 5766 .14842 .05037 48
126.2 128.7
U9 1012 3949 6051 .15599 .05809 49
126.7 129.2
50 .981068 .193664 .806336 4.16359 5.06584 50
51 1 124 3378 6622 .17121 127.0 129.3 .07360 51
52 1 180 3093 6907 7886
. 1
127.5 129.8 .08139 52
53 1237 2807 7193 .18652 127.7 130.3 .08921 53
5U 1293 2522 7478 .19421 128.2 130.5 .09704 54
128.7 131.0
55 .981349 .192236 .807764 4.20193 5.10490 55
56 mou 1951 8049 .20966 128.8 131.5 .11279 56
57 1460 1666 8334 .21742 129.3 131.7 .12069
129.7 132.2 57
58 1516 1380 8620 .22520 .12862 58
59 1572 1094 8906 .23301 130.2 132.7 .13658
130.5 59
60 .981627 . 1 90809 .809191 4.24084 5.14455 60


r 3R FOR DIFF . 10"

+ - +
.981627 .190809 .809 9 4.24C84
1 5.14455
1 1683 0523 9477 .2H870 131 .0 133.5 .15256
1738 0238 9762 .25658 131.3 133.7
2 .16058 2
1793 .189952 .8ICCH8 .26448 131.7 134.2
3 .16863 3
132.2 134.7
4 I8H8 9667 0333 .27241 .17671 H
132.5 134.8
5 .981904 .189381 .810619 H. 28036 5 . 8480
1 5
6 1959 9095 0905 .28833 132.8 135.5 .19293 6
7 20IM 8810 190 .2963H 133.5 135.7 .20107
2069 852H IH76 .30H36 133.7 136.3
8 .20925 e
2123 134.2 136.5
9 8238 1762 .31241 .21744 9
I3H.7 137.0
10 . 982 78
1 .187953 .8I20H7 4.32049 5.22566 10
7667 1
Corr. 2333 .32859 135.0 137.5
1 1 2233 " Corr. .23391 1

135.3 137.8
12 2287 10 9 7381 10 48 2619 .33671 .24218 12
135.8 138.3
13 2342 15 IH 7096 15 71 2904 .3HH86 .25048 13
136.3 138.7
111 2396 2C 18 6810 20 95 3190 .3530H
.25880 IH
15 .982H50 30 27 .186524 30 IH3 .8I3U76 H.36I2H 5.26715 15
16 2505 UC 36 6238 MO 190 3762 .36947 137.2 139.7 .27553 16
17 2559 45 HI 5952 H5 2IH 4048 .37772 137.5 140.0 .28393 17
18 2613 5C H5 5667 50 238 H333 .38600 138.0 140.3 .29235 18
19 2667 5381 H6I9 .39H30 138.3 140.8 .30080 19
138.8 141.3
20 .982721 .185095 .8IH905 H.H0263 5.3C928 20
21 2774 H809 5191 .HI099 139.3 141.7 .31778 21
22 2828 H523 5H77 .HI 937 139.7 142.2 .32631 22
23 2882 H237 5763 .H2778 IHC.2 142.7 .33487 23
2U 2935 3951 6CH9 .H3622 IH0.7 143.0 .34345 2H
IHI.O 143.5
25 .982989 .183665 .816335 4.44468 5.35206 25
26 3042 3380 6620 .H53I7 IHI .5 144.0 .36070 26
27 3096 3094 69C6 .46169 142.0 144.3 .36936 27
142.3 144.8
— 7192
.8I776H 4.4874C
31 3308 I95C 8050 .H9603 .40429 31
IHH.2 146.7 .41309
32 3361 I66H 8336 .50468 32
3HIH 1377 8623 .51337 144.8 147.2 .42192 33
34 3H66 1091 8909 .52208 145.2 147.7 .43078 3H
145.5 148.0
35 .983519 .I8C8C5 .819195 H.53C8I 5.43966 35
36 3572 0519 9481 .53958 146.2 148.5 .44857 38
362H 0233 9767 .5H837 146.5 149.0 .45751 37
3676 .I799H7 .820053 .55720 147.2 149.5 .46648 38
147.5 150.
39 3729 9661 0339 .56605 .47548 39
148.0 150.5
HO .983781 .179375 .820625 H.57H93 5.48451 HO
148.3 150.8
3833 "Corr.
3885 re
3937 15 13
— 9088 "Corr.
8802 TO H8
8516 15 72

3989 2C 8230 20 95 1770 .61073 149.8 152.3 .52090 HH
HH 17
150.5 152.8
H5 .984041 3C 26 .I779HH 30 IH3 .822056 4. 6 1976 5.530C7 H5
U6 4092 4C 7657 HO 191 2343 150.8 153.3 .53927 H6
35 .62881
4144 7371 H5 215 151 .5 154.0 .54851 H7
H7 45 39 2629 .63790
H8 HI 96 5C H3 7085 50 239 2915 .6H70I 151 .8 154.3 .55777 H8
H2H7 152.5 154.8 .56706 H9
49 6798 3202 .65616
152.8 155.3
50 .98H298 .176512 .823488 4.66533 5.57638 50
H350 3774 .67H5H 153.5 155.3 .58573 51
51 6226 1

HHOI 5940 H060 .68377 153.8 .5951 52
HH52 4347 .6930U 154.5 156.8 .60452 53
53 5653
155.0 157.5 .61397 5H
54 H503 5367 H633 .70234
155.3 157.8
55 .98H55H . 1 75080 .82H92C 4 7 66 . 1 1 5.62344 55
56 H605 H79H 5206 .72102 156.0 158.5 .63295 56
57 H656 H508 5H92 .730HI 156.5 158.8 .64248 57
U707 H22I 5779 .73983 157.0 159.5 .65205 58
58 1

H757 3935 6065 .7H929 157.7 160.0 .66165 59

158.0 I6C.5
60 . 98H808 .I736H8 .826352 4.75877 5.67128 60
8 6
1 1



F >R FOR OIFF. 10"


— +
.826352 4.75877 5.67128
1 4858 3362 6638 .76829 158.7 161 .0
.68094 1

4909 3075 6925 .77784 159.2 161.7 .6906U

2 2
4959 2789 721 .78742 159.7 162.2 .70037
3 1 3
5009 2502 7498 .79703 160.2 162.7 .71013
4 4
160.7 163.2
5 .985059 . 1 722 1 .827784 4.80667 5.71992 5
6 5109 1929 8071 .81635 161.3 163.7 .72974 6
7 5159 1642 8358 .82606 161.8 164.3 .73960 7
8 5209 1356 8644 .83581 162.5 164.8 .74949 8
9 5259 :069 8931 .84558 162.8 165.3 .75941 9
163.5 166.0
10 .985309 .170783 .829217 4.85539 5.76937 10
1 5358 "Corr.
1 0496 "Corr. 9504 .86524 164.2 166.5 .77936 II
12 5408 10 8 0210 10 48 9790 .8751
164.5 167.0 .78938 12
5457 15 .169923 15 72 .830077 165.2 167.7 .79944 13
13 12 .88502
14 5507 2C 16 9636 20 96 0364 .89497 165.8 168.2 .80953 14
166.3 168.8
15 .985556 3C 25 .169350 30 143 .830650 4.9C495 5.81966 15
16 5605 UO 33 9063 40 191 0937 .91496 166.8 169.3 .82982 16
17 5654 45 37 8776 45 215 1224 .92501 167.5 169.8 .84001 17
18 5704 50 41 8489 50 239 1511 .93509 168.0 170.5 .85024 18
5752 8203 .94521 168.7 171.2 .86051
19 1797 19
169.3 171 .5
20 .985801 . 1 679 1 .832084 4.95536 5.87080 20
21 5850 7629 2371 .96555 169.8 172.3 .881 14 21
5899 7342 2658 .97577 170.3 172.8 .89151
22 22
5948 7056 2944| .98603 171.0 173.3 .90191
23 23
24 5996 6769 3231 .99633 171 .7 174.2 .91236 24
172.2 174.5
25 .986044 .166482 .833518 5.C0666 5.92283 25
26 6093 6195 3805 .01702 172.7 175.3 .93335 26
27 6141 5908 4092 .02743 173.5 175.8 .94390 27
28 6189 5621 4379 .03787 174.0 176.3 .95448 28
29 6238 5334 4666 .04834 174.5 177.0 .96510 29
175.3 177.7
30 .986286 .165048 .834952 5.05886 5.97576 30
175.8 178.3 .98646 31
31 6334 4761 5239 .06941
176.5 179.0 .99720 32
32 6382 4474 5526 .08000
177.0 179.5
33 6429 4187 5813 .09062 6.00797 33
177.7 180.2
34 6477 3900 6100 .10128 .01878 34
178.5 180.7
35 .986525 .163613 .836387 5.1 199 1 6.02962 35
6572 3326 6674 .12273 179.0 181 .5
36 36
3039 .13350 179.5 182.0 .05143 37
37 6620 6961
6667 2752 7248 4432 180.3 182.8 .06240 38
38 . i

6714 2465 7535 .15517 180.8 183.3 .07340 39

181 .7 184.0
UO .986762 .162178 .837822 5.16607 6.08U44 40
6809 n Corr. 182.2 184.7
6856 TO
6903 15 12
— 1891 "Corr.
1604 TD 05
1317 15 72
8109 .17700
. 1
. 779
1 1
44 6950 20 16 1030 20 96 8970 .21004 184.3 186.7 .12899 44
184.8 187.3
45 .986996 30 23 .160743 30 144 .839257 5.22113 6.14023 45
7043 UO 9544 185.5 188.0 .15151 46
46 31 0456 40 191 .23226
7090 U5 45 215 .24343 186.2 188.7 16283 47
47 35 0168 9832 .

7136 50 5988 50 239 .25464 186.8 189.3 .17419 48

48 39 . 1 .8401 19
187.7 190.0 .18559 49
49 7183 9594 0406 .26590
188.2 190.7
50 .987229 .159307 .840693 5.27719 6 . 1 9703 50
51 7275 9020 0980 .28853 189.0 191.3 .20851 51
7322 8732 1268 .29991 189.7 192.0 .22003 52
7368 8445 1555 .31 133
190.3 192.8 .23160 53
7414 191.0 193.5
54 8158 1842 .32279 .24321 54
191 .7 194.2
55 .987460 .157871 .842129 5.33429 6.25486 55
2416 .34584 192.5 194.8 .26655
56 7506 7584 56
193.2 195.7 .27829
57 7551 7296 2704 .35743 57
7597 7009 193.8 196.3 .29007
58 2991 .36906 58
194.5 I97..0
59 7643 6722 3278 .38073 .30189 59
195.3 197.7
60 . 987688 .156434 .843566 5.39245 6.31375 60




+ — +
.987688 .156434 .843566 5.39245 6.31375
6147 196.2 198.5
7734 3853 .40422 .32566 I

4140 196.7 199.2

2 7779 5860 .41602 .33761 2
7824 5572 4428 .42787 197.5 200.0 .34961
3 3
198.3 200.
4 7870 5285 4715 .43977 .36165 4
199.0 201 .5
5 .987915 . 1 54998 .£u::C2 5.45171 6.37374 5
7960 4710 5290 .46369 199.7 202. .38587 6
7 8C05 4423 5577 .47572 200.5 202.8 .39804 7
8C5C 4136 5864 .48779 201 .2 2C3.7 .41026 8
8094 3848 6152 .49991 202. 204.5 .42253 9
202. 205.
10 .988139 .153561 .846439 5.51208 6.43484 10
1 1 8184 " Corr. 3273 "Corr. 6727 .52429 203. 206.0 .44720 II
12 8228 10 7 2986 10 48 7CI4 .53655 204. 206.8 .45961 12
13 8273 15 ll| 2698 15 72 73C2 .54886 2C5.2 207.5 .47206 13
IU 8317 20 15 241 20 96 1 7589 .56121 2C5.8 208. .48456 14
2C6.7 209.0
15 .988362 30 22 .152123 30 144 .847877 5.57361 6.497IC 15
16 8UC6 40 29 1836 40 192 8164 .586C6 207.5 210.0 .50970 16
17 8450 45 33 I5U8 45 216 8452 .59855 2C8.2 210.7 .52234 17
18 8494 50 37 1261 50 240 8739 .61 110
2C9.2 211.5 .53503 18
19 8538 0973 9027 .62369 209.8 212.3 .54777 19
210.7 213.0
20 . 988582 .150686 .849314 5.63633 6.56055 20
8626 0398 9602 .64902 21 1.5 214.0 .57339 21
8669 0111 9889 .66176 212.3 214.7 .58627 22
22 215.7
8713 49823 .850177 .67454 213.0 .59921 23
23 . 1

214.0 216.3
24 8756 9535 C465 .68738 .61219 24
214.8 217.3
25 .9888CC .149248 .850752 5.70027 6.62523 25
88U3 215.7 218.0 .63831 26
26 8960 IC40 .71321
216.9 218.8
27 8886 8672 1328 .72620 .65144 27
217.3 219.8
28 8930 8385 1615 .73924 .66463 28
218.2 220.7 .67787 29
29 8973 8097 1903 .75233
219.0 221.5
30 .989016 . 1 478C9 .852191 5.76547 6.691 16 30
7522 2478 .77866 219.8 222.3 .70450 31
31 9059
9102 7234 2766 .79191 220.8 223.2 .71789 32
32 224.0
221 .7 .73133 33
33 9144 6946 3054 .80521
9187 6658 3342 .81856 222.5 225.0 .74483 34
223.3 225.8
35 .989230 .146371 .853629 5.83196 6.75838 35
36 9272 6083 3917 .84542 224.3 226.8 .77199 36
37 9315 5795 42C5 .85893 225.2 227.5 .78564 37
38 9357 5508 4492 .87250 226.2 228.7 .79936 38
39 9399 5220 4780 .88612 227.0 229.3 .81312 39
227.8 230.3
40 .989442 . 1 44932 .855068 5.89979 6.82694 40
4644 B Corr. 5356 .91352 228.8 231 .3 .64082
41 9484 " Co r r .
7 5644
229.8 .85475 42
42 9526 TO 4356 TO 48 .92731
230.7 233.2
43 9568 15 10 4068 15 72 5932 .941 15 .86874 43
231 .7 234.0 .88278 44
44 9610 20 14 3780 20 96 6220 .95505 232.5 235.0
45 .989651 30 21 43493 30 144 .856507 5.9690C 6.89668 45
. 1

233.5 236.0 .91 104 46

46 9693 40 28 3205 40 192 6795 .98301
234.5 236.8
47 9735 45 31 2917 45 216 7083 .9970e .92525 47
235.3 237.8 .93952 U8
48 9776 50 35 2629 50 240 7371 6.01 120
236.3 238.8 .95385 49
49 9818 2341 7659 .02538 239.7
50 .989859 . 1 42053 .857947 6.C3962 6.96823 50
8235 .05392 238.3 240.8 .98268 51
51 9900 1765
9942 1477 8523 .06828 239.3 .99716 52
52 240. 242.7
53 9983 1189 8811 .08269 7.CII71J 53
9099 .09717 241 .3 243.8 .02637 54
54 .990024 0901
242.3 244.7
55 .990065 .140613 .859387 6.1 171 7.C4IC5 55

243.2 245.7
56 0106 0325 9675 .12630 244.3 246.7
57 0146 0037 9963 4096
. .C7C5S 57

245.3 247.8 .08546 58

58 0187 .139749 .860251 5568
. 1

246.3 248.7
59 0228 9U6I 0539 7046
. . 0036 59

247.3 249.8
60 .990268 .139173 .860827 6.18530 7.1 1537 60
. . 3 3





.990268 f .139173 + .860827 6.18530 7.11537

0308 8885 II 15 .20020 248.3 250.8 .13042

03M9 8597 11403 .21517 249.5 251.8 .14553


2 250.3 253.0 2
3 0389 8309 1691 .23019 .16071 3
251.7 253.8
4 0429 8021 1979 .24529 .17594 U
252.5 255.2
5 .990469 .137733 .862267 6.26044 7.19125 5
0510 7444 253.7 256.0
6 2556 .27566
.20661 6
7 0549 7156 2844 .29095 254.8 ..22204 7
0589 3132 .30630
255.8 258.3 .23754
8 6868 8
"580 3420 .32171 256.8 259.3 .25310
9 0629 9
258.0 260.5
10 .990669 .136292 .863708 6.33719 7.26873 10
1 07C8 JLCorr
1 6004 1 Co rr 3996 .35274 259.2 261.5 .28442 II
12 07U8 10 7 5716 10 48 4284 .36835 260.2 262.7 .30018 12
13 0787 15 10 5427 15 72 4573 .38403 261.3 263.7 .31600 13
1U 0827 20 13 5139 20 96 4861 .39978 262.5 265.0 .33190 14
263.7 266.0
15 .990866 30 20 .134851 30 144 .865149 6.41560 7.34786 15
16 0905 UC 26 4563 UC 192 5437 .43148 264.7 267.2 .36389 16
17 C9UM 45 29 4274 U5 216 5726 .44743 265.8 268.3 .37999 17
18 C983 50 33 3986 50 240 6014 .46346 267.2 269.5 .39616 18
19 1022 3698 6302 .47955 268.2 270.7 .41240 19
269.3 271 .8
20 .991061 .133410 .866590 6.49571 7.42871 20
21 HOC 3121 6879 .51 194 270.5 273.0 .144509 21
22 1138 2833 7167 .52825 271.8 274.2 .46154 22
23 1 177 2545 7455 .54462 272.8 275.3 .U78C6 23
24 1216 2256 7744 .56107 274.2 276.5 .49465 24
275.3 277.8
25 .991254 .131968 .868032 6.57759 7.51 132 25
26 1292 1680 8320 .59418 276.5 279.0 .52806 26
27 1331 1391 8609 .61085 277.8 280.2 .54487 27
1369 103 8897 .62759 279.0 281 .5
.56176 28
28 1

0815 9185 .54441 280.3 282.8 .57872 29

29 11407
281.5 283.8
30 .991445 .130526 .869474 6.66130 7.59575 30
31 1483 0238 9762 .67826 282.7 285.3 .61287 31
32 1521 .129949 .870051 .69530 284.0 286.3 .63005 32
33 1558 9661 0339 .71242 285.3 287.8 .64732 33
34 1596 9372 0628 .72962 286.7 289.0 .66466 34
287.8 290.3
35 .991634 .129084 .870916 6.74689 7.682C8 35
36 1671 8796 1204 .76424 289.2 291.2 .69957 36
37 1709 8507 1493 .78167 290.5 293.0 .71715 37
38 I7M6 8219 1781 .79918 291.8 294.2 .73480 38
39 1783 793C 2C70 .81677 293.2 295.7 .75254 39
294.3 296.8
MO .99I82C .127642 .872358 6.83443 7.77035 40
Ml 1857 " Co r r 7353 " Corr. 2647 .85218 295.8 298.3 .78825 41
M2 1894 10 6 7C65 FD" 48 2935 .87001 297.2 299.5 .80622 42
143 1931 15 9 6776 15 72 3224 .88792 298.5 301 .0 .82428 43
44 1968 20 12 6488 20 96 3512 .90592 3C0.0 302. .84242 44
301.3 303.7
48 .992005 30 18 .126199 30 144 .873801 6.92400 7.86064 45
U6 2042 uc 25 5910 U 192 4090 .94216 302.7 305.2 .87895 46
147 2C78 U5 28 5622 45 216 4378 .96040 304.0 306.5 .89734 47
148 2115 50 31 5333 50 241 4667 .97873 305.5 308.0 .91582 48
149 2151 5045 4955 .99714 306.8 309.3 .93438 49
308. 310.7
50 .992187 .124756 .875244 7.01564 7.95302 50
51 2224 4467 5533 .03423 309.8 312.3 .97 76 51

VI 226C 4179 5821 .05291

311.3 313.7 .99C58 52
2296 389C 312.7 315.0 8.C0948 53
53 6110 .C7I67
54 2332 36C2
314.2 316.7
6398 .09052 .02848 54
315.7 318.0
55 .992368 .123313 .876687 7.10946 8.04756 55
56 240M 3024 6976 .12849 317.2 319.7 .06674 56
57 2439 2736 7264 .14760 318.5 321 .0 .08600 57
58 2475 2447 7553 .16681 320.2 322.7 .10536 58
59 251 1 2158 7842 .18612 321 .8 324.2 .12481 59
323.2 325.7
60 .992546 .121869 .878131 7.2C55I 8.14435 60





+ .878131 7.20551 8.14435
1 2582 1581 bh g .225CC 324.8 327.2 .16398 1

2 2617 1292 87C8 .24457 326.2 328.7 .18370 2

3 2652 ICC3 8997 .26425 328.0 330.3 .2C352 3
U 2687 C7I4 9286 .28402 329.5 332.0 .22344 4
331.0 333.5
5 .992722 .I2C426 .879574 7. 3C388 8.24345 5
2757 332.7 335.0
CI 37 98631 .32384 334.3 336.8 .26355 6
7 2792 . 9848
1 1 .8801521 .34390 .28376 7
2827 335.8 338.3
8 9559 0441 1 .36405
337.7 340.0 .3C4C6 8
3 2862 927C C730| .38431 .32446 9
339.2 341 .7
10 .992896 . 1 1 e982 .88ICI8 7.4C466 8.34496 10
1 1 2931 n
Corr. 8693 "Corr. l3C7;j .42511 340. 343.2 .36555 1 1

12 2966 10 6 eucu 10 U8 1596 .44566 342.5 345. .38625 12

13 3CCC 15 9 8115 15 72 1885 .U6632
344.3 346.7 .407C5 13
14 3034 20 1 1 7826 20 96 2 1741 .48707
345.8 348.3 .42795 IU
347.7 350.
15 .993C68 30 17 .1 17537 30 IU4 .882U63 7.50793 8.44896 15
16 3IC3 uo 23 7248 4 193 2752 .52889 349.3 351.8 .47CC7 16
17 3137 U5 26 696C U5 217 3C4C .54996 351.2 353.5 .49128 17
18 3171 tz 29 6671 51 241 3329 .571 13 352.8 355.2 .51259 18
13 32CU 6382 36161 .59241 354.7 357.2 .534C2 19
356.3 358.8
20 .993238 .116093 .8839C7 7.61379 8.55555 20
21 3272 58C4 4196 .63528 358.2 360.5 .577ie 21
22 33C6 5515 4485 .65688 360. 362.5 .59893 22
23 3339 5226 4774 .67859 361.8 364.2 .62C78 23
2U 3373 U937 5C63 .7CC4I 363.7 366.2 .64275 24
365.5 367.8
25 .993UC6 . 1 1 4648 .885352 7.72234 8.66482 25
26 3440 4359 5641 .74438
367.3 369.8 .687CI 26
UC7C 593C
369.2 371 .7
27 3473 .76653 371.2 373.5 .7C93I 27
23 35C6 3781 6219 7888C . .73172 28
373.0 375.5
29 3539 3492 65C8 .81118
374.8 377.3 .75425 29
20 .993572 . 1 1 3203 .886797 7.83367 8.77689 30
31 3605 2914 7C86 .85628 376.8 379.2 .79964 31
32 3638 2625 7375 .879CI 378.8 381.3 .82252 32
33 3670 2336 7664 .9CI86 38C.8 383.2 .84551 33
34 37C3 2C47 7953 .92482 382.7 385.2 .86862 34
384.8 387.2
35 .993736 . 1 1 1758 .888242 7.94791 8.89185 35
386.7 3e9.2 .9I52C 36
36 3768 1469 8531 .971 1

388.8 391.2
27 38CC iiec 882C .99444 .93867 37
C89I 9IC9 8.CI788 39C.7 393.3 .96227 38
23 3833 393. C 395.2
30 3865 C6C2 9398 .C4I46 .98598 39
394.8 397.5
HO .993897 .IIC3I3 .889687 8.C65I5 9.CC983 40
41 3929 Corr CC23 lorr. | 9977 .C8897 397.0 399.3 .C3379 Ul
3961 10 5 .109734 7c 48 .89C266 .11292 399.2 4CI .7 .C5789 42
H2 4CI .2 1103.7
uo 3993 15 8 9445 15 72 C555 .13699 .0821 43
9156 20 96 C844 .16120 403.5 4C5.e .10646 44
4. UC25 2C II
4C5.5 407.8
US .994056 30 16 .ICS867 30 145 .891133 8.18553 9.I3C93 45
4C7.7 410.2 .15554
46 ucee UO 21 8578 4 193 1422 .2C999 46
4IC.C 412.3 .l8C2e 47
47 41 20 U5 2U 8288 45 217 1712 .23459
412.0 414.7
KG u 5i 50 26 7999 50 2M 2CCI .25931 .2C5I6 48
414.3 416.7 .23016 49
ng Ml 82 77IC 2290 .28417 419.0
.994214 .107421 .892579 8.3C9I7 42K3 9.2553C 50
418.8 .28058
51 4245 7132 2eee .3343C 421.2 423.5 51
52 4276 68U2 3i5e .35957 .3C599 52
423.3 425.8 .33154
53 43C7 6553 3447 .38497 425.8 428.3 53
5D U338 6264 3736 .4IC52 .35724 54
428. C 43C.5
55 .994369 .105975 .894025 e.4362C 9.383C7 55
430. 432.8
M 44CC 5686
432.8 435.2
.40904 56
.43515 57
57 4430 .
435.2 437.7
58 4461 5107 4693 .51411 .46141 58
437.7 44C.C 4878
59 4491 4818 5182 .54C37 442.5
. 59
60 994522 .I0U528 .895472 8.56677 9.51436 60
. . 3





- + .895472 8.56677 9.51436
.994522 . 1
442.5 445.0
4552 14239 5761 .59332 .54106

445.0 447.5 1

2 4582 3950 6050 .62002 .56791 2

447.5 449.8
3 L16I3 3660 6340 .64687 .59490 3
450.0 452.5
U 4643 3371 6629 .67387 .62205 U
452.7 455.0
5 .994673 . 1 03082 .896918 8.70103 9.64935 5
4703 2792 455.0 457.5
6 7208 .72833
457.7 460.2 .67680 6
7 4733 2503 7497 .75579 .70441 7
460.3 462.7
8 4762 22 m 7786 .78341
463.1 465.3 .73217 8
9 4792 I92U 8076 .8IM9 465.5 468.0 .76009 9
10 .994822 .101635 .898365 8.83912 9.78817 10
n 468.3 470.7
1 1 U85I " Corr. 1346 Co r r 8654 .86722 470.8 473.5 .81641 II
4881 TO 5 1056 8944 .89547
12 10 148
473.7 476.0 .84482 12
13 4910 15 7 0767 15 72 9233 .92389 476.5 478.8 .87338 13
!U 4939 20 10 04478 20 96 9522 .95248 479.2 481 .7 .90211 14
15 .994968 30 15 .100188 30 145 .899812 8.98123 9.93101 15
4998 no 20 .099899 40 193 .900101 9.01015
482.0 484.3 .96007
16 16
217 484.7 487.2
17 5C27 M5 22 9609 45 0391 .03923 .98930 17
5C56 9320 487.7 10.0187
18 50 24 50 241 0680 .06849 18
5084 9030 0970 .09792
490.5 49.3
19 .0483 19
493.3 49.5
20 .9951 13 .0987MI .901259 9 . 2752 10.0780 20

496.3 50.0
21 84451 1549 . 5730
1 .1080 21
5I7C 8162 1838 .18725
499.2 50.2
.1381 22
5199 7872
502. 50.3
23 2128 .21739 .1683 23
5227 505.2 50.8
24 7583 2417 .24770 .1988 24
508.2 51 .0
25 .995256 .097293 .902707 9.27819 10.2294 25
51 1.3 51 .3
26 5284 7004 2996 .30887 .2602 26
5312 6714 .33973
514.2 51.8 .2913
27 3286 27
534C 3575 .37077
517.3 51.8
28 6425 .3224 28
5368 6135 3865 .40201
520.7 52.3 .3538
29 523.7 52.7 29
30 .995396 .C958U6 .904154 9.43343 10.3854 30
31 5424 5556 4444 .46505 527.0 53.0 .4172 31
32 5452 5267 4733 49685.
530.0 53.2 .4491 32
33 548C 14977 5023 .52886 533.5 53.7 .4813 33
34 5507 14688 5312 .56106 536.7 53.8 .5136 34
540.0 54.3
35 .995534 .094398 .905602 9.59346 10.5462 35
543.2 54.5
36 5562 14108 5892 .62605 .5789 36
546.5 54.8
37 5589 3819 6181 .65885 550.2 55.3 .61 18 37
38 5616 3529 6471 .69186 553.5 55.5 .6450 38
39 5644 32140 6760 .72507 557.0 56.0 .6783 39
UO .995671 .092950 .907050 9.75849 10.71 19 40
n 560.5 56.3 .7457 41
41 5698 Co r r 2660 "Corr. 7340 .79212 564.0 56.7
U2 5725 10 4 2371 TO" 48 7629 .82596 .7797 42
567.5 57.0
U3 5752 15 7 2081 15 72 7919 .86001
571.2 57.3 .8139 43
44 5778 20 9 1791 20 97 8209 .89428 574.8 57.7 .8483 44
45 .995805 30 13 .091502 30 145 .908498 9.92877 10.8829 45
578.5 58.2
U6 5832 U0 18 1212 40 193 8788 .96348 582.2 58.3 .9178 46
47 5858 M5 20 0922 45 217 9078 .99841 59.0 .9528 47
48 5884 50 22 0633 50 241 9367 10.0336 58.8 59.2 .9882 48
149 591 1 03143 9657 .0689 59.3 59.5 11.0237 49
50 .995937 .090053 .909947 10.1045 .0594 50
59.8 60.0 1 1

51 5963 .0897614 .910236 1404 . .0954 51

60.2 60.3
52 5989 914714 0526 .1765 .1316 52
60.5 60.8
53 6015 91814 0816 .2128
60.8 61.2 .1681 53
5U 6Cm 889U 106
1 .2493
61 .3 61 .5
.2048 54
55 .996067 .088605 .91 1395 10.2861 .2417 55
61.7 62.0 1 1

56 6093 8315 1685 .3231

62.2 62.3 .2789 56
57 6118 8025 1975 .3604 62.5 62.8 .3163 57
58 6144 7735 2265 .3979 63.0 63.2 .3540 58
59 6169 7M146 2554 .4357 63.3 63.7 .3919 59
60 .996195 .087156 .912844 llC. 4737 1 1.4301 60





+ — +
.996195 .087156 .912844 10.4737 1 1 .4301
1 6220 6866 3134 .5120 63.9 .4665 I

6245 6576 3424 .5505 64.3 .5072 2

6270 6286 3714 .5893 64.8 .5461 3
6295 5997 4003 .6284 65.3 .5853 4
5 .996320 .085707 .914293 10.6677 II .6248 5
6345 5417 4583 .7073 66.1 .6645 6
7 6370 5127 4873 .7471 66.5 .7045 7
3 6395 4837 5163 .7873 67.0 .7448 8
6420 4547 5453 .8277 67.4 .7853
9 9
10 .996444 .084258 .915742 10.8684 1 1 .8262 10
II 6468 n Corr. 3968 "Corr. 6032 .9093 68.3 .8673 II
6493 10 4 3678 10 Ug 6322 .9506
68.8 .9087 12
6517 15 3388 15 72 6612 69.3 .9504
13 6 .9921 13
6541 20 8 3098 20 97 6902 .0340
69.8 .9923 14
14 1 1

15 .996566 30 12 .082808 30 145 .917192 1 1.0761 12.0346 15
16 6590 40 16 2518 40 193 7482 .1185 70.8 .0772 16
6614 45 18 2228 45 217 7772 .1612 71.3 .1201 17
13 6637 50 20 1938 50 242 8062 .2043 71.8 .1632 18
19 6661 1649 8351 .2476 72.3 .2067 19
20 .996685 .081359 .918641 1 1.2913 12.2505 20
6708 1069 8931 .3352 73.3 .2946 21
6732 0779 9221 .3795 73.9 .3390 22
6756 0489 9511 .4241
74.5 .3838 23
24 6779 0199 9801 .4690 .4288 24
25 .996802 .079909 .920091 1 1 .5 42
1 1 2 4742 25

9619 76.1
26 6825 0381 .5598 .5199 26
6848 9329 0671 .6057 76.6 .5660 27
6872 9039 0961 .6520 77.2 .6124 28
6894 8749 1251 .6986 77.8 .6591 29
23 78.3
30 .996917 .078459 .921541 1 1.7455 12.7062 30
31 6940 8169 1831 .7928 78.9 .7536 31
32 6963 7879 2121 .8404 79.5 .8dm 32
33 6985 7589 241 1 .8884 80.2 .8496 33
34 7008 7299 2701 .9368 80. .8981 34
81 .4
35 .997030 .077009 .922991 11.9855 12.9469 35
35 7053 6719 3281 12.0346 82.0 .9962 38
37 7075 6429 3571 .0840 82.6 13.0458 37
38 7097 6139 3861 .1339 83.3 .0958 38
39 71 19 5849 4151 .1841 83.9 .1461 39
40 .997141 .075559 .924441 12.2347 13.1969 40
85.1 41
Ul 7163 "Corr. 5269 "Corr. 4731 .2857 .2480
42 7185 10 4 4979 10 48 502 1 .3371 85.8 .2996 42
43 7207 15 5 4689 15 73 531 1 .3889 86.4 .3515 43
4399 20 97 87.1 44
44 7229 20 7 5601 .4411 .4039
45 .997250 30 1 1 .074108 30 145 .925892 12.4937 13.4566 45
46 7272 40 14 3818 40 193 6182 .5468 88.5 .5098 46
47 7293 45 16 3528 45 218 6472 .6002 89.2 .5634 47
48 7314 50 18 3238 50 242 6762 .6541 89.9 .6174 48
49 7336 2948 7052 .7064 90.6 .6719 49
50 .997357 .072658 .927342 12.7631 13.7267 50
51 7378 2368 7632 .8183 .7821 51
7399 2078 7922 .8739 92.8 .8378 52
7420 1788 8212 .9300 93.6 .8940 53
7441 1497 8503 .9865 94.4 .9507 54
55 .997462 .071207 .928793 13.0435 14.0079 55
7482 0917 9083 .1010 95.9 .0655 56
56 96.6
57 7503 0627 9373 .1589 .1235 57
0337 9663
97.5 58
53 7523 .2173 .1821
0047 9953 98.3
59 7544 .2762 .241 1 59
60 .997564 .069756 .930244 13.3356 1 4 . 3CC7 60
9 1




+ + .930244 13.3356
.997564 .069756 14.3007
7584 9466 0534 .3955 99.9 .3607 1

9176 0824 .4559 100.8

2 7604 .4212 2
3 7624 8886 1 1 14 .5168 .4823 3
14 7644 8596 1404 .5782 .5438 4
5 .997664 .068306 .931694 13.6401 14.6059 5
6 7684 8015 1985 .7026 .6685 6
7 7704 7725 2275 .7656 .7317 7
8 7724 7435 2565 .8291 .7954 8
9 7743 7145 2855 .8932
.8596 9
10 .997763 .066854 .933146 13.9579 14.9244 10
7782 n Corr. 6564 "Corr. 3436 14.0231 .9898 1 1
1 1

12 7802 10 3 6274 10 48 3726 .0889
15.0557 12
13 7821 15 5 5984 15 73 4016 .1553
1 1.8
.1222 13

14 7840 20 6 5693 20 97 4307 .2222 1 12.8

.1893 14
15 .997859 30 9 .065403 30 145 .934597 14.2898 15.2571 15
16 7878 40 13 5113 UC 194 4887 .3579 .3254 16
17 7897 45 14 4823 45 218 5177 .4267 .3943 17
18 7916 50 16 4532 50 242 5468 .4961 .4638 16
19 7934 4242 5758 .5661 .5340 19
20 .997953 .063952 .936048 14.6368 15.6048 20
21 7972 3661 6339 .7081 .6762 21
22 7990 3371 6629 .7801
.7483 22
23 8008 3081 6919 .8527
.821 23 1

24 8027 2790 7210 .9260 .8945 24

25 .998045 .062500 .937500 14.9999 15.9687 25
26 8063 2210 7790 15.0746 16.0435 26
27 8081 1920 8080 .1500 .1190 27
28 8099 1629 8371 .2261
.1952 28
29 81 17 1339 8661 .3029 .2722 29
30 .998135 .061048 .938952 15.3804 16.3499 30
31 8152 C758 9242 .4587 .4283 31
131 .9
32 8170 0468 9532 .5377 .5075 32
33 8188 0178 9822 .6175 .5874 33
34 8205 .059887 .940113 .6981 .6681 3U
35 .998222 .059597 .940403 15.7794 16.7496 35
36 8240 9306 0694 .8616 .8319 36
37 8257 9016 0984 .9446 .9150 37
38 8274 8726 1274 16.0283 .9990 38
39 8291 8435 1565 .1 130 17.0837 29
40 . 9983C8 .058145 .941855 1 6 . 984
1 17.1693 40
Ul 8325 "Corr. 7854 "Corr. 2146 1 .2848 .2558 41
U2 8342 10 3 7564 10 48 2436 .3720 .3432 42

43 8358 15 4 7274 15 73 2726 .4600 .4314 43
44 8375 20 5 6983 20 97 3017 .5490 .5205 44
45 . 998392 30 8 .056693 30 145 .943307 16.6389 17.6106 U5
151 .5
46 8408 40 1 1 6402 40 194 3598 .7298 .7015 46
153.0 .7934
U7 8424 45 12 6112 45 218 3888 .8215 47
U3 8441 50 14 5822 50 242 4178 .9142 .8863 48
49 8457 5531 4469 17.0079 .9802 49
50 .998473 .055241 .944759 17. 1026 18.0750 50
159.6 .1708 51
51 8489 4950 5050 .1983
52 8505 4660 5340 .2950 .2677 52
53 8521 4369 5631 .3927 .3655 53
54 8537 4079 5921 .4915 .4645 54
55 .998552 .053788 .946212 17.5914 18.5645 55
56 8568 3498 6502 .6923
.6656 56
57 8584 3207 6793 .7944 .7678 57
58 8599 2917 7083 .8975 .871 1
59 8614 2626 7374 8 00 1 . 1 .9755 59
60 .998630 .052336 .947664 1 8 . 1 073 1 9 08
. 1




+ - + .947664
.998630 .052336 18.1073 19.0811
8645 2046 7954 .2140 177.9
1 .1879 1

8660 1755 8245 .3218 179.9

181.9 .2959 2
3 8675 1464 8536 .4309 .4051 3
8690 184.0
4 1174 8826 .5412
.5156 4

5 .998705 .050884 .949116 18.6528 19.6273 5

8719 0593 9407 .7656 188.2
6 .7403 6
8734 0302 9698 .8798 190.4
7 .8546 7
8749 0012 192.6
8 9988 .9952 .9702 8
8763 .049721 .950279 19.1121 194.9
20.0872 9
10 . 998778 .049431 .950569 19.2303 20.2056 10
8792 "Corr. 9140 "Corr. 0860 .3499 199.4
1 1 .3253 II
12 8806 10 2 8850 10 48 150
1 .4709 201.8 .4465 12
8820 15 3 8559 15 73 1441 .5934 204.3 13
13 .5691
8834 20 5 8269 20 97 .7174 206.8
14 1731 .6932 14
15 .998848 30 7 .047978 30 145 .952022 19.8428 20.8188 15
21 1.9
16 8862 40 9 7688 40 194 2312 .9698 .9460 16
7397 214.4
17 8876 45 10 45 218 2603 20.0984 21.0747 17
889C 50 7IC6 50 242 2894 216.9
18 12 .2285 .2049 18
8904 219.7
19 6816 3184 .3603 .3369 19
20 .998917 .046525 .953475 20.4937 21.4704 20
8931 6235 3765 .6288
21 .6056 21
8944 5944 4056
22 .7656 .7426 22
8957 5654 4346
23 .9041 .8813 23
2U 8971 5363 4637 21 .0444 22.0217 24
25 .998984 .045072 .954928 21.1865 22.1640 25
8997 4782 5218 .3305 240.1
26 .3081 26
9010 243.2
27 4491 5509 .4764 .4541 27
9023 4201 5799 .6241
28 .6020 28
9036 3910 6090 .7739
29 .7519 29
- 253.0
30 .999048 .043619 .956381 2 9256 . 22.9038 30

31 906 3329 6671 22.0794 23.0577 31

32 9073 3038 6962 .2352
.2137 32
33 9086 2748 7252 .3932 .3718 33
34 9098 2457 7543 .5533
270.6 .5321 34
35 .9991 1 .042166 .957834 22.7156 23.6945 35
9123 1876 8124 .8802 274.5 .8593 36
9135 1585 8415 23.0471 278.3 24.0263 37
9 147 1294 8706 .2164 282.3 .1957 38
38 286.2
39 9159 ICC4 8996 .3880 .3675 39
40 .999171 .040713 .959287 23.5621
294.3 24.5418 40
41 9183 n Corr. 0422 "Corr. 9578 .7387
.7185 41
42 9194 10 2 0132 10 48 9868 .9179 .8978 42
43 9206 15 3 .039841 15 73 960 60 24.0997

307.5 25.0798 43
44 9218 20 4 9550 20 97 0450 .2841
312. 1
.2644 44
45 .999229 30 6 .039260 30 145 .960740 24.4713 25.4517 45
316.8 .6418 46
46 924C 40 8 8969 40 194 1031 .6613
47 9252 45 9 8678 45 218 1322 .8542 .8348 47
326.3 26.0307 48
48 9263 50 10 8388 50 242 1612 25.0499 331 .4
49 9274 8097 1903 .2487 .2296 49
50 .999285 .037806 .962194 25.4505 26.4316 50
341 .7
51 9296 7516 2484 .6555 .6367 51
347.0 .8450 52
52 9307 7225 2775 .8636
352.5 27.0566 53
53 9318 6934 3066 26.0750
54 9328 6644 3356 .2898 .2715 54
55 .999339 .036353 .963647 26.5080 27.4899 55
56 9350 6062 3938 .7298 375.7
.71 17 56
57 9360 5772 4228 .9551 .9372 57
381 .9
58 9370 5481 4519 27.1842 388.2
28. 1664 58
59 9381 5190 48 10 .4170 .3994 59
60 .999391 1.034900 .965100 27.6537 28.6363 60
. 11





- + .965100 27.6537
4609 401
1 9401 5391 27.8944 28.8771 1

4318 5682 28.1392 408

2 941 1 29.1220 2
9U2I 4027 5973 28.3881 415 29.371
3 3
9431 3737 6263 28.6414 422 29.6245
4 4
5 .999440 .033446 .966554 28.8990 29.8823 5
9450 437
6 3155 6845 29.1612 30. 1446 6
7 9460 2864 7136 29.4280 30.41 16 7
8 9469 2574 7426 29.6996 30.6833 8
9 9479 2283 7717 29.9761 30.9599 9
10 .999488 .031992 .968CC8 30.2576 31.2416 10
1 9497 n Co r r
1 1702 Corr. 8298 30.5442 31.5284 ! 1

9507 10 487
12 1 141 148 10 8589 30.8362 31.8205 12
9516 15 496
13 2 1120 73 15 8880 31.1337 32.1 181 13
9525 20 0829 20 97 505
IU 3 9171 31.4367 32.4213 IU
15 .999534 30 4 .030538 30 145 .969462 31.7455 32.7303 15
9542 40 0248 40 9752
16 6 194 32.0603 33.0452 16
9551 45 .029957 218 535
17 7 45 .970043 32.3812 33.3662 17
9560 50 545
18 7 9666 50 242 0334 32.7083 33.6935 18
9568 556
19 9376 0624 33.0420 34.0273 19
20 .999577 .029085 .970915 33.3823 34.3678 20
9585 8794 I2C6 33.7295
2! 34.7151 21
22 9594 8503 1497 34.0838 35.0695 22
9602 8212 1788 34.U454
23 35.4313 23
9610 7922 2078 34.8145 615
2U 35.8006 24
25 .999618 .027631 .972369 35.1914 36 . 1 776 25
26 9626 7340 2660 35.5763 36.5627 26
9634 655
27 7C49 2951 35.9695 36.9560 27
9642 670
28 6758 3242 36.3713 37.3579 28
29 9650 6468 3532 36.7818 37.7686 29
30 .999657 .026177 .973823 37.2016 38.1885 30
31 9665 5886 41 14 37.6307
715 38.6177 31
32 9672 5595 4405 38.0696 39.0568 32
33 9680 5305 4695 38.5185 748 39.5059 33
3U 9687 5014 4986 38.9780 766 39.9655 34
35 .999694 .024723 .975277 39 41482
. 40.4358 35
4U32 803
36 9702 5568 39.9296 U0.9I7U 36
37 9709 4141 5859 40.4227 4 .Ul 06 37

38 9716 3851 6149 40.9277 41 .9158 38

9722 863
39 3560 6440 41 .4452
884 42.4335 39
40 .999729 .023269 .976731 41.9757 42.9641 40
m 9736 n Core 2978 " Co r r . 7C22 42 5 96
. 1

43 508 41

42 97M3 10 1 2687 10 48 7313 M3.0775 44.0661 42

U3 97U9 15 2 2396 15 73 7604 43.6498 44.6386 43
uu 9756 20 2 21 06 20 97 7894 44.2372 I0C5
45.2261 44
U5 .999762 30 3 . 02 8 5
1 1 30 145 .978185 44.8403 45.8294 45
1032 46.4U89
U6 9768 40 4 1524 40 194 8476 45.4596 46
47 977U 45 5 1233 45 218 8767 46.0960 47.0853 47
48 9781 50 5 09U2 50 242 9058 46.7500 47.7395 48
U9 9787 0652 9348 47.4224 U8.4I2I 49
50 .999793 .020361 .979639 48.1 141 49.1039 50
9799 0070 49.8157 51

51 9930 48.8258 1221

52 9804 .019779 .980221 49.5584
50.5485 52
53 9810 9488 0512 50.3129 1296
51 .3032 53
5U 9816 9197 0803 51 .0903 1336
52.0807 54
55 .999821 .018907 .981093 51 .8916 1378
52.8821 55
56 9827 8616 1384 52.7179 53.7086 56
57 9832 8325 1675 53.5705 1467
54.5613 57
58 9837 8034 1966 54.U505 1515
55.41415 58
59 9843 7743 2257 55.3595 1566
56.3506 59
60 .999848 .017452 .982548 56.2987 57.2900 60






.01 7452
— +
.3323-5 55.235" 57.2922
9553 7162 253 = 3-. 2535 58 26 .

= 1574 1 1

2 9= 5 6871 3129 35 3 --: 55.2555 2

3 9552 658C 342C 33.3 - 32.225= 2
u 9 = 5- 6289 3711 6C.39IC 5 .2525 U
5 .999="2 .3 3335 .984CC2 6I.5C72 52.-592 5
£ Q877 57C7 U293 52.55-5 z' 6567 i
-55- 553- 2CC2
7 955 5416 53 64.658C 7
a 9555 5126 4874 65.II3C 2161
66.IC55 8
9 9890 U835 5165 55.-333 2247 67.4CI9 9
i: .5995 3- .CI 4544 .353-55 67.7574 66.753 IC
1 9898 By 4253 JLCorr. 5747 69.I6C5 2-355
7C.I533! II
,2 9902 1 nspec- 3952 3 -5 6C38 7C.622I 23-2
71.6151 12
13 99.5 tion 3671 15 73 6329 "3. -5 5
7 3.I292 13
25 55
- 9910 338C 20 97 662C 73.7359 2768
74.7292 14
15 .9999 - .CI3C9C 30 145 .355 3 3 --3.3 55 5 15
2~39 2894
£ 99 5 40 194 72CI 77.1327 76.1262 16
"-32 _ 5 3--3~ 3 32 5
17 9922 25CS -3 2 5 -9.9-2- 17
3173 --3
5 9925 2217 5C 242 7783 53 53:5
5 .5 ie
5 9929 1926 8C74 3494
2: 999932 .CI 1635 355353 84.9456 85.9235 25
2, 55:5 1344 55 55 87.1492 555
58. -25 21
3 "3 22
22 99:9 IC5U 6946 5 5 -3=3 -5-3
2 2 9942 C763 9237 91.9139 92.9265 23
2- :-:--: C472 3:33 94.4947
4547 M -5-95 24
25 9999-5 .CICI8I 3335 3 97.2230 98.2
26 993 .333533 .990110 ICC.I 12 ICI.IC7 ct
51 1

27 9954 9599 C4CI C3 76 1 . 1

104.171 27
2= 9957 33 35 35 32 35.-3 IC7.426 25
29 9959 9CI7 C983 IC9.897
IIC. 892 29

2: .999962 .CC8726 .991274 113.593 114.589 30

35- 5-35 17.544 659 II8.54C 31
2. 5 1564 1

7C6 122.774 22
22 9967 8145 1855 121.778
22 9969 7854 2146 i26.225 127.221 22
2- 9971 7563 2437 131.222 132.219 34
25 .999974 .CC7272 .992728 136.511 355
25 9976 6981 3CI9 142.241 143.237 25
9978 669C 33 IC 48 4681 . 149.465 27
22 993 3 6UCC 36CC 155.262 1.240 156.259 25
23 3 95 6IC9 3891 162. 7C3 I63.7CC 29
-: .GC58I8 .994182 I7C.888 i7i. ees -2
- 9985 5527 Corr. 4473 79.935 1.675
-2 9355 5236 I0~~U8" 4764 5 5.55- 1 .872
-3 -3-3 15 73 5 3:3 2CI.22I 2.1 07
2C2.2I9 -3
uu 9989 4654 20 97 5346 213. 86C 2.387 214.858 UK
-5 .999990 33-33 3 30 145 .3935 3- 228.184 2.728 255 52 45
-e 9992 UC72 40 194 5928 244.554 3.148 46
.7 9993 3762 45 218 6218 263.443 264.441 -7
U8 9994 349 50 242 5 5 33 285.479
286.478 48
-5 9995 32CC eecc 311.523 312.521 us
5: .999993 .CC2909 .997C9I 342.775 5U3 77« 5C
6.366 381.971
51 9997 2618 7282 7.958
52 9997 2327 7673 428.719 429.718 52
IC.23I 491. IC6 53
53 9395 2C36 7964 49C.IC7 13.642
5* 9998 1745 8255 571 .958 5-
55 .999993 .001454 .998546 -=5555 26.648
687.549 55
55 9999 1 164 5 = 55 858.437
47.75 859.436 56
57 One C873 9127 144.92 1 1 45 92 57 .
95.49 1716.87 56
58 One C582 9418 1717.87 286. US
M One C29I 97C9 3436.75 3437.75 59
ec One Zero One Inf n. i 1 nf n.i


Let A = angle BAC = arc BF, and let radius

AF = AB = AH = 1. Then,

sin A = BC esc A = AG

cos A = AC sec A = AD

tan A = DP cot A = HG

vers A = CF covers A = BK = LH

exsec A = BD coezsec A = BG

chord A = BF chord 2 A = BI = 2 BC

tanlA =
£F =
vers A
2 BC sin A

In the right-angled triangle ABC, let AB = c, BC = a, CA = b. Then,

1. sin A = A 11. a = c sin A = b tan A

2. cos A = 12. b = c cos A = a cot A

3. tan A = - 13. c = -a— _b_ =

b sin A cos A
4. cot A = 14. a = c cos B = b cot B
5. sec A = 15. b = c sin B - a tan B

6. esc A = £ 16. c = -^— =—b—

a cos B sin B

7. vers A = 1 - cos A =
c - b =
covers B 17 -SJ V{c - b) (c + b)

8. exsec A = sec A - 1 = — coexsec B 18. b = Vc 2 - a2 = /(c -

c ~ a
9. covers A = = vers 19. c = /a2 + b

c " a
10. coexsec A = = exse 20. C = 90° = A +

General Formulas

22. sin A = 2 sin ^A cos -*-A = \/~\~^ cos 2 A = tan A cos A

2 2
2 2 2 2
23. cos A = 2 cos -A - 1 = 1 - 2 sin -A = cos -J-A - sin ^A
2 2 2 2
sln A = sin 2A _ vers 2A
24. tan A
cos A 1 + cos 2A sin 2A
= cos A - sin 2A sin 2A
25 cot A
sin A 1 - cos 2A vers 2A
26. vers A = 1 - cos A = sin A tan ^A = 2 sin -A

27. exsec A = sec A - 1 = tan A tan -A



No. Given Sought Formula

28. A, B. a C, b, c C = 180° - (A + B)

b = —*— x sin B
sin A

c = —-— * sin (A + B) = —— - x sin C

sin A sin A

a* sin B sin C
Area Area = » ab sin C =
2 2 sin A

29. A. a, b B, C, c sin B = M2_i x b


C = 180° - (A + B)

c = —*— x sin C
sin A

Area Area = —&b sin C


30. C, a. b c c =Va.2 + b 2 - 2ab cos C

31. 1 (A + B) - (A + B) = 90° - -C
2 2 2

32. I (A - B) tan i (A - B) =
a " b
» tan i (A + B)
2 2 a + b 2

33. A, B A= -i- (A + B) + *• (A - B)
2 2

B = - (A + B) - i (A - B)
2 2

cos -i- (A + B) sin y (A + B)

34. c
sin -
cos -| (A - B) -j (A B)

35. Area Area = — ab sin C


a + b + c
36. a. b, c A Let s =

37. sin « A = l/( s - b) <

s - c>

2 be

cos 1
A „ y/Si*Z
2 be

UnlA. v/<
3 - b> <
s - c>
2 s(s - a)

2 Vs(s " a) (s ' b) (s " C)

38. 3in A


39. Area Area = v^sfs - a) (s - b) (s - c)



No. Squares. Cubes.

Square Cube Recipro-
Roots. Roots. cals.

Z z X 1. 0000000 I. 0000000 1. 000000000 X

2 4 8 .4142136 .2599210 .500000000 2
4 ,!
125 2.2360680 1.7099759 .200000000 5
i Ii 216 .4494897 .8171206 . 166666667 6
49 343 .6457513 .9129312 .142857143 7
I 64 512 .8284271 2.0000000 . 125000000 8
9 81 729 3.0000000 .0800837 .iiiiiiiii 9
xo 100 1000 3. 1622777 2. 1544347 .100000000 xo
zz X2I 1331 .3166248 . 2239801 .090909091 XX
12 1728 .4641016 . 2894286 .083333333 12

3. 8729833
z8 324 . 2426407 .6207414 5555556 x8
19 36X 6859 .3588989 .6684016 2631579 19
20 400 8000 4.4721360 2.7144177 .050000000 20
21 441 9261 .5825757 .7589243 .047619048 21
22 484 10648 .6904158 .8020393 5454545 22
23 529 12 167 .7958315 .8438670 3478261 23
24 13824 .8989795 .8844991 1666667 24
625 I5625 5.0000000 2.9240177 .040000000
Ii 676 17576 .0990195 .9624960 .038461538 a
729 19683 . 1961524 3.0000000 7037037 27
3 28
4482759 29
3. .033333333
3X 961 29791 .5677644 .1413806 2258065 31
32 1024 32768 .6568542 .1748021 1250000 32
33 Z089 35937 .7445626 .2075343 0303030 33
34 Z156 39304 .8309519 .2396118 .029411765 34
1225 42875 5.9160798 3.2710663 .028571429 35
II 1296 46656 6.0000000 .3019272 7777778 36
3Z Z369 50653 .0827625 .3322218 7027027 37
38 1444 54872 .1644140 .3619754 6315789 38
39 Z521 59319 . 2449980 .3912114 5641026 39
40 1600 64000 6.3245553 3.4199519 .025000000 40
41 1681 68921 .4031242 .4482172 4390244 41
42 1764 74088 .4807407 .4760266 3809524 42
43 1849 79507 .5574385 .5033981 3255814 43
44 1936 85184 .6332496 .5303483 2727273 44
2025 91x25 6. 7082039 3-5568933 .022222222 4f
» 2116
97336 .7823300 .5830479
4Z 103823 .8556546 4Z
48 2304 I 10592 .9282032 .6342411 0833333 48
49 2401 1 17649 7.0000000 .6593057 0408163 49
5° 2500 125000 7.0710678 3.6840314 .020000000 50
51 2601 132651 .1414284 .7084298 .019607843 51
52 2704 140608 .21x1026 .7325m 9230769 52
53 2809 148877 .2801099 .7562858 8867925 53
54 2916 157464 .3484692 .7797631 85 185 19 54
302 5 166375 7.4161985 3.8029525 .0x8181818 55
!i 3136 175616 .4833148 .8258624 7857M3 56
5l 3249 185193 .5498344 .8485011 7543860 5l
58 3364 195112 .6157731 .8708766 7241379 58
59 3481 205379 .6811457 .8929965 6949153 59


Square Cube Recipro-

No. Squares. Cubes. Roots. Roots. cals. No.

60 3600 216000 7.7459667 3.9148676 .016666667 60

61 3721 226981 .8102497 .9364972 6393443 61
62 3844 238328 .8740079 .9578915 6129032 62
63 3969 250047 .9372539 .9790571 5873016 63
64 4096 262144 8.0000000 4.0000000 5625000 64
.015384615 6
. 1240384
.0412401 5151515
69 476i 328509 .3066239 . 1015661 4492754 69
70 4900 343000 8.3666003 4. 1212853 .014285714 70
71 5041 35791 .4261498 . 1408178 4084507 71
72 5184 373248 .4852814 .1601676 3888889 72
73 5329 389017 .5440037 .1793392 3698630 73
5476 405224 .6023253 . 1983364 35I35I4 74
75 5625 421875 8.6602540 4.2171633 .013333333 75
76 5776 438976 .7177979 .2358236 3157895 76
77 5929 456533 .7749644 .2543210 2987013 7Z
78 6084 474552 .8317609 .2726586 2820513 78
79 6241 493039 .8881944 .2908404 2658228 79
80 6400 512000 8.9442719 4.3088695 .012500000 80
81 6561 53I44I 9.0000000 .3267487 2345679 81
82 6724 551368 .0553851 .3444815 2195122 82
83 6889 571787 .1104336 .3620707 2048193 3
7056 592704 .1651514 .3795191 1904762
84 S4
85 7225 614125 9.2195445 4.3968296 .011764706
86 7390 636056 .2736185 .4140049 1627907 Si
87 7569 658503 .3273791 .4310476 1494253 87
88 7744 681472 .3808315 .4479602 1363636 88
89 7921 704969 .4339811 .4647451 1235955 89

90 8100 729000 9.4868330 4.4814047 .OIIIIIIII 90

91 8281 753571 .5393920 .4979414 098901 91
92 8464 778688 .5916630 .5143574 0869565 92
93 8649 804357 .6436508 .5306549 0752688 93
94 8836 830584 .6953597 .5468359 0638298 94
9025 9.7467943 4.5629026 .010526316
96 9216 884736 •7979590 .5788570 0416667 3
0204082 s
9801 970299 .9498744 .6260650 OIOIOIO 99
100 10000 lOOOOOO 10.0000000 4.6415888 .OIOOOOOOO xoo
xoz I020I 1030301 .0498756 .6570095 .009900990 ZOI
Z02 IO404 106 I 208 .0995049 .6723287 9803922 102
103 I0609 1092727 . 1488916 .6875482 9708738 103
104 I08l6 1124864 .1980390 .7026694 9615385 104
105 1I025 1157625 10. 2469508 4.7176940 .009523810 105
106 H236 1191016 .2956301 .7326235 9433962 106
107 1 1449 1225043 .3440804 .7474594 9345794 107
108 H664 I2597 I .3923048 .7622032 9259259 108
109 ll88l I295029 .4403065 .7768562 9174312 109

no 12:00 I33IOOO s go
4.7914I99 .009090909 no
III 12321 1367631

.8058955 9009009 in
112 I404928
. 8202845 8928571 112
"3 I2769 1442897
.8345881 8849558 113
"4 I2996 I48I544

w .8488076 8771930 114

I322S I520875 IO.7238055 4.8629442 .008695652 "5
I345O I560896 .7703296 .8769990 8620690 116
13689 IOOI613 .8166538 .8905732 8547009
Si 1643032 .8627805 .9048681 8474576 \\i
xig 14l6l I685159 .9087121 .9186847 8403361 119
1 1



Squares. Cubes.
Square Cube Recipro-
No. Roots. Roots. cals.

I20 14400 1728000 10.9544512 4.9324242 .008333333 X20

121 1464 1771561 11.0000000 .9460874 8264463 X2I
122 14884 1815848 .0453610 .9596757 8196721 122
123 15129 1860867 .0905365 .9731898 8130081 123
124 15376 1906624. • 1355287 .9866310 8064516 I24
125 15625 1953125 ix. 1803399 5.0000000 .008000000 125
126 15876 2000376 . 2249722 .0132979 7936508 X26
127 16 1 29 2048383 .2694277 .0265257 7874016 127
128 16384 2007152 .3137085 .0396842 7812500 128
lag 16641 2146689 .3578167 •0527743 7751938 129
130 16900 2197000 11. 4017543 5.0657970 .007692308 I30
131 17161 2248091 .4455231 .0787531 7633588 131
132 17424 2299968 .4891253 .0916434 7575758 132
133 17689 2352637 .5325626 . 1044687 7518797 133
Z34 17956 2406104 .5758369 .1172299 7462687 134
135 18225 2460375 11. 6189500 5- 1299278 .007407407 135
136 18496 2515456 .6619038 .1425632 7352941 I36
137 18769 2571353 .7046999 .1551367 7299270 137
138 19044 2628072 .7473401 . 1676493 7246377 138
X39 19321 2685619 .7898261 .1801015 7194245 X39
140 19600 2744000 11. 8321596 5. 1924941 .007142857 140
X41 19S81 2803221 .8743421 .2048279 7092199 141
X42 20164 2863288 .9163753 .2171034 7042254 142
143 20449 2924207 .9582607 .2293215 6993007 143
144 20736 2985984 12.0000000 .2414828 6944444 144
J45 21025 3048625 12.0415946 5-2535879 .006896552 X45
146 21316 3112136 . 0830460 •2656374 6849315 146
X47 21609 3176523 . 1243557 .2776321 6802721 147
148 21904 3241792 .1655251 .2895725 6756757 148
149 22201 3307949 .2065556 .3014592 671 1409 X49
150 22500 3375ooo 12.2474487 5.3132928 .006666667 150
151 2280I 3442951 .2882057 .3250740 6622517 151
152 23104 35i 1808 .3288280 •3368033 6578947 152
153 23409 358i577 .3693169 .3484812 6535948 153
154 23716 3652264 .4096736 .3601084 6493506 154
155 24025 3723875 12. 4498996 5.3716854 .006451613 155
156 24336 3796416 •4899960 .3832126 6410256 156
157 24649 3869893 .5299641 .3946907 6369427 157
158 24964 3944312 .5698051 .4061202 63291 14 158
159 2528I 4019679 .6095202 •4175015 6289308 159
160 25600 4096000 12. 6491 106 5-4288352 .006250000 x6o
161 25921 4173281 .6885775 .4401218 6211180 161
162 26244 4251528 .7279221 .4513618 6172840 162
163 26569 4330747 .767M53 •4625556 6134969 163
164 26896 4410944 .8062485 .4737037 6097561 164
165 27225 4492125 12.8452326 5.4848066 .006060606 165
166 27556 4574296 .8840987 .4958647 6024096 166
167 27889 4657463 .9228480 .5068784 5988024 167
168 28224 4741632 .9614814 .5178484 5952381 168
169 28561 4826809 13.0000000 .5287748 5917160 169
170 289OO 4913000 13. 0384048 5.5396583 .005882353 170
171 2924I 500021 .0766968 •5504991 5847953 X7i
172 29584 5088448 .1148770 .5612978 5813953 172
173 29929 5I777I7 .1529464 .5720546 5780347 X73
174 30276 5268024 .1909060 .5827702 5747126 174
175 30625 5359375 13. 2287566 5-5934447 .OO5714286 175
176 30976 5451776 .2664992 .6040787 56818*8 176
177 3 J 329 5545233 .3041347 .6146724 5649718 177
178 31684 5639752 .3416641 .6252263 5617978 178
179 32041 5735339 .3790882 .6357408 55S6592 179


No. Squares. Cubes. Square Cube Recipro-

Roots. Roots. cals.

1 80 32400 5832000 13.4164079 5.6462162 .005555556 1S0

18: 32761 5929741 .4536240 .6566528 5524S62 181
182 33124 6028568 .4907376 .6670511 5494505 182
33489 6128487
^ 3
184 33856 6229504
185 34225 6331625 13.6014705 5.69S0192 .005405405 185
186 34596 6434S56 .6381817 .7082675 5376344 186
187 34969 6539203 .6747943 .7184791 5347594 187
188 35344 6644672 .7113092 .7286543 53I9M9 188
189 35721 6751269 .7477271 .7387936 5291005 189
190 36100 6859000 13. 7840488 5.7488971 .005263158 190
191 36481 6967871 .8202750 • 7589652 5235602 191
192 36864 707788S .8564065 . 76S9982 520S333 192
193 37249 7189057 .8924440 .77S9966 5181347 193
104 37636 7301384 .92S3S83 .7889604 5154639 194
195 3S025 7414875 13.9642400 5. 7988900 .005128205 i§5
196 38416 7529536 14.0000000 .8087S57 5102041 196
197 38809 7645373 .0356688 .81S6479 5076142 J 97
198 39204 7762^92 .0712473 .8284767 5050505 198
199 39601 7880599 . 1067360 .8382725 5025126 199
200 40000 8000000 14. 1421356 5.8480355 .005000000 200
201 40401 81 20601 .1774469 .8577660 4975124 201
202 40804 8242408 .2126704 .8674643 4950495 202
203 41209 8365427 .2478068 .8771307 4926108 203
204 41616 84S9664 .2828569 .8867653 4901961 204
205 42025 8615125 14.31782^ 5.8963685 .004S7S049 205
206 42436 8741816 .3527001 .9059406 4854369 206
207 42849 8S69743 .3S74946 .9154817 4830918 207
208 43264 8998912 .4222051 .9249921 4807692 208
209 43681 9129329 .4568323 .9344721 4784689 209
210 44100 9261000 14.4913767 5.9439220 .004761905 210
211 44521 9393931 .5258390 .9533418 4739336 211
212 44944 9528128 .5602198 .9627320 4716981 212
213 45369 9663597 .5945195 .9720926 4694836 213
214 45796 9800344 .6287388 .9814240 4672S97 214
46225 9938375 14.6628783 5.9907264 .004651163 215
216 46656 10077696 .6969385 6.0000000 4629630 216
217 47089 10218313 .7309199 .0092450 4608295 217
218 47524 10360232 .7648231 .01S4617 4587156 218
219 47961 10503459 .7986486 .0276502 4566210 219
220 48400 10648000 14.8323970 6.0368107 .O04545455 220
221 48841 10793S61 .8660687 .0459435 4524SS7 221
222 49284 1094 1048 .8996644 .0550489 4504505 222
223 49729 11089567 .9331S45 .0641270 4484305 223
224 50176 1 1 2394 24 .9666295 .0731779 4464 2S6 224
225 50625 11390625 15.0000000 6.0822020 .004444444 225
226 51076 11543176 .0332964 .0911994 4424779 226
227 51529 1 1 697083 .0665192 .1001702 4405286 227
228 51984 1x85235a .0996689 .1091147 4385965 228
229 52441 12008989 . 1327460 .1180332 4366812 229
230 52900 12167000 15. 1657509 6. 1269257 .004347826 230
231 53361 1 232639 .1986842 ^1357924 4329004 231
232 53824 12487168 .2315462 . 1446337 4310345 233
233 54289 12649337 .2643375 . 1534495 4291845 233
234 54756 1 28 1 2904 .2970585 . 1622401 4273504 234
23§ 55225 12977875 15. 3297097 6. 1710058 .004255310 235
236 55696 13 144 256 .3622915 .1797466 4237288 236
237 56169 13312053 .3948045 . 1884628 4219409 237
238 56644 1348 1 272 .42724S6 .1971544 4201681 238
239 57"l 1365 19 19 .4596248 .2058218 4184100 339


Squares. Cubes.
Square Cube Recipro-
No. Roots. Roots. cals. No.

240 5^°
15.4919334 6. 2144650 .004166667 240
241 .5241747 . 2230843 4149378 241
242 58564 141 72488 .5563492 .2316797 4132231 242
243 5904? 14348907 •5SS4573 . 2402515 4115226 243
244 59536 14526784 . 6204994 . 2487998 409^361 244
245 60025 14706125 15.652475S 6. 2573248 .004081633 245
246 60516 t'SS6 93 6 .6843871 .2658266 4065041 246
247 61009 15069223 .7162336 .2743054 404S583 247
248 61504 15252992 .7480157 .2827613 4032258 248
249 62001 15438249 .7797338 .2911946 4016064 249
250 62500 15625000 15. 81 13883 6.2996053 .004000000 250
251 63001 15813251 .8429795 •3079935 39S4064 251
252 63504 16003008 .8745079 .3163596 396S254 252
253 64009 16194277 .9059737 .3247035 3952569 253
254 64516 16387064 •9373775 .3330256 393700S 254
255 65025 16581375 15.96S7194 6.3413257 .003921569 255
256 65536 16777216 16.0000000 .3496042 3906250 256
257 66049 16974593 .0312195 .35786U 3S91051 257
258 66564 I7I735I2 .0623784 . 3660968 3 S 75969 258
259 67081 17373979 .0934769 .3743m 3861004 259
260 67600 17576000 16. 1245155 6.3825043 .003846154 260
261 68121 17779581 • 1554944 .3906765 3S31418 261
262 68644 17984728 .1864141 .3988279 3816794 262
263 69169 18191447 .2172747 .4069585 3S02281 263
264 69696 18399744 .2480768 .41506S7 3787879 264
265 70225 18609625 16. 2788206 6.4231583 .0037735S5 265
266 70756 18821096 .3095064 .4312276 3759398 266
267 71289 19034 1 63 .3401346 .4392767 3745318 267
268 71824 19248832 •3707055 .4473057 3731343 268
269 72361 19465109 .4012195 .4553M8 3717472 269
270 72900 19683000 16.4316767 6.4633041 .003703704 270
271 73441 19902511 . 4620776 .47^2736 3690037 271
272 73984 20123648 .4924225 .4792236 3676471 272
273 74529 20346417 .5227116 .4871541 3663004 273
274 75076 20570824 .•5529454 ,.4950653 3649635 274
275 75625 20796S75 10.5831240 6. 5029572 .003636364 275
276 76176 21024576 .6132477 .5108300 3623188 276
277 76729 21253933 .6433170 .5186839 3610108 277
278 77284 21484952 .6733320 .5265189 3597122 278
279 77841 21717639 .7032931 .5343351 3584229 279
280 78400 21952000 16.7332005 6.5421326 .003571429 280
281 78961 22188041 .7630546 .5499116 355S7I9 281
282 79524 22425768 •792S556 . 5576722 3546099 282
283 80089 22665187 .8226038 .5654144 3533569 283
284 80656 22906304 .8522995 .5731385 352 1 1 27 284
285 81225 23149125 16.8819430 6. 5808443 .003508772 285
286 81796 23393656 •9i 15345 .5885323 3496503 286
287 82369 23639903 .9410743 .5962023 3484321 287
288 82944 23887872 .9705627 .6038545 3472222 288
289 83521 24137569 17.0000000 .6114890 3460208 289
290 84100 24389000 17.0293864 6.6191060 .003448276 290
291 84681 24642 1 71 .0587221 .6267054 3436426 291
292 85264 24897088 .0880075 .6342874 3424658 292
293 85849 25153757 .1172428 .6418522 3412969 293
294 86436 254 1 2 184 .1464282 .6493998 3401361 294
295 87025 25672375 17. 1755640 6.6569302 .003389831 295
296 87616 25934336 . 2046505 .6644437 3378378 296
297 88209 26198073 .2336S79 .6719403 3367003 297
298 88804 26463592 .2626765 .6794200 3355705 298
299 89401 26730899 . 2916165 .6S6S831 3344482 299


Cubes. Square Cube Recipro-

No. Squares. Roots. Roots. cals.

300 90000 27000000 17.3205081 6.6943295 .003333333 300

301 90601 27270901 .3493516 .7017593 3322250 301
30a 91204 27543608 .3781472 .7091729 3311258 302
303 91809 278 18 1 27 .4068952 .7165700 3300330 303
304 92416 28094464 .4355958 .7239508 3289474 304
93025 28372625 17.4642492 0.7313155 .003278689
308 94864 29218112 .5499288 .7533134 3246753 308
309 95481 29503629 .5783958 .7606143 3236246 309
310 96100 29791000 17.6068169 6.7678995 .003225806 310
3« 96721 30080231 .6351921 .7751690 3215434 3"
3" 97344 30371328 .6635217 .7824229 3205128 31a
313 97969 30664297 .6918060 .7896613 3194888 313
314 98596 30959144 .7200451 .7968844 3184713 3M
99225 31255875 17- 7482393 6.8040921 .003174603 315
316 99856 31554496 .7763888 .8112847 3i64557 3i6
100489 31855013 .8044938 .8184620 3154574 317
IS 101124 32157432 .8325545 .8256242 3M4654 3i8
3»9 101761 32461759 .8605711 .8327714 3134796 319
320 102400 32768000 17.8885438 6 8399037
- .003125000 320
321 10304 33076 16 .9164729 •8470213 3115265 321
322 103684 33386248 .9443584 .8541240 3105590 32a
323 104329 33698267 . 9722008 .8612120 3095975 323
3»4 104976 34012224 18.0000000 .8682855 3086420 324
105625 18.0277564 6 -8753443 .003076923 325
32 5 34328125
3»6 106276 34645976 .0554701 . 8823888 3067485 3a6
327 106929 34965783 .0831413 .8894188 3058104 327
328 107584 35287552 .1107703 .8964345 3048780 328
329 108 241 356 1 1 289 • 1383571 •9034359 3039514 329

33° 108900 35937000 18. 165902 6.9104232 .003030303 33o

33i 10956 36264691 . 1934054 .9173964 3021 148 33i
332 1 10224 36594368 . 2208672 .9243556 3012048 332
333 1 10889 36926037 . 2482876 .9313008 3003003 333
334 1 "556 37259704 .2756669 .9382321 2994012 334
335 112225 37595375 18. 3030052 6.9451496 .002985075 335
330 1 1 2896 37933056 .3303028 •9520533 2976190 330
337 "3569 38272753 .3575598 •9589434 2967359 337
338 114244 38614472 .3847763 .9658198 2958580 338
339 114921 38958219 .4119526 .9726826 2949853 339

340 1 15600 39304000 18.4390889 6.9795321 .002941176 340

34i 116281 3965182 .4661853 .9863681 2932551 34i
342 1 16964 40001688 .4932420 .0931906 2923977 342
343 1 17649 40353607 . 5202592 7.0000000 2915452 343
344 1 18336 40707584 .5472370 .0067962 2906977 344
345 1 19025 41063625 18.5741756 7. 01 3579 .002898551 345
340 119716 41421736 .6010752 . 0203490 2890173 346
347 120409 41781923 .6279360 .0271058 2881844 347
348 121 104 42144192 .6547581 . 0338497 2873563 348
349 121801 42508549 .6815417 . 0405806 2865330 349

350 122500 42875000 18. 7082869 7.0472987 .002857143 35<5

35* 1 2320 43243551 .7349940 . 054004 2849003 35*

352 123904 43614208 . 7616630 .0606967 2840009 352
124609 43986977 .7882942 .0673767 2832861 353
354 125316 44361864 .8148877 . 0740440 2824859 354
126025 44738875 18.8414437 7. 0806988 .002816901 355
126736 45118016 .8679623 .0873411 280S989 356
.8944436 .0939709 2801 20
1 357
357 127449 45499293
358 128164 45882712 . 9208879 .1005885 2793296 358
359 1 2888 46268279 .9472953 .1071937 2785515 359
1 | 1



Squares. Cubes.
Square Cube Recipro-
No. Roots. Roots. cals.

360 129600 46656000 18. 9736660 7. 1 137866 .002777778 360

361 130321 47045881 19.0000000 .1203674 2770083 361
36a 131044 47437928 .0262976 . 1 269360 2762431 362
363 13 1 769 47832147 .0525589 .1334925 »7548ai 363
36* 132496 48228544 . 0787840 . 1400370 2747253 364
365 133225 48627125 19. 1049732 7- 1465695 .002739726 365
366 133956 49027896 .1311265 . 1530901 2732240 366
367 134689 49430863 .1572441 .1595988 3724796 367
368 135424 49836032 . 1833261 .1660957 27 1 739 368
369 136161 50243409 . 2093727 .1725809 2710027 369
37o 136900 50653000 19-2353841 7.1790544 .002702703 37o
37i 13764 51064811 .2613603 .1855162 2695418 371
372 138384 51478848 .2873015 .1919663 960817a 372
373 139129 5i895"7 .3132079 . 1984050 S680905 373
374 139876 52313624 . 3390796 . 2048322 2673797 374
375 140625 52734375 19. 3649167 7. 21 12479 ,002666607 375
370 14 1 376 53157376 .3907194 .2176522 20505)74 376
377 142129 535«26 33 .4164878 . 2240450 2652520 377
378 142884 54010152 .4422221 .2304268 2645503 378
379 14364 54439939 .4679223 .2367972 2638522 379
380 144400 54872000 I9-4935887 7.2431565 .002631579 380
38i 145161 55306341 .5192213 .2495045 2624672 381
382 145924 55742968 .5448203 •3558415 2617801 38a
383 146689 56 181 887 .5703858 .2621675 2610966 383
384 147456 56623104 • 5959 J 79 . 2684824 2604167 384
148225 57066625 19. 62 14 69 7. 2747864 .OO2597403

148996 57512456 .6468827 .2810794 ig

387 149769 57960603 .6723156 .2873617 3583979 387
388 150544 5841 1072 .6977156 • 2936330 25773 20 388
389 151321 58863869 .7230829 .2998936 9570694 389
39° 152100 59319000 19.7484177 7.3061436 .002564103 390
39i 152881 59776471 .7737199 .3123828 2557545 391
39a 153664 60236288 .7989899 .3186114 2551020 392
393 154449 60698457 .8242276 •3248205 2544529 393
394 155236 61 162084 •8494332 .3310369 2538071 394
156025 61629875 19.874'!'/ .002531646
7- 3372339
398 158404 63044792 •9499373 .3557624 2512563 398
399 159201 63521199 .9749844 .3619178 2506266 399
400 160000 64000000 20.0000000 7.3680630 .002500000 400
401 160801 64481201 .0249844 .3741979 2493766 401
402 16 1 604 64964808 0490377 .3803227 40a
403 162409 65450827 .0748599 •3864373 348139O 403
404 163216 65939264 .0997512 .3925418 2475248 404

2461 18 7.3986363

410 168100 68921000 20. 2484567 7.4289580 .002439024 410
4" 168921 69426531 •373*349 .4349938 4"
41a j 69744 69934528 •2977831 ,4410189 2427184 41a
413 j 70569 70444997 .3224014 .4470342 142X300 4i3
4M 171396 70957944 • 3469899 .4530399 4M
4'5 172225 7M73375 20.371.5488 7.4590359 .oo2,v/. ;q
416 17',"'/' 71991296 .3960781 ,46502a 2401,846 416
4X7 I73889 72511713 .4305779 .4709991 4X7
418 174724 7303463a •4450483 .47696( .4 8392344 418
4*9 I7556I 73560059 .4694895 ,482924a 3386635 4X9


No. Squares. Cubes. Square Cube Recipro-

Roots. Roots. cals. No.

420 176400 74088000 20.4939015 7.4888724 .002380952 420

421 17724 74618461 .5182845 .4948115 2375297 421
422 178084 75151448 .5426386 .5007406 2369668 422
423 178929 75686967 .5669638 .5066607 2364066 423
424 179776 76225024 .5912603 .5125715 2358491 424
425 180625 76765625 20.6155281 7.5184730 .002352941 425
426 181476 77308776 .6397674 .5243652 2347418 426
427 182329 77854483 .6639783 .5302482 2341920 427
428 183184 78402752 .6881609 .5361221 2336449 428
429 184041 78953589 .7123152 .5419867 2331002 429
430 184900 79507000 20.7364414 7.5478423 .002325581 430
43i 185761 80062991 .7605395 .5536&SS 2320186 43i
432 186624 80621568 .7846097 •5595263 2314815 432
433 187489 81 182737 .8086520 •5653548 2309469 433
434 188356 81746504 .8326667 •57i 1743 2304147 434
435 189225 82312875 20.8566536 7.5769849 .002298851 435
436 190096 82881856 .8806130 .5827865 2293578 436
437 190969 83453453 .9045450 •5885793 2288330 437
438 19 1 844 84027672 .9284495 •5943633 2283105 438
439 192721 84604519 .9523268 .6001385 2277904 439
440 193600 85184000 20.9761770 7.6059049 .002272727 440
441 194481 857661 21 21.0000000 .6116626 2267574 441
442 195364 863508S8 .0237960 .6174116 2262443 44a
443 196249 86938307 .0475652 .6231519 2257336 443
444 197136 87528384 .0713075 .6288837 2252252 444
445 198025 88121125 21.0950231 7.6346067 .002247191 445
446 198916 88716536 .1187121 .6403213 2242152 446
447 199809 89314623 • 1423745 .6460272 2237136 4*1
448 200704 89915392 .1660105 .6517247 2232143 448
449 201601 90518S49 . 1896201 .6574138 22271 71 449
450 202500 91 1 25000 21.2132034 7.6630943 .002222222 450
45i 203401 9I73385I . 2367606 .66S7665 2217295 45i
452 204304 92345408 . 2602916 .6744303 22123S9 453
453 205209 92959677 . 2837967 .6800857 2207506 453
454 206116 93576664 .3072758 .6857328 2202643 454
207025 21. 3307290 7-6913717 .002197802
456 207936
94818816 •3541565
. 7026246
. 70823S8

460 211600 97336000 21.4476106 7.7194426 .002173913 460
461 212521 97972181 .4709106 •7250325 2169197 461
462 213444 9S611128 .4941855 .7306141 2164502 46a
463 214369 99252847 .5174348 .7361877 2159827 463
464 215296 99897344 .5406592 •741753^ 2155172

@ 216225
101 194696
2145923 s
469 219961 103161709 .6564078 . 7694620 2132196 469
470 220900 103823000 21.6794834 7.7749801 .002127660 470
47i 221841 104487111 .7025344 . 7804904 2123142 47 x
472 222784 105 1 54048 .7255610 .7859928 21 18644 472
473 223729 105S23817 .7485632 .7914875 2114165 473
474 224676 106496424 .77154" •7969745 2109705 474
225625 107171875 21. 7944947 7.8024538 .002105263
476 226576 107850 1 76 .8174242 .8079254 2100840 476
477 227529 108531333 .8403297 .8133892 2096436 477
478 228484 1092 1 5352 .8632111 .8188456 2092050 478
479 229441 109902239 .8800686 .8242942 2087683 479


Square Cube Recipro-

No. Squares. Cubes. Roots. Roots. cals.

1 10592000
H 297
4 5°
4! 1
482 232324 111980168 .9544984 .8405949 2074689 482
483 233289 112678587 .9772610 .8460134 2070393 4 53
484 234256 «33799°4 22.0000000 .8514244 20661 16 484
485 235225 114084125 22.0227155 7.8568281 .002061856 4 2l
486 236196 1147912S6 .0454077 .8622242 2057613 486
487 237169 "5501303 .0680765 .8676130 2053388
488 238144 116214272 .0907220 .8729944 2049180 488
489 239121 116930169 .1133444 .8783684 2044990 489
49o 240100 117649000 22.1359436 7.8837352 .002040816 490
491 241081 "S370771 .1585198 .8890946 2036660 491
492 242064 119095488 . 18 10730 .8944468 2032520 492
493 243049 119823157 .2036033 .8997917 2028398 493
494 244036 120553784 .2261108 .9051294 2024291 494
245025 121287375 22.2485955 7.9104599 •002020202
498 248004 123505992 .3159136 .9264085 2008032 498
499 249001 124251499 .3383079 .9317104 2004008 499
500 250000 125000000 22.3606798 7.9370053 •002000000 500
5ox 251001 125751501 .3830293 .9422931 1996008 501
502 252004 126506008 .4053565 •9475739 1992032 502
503 253009 127263527 .4276615 .9528477 1988072 503
504 254016 128024064 .4499443 .9581144 1984127 504
505 255025 128787625 22.4722051 .001980198
508 258064 131096512 .5388553 .9791122 196S504 508
509 259081 131872229 .5610283 .9843444 1964637 509
510 260100 132651000 22.5831796 7.9895697 .001960784 510
5" 261 121 133432831 .6053091 .9947SS5 1956947 5"
512 262144 134217728 .6274170 8.0000000 1953125 512
5i3 263169 135005697 •6495033 .0052049 1949318 513
514 264196 135796744 .6715681 .0104032 1945525 514
515 265225 136590875 22,6936114 8.0155946 .001941748 515
5i6 266256 137388096 •7156334 .0207794 1937984 516
51 267289 138188413 .7376340 .0259574 1934236 517
518 268324 138991832 .7596134 .0311287 1930502 518
519 269361 139798359 .7815715 .0362935 1926782 519
520 270400 140608000 22.8035085 8.0414515 .001923077 520
521 271441 141420761 .8254244 .0466030 1919386 521
522 272484 142236648 •8473193 .0517479 1915709 522
523 2735 2 9 143055667 .8691933 .056SS62 1912046 523
524 274576 143S77824 .8910463 .0620180 1908397 524
525 275625 144703 1 25 22.9128785 8. 0671432 .001904762 525
526 276676 14553 1576 .9346899 .0722620 1901141 526
527 277729 146363183 .9564806 •0773743 1897533 527
528 27S784 147197952 .9782506 .0824800 1893939 528
529 279841 148035889 23.0000000 .0875794 1890359 529
530 280900 148877000 23.0217289 8.0926723 .001886792 530
531 281961 149721291 •0434372 .0977589 1883239 531
532 283024 150568768 .0651252 . 102S390 1879699 532
533 284089 151419437 .0867928 . 1079128 1876173 533
534 285156 152273304 .1084400 .1129803 1872659 534
535 286225 153130375 23. 1300670 8.1180414 .001869159
536 287296 153990656 .1516738 .1230962 1865672 536
537 288369 I 54854 1 53 . 1732605 .1281447 1862197
. 1948270



Squares. Cubes.
Square Cube Recipro-
No. Roots. Roots. cals.

540 291600 157464000 23. 2379001 8. 1432529 .001851852 540

54i 292681 15834042 .2594067 . 1482765 1848429 54*
542 293764 159220088 .2808935 . 1532939 1845018 542
543 294849 160103007 .3023604 .1583051 1841621 543
544 295936 160989184 .3238076 . 1633102 1838235 544
545 297025 161878625 23-345235I 8. 1683092 .001834862 545
546 298 1 16 162771336 .3666429 . 1733020 183 1 502 546
547 299209 163667323 .3880311 .1782888 1828 1 54 54 I
548 300304 164566592 .4093998 . 1832695 1824818 548
549 301401 165469149 .4307490 . 1882441 1821494 549
550 302500 166375000 23.4520788 8. 1932127 .001818182 55°
55i 303601 167284151 .4733892 . 1981753 18 14882 551
552 304704 168196608 .4946802 .2031319 18 1 1 594 552
553 305809 1691 12377 .5159520 .2080825 1808318 553
554 306916 170031464 .5372046 .2130271 1805054 554
555 308025 170953875 23-5584380 8.2179657 .001801802 555
556 309136 171879616 .5796522 .2228985 1798561 556
557 310249 172808693 .6008474 .2278254 1795332 557
558 3i I 3 64 173741112 .6220236 .2327463 1792115 558
559 312481 174676879 .6431808 . 2376614 1788909 559
56o 313600 175616000 23.6643191 8.2425706 .001785714 560
56i 3I472I 176558481 .6854386 .2474740 1782531 5

564 318096 179406144 . 7486842 .2621492 1773050

565 319225 180362125 23. 7697286 8. 2670294 .001769912 565
566 320356 181321496 •7907545 .271903? 1766784 566
567 321489 182284263 .8117618 .2767726 1763668 5
568 322624 183250432 .8327506 .2816355 1760563 5
569 323761 184220009 .8537209 .2864928 1757469 569
570 324900 185193000 23. 8746728 8.2913444 .001754386 570
57X 326041 186169411 . 8956063 .2961903 I75I3I3 571
572 327184 187149248 .9165215 .3010304 1748252 573
573 328329 188132517 .9374184 .3058651 1745201 573
574 329476 189119224 .9582971 .3106941 1742 160 574
575 330625 190109375 23.9791576 8. 3*55*75 .001739130 575
576 331776 191102976 24.0000000 .3203353 1736111 576
57 l 332929 192100033 .0208243 .3251475 1733102 577
578 334084 193100552 .0416306 .3299542 1730 1 04 578
579 335241 194104539 .0624188 •3347553 1727116 579
58o 336400 1951 1 2000 24.0831891 8. 3395509 .001724138 5
58i 172 1 170

337561 196122941 .1039416 .3443410 5ll
198 1 55287
• 1453929
5 2
5 l3
584 341056 199 1 76704 . 1660919 .3586784 1712329
585 342225 200201625 24- 1867732 8. 3634466 .001709402
. 2280829

345744 203297472
589 346921 204336469 .2693222 .3824653 1697793 589
590 348100 205379000 24. 2899156 8.3872065 .001694915 590
59i 349281 206425071 .3104916 .3919423 1692047 591
592 350464 2074746S8 .3310501 .3966729 1689189 592
593 351649 208527857 .3515913 .4013981 168634 593
594 352836 209584584 •3721 152 .4061180 1683502 594
356 409
21 1708736
598 3576o4 2 1 3847 1 92 .4540385 .4249448 1672241 598
599 358801 214921799 .4744765 .4296383 1669449 599
1 1



No. Squares. Cubes. Square Cube Recipro-

Roots. Roots. cals. No.

600 360000 216000000 24.4948974 8.4343267 .001666667 600

601 361201 217081801 .5153013 .4390098 1663894 601
602 362404 218167208 .5356883 .4436877 1661130 602
603 363609 219256227 .5560583 .4483605 1658375 603
604 364816 220348864 .5764115 .4530281 1655629 604
366025 221445125 24.5967478 8.4576906 .001652S93 605
606 367236 222545016 .6170673 .4623479 1650165 606
607 368449 923648543 .6373700 .4670001 1647446 607
608 369664 224755712 .6576560 .4716471 1644737 608
609 370S81 225866529 .6779254 .4762S92 1642036 609
610 372100 226981000 24.6981781 8.4809261 .001639344 610
611 373321 228099131 .7184142 .4855579 163666 611
6x2 374544 229220928 .7386338 .4901848 1633987 612
613 375769 230346397 .7588368 .4948065 1631321 613
614 376996 231475544 .7790234 .4994233 1628664 614
615 378225 232608375 24.7991935 8.5040350 .001626016 615
616 379456 233744896 .8193473 .5086417 1623377 616
l 380689 2348851 13 .8394847 .5132435 1620746 617
% l
618 381924 236029032 .8596058 .5178403 1618123 618
619 383161 237176659 .8797106 .5224321 1615509 619
620 384400 238328000 24.8997992 8.5270189 .001612903 620
621 385641 239483061 .9198716 .5316009 1610306 621
622 386884 240641848 .9399278 .5361780 1607717 622
623 388129 241804367 .9599679 .5407501 1605 136 623
624 389376 242970624 .9799920 •5453173 1602564 624
390625 244140625 25.0000000 8. 5498797 .001600000 625
626 391876 245314376 .0199920 •5544372 1597444 626
2 393129 246491883 .0399681 .5589899 1594896 627
! Z
628 394384 247673152 .0599282 .5635377 1592357 628
62g 395641 248858189 .0798724 .56S0S07 1589825 629
630 396900 250047000 25.0998008 8.5726189 .001587302 630
631 398161 251 239591 .1197134 •5771523 1584786 631
632 399424 252435968 .1396102 .5816809 1582278 632
633 400689 253636137 . I5949I3 .5862047 1579779 633
401956 254840104 .1793566 .5907238 1577287 634
403225 256047875 25. 1992063 8.5952380 .001574803 635
III 404496 257259456 .2190404 .5997476 1572327 636
405769 258474853 .2388589 .6042525 1569859 637
638 407044 259694072 .2586619 .6087526 638
639 408321 260917119 .2784493 .6132480 1564945 639
640 409600 262144000 25. 2982213 8.6177388 .001562500 640
1 410881 263374721 .3179778 .6222248 1560062 641
642 412164 264609288 •3377189 .6267063 1557632 642
643 413449 265847707 •3574447 .6311830 1555210 643
44 414736 267089984 •377I55I -•6356551 1552795 644
e 416025 268336125 25. 3968502 8.6401226 .001550388
646 417316
648 419904 272097792 .4558441 •6534974 15432 10 648
649 421201 273359449 .4754784 •6579465 1540832 649
650 422500 274625000 25-4950976 8. 662391 .001538462 650
51 423801 275894451 .5147016 .6668310 1536098 651
652 425104 277167808 .5342907 .6712665 1533742 652
653 426409 278445077 •5538647 •6756974 I53I394 653
M 427716 279726264 •5734237 .6801237 1529052 654
655 429025 28 10 1 1375 25-5929678 8.6845456 .001526718 655
656 430336 282300410 .6124969 .6889630 1524390 656
5 431649 283593393 .6320112 .6933759 1522070
l l
658 432964 284890312 .6515107 .6977843 I5I9757 til
659 434281 286191179 .6709953 .7021882 I5I745I 659


No. Squares. Cubes. Square Cube Recipro-

Roots. Roots. cals.

660 435600 287496000 25.6904652 8.7065877 .001515152 660

661 436921 288804781 .7099203 .7109827 1512859 66x
662 438244 2901 17528 .7293607 .7153734 1510574 662
663 439569 291434247 .7487864 .7197596 1508296 663
664 440896 292754944 .7681975 .7241414 1506024 664

25. 7875939
668 446224 298077632 .8456960 .7416246 1497006 668
669 447561 299418309 .8650343 .7459846 1494768 669
670 448900 300763000 25.8843582 8-7503401 .001492537 670
671 450241 3021 1 171 .9036677 .7546913 1490313 671
672 451584 303464448 . 9229628 .7590383 14S8095 672
673 452929 304821217 .9422435 .7633809 1485S84 673
674 454276 306182024 .9615100 .7677192 1483680 074
675 455625 307546875 25.9807621 8.7720532 .001481481 675
676 456976 308915776 26.0000000 .7763830 1479290 676
677 458329 310288733 .0192237 .7807084 I477I05 677
678 459684 31 1665752 .0384331 .7850296 1474926 678
679 46104 313046839 .0576284 .7893466 1472754 679
680 462400 314432000 26.0768096 8.7936593 .001470588 680
681 463761 315821241 .0959767 .7979679 1468429 681
682 465124 317214568 .1151297 .8022721 1466276 682
683 466489 318611987 . 1342687 .8065722 1464 1 29
£2 3
684 467856 320013504 • 1533937 1461988 684
685 469225 321419125 26. 1725047 8.8151598 .001459854 685
686 470596 322828856 .1916017 .8194474 1457726 686
687 471969 324242703 .2106848 .8237307 1455604 687
688 473344 32^660672 .2297541 .8280099 1453488 688
689 474721 327082769 .2488095 .8322850 I45I379 689
690 476100 328509000 26. 267851 8.8365559 .00x449275 600
691 477481 329939371 .2868789 .8408227 1447178 6gi
692 478864 33I373S88 .3058929 .8450854 1445087 692
693 480249 332812557 .3248932 .8493440 1443001 693
694 481636 334255384 .3438797 .8535985 1440922 694
695 483025 335702375 26.3628527 8.8578489 .00143S849 695
696 484416 337153536 .3818119 .8620952 1436782 696
697 485809 33860S873 .4007576 .8663375 1434720
698 487204 340068392 .4196896 .8705757 1432665
699 488601 341532099 .4386081 .8748099 14306x5 099
700 490000 343000000 26.4575131 8.8790400 .001428571 700
701 491401 344472101 .4764046 .8S32661 1426534 701
702 492S04 345948408 .4952826 .8874882 14 24501 702
703 494209 347428927 .5141472 .8917063 1422475 703
704 495616 348913664 ,.5329983 .8959204 1420455 704
705 497025 350402625 26.5518361 8.9001304 .00141S440
706 498436 35 1 8958 1 .5706605 .9043366 1416431 708
707 499849 353393243 .5894716 .9085387 14 1 4427 707
708 501264 354894912 .608269/. .9127369 1412429 708
709 502681 356400829 .6270539 .9169311 1410437 709
'/IO 504100 35791 1000 26.6458252 8.9211214 .001408451 710
711 505521 359425431 .6645833 .9253078 1406470 7ix
712 506944 360944128 .6833281 .9294902 1404494 712
7i3 508369 362467097 . 7020598 .9336687 1402525 713
7i4 509796 363994344 .7207784 .9378433 1400560 714
715 511225 365525875 26.7394839 8.9420140 .001398601 715
716 5 '2656 367061696 .7581763 .9461809 1396648 716
717 514089 3686018 1 .7768557 .9503438 1394700 717
718 515524 370146232 .7955220 .9545029 13^2758 718
719 516961 371694959 .8141754 .9586581 139082 719
1 1 7



Squares. Cubes.
Square Cube Recipro-
No. Roots. Roots. cals.

730 518400 373248000 26.8328157 8.9628095 .001388889 720

721 5 J 984i 374805361 .8514432 .9669570 1386963 721
722 521284 376367048 .8700577 .9711007 1385042 722
723 522729 377933067 .8886593 .9752406 1383126 723
724 524176 379503424 . 9072481 .9793766 1381215 724
725 525625 381078125 26. 9258240 8.9835089 .001379310 725
726 527076 382657176 .9443872 .9876373 1377410 726
727 528529 ^34240583 •9629375 .9917620 I3755i6 727
728 529984 385828352 .9814751 .9958829 1373626 728
729 53I44I 387420489 27.0000000 9.0000000 1371742 729
730 532900 389017000 27.0185122 9.0041134 .001369863 73o
73i 53436i 3906 1 789 .0370117 .0082229 1367989 73i
732 535824 392223168 .0554985 .0123288 1366 1 20 732
733 537289 393832837 .0739727 .0164309 1364256 733
734 538756 395446904 .0924344 .0205293 1362398 734
735 540225 397065375 27.1108834 9.0246239 .001360544 735
736 541696 398688256 . 1293199 .0287149 1358696 736
737 543169 400315553 . 1477439 .0328021 1356852 737
738 544644 401947272 . 1661554 .0368857 1355014 738
739 5461 2 403583419 .1845544 .0409655 1353180 739
740 5476oo 405224000 27. 2029410 9.0450417 .001351351 740
74i 549081 406869021 .2213152 .0491142 1349528 74i
742 550564 408518488 .2396769 .0531831 1347709 742
743 552049 410172407 .2580263 .0572482 1345895 743
744 553536 41 1830784 .2763634 .0613098 1344086 744
745 413493625 27. 2946881 9.0653677 .001342282 74
746 556516 415160936 .3130006 .0694220 1340483 746
747 558009 416832723 .3313007 .0734726 1338688 747
748 559504 418508992 .3495887 •0775197 1336898 748
749 561001 420189749 .3678644 .0815631 I335II3 749
75° 562500 421875000 27.3861279 9.0856030 .001333333 75°
75i 564001 423564751 .4043792 .0896392 133 1 558 75i
752 565504 425259008 .4226184 .0936719 1329787 752
753 567009 426957777 .4408455 .0977010 132802 753
754 568516 428661064 .4590604 .1017265 1326260 754
755 570025 430368875 27.4772633 9. 1057485 .001324503 755
756 571536 432081216 .4954542 . 1097669 132275 756
757 573049 433798o93 .5136330 .1137818 1321004 757
758 574564 4355i95i2 .5317998 .1177931 1319261 758
759 576081 437245479 •5499546 .1218010 1317523 759
760 5776oo 438976000 27.5680975 9.1258053 .001315789 760
761 579121 440711081 .5862284 . 1298061 1314060 761
762 580644 442450728 .6043475 .1338034 131 2336 762
763 582169 444194947 .6224546 • I37797I 1310616 763
764 583696 445943744 .6405499 . 1417874 1308901 764
765 585225 447697125 27.6586334 9. 1457742 .001307190 765
766 586756 449455096 .6767050 • 1497576 1305483 766
767 588289 451217663 .6947648 . 1537375 1303781 767
768 589824 452984832 .7128129 •1577 139 1302083 768
769 59i36i 454756609 .7308492 .1616869 1300390 769
770 592900 456533000 27.7488739 9.1656565 .001298701 770
771 594441 458314011 .7668868 . 1696225 1 2970 1 771
772 595984 460099648 .7848880 .1735852 1295337 772
773 597529 461889917 .8028775 . 1775445 1293661 773
774 599076 463684824 .8208555 . 1815003 1291990 774
775 600625 465484375 27.8388218 9. 1854527 .001290323 775
776 602176 467288576 .8567766 .1894018 1288660 776
777 603729 469097433 .8747197 . 1933474 1 28700 777
778 605284 470910952 .8926514 . 1972897 1285347 778
779 606841 472729139 .9105715 .2012286 1283697 779


Squares. Cubes.
Square Cube Recipro-
No. Roots. Roots. cals. No.

780 608400 474552000 27. 9284801 9. 205164 .001282051 780

781 609961 476379541 .9463772 .2090962 1280410 781
782 611524 47821 1768 .9642629 .2130250 1278772 783
783 613089 480048687 .9821372 . 2169505 1277139 783
784 614656 481890304 28.0000000 .2208726 I2755IO 784
616225 483736625 28.0178515 .001273885
9. 2247914
788 620944 489303872 .0713377 . 2365277 1269036 788
789 622521 491 169069 .0891438 .2404333 1267427 789
790 624100 493039000 28. 1069386 9.2443355 .001265823 790
791 625681 494913671 .1247222 .2482344 1264223 791
792 627264 496793088 . 1424946 .2521300 1262626 793
793 628849 498677257 . 1602557 .2560224 1261034 793
794 630436 500566184 . 1780056 .2599114 1259446 794
795 632025 502459875 28. 1957444 9. 2637973 .001257862 795
796 633616 504358336 .2134720 . 2676798 1 25628 796
797 635209 506261573 .2311884 .2715592 1254705 797
798 636804 508169592 .2488938 .2754352 ^253133 798
799 638401 510082399 .2665881 .2793081 1251564 799
800 640000 512000000 28. 2842712 9.2831777 .001250000 800
801 641601 513922401 .3019434 . 2870440 1248439 801
802 643204 515849608 .3196045 .2909072 12468S3 8oa
803 644809 517781627 .3372546 .2947671 1245330 803
804 646416 519718464 .3548938 . 2986239 1 24378 4

648025 521660125 28.3725219 9.3024775 .001242236 805
S3 649636 523606616 .3901391 .3063278 "1240695 806
807 651249 525557943 .4077454 .3101750 1239157 807
808 652864 527514112 .4253408 .3140190 1237624 808
809 654481 529475129 .4429253 .3178599 1236094 809
810 656100 53144 1000 28. 4604989 9.3216975 .001234568 810
811 657721 533411731 .4780617 .3255320 1233046 811
812 659344 535387328 .4956137 .3293634 1231527 812
813 660969 537367797 .5131549 .3331916 1 23001 813
814 662596 539353M4 .5306852 .3370167 1 228501 814
815 664225 541343375 28. 5482048 9. 3408386 .001226994 815
816 665856 543338496 .5657137 .3446575 1225490 816
817 667489 545338513 .5832119 .3484731 1223990 817
818 669124 547343432 .6006993 .3522857 1222494 818
819 670761 549353259 .6181760 .3560952 1221001 819
820 672400 551368000 28.6356421 9.3599016 .001219512 830
821 674041 553387661 .6530976 .3637049 121S027 831
822 675684 555412248 .6705424 .3675051 1216545 833
823 677329 557441767 .6879766 .3713022 1 2 15067 833
824 678976 559476224 . 7054002 .3750963 1213592 834
825 680625 561515625 28.7228132 9.3788873 .001212121 825
826 682276 563559976 .7402157 .3826752 1 210654 836
827 683929 565609283 • 7576077 .3864600 1209190 827
828 685584 567663552 .7749891 .3902419 1207729 838
829 687241 569722789 . 7923601 .3940206 1206273 839

830 688900 571787000 28. 8097206 9-3977964 .001204819 830

831 690561 573856 191 .8270706 .4015691 1203369 831
832 692224 575930368 .8444102 •4053387 1201923 832
833 693889 578009537 .8617394 .4091054 1200480 833
834 695556 580003704 .87905S2 .4128690 1199041 834
835 697225 582182875 28.8963666 9.4166297 .001197605
836 698896 .9136646 .4203873 1196172
837 700569 586376253 .9309523 .4241420 II94743 837
838 702244 588480472 .9482297 .4278936 1 1933 1 838
839 703921 590589719 •9654967 .4316423 1191895 839
I 1



Squares Cubes. Square Cube Recipro-

No. Roots. Roots. cals.

840 705600 592704000 28.9827535 9.4353880 .001190476 840

841 707281 594823321 29.0000000 .4391307 1189061 1
843 708964 596947688 .0172363 .4428704 1187648 *
843 710649 599077107 .0344623 .4466072 1186240
844 712336 601211584 .0516781 .4503410 1 184834 44
714025 603351 125 29.0688837 9.4540719 .001183432
Hi 7I57I6 605495736 .0860791 •4577999 1 182033 Hi
847 717409 5^ 645423 . 1032644 .4615249 1 180638
848 719104 609800192 .1204396 .4652470 1179245 H?
849 720801 61 1960049 . 1376046 .4689661 «77856 849
50 722500 614125000 99.1547595 9.4726824 .001176471 50
S 1 175088
5 1
851 724201 616295051 .1719043 .4763957 fs
85a 725904 618470208 .1890390 .4801061 1 1 73709
853 727609 620650477 .2061637 .4838136 «72333 I53
854 729316 622835864 .2232784 .4875182 1170960
855 731025 625026375 29. 2403830 9.4912200 .001169591
856 732736 627222016 .2574777 .4949188 1 168224 in
857 734449 629422793 .2745623 .4986147 1166861 5
l l
858 736164 631628712 .2916370 .5023078 1165501 858
859 737881 633839779 .3087018 .5059980 1 164 144 859
860 739600 636056000 29.3257566 9.5096854 .001162791 860
861 74 132 638277381 .3428015 .5133699 1161440 86z
862 743044 640503928 .3598365 .5170515 1 160093 862
863 744769 642735647 .3768616 .5207303 1 158749
Sf 3
1 157407
£ 4

866 749956 649461896 .4278779 .5317497 "54734 Hi

867 751689 651714363 .4448637 .5354172 "53403 867
868 753424 653972032 .4618397 .5390818 1 152074 868
869 755i6l 656234909 .4788059 .5427437 1 150748 869
870 756900 658503000 29.4957624 9.5464027 .001149425 870
871 758641 66077631 .5127091 .5500589 1148106 871
87a 760384 663054848 .5296461 .5537123 1 146789 873
!Z 3
762129 665338617 .5465734 .5573630 "45475 873
763876 667627624 .5634910 .5610108 1144165 74
S74 S
765625 66992 1S75 29-5803989 9-5646559 .001142857 7
II4I553 l l
III 767376 672221376 .5972972 .5682982 876
769129 674526133 .6141858 .5719377 1140251
878 770884 676836152 .6310648 •5755745 "38952 III
879 772641 679151439 .6479342 .5792085 I 137656 879
880 774400 681472000 29.6647939 9.5828397 .001136364 880
881 776161 683797841 .6816442 .5864682 "35074 881
88a 777924 686128968 .6984848 .5900939 "33787 883
779689 688465387 .7153159 .5937169 "32503 3
ll3 1131222 S?
7814^6 690807104 .7321375 •5973373
8J4 783225 693154125 29.7489496 9.6009548 .001129944 J84
886 784996 695506456 .7657521 .6045696 1128668 886
786769 697864103 .7825452 .6081817 "27396 887
888 788544 700227072 .7993289 .6117911 1126126 888
889 790321 702595369 .8161030 .6153977 "24859 889
90 792 TOO 704969000 29.8328678 9.6190017 .001123596 90
5 5
891 .6226030
.8496231 f91
793881 707347971 1 122334
892 795664 709732288 .8663690 .6262016 1121076 93
893 797449 712121957 .8831056 .6297975 1119821 893
799236 714516984 .8998328 .6333907 1 1 18568
S94 S94
801025 716917375 29.9165506 9.6369812 .001117318
S95 S95
896 802816 719323136 •9332591 .6405690 1116071 896
897 804609 721734273 .9499583 .6441542 I 1 14827
I 1 13586
1112347 I

TABLE xxii.— squares, Cubes, squari ROOTS, ,

Square Cube Recipro-
No. Squares. Roots. Roots. cals. No.

. 0665928

1 109878
1 108647
1 1074 20
819025 741217625 30.0832179 9.6727403 .001104972
$ 820836 743677416 .0998339 .6763017 * 103753

. 1330383

. 1496269
1 102536
910 828100 75357iooo 30. 1662063 9.69052 1 .001098901 910
gix 829921 756058031 . 1827765 .6940694 1097695 911
91a 831744 758550528 . 1993377 .6976151 109649 913
9*3 833569 761048497 . 2158899 .7011583 1095290 9*3
9M 835396 763551944 .2324329 .70469S9 1094092 9x4
837225 766060875 30.2489669 9.7082369 .OOI092S96 9*5
916 768575296 .2654919 .7117723 1091703 916
917 840889 771095213 . 2820079 .7153051 10905 13 9*7
918 842724 773620632 .2985148 .7188354 I0S9325 918
919 844561 776151559 .3150128 .7223631 1088 1 39 9*9
930 846400 778688000 30.3315018 9.7258883 .001086957 930
92 X 848241 781229061 .3479818 .7294109 1085776 921
922 850084 783777448 .3644529 .7329309 1084599 922
923 851929 786330467 .3809151 .7364484 1083424 923
924 853776 788889024 .3973683 .7399634 108225 924
925 855625 791453 1 25 30.4138127 9- 7434758 .001081081 925
926 857476 794022776 .4302481 . 7469857 10799 1 926
859329 796597983 .4466747 .7504930 1078749 927
928 861 184 79917S752 .4630924 .7539979 10775S6 938
929 863041 801765089 .4795013 .7575002 1076426 939
930 864900 804357000 30.4959014 9.7610001 .001075269 930
931 866761 806954491 .5122926 .7644974 1074 1 14 931
932 86S624 809557568 .5286750 .7679922 1072961 932
933 870489 812 166237 .5450487 .7714845 1071811 933
934 872356 814780504 .5614136 •7749743 1070664 934
935 874225 817400375 30. 5777697 9.7784616 .001069519 935
936 876096 820025856 .5941171 .7819466 1068376 936
937 877969 822656953 .6104557 .7854288 1067236 937
938 879844 825293672 .6267857 .7889087 1066098 938
939 881721 827936019 .6431069 .7923861 1064963 939
940 883600 830584000 30.6594194 9. 795861 .001063830 940
941 885481 833237621 .6757233 •7993336 1062699 94*
943 887364 835896S88 . 6920185 . 802S036 1061571 942
943 889249 838561807 . 7083051 .8062711 1060445 943
944 891 136 841232384 . 7245830 .8097362 1059322 944
945 893025 843908625 30.7408523 9-8131989 .001058201 945
946 894916 846590536 .757U30 .8166591 1057082 946
947 896809 849278123 .8201169 1055966 947
948 898704 851971392 !7896086 .8235723 1054852 948
949 900601 854670349 .8058436 .8270252 105374 949
950 902500 857375000 30. 8220700 9. 8 304757 .001052632 950
95* 904401 860085351 .8382879 .8339238 1051525 95*
952 906304 862801408 .8544972 .8373695 1050420 952
953 908209 865523177 .8706981 .8408127 10493 1
954 910116 868250664 .8868904 .8442536 1048218 954
912025 870983875 30.9030743 9.8476920 .001047120 955
950 913936 873722816 .9192497 .85112S0 1046025 95O
957 915849 876467493 .9354166 .8545617 1044932 957
958 917764 879217912 .9515751 .8570929 1043S41 958
959 919681 881974079 .9677251 .8614218 1042753 959
1 1



Squares. Cubes.
Square Cube Recipro-
No. Roots. Roots. cals.

960 921600 884736000 30.9838668 9.8648483 .001041667 960

961 923521 887503681 31.0000000 .8682724 1040583 961
962 ^5444 890277128 .0161248 .8716941 1039501 962
963 927369 893056347 .0322413 .8751135 1038422 963
964 929296 895841344 .0483494 .8785305 1037344 964
965 931225 898632125 31.0644491 9.8819451 .001036269 965
966 933156 901428696 .0805405 .8853574 1035 197 966
. 0966236

969 938961 909853209 . 1287648 .8955801 103 1992 969
97o 940900 912673000 31. 1448230 9.8989830 .001030928 970
971 942841 915498611 . 1608729 .9023835 1029866 971
972 944784 918330048 .1769145 .9057817 1028807 972
973 946729 921167317 . 1929479 .9091776 1027749 973
974 948676 924010424 .2089731 .9125712 1026694 974
975 950625 9 2 6859375 31. 2249900 9.9159624 .001025641 975
976 952576 929714176 .2409987 .9193513 1024590 976
977 954529 932574833 .2569992 .9227379 102354 977
978 956484 93544I35 2 .2729915 .9261222 1022495 978
979 958441 938313739 .2889757 .9295042 1021450 979
980 960400 94 1 192000 31.3049517 9.9328839 .001020408 980
981 962361 944076 14 •3209195 .9362613 1019368 981
982 964324 946966168 .3368792 .9396363 1018330 982
983 966289 949862087 .3528308 .9430092 1017294 983
984 968256 952763904 •3687743 .9463797 1016260 984
985 970225 955671625 31.3847097 9-9497479 .001015228 985
986 972196 958585256 .4006369 .9531138 1014199 986
989 9781 21 967361669 .4483704 .9631981 1011122 989
990 980100 970299000 31.4642654 9.9665549 .COIOIOIOI 990
991 982081 973242271 .4801525 .9699095 1009082 991
99a 984064 976191488 •4960315 .9732619 1008065 992
993 986049 979146657 .5119025 .9766120 1007049 993
994 988036 982107784 •5277655 •9799599 1006036 994
995 990025 985074875 31.5436206 9.9833055 .001005025 995
996 992016 988047936 •5594677 .98664S8 1004016 996
997 994009 991026973 •5753o68 .9899900 1003009 997
998 996004 99401 1992 .9933289 1002004 998
999 998001 997002999 .6069613 .9966656 lOOIOOI 999
1000 IOOOOOO IOOOOOOOOO 31.6227766 10.0000000 .001000000 1000
IOOI 1002001 1003003001 .63S5840 .0033322 0999001 IOOI
1002 1004004 1006012008 .6543836 .0066622 0998004 1002
1003 1006009 1009027027 .6701752 .0099899 0997009 1003
1004 1008016 1012048064 •6859590 .0133155 0996016 1004
1005 1010025 1015075125 31.7017349 10.0166389 .000995025 1005
1006 10 1 2036 1018108216 .7175030 .0199601 0994036 1006
1007 10 1 4049 1021 147343 •7332633 .0232791 0993049 1007
1008 10 I 6064 1024192512 •7490I57 .0265958 0992063 1008
1009 1018081 1027243729 .7647603 .0299104 0991080 1009
1010 1020T00 1030301000 31. 7804972 IO. 0332228 .000990099 IOIO
ion I022I2I 1033364331 . 7962262 .0365330 0989120 ion
1012 IO24144 1036433728 .8119474 .0398410 0988142 1012
1013 1026 I 69 1039509 1 97 . 8276609 .0431469 09S7I67 1013
1014 IO28196 1042590744 .8433666 . 0464506 0986193 1014
1015 IO30225 1045678375 31.8590646 10.0497521 .000985222 1015
1016 IO32256 1048772096 .8747549 .0530514 0984252 1016
1017 IO34289 1051871913 .8904374 .0563485 0983284 1017
1018 IO36324 1054977832 .9061123 .0596435 0982318 1018
1019 IO38361 105S089859 .9217794 0629364 0981354 1019
appendix f\
Theory of the Simple Spiral

1. Derivation of Coordinates X and Y. — From Fig. 5-3,

dx=dl cos 5 and dy = dl sin 8. When the cosine and sine are
expressed as infinite series and angle 8 is in radians,

and dy ~ dl S + +
[ -&. I\-fl • • •]

But, from formula 5-7, 8 =(— A. Therefore,


r a2 / i y a4 / I y a6 / I \ 12 n



The result obtained by integrating and substituting I -


for A is

~5m*WJ~im) + '

' 'J

By following a similar procedure,

,p 8Z 8
87 1 .
^~l3"7M + ll(5!r"l5(7!) +
{ }

Formulas A-l and A-2 yield the coordinates of any point,

P, on a simple spiral a distance I ft from the T.S., as shown

in Fig. 5-3. The coordinates X and Y at the end of a simple

spiral (see Fig. 5-2) are found from these equations by sub-
stituting A for 5 and L 8 for I. Selected values of X and Y
are given in Tables XI and XII, Part III.

2. Derivation of Coordinates x c and o c . —From Fig. 5-3,

xc = x—r sin 8 and oc = y — r(l— cos 5). Substituting — I

r, expressing sine and cosine as infinite series, integrating, and
612 •
Appendix A

reducing gives:

xc = l\ 1
1 (A-3)'
L2 10(3!) 18(5!) 26(7!) J
r 8 53 55 87 "I ,
and oc = l\ 1
1 (A-4)
1-6(2!) 14(4!) 22(6!) 30(8!) J

Formulas A-3 and A-4 yield the coordinates of the offset

T.C. for any point, P, on a simple spiral a distance I feet from
the T.S., as shown in Fig. 5-3. The coordinates X and o
of the offsetT.C. from the end of a simple spiral (see Fig.
5-2) are found from these formulas by substituting A for 8
and L 8 for l. The coordinates X and o may also be found
from formulas 5-3a and 5-4a. Selected values of X and o
are given in Tables XI and XII, Part III.

3. Derivation of Correction C s in a = \8 — C & . — Dividing

formula A-2 by formula A-l gives:

yd 8* 26 55 17 37
° x 3"i"l05 _t"l55,925 *
3,378,375 *

But a = tan a — | tan 3 a+| tan 5 a— . . .

By substituting the value of tan a, the angle a becomes

6 8 5 3
32 128 8 7
8* ,. .

a '•' { }
3 2,835 467,775 "83,284,288

or a= | 5— a small correction C s

Radians being converted to seconds, the value of the correc-

tion C s is

C =0.003095 +0.002285
3 5
(10)- 5 + . . . (A-6)

where C s is in seconds and 5 is in degrees.

Table XVI-D contains values of C 8 for the end points of
simple spirals. The corrections to intermediate points, with
transit at the T.S., have been computed by considering each
intermediate point to be the end point of a shorter spiral.
These corrections are listed in Table XVI-A.

4. Source of the Corrections Marked * for Conversion to

A.R.E.A. Spiral. —
In the case of a spiraled curve, changing
Appendix A 613

the definition of the degree of the simple curve from D a to D e

affects only the coordinates of the offset T.C.

In Table XI the * corrections to be subtracted from the
coordinates of the offset T.C. based upon Da , in order to
obtain those based upon D are:c,

(X - R a sin A) - (X - R sin A) = R - R a
e ( c ) sin A (A-7)

and (Y-R a vers A) - (F - R vers A) = (R - R a

c c ) vers A (A-8)

In Table XII the * coefficients come from the following


Total correction to X = (Rc — Ra) sin A = * times D

Total correction to o = (Re — R a ) vers A = * times D
appendix D
Theory of the Combining Spiral*

A combining spiral connects and is tangent to two circular

arcs having different radii of curvature. At each point of
tangency the radius of curvature of the spiral equals that of
the circular arc to which it connects.
In Arts. 5-17 and 5-18 it was shown that the theory of the
osculating circle uses approximations that may lead to sig-
nificant errors in the case of sharp spirals. "The derivations
[herein] replace the theory of the with osculating circle
mathematical exactness which permits the precise layout of
a highway spiral between the branches of a compound curve
regardless of sharpness.
"The derivations themselves are cumbersome and exten-
sive. They are given in outline form but in sufficient detail
to permit checking." (The author of this book has verified
the derivations and has extended the analysis to include some
formulas not given in Paper No. 2867.)

1. Derivation of Coordinates X and Y. —This section yields

the coordinates of the flatter end of a combining spiral with
respect to an origin at the sharper end (see Fig. B-l).
The degree of curvature of a spiral varies uniformly along
its length. In Fig. B-l the degree of curvature at any point
P, a distance I ft from point A* is

D p = Ds-(Ds-D L )

where ls is the length of the combining spiral A'C.

Referring to Fig. B-2, which shows the first portion of Fig.
B-l enlarged,

*=„» ™*

Substituting for Dp its value from B-l and integrating,

•Based on "The Highway Spiral for Combining Curves of Different

Radii" by Paul Hartman, Transactions, ASCE, Vol. 122, 1957. Paper No.
2867, pp. 389-399; and adapted to this book by permission of the author.
Quotations on this page taken from Paper No. 2867.

Appendix B 615


Fig. B-l


But, from formula 5-34, (Ds — Dl) - — equals the nominal


spiral angle An. Therefore,

Ds /l\ 2

5 =
An ©' (B-4)

Fig. B-2
616 Appendix 8

Also, dx = dl cos o B-5

and dy=dl sin I BH3

The X
and Y coordinates are obtained by carrying out the
following mathematical steps:
1. Substitute the value of S from formula B-4 in formulas

B-5 and B-6.

2. Replace cosine and sine by their series expansions.

3. Integrate to obtain expressions for x and y.

4. Substitute I, for I. Also factor out and replace it

by A. ; .

The resulting formulas give the coordinates of the flatter end

of a combining spiral with respect to an origin at the sharper

„ / 2 1 1 2 2 1
A .—

111 Xs
X=l .
(l 2
A 2
XX; A2 A2

3*2 A.sA.v

14 X
V 10 • 15 9 s 7 -
s v

A.jA ; .
A* A 5 An A Av
4 2
24 * 216 * 315 s 30 s 27 s -
45 s -

n^A+s^^-5S^) '

1 1 2 1 1 2
v=l -A.v Al
, ,
A 2 Av A.; A2
A' X









42 *

' •'





in which the angles are in radians.

By means of a similar analysis,, the coordinates of the sharper
end of a combining spiral with respect to an origin at the
end become

/ 2 1 12 2 1

45 L *
XX 132
A2 A

» 720
Az.A 5
X*/ J
Appendix B 617

21 L
A 4 AjH
12 i
A 3 A2 H
"27 A A H
* "120

4 -\

A6 )


in which the angles are in radians. These two sets of coordi-

nates are interrelated in the same way as those for the simple
spiral (see Fig. 5-2 along with formulas 5-3 and 5-4).

2. Derivation of Correction C+ in C* = Ca +C,. — The cor-

rection Cp, needed to obtain the corrected deflection angle
4>c (Fig. B-l), is found by first dividing formula B-8 by
formula B-7. This gives

1 1 29
tan <t> c
= As - -An +-AJ - ™ A „5 A "

"15 A s
-|_J_A/SA 2 3 _| 6 . . .
10 N 105

Substituting formula B-ll in <£ c =tan <f> c

—- tan 3 <f> c
3 5

111 and reducing

tan yields

</> c • • •

Ve S An-\ A 2 Aiv AsA 2 -| A 3
-| A 4 Aat
3 90 s
90 "2,835 "945 s

2 '

181 61-
2 *_ AsA B _ 12
A s3 A 2 +
A 25 A 3
" 113,400

. . . (

But As — %An is the deflection angle to the flatter end of the

spiral by the osculating-circle theory. Consequently the
remaining terms constitute the correction C*. The final
expression is found by converting C<t, to seconds and As and
Aat to degrees, giving

C^ = 0.012185AsAAr(As-Aiv)4-0.3535A 3 Ajv(As-2A^)10- 6

+0.2946AsA N
(181As-61Aat)10- 8 +0.00309A 3
+0.00228 A 6 10" 5 (B-13)
N '

This is the same formula denoted as 5-37 in Chapter 5,

618 Appendix B

numerical values for which are listed in Tables XVI-C and

XVI-D. Art. 5-17 and Appendix C contain detailed expla-
nations of the use of these tables in conjunction with Tables
XVI, XVI-A, and XVI-B.

3. Derivation of /3 to yield C&. —The expression for is

found from Fig. B-l by means of the traverse method. In

the closed traverse 0' A'DC'O' 0' with 0° azimuth assumed
S L S'
in direction O'A'
s '

2 latitudes =0
= Rs- Y-R L cos (2A S - -An)
+ (Rl--Rs-~Pa ) cos /3

2 departures =0
=X -R L sin (2A s -&n) + (Rl--Rs--Pa ) sin

Solving these equations for 0,

Y+R l cos (2 As -An )- Rs

cos /3 (B-14)
Rl — Rs-

Rl sin (2 As - A N )-X
sin (B-15)
Rl — Rs - ~Pa
Dividing formula B-15 by formula B-14,

R L sm(2A s -AN )-X

tan/3= (B-16)
Y+Rl cos (2As-A^)-^ s
All terms in this fraction may be expressed in terms of As and
An by making these substitutions: for sine and cosine, their
series expansions of (2 As — An); for X and Y, the expressions

in formulas B-7 and B-8; for Rl, its equivalent, — Is

2 (As — An)

and for Rs, its equivalent, . After collecting terms and
dividing, the result is

tan p = A,+-A|
+-AJ +-A^ --^ + -^
1 1 23

5 17 1
A 3 A2 H A 2s A 3 H AsA N
4 • • • (B-17)
126 s "7,560 "1,080
A —

Appendix B 619


B=A s -{
• and
Substituting formula B-17 in /3=tan
reducing yields

A 2 An
s 30
As A2 -\

A 4s AN
/3 —|

A3 A2
315 s "
tan 3 /3+£ tan 6

4—— 2
A3 H AsA 4 - • • (B-18)
7,560 a "1,080 "
In formula B-18, the first term As is the central angle of the
sharper arc, as acoumed in the osculating-circle theory (Fig.
5-8). The remaining terms comprise the correction Cb, or
the amount by which /3 exceeds As.
An expression for Cb in a form suitable for computation is

Cb = 0.03655 A s An (As -An) 1+121 [24As(As- An) {

-7A^] 10" 8 }
• - • (B-19)

in which As and An are in degrees and Cb is in seconds.

This is the same formula denoted as 5-35 in Chapter 5,
numerical values for which are listed in Table XVI-C.
Examples are found in Art. 5-17.

4. Derivation of pa to yield Cp —Solving

. formula B-15
for p a}

X-R L sin (2 As - AN + (Rl - Rs)

) sin
Po= :

sin /3

All terms in this fraction may be expressed in terms of As

and An- Sin /3 is replaced by the sine series expansion of /3,
where /3 comes from formula B-18. The equivalents of the
remaining terms are the same as those used in developing
formula B-17. After collecting terms and dividing, the
result is

Pa (—An
5,040 s
A3 A 2




A2 A3
AsA 2N


AsA 4


"15,840 "
A 4 A;v

A5 •

• •


Now compare this combining spiral with an equivalent

simple spiral. To be "equivalent," the terms l 8 An, and ,
620 - Appendix 8

As in the combining spiral become L g , A,and zero in the simple

spiral, and p a becomes the throw o. That is, formula B-21
reduces to

Throw o=L 8 (—A AH A5 • • •") (B-22)

\12 336 15,840 /
This expression becomes the same as formula A-4 when o c I, ,

and 6 in that formula are replaced by o, L 8 and A. It follows, ,

therefore, that pa is less than the throw o of an equivalent

simple spiral by an amount Cp , expressed as

C PD = ls(
— AqA

- —-A
A A A +-—
AvH 2

— 4
AA - • • •
) (B-23

An expression for Cp in a form suitable for computation is

C p =0.2215 Z A s Atf (As-AaOIO" 7

• • •

in which Cp and l 8 are in feet and As and A.v are in degrees.

(The fifth powers of products of AsAy are omitted because
they are negligible in highway practice, even for the very sharp
spirals sometimes used on interchange ramps.) Numerical
values of Cp are listed in Table XVI-C; examples are found
in Art. 5-17.
appendix V*

Exact Deflection Angles for Simple and

Combining Spirals
The method of determining the exact deflection angles
along simple and combining spirals depends on the location
of the transit. Three locations are possible: (1) at the T.S.;
(2) at the S.C.; and (3) at any intermediate point on the spiral.
In Fig. C-l, AC is a simple spiral of lengthL s which may
A (T.S.)
-~- --^

Fig. C-l

be staked (completely or in part) from A, C, or one or more

intermediate points on the spiral. If a portion of the simple
spiral (as P1P2) is used as a transition between two arcs of a
compound curve, that portion is a combining spiral of length
. A combining spiral cannot begin at A; if so, it would
become a simple spiral. However, in computations the com-
bining spiral P1P2 is treated as the latter portion of a simple
spiral of length AP 2 that is, point P 2 becomes the S.C. for

purposes of computation.
The following notation is used herein. Formula numbers
in parentheses are those in the text which involve the term
L 8 = length of simple spiral, T.S. to S.C; (5-2)
D = degree of curve at the end of a simple spiral; (5-2)
A = central angle of spiral L„; (5-2)
I = length of portion of spiral sighted over;
622 Appendix C

R = ratio of I to L 8 ;

ls = length of a combining spiral;

DL = degree of curve at flatter end of spiral I;
Ds = degree of curve at sharper end of spiral I;
D t = degree of curve at the transit set-up;
As = central angle for curve of degree D s and length Z;
An = nominal central angle of a combining spiral; (5-34)
C s = angular correction listed in Tables XVI-A and
XVI-D; (A-6)
C4 = angular correction listed in Tables XVI-B and
XVI-C; (5-37)
Ca = angular correction listed in Table XVI-C; (5-38)
= deflection angle, by osculating-circle theory, to a
point having a greater degree of curve; (5-23)
<t>b = deflection angle, by osculating-circle theory, to a
point having a lesser degree of curve; (5-22)
4> c = the exact (or corrected) deflection angle for the
specified condition.

The following relations are also needed in this analysis:

R=-T- (C-l)

AN = R 2A (C-3)

Case I. Transit at T.S. of a Simple Spiral. Assume that —

D, L s and A are known and that the exact deflection angles,

<f> c
, to specified points on the spiral are required. (In this
case, DL = D = zero.)

Prepare the tabular form of computation shown at the end

of this appendix and follow these steps:
1. List values of I and compute values of R from formula

2. Compute values of D s from Ds = RD.
3. Compute values of As from formula C-2.
4. Compute values of An from formula C-3.
5. Take values of C, by interpolation from Table XVI-A,
. :

Appendix C 623

using A and values of R as arguments. As an alternate

method (essential when A>60°) follow step 6.
6. Take values of C s by interpolation from Table XVI-D,
using values of An as arguments.

—A / —l\J

7. Compute values of 1 .

6 \±j a /

8. Obtain values of </> c from <f> c
=— (£)'-o

Case II. Transit at S.C. of a Simple Spiral. Assume that —

D, La and A are known and that the exact deflection angles,

c to specified points on the spiral are required.

<j> ,

Prepare the tabular form of computation shown at the end

of this appendix and follow these steps
1 List values of I and compute values of R from formula
List the constant value of Ds (in this case Ds = D =D).
2. t

Compute values of As from formula C-2.

4. Compute values of An from formula C-3.

5. Take values of C* by interpolation from Table X VI-B,

using A and values of R as arguments. As an alternate

method (essential when A>60°) follow steps 6, 7, and 8.
6. Take values of C a by interpolation from Table XVI-C,

using values of As and An as arguments.

7. Take values of C 8 by interpolation from Table XVI-D,

using values of Av as arguments.

8. Compute values of C* from C = C a -\-C <t> s.

9. Compute values of <t>b-

10. Obtain values of c from c = <fc>+CV <f> </>

Case HI. Transit at Intermediate Point on Spiral. Assume —

that D, L s A, and D are known and that the exact deflection
, t

angles, c to specified points on the spiral are required.

<f> ,

Prepare the tabular form of computation shown at the end

of this appendix and follow these steps:
1. List values of / and compute values of R from formula

2. Compute values of D s from Ds=Dl+RD.
624 Appendix C

3. Compute values of As from formula C-2.

4. Compute values of An from formula C-3.
5. Take values of C a by interpolation from Table XVI-C,

using values of As and An as arguments.

6. Take values of C s by interpolation from Table XVI-D,

using values of An as arguments.

7. Compute values of 0$ from C« = C +C S .

8. Compute values of <£/.

9. Obtain values of <t> c

from $ c = <t>f — C+.

Example of Case I. Simple Spiral. Transit at T.S.

D = 10°; L =9008 ft; A =45°. Spiral to be

staked using fifteen 60-ft chords. (See
Art. 5-7 for another version of this spiral.)

Transit at T.S.
(Orient by sight along tangent with 0°00' on vernier.)


at I

R Ds
sec 7
(T.S.) 0°00' OWOO"
1 60 .067
3 0.2 0.2 0°04' 0°04W
2 120 .133 U 0.8 0.8 O ^' 0°16W
180 .200 2 1.8 1.8 0°36' 0°36'00"
240 3.2 1°04' 1°04'00"
4 .267 2! 3.2

5.0 1°40' 1°40'00"

5 300 .333 3* 5.0

4 7.2 2°24' 2°23'59"

6 360 .400 7.2 1

9.8 3 3°16' 3°15'57'

7 420 .467 4f 9.8

12.8 12.8 7 4°16' 4 15'53"

8 480 .533 5§
16.2 16.2 13 5°24' 5°23'47"
9 540 .600 6
20.0 20.0 25 6°40' 6°39'35"
10 600 .667 6!
24.2 24.2 44 8°04' 8°03'16"
11 660 .733 7i
12 720 .800 8 28.8 28.8 74 9°36' 9°34 / 46"

33.8 33.8 121 11°16' 11°13'59"

13 780 .867 81
13°04' 13°00'51'
15 (S.C.)


286 15°00' WW
Transit at S.C. (For staking curve beyond S.C, orient by
backsight to T.S. with 30°04'46" on vernier, plunge and
turn to 0°00'.)
Appendix C 625

Example of Case II. Simple Spiral. Transit at S.C.

(Same spiral as in previous example of Case I.)

Transit at S.C. (Orient with 0°00' along local tangent at

S.C. by sight to T.S. with 30°04'46" on vernier.)
at I R Ds As A.v Ca C, 0$ <t>b <f>c

Point ft deg deg deg sec sec sec

(S.C.) 10 0°00' 0°00'00"

14 60 .067 10 3 0.2 2°56' 2°56W

13 120 .133 10 6 0.8 5°44' 5°44'00"

12 180 .200 10 9 1.8 2 2 8°24' 8°24'02*

11 240 .267 10 12 3.2 4 4 10°56' 10°56'04"

10 300 .333 10 15 5.0 9+ 0+ 10 13°20' 13°20'10*

9 360 .400 10 18 7.2 17 1 18 15°36' 15°36'18"

8 420 .467 10 21 9.8 29 3 32 17°44' 17 44'32"

7 480 .533 10 24 12.8 43 7 50 19°44' 19°44'50"

6 540 .600 10 27 16.2 59 13 72 21°36' 21°37'12"

5 600 .667 10 30 20.0 74 25 99 23°20' 23°21'39"

4 660 .733 10 33 24.2 88 44 132 24°56' 24°58'12"

3 720 .800 10 36 28.8 93 74 167 26°24' 26°26'47"

2 780 .867 10 39 33.8 85 121 206 27°44' 27°47'26"

1 840 .933 10 42 39.2 57 189 246 28°56 / 29°00'06"

(T.S.) 900 1 10 45 45.0 286 286 30°00' 30°04'46"

Example of Case III. Transit at Intermediate Point on a

Spiral. — Required to set and half stations on a combining
spiral between sta. 81 on an 8° curve and sta. 85 on a 24°
curve. The spiral is to be staked completely from a set-up
at sta. 81.
From these data, ls is the latter portion of a simple spiral
for which Z)=24°, L 8 = 600 ft, and A =72°. With reference
to Fig. C-l, this combining spiral runs between points Pi
and C; that is, points P2 and C coincide.
If two intermediate set-ups on spiral AC were required (as
at Pi and P 2 ), the computations would require two applica-
tions of Case III. The first portion of the combining spiral
would be treated as the latter portion of a simple spiral of
626 Appendix C

length AP»; and the second portion (P2 to C), as the latter
portion of a simple spiral of length AC. In practice such a
case would rarely require the deflection angles to be com-
puted by the exact theory, since the effect of multiple set-ups
on a spiral is to shorten the sights and make the angular
corrections negligible. The simpler osculating-circle theory
would suffice, as explained in Art. 5-7.

Example of Case III.

Transit at Intermediate Point on Spiral.

(Spiral staked from set-up at sta. 81 . Data on previous page.

Transit at sta. 81. (Orient with 0°00' along local tangent.)

at I R Ds As A.v Ca C. <*>/ 4>c
Point ft deg deg deg sec sec sec

81 8 0°00' 0°00'00"

+ 50 50 .083 10 2.5 0.5 2°10' 2°10W

82 100 .167 12 6.0 2.0 1 1 4°40' 4°39'59'

+ 50 150 .250 14 10.5 4.5 4 4 7°30' 7°29'56"

83 200 .333 16 16.0 8.0 12 2 14 10°40' 10°39'46"

+50 250 .417 18 22.5 12.5 35 6 41 14°10' 14°09'19'

84 300 .500 20 30.0 18.0 80 18 98 18°00' 17°58'22'

+50 350 .583 22 38.5 24.5 165 46 211 22°10' 22 06'29"
85 400 .667 24 48.0 32.0 311 102 413 26°40' 26°33'07"

Transit at sta. 85. (For staking curve beyond sta. 85,

orientby backsight to sta. 81 with 37°26'53" on vernier,
plunge and turn to 0°00'.)*

Found from * =<*>&+C (Case II), where <£&=37°20' and C* =413*.


Aerial photography ; see also American Road Builders' As-

Photogrammetry sociation, 306
advantages 348
of, 347, Analytic geometry, solution
in canal surveys, 326, 347 of curve problems by,
in highway location, 318, 188-191, 361
319 Areas
miscellaneous uses of, 346, of cross-sections see Cross-

347 sections
in pipe-line surveys, 325 of pavement on curves, 249,
in route surveying, 329-350 250
Aerotriangulation Auscor; see Stereomat
analytic, 371, 372 Automation
instrumental, bv bridging, in field measurements,
371 351-357
Alignment in location and design, 351-
calculation of, 377-380 374
stakeout of, 309, 381, 382 in plotting, 365-367
Alignment design in recording field data, 364,
automated systems of, 370, 365
372 terminology in, 356, 357
horizontal, onhighways,
204-253; 262-265 Balance lines on mass dia-
new techniques in, 309, gram, 155-162
375-382 Balance points, 154, 155, 162
by paper location, 280-282, Ball bankindicator, 210-213,
376, 377 215, 216
using special design aids, Balplex plotter, 333
377 Base line, 275, 310, 376, 377,
vertical, on highways, 253- 381
264 Binary numbers, 358, 359
American Association of State Body roll, 209-215
Highway Officials, 306, Borrow pits, 149-152
360 Broken-back curve, 181-183,
design policies of, 197, 314 264
American Railway Engineer- Bureau of Public Roads, 305,
ing Association 307, 308, 313, 360-363
formula for track superele-
vation of, 287, 289 Canal surveys, 326, 347
recommendation for spiral Central angle
length by, 227, 289 of circular curve, 14
recommendation for verti- of spiral, 89, 111
cal curves by, 71 Change-of-location problems
ten-chord spiral of, 108, 612 examples of, 174-180
track work plans of, 300 hints for solving, 175, 176
628 Index

Checking Compound curve (Cont.)

of computations, 42, 43 with P.I. inaccessible, 170,
of curve by middle ordi- 171
nate, 29 problems on, 65, 66
of field work on curves, 23, rigid solution of, 52
28, 29 solution of
Chord; see also Subchords by construction, 54, 55
long (L.C.), of simple by traverse, 55-59
curve, 15 by vertex triangle, 53, 54
Chord-gradient method of summary of methods of
calculating vertical solving, 59, 60
curves, 71-74 three-centered, 61, 377, 384
use of, 52
Chord lengths on circular
curves, 29, 30
Compound spiral
computation of, 121, 122
Chord 34-38
definition of, 88
Circular curve; see Simple fields of use of, 120, 121
curve problems on, 125
Clothoid, 87 Compoundancy, degree of,
Combining spiral 120
computations for field lay- Computation
out of, 115, 116 methods of, 41-43
definition of, 88 rounding off numbers in,
exact deflection angles for, 43-47
621-626 significant figures in, 43-47
limitations on sharpness of, Construction survey
89 methods for
method for flat spirals, 110- in highway location, 315,
113 316
method for sharp spirals, in railroad location, 285-
112-115 287
practical example of, 116- relation of, to other sur-
118 veys, 8
problems on, 124, 125 Contour map
tables on
[see tables in field sketches for, 278, 279
Part III of book] bv photogrammetry, 335-
theory of the, 614-620 338
throw of, 111, 113 purpose and limitations of,
transit set-ups on, 114, 115, 10, 11
621-626 Contours see Topography

Compound curve Controlling points, 5, 6, 273

calculation of, 60, 61 Controls
completely -spiraled, 118- for horizontal alignment,
120 262, 331, 332, 381
definition of, 52 for vertical alignment, 262,
location of, by trial, 63, 64 264
multi-, 52, 61, 121, 122 Coordinates, 188-191, 379, 381
notation for, 52, 53 Coordinatograph, 366
notes and field work for, 63, Cross-section leveling, 136,
64 137, 309, 311
Index 629

Cross-sectioning Curve (Cont.)

on highways, 309, 311 by deflection angles, 24-
methods of, 136-140 26
Cross-sections by offsets, 34^-39
areas of stationing on, 19, 20
by calculating machine, through fixed point, 185-
132 187
by formulas, 129-132 transit set-ups on, 26-28
by graphic methods, 135 vertical see Vertical curve

digital, 370 Curve problems

location of, 128, 129 in highway design, 195-270
types of, 127, 12b, 134, 135 special
Crown examples of, 169-194
adverse, 206, 207 methods of solving, 169,
favorable, 206, 207 170
Curvature Curve tables [see tables in
aesthetic importance of, 5 Part III of book]
correction for, in earth-
work, 147-149 Data
use of, in route location, 5 plotter, 366
Curve presentation, 356, 357, 371
broken-back, 181-183, 264 processing, 356
by-passing obstacles on, 32, procurement, 356, 357
39 recording, 364, 365
circular, length of, 21 reduction, 356, 357
compound; see Compound transmission, 356, 357, 365
curve Deflection angle
degree of, 17-19 from set-up on curve, 24-26
easement, 85-87 from set-up on spiral, 100-
even-radius, 32, 33, 105, 106 104, 111, 112, 114, 115,
highway; see Highway 623-626
horizontal; see Simple to spiral, 92, 93, 95, 96, 103,
curve 104, 621-626
with inaccessible P.I. or Deflection-angle method for
T.C., 170-173 circular curves, 24-26
measurements along, 19, 20, compoundancy,
Degree of
metric, 33, 34
see Parabolic
Degree of curve
parabolic ;

arc definition of, 17, 18

curves, Vertical curve
chord definition of, 17, 18
parallel to simple curve,
formulas for, 17, 18
selection of, 23
parallel to spiral, 110, 247-
249 Design see Office studies

primary purpose of, 14 Development, 5, 7

reverse; see Reverse curve Digital
simple see Simple curve
; computer; see Electronic
spiraled see Spiraled curve
; computer
stakes on, 30-32 terrain data, 368-371
staking terrain model, 368-371
630 Index

Distance measurement Electronic computer (Cont.)

using light waves, 351-354, programming systems, 363,
356 364
using microwaves, 352-356 programs in route location,
Distribution of earthwork, 360-363
153-162 traverse computation by,
Earthwork vertical alignment by, 363
analysis of Electroplotter, 366
by mass diagram, 153- Electrotape, 354
Elevations; see Leveling
by station-to-station
Excavation; see Earthwork
method, 154, 155
balance lines in, 155-162 External distance
of simple curve, 15
balance points in, 154, 155,
of spiral, 94
basis of payment for, 126,
134 Field notes
calculation of, 142-145 for by-passing obstacles,
classification of, 126, 134 284, 285
correction of, for curva- for compound curves, 63
ture, 147-149 for cross-section leveling,
cross-sections of see Cross-
136, 137
sections for simple curve, 25, 26
estimate of, 280-282 for slope staking, 137-141
from aerial photographs, for spiraled curve, 97, 98
342 Field work [see type of sur-
operations included under, vey desired]
126 Floating mark, 333-335
practice problems in, 162- Free haul, 153-162
shrinkage, swell, and set- Galileo-Santoni Stereocarto-
tlement of, 152, 153 graph, 333
slope staking for, 137-140 General Motors Proving
tables for computation of, Ground, 206, 208, 213,
142-146 215
volume of; see Volume of Geodimeter, 352-356
earthwork Geodolite, 354
Easement curves, 85-87; see
also Spiral balance between curvature
Edge lengths on highway and, 5
curves, 245-247 contour, 280, 326
Electronic computer control by laser, 328
advantages of, 360-362 rod, 139, 140
earthwork quantities by, Ground control
362, 363 by bridging, 335, 343, 371
fundamentals of, 357-360 in photogrammetric map-
horizontal alignment by, ping, 331-335, 371
362, 363 by radar, 332
Index 63

Ground control (Cont.) Inaccessible points on curves,

in stakeout of alignment, 170-173
381 Integrated mapping system,
Hand level 366
in cross-sectioning, 137 Integration of photogramme-
topography by, 277-279 try and computer, 367-
Headlight sight distances, 372
257-261 Intersection
Highway of line and curve, 187, 188
alignment, stakeout of, 381, point of,for horizontal
382 curve, 14
cross-sectioning ou, 309,311 InterstateHighway System
curves in example of combining spi-
edge lengths on, 245-247 ral on, 116-118
pavement areas on, 249, spirals on, 117
vehicle operation on, 207,
Kelsh plotter, 333, 369
209, 224-230, 237, 238
design, problems on, 265-
268 L-line, 282, 283
design elements of, in rela- Laser
tion to speed, 196, 197 geodimeter, 354
design speed on, 197 instruments, 328
location of, examples of, Length of curve, definiton of
316, 317 on horizontal curve, 21
over-all travel speed on, on vertical curve, 68
197 Leveling
preparation of plans for, bench, 275, 276
306-309, 313-315, 376 on location survey, 283
relocation of, survey meth- on preliminary surveys,
ods in, 309-311 275, 276
running speed on, 197 profile, 276, 283
side friction factor on; see
Limit of economic haul, 153,
Side friction factor
154, 158-161
sight distances on; see
Location controls, 5, 6, 273
Sight distance
speed signs on, 213, 215
Location survey
function of, 11
spirals on; see Spiral
superelevation of; see Su-
methods of, in railroad lo-
cation, 282-284
relation of, to other sur-
surveys for, 305-320
veys, 7, 8
test track design, 209
widening, on curves; see
Widening of highway
accuracy of, 336, 345, 348
Highway projects, magnitude base, 330
of, 13 photogrammetric, costs of,
Highway Research Board, 343-345
306, 320, 349, 350, 372- planimetric, 330, 332-335,
374 341
632 Index

Maps (Cont.) Oversteering, 208, 209

scales of, in photogramme-
try, 336-345, 375, 377 P-lme, 275, 282, 283
topographic, by photo- Paper location procedure,
grammetric methods, 280-282, 376, 377
330, 335-338 Parabolic curves
Mark sense cards, 356, 364 laving out, by taping, 81,
Mass diagram, 155-162 82
Merntt Parkway, 263 uses of, 67
Metric curves, 33, 34 Parallel curve; see Offset
Middle-ordinate method of curve
staking curve, 34, 37, 38 Pennsylvania Turnpike
Middle ordinate of simple aerial surveys on, 337
curve, 15 high-speed tests on, 209,
Mosaic 213, 229, 238
controlled, 330-332 run-off design on, 234-236
uncontrolled, 330, 331 sight distances on, 257, 258
Multiplex plotter, 333, 334 spirals on, 229, 236
Photo-contour map, 338
National map-accuracy stan- Photogrammetry see also

dards, 336, 337 Aerial photography

Xistri Photocartograph, 333 definitions in, 329, 330
Xistri Photostereograph, 333 for detailed location stud-
Notes; see Field notes ies, 318, 319, 341-343
integration of, with com-
Obstacles, bv-passing puter, 367-372
on curves, 32, 39, 172-174 limitations of, 346, 347
on tangents, 284, 285 plotting instruments in,
Office studies 333
in highway design, 313-315, for reconnaissance, 318,
376-381 338-341
in paper location, 280-282, Photographs, aerial, types of,
376, 377 329
relation of, to field work, 7
Photronix, Inc., 368, 369
Offset curve
Pipe-line surveys, 324, 325,
parallel to simple curve,
Point of intersection, 14
parallel to spiral, 110, 247-
249 Preliminary- survey
earthwork estimate from,
Offset T.C., 90
281, 282
leveling on, 275, 276
formulas for, 34-36
plotting map of, 279
staking curves by, 34-39
purposes of, 9, 10
Omnidata Corp., 364 railroad location, 275-
Ordinates from a long chord, 279
34, 38, 39 relation of, to other sur-
Orthophotography, 338 veys, 7
Osculating circle, 98-100 topography on, 276-279
Overhaul, 153-155, 158-162 traverses on, 274, 275
Index 633
Prismoidal formulas, 145, 146 Rounding off, 44-47
Property surveys, 287 Route location; see also
Route surveying
Radius of circular arc, 14-17 controlling points in, 5, 6,
Railroad location, economics 273
of, 301 cross-drainage line in, 7
Railroad relocations, 300-303 importance of curves and
Railroad surveys, 271-304 grades in, 5
Railroad track influence of terrain on, 6, 7
layouts for, 299, 300 influence of type of project
realignment problems with, on, 6
298, 299 proper use of topography
string lining of, 290-297 in, 10, 11
superelevation of, 287-290 ridge line in, 6
Railroad crossover, 300 side-hill line in, 6
Railway; see Railroad use of development in, 5, 7
valley line in, 6
Reaction time, 198-200
Reconnaissance Route surveying; see also
aerial, 309, 310, 318, 338-341
Route location
accuracies required in, 12,
for highway location, 310,
318, 319
aerial photography in, 329-
importance of, 8, 9
instruments for, 271
definition and purposes of,
for railroad location, 271-
relation of, to other sur-
and design, 4
veys, 7
and economics, 4
by stadia method, 274 and engineering, 11
sequence of field and office
work in, 7, 8, 375, 376
by field location method,
Rule of offsets, 69
problems on, examples of,
Runoff; see Superelevation
180-185 Runout, 233-236
railroad, 300-303
Reverse curve Seismic studies, 312
definition of, 52 Semi-final location, 11
limitations and use of, 61, Settlement of embankment,
62 153
non-parallel tangent, 63 Shrinkage of earthwork, 152
notes and field work for, 63 Side friction factor, 206
parallel tangent, 62 recommended values of,
practice problems on, 65, 66 213, 214
replacement of, 183, 184 research on, 209-216
Right-of-way, 308, 310, 314, Sight distance
315, 325 headlight, 257-261
defining curved, at corner, on horizontal curves, 250-
187 253
staking, at spiraled curves, at interchanges, 261
382-384 passing, 198, 200-204
634 Index

Sight distance (Cont.) Simple spiral (Cont.)

stopping, 198-200 tables on [see tables in
at underpass, 261 Part III of book]
on vertical curves, 253-261 tangent distance of, 94
Significant figures, 41-47 theory of the, 611-613
Simple curve see also Curve
; throw of, 90
computations for, 22, 25 transit set-ups on, 100-104,
field work in staking, 23-32 135, 621-626
formulas for, 15-17, 34-36 true central angle of, 11 1,1 12
methods of superelevating, Slip angles, 208, 209
236, 237 Slope staking, 137-140
methods of widening, 238- Soil surveys, 311-313
245 Special curve problems
notation for, 14, 15 examples of, 169-194
parallel offset to, 39-41 methods of solving, 169,
practice problems on, 47-51 170
with spirals, 94-96 Speed on highways; see
Simple spiral Highway
calculation of, 94-96, 98 Spiral; see also Combining
central angle of, 89, 111 spiral, Compound spi-
coordinates of S.C. (or ral, Simple spiral, Spi-
T.S.) of, 89 raled curve
definition of, 87, 88 angle, 89
deflection angles to, 92, 93, A.R.E.A. ten-chord, 108,
95, 96, 103, 104, 621-626 612
double, 107 Euler, 87
external distance of, 94 importance of the, on high-
fieldwork for, 94-96, 109 ways, 238
geometry of the, 88-93 minimum curvature for
laying out, by taping, 109, use 231
of, 230,
110 purposes of the, 86
length of, 110, 224-230, 289 types of, 87
locating any point on, 96, Spiraled curve
97 to fit given E, or T„ 104,
long chord for, 93 105
long tangent for, 93 formulas for, with radius as
nominal central angle of, parameter, 105-107
111 methods of superelevating,
notation for, 85, 89-94 232-236
offsets to, 92, 109 methods of widening, 239-
osculating circle to, 98-100 242
parallel offset to, 110, 249 with unequal spirals, 94
on Pennsylvania Turnpike, Stadia, topography by, 276,
229, 236 277
problems on, 122-125 Stadia traverse, 274, 275
on railroads, 86, 289, 290 Stakes
short tangent for, 93 construction, 286, 315
with simple curve, 94-96 slope, 137-140, 315
without special tables, 107, station, 30, 275, 286, 310,
108 315
Index 635
Station equation, 175 Systems engineering, 3, 13
Station-to-station method of
earthwork analysis, Tables, use of, 21, 22, 96 [see
154, 155 also tables in Part III
Station-yard, 153-162 of book]
back (initial), 15
on curves, 19, 20
forward, 15
on railroad surveys, 275
Tangent distance
of tangent points, 23
of simple curve, 15
Stereomat, 357, 366 of spiraled curve, 94
Stereomodel, 331, 334, 370 Tangent offsets
Stereoscopic for horizontal curve, 34-38
fusion, 331, 333 to spiral, 92
overlap, 330 for vertical curve, 75-77
pairs, 329, 331, 333, 335, 340, Tangent points
343 on simple curve, 15, 23
plotting instruments, 333, on spiraled curve, 85
36^372 Tellurometer, 354, 355
vision, importance of, 331 Terrain
String lining of railroad track, data translators, 370
290-297 influence of, on route loca-
tion, 6, 7
types of, 6, 7
formulas for, 21, 35, 36 Throw of spiral, 90, 111, 113
nominal, 20 Ties between P-line and
subdeflections for, 24, 25 L-line, 282, 283
true, 20 Topography
Subdeflections for subchords, by field-sketch method, 278,
24,25 279
Superelevation by hand level, 277, 278
effect of, on spiral length,
in highway relocation, 311
by photogrammetry, 335,
maximum rates of, 216-219
plotting, 277-279
methods of attaining, 232- proper use of, 10, 11
238 by stadia, 276, 277
railroad-track, 287-289 Transit set-ups
rate of, over range of cur- rule for, on circular curves,
vature, 220 27
rates of, for design, 220-224 on spiral, 100-104, 114, 115,
theory of, 204-207 135, 621-626
Superelevation runoff, length Transmission lines
of, 231, 232
location of, 6
surveys for, 322-324, 341
Survey [see type of survey
Traverse solution of curve
problems, 55-59, 171,
relation of, to engineering,
177, 178, 183
11, 13 stadia, 274, 275
Swell of earthwork, 152 transit-and-tape, 275
636 Index

Trilateration, 352 Vertical curve (Cont.)

Tunnel surveys, 327, 328 at underpass, 261
unequal-tangent, 75, 77, 361
Underpass, sight distances at, Volume of earthwork
261 by average end areas, 140-
Understeering, 208 142
from borrow pits, 149-152
Vertex of horizontal curve, 14 corrected for curvature,
Vertical curve 147-149
by chord gradients, 71-74 by prismoidal formula, 145-
drainage requirements on, 147
257, 260 by tables, 142-146
equal-tangent, 67-70
length of, 68, 253-261 Wellington, A.M., 8
lowest or highest (turning Widening of highway
point) on, 77, 78 formulas for, 238, 239
to pass through fixed point, methods of attaining, 239-
78-81 245
problems on, 82-84 reasons for, 238, 239
reversed, 81 Wild Autograph, 333
sight distances on, 253-261
by tangent offsets, 75-77 Zeiss Stereoplanigraph, 333

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