Route Surveying and Design 4th ED Carl F. Meyer
Route Surveying and Design 4th ED Carl F. Meyer
Route Surveying and Design 4th ED Carl F. Meyer
Carl F. Meyer
International Textbooks in Civil Engineering
Consulting Editor
Russell C. Brinker
Professor Emeritus, Civil Engineering
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
C. F. Meyer
Winter Park, Florida
September. 1969
1. Route Locaticr 3
2. Simple Curves 14
Route Location
4 Roufe Location
pendent on it. For example, in order that the field work for
a proposed new highway may be done efficiently, the designers
— —
must have chosen at least tentatively not only the termini
and possible intermediate connections but also such design de-
tails as the number of traffic lanes, width of right-of-way, maxi-
mum grade, minimum radius of curve, and minimum sight
distance. On the other hand, considerable field work must be
done before the designers can fix the exact alignment, grade
elevations, shoulder widths, and culvert locations to fit the
selected standards safely and with the greatest over-all
economy. The interrelationship between modern highway
surveying and design is outlined in Art. 10-2.
Route Location 5
1-6. Influence of —
Type of Project. The type of route to be
built between given termini has a decided influence on its
location. As an example, the best location for a railroad
would not necessarily be the most suitable one for a power-
transmission line. A railroad requires a location having
fairly flat grades and curves. Moreover, there are usually
intermediate controlling points -such^as major stream and
highway crossings, mountain passes, and revenue-producing
markets. In contrast, power is transmitted as readily up a
vertical cable as along a horizontal one. Grades, therefore,
have no significance, and river and highway crossings present
no unusual problems. Where changes in direction are needed,
they are made at angle towers. Consequently, the alignment
is as straightas possible from generating station to sub-station.
For Planning
(a) The conception of the project, and preliminary office
studies regarding its desirability and feasibility.
(b) Field reconnaissance of the terrain between the termini,
followed by further office studies and recommendation
8 "
Route Location
For Construction
if) Office work including preparation of specifications and
drawings covering all details of the project negotiations
for bids.
Route Location 9
map serves as the basis for projecting the final alignment and
profile, at least tentatively. Enough data are also obtained
from which to make an estimate of earthwork quantities, of the
sizes of drainage structures, and needed right-of-way. Taken
together, these data permit the compilation of a fairly close
cost estimate.
Preliminary surveys differ greatly in method and precision.
Invariably, however, there is at least one traverse (compass,
stadia, or transit-and-tape) which serves as a framework for
the topographical details. Elevations along the traverse line
and tie measurements to existing physical features are essen-
tial. Accurate contours may or may not be needed, the re-
quirement depending on the type of the project.
Detailed methods of running preliminary surveys adapted
to particular types of routes will be found in Chapters 9, 10,
and 11.
1-11. Proper —
Use of Topography. On new locations of
routes over which grades are particularly important, an
accurate contour map is indispensable. A relocation of an
existing route, such as a highway, may sometimes be made by
revising the preliminary survey directly on the ground.
This method, termed "field location" or "direct location," is
not recommended for a new line. It is true that some engi-
neers seem to have uncanny ability for locating a satisfactory
line — —
though not necessarily the best one by direct field
methods. This natural gift is not to be belittled, but it should
be subordinated in difficult terrain to careful office studies
aided by a contour map.
The primary purpose of the contour map is to serve as a
basis for making a "paper location" of the final center line.
On such a map the locating engineer is able to scan a large
area at once. By graphical methods he can study various
locations in a small fraction of the time required for a field
party to survey the lines on the ground. Furthermore, he is
not subject to the natural optical illusions which often mislead
even the most experienced engineer in the field. An added
advantage of the contour map, provided it is extensive enough,
is to supply visible evidence that no better line has been over-
Route Location 1 1
Simple Curves
and Notation. A simple curve consists
2-2. Definitions
of a circular arc tangent to two straight sections of a route.
Though spiral transitions are commonly used at the ends of
circular arcs on modern highways and railroads, a thorough
knowledge of the simple curve its basic geometry, calcula-
tion, —
and method of staking is necessary for an understand-
ing of more complex curve problems.
90" XC^! My
;- ->- BO'
r c7
V /
4 \ x ^/^/R •v
\ /
tance from the P.I. to the T.C. (or C.T.), known as the tangent
distance, T; the distance from the P.I. to the mid-point K of
the curve, called the external distance, E\ and the radius of the
circular arc, designated by R. Also shown, though of lesser
importance, are the long chord, L.C., which is the distance be-
tween the T.C. and the C.T.; and the middle ordinate, M,
or the distance from the mid-point C of the long chord to the
mid-point K of the curve.
2-3. General Formulas. —
Two trigonometric functions,
used rarely in plane surveying, are especially convenient in
16 - Simple Curves
route surveying form ulas These are the versed sine (vers)
T=Rtaa}I (2-1)
E = R exsec §7 (2-2)
L.C.=2fisin|/ 2-3
M = R vers §J (2-4)
Simple Curves 1
2-4. —
Degree of Curve. The curvature of a circular arc is
perfectly denned by its radius. However, where the radius
is long, as on modern highway and railroad alignment, the
center of the curve is inaccessible or remote. In this case
the radius is valueless for surveying operations, though it is
unit of distance. The two most widely used are the chord
definition and the arc definition of D.
In Fig. 2-2(6),
from which
n 5,729.58
\ /
\ /
R\ i
\ ! / \ /
\ /
Simple Curves 1
2-5. Measurements on Curves. Regardless of whether th€
chord definition or the arc definition of D is used, measure-
ments along a curve must be made by taping a series of chords.
An isolated curve may be staked conveniently by dividing the
central angle into an equal number of parts.The resulting
chords with their directions determined by any appropriate
method then form an inscribed polygon of equal sides. How-
ever, on most route surveys the curves are parts of the con-
tinuous alignment over which it is convenient to carry the
regular survey stationing without a break. In consequence,
a curve rarely begins or ends at a whole station; accordingly,
chords less than 100 feet long, called subchords, will adjoin
the T.C. and the C.T. The methods of treating these sub-
chords are responsible for the slight approximations or correc-
tions mentioned in Art. 2-4.
Fig. 2-3 represents a portion of a circular arc having certain
stakes located thereon. For the chord definition of D, sta-
tions 16 and 17 will be exactly 100 feet apart as measured
along the chord joining those stations. For the arc definition,
however, the stations will be slightly closer together since, by
definition, they are separated by exactly 100 feet as measured
around the arc.
It is frequently necessary to set stakes on a curve at closer
intervals than at whole stations, as at sta. 16+50, for example.
The only logical position for this stake is exactly midway be-
tween stations 16 and 17, regardless of the definition of D.
Thus, sta. 16+50 would be separated from the adjacent whole
stations by chords which are of equal length but are not 50
feet long. They would be slightly greater or slightly less than
20 Simple Curves
ct = 2R&m\d (2-13)
2-6. Length of Curve. The length of curve, L, is the
nominal distance around the curve. It equals the difference
between the stationing of the C.T. and the T.C.
For either definition of D,
L:100 = I:D
or L= ~1T (
Table VI.
2-7. —
Use of Tables. The formulas developed thus far
may be solved with the aid of tables of logarithmic or natural
trigonometric functions. However, certain calculations are
expedited, or even eliminated, by using special curve tables.
The example on page 22, given in outline form, illustrates the
use of some of the tables given in Part III.
22 Simple Curves
L.C.=2#siniZ' L.C.=2#sini/
Result, using Tables I and
Result, using Tables I and
XX: L.C. =374.74
M = R vers \I
Result, using Tables I and
XX: M = 28.23 M = R vers \I
Result, using Tables I and
100/ 100X34.2333
D 9
XX: M = 28.20
or, to avoid decimals of de-
grees, convert I and to D L=
minutes, giving
L= 380.37 Compute L as shown in ad-
jacent column, giving
For true length of arc (if # = 380.37
needed) use arc for 1 sta. =
100.103 (Table II). Then,
From definition of Da, the
excess arc in L stations =
true length of arc equals L as
0.103X3.80 = 0.39.
computed above.
Therefore, true arc length =
380.37+0.39 = 380.76
2-9. Deflection-Angle —
Method. The convenient deflec-
tion-angle method of locating points on a simple curve is based
on a proposition in geometry: an angle formed by a tangent
and a chord is measured by one-half the intercepted arc.
In Fig. 2-4, a, b, and c represent 100-ft stations on a portion
73 V(PI)
the last full station on the curve. If the sum equals \I, the
arithmetic is checked.
In practice, subdeflections are usually small and are best
computed in minutes from either of the following formulas:
curve with defl. per ft = 2.7'. The problem now becomes that
in Art. 2-7, from which T = 196.1, L = 380.4, and # = 29.5.
Sta. P.I. =24+63.8
-T= 1+96.1
Sta. Point
Total Calc. Mag. Curve
Den. Bearing Bearing Data
27 7 = 34°14'
+50 Da = 9° rt.
24 5°57' = 2.7'
+50 O 3°42'
23 1°27'
Fig. 2-5
shows the first portion of the curve calculated in
Art. 2-9. It is assumed that the curve has been staked as
far as sta. 23+50 from a set-up at the T.C, and that condi-
tions make it difficult to sight beyond from that set-up. If,
Simple Curves
T.C j-23
possible for the chainman to swing one end of the tape through
a certain distance without detection by the transitman, thus
throwing off the position of the point and introducing an
accumulative taping error. The amount of this swing and —
its relative importance on the particular work is best deter- —
mined by trial in the field. As a general guide, the deflection
angle from the transit to the taping point should be kept under
25° or 30°.
Fig. 2-6. Check of stake positions
chord distance along a line through the last two stakes, plac-
ing himself in position as at d' in Fig. 2-6. By then pacing
inward the known chord-offset distance (Art. 2-14), he will
be in approximately the correct position for setting the re-
quired point at d. With experience the head chainman will
invariably be in the field of view by the time the transitman
sets off the deflection angle and sights.
i&^^~^=^ ^£*i* ==
were to hit a 1
it could be backi
to the left of the tree for setting a stake fit any convenient plus
Thus, if sta. 23+90 wen in the oleer, Hi deft I o
Major oho olee are treeted in < Shaoiec 7.
This reduces to
^ sv;s X arc length
dell, (in minutes) =—— 1
This method has the advantage that radii may he Selected
Which are convenient for calculating curve parts. The radiitx
would also mean more to the average person than the (hujrcc,
should it become the practice to post warning values of R
at the approaches to highway curves. The calculation of
deflections, however, is much less simple than with a rounded
value of 1), and their fractional values are inconvenient in
the field.
g7 968
and J) m (arc def.)
^ (2-19)
Lm ^ 107
34 . Simple Curves
. l&P3?nf
the tangent points are assumed to have been set by the usual
methods. If the transitman and some of the field party now
proceed along the forward tangent for purposes of setting
stakes or measuring the angle I for the next curve, three men
(or even two) can set the station stakes on the curve left
The procedure follows: Knowing the stationing of the T.C.,
Simple Curves 37
chords. The field work may now be started after range poles
have been set at convenient points on the tangent. Establish
a temporary point at A by the "swing offset' method. Locate
the rear station along a line m feet inside the forward station,
and measure the chord distance from the forward station
(see Fig. 2-10). Continue this process to the stake before the
C.T., and make the final check as in the chord-offset method.
(Fractional stations could be used instead of full stations.)
It should be noted that, when stakes are set at full stations,
the distance m
is the middle ordinate for two stations; con-
L =L + (2-36)
and (2-37)
40 Simple Curves
2-16. Methods of Computation. Proper methods of com-
putation and use of significant figures are so important that
this and the following article are inserted here so that the
suggestions can be weighed and then used, wherever appli-
cable, in problems throughout the book.
Route surveying computations require relatively simple
mathematics arithmetic, geometry, and trigonometry. The
solution of a problem is often tedious in that it involves many
repetitions of the same mathematical operations. As a result,
students (particularly) find the manipulation of surveying
instruments much more interesting. They are likely to con-
clude that surveying field work is of primary importance,
whereas computations are a chore to be done with as quickly
as possible. This is a serious mistake. Field work and
computations are equally important.
Surveying field work alone is of little value; it is always put
to use in some practical form that involves computations.
Unless the computations are made correctly, they negate the
field work and may cause serious errors when used as a basis
for the design or construction of engineering works. The
student can take as much pride in obtaining the answer to a
tedious surveying problem the correct answer, with the
proper number of significant figures and with the decimal
point in the right place —as he does in his ability to "run a
transit" rapidlyand accurately. There is no better place to
develop the habits of computation which insure this result
than in a course in surveying.
Surveying computations are made algebraically, graphically,
and mechanically, or by a combination of these methods.
Useful tables reduce much of the drudgery (see Part III for
examples of tables).
42 « Simple Curves
5. Zeros which lie to the right of any digit and aho to the
Simple Curves 45
liein the numbers that are not rounded off. In this example,
the final 6 and the final 9 in the last two numbers are certain.
Consequently, the final 2 in the sum may not be far in error,
and the rounded answer 259.3 has a somewhat higher proba-
bility than the answer 259.4.
Example of Division. Divide the round number 675.41
by the round number 87.5.
Note. Certain of the practical problems in Chapter 7 may also be
assigned, particularly numbers 7-1 and 7-9.
(6) Curve 2-1 (6). Sta. P.I. = 51 +67.4. Set full stations.
Carry distances to tenths and deflections to nearest minute.
48 , Simple Curves
(c) Curve 2-1 (c). Sta. P.I. =97+08.63. Set half sta-
tions. Carry distances to hundredths and deflections to
nearest 10".
(d) Curve 2-1 (d). Sta. P.I. = 106+57.12. Set quarter
stations. Carry distances to hundredths and deflections to
nearest \ minute.
(a) Curve 2-2 (a). Sta. P.I. =25+19.55. Set full sta-
tions. Carry distances to hundredths and deflections to
nearest 10". Partial answers: sta. T.C. = 19+57.09; first
deflection =0°32'10"; sta. C.T. =30+60.20; true chord for
full station = 99.994 ft.
(b) Curve 2-2 (6). Sta. P.I. =35+18.7. Set full sta-
tions. Carry distances to tenths and deflections to nearest
(c) Curve 2-2 (c). Sta. P.I. =63+12.08. Set half sta-
tions. Carry distances to hundredths and deflections to
nearest 15".
(d) Curve 2-2 (d). Sta. P.I. =71 +18.64. Set quarter
stations. Carry distances to hundredths and deflections to
nearest £ minute.
(6) Curve 2-8 (6). Sta. P.I. = 106+72.3. Set full sta-
tions. Carry distances to tenths and deflections to nearest
(c) Curve 2-8 (c). Sta. P.I. =58+19.15. Set half sta-
tions. Carry distances to hundredths and deflections to
nearest \ minute.
(d) Curve 2-8 (d). Sta. P.I. =84 + 12.67. Set quarter
stations. Carry distances to hundredths and deflections to
nearest 10 seconds.
50 9
Simple Curves
{2) formula 2-30; (3) formula 2-33; and (4) / 2 = c 2 sin 1°27'.
Answer: h = 0.82 ft.
2-12. Compute the swing offset for making the final check
at the C.T. of the curve on page 26, assuming the curve to
have been staked by the chord-offset method. Verify the
answer by at least two different methods.
2-15. Find the offsets o h o 2 etc. from the long chord (see
Fig. 2-11) to the regular full stations for the following curves:
(a) Curve of Prob. 2-3 (a), (b) Curve of Prob. 2-4 (a).
2-18. Derive: (a) formula 2-30, (6) formula 2-31, and (c)
formula 2-35.
chapter %J
3-2. Use. —
Owing to the inequality of their tangent dis-
tances, compound curves permit the fitting of a location to
the topography with much greater refinement than do simple
curves. Conditions often occur in railroad and highway loca-
tion where the changes in direction between established tan-
gents can only be accomplished economically by compound
curves. This is true in mountainous terrain or along a large
river winding close to a rock bluff.
The compound curves may tempt the locating
flexibility of
engineer to use them merely to reduce grading quantities or
to expedite the field work (as in Art. 3-14). This is not good
practice, as it complicates design details related to super-
elevation and introduces certain permanent operating dis-
advantages. A compound curve should not be used where a
simple curve is practicable.
Compound Curves 53
(r.c.)A I Vs VCPI)
3-4. Solution —
Through Vertex Triangle. The most obvious
method a compound-curve problem is by means of
of solving
the triangle VVsVl, Fig. 3-1, formed by lines joining the P.I.
and the vertices of the two simple curves. (The base of the
triangle is the common tangent at the C.C.) If this vertex
triangle can be solved, all unknown parts of the layout are
easily determined. For example, if I s II, Rs, and R L are
Compound Curves 55
Since angle
tan v
DOs E=
DOs E = Ul,
m = FG =
1T Ts sin I— s vers 7 /0 ,.
tanf/£, = -^; t-tp; 5 :
Tl+Ts cos I—Rs sin
Also, Is = I — Il
fromwhich (fi L
T' + r
-fl a )- *^-* gsinJ
Or else DE = FG = JB -GH
or (Rl — Rs) vers 7l= Ts sin I — Rs vers 7
r i_- l d n
/d — Rs) = ^5 sin 7 — i?s vers 7
fromwhich (Rl 7 (3-3)
vers 7l
3-6. Solution by Traverse. The general relations de-
veloped in Art. 3-5 are used too infrequently to justify
memorizing them. Moreover, if the textbook is not available,
it may be difficult to derive them when needed, owing to the
Ts sin I — Rs vers I
vers II =
T fo
5 5 ( )
From 2 departures,
7z, = Tl+Ts bcos I-Rs
sin 7 ,,
/lz, — xv,s
But—; —A =
r- tan £A (for proof see page 589).
W - l;
Fl«. 3-3R
Compound Curves 59
Given Recommended Solution
Note. This problem illustrates the practical case noted in Art.. 3-5.
It also shows the utility of Table XX, which lists all needed natural func-
tions in one table.
Ts sin I— Rs vers 7
tan \Il —
T L JrT s cos I -R s sin 7
T s sin 7 = 1,175.42X0.967489= 1,137.21
R,sversl= 955.366X0.747086= 713.74
Diff.= 423.47 = Numerator, N
TL = 2,000.00
Ts cos 7 = 1,175.42X0.252914= 297.28
-Rs sin 7= 955.366X0.967489= -924.31
Alg. sum= 1,372.97 = Denominator, D
tan ^7^ = ^=0.308434 i7z, = 17°08'30"
Tentative 7 L = 34°17'
Rs= 955.37
Sum = #L = 3,392.78andD L = l 41'-f-
vera/i 170582
=2T8br -
Reverse Curves 61
and 7z=33°57'30"
J =;75°21'00"
7,s=41 23'30"
By formula 3-2,
T L = (R L -Rs) sin Il+Rs sin I-Ts cos I
(Rl-Rs) sin 7^ = 2,482.50X0.558590 = 1,386.70
Rs am I = 924.31
-Ta cos Z« -297.28
!TL = alg. sum= 2,013.73
3-9. —
Multi-Compound Curves. In especially difficult ter-
rain,a compound curve may be made to fit the situation better
by using more than two circular arcs. Such a multi-compound
curve is located most simply by trial (see Art. 3-14). The
layout is rarely symmetrical; practical examples are given in
Art. 7-14.
Symmetrical multi-compound curves have man}- uses out-
side of route surveying, especially in architecture. The
"three-centered" oval, or "basket-handle" arch, is a common
3-10. Limitations and Uses. —
When conditions do not per-
mit a simple curve AB inside the P.I. of established tangents
(see Fig. 3-4), the change in direction may be accomplished by
locating a reverse curve A'CB' in the area beyond the P.I.
Points A' and B' may lie on either side of the P.I. and point Bf
the positions depending on the radii.
for starting the second arc. Some other method may be used,
but it is likely to confuse the transitman.
the direction of the back tangent and the location of the T.C.
at A have been fixed by the topography. The direction of
the forward tangent is indefinite, though it should pass near
T' -T- VS'
B~Tongent or a
visible from a set-up on the last arc (as at B'), measure the
angle d. To find the stationing of the C.T. at B, consider that
the directions to the distant point from B and B' are parallel.
Note. —Certain
assigned, particularly
of the practical
numbers 7-2 and 7-6.
problems in Chapter 7 may also be
(c) 7 = 77°32'; 7
(S = 648.20; D L (arc def.)=4°10'; Ds (arc
(d) 7 = 78°36'; 7^ = 518.62; r 5 =371.44; Ds (chord def.) =
(e) 7 = 62°18'; ^^ = 822.67; r s = 590.08; D L (chord def.) =
182.00 ft.
(b) Assume the given curve is replaced by a 1°30' (arc
def.) simple curve joining the same tangents.
Find distances
AA' and BB' between the T.C.'s and C.T.'s of the two
Parabolic Curves
4-1. Uses. Parabolic, instead of circular, arcs may be
used for h orizontal cur ves. Where the curves are flat, there
is no discernible difference between the two types. However,
a parabola cannot be staked out readily by the deflection-
angle method. Moreover, the determination of the radius of
curvature at any point requires higher mathematics, thus
complicating superelevation and related calculations. Also,
parabolic alignment does not permit making simple right>-of-
way descriptions. For these reasons parabolic arcs on hori-
zontal curves are restricted to such locations as park drives
and walks, where they may be easily located by tape alone.
For curves in a vertical plane the situation is the reverse.
Here, parabolic arcs are almost always used because elevations
can be computed much more easily than on circular arcs.
The vertical curve used is a portion of a vertical-axis parabola,
the particular parabola and portion being chosen with regard
to certain practical considerations.
x- KOrigin of
Y Coordinates
Fig. 4-1. Vertical parabola
hi *L
r -*- s fations
3 4-5
For the 600-foot curve in Fig. 4-2, the offsets from AB'
are obviously a, 4a, 9a, 16a, 25a, and 36a; those from BV
(extended) are the same. Moreover, the offsets from a tangent
at M (not shown) are a, 4a, and 9a.
In Fig. 4-2, VC = \B'B (from similar triangles). From the
rule of offsets, VM=\B'B. Consequently, = MC. Thus, VM
a parabola has the important characteristic that the external
distance and the middle ordinate are equal. (This is not
quite true for a circular arc. (See Fig. 2-1.)
The term C2 — G\ is the rate, in per cent, at which the tangent
grades diverge. It is analogous to the angle / of a simple
curve. Some formulas are simplified by replacing G 2 — Gi by
the term A, defined as the algebraic difference in grades. In
Fig. 4-2, B'B equals the amount the grades diverge in the
distance \L, or B'B = (- ( inn )> ^ oein 9 zri foot units.
70 m
Parabolic Curves
X=^ =- (4-4)
A a
ically) by 2a. Since the offsets to the curve from BV are the
same as those from AV, the calculated chord gradients are
correct if the last chord gradient plus a equals G2 For the .
IO 1>
CO ^
©^ T* CO
<N © a*
© ii
ti ii
+ ^5
> x
c5 H +
b~ © ico
10 <N CO
^ © ©
iq p Ttl
© Tj5 ©'
© M © I©
*0 <N [CO tJ< "«*
rH © © © ©I©~ © © ©I© ©I© -
e e e e e ei e e e a e ei
CO CO i-O CM 1> <M
1 © <N -H |
+ + 1 + + 1—
( 1
C5 <S p O <S 1*
Parabolic Curves 73
d O
2 CO
a ©
^ X
^ H I
W +
i— CO T*
© o <N O
iO 00 |> 00
© O
00 i-h 00 CO Tf 00
CO iO o iO o CO <N <n O O oh do d
+ I + ! + 1
+ 1 + 1 + 1 1+ 1 1+ 1
a ^ II
^i o>
•S 3
^^ a a a a a a a a a a a a a a
»o iO t^. <N t> <N t^ <N !>; <N I> iO iO iO
CO CO CO i— iO t>
i-^ 00 i-J ^
H d d ih
+ + rH
+ + + d d
© + 6
co ^ 6 cS ef <S ss
a T^
r~^, CO
a I-
DO _i_
d -h
o © +
-^ i-
l> l>» 8 5§
^-s ^ Od
II 02
Parabolic Curves 75
>>2 <*
o c< <N
11 c3
a ^
a > J>
« <D o
fe H H
00 GO oo 00
d d d d
1 1 1 1
a> i-i «p
6a CO *tf "* t* «o
C^ C^ <M <N
1—1 T-l
ih c4
I I I 1 1
O ©
00 O|00
O O p o
00 loo 00
>, -j:
<M oo 100
gc5 00 00 QD CO 00 <N <N CN
|i C5 i—l r^ lO d
io in i-oI «5N N n d
CO _|_
18 + +8 + + CN
Parabolic Curves 77
both equal to
, r
— . Consequently, ViM and ViV
—— &; and VM
T , the divergence
l 1
in the distance \Li, equals sk(
Ll +U
r* ^w> which re-
duces to
y=aX +GiX. 2
Thus, 2aX+Gi=0 at the turning point.
The result of solving this equation and expressing X in foot
is X_ =
, which reduces to
(4 - 7)
(4 " 8)
where Xi and X
2 are the distances (in feet) to the right and
DP {hL+hY , . ,
which reduces to
, . /DP L+2h
But Z)P = F-^ and EP = V~*j~ Each term in these
-prr by the constant C. Substituting and solving
for L gives
L = 2h(C+l) (4-9)
In this example,
^ 01
(-4.2) (30)
(1.6) (30)
_, 2X30X2.1765 = „ Arkt
740 feet as U(
Therefore L=
_ r=~=
crest vertical curves, C is found from C=
Parabolic Curves 8
4-1. Compute grade elevations to the nearest hundredth
at all full stations on the following equal-tangent vertical
curves. Include all checks. (Note: In some cases it may be
necessary to carry chord gradients to 3 or 4 decimal places.)
Case Sta. V Elev. V Gi Gi L
(a) 87+30 864.41 -5.0% +4.6% 800 ft
Parabolic Curves 83
Find L (to the nearest foot) for curves which will also pass
through these fixed points:
(a) Sta. P=35+00; elev. P = 548.87. Answer: 729 ft.
(b) Sta. P = 90+00; elev. P = 624.21.
(c) Sta. P=81+30; elev. P = 102.38. Answer: 526 ft.
64+00 80+50
(b) +1.55?
750.76 761.52
angle of the circular arcis less than that of the original simple
5-2. Geometry of the Simple Spiral. —The simple spiral
obeys an exact law
The point K
(the theoretical point where a tangent to the
circular curve produced backward becomes parallel to the
tangent AD) is known as the offset T.C. It is sometimes
needed in the field; but is used more often in computations.
If a perpendicular is dropped from C to OK, the coordinates
of the offset T.C, which are X
= AJ and o = JK, may be
written by inspection. Thus,
X =X-RsmA (5-3a)
Fig. 5-3
r:R = L a :l
-. Idl
Consequently, d8 = RL8
By integration, s (5-5)
2RL 3
and (5-6)
in which the angles are in radians.
Therefore, dy = 5 dl = ( = dl
p J
sin a =-=a (approximately)
= (5-9) Approx.
Hence, A, the deflection angle to the S.C., is
Relations 5-12 and 5-13 are correct for most practical pur-
poses. Theoretically, the relations produce values which are
Simple Spirals 93
Fig. 5-4
\I. Therefore,
T = (R+o)
8 tan |I+X« (5-14)
or T = T+Xo+o
8 tan \l (5-15)
0l ~° 2C ° sI
and T„ = T+X c ,+ (5-15b)
sin I
(j) Occupy the S.T. and run in the leaving spiral to the C.S.
Table XV: This table gives exact deflection angles for any
spiral up to A = 45° staked with ten equal chords.
If a table such as Table XV is not available, it is not neces-
sary to use formulas 5-13 and 5-11 when points are spaced
regularly. The following method is quicker:
Let ai = the deflection angle (in minutes) to the first regular
point. Then
20 A (in degrees) ,_ 1DX
mm.) =
ai (in (5-18)
a (in min.) = (5-19)
Sta. Point
Total Field Curve
Den. Procedure Data
Sta. Point
Sta. *-* !
42+43.6 S.C. 1°30' 42+43.6 S.C. 1°30'
41+68.6 o°5i' 42+00 1°06'
(5-21) Approx.
The mutual bisection of spiral and throw is also true for any
portion of a spiral. In Fig. 5-5, for example, assume that P
is the second of several regularly-spaced chord points on a
spiral. The offsets to chord point 1 from the osculating
circles at A and P must be equal, and each is equal to the
offset at chord point 3.
An interesting consequence of the foregoing principles is
that the three shaded portions of Fig. 5-5 are equal in area.
This property has practical value in computing areas of high-
way pavement on Bpiraled curves. (See Art. 8-21.)
1 00 *
2 "S^/Oscu/ating
%v Circle at P
I r I
Fig. 5-5. Osculating-circle theory
Vsc.e ^V
/ F'
/ Osc.®
Fig. 5-6. Transit set-up on spiral
Simple Spirals 1 1
06 = (2l +lb )
t (lt-h) — (5-22) Approx.
n-**r-KS)(©4J(^)\ ** -y be
simplified to
equals 4»> + <f>/. When formulas 5-22 and 5-23 are added, the
1 02 ' Spirals
simplified result is
it follows that
20A(in deg0
<j> b (inmm.) = (2n +n b )
t (n ( -n») (5-25) Approx.
Preliminary computations:
L D = 900X10 co 20A 20X45 =
AA =
S .
^00- = 45 ai= 4
200 -n--l5^
Simple Spirals 1 03
Computation of Deflections
Transit at T.S.
(Orient by sighting along tangent with 0°00' on vernier.)
1 1 4' 0°04'
These same deflections
2 4 4' 0°16'
obtainable from
3 9 4' 0°36' Table XV at every
4 16 4' ,
(64 )1°04
other chord point by
4' (100')1°40' entering Table with
5 25
A = <&'*•* = 5°
Transit at Point 5
(Orient by backsight to T.S. with 3°20' on vernier.)
for points 6 to 12 on
11 126 (504') 8°24'
the other side of 0°00'.
12 154 4' (616')10°16'
Transit at Point 12
(Orient by backsight to point 5 with 13°32' on vernier.)
Simple Spirals 1 05
£ = ^f = 4.8° (roughly)
Consideration of the relation A= shows two unknowns.
Consequently, there are any number of combinations of A and
L8 which will fit the conditions. A glance at Table XI might
suggest a suitable combination.
Suppose that Ls is assumed to be 250 ft. Then
A=|^X4.8 o = 6.0 o (tentatively)
N R = the distance A D = X
P R = the distance DC =Y
M R = the distance OJ = R-\-o
S R = \he distance AJ=X
Values of these coefficients for R = l have been computed
for various values of A (see Table XIII). When these values
are substituted in the following relations, parts needed for
computing and staking the layout result:
X = RN (5-28)
Y = RP (5-29)
L = 2RA
t (radians) (5-6)
not possible (except by coincidence) to have integral
It is
values of R, L„ and A (in degrees); one, at least, must be
an odd value. When it is desired to use Table XIII without
interpolation, the odd variable is L t .
A= °= 5 8 °
[2(2^] X27 -
may be seen by
tain approximations the significance of which
examining Fig. 5-2 in connection with Table XI. All calcu-
lations may be made by slide rule.
Procedure Recommended for Flat Spirals (up to A = 5°)
(a) Compute Y from Y=L S sin £A
Y 2
5-16. Combining Spiral-Method for Flat Spirals.— The
difference in curvature at the C.C. of a compound curve may
be abrupt enough to justify the insertion of a combining spiral.
In Fig. 5-7 the combining spiral AC is tangent to the curves
having radii Rs and Rl\ and it has the same radius of curva-
ture as the circular arc at each point of tangency. That is,
AC is a portion of a simple spiral cut to fit as a transition
between curves of degree D s and Dl. With D s and D L
known, an additional value usually the length AC but
sometimes the offset JK must be assumed. The problem
is then determinate; only one combining spiral will satisfy
20X7.5° ntmmm
ai= ; =9375'
C p = 0.2215ZAsAAr(As-A^)10- 7 (5-36)
them as Ca . Thus,
C a = 0.01285A (S AAr(A s -Ajv)+0.3535A 3 A^(A -2Aiv)10-6
= </>/ - C* = </>/ - (C a +C a) (5-39)
where </>/ is found from formula 5-23 (see also Fig. 5-6).
Also, when sighting toward the flatter end of a combining
Combining Spirals 1 1
= 4>b+C = 4>b + (C a +C
4> s) (5-40)
F'A ; (o-43a)
sin (As+Al)
As a further check on computation of the tangents,
Combining Spirals 1 1
Combining Spirals 1 1
Assume the given values to be sta. V, 7, II, Rl, Rs, and the
lengths (or the /c-values) of the spirals. The problem is to
find the stationing of all curve points (T.S.,, CiS. 2 , etc.)
so that the layout may be computed and staked. The best
solution directly from the given data is VB' and A'V
to find
by the traverse method. Use the traverse OlA'VB'OsOl, and
follow the procedure developed in Art. 3-6. (Note the simi-
larity between the following tabulation and that on page 56.)
Length Azimuth Latitude Departure
Rl + ol 0° Rl + ol
A'V 90° A'V
VB' 90°+I -Tasini VB' cos I
Rs+os 180°+I — (Rs+os) cos I — (Rs+os) sin I
Rl — Rs-oc 180°+Il —(Rl — Rs — oc) cosIl — (Rl — Rs — oc) sin II
From 2 latitudes,
tL= (5_48)
oL -o s cosI+oc cos
sm I
( ^ 9)
w \ —sin — J
/l— COS I\
5-21. Definition and Fields of Use. — In a special situation,
a better fit with terrain may
be obtained by permitting a
simple spiral to have a different radius of curvature than that
of the circular arc at the point of tangency. At that point
the condition is analogous to that at the C.C. of a compound
curve. The spiral in this case is called a compound spiral,
and the difference in degree of curvature between spiral and
circular arc at the point of tangency is called degree of com-
poundancy. Some degree of compoundancy may also be
allowed at the beginning of the spiral where it is tangent to
the straight line.
Compound spiral
^Multi-compound curve
\ \
Fiar. 5-10
bining spiral according to Art. 5-16 (or Art. 5-17 and Appen-
dix C). One possible solution for this case is given in Prob.
5-15; in another solution (a special case), a double-spiral
replaces the original multi-compound curve (see Problem
5-1. Given the following simple spirals. Compute values
of X, Y, X , and L.C. with the aid of Table XII.
o, L.T., S.T.,
Where applicable use Table XI to verify answers (exactly, or
approximately by interpolation).
(a) D a = 2°00';L, = 250 (d) Z) c = 4°00'; L,=300
(b) Z) o = 5°15';L = 400 8 (e) D = 8°20';
e L, = 360
(c) L> a = 25°00';L = 500 4 (/) Z) c = 20°00'; L = 500 8
5-3. Prepare sets of field notes (see Art. 5-5) for staking
certain of the curves in Prob. 5-2 with set-ups at the T.S.,
S.C., and S.T. On approach spirals compute deflections for
5 equal chords; on leaving spirals and circular arcs, for full
and half stations. Carry all deflections to the nearest 10
seconds. Stations of T.S. are:
(a) 57+73.92 (d) 121+09.73
(6) 92+61.16 (e) 225+04.86
5-4. Prepare sets of field notes (see Arts. 5-5 and 5-7) for
staking certain of the spirals in Prob. 5-1. In each case also
compute the maximum theoretical correction to any tabulated
Compound Spirals 1 23
I = 28 42';E 8
(d) = 50±6(t.
5-8. Use the method of Art. 5-9 to find a simple curve with
equal spirals for each of the following conditions:
(a) Given: 7 = 38°; T 8 = approximately 580 ft; p = 0.5.
Find: exact value of L 8 with nearest value of R in Table V.
Answer: L = 287.40 with fl = 1,300.
5-8 (a).
5-17. Derive:
(a) Formula 5-18 from the basic relations in Art. 5-2.
(b) Formula 5-19 from the basic relations in Art. 5-2.
(c) Formulas 5-30 and 5-31.
(d) Formula 5-32.
(e) The approximate formulas in Art. 5-11, using a sketch
to show the nature of the approximations made.
(/) Formula C-3 in Appendix C.
•This is the same compound curve used in Art. 3-8 (with sta. V added).
Solve with the aid of formulas 5-48 and 5-49 using the exact values of
T L and T 8 given in Art. 3-8.
chapter O
6-1. Foreword. —
Payment for grading is usually based on
a bid price per cubic yard for excavation measured in place as
computed from survey notes. The unit price ordinarily includes
hauling excavated material (cut) from within the limits of the
roadway moving in other material (borrow) from outside
areas; building the embankments (fill) to specified form; dis-
posing of surplus material (waste) and performing such opera-
6-2. Types of Cross-Sections. The exact determination of
earthwork quantities is usually based upon field cross-sections
taken in a specified manner before and after grading.
On highway and railroad work, cross- sections are vertical
and at right angles to the survey center-line. Every section
is an area formed by the subgrade (or base), the side slopes,
6-4. Formulas for End Areas. —Fig. 6-2 shows the areas at
certain cross-sections in Fig. 6-1. The common notation is
spread among the several sketches. The distance c is always
the vertical distance (cut or fill) between ground and grade at
the center line, and hi (or hr ) is the vertical distance between
ground and grade at the slope stake. Distances between
ground and grade at other points are denoted by ci and Cr in
cut, and by fi and fr in fill (as at section B). The inclination s
of the side slopes is expressed by the ratio of horizontal dis-
tance to vertical distance (as unity).
The horizontal distance from the survey center-line to any
slope stake is
M** 2 )
or AL=c(b+cs) (6-3)
in Fig. €-/
—£ —
Fig. 6-2
Earthwork 1 3
relation to
Another convenient formula for the area of a regular three-
found by extending the side slopes to an inter-
level section is
*-§(•+£)-£ <MJ
Formula 6-5 is slightly more convenient than 6-4 for com-
puting a long series of regular three-level sections in cut or fill,
X olo
i I i
o Lo Id
fit 1
X It?
1 °
X 73
*> lo
—e>-o|o .s
-5 -tf
© Uo |c*
*<|l3 1-
X —
X ©
1 X
© ©
e '5
5 <
1 34 -
^£/pa/__eor '/-/
1 surteee
Surface Grade
Elev. Elev. B
marked on the side facing the center line, and the stationing is
Rod (+)
Ground Grade
Rod Rod(-)
Grade Elev.
Fig. 6-5
1 40 Earthwork
(2) Grade rod minus ground rod equals cut or fill at the
ground rod (the sign -j- signifies cut; the sign — indi-
engineer ? level.
The second example of slope-staking notes on page 141
shows irregular ground with more-complex transitions between
excavation and embankment. Included also are wedge-
shaped solids either side of a grade contour at right angles to
the center line.
This formula is exact only when the end areas are equal.
For other cases it usually gives volumes slightly larger than
their true values. If it were to be applied to a pyramid, for
example, the error would be the maximum and would be
equal to 50 per cent of the correct volume. In practice, how-
ever, the total error in a long line is rarely more than 2 per
F6.9 F11.4
91+00 864.5 876.63 F12.1
33L8 42.8
F8.2 F10.1
90+50 867.3 877.63 F10.3
3uT 40.2
90+05 875.3 878.53 *" F3.2
20 45.6
C16.3 F12.2
89+73 879.2 879.17
57.6 44.4
^ o
89+08 873.7 880.47 F6.8
20 52.2
58.6 45.8
C24.0 ^
88+30 890.9 882.03 C8.9
73.0 25
142 - Earthwork
Table XVII gives cubic yards per 100 feet for level sections
having various base widths and side-slope ratios. It is very
useful in making preliminary estimates of grading quantities
by scaling center cuts and fills from a projected paper location.
(See Art. 9-11.)
Vw = ^wh (fr-9)
Earthwork 143
Formula Cu Yd
Sta. Converted to CuYd Between
Form $ w h Entries per Stations
50 Ft
.=2c = 15.2
63+00 K2c)(6+cs) 723.4
h = b+cs = 51A
. = c = 6.8
k = D = m.l
62+00 §cl>+i(|)(fl) 626.6
.=| = 20
A=# = 13.4
w = c = 4.1
/i= D = 47.2
61+48 icD+hfyih) 268.1
. = | = 20
61+36 ^w hi A = ^ = 2.6
L A+4Ui. _
(6 10)
| j
where A m is the area of a section midway between Ai and Ai
and the other terms have the same meanings as in formula 6-8.
In route surveying the prismoidal formula applies to any
solid generated by a straight line passing around the sides of
plane parallel end-bases. Accordingly, it fits warped-surface
Cp = V e -Vp (fr-11)
When the values given by formulas 6-8 and 6-10 are sub-
stituted in formula 6-11 and the resulting formula is reduced,
the general prismoidal-correction formula is
Voo'=^tX (product of two quantities)
The foregoing corrections are 0.05 per cent, 1.2 per cent,
and 9.2 per cent of the respective average-end-area volumes.
It is evident that prismoidal corrections are insignificant,
except at transitions between cut and fill. Since, normally,
these locations account for only a small percentage of the total
yardage, it is obvious that volumes determined by the average-
1 48 *
^ D°. Since
RD° equals 1 station, the curvature cor-
Area SB'C Udi+d r) ^D° per station. But Area SB'C equals
|(|&+*c) (hi — hr) sq ft, where (hi—h r ) is the difference
between the slope-stake heights, and is always used as a plus
quantity. Therefore,
C = Q6+sc)
c (ht-hr) {di+dr)
fg^g) cu yd per sta. (6-17)
C =0.52X3.77 = 2.0
c cu yd to be subtracted
6-13. Borrow Pits. When the quantity of material within
the theoretical limits of excavation is not enough to make the
fills, it is necessary to provide additional material, termed
f 5 s 13
n 21
6 JO 14 /a 2Z |2C
<z<|— >b— <
3 7
12 /e
F7 =
4^27 W+M'+M'+ee')
Earth work 151
with the cutting edge fa and the trapezoidal base ebb'e'. For
all practical purposes its volume is one-half the product of
the area of the base and the average of the horizontal dis-
tances ab and fe.
At a corner the portion of the square excavated is composed
approximately of two quarter-cones, base to base. For
example, as shown in Fig. 6-8, the mass in square 4 has one
quarter-cone with basefxg and altitude xe, and another quarter-
cone with the same base but with altitude xe'. The radius r
of the circular base may be taken as the average of fx and g&
Ba/ance po/nfis
(M9. Mass-Diagram Method. Though the numerical
method just described is quite simple and rapid, it is not
adapted to making a broad study of grading operations by
analyzing the effects upon the over-all economy produced by
various shifts in balance points. This is best done by a semi-
graphic method in which the mass diagram is used.
The earthwork mass-diagram is a continuous graph of
net cumulative yardage. It is plotted with stations aj
156 Earthwork
Mass Diagram
Fig. 6-10
Mass Diagram
Fig. 6-11
ence between total haul and free haul is the overhaul between
A and A'. This overhaul is represented by the two cross-
hatched areas.
When the portions of a mass diagram on the sides of two
related overhaul areas are fairly smooth (as al and Va'), even
though not straight, the sum of the two areas may be found by
drawing a horizontal line midway between the two balance
lines, deducting the free-haul distance from its length, and
multiplying the difference by the ordinate between the balance
lines. For example, hh' bisects hi. The points h and h' are
approximately at the centers of gravity of the volumes between
A and L and between and A'. Consequently, the overhaul
between A and A' is (hh'—ll')Xkl.
In case the mass diagram is very irregular between balance
lines,the overhaul may be determined either by planimeter or
by the method of moments. In the first of these methods the
overhaul is found directly by planimetering the areas repre-
senting overhaul and applying the necessary scale factors to
convert areas to station-yards. If needed, the distance to the
center of mass of the yardage overhauled could be found by
dividing the overhaul by the volume. Thus, in Fig. 6-11, the
station of the center of mass of the yardage between A and L
. ..
is sta. A-\
. ,
area alk
In the method of moments each separate volume is multi-
plied by its distance from a selected station, and the sum of the
products is divided by the sum of the volumes. The result is
the distance from the selected station to the center of mass.
As in any other method, overhaul = yardage X (distance between
centers of mass — free-haul distance) .
-+• O T
1 60 Earthwork
Yardage K-
Mass Diagram
Fig. 6-13. Two-way hauling from intermediate cut
Yardage K-
Mass Diagram
Fijr. 6-14. Uni-directional hauling
1 62 Earthwork
(Note. —Problems 6-1 through 6-8 refer to the notes on page 138.)
Distribution Analysis 1 63
(Note. — Problems 6-9 through 0-17 refer to the notes on page 141.)
17 33 4504 49 -4202
18 +1990 34 6708 50 -5112
19 4264 35 7852 51 -5694
20 5852 36 8580 52 -5805
21 7006 37 9004 53 -5511
22 7995 38 8881 54 -4725
23 8512 39 8348 55 -3684
24 8727 40 7850 56 -2012
25 8915 41 7002 57 -490
26 8668 42 6100 58 + 1294
27 7750 43 5148 59 2307
28 6118 44 3887 60 3009
29 3862 45 2191 61 3698
30 2710 46 100 62 4150
31 2335 47 -2046 63 4603
32 2687 48 -3318 64 4892
44 59 -9226 74 -2398
45 -1995 60 -8548 75 -1501
46 -3212 61 -7290 76 -732
47 -4007 62 -5761 77 -16
48 -3508 63 -4854 78 +527
49 -2453 64 -4600 79 1110
50 -1380 65 -5118 80 1594
51 -711 66 -6904 81 1968
52 -402 67 -8247 82 2190
53 -596 68 -8782 83 2011
54 -1205 69 -8198 84 1621
55 -2400 70 -6995 85 1013
56 -4581 71 -5451 86
57 -6780 72 -4307 87 -682
58 -8647 73 -3254 88 -1675
chapter /
Special Curve Problems
7-1. Foreword. —
In a subject as utilitarian as route survey-
ing, there is harcTy a strict division between basic principles
and practical applications. Though these headings are used
in this book, many practical features have already been re-
ferred to in Part I moreover, some problems involving addi-
7-3. P.I. Inaccessible. Simple Curve: This problem is of
frequent occurrence. Conditions are shown in Fig. 7-1. The
problem is to locate the curve points A and B.
Fig. 7-1
Angle I=x-\-y
From 2 latitudes'.
Fig. 7-2
XY cos x — Rs sin I
RL -Bs
When equation 7-1 is divided by 7-2, the result is
tan */£'
XY sin x—Rs vers 7
.XY cosx— Ifesin /
Solve equation 7-3 for I L Then obtain R L —Rs from
Fig. 7-3
J)f-Pos/f/on 2
Position i
Fig. 7-4
If both the P.I. and the T.C. (or C.T.) are inaccessible, a
combination of the foregoing procedures will provide the solu-
1 74 Special Curve Problems
/ Proposed -? t
/ Warehouse TL3
/ / \
/ I
/ I
k% Fig. 7-5
skew shift = ^7
sin /
Change-of-Location Problems 77
Fig. 7-6
from which
cos I'l = cos II — (7-5)
The distance bB needed for locating the new C.T. at B' is
Fig. 7-8
From the triangle at the vertex (Hint 2), FT' = the skew
and the new tangent distance T' equals T+W.
Then D' is found from Table VIII, or, if preferred (Hints 4
and 3), from
R' = R+ vers /
Change-of-Location Problems 179
For setting the new C.T. at B', notice that B' must lie on
AB produced. Since angle bBB' equals §/,
BB' = V (7-8)
sin \I
When the tangent is shifted inward, use AB' as the original
Fig. 7-10
For setting the new T.C. at A', notice that A A' does not
equal W. Find A A' from the triangle at the centers (Hint
2). This triangle gives
RI = R^2l (7 _ n)
vers I
Also, from Hint 3,
3. "
y .»»• ^ -""" ^^ "•» ^^*
Fig. 7-11
182 Special Curve Problems
Relocation Problems 1 83
Fig. 7-13
tan a = (7-19)
.ft Rs
Then, Offset PK=(R- Rs) exsec a (7-20)
7-17. Curve Through Fixed Point. —A curve may be made
to pass through (or close to) a fixed point either by trial
methods or by an exact geometric solution.
A method of accomplishing the result by a trial field method
from a selected T.C. was described in Art. 2-14 under the
heading of chord offsets.
Fig. 7-15
R= PV sin (I+a)
vers (hl+o)
VP' =150
AP' = ditt. =331
T.0. 3 ° (Table I)-2.62 and PjPy-3.3PX2.62 =28.7
(PPV may be checked by formula 2-30.) Since PP' 3 °
exceeds 20 feet, the correct 1) is greater than 3°.
Miscellaneous Problems 1 87
Try D = 4°
From a similar process, PP\° = 15.4
Hence, by interpolation, the required value of D is approxi-
mately equal to 3°+^X60' = 3°39' (say 3°40').
Fig. 7-16
r -'>*£i "
(7 25)
X = J ±7tan0
x (7-26)
Fig. 7-17
Fig. 7-18
Fig. 7-19
7-1. Simple curve with P.I. inaccessible (Fig. 7-1).
sta. T.C. {A), C.T. (B), and distance YB.
(a) Sta. X=73+50; XF=708.55; x=32°48'; 2/ = 25°24';
Z)„=4°30'. Answers: sta. T.C. =66+41.32; sta. C.T. =79 +
34.65; YB =257.06.
1 92 - Special Curve Problems
?/=35 iS
a=3 :
(6) Sta. lo ;
/L =36 :
42 :
fir =670.52.
(12) Signs
(a) Size of letters
(c) Reflectorization
(d) Position
8-2. Speeds. —Speed and sight distance are closely related.
Several definitions of speed are used in the AASHO Policy.
Over-all travel speed is the speed over a specified section of
highway, being the distance divided by the over-all travel
time. The term running speed refers to the distance divided
by the time the vehicle is in motion. In either case, the
average speed for all traffic, component thereof, is the
summation of distances divided by the summation of running
(or over-all travel) times. The most useful concept of speed
isdesign speed! which is the maximum safe speed that can be
maintained over a specified section of highway when conditions
are so favorable that the design features of the highway govern.
8-3. Definitions. Two definitions of sight distance are in
use^Jaxojjm.a^fitspping'' and "p assin g."
1 98 Curve Vroblems in Highway Design
D = lA7Vt
r (8-1)
F = Ma=—a
safety factor. If the full design speed were used along with
the coefficients of friction for dry pavements (almost double
the tabulated values), the required stopping sight distances
would be somewhat less than those for the assumed wet con-
200 Curve Problems in Highway Design
Assumed Coef-
Braking Sight Distance
Speed Reaction Dis-
Design ficient
for tance
Speed Condi- of
Level Com- Rounded
Time Dist. for
mph mpli sec ft ft ft ft
V / Db 1 Dr + Db
D (8-3)
30 (/*G)
d^lAlufv-iyi+^j (8-4)
d2 = 1.47 Vt 2 (8-5)
Passing Vehicle
Opposing vehicle appears
when passing vehicle
reaches point A
hd 2
d: d3
2 1.500
* 1,000
30 40 50 60
Average Speed of Passing Vehicle -mph
Initial maneuver:
a=avg. acceleration, mph
per second 1.40 1.43 1.47 1.50
h = time, seconds 3.6 4.0 4.3 4.5
di= distance traveled, ft 145 215 290 370
Clearance length:
d3 = distance traveled, ft 100 180 250 300
Opposing vehicle:
d\ = distance traveled, ft 315 425 550 680
Total distance,
(h+dt+dz+dt, ft 1,035 1,460 1,915 2,380
30 26 36 1,090 1,100
40 34 44 1,480 1,500
50 41 51 1,840 1,800
60 47 57 2,140 2,100
65 50 60 2,310 2,300
70 54 64 2,490 2,500
75 56 66 2,600 2,600
80 59 69 2,740 2,700
204 Curve Problems in Highway Design
8-6. Superelevation Theory. — Fig. 8-2 shows the forces
W (weight of vehicle) and F (centrifugal force) acting through,
the center of gravity c of a vehicle traveling at a speed v
around a curve of radius R, when the pavement is super-
elevated at an angle with the horizontal (0 = tan -1 e).
w Wp
Possible directions
of resultant
Fig. 8-2. Superelevation theory
(3) When WP <F P , the resultant is inclined to the pavement
up the slope. The effects are then opposite to those in (2) the ;
resisting lateral force acts down the slope and the tilt is out-
At equilibrium speed, WP = FP or ,
tan0 = e = -^ (8-6)
g a
The equilibrium formula is expressed in more usable form
by replacing v in feet per second by V in miles per hour and
by substituting 32.16 ft per sec 2 for g. The result is
0.067 V 2
V 2
R 15 R
(8" 8)
When Wp j^Fp, the magnitude of the tendency for the vehicle
to move laterally may be denoted by the term /, which is the
ratio of the lateral component of the resultant to its normal
component. If all forces are assumed to have positive signs,
the value of / is
(8- lo)
When WP <Fp (or V exceeds equilibrium speed),
=i^ = S^ (8 - n)
rv*j£jjfo/ Q&& fo
1 1
(a) Favorable crown (b) Adverse crown
Fig. 8-3
(1) V= Equilibrium speed 15
Superelevation counterbalances the
centrifugal force. There is no (Formula 8-7)
side friction.
When Wp5*Fp the car , tends to creep out of the traffic lane.
To offset this tendency the driver must exert force at the
steering wheel and must steer slightly toward or away from the
center of curvature, the direction depending on whether V is
greater or less than equilibrium speed. As a result, each pair
of tires must "slip" across the surface at a definite angle
between the path of travel and the longitudinal axis of the
wheels. Fig. 8-4 illustrates the normal condition when V
exceeds the equilibrium speed.
Rsrth of front,
Cfcor-^^' ^
<C_ . ^£T£-Fbfh of rear
of cor
Rear Slip Anqle_
Fig. 8-4. Understeering action
Front and rear slip angles are rarely equal. When the
front slip angle is greater than the rear slip angle, the car is
considered safe. Roll angles are not large. Tests show that,
when /=0.20, body-roll angles vary between 1.8° and 3.5°,
the value depending on the make and model year of the car.
Though body roll has less effect upon a car's general "road-
ability" than do the slip angles, it is a factor that must be
allowed for in the accurate use of the ball bank indicator (see
Art. 8-8).
Valuable research on the relation of slip angles, steering
angles, and body roll to safe speed on curves has been pub-
lished by Fox 6 (low-speed tests) and by Stonex and Noble7
(high-speed tests on the Pennsylvania Turnpike). The facts
brought out show why all cars do not handle alike on the same
curves. Information is also available on the special problems
involved in test-track design. 24
Ball bank
ment surface; there is no body roll and the ball bank indicator
Teads 0°. At a speed greater than equilibrium speed, side
friction comes into play, acting inward. Were it not for the
body the ball bank angle would be practically a direct
or tan -1 /= tan" e
(jli- )
Because of the small angles involved, it is sufficiently
accurate to assume that
tan -1 /= tan -1 —R~ — tan" 1
e = tan _1 —v =r—
g g R
212 Curve Problems in Highway Design
Bo// bank
tan" 1
f=p-p (8-13) Approx.
To obtain the driver's respect for the speed on the sign over a wide
range of speed, the following ball bank angles are recommended: 14°
for speeds below 20 mph, 12° for speeds of 25 and 30 mph, and 10° for
speeds of 35 mph and higher.
For speeds up to 50 or even 60 mph, a ball bank angle of 10° has
been found to be quite satisfactory but for speeds above 60 mph a
lower value should be used.
0.22 1 1
1 r
H.R.B. 1940
__^Moyer & Berry
0.18 £
\ V
A \Meyer 1949
V \ ^HJjJ. 1936Barnett
\ H.R.B. 1940
\ Moyer & Berry
4 5 6 7
D = Degree of Curve
Fig. 8-8
Design Minimum Maximum
Speed Maximum Maximum Total R D
V, mph e / e+f ft deg
final values are consistent with formula 8-1 1 in which are sub-
stituted the safe side friction factors from Table 8-4.
The relationships given b y formula 8-1 a re s how a. gr a p h i-
R = Radius in Feet
12 16 20 28
D = Degree of Curve
Fig. 8-9
220 Curve Problems in Highway Design
- "
- "
*>, "
- "
\ "
\ -
\\ t*
x >
fa- -
\^ "
0? *^ -
e« a> oO w
c> c3 C;
D L/
3 C3 c3
C3 C3 °
9}ey uojieA8|9jadns =a
222 Curve Problems in Highway Design
o © ©© o ©
ooo O >r>
»* r—
<N <M <N <N
o oo
o o oo
oo oo
» NN »ri rr\^ h
I o « a
2 « *» ,-
« O
~ fc
_ £ = 0> 3 T3 3
O C\ Q £
fe n
tf F
CO C\C\ 2 o W ea
O O ©O © © s 03 2 o
c-S »
S fc
H O fc
oo© ©oo© o©
_, -„ ,* N N(fi m rem
"•a g 1 is-
$ "^ > o
o ©© o ©© © OO o | 2 .
> .3 <u
.-< ih (N <N <N (N fe
•a a s
_ £ a 02 S 0, CO
ouu2 IO OKMfl r- © 2 q
« ofi©
©oo© oooo ©oo £*M
CM <M rrv
yyyy ° £ m 00 w> oo
ZZtfps © c o© oooo ©© oo
©•<r r- ©
op © ©pop pppp ©pop
CM7\0\ © O
Z2ZZ oCoSo© © ~
CS © O m
NO *•>«<-> -ir «r> hh mh <N r- •*! o <r\ —> oo \0 »«->«>
rsio\ VO -<r -< Os 00l^vO>r\ ^l"<r •<? «Mf\(NN N N
<rNO«r\© OOOO
O mo
rTv^jiirvvO t~ CO C\ O -- <N i
224 Curve Problems in Highway Design
8-13. Length of Spiral. The purposes served by an ease-
ment curve and the reasons for choosing the spiral as the ease-
ment were stated succinctly in Art. 5-1.
Safe operation at high speeds requires that curves be
designed to fit natural driver-vehicle behavior. It is obviously
impossible, when traveling at any appreciable speed, to change
instantaneously from a straight to a circular path at the T.C.
of an unspiraled curve. On such alignment the driver makes
his own transition as a matter of necessity, usually by starting
to steer toward the curve in advance of the T.C. In so doing,
there is bound to be some deviation from the traffic lane. If
the curve is sharp or if the speed is high, the deviation may
result in dangerous encroachment on the shoulder or on the
adjacent traffic lane (see Fig. 8-11).
Ineffective pavement
to V in miles per hour and solving for L, gives the basic Shortt
formula, which is
~ V9 (8~ 16)
K% C0S 6 Sin
15(«+/) for ^.
The result is
Ls = (8-18)
A relation of this basic form was given by Haile, 14 though
he recommended that it should not be used because of the
short spiral lengths produced when / is small. There is no
need to discard the theoretically correct relation represented
by equation 8-18 solely for this reason. It is important,
however, to consider the rotational effect. Though an
extremely short spiral to a superelevated curve will result in
no centrifugal sensation (if traversed at equilibrium speed),
yet the rotational change about the axis of the car may be too
rapid for comfort or safety.
Vf governs choice
. /
minimum L when e<0.7 ^7
V Da 2
L = Minimum
t length of
spiral in feet for design
speed, mph, of:
e = 0.10
30 40 50 60 70
Assumed Mini- Calculated
Speed Minimum mum Length of
Curvature Spiral
mph ft
Plan Szct/ons Prpfjle
Fig. 8-12. Attaining superelevation at spiraled carve
Length of Spiral I
TABLE 8-10
Rate of
Degree Superelevation
per Foot
Curve of Width Feet
1°45' 16 150 260
2°00' 3
8 150 210
2°15' 7
16 200 210
2°30' 9
16 200 164
250 162
3°00' 4 250 160
3°15' 13
16 280 158
3°30' 8 300 157
4°00' 1 350 154
4 30' 1* 370 148
5°00' 1A 410 146
5°15' 1A 400 145
5°30' 1A 400 141
maintain a straight course must steer against the gradually
increasing superelevation. However, as soon as he reaches
the T.C. of a curve involving the usual combination of an
understeering car and a speed greater than the equilibrium
value, he must steer toward the center of curvature (see
Art. 8-7). This reversal in steering direction is neither
natural nor obtainable instantaneously. Consequently, dur-
ing the approach to the T.C. the vehicle usually creeps toward
the shoulder or toward the inner lane. Near the T.C. it
traverses a reverse curve in getting back into the traffic lane.
Upon leaving the curve similar effects are produced.
The effects just described are not particularly important
where vehicles are operated at low speeds. But at high design
speeds they may have consequences serious enough to justify
universal adoption of center-line spiraling. In fact, one of
238 Curve Problems in Highway Design
Fig. 8-14
rium speed, the rear wheels track further in or out, the posi-
tions depending on whether the speed is less or greater than the
equilibrium value. When the speed is high, though still
may even track outside the
within safe limits, the rear wheels
front wheels (see Fig. 8-4). There is no way of determining
the exact amount of extra lane widening required to compen-
sate for the non-tracking effect, except at equilibrium speed,
since it depends on the particular slip angles developed by
w=2[r-VW=I?]+— (8-20)
sible to carry the full widening from the T.C. to the C.T.
240 Curve Problems in Highway Design
x rU-'
the T.S. Forms for the curve at the inside edge of the roadway
are located on radial offsets from the survey center-line at
distances equal to |6 plus the proportional amounts of the
In this method the curve of the inside edge is not a true
spiral. However, the transition is smooth except at the S.C.,
where the slight break may be remedied by eye adjustment of
the stakes or forms. The alternative would be to calculate a
separate spiral for the inside edge having a throw equal to
w plus the throw of the center-line spiral, and having a radius
R' equal to R — \b — w. The length of the edge spiral is com-
puted as in the example on page 243. This procedure, pre-
ferred by some engineers, results in a spiral much longer than
that on the center line; it also complicates the field work
somewhat. Fig. 8-17 illustrates the layout; see also Prob. 8-9.
x t
= L,/^ (8-21)
extra widening that is given to the inner lane, and the ten-
dency to edge across the longitudinal joint is thereby reduced.
On sharp curves requiring center striping, there is no unsightly
L = V24X558.958X2 = 163.8
S ft, and A = 8.395°
, R'+w = 560.96
% ™ or>TO
- „
Rv ,Q
-=oiik= 163 8ft -
IS. rO
ib\ T^T" -s.c.
& l—o
—u="- , ,.
Fig. 8-19. True edge spirals on unspiraled curve
8-19. Edge Lengths. It is often necessary to determine the
curved length of the inner edge or outer edge of the pavement
or of a line a certain distance from either edge. This problem
occurs in connection with estimating the length of curb or of
guard rail and in staking an offset curve parallel to the
center line.
AB = a-{-^— (approx.)
R ~^~ h
BC = BC'=( \ d (approx.)
formula 5-7, 5 = f j- A, from which d8=- After sub-
stitution, therefore,
bAldl bAldl
dL = dl — and dl = dl +
Horizontal Alignment 247
By integration, ^ = ^ — ( ~o~ ) (
To PI.
Li = L -A{\b + lw)
8 (8-26)
Where the widening is divided equally between the inside
and outside lanes, as in Fig. 8-16, the edge lengths are given by
Li= L -A(\b + \w)
& (8-27)
I — j I
- — ci, which may bereduced to c = Ci-f2( — (-) 2
C2 = d±2i (8-29)
cz = c ±2i
Cn = Cn-\±2i
= t>[~2L s +- (8-30a)
250 Curve'Problems in Highway Design
vers __
5,730 ShD
m = ___ ,
q oon
L(2SH -L)
m— (8-35) Approx.
o It
edge on the survey center-line (at the station for which the
sight distance is to be determined) and tangent to the obstruc-
tion. The sight distance is then taken as the difference
in stationing between the points where the straightedge inter-
sects the center line. When scaled, it is suggested (AASHO
252 Curve Problems in Highway Design
tors CD
,—. oo
1 1
1 '
V l i i i i i V
\ \
> \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ 1
\ ol
\ ._s\ SI
\ \ %V 2,Uf
N vP\
\ I
<a\ * I " 1
% 1 \A 3 £
2 -=
o t %^\ \~\
II >
VM <n\
\ i
V\ \\
\ 1
\ 1
• \ \l
1 t 1 1
. t t i I I : •
iiit 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M<
the sight line is not parallel to the chord joining the ends of the
From the rule of offsets in Art. 4-2 and formula 4-2,
=" «©
(In sight distance formulas, A is used as a positive number
equal to the change in gradient from Gi to 2 .) Therefore, G
„ /200 L h2
S2 =
The result obtained by substituting S for $i+$2 and solving
254 Curve Problems in Highway Design
WhenS<L, L= (8-37)
200{Vhi+Vh2) 2
In the AASHO Policy the values in the case of stopping
sight distance are hi =3.75 ft and /i2 = 6 in. In the case of
passing sight distance, h\=3.75 ft and /i2 = 4.5 ft. (See Art.
8-3.) Substituting these values in formula 8-37 gives the
following practical relations
When S<L,
(non-passing conditions) L •
AS 2
(passing conditions)
AS 2
ference between the gradient of the sight line and the gradient
G\. Then A —g will be the difference between the gradient of
the sight line and the gradient G-i. Use is also made of the
following property of the parabola: If a tangent to the para-
bola is drawn between the main tangents, the horizontal pro-
on this new tangent by the main
jection of the intercept cut off
tangents equal to one-half the horizontal projection of the
AVhjhz-hiA (B)
°~ ht-hi
When S>L,
1 398
(non-passing conditions) L=2S ^j— (8-4 1
L — 2S—
(passing conditions)
' '
E i
Z.O' r
Fig. 8-28. Headlight beam distance, where S<L
Fig:. 8-31
Thus, L 100*
But d" = 1 ft per sec .
Substituting for 72
8-25. Sight Distances at Interchanges. Sight distances at
interchanges should be at least as long as the stopping dis-
tances listed in Table 8-1. When a sag vertical curve occurs
at an underpass, the overhead structure may shorten the sight
distance otherwise obtainable. However, if the length of the
sag curve conforms with that in Fig. 8-30, the structure does
not shorten the sight distance below the minimum required for
stopping. This is true even though the sight distance is
measured from a height of eye of 6 feet (truck driver) to a
1 .5 feet (tail light) and the vertical clearance
height of object of
is the recommended minimum of 14 feet. The practical rela-
tions (AASHO Policy) corresponding to these conditions are:
Exact adherence to the specific controls outlined in the
foregoing articles will not guarantee attainment of the best
location. Experience, judgment, and the observance of
Tecognized principles of good design are also necessary. When
"the geometric controls are applied, certain general principles
should also be observed. The significance and importance of
262 Curve Problems in Highway Design
8-14. Find the deflection angles for staking the offset curve
in Prob. 8-13 (a). Partial answers: deflection angle to mid-
point =0°51'47"; to end of curve = 3°12'23".
(a) A = 6%; V = 50 mph. Answers: crest 526 ft; sag 452 ft.
1. Noble, CM.,
'Engineering Design of Superhigh-
ways," Proceedings, American Road Builders' Association, 1941,
pp. 183-217.
2. "A Policy on Geometric Design of Rural Highways,"
American Association of State Highway Officials, 1965.
3. Prisk, C.W., "Passing Practices on Rural Highways,"
Proceedings, Highway Research Board, 1941, pp. 366-378.
4. Leeming, J. J., "Road Curvature and Superelevation,"
Road Paper No. 7, Inst. C.E., Oct., 1942.
5. Stonex, K.A., "Car Control Factors and Their Mea-
surement," £. A. E. Journal, March, 1941.
6. Fox, M.L., "Relations Between Curvature and
Speed," Proceedings, Highway Research Board, 1937, pp. 202-
7. Stonex, K.A., and Noble, CM., "Curve Design and
Tests on the Pennsylvania Turnpike," Proceedings, Highway
Research Board, 1940, pp. 429-451.
8. Moyer, R.A., Bulletin 120, Iowa Engineering Experi-
ment Station, 1934.
9. Moyer, R.A., and Berry, D.S., "Marking Highway
Bibliography 269
9-1. Foreword. The purpose of this chapter is to present
a few examples of curve and earthwork theory and surveying
procedures applied to the field of railway surveying. More
detailed description* of some of the subjects, particularly
track layout and maintenance (turnouts, connecting tracks,
found in railway surveying hand-
string lining, etc.), will be
books, notably Railroad Curves and Earthwork, by Allen, or
Field Engineering, by Searles, Ives, and Kissam.
It is essential that Chapter 1 be restudied in connection
with the following description of survey methods and paper-
location procedure. Otherwise, much of the material in that
chapter —consisting of basic considerations more important
than the technical details to be presented —would have to be
Fig. 9-1 shows an example of railroad location in the Rocky
Mountains near Blacktail, Montana. The pictured alignment
includes a simple 8° curve with a total central angle of 152°40'
and a total length, including two 180-foot spirals, of 2,088 feet.
On the adjoining tangents the grade is 1.80%; on the curve
it is compensated 0.04% per degree, and the actual grade is
9-3. Location. Controls. The proposed railway must pass
through or near certain controlling points. Some of the
primary controls will have been fixed in the conception of the
project; others, including most of the secondary ones, will be
Tevealed by office studies of the maps and by whatever field
reconnaissance is needed to verify questionable points.
Typical location controls include:
Primary Controls
The termini.
Important intermediate traffic centers.
Unique mountain passes, tunnel sites, or major stream
Secondary Controls
Minor intermediate markets or production centers.
"Water courses.
Crossings of existing railroads or important highways.
Swampy areas.
Areas subject to snow or rock slides.
Areas involving costly land damages.
Topography in general, as it affects the economical attain-
ment of desirable grades and curvature.
9-4. Organizing the Field Work. —Prior to starting exten-
sive field work, the locating engineer preferably should make
a examination of the general route recommended in the
reconnaissance report. Before going into the field, he must
become acquainted with the general objectives of the project.
Moreover, he should be informed as to how much information
he may divulge to curious property owners along the route.
A great variety of useful purposes may be accomplished in
this preliminary field examination. Among these are:
274 • Railroad Surveys
9-5. Stadia Traverse. In remote regions that are in-
adequately mapped and on projects for which aerial-surveying
methods are not justified, the reconnaissance may not definitely
disclose the best general route. In such cases it is wise to
run a stadia traverse along each of the possible locations.
Needed measurements are made as rapidly as possible,
consistent with the required accuracy. Transit stations are
far apart. Single deflection angles need be read no closer
than the nearest 10 minutes, though it is advisable to check
the resulting bearings by compass in order to guard against
blunders. A few intermediate shots along the traverse line
may be needed to give data for plotting a profile of the
traverse. Only enough side shots (supplemented by sketches)
need be taken to give the approximate positions and elevations
of the secondary controls.
Especially good judgment is needed in conducting this
type of stadia survey; if the survey is intrusted to inexperi-
enced personnel, it usually reverts to an unnecessarily detailed
and time-consuming topographical survey.
The resulting maps, plotted by protractor and scale, really
serve as high-grade reconnaissance; if the work is well done,
9-8. Topography by Stadia. The method to be used for
taking topography depends on the character of the terrain,
the scale of the map, and the selected contour interval. A
= 400 ft, with 10-ft contours, is about the small-
scale of 1 in.
Railroad Surveys 277
1 in. = 200 ft, with 5-ft contours; a scale of 1 in. = 100 ft, with
5-ft contours, is also popular.
9-9. Topography —
by Hand Level. Wherever a narrow
strip of accurate topography is required through a region
covered with brush or timber, the "standard" railway-survey-
ing method of taking topography with hand level, rod, and
tape is almost essential. In this method the topography
party is supplied with the ground elevation at each station
stake, as determined by the profile leveling. The locations of
contours on lines at right angles to the survey center-line
are then determined by the following method:
A perpendicular to the traverse is first established at each
station either by estimation or with the aid of a pocket com-
pass, an optical square, or a cross staff. In timber or brush
the transverse lines are kept reasonably straight by ranging
through with three flags or range poles.
The location of the first regular contour on a transverse
line determined by hand leveling from the known ground
9-11. Paper-Location Procedure. The preliminary sur-
veys and subsequent office work result in a topographic map
of a strip of territory, varying possibly from 400 to 1,000 feet
in width, in which the ultimate location is expected to lie.
Finding a satisfactory location having suitable curves
and grades is not usually a difficult task; it is largely a technical
process involving patience and quite a bit of routine scaling,
and calculation. But finding the best location requires some-
thing more than drafting-room technique. As stated in
Art. 1-5, "To produce a harmonious balance between curva-
ture and grade, and to do it economically, requires that the
engineer possess broad experience, mature judgment, and a
thorough knowledge of the objectives of the project."
It is obviously impossible to write a set of rules which, if
followed, will inevitably produce the best location. The set
which follows is merely a suggested office procedure that will
be principally of value to the novice the intangible ingredients,
Railroad Surveys 28
10. Enter the sub-totals for each increment of cut and fill.
If conditions appear to warrant striving for an approxi-
mate balance of quantities along certain grading sec-
282 - Railroad Surveys
accurately. |
284 Railroad Surveys
Angle Offset
Sta. Defl. with Dist. from
Tangent Angle X Tangent
Alg. Sum
A 35' zero
35' 640 +22,400
B 42' +22,400 6.5 R
7'L 400 -2,800
C 30' +19,600 5.7 R
37' 420 -15,540
D 20' +4,060 1.2 R
17' 238.82 -4,060
E 17' zero zero
Railroad Surveys 285
tangent is resumed at E.
convenient to adopt a systematic form of notes which
It is
4. Final Measurements
Final cross-sections for calculation of total grading
pay quantities.
"As-built" measurements of all work to serve as basis for
final payment, as well as for preparation of "record"
Monumenting curve points.
Railroad Surveys 287
5. Property Surveys
Making measurements needed for preparing legal
9-15. Superelevation. Fundamentally, superelevation
theory is the same on railways as on highways. Fig. 8-2
and the equations developed in Art. 8-6 are valid for both
types of operation.
in which E
is the superelevation, in inches, of the outer rail.
on. a curve, the ideal condition for smooth riding and minimum rail
wear would be obtained by elevating for equilibrium. However,
curved track must handle several classes of traffic operating at various
speeds, which results in slow trains causing excessive wear on the inside
rail and high-speed trains causing accelerated wear on the outside rail.
"Safety and comfort limit the speed with which a passenger train
may negotiate a curve. Any speed which gives comfortable riding on
a curve is well within the limits of safety. Experience has shown that
the conventional baggage cars, passenger coaches, diners, and Pullman
cars will ride comfortably around a curve at a speed which will require
an elevation about 3 inches higher for equilibrium. Equipment
designed with large center bearings, roll stabilizers, and outboard
swing hangers can negotiate curves comfortably at greater than 3
inches unbalanced elevation because there is less car body roll. It is
suggested that where complete passenger trains are equipped with
cars utilizing the foregoing refinements that a lean test be made on
the equipment to determine the amount of body roll. If the roll
angle is less than 1°30', experiments indicate that cars can negotiate
curves comfortably at 4J inches unbalanced elevation.
* 5
8 re5
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Railroad Surveys 289
L =&2E
S (9-3a)
outer rail at the beginning and end of the spiral are taken
care of automatically by the flexibility of the rail.
The other rules come from Fig. 9-3, in which the solid
line represents the outer rail of curved track badly out of
line, and the dotted line shows the correct position. (The
scale is greatly exaggerated in order to make the relations
Fig. 9-3
10 15 20 25
Stations at 31 ft intervals
Fig. 9-4
"3 -3
e o m o
.52 ~»
u ,
o .2 ~» i °2 *
_ o
5s '5 S o
u £2 '> ft o £2
h u
TO 6 K mm w tea eh
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
1 4 6 -2 x -2i 5 -1 s- 1 *
+2< +3<
25 -2<
TV 11
18 -2<
24 -1< *-l<
5 36 31 +5<= ^0 ^-10 30 +6< -+5
6 41 38 +3 +3 -10 37 +4 +9 +5
7 40 44 -4 -1 -7 44 -4 +5 + 14
8 48 44 +4 +3 -8 44 +4 +9 + 19
9 47 44 +3 +6 -5 44 +3 + 12 +28
10 44 44 +6 +1 44 + 12 +40
11 40 44 -4 +2 +7 44 -4 +8 +52
12 40 44 -4 -2 +9 44 -4 +4 +60
13 36 44 -8
-10 +7 44 -8 -4 +64
14 38 44 -6
-16 -3 44 -6 -10 +60
15 41 44 -3
-19 -19 44 -3 -13 +50
16 42 44 -2
-21 -38 44 -2 -15 +37
17 44 44 -21 -59 44 -15 +22
18 46 44 +2 -19 -SO 44 +2 -13 +7
19 46 44 +2 -17 -99 44 +2 -11 -6
20 47 44 +3 -14 -116 44 +3 -8 -17
21 50 44 +6 -8 -130 44 +6 -2 -25
22 50 44 +6 -2 -138 44 +6 +4 -27
23 48 44 +4 +2 -140 44 +4 +8 -23
24 44 44 +2 -138 44 +8 -15
25 41 44 -3 -1 -136 44 -3 +5 -7
26 40 44 -4 -5 -137 44 -4 + 1 -2
27 42 44 -2 -7 -142 44 -2 -1 -1
28 44 44 -7 -149 44 -1 -2
29 43 38 +5 -2 -156 39 +4 +3 -3
30 34 32 +2 -158 33 + 1 +4
31 24 25 -1 -1 -158 26 -2 +2 +4
32 15 19 -4 -5 -159 21 -6 -4 +6
33 14 12 +2 -3 -164 12 +2 -2 +2
34 9 6 +3 -167 7 +2
35 -167
Sum 1231 1231 J
1231 .
o £2
"S In 1 _1 +34
w EH 2 —1 +33
(11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
3 —1 +32
-1 4 —1 +31
5 —1 +30
1 7 -3 6 —1 +29
2 13 + l< --2«
3 18 -2< —
*-4< I Sum -6 + 189
Ms ^-9
+6< -+1 -14 k
29 +1
6 35 +6 +7 -13 30 +1 -5
7 41 -1 +6 -6 31 +1 -4
8 44 +4 + 10 32 +2 -6
9 44 +3 + 13 + 10 33
10 44 + 13 +23 34 +1 -i
11 44 -4 +9 +36
12 44 -4 +5 +45 Sum +6 -22
13 44 -8 -3 +50 Net +167
14 44 -6 -9 +47
15 44 -3 -12 +38
16 44 -2 -14 +26
17 44 -14 + 12
18 44 +2 -12 -2 Revision—Trial 2 to 3
19 44 +2 -10 -14
20 44 +3 -7 -24 Change Change in
21 44 +6 -1 -31 Sta.
TO 35
at sta.
13 22
22 44 +6 +5 -32
23 44 +4 +9 -27 1 +2 -68 -24 -42
24 44 +9 -18 2 +2 -66 -22 -40
25 44 -3 +6 -9 6 -2 +58 +14 +32
26 44 -4 +2 -3 7 -3 +84 + 18 +45
27 44 -2 -1
28 44 -1 Sum -1 +8 -14 -5
29 40 +3 +3 -1
30 35 -1 +2 +2
29 +1 -6
31 26 -2 +4 30 +2 -10
32 18 -3 -3 +4 32 -3 +9
33 12 +2 -1 +1 34 +1 -1
34 8 +1
35 Sum +1 -8
Sum 1231 Net
296 • Railroad Surveys
much. The
tabulation at the bottom of the page to the right
shows how this was done and the zero throw at the
of trial 3
end checked before the detailed calculations for trial 3 were
performed. The resulting half-throws are given in col. (15).
By using trial 3 instead of trial 2, the full throw is reduced
from a maximum of 12.8 inches to 10.0 inches.
Stout tacked line stakes are driven between the ties opposite
each station, or as close thereto as permitted by the position
of the ties. On double-track roadbeds, stakes are eliminated
by setting tacks on the ties of the parallel track.
Some engineers prefer to set the line stakes on the revised
center line. Track in the shifted position is then checked by
means of the usual track gage. Instead of being centered, the
line stakes may be set level with the base of the rail at a
distance such that, when the track is shifted, the base of the
rail will be a constant distance, e.g., 1 foot, from the tack.
On a curve requiring large throws, it may also be necessary to
set grade stakes for adjusting the rails to proper superelevation.
Fig. 9-5. Spiraling an existing curve
^-19. Track Layouts. Railway track layouts involving
surveying operations in their location are exceedingly com-
plex. Included under this heading are:
1. Turnouts
(a) Simple split-switch turnouts from straight track
(6) Turnouts from curved track
(c) Double turnouts, involving three-throw and tandem
split switches
2. Crossovers
(a) Between parallel straight tracks (see Fig. 9-6)
(b) Between parallel curved tracks
3. Crossings
(a) Straight or curved track
(b) Combination crossings, or slip switches
300 Railroad Surveys
5. Yard Layouts
(a) Complex combinations of the foregoing
(b) Various arrangements of ladder tracks
Fig. 9-6
9-1. From the notes for Fig. 9-2 compute:
(a) The true tangent distance AE by the most efficient
(6) The deflection angles at D and E if distance DE were
304.5 ft.
Highway Surveys
10-1. Foreword. As a separate subject, adequate treat-
ment of Highway Surveys would require many pages of detailed
description. In this chapter, however, the subject is pre-
sented briefly in order to avoid repeating material already
covered in previous chapters. One referring directly to this
chapter for information about highway surveys should not
fail to note the discussion in Chapter 1 of the basic considera-
struction. Typical curve notes are given in Arts. 2-9 and 5-5;
notes for cross-sectioning and slope staking, in Art. 6-7. Gen-
erally, the best sources of information for practical forms of
notes are the instruction manuals issued to their engineers by
State highway departments. Highway drawings, especially
plan-profile sheets and "vicinity maps" for railroad crossings
or bridge sites, suffer so much by reduction to book-page size
as to be practically worthless for illustration. For instruction
of students, reference to a set of full-scale highway plans
(obtainable from most State highway departments) is strongly
Continued improvements in survey methods and in stand-
ards of alignment design are due not alone to the progressive
policies of numerous State highway departments but also to
the activities of certain other organizations. Among these
are the Bureau Roads (formerly the Public Roads
of Public
Administration), whose original research and whose insistence
upon high standards of design and construction in administer-
ing the provisions of the Federal-Aid Highway Act are per-
306 * Highway Surveys
ing work in basic highway research organizing, correlating,
disseminating information —has
been largely responsible for
supplanting rule-of-thumb methods with scientific design.
(g) Freeway
(Ji) Parkway.
4. Recommend location of termini.
(a) Traffic
(6) Economic factors
(c) Benefit-cost ratio
(d) Priority
(e) Place in comprehensive plan.
(Responsibility of Department of Design and Construction)
1. Reconnaissance surveys and proposed typical cross-sec-
308 Highway Surveys
10-5. Soil Surveys. Comprehensive soil surveys, rarely
needed in railroad location, have become standard practice
among progressive State highway departments. Such surveys
are superseding the former types of soil surveys which were
often restricted to borings at bridge sites and cursory examina-
tion of the route for surface indications of snow slides or
unstable side slopes.
3 1 2 Highway Surveys
Highway Surveys 31
10-9. —
Use of Aerial Surveys. It is noteworthy that high-
way engineers have been active in adapting aerial surveys to
ever-widening fields of usefulness in the planning, location,
and design of highways.
In fact, the science has progressed
to such a point that E. T. Gawkins, commenting upon the
results of experience in New York State, wrote: 10
. .aerial surveying
. will in most cases obviate the need for one
. . .
or more reconnaissance surveys and all the labor required for pre-
liminary estimates of several alternate routes. Once the line has been
selected from the use of aerial surveys, field surveying can be reduced
to include only those necessary steps such as laying out of base line,
setting of stakes, determination of right-of-way limits on the ground
and taking earthwork estimates prior to the award of the
of sections for
contract the steps that will always be required for the construction of
a highway.
First —
Stage Reconnaissance survey of the entire area
between terminal points.
Second Stage —Reconnaissance survey of all feasible route
Third Stage —Preliminary survey of the best route.
Fourth Stage —Location of the highway on the ground.
Fifth Stage — Construction of the highway.
Sixth Stage —Operation and maintenance of the highway.
The earliest use of aerial photography in highway location
was as a supplement to the usual ground reconnaissance
Highway Surveys 319
1. Murphy, V.J., "Seismic Profiles Speed Quantity Esti-
mates for Massachusetts Turnpike/' Civil Engineering, Vol.
26, No. 6, June, 1956, pp. 374-375.
322 - Surveys for Other Routes
convenient method of spotting tower locations on the
a transparent template, the lower edge of
profile is to use
which is cut to the curve (approximately a parabola) that
willbe taken by the conductor cables. Obviously the curve
must be modified to fit the scale of the profile. Two other
curves are inscribed on the template parallel to the curve of
the lower edge. The axial distance from the lower edge to
the middle curve equals the maximum cable sag for a par-
ticular span; that from the middle curve to the upper curve
equals the specified minimum ground clearance.
The template is used as shown in Fig. 11-1. First a
Fig. n-i
point Xlocated at a suitable position for a tower; then the
line. The other point Y at which the lower edge of the tem-
plate intersects the ground line is the possible location of the
11-6. Tunnel Surveys. In mountainous terrain, it is
sometimes necessary to use tunnels on route alignment.
Surveying operations for locating tunnels vary greatly in
complexity. Preliminary studies are best made by using
aerial photography, especially in regions which have experi-
enced earth movements. Even detailed field studies may not
disclose old earthquake faults, but good photographs quickly
reveal them. As an example, some topographically-favorable
tunnel sites considered for Interstate Highway 70 under the
Continental Divide, west of Denver, were found to follow
major fault zones 3 a fact which resulted in the choice of a
different location. 4
The alignment of a short tunnel may be fixed by
locating a transit lineon the ground directly over the tunnel.
As a rule, however, an indirect precise traverse is necessary.
In the case of subaqueous tunnels or long tunnels to be driven
through rugged mountain ranges, triangulation control must
be used. This is a subject outside the scope of route surveying.
The traverse or triangulation control provides only the
data for calculating the tunnel alignment elevations must be
1. MacDonald, G.E., "Surveys and Maps for Pipelines,'
Transactions, ASCE, Vol. 121, 1956, pp. 121-134.
12-1. Foreword. The uses of aerial photographs in route
surveying justify devoting a separate chapter to aspects of the
subject not covered in textbooks on photogrammetry. Aside
from a brief review <> f certain definitions and mapping proc-
esses, this chapter avoids repeating the technical principles of
photogrammetric mapping as described in books on the sub-
ject. 1 * Instead, the emphasis is on the special applications of
this new science to route location, and on their advantages,
limitations, and economic value. Some new developments
that involve photogrammetry appear in Chapter 13.
330 Aerial Photography in Route Surveying
A planimetric map
one which shows the horizontalj)Osi-
12-5. Controlled Mosaics. The utility of a mosaic may
be greatlyjncreased by bringing the photographs to a uniform
scale, correcting them for tilt, and fitting them in their correct
relative positions. This procedure requires the- locaiion^of
control 'points by ground surveying methods.
Control stations, properly distributed over the area, are
first selected with the aid of the stereoscope. They should be
definite points easily recognized on the photographs and
accessible on the ground. Buildings, fence corners, or road
intersections usually serve this purpose. Preparatory to
planning the ground control surveys, the selected control
points are marked on each photograph by a circled prick point.
332 Aerial Photography in Route Surveying
SCALE I 2*00
C0N70U" MTC*v»l
Fig. 12-3— Continued
338 Aerial Photography in Route Surveying
Massachusetts* -
—Taking scale 600 ft per inch for rural
locations; 400 ft per inch for urban work. Map scales
1 in. =200 ft (5-ft contours) and 1 in. = 100 ft (2-ft con-
Ohio 10 Taking scale 200 ft per inch. Map scale 1 in. = 50
ft, with 2-ft contours.
Once the topographic maps are prepared, trial lines are laid
down on them with a spline, and the best route is chosen by
following the usual paper-location procedure, as outlined in
Art. 9-11. With the advent of automation, more-sophisti-
cated methods of alignment design are now available. These
are described in Art. 13-9.
An important feature of the paper-location study is the
estimate of grading quantities. IJL topographic maps made
from aerial photographs actually meet the National Map
Accuracy Standards, there is no reason why adequate quantity
estimates cannot be prepared from them. Recently, highway
engineers are finding that this is true. For example, in
Massachusetts on a 2-mile relocation the difference between
quantities computed from surveyed cross-sections and from
sections plotted from aerial topographic maps was only 2.6
per cent in embankment and 3.3 per cent in excavation. 13 A
similar comparison on a 7,600-ft project in Connecticut 12
showed discrepancies of 1.4 per cent in cut and 1.2 per cent in
fill. On a 30-mile project in California 11 the variation in the
excavation quantities was less than 2.5 per cent.
The foregoing results lead to the belief that in -highway
construction we may eventually make contract .payment for
excavation on the basis of quantities derived from photogram-
metric studies. A step in this direction was taken in Ohio 10
on a 4.12-mile relocation for which a complete set of construc-
tion plans was prepared by photogrammetric studies and these
plans were used immediately for award of the construction con-
tract by the usual competitive method. Since that example,
Ohio has had excellent measurement
results with photographic
pay quantities. 27 Research shows that
of cross-sections for
by adjusting photogrammetric sections to field elevations
along a route center-line and taking cross sections from a
stereomodel, the resulting quantities are within limits con-
£ £ £
CO coo
o O
o CO £T3 £ "^
Ql ^h "^
iO CM <M jo
{£, Q,.P«ft ft s
00 00 a> CD <v cog 1*-
1 o 5 £ «o so 00 s
Oo c3 c3 c3
-u ^>
CO .
. .
,s ££ w M M gl-ITt< CO
; Q< Q. O,
oo o :i § '5 !fi
'£ OO 0J CO (P
tftf tffcoWKK
5 b •9
>-< "^ 050 to "^ OS COCMOCOOOSOOcO 00
tO CDrt< tO i— H e*
S d ©V. © iH hh
CO i-J
S, •-
^ J
m cm
§OI> O
tO 0C CO
O ^i
t^ CM 00 CM r-H tO tO C5 l^.
O^iO^O CO <J> O O H CO »0 SO to 00 CO OS OS fHOS
QQ 'e ^i-Tr-ToT © _ i-T
&q Co
oqto p co 6 to »-j to
^ C0I> "* co
lis •
ootf £ ^
-fi iO cO CO CO
t—i t-H t-^ i-H rH
os a Oi ©
»"HH fH fH OS©©©©©©©© ©CO
Aerial Photography in Route Surveying 345
For Construction
Determination of best means of access. Type of clearing.
Possible effect of terrain and climatic conditions on
choice of construction equipment. Progress reports,
using series of oblique photographs taken in sequence
along route at convenient time intervals. 7
After Construction
Public-relations purposes in general, 17 such as illustrations
at public hearings and legislative reviews pertaining
to proposed route location and land takings, using
oblique photographs that are easier for the layman to
understand (see the Frontispiece).
1. Moffitt, F.H., Photogrammetry, 2d ed., Scranton: Inter-
national Textbook Company, 1967.
2. Manual of Photogrammetry, 3d ed., American Society of
Photogrammetry, Washington, D.C., 1965.
3. Hoover, C.R., "Development of an Optical Radar
System for Surveying Purposes," Transactions, American
Geophysical Union, Vol. 31, No. 4, August, 1950, pp. 518-524.
4. Ross, J.E.R., "Shoran, Application to Geodetic Tri-
angulation," The Canadian Surveyor, Vol. 10, No. 3, Jan-
uary, 1950, pp. 9-18.
5. Aslakson, C.I., "The Importance of Shoran Surveying,"
Transactions, ASCE, Vol. 120, 1955, pp. 225-234.
Bibliography 349
chapter I
13-1. Foreword. —
Automation is entering every aspect of
transportation. Electronic controls have already been ap^
plied to road-building equipment, notably, graders and pavers.
Automatic train control has proved its worth, as has radio
control ofhighway traffic signals. Progress has been made
toward startling new developments in highway operating
controls, such as induction radio to transmit instructions to
the driver of a moving vehicle, induction loops under the
road surface to detect the passage of a vehicle and actuate
warning signals to trailing vehicles, and the complete elec-
tronic guidance of streams of traffic on important arteries.
Signals for such guidance can be carried by multi-frequency
conductor elements designed for the simultaneous transmission
of voices, teleprinter, facsimile, and other signals. * Despite
13-2. Automation in Field Measurements. A major break-
through in distance measurement has occurred with the intro-
duction of accurate portable devices that depend on wave
mechanics and electronics. Their development was stimu-
lated by the successful application to geodetic surveying of
Shoran 2 a blind-bombing instrument used in World War II.
352 Automation in Location and Design
ticular address.
Since the computer can only add, subtract, multiply and
divide, all required algebraic and trigonometric operations
must be converted to arithmetic. If a problem contains many
special operations, such as rinding the square root of a number
or evaluating a function of an angle by means
power series,
of a
too many addresses in the high-speed memory unit may be
used up. For this reason some of these operations may be
supplied as subroutines in auxiliary memory, usually in the
form of slower but more economical magnetic tape.
Some newer computers are designed to accept input instruc-
tions in a code based on common English terms —and even to
translate simple formulas (e.g., Fortran) into machine lan-
guage for internal processing. Programming is thus simplified.
Because of its electronic circuitry, a computer operates at
very high speed. The over-all time for solving a given prob-
lem depends on the efficiency of the program and the design
of the computer, particularly with respect to access time
(to memory) and to the type of input and output units.
Actual internal operations proceed at rates as high as millions
of bits per minute. Reference 10 gives further non-technical
information about computers.
The advantages and uses of computers in route location and
design are outlined in the next article. Before considering
it is worth remembering that the
these applications, however,
computer, though a powerful tool for the engineer, is not his
master. Though future computers may be developed to
function like the human brain, those presently used in high-
way-engineering applications were characterized sensibly as
360 Automation in Location and Design
*See Art. 13-9 for explanation of the Digital Terrain Model System.
364 Automation in Location and Design
A valuable approach called COGO (from Coordinate
® Aerial Photos
© Measuring
Preliminary Studies
© [xyz
Terrain Data
coords, of points)
of Trial Lines
(Involving right of way,
alignment, grades, drain-
age, earthwork, etc.)
Compu ter Input
(Cards or tape)
© Computer Programs
For example,HA-2,
© Dimensional Data
For detailed study,
of trial and final
© Printed Copy
Detailed align-
ment, profile,
coordinates of
cross sections,
4 Computer
Cards or Tape
earthwork quan-
HA-2, VA-1,
(Art. 13-5) Electrical
(Plan, pro-
On-Line file, mass
x - sections)
376 New Techniques in Alignment Design and Stakeout
The larger-scale base maps needed
14-5. Final Mapping.
prepared by photogrammetric methods.
for final design are also
Control for this mapping depends on first locating an accurate,
coordinated baseline, which is chosen tentatively with the
aid of the small-scale maps used in paper location of the
center line. The baseline is modified, as conditions require,
when staked in the field. Enough intervisible control points
on the baseline are monumented to permit staking critical
points along the center line and right-of-way lines before,
during, and after construction. Electronic measurement of
distances is essential on the baseline survey if traffic move-
ments are present.
The topographic base map for final alignment design is
drawn to a scale of 1" = 100', with coordinate grid, control
baseline, and spot elevations superimposed. Larger-scale
base maps, up to 1"=40', are prepared for development of
other plan details.
14-6. Calculation of Alignment. —
Final alignment may now
be computed without reliance on field stakeouts. For use in
a large office, time is saved by preparing numerous special
design aids. Among these are tables and templates. Such
devices are used in addition to the usual route surveying
tables and circular curve templates.
Table 14-1 is an example of a special table for circular
curves. A large number of similar tables would be needed
covering other ranges of central angle and different degrees
of curve. Comparable tables covering three-centered and
multi-centered curves are sometimes useful. Table XI (Part
III in this book) is already a "special" table for simple spirals.
Design tables giving properties of combining spirals are
ramp alignments at interchanges.
particularly useful in fixing
These tables are best built up around numerous convenient
lengths of combining spirals joining various combinations of
D 8 and DL .
TABLE 14-1
(D=5° (72 = 1145.92) 7=20° to 30°)
7° T L L.C. E M
20 202.057 400.000 397.973 17.678 17.409
21 212.384 420.000 417.656 19.515 19.188
22 222.744 440.000 437.304 21.448 21.054
23 233.140 460.000 456.920 23.476 23.004
24 243.573 480.000 476.501 25.601 25.041
25 254.045 500.000 496.046 27.823 27.163
26 264.556 520.000 515.552 30.142 29.370
27 275.111 540.000 535.019 32.561 31.662
28 285.710 560.000 554.447 35.081 34.038
29 296.356 580.000 573.831 37.701 36.500
30 307.048 600.000 593.172 40.423 39.046
Fig. 14-1
New Techniques in Alignment Design and Stakeout 379
With these design aids available, final alignment design
and calculation proceeds according to the following steps:
1. Transfer the selected center line to the 100-scale base
map. Before drawing the curves adjust each spline
slightly to a suitable degree of curve by template, as
shown in Fig. 14-2. Then pencil the complete "initial
Figr. 14-2
Fig. 14-3
the baseline.
In preparation for field work, the electronic computer is
Fig. 14-4
1. Leisch, J.E., "New Techniques in Alinement Design and
Stakeout," Journal of the Highway Division, AfiCE, Vol. 92,
No. HW 1, Proc. Paper 4711, March, 1966.
2. Leisch, J.E., "Developing Tools and Techniques for
Geometric Design of Highways," Proceedings, Highway
Research Board, Vol. 38, 1959, pp. 321-352.
3. Stipp, D.W., "Trigonometric Construction Staking,"
Surveying and Mapping, Vol. XXVIII, No. 3, September,
sin n = 50
-^- c
exactly 1
1. v a - 5,729.58 . . . . exactly
2. CO. = ^
100 2
= 200 sin
±De 2. CO. = 4#sin 2
^ —Y'
chor( r
100 ft, multiply CO., T.O., and M.O. by
* See Arts. 2-4 and 2-14.
2° 0' C.6 2864.93 3.4571 15 3.49 2864.79 3.457093
C.6C5 2841 .26 3.453511 3.52 2841.1 3.453488
i 2* 0.61 2817.97 3.449937 3.55 2817.83 3.449914
3' C.6I5 2795.06 3.4U6392 3.58 2794.92 3.446369
l|" C.62 2772.53 3.442876 3.61 2772.38 3.442852
5' 0.625 2750.35 3.439388 3.64 2750.20 3.439364
6' 0.63 2728.52 3.435928 3.66 2728.37 3.435903
7' 0.635 27C7.C4 3.432495 3.69 2706.89 3.43247C
8 1
0.64 2685.89 3.429089 3.72 2685.74 3.429C64
9' C.645 2665.08 3.425710 3.75 2664.92 3.425684
10' 0.65 2644.58 3.422356 3.78 2644.42 3.422330
1 1
0.655 2624.39 3.4I9C29 3.81 2624.23 3.4I9C02
12' 0.66 26C4.5I 3.415727 3.84 2604.35 3.4I57CC
13' 0.665 2584.93 3.412449 3.87 2584.77 3.412422
IU 1
C.67 2565.65 3.409197 3.90 2565.48 3. 409 169
15' 0.675 2546.64 3.405968 3.93 2546.48 3.405940
16' 0.68 2527.92 3.402763 3.96 2527.75 3.4C2735
17- C.685 2509.47 3.399582 3.98 2509.30 3.399553
18' 0.69 2491.29 3.396424 4.01 2491.12 3.396395
19' 0.695 2473.37 3.393289 4. 04 2473.20 3.393259
20' C.7 2455.70 3.390176 4.07 2455.53 3.39CI45
21 '
0.705 2438.29 3.387085 4.10 2438.12 3.387055
22' 0.71 2421 .12 3.384CI6 4.13 2420.95 3.383985
23' 0.715 24C4. 19 3.38C969 4. 16 2404.02 3.380938
24' 0.72 2387.50 3.377943 4.19 2387.32 3.37791
25' 0.725 2371 .04 3.374938 4.22 2370.86 3.374905
26' 0.73 2354.80 3.371954 4.25 2354.62 3.371921
27" 0.735 2338.78 3.368990 4.28 2338.60 3.368956
28' 0.74 2322.98 3.366046 4.30 2322.80 3.366CI2
29' 0.745 2307.39 3.363122 4.33 2307.21 3.363087
30' 0.75 2292. CI 3.360217 4.36 2291.83 3.36CI83
31 ' 0.755 2276.84 3.357332 4.39 2276.65 3.357297
32' 0.76 2261 .86 3.354466 4.42 2261 .68 3.354430
33' C.765 2247.08 3.351618 4.45 2246.89 3.351582
34* C.77 2232.49 3.348789 4.48 2232.30 3.348753
35' 0.775 22 18. 09 3.345797 4.51 2217.90 3.345942
36' 0.78 2203.87 3.343187 4.54 2203.68 3.343149
37' C.785 2189.84 3.34C4I2 4.57 2189.65 3.34C374
38' 0.79 2175.98 3.337655 4.6C 2175.79 3.337617
39' C.795 2162.30 3.334916 4.62 2 621 . 1 3.334877
MO' 0.8 2148.79 3.332193 4.65 2148.59 3.332154
m C.8C5 2135.44 3.329488 4.68 2135.25 3.329448
LI2' C.8I 2122.26 3.326799 4.71 2122.07 3.326759
43' 0.815 2109.24 3.324127 4.74 2IC9.C5 3.324Ce6
44 0.82 2096.39 3.321471 4.77 2096.19 3.321430
45' 0.825 2083.68 3.318832 4.80 2083.48 3.3I879C
46' 0.83 2C7 1 . 1 3.3I62C8 4.83 2070.93 3.316166
U7' 0.835 2058.73 3.3I360C 4.86 2058.53 3.313557
48' 0.84 2046.48 3.31 ICC8 4.89 2046.28 3.3IC964
U9 i 0.845 2034.37 3.3C843I 4.92 2034.17 3.308387
50' C.85 2C22.4I 3.305869 4.94 2022.20 3.305825
51 ' C.855 2010.59 3.3C3323 4.97 2CIC.36 3.303278
52' C.86 1998.90 3.3C079I 5.00 1998.69 3.3C0745
53' 0.865 1987.35 3.298274 5.03 1987 . 1 3.298228
5U' 0.87 1975.93 3.295771 5. 06 1975.72 3.295725
55' 0.875 1964.64 3.293283 5.09 1964.43 3.293236
56' 0.88 1953.48 3 290809
. 5.12 1953.27 3.290761
57' 0.885 1942.44 3.288349 5.15 1942 23 3.288301
58' 0.89 1931.53 3.285902 5.18 1931 .32 3.285854
59' 0.895 1920.75 3.283470 5.21 1920.53 3.283421
12° 0' 3.6 1478.339 2.679735 20.91 2.62 477.465 2.678941 20.87
10' 3.65 U7I .810 2.673767 21 .19 2.66 470.924 2.672951 21.15
20' 3.7 465.459 2.667881 21 .48 2.69 464.560 2.667042 21 .44
30' 3.75 U59.276 2.662074 21 .77 2.73 458.366 2.661213 21 .73
40' 3.8 453.259 2.656345 22.06 2.77 452.335 2.655460 22.02
50 3.85 447.395 2.650691 22.35 2.80 446.461 2.649783 22.30
13° 0' 3.9 441 .68U 2.6451 II 22.64 2.84 440.737 2.644179 22.59
10' 3.95 U36. 17 1 2.639603 22.93 2.88 435.158 2.638547 22.88
20' 4.0 M30.690 2.634164 23.22 2.91 429.718 2.633184 23.16
30' 4.05 425.396 2.628794 23.51 2.95 424.413 2.627789 23.45
40 4. 1 420.233 2.623490 23.80 2.99 419.237 2.622460 23.74
50 4. IS 415.194 2.618251 24.09 3.02 414.186 2.617196 24.03
m° c 14.2 UIO. 275 2.613075 24.37 3. 06 409.256 2.61 1995 24.31
10' 4.25 405.473 2.607962 24.66 3.10 404. 441 2.606855 24.60
20' 4.3 U0C.782 2.6C29C8 24.95 3.13 399.738 2.601775 24.89
30' 4.35 396.200 2.597914 25.24 3.17 395.143 2.596755 25.17
40' 4.4 391 .722 2.592978 25.53 3.20 390.653 2.591791 25.46
50' 4.45 387.345 2.588097 25.82 3.24 386.264 2.586884 25.74
15° 0' 4.5 383.065 2.583272 26.11 3.28 381 .972 2.582031 26.03
10' 4.55 378.880 2.5785CI 26.39 3.31 377.774 2.577232 26.32
20' 4.6 374.786 2.573783 26.68 3.35 373.668 2.572486 26.60
30 4.65 370.780 2.5691 16 26.97 3.39 369.650 2.567791 26.89
40' 4.7 366.859 2.564500 27.26 3.42 365.718 2.563146 27.17
50' M.75 363.022 2.559933 27.55 3.46 361 .868 2.558550 27.46
16° 0' 4.8 359.265 2.555415 27.83 3.50 358.099 2.554003 27.74
10' 4.85 355.585 2.550944 28.12 3.53 354.407 2.549502 28.03
20' 4.9 351 .981 2.546519 28.41 3.57 350.790 2.545048 28.31
30' U.95 348.450 2.542140 28.70 3.61 347.247 2.540638 28.60
UO' 5.0 344.990 2.537806 28.99 3.64 343.775 2.536274 28.89
50' 5.05 341.598 2.533516 29.27 3.68 340.371 2.531952 29. 16
17° 0' 5.1 338.273 2.529268 29.56 3.72 337.034 2.527673 29.45
10' 5.15 335.013 2.525062 29.85 3.75 333.762 2.523437 29.73
20- 5.2 331 .816 2.520898 30. 14 3.79 330.553 2.519241 30.02
30' 5.25 328.689 2.516774 30.42 3.82 327.404 2.515085 30.31
MO' 5.3 325. 604 2. 51 2690 30.71 3.86 324.316 2.510968 30.59
50' 5.35 322.585 2.508645 31 .00 3.90 321.285 2.5C689C 30.87
18° 0' 5.U 319.623 2.504638 31 .29 3.94 318.310 2.5C2850 31 .16
10' 5.U5 316.715 2.50C668 31 .57 3.97 315.390 2.498847 31 .44
20' 5.5 313.860 2.496736 31 .86 4.01 312.522 2.494881 31 .72
30' 5.55 31 1 .056 2.492839 32.15 4.04 309.707 2.490951 32.00
UO' 5.6 308.303 2.488978 32.44 4.08 306.942 2.487056 32.29
50' 5.65 305.599 2.485152 32.72 4.12 304.225 2.483195 32.58
19° 0' 5.7 302. 9143 2.481361 33.01 4. 16 301.557 2.479369 32.86
10' 5.75 300.333 2.477603 33.30 4.19 298.934 2.475576 33.14
20' 5.8 297.768 2.473878 33.58 4.23 296.357 2.471816 33.42
30' 5.85 295.247 2.470186 33.87 4.26 293.825 2.468087 33.71
MO' 5.9 292.770 2.466526 34.16 4.30 291 .334 2.464392 33.99
50' 5.95 290. 3314 2.462897 34.44 4.34 289.886 2.460727 34.27
20° 0' 6.0 287.939 2.459300 34.73 4.37 286.479 2.457093 34.55
10' 6.05 285.583 2.455733 35.02 4.41 284.1 1 2.453488 34.83
20' 6.1 283.267 2.452195 35.30 4.45 28 783
1 . 2.449914 35.12
30' 6.15 280.988 2.448688 35.59 4.48 279.492 2.446369 35.40
UO 1
6.2 278. 746 2.445209 35.87 4.52 277.238 2.442852 35.68
50' 6.25 276.5MI 2.441759 36.16 4.56 275.020 2.439364 35.96
21° 0- 6.3 27U.370 2.438337 36.45 4.59 272.837 2.435903 36.24
10' 6.35 272. 2314 2.434943 36.73 4.63 270.689 2.43247C 36.52
20' 6.4 270. 132 2.431576 37.02 4.67 268.574 2.429064 36.80
30' 6.145 268.062 2.428235 37.30 4.70 266.492 2.425684 37.08
UO' 6.5 266.024 2.424921 37.59 4.74 264.442 2.422330 37.37
50' 6.55 264.018 2.421633 37.88 4.78 262.423 2.41 9002 37.65
22° 0» 6.6 262. 0U2 2. U 18371 38.16 U.8I 260. U35 5700
2. Ml 37.93
10' 6.65 260.098 2.UI5I3U 38. U5 U.85 258. U77 2.UI2U22 38.21
20' 6.7 258. 180 2. U 1 1922 38.73 U.89 256. 5U8 2.UC9I69 38. U9
30' 6.75 256 .-292 2.UC873U 39.02 U.92 25U.6U8 2.U059U0 38.77
UO' 6.8 25U.U3I 2.U0557I 39.30 U.96 252.775 2.UC2735 39.05
50 6.85 252.599 2.U02U3I 39.59 5.00 250.930 2.399553 39.33
23° C 6.9 25C.793 2.399315 39.87 5.0U 2U9.I 12 2.396395 39.61
IC 6.95 2U9.0I3 2.396222 UO. 16 5.07 2U7.320 2.393259 39.89
20' 7.C 2U7.258 2.393151 UC.UU 5.1 1 2U5.553 2.39CIU5 UC. 16
3C 7.05 2U5.529 2.39CI03 U0.73 5.IU 2U3.8I2 2.387C55 UC.UU
UC 7. 1 2U3.825 2.387077 Ul .01 5.18 2U2.C95 2.383985 U0.72
50' 7.15 2U2. IUU 2.38UC7U Ul .30 5.22 2U0.U02 2.380938 Ul .00
2U° C 7.2 2U0.U87 2.381091 m .58 5.26 238.732 2.37791 Ul .28
10' 7.25 238.853 2. 3781 30 Ul .87 5.29 237.086 2.37U905 Ul .56
20' 7.3 237. 2UI 2.375190 142. 15 5.33 235. U62 2.371921 Ul .8U
30' 7.35 235.652 2.372270 U2.UU 5.37 233.860 2.368956 U2. 1 1
NOTE: The odd values of D between 30° and 115° are those
whose arc-def n ioni radii vary approximately from
Chord C ef i n i t ion of D
For c egrees of cu rve not 1 sted obtai n excess a re per sta tion appro x imatel y
by in terpol at ion, or exactl y to- 3 dec ma place s (up to C = 15°) fr om:
i 1
Excess = .00127
For c eorees of ci rve not sted obtai n chord de f c ency p er stat ion approxi-
i i
Chord Definition of D Arc Definition of D
The following table may be The following table may be
used to obtain true lengths of used to obtain true lengths of
subchords not listed in Table subchords not listed in Table
For any degree of curve the
For any degree of curve the small correction to be sub-
small correction to be added tracted from an arc length in
to the nominal length in order order to obtain the true chord
to obtain the true length is length is almost a constant
almost a constant percentage percentage of the chord defi-
of the excess of arc for 1 sta- ciency for a 100-foot arc on a
tion on a curve of that degree. curve of that degree. These
The maximum correction is percentages vary approxi-
required for a nominal sub- mately as the cubes of the arc
chord about 57.5 feet long. lengths.
5 .050 5 .0001
10 .099 10 .0010
15 .147 15 .0034
20 .192 20 .0080
25 .234 25 .016
30 .273 30 .027
35 .307 35 .043
40 .336 40 .064
45 .359 45 .091
50 .375 50 .125
55 .383 55 .166
60 .384 60 .216
65 .375 65 .275
70 .357 70 .343
75 .328 75 .422
80 .288 80 .512
85 .236 85 .614
90 .171 90 .729
95 .093 95 .857
100 100 1
25 FT 50 FT 25 FT 50 FT
200 8.59U 3°3U.86' 7°09.72' m°l9.UU' 2U.98 M9.87 98.96
225 7.639 3° IC.99' 6°2I.97' I2°U3.9U' 2U.99 U9.9C 99.18
250 6.875 2°5I .89' 5°43.78' 1l°27.55' 2U.99 U9.92 99. 3U
275 6.25C 2°36.26' 5°I2.52' !C°25.C5» 2U.99 U9.93 99. U5
3C0 5.73C 2°23.2U- a°a6.u8 r
9°32.96' 2M.99 U9.9U 99. 5U
Dearee of Curve (arc definition) = twice the deflection for a 100-ft arc,
Deflections for even-radius curves or arcs not listed may be computed from:
l7l8 873
Defl. (in minutes) = x Arc Length
Total length of curve may be determined by use of Table VI. See Art. 5-9
for selection of spirals for even-radius curves.
140 0.698 13 170 100 1.745 32 925 40 .01 1 63 553 40 .000 19 393
141 .715 58 499 101 .762 78 254 41 1 1 92 642 41 19 377
142 .733 03 829 102 .780 23 584 42 12 21 730 42 20 362
143 .750 49 158 103 .797 68 913 43 12 50 819 43 20 847 :
10 15 20 30 40 45 50
(D c ) (Da )
Mathematical Relations Mathematical Relations
sm-Dn = -. exactly 1
1. D a — 5,729.58
— ....exactly
5,730 5,730
la. D approx. la. D approx.
2a. T= approx. 2a -
T =± exactly
r = 3,919.5X^ = 452.25
E 1,212.3X^7 = 139.
1 = 0° l = 1° 1 = 2° 3° 1
= 4°
' '
0.0 0.0 50.0 0.2 100.0 0.9 150.0 2.0 2CC.I 3.5
1 0.8 o.c 50.8 0.2 ICC. 0.9 I5C.9 2.0 200.9 3.5 1
5 4.2 0.0 54.2 0.3 104.2 0.9 154.2 2.1 204.3 3.7 5
6 5.0 CO 55." 0.3 IC5.C 1 .0 I55.C 2.1 205. 1 3.7 6
7 5.8 CO 55.8 0.3 105.8 1 .0 155.9 2.1 2C5.9 3.7 7
8 6.7 o.c 56.7 0.3 106.7 1 .0 156.7 2.1 206.8 3.7 8
9 7.5 CO 57.5 0.3 IC7.5 1 .0 157.5 2.2 207. 3.8 9
10 8.3 CO 58.3 0.3 IC8.3 1.0 158.4 2.2 208.4 3.8 10
1 1 9.2 CO 59.2 0.3 IC9.2 1 .0 159.2 2.2 209.3 3.8 1 1
1 = 5° , = 6° , = 7° 1 = 8° 1 = 9°
25C.2 5.5 300.3 7.9 350.4 10.7 400.7 14. C 450.9 17.7
1 251.0 5.5 30 1 .1 7.9 351.3 10.8 401 .5 14. 1 451.8 17.8 1
2 251.8 5.5 301.9 8.0 352. 1 10.8 4C2.3 14. 1 452.6 17.8 2
3 252.7 5.6 302.8 8.0 352.9 IC.9 403.2 14.2 453.4 17.9 3
4 253.5 5.6 303.6 8.0 353.8 1 1 .0 4C4.C 14.2 454.3 18. 4
5 254.3 5.6 304.5 8.1 354.6 1 1 .0 404.8 14.3 455.1 18.0 5
6 255.2 5.7 305.3 8.1 355.5 1 1 .0 405. 14.3 456.0 18.1 6
7 256. C 5.7 306. 1 8.2 356.3 1 1 . 1 406.5 14.4 456.8 18.2 7
8 256.8 5.8 307.0 8.2 357.1 407.4 14.5 457.6 18.2 8
9 257.7 5.8 307. 8.3 358.0 1 1.2 408.2 14.5 458.5 18.3 9
10 258.5 5.8 308.6 8.3 358.8 11.2 409.0 14.6 459.3 18.4 10
II 259.3 5.9 309.5 8.4 359.6 t1.3 409.9 14.6 460.2 18.4 1 1
15 262.7 6.0 312.8 8.5 363. C 11.5 413.2 14.9 463.5 18.7 15
16 263.5 6.1 313.7 8.6 363.8 II .5 414.1 14.9 464.4 18.8 16
17 264.4 6.1 314.5 8.6 364.7 11.6 414.9 15.0 465.2 18.9 17
18 265.2 6.1 315. 8.7 365.5 11.6 415.7 15.1 466.0 18.9 18
19 266.0 6.2 316.2 8.7 366.3 1 1 .7 416.6 15.1 466.9 19.0 19
15 513.9 23. 564.3 27.7 614.9 32.9 665.5 38.5 716.2 44.6 15
16 514.7 23.1 565.2 27.8 615.7 33. 666.3 38.6 717.1 44.7 16
17 515.6 23.1 566.0 27.9 616.5 33.1 667.2 38.7 717.9 44.8 17
18 516.4 23.2 566.8 28. 617.4 33.2 668. C 38.8 718.7 44.9 18
19 517.2 23.3 567.7 28.1 618.2 33.3 668.9 38.9 719.6 45. 19
20 518.1 23.4 568.5 28.1 619.1 33.3 669.7 39.0 720. 45.1 20
21 518.9 23.5 569.4 28.2 619.9 33.4 670.5 39.1 721.3 45.2 2!
22 519.8 23.5 570.2 28.3 620. 33.5 671 .4 39.2 722.1 45.3 22
23 520. 23.6 571 .1 28.4 621 .6 33.6 672.2 39.3 723.0 45.4 23
24 521 .4 23.7 571 .9 28.5 622.4 33.7 673.1 39.4 723.8 45.5 24
25 522.3 23.8 572.7 28.6 623.3 33.8 673.9 39.5 724.7 45.6 25
26 523.1 23.8 573.6 28.6 624.1 33.9 674.8 39.6 725.5 45.8 26
27 524. C 23.9 574.4 28.7 625.0 34. 675.6 39.7 726.4 45.9 27
28 524.8 24. 575.3 28.8 625.8 34.1 676.5 39.8 727.2 46. C 28
29 525.6 24.1 576.1 28.9 626.7 34.2 677.3 39.9 728.1 46.1 29
30 526.5 24.1 576.9 29.0 627.5 34.3 678.1 40. 728.9 46.2 30
31 527.3 24.2 577.6 29.1 628.3 34.4 679.0 4C. 1 729.8 46.3 31
32 528.2 24.3 578.6 29. 1 629.2 34.4 679.8 40.2 730. 46.4 32
33 529. C 24.4 579.5 29.2 630. 34.5 680.7 40.3 731 .4 46.5 33
34 529.8 24.4 580.3 29.3 630. 9 34.6 681 .5 40. 732.3 46.6 34
35 53C.7 24.5 581 .2 29.4 631 .7 34.7 682.4 40. 5 733.1 46.7 35
36 531 .5 24.6 582.0 29.5 632.6 34.8 683.2 40. 734. C 46.8 36
37 532.4 24.7 582.8 29.6 633.4 34.9 684.1 40.7 734.8 U6.9 37
38 533.2 24.8 583.7 29.7 634.2 35. C 684.9 40. 735.7 47. 38
39 534. C 24.8 584.5 29.7 635.1 35. 1 685.8 40. 736.5 47. 1 39
40 534.9 24.9 585.4 29.8 635.9 35.2 686.6 41 .0 737.4 47.3 40
41 535.7 25.0 586.2 29.9 636.8 35.3 687.4 41 . | 738.2 47.4 41
42 536.6 25.1 587. C 30. C 637.6 35.4 688.3 41 .2 739.1 47.5 42
43 537.4 25.1 587.9 30.1 638.5 35.5 689. 1 41 .3 739.9 47.6 43
44 538.2 25.2 588.7 30.2 639.3 35.6 690. C 41 .4 740. 47.7 44
45 539.1 25.3 589.6 30.3 640. 35.7 690. 41 .5 741 .6 47.8 45
46 539.9 25.4 590.4 30.3 641 .0 35.7 691.7 41.6 742.5 47.9 46
47 540. 25.5 591 .3 30.4 641 .8 35.8 692.5 41 .7 743.3 48. C 47
48 541 .6 25.5 592.1 30.5 642.7 35.9 693.4 41 .8 744.2 48. 1 48
49 542.5 25.6 592.9 30.6 643.5 36. C 694.2 41 .9 745. C 4e.2 49
50 543.3 25.7 593.6 30.7 644.4 36.1 695.1 42.0 745. e 4e.3 50
51 544. 1 25.8 594.6 30. 645.2 36.2 695.9 42. 1 746.7 48.5 51
52 545. 25.9 595.5 30. 646.1 36.3 696.7 42.2 747.5 4e.6 52
53 545.8 25.9 596.3 30.9 646.9 36.4 697.6 42.3 748.4 4e.7 53
54 546.7 26.0 597.2 '31 .0 647.7 36.5 698.4 42.4 749.2 4e.e 54
55 547.5 26.1 598.0 31 .1 648.6 36.6 699.3 42.5 750.1 48.9 55
56 548.3 26.2 598.3 31 .2 649.4 36.7 700. 1 42.6 7.50.9 49. C 56
57 549.2 26.3 599.7 31 .3 650. 3 36.8 70 .0
1 42.7 751 .8 49. 1 57
58 550. C 26.3 6CC.5 31 .4 651 .1 36.9 701 .8 42.8 752.6 49.2 58
59 550. 26.4 60 .4
1 31 .5 652. C 37.0 7C2.7 42.9 753.5 49.3 59
1 = 15° 1 = 16° 1 = 17° 1 = 18° 1 = 19° i
754.3 49.4 805.2 56.3 856.3 63.6 907.5 71.4 958.8 79.7
1 755.2 49.6 806.1 56.4 857.2 63.8 908.3 71.6 959.7 79.8 1
2 756.0 49.7 806.9 56.5 858.0 63.9 909.2 71.7 960.5 80.0 2
3 756.9 49.8 807.8 56.7 858.9 64.0 910. 1 71.8 961.4 80. 1 3
4 757.7 49.9 808.6 56.8 859.7 64.1 910.9 72.0 962.2 80.2 4
5 758.6 50.0 809.5 56.9 860.6 64.3 911.8 72.1 963.1 80.4 5
6 759. 50.1 810.3 57.0 861.4 64.4 912.6 72.2 964.0 80.5 6
7 760.3 50.2 811.2 57.1 862.3 64.5 913.5 72.4 964.8 80.7 7
8 761.1 50.3 812.0 57.3 863.1 64.6 914.3 72.5 965.7 80.8 8
9 762.0 50.4 812.9 57.4 864.0 64.8 915.2 72.6 966.5 80.9 9
10 762.8 50.6 813.7 57.5 864.8 64.9 916.0 72.8 967.4 81.1 10
1 1 763.7 50.7 814.6 57.6 865.7 65.0 916.9 72.9 968.2 81.2 II
12 764.5 50.8 815.5 57.7 866.5 65.2 917.7 73.0 969.1 81.4 12
13 765.3 50.9 816.3 57.9 867.4 65.3 918.6 73.2 970.0 81.5 13
in 766.2 51.0 817.2 58.0 868.2 65.4 919.5 73.3 970.8 81.7 14
15 767.0 51.1 818.0 58.1 869.1 65.5 920.3 73.4 971.7 81.8 15
16 767.9 51.2 818.9 58.2 869.9 65.7 921.2 73.6 972.5 82.0 16
17 768.7 51.3 819.7 58.3 870.8 65.8 922.0 73.7 973.4 82.1 17
18 769.6 51.5 820.6 58.5 871.6 65.9 922.9 73.8 974.2 82.2 18
19 770.4 51.6 821.4 58.6 872.5 66.1 923.7 74.0 975.1 82.4 19
20 771.3 51.7 822.3 58.7 873.3 66.2 924.6 74. 1 976.0 82.5 20
21 772.1 51.8 823.1 58.8 874.2 66.3 925.4 74.3 976.8 82.7 21
22 773.0 51.9 824.0 58.9 875.1 66.4 926.3 74.4 977.7 82.8 22
23 773.8 52.0 824.8 59.1 875.9 66.6 927.1 74.5 978.5 83.0 23
24 774.7 52.1 825.7 59.2 876.8 66.7 928.0 74.7 979.4 83.1 24
25 775.5 52.2 826.5 59.3 877.6 66.8 928.9 74.8 980.2 83.2 25
26 776.4 52.4 827.4 59.4 878.5 67.0 929.7 74.9 981.1 83.4 26
27 777.2 52.5 828.2 59.5 879.3 67.1 930.6 75.1 982.0 83.5 27
28 778.1 52.6 829. 1 59.7 880.2 67.2 931.4 75.2 982.8 83.7 28
29 778.9 52.7 829.9 59.8 881.0 67.3 932.3 75.4 983.7 83.8 29
30 779.8 52.8 830.8 59.9 881.9 67.5 933.1 75.5 984.5 84.0 30
31 780.6 52.9 831.6 60.0 882.7 67.6 934.0 75.6 985.4 84.1 31
32 781.5 53.0 832.5 60.2 883.6 67.7 934.8 75.8 986.3 84.3 32
33 782.3 53.2 833.3 60.3 884.4 67.9 935.7 75.9 987.1 84.4 33
3U 783.2 53.3 834.2 60.4 885.3 68.0 936.6 76.0 988.0 84.6 34
35 784.0 53.4 835.0 60.5 886. 1 68.1 937.4 76.2 988.8 84.7 35
36 784.9 53.5 835.9 60.7 887.0 68.3 938.3 76.3 989.7 84.8 36
37 785.7 53.6 836.7 60.8 887.9 68.4 939. 1 76.5 990.5 85.0 37
38 786.6 53.7 837.6 60.9 888.7 68.5 940.0 76.6 991.4 85.1 38
39 787.4 53.9 838.4 61.0 889.6 68.6 940.8 76.7 992.3 85.3 39
40 788.3 54.0 839.3 61.1 890.4 68.8 941.7 76.9 993.1 85.4 40
41 789. 1 54.1 840. 1 61.3 891.3 68.9 942.5 77.0 994.0 85.6 41
42 790.0 54.2 841.0 61.4 892. 1 69.0 943.4 77. 1 994.8 85.7 42
43 790.8 54.3 841.8 61.5 893.0 69.2 944.3 77.3 995.7 85.9 43
44 791.7 54.4 842.7 61.6 893.8 69.3 945.1 77.4 996.5 86.0 44
45 792.5 54.6 843.5 61.8 894.7 69.4 946.0 77.6 997.4 86.2 45
46 793.4 54.7 844.4 61.9 895.5 69.6 946.8 77.7 998.3 86.3 46
47 794.2 54.8 845.2 62.0 896.4 69.7 947.7 77.8 999. 1 86.5 47
48 795. 1 54.9 846.1 62.1 897.2 69.8 948.5 78.0 I00C.0 86.6 48
49 795.9 55.0 846.9 62.3 898. 1 70.0 949.4 78. 1 1000.8 86.8 49
50 796.8 55. 1 847.8 62.4 898.9 70.1 950.2 78.3 1001.7 86.9 50
51 797.6 55.2 848.6 62.5 899.8 70.2 951.1 78.4 1002.6 87. 1 51
52 798.5 55.4 849.5 62.6 900.7 70.4 952.0 78.5 1003.4 87.2 52
53 799.3 55.5 850.3 62.8 901.5 70.5 952.8 78.7 1004.3 87.3 53
54 800.2 55.6 851 .2 62.9 902.4 70.6 953.7 78.8 1005. 87.5 54
55 801.0 55.7 852.0 63.0 903.2 70.8 954.5 79.0 1006.0 87.6 55
56 801.9 55.8 852.9 63.1 904.1 70.9 955.4 79.1 1006.9 87.8 56
57 802.7 56.0 853.7 63.3 904.9 71.0 956.2 79.2 1007.7 87.9 57
58 803 . 56. 1 854.6 63.4 905.8 71.2 957. 1 79.4 1008.6 88.1 58
59 804.4 56.2 855.5 63.5 906.6 7I.S 958.0 79.5 1009.4 88.2 59
1- 20° 1
= 21° 1
= 22° 1 = 23° •
= 24° 1
= 25° 1 = 26° 1 = 27° i
1- 28° 1 = 29° 1 = 30° 1
= 51° '
1- 32° 1
= 33° 1
= 34° 1 = 35° '
• - ,. .
= 37° 1
= J8° 1 = 39° i
T . i E T E T E
1- 40° l
= 41° 1- 42° 43° '
1- 44° = 45° i = 46° 1
17° '
= 48° 1 = 49° 1 = 50° 1 = 51° t
1 1
= 52° 1
= 53° 1
= 54° 55° i
.= 56° 57° i = 58° 59° '
1 = 60° 1 = 61° 1
= 52° .= 63° '
• 1
= 64° i- 65° 1 = 66° 1
= 67°
, = 68° , = 69° f0° 1
= 71° •
Degree of Curve (D c )
1 1
5° .00 .00 .01 .01 .02 .02 .03 .03 .04 .05 .06 5°
10° .01 .02 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .10 .13 10°
15° .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .08 .10 .11 .13 .16 .19 15°
20° .02 .03 .05 .06 .08 .10 .13 .15 .18 .21 .25 20°
25° .03 .04 .06 .08 .10 .13 .16 .20 .23 .26 .32 25°
30° .03 .04 .07 .08 .11 .15 .19 .23 .27 .30 .39 30°
35° .04 .06 .08 .10 .13 .18 .22 .27 .32 .37 .46 35°
40° .05 .08 .10 .13 .15 .21 .26 .32 .37 .42 .53 40°
45° .05 .08 .12 .15 .18 .24 .30 .35 .42 .48 .61 45°
50° .05 .09 .13 .16 .19 .26 .33 .40 .47 .54 .68 50°
52° .05 .09 .14 .18 .21 .29 .36 .42 .49 .57 .71 52°
54° .05 .10 .14 .18 .22 .30 .37 .45 .52 .59 .74 54°
56° .06 .10 .15 .19 .23 .31 .38 .46 .54 .61 .78 56°
58° .06 .11 .15 .19 .24 .32 .40 .48 .56 .64 .81 58°
60° .06 .11 .16 .20 .25 .33 .42 .50 .58 .67 .84 60°
62° .07 .12 .16 .21 .26 .34 .44 .53 .61 .70 .87 62°
64° .07 .12 .17 .21 .26 .35 .45 .54 .63 .72 .90 64°
66° .07 .13 .18 .22 .27 .37 .47 .56 .66 .75 .95 66°
68° .07 .13 .18 .24 .28 .38 .49 .58 .68 .79 .98 68°
70° .08 .14 .20 .25 .30 .40 .51 .61 .71 .82 1.02 70°
72° .08 .15 .21 .26 .31 .42 .53 .63 .74 .84 1.06 72°
74° .08 .15 .21 .26 .32 .43 .54 .65 .76 .88 1.10 74°
76° .08 .15 .22 .27 .33 .45 .56 .68 .79 .91 1.14 76°
78° .09 .16 .22 .28 .34 .46 .58 .70 .82 .94 1.18 78°
80° .10 .17 .24 .30 .37 .49 .61 .73 .85 .98 1.23 80°
Degree of Curve (D c )
2° 3° 4° 5° 6° 8° 10° 12° 14° 16° 20°
10° .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 10°
20° .00 .00 .00 .00 .01 .01 .01 .01 .02 .02 .02 20°
30° .01 .01 .02 .02 .02 .03 .03 .03 .04 .04 .06 30°
40° .01 .01 .02 .03 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .10 40°
50° .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .08 .09 .10 .12 .14 50°
55° .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .08 .10 .11 .13 .15 .18 55°
60° .02 .03 .04 .06 .07 .09 .11 .13 .16 .18 .22 60°
65° .03 .04 .05 .07 .08 .11 .14 .16 .19 .22 .27 65°
70° .03 .05 .07 .08 .10 .13 .16 .19 .22 .26 .32 70°
75° .04 .06 .08 .09 .11 .15 .19 .23 .27 .30 .38 75°
Partial Notation
(See Chapter 5 for complete theory and notation)
Table XI. This table gives spiral parts for various selected
values of D and L
s It may be used for both chord definition and
D = 0° 40'
0°20.0' 0.05 50.00 100.00 0.18 66.67 33.33 100.00
25.0 0.08 62.50 125.00 0.30 83.33 41.67 125.00
30.0 0.11 75.00 150.00 0.44 100.00 50.00 150.00
40.0 0.20 100.00 200.00 0.78 133.33 66.67 200.00
D == 1° 15'
100 0°37.5' 0.09 50.00 100.00 0.36 66.67 33.33 100-.00
125 46.9 0.14 62.50 125.00 0.57 83.33 41.67 125.00
150 56.2 0.20 75.00 150.00 0.82 100.00 50.00 150.00
200 1 15.0 0.36 100.00 199.99 1.45 133.34 66.67 200.00
700 4 22.5 4.45 349.93 .01 699.59 17.81 466.81 233.46 699.82
800 5 00.0 5.82 399.90 .01 799.39 23.26 533.54 266.86 799.73
900 5 37.5 7.36 449.86 .01 899.13 29.43 600.30 300.28 899.62
1000 6 15.0 9.08 499.80 .01 998.80 36.33 667.08 333.71 999.48
D == 1°30'
100 0°45.0' 0.11 50.00 100.00 0.44 66.67 33.33 100.00
125 56.2 0.17 62.50 125.00 0.68 83.33 41.67 125.00
150 1 07.5 0.25 75.00 149.99 0.98 100.00 50.00 150.00
200 1 30.0 0.44 100.00 199.99 1.75 133.34 66.67 199.99
250 1 52.5 0.68 124.99 249.97 2.73 166.68 83.34 249.99
550 4 07.5 3.30 274.95 .01 549.71 13.19 366.77 183.42 549.87
600 4 30.0 3.92 299.94 .01 599.63 15.70 400.13 200.12 599.84
700 5 15.0 5.35 349.90 .01 699.41 21.36 466.88 233.52 699.74
800 6 00.0 6.98 399.86 .01 799.12 27.90 533.64 266.94 799.61
900 6 45.0 8.83 449.79 .01 898.75 35.31 600 ,11 300.40 899.44
D = 1°45'
100 0°52.5' 0.13 50.00 100.00 0.51 66.67 33.33 100.00
125 1 05.6 0.20 62.50 125.00 0.80 83.33 41.67 125.00
150 1 18.8 0.29 75.00 149.99 1.15 100.00 50.00 150.00
200 1 45.0 0.51 100.00 199.98 2.36 133.34 66.67 199.99
250 2 11.3 0.80 124.99 249.96 3.18 166.68 83.35 249.98
300 2 37.5 1.15 149.99 .01 299.94 4.58 200.02 100.02 299.97
350 3 03.8 1.56 174.98 .01 349.90 6.23 233.37 116.70 349.96
400 3 30.0 2.03 99.98 .01 399.85 8.14 266.72 133.38 399.93
450 3 56.3 2.57 224.96 .01 449.79 10.30 300.07 150.07 449.91
500 4 22.5 3.18 249.95 .01 499.71 12.72 333.43 166.76 499.87
550 4 48.8 3.85 274.93 .01 549.61 15.39 366.80 183.46 549.83
600 5 15.0 4.58 299.92 .01 599.50 18.32 400.18 200.16 599.78
700 6 07.5 6.24 349.87 .01 699.20 24.92 466.95 233.59 699.65
800 7 00.0 8.14 399.80 .02 798.81 32.54 533.75 267.05 799.47
900 7 52.5 10.30 449.71 .02 898.31 41.18 600.60 300.55 899.25
D = 2°
100 1°00.0' 0.15 50.00 100.00 0.58 66.67 33.33 100.00
125 1 15.0 0.23 62.50 124.99 0.91 83.34 41.67 125.00
150 1 30.0 0.33 75.00 149.99 1.31 100.00 50.00 150.00
200 2 00.0 0.58 100.00 .01 199.98 2.33 133.34 66.67 199.99
250 2 30.0 0.91 124.99 .01 249.95 3.64 166.68 83.35 249.98
300 3 00.0 1.30 149.99 .01 299.92 5.24 200.03 100.03 299.96
350 3 30.0 1.78 174.98 .01 349.87 7.13 233.38 116.71 349.94
400 4 00.0 2.32 199.97 .01 399.80 9.30 266.73 133.40 300.01
450 4 30.0 2.94 224.96 .01 449.72 11.78 300.10 150.09 449.88
500 5 00.0 3.64 249.94 .01 499.62 14.54 333.47 166.79 499.83
550 5 30.0 4.40 274.92 .01 549.49 17.59 366.84 183.50 549.77
600 6 00.0 5.23 299.89 .02 599.34 20.93 400.23 200.21 599.71
700 7 00.0 7.13 349.82 .02 698.96 28.48 467.03 233.67 699.54
800 8 00.0 9.30 399.74 .02 798.44 37.18 533.88 267.16 799.30
D=2° 15'
100 1°07.5' 0.16 50.00 100.00 0.65 66.67 33.33 100.00
125 1 24.4 0.26 62.50 124.99 1.02 83.34 41.67 125.00
150 1 41.2 0.37 74.99 149.99 1.47 100.00 50.00 149.99
200 2 15.0 0.65 99.99 .01 199.97 2.62 133.34 66.68 100.00
250 2 48.8 1.02 124.99 .01 249.94 4.09 166.69 83.35 249.97
300 3 22.5 1.47 149.98 .01 299.90 5.89 200.04 100.03 299.95
350 3 56.3 2.00 174.97 .01 349.83 8.02 233.39 116.72 349.93
400 4 30.0 2.62 199.96 .01 399.75 10.47 266.75 133.41 399.89
450 5 03.8 3.31 224.94 .01 449.65 13.24 300.12 150.11 449.84
500 5 37.5 4.09 249.92 .02 499.52 16.35 333.50 166.82 499.79
550 6 11.3 4.94 274.90 .02 549.36 19.78 366.89 183.54 549.72
600 6 45.0 5.89 299.86 .02 599.17 23.54 400.29 200.26 599.63
700 7 52.5 8.02 349.78 .03 698.69 32.03 467.13 233.75 699.42
800 9 00.0 10.46 399.67 .03 798.03 41.82 534.02 267.30 799.12
100 1°15.0' 0.18 50.00 100.00 0.72 66.67 33.33 100.00
12.5 1 33.8 0.28 62.50 124.99 1.14 83.34 41.67 125.00
150 1 52.5 0.41 75.00 .01 149.98 1.64 100.01 50.01 149.99
200 2 30.0 0.73 99.99 .01 199.96 2.91 133.35 66.68 199.98
250 3 07.5 1.13 124.99 .01 249.93 4.54 166.69 83.36 249.97
300 3 45.0 1.63 149.98 .01 299.87 6.54 200.04 100.04 299.94
350 4 22.5 2.22 174.97 .01 349.80 8.91 233.40 116.73 349.91
400 5 00.0 2.91 199.95 .02 399.70 11.63 266.77 133.43 399.86
450 5 37.5 3.68 224.93 .02 449.56 14.72 300.15 150.14 449.81
500 6 15.0 4.54 249.90 .02 499.40 18.16 333.54 166.86 499.73
550 6 52.5 5.49 274.87 .02 549.21 21.98 366.94 183.59 549.65
GOO 7 30.0 6.55 299.83 .02 598.97 26.15 400.36 200.33 599.54
700 8 45.0 8.90 349.73 .03 698.37 35.57 467.24 233.86 699.27
800 10 00.0 11.62 399.59 .03 797.57 46.44 534.18 267.45 798.92
100 1°22.5' 0.20 50.00 .... 99.99 0.80 66.67 33.34 100.00
125 1 43.2 0.31 62.50 .01 124.99 1.25 83.34 41.67 125.00
150 2 03.8 0.45 75.00 .01 149.98 1.80 100.01 50.01 149.99
200 2 45.0 0.80 99.99 .01 199.95 3.20 133.35 66.68 199.98
250 3 26.3 1.25 124.98 .01 249.91 5.00 166.70 83.36 249.96
300 4 07.5 1.80 149.97 .01 299.85 7.20 200.06 100.05 299.93
350 4 48.8 2.45 174.96 .02 349.75 9.79 233.42 116.75 349.89
400 5 30.0 3.20 199.94 .02 399.63 12.79 266.80 133.45 399.84
450 6 11.3 4.05 224.91 .02 449.47 16.19 300.19 150.17 449.77
500 6 52.5 5.00 249.88 .02 499.28 19.98 333.58 166.90 499.68
550 7 33.8 6.04 274.84 .03 549.03 24.17 367.00 183.64 549.58
600 8 15.0 7.20 299.79 .03 598.76 28.76 400.43 200.40 599.45
700 9 37.5 9.80 349.67 .03 698.02 39.12 467.36 233.96 699.13
E = 3°
100 1°30.0' 0.22 50.00 .01 99.99 0.87 66.67 33.34 100.00
125 1 52.5 0.34 62.50 .01 124.99 1.36 83.34 41.67 124.99
150 2 15.0 0.49 75.00 .01 149.98 1.96 100.01 50.01 149.99
200 3 00.0 0.87 99.99 .01 199.95 3.49 133.35 66.68 199.98
250 3 45.0 1.36 124.98 .01 249.89 5.45 166.70 83.37 249.95
300 4 30.0 1.96 149.97 .02 299.81 7.85 200.06 100.06 299.92
350 5 15.0 2.67 174.95 .02 349.71 10.68 233.44 116.76 349.87
400 6 00.0 3.49 199.93 .02 399.56 13.95 266.82 133.47 399.80
450 6 45.0 4.42 224.89 .03 449.37 17.65 300.22 150.20 449.72
500 7 30.0 5.46 249.86 .03 499.14 21.79 333.63 166.94 499.62
550 8 15.0 6.60 274.81 .03 548.86 26.36 367.06 183.70 549.49
600 9 00.0 7.85 299.75 .03 598.52 31.36 400.52 200.47 599.34
700 10 30.0 10.68 349.61 .04 697.66 42.66 467.49 234.08 698.96
D= = 3° 30'
100 1°45.0' 0.25 50.00 .01 99.99 1.02 66.67 33.34 100.00
125 2 11.3 0.40 62.50 .01 124.98 1.59 83.34 41.67 124.99
150 2 37.5 0.57 74.99 .01 149.97 2.29 100.01 50.01 149.99
200 3 30.0 1.02 99.99 .02 199.93 4.07 133.36 66.69 199.97
250 4 22.5 1.59 124.98 .02 249.85 6.36 166.72 83.38 249.94
300 5 15.0 2.29 149.96 .02 299.75 9.16 200.09 100.08 299.89
350 6 07.5 3.12 174.93 .03 349.60 12.46 233.47 116.97 349.82
400 7 00.0 4.07 199.90 .03 399.40 16.27 266.88 133.52 399.73
450 7 52.5 5.15 224.86 .03 449.15 20.59 300.30 150.27 449.63
500 8 45.0 6.36 249.80 .04 498.84 25.41 333.74 167.04 499.48
550 9 37.5 7.69 274.74 .04 548.45 30.73 367.21 183.83 549.31
600 10 30.0 9.16 299.66 .05 597.99 36.56 400.71 200.64 599.10
700 12 15.0 12.45 349.46 .05 696.80 49.72 467.79 234.35 698.58
D= = 4°
L, A Da |
* Da \
* X Y L.T. S.T. L.C.
100 2°00.0' 0.29 50.00 .01 99.99 1.16 66.67 33.34 99.99
125 2 30.0 0.45 62.50 .01 124.98 1.82 83.34 41.67 124.99
150 3 00.0 0.65 74.99 .02 149.96 2.62 100.01 50.01 149.98
200 4 00.0 1.16 99.98 .02 199.90 4.65 133.37 66.70 199.96
250 5 00.0 1.82 124.97 .03 249.81 7.27 166.73 83.39 249.92
300 6 00.0 2.62 149.95 .03 299.67 10.46 200.11 100.10 299.85
350 7 00.0 3.56 174.91 .04 349.48 14.24 233.52 116.83 349.77
400 8 00.0 4.65 199.87 .04 399.22 18.59 266.94 133.58 399.65
450 9 00.0 5.89 224.82 .05 448.89 23.52 300.39 150.35 449.5C
500 10 00.0 7.26 249.74 .05 498.48 29.02 333.87 167.15 499.32
550 11 00.0 8.79 .01 274.66 .06 547.98 35.11 367.38 183.98 549. 1C
600 12 00.0 10.46 .01 299.56 .06 597.37 41.75 400.92 200.84 598.83
650 13 00.0 12.27 .01 324.44 .07 646.66 48.98 434.51 217.74 648.51
D=4°30 /
100 2°15.0' 0.33 50.00 .01 99.98 1.31 66.67 33.34 99.99
125 2 48.8 0.51 62.50 .02 124.97 2.04 83.34 41.67 124.99
150 3 22.5 0.74 74.99 .02 149.95 2.94 100.02 50.02 149.98
200 4 30.0 1.31 99.98 .03 199.88 5.23 133.38 66.71 199.95
250 5 37.5 2.04 124.96 .03 249.76 8.18 166.75 83.41 249.89
300 6 45.0 2.94 149.93 .04 299.58 11.77 200.15 100.13 299.81
350 7 52.5 4.01 174.89 .04 349.34 16.02 233.56 116.88 349.71
400 9 00.0 5.23 199.84 .05 399.02 20.91 267.01 133.65 399.56
450 10 07.5 6.62 .01 224.77 06 448.60 26.45 300.49 150.45 449.37
500 11 15.0 8.17 .01 249.68 .06 498.08 32.64 334.01 167.28 499.14
550 12 22.5 9.88 .01 274.57 .07 547.44 39.47 367.57 184.15 548.86
600 13 30.0 11.76 .01 299.45 .08 596.68 46.94 401.17 201.07 598.52
650 14 37.5 13.79 .01 324.30 .08 645.78 55.05 434.82 218.02 648.12
2°30.0' 0.36 50.00 99.98 1.45 66.67 33.34 99.99
3 07.5 0.57 62.49 124.96 2.27 83.35 41.68 124.98
3 45.0 0.82 74.99 149.94 3.27 100.02 50.02 149.97
5 00.0 1.45 99.97 199.85 5.81 133.39 66.72 199.93
D=5 °30'
100 2°45.0' 0.40 50.00 .02 99.98 1.60 66.67 33.34 99.99
125 3 26.3 0.62 62.49 .02 124.96 2.50 83.35 41.68 124.98
150 4 07.5 0.90 74.99 .03 149.92 3.60 100.03 50.02 149.97
200 5 30.0 1.60 99.97 .04 199.82 6.40 133.40 66.73 199.92
250 6 52.5 2.50 124.94 .05 249.64 9.99 166.79 83.45 249.84
300 8 15.0 3.60 149.90 .06 299.38 14.38 200.22 100.20 299.72
350 9 37.5 4.90 *.bV 174.84 .07 349.01 19.56 233.68 110.98 349.56
400 11 00.0 6.39 .01 199.76 .08 398.53 25.53 267.18 133.80 399.34
450 12 22.5 8.09 .01 224.65 .09 447.90 32.29 300.74 150.67 449.07
500 13 45.0 9.98 .01 249.52 .10 497.13 39.83 334.35 167.59 498.72
550 15 07.5 12.07 .01 274.36 .10 546.16 48.15 368.02 184.56 548.30
600 16 30.0 14.36 .02 299.17 .11 595.04 57.26 401.75 201.59 597.79
D = 6°
100 3°00.0' 0.44 50.00 .02 99.97 1.74 66.68 33.34 99.99
125 3 45.0 0.68 62.49 .03 124.95 2.73 83.35 41.68 124.98
150 4 30.0 0.98 74.98 .03 149.91 3.93 100.03 50.03 149.96
200 6 00.0 1.74 99.96 .05 199.78 6.98 133.41 66.74 199.90
250 7 30.0 2.73 124.93 .06 249.57 10.90 166.82 83.47 249.81
300 9 00.0 3.92 .01 149.88 .07 299.26 15.68 200.26 100.24 299.67
350 10 30.0 5.34 .01 174.80 .08 348.83 21.33 233.75 117.04 349.48
400 12 00.0 6.97 .01 199.71 .09 398.25 27.84 267.28 133.89 399.22
450 13 30.0 8.82 .01 224.59 .10 447.51 35.20 300.88 150.80 448.89
500 15 00.0 10.88 .01 249.43 .11 496.58 43.42 334.54 167.76 498.48
D=6 3
100 3°15.0' 0.47 49.99 .03 99.97 1.89 66.68 33.34 99.99
125 4 03.8 0.74 62.49 .03 124.94 2.95 83.36 41.69 124.97
150 4 52.5 1.06 74.98 .04 149.89 4.25 100.04 50.04 149.95
200 6 30.0 1.89 99.96 .05 199.74 7.56 133.42 66.75 199.89
250 8 07.5 2.95 124.91 .07 249.50 11.80 166.84 83.49 249.78
300 9 45.0 4.25 .01 149.85 .08 299.13 16.98 200.30 100.28 299.61
350 11 22.5 5.78 .01 174.77 .09 348.62 23.10 233.82 117.11 349.39
400 13 00.0 7.55 .01 199.66 .11 397.94 30.14 267.39 133.99 399.08
450 14 37.5 9.55 .02 224.51 .12 447.08 38.11 301.03 150.94 448.70
500 16 15.0 11.78 .02 249.33 .13 495.99 47.00 334.75 167.96 498.22
D=7 C
D == 8°
100 4°00.0' 0.58 49.99 .04 99.95 2.33 66.68 33.35 99.98
125 5 00.0 0.91 62.48 .05 124.90 3.63 83.37 41.70 124.96
150 6 00.0 1.31 74.97 .06 149.83 5.23 100.06 50.05 149.93
200 8 00.0 2.33 .01 99.93 .08 199.61 9.30 133.47 66.79 199.83
250 10 00.0 3.63 .01 124.87 .10 249.24 14.51 166.93 83.58 249.66
300 12 00.0 5.23 .01 149.78 .12 298.69 20.88 200.46 100.42 299.42
350 14 00.0 7.11 .02 174.65 .14 347.92 28.38 234.07 117.33 349.07
400 16 00.0 9.28 .02 199.48 .16 396.89 37.03 267.76 134.33 398.62
450 18 00.0 11.74 .03 224.26 .18 445.58 46.79 301.57 151.42 448.03
500 20 00.0 14.48 .04 248.99 .20 493.94 57.68 335.49 168.63 497.30
D = = 9°
100 4°30.0' 0.65 49.99 .05 99.94 2.62 66.69 33.35 99.97
125 5 37.5 1.02 62.48 .06 124.88 4.09 83.38 41.71 124.95
150 6 45.0 1.47 74.96 .08 149.79 5.88 100.07 50.07 149.91
200 9 00.0 2.62 .01 99.92 .10 199.51 10.45 133.51 66.82 199.78
250 11 15.0 4.09 .01 124.84 .13 249.04 16.32 167.00 83.64 249.57
300 13 30.0 5.88 .02 149.72 .15 298.34 23.47 200.58 100.53 299.26
350 15 45.0 7.99 .02 174.56 .18 347.36 31.90 234.26 117.51 348.83
400 18 00.0 10.43 .03 199.34 .20 396.07 41.59 268.06 134.60 398.25
450 20 15.0 13.19 .04 224.07 .23 444.41 52.54 301.99 151.81 447.51
500 22 30.0 16.27 .05 248.72 .25 492.34 64.73 336.07 169.15 496.58
D = 10°
100 5°00.0' 0.73 49.99 .06 99.92 2.91 66.69 33.36 99.97
125 6 15.0 1.14 62.48 .08 124.85 4.54 83.39 41.71 124.93
150 7 30.0 1.64 .01 74.96 .10 149.74 6.54 100.09 50.08 149.89
200 10 00.0 2.91 .01 99.90 .13 199.39 11.61 133.55 66.86 199.73
250 12 30.0 4.54 .02 124.80 .16 248.81 18.12 167.08 83.71 249.47
300 15 00.0 6.53 .02 149.66 .19 297.95 26.05 200.72 100.66 299.09
350 17 30.0 8.88 .03 174.46 .22 346.75 35.40 234.48 117.71 348.55
400 20 00.0 11.58 .04 199.19 .25 395.15 46.14 268.39 134.90 397.84
450 22 30.0 14.64 .06 223.85 .28 443.11 58.26 302.46 152.24 446.92
500 25 00.0 18.06 .07 248.42 .31 490.56 71.74 336.72 169.75 495.78
D = 11°
80 4°24.0' 0.51 39.99 .06 79.95 2.05 53.35 26.68 79.98
100 5 30.0 0.80 49.98 .08 99.91 3.20 66.70 33.36 99.96
125 6 52.5 1.25 .01 62.47 .10 124.82 5.00 83.40 41.72 124.92
150 8 15.0 1.80 .01 74.95 .12 149.69 7.19 100.11 50.10 149.86
200 11 00.0 3.20 .01 99.88 .15 199.26 12.77 133.59 66.90 199.67
250 13 45.0 4.99 .02 124.76 .19 248.56 19.92 167.17 83.79 249.36
300 16 30.0 7.18 .03 149.59 .23 297.52 28.63 200.88 100.80 298.90
350 19 15.0 9.76 .04 174.34 .26 346.07 38.88 234.73 117.94 348.25
400 22 00.0 12.73 .06 199.02 .30 394.14 50.66 268.76 135.23 397.39
500 27 30.0 19.84 .09 248.09 .37 488.60 78.69 337.45 170.41 494.90
D = 12 c
80 4°48.0' 0.56 i
39.99 79.94 2.23 53.35 26.68 79.98
100 6 00.0 0.87 I
49.98 99.89 3.49 66.70 33.37 99.95
125 7 30.0 1.36 62.46 124.79 5.45 83.41 41.74 124.90
150 9 00.0 1.96 74.94 149.63 7.84 100.13 50.12 149.84
200 12 00.0 3.49 99.85 199.12 13.92 133.64 66.95 199.61
D = 13°
80 5°12.0' 0.60 39.99 79.93 2.42 53.36 26.69 79.97
100 6 30.0 0.94 49.98 99.87 3.78 66.71 33.37 99.94
125 8 07.5 1.48 62.45 124.75 5.90 83.42 41.75 124,89
150 9 45.0 2.13 74.93 149.57 8.49 100.15 50.14 149.81
200 13 00.0 3.77 99.83 198.97 15.07 133.69 67.00 199.54
D = 14°
80 5°36.0' 0.64 39.99 79.93 2.56 53.36 26.69 79.97
100 7 00.0 1.02 49.98 99.85 4.07 66.72 33.38 99.93
125 8 45.0 1.59 62.45 124.71 6.35 83.44 41.76 124.87
150 10 30.0 2.29 74.92 149.50 9.14 100.18 50.16 149.78
200 14 00.0 4.06 99.80 198.81 16.22, 133.75 67.05 199.47
D = 15°
80 6°00.0' 0.70 .01 39.99 .11 79.91 2.79 53.36 26.69 79.96
100 7 30.0 1.09 .01 49.97 .14 99.83 4.36 66.73 33.39 99.92
125 9 22.5 1.70 .01 62.44 .18 124.67 6.80 83.45 41.77 124.85
150 11 15.0 2.45 .02 74.90 .21 149.42 9.79 100.20 50.18 149.74
200 15 00.0 4.35 .04 99.77 .28 198.63 17.37 133.82 67.11 199.39
250 18 45.0 6.79 .06 124.56 .35 247.34 27.06 167.61 84.19 248.81
300 22 30.0 9.76 .08 149.23 .42 295.41 38.84 201.64 101.49 297.95
350 26 15.0 13.26 .11 173.78 .48 342.72 52.65 235.95 119.05 346.75
400 30 00.0 17.28 .15 198.18 .55 389.17 68.46 270.60 130.92 395.15
500 37 30.0 26.86 .22 246.48 .67 479.00 105.79 341.14 173.78 490.55
D = 16°
80 6°24.0' 0.74 .01 39.98 .13 79.90 2.98 53.37 26.70 79.96
100 8 00.0 1.16 .01 49.97 .16 99.80 4.65 66.74 33.40 99.91
125 10 00.0 1.82 .02 62.44 .20 124.62 7.26 83.47 41.79 124.83
150 12 00.0 2.61 .03 74.89 .24 149.34 10.44 100.23 50.21 149.71
200 16 00.0 4.64 .05 99.74 .32 198.45 18.51 133.88 67.17 199.31
250 20 00.0 7.24 .07 124.50 .40 246.97 28.84 167.74 84.31 248.65
300 24 00.0 10.41 .10 149.13 .48 294.78 41.37 201.87 101.70 297.67
350 28 00.0 14.13 .14 173.62 .55 341.73 56.05 236.32 119.39 346.30
400 32 00.0 18.41 .18 197.94 .62 387.70 72.82 271.16 137.43 394.48
500 40 00.0 28.59 .27 246.00 .75 476.18 112.30 342.26 174.S1 489.25
D= 18°
80 7°12.0' 0.84 .01 39.98 .15 79.87 3.48 53.38 20.71 79.94
100 9 00.0 1.31 .02 49.96 .21 99.75 5.23 00.75 33.41 99.89
125 11 15.0 2.04 .03 62.42 .26 124.52 8.16 83.50 41.82 124.79
150 13 30.0 2.94 .04 74.86 .31 149.17 11.73 100.29 50.27 149.63
200 18 00.0 5.22 .06 99.67 .41 198.04 20.80 134.03 67.30 199.12
250 22 30.0 8.14 .10 124.36 .50 246.17 32.36 168.03 84. 5S 2 IS. 29
300 27 00.0 11.69 .14 148.90 .60 293.41 40.3S 202. 3S 102.16 297.05
350 31 30.0 15.S6 .19 173.25 .69 339.57 62.77 237.14 120.13 345.32
400 36 00.0 20.65 .25 197.40 .77 384.50 81.44 272.40 138.56 393.03
500 45 00.0 32.02 .38 244.95 .93 470.02 125.24 344.78 177.12 4S6.43
D = 20°
60 6°00.0' 0.52 .01 29.99 .15 59.93 2.09 40.02 20.02 59.97
80 8 00.0 0.93 .01 39.97 .20 79.84 3.72 53.39 26.72 79.93
100 10 00.0 1.45 .02 49.95 .25 99.70 5.80 66.77 33.43 99.86
125 12 30.0 2.27 .03 62.40 .31 124.41 9.06 83.54 41.86 124.74
150 15 00.0 3.26 .05 74.83 .38 148.98 13.03 100.36 50.33 149.54
200 20 00.0 5.79 .09 99.60 .SO 197.58 23.07 134.19 67.45 198.92
250 25 00.0 9.03 .14 124.21 .62 245.28 35.87 168.36 84.87 247.89
300 30 00.0 12.96 .20 148.64 .73 291.88 51.34 202.95 102.69 296.36
350 35 00.0 17.58 .27 172.85 .84 337.16 69.39 238.06 120.98 344.23
400 40 00.0 22.87 .34 196.80 .94 380.94 89.89 273.81 139.85 391.40
/ DQ
* X Y L.T. S.T. L.C
0.0 .00000 .0000 . 50000 .0000 1.00000 .00000 . 66667 .33333 1.00000
1 015 00 000 01 1 00000
. 058 667 333 1 . 00000
029 00 000 03 1.00000 16 1 667 334 1 . 00000
.3 044 00 000 04 .99999 175 667 334 1.00000
.M 058 00 000 05 99999
. 233 667 334 1 . 00000
0.5 .00073 .0000 . 50000 .0006 . 99999 .00291 .66667 .33334 1.00000
.6 088 00 000 08 999 349 667 334 1.00000
.7 102 00 000 09 998 407 668 334 .99999
.8 1 17 00 000 10 998 465 668 334 999
.9 131 00 000 1 1 997 524 668 334 999
1.0 .00146 .0000 .U9999 .0013 . 99997 .00582 .66668 .33334 .99999
. | 161 00 999 14 996 640 668 335 998
.2 175 00 999 15 995 698 668 335 998
.3 190 00 999 17 995 756 669 335 998
.4 204 00 999 18 994 814 669 335 997
1 .5 .00219 .0000 .149999 .0019 .99993 .00873 .66669 .33336 . 99997
.6 233 00 999 20 992 931 669 336 997
.7 248 00 998 22 991 989 670 336 996
.8 262 00 998 23 990 .01047 670 337 996
.9 277 00 998 24 989 105 671 337 995
2.0 .00291 .0000 .49998 .0025 . 99988 .01 163 .66671 .33337 .99995
305 00 998 27 987 222 671 338 994
.2 320 00 997 28 985 280 672 338 993
.3 334 01 997 29 984 338 672 339 993
.U 349 01 997 31 982 396 673 339 992
2.5 .00363 .0001 .49997 .0032 .99981 .01454 .66673 .33339 .99992
.6 377 01 996 33 979 512 674 340 991
.7 392 01 996 34 978 571 675 340 990
.8 406 01 996 36 976 629 675 341 990
.9 421 01 996 37 975 687 676 341 989
3.0 .00435 .0001 .49995 .0038 . 99973 .01745 . 66676 .33342 . 95988
450 01 995 39 971 803 677 343 987
!2 464 01 994 41 969 861 678 343 986
.3 479 01 994 42 967 919 678 344 985
.U 493 01 994 43 965 978 679 345 984
3.5 .00508 .0001 .49994 .0045 .99963 .02036 .66680 .33345 .99983
.6 523 01 993 46 961 094 681 346 982
.7 537 01 993 47 958 152 681 347 981
.8 552 02 993 48 956 210 682 347 980
.9 566 02 992 50 953 268 683 348 979
4.0 .00581 .0002 . 49992 .0051 .99951 .02326 .66684 .33349 .99978
596 02 991 52 948 384 685 350 977
!2 610 02 991 53 946 443 686 350 976
.3 625 02 991 55 943 501 686 351 975
.4 639 02 990 56 941 559 687 352 974
a. .00654 .0002 .49990 .0057 .99938 .02617 .66688 .33353 .99973
.6 669 02 989 59 935 675 689 354 971
.7 683 02 989 60 932 733 690 355 970
.8 698 03 988 61 930 791 691 356 969
.9 712 03 988 62 927 849 692 357 967
5 - .00727 .0003 .49987 .0064 .99924 |.02907 .66693 .33358 .99966
o or x by subtracting the product of D c and the • values. See page 426 for
examp le.
J° * X Y L.T. S.T.
Da * L.C.
5.0 .00727 .0003 . 49987 .0064 .99924 .02907 . 66693 .33358 .99966
. 1 7U2 03 987 65 921 965 694 359 965
.2 756 03 986 66 918 .03023 696 360 963
.3 771 03 986 67 914 082 697 361 962
.4 785 03 985 59 91 1 140 698 362 961
5.5 .00800 .0003 . 49985 .0070 .99908 .03198 .66699 .33363 .99959
.6 814 03 984 71 904 256 700 364 958
.7 829 04 984 73 901 314 701 365 956
.8 843 04 983 74 897 372 703 366 954
.9 858 04 983 75 894 430 704 367 953
6.0 . 00872 .0004 . 49982 .0076 .99890 .03488 .66705 .33368 .99951
. 1 887 04 981 78 886 546 706 369 950
.2 901 04 981 79 882 604 708 371 948
.3 916 04 980 80 879 662 709 372 946
.4 930 05 979 81 875 720 710 373 944
6.5 .009U5 .0005 .49979 .0083 .99871 .03778 .66712 .33374 .99943
.6 960 05 978 84 867 836 713 376 941
.7 974 05 977 85 863 894 715 377 939
.8 989 05 976 86 859 952 716 378 937
.9 .01003 05 976 88 855 .04010 717 380 936
7.0 .01018 .0005 .49975 .0089 .99851 .04068 .66719 .33381 .99934
. I 033 06 974 90 846 126 720 382 932
.2 047 06 973 91 842 184 722 384 930
.3 062 06 973 93 838 242 724 385 928
.14 076 06 972 94 833 300 725 386 926
7.5 .01091 .0006 .49971 .0095 .99829 .04358 .66727 .33388 .99924
.6 105 06 970 97 824 416 728 389 922
.7 120 07 969 98 619 474 730 391 920
.8 I3U 07 969 99 815 532 732 392 918
.9 IU9 07 968 .0100 810 590 733 394 916
8.0 .01163 .0007 .49967 .0102 . 99805 .04648 .66735 .33395 .99913
. 1 178 07 966 03 800 706 737 397 91 1
' Multiply functions (except * values) by the given value of L s When chord .
o or x by subtracting the product of D c and the * values. See page 426 for
examp le.
J° * X Y L.T. S.T.
Dq Do * L.C.
10.0 .01453 .001 1 .49949 .0127 .99696 .05805 .66773 .33430 .99865
1 468 1 1 948 28 690 863 776 432 862
.2 482 12 947 29 684 921 778 434 859
.3 497 12 946 31 677 978 780 436 856
.4 51 1 12 945 32 671 . 06036 782 438 854
10.5 .01526 .0012 .49944 .0133 .99665 . 06094 .66784 .33440 .99851
.6 540 12 943 34 658 152 787 442 848
.7 555 13 942 36 652 210 789 444 845
.8 569 13 941 37 645 267 791 447 842
.9 584 13 940 38 639 325 794 449 839
1 1.0 .01598 .0013 .49939 .0139 .99632 .06383 .66796 .33451 .99836
1 613 m 938 Ml 625 440 798 453 833
627 14 937 42 618 498 801 455 830
.3 642 14 935 43 612 556 803 457 827
.4 656 14 934 44 605 614 806 460 824
1 1.5 .01671 .0015 .49933 .0146 .99598 .06671 .66808 .33462 . 9982
.6 685 15 932 47 591 729 81 1 464 818
.7 700 15 931 48 584 787 813 466 815
.8 7114 15 929 49 576 844 816 469 812
.9 729 16 928 51 569 902 818 471 808
12.0 .01743 .0016 .49927 .0152 .99562 .06959 .66821 .33473 .99805
. | 757 16 926 53 555 .07017 823 476 802
.2 772 16 924 54 5U7 075 826 478 799
.3 786 17 923 56 540 132 828 480 795
.4 801 17 922 57 532 190 831 483 792
12.5 .01815 .0017 .49921 .0158 .99525 .07248 .66834 .33485 .99789
.6 829 18 919 59 517 305 836 488 785
.7 844 18 918 60 509 363 839 490 782
.8 858 18 917 62 502 420 842 493 778
.9 873 18 915 63 494 478 845 495 775
13.0 .01887 .0019 .49914 .0164 .99486 .07535 .66847 .33498 .99771
o or x by subtracting the product of D c and the * values. See page 426 for
examp e I
J° * X Y L.T. S.T.
* L.C.
Do °a
15.0 .02176 .0025 .49886 .0189 .99317 . 08684 .66908 .33553 . 99606
.1 190 25 884 90 308 741 91 1 556 692
.2 205 26 883 91 299 799 914 559 688
.3 219 26 881 93 289 856 918 561 683
.11 234 26 880 94 280 913 921 564 679
15.5 .02248 .0026 .49878 .0195 .99271 .08970 .66924 .33567 .99675
.6 262 27 876 96 261 .09028 928 571 671
.7 277 27 875 98 252 085 931 574 667
.8 291 28 873 99 242 142 934 577 662
.9 3C6 28 872 .0200 233 200 938 580 658
16.0 .02320 .0028 . 49870 .0201 .99223 .09257 .66941 .33583 .99654
. | 335 29 868 02 213 314 945 586 649
.2 349 29 867 04 203 371 948 589 645
.3 364 29 865 05 194 428 952 593 641
.M 378 30 864 06 164 485 955 596 636
16.5 .02393 .0030 . 49862 .0207 .99174 .09543 .66959 .33599 .99632
.6 407 30 860 09 164 600 962 602 627
.7 422 31 859 10 154 657 966 606 623
.8 U36 31 857 1 1 143 714 970 609 618
.9 1151 32 856 12 133 771 973 612 614
17.0 .02465 .0032 .49854 .0213 .99123 .09828 .66977 .33615 .99609
. | 4479 32 852 15 1 13 885 981 619 605
.2 494 33 850 16 102 942 984 622 600
.3 508 33 849 17 092 999 988 626 595
.14 522 33 847 18 081 . 0056
1 992 629 591
17.5 .02537 .0034 .49845 .0220 .99071 .101 13 .66995 .33632 . 99586
.6 551 34 843 21 060 170 999 636 581
.7 565 35 841 22 050 227 .67003 639 576
.8 579 35 840 23 039 284 007 643 572
.9 594 35 838 24 029 341 01 1 646 567
18.0 .02608 .0036 .49836 .0226 .99018 .10398 .67015 .33650 .99562
. I 622 36 834 27 007 455 019 654 557
.2 637 37 832 28 .98996 512 023 657 552
.3 651 37 830 29 985 569 027 661 547
.4 666 37 828 30 974 626 031 664 542
18.5 .02680 .0038 . 49827 .0232 . 98962 .10683 .67035 .33568 .99537
.6 69M 38 825 33 951 740 039 672 532
.7 709 39 823 34 940 797 043 675 527
.8 723 39 821 35 929 854 047 679 522
.9 738 39 819 36 917 910 051 683 517
19.0 .02752 .0040 .49817 .0238 .98906 .10967 .67055 .33687 .99512
. 1 766 40 815 39 894 . 1 1024 059 690 507
.2 781 111 813 40 883 081 063 694 502
.3 795 111 81 1 41 871 138 067 698 497
.M 810 41 809 42 860 194 072 702 491
19.5 .028214 .0042 . 49808 .0244 .9884e .1 1251 .67076 .33706 .99486
.6 838 42 806 45 836 308 080 709 481
.7 853 M3 804 46 824 364 084 713 476
.8 867 43 802 47 812 421 089 717 470
.9 882 MM 800 48 800 478 093 721 465
20.0 .02896 .0044 .49798 .0250 . 98788 . 1 1535 .67097 .33725 .99460
" Multiply functions (except * values) by the given value of L s When chord .
o or x by subtracting the product of D c and the • values. See page 426 for
exarnp I e.
A° * * X Y L.T. S.T. L.C.
Da Da
20.0 .02896 .0044 . 49798 .0250 . 98788 .1 1535 .67097 .33725 .99460
. | 910 44 796 51 776 591 102 729 454
.2 925 45 794 52 764 648 106 733 449
.3 939 45 791 53 752 705 II 1 737 443
.U 954 46 789 54 740 761 1 15 741 438
20.5 .02968 .0046 .49787 .0256 .98728 .11818 .671 19 .33745 .99432
.6 982 47 785 57 715 875 124 749 427
.7 997 47 783 58 703 931 128 753 421
.8 .0301 48 781 59 690 988 133 758 415
.9 026 48 779 60 678 . 12044 137 762 410
21.0 .03040 .0048 . 49777 .0262 .98665 .12101 .67142 .33766 . 99404
. 1 054 49 775 63 652 157 147 770 399
.2 068 49 773 64 639 214 151 774 393
.3 083 50 770 65 627 270 156 779 387
.4 097 50 768 66 614 327 161 783 381
21.5 .031 1 .0051 .49766 .0267 . 9860 .12383 .67165 .33787 .99376
.6 125 51 764 68 588 439 170 791 370
.7 mo 52 762 70 575 496 175 796 364
.8 154 52 759 71 562 552 180 800 358
.9 169 53 757 72 549 609 184 804 352
22.0 .03183 .0053 .49755 .0273 .98536 .12665 .67189 .33809 .99346
. | 197 54 753 75 523 721 194 813 340
.2 21 1 54 751 76 509 777 199 818 334
.3 226 55 749 77 496 834 204 822 328
.U 240 55 747 78 482 890 208 826 322
22.5 .03254 .0056 .49745 .0279 .98469 .12946 .67213 . 3383 .99316
.6 268 56 743 81 455 . 3002
1 218 835 310
.7 283 57 740 82 442 059 223 840 304
.8 297 57 738 83 428 1 15 228 844 298
.9 312 58 735 84 415 172 233 849 292
23.0 .03326 .0058 .49733 .0285 .98401 .13228 .67238 .33854 .99286
. | 3 UO 59 731 86 387 284 243 858 279
.2 354 59 728 88 373 340 248 863 273
.3 369 60 726 89 359 396 254 868 267
.14 383 60 723 90 345 452 259 872 261
23.5 .03397 .0061 .49721 .0291 . 9833 . 1 3508 .67264 .33877 .99254
.6 Ml 1 61 719 92 316 564 269 882 248
.7 426 62 716 93 302 621 274 886 242
.8 440 62 714 95 288 677 280 891 235
.9 455 63 71 1 96 274 733 285 896 229
24.0 .03469 .0063 . 49709 .0297 . 98260 .13789 .67290 .33901 .99222
483 64 707 98 245 845 295 906 216
497 64 704 99 231 901 301 910 209
.3 512 65 702 .0300 216 957 306 915 203
.14 526 65 699 02 202 . 14012 31 1 920 196
24. .03540 .0066 .49697 .0303 .98187 . 1 4068 .67317 .33925 .99190
.6 554 66 694 04 172 124 322 930 183
.7 568 67 692 05 157 180 328 935 177
.8 583 67 689 06 143 236 333 940 170
.9 597 68 687 07 128 292 339 945 163
25.0 .03611 .0068 . 49684 .0309 .98113 . 14348 .67344 .33950 . 99 57
J° * * X Y L.T. S.T. L.C.
Da Da
25.0 .03611 .0068 .49684 .0309 .981 13 . 1 4348 .67344 .33950 .99157
. 1 625 69 681 10 098 404 350 955 150
.2 640 69 679 1 1 083 459 355 960 143
.3 654 70 676 12 068 515 361 965 136
.4 669 71 674 13 053 571 366 970 129
25.5 .03683 .0071 .49671 .0314 .98037 . 1 4627 .67372 .33975 .99123
.6 697 72 668 15 022 682 378 981 1 16
.7 71 1 72 666 17 007 738 383 986 109
.8 725 73 663 18 .97991 794 389 991 102
.9 739 73 661 19 976 849 395 996 095
26.0 .03753 .0074 .49658 .0320 .97960 . 1 4905 . 67400 .34001 . 99088
. | 767 74 656 21 945 961 406 007 081
.2 782 75 653 22 929 .15016 412 012 074
.3 796 76 651 23 913 072 418 017 067
.4 81 1 76 648 25 898 128 424 023 060
26.5 .03825 .0077 .49646 .0326 .97882 .15183 .67430 .34028 .99053
.6 839 77 643 27 866 239 435 033 046
.7 853 78 640 28 850 294 441 039 038
.8 868 78 638 29 834 350 447 044 031
.9 882 79 635 30 818 405 453 049 024
27.0 .03896 .0080 . 49632 .0331 . 97802 .15461 .67459 .34055 .99017
.1 910 80 629 33 786 516 465 060 009
.2 92U 81 626 34 770 571 471 066 002
.3 939 81 624 35 753 627 477 071 .98995
.4 953 82 621 36 737 682 483 077 987
27.5 .03967 .0082 .49618 .0337 .97721 . 1 5738 .67490 .34083 .98980
.6 981 83 615 38 704 793 496 088 973
.7 995 84 613 39 688 848 502 094 965
.8 .04009 84 610 40 671 903 508 099 958
.9 023 85 608 42 655 959 514 105 950
28.0 .04037 .0085 . 49605 .0343 .97638 .16014 .67520 .3411 1 .98943
. 1 051 86 602 44 621 069 527 1 16 935
.2 065 87 599 45 604 124 533 122 928
.3 080 87 596 46 588 180 539 128 920
.4 094 88 593 47 571 235 546 134 913
28.5 .04108 .0088 .49590 .0348 .97554 . 1 6290 .67552 .34139 .98905
.6 122 89 587 49 537 345 558 145 897
.7 136 90 584 51 520 400 565 151 890
.8 151 90 582 52 503 455 571 157 882
.9 165 91 579 53 486 510 578 163 874
29.0 .04179 .0092 .49576 .0354 .97469 .16565 .67584 .34169 . 98866
.1 193 92 573 55 452 620 591 165 859
.2 207 93 570 56 434 675 597 171 851
.3 222 93 567 57 417 730 604 177 843
.4 236 94 564 58 399 785 610 193 835
29.5 .04250 .0095 .49561 .0359 .97382 .16840 .67617 .34199 .98827
.6 264 95 558 61 364 895 623 205 819
.7 278 96 555 62 346 950 630 211 81 1
J° * X Y L.T.
* S.T. L.C.
Do Da
30.0 .04321 .0098 .49546 .0365 .97293 .171 14 .67650 .34229 . 98787
1 335 98 543 66 275 169 657 235 779
.2 349 99 540 67 257 224 664 241 771
.3 563 .0100 537 68 239 279 670 248 763
.11 377 00 534 69 221 333 677 254 755
30.5 .04391 .0101 .49531 .0371 . 97203 . 17388 .67684 .34260 .98746
.6 405 02 528 72 185 443 691 266 738
.7 419 02 525 73 167 498 698 273 730
.8 434 03 522 74 148 552 705 279 722
.9 448 04 519 75 130 607 712 285 713
31 .0 .04462 .0104 .49516 .0376 .971 12 .17661 .67719 .34292 . 98705
.1 476 05 513 77 094 716 726 298 697
.2 490 06 510 78 075 770 733 304 688
.3 504 06 506 79 057 825 740 31 1 680
.4 518 07 503 80 038 879 747 317 672
31.5 .04532 .0108 .49500 .0381 . 97020 .17934 .67754 .34324 .98663
.6 546 08 497 83 00! 988 761 330 655
.7 560 09 494 84 . 96982 . 8043
1 768 337 646
.8 574 10 490 85 963 097 775 343 638
.9 588 10 487 86 944 152 783 350 629
32.0 .04602 .011 1 .49484 .0387 .96926 . 1 8206 .67790 .34356 . 9862
. | 616 12 481 88 907 260 797 363 612
.2 630 12 478 89 887 315 804 370 603
.3 645 13 475 90 868 369 812 376 595
.4 659 14 472 91 849 424 819 383 586
32.5 .04673 .01 14 .49469 .0392 .96830 . 1 8478 .67826 .34390 .98577
.6 687 15 466 93 811 532 834 397 569
.7 701 16 462 94 791 586 841 403 560
.8 715 16 459 95 772 640 849 410 551
.9 729 17 455 97 752 694 856 417 542
33.0 .04743 .01 18 .49452 .0398 .96733 .18748 .67863 .34424 .98534
. 1 757 18 449 99 713 803 871 431 525
.2 771 19 445 .0400 694 857 878 438 516
.3 785 20 442 01 674 91 1 886 444 507
.14 799 21 438 02 655 965 894 451 498
33.5 .04813 .0121 .49435 .0403 .96635 .19019 .67901 .34458 .98489
.6 827 22 432 04 615 073 909 465 480
.7 841 23 429 05 595 127 916 472 471
.8 855 23 425 06 576 181 924 479 462
.9 869 24 422 07 556 234 932 486 453
34. .04883 .0125 .49419 .0408 . 96536 . 1 9288 .67939 .34493 .98444
. | 897 26 415 09 516 342 947 500 435
.2 91 1 26 412 10 496 396 955 508 425
.3 925 27 408 I | 475 450 963 515 416
.H 939 28 405 12 455 504 971 522 407
34.5 .04953 .0128 .49401 .0413 . 96.435 . I 9557 .67979 .34529 . 98398
.6 967 29 398 15 414 611 987 536 389
.7 981 30 395 16 394 665 994 544 379
.8 995 31 391 17 373 718 .68002 551 370
.9 .05009 31 388 18 353 772 010 558 361
35.0 .05023 .0132 .49385 .0419 .96332 .19826 .68018 .34565 .98351
o or Xo by subtracting the product of d c and the values. See page 426 for
examp e. I
A° * * X Y L.T. S.T. L.C.
Da Do
38.5 .05510 .0159 .49256 .0454 .95578 .21686 .68315 .34837 .98008
.6 524 59 252 55 556 739 324 845 .97997
.7 538 60 249 56 533 792 333 853 987
.8 551 61 245 57 511 844 342 861 977
.9 565 62 242 58 488 897 351 870 967
39.0 .05579 .0163 .49238 .0459 .95466 .21949 .68360 .34878 .97956
.1 593 63 234 60 443 .22002 369 886 946
.2 607 64 230 61 420 054 379 895 935
.3 620 65 226 62 397 107 388 903 925
.4 634 66 222 63 374 159 397 91 1 914
39.5 .05648 .0167 .49218 .0464 .95351 .22212 .68406 .34920 .97904
.6 662 68 214 65 328 264 415 928 893
.7 676 68 210 66 305 316 424 937 883
.8 690 69 207 67 281 369 434 945 872
.9 704 70 203 68 258 421 443 954 861
40.0 .05718 .0171 .49199 .0469 .95235 .22473 .68452 .34962 .97851
/ Da
* X Y L.T. S.T. L.C
uo.o .05718 .0171 .49199 .0469 .95235 .22473 .68U52 .34962 .97851
1 732 72 195 70 212 526 462 971 840
.2 7U5 72 191 71 188 578 471 980 829
.3 759 73 187 72 165 630 481 988 819
.4 772 74 183 73 141 682 490 997 808
MO. 5 .05786 .0175 .49179 .0474 .951 18 .22734 .685C0 .35006 .97797
.6 800 76 175 75 094 786 509 014 786
.7 81 U 77 171 76 071 838 519 023 775
.8 827 77 167 77 047 890 528 032 765
.9 8m 78 163 78 023 942 538 041 754
41.0 .05855 .0179 .49159 .0479 .95000 .22994 .685U7 .35049 .97743
. 1 869 80 155 80 .9U976 .23046 557 058 732
.2 883 81 151 81 952 098 567 067 721
.3 896 82 146 82 928 150 577 076 710
.U 910 82 142 83 904 202 586 085 699
m.5 .059214 .0183 .49138 .01484 . 94880 .23254 .68596 .35094 . 97688
.6 938 84 134 85 856 306 606 103 677
.7 952 85 130 86 832 358 616 112 666
.8 965 86 126 87 807 409 626 121 655
.9 979 87 122 88 783 161 635 130 643
U2.C .05993 .0187 .491 18 .0488 .94759 .23513 .66645 .35139 .97632
. | .06007 88 14
1 89 734 564 655 148 621
.2 020 89 1 10 90 710 616 665 158 610
.3 034 90 105 91 685 667 675 167 599
.11 047 91 101 92 661 719 685 176 587
U2.5 . 0606 .0192 .49097 .0493 .94636 .23771 .68695 .35185 .97576
.6 075 93 093 94 612 822 706 194 565
.7 089 93 088 95 587 874 716 204 553
.8 102 94 084 96 562 925 726 213 5142
.9 1 16 95 079 97 538 976 736 222 531
143.0 .06130 .0IS6 .49075 .0498 .94513 .24028 .68746 .35232 .97519
. | imi 97 071 99 488 079 756 241 508
157 98 067 .0500 463 130 767 250 496
.3 171 99 062 01 438 182 777 260 485
.4 184 .0200 058 02 413 233 787 269 473
143.5 .06198 .0200 . 49054 .0503 .94388 .24284 .68798 .35279 .97462
.6 212 01 050 03 363 335 808 288 450
.7 226 02 045 04 337 387 818 298 438
.8 239 03 041 05 312 438 829 307 427
.9 253 04 036 06 287 489 839 317 415
44.0 .06267 .0205 .49032 .0507 . 94262 .245M0 . 68850 .35327 .97UC4
1 281 06 028 08 236 591 860 336 392
.2 294 07 024 09 211 642 871 346 380
.3 308 08 019 10 185 693 882 356 368
.U 321 08 015 1 1 160 744 892 365 357
44.5 .06335 .0209 .4901 .0512 .94134 .24795 .68903 .35375 .97345
.6 349 10 007 13 108 846 914 385 333
.7 362 1 1 003 14 082 896 924 395 321
.8 376 12 . 48998 14 057 9U7 935 405 309
.9 389 13 994 15 031 998 946 415 297
145.0 . C6I403 .0214 . U8990 .0516 .94005 .25049 .68957 .35'424 .97285
45.5 .06471 .48967 .93875 .25302 48.0 .06809 .48853 .93206 .26556
45.6 .06484 .48963 .93849 .25353 48.1 .06822 .48848 .93178 .26606
45.7 .06498 .48958 .93823 .25403 48.2 .06836 .48843 .93151 .26656
45.8 .06511 .48954 .93796 .25454 48.3 .06849 .48839 .93124 .26705
45.9 .06525 .48949 .93770 .25504 48.4 .06863 .48834 .93096 .26755
46.0 .06538 .48945 .93744 .25554 48.5 .06876 .48829 .93068 .26804
46.1 .06552 .48940 .93717 .25605 48.6 .06890 .48824 .93041 .26854
46.2 .06566 .48936 .93691 .25655 48.7 .06903 .48820 .93013 .26904
46.3 .06579 .48931 .93664 .25706 48.8 .06916 .48815 .92985 .26953
46.4 .06593 .48927 .93638 .25756 48.9 .06930 .48810 .92958 .27002
46.5 .06606 .48922 .93611 .25806 49.0 .06943 .48805 .92930 .27052
46.6 .06620 .48918 .93584 .25856 49.1 .06957 .48801 .92902 .27101
46.7 .06633 .48913 .93558 .25907 49.2 .06970 .48796 .92874 .27151
46.8 .06647 .48908 .93531 .25957 49.3 .06984 .48791 .92846 .27200
46.9 .06660 .48904 .93504 .26007 49.4 .06997 .48786 .92818 .27249
47.0 .06674 .48899 .93477 .26057 49.5 .07010 .48781 .92790 .27299
47.1 .06687 .48895 .93450 .26107 49.6 .07024 .48777 .92761 .27348
47.2 .06701 .48890 .93424 .26157 49.7 .07037 .48772 .92733 .27397
47.3 .06714 .48885 .93396 .26207 49.8 .07051 .48767 .92705 .27446
47.4 .06728 .48881 .93369 .26257 49.9 .07064 .48762 .92677 .27495
47.5 .06741 .48876 .93342 .26307 50.0 .07078 .48757 .92648 .27544
For values of A exceeding 45°, Table XII does not contain the * corrections
for conversion to the A.R.E.A. spiral nor the functions for obtaining L.T., S.T.,
and L.C. In the event these missing values are needed, they may be obtained
as follows
Find L.T., S.T., and L.C. by solving triangle ABC (Fig. 5-4) knowing X, Y,
and A.
Find * value for o from *=0.0730 vers A.
Find * value for Xo from *=0.0730 sin A.
A Xo X Y A° Xo X Y
50.0 .07078 .48757 .92648 .27544 55.0 .07741 .48503 .91170 .29952
50.1 .07091 .48752 .92620 .27593 55.1 .07754 .48498 .91139 .30000
50.2 .07104 .48748 .92592 .27642 55.2 .07768 .48492 .91109 .30047
50.3 .07118 .48743 .92563 .27691 55.3 .07781 .48487 .91078 .30094
50.4 .07131 .48738 .92534 .27740 55.4 .07794 .48482 .91047 .30141
50.5 .07144 .48733 .92506 .27789 55.5 .07807 .48476 .91016 .30188
50.6 .07158 .48728 .92477 .27838 55.6 .07820 .48471 .90985 .30235
50.7 .07171 .48723 .92449 .27887 55.7 .07833 .48466 .90954 .30282
50.8 .07184 .48718 .92420 .27936 55.8 .07846 .48460 .90923 .30329
50.9 .07198 .48713 .92391 .27984 55.9 .07859 .48455 .90892 .30376
51.0 .07211 .48708 .92362 .28033 56.0 .07872 .48449 .90860 .30423
51.1 .07224 .48703 .92333 .28082 56.1 .07886 .48444 .90829 .30470
51.2 .07238 .48698 .92304 .28130 56.2 .07899 .48439 .90798 .30516
51.3 .07251 .48693 .92276 .28179 56.3 .07912 .48433 .90767 .30563
51.4 .07264 .48688 .92246 .28228 56.4 .07925 .48428 .90735 .30610
51.5 .07278 .48683 .92217 .28276 56.5 .07938 .48422 .90704 .30657
51.6 .07291 .48678 .92188 .28325 56.6 .07951 .48417 .90672 .30703
51.7 .07304 .48673 .92159 .28373 56.7 .07964 .48412 .90641 .30750
51.8 .07318 .48668 .92130 .28422 56.8 .07977 .48406 .90609 .30796
51.9 .07331 .48663 .92101 .28470 56.9 .07990 .48400 .90578 .30843
52.0 .07344 .48658 .92071 .28518 57.0 .08003 .48395 .90546 .30890
52.1 .07358 .48653 .92042 .28567 57.1 .08016 .48390 .90514 .30936
52.2 .07371 .48648 .92012 .28615 57.2 .08029 .48384 .90483 .30982
52.3 .07384 .48643 .91983 .28663 57.3 .08042 .48379 .90451 .31029
52.4 .07398 .48638 .91954 .28712 57.4 .08056 .48373 .90419 .31075
52.5 .07411 .48633 .91924 .28760 57.5 .08068 .48368 .90387 .31121
52.6 .07424 .48628 .91894 .28808 57.6 .08082 .48362 .90356 .31168
52.7 .07437 .48623 .91865 .28856 57.7 .08095 .48356 .90324 .31214
52.8 .07451 .48618 .91835 .28904 57.8 .08108 .48351 .90292 .31260
52.9 .07464 .48612 .91805 .28952 57.9 .08121 .48345 .90260 .31306
53.0 .07477 .48607 .91776 .29000 58.0 .08134 .48340 .90227 .31352
53.1 .07490 .48602 .91746 .29048 58.1 .08147 .48334 .90195 .31398
53.2 .07504 .48597 .91716 .29096 58.2 .08160 .48329 .90163 .31444
53.3 .07517 .48592 .91686 .29144 58.3 .08173 .48323 .90131 .31490
53.4 .07530 .48587 .91656 .29192 58.4 .08186 .48318 .90099 .31536
53.5 .07543 .48582 .91626 .29240 58.5 .08199 .48312 .90066 .31582
53.6 .07557 .48576 .91596 .29287 58.6 .08212 .48306 .90034 .31628
53.7 .07570 .48571 .91566 .29335 58.7 .08224 .48301 .90002 .31674
53.8 .07583 .48566 .91536 .29383 58.8 .08238 .48295 .89969 .31720
53.9 .07596 .48561 .91506 .29430 58.9 .08250 .48290 .89937 .31765
54.0 .07609 .48556 .91475 .29478 59.0 .08263 .48284 .89904 .31811
54.1 .07623 .48550 .91445 .29526 59.1 .08276 .48278 .89872 .31857
54.2 .07636 .48545 .91415 .29573 59.2 .08289 .48272 .89839 .31902
54.3 .07649 .48540 .91384 .29621 59.3 .08302 .48267 .89806 .31948
54.4 .07662 .48535 .91354 .29668 59.4 .08315 .48261 .89774 .31994
54.5 .07675 .48529 .91323 .29716 59.5 .08328 .48256 .89741 .32039
54.6 .07688 .48524 .91293 .29763 59.6 .08341 .48250 .89708 .32084
54.7 .07702 .48519 .91262 .29810 59.7 .08354 .48244 .89675 .32130
54.8 .07715 .48514 .91232 .29858 59.8 .08367 .48238 .89642 .32175
54.9 .07728 .48508 .91201 .29905 59.9 .08380 .48233 .89610 .32221
55.0 .07741 .48503 .91170 .29952 60.0 .08393 .48227 .89577 .32266
A° Xo X Y A Xo X Y
60.0 .08393 .48227 .89577 .32266 65.0 .09031 .47930 .87874 .34478
60.1 .08406 .48221 .89544 .32311 65.1 .09044 .47924 .87839 .34521
60.2 .08418 .48215 .89511 .32356 65.2 .09056 .47918 .87804 .34565
60.3 .08431 .48210 .89478 .32402 65.3 .09069 .47912 .87769 .34608
60.4 .08444 .48204 .89444 .32447 65.4 .09081 .47905 .87734 .34651
60.5 .08457 .48198 .89411 .32492 65.5 .09094 .47899 .87698 .34694
60.6 .08470 .48192 .89378 .32537 65.6 .09107 .47893 .87663 .34737
60.7 .08483 .48187 .89345 .32582 65.7 .09119 .47887 .87628 .34780
60.8 .08496 .48181 .89311 .32627 65.8 .09132 .47881 .87592 .34822
60.9 .08508 .48175 .89278 .32672 65.9 .09144 .47874 .87557 .34865
61.0 .08521 .48169 .89245 .32717 66.0 .09157 .47868 .87521 .34908
61.1 .08534 .48163 .89211 .32762 66.1 .09170 .47862 .87486 .34951
61.2 .08547 .48158 .89178 .32806 66.2 .09182 .47856 .87450 .34994
61.3 .08560 .48152 .89144 .32851 66.3 .09195 .47850 .87415 .35036
61.4 .08573 .48146 .89111 .32896 66.4 .09207 .47843 .87379 .35079
61.5 .08586 .48140 .89077 .32940 66.5 .09220 .47837 .87344 .35121
61.6 .08598 .48134 .89043 .32985 66.6 .09232 .47831 .87308 .35164
61.7 .08611 .48128 .89010 .33030 66.7 .09245 .47824 .87272 .35206
61.8 .08624 .48122 .88976 .33074 66.8 .09257 .47818 .87236 .35249
61.9 .08637 .48116 .88942 .33119 66.9 .09270 .47812 .87200 .35291
62.0 .08650 .48111 .88908 .33163 67.0 .09282 .47806 .87164 .35334
62.1 .08662 .48105 .88874 .33208 67.1 .09295 .47799 .87129 .35376
62.2 .08675 .48099 .88841 .33252 67.2 .09307 .47793 .87093 .35418
62.3 .08688 .48093 .88807 .33296 67.3 .09320 .47787 .87057 .35460
62.4 .08701 .48087 .88773 .33341 67.4 .09332 .47780 .87021 .35502
62.5 .08714 .48081 .88739 .33385 67.5 .09345 .47774 .86985 .35545
62.6 .08726 .48075 .88705 .33429 67.6 .09357 .47768 .86948 .35587
62.7 .08739 .48069 .88670 .33474 67.7 .09370 .47761 .86912 .35629
62.8 .08752 .48063 .88636 .33518 67.8 .09382 .47755 .86876 .35671
62.9 .08764 .48057 .88602 .33562 67.9 .09395 .47748 .86840 .35713
63.0 .08777 .48051 .88568 .33606 68.0 .09407 .47742 .86804 .35755
63.1 .08790 .48045 .88534 .33650 68.1 .09420 .47736 .86767 .35796
63.2 .08803 .48039 .88499 .33694 68.2 .09432 .47729 .86731 .35838
63.3 .08816 .48033 .88465 .33738 68.3 .09445 .47723 .86695 .35880
63.4 .08828 .48027 .88430 .33782 68.4 .09457 .47716 .86658 .35922
63.5 .08841 .48021 .88396 .33826 68.5 .09469 .47710 .86622 .35963
63.6 .08854 .48015 .88362 .33869 68.6 .09482 .47704 .86585 .36005
63.7 .08866 .48009 .88327 .33913 68.7 .09494 .47697 .86549 .36047
63.8 .08879 .48003 .88292 .33957 68.8 .09507 .47691 .86512 .36088
63.9 .08892 .47997 .88258 .34001 68.9 .09519 .47684 .86476 .36130
64.0 .08904 .47991 .88223 .34044 69.0 .09532 .47678 .86439 .36171
64.1 .08917 .47985 .88188 .34088 69.1 .09544 .47671 .86402 .36213
64.2 .08930 .47979 .88154 .34131 69.2 .09556 .47665 .86366 .36254
64.3 .08942 .47973 .88119 .34175 69.3 .09569 .47658 .86329 .36295
64.4 .08955 .47967 .88084 .34218 69.4 .09581 .47652 .86292 .36337
64.5 .08968 .47961 .88049 .34262 69.5 .09593 .47646 .86255 .36378
64.6 .08980 .47954 .88014 .34305 69.6 .09606 .47639 .86218 .36419
64.7 .08993 .47948 .87979 .34348 69.7 .09618 .47632 .86181 .36460
64.8 .09006 .47942 .87944 .34392 69.8 .09630 .47626 .86144 .36501
64.9 .09018 .47936 .87909 .34435 69.9 .09643 .47619 .86107 .36542
65.0 .09031 .47930 .87874 .34478 70.0 .09655 .47613 .86070 .36583
A° Xo X Y A° Xo X Y
70.0 .09655 .47613 .86070 .36583 75.0 .10264 .47276 .84172 .38576
70.1 .09668 .47606 .86033 .36624 75.1 .10276 .47269 .84133 .38614
70.2 .09680 .47600 .85996 .36665 75.2 .10288 .47262 .84094 .38653
70.3 .09692 .47593 .85959 .36706 75.3 .10300 .47256 .84055 .38691
70.4 .09704 .47587 .85922 .36747 75.4 .10312 .47249 .84016 .38730
70.5 .09717 .47580 .85885 .36788 75.5 .10324 .47242 .83977 .38768
70.6 .09729 .47574 .85847 .36828 75.6 .10336 .47235 .83938 .38807
70.7 .09741 .47567 .85810 .36869 75.7 .10348 .47228 .83899 .38845
70.8 .09754 .47560 .85773 .36910 75.8 .10360 .47221 .83860 .38883
70.9 .09766 .47554 .85735 .36950 75.9 .10372 .47214 .83821 .38922
71.0 .09778 .47547 .85698 .36991 76.0 .10384 .47207 .83782 .38960
71.1 .09790 .47540 .85660 .37032 76.1 .10396 .47200 .83742 .38998
71.2 .09803 .47534 .85623 .37072 76.2 .10408 .47193 .83703 .39036
71.3 .09815 .47527 .85586 .37112 76.3 .10420 .47186 .83664 .39074
71.4 .09827 .47521 .85548 .37153 76.4 .10432 .47179 .83625 .39112
71.5 .09840 .47514 .85510 .37193 76.5 .10444 .47172 .83585 .39150
71.6 .09852 .47507 .85473 .37233 76.6 .10456 .47165 .83546 .39188
71.7 .09864 .47501 .85435 .37274 76.7 .10468 .47158 .83506 .39226
71.8 .09876 .47494 .85397 .37314 76.8 .10480 .47150 .83467 .39264
71.9 .09888 .47487 .85360 .37354 76.9 .10492 .47144 .83427 .39302
72.0 .09901 .47480 .85322 .37394 77.0 .10504 .47136 .83388 .39340
72.1 .09913 .47474 .85284 .37434 77.1 .10516 .47129 .83348 .39377
72.2 .09925 .47467 .85246 .37474 77.2 .10528 .47122 .83309 .39415
72.3 .09937 .47460 .85208 .37514 77.3 .10540 .47115 .83269 .39452
72.4 .09950 .47454 .85170 .37554 77.4 .10551 .47108 .83230 .39490
72.5 .09962 .47447 .85132 .37594 77.5 .10563 .47101 .83190 .39528
72.6 .09974 .47440 .85094 .37634 77.6 .10575 .47094 .83150 .39565
72.7 .09986 .47434 .85056 .37674 77.7 .10587 .47087 .83110 .39602
72.8 .09998 .47427 .85018 .37713 77.8 .10599 .47080 .83070 .39640
72.9 .10010 .47420 .84980 .37753 77.9 .10611 .47072 .83031 .39677
73.0 .10023 .47413 .84942 .37792 78.0 .10622 .47065 .82991 .39714
73.1 .10035 .47406 .84904 .37832 78.1 .10634 .47058 .82951 .39752
73.2 .10047 .47400 .84866 .37872 78.2 .10646 .47051 .82911 .39789
73.3 .10059 .47393 .84828 .37911 78.3 .10658 .47044 .82871 .39826
73.4 .10071 .47386 .84789 .37951 78.4 .10670 .47037 .82831 .39863
73.5 .10083 .47379 .84751 .37990 78.5 .10682 .47030 .82791 .39900
73.6 .10095 .47372 .84713 .38029 78.6 .10693 .47022 .82751 .39937
73.7 .10108 .47366 .84674 .38069 78.7 .10705 .47015 .82711 .39974
73.8 .10120 .47359 .84636 .38108 78.8 .10717 .47008 .82671 .40011
73.9 .10132 .47352 .84597 .38147 78.9 .10729 .47001 .82631 .40048
74.0 .10144 .47345 .84559 .38186 79.0 .10741 .46994 .82590 .40084
74.1 .10156 .47338 .84520 .38226 79.1 .10752 .46986 .82550 .40121
74.2 .10168 .47331 .84482 .38264 79.2 .10764 .46979 .82510 .40158
74.3 .10180 .47325 .84443 .38304 79.3 .10776 .46972 .82470 .40194
74.4 .10192 .47318 .84404 .38343 79.4 .10788 .46965 .82430 .40231
74.5 .10204 .47311 .84366 .38382 79.5 .10799 .46958 .82389 .40268
74.6 .10216 .47304 .84327 .38420 79.6 .10811 .46950 .82349 .40304'
74.7 .10228 .47297 .84288 .38459 79.7 .10823 .46943 .82308 .40340
74.8 .10240 .47290 .84250 .38498 79.8 .10835 .46936 .82268 .40377
74.9 .10252 .47283 .84211 .38537 79.9 .10846 .46928 .82227 .40413
75.0 .10264 .47276 .84172 .38576 80.0 .10858 .46921 .82187 .40450
A° Xo X Y A° Xo X Y
80.0 .10858 .46921 .82187 .40450 85.0 .11435 .46548 .80123 .42201
80.1 .10870 .46914 .82146 .40486 85.1 .11446 .46540 .80081 .42235
80.2 .10881 .46906 .82106 .40522 85.2 .11458 .46533 .80039 .42268
80.3 .10893 .46899 .82065 .40558 85.3 .11469 .46525 .79997 .42302
80.4 .10905 .46892 .82025 .40594 85.4 .11480 .46518 .79955 .42336
80.5 .10916 .46885 .81984 .40630 85.5 .11492 .46510 .79913 .42369
80.6 .10928 .46877 .81943 .40666 85.6 .11503 .46502 .79871 .42403
80.7 . 1 0940 .46870 .81903 .40702 85.7 .11514 .46495 .79829 .42436
80.8 .10952 .46863 .81862 .40738 85.8 .11526 .46487 .79786 .42470
80.9 .10963 .46855 .81 Q 21 .40774 85.9 .11537 .46479 .79744 .42503
81.0 .10975 .46848 .81780 .40810 86.0 .11548 .46472 .79702 .42536
81.1 .10986 .46841 .81739 .40846 86.1 .11560 .46464 .79660 .42570
81.2 .10998 .46833 .81698 .40881 86.2 .11571 .46456 .79617 .42603
81.3 .11010 .46826 .81658 .40917 86.3 .11582 .46448 .79575 .42636
81.4 .11021 .46818 .81617 .40952 86.4 .11594 .46441 .79532 .42669
81.5 .11033 .46811 .81576 .40988 86.5 .11605 .46433 .79490 .42702
81.6 .11044 .46804 .81535 .41024 86.6 .11616 .46425 .79448 .42735
81.7 .11056 .46796 .81494 .41059 86.7 .11627 .46417 .79405 .42768
81.8 .11068 .46789 .81453 .41094 86.8 .11639 .46410 .79363 .42801
81.9 .11079 .46781 .81412 .41130 86.9 .11650 .46402 .79320 .42834
82.0 .11091 .46774 .81370 .41165 87.0 .11661 .46394 .79278 .42866
82.1 .11102 .46767 .81329 .41200 87.1 .11672 .46386 .79235 .42899
82.2 .11114 .46759 .81288 .41236 87.2 .11684 .46379 .79192 .42932
82.3 .11126 .46752 .81247 .41271 87.3 .11695 .46371 .79150 .42964
82.4 .11137 .46744 .81206 .41306 87.4 .11706 .46363 .79107 .42997
82.5 .11149 .46737 .81164 .41341 87.5 .11717 .46355 .79065 .43030
82.6 .11160 .46729 .81123 .41376 87.6 .11728 .46348 .79022 .43062
82.7 .11172 .46722 .81082 .41411 87.7 .11740 .46340 .78979 .43094
82.8 .11183 .46714 .81040 .41446 87.8 .11751 .46332 .78936 .43127
82.9 .11195 .46707 .80999 .41481 87.9 .11762 .46324 .78894 .43159
83.0 .11206 .46699 .80958 .41515 88.0 .11773 .46316 .78851 .43191
83.1 .11218 .46692 .80916 .41550 88.1 .11784 .46308 .78808 .43224
83.2 .11229 .46684 .80875 .41585 88.2 .11795 .46300 .78765 .43256
83.3 .11241 .46677 .80833 .41620 88.3 .11806 .46293 .78722 .43288
83.4 .11252 .46669 .80792 .41654 88.4 .11818 .46285 .78679 .43320
83.5 .11264 .46662 .80750 .41689 88.5 .11829 .46277 .78636 .43352
83.6 .11275 .46654 .80709 .41723 88.6 .11840 .46269 .78593 .43384
83.7 .11287 .46647 .80667 .41758 88.7 .11851 .46261 .78550 .43416
83.8 .11298 .46639 .80625 .41792 88.8 .11862 .46253 .78507 .43448
83.9 .11310 .46632 .80584 .41826 88.9 .11873 .46246 .78464 .43479
84.0 .11321 .46624 .80542 .41861 89.0 .11884 .46238 .78421 .43511
84.1 .11332 .46617 .80500 .41895 89.1 .11895 .46230 .78378 .43543
84.2 .11344 .46609 .80458 .41929 89.2 .11906 .46222 .78335 .43574
84.3 .11355 .46601 .80417 .41963 89.3 .11918 .46214 .78292 .43606
84.4 .11367 .46594 .80375 .41997 89.4 .11929 .46206 .78249 .43638
84.5 .11378 .46586 .80333 .42032 89.5 . 1 1 940 .46198 .78206 .43669
84.6 .11390 .46579 .80291 .42066 89.6 .11951 .46190 .78162 .43701
84.7 .11401 .46571 .80249 .42099 89.7 .11962 .46182 .78119 .43732
84.8 .11412 .46563 .80207 .42133 89.8 .11973 .46174 .78076 .43763
84.9 .11424 .46556 .80165 .42167 89.9 .11984 .46166 .78033 .43795
85.0 .11435 .46548 .80123 .42201 90.0 .11995 .46158 .77989 .43826
N P M s
15 1 00402
. .04396 46.0 1.04015 . 14370 .4 1.06754 .19103
16 1.00458 .04696 46.5 1.04109 . 14550 .6 1.06606 .19184
17 1.00518 .04992 47.0 1.04204 . 14730 .8 1.06857 .19266
18 1.00581 .05292 47.5 1.04301 .14912 59.0 1.06909 . 1 9348
19 1.00648 .05593 48.0 1.04399 . 5094
1 .2 1 06962
. .19431
20 1.00719 .05895 48.5 1.04498 .15277 .4 1.07015 .19513
21 1.00794 .06198 49.0 1.04598 . 5460
1 .6 1.07068 . 9596
22 1 00873
. .06502 49.5 1.04701 .15645 .8 1 .07121 .19679
23 1.00955 .06808 50.0 1 .04804 .15831 60.0 1.07174 . 9762
.6 1 042
. 1 .24489 .6 1. 13491 .28568 .6 1. 17226 .33227
.8 1 . 10491 .24585 .8 1 . 1 3576 .28677 .8 1.17329 .33352
71.0 1. 10561 .24681 79.0 1 366
. 1 .28786 87.0 1.17433 .33478
.2 1 . 1 0632 .24777 .2 1.13746 .28896 .2 1.17537 .33605
.H 1. 10703 .24874 .4 1 3832
. 1 .29006 .4 1 7642
. 1 .33732
.6 1 . 10774 .24971 .6 1. 13918 .29116 .6 1. 17748 .33859
.8 1. I085U .25069 .8 1 4005
. 1 .29226 .8 1 7854
. 1 .33987
72.0 1 .10917 .25167 80.0 1 4092
. 1 .29337 88.0 1 . 1 7960 .341 15
.2 1 . 0989
1 .25265 .2 1.14179 .29449 .2 1 . 1 8067 .34244
.a 1 . 062
1 1 .25363 .4 1.14267 .29561 .4 1. 18174 .34373
.6 I.I 1135 .25462 .6 1 4356
. 1 .29673 .6- 1 . 18282 .34503
.8 1 . 1 1 208 .25561 .8 1.14445 .29785 .8 1. 18391 .34633
73.0 I.I 1281' .25660 81.0 1.14535 .29898 89.0 1 . 1 8500 .34764
.2 I.I 1355 .25760 .2 1.14625 .30011 .2 1 . 1 8609 .34895
1. 14291 .25860 .4 1. 14715 .30125 .4 1.18719 .35027
,1.1 i^oa .25960 .6 1 4805
. 1 .30239 .6 1.18830 .35159
.8 1 . 1 1 579 .26060 .8 1 4896
. 1 .30353 .8 1.18942 .35292
74.0 1 . 1 I65U .26161 82.0 1 . 1 4988 .30468 90.0 1 . 9054
1 .35425
.2 1 .
| 730 .26262 .2 1 . 1 5080 .30583 .2 1. 19167 .35559
.a 1.11 806 .26363 .4 1. 15173 .30699 .4 1 .19280 .35693
.6 1. 11882 .26465 .6 l .15266 .30815 .6 1 .19394 .35828
.8 1 . 1 1 959 .26567 .8 1 .15359 .30931 .8 1 . 1 9508 .35963
NOTES: (I) For any given I and selected spiral length, T s and E s
for the double-spiral, or all-transitional, curve may be found by
multiplying the tabulated values by the length of spiral. (2) If
the given I does not correspond to a tabulated value, T s and E s
may be found by simple interpolation. (3) Deflection angles for
staking the curve may be computed, as for any spiral, by using
. 454
0.0 00.00 00.0 00.0 ooo.o 00.0 3 00.0 3 00.0 ooo.o 00.0 3 00.0
.1 00.02 00.1 00.2 00.3 00.5 00.7 01.0 01.3 01.6 02.0
.2 00.04 00.2 00.4 00.6 01.0 01.4 02.0 02.6 03.2 04.0
.3 00.06 00.2 00.5 01.0 01.5 02.2 02.9 03.8 04.9 06.0
.4 00.08 00.3 00.7 01.3 02.0 02.9 03.9 05.1 06.5 08.0
0.5 I) 00.10 00.4 00.9 01.6 02.5 0O3.6 04.9 06.4 08.1 10.0
.6 00.12 00.5 01.1 01.9 03.0 04.3 05.9 07.7 09.7 12.0
.7 00.14 00.6 01.3 02.2 03.5 05.0 06.9 09.0 11.3 14.0
.8 00.16 00.6 01.4 02.6 04.0 05.8 07.8 10.2 13.0 16.0
.9 00.18 00.7 01.6 02.9 04.5 06.5 08.8 11.5 14.6 18.0
1.0 00.20 00.8 01.8 03.2 05.0 07.2 09.8 12.8 16.2 20.0
.1 00.22 00.9 02.0 03.5 05.5 07.9 10.8 14.1 17.8 22.0
.2 00.24 01.0 02.2 03.8 06.0 08.6 11.8 15.4 19.4 24.0
.3 00.26 01.0 02.3 04.2 06.5 09.4 12.7 16.6 21.1 26.0
.4 00.28 01.1 02.5 04.5 07.0 10.1 13.7 17.9 22.7 28.0
1.5 00.30 01.2 02.7 04.8 07.5 10.8 14.7 19.2 24.3 30.0
.6 00.32 01.3 02.9 05.1 08.0 11.5 15.7 20.5 25.9 32.0
.7 00.34 01.4 03.1 05.4 08.5 12.2 16.7 21.8 27.5 34.0
.8 00.36 01.4 03.2 05.8 09.0 13.0 17.6 23.0 29.2 36.0
.9 00.38 01.5 03.4 06.1 09.5 13.7 18.6 24.3 30.8 38.0
2.0 00.40 01.6 03.6 06.4 10.0 14.4 19.6 25.6 32.4 40.0
.1 00.42 01.7 03.8 06.7 10.5 15.1 20.6 26.9 34.0 42.0
.2 00.44 01.8 04.0 07.0 11.0 15.8 21.6 28.2 35.6 44.0
.3 00.46 01.8 04.1 07.4 11.5 16.6 22.5 29.4 37.3 46.0
.4 00.48 01.9 04.3 07.7 12.0 17.3 23.5 30.7 38.9 48.0
2.5 00.50 02.0 04.5 08.0 12.5 18.0 24.5 32.0 40.5 50.0
.6 00.52 02.1 04.7 08.3 13.0 18.7 25.5 33.3 42.1 52.0
.7 00.54 02.2 04.9 08.6 13.5 19.4 26.5 34.6 43.7 54.0
.8 00.56 02.2 05.0 09.0 14.0 20.2 27.4 35.8 45.4 56.0
.9 00.58 02.3 05.2 09.3 14.5 20.9 28.4 37.1 47.0 58.0
3.0 00.60 02.4 05.4 09.6 15.0 21.6 29.4 38.4 48.6 1 00.0
.1 00.62 02.5 05.6 09.9 15.5 22.3 30.4 39.7 50.2 02.0
.2 00.64 02.6 05.8 10.2 16.0 23.0 31.4 41.0 51.8 04.0
.3 00.66 02.6 05.9 10.6 16.5 23.8 32.3 42.2 53.5 06.0
.4 00.68 02.7 06.1 10.9 17.0 24.5 33.3 43.5 55.1 08.0
3.5 00.70 02.8 06.3 11.2 17.5 25.2 34.3 44.8 56.7 1 10.0
.6 00.72 02.9 06.5 11.5 18.0 25.9 35.3 46.1 58.3 12.0
.7 00.74 03.0 06.7 11.8 18.5 26.6 36.3 47.4 59.9 14.0
.8 00.76 03.0 06.8 12.2 19.0 27.4 37.2 48.6 1 01.6 16.0
.9 00.78 03.1 07.0 12.5 19.5 28.1 38.2 49.9 03.2 18.0
4.0 00.80 03.2 07.2 12.8 20.0 28.8 39.2 51.2 1 04.8 1 20.0
.1 00.82 03.3 07.4 13.1 20.5 29.5 40.2 52.5 06.4 22.0
.2 00.84 03.4 07.6 13.4 21.0 30.2 41.2 53.8 08.0 24.0
.3 00.86 03.4 07.7 13.8 21.5 31.0 42.1 55.0 09.7 26.0
.4 00.88 03.5 07.9 14.1 22.0 31.7 43.1 56.3 11.3 28.0
4.5 00.90 03.6 08.1 14.4 22.5 32.4 44.1 57.6 1 12.9 1 30.0
.6 00.92 03.7 08.3 14.7 23.0 33.1 45.1 58.9 14.5 32.0
.7 00.94 03.8 08.5 15.0 23.5 33.8 46.1 1 00.2 16.1 34.0
.8 00.96 03.8 08.6 15.4 24.0 34.6 47.0 01.4 17.8 36.0
.9 00.98 03.9 08.8 15.7 24.5 35.3 48.0 02.7 19.4 38.0
5.0 01 .00 04.0 09.0 16.0 25.0 36.0 49.0 1 04.0 1 21.0 1 40.0
01.02 04.1 09.2 16.3 25.5 36.7 50.0 05.3 22.6 42.0
.2 01 04 04.2 09.4 16.6 26.0 37.4 51.0 06.6 24.2 44.0
.3 01.06 04.2 09.5 17.0 26.5 38.2 51.9 07.8 25.9 46.0
.4 01.08 04.3 09.7 17.3 27.0 38.9 52.9 09.1 27.5 48.0
5.5 01.10 04.4 09.9 17.6 27.5 39.6 53.9 1 10.4 1 29.1 1 50.0
.6 01.12 04.5 10.1 17.9 28.0 40.3 54.9 11.7 30.7 52.0
.7 01.14 04.6 10.3 18.2 2H.5 41.0 r> .">.•.» 13.0 32.3 54.0
.8 01.16 04.6 10.4 18.6 29.0 41.8 56.8 14.2 34.0 56.0
.9 01.18 04.7 10.6 18.9 29.5 42.5 57.8 15.5 35.6 58.0
6.0 01.20 04.8 10.8 19.2 30.0 43.2 58.8 1 16.8 1 37.2 2 00.0
.1 01.22 04.9 11.0 19.5 30.5 43.9 59.8 18.1 38.8 02.0
.2 01.24 05.0 11.2 19.8 31.0 44.6 1 00.8 19.4 40.4 04.0
.3 01.26 05.0 11.3 20.2 31.5 45.4 01.7 20.6 42.1 06.0
.4 01.28 05.1 11.5 20.5 32.0 46.1 02.7 21.9 43.7 08.0
6.5 01.30 05.2 11.7 20.8 32.5 46.8 1 03.7 1 23.2 1 45.3 2 10.0
.6 01.32 05.3 11.9 21.1 33.0 47.5 04.7 24.5 46.9 12.0
.7 01.34 05.4 12.1 21.4 33.5 48.2 05.7 25.8 48.5 14.0
.8 01.36 05.4 12.2 21.8 34.0 49.0 06.6 27.0 50.2 16.0
.9 01.38 05.5 124 22.1 34.5 49.7 07.6 28.3 51.8 18.0
7.0 01.40 05.6 12.6 22.4 35.0 50.4 1 08.6 1 29.6 1 53.4 2 20.0
.1 01.42 05.7 12.8 22.7 35.5 51.1 09.6 30.9 55.0 22.0
.2 01.44 05.8 13.0 23.0 36.0 51.8 10.6 32.2 56.6 24.0
.3 01.46 05.8 13.1 23.4 36.5 52.6 11.5 33.4 58.3 26.0
.4 01.48 05.9 13.3 23.7 37.0 53.3 12.5 34.7 59.9 28.0
7.5 01.50 06.0 13.5 24.0 37.5 54.0 1 13.5 1 36.0 2 01.5 2 30.0
.6 01.52 06.1 13.7 24.3 38.0 54.7 14.5 37.3 03.1 32.0
.7 01.54 06.2 13.9 24.6 38.5 55.4 15.5 38.6 04.7 34.0
.8 01.56 06.2 14.0 25.0 39.0 56.2 16.4 39.8 06.4 36.0
.9 01.58 06.3 14.2 25.3 39.5 56.9 17.4 41.1 08.0 38.0
8.0 01.60 06.4 14.4 25.6 40.0 57.6 1 18.4 1 42.4 2 09.6 2 40.0
.1 01.62 06.5 14.6 25.9 40.5 58.3 19.4 43.7 11.2 42.0
.2 01.64 06.6 14.8 26.2 41.0 59.0 20.4 45.0 12.8 44.0
.3 01.66 06.6 14.9 26.6 41.5 59.8 21.3 46.2 14.5 46.0
.4 01.68 06.7 15.1' 26.9 42.0 1 00.5 22.3 47.5 16.1 48.0
8.5 01.70 06.8 15.3 27.2 42.5 1 01.2 1 23.3 1 48.8 2 17.7 2 50.0
.6 01.72 06.9 15.5 27.5 43.0 01.9 24.3 50.1 19.3 52.0
.7 01.74 07.0 15.7 27.8 43.5 02.6 25.3 51.4 20.9 54.0
.8 01.76 07.0 15.8 28.2 44.0 03.4 26.2 52.6 22.6 56.0
.9 01.78 07.1 16.0 28.5 44.5 04.1 27.2 53.9 24.2 58.0
9.0 01.80 07.2 16.2 28.8 45.0 1 04.8 1 28.2 1 55.2 2 25.8 3 00.0
.1 01.82 07.3 16.4 29.1 45.5 05.5 29.2 56.5 27.4 02.0
.2 01.84 07.4 16.6 29.4 46.0 06.2 30.2 57.8 29.0 04.0
.3 01.86 07.4 16.7 29.8 46.5 07.0 31.1 59.0 30.7 06.0
.4 01.88 07.5 16.9 30.1 47.0 07.7 32.1 2 00.3 32.3 08.0
9.5 01.90 07.6 17.1 30.4 47.5 1 08.4 1 33.1 2 01.6 2 33.9 3 10.0
.6 01.92 07.7 17.3 30.7 48.0 09.1 34.1 02.9 35.5 12.0
.7 01.94 07.8 17.5 31.0 48.5 09.8 35.1 04.2 37.1 14.0
.8 01.96 07.8 17.6 31.4 49.0 10.6 36.0 05.4 38.8 16.0
.9 01.98 07.9 17.8 31.7 49.5 11.3 37.0 06.7 40.4 18.0
iO.O 02.00 08.0 18.0 32.0 50.0 1 12.0 1 38.0 2 080 2 42.0 3 20.0
.1 02.02 08.1 18.2 32.3 50.5 12.7 39.0 09.3 43.6 21.9
.2 02.04 08.2 18.4 32.6 51.0 13.4 40.0 10.6 45.2 23.9
.3 02.06 08.2 18.5 33.0 51.5 14.2 40.9 11.8 46.8 25.9
.4 02.08 08.3 18.7 33.3 52.0 14.9 41.9 13.1 48.5 27.9
10.5 02.10 08.4 18.9 33.6 52.5 1 15.6 1 42.9 2 14.4 2 50.1 3 29.9
.6 02.12 08.5 19.1 33.9 53.0 16.3 43.9 15.7 51.7 31.9
.7 02.14 08.6 19.3 34.2 53.5 17.0 44.9 17.0 53.3 33.9
.8 02.16 08.6 19.4 34.6 54.0 17.8 45.8 18.2 54.9 35.9
.9 02.18 08.7 19.6 34.9 54.5 18.5 46.8 19.5 56.6 37.9
11.0 02.20 08.8 19.8 35.2 55.0 1 19.2 1 47.8 2 20.8 2 58.2 3 39.9
.1 02.22 08.9 20.0 35.5 55.5 19.9 48.8 22.1 59.8 41.9
.2 02.24 09.0 20.2 35.8 56.0 20.6 49.8 23.4 3 01.4 43.9
.3 02.26 09.0 20.3 36.2 56.5 21.4 50.7 24.6 03.0 45.9
.4 02.28 09.1 20.5 36.5 57.0- 22.1 51.7 25.9 04.7 47.9
11.5 02.30 09.2 20.7 36.8 57.5 1 22.8 1 52.7 2 27.2 3 06.3 3 49.9
.6 02.32 09.3 20.9 37.1 58.0 23.5 53.7 28.5 07.9 51.9
.7 02.34 09.4 21.1 37.4 58.5 24.2 54.7 29.7 09.5 53.9
.8 02.36 09.4 21.2 37.8 59.0 25.0 55.6 31.0 11.1 55.9
.9 02.38 09.5 21.4 38.1 59.5 25.7 56.6 32.3 12.7 57.9
12.0 02.40 09.6 21.6 38.4 1 00.0 1 26.4 1 57.6 2 33.6 3 14.4 3 59.9
.1 02.42 09.7 21.8 38.7 00.5 27.1 58.6 34.9 16.0 4 01.9
.2 02.44 09.8 22.0 39.0 01.0 27.8 59.5 36.1 17.6 03.9
.3 02.46 09.8 22.1 39.4 01.5 28.6 2 00.5 37.4 19.2 05.9
.4 02.48 09.9 22.3 39.7 02.0 29.3 01.5 38.7 20.8 07.9
12.5 02.50 10.0 22.5 40.0 1 02.5 1 30.0 2 02.5 2 40.0 3 22.5 4 09.9
.6 02.52 10.1 22.7 40.3 03.0 30.7 03.5 41.3 24.1 11.9
.7 02.54 10.2 22.9 40.6 03.5 31.4 04.4 42.5 25.7 13.9
.8 02.56 10.2 23.0 41.0 04.0 32.2 05.4 43.8 27.3 15.9
.9 02.58 10.3 23.2 41.3 04.5 32.9 06.4 45.1 28.9 17.9
13.0 02.60 10.4 23.4 41.6 1 05.0 1 33.6 2 07.4 2 46.4 3 30.5 4 19.9
.1 02.62 10.5 23.6 41.9 05.5 34.3 08.4 47.7 32.2 21.9
.2 02.64 10.6 23.8 42.2 06.0 35.0 09.3 48.9 33.8 23.9
.3 02.66 10.6 23.9 42.6 06.5 35.8 10.3 50.2 35.4 25 9
.4 02.68 10.7 24.1 42.9 07.0 36.5 11.3 51.5 37.0 27 9
13.5 02.70 10.8 24.3 43.2 1 07.5 1 37.2 2 12.3 2 52.8 3 38.6 4 29.9
.6 02.72 10.9 24.5 43.5 08.0 37.9 13.3 54.0 40.3 31.9
.7 02.74 11.0 24.7 43.8 08.5 38.6 14.2 55.3 41.9 33.9
.8 02.76 11.0 24.8 44.2 09.0 39.4 15.2 56.6 43.5 35.9
.9 02.78 11.1 25.0 44.5 09.5 40.1 16.2 57.9 45.1 37.9
14.0 02.80 11.2 25.2 44.8 1 10.0 1 40.8 2 17.2 2 59.2 3 46.7 4 39.9
.1 02.82 11.3 25.4 45.1 10.5 41.5 18.2 3 00.4 48.4 41.9
.2 02.84 11.4 25.6 45.4 11.0 42.2 19.1 01.7 50.0 43.9
.3 02.86 11.4 25.7 45.8 11.5 43.0 20.1 03.0 51.6 45.9
.4 02.88 11.5 25.9 46.1 12.0 43.7 21.1 04.3 53.2 47.9
14.5 02.90 11.6 26.1 46.4 1 12.5 1 44.4 2 22.1 3 05.6 3 54.8 4 49.9
.6 02.92 11.7 26.3 46.7 13.0 45.1 23.1 06.8 56.4 51.9
.7 02.94 11.8 26.5 47.0 13.5 45.8 24.0 08.1 58.1 53.9
.8 02.96 11.8 26.6 47.4 14.0 46.6 25.0 09.4 59.7 55.8
.9 02.98 11.9 26.8 47.7 14.5 47.3 26.0 10.7 4 01.3 57.8
15.0 03.00 12.0 27.0* 48.0 1 15.0 148.0 2 27.0 3 12.0 4 02.9 4 59.8
.1 03.02 12.1 27.2 48.3 15.5 48.7 28.0 13.2 04.5 5 01.8
.2 03.04 12.2 27.4 48.6 16.0 49.4 28.9 14.5 06.1 03.8
.3 03.06 12.2 27.5 49.0 16.5 50.2 29.9 15.8 07.8 05.8
.4 03.08 12.3 27.7 49.3 17.0 50.9 30.9 17.1 09.4 07.8
15.5 03.10 12.4 27.9 49.6 1 17.5 1 51.6 2 31.9 3 18.4 4 11.0 5 09.8
.6 03.12 12.5 28.1 49.9 18.0 52.3 32.9 19.6 12.6 11.8
.7 03.14 12.6 28.3 50.2 18.5 53.0 33.8 20.9 14.2 13.8
.8 02.16 12.6 28.4 50.6 19.0 53.7 34.8 22.2 15.9 15.8
.9 03.18 12.7 28.6 50.9 19.5 54.5 35.8 23.5 17.5 17.8
16.0 03.20 12.8 28.8 51.2 1 20.0 1 55.2 2 36.8 3 24.8 4 19.1 5 19.8
.1 03.22 12.9 29.0 51.5 20.5 55.9 37.8 26.0 20.7 21.8
.2 03.24 13.0 29.2 51.8 21.0 56.6 38.7 27.3 22.3 23.8
.3 03.26 13.0 29.3 52.2 21.5 57.3 39.7 28.6 23.9 25.8
.4 03.28 13.1 29.5 52.5 22.0 58.1 40.7 29.9 25.6 27.8
16.5 03.30 13.2 29.7 52.8 1 22.5 1 58.8 2 41.7 3 31.1 4 27.2 5 29.8
.6 03.32 L3.3 29.9 53.1 23.0 59.5 42.7 32.4 28.8 31.8
.7 03.34 13.4 30.1 53.4 23.5 2 00.2 43.6 33.7 30.4 33.8
.8 03.36 13.4 30.2 53.8 24.0 00.9 44.6 35.0 32.0 35.8
.9 03.38 13.5 30.4 54.1 24.5 01.7 45.6 36.3 33.6 37.8
17.0 03.40 13.6 30.6 54.4 1 25.0 2 02.4 2 46.6 3 37.5 4 35.3 5 39.8
.1 03.42 13.7 30.8 54 .7 25.5 03.1 47.5 38.8 36.9 41.8
.2 03.44 13.8 31.0 55.0 26.0 03.8 48.5 40.1 38.5 43.7
.3 03.46 13.8 31.1 55.4 26.5 04.5 49.5 41.4 40.1 45.7
.4 03.48 13.9 31.3 55.7 27.0 05.3 50.5 42.7 41.7 47.7
17.5 o 03.50 14.0 31.5 o 58.0 1 27.5 2 06.0 2 51.5 3 43.9 4 43.4 5 49.7
.6 03.52 11.1 31.7 56.3 2S.0 06.7 52.4 4 5.2 45.0 51.7
14.2 31.9 56.6 28.5 07.4 53.4 46.5 46 8 53.7
.7 03.54
.8 03 50 1 4.2 32 r
. »7.0 20.0 OS 5 1
47. 48.2
1 1 55.7
32.2 57.3 20.5 08.9 55 19.0 '•• 8 57.7
.9 03 58 1 1.3 I
18.0 03.60 14.4 32.4 57.6 1 30.0 2 09.6 2 56.4 3 50.3 4 51.5 5 59.7
.1 03.62 14.5 32.6 57.9 30.5 10.3 57.3 51.6 53.1 6 01.7
.2 03.64 14.6 32.8 58.2 31.0 11.0 58.3 52.9 54.7 03.7
.3 03.66 14.6 32.9 58.6 31.5 11.7 59.3 54.2 56.3 05.7
.4 03.68 14.7 33.1 58.9 32.0 12.5 3 00.3 55.4 57.9 07.7
18.5 03.70 14.8 33.3 59.2 1 32.5 2 13.2 3 01.3 3 56.7 4 59.5 6 09.7
.6 03.72 14.9 33.5 59.5 33.0 13.9 02.2 58.0 5 01.2 11.7
.7 03.74 15.0 33.7 59.8 33.5 14.6 03.2 59.3 02.8 13.7
.8 03.76 15.0 33.8 1 00.2 34.0 15.3 04.2 i 00.6 04.4 15.7
.9 03.78 15.1 34.0 00.5 34.5 16.1 05.2 01.8 06.0 17.7
19.0 03.80 15.2 34.2 1 00.8 1 35.0 2 16.8 3 06.2 4 03.1 5 07.6 6 19.7
.1 03.82 15.3 34.4 01.1 35.5 17.5 07.1 04.4 09.2 21.7
.2 03.84 15.4 34.6 01.4 36.0 18.2 08.1 05.7 10.9 23.7
.3 03.86 15.4 34.7 01.8 36.5 18.9 09.1 06.9 12.5 25.6
.4 03.88 15.5 34.9 02.1 37.0 19.7 10.1 08.2 14.1 27.6
19.5 03.90 15.6 35.1 1 02.4 1 37.5 2 20.4 3 11.1 4 09.5 5 15.7 6 29.6
.6 03.92 15.7 35.3 02.7 38.0 21.1 12.0 10.8 17.3 31.6
.7 03.94 15.8 35.5 03.0 38.5 21.8 13.0 12.1 18.9 33.6
.8 03.96 15.8 35.6 03.4 39.0 22.5 14.0 13.3 20.6 35.6
.9 03.98 15.9 35.8 03.7 39.5 23.3 15.0 14.6 22.2 37.6
20.0 04.00 16.0 36.0 1 04.0 1 40.0 2 24.0 3 16.0 4 15.9 5 23.8 6 39.6
.1 04.02 16.1 36.2 04.3 40.5 24.7 16.9 17.2 25.4 41.6
.2 04.04 16.2 36.4 04.6 41.0 25.4 17.9 18.5 27.0 43.6
.3 04.06 16.2 36.5 05.0 41.5 26.1 18.9 19.7 28.6 45.6
.4 04.08 16.3 36.7 05.3 42.0 26.9 19.9 21.0 30.3 47.6
20.5 04.10 16.4 36.9 1 05.6 1 42.5 2 27.6 3 20.9 4 22.3 5 31.9 6 49.6
.6 04.12 16.5 37.1 05.9 43.0 28.3 21.8 23.6 33.5 51.6
.7 04.14 16.6 37.3 06.2 43.5 29.0 22.8 24.8 35.1 53.6
.8 04.16 16.6 37.4 06.6 44.0 29.7 23.8 26.1 36.7 55.6
.9 04.18 16.7 37.6 06.9 44.5 30.5 24.8 27.4 38.3 57.5
21.0 04.20 16.8 37.8 1 07.2 1 45.0 2 31.2 3 25.8 4 28.7 5 40.0 6 59.5
.1 04.22 16.9 38.0 07.5 45.5 31.9 26.7 30.0 41.6 7 01.5
.2 04.24 17.0 38.2 07.8 46.0 32.6 27.7 31.2 43.2 03.5
.3 04.26 17.0 38.3 08.2 46.5 33.4 28.7 32.5 44.8 05.5
.4 04.28 17.1 38.5 08.5 47.0 34.1 29.7 33.8 46.4 07.5
21.5 04.30 17.2 38.7 1 08.8 1 47.5 2 34.8 3 30.7 4 35.1 5 48.0 7 09.5
.6 04.32 17.3 38.9 09.1 48.0 35.5 31.6 36.4 49.7 11.5
.7 04.34 17.4 39.1 09.4 48.5 36.2 32.6 37.6 51.3 13.5
.8 04.36 17.4 39.2 09.8 49.0 37.0 33.6 38.9 52.9 15.5
.9 04.38 17.5 39.4 10.1 49.5 37.7 34.6 40.2 54.5 17.5
22.0 04.40 17.6 39.6 1 10.4 1 50.0 2 38.4 3 35.5 4 41.5 5 56.1 7 19.5
.1 04.42 17.7 39.8 10.7 50.5 39.1 36.5 42.7 58.7 21.5
.2 04.44 17.8 40.0 11.0 51.0 39.8 37.5 44.0 59.3 23.5
.3 04.46 17.8 40.1 11.4 51.5 40.6 38.5 45.3 6 01.0 25.5
.4 04.48 17.9 40.3 11.7 52.0 41.3 39.5 46.6 02.6 27.5
22.5 04.50 18.0 40.5 1 12.0 1 52.5 2 42.0 3 40.5 4 47.9 6 04.2 7 29.4
.6 04.52 18.1 40.7 12.3 53.0 42.7 41.4 49.1 05.8 31.4
.7 04.54 18.2 40.9 12.6 53.5 43.4 42.4 50.4 07.4 33.4
.8 04.56 18.2 41.0 13.0 54.0 44.2 43.4 51.7 09.0 35.4
.9 04.58 18.3 41.2 13.3 54.5 44.9 44.4 53.0 10.7 37.4
23.0 04.60 18.4 41.4 1 13.6 1 55.0 2 45.6 3 45.3 4 54.2 6 12.3 7 39.4
.1 04.62 18.5 41.6 13.9 55.5 46.3 46.3 55.5 13.9 41.4
2 04.64 18.6 41.8 14.2 56.0 47.0 47.3 56.8 15.5 43.4
.3 04.66 18.6 41.9 14.6 56.5 47.8 48.3 58.1 17.1 45.4
.4 04.68 18.7 42.1 14.9 57.0 48.5 49.2 59.4 18.7 47.4
23.5 04.70 18.8 42.3 1 15.2 1 57.5 2 49.2 3 50.2 5 00.6 6 20.4 7 49.4
.6 04.72 18.9 42.5 15.5 58.0 49.9 51.2 01.9 22.0 51.4
.7 04.74 19.0 42.7 15.8 58.5 50.6 52.2 03.2 23.6 53.3
.8 04.76 19.0 42.8 16.2 59.0 51.4 53.2 04.5 25.2 55.3
.9 04.78 19.1 43.0 16.5 59.5 52.1 54.2 05.7 26.8 57.3
A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
o o / o / O / o / o / o / o / o / o / O /
34.0 04.80 19.2 43.2 1 16.8 2 00.0 2 52.8 3 55.1 5 07.0 6 28.4 7 59.3
.1 04.82 19.3 43.4 17.1 00.5 53.5 56.1 08.3 30.1 8 01.3
.2 04.84 19.4 43.6 17.4 01.0 54.2 57.1 09.6 31.7 03.3
.3 04.86 19.4 43.7 17.8 01.5 55.0 58.1 10.9 33.3 05.3
.4 04.88 19.5 43.9 18.1 02.0 55.7 59.0 12.1 34.9 07.3
24.5 04.90 19.6 44.1 1 18.4. 2 02.5 2 56.4 4 00.0 5 13.4 6 36.5 8 09.3
.6 04.92 19.7 44.3 18.7 03.3 57.1 01.0 14.7 38.1 11.3
.7 04.94 19.8 44.5 19.0 03.5 57.8 02.0 16.0 39.7 13.3
.8 04.96 19.8 44.6 19.4 04.0 58.6 03.0 17.2 41.3 15.3
.9 04.98 19.9 44.8 19.7 04.5 59.3 03.9 18.5 43.0 17.2
25.0 05.00 20.0 45.0 1 20.0 2 05.0 3 00.0 4 04.9 5 19.8 6 44.6 8 19.2
.1 05.02 20.1 45.2 20.3 05.5 00.7 05.9 2L1 46.2 21.2
.2 05.04 20.2 45.4 20.6 06.0 01.4 06.9 22.4 47.8 23.2
.3 05.06 20.2 45.5 21.0 06.5 02.1 07.9 23.6 49.4 25.2
.4 05.08 20.3 45.7 21.3 07.0 02.9 08.8 24.9 51.0 27.2
25.5 05.10 20.4 45.9 1 21.6 2 07.5 3 03.6 4 09.8 5 26.2 6 52.7 8 29.2
.6 05.12 20.5 46.1 21.9 08.0 04.3 10.8 27.5 54.3 31.2
.7 05.14 20.6 46.3 22.2 08.5 05.0 11.8 28.7 55.9 33.2
.8 05.16 20.6 46.4 22.6 09.0 05.8 12.8 30.0 57.5 35.2
.9 05.18 20.7 46.6 22.9 09.5 06.5 13.7 31.3 59.1 37.1
26.0 05.20 20.8 46.8 1 23.2 2 10.0 3 07.2 4 14.7 5 32.6 7 00.7 8 39.1
.1 05.22 20.9 47.0 23.5 10.5 07.9 15.7 33.9 02.3 41.1
.2 05.24 21.0 47.2 23.8 11.0 08.6 16.7 35.1 04.0 43.1
.3 05.26 21.0 47.3 24.2 11.5 09.3 17.6 36.4 05.6 45.1
.4 05.28 21.1 47.5 24.5 12.0 10.1 18.6 37.7 07.2 47.1
26.5 05.30 21.2 47.7 1 24.8 2 12.5 3 10.8 4 19.6 5 39.0 7 08.8 8 49.1
.6 05.32 21.3 47.9 25.1 13.0 11.5 20.6 40.2 10.4 51.1
.7 05.34 21.3 48.1 25.4 13.5 12.2 21.6 41.5 12.0 53.1
.8 05.36 21.4 48.2 25.8 14.0 13.0 22.5 42.8 13.7 55.1
.9 05.38 21.5 48.4 26.1 14.5 13.7 23.5 44.1 15.3 57.0
27.0 05.40 21.6 48.6 1 26.4 2 15.0 3 14.4 4 24.5 5 45.4 7 16.9 8 59.0
.2 05.44 21.8 49.0 27.0 16.0 15.8 26.5 47.9 20.1 9 03.0
.4 05.48 21.9 49.3 27.7 17.0 17.3 28.4 50.5 23.3 06.9
.6 05.52 22.1 49.7 28.3 18.0 18.7 30.4 53.0 26.6 10.9
.8 05.56 22.2 50.0 29.0 19.0 20.1 32.3 55.6 29.8 14.9
28.0 05.60 22.4 50.4 1 29.6 2 20.0 3 21.5 4 34.3 5 58.1 7 33.0 9 18.9
.2 05.64 22.6 50.8 30.2 21.0 23.0 36.2 6 00.7 36.3 22.9
.4 05.68 22.7 51.1 30.9 22.0 24.4 38.2 03.2 39.5 26.8
.6 05.72 22.9 51.5 31.5 23.0 25.9 40.2 05.8 42.7 30.8
.8 05.76 23.0 51.8 32.2 24.0 27.3 42.1 08.3 45.8 34.7
29.0 05.80 23.2 52.2 1 32.8 2 25.0 3 28.8 4 44.1 6 10.8 7 49.1 9 38.7
.2 05.84 23.4 52.6 33.4 26.0 30.2 46.0 13.4 52.3 42.7
.4 05.88 23.5 52.9 34.1 27.0 31.6 48.0 16.0 55.6 46.7
.6 05.92 23.7 53.3 34.7 28.0 33.1 49.9 18.5 58.8 50.7
.8 05.96 23.8 53.6 35.4 29.0 34.5 51.9 21.0 8 02.0 54.6
30.0 06.00 24.0 54.0 1 36.0 2 30.0 3 35.9 4 53.8 6 23.6 8 05.3 9 58.6
.2 06.04 24.2 54.4 36.6 31.0 37.4 55.8 26.2 08.5 10 02.6
.4 06.08 24.3 54.7 37.3 32.0 38.8 57.8 28.8 11.7 06.5
.6 06.12 24.5 55.1 37.9 33.0 40.3 59.7 31.3 15.0 10.5
.8 06.16 24.6 55.4 38.6 34.0 41.7 5 01.7 33.9 18.2 14.5
31.0 06.20 24.8 55.8 1 39.2 2 35.0 3 43.1 5 03.6 6 36.4 8 21.4 10 18.5
.2 06.24 25.0 56.2 39.8 36.0 44.6 05.6 39.0 24.6 22.5
.4 06.28 25.1 56.5 40.5 37.0 46.0 07.5 41.5 27.8 26.4
.6 06.32 25.3 56.9 41.1 38.0 47.5 09.5 44.0 31.0 30.4
.8 06.36 25.4 57.2 41.8 39.0 48.9 11.5 46.6 34.3 34.3
32.0 06.40 25.6 57.6 142.4 2 40.0 3 50.3 5 13.4 6 49.2 8 37.5 10 38.3
.2 06.44 25.8 68.0 43.0 41.0 51.8 15.4 51.7 40.7 42.3
.4 06.48 25.9 58.3 43.7 42.0 53.2 17.3 54.2 43.9 46.2
.6 06.52 26.1 58.7 44.3 43.0 54.7 19.3 56.8 47.1 50.2
.8 06.56 26.2 59.0 45.0 44.0 56.1 21.2 59.3 50.4 54.2
A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
o o / o / o / o / o / o / o / o / o / o /
33.0 06.60 26.4 59.4 145.6 2 45.0 3 57.5 5 23.2 7 01.9 8 53.6 10 58.1
.2 06.64 26.6 59.8 46.2 46.0 59.0 25.1 04.5 56.8 11 02.1
.4 06.68 26.7 1 00.1 46.9 47.0 4 00.4 27.1 07.0 9 00.0 06.1
.6 06.72 26.9 00.5 47.5 48.0 01.8 29.1 09.5 03.2 10.0
.8 06.76 27.0 00.8 48.2 49.0 03.3 31.0 12.1 06.5 14.0
34.0 06.80 27.2 1 01.2 148.8 2 50.0 4 04.7 5 33.0 7 14.7 9 09.7 11 18.0
.2 06.84 27.4 01.6 49.4 51.0 06.2 34.9 17.2 12.9 21.9
.4 06.88 27.5 019 50.1 52.0 07.6 36.9 19.7 16.1 25.9
.6 06.92 27.7 02.3 50.7 53.0 09.0 38.8 22.4 19.4 29.9
.8 06.96 27.8 02.6 51.4 54.0 10.5 40.8 24.9 22.6 33.8
35.0 07.00 28.0 103.0 152.0 2 55.0 4 11.9 5 42.8 7 27.4 9 25.8 11 37.8
.2 07.04 28.2 03.4 52.6 56.0 13.3 44.7 29.9 29.0 41.7
.4 07.08 28.3 03.7 53.3 57.0 14.8 46.7 32.6 32.3 45.7
.6 07.12 28.5 04.1 53.9 58.0 16.2 48.6 35.1 35.5 49.7
.8 07.16 28.6 04.4 54.6 59.0 17.7 50.6 37.6 38.7 53.6
36.0 07.20 28.8 104.8 155.2 3 00.0 4 19.1 5 52.5 7 40.2 9 41.9 1157.6
.2 07.24 29.0 05.2 55.8 01.0 20.5 54.5 42.7 45.1 12 01.6
.4 07.28 29.1 05.5 56.5 02.0 22.0 56.5 45.2 48.3 05.5
.6 07.32 29.3 05.9 57.1 03.0 23.4 58.4 47.8 51.6 09.5
.8 07.36 29.4 06.2 57.8 04.0 24.8 6 00.4 50.3 54.8 13.4
37.0 07.40 29.6 1 06.6 1 58.4 3 05.0 4 26.3 6 02.3 7 52.9 9 58.0 12 17.4
.2 07.44 29.8 07.0 59.0 06.0 27.7 04.3 55.5 10 01.2 21.3
.4 07.48 29.9 07.3 59.7 07.0 29.2 06.2 58.0 04.4 25.3
.6 07.52 30.1 07.7 2 00.3 08.0 30.6 08.2 8 00.6 07.6 29.3
.8 07.56 30.2 08.0 01.0 09.0 32.0 10.1 03.1 10.9 33.2
38.0 07.60 30.4 108.4 2 01.6 3 10.0 4 33.5 6 12.1 8 05.6 10 14.1 12 37.1
.2 07.64 30.6 08.8 02.2 11.0 34.9 14.0 08.2 17.3 41.1
.4 07.68 30.7 09.1 02.9 12.0 36.3 16.0 10.7 20.5 45.0
.6 07.72 30.9 09.5 03.5 13.0 37.8 18.0 13.3 23.7 49.0
.8 07.76 31.0 09.8 04.2 14.0 39.2 19.9 15.8 26.9 52.9
39.0 07.80 31.2 1 10.2 2 04.8 3 15.0 4 40.7 6 21.9 8 18.4 10 30.1 12 56.9
.2 07.84 31.4 10.6 05.4 16.0 42.1 23.8 20.9 33.4 13 00.9
.4 07.88 31.5 10.9 06.1 17.0 43.5 25.8 23.5 36.6 04.8
.6 07.92 31.7 11.3 06.7 18.0 45.0 27.7 26.0 39.8 08.8
.8 07.96 31.8 11.6 07.4 19.0 46.4 29.7 28.6 43.0 12.7
40.0 08.00 32.0 1 12.0 2 08.0 3 20.0 4 47.9 6 31.6 8 31.1 10 46.2 13 16.7
.2 08.04 32.2 12.4 08.6 20.9 49.3 33.6 33.7 49.4 20.6
.4 08.08 32.3 12.7 09.3 21.9 50.7 35.5 36.2 52.7 24.6
.6 08.12 .32.5 13.1 09.9 22.9 52.2 37.5 38.8 55.9 28.5
.8 08.16 32.6 13.4 10.6 23.9 53.6 39.5 41.3 59.1 32.4
41.0 08.20 32.8 1 13.8 2 11.2 3 24.9 4 55.0 6 41.4 8 43.9 11 02.3 13 36.4
.2 08.24 33.0 14.2 11.8 25.9 56.5 43.4 46.4 05.5 40.4
.4 08.28 33.1 14.5 12.5 26.9 57.9 45.3 49.0 08.7 44.3
.6 08.32 33.3 14.9 13.1 27.9 59.4 47.3 51.5 11.9 48.3
.8 08.36 33.4 15.2 13.8 28.9 5 00.8 49.2 54.0 15.1 52.2
42.0 08.40 33.6 1 15.6 2 14.4 3 29.9 5 02.2 651.1 8 56.5 11 18.3 13 56.1
.2 08.44 33.8 16.0 15.0 30.9 03.7 53.1 59.1 21.6 14 00.1
.4 08.48 33.9 16.3 15.7 31.9 05.1 55.1 9 01.7 24.8 04.0
.6 08.52 34.1 16.7 16.3 32.9 06.5 57.0 04.2 28.0 08.0
.8 08.56 34.2 17.0 17.0 33.9 08.0 59.0 06.8 31.2 11.9
43.0 08.60 34.4 1 17.4 2 17.6 3 34.9 5 09.4 7 00.9 9 09.3 11 34.4 14 15.8
.2 08.64 34.6 17.8 18.2 35.9 10.9 02.9 11.9 37.6 18.8
.4 08.68 34.7 18.1 18.9 36.9 12.3 04.8 14.4 40.8 23.7
.6 08.72 34.9 18.5 19.5 37.9 13.7 06.7 16.9 44.0 27.7
.8 08.76 35.0 18.8 20.2 38.9 15.2 08.7 19.5 47.2 31.6
44.0 08.80 35.2 1 19.2 2 20.8 3 39.9 5 16.6 7 10.7 9 22.0 11 50.4 14 35.5
.2 08.84 35.4 19.6 21.4 40.9 18.0 12.6 24.6 53.6 39.5
.4 08.88 35.5 19.9 22.1 41.9 19.5 14.6 27.1 56.8 43.4
.6 08.92 35.7 20.3 22.7 42.9 20.9 16.5 29.7 12 00.0 47.4
.8 08.96 35.8 20.6 23.4 43.9 22.4 18.5 32.2 03.3 51.3
45.0 09.00 36.0 1 21.0 2 24.0 3 44.9 5 23.8 7 20.4 9 34.8 12 06.5 14 55.2
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*See Art. 5-1 7 and Appendixes B and C for theory and examples.
Deg. Deg. Sec. Ft. Sec. Deg. Deg. Sec. Ft. Sec.
22 22 28 6 137.48 0.082 45.86
24 28 7 152.96 0.091 51.04
24 1 20.50 0.012 6.83 28 8 166.33 0.099 55.53
24 2 39.19 0.023 13.06 28 9 177.60 0.106 59.31
24 3 56.07 0.033 18.70 28 10 186.77 0.112 62.40
24 4 71.15 0.043 23.73 28 11 193.84 0.116 64.79
24 5 84.43 0.051 28.16 28 12 198.83 0.119 66.50
24 6 95.91 0.057 31.99 28 13 201.73 0.121 67.50
24 7 105.59 0.063 35.24 28 14 202.56 0.122 67.82
24 8 113.48 0.068 37.88 28 15 201.31 0.121 67.45
24 9 119.59 0.072 39.94 28 16 198.00 0.119 66.39
24 10 123.92 0.074 41.40 28 17 192.64 0.116 64.64
24 11 126.46 0.076 42.27 28 18 185.22 0.112 62.20
24 12 127.23 0.077 42.55 28 19 175.77 0.106 59.08
24 13 126.24 0.076 42.24 28 20 164.27 0.099 55.26
24 14 123.47 0.074 41.34 28 21 150.75 0.091 50.76
24 15 118.95 0.072 39.86 28 22 135.21 0.082 45.58
24 16 112.68 0.068 37.78 28 23 117.66 0.071 39.70
24 17 104.65 0.063 35.12 28 24 98.10 0.060 33.14
24 18 94.88 0.057 31.87 28 25 76.54 0.047 25.89
24 19 83.38 0.051 28.03 28 26 53.00 0.032 17.95
24 20 70.14 0.043 23.60 28 27 27.49 0.017 9.32
24 21 55.18 0.033 18.58 28 28
24 22 38.50 0.023 12.98 30
24 23 20.10 0.012 6.78 30 1 32.60 0.019 10.87
24 24 30 2 62.90 0.037 20.97
26 30 3 90.91 0.054 30.31
26 1 24.21 0.014 8.07 30 4 116.61 0.069 38.88
26 2 46.44 0.028 15.48 30 5 140.03 0.083 46.70
26 3 66.71 0.040 22.24 30 6 161.16 0.096 53.76
26 4 85.01 0.051 28.35 30 7 180.02 0.107 60.07
26 5 101.35 0.060 33.80 30 8 196.60 0.117 65.63
26 6 115.74 0.069 38.61 30 9 210.91 0.126 70.43
26 7 128.16 0.077 42.77 30 10 222.96 0.133 74.49
26 8 138.64 0.083 46.28 30 11 232.75 0.139 77.80
26 9 147.18 0.088 49.15 30 12 240.29 0.144 80.36
26 10 153.77 0.092 51.38 30 13 245.59 0.147 82.18
26 11 158.43 0.095 52.96 30 14 248.66 0.149 83.26
26 12 161.16 0.097 53.90 30 15 249.49 0.150 83.59
26 13 161.96 0.097 54.20 30 16 248.10 0.149 83.19
26 14 160.85 0.097 53.86 30 17 244.50 0.147 82.04
26 15 157.82 0.095 52.88 30 18 238.70 0.144 80.16
26 16 152.88 0.092 51.26 30 19 230.69 0.139 77.54
26 17 146.04 0.088 49.01 30 20 220.49 0.133 74.18
26 18 137.31 0.083 46.11 30 21 208.11 0.126 70.08
26 19 126.68 0.077 42.58 30 22 193.56 0.117 65.24
26 20 114.18 0.069 38.41 30 23 176.84 0.107 59.67
26 21 99.80 0.060 33.61 30 24 157.97 0.096 53.36
26 22 83.55 0.051 28.16 30 25 136.95 0.083 46.31
26 23 65.43 0.040 22.08 30 26 113.79 0.069 38.53
26 24 45.47 0.028 15.36 30 27 88.51 0.054 30.00
26 25 23.65 0.014 8.00 30 28 61.11 0.037 20.74
26 26 30 29 31.60 0.019 10.74
28 30 30
28 1 28.24 0.017 9.41 31
Deg. Deg. Sec. Ft. Sec. Deg. Deg. Sec. Ft. Sec.
37 34 137.05 0.084 46.92 39 16 537.14 0.318 180.09
37 35 93.90 0.057 32.20 39 17 545.15 0.323 182.91
37 36 48.21 0.030 16.56 39 18 550.21 0.327 184.75
37 37 39 19 552.34 0.328 185.62
38 39 20 551.54 0.328 185.52
38 1 53.49 0.031 17.83 39 21 547.84 0.327 184.45
38 2 103.98 0.061 34.66 39 22 541.25 0.323 182.41
38 3 151.47 0.088 50.50 39 23 531.77 0.318 179.40
38 4 195.97 0.114 65.35 39 24 519.43 0.311 175.43
38 5 237.48 0.139 79.21 39 25 504.23 0.302 170.49
38 6 276.03 0.162 92.08 39 26 486.19 0.292 164.58
38 7 311.60 0.183 103.98 39 27 465.32 0.280 157.71
38 8 344.22 0.202 114.90 39 28 441.64 0.266 149.88
38 9 373.89 0.220 124.86 39 29 415.16 0.251 141.08
38 10 400.61 0.236 133.84 39 30 385.90 0.233 131.31
38 11 424.41 0.250 141.86 39 31 353.88 0.214 120.59
38 12 445.28 0.263 148.91 39 32 319.10 0.194 108.90
38 13 463.24 0.274 155.00 39 33 281.59 0.171 96.24
38 14 478.30 0.283 160.14 39 34 241.35 0.147 82.62
38 15 490.46 0.290 164.32 39 35 198.42 0.121 68.03
38 16 499.75 0.296 167.55 39 36 152.80 0.093 52.48
38 17 506.16 0.301 169.83 39 37 104.51 0.064 35.96
38 18 509.72 0.303 171.16 39 38 53.57 0.033 18.46
38 19 510.42 0.304 171.54 39 39
38 20 508.29 0.303 170.98 40
38 21 503.34 0.301 169.47 40 1 59.60 0.035 19.87
38 22 495.57 0.296 167.02 40 2 116.02 0.067 38.68
38 23 485.00 0.290 163.63 40 3 169.26 0.098 56.43
38 24 471.65 0.283 159.30 40 4 219.32 0.128 73.13
38 25 455.52 0.274 1 54.02 40 5 266.22 0.155 88.79
38 26 436.64 0.263 147.81 40 6 309.96 0.181 103.40
38 27 415.01 0.250 140.66 40 7 350.55 0.205 116.98
38 28 390.64 0.236 132.57 40 8 388.01 0.227 129.52
38 29 363.56 0.220 123.55 40 9 422.34 0.247 141.04
38 30 333.78 0.202 113.58 40 10 453.55 0.266 151.52
38 31 301.30 0.183 102.67 40 11 481.65 0.283 160.98
38 32 266.15 0.162 90.83 40 12 506.65 0.298 169.43
38 33 228.35 0.139 78.05 40 13 528.57 0.311 176.86
38 34 187.90 0.114 64.32 40 14 547.40 0.323 183.28
38 35 144.82 0.088 49.66 40 15 563.18 0.332 188.68
38 36 99.14 0.061 34.05 40 16 575.89 0.340 193.08
38 37 50.86 0.031 17.50 40 17 585.57 0.346 196.47
38 38 40 18 592.21 0.351 198.86
39 40 19 595.84 0.354 200.24
39 1 56.50 0.033 18.83 40 20 596.46 0.354 200.63
39 2 109.91 0.064 36.64 40 21 594.09 0.354 200.02
39 3 160.22 0.093 53.42 40 22 588.74 0.351 198.42
39 4 207.46 0.121 69.18 40 23 580.42 0.346 195.82
39 5 251.62 0.147 83.92 40 24 569.16 0.340 192.22
39 6 292.72 0.171 97.65 40 25 554.96 0.332 187.64
39 7 330.77 0.194 110.38 40 26 537.83 0.323 182.06
39 8 365.76 0.214 122.10 40 27 517.80 0.311 175.49
39 9 397.72 0.233 132.81 40 28 494.87 0.298 167.94
39 10 426.64 0.251 142.53 40 29 469.06 0.283 159.39
39 11 452.55 0.266 151.26 40 30 440.40 0.266 149.85
39 12 475.44 0.280 1 59.00 40 31 408.89 0.247 139.33
39 13 495.34 0.292 165.74 40 32 374.55 0.227 127.81
39 14 512.25 0.302 171.51 40 33 337.39 0.205 115.31
39 15 526.18 0.311 176.29 40 34 297.44- 0.181 101.81
39 16 537.14 0.318 180.09 40 35 254.71 0.155 87.33
- 468
Deg. Deg. Sec. Ft. Sec. Deg. Deg. Sec. Ft. Sec.
43 27 688.39 0.412 233.29 44 42 133.43 0.082 46.32
43 28 668.14 0.400 226.72 44 43 68.17 0.042 23.71
43 29 644.76 0.387 219.07 44 44
43 30 618.28 0.371 210.36 45
43 31 588.72 0.354 200.59 45 1 76.53 0.044 25.51
43 32 556.08 0.335 189.74 45 2 149.40 0.086 49.80
43 33 520.39 0.314 177.84 45 3 218.61 0.126 72.88
43 34 481.67 0.291 164.86 45 4 284.17 0.163 94.76
43 35 439.94 0.267 150.82 45 5 346.10 0.199 115.43
43 36 395.22 0.240 135.71 45 6 404.40 0.233 134.91
43 37 347.52 0.211 119.53 45 7 459.08 0.265 153.19
43 38 296.86 0.181 102.29 45 8 510.16 0.295 170.29
43 39 243.27 0.149 83.98 45 9 557.64 0.323 186.21
43 40 186.77 0.114 64.59 45 10 601.55 0.349 200.96
43 41 127.38 0.078 44.14 45 11 641.88 0.373 214.54
43 42 65.11 0.040 22.60 45 12 678.66 0.395 226.95
43 43 45 13 711.90 0.415 238.20
44 45 14 741.61 0.433 248.29
44 1 72.96 0.042 24.32 45 15 767.80 0.449 257.22
44 2 142.34 0.082 47.45 45 16 790.49 0.463 265.01
44 3 208.17 0.120 69.40 45 17 809.70 0.475 271.65
44 4 270.45 0.156 90.18 45 18 825.42 0.484 277.15
44 5 329.18 0.190 109.79 45 19 837.70 0.492 281.50
44 6 384.39 0.222 128.23 45 20 846 53 0.498 284.72
44 7 436.07 0.252 145.52 45 21 851.93 0.502 286.80
44 8 484.25 0.281 161.65 45 22 853.92 0.504 287.76
44 9 528.93 0.307 176.63 45 23 852.52 0.504 287.58
44 10 570.12 0.331 190.46 45 24 847.74 0.502 286.27
44 11 607.84 0.354 203.16 45 25 839.59 0.498 283.84
44 12 642.09 0.374 214.72 45 26 828.10 0.492 280.28
44 13 672.90 0.393 225.15 45 27 813.29 0.484 275.61
44 14 700.27 0.409 234.45 45 28 795.17 0.475 269.81
44 15 724.21 0.424 242.62 45 29 773.76 0.463 262.89
44 16 744.75 0.437 249.68 45 30 749.08 0.449 254.85
44 17 761.88 0.447 255.61 45 31 721.14 0.433 245.69
44 18 775.64 0.456 260.43 45 32 689.98 0.415 235.41
44 19 786.03 0.463 264.14 45 33 655.60 0.395 224.02
44 20 793.06 0.468 266.74 45 34 618.02 0.373 211.51
44 21 796.76 0.471 268.24 45 35 577.28 0.349 197.88
44 22 797.13 0.472 268.62 45 36 533.38 0.323 183.14
44 23 794.20 0.471 267.91 45 37 486.35 0.295 167.27
44 24 787.97 0.468 266.10 45 38 436.20 0.265 150.29
44 25 778.47 0.463 263.18 45 39 382.98 0.233 132.19
44 26 765.71 0.456 259.17 45 40 326.68 0.199 112.97
44 27 749.71 0.447 254.07 45 41 267.34 0.163 92.62
44 28 730.49 0.437 247.87 45 42 204.98 0.126 71.16
44 29 708.06 0.424 240.57 45 43 139.62 0.086 48.56
44 30 682.45 0.409 232.19 45 44 71.29 0.044 24.85
44 31 653.66 0.393 222.71 45 45
44 32 621.73 0.374 212.14 46
44 33 586.66 0.354 200.47 46 1 80.21 0.046 26.74
44 34 548.48 0.331 187.72 46 2 156.66 0.090 52.22
44 35 507.21 0.307 173.87 46 3 229.34 0.131 76.46
44 36 462.86 0.281 158.93 46 4 298.28 0.171 99.46
44 37 415.47 0.252 142.90 46 5 363.49 0.209 121.23
44 38 365.04 0.222 125.78 46 6 424.98 0.245 141.77
44 39 311.60 0.190 107.56 46 7 482.75 0.278 161.09
44 40 255.17 0.156 88.24 46 8 536.82 0.310 179.19
44 41 195.77 0.120 67.83 46 9 587.20 0.339 196.08
44 42 133.43 0.082 46.32 46 10 633.90 0.367 211.77
Deg. Deg. Sec. Ft. Sec. Deg. Deg. Sec. Ft. Sec.
51 1 100.11 0.056 33.37 52 8 713.14 0.405 238.04
51 2 195.94 0.111 65.32 52 9 782.83 0.446 261 .40
51 3 287.50 0.163 95.85 52 10 848.25 0.484 283.37
51 4 374.81 0.212 124.98 52 11 909.41 0.520 303.94
51 5 457.87 0.260 152.71 52 12 966.34 0.553 323.13
51 6 536.71 0.305 179.04 52 13 1019.03 0.584 340.94
51 7 611.33 0.348 204.00 52 14 1067.52 0.613 357.38
51 8 681.76 0.389 227.57 52 15 1111.83 0.639 372.45
51 9 748.00 0.427 249.77 52 16 1151.96 0.664 386.15
51 10 810.07 0.463 270.61 52 17 1187.93 0.685 398.51
51 11 867.98 0.497 290.10 52 18 1219.78 0.705 409.51
51 12 921.75 0.529 308.22 52 19 1247.50 0.722 419.16
51 13 971:41 0.558 325.01 52 20 1271.13 0.737 427.48
51 14 1016.95 0.585 340.45 52 21 1290.68 0.750 434.45
51 15 1058.40 0.610 354.55 52 22 1306.18 0.760 440.09
51 16 1095.79 0.633 367.33 52 23 1317.63 0.768 444.40
51 17 1129.11 0.653 378.78 52 24 1325.08 0.774 447.38
51 18 1158.40 0.671 388.91 52 25 1328.52 0.778 449.04
51 19 1183.67 0.687 397.72 52 26 1328.00 0.779 449.39
51 20 1204.94 0.700 405.22 52 27 1323.52 0.778 448.41
51 21 1222.23 0.712 411.42 52 28 1315.12 0.774 446.12
51 22 1235.56 0.721 416.31 52 29 1302.81 0.768 442.52
51 23 1244.95 0.728 419.90 52 30 1286.62 0.760 437.61
51 24 1250.41 0.732 422.19 52 31 1266.57 0.750 431.39
51 25 1251.98 0.734 423.18 52 32 1242.68 0.737 423.86
51 26 1249.66 0.734 422.89 52 33 1214.99 0.722 415.04
51 27 1243.48 0.732 421.31 52 34 1183.51 0.705 404.91
51 28 1233.47 0.728 418.44 52 35 1148.27 0.685 393.47
51 29 1219.65 0.721 414.29 52 36 1109.29 0.664 380.74
51 30 1202.03 0.712 408.85 52 37 1066.60 0.639 366.71
51 31 1180.64 0.700 402.14 52 38 1020.23 0.613 351.38
51 32 1155.51 0.687 394.15 52 39 970.21 0.584 334.74
51 33 1126.66 0.671 384.88 52 40 916.56 0.553 316.81
51 34 1094.10 0.653 374.34 52 41 859.30 0.520 297.58
51 35 1057.88 0.633 362.52 52 42 798.47 0.484 277.05
5 36 1018.00 0.610 349.43 52 43 734.09 0.446 255.22
5i 37 974.50 0.585 335.06 52 44 666.20 0.405 232.09
51 38 927.40 0.558 319.42 52 45 594.82 0.363 207.65
51 39 876.74 0.529 302.51 52 46 519.98 0.318 181.92
51 40 822.52 0.497 284.33 52 47 441.71 0.271 154.87
51 41 764.78 0.463 264.87 52 48 360.04 0.221 126.52
51 42 703.56 0.427 244.14 52 49 275.01 0.169 96.86
51 43 638.86 0.389 222.13 52 50 186.63 0.115 65.89
51 44 570.73 0.348 198.84 52 51 94.95 0.059 33.60
51 45 499.19 0.305 174.28 52 52
51 46 424.27 0.260 148.44 53
51 47 346.00 0.212 121.32 53 1 108.80 0.061 36.27
51 48 264.41 0.163 92.92 53 2 213.10 0.120 71.04
51 49 179.53 0.111 63.24 53 3 312.92 0.176 104.33
51 50 91.38 0.056 32.26 53 4 408.28 0.230 136.14
51 51 53 5 499.19 0.282 166.48
52 53 6 585.65 0.331 195.37
52 1 104.40 0.059 34.80 53 7 667.70 0.378 222.80
52 2 204.41 0.115 68.14 53 8 745.33 0.423 248.79
52 3 300.05 0.169 100.04 53 9 818.58 0.465 273.34
52 4 391.33 0.221 130.49 53 10 887.44 0.505 296.46
52 5 478.27 0.271 159.51 53 11 951.95 0.542 318.15
52 6 560.87 0.318 187.10 53 12 1012.11 0.578 338.43
52 7 639.16 0.363 213.28 53 13 1067.95 0.611 357.30
52 8 713.14 0.405 238.04 53 14 1119.48 0.641 374.76
Deg. Deg. Sec. Ft. Sec. Deg. Deg. Sec. Ft. Sec.
53 14 1119.48 0.641 374.76 54 19 1380.62 0.795 463.87
53 15 1166.72 0.669 390.83 54 20 1409.22 0.813 473.89
53 16 1209.69 0.695 405.50 54 21 1433.54 0.829 482.51
53 17 1248.40 0.719 418.78 54 22 1453.61 0.842 489.74
53 18 1282.88 0.740 430.69 54 23 1469.46 0.853 495.58
53 19 1313.14 0.758 441.21 54 24 1481.09 0.861 500.03
53 20 1339.21 0.775 450.36 54 25 1488.54 0.867 503.10
53 21 1361.11 0.789 458.14 54 26 1491.83 0.871 504.79
53 22 1378.85 0.801 464.56 54 27 1490.98 0.872 505.11
53 23 1392.46 0.810 469.62 54 28 1486.01 0.871 504.05
53 24 1401.96 0.817 473.33 54 29 1476.96 0.867 501.63
53 25 1407.37 0.822 475.68 54 30 1463.84 0.861 497.84
53 26 1408.71 0.824 476.68 54 31 1446.67 0.853 492.69
53 27 1406.01 0.824 476.34 54 32 1425.49 0.842 486.17
53 28 1399.29 0.822 474.66 54 33 1400.32 0.829 478.30
53 29 1388.57 0.817 471.63 54 34 1371.19 0.813 469.07
53 30 1373.88 0.810 467.27 54 35 1338.12 0.795 458.48
53 31 1355.24 0.801 461.57 54 36 1301.14 0.775 446.54
53 32 1332.67 0.789 454.54 54 37 1260.28 0.752 433.24
53 33 1306.20 0.775 446.17 54 38 1215.56 0.727 418.60
53 34 1275.86 0.758 436.48 54 39 1167.02 0.700 402.59
53 35 1241.67 0.740 425.46 54 40 1114.67 0.670 385.24
53 36 1203.66 0.719 413.11 54 41 1058.56 0.638 366.54
53 37 1161.85 0.695 399.43 54 42 998.71 0.603 346.48
53 38 1116.28 0.669 384.43 54 43 935.15 0.566 325.07
53 39 1066.96 0.641 368.10 54 44 867.90 0.526 302.31
53 40 1013.93 0.611 350.45 54 45 797.01 0.484 278.20
53 41 957.21 0.578 331.47 54 46 722.50 0.440 252.72
53 42 896.84 0.542 311.16 54 47 644.40 0.394 225.90
53 43 832.84 0.505 289.53 54 48 562.75 0.345 197.72
53 44 765.25 0.465 266.57 54 49 477.57 0.293 168.17
53 45 694.08 0.423 242.29 54 50 388.91 0.239 137.27
53 46 619.38 0.378 216.67 54 51 296.78 0.183 105.00
53 47 541.17 0.331 189.72 54 52 201.23 0.124 71.37
53 48 459.48 0.282 161.45 54 53 102.30 0.063 36.37
53 49 374.34 0.230 131.84 54 54
53 50 285.80 0.176 100.89 55
53 51 193.87 0.120 68.60 55 1 117.92 0.066 39.31
53 52 98.59 0.061 34.97 55 2 231.12 0.129 77.05
53 53 55 3 339.63 0.190 113.23
54 55 4 443.46 0.249 147.87
54 1 113.30 0.063 37.77 55 5 542.61 0.305 180.97
54 2 222.00 0.124 74.01 55 6 637.11 0.358 212.54
54 3 326.12 0.183 108.73 55 7 726.98 0.409 242.58
54 4 425.65 0.239 141.93 55 8 812.22 0.458 271.11
54 5 520.63 0.293 173.64 55 9 892.86 0.504 298.14
54 6 611.06 0.345 203.85 55 10 968.91 0.548 323.67
54 7 696.97 0.394 232.57 55 11 1040.39 0.590 347.71
54 8 778.36 0.440 259.81 55 12 1107.32 0.629 370.26
54 9 855.25 0.484 285.58 55 13 1169.71 0.665 391.34
54 10 927.66 0.526 309.89 55 14 1227.60 0.699 410.95
54 11 995.60 0.566 332.74 55 15 1280.98 0.731 429.09
54 12 1059.10 0.603 354.14 55 16 1329.89 0.760 445.78
54 13 1118.17 0.638 374.10 55 17 1374.34 0.787 461 .02
54 14 1172.83 0.670 392.62 55 18 1414.36 0.811 474.81
54 15 1223.10 0.700 409.71 55 19 1449.96 0.833 487.16
54 16 1268.99 0.727 425.37 55 20 1481.16 0.853 498.08
54 17 1310.53 0.752 439.62 55 21 1 508.00 0.870 507.56
54 18 1347.73 0.775 452.45 55 22 1530.48 0.*885 515.63
54 19 1380.62 0.795 463.87 55 23 1548.64 0.897 522.27
Deg. Deg. Sec. Ft. Sec. Deg. Deg. Sec. Ft. Sec.
57 28 1761.78 1.025 597.52 58 29 1857.35 1.081 630.72
57 29 1758.17 1.025 597.06 58 30 1851.26 1.079 629.49
57 30 1750.20 1.023 595.15 58 31 1840.75 1.075 626.78
57 31 1737.92 1.018 591.79 58 32 1825.84 1.069 622.59
57 32 1721.33 1.010 586.98 58 33 1806.57 1.060 616.93
57 33 1700.48 1.000 580.73 58 34 1782.97 1.048 609.80
57 34 1675.40 0.987 573.04 58 35 1755.07 1.034 601.20
57 35 1646.10 0.972 563.90 58 36 1722.89 1.018 591.13
57 36 1612.62 0.955 553.33 58 37 1686.47 0.998 579.60
57 37 1574.98 B.934 541.32 58 38 1645.84 0.976 566.61
57 38 1533.23 0.912 527.88 58 39 1601.03 0.952 552.16
57 39 1487.39 0.886 513.01 58 40 1552.07 0.925 536.25
57 40 1437.48 0.859 496.70 58 41 1498.99 0.896 518.88
57 41 1383.55 0.828 478.96 58 42 1441.82 0.863 500.05
57 42 1325.62 0.795 459.79 58 43 1380.61 0.829 479.76
57 43 1263.73 0.760 439.19 58 44 1315.38 0.791 458.02
57 44 1197.91 0.722 417.15 58 45 1246.16 0.752 434.82
57 45 1128.18 0.682 393.69 58 46 1172.99 0.709 410.16
57 46 1054.59 0.639 368.79 58 47 1095.91 0.664 384.04
57 47 977.17 0.593 342.46 58 48 1014.95 0.617 356.46
57 48 895.96 0.545 314.70 58 49 930.14 0.567 327.42
57 49 810.98 0.495 285.50 58 50 841.53 0.514 296.91
57 50 722.27 0.442 254.86 58 51 749.15 0.459 264.95
57 51 629.87 0.386 222.79 58 52 653.03 0.401 231.51
57 52 533.82 0.328 189.27 58 53 553.21 0.340 196.61
57 53 434.14 0.268 154.31 58 54 449.73 0.278 160.24
57 54 330.89 0.205 117.91 58 55 342.63 0.212 122.40
57 55 224.09 0.139 80.06 58 56 231.95 0.144 83.08
57 56 113.78 0.071 40.76 58 57 117.73 0.073 42.28
57 57 58 58
58 59
58 1 132.44 0.073 44.15 59 1 137.50 0.076 45.84
58 2 259.82 0.144 86.62 59 2 269.84 0.149 89.96
58 3 382.17 0.212 127.42 59 3 397.03 0.220 132.37
58 4 499.50 0.278 166.56 59 4 519.08 0.288 173.08
58 5 611.82 0.340 204.05 59 5 636.01 0.353 212.12
58 6 719.16 0.401 239.90 59 6 747.84 0.416 249.47
58 7 821.53 0.459 274.13 59 7 854.58 0.476 285.16
58 8 918.94 0.514 306.74 59 8 956.27 0.533 319.19
58 9 1011.43 0.567 337.73 59 9 1052.90 0.588 351.58
58 10 1099.00 0.617 367.12 59 10 1144.52 0.640 382.32
58 11 1181.67 0.664 394.92 59 11 1231.12 0.690 411.44
58 12 1259.47 0.709 421.13 59 12 1312.75 0.737 438.94
58 13 1332.42 0.752 445.76 59 13 1 389.40 0.782 464.82
58 14 1400.53 0.791 468.82 59 14 1461.12 0.823 489.10
58 15 1463.83 0.829 490.32 59 15 1527.91 0.863 511.78
58 16 1522.33 0.863 510.27 59 16 1589.80 0.899 532.87
58 17 1576.07 0.896 528.66 59 17 1646.81 0.933 552.38
58 18 1625.06 0.925 545.51 59 18 1698.97 0.965 570.31
58 19 1669.32 0.952 560.83 59 19 1746.30 0.993 586.68
58 20 1708.88 0.976 574.61 59 20 1788.82 1.019 601.48
58 21 1743.76 0.998 586.87 59 21 1826.56 1.043 614.72
58 22 1773.99 1.018 597.62 59 22 1859.54 1.064 626.42
58 23 1799.58 1.034 606.85 59 23 1887.78 1.082 636.57
58 24 1820.58 1.048 614.57 59 24 1911.32 1.098 645.18
58 25 1836.99 1.060 620.79 59 25 1930.18 1.111 652.26
58 26 1848.84 1.069 625.51 59 26 1944.38 1.121 657.80
58 27 1856.17 1.075 628.73 59 27 1953.95 1.129 661.83
58 28 1859.00 1.079 630.47 59 28 1958.92 1.134 664.33
58 29 1857.35 1.081 630.72 59 29 1959.32 1.137 665.31
0.5 26 30 34 37 45 56 74 1.85
1.0 53 60 68 75 90 112 149 3.70
1.5 80 91 102 113 135 169 224 5.56
2.0 107 122 137 152 181 226 300 7.41
2.5 135 154 172 191 228 284 376 9.26
3.0 163 186 208 231 275 342 453 11.11
3.5 193 219 245 271 322 400 530 12.96
4.0 222 252 281 311 370 459 607 14.81
4.5 252 285 319 352 419 519 685. 16.67
5.0 282 319 356 394 468 579 764 18.52
5.5 313 354 395 435 517 639 843 20.37
6.0 344 389 433 478 567 700 922 22.22
6.5 376 424 472 521 617 761 1002 24.07
7.0 408 1460 512 564 668 823 1083 25.93
7.5 am U97 552 608 719 885 1 163 27.78
8.0 474 533 593 652 770 948 1245 29.63
8.5 508 571 634 696 822 101 1 1326 31.48
9.0 542 608 675 742 875 1075 1406 33.33
9.5 576 647 717 787 928 1 139 1491 35.18
10.0 61 1 685 759 833 981 1204 1574 37.04
10.5 647 72 4 802 880 1035 1269 1658 38.89
11.0 682 764 845 927 1090 1334 1742 40.74
11.5 719 804 889 974 1 144 1400 1826 42.59
12.0 756 844 933 1022 1200 1467 191 1 44.44
12.5 793 885 978 1071 1256 1534 1996 46.30
13.0 831 926 1023 II 19 1312 1601 2082 48.15
13.5 869 969 1069 1169 1369 1669 2169 50.00
14.0 907 1010 1115 1219 1426 1737 2256 51 .85
m.5 947 1054 1 161 1269 1484 1806 2343 53.70
15.0 986 1096 1208 1319 1542 1875 2431 55.56
15.5 1026 1 mi 1256 1371 1600 1945 2519 57.41
16.0 1067 II 8M 1304 1422 1659 2015 2607 59.26
16.5 1108 1230 1352 1474 1719 2085 2696 61.1 1
0.5 26 30 34 38 45 56 75 1.85
1.0 54 61 69 76 91 113 150 3.70
1.5 82 93 104 1 15 138 171 226 5.56
2.0 1 1 1 126 141 156 185 230 304 7.41
2.5 mi 160 178 197 234 289 382 9.26
3.0 172 194 217 239 283 350 461 11.11
3.5 204 230 256 282 334 412 541 12.96
4.0 237 267 296 326 385 474 622 14.81
U.5 271 304 338 371 438 538 704 16.67
5.0 306 343 380 417 491 602 787 18.52
5.5 3MI 382 423 463 545 667 871 20.37
6.0 378 422 467 51 1 600 733 956 22.22
6.5 415 463 512 560 656 800 1041 24.07
7.0 454 506 557 609 713 869 1128 25.93
7.5 U93 549 604 660 771 938 1215 27.78
8.0 533 593 652 71 1 830 1007 1304 29.63
8.5 575 638 700 763 889 1078 1393 31 .48
9.0 617 683 750 817 950 1150 1483 33.33
9.5 660 730 800 871 1012 1223 1575 35.18
10.0 704 778 852 926 1074 1296 1667 37.04
10.5 749 826 904 982 1138 1371 1760 38.89
II. 79U 876 957 1039 1202 1446 1854 40.74
1 8m 926 1012 1097 1267 1523 1949 42.59
12.0 889 978 1067 1 156 1333 1600 2044 44.44
12.5 937 1030 1123 1215 1400 1678 2141 46.30
13.0 987 1083 1180 1276 1469 1757 2239 48.15
13.5 1037 1138 1238 1338 1538 1838 2338 50.00
14.0 1089 1 193 1296 1400 1607 1919 2437 51 .85
114.5 1 IUI 1248 1356 1463 1678 2000 2538 53.70
15.0 1 I9U 1306 1417 1528 1750 2083 2639 55.56
15.5 I2U9 1363 1478 1593 1823 2167 2741 57.41
16.0 1304 1422 1541 1659 1896 2252 2844 59.26
16.5 1360 1482 1604 1726 1971 2338 2949 61 .1 1
0.5 27 31 35 38 46 57 75 1.85
1.0 57 65 72 80 94 117 154 3.70
1.5 90 101 113 124 146 179 235 5.56
2.0 126 141 156 170 200 244 319 7.41
2.5 164 183 201 220 257 313 405 9-. 26
3.0 206 228 250 272 317 383 494 11.11
3.5 250 275 301 327 379 457 587 12.96
u.o 296 32 6 356 385 444 533 681 14.81
4.5 346 379 413 446 513 613 779 16.67
5.0 398 435 472 509 583 694 880 18.52
5.5 1453 494 535 575 657 779 983 20.37
6.0 511 556 600 644 733 867 1089 22.22
6.5 572 620 668 716 813 957 1198 24.07
7.0 635 687 739 791 894 1050 1309 25.93
7.5 701 757 813 868 979 1 146 1424 27.78
8.0 770 830 889 948 1067 1244 1541 29.63
8.5 841 905 968 1031 1157 1346 1661 31.48
9.0 917 983 1050 1 171 1250 1450 1783 33.33
9.5 994 1064 1135 1205 1346 1557 1909 35.18
10.0 1074 1148 1222 1296 1444 1667 2037 37.04
10.5 1157 1235 1313 1390 1546 1779 2168 38.89
II. 1243 1324 1406 1487 1650 1894 2302 40.74
11.5 1331 1416 1501 1587 1757 2013 2438 42.59
12.0 1422 1511 1600 1689 1867 2133 2578 44.44
12.5 1516 1609 1701 1794 1979 2257 2720 46.30
13.0 1613 1709 1806 1902 2094 2383 2865 48.15
13.5 1713 1813 1913 2013 2213 2513 3013 50.00
IU.0 1815 1919 2022 2126 2333 2644 3163 51.85
m.5 1920 2027 2135 2242 2457 2779 3316 53.70
15.0 2028 2139 2250 2361 2583 2917 3472 55.56
15.5 2138 2253 2368 2483 2713 3057 3631 57.41
16.0 2252 2370 2489 2607 2844 3200 3793 59.26
16.5 2368 2490 2613 2735 2979 3346 3957 61.11
17.0 2487 2613 2739 2865 31 17 3494 4124 62.96
17.5 2609 2738 2868 2998 3257 3646 4294 64.82
18.0 2733 2867 3000 3133 3400 3800 4467 66.67
18.5 2861 2998 3135 3272 3546 3957 4642 68.52
19.0 2991 3131 3272 3413 3694 41 17 4820 70.37
19.5 3124 3268 3413 3557 3846 4279 5001 72.22
20 3259 3407 3556 3704 4000 4444 5185 74.07
21 3539 3694 3850 4006 4317 4783 5561 77.78
22 3830 3993 4156 4319 4644 5133 5948 81.48
23 4131 4302 4472 4643 4983 5494 6346 85.19
214 4444 4622 4800 4978 5333 5867 6756 88.89
25 4769 4954 5139 5324 5694 6250 7176 92.59
26 5104 5296 5489 5681 6067 6644 7607 96.30
27 5450 5650 5850 6050 6450 7050 8050 100.00
28 5807 6015 6222 6430 6844 7467 8504 103.70
29 6176 6391 6606 6820 7250 7894 8969 107.41
30 6556 6778 7000 7222 7667 8333 9444 1 1 1 . 1 1
0.5 28 31 35 39 46 57 76 1.85
1.0 59 67 74 81 96 119 156 3.70
1.5 94 106 1 17 128 150 183 239 5.56
2.0 133 148 163 178 207 252 326 7.41
2.5 176 194 213 231 269 324 417 9.26
3.0 222 244 267 289 333 400 511 11.11
3.5 272 298 324 350 402 480 609 12.96
4.0 326 356 385 415 474 563 711 14.81
4.5 383 417 450 483 550 650 817 16.67
5.0 444 481 519 556 630 741 926 18.52
5.5 509 550 591 631 714 835 1039 20.37
6.0 578 622 667 711 800 933 1 156 22.22
6.5 650 698 746 794 891 1035 1276 24.07
7.0 726 778 830 881 985 1 141 1400 25.93
7.5 806 861 917 972 1083 1250 1528 27.78
8.0 889 948 1007 1067 1185 1363 1659 29.63
8.5 976 1039 1102 1165 1291 1480 1794 31 .48
9.0 1067 1133 1200 1267 1400 1600 1933 33.33
9.5 1161 1231 1302 1372 1513 1724 2076 35.18
10.0 1259 1333 1407 1481 1630 1852 2222 37.04
10.5 1361 1439 1517 1594 1750 1983 2372 38.89
II. 1467 1548 1630 171 1 1874 21 19 2526 40.74
11.5 1576 1661 1746 1831 2002 2257 2683 42.59
12.0 1689 1778 1867 1956 2133 2400 2844 44.44
12.5 1806 1898 1991 2083 2269 2546 3009 46.30
13.0 1926 2022 2119 2215 2407 2696 3178 48.15
13.5 2050 2150 2250 2350 2550 2850 3350 50.00
14.0 2178 2281 2385 2489 2696 3007 3526 51 .85
m.5 2309 2417 2524 2631 2846 3169 3706 53.70
15.0 2444 2556 2667 2778 3000 3333 3889 55.56
15.5 2583 2693 2813 2928 3157 3502 4076 57.41
16.0 2726 2844 2963 3081 3319 3674 4267 59.26
16.5 2872 2994 31 17 3239 3483 3850 4461 61.11
17.0 3022 3148 3274 3400 3652 4030 4659 62.96
17.5 3176 3306 3435 3565 3824 4213 4861 64.82
18.0 3333 3467 3600 3733 4000 4400 5067 66.67
18.5 3494 3631 3769 3906 4180 4591 5276 68.52
19.0 3659 3800 3941 4081 4363 4785 5489 70.37
19.5 3828 3972 41 17 4261 4550 4983 5706 72.22
20 4000 4148 4296 4444 4741 5185 5926 74.07
21 4356 451 1 4667 4822 5133 5600 6378 77.78
22 4730 4889 5052 5215 5541 6030 6844 81.48
23 51 1 1 5281 5452 5622 5963 6474 7326 85.19
24 551 1 5689 5867 6044 6400 6933 7822 88.89
25 5926 61 1 1 6296 6481 6852 7407 8333 92.59
26 6356 6548 6741 6933 7319 7896 8859 96.30
27 6800 7000 7200 7400 7800 8400 9400 100.00
28 7259 7467 7674 7881 8296 8919 9956 103.70
29 7733 7948 8163 8378 8807 9452 10526 107.41
30 8222 8444 8667 8889 9333 10000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I.I 1
0.5 29 32 36 40 47 58 77 1.85
1.0 63 70 78 85 100 122 159 3.70
1.5 103 114 125 136 158 192 247 5.56
2.0 148 163 178 193 222 267 341 7.41
2.5 199 218 236 255 292 347 440 9.26
3.0 256 278 300 322 367 433 544 11.11
3.5 318 344 369 395 447 525 655 12.96
4.0 385 415 444 474 533 622 770 14.81
4.5 458 492 525 558 625 725 892 16.67
5.0 537 574 61 1 648 722 833 1019 18.52
5.5 621 662 703 744 825 947 1151 20.37
6.0 711 756 800 844 933 1067 1289 22.22
6.5 806 855 903 951 1047 1192 1432 24.07
7.0 907 959 101 1 1063 1167 1322 1581 25.93
7.5 iom 1069 1125 1181 1292 1458 1736 27.78
8.0 1126 1185 1244 1304 1422 1600 1896 29.63
8.5 1244 1306 1369 1432 1558 1747 2062 31.48
9.0 1367 1433 1500 1567 1700 1900 2233 33.33
9.5 1495 1566 1636 1706 1847 2058 2410 35.18
10.0 1630 1704 1778 1852 2000 2222 2593 37.04
10.5 1769 1847 1925 2003 2158 2392 2781 38.89
II. 1915 1996 2078 2159 2322 2567 2974 40.74
11.5 2066 2150 2236 2321 2492 2747 3173 42.59
12.0 2222 231 1 2400 2489 2667 2933 3378 44.44
12.5 2384 2477 2569 2662 2847 3125 3588 46.30
13.0 2552 2648 2744 2841 3033 3322 3804 48.15
13.5 2725 2825 2925 3025 3225 3525 4025 50.00
m.o 2904 3007 31 1 1 3215 3422 3733 4252 51 .85
IU.5 3088 3195 3303 3410 3625 3947 4484 53.70
15.0 3278 3389 3500 3611 3833 4167 4722 55.56
15.5 3473 3588 3703 3818 4047 4392 4966 57.41
16.0 3674 3793 391 1 4030 4267 4622 5215 59.26
16.5 3881 4003 4125 4247 4492 4858 5469 61.11
17.0 4093 4219 4344 4470 4722 5100 5730 62.96
17.5 4310 4440 4569 4699 4958 5347 5995 64.82
18.0 4533 4667 4800 4933 5200 5600 6267 66.67
18.5 4762 4899 5036 5173 5447 5858 6544 68.52
19.0 4996 5137 5278 5419 5700 6122 6826 70.37
19.5 5236 5381 5525 5669 5958 6392 71 14 72.22
20 5481 5630 5778 5926 6222 6667 7407 74.07
21 5989 6144 6300 6456 6767 7233 801 1 77.78
22 6519 6681 6844 7007 7333 7822 8637 81 .48
23 7070 7241 741 1 7581 7922 8433 9285 85.19
24 7644 7822 8000 8178 8533 9067 9956 88.89
25 8241 8426 861 1 8796 9167 9722 10648 92.59
26 8859 9052 9244 9437 9822 10400 11363 96.30
27 9500 9700 9900 10100 10500 II100 12100 100.00
28 10163 10370 10578 10785 11200 11822 12859 103.70
29 10848 11063 11278 11493 11922 12567 13641 107.41
30 11556 11778 12000 12222 12667 13333 14444 1 1 1. 1 1
6, ,sd t G
From the figure, di +sc+
2 Too
or dv (1)
+ SC
Similarly, dr = (2)
1 + 100
From equation 6-3, the area of the level section is Al =
c(b+cs). On a transverse slope, the level-section area is in-
creased by one triangular area and decreased by another, as
shown by the cross-hatched areas in the figure. The resulting
net area A is
which reduces to
A=AL+ ioG +sc di -d (3)
)( ')
G 4: 1 i:l 1: 1 li:l 2: 1 3: 1
where c
Example. Given: a cross section on a uniform transverse
ground slope G of 20%. Other data are: base b = 30 ft; center
fill c=15 ft; side
cut or slope ratio s = l£:l.
From Table XVII,
Level-section quantity =2917 cu yd per sta.
From Tables XVII. -A and XVII.-B,
Correction for slope =
(15+ 10) (0.5494) 2
= _343 cu yd per sta.
Yardage corrected for slope = 3260 cu yd per sta.
0.1 0.09 0.19 0.28 0.37 0.46 0.56 0.65 0.74 0.83
.2 0.19 0.37 0.56 0.74 0.93 1. 1 1 1.30 1.48 1.67
.3 0.28 0.56 0.83 I.I 1 1.39 1.67 1.94 2.22 2.50
.4 0.37 0.714 I.I 1 1 .48 1.85 2.22 2.59 2.96 3.33
0.5 0.46 0.93 1.39 1.85 2.31 2.78 3.24 3.70 4.17
.6 0.56 I.I 1 1.67 2.22 2.78 3.33 3.89 4.44 5.00
.7 0.65 1.30 1.94 2.59 3.24 3.89 4.54 5.19 5.83
.8 0.7U 1.48 2.22 2.96 3.70 4.44 5.19 5.93 6.67
.9 0.83 1.67 2.50 3.33 4.17 5.00 5.83 6.67 7.50
1.0 0.93 1.85 2.78 3.70 4.63 5.56 6.48 7.41 8.33
.1 1.02 2.04 3.06 4.07 5.09 6.1 1 7. 13 8.15 9.17
.2 I.I 1 2.22 3.33 4.44 5.56 6.67 7.78 8.89 10.00
.3 1.20 2.41 3.61 4.81 6.02 7.22 8.43 9.63 10.83
.4 1.30 2.59 3.89 5.19 6.48 7.78 9.07 10.37 11.67
1.5 1.39 2.78 4.17 5.56 6.94 8.33 9.72 11.11 12.50
.6 I.U8 2.96 4.44 5.93 7.41 8.89 10.37 11.85 13.33
.7 1.57 3.15 4.72 6.30 7.87 9.44 11.02 12.59 14.17
.8 1.67 3.33 5.00 6.67 8.33 10.00 11.67 13.33 15.00
.9 1.76 3.52 5.28 7.04 8.80 10.56 12.31 14.07 15.83
2.0 1.85 3.70 5.56 7.41 9.26 11.11 12.96 14.81 16.67
.1 I.9U 3.89 5.83 7.78 9.72 11.67 13.61 15.56 17.50
.2 2.04 14.07 6.11 8.15 10.19 12.22 14.26 16.30 18.33
.3 2.13 4.26 6.39 8.52 10.65 12.78 14.91 17.04 19.17
.4 2.22 4.44 6.67 8.89 11.11 13.33 15.56 17.78 20.00
2.5 2.31 4.63 6.94 9.26 11.57 13.89 16.20 18.52 20.83
.6 2. HI 4.81 7.22 9.63 12.04 14.44 16.85 19.26 21.67
.7 2.50 5.00 7.50 10.00 12.50 15.00 17.50 20.00 22.50
.8 2.59 5.19 7.78 10.37 12.96 15.56 18.15 20.74 23.33
.9 2.69 5.37 8.06 10.74 13.43 16.11 18.80 21.48 24.17
3.0 2.78 5.56 8.33 11.11 13.89 16.67 19.44 22.22 25.00
. 1 2.87 5.74 8.61 11.48 14.35 17.22 20.09 22.96 25.83
.2 2.96 5.93 8.89 11.85 14.81 17.78 20.74 23.70 26.67
.3 3.06 6.1 1 9.17 12.22 15.28 18.33 21.39 24.44 27.50
.4 3.15 6.30 9.44 12.59 15.74 18.89 22.04 25.19 28.33
3.5 3. 24 6.U8 9.72 12.96 16.20 19.44 22.69 25.93 29. 17
.6 3.33 6.67 10.00 13.33 16.67 20.00 23.33 26.67 30.00
.7 3.U3 6.85 10.28 13.70 17.13 20.56 23.98 27.41 30.83
.8 3.52 7. 04 10.56 14.07 17.59 21.1 1 24.63 28.15 31.67
.9 3.61 7.22 10.83 14.44 18.06 21.67 25.28 28.89 32.50
U.O 3.70 7. 141 11.11 14.81 18.52 22.22 25.93 29.63 33.33
. | 3.80 7.59 11.39 15.19 19.98 22.78 26.57 30.37 34.17
.2 3.89 7.78 11.67 15.56 19.44 23.33 27.22 31.1 1 35.00
.3 3.98 7.96 11.94 15.93 19.91 23.89 27.87 31.85 35.83
.4 U.07 8.15 12.22 16.30 20.37 24.44 28.52 32.59 36.67
U. U.I7 8.33 12.50 16.67 20.83 25.00 29.17 33.33 37.50
.6 U.26 8.52 12.78 17.04 21 .30 25.56 29.81 34.07 38.33
.7 U.35 8.70 13.06 17.41 21.76 26.11 30.46 34.81 39.17
.8 4.44 8.89 13.33 17.78 22.22 26.67 31.1 1 35.56 40.00
.9 U.514 9.07 13.61 18.15 22.69 27.22 31.76 36.30 40.83
5.0 U.63 9.26 13.89 18.52 23.15 27.78 32.41 37.04 41.67
14.72 9.1414 14. 17 18.89 23.61 28.33 33.06 37.78 42.50
U.8I 9.63 14.44 19.26 24.07 28.89 33.70 38.52 43.33
.3 U.9I 9.81 14.72 19.63 24.54 29.44 34.35 39.26 44.17
.14 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00
5.5 5.09 10.19 15.28 20.37 25.46 30.56 35.65 40.74 45.83
.6 5.19 10.37 15.56 20.74 25.93 31.11 36.30 41 .48 46.67
.7 5.28 10.56 15.83 21.11 26.39 31 .67 36.94 42.22 47.50
.8 5.37 10.74 16.1 1 21.48 26.85 32.22 37.59 42.96 4e.33
.9 5.146 10.93 16.39 21.85 27.31 32.78 38.24 43.70 49.17
6.0 5.56 11.11 16.67 22.22 27.78 33.33 38.89 44.44 50.00
. 1 5.65 11.30 16.94 22.59 28.24 33.89 39.54 45.19 50.83
.2 5. 7U 1 1 .1*8 17.22 22.96 28.70 34.44 40.19 45.93 51.67
.3 5.83 1 1.67 17.50 23.33 29.17 35.00 40.83 46.67 52.50
.14 5.93 11.85 17.78 23.70 29.63 35.56 41.48 47.41 53.33
6.5 6.02 12. OU 18.06 24.07 30.09 36.11 42.13 48.15 54.17
.6 6.11 12.22 18.33 24.44 30.56 36.67 42.78 48.89 55.00
.7 6.20 12. m 18.61 24.81 31.02 37.22 43.43 49.63 55.83
.8 6.30 12.59 18.89 25.19 31 .48 37.78 44.07 50.37 56.67
.9 6.39 12.78 19.17 25.56 31.94 38.33 44.72 51 .1 1 57.50
7.0 6.48 12.96 19.44 25.93 32.41 38.89 45.37 51.85 58.33
. 1 6.57 13.15 19.72 26.30 32.87 39.44 46.02 52.59 59.17
.2 6.67 13.33 20.00 26.67 33.33 40.00 46.67 53.33 60.00
.3 6.76 13.52 20.28 27.04 33.80 40.56 47.31 54.07 60.83
.M 6.85 13.70 20.56 27.41 34.26 41.1 1 47.96 54.81 61.67
7.5 6.94 13.89 20.83 27.78 34.72 41.67 48.61 55.56 62.50
.6 7.0M 14.07 21.1 1 28.15 35.19 42.22 49.26 56.30 63.33
.7 7.13 14.26 21.39 28.52 35.65 42.78 49.91 57.04 64.17
.8 7.22 14.44 21 .67 28.89 36.1 1 43.33 50.56 57.78 65.00
.9 7.31 14.63 21.94 29.26 36.57 43.89 51.20 58.52 65.83
8.0 7.141 14.81 22.22 29.63 37.04 44.44 51.85 59.26 66.67
. I 7.50 15.00 22.50 30.00 37.50 45.00 52.50 60.00 67.50
.2 7.59 15.19 22.78 30.37 37.96 45.56 53.15 60.74 68.33
.3 7.69 15.37 23.06 30.74 38.43 46.1 1 53.80 61.48 69.17
.4 7.78 15.56 23.33 31.1 1 38.89 46.67 54.44 62.22 70.00
8.5 7.87 15.74 23.61 31.48 39.35 47.22 55.09 62.96 70.83
.6 7.96 15.93 23.89 31.85 39.81 47.78 55.74 63.70 71 .67
.7 8.06 16.1 1 24.17 32.22 40.28 48.33 56.39 64.44 72.50
.8 8.15 16.30 24.44 32.59 40.74 48.89 57.04 65.19 73.33
.9 8.24 16.48 24.72 32.96 41.20 49.44 57.69 65.93 74.17
9.0 8.33 16.67 25.00 33.33 41.67 50.00 58.33 66.67 75.00
. 1 8. 43 16.85 25.28 33.70 42. 13 50.56 58.98 67.41 75.83
.2 8.52 17.04 25.56 34.07 42.59 51 .1 1 59.63 68.15 76.67
.3 8.61 17.22 25.83 34.44 43.06 51.67 60.28 68.89 77.50
.14 8.70 17.41 26.11 34.81 43.52 52.22 60.93 69.63 78.33
9.5 8.80 17.59 26.39 35.19 43.98 52.78 61.57 70.37 79.17
.6 8.89 17.78 26.67 35.56 44.44 53.33 62.22 71 .1 1 80.00
.7 8.98 17.96 26.94 35.93 44.91 53.89 62.87 71.85 80.83
.8 9.07 18. 15 27.22 36.30 45.37 54.44 63.52 72.59 81.67
.9 9.17 18.33 27.50 36.67 45.83 55.00 64.17 73.33 82.50
10.0 9.26 18.52 27.78 37.04 46.30 55.56 64.81 74.07 83.33
. 1 9.35 18.70 28.06 37.41 46.76 56.1 1 65.46 74.81 84. 17
.2 9.44 18.89 28.33 37.78 47.22 56.67 66.1 1 75.56 85.00
.3 9.54 19.07 28.61 38.15 47.69 57.22 66.76 76.30 85.83
.U 9.63 19.26 28.89 38.52 48. 15 57.78 67.41 77.04 86.67
10.5 9.72 19.44 29. 17 38.89 48.61 58.33 68.06 77.78 87.50
.6 9.81 19.63 29.44 39.26 49.07 58.89 68.70 78.52 88.33
.7 9.91 19.81 29.72 39.63 49.54 59.44 69.35 79.26 89.17
.8 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00
.9 10.09 20.19 30.28 40.37 50.46 60.56 70.65 80.74 90.83
1 1.0 10.19 20.37 30.56 40.74 50.93 61.11 71.30 81.48 91.67
.1 10.28 20.56 30.83 41.11 51.39 61.67 71.94 82.22 92.50
.2 10.37 20.74 31 . II 41 .48 51.85 62.22 72.59 82.96 93.33
.3 10.06 20.93 31.39 41 .85 52.31 62.78 73.24 83.70 94.17
.4 10.56 21.11 31.67 42.22 52.78 63.33 73.89 84.44 95.00
11.5 10.65 21.30 31.94 42.59 53.24 63.89 74.54 85.19 95.83
.6 10.714 21.48 32.22 '42 . 96 53.70 64.44 75.19 85.93 96.67
.7 10.83 21.67 32.50 43.33 54. 17 65.00 75.83 86.67 97.50
.8 10.93 21.85 32.78 43.70 54.63 65.56 76.48 €7.41 98.33
9 1 1 .02 22.04 33.06 44.07 55.09 66.1 1 77.13 88.15 99.17
l -
12.0 11.11 22.22 33.33 44.44 55.56 66.67 77.78 88.89 100.00
.1 11.20 22. m 33.61 44.81 56.02 67.22 78.43 89.63 100.83
.2 11.30 22.59 33.89 45. 19 56.48 67.78 79.07 90.37 101.67
.3 11.39 22.78 34.17 45.56 56.94 68.33 79.72 91.11 102.50
.4 11.18 22.96 34.44 45.93 57.41 68.89 80.37 91.85 103.33
12.5 11.57 23.15 34.72 46.30 57.87 69.44 81.02 92.59 104.17
.6 11.67 23.33 35.00 46.67 58.33 70.00 81.67 93.33 105.00
.7 1 1.76 23.52 35.28 47.04 58.80 70.56 82.31 94.07 105.83
.8 i 1.85 23.70 35.56 47.41 59.26 71.11 82.96 94.81 106.67
.9 11.94 23.89 35.83 47.78 59.72 71.67 83.61 95.56 107.50
13.0 12.04 24.07 36.11 48.15 60.19 72.22 84.26 96.30 108.33
.1 12.13 24.26 36.39 48.52 60.65 72.78 84.91 97.04 109.17
.2 12.22 24.44 36.67 48.89 61.1 1 73.33 85.56 97.78 110.00
.3 12.31 24.63 36.94 49.26 61.57 73.89 86.20 98.52 110.83
.4 12.41 24.81 37.22 49.63 62.04 74.44 86.85 99.26 1II .67
13.5 12.50 25.00 37.50 50.00 62.50 75.00 87.50 100.00 112.50
.6 12.59 25.19 37.78 50.37 62.96 75.56 88.15 100.74 113.33
.7 12.69 25.37 38.06 50.74 63.43 76.1 1 88.80 101.48 1 14. 17
.8 12.78 25.56 38.33 51.11 53.89 76.67 89.44 102.22 115.00
.9 12.87 25.74 38.61 51.48 64.35 77.22 90.09 102.96 115.83
IU.0 12.96 25.93 38.89 51.85 64.81 77.78 90.74 103.70 116.67
.1 13.06 26. 1 1 39.17 52.22 65.28 78.33 91.39 104.44 117.50
.2 13.15 26.30 39. 44 52.59 65.74 78.89 92.04 105.19 118.33
.3 13.24 26.48 39.72 52.96 66.20 79.44 92.69 105.93 119.17
.4 13.33 26.67 40.00 53.33 66.67 80.00 93.33 106.67 120.00
IU.5 13.43 26.85 40.28 53.70 67. 13 80.56 93.98 107.41 120.83
.6 13.52 27.04 40.56 54.07 67.59 81.1 1 94.63 108.15 121.67
.7 13.61 27.22 40.83 54.44 68.06 81 .67 95.28 108.89 122.50
.8 13.70 27.41 41.1 1 54.81 68.52 82.22 95.93 109.63 123.33
..9 13.80 27.59 41.39 55.19 68.98 82.78 96.57 110.37 124.17
15.0 13.89 27.78 41.67 55.56 69.44 83.33 97.22 II I.I 1 125.00
.1 13.98 27.96 41.94 55.93 69.91 83.89 97.87 111.85 125.83
.2 14.07 28.15 42.22 56.30 70.37 84.44 98.52 112.59 126.67
.3 14.17 28.33 U2.50 56.67 70.83 85.00 99.17 113.33 127.50
.4 14.26 28.52 42.78 57.04 71.30 85.56 99.81 114.07 128.33
15.5 14.35 28.70 43.06 57.41 71.76 86.11 100.46 1 14.81 129.17
.6 14.44 28.89 43.33 57.78 72.22 86.67 101. 1 1 15.56 130.00
.7 14.54 29.07 43.61 58.15 72.69 87.22 101.76 1 16.30 130.83
.8 14.63 29.26 43.89 58.52 73.15 87.78 102 4 . 1 17.04 131.67
.9 14.72 29.44 44.17 58.89 73.61 88.33 103.06 1 17.78 132.50
16.0 14.81 29.63 44.44 59.26 74.07 88.89 103.70 118.52 133.33
. 1 14.91 29.81 44.72 59.63 74.54 89.44 104.35 119.25 134.17
.2 15.00 30.00 45.00 60.00 75.00 90.00 105.00 120.00 135.00
.3 15.09 30.19 45.28 60.37 75.46 90.56 105.65 120.74 135.83
.u 15.19 30.37 45.56 60.74 75.93 91. 1 1 106.30 121.48 136.67
16.5 15.28 30.56 45.83 61.11 76.39 91.67 106.94 122.22 137.50
.6 15.37 30.74 46.1 1 61 .48 76.85 92.22 107.59 122.96 138.33
.7 15.46 30.93 46.39 61.85 77.31 92.78 108.24 123.70 139.17
.8 15.56 31.11 46.67 62.22 77.78 93.33 108.89 124.44 140.00
.9 15.65 31.30 46.94 62.59 78.24 93.89 109.54 125. 19 140.83
17.0 15.74 31.48 47.22 62.96 78.70 94.44 110.19 125.93 141.67
.1 15.83 31.67 47.50 63.33 79.17 95.00 110.83 126.67 142.50
.2 15.93 31.85 47.78 63.70 79.63 95.56 1.48
1 1 127.41 143.33
.3 16.02 32.04 48.06 64.07 80.09 96.1 1 12.13
1 128.15 144. 17
.4 16.1 1 32.22 48.33 64.44 80.56 96.67 112.78 128.89 145.00
17.5 16.20 32.41 48.61 64.81 81 .02 97.22 113.43 129.63 145.83
.6 16.30 32.59 U8.89 65.19 81.48 97.78 114.07 130.37 146.67
.7 16.39 32.78 49.17 65.56 81 .94 98.33 14.72
1 131.11 147.50
.8 16.48 32.96 49.44 65.93 82.41 98.89 115.37 131.85 148.33
.9 16.57 33.15 49.72 66.30 82.87 99.44 116.02 132.59 149.17
1 1 11
18.0 16.67 33.33 50.00 66.67 83.33 100.00 116.67 133.33 150.00
. 1 16.76 33.52 50.28 67.04 83.80 100.56 117.31 134.07 150.83
.2 16.85 33.70 50.56 67.41 84.26 101. 1 117.96 134.81 151.67
.3 I6.9U 33.89 50.83 67.78 84.72 101.67 1 18.61 135.56 152.50
.4 17.04 34.07 51.1 1 68.15 85.19 102.22 119.26 136.30 153.33
18.5 17.13 34.26 51.39 68.52 85.65 102.78 119.91 137.04 154.17
.6 17.22 34.44 51.67 68.89 86.1 1 103.33 120.56 137.78 155.00
.7 17.31 34.63 51 .94 69.26 86.57 103.89 121 .20 138.52 155.83
.8 17.41 34.81 52.22 69.63 87.04 104.44 121.85 139.26 156.67
.9 17.50 35.00 52.50 70.00 87.50 105.00 122.50 140.00 157.50
19.0 17.59 35.19 52.78 70.37 87.96 105.56 123.15 140.74 158.33
.1 17.69 35.37 53.06 70.74 88.43 106.11 123.80 141.48 159.17
.2 17.78 35.56 53.33 71.11 88.89 106.67 124.44 142.22 160.00
.3 17.87 35.74 53.61 71.48 89.35 107.22 125.09 142.96 160.83
.4 17.96 35.93 53.89 71.85 89.81 107.78 125.74 143.70 161.67
19.5 18.06 36.1 1 54.17 72.22 90.28 108.33 126.39 144.44 162.50
.6 18.15 36.30 54.44 72.59 90.74 108.89 127.04 145.19 163.33
.7 18.24 36.48 54.72 72.96 91.20 109.44 127.69 145.93 164. 17
.8 18.33 36.67 55.00 73.33 91.67 110.00 128.33 146.67 165.00
.9 18.43 36.85 55.28 73.70 92.13 110.56 128.98 147.41 165.83
20.0 18.52 37.04 55.56 74.07 92.59 1 1 1. 1 1 129.63 148.15 166.67
. 1 18.61 37.22 55.83 74.44 93.06 1 1 .67 1 130.28 148.89 167.50
.2 18.70 37.41 56. II 74.81 93.52 1 12.22 130.93 149.63 168.33
.3 18.80 37.59 56.39 75.19 93.98 1 12.78 131 .57 150.37 169.17
.H 18.89 37.78 56.67 75.56 94.44 1 13.33 132.22 151. 1 170.00
20.5 18.98 37.96 56.94 75.93 94.91 113.89 132.87 151.85 170.83
.6 19.07 38.15 57.22 76.30 95.37 114.44 133.52 152.59 171.67
.7 19.17 38.33 57.50 76.67 95.83 I15.00 134.17 153.33 172.50
.8 19.26 38.52 57.78 77.04 96.30 115.56 134.81 154.07 173.33
.9 19.35 38.70 58.06 77.41 96.76 1 16.1 1 135.46 154.81 174.17
21.0 19.44 38.89 58.33 77.78 97.22 116.67 136.11 155.56 175.00
. | 19.54 39.07 58.61 78. 15 97.69 117.22 136.76 156.30 175.83
.2 19.63 39.26 58.89 78.52 98.15 117.78 137.41 157.04 176.67
.3 19.72 39.44 59.17 78.89 98.61 118.33 138.06 157.78 177 50 .
22.0 20.37 40.74 61.11 81.48 101 .85 122.22 142.59 162 96 . 183.33
. 1 20.46 40.93 61.39 81.85 102 3 . 122.78 143.24 163.70 184. 17
.2 20.56 41.11 61.67 82.22 102.78 123.33 143.89 164.44 185.00
.3 20.65 41.30 61.94 82.59 103.24 123.89 144 54 . 165.19 185.83
.4 20.74 41.48 62.22 82.96 103.70 124.44 145.19 165.93 186.67
22.5 20.83 41.67 62.50 83.33 104.17 125.00 145.83 166.67 187.50
.6 20.93 41 .85 62.78 83.70 104.63 125.56 146 48 . 167.41 188.33
.7 21.02 42.04 63.06 84.07 105.09 126.1 1 147.13 168.15 189.17
.8 21.11 42.22 63.33 84.44 105.56 126.67 147.78 168.89 190.00
.9 21.20 42.41 63.61 84.81 106.02 127.22 148.43 169.63 190.83
23.0 21.30 42.59 63.89 85.19 106.48 127.78 149.07 170.37 191 .67
. 1 21.39 42.78 64.17 85.56 106.94 128.33 149.72 171 .1 192.50
.2 21.48 42.96 64.414 85.93 107.41 128.89 150.37 171.85 193.33
.3 21.57 43. 15 64.72 86.30 107.87 129.44 151.02 172.59 194. 17
.4 21 .67 43.33 65.00 86.67 108.33 130.00 151.67 173.33 195.00
23.5 21 .76 43.52 65.28 87.04 108.80 130.56 152.31 174.07 195.83
.6 21.85 43.70 65.56 87.41 109.26 131.11 152 96 . 174.81 196.67
.7 21.94 43.89 65.83 87.78 109 72 . 131.67 153.61 175.56 197.50
.8 22.04 44.07 66.11 88.15 110.19 132.22 154.26 176.30 198.33
.9 22.13 44.26 66.39 88.52 110.65 132 78 . 154.91 177.04 199.17
24.0 22.22 44.44 66.67 88.89 II I.I 1 133.33 155.56 177.78 200.00
. | 22.31 44.63 66.94 89.26 1 11.57 133.89 156.20 178.52 200.83
.2 22. Ml 44.81 67.22 89.63 1 12.04 134.44 156.85 179.26 201.67
.3 22.50 45.00 67.50 90.00 1 12 50 . 135.00 157.50 180.00 202.50
.4 22.59 45.19 67.78 90.37 1 12 96 . 135.56 158.15 180.74 203.33
2U.5 22.69 45.37 68.06 90.74 113.43 136.1 158.80 181.48 204.17
.6 22.78 45.56 68.33 91.1 1 113.89 136.67 159.44 182.22 205.00
.7 22.87 45.74 68.61 91.48 114.35 137.22 160.09 182 96 . 205.83
.8 22.96 45.93 68.89 91.85 1 14.81 137.78 160.74 183.70 206.67
.9 23.06 46.1 1 69.17 92.22 1 15.28 138.33 161.39 184.44 207.50
25.0 23.15 46.30 69.44 92.59 115.74 138.89 162.04 185.19 208.33
.1 23.214 46.48 69.72 92.96 116.20 139.44 162.69 185.93 209.17
.2 23.33 46.67 70.00 93.33 116.67 140.00 163.33 186.67 210.00
.3 23. U3 46.85 70.28 93.70 117.13 140.56 163.98 187.41 210.83
.4 23.52 47.04 70.56 94.07 117.59 141.11 164.63 188.15 211.67
25.5 23.61 47.22 70.83 94.44 118.06 141.67 165.28 188.89 212.50
.6 23.70 47.41 71.11 94.81 118.52 142.22 165.93 189.63 213.33
.7 23.80 47.59 71.39 95.19 118.98 142.78 166.57 190.37 214.17
.8 23.89 47.78 71.67 95.56 119.44 143.33 167.22 191. 1 215.00
.9 23.98 47.96 71.94 95.93 1 19.91 143.89 167.87 191.85 215.83
26.0 24.07 48.15 72.22 96.30 120.37 144.44 168.52 192.59 216.67
I 2U.I7 48.33 72.50 96.67 120.83 145.00 169.17 193.33 217.50
.2 24.26 48.52 72.78 97.04 12 30 1 . 145.56 169.81 194.07 218.33
.3 24.35 48.70 73.06 97.41 12 76 1 . 146.1 1 170.46 194.81 219.17
.14 24.44 48.89 73.33 97.78 122.22 146.67 171 .1 195.56 220.00
26.5 214.514 49.07 73.61 98.15 122.69 147.22 171.76 196.30 220.83
.6 2M.63 49.26 73.89 98.52 123.15 147.78 172.41 197.04 221.67
.7 24.72 49.44 74.17 98.89 123.61 148.33 173.06 197.78 222.50
.8 24.81 49.63 74.44 99.26 124.07 148.89 173.70 198.52 223.33
.9 2U.9I 49.81 74.72 99.63 l'2454 . 149.44 174.35 199.26 224.17
27.0 25.00 50.00 75.00 100.00 125.00 150.00 175.00 200.00 225.00
.1 25.09 50.19 75.28 100.37 125.46 150.56 175.65 200.74 225.83
.2 25.19 50.37 75.56 100.74 125.93 151.11 176.30 201 .48 226.67
.3 25.28 50.56 75.83 101. 1 126.39 151.67 176.94 202.22 227.50
.M 25.37 50.74 76. 1 1 101.48 126.85 152.22 177.59 202 96 . 228.33
27.5 25. 146 50.93 76.39 101.85 127.31 152.78 178.24 203.70 229. 17
.6 25.56 51.11 76.67 102.22 127.78 153.33 178.89 204.44 230.00
.7 25.65 51.30 76.94 102.59 128.24 153.89 179.54 205. 19 230.83
.8 25. 714 51.48 77.22 102.96 128.70 154.44 180.19 205.93 231.67
.9 25.83 51.67 77.50 103.33 129.17 155.00 180.83 206.67 232.50
28.0 25.93 51.85 77.78 103.70 129.63 155.56 181.48 207.41 233.33
. 1 26.02 52.04 78.06 104.07 130.09 156.1 1 182 3 . 1 208. 15 234.17
.2 26.11 52.22 78.33 104.44 130.56 156.67 182 78 . 208.89 235.00
.3 26.20 52.41 78.61 104.81 131.02 157.22 183.43 209.63 235.83
.M 26.30 52.59 78.89 105.19 13 48 1 . 157.78 184.07 210.37 236.67
28.5 26.39 52.78 79.17 105.56 131.94 158.33 184.72 211.11 237.50
.6 26. 148 52.96 79. HU 105.93 132.41 158.89 185.37 211.85 238.33
.7 26.57 53. 15 79.72 106.30 132 87 . 159.44 186.02 2 1 2 . 59 239.17
.8 26.67 53.33 80.00 106.67 133.33 160.00 186.67 213.33 240.00
.9 26.76 53.52 80.28 107.04 133.80 160.56 187.31 214.07 240.83
29.0 26.85 53.70 80.56 107.41 134.26 161. 1 1 187.96 214.81 241.67
. | 26.94 53.89 80.83 107.78 134.72 161.67 188.61 215.56 242.50
.2 27.04 54.07 81.11 108.15 135.19 162.22 189.26 216.30 243.33.
.3 27.13 54.26 81.39 108.52 135.65 162.78 189.91 217.04 244.17
.4 27.22 54.44 81.67 108.89 136.11 163.33 190.56 217.78 245.00
29.5 27.31 54.63 81.94 109.26 136.57 163.89 191.20 218.52 245.83
.6 27.41 54.81 82.22 109.63 137.04 164.44 191.85 219.26 246.67
.7 27.50 55.00 82.50 110.00 137.50 165.00 192.50 220.00 247.50
.8 27.59 55.19 82.78 110.37 137.96 165.56 193.15 220.74 248.33
.9 27.69 55.37 83.06 110.74 138.43 166.11 193.80 221.48 249. 1? |
1 1 11 1
30.0 27.78 55.56 83.33 1 1 I.I 1 138.89 166.67 194.44 222.22 250.00
.1 27.87 55.74 83.61 1 48
1 1 . 139.35 167.22 195.09 222.96 250.83
.2 27.96 55.93 83.89 1 1.85
1 139.81 167.78 195.74 223.70 251.67
.3 28.06 56.1 1 84.17 112.22 140.28 168.33 196.39 224.44 252.50
.4 28.15 56.30 84.44 1.12.59 140.74 168.89 197.04 225.19 253.33
30.5 28. 2U 56.48 84.72 112.96 141.20 169.44 197.69 225.93 254.17
.6 28.33 56.67 85.00 113.33 141.67 170.00 198.33 226.67 255.00
.7 28. U3 56.85 85.28 113.70 142. 13 170.56 198.98 227.41 255.83
.8 28.52 57.04 95.56 114.07 142.59 171.11 199.63 228.15 256.67
.9 28.61 57.22 85.83 114.44 143 06. 171.67 200.28 228.89 257.50
31.0 28.70 57.41 86.11 1 14.81 143.52 172.22 200.93 229.63 258.33
.1 28.80 57.59 86.39 115.19 143.98 172.78 201.57 230.37 259.17
.2 28.89 57.78 86.67 115.56 144.44 173.33 202.22 231.1 1 260.00
.3 28.98 57.96 86.94 115.93 144.91 173.89 202.87 231.85 260.83
.14 29.07 58.15 87.22 116.30 145.37 174.44 203.52 232.59 261.67
31.5 29.17 58.33 87.50 116.67 145.83 175.00 204.17 233.33 262.50
.6 29.26 58.52 87.78 117.04 146.30 175.56 204.81 234.07 263.33
.7 29.35 58.70 88.06 1 17.41 146.76 176.11 205.46 234.81 264.17
.8 29.UU 58.89 88.33 1 17.78 147.22 176.67 206.1 235.56 265.00
.9 29. 5»4 59.07 88.61 1 18.15 147.69 177.22 206.76 236.30 265.83
32.0 29.63 59.26 88.89 118.52 148.15 177.78 207.41 237.04 266.67
.1 29.72 59.44 89.17 118.89 148.61 178.33 208.06 237.78 267.50
.2 29.81 59.63 89.44 119.26 149.07 178.89 208.70 238.52 268.33
.3 29.91 59.81 89.72 119.63 149.54 179.44 209.35 239.26 269.17
.M 30.00 60.00 90.00 120.00 150.00 180.00 210.00 240.00 270.00
32.5 30.09 60.19 90.28 120.37 150.46 180.56 210.65 240.74 270.83
.6 30.19 60.37 90.56 120.74 150.93 181 . 1 1 21 1.30 241 .U8 271.67
.7 30.28 60.56 90.83 121. 1 1 151.39 181.67 21 1.94 242.22 272.50
.8 30.37 60.74 91.1 1 12 48 1 . 151.85 182.22 212.59 242.96 273.33
.9 30.46 60.93 91.39 121.85 152.31 182.78 213.24 243.70 274.17
33.0 30.56 61 .1 1 91.67 122.22 152.78 183.33 213.89 244.44 275.00
.1 30.65 61.30 91.94 122.59 153.24 183.89 214.54 245.19 275.83
.2 30. 7M 61.48 92.22 122.96 153.70 184.44 215.19 245.93 276.67
.3 30.83 61.67 92.50 123.33 154.17 185.00 215.83 246.67 277.50
.14 30.93 61.85 92.78 123.70 154.63 185.56 216.48 247.41 278.33
33.5 31.02 62.04 93.06 124.07 155.09 186.1 217.13 248.15 279.17
.6 31.11 62.22 93.33 124.44 155.56 186.67 217.78 248.89 280.00
.7 31.20 62.41 93.61 124.81 156.02 187.22 218.43 249.63 280.83
.8 31.30 62.59 93.89 125.19 156.48 187 78 . 219.07 250.37 281 .67
.9 31.39 62.78 94.17 125.56 156 94. 188.33 219.72 251.11 282.50
3M.0 31.48 62.96 94.44 125.93 157.41 188.89 220.37 251 .85 283.33
. 1 31.57 63.15 94.72 126.30 157.87 189.44 221.02 252.59 284.17
.2 31 .67 63.33 95.00 126.67 158.33 190.00 221.67 253.33 285.00
.3 31.76 63.52 95.28 127.04 158.80 190.56 222.31 254.07 285.83
.14 31.85 63.70 95.56 127.41 159.26 191. 1 222.96 254.81 286.67
314.5 31.94 63.89 95.83 127.78 159.72 191.67 223.61 255.56 287.50
.6 32.04 64.07 96. II 128.15 160.19 192.22 224.26 256.30 288.33
.7 32.13 64.26 96.39 128.52 160.65 192 78 . 224.91 257.04 289.17
.8 32.22 64.44 96.67 128.89 161. 1 193.33 225.56 257.78 290.00
.9 32.31 64.63 96.94 129.26 161.57 193.89 226.20 258.52 290.83
35.0 32.41 64.81 97.22 129.63 162.04 194.44 226.85 259.26 291.67
.1 32.50 65.00 97.50 130.00 162 50
. 195.00 227.50 260.00 292.50
.2 32.59 65.19 97.78 130.37 162.96 195.56 228.15 260.74 293.33
.3 32.69 65.37 98.06 130.74 163.43 196.11 228.80 261 .48 294.17
.4 32.78 65.56 98.33 131. 1 163.89 196.67 229.44 262.22 295.00
35.5 32.87 65.74 98.61 131.48 164.35 197.22 230.09 262 96
. 295.83
.6 32.96 65.93 98.89 131.85 164.81 197.78 230.74 263.70 296.67
.7 33.06 66.1 1 99.17 132.22 165.28 198.33 231.39 264. U4 297.50
.8 33.15 66.30 99.44 132.59 165.74 198.89 232.04 265.19 298.33
.9 33.24 66.48 99.72 132.96 166.20 199.44 232.69 265.93 299.17
3: 2E 7C.56
OS E3 IUI . 1 1 . 1 76.39 211, 2-E 2- 2e2.22 3 " 22
.2 3: 57 7C - 106.1 1 - -E "E E: 212 2-- 59 2E2 2E 3 5.33
.3 35. U6 -: :-3 X 59 IUI. 85 1 77.31 2 2 2-5.2- 283 7C 319.17
.U 35.56 71 . I i 106.67 -2.22 77.78 213.33 2-5.59 28U.UU 52c ::
M2. 38.89 77.78 116.67 155.56 194.44 233.33 272.22 311. 1 1 350.00
38.98 77.96 116.94 155.93 194.91 233.89 272.87 31 1.85 350.83
39.07 78.15 117.22 156.30 195.37 234.44 273.52 312.59 351.67
.3 39.17 78.33 117.50 156.67 195.83 235.00 274.17 313.33 352.50
.U 39.26 78.52 117.78 157.04 196.30 235.56 274.81 314.07 353.33
U2.5 39.35 78.70 118.06 157.41 196.76 236.1 275.46 314.81 354.17
.6 39.14U 78.89 118.33 157.78 197.22 236.67 276.1 315.56 355.00
.7 39. 514 79.07 1 18.61 158.15 197.69 237.22 276.76 316.30 355.83
.8 39.63 79.26 !'3.89 158.52 198.15 237.78 277.41 317.04 356.67
.9 39.72 79.44 119.17 158.89 198.61 238.33 278.06 317.78 357.50
43.0 39.81 79.63 119.44 159.26 199.07 238.89 278.70 318.52 358.33
.1 39.91 79.81 119.72 159.63 199.54 239.44 279.35 319.26 359.17
.2 MO. 00 80.00 120.00 160.00 200.00 240.00 280.00 320.00 360.00
.3 U0.09 80.19 120.28 160.37 200.46 240.56 280.65 320.74 360.83
.4 U0.I9 80.37 120.56 160.74 200.93 241.1 281.30 321 48 . 361.67
43.5 U0.28 80.56 120.83 161 .1 201 .39 241.67 281 .94 322.22 362.50
.6 40.37 80.74 121. 1 1 161 .48 201.85 242.22 282.59 322.96 363.33
.7 140.U6 80.93 121 .39 161.85 202 3 . 242.78 283.24 323.70 364. 17
.8 U0.56 81 .1 1 121.67 162.22 202.78 243.33 283.89 324.44 365.00
.9 40.65 81.30 121 .94 162.59 203.24 243.89 284.54 325.19 365.83
44.0 U0.7U 81 .48 122.22 162 96 . 203.70 244.44 285.19 325.93 366.67
. 1 U0.83 81.67 122.50 163.33 204.17 245.00 285.83 326.67 367.50
.2 40.93 81 .85 122.78 163.70 204.63 245.56 286.48 327.41 368.33
.3 UI.02 82.04 123.06 164.07 205.09 246.1 287.13 328.15 369.17
.4 m.ii 82.22 123.33 164.44 205.56 246.67 287.78 328.89 370.00
44.5 141.20 82.41 123.61 164.81 206.02 247.22 288.43 329.63 370.83
.6 41.30 82.59 123.89 165.19 206.48 247.78 289.07 330.37 371.67
.7 UI.39 82.78 124.17 165.56 206 94 . 248.33 289.72 331 .1 372.50
.8 41.48 82.96 124.44 165.93 207.41 248.89 290.37 331 .85 373.33
.9 Ml. 57 83.15 124.72 166.30 207.87 249.44 291 .02 332.59 374.17
45.0 UI.67 83.33 125.00 166.67 208.33 250.00 291.67 333.33 375.00
.1 m.76 83.52 125.28 167.04 208.80 250.56 292.31 334.07 375.83
.2 m.85 83.70 125.56 167.41 209.26 251.1 292.96 334.81 376.67
.3 41 .914 83.89 125.83 167.78 209.72 251.67 293.61 335.56 377.50
.4 142. 04 84.07 126.1 168.15 210.19 252.22 294.26 336.30 378.33
M5.5 142.13 84.26 126.39 168.52 210.65 252.78 294.91 337.04 379.17
.6 U2.22 84.44 126.67 168.89 21 1. II 253.33 295.56 337.78 380.00
.7 142.31 84.63 126.94 169.26 21 157 . 253.89 296.20 338.52 380.83
".8 H2.UI 84.81 127.22 169.63 212.04 254.44 296.85 339.26 381.67
.9 142.50 85.00 127.50 170.00 2 2 50
1 . 255.00 297.50 340.00 382 50 .
48.0 1414.44 88.89 133.33 177.78 222.22 266.67 31 I.I 1 355.56 400.00
.1 44.54 89.07 133.61 178.15 222.69 267.22 31 1.76 356.30 400.83
.2 44.63 89.26 133.89 178.52 223.15 267.78 312.41 357.04 401.67
.3 44.72 89.44 134.17 178.89 223.61 268.33 313.06 357.78 402.50
.M 44.81 89.63 134.44 179.26 224.07 268.89 313.70 358.52 403.33
M8.5 44.91 89.81 134.72 179.63 224.54 269.44 314.35 359.26 404.17
.6 45.00 90.00 135.00 180.00 225.00 270.00 315.00 360.00 405.00
.7 45.09 90.19 135.28 180.37 225.46 270.56 315.65 360.74 405.83
.8 45.19 90.37 135.56 180.74 225.93 271.11 316.30 361.48 406.67
.9 45.28 90.56 135.83 181. 1 226.39 271.67 316.94 352.22 407.50
43.0 45.37 90.74 136.1 1 181.48 226.85 272.22 317.59 362.96 408.33
.1 45.46 90.93 136.39 181.85 227.31 272.78 318.24 363.70 409.17
.2 45.56 91.11 136.67 182 22 . 227.78 273.33 318.89 364.44 410.00
.3 45.65 91. 30 136.94 182.59 228.24 273.89 319.54 365.19 410.83
.4 45.74 91.48 137.22 182.96 228.70 274.44 320.19 365.93 411.67
49. 45.83 91.67 137.50 183.33 229.17 275.00 320.83 366.67 412.50
.6 45.93 91.85 137.78 183.70 229.63 275.56 321.48 367.41 413.33
.7 46.02 92.04 138.06 184.07 230.09 276.11 322.13 368.15 414.17
.8 46.1 1 92.22 138.33 184.44 230.56 276.67 322.78 368.89 415.00
.9 46.20 92.41 138.61 184.81 231.02 277.22 323.43 369.63 415.83
50.0 46.30 92.59 138.89 185.19 231.48 277.78 324.07 370.37 416.67
.1 46.39 92.78 139.17 185.56 231.94 278.33 324.72 371.1 417.50
.2 46.48 92.96 139.44 185.93 1 232.41 278.89 325.37 371.85 418.33
.3 46.57 93.15 139.72 186.30 232.87 279. 4L' 326.02 372.59 419.17
.4 46.67 93.33 140.00 186.67 233.33 280.00 326.67 373.33 420.00
50.5 46.76 93.52 IU0.28 187.04 233.80 280.56 327.31 374.07 420.83
.6 46.85 93.70 140.56 187.41 234.26 281.11 327.96 374.81 421.67
.7 46.94 93.89 140.83 187.78 234.72 281.67 328.61 375.56 422.50
.8 47.04 94.07 141. 1 188.15 235. -19 282.22 329.26 376.30 423.33
.9 47.13 94.26 141 .39 188.52 235.65 282.78 329.91 377.04 424.17
51.0 47.22 94.44 141.67 188.89 236.1 283.33 330.56 377.78 425.00
.1 47.31 94.63 14 941 . 189.26 236.57 283.89 331.20 378.52 425.83
.2 47.41 94.81 142.22 189.63 237.04 284.44 331.85 379.26 426.67
.3 47.50 95. 0C 142.50 190.00 237.50 285.00 332.50 380.00 427.50
.U 47.59 95.19 142.78 190.37 237.96 285.56 333.15 380.74 428.33
51.5 47.69 95.37 143.06 190.74 238.43 286.1 333.80 381.48 429.17
.6 47.78 95.56 143.33 191. 1 1 238.89 286.67 334.44 382.22 430.00
.7 47.87 95.74 143.61 191.48 239.35 287.22 335.09 382.96 430.83
.8 47.96 95.93 143.89 191.85 239.81 287.78 335.74 383.70 431.67
.9 48.06 96.1 1 144.17 192.22 240.28 288.33 336.39 384.44 432.50
52.0 48.15 96.30 144.44 192.59 240.74 288.89 337.04 385.19 433.33
. 1 48.24 96.48 144.72 192.96 241 .20 289.44 337.69 385.93 434.17
.2 48.33 96.67 145.00 193.33 241.67 290.00 338.33 386.67 435.00
.3 48.43 96.85 145.28 93 70
1 . 242.13 290.56 338.98 337.41 435.83
.n 48.52 97.04 145.56 194.07 242.59 291.1 339.63 388.15 436.67
52.5 48.61 97.22 145.83 194.44 243.06 291.67 340.28 388.89 437.50
.6 48.70 97.41 146.1 194.81 243.52 292.22 340.93 389.63 438.33
.7 48.80 97.59 146.39 195.19 243.98 292.78 341.57 390.37 439.17
.8 48.89 97.78 146.67 195.56 244.44 293.33 342.22 391.1 440.00
.9 48.98 97.96 146.94 195.93 244.91 293.89 342.87 391.85 440.83
53.0 49.07 98.15 147.22 196.30 245.37 294.44 343.52 392.59 441.67
. 1 49.17 98.33 147.50 196.67 245.83 295.00 344.17 393.33 442.50
.2 49.26 98.52 147.78 197.04 246.30 295.56 344.81 394.07 443.33
.3 49.35 98.70 148.06 197.41 246.76 296.1 345.46 394.81 444. 17
.4 49.44 98.89 148.33 197.78 247.22 296.67 346.1 1 395.56 445.00
53.5 49.54 99.07 148.61 198.15 247.69 297.22 346.76 396.30 445.83
.6 49.63 99.26 148.89 198.52 248.15 297.78 347.41 397.04 446.67
.7 49.72 99.44 149.17 198.89 248.61 298.33 348.06 397.78 447.50
.8 49.81 99.63 149.44 199.26 249.07 298.89 348.70 398.52 448.33
.9 49.91 99.81 149.72 199.63 249.54 299.44 349.35 399.26 449. 17
11 1 1 11 5
54. 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 450.00
.1 50.09 100.19 150.28 200.37 250.46 300.56 350.65 400.74 450.83
.2 50.19 100.37 150.56 200.74 250.93 301.11 351.30 401 .48 451.67
.3 50.28 100.56 150.83 201.1 251.39 30 67
1 . 351.94 402.22 452.50
.4 50.37 100.74 151.11 201.48 251.85 302.22 352.59 402.96 453.33
54.5 50.46 100.93 151.39 201.85 252.31 302.78 353.24 403.70 454. 17
.6 50.56 101. 1 1 151.67 202.22 252.78 303.33 353.89 404.44 U55.00
.7 50.65 101.30 151 on 202.59 253.24 303.89 354.54 405. 19 455.83
.8 50.74 101.48 152.22 202.96 253.70 304.44 355.19 405.93 456.67
.9 50.83 101.67 152.50 203.33 254.17 305.00 355.83 406.67 457.50
55.0 50.93 101.85 152.78 203.70 254.63 305.56 356.48 407.41 458.33
.1 51.02 102.04 153.06 204.07 255.09 306.11 357.13 408.15 U59.I7
.2 51.11 102.22 153.33 204.44 255.56 306.67 357.78 408.89 460.00
.3 51.20 102 4
. 153.61 204.81 256.02 307.22 358.43 409.63 460.83
.4 51.30 102.59 153.89 205. 19 256.48 307.78 359.07 410.37 461.67
55.5 51.39 102.78 154.17 205.56 256.94 308.33 359.72 411.11 462 50
58.0 53.70 107.41 161.11 214.81 268.52 322.22 375.93 429.63 483.33
. I 53.80 107.59 161.39 215.19 268.98 322.78 376.57 430.37 484. 17
.2 53.89 107.78 161 .67 215.56 269.44 323.33 377.22 431.1 1 485.00
.3 53.98 107.96 161.94 215.93 269.91 323.89 377.87 431.85 485.83
.4 54.07 108.15 162.22 216.30 270.37 324.44 378.52 432.59 486.67
58.5 54.17 108.33 162.50 216.67 270.83 325.00 379.17 433.33 487.50
.6 54.26 108.52 162.78 217.04 271.30 325.56 379.81 434.07 U88.33
.7 54.35 108.70 163.06 217.41 271.76 326.1 380.46 43U.8I 489.17
.8 54.44 108.89 163.33 217.78 272.22 326.67 381.1 435.56 490.00
.9 54.54 109.07 163.61 218.15 272.69 327.22 381.76 436.30 490.83
59.0 54.63 109.26 163.89 218.52 273.15 327.78 382 4
. 437.04 491.67
.1 54.72 109.44 164.17 218.89 273.61 328.33 383.06 437.78 492.50
.2 54.81 109.63 164.44 219.26 274.07 328.89 383.70 438.52 493.33
.3 54.91 109.81 164.72 219.63 274.54 329.44 384.35 439.26 494. 17
.4 55.00 110.00 165.00 220.00 275.00 330.00 385.00 4U0.00 495.00
59.5 55.09 110.19 165.28 220.37 275.46 330.56 385.65 440.74 495.83
.6 55.19 110.37 165.56 220.74 275.93 331.1 1 386.30 441 .48 496.67
.7 55.28 110.56 165.83 221 .1 1 276.39 331.67 386.94 442.22 497.50
.8 55.37 110.74 166.11 221.48 276.85 332.22 387.59 442 96
. 498.33
.9 55.46 110.93 166.39 221.85 277.31 332.78 388.24 443.70 499.17
cu * 100 200 300 aoo 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1 100
0.0 sa 108 162 216 270 32a 378 a32 486 sao 59a
1.9 1 55 109 163 217 271 325 379 a33 487 5a 1 595
3.7 2 56 1 10 i6a 218 272 326 380 a3a 488 5a2 596
5.6 3 57 1 II 165 219 273 327 381 a35 489 5a3 597
7.4 4 58 1 12 166 220 27a 328 382 a36 490 5aa 598
9.3 5 59 113 167 221 275 329 383 a37 491 sas 599
1 I.I 6 60 I ia 168 222 276 330 38a a38 492 5a6 600
13.0 7 61 1 15 169 223 277 331 385 a39 493 5a7 601
14.8 8 62 116 170 22a 278 332 386 aao 494 sas 602
16.7 9 63 117 171 225 279 333 387 aai 495 5a9 603
18.5 10 64 118 172 226 280 33a 388 aa2 496 550 604
20. 1 1 65 1 19 173 227 281 335 389 aa3 497 551 605
22.2 12 66 120 17a 228 282 336 390 aaa a98 552 606
24. 1 13 67 121 175 229 283 337 391 aas a99 553 607
25.9 m 68 122 176 230 28a 338 392 aa6 500 55a 608
27.8 15 69 123 177 231 285 339 393 aa7 501 555 609
29.6 16 70 12a 178 232 286 3ao 39a aas 502 556 610
31.5 17 71 125 179 233 287 3a1 395 aa9 503 557 61 1
33.3 18 72 126 180 23a 288 3a2 396 aso 50a 558 612
35.2 19 73 127 181 235 289 3a3 397 451 505 559 613
37.0 20 7a 128 182 236 290 3aa 398 a52 506 560 614
38.9 21 75 129 183 237 291 3a5 399 a53 507 561 615
40.7 22 76 130 18a 238 292 3a6 aoo asa 508 562 616
42.6 23 77 131 185 239 293 3a7 aoi ass 509 563 617
44.4 24 78 132 186 2ao 29a 3a8 ao2 a56 510 56a 618
46.3 25 79 133 187 2a1 295 3a9 ao3 a57 511 565 619
48. 1 26 80 13a 188 2a2 296 350 aoa a58 512 566 620
50.0 27 81 135 189 2a3 297 351 aos a59 513 567 621
51.9 28 82 136 190 2aa 298 352 ao6 a60 514 568 622
53.7 29 83 137 191 2a5 299 353 ao7 461 515 569 623
55.6 30 8a 138 192 2a6 300 35a aos 462 516 570 624
57. 4 31 85 139 193 2a7 301 355 ao9 a63 517 571 625
59.3 32 86 iao 19a 2a8 302 356 aio a6a 518 572 626
61 .1 33 87 iai 195 2a9 303 357 an a65 519 573 627
63.0 3U 88 142 196 250 30a 358 412 a66 520 57a 628
64.8 35 89 ia3 197 251 305 359 ai3 a67 521 575 629
66.7 36 90 ma 198 252 306 360 aia a68 522 576 630
68.5 37 91 145 199 253 307 361 ais a69 523 577 631
70. 4 38 92 146 200 25a 308 362 416 a70 524 578 632
72.2 39 93 1147 201 255 309 363 417 471 525 579 633
714. 1 140 9a 148 202 256 310 36a 418 472 526 580 634
75.9 m 95 IU9 203 257 311 365 419 473 527 581 635
77.8 142 96 150 20a 258 312 366 a20 474 528 582 636
79.6 143 97 151 205 259 313 367 421 475 529 583 637
81.5 44 98 152 206 260 31a 368 a22 476 530 58a 638
83.3 us 99 153 207 261 315 369 a23 477 531 585 639
85.2 U6 100 15a 208 262 316 370 a2a 478 532 586 640
87.0 U7 101 155 209 263 317 371 a25 479 533 587 641
88.9 148 102 156 210 26a 318 372 a26 480 53a 588 642
90.7 U9 103 157 211 265 319 373 a27 481 535 589 643
92.6 50 10a 158 212 266 320 37a a28 482 536 590 644
9M.14 51 105 159 213 267 32 1 375 a29 483 537 591 645
96.3 52 106 160 21a 268 322 376 a30 484 538 592 646
98.1 53 107 161 215 269 323 377 431 485 539 593 647
100 200 300 aoo 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1 100
1200 1300 moo 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 <-cu
648 702 756 810 864 918 972 1026 1080 1134 0.0
649 703 757 81 1 865 919 973 1027 1081 1135 1 .9
650 704 758 812 866 920 974 1028 1082 1136 3.7
651 705 759 813 867 921 975 1029 1083 1137 5.6
652 706 760 81 U. 868 922 976 1030 1084 1138 7.4
653 707 761 815 869 923 977 1031 1085 1 139 9.3
654 708 762 816 870 924 978 1032 1086 1 140 M.I
655 709 763 817 871 925 979 1033 1087 1 141 13.0
656 710 764 818 872 926 980 1034 1088 1 142 14.8
657 71 1 765 819 873 927 981 1035 1089 1 143 16.7
658 712 766 820 874 928 982 1036 1090 1 144 18.5
659 713 767 821 875 929 983 1037 1091 1 145 20.4
660 714 768 822 876 930 984 1038 1092 1 146 22.2
661 715 769 823 877 931 985 1039 1093 1 147 24.1
662 716 770 824 878 932 986 1040 1094 1 148 25.9
663 717 771 825 879 933 987 1041 1095 1 149 27.8
664 718 772 826 880 934 988 1042 1096 1 150 29.6
665 719 773 827 881 935 989 1043 1097 1 151 31.5
666 720 774 828 882 936 990 1044 1098 1 152 33.3
667 721 775 829 883 937 991 1045 1099 1 153 35.2
668 722 776 830 884 938 992 1046 1 100 1 154 37.0
669 723 777 831 885 939 993 1047 1 101 1 155 38.9
670 724 778 832 886 940 994 1048 1102 1 156 40.7
671 725 779 833 887 941 995 1049 1 103 1 157 42.6
672 726 780 834 888 942 996 1050 1 104 1158 44.4
673 727 781 835 889 943 997 1051 1 105 1 159 46.3
674 728 782 836 890 944 998 1052 1 106 1 160 48.1
675 729 783 837 891 945 999 1053 1 107 1 161 50.0
676 730 78U 838 892 946 1000 1054 1108 1 162 51.9
677 731 785 839 893 947 1001 1055 1109 1 163 53.7
678 732 786 840 894 948 1002 1056 1 1 10 1 164 55.6
679 733 787 841 895 949 1003 1057 1 1 1 1 1 165 57.4
680 734 788 8142 896 950 1004 1058 1 1 12 1 166 59.3
681 735 789 843 897 951 1005 1059 II 13 1 167 61.1
682 736 790 844 898 952 1006 1060 1 1 14 1 168 63.0
683 737 791 845 899 953 1007 1061 1 1 15 1 169 64.8
684 738 792 846 900 954 1008 1062 1 1 16 1 170 66.7
685 739 793 847 901 955 1009 1063 1 1 17 1 171 68.5
686 740 79U 848 902 956 1010 1064 1 1 18 1 172 70.4
687 741 795 849 903 957 101 1 1065 1 1 19 1 173 72.2
688 7U2 796 850 904 958 1012 1066 1120 1 174 74. 1
689 743 797 851 905 959 1013 1067 1121 1 175 75.9
690 744 798 852 906 960 1014 1068 1122 1 176 77.8
691 745 799 853 907 961 1015 1069 1123 1 177 79.6
692 746 800 854 908 962 1016 1070 1 124 1 178 81.5
693 747 801 855 909 963 1017 1071 1125 1 179 83.3
694 748 802 856 910 964 1018 1072 1126 1 180 85.2
695 749 803 857 91 1 965 1019 1073 1127 1 181 87.0
696 750 804 858 912 966 1020 1074 1128 1 182 88.9
697 751 805 859 913 967 1021 1075 1129 1 183 90.7
698 752 806 860 914 968 1022 1076 1130 1 184 92.6
699 753 807 861 915 969 1023 1077 1131 1 185 9U.4
700 75U 808 862 916 970 1024 1078 1132 1 186 96.3
701 755 809 863 917 971 1025 1079 1133 1 187 98. 1
1200 1300 moo 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100
'•• - 498
+ One
— + Zero Zero + + Zero
.000291 One Zero Zero .000291 1
+ .999848
— + .000152 .000152 + + .017455
7743 9843 0157 0157 7746 1
501 4-1
+ 998630 + 00 370 .001372 + +
. . 1 . 052408
12626 8614 1386 1388 2700 1
+ .997564 + .002436 .002442 + + .069927
7544 2456 2462 .070219 1
. 087 561
+ .996195
— + .0038051 .003820 + .087489
7446 6169 3831 3845 7782 1
+ .994522
- + .005478 .005508 + + .105104
4818 4491 5509 5539 5398 1
1 1
7710 " Corr. 4182 Corr. 5818 5852 " Co r r " Co r r 8340 1 1
+ .992546
— + .007454 .007510 + + .122785
2158 251 1 7489 7546 3080 1
+ . 990268
— + .009732 .009828 + + . 1 4054
9U6I 0228 9772 9869 0838 1
. 56434
+ . 987688
— + .012312 .012465 + + . 1 58384
6722 7643 2357 2512 8683 1
+ .984808
— + .015192 .015427 + + .176327
3935 4757 5243 5479 6630 1
5! c. s EC. SE c. SEC.
+ .981627
+ .018373 .018717 -\ +
. 1 908C9 . 1 94380
1094 1572 8428 8774 4682 1
3949 n Con
4234 10" 48
1012 "
0955 fo" 9
Corr. 8988
9356 "Corr
9415 10 10 TO
"Corr. 7703 II
8005 12
13 4520 15 71 0899 15 14 9101 9473 15 15 15 76 8308 13
14 4805 20 95 0842 20 19 9158 9532 20 20 20 101 8610 14
15 .195090 30 143 .980785 30 28 .019215 .019591 30 29 30 151 .198912 15
16 5376 40 190 0728 40 38 9272 9650 40 39 40 202 9215 16
17 5661 45 214 0672 45 43 9328 9709 45 44 45 227 9517 17
18 5946 50 238 0615 50 47 9385 9769 50 49 50 252 9820 18
19 6231 0558 9442 9828 .200122 19
.20 7912
+ .021852 .022341 h + .212557
8196 8087 1913 2404 2861 I
Sf c. SE c. SE c. SEC.
+ .974370 + .025630 .026304 ^ + .230868
5234 4305 5695 6373 1175 1
s c. SE c. SE c. SEC.
+ .970296
+ .029704 .030614 4 + .249328
2204 0225 9775 0688 9637 1
+ .965926
+ .034074
+ +
9100 5850 4150 5357 8261 1
$ EC. SE c. SE c. SEC.
+ .961262 + .038738 .040299 Hr + .286745
5917 1182 8818 0386 7060 1
Sf c. SE c. SE c. SEC.
+ + .043695 .045692 H + .305731
.292372 .956305
2650 6220 3780 5785 60U9 1
Ul 3756 " Corr. 2750 "Corr. 7250 9593 "Corr. "Corr. 8820 41
U2 4033 10 46 2662 10 15 7338 9691 10 16 10 53 9141 42
43 4310 15 69 2573 15 22 7427 9788 15 24 15 80 9461 43
44 4587 20 92 2484 20 30 7516 9886 20 33 20 107 9782 44
45 .304864 30 138 .952396 30 44 .047604 .049984 30 49 30 160 .320102 45
46 5141 MO 185 2307 UO 59 7693 050082 uo
. 65 40 214 0U23 46
47 5418 U5 208 2218 U5 67 7782 0179 U5 73 45 241 0744 47
48 5695 50 231 2129 50 74 7871 0277 50 82 50 267 1065 48
49 5972 2040 7960 0376 1386 49
+ .951056 + .048944 .051462 + .324920
9294 0967 9033 1562 5241 1
SEC. SI c. s :c sec
+ .905519
+ .050081 .057621 h +
c .325568 .344328
1 5843 5020 4576 7727 4653 1
+ .939693 + .060307 .064178 + . 363970
2294 9593 0407 4290 4300 1
7 3933 8994 1006 4969 6278 7
8 4206 8894 106
1 5083 6608 8
9 4479 R794 1206 5196 6938 9
10 .344752 .938694 .061306 .065310 .367268 10
1 5025 "Con
1 8593 "Corr 1407 5424 " Corr. "Corr. 7598 II
12 5298 10 45 8493 10 17 1507 5538 10 19 10 55 7928 12
13 5571 15 68 8392 15 25 1608 5652 15 29 15 83 8259 13
IU 5844 20 91 8292 20 34 1708 5766 20 38 20 110 8589 IU
15 .3461 17 30 136 .938191 30 50 .061809 .065881 30 57 30 165 .368920 15
16 6390 40 182 8091 40 67 1909 5995 40 76 40 220 9250 16
17 6663 45 205 7990 45 76 2010 6110 45 86 45 248 9581 17
18 6936 50 227 7889 50 84 2111 6224 50 95 50 275 991 1 18
19 7208 7788 2212 6339 .370242 19
20 .347481 .937687 .062313 .066454 .370573 20
21 7754 7586 2414 6569 0904 21
22 8027 7485 2515 6684 1235 22
23 8299 7383 2617 6799 1566 23
2U 8572 7282 2718 6915 1897 24
25 .348845 .937181 .062819 .067030 .372228 25
26 91 17 7079 2921 7146 2559 26
27 9390 6977 3023 7262 2890 27
28 9662 6876 3124 7377 3222 28
29 9935 6774 3226 7493 3553 29
30 .350207 .936672 .063328 .067609 .373885 30
31 0480 6570 3430 7726 4216 31
32 0752 6468 3532 7842 4548 32
33 1025 6366 3634 7958 4880 33
34 1297 6264 3736 8075 5212 34
35 351569 .936162 .063838 .068191 .375543 35
36 1842 6060 3940 8308 5875 36
37 21 14 5957 4043 8425 6207 37
38 2386 5855 4145 8542 6539 38
39 2658 5752 4248 8659 6872 39
MO .352931 .935650 .064350 .068776 . 377204 40
HI 3203 " Corr. 5547 "Corr. 4453 8894 " Co r r "Cor 7536 41
42 3475 1.0 45 5444 10 17 4556 901 10
1 20 10 55 7868 42
43 3747 15 68 5341 15 26 4659 9129 15 29 15 83 8201 43
44 4019 20 91 5238 20 34 4762 9246 20 39 20 1 II 8534 44
45 .354291 30 136 .935135 30 52 .064865 .069364 30 59 30 166 .378866 45
U6 4563 U0 181 5032 40 69 4968 9482 40 79 40 222 9199 46
H7 4835 U5 204 4929 45 77 5071 9600 45 88 45 250 9532 47
U8 5107 50 227 4826 50 86 5174 9718 50 98 50 277 9864 48
U9 5379 4722 5278 9836 .360197 49
50 .355651 .934619 .065381 .069955 .380530 50
51 5923 4515 5485 .070073 0863 51
52 6194 4412 5588 0192 1196 52
53 6466 4308 5692 031 1 1530 53
54 6738 4204 5796 0430 1863 54
55 .357010 .934101 .065899 .070548 .382196 55
56 7281 3997 6003 0668 2530 56
57 7553 3893 6107 0787 2863 57
58 7825 3789 621 1 0906 3197 58
59 8096 3685 6315 1025 3530 59
60 .358368 .933580 .066420 .071145 .383864 60
SE c. SE c. SEC. SEC.
. 358368
.933580 + .066420 .071145 + + .383864
1 8640 3476 6524 1265 4198 1
20 .363793 . 93 480
1 .068520 .073561 . 390554 20
21 406U 1374 8626 3683 0889 21
22 4335 1268 8732 3805 1225 22
23 4606 1162 8838 3927 1560 23
2U 4877 1056 8944 4050 1896 24
25 .365148 .930950 . 069050 .074172 .392231 25
26 5418 0843 9157 4295 " Co r r .
" Cor r 2567 25
27 5689 0737 9263 4417 10 21 10 56 2903 27
28 5960 0631 9369 4540 15 31 15 84 3239 23
29 6231 0524 9476 4663 20 41 20 1 12 3574 29
30 . 36650 .930418 .069582 .074786 30 62 30 168 .393910 3D
31 6772 0311 9689 4910 40 82 40 224 4246 31
32 7042 0204 9796 5033 45 92 45 252 4583 32
33 7313 0097 9903 5156 50 103 50 280 4919 33
3U 7584 .929990 .070010 5280 5255 34
35 . 367854 . 929884 .0701 16 .075404 . 395592 35
36 8125 9776 0224 5527 5928 33
37 8395 9669 0331 5651 6264 37
38 8665 9562 0438 5775 6601 33
39 8936 9455 0545 5900 6938 39
UO .369206 .929348 .070652 .076024 .397275 40
41 9476 " Corr. 9240 "Corr 0760 6148 761 1
U2 9747 10 45 9133 1(5" 16 0867 6273 7948 42
43 .370017 15 68 9025 15 27 0975 6397 8285 43
44 0287 20 90 8917 20 36 1083 6522 8622 44
+ .920505
— + .079495 .086360 + + .424475
o .
0999 0391 9609 6495 4818 1
. 406737
+ .913546 + .086454 .094636 + + .445229
7002 3427 6573 4778 5577 1
7 8596 2715 7285 5632 10 24 10 58 7671 7
8 8862 2596 7404 5775 15 36 15 87 8020 8
9 9127 :;78 7522 5917 20 48 20 1 16 8369 9
10 . U09392 .912358 .087642 .096060 30 72 30 175 . 4487 101
SE c. SE c. SEC SEC.
+ - + .093692 .103378 + +
c .422618 .92^225 . 466308
2682 6165 3815 3528 6662 1
tie 4707 UO 175 0572 UG 84 9428 0406 " Corr. " Corr. 2701 ue
47 4969 -5 196 OUU5 US 95 9555 0562 10 26 10 60 2:e: k7
-3 5231 50 218 0319 50 105 9661 0718 15 39 15 90 3419 48
ug 5493 0192 96C8 C874 20 52 20 120 3778 49
5C .435755 .900065 .099935 . 1 1 1030 30 78 30 180 . 484 37 5C
S! c. SE c. SEC. SEC.
+ .891006 + . 1 08994 .122326 + + .509525
4250 0874 9126 2493 9892 1
+ .882948 + .117052 . 1 32570 + + .531709
9728 2811 7189 2745 2083 1
Co r r
Co r r 8997
48 1754 50 212 6307 50 117 3693 1153 15 46 15 95 9755 48
49 2009 6166 3834 1336 20 61 20 126 .550134 49
50 .482263 .876026 .123974 . 141518 30 91 30 190 .550512 50
51 2518 5886 41 14 1701 40 122 40 253 0892 51
52 2773 5746 4254 1884 45 137 45 284 1271 52
53 3028 5605 4395 2067 50 152 50 316 1650 53
54 3282 5464 4536 2251 2030 54
55 .483537 .875324 . 24676 .142434
1 .552409 55
56 3792 5183 4817 2618 2789 56
57 4046 5042 4958 2802 3169 57
58 4301 4902 5098 2986 3549 58
59 4555 4761 5239 3170 3929 59
60 .484810 .874620 .125380 43354 . 1 .554309 60
21 . 490 43
1 1642 8358 7260 2322 21
22 0397 1499 8501 7448 2705 22
23 0650 1357 8643 7636 3088 23
24 0904 1214 8786 7824 3471 24
25 .491 157 .871071 . 128929 . 1 480 1 .563854 25
26 1410
8200 " Cor r. " Corr.
8389 TO ~32 ro s~4
- 4238 26
27 27
28 1917 0642 9358 8578 15 47 15 96 5005 28
23 2170 0499 9501 8766 20 63 20 128 5389 29
30 .492424 .870356 . 129644 . 148956 30 95 30 192 .565773 30
31 2677 0212 9788 9145 40 126 40 256 6157 31
32 2930 0069 9931 9334 45 143 45 288 6541 32
33 3183 .869926 . 1 30074 9524 50 158 50 320 6925 33
34 3436 9782 0218 9713 7310 34
35 . 493689 .869639 . 130361 . 1 49903 .567694 35
36 3942 9495 0505 . 1 50093 8079 36
37 4195 9351 0649 0283 8464 37
38 4448 9207 0793 0473 8849 38
39 4700 9064 0936 0664 9234 39
UO .494953 .868920 . 1 3 080
1 . 1 50854 .5696 1 40
41 5206 " Co r r 8776 "C orr. 1224 1045 .570004 41
42 5459 10 42 8632 10^4 1368 1236 0390 42
U3 5711 15 63 8487 15 36 1513 1427 0776 43
44 5964 20 84 8343 20 48 1657 1618 1161 44
U5 . 4962 6 1 30 126 .868199 50 72 . 131801 .151810 .571547 45
46 6469 40 168 8054 40 96 1946 2002 n Corr.
_ " Co r r 1933 46
47 6722 45 189 7910 45 108 2090 2193 I0 T2 10 64 2319 47
48 6974 50 210 7766 50 120 2234 2385 15 48 15 97 2705 48
49 7226 7621 2379 2577 20 64 20 129 3092 49
50 .497479 .867476 .132524 . 1 52769 30 96 30 193 .573478 50
51 7731 7331 2669 2962 40 128 40 256 3865 51
52 7983 7187 2813 3154 45 144 45 290 4252 52
53 8236 7042 2958 3347 50 160 50 322 4638 53
54 8488 6897 3103 3540 5026 54
55 . 498740 .866752 .133248 .153733 . 5754 1 55
56 8992 6607 3393 3926 5800 56
67 9244 6461 3539 4120 6187 57
68 9496 6316 3684 4313 6575 58
58 9748 6171 3829 4507 6962 59
s c. s c. SEC. SEC.
. 500000
.866025 . 1 33975 . 1 54700 + + .577350
0252 5880 4120 4894 7738 1
5267 7017 2983 6637 1257 1
Co r r . 9221 46
9624 47
U8 6956 50 206 .849893 50 128 .150107 6619 15 53 15 ICI .620026 48
U9 7203 9739 0261 6831 20 71 20 134 0U29 U9
5'..527450 .849586 .150414 . 1 77044 30 106 30 202 .620632 50
51 7697 9432 0568 7257 40 142 40 269 1235 51
52 7944 9279 2"2 7469 45 160 45 302 1638 52
52 8191 9125 0875 7682 50 177 50 336 2042 53
n 8438 8972 1028 7896 2445 5^4
55 . 528685 .848818 . 151 182 .178109 .622849 55
56 8932 866U 1336 8322 3253 56
57 9179 8510 1490 6536 3657 57
58 9U26 8356 1644 8750 4061 58
59 9673 8202 1798 8964 4465 59
6C .529919 .848048 .151952 .179178 .624869 60
. 11
3 0659 7585 2415 9822 15 54 15 101 6083 3
M 0906 7431 2569 .180037 20 72 20 135 6488 4
5 . 53 1 521 .847276 .152724 .180252 30 108 30 203 .626894 5
6 1399 7122 2878 0468 40 144 40 270 7299 6
7 1645 6967 3033 0683 45 162 45 304 7704 7
1891 6813 3187 0899 50 180 50 '338 81 10
8 B
9 2138 6658 3342 115 1 8516 9
10 .532384 .846503 . 1 53497 .181331 .628922 10
1 1
2630 " Co r r 6348 " Corr. 3652 1547 9327 I |
SI c. SE c. SEC. SEC.
4844 0" 40
1954 fO 27
"Corr. 7864
U3 5086 15 60 1793 15 40 8207 2223 7337 H3
44 5328 20 81 1631 2 3 54 8369 2456 7756 44
U5 . 555570 30 121 .831470 5C 81 .168530 .202690 .666!79|45
46 5812 uc 161 1308 W 108 8692 2924 " Corr. "Corr. - 8600 46
47 6054 ~3 181 1 146 W5 121 8854 3158 I0~T9 'iC 7C 902C 47
U8 6296 50 202 0984 -:: 135 9016 3392 15 59 15 106 U8
U9 6537 0823 9177 3626 20 76 ,2C 141 9663
50 .556779 .830661 .169339 .203861 30 118 30 211 .670264
51 7021 0499 9501 4096 40 157 40 281 D70€ 51
52 7262 0337 9663 4331 45 176 45 316 1128 52
53 7504 0174 9826 4566 50 196 50 352 1550 53
5U 7745 0012 9988 4601 1972 c -
8021 8846 1154 6329 "Corr. "Corr. 6987 1
Co r r 3678 16
4125 17
18 2013 50 195 5928 50 143 4072 0805 15 67 15 1 12 4573 18
19 2248 5756 4244 1070 20 89 20 150 5021 19
.615662 + . 7880 1 1
+ .21 1989.269018 + + .781286
5891 7832 2168 9307 " Corr. "Corr. 1754 1
6386 32
Co r r 3063 46
3542 U7
48 6604 50 189 9338 50 152 0662 3140 15 75 15 120 4021 48
149 6830 9156 0844 3441 20 100 20 160 4500 U9
50 .627057 . 778973 .221027 .283741 30 151 30 240 .804979 50
51 7284 8791 1209 4042 40 201 40 320 5458 51
52 7510 8608 1392 4343 45 226 45 360 5938 52
53 7737 8426 1574 4644 50 251 50 400 6418 53
54 7963 8243 1757 4944 6898 5U
55 .b28l89 .778060 .221940 .285247 .807379 55
56 8416 7878 2122 5549 7859 56
57 8642 7695 2305 5851 8340 57
58 8868 7512 2488 6154 8821 58
59 9094 7329 2671 6457 9302 59
60 .629320 .777146 .222854 .286760 .809784 60
.629320 + 777 46
- + .222854 .286760 + +
. 1 .809784 o
7063 " Co r r
7366 T0~TT
Co r r .810266
2 2
3 9998 6596 3404 7670 15 76 15 121 1230 3
4 .630224 6413 3587 7974 20 102 20 161 1712 4
5 .630450 .776230 .223770 . 288278 30 152 30 242 .812195 5
6 0676 6046 3954 8583 40 203 40 322 2678 6
7 0902 5863 4137 8888 45 229 45 362 3161 7
8 1 127 5679 4321 9192 50 254 50 403 3644 8
9 1353 5496 4504 9498 4128 9
10 . 63 578
1 .775312 .224688 .269803 .814612 10
1 1
1804 " Co r r 5128 "C orr. 4872 .290109 5096 I |
SE c. SE c. SEC. SEC.
+ .75U7I0
— + .2U5290 .325013 + + .869287
6278 U5I9 5U8I 53U8 n Co r r Corr 9798 1
2653 26
3171 27
27 1966
28 2I8U 93UI 0659 U506 15 86 15 130 3689 28
29 2402 9IU8 0852 U8U9 20 15 1 20 173 U207 29
30 .662620 .7U8956 .25I0UU .335192 30 172 30 259 .88U725 30
31 2838 8763 1237 5536 UO 229 UO 3U6 52UU 31
32 3056 8570 IU30 5880 U5 258 U5 369 5763 32
33 3273 8377 1623 6225 50 286 50 U32 6282 33
3U 3491 8I8U 1816 6569 6802 34
35 .663709 .7U799I .252009 .3369 1 .887322 35
36 3926 7798 2202 7259 76U2 38
37 umu 7605 2395 7605 8362 37
38 U36I 7UI2 2588 7951 8882 38
39 U578 7218 2782 8297 9U03 39
+ .743145
— + .256855 .345633 + + .900404
9347 2950 7050 5985 "
Co r r .
" Co
r r . 0931
9563 2755 7245 6338 IC 59 \0~~88 1458
2 2
3 9779 2561 7439 6691 15 89 15 132 1985 3
M 9995 2366 7634 7045 20 118 20 176 2513 U
5 .670211 .742171 .257829 .347399 30 177 30 264 .903041 5
6 0427 1976 8024 7753 40 236 40 352 3569 6
7 0642 1781 8219 8107 45 266 45 396 4098 7
8 0858 1586 8414 8462 50 295 50 440 4627 8
9 I07U 1390 8610 8817 5156 9
10 .671290 .741 195 . 258805 .349172 .905665 10
1 1 1505
Corr. 1000 "
0805 ro— 33
Co r r 9000
9528 " Co r r
9884 10-59
- 88
Co r r . 6215
6745 12
1 1
13 1936 15 54 0609 15 49 9391 .350240 15 89 15 133 7275 13
14 2152 20 72 0414 20 65 9586 0596 20 19 1 20 177 .7805 IU
15 .672367 30 108 .740218 30 98 .259782 .350953 30 179 30 266 .908336 15
16 2582 MO UU 1 0022 40 130 9978 1310 40 238 40 354 8867 16
17 2797 45 161 .739827 45 147 .260173 1666 45 268 45 398 9396 17
18 3012 50 179 9631 50 163 0369 2025 50 298 50 443 9930 18
19 3228 9435 0565 2383 .910462 19
20 .673443 .739239 .260761 .352742 .910994 20
21 3658 9044 0956 3100 " Co r r " Co r r . 1526 21
22 3873 8848 1152 3459 I0~"60 10 89 2059 22
23 4088 8652 1348 3818 15 90 15 133 2592 23
2U U302 8455 1545 4178 20 120 20 178 3126 2 14 i
4915 "TO 33
Corr. 4888 .360337 " Co r r
5085 0702 TO 61
- "
Co r r
U3 8373 15 53 4717 15 49 5283 1068 15 92 15 135 3312 U3
UU 8587 20 71 4520 20 66 5480 1433 20 122 20 180 3851 UU
45 .678801 30 107 .734322 30 99 .265678 . 36 800 30 183 30 270 .924390 U5
+ .731354
— + .265646 .367328 + + .932515
221 1 1 155 6645 7698 " Co r r 3059 1
Co r r . 4001
22 22
23 6876 6774 3226 5943 15 95 15 136 5102 23
24 7088 6575 3425 6321 20 126 20 164 5653 24
25 .687299 .726375 .273625 .376700 30 190 30 276 .946204 25
26 7510 6175 3825 7079 40 253 40 368 6756 26
27 7721 5975 4025 7458 45 284 45 414 7307 27
28 7932 5775 4225 7838 50 316 50 459 7860 28
29 8144 5575 4425 6218 8412 29
30 .688355 .725374 .274626 378598 . .948965 30
31 8566 5174 4826 8979 " Co r r .
Co r r 9518 31
32 8776 4974 5026 9360 10 64 m~92 .950071 32
33 8987 4773 5227 9742 15 96 15 139 0624 33
3U 9198 4573 5427 .380123 20 127 20 185 178 3U
+ .719340
- + .280660 .390164 + + .965669
4868 9138 0862 0554 " Corr. " Corr. 6251 1
.707107 + . 707 07 1
— + .292893 .414214 + + 1 .00000
7312 6901 3099 4625 n r
torr .00058 1
1 9366 " Corr.
9571 ro^u
463U ro"3n
" Co r r . 5159
8760 " Corr.
9176 ro~59
Co r r .00642
ID —
C(,r r
. .02414
42 TTJ)
— + .305342 .439556 + + 1.03553
9542 4449 5551 9990 " Corr .03613 1
1 1559
Co r r . 2353
" Cor
r 7647
4350 " Co r r
4788 ro~73
. "Corr.
- TO
— + .318002 .466279 + + 1.07237
1552 1786 8214 6737 _!!_Corr. .07299 1
1 4430
14498 52
6995 TO" 32
37 TO"
6359 9892 " Corr.
6579 .530408 R5 86
- "
Co r r .15783
1 1
12 1 1
13 7185 15 47 3200 15 55 6800 0924 15 129 15 17 .15919 13
114 7375 20 63 2980 20 73 7020 1440 20 172 20 23 .15987 14
15 .757565 30 95 .652760 30 101 .347240 .531957 30 259 30 34 1.16056 15
16 7755 40 127 2539 40 147 7461 2475 40 345 40 46 .16124 16
17 7945 45 142 2319 45 165 7681 2992 45 388 45 51 16192 17
Co r r . 6466
23 9082 0995 9005 61 10 15 131 .16603 23
24 9271 0774 9226 6631 20 174 .16672 24
25 .759461 .650553 .349447 .537153 30 261 1. 16741 25
26 9650 0332 9668 7675 40 348 .16809 26
27 9839 01 1 1 9889 8198 45 392 . 6878
1 27
28 .760028 .649890 .3501 10 8721 50 435 .16947 28
29 0217 9669 0331 9245 .17016 29
30 .760406 .649448 .350552 .539769 1 . 7085 1 30
31 0595 9227 0773 .540294 " Corr. . 7 54
1 1 31
32 0784 9006 0994 0819 I0~~88 .17223 32
33 0972 8784 1216 1344 15 132 . 7292 33
. 1 1
53 4734 4346 5654 1961 15 134 18684
. 53
54 4921 4124 5876 2497 20 179 18754
. 54
55 .765109 .643901 .356099 . 553034 30 269 1.18824 55
56 5296 3678 6322 3571 40 358 18894 . 56
57 5483 3456 6544 4108 45 403 18964 . 57
58 5670 3233 6767 4646 50 448 .19035 58
59 5857 3010 6990 5185 .19105 59
60 .766044 .642788 .357212 .555724 1. 19175 60
. . 2 1
23 0328 7648 2352 8263 15 138 .20808 23
2U 0513 7424 2576 8814 20 184 .20879 24
25 .770699 .637200 .362800 569366 30 . 276 1.20951 25
26 0884 6976 3024 9919 40 368 .21023 26
27 1069 6751 3249 .570472 45 414 .21094 27
28 1254 6527 3473 1025 50 460 .21166 28
29 1440 6303 3697 1579 .21238 29
30 .771625 .636078 .363922 . 572 34
1 1. 21310 30
31 1810 5854 4146 2689 "Corr. .2 382 1
32 1994 5629 4371 3244 TTJ—53 .21454 32
33 2179 5405 4595 3800 15 139 .21526 33
3U 2364 5180 4820 4357 20 186 .21598 34
35 .772549 .634955 .365045 .574914 30 279 1.21670 35
36 2734 4730 5270 5472 40 372 .21742 36
37 2918 4506 5494 6030 45 418 .21814 37
38 3103 4281 5719 6589 50 465 .21886 38
39 3287 4056 5944 7148 .21959 39
UO .773472 .633831 .366169 . 577708 1.22031 40
m 3656 -^- 3606 " Co r r 6394 -
8268 n Corr. "Corr. .22104 41
42 3840 ro 3381 ro~3B 6619 8829 TO $4 ro 12 .22176 42
U3 4024 15 46 3156 15 56 6844 9390 15 141 15 18 .22249 43
44 4209 20 61 2931 20 75 7069 9952 20 188 20 24 .22321 44
U5 .774393 30 92 .632705 30 131 .367295 .580515 30 281 30 36 1.22394 45
46 4577 40 123 2480 40 150 7520 1078 40 375 40 48 .22467 46
U7 4761 45 138 2255 45 169 7745 1641 45 422 45 55 .22539 47
48 4944 50 153 2029 50 188 7971 2205 50 469 50 61 .22612 48
49 5128 1804 8196 2770 .22685 49
50 .775312 .631578 . 368422 .583335 1.22758 50
3900 1 Corr.
4467 TO 55
- .22831 51
.22904 52
53 5863 0902 9098 5033 15 142 .22977 53
54 6046 0676 9324 5601 20 189 .23050 54
55 .776230 .630450 .369550 .586168 30 284 1.23123 55
56 6413 0224 9776 6737 40 379 .23196 56
57 6596 .629998 .370002 7306 45 426 .23270 57
58 6780 9772 0228 7875 50 474 .23343 58
59 6963 9546 0454 8445 .23416 59
60 .777146 .629320 . 370680 .589016 1.23490 60
— + .370660 .589016 + + 1.23490
7329 9094 0906 9587 — Qqll- .23563 1
1 9156 " Corr.
9338 io~30
9520 15 46
6604 li
6377 15 57
* 3170
5328 " Corr.
5905 10 97
6482 15 145
"C Drr
. .24301
.24375 12
.24449 13
.615662 + .384338 .624269 + + 1 .27994
1 8190 5432 4568 4874 .2807 1
1 089M
1064 ro~^8
1234 15 U2
"Corr. 51914
8836 "Corr.
9525 10 15
5278 .710215 15 173
1 W
Co r r
in mou 20 57 14U86 20 79 55114 0906 20 231 2C 28 .38824 14
15 .81 15714 30 85 .58U250 30 118 .1415750 .711597 30 346 30 43 1.38909 15
16 1 71414 140 1 13 U0H4 no 157 5986 2289 40 461 40 57 .38994 16
17 91 U
1 U5 127 3777 145 177 6223 2982 45 519 45 64 .39079 17
18 208«4 50 1142 35141 50 197 6459 3675 50 577 50 71 .39165 18
19 2253 3305 6695 4369 .39250 19
+ +
.45399C .5U6CIC 1 .2C269 1.96261
1 1 138 373 6269 i
.2C395 . 96UC2 1
UO :
; 22- .UU3593 .556UC7 1 .25U32 UO
HI 6358 c :
' 3332 " Co r r 6568 .25565 .C2I87 -
U2 5-55 : 2 3C7I To~ U3 6929 .2359" .C2335 U2
U3 66 5 5 32 28IC 3 65 7I9C .2583C .C2U83 U3
-- B70U 2 9 U3 255C 2 2 87 7U5C .25963 .C263I UU
U5 :: 6U .UU2289 130 .55771 I.26C97 2.C278C U5
U6 7001 no 86 2G28 -2 I7U 7972 .2523C " Co r r .
" Co r r . .C2929 U6
7I3C -3
97 1767 --2 196
I5C6 217
.2636U IC 22
.26U98 5 3-
.C3227 U8
49 7387 I2U5 8755 .26632 2C U5 2C 5C .C3376 -9
50 .697515 .UU098U .559CI6 1 .26766 3C 67 3C 75 2.C3526 5C
51 76M3 C723 9277 .269CC UC 90 UC ICC .C3675 5
52 7772 CU62 9538 .27C35 U5 ICI U5 112 .C3825 52
53 ? 02CC 98CC .27169 5C 112 50 125 .C3975 53
5U 8C28 .U39939 .273CU .CUI25 5U
55 .U39678 .56C322 1 .27U39 2.CU276 55
56 8283 9UI7 C583 .CUU26 5*
57 em 1 9155 C8U5 .CU577 57
58 6S9U IIC6 .278U5 .CU72e 58
59 86 33 1367 .27981 .CU879 59
.U3837I .561629 1 .28117 2.C5C3C 60
. 1 . 1 .
. 6
48 21 20 50 ICC .409923 5C 221 .59CC77 .43948 15 40 15 44 .22510 48
49 2239 9658 0342 .44106 2C 53 20 58 .22683 49
50 .912358 .409392 .590608 1 .44264 30 79 30 87 2.22857 50
51 2478 9127 0873 .44423 UC IC6 40 16 1 .23C3C 51
62 2596 8862 1138 .44582 45 19 1 45 131 .23204 52
53 2715 8596 1404 .44741 50 132 50 145 .23378 53
54 2834 8330 1670 .449CC .23553 54
55 .912953 .408065 .591935 1 .45059 2.23727 55
56 3072 7799 220 .45219 .23902 56
67 31 90 7534 2466 .45378 .24077 57
Vt 3309 7268 2732 .45539 .24252 58
N 3427 7CC2 299e .45699 .24428 59
.913546 .406737
- + +
.593263 1.45859] 2.2460L o
I 3664 6471 3529 •4602C J!. Corr. "Corr.
3782 .2478C 1
2 6205 3795 .4618 10 27 10 30 .24956 2
3 3900 593S 4061 .46342 15 41 15 44
4018 .25132 3
U 5673 4327 .4650U 20 54 20 59 .25309 U
5 .914136 .405408 .594592 1.46665 30 81 30 89 2.25486 5
6 4254 5142 4858 .46827 40 108 40
7 4372
181 .25663 6
4876 5124 .4698S 45 122 45 133 .25840
8 4490 7
4610 5390 .47152 50 135 50 148 .26018
9 4607 8
4344 5656 473 .26196
. 1
10 .914725 404078 .595922 .47477
4842 _" Co r r
2.26374 10
. 381 1 "Corr. 6189 .47640 .26552 1
12 4960 10 2Q 3545 10 44 6455 47804
13 5077 15 29
.26730 12
3279 15 67 6721 .47967 .26909 13
111 5194 20 39 3013 20 89 6987 .48131 .27088 14
15 .915312 .402747 30 133 .597253 .482951
2.27267 15
16 5429 2480 40 178 7520 .48459 "Corr. "Corr. .27447 16
17 5546 2214 45 200 7786 .48624 10 27 IC 30 .27626 17
18 5663 1948 50 222 8052 .48789 15 41 15 45 .27806 18
19 5780 1681 8319 .48954 20 55 20 60 .27987 19
20 .915896 .401415 598585 1. 49119 30
82 30 90 2.28167 20
21 6013 149 8851 .49284 40 10
40 120 .28348 21 1
3 7510 3797 6203 .67525 15 48 15 52 .48132 3
4 7619 3528 6472 .67718 20 65 20 70 48340 . H
5 .927728 .373258 .626742 1.6791 30 97 30 104 2.48549 5
6 7836 2988 7012 .68105 40 129 40 139 .'48758 6
7 7945 2718 7282 .68299 45 145 45 157 .48967 7
8 8053 2448 7552 .68494 50 162 50 174 .49177 8
9 8161 2178 7822 .68689 .49386 9
10 . 928270 .371908 .628092 1 .68884 2.49597 10
1 1 8378 " Corr. 1638 "Corr. 8362 .69079 "Corr. "Corr. .49807 II
12 8486 10 18 1368 10 45 8632 .69275 10 33 10 35 .50018 12
13 859H 15 27 1098 15 68 8902 .69471 15 49 15 53 .50229 13
IM 8702 20 36 0828 20 90 9172 .69667 20 66 20 71 .50440 IU
15 .928810 30 54 .370557 30 135 .629443 1.69864 30 98 30 106 2.50652 15
16 8917 40 72 0287 40 180 9713 .70061 40 131 40 141 .50864 16
17 9025 45 81 0017 45 203 9983 .70258 45 148 45 159 .51076 17
18 9133 50 90 .369747 50 225 .630253 .70455 50 164 50 177 .51289 18
19 9240 9476 0524 .70653 .51502 19
20 .929348 .369206 .630794 1 .70851 2.51715 20
21 9455 8936 1064 .71050 " Corr. "Corr. .51929 21
22 9562 8665 1335 .71249 10 33 10 36 .52142 22
23 9669 8395 1605 .7 448 15
1 50 15 54 .52357 23
24 9776 8125 1875 .71647 20 67 20 72 .52571 2H
25 .929884 .367854 .632146 1 .71847 30 100 30 108 2 52786 25
2.53865 30
167 50 179 .53432 28
.53648 29
HE c. s c. SEC. SEC.
+ .674432 2.07155 + 2.90421
15613 5293 4707 .C74I5 "Corr. "Corr. .9C696 1
5 .967046 22 37 : 79827 15
16 7120 -2 49 4321 -2 22 .93200 UC 29C UC 299 . 80276 16
7191 U5 56 -23 2 45 21 1 232-2 -2 228 -2 337 90721 17
8 ~v-\ :: 62 3756 50 234 22-2 .94076 33 322 3 3
3~- 3 "- 18
s 7302 3477 2:23 .94514 3 333 19
"Ccrr. .87136 31
22 .2U9ei7 .750163 3 2223; 3 76 3 78 .876 3 3!
2 2 9535 0465 .007U5 15
I m 15 117 3B06E 82
2- 9036 2253 0707 .01198 2: 3 3 57
2: 2-22-2 75 :: :
3C 221 XN 25
26 9690 1310 23-"- 86
37 965c 9001 32562 145 3UI 99905 27
22 9728 8126 1874 .23222 3 579 31 59 22
22 7644 2156 33079
-: 2-":63 .752037 3.2 360 -3
- 8944 •Corr 7281 'Corr. 2719 S "Corr. Ul
-2 10 12 6999 10 U7 3 78 3 2 3 .223 6 -2
-2 -:
ie 6717 71 -:
2222 .23 322 15 1 16 -2
— 9159 22 24 6435 20 9U 20 I6C .9327 444
+ — +
.97M370 .224951 .775049 3.44541 4.33148
1 4436 4668 5332 .45102 93.5 95.8 .33723 1
104.0 IC6.3
m 6984 " Corr. 3315 " Corr. 6685 .68791
104.3 106.7
.58001 41
42 7046 10 10 3030 10 47 6970 .69417 .58641 42
43 7108 15 15 2746 15 71 7254 .70044 104.5 107.
.59283 43
104.8 107.3
un 7169 20 21 2462 20 95 7538 .70673 .59927 44
105.0 107.5
45 .977231 30 31 .212178 30 142 .787822 3.71303 4.60572 45
U6 7293 40 41 1893 40 189 8107 .71935 105.3 107.8 .61219 46
U7 7354 45 46 1609 45 213 8391 .72569 105.7 108.2 .6 868
1 47
46 7UI6 50 51 1325 50 237 8675 .73205 106.0 108.5 .62518 48
no 7477 106.3 108.8 .63171 49
1040 8960 .73843
106.5 109.0
50 .977559 .210756 .789244 3.74482 4.63825 50
51 7600 0472 9528 .75123 106.8 109.2 .64480 51
7661 0187 9813 .75766 107.2 109.7 .65138 52
/j 7722 .209903 .790097 .7641 107.5 109.8 .65797 53
7783 107.7 110.2 .66458 54
5U 9619 0381 .77057
108.0 110.5
55 .977844 .209334 . 790666 3.77705 4.67121 55
7905 9050 0950 .78355 108.3 I 10.8 .67786 56
7966 8765 1235 79007 108.7 II 1.0
.68452 57
57 .
109.0 II .5
5R 8026 8481 1519 .79661
.69121 58
8087 803 109.2 .7
59 8196 1804 . 1
1 1 1
.69791 59
109.3 1 12.0
60 .976 me .207912 . 792088 3.80973 4.70463 60
9 1
DIFF. 10"
+ + .792088 3.80973
.978148 .207912 4.70463
1 8208 7627 2373 .81633 1 1 0.0 1 \C. J .71 137 1
8329 7058 2942 .82956 1 10.3 112.8 .72490
3 3
10.8 13.3
U 8389 6773 3227 .83621
1 1
.73170 U
1 1 1 .2 113.5
5 .978449 .206489 .793511 3.84288 4.73851 5
8509 6204 3796 .84956 1 1 1 .3 113.8 .74534
6 6
7 8569 5920 4080 .85627 1 1 1 .8 114.2 .75219 7
8629 5635 4365 .86299 112.0 114.5 .75906
8 8
9 8689 5350 4650 .86973 112.3 114.8 .76595 9
12.7 115.2
10 .978748 .205066 .794934 3.87649 4.77286 10
1 1 8808 "Corr. U78I " Co r r . 5219 .88327 113.0 1 15.3 .77978 1 1
14.0 16.3
111 8986 20 20 3926 20 95 6074 .90373
! 1
.80068 14
114.2 1 16.8
15 .979046 30 30 .203642 3C 142 .796358 3.91058 4.80769 15
16 9105 mo 40 3357 UC 190 6643 .91746 114.7 117.0 .81471 16
17 9 164 45 44 3072 U5 214 6928 .92436 115.0 117.3 .82175 17
18 9223 50 49 2787 5C 237 7213 .93128 115.3 117.8 .82882 18
19 9282 2502 7498 9382
115.5 118.0 .83590 19
116.0 118.3
20 .979341 .202218 .797782 3.94517 4.84300 20
2! 9399 1933 8067 .95215 1 16.3 118.8 .85013 21
22 9458 1648 8352 .95914 1 16.5 119.0 .85727 22
9517 17.0 19.5 .86444
23 1363 8637 .96616 1 1
24 9575 17.3 19.7
1078 8922 .97320
1 1
.87162 24
1 17.5 120.0
25 .979634 .200793 .799207 3.98025 4.87882 25
26 9692 0508 9492 118.0 120.5 .88605
.98733 26
9750 0223 9777 .99443 118.3 120.8
27 .89330 27
9809 18.7 121.0
.199938 .800062 4.00155
28 .90056 28
9867 119.0 121.5
29 9653 0347 .00869 .90785 29
119.3 121.8
30 .979925 .199368 .800632 4.01585 4.91516 30
31 9983 9083 0917 .02303 119.7 122.2 .92249 31
.980040 8798 120.2 122.5
32 1202 .03024 .92984 32
33 0098 8513 120.3 122.8
1487 .03746 .93721 33
3U 0156 8228 1772 .04471
120.8 123.2 .94460 34
121 .0 123.5
35 . 9802 4 1 .197942 .802058 4.05197 4.95201 35
36 0271 7657 2343 .05926 121 .5 124.0 .95945
121 .8 124.2 36
37 0329 7372 2628 .06657 .96690 37
38 0386 7087 2913 .07390 122.2 124.7 .97438
122.5 125.0 38
39 0443 6802 3198 .08125 .98188 39
123.0 125.3
UO .980500 .196517 .803483 4.08863 4.98940 UO
123.2 125.8
0558 " Corr.
0615 TO —m 6231
5946 TO
123.7 126.0
.99695 41
5.00451 42
U3 0672 15 5661 15 71 4339 .0881 1
124.0 126.5 .01210 43
44 0728 20 19 5376 20 95 4624 .11835 124.5 126.8 .01971 44
124.7 127.2
45 . 980785 30 28 . 1 95090 30 143 .804910 4.12583 5.02734 45
0842 125.2 127.5
U6 UO 38 4805 40 190 5195 13334
. .03499 46
0899 4520 125.5 128.0
47 45 43 45 214 5480 4087
. 1 .04267 47
125.8 128.3
U8 0955 50 47 4234 50 238 5766 .14842 .05037 48
126.2 128.7
U9 1012 3949 6051 .15599 .05809 49
126.7 129.2
50 .981068 .193664 .806336 4.16359 5.06584 50
51 1 124 3378 6622 .17121 127.0 129.3 .07360 51
52 1 180 3093 6907 7886
. 1
127.5 129.8 .08139 52
53 1237 2807 7193 .18652 127.7 130.3 .08921 53
5U 1293 2522 7478 .19421 128.2 130.5 .09704 54
128.7 131.0
55 .981349 .192236 .807764 4.20193 5.10490 55
56 mou 1951 8049 .20966 128.8 131.5 .11279 56
57 1460 1666 8334 .21742 129.3 131.7 .12069
129.7 132.2 57
58 1516 1380 8620 .22520 .12862 58
59 1572 1094 8906 .23301 130.2 132.7 .13658
130.5 59
60 .981627 . 1 90809 .809191 4.24084 5.14455 60
+ - +
.981627 .190809 .809 9 4.24C84
1 5.14455
1 1683 0523 9477 .2H870 131 .0 133.5 .15256
1738 0238 9762 .25658 131.3 133.7
2 .16058 2
1793 .189952 .8ICCH8 .26448 131.7 134.2
3 .16863 3
132.2 134.7
4 I8H8 9667 0333 .27241 .17671 H
132.5 134.8
5 .981904 .189381 .810619 H. 28036 5 . 8480
1 5
6 1959 9095 0905 .28833 132.8 135.5 .19293 6
7 20IM 8810 190 .2963H 133.5 135.7 .20107
2069 852H IH76 .30H36 133.7 136.3
8 .20925 e
2123 134.2 136.5
9 8238 1762 .31241 .21744 9
I3H.7 137.0
10 . 982 78
1 .187953 .8I20H7 4.32049 5.22566 10
7667 1
Corr. 2333 .32859 135.0 137.5
1 1 2233 " Corr. .23391 1
135.3 137.8
12 2287 10 9 7381 10 48 2619 .33671 .24218 12
135.8 138.3
13 2342 15 IH 7096 15 71 2904 .3HH86 .25048 13
136.3 138.7
111 2396 2C 18 6810 20 95 3190 .3530H
.25880 IH
15 .982H50 30 27 .186524 30 IH3 .8I3U76 H.36I2H 5.26715 15
16 2505 UC 36 6238 MO 190 3762 .36947 137.2 139.7 .27553 16
17 2559 45 HI 5952 H5 2IH 4048 .37772 137.5 140.0 .28393 17
18 2613 5C H5 5667 50 238 H333 .38600 138.0 140.3 .29235 18
19 2667 5381 H6I9 .39H30 138.3 140.8 .30080 19
138.8 141.3
20 .982721 .185095 .8IH905 H.H0263 5.3C928 20
21 2774 H809 5191 .HI099 139.3 141.7 .31778 21
22 2828 H523 5H77 .HI 937 139.7 142.2 .32631 22
23 2882 H237 5763 .H2778 IHC.2 142.7 .33487 23
2U 2935 3951 6CH9 .H3622 IH0.7 143.0 .34345 2H
IHI.O 143.5
25 .982989 .183665 .816335 4.44468 5.35206 25
26 3042 3380 6620 .H53I7 IHI .5 144.0 .36070 26
27 3096 3094 69C6 .46169 142.0 144.3 .36936 27
142.3 144.8
— 7192
.8I776H 4.4874C
31 3308 I95C 8050 .H9603 .40429 31
IHH.2 146.7 .41309
32 3361 I66H 8336 .50468 32
3HIH 1377 8623 .51337 144.8 147.2 .42192 33
34 3H66 1091 8909 .52208 145.2 147.7 .43078 3H
145.5 148.0
35 .983519 .I8C8C5 .819195 H.53C8I 5.43966 35
36 3572 0519 9481 .53958 146.2 148.5 .44857 38
362H 0233 9767 .5H837 146.5 149.0 .45751 37
3676 .I799H7 .820053 .55720 147.2 149.5 .46648 38
147.5 150.
39 3729 9661 0339 .56605 .47548 39
148.0 150.5
HO .983781 .179375 .820625 H.57H93 5.48451 HO
148.3 150.8
3833 "Corr.
3885 re
3937 15 13
— 9088 "Corr.
8802 TO H8
8516 15 72
3989 2C 8230 20 95 1770 .61073 149.8 152.3 .52090 HH
HH 17
150.5 152.8
H5 .984041 3C 26 .I779HH 30 IH3 .822056 4. 6 1976 5.530C7 H5
U6 4092 4C 7657 HO 191 2343 150.8 153.3 .53927 H6
35 .62881
4144 7371 H5 215 151 .5 154.0 .54851 H7
H7 45 39 2629 .63790
H8 HI 96 5C H3 7085 50 239 2915 .6H70I 151 .8 154.3 .55777 H8
H2H7 152.5 154.8 .56706 H9
49 6798 3202 .65616
152.8 155.3
50 .98H298 .176512 .823488 4.66533 5.57638 50
H350 3774 .67H5H 153.5 155.3 .58573 51
51 6226 1
HHOI 5940 H060 .68377 153.8 .5951 52
HH52 4347 .6930U 154.5 156.8 .60452 53
53 5653
155.0 157.5 .61397 5H
54 H503 5367 H633 .70234
155.3 157.8
55 .98H55H . 1 75080 .82H92C 4 7 66 . 1 1 5.62344 55
56 H605 H79H 5206 .72102 156.0 158.5 .63295 56
57 H656 H508 5H92 .730HI 156.5 158.8 .64248 57
U707 H22I 5779 .73983 157.0 159.5 .65205 58
58 1
F >R FOR OIFF. 10"
— +
.826352 4.75877 5.67128
1 4858 3362 6638 .76829 158.7 161 .0
.68094 1
+ — +
.987688 .156434 .843566 5.39245 6.31375
6147 196.2 198.5
7734 3853 .40422 .32566 I
214.0 216.3
24 8756 9535 C465 .68738 .61219 24
214.8 217.3
25 .9888CC .149248 .850752 5.70027 6.62523 25
88U3 215.7 218.0 .63831 26
26 8960 IC40 .71321
216.9 218.8
27 8886 8672 1328 .72620 .65144 27
217.3 219.8
28 8930 8385 1615 .73924 .66463 28
218.2 220.7 .67787 29
29 8973 8097 1903 .75233
219.0 221.5
30 .989016 . 1 478C9 .852191 5.76547 6.691 16 30
7522 2478 .77866 219.8 222.3 .70450 31
31 9059
9102 7234 2766 .79191 220.8 223.2 .71789 32
32 224.0
221 .7 .73133 33
33 9144 6946 3054 .80521
9187 6658 3342 .81856 222.5 225.0 .74483 34
223.3 225.8
35 .989230 .146371 .853629 5.83196 6.75838 35
36 9272 6083 3917 .84542 224.3 226.8 .77199 36
37 9315 5795 42C5 .85893 225.2 227.5 .78564 37
38 9357 5508 4492 .87250 226.2 228.7 .79936 38
39 9399 5220 4780 .88612 227.0 229.3 .81312 39
227.8 230.3
40 .989442 . 1 44932 .855068 5.89979 6.82694 40
4644 B Corr. 5356 .91352 228.8 231 .3 .64082
41 9484 " Co r r .
7 5644
229.8 .85475 42
42 9526 TO 4356 TO 48 .92731
230.7 233.2
43 9568 15 10 4068 15 72 5932 .941 15 .86874 43
231 .7 234.0 .88278 44
44 9610 20 14 3780 20 96 6220 .95505 232.5 235.0
45 .989651 30 21 43493 30 144 .856507 5.9690C 6.89668 45
. 1
243.2 245.7
56 0106 0325 9675 .12630 244.3 246.7
57 0146 0037 9963 4096
. .C7C5S 57
246.3 248.7
59 0228 9U6I 0539 7046
. . 0036 59
247.3 249.8
60 .990268 .139173 .860827 6.18530 7.1 1537 60
. . 3 3
2 250.3 253.0 2
3 0389 8309 1691 .23019 .16071 3
251.7 253.8
4 0429 8021 1979 .24529 .17594 U
252.5 255.2
5 .990469 .137733 .862267 6.26044 7.19125 5
0510 7444 253.7 256.0
6 2556 .27566
.20661 6
7 0549 7156 2844 .29095 254.8 ..22204 7
0589 3132 .30630
255.8 258.3 .23754
8 6868 8
"580 3420 .32171 256.8 259.3 .25310
9 0629 9
258.0 260.5
10 .990669 .136292 .863708 6.33719 7.26873 10
1 07C8 JLCorr
1 6004 1 Co rr 3996 .35274 259.2 261.5 .28442 II
12 07U8 10 7 5716 10 48 4284 .36835 260.2 262.7 .30018 12
13 0787 15 10 5427 15 72 4573 .38403 261.3 263.7 .31600 13
1U 0827 20 13 5139 20 96 4861 .39978 262.5 265.0 .33190 14
263.7 266.0
15 .990866 30 20 .134851 30 144 .865149 6.41560 7.34786 15
16 0905 UC 26 4563 UC 192 5437 .43148 264.7 267.2 .36389 16
17 C9UM 45 29 4274 U5 216 5726 .44743 265.8 268.3 .37999 17
18 C983 50 33 3986 50 240 6014 .46346 267.2 269.5 .39616 18
19 1022 3698 6302 .47955 268.2 270.7 .41240 19
269.3 271 .8
20 .991061 .133410 .866590 6.49571 7.42871 20
21 HOC 3121 6879 .51 194 270.5 273.0 .144509 21
22 1138 2833 7167 .52825 271.8 274.2 .46154 22
23 1 177 2545 7455 .54462 272.8 275.3 .U78C6 23
24 1216 2256 7744 .56107 274.2 276.5 .49465 24
275.3 277.8
25 .991254 .131968 .868032 6.57759 7.51 132 25
26 1292 1680 8320 .59418 276.5 279.0 .52806 26
27 1331 1391 8609 .61085 277.8 280.2 .54487 27
1369 103 8897 .62759 279.0 281 .5
.56176 28
28 1
+ .878131 7.20551 8.14435
1 2582 1581 bh g .225CC 324.8 327.2 .16398 1
388.8 391.2
27 38CC iiec 882C .99444 .93867 37
C89I 9IC9 8.CI788 39C.7 393.3 .96227 38
23 3833 393. C 395.2
30 3865 C6C2 9398 .C4I46 .98598 39
394.8 397.5
HO .993897 .IIC3I3 .889687 8.C65I5 9.CC983 40
41 3929 Corr CC23 lorr. | 9977 .C8897 397.0 399.3 .C3379 Ul
3961 10 5 .109734 7c 48 .89C266 .11292 399.2 4CI .7 .C5789 42
H2 4CI .2 1103.7
uo 3993 15 8 9445 15 72 C555 .13699 .0821 43
9156 20 96 C844 .16120 403.5 4C5.e .10646 44
4. UC25 2C II
4C5.5 407.8
US .994056 30 16 .ICS867 30 145 .891133 8.18553 9.I3C93 45
4C7.7 410.2 .15554
46 ucee UO 21 8578 4 193 1422 .2C999 46
4IC.C 412.3 .l8C2e 47
47 41 20 U5 2U 8288 45 217 1712 .23459
412.0 414.7
KG u 5i 50 26 7999 50 2M 2CCI .25931 .2C5I6 48
414.3 416.7 .23016 49
ng Ml 82 77IC 2290 .28417 419.0
.994214 .107421 .892579 8.3C9I7 42K3 9.2553C 50
418.8 .28058
51 4245 7132 2eee .3343C 421.2 423.5 51
52 4276 68U2 3i5e .35957 .3C599 52
423.3 425.8 .33154
53 43C7 6553 3447 .38497 425.8 428.3 53
5D U338 6264 3736 .4IC52 .35724 54
428. C 43C.5
55 .994369 .105975 .894025 e.4362C 9.383C7 55
430. 432.8
M 44CC 5686
432.8 435.2
.40904 56
.43515 57
57 4430 .
435.2 437.7
58 4461 5107 4693 .51411 .46141 58
437.7 44C.C 4878
59 4491 4818 5182 .54C37 442.5
. 59
60 994522 .I0U528 .895472 8.56677 9.51436 60
. . 3
- + .895472 8.56677 9.51436
.994522 . 1
442.5 445.0
4552 14239 5761 .59332 .54106
445.0 447.5 1
496.3 50.0
21 84451 1549 . 5730
1 .1080 21
5I7C 8162 1838 .18725
499.2 50.2
.1381 22
5199 7872
502. 50.3
23 2128 .21739 .1683 23
5227 505.2 50.8
24 7583 2417 .24770 .1988 24
508.2 51 .0
25 .995256 .097293 .902707 9.27819 10.2294 25
51 1.3 51 .3
26 5284 7004 2996 .30887 .2602 26
5312 6714 .33973
514.2 51.8 .2913
27 3286 27
534C 3575 .37077
517.3 51.8
28 6425 .3224 28
5368 6135 3865 .40201
520.7 52.3 .3538
29 523.7 52.7 29
30 .995396 .C958U6 .904154 9.43343 10.3854 30
31 5424 5556 4444 .46505 527.0 53.0 .4172 31
32 5452 5267 4733 49685.
530.0 53.2 .4491 32
33 548C 14977 5023 .52886 533.5 53.7 .4813 33
34 5507 14688 5312 .56106 536.7 53.8 .5136 34
540.0 54.3
35 .995534 .094398 .905602 9.59346 10.5462 35
543.2 54.5
36 5562 14108 5892 .62605 .5789 36
546.5 54.8
37 5589 3819 6181 .65885 550.2 55.3 .61 18 37
38 5616 3529 6471 .69186 553.5 55.5 .6450 38
39 5644 32140 6760 .72507 557.0 56.0 .6783 39
UO .995671 .092950 .907050 9.75849 10.71 19 40
n 560.5 56.3 .7457 41
41 5698 Co r r 2660 "Corr. 7340 .79212 564.0 56.7
U2 5725 10 4 2371 TO" 48 7629 .82596 .7797 42
567.5 57.0
U3 5752 15 7 2081 15 72 7919 .86001
571.2 57.3 .8139 43
44 5778 20 9 1791 20 97 8209 .89428 574.8 57.7 .8483 44
45 .995805 30 13 .091502 30 145 .908498 9.92877 10.8829 45
578.5 58.2
U6 5832 U0 18 1212 40 193 8788 .96348 582.2 58.3 .9178 46
47 5858 M5 20 0922 45 217 9078 .99841 59.0 .9528 47
48 5884 50 22 0633 50 241 9367 10.0336 58.8 59.2 .9882 48
149 591 1 03143 9657 .0689 59.3 59.5 11.0237 49
50 .995937 .090053 .909947 10.1045 .0594 50
59.8 60.0 1 1
+ — +
.996195 .087156 .912844 10.4737 1 1 .4301
1 6220 6866 3134 .5120 63.9 .4665 I
15 .996566 30 12 .082808 30 145 .917192 1 1.0761 12.0346 15
16 6590 40 16 2518 40 193 7482 .1185 70.8 .0772 16
6614 45 18 2228 45 217 7772 .1612 71.3 .1201 17
13 6637 50 20 1938 50 242 8062 .2043 71.8 .1632 18
19 6661 1649 8351 .2476 72.3 .2067 19
20 .996685 .081359 .918641 1 1.2913 12.2505 20
6708 1069 8931 .3352 73.3 .2946 21
6732 0779 9221 .3795 73.9 .3390 22
6756 0489 9511 .4241
74.5 .3838 23
24 6779 0199 9801 .4690 .4288 24
25 .996802 .079909 .920091 1 1 .5 42
1 1 2 4742 25
9619 76.1
26 6825 0381 .5598 .5199 26
6848 9329 0671 .6057 76.6 .5660 27
6872 9039 0961 .6520 77.2 .6124 28
6894 8749 1251 .6986 77.8 .6591 29
23 78.3
30 .996917 .078459 .921541 1 1.7455 12.7062 30
31 6940 8169 1831 .7928 78.9 .7536 31
32 6963 7879 2121 .8404 79.5 .8dm 32
33 6985 7589 241 1 .8884 80.2 .8496 33
34 7008 7299 2701 .9368 80. .8981 34
81 .4
35 .997030 .077009 .922991 11.9855 12.9469 35
35 7053 6719 3281 12.0346 82.0 .9962 38
37 7075 6429 3571 .0840 82.6 13.0458 37
38 7097 6139 3861 .1339 83.3 .0958 38
39 71 19 5849 4151 .1841 83.9 .1461 39
40 .997141 .075559 .924441 12.2347 13.1969 40
85.1 41
Ul 7163 "Corr. 5269 "Corr. 4731 .2857 .2480
42 7185 10 4 4979 10 48 502 1 .3371 85.8 .2996 42
43 7207 15 5 4689 15 73 531 1 .3889 86.4 .3515 43
4399 20 97 87.1 44
44 7229 20 7 5601 .4411 .4039
45 .997250 30 1 1 .074108 30 145 .925892 12.4937 13.4566 45
46 7272 40 14 3818 40 193 6182 .5468 88.5 .5098 46
47 7293 45 16 3528 45 218 6472 .6002 89.2 .5634 47
48 7314 50 18 3238 50 242 6762 .6541 89.9 .6174 48
49 7336 2948 7052 .7064 90.6 .6719 49
50 .997357 .072658 .927342 12.7631 13.7267 50
51 7378 2368 7632 .8183 .7821 51
7399 2078 7922 .8739 92.8 .8378 52
7420 1788 8212 .9300 93.6 .8940 53
7441 1497 8503 .9865 94.4 .9507 54
55 .997462 .071207 .928793 13.0435 14.0079 55
7482 0917 9083 .1010 95.9 .0655 56
56 96.6
57 7503 0627 9373 .1589 .1235 57
0337 9663
97.5 58
53 7523 .2173 .1821
0047 9953 98.3
59 7544 .2762 .241 1 59
60 .997564 .069756 .930244 13.3356 1 4 . 3CC7 60
9 1
+ + .930244 13.3356
.997564 .069756 14.3007
7584 9466 0534 .3955 99.9 .3607 1
12 7802 10 3 6274 10 48 3726 .0889
15.0557 12
13 7821 15 5 5984 15 73 4016 .1553
1 1.8
.1222 13
43 8358 15 4 7274 15 73 2726 .4600 .4314 43
44 8375 20 5 6983 20 97 3017 .5490 .5205 44
45 . 998392 30 8 .056693 30 145 .943307 16.6389 17.6106 U5
151 .5
46 8408 40 1 1 6402 40 194 3598 .7298 .7015 46
153.0 .7934
U7 8424 45 12 6112 45 218 3888 .8215 47
U3 8441 50 14 5822 50 242 4178 .9142 .8863 48
49 8457 5531 4469 17.0079 .9802 49
50 .998473 .055241 .944759 17. 1026 18.0750 50
159.6 .1708 51
51 8489 4950 5050 .1983
52 8505 4660 5340 .2950 .2677 52
53 8521 4369 5631 .3927 .3655 53
54 8537 4079 5921 .4915 .4645 54
55 .998552 .053788 .946212 17.5914 18.5645 55
56 8568 3498 6502 .6923
.6656 56
57 8584 3207 6793 .7944 .7678 57
58 8599 2917 7083 .8975 .871 1
59 8614 2626 7374 8 00 1 . 1 .9755 59
60 .998630 .052336 .947664 1 8 . 1 073 1 9 08
. 1
+ - + .947664
.998630 .052336 18.1073 19.0811
8645 2046 7954 .2140 177.9
1 .1879 1
307.5 25.0798 43
44 9218 20 4 9550 20 97 0450 .2841
312. 1
.2644 44
45 .999229 30 6 .039260 30 145 .960740 24.4713 25.4517 45
316.8 .6418 46
46 924C 40 8 8969 40 194 1031 .6613
47 9252 45 9 8678 45 218 1322 .8542 .8348 47
326.3 26.0307 48
48 9263 50 10 8388 50 242 1612 25.0499 331 .4
49 9274 8097 1903 .2487 .2296 49
50 .999285 .037806 .962194 25.4505 26.4316 50
341 .7
51 9296 7516 2484 .6555 .6367 51
347.0 .8450 52
52 9307 7225 2775 .8636
352.5 27.0566 53
53 9318 6934 3066 26.0750
54 9328 6644 3356 .2898 .2715 54
55 .999339 .036353 .963647 26.5080 27.4899 55
56 9350 6062 3938 .7298 375.7
.71 17 56
57 9360 5772 4228 .9551 .9372 57
381 .9
58 9370 5481 4519 27.1842 388.2
28. 1664 58
59 9381 5190 48 10 .4170 .3994 59
60 .999391 1.034900 .965100 27.6537 28.6363 60
. 11
- + .965100 27.6537
4609 401
1 9401 5391 27.8944 28.8771 1
9507 10 487
12 1 141 148 10 8589 30.8362 31.8205 12
9516 15 496
13 2 1120 73 15 8880 31.1337 32.1 181 13
9525 20 0829 20 97 505
IU 3 9171 31.4367 32.4213 IU
15 .999534 30 4 .030538 30 145 .969462 31.7455 32.7303 15
9542 40 0248 40 9752
16 6 194 32.0603 33.0452 16
9551 45 .029957 218 535
17 7 45 .970043 32.3812 33.3662 17
9560 50 545
18 7 9666 50 242 0334 32.7083 33.6935 18
9568 556
19 9376 0624 33.0420 34.0273 19
20 .999577 .029085 .970915 33.3823 34.3678 20
9585 8794 I2C6 33.7295
2! 34.7151 21
22 9594 8503 1497 34.0838 35.0695 22
9602 8212 1788 34.U454
23 35.4313 23
9610 7922 2078 34.8145 615
2U 35.8006 24
25 .999618 .027631 .972369 35.1914 36 . 1 776 25
26 9626 7340 2660 35.5763 36.5627 26
9634 655
27 7C49 2951 35.9695 36.9560 27
9642 670
28 6758 3242 36.3713 37.3579 28
29 9650 6468 3532 36.7818 37.7686 29
30 .999657 .026177 .973823 37.2016 38.1885 30
31 9665 5886 41 14 37.6307
715 38.6177 31
32 9672 5595 4405 38.0696 39.0568 32
33 9680 5305 4695 38.5185 748 39.5059 33
3U 9687 5014 4986 38.9780 766 39.9655 34
35 .999694 .024723 .975277 39 41482
. 40.4358 35
4U32 803
36 9702 5568 39.9296 U0.9I7U 36
37 9709 4141 5859 40.4227 4 .Ul 06 37
43 508 41
.01 7452
— +
.3323-5 55.235" 57.2922
9553 7162 253 = 3-. 2535 58 26 .
= 1574 1 1
104.171 27
2= 9957 33 35 35 32 35.-3 IC7.426 25
29 9959 9CI7 C983 IC9.897
IIC. 892 29
7C6 122.774 22
22 9967 8145 1855 121.778
22 9969 7854 2146 i26.225 127.221 22
2- 9971 7563 2437 131.222 132.219 34
25 .999974 .CC7272 .992728 136.511 355
25 9976 6981 3CI9 142.241 143.237 25
9978 669C 33 IC 48 4681 . 149.465 27
22 993 3 6UCC 36CC 155.262 1.240 156.259 25
23 3 95 6IC9 3891 162. 7C3 I63.7CC 29
-: .GC58I8 .994182 I7C.888 i7i. ees -2
- 9985 5527 Corr. 4473 79.935 1.675
-2 9355 5236 I0~~U8" 4764 5 5.55- 1 .872
-3 -3-3 15 73 5 3:3 2CI.22I 2.1 07
2C2.2I9 -3
uu 9989 4654 20 97 5346 213. 86C 2.387 214.858 UK
-5 .999990 33-33 3 30 145 .3935 3- 228.184 2.728 255 52 45
-e 9992 UC72 40 194 5928 244.554 3.148 46
.7 9993 3762 45 218 6218 263.443 264.441 -7
U8 9994 349 50 242 5 5 33 285.479
286.478 48
-5 9995 32CC eecc 311.523 312.521 us
5: .999993 .CC2909 .997C9I 342.775 5U3 77« 5C
6.366 381.971
51 9997 2618 7282 7.958
52 9997 2327 7673 428.719 429.718 52
IC.23I 491. IC6 53
53 9395 2C36 7964 49C.IC7 13.642
5* 9998 1745 8255 571 .958 5-
55 .999993 .001454 .998546 -=5555 26.648
687.549 55
55 9999 1 164 5 = 55 858.437
47.75 859.436 56
57 One C873 9127 144.92 1 1 45 92 57 .
95.49 1716.87 56
58 One C582 9418 1717.87 286. US
M One C29I 97C9 3436.75 3437.75 59
ec One Zero One Inf n. i 1 nf n.i
sin A = BC esc A = AG
cos A = AC sec A = AD
tan A = DP cot A = HG
vers A = CF covers A = BK = LH
exsec A = BD coezsec A = BG
chord A = BF chord 2 A = BI = 2 BC
tanlA =
£F =
vers A
2 BC sin A
2. cos A = 12. b = c cos A = a cot A
7. vers A = 1 - cos A =
c - b =
covers B 17 -SJ V{c - b) (c + b)
c ~ a
9. covers A = = vers 19. c = /a2 + b
c " a
10. coexsec A = = exse 20. C = 90° = A +
General Formulas
28. A, B. a C, b, c C = 180° - (A + B)
b = —*— x sin B
sin A
a* sin B sin C
Area Area = » ab sin C =
2 2 sin A
C = 180° - (A + B)
c = —*— x sin C
sin A
31. 1 (A + B) - (A + B) = 90° - -C
2 2 2
32. I (A - B) tan i (A - B) =
a " b
» tan i (A + B)
2 2 a + b 2
33. A, B A= -i- (A + B) + *• (A - B)
2 2
B = - (A + B) - i (A - B)
2 2
a + b + c
36. a. b, c A Let s =
2 be
cos 1
A „ y/Si*Z
2 be
UnlA. v/<
3 - b> <
s - c>
2 s(s - a)
3. 8729833
z8 324 . 2426407 .6207414 5555556 x8
19 36X 6859 .3588989 .6684016 2631579 19
20 400 8000 4.4721360 2.7144177 .050000000 20
21 441 9261 .5825757 .7589243 .047619048 21
22 484 10648 .6904158 .8020393 5454545 22
23 529 12 167 .7958315 .8438670 3478261 23
24 13824 .8989795 .8844991 1666667 24
625 I5625 5.0000000 2.9240177 .040000000
Ii 676 17576 .0990195 .9624960 .038461538 a
729 19683 . 1961524 3.0000000 7037037 27
3 28
4482759 29
3. .033333333
3X 961 29791 .5677644 .1413806 2258065 31
32 1024 32768 .6568542 .1748021 1250000 32
33 Z089 35937 .7445626 .2075343 0303030 33
34 Z156 39304 .8309519 .2396118 .029411765 34
1225 42875 5.9160798 3.2710663 .028571429 35
II 1296 46656 6.0000000 .3019272 7777778 36
3Z Z369 50653 .0827625 .3322218 7027027 37
38 1444 54872 .1644140 .3619754 6315789 38
39 Z521 59319 . 2449980 .3912114 5641026 39
40 1600 64000 6.3245553 3.4199519 .025000000 40
41 1681 68921 .4031242 .4482172 4390244 41
42 1764 74088 .4807407 .4760266 3809524 42
43 1849 79507 .5574385 .5033981 3255814 43
44 1936 85184 .6332496 .5303483 2727273 44
2025 91x25 6. 7082039 3-5568933 .022222222 4f
» 2116
97336 .7823300 .5830479
4Z 103823 .8556546 4Z
48 2304 I 10592 .9282032 .6342411 0833333 48
49 2401 1 17649 7.0000000 .6593057 0408163 49
5° 2500 125000 7.0710678 3.6840314 .020000000 50
51 2601 132651 .1414284 .7084298 .019607843 51
52 2704 140608 .21x1026 .7325m 9230769 52
53 2809 148877 .2801099 .7562858 8867925 53
54 2916 157464 .3484692 .7797631 85 185 19 54
302 5 166375 7.4161985 3.8029525 .0x8181818 55
!i 3136 175616 .4833148 .8258624 7857M3 56
5l 3249 185193 .5498344 .8485011 7543860 5l
58 3364 195112 .6157731 .8708766 7241379 58
59 3481 205379 .6811457 .8929965 6949153 59
no 12:00 I33IOOO s go
4.7914I99 .009090909 no
III 12321 1367631
.8058955 9009009 in
112 I404928
. 8202845 8928571 112
"3 I2769 1442897
.8345881 8849558 113
"4 I2996 I48I544
Squares. Cubes.
Square Cube Recipro-
No. Roots. Roots. cals.
Squares. Cubes.
Square Cube Recipro-
No. Roots. Roots. cals. No.
240 5^°
15.4919334 6. 2144650 .004166667 240
241 .5241747 . 2230843 4149378 241
242 58564 141 72488 .5563492 .2316797 4132231 242
243 5904? 14348907 •5SS4573 . 2402515 4115226 243
244 59536 14526784 . 6204994 . 2487998 409^361 244
245 60025 14706125 15.652475S 6. 2573248 .004081633 245
246 60516 t'SS6 93 6 .6843871 .2658266 4065041 246
247 61009 15069223 .7162336 .2743054 404S583 247
248 61504 15252992 .7480157 .2827613 4032258 248
249 62001 15438249 .7797338 .2911946 4016064 249
250 62500 15625000 15. 81 13883 6.2996053 .004000000 250
251 63001 15813251 .8429795 •3079935 39S4064 251
252 63504 16003008 .8745079 .3163596 396S254 252
253 64009 16194277 .9059737 .3247035 3952569 253
254 64516 16387064 •9373775 .3330256 393700S 254
255 65025 16581375 15.96S7194 6.3413257 .003921569 255
256 65536 16777216 16.0000000 .3496042 3906250 256
257 66049 16974593 .0312195 .35786U 3S91051 257
258 66564 I7I735I2 .0623784 . 3660968 3 S 75969 258
259 67081 17373979 .0934769 .3743m 3861004 259
260 67600 17576000 16. 1245155 6.3825043 .003846154 260
261 68121 17779581 • 1554944 .3906765 3S31418 261
262 68644 17984728 .1864141 .3988279 3816794 262
263 69169 18191447 .2172747 .4069585 3S02281 263
264 69696 18399744 .2480768 .41506S7 3787879 264
265 70225 18609625 16. 2788206 6.4231583 .0037735S5 265
266 70756 18821096 .3095064 .4312276 3759398 266
267 71289 19034 1 63 .3401346 .4392767 3745318 267
268 71824 19248832 •3707055 .4473057 3731343 268
269 72361 19465109 .4012195 .4553M8 3717472 269
270 72900 19683000 16.4316767 6.4633041 .003703704 270
271 73441 19902511 . 4620776 .47^2736 3690037 271
272 73984 20123648 .4924225 .4792236 3676471 272
273 74529 20346417 .5227116 .4871541 3663004 273
274 75076 20570824 .•5529454 ,.4950653 3649635 274
275 75625 20796S75 10.5831240 6. 5029572 .003636364 275
276 76176 21024576 .6132477 .5108300 3623188 276
277 76729 21253933 .6433170 .5186839 3610108 277
278 77284 21484952 .6733320 .5265189 3597122 278
279 77841 21717639 .7032931 .5343351 3584229 279
280 78400 21952000 16.7332005 6.5421326 .003571429 280
281 78961 22188041 .7630546 .5499116 355S7I9 281
282 79524 22425768 •792S556 . 5576722 3546099 282
283 80089 22665187 .8226038 .5654144 3533569 283
284 80656 22906304 .8522995 .5731385 352 1 1 27 284
285 81225 23149125 16.8819430 6. 5808443 .003508772 285
286 81796 23393656 •9i 15345 .5885323 3496503 286
287 82369 23639903 .9410743 .5962023 3484321 287
288 82944 23887872 .9705627 .6038545 3472222 288
289 83521 24137569 17.0000000 .6114890 3460208 289
290 84100 24389000 17.0293864 6.6191060 .003448276 290
291 84681 24642 1 71 .0587221 .6267054 3436426 291
292 85264 24897088 .0880075 .6342874 3424658 292
293 85849 25153757 .1172428 .6418522 3412969 293
294 86436 254 1 2 184 .1464282 .6493998 3401361 294
295 87025 25672375 17. 1755640 6.6569302 .003389831 295
296 87616 25934336 . 2046505 .6644437 3378378 296
297 88209 26198073 .2336S79 .6719403 3367003 297
298 88804 26463592 .2626765 .6794200 3355705 298
299 89401 26730899 . 2916165 .6S6S831 3344482 299
Squares. Cubes.
Square Cube Recipro-
No. Roots. Roots. cals.
2461 18 7.3986363
410 168100 68921000 20. 2484567 7.4289580 .002439024 410
4" 168921 69426531 •373*349 .4349938 4"
41a j 69744 69934528 •2977831 ,4410189 2427184 41a
413 j 70569 70444997 .3224014 .4470342 142X300 4i3
4M 171396 70957944 • 3469899 .4530399 4M
4'5 172225 7M73375 20.371.5488 7.4590359 .oo2,v/. ;q
416 17',"'/' 71991296 .3960781 ,46502a 2401,846 416
4X7 I73889 72511713 .4305779 .4709991 4X7
418 174724 7303463a •4450483 .47696( .4 8392344 418
4*9 I7556I 73560059 .4694895 ,482924a 3386635 4X9
460 211600 97336000 21.4476106 7.7194426 .002173913 460
461 212521 97972181 .4709106 •7250325 2169197 461
462 213444 9S611128 .4941855 .7306141 2164502 46a
463 214369 99252847 .5174348 .7361877 2159827 463
464 215296 99897344 .5406592 •741753^ 2155172
@ 216225
101 194696
2145923 s
469 219961 103161709 .6564078 . 7694620 2132196 469
470 220900 103823000 21.6794834 7.7749801 .002127660 470
47i 221841 104487111 .7025344 . 7804904 2123142 47 x
472 222784 105 1 54048 .7255610 .7859928 21 18644 472
473 223729 105S23817 .7485632 .7914875 2114165 473
474 224676 106496424 .77154" •7969745 2109705 474
225625 107171875 21. 7944947 7.8024538 .002105263
476 226576 107850 1 76 .8174242 .8079254 2100840 476
477 227529 108531333 .8403297 .8133892 2096436 477
478 228484 1092 1 5352 .8632111 .8188456 2092050 478
479 229441 109902239 .8800686 .8242942 2087683 479
1 10592000
H 297
4 5°
4! 1
482 232324 111980168 .9544984 .8405949 2074689 482
483 233289 112678587 .9772610 .8460134 2070393 4 53
484 234256 «33799°4 22.0000000 .8514244 20661 16 484
485 235225 114084125 22.0227155 7.8568281 .002061856 4 2l
486 236196 1147912S6 .0454077 .8622242 2057613 486
487 237169 "5501303 .0680765 .8676130 2053388
488 238144 116214272 .0907220 .8729944 2049180 488
489 239121 116930169 .1133444 .8783684 2044990 489
49o 240100 117649000 22.1359436 7.8837352 .002040816 490
491 241081 "S370771 .1585198 .8890946 2036660 491
492 242064 119095488 . 18 10730 .8944468 2032520 492
493 243049 119823157 .2036033 .8997917 2028398 493
494 244036 120553784 .2261108 .9051294 2024291 494
245025 121287375 22.2485955 7.9104599 •002020202
498 248004 123505992 .3159136 .9264085 2008032 498
499 249001 124251499 .3383079 .9317104 2004008 499
500 250000 125000000 22.3606798 7.9370053 •002000000 500
5ox 251001 125751501 .3830293 .9422931 1996008 501
502 252004 126506008 .4053565 •9475739 1992032 502
503 253009 127263527 .4276615 .9528477 1988072 503
504 254016 128024064 .4499443 .9581144 1984127 504
505 255025 128787625 22.4722051 .001980198
508 258064 131096512 .5388553 .9791122 196S504 508
509 259081 131872229 .5610283 .9843444 1964637 509
510 260100 132651000 22.5831796 7.9895697 .001960784 510
5" 261 121 133432831 .6053091 .9947SS5 1956947 5"
512 262144 134217728 .6274170 8.0000000 1953125 512
5i3 263169 135005697 •6495033 .0052049 1949318 513
514 264196 135796744 .6715681 .0104032 1945525 514
515 265225 136590875 22,6936114 8.0155946 .001941748 515
5i6 266256 137388096 •7156334 .0207794 1937984 516
51 267289 138188413 .7376340 .0259574 1934236 517
518 268324 138991832 .7596134 .0311287 1930502 518
519 269361 139798359 .7815715 .0362935 1926782 519
520 270400 140608000 22.8035085 8.0414515 .001923077 520
521 271441 141420761 .8254244 .0466030 1919386 521
522 272484 142236648 •8473193 .0517479 1915709 522
523 2735 2 9 143055667 .8691933 .056SS62 1912046 523
524 274576 143S77824 .8910463 .0620180 1908397 524
525 275625 144703 1 25 22.9128785 8. 0671432 .001904762 525
526 276676 14553 1576 .9346899 .0722620 1901141 526
527 277729 146363183 .9564806 •0773743 1897533 527
528 27S784 147197952 .9782506 .0824800 1893939 528
529 279841 148035889 23.0000000 .0875794 1890359 529
530 280900 148877000 23.0217289 8.0926723 .001886792 530
531 281961 149721291 •0434372 .0977589 1883239 531
532 283024 150568768 .0651252 . 102S390 1879699 532
533 284089 151419437 .0867928 . 1079128 1876173 533
534 285156 152273304 .1084400 .1129803 1872659 534
535 286225 153130375 23. 1300670 8.1180414 .001869159
536 287296 153990656 .1516738 .1230962 1865672 536
537 288369 I 54854 1 53 . 1732605 .1281447 1862197
. 1948270
Squares. Cubes.
Square Cube Recipro-
No. Roots. Roots. cals.
345744 203297472
589 346921 204336469 .2693222 .3824653 1697793 589
590 348100 205379000 24. 2899156 8.3872065 .001694915 590
59i 349281 206425071 .3104916 .3919423 1692047 591
592 350464 2074746S8 .3310501 .3966729 1689189 592
593 351649 208527857 .3515913 .4013981 168634 593
594 352836 209584584 •3721 152 .4061180 1683502 594
356 409
21 1708736
598 3576o4 2 1 3847 1 92 .4540385 .4249448 1672241 598
599 358801 214921799 .4744765 .4296383 1669449 599
1 1
25. 7875939
668 446224 298077632 .8456960 .7416246 1497006 668
669 447561 299418309 .8650343 .7459846 1494768 669
670 448900 300763000 25.8843582 8-7503401 .001492537 670
671 450241 3021 1 171 .9036677 .7546913 1490313 671
672 451584 303464448 . 9229628 .7590383 14S8095 672
673 452929 304821217 .9422435 .7633809 1485S84 673
674 454276 306182024 .9615100 .7677192 1483680 074
675 455625 307546875 25.9807621 8.7720532 .001481481 675
676 456976 308915776 26.0000000 .7763830 1479290 676
677 458329 310288733 .0192237 .7807084 I477I05 677
678 459684 31 1665752 .0384331 .7850296 1474926 678
679 46104 313046839 .0576284 .7893466 1472754 679
680 462400 314432000 26.0768096 8.7936593 .001470588 680
681 463761 315821241 .0959767 .7979679 1468429 681
682 465124 317214568 .1151297 .8022721 1466276 682
683 466489 318611987 . 1342687 .8065722 1464 1 29
£2 3
684 467856 320013504 • 1533937 1461988 684
685 469225 321419125 26. 1725047 8.8151598 .001459854 685
686 470596 322828856 .1916017 .8194474 1457726 686
687 471969 324242703 .2106848 .8237307 1455604 687
688 473344 32^660672 .2297541 .8280099 1453488 688
689 474721 327082769 .2488095 .8322850 I45I379 689
690 476100 328509000 26. 267851 8.8365559 .00x449275 600
691 477481 329939371 .2868789 .8408227 1447178 6gi
692 478864 33I373S88 .3058929 .8450854 1445087 692
693 480249 332812557 .3248932 .8493440 1443001 693
694 481636 334255384 .3438797 .8535985 1440922 694
695 483025 335702375 26.3628527 8.8578489 .00143S849 695
696 484416 337153536 .3818119 .8620952 1436782 696
697 485809 33860S873 .4007576 .8663375 1434720
698 487204 340068392 .4196896 .8705757 1432665
699 488601 341532099 .4386081 .8748099 14306x5 099
700 490000 343000000 26.4575131 8.8790400 .001428571 700
701 491401 344472101 .4764046 .8S32661 1426534 701
702 492S04 345948408 .4952826 .8874882 14 24501 702
703 494209 347428927 .5141472 .8917063 1422475 703
704 495616 348913664 ,.5329983 .8959204 1420455 704
705 497025 350402625 26.5518361 8.9001304 .00141S440
706 498436 35 1 8958 1 .5706605 .9043366 1416431 708
707 499849 353393243 .5894716 .9085387 14 1 4427 707
708 501264 354894912 .608269/. .9127369 1412429 708
709 502681 356400829 .6270539 .9169311 1410437 709
'/IO 504100 35791 1000 26.6458252 8.9211214 .001408451 710
711 505521 359425431 .6645833 .9253078 1406470 7ix
712 506944 360944128 .6833281 .9294902 1404494 712
7i3 508369 362467097 . 7020598 .9336687 1402525 713
7i4 509796 363994344 .7207784 .9378433 1400560 714
715 511225 365525875 26.7394839 8.9420140 .001398601 715
716 5 '2656 367061696 .7581763 .9461809 1396648 716
717 514089 3686018 1 .7768557 .9503438 1394700 717
718 515524 370146232 .7955220 .9545029 13^2758 718
719 516961 371694959 .8141754 .9586581 139082 719
1 1 7
Squares. Cubes.
Square Cube Recipro-
No. Roots. Roots. cals.
Squares. Cubes.
Square Cube Recipro-
No. Roots. Roots. cals. No.
Square Cube Recipro-
No. Squares. Roots. Roots. cals. No.
. 0665928
1 109878
1 108647
1 1074 20
819025 741217625 30.0832179 9.6727403 .001104972
$ 820836 743677416 .0998339 .6763017 * 103753
. 1330383
. 1496269
1 102536
910 828100 75357iooo 30. 1662063 9.69052 1 .001098901 910
gix 829921 756058031 . 1827765 .6940694 1097695 911
91a 831744 758550528 . 1993377 .6976151 109649 913
9*3 833569 761048497 . 2158899 .7011583 1095290 9*3
9M 835396 763551944 .2324329 .70469S9 1094092 9x4
837225 766060875 30.2489669 9.7082369 .OOI092S96 9*5
916 768575296 .2654919 .7117723 1091703 916
917 840889 771095213 . 2820079 .7153051 10905 13 9*7
918 842724 773620632 .2985148 .7188354 I0S9325 918
919 844561 776151559 .3150128 .7223631 1088 1 39 9*9
930 846400 778688000 30.3315018 9.7258883 .001086957 930
92 X 848241 781229061 .3479818 .7294109 1085776 921
922 850084 783777448 .3644529 .7329309 1084599 922
923 851929 786330467 .3809151 .7364484 1083424 923
924 853776 788889024 .3973683 .7399634 108225 924
925 855625 791453 1 25 30.4138127 9- 7434758 .001081081 925
926 857476 794022776 .4302481 . 7469857 10799 1 926
859329 796597983 .4466747 .7504930 1078749 927
928 861 184 79917S752 .4630924 .7539979 10775S6 938
929 863041 801765089 .4795013 .7575002 1076426 939
930 864900 804357000 30.4959014 9.7610001 .001075269 930
931 866761 806954491 .5122926 .7644974 1074 1 14 931
932 86S624 809557568 .5286750 .7679922 1072961 932
933 870489 812 166237 .5450487 .7714845 1071811 933
934 872356 814780504 .5614136 •7749743 1070664 934
935 874225 817400375 30. 5777697 9.7784616 .001069519 935
936 876096 820025856 .5941171 .7819466 1068376 936
937 877969 822656953 .6104557 .7854288 1067236 937
938 879844 825293672 .6267857 .7889087 1066098 938
939 881721 827936019 .6431069 .7923861 1064963 939
940 883600 830584000 30.6594194 9. 795861 .001063830 940
941 885481 833237621 .6757233 •7993336 1062699 94*
943 887364 835896S88 . 6920185 . 802S036 1061571 942
943 889249 838561807 . 7083051 .8062711 1060445 943
944 891 136 841232384 . 7245830 .8097362 1059322 944
945 893025 843908625 30.7408523 9-8131989 .001058201 945
946 894916 846590536 .757U30 .8166591 1057082 946
947 896809 849278123 .8201169 1055966 947
948 898704 851971392 !7896086 .8235723 1054852 948
949 900601 854670349 .8058436 .8270252 105374 949
950 902500 857375000 30. 8220700 9. 8 304757 .001052632 950
95* 904401 860085351 .8382879 .8339238 1051525 95*
952 906304 862801408 .8544972 .8373695 1050420 952
953 908209 865523177 .8706981 .8408127 10493 1
954 910116 868250664 .8868904 .8442536 1048218 954
912025 870983875 30.9030743 9.8476920 .001047120 955
950 913936 873722816 .9192497 .85112S0 1046025 95O
957 915849 876467493 .9354166 .8545617 1044932 957
958 917764 879217912 .9515751 .8570929 1043S41 958
959 919681 881974079 .9677251 .8614218 1042753 959
1 1
Squares. Cubes.
Square Cube Recipro-
No. Roots. Roots. cals.
969 938961 909853209 . 1287648 .8955801 103 1992 969
97o 940900 912673000 31. 1448230 9.8989830 .001030928 970
971 942841 915498611 . 1608729 .9023835 1029866 971
972 944784 918330048 .1769145 .9057817 1028807 972
973 946729 921167317 . 1929479 .9091776 1027749 973
974 948676 924010424 .2089731 .9125712 1026694 974
975 950625 9 2 6859375 31. 2249900 9.9159624 .001025641 975
976 952576 929714176 .2409987 .9193513 1024590 976
977 954529 932574833 .2569992 .9227379 102354 977
978 956484 93544I35 2 .2729915 .9261222 1022495 978
979 958441 938313739 .2889757 .9295042 1021450 979
980 960400 94 1 192000 31.3049517 9.9328839 .001020408 980
981 962361 944076 14 •3209195 .9362613 1019368 981
982 964324 946966168 .3368792 .9396363 1018330 982
983 966289 949862087 .3528308 .9430092 1017294 983
984 968256 952763904 •3687743 .9463797 1016260 984
985 970225 955671625 31.3847097 9-9497479 .001015228 985
986 972196 958585256 .4006369 .9531138 1014199 986
989 9781 21 967361669 .4483704 .9631981 1011122 989
990 980100 970299000 31.4642654 9.9665549 .COIOIOIOI 990
991 982081 973242271 .4801525 .9699095 1009082 991
99a 984064 976191488 •4960315 .9732619 1008065 992
993 986049 979146657 .5119025 .9766120 1007049 993
994 988036 982107784 •5277655 •9799599 1006036 994
995 990025 985074875 31.5436206 9.9833055 .001005025 995
996 992016 988047936 •5594677 .98664S8 1004016 996
997 994009 991026973 •5753o68 .9899900 1003009 997
998 996004 99401 1992 .9933289 1002004 998
999 998001 997002999 .6069613 .9966656 lOOIOOI 999
1000 IOOOOOO IOOOOOOOOO 31.6227766 10.0000000 .001000000 1000
IOOI 1002001 1003003001 .63S5840 .0033322 0999001 IOOI
1002 1004004 1006012008 .6543836 .0066622 0998004 1002
1003 1006009 1009027027 .6701752 .0099899 0997009 1003
1004 1008016 1012048064 •6859590 .0133155 0996016 1004
1005 1010025 1015075125 31.7017349 10.0166389 .000995025 1005
1006 10 1 2036 1018108216 .7175030 .0199601 0994036 1006
1007 10 1 4049 1021 147343 •7332633 .0232791 0993049 1007
1008 10 I 6064 1024192512 •7490I57 .0265958 0992063 1008
1009 1018081 1027243729 .7647603 .0299104 0991080 1009
1010 1020T00 1030301000 31. 7804972 IO. 0332228 .000990099 IOIO
ion I022I2I 1033364331 . 7962262 .0365330 0989120 ion
1012 IO24144 1036433728 .8119474 .0398410 0988142 1012
1013 1026 I 69 1039509 1 97 . 8276609 .0431469 09S7I67 1013
1014 IO28196 1042590744 .8433666 . 0464506 0986193 1014
1015 IO30225 1045678375 31.8590646 10.0497521 .000985222 1015
1016 IO32256 1048772096 .8747549 .0530514 0984252 1016
1017 IO34289 1051871913 .8904374 .0563485 0983284 1017
1018 IO36324 1054977832 .9061123 .0596435 0982318 1018
1019 IO38361 105S089859 .9217794 0629364 0981354 1019
appendix f\
Theory of the Simple Spiral
and dy ~ dl S + +
[ -&. I\-fl • • •]
r a2 / i y a4 / I y a6 / I \ 12 n
for A is
~5m*WJ~im) + '
' 'J
,p 8Z 8
87 1 .
^~l3"7M + ll(5!r"l5(7!) +
{ }
reducing gives:
xc = l\ 1
1 (A-3)'
L2 10(3!) 18(5!) 26(7!) J
r 8 53 55 87 "I ,
and oc = l\ 1
1 (A-4)
1-6(2!) 14(4!) 22(6!) 30(8!) J
yd 8* 26 55 17 37
° x 3"i"l05 _t"l55,925 *
3,378,375 *
6 8 5 3
32 128 8 7
8* ,. .
a '•' { }
3 2,835 467,775 "83,284,288
or a= | 5— a small correction C s
C =0.003095 +0.002285
3 5
(10)- 5 + . . . (A-6)
(X - R a sin A) - (X - R sin A) = R - R a
e ( c ) sin A (A-7)
D p = Ds-(Ds-D L )
*=„» ™*
Appendix B 615
Fig. B-l
Ds /l\ 2
5 =
An ©' (B-4)
Fig. B-2
616 Appendix 8
4. Substitute I, for I. Also factor out and replace it
by A. ; .
„ / 2 1 1 2 2 1
A .—
111 Xs
X=l .
(l 2
A 2
XX; A2 A2
3*2 A.sA.v
14 X
V 10 • 15 9 s 7 -
s v
A.jA ; .
A* A 5 An A Av
4 2
24 * 216 * 315 s 30 s 27 s -
45 s -
n^A+s^^-5S^) '
1 1 2 1 1 2
v=l -A.v Al
, ,
A 2 Av A.; A2
A' X
42 *
' •'
/ 2 1 12 2 1
45 L *
XX 132
A2 A
» 720
Az.A 5
X*/ J
Appendix B 617
21 L
A 4 AjH
12 i
A 3 A2 H
"27 A A H
* "120
4 -\
A6 )
1 1 29
tan <t> c
= As - -An +-AJ - ™ A „5 A "
"15 A s
-|_J_A/SA 2 3 _| 6 . . .
10 N 105
</> c • • •
Ve S An-\ A 2 Aiv AsA 2 -| A 3
-| A 4 Aat
3 90 s
90 "2,835 "945 s
2 '
181 61-
2 *_ AsA B _ 12
A s3 A 2 +
A 25 A 3
" 113,400
. . . (
C^ = 0.012185AsAAr(As-Aiv)4-0.3535A 3 Ajv(As-2A^)10- 6
+0.2946AsA N
(181As-61Aat)10- 8 +0.00309A 3
+0.00228 A 6 10" 5 (B-13)
N '
2 latitudes =0
= Rs- Y-R L cos (2A S - -An)
+ (Rl--Rs-~Pa ) cos /3
2 departures =0
=X -R L sin (2A s -&n) + (Rl--Rs--Pa ) sin
Rl sin (2 As - A N )-X
sin (B-15)
Rl — Rs - ~Pa
Dividing formula B-15 by formula B-14,
and for Rs, its equivalent, . After collecting terms and
dividing, the result is
tan p = A,+-A|
+-AJ +-A^ --^ + -^
1 1 23
5 17 1
A 3 A2 H A 2s A 3 H AsA N
4 • • • (B-17)
126 s "7,560 "1,080
A —
Appendix B 619
B=A s -{
• and
Substituting formula B-17 in /3=tan
reducing yields
A 2 An
s 30
As A2 -\
A 4s AN
/3 —|
A3 A2
315 s "
tan 3 /3+£ tan 6
4—— 2
A3 H AsA 4 - • • (B-18)
7,560 a "1,080 "
In formula B-18, the first term As is the central angle of the
sharper arc, as acoumed in the osculating-circle theory (Fig.
5-8). The remaining terms comprise the correction Cb, or
the amount by which /3 exceeds As.
An expression for Cb in a form suitable for computation is
-7A^] 10" 8 }
• - • (B-19)
sin /3
Pa (—An
5,040 s
A3 A 2
A2 A3
AsA 2N
AsA 4
"15,840 "
A 4 A;v
A5 •
• •
C PD = ls(
— AqA
- —-A
A A A +-—
AvH 2
— 4
AA - • • •
) (B-23
Fig. C-l
purposes of computation.
The following notation is used herein. Formula numbers
in parentheses are those in the text which involve the term
L 8 = length of simple spiral, T.S. to S.C; (5-2)
D = degree of curve at the end of a simple spiral; (5-2)
A = central angle of spiral L„; (5-2)
I = length of portion of spiral sighted over;
622 Appendix C
R = ratio of I to L 8 ;
R=-T- (C-l)
AN = R 2A (C-3)
<f> c
, to specified points on the spiral are required. (In this
case, DL = D = zero.)
2. Compute values of D s from Ds = RD.
3. Compute values of As from formula C-2.
4. Compute values of An from formula C-3.
5. Take values of C, by interpolation from Table XVI-A,
. :
Appendix C 623
—A / —l\J
7. Compute values of 1 .
6 \±j a /
8. Obtain values of </> c from <f> c
=— (£)'-o
2. Compute values of D s from Ds=Dl+RD.
624 Appendix C
Transit at T.S.
(Orient by sight along tangent with 0°00' on vernier.)
at I
R Ds
sec 7
(T.S.) 0°00' OWOO"
1 60 .067
3 0.2 0.2 0°04' 0°04W
2 120 .133 U 0.8 0.8 O ^' 0°16W
180 .200 2 1.8 1.8 0°36' 0°36'00"
240 3.2 1°04' 1°04'00"
4 .267 2! 3.2
286 15°00' WW
Transit at S.C. (For staking curve beyond S.C, orient by
backsight to T.S. with 30°04'46" on vernier, plunge and
turn to 0°00'.)
Appendix C 625
(S.C.) 10 0°00' 0°00'00"
length AP»; and the second portion (P2 to C), as the latter
portion of a simple spiral of length AC. In practice such a
case would rarely require the deflection angles to be com-
puted by the exact theory, since the effect of multiple set-ups
on a spiral is to shorten the sights and make the angular
corrections negligible. The simpler osculating-circle theory
would suffice, as explained in Art. 5-7.
81 8 0°00' 0°00'00"
347 sections
in pipe-line surveys, 325 of pavement on curves, 249,
in route surveying, 329-350 250
Aerotriangulation Auscor; see Stereomat
analytic, 371, 372 Automation
instrumental, bv bridging, in field measurements,
371 351-357
Alignment in location and design, 351-
calculation of, 377-380 374
stakeout of, 309, 381, 382 in plotting, 365-367
Alignment design in recording field data, 364,
automated systems of, 370, 365
372 terminology in, 356, 357
horizontal, onhighways,
204-253; 262-265 Balance lines on mass dia-
new techniques in, 309, gram, 155-162
375-382 Balance points, 154, 155, 162
by paper location, 280-282, Ball bankindicator, 210-213,
376, 377 215, 216
using special design aids, Balplex plotter, 333
377 Base line, 275, 310, 376, 377,
vertical, on highways, 253- 381
264 Binary numbers, 358, 359
American Association of State Body roll, 209-215
Highway Officials, 306, Borrow pits, 149-152
360 Broken-back curve, 181-183,
design policies of, 197, 314 264
American Railway Engineer- Bureau of Public Roads, 305,
ing Association 307, 308, 313, 360-363
formula for track superele-
vation of, 287, 289 Canal surveys, 326, 347
recommendation for spiral Central angle
length by, 227, 289 of circular curve, 14
recommendation for verti- of spiral, 89, 111
cal curves by, 71 Change-of-location problems
ten-chord spiral of, 108, 612 examples of, 174-180
track work plans of, 300 hints for solving, 175, 176
628 Index