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DECT and IP-DECT Engineering Rules

and Site Survey Kit Manual

Installation manual

8AL90874USAA ed06a
October 2019
DECT Engineering Rules and Site Survey Kit Manual

Table of Content
1. INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 OBJECTIVE............................................................................................................................................. 6
1.3 PROCEDURE ........................................................................................................................................... 6
1.4 ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................................................... 7
1.5 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ...................................................................................................................... 7
2. REQUIRED INFORMATION .................................................................................................................. 8
3. COVERAGE AND SPEECH QUALITY ................................................................................................. 9
3.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................................................... 9
3.2 WHICH SPEECH QUALITY IS REQUIRED ............................................................................................... 11
3.3 FACTORS AFFECTING SPEECH QUALITY .............................................................................................. 11
4. DECT OFFER PROCESS ....................................................................................................................... 12
4.1 PROJECT CLASSIFICATION ................................................................................................................... 12
4.1.1 Classification of customer objectives .......................................................................................... 12
4.1.2 Classification of user distribution ............................................................................................... 12
4.1.3 Technical classification of the site .............................................................................................. 13
4.1.4 Classification as zone ................................................................................................................. 14
4.1.5 Classification summary tables .................................................................................................... 14
4.2 OFFER COMPLETION METHODOLOGY .................................................................................................. 16
4.2.1 Stage 1: Collection of customer requirements ............................................................................ 16
4.2.2 Stage 2: Drafting of the offer ...................................................................................................... 18
4.2.3 Stage 3: Drafting of the commitment limits ................................................................................ 18
5. GENERAL RULES .................................................................................................................................. 20
5.1 TRAFFIC CALCULATION RULES ........................................................................................................... 20
5.1.1 User DECT traffic ....................................................................................................................... 20
5.1.2 DECT traffic of users in a zone................................................................................................... 20
5.1.3 Traffic capacity calculation ........................................................................................................ 21
5.1.4 Number of terminals ................................................................................................................... 21
5.1.5 Customer wants to replace IBS/RBS bases by xBS or IP-DECT DAPs ...................................... 27
6. GENERAL RULES ONLY FOR IP-DECT DEPLOYMENT.............................................................. 28
6.1 DAP TO DAP COMMUNICATION ......................................................................................................... 28
6.2 SYNCHRONIZATION STRUCTURE......................................................................................................... 29
6.3 IP-DECT NETWORK RULES WITH OXE............................................................................................... 30
6.4 IP-DECT LITE NETWORK RULES WITH OXO ...................................................................................... 30
7. GENERAL RULES ONLY FOR 8378 DECT IP-XBS DEPLOYMENT ............................................ 31
7.1 XBS TO XBS COMMUNICATION ........................................................................................................... 31
7.2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................................................... 32
7.2.1 xBS synchronization deployment strategy ................................................................................... 33
7.2.2 Basic recommendation for synchronization ................................................................................ 34
7.3 DEPLOYMENT - STEPS ......................................................................................................................... 35
7.3.1 Deployment OXO or OXE (One PARI) ....................................................................................... 35
7.3.2 Deployment OXE (Multi PARI)................................................................................................... 35
7.4 ONE XBS PARI DEPLOYMENT ............................................................................................................ 36
7.4.1 Easy deployment ......................................................................................................................... 36
7.4.2 Complex deployment ................................................................................................................... 37
7.4.3 Branch office deployment............................................................................................................ 39

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7.5 MULTI PARI DEPLOYMENT................................................................................................................. 40

7.5.1 One xBS PARI in adjunction of one TDM PARI ......................................................................... 40
7.5.2 Several xBS PARI in adjunction of one TDM PARI .................................................................... 41
7.5.3 Two xBS PARI not in adjunction to a TDM PARI ...................................................................... 42
7.5.4 Three or more xBS PARI (not TDM PARI) ................................................................................. 43
8. COVERAGE CALCULATION............................................................................................................... 44
8.1 COVERAGE PERFORMANCE PRINCIPLES .............................................................................................. 44
8.1.1 Base station positioning methods................................................................................................ 44
8.1.2 Theoretical coverage estimation ................................................................................................. 46
8.1.3 TDM US coverage....................................................................................................................... 48
8.1.4 Antennas...................................................................................................................................... 49
8.1.5 DECT rules as regards a WLAN and other radio technologies.................................................. 52
8.1.6 Elements to size for TDM base stations ...................................................................................... 54
8.1.7 Recommendations relative to the wiring ..................................................................................... 57
8.2 ESTIMATION OF THE NUMBER OF BASES ............................................................................................. 58
8.2.1 General ....................................................................................................................................... 58
8.2.2 Basic Guidelines Process for manual calculation of predictive coverage.................................. 59
8.2.3 Easy or tricky coverage............................................................................................................... 59
8.2.4 Building type ............................................................................................................................... 60
8.2.5 Determination of Z vs propagation index (beta) and received signal......................................... 61
8.2.6 Determination of the quantity of bases ....................................................................................... 62
8.2.7 Estimation for coverage in clear space....................................................................................... 63
8.2.8 Estimation for coverage in typical office .................................................................................... 65
8.2.9 Estimation for coverage in drywall office ................................................................................... 66
8.2.10 Estimation for coverage in brickwall office ................................................................................ 67
8.2.11 Determination of the distance for xBS or DAP air synchronization ........................................... 68
8.3 SPECIFIC RULES FOR DIFFICULT SITES ................................................................................................. 68
8.3.1 Recommended stages .................................................................................................................. 68
8.3.2 Recommendations concerning the commitments ........................................................................ 68
9. TOOLS – “SITE SURVEY KIT” ............................................................................................................ 69
9.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................................................. 69
9.2 CHARGING THE BATTERIES ................................................................................................................. 73
9.2.1 Survey Kit Power Bank ............................................................................................................... 73
9.2.2 Handset Batteries ........................................................................................................................ 73
9.3 SETTING UP THE SSK TOOL ................................................................................................................. 73
9.4 SETUP OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................... 74
9.5 DETAILED SETUP................................................................................................................................. 76
9.5.1 Assembly details when using internal antennas: ........................................................................ 76
9.5.2 Assembly details when using external directive antennas: ......................................................... 77
10. SITE SURVEY PREPARATION ............................................................................................................ 80
10.1 CHECKING THE SURVEY EQUIPMENT FOR CORRECT OPERATION ....................................................... 80
10.1.1 Registration of handset(s) ........................................................................................................... 81
10.1.2 Activation of the audio tone ........................................................................................................ 81
10.1.3 SSK: Change region .................................................................................................................... 81
10.1.4 Configuration used for the Site Survey Kit ................................................................................. 82
10.2 MAPS ................................................................................................................................................... 84
10.3 OTHER PAPERWORK ............................................................................................................................ 84
10.4 BASE STATION POSITIONS DURING SURVEY ........................................................................................ 84
10.5 CUSTOMER PREPARATION................................................................................................................... 84

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11. SITE SURVEY EXECUTION ................................................................................................................. 85

11.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................................................. 85
11.2 SETTING UP THE EQUIPMENT .............................................................................................................. 86
11.3 HINTS AND TIPS ON “HOW TO SURVEY” ............................................................................................. 89
11.3.1 General ....................................................................................................................................... 89
11.3.2 How to Survey a Single Floor ..................................................................................................... 89
11.3.3 How to Survey a Wider Single Floor .......................................................................................... 91
11.3.4 How to Survey a Multi Floor Area.............................................................................................. 95
11.3.5 How to determine the -95 dBm limit for one synchronization cluster with the SSK ................... 96
12. REPORTING RESULTS ....................................................................................................................... 100
13. CHECKLIST FOR SURVEY DATA .................................................................................................... 101
14. DECT SURVEY REPORT TEMPLATE ............................................................................................. 102
15. POST SURVEY....................................................................................................................................... 103
16. BRAZIL CERTIFICATION.................................................................................................................. 103
Appendix A: SURVEY EXAMPLE ............................................................................................. 104
A.1: Site Survey Map ......................................................................................................................... 104
A.2: Example of Documentation of the Site Survey ...................................................................... 105
Appendix B: PARI and SARI ...................................................................................................... 108
B.1: PARI ............................................................................................................................................. 108
B.2: SARI ............................................................................................................................................. 108
Appendix C: SYNCHRONIZATION STRUCTURE ................................................................. 109
C.1: Synchronization structure with OXE ....................................................................................... 109
Appendix D: EXAMPLES OF IP-DECT CONFIGURATION FILES ..................................... 112
D.1: Example of “dapcfg.txt” file / OXE ........................................................................................... 112
D.2: Example of “dapcfg.txt” file / OXO ........................................................................................... 113
Appendix E: MIX OF TDM AND IP-DECT ............................................................................... 115
E.1: MIX OF TDM AND IP-DECT / OXE......................................................................................... 115
E.2: MIX OF TDM AND IP-DECT / OXO ........................................................................................ 115


Edition Date Description

04 1826 Introduction of IP-xBS rules

05 1905 Chapter 7 is deeply modified

06 1912 SSK Chapters 9, 10 completely modified

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affiliates assumes any responsibility for inaccuracies contained herein.
© 2019 ALE International.

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DECT Engineering Rules and Site Survey Kit Manual

1. Introduction
1.1 General
The purpose of this document is to define the engineering rules relative to the DECT, xBS and IP-
DECT technologies in the first part of the document (7 first chapters) and to describe the Site
Survey Kit (SSK) in the last chapters. If you are only interested in the SSK go directly to Chapter 8.
For xBS solution, it is highly recommended to read doc[4] or doc[5] before reading this document.
The recommendations cover the technical and methodology aspects from the offer to the
maintenance on DECT, xBS and IP-DECT projects.
This manual contains guidelines for surveying DECT, xBS and IP DECT System sites.
A site survey is necessary in advance of a product offer or in advance of installation.
Radio coverage is rather difficult to predict on the basis of maps and other information, making an
on-site survey necessary to determine the number and position of the DECT Access Points in the
majority of cases. A survey will serve to complete the information necessary to plan an installation.
In this manual, the term transceiver is used for a transmitter/receiver for DECT. In DECT terms, a
transceiver is called an RFP (Radio Fixed Part). For TDM DECT solution and xBS the general name
for a transceiver is called: Base Station (BS). However, for the IP DECT solution the general name
for a transceiver is called: DECT Access Point (DAP).
There are five types of BSs:
- the IBS/RBS NG Indoor with (two) omnidirectional internal antennas and
- the IBS/RBS NG Outdoor with (two) external antennas and
- the 8378 DECT IP-xBS Indoor with (two) omnidirectional internal antennas and
- the 8378 DECT IP-xBS Indoor for (two) external antennas (to be separately ordered) and
- the 8378 DECT IP-xBS Outdoor with (two) external antennas.
Note: Only use Outdoor version for outdoor installation
Be aware, that Ethernet cabling must be protected against lightning when used outside. Special
protection devices are available from different manufacturers. (Consult the Internet.)
There are two types of DAPs:
- the 4080 IP-DECT AP Integrated Antennas or the 8340 Smart IP-DECT AP Integrated
Antennas with (two) omnidirectional internal antennas and
- the 4080 IP-DECT AP or the 8340 Smart IP-DECT AP External Antennas to which directional
or external antennas can be fitted.
A DAP has an operating temperature range from 0 to 45 centigrade. Bear this in mind when
installing a DAP outside.
An Outdoor box is available for mounting a DAP outside. Check the specifications of the Outdoor
box for the exact temperature range.
Be aware, that Ethernet cabling must be protected against lightning when used outside. Special
protection devices are available from different manufacturers. (Consult the Internet.)
For more information on the technical aspects, consult the Customer Engineer Manual for IP DECT.
The Site Survey rules for a DECT, xBS or IP DECT system are based on coverage for:
1. A good quality connection between a handset and a BS or a DAP.
2. For xBS and IP-DECT only, a (simplex) radio connection, which is required to synchronize the
xBSs with each other or the DAPs with each other.

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For the Site Survey of a TDM DECT system (traditional DECT system), there is one “air” connection
that should be checked:
BS – Handset communication.
Measurements must be done for three items:
- Signal Strength
- Error Rate
- Voice Quality
For the Site Survey of an xBS and an IP-DECT system, there are two “air” connections that should
be checked:
xBS or DAP – Handset communication (same as for the traditional DECT systems).
Measurements must be done for three items:
- Signal Strength
- Error Rate
- Voice Quality
xBS - xBS or DAP – DAP communication.
Measurements must be done for
- Signal Strength
Besides this, also the synchronization hierarchy should be considered.
These items are discussed in the next chapters.

1.2 Objective
Note: When it is mentioned base or base station, consider that it can mean DAP (if we speak of IP-
DECT systems) or BS (if we speak of TDM or xBS systems).
The objective of a site survey is to determine the number and positions of bases to implement radio
coverage in the area required and to determine how to install the bases including the connection to
the DECT system.
The result of a Site survey gives you a clear overview of where bases must be installed, how the
coverage will be, where the cell boundaries are and the required number of bases.

1.3 Procedure
The procedure for a site survey comprises the following steps:
- Acquiring site information.
- Preparing tools.
- Execution of Site Survey.
- Reporting the results.
- Checklist to check whether there are no things forgotten.
The sections in this manual are arranged according to the execution sequence.

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1.4 Abbreviations
The following abbreviations are used in this manual:
CHO Connection HandOver
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
DAP DECT Access Point
DECT Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications
LED Light Emitting Diode (lamp)
OXE Omni PCX Enterprise
OXO Omni PCX Office
PP Portable Part (handset)
Radio Fixed Part (DECT transmitter/receiver connected to DECT system);
RFP is also called: Base Station or DAP
RFPI Radio Fixed Part Identification (unique DECT system and RFP identifier)
RPN Radio Part Number
RSSI Radio Signal Strength Indication (received signal strength)
SSK Site Survey Kit
TDM Time Division Multiplexing
xBS 8378 DECT IP-xBS

1.5 Reference documents

[1] IP-DECT Customer Engineer Manual Getting Started 8AL90871USBA
[2] OXE Mobility document 8AL91009USAG
[3] OXO Mobility document 8AL91204USAE
[4] Getting_started_with_8378_DECT_IP-xBS-solution_on_OXE 8AL90356ENAA
[5] Getting_started_with_8378_DECT_IP-xBS-solution_on_OXO 8AL90357ENAA

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2. Required Information
The following information should preferably be available in advance of a survey:
Maps of the site.
Maps of the site are an essential requirement in advance of a survey!
A map of the complete site (if more than one building) and plans of each floor of each
building are required. Make sure that dimensions are clearly stated on the maps.
Additional information such as the use of buildings (e.g. office, hotel, factory, store, etc.),
construction materials (walls, floors, ceilings, etc.), cabling infrastructure, etc. are helpful
in estimating positions of the bases in advance.
Number of users (PPs)
Number of users (handsets), both initial and foreseeable growth, and areas of above
average and below average traffic density.
Allowed and prohibited base positions
A customer may prohibit installation of bases in certain areas, require the bases to be
installed out of sight, etc.
Details of required coverage.
It should be clear in advance where coverage is required, e.g. whether elevators,
stairwells, toilets, outdoor areas etc. are to be covered as well.
Position of the DECT System and available Cabling
Check whether existing cabling can be used for the connection between the DECT
System and the bases. (CAT5 or better to be used.) If the type and quality of the
available cabling is not sufficient for the connection of the bases new cabling must be
Sensitive electronic equipment
Check whether sensitive electronic equipment is present or not, e.g. laboratory, medical,
etc. Although the transmitted power of the bases is very low (about 250 mW1) it might
interfere with sensitive electronic equipment.
Traffic information
It is necessary to gather information on user density, amount of traffic, whether
redundancy is required, etc. This must be clear in advance because it determines the
number of bases that are required and therefore also the cabling that is required.

In some regions the maximum transmitted power is lower.

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3. Coverage and Speech Quality

3.1 General
There is always a relation between coverage and speech quality. The further you get away from the
base, the lower the quality. Therefore, it is important to see the relation between the coverage and
the expected voice quality. Figure 1 gives an impression on the relation between coverage and
voice quality in an indoors environment.

Figure 1: Coverage and Speech Quality in open Environment

Remark: Rs is a distance corresponding to a RSSI level of -70 dBm (for easy coverage) or – 60dBm
(for tricky coverage). Detailed tables of coverage are given in the next chapters.
Rl is a distance depending on the RF sensitivity of the handsets and on the environment (interferers,
fading, etc…).
1 (Excellent) corresponds to a quality index (see “Setting up the Equipment” chapter) equal to 15 or
2 (Good) corresponds to a quality index equal to 13 or 14.
3 (Satisfactory) corresponds to a quality index comprised between 10 and 12 (and also corresponds
to Rs).
4 (Poor) corresponds to a quality index equal to 8 or 9.
5 (Very poor) corresponds to a quality index comprised between 4 and 7.
6 (Almost no speech at all) corresponds to a quality index ≤3 (and also corresponds to Rl).

Be aware that DECT is a digital communication system. It incorporates a “transmission errors

hiding” system. This means that it tries to hide the transmission errors. The results of this
mechanism are as follows:
- Small incidental transmission error → Not noticeable in speech
- Minor transmission error → Click in speech
- Major transmission error → Mute of speech
Note: Even though a poor speech quality might well be acceptable, the need to have proper xBS
– xBS or DAP – DAP communication (see further) is an important factor that might “force” a
better than really needed speech quality.

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Three important elements must be processed either sequentially or simultaneously

❑ Covering the area where the service is to be provided
Coverage = Accessibility
❑ Ensuring the establishment of communications to stations in a zone with heavy
communication users.
Capacity = Availability
❑ Ensuring user satisfaction
Audio Quality = Comfort

Coverage: This initial function is fundamental for radio systems.

The choice of base positions is crucial for correct coverage.
Identifying the materials present on the site, zone or in the building is essential.
The presence of metal surfaces and dense structures can result, on the one hand, in partial or
total screening (partitions, pipes, machines, etc.) but can also become a good wave guide.
Therefore, it is essential to visit the site when this is possible or to undertake in-depth drawing
analysis with the architect taking into account the materials used. The rules for calculating the
number of bases based on a number of bases per m² can only be used if this visit has qualified
the site as being exempt of coverage difficulties.
Traffic: The notion of traffic is often raised following the initial coverage study.
The capacity calculations can lead to a significant increase in the number of bases to be
installed and a reappraisal of base distribution. Non- homogeneous distribution of the traffic
may entail dividing the site up into several utilization zones.
Audio quality: The quality of a system is the quality as seen by subscribers and, ultimately, it is
the end appreciation that will make the DECT system a success or a solution that is not totally
This is obviously linked to the first two functions because a subscriber who is not covered or
has no channels available will not be satisfied. It is also associated closely with the
performance of the products. The quality level also depends on the service expected by
customers; for example, a company that wants to be able to reach a small number of its
employees on the move will put up with a few imperfections whereas in the case of “Full DECT”
a quality equivalent to fixed wired sets will be demanded on the office sets.
Quality for radio systems is a term that can include all of these topics. In this case, we talk of
Quality of Service (QoS).
The base technology also impacts on this quality.
For these three elements, the bases have a crucial role because
 their sensitivity will intervene to determine the coverage and capacity

 their algorithms and handover thresholds will impact on the capacity and quality

The actions to carry out to ensure QoS are:

1) Determine the aims and needs of the customer
2) Select the best position for the terminals and the type of antenna to be
3) Check the resulting traffic capacity
4) Identify whether the previous results need to be adapted according to the
sets used and the quality of service expected by the customer.

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3.2 Which speech quality is required

The required speech quality depends on the customer requirements and the environment. The
following quality levels are required:
Excellent and Good
In business and office environments, the excellent and good quality is mandatory!! A
lower speech quality is not allowed!
Also in First Aid environments, only excellent and good voice quality is allowed!!
Excellent, Good, Satisfactory
In less critical areas like basements, stocks and cold stores, a satisfactory quality is also
allowed. In a noisy environment people will not notice a click in the voice connection
anymore, because the environment produces a lot of background noise already. This
environmental background noise may also contain clicks. Sometimes, the speech of the
telephone extension cannot be heard because of the background noise.
- It may be necessary to install a hardwired emergency telephone in those areas where the quality is
satisfactory. This ensures that people can always make a call in case of emergency.
- If you agree with the customer on lower speech quality, then make sure that this is well documented
and signed by the customer. If the customer complains about it afterwards, then you can always
refer to the agreement. Also, be aware that, if the speech quality is low in certain areas, you might
get blamed for having delivered a bad system!!
3.3 Factors affecting speech quality
The following factors affect the voice quality as well:
Moving speed
The DECT techniques allow (formally) a maximum moving speed of 5 km/h. Bear this in
mind if your DECT system must cover an elevator.
Metal Construction
If the construction materials of the building are mainly made of metal, there will be a lot of
reflections. In that case the voice quality will be poor (a lot of “clicks” and “mutes”) even if
you are next to the base. Only if the handset doesn’t move, the voice quality will be good.
When the quality index is lower than 8, then there are too many reflections in the
environment for a successful DECT, xBS or IP-DECT installation. Consider using
directional antennas instead. If you choose this solution, do an accurate measurement on
these antennas on the spot where you want to apply them.
When applying directional antennas, you should later check whether the xBS to xBS or
DAP to DAP communication (for xBS and IP-DECT only) is sufficient for synchronization.
If you want to have a more accurate survey in metal environments, you must use a small
DECT system which a minimum of four bases and demonstrate to the customer the
maximum possible quality.

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4. Dect offer process

The entire offer process must be founded on a formal QoS commitment.
4.1 Project classification
The aim of this classification is to assist sales, pre-sales and post-sales technical support
managers to ask themselves a series of questions regarding offer optimization and the
identification of technical and sales risks. The radio measurement services on site are the only
means of securing the offer. Recommendations regarding sizing and methods are detailed in §
General rules.

4.1.1 Classification of customer objectives

The customer's objectives in terms of mobility and business approach may be as follows:
❑ Mobility / “DECT”
Part of the company is mobile. The aim is for these mobiles to be accessible at all times.
❑ Installation of a "Full DECT" completely wireless PABX.
The interest lies in doing away with the wiring and in the High-Tech aspect afforded to the
company. We talk of Full DECT or Full Wireless when more than 80% of users are in
DECT cordless. In this type of installation, two types of implementation are possible:
➢ With operating/running costs optimization by doing away with office moving costs.
➢ With investment costs optimization.
The customer's requirement may be a Full DECT system
- without a 100% coverage obligation
- without the obligation to do away with office moving costs totally
The use of this mobility may be just as important in the QoS choices.
Therefore, you must specify the type of users (discussions, basement or roof maintenance, etc.
sales agents, hot line, etc.)

4.1.2 Classification of user distribution

The different business activities in some companies may result in classifying a site by
geographic zones according to user homogeneity criteria.
A very different example of distribution is shown in the 2 schematics below even though the
average traffic is the same. The calculations according to average traffic must not be done
without prior analysis regarding homogeneity being carried out.
Homogeneous distribution:
User population correctly distributed with a majority centered on the average.

Number of users

0.2 Erl Traffic

Figure 2: Homogeneous distribution

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Non- homogeneous distribution:

Company having several activities with very differing traffic requirements.
Two cases are possible:
- The geographic distribution is common
- The geographic distribution is separate.
Depending on the case, this results in very variable capacity in traffic density, in turn
resulting in a different base station density.

Number of users Total average: 0.2 Erl

Figure 3: Non-homogeneous distribution 0.3 Erl Traffic

4.1.3 Technical classification of the site

This classification is used to determine the QoS expected by the customer at a given point. It is
based on two parameters: capacity and coverage.
Capacity objectives
The traffic capacity notion is an important aspect that must be integrated in this classification
approach. Capacity according to the activities:

 Very high traffic Telemarketing, Hot Line, market rooms, etc. (>0.3Erl)
 High traffic Sales, buyers, etc… (0.3E> >0.2E)
 Average traffic Technique, project, administration, etc… (0.2E> >0.1E)
 Low traffic Store, lab, storage, etc. (<0.1Erl)
The figures can be used for sizing if the customer has no accurate idea of the actual traffic.

Radio coverage classification of the site

The site can be classified in two categories for the coverage aspect
❑ Site with no coverage problem(s) (= Easy)
Offices, tertiary, store rooms (no obstacles and no metallic partitions), etc…
Watch out for ordinary office metal doors which can change the complexity of the site by
producing field variations.
❑ Site with difficult coverage (Metallic environment) (=Tricky)
Production plant, certain buildings using metallic partitions, clean rooms, etc…
A real life fading measurement (door openings, usual circulation, etc.) is essential to
classify the site as easy (fading <20dB) or tricky (fading >20dB).
However, the delay spread parameter, resulting from multiple reflections in the case of
large metallic buildings (> 30m x 30m), may be critical.
This risk is detected by associating a poor-quality level (< 8) and a good radio field level.

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4.1.4 Classification as zone

A zone is a space where the characteristics in terms of customer objectives, traffic distribution
and coverage difficulties are homogeneous.
Eliminating disparities in a zone allows us to obtain a result that is optimized as regards the
service expected by the customer. A site can comprise several zones.
This classification also allows the QoS objectives of the customer to be specified better and to
limit our commitment to the real requirement zone by zone.

4.1.5 Classification summary tables

The tables below are intended to assist offer managers and measurement managers in their
approach. The first column shows the objective of the customer and the other columns the
classifications in profiles, traffic and coverage, finishing with the recommendation in terms of

DECT case Traffic Coverage Principle
Ordinary mobility Homogeneous Low risk, users are Easy: Terminals per m²
over the entire mobile.
site Calculate the number of See “Coverage
A final calculation base stations required to calculation” chapter
indicating the cover the site, with a ceiling according to the
capacity per m² must of - 70 dBm (*1) antenna used
be handed over to
the customer

Tricky: Preliminary coverage

Preliminary coverage study
with measurements and
ceiling of - 60 dBm and
quality level of 12

Several zones of different Apply the previous 2

difficulties principles to each


The ceiling recommended for coverage calculation, while maintaining a quality level of 12 for a
DECT network using ALE DECT handsets, is given hereafter:
- For base station to handset deployment with TDM base stations (IBS/RBS NG),
xBS and for DAP to handset deployment with IP-DECT DAPs (such as 4080 IP-
DECT AP or 8340 Smart IP-DECT AP with integrated or external antennas) use
the following table:

Type of coverage Ceiling: Minimum RSSI level between an

ALE DECT handset and a base
Easy coverage - 70 dBm
Tricky coverage - 60 dBm

An additional margin of 10 dB should be considered (- 60 dBm and - 50 dBm) in the case of a

request for a Full DECT QoS level close to fixed (wired) line quality.
In addition, be careful and do not apply this rule on specific sites producing cavity type effects
where the resonance effects may corrupt this measurement. In this case, do a specific study.

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Case of a Full User profiles Traffic Coverage Principle

optimization of
running costs
Homogeneous Calculate the Easy: Take the highest number
over the entire number of base Calculate the number of base stations from the
No cost office site. stations required to of base stations 2 calculations and
moving handle the site required to cover the distribute them as
traffic with a site with a ceiling equally as possible on
margin. depending on the the site. Take a 5% base
mobile sets used*. station or DAP margin to
Indicate the (Use the least good add to cover one-off
hypotheses. sets). traffic situations

Tricky: Take the highest number

Preliminary coverage of base stations from the
study with radio 2 calculations and adapt
measurements to the coverage study
determine the number result if necessary.
of base stations. The
ceiling is dependent on A check on the capacity
the mobile sets used*. must be carried out.
(Use the least good
sets). And also take a
quality level of 12

Several zones of Apply the previous 2

different difficulties principles on the
different zones
Not Calculate the Easy: Take the highest number
Homogeneous number of base Calculate the number of base stations from the
stations required to of base stations 2 calculations and
There are zones handle the traffic required to cover the distribute them as
with very different starting with the site with a ceiling equally as possible on
traffic values highest traffic depending on the the site. Take a 5% base
density and mobile sets used* (use station margin to add for
applying it to the the least good sets). one-off traffic situations
entire site.
Indicate the
(Traffic density

Tricky: Take the highest number

Preliminary coverage of base stations from the
study to determine the 2 calculations and adapt
number of base the coverage study
stations. The ceiling is result if necessary. A
dependent on the check on the capacity
mobile sets used* must be carried out.
(take the least good
sets).and also take a
quality level of 12

Several zones of Apply the previous 2

different difficulties principles on the
different zones

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Case of a Full User profiles Traffic Coverage Principle

optimization of
investment costs

Homogeneous Same as the previous case except for the fact that the traffic value used
over the entire as hypothesis must not be increased.

Not Divide into zones and treat each zone as the case of a Full DECT
Homogeneous site with running costs optimization

There are zones

with very different
traffic values.

4.2 Offer completion methodology

The completion of a Radio offer must follow the following stages:

4.2.1 Stage 1: Collection of customer requirements

Phase 1: Determine the customer's objectives

This initial phase is usually conducted by the commercial manager.

 Objectives:
➢ Determine the customer's requirements per zone
➢ Determine the site complexity
➢ Retrieve the plans/drawings
➢ Retrieve the information relative to the traffic and user distribution.
 Results:
➢ Classification of the project and associated risks.
➢ Completion of the dossier for cost hypotheses

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Phase 2: Analysis of the site

This second phase can be completed by the commercial manager, offer technical support
or radio measurements manager, preferably on site.

 Objectives:
➢ Confirm the project complexity
➢ Complete the information retrieved in phase 1 (plans/drawings, traffic,
➢ Retrieve information relative to the site.
 Results:
➢ Confirm classification of the project and associated risks.
➢ Quantify the measurements services to be carried out
➢ Propose an initial approach for base numbers by integrating the traffic
and coverage data and their positions.
This phase is preferable to activate phase 3 in good conditions for the sizing of the
resources needed by the service and to provide an initial strategy recommendation to
follow as regards the measurements to be carried out.

Phase 3: Radio coverage study

In all cases, real life radio measurements are recommended to confirm the positioning
and quantity of bases (RSSI and quality level measurements using a SSK).
They are essential in the zones classified as tricky coverage.

 Objectives:
➢ Confirm the number of zones
➢ Determine the characteristics of the building, partitions and environment.
➢ Determine the field and Audio Quality levels (measurement of the Q
quality factor) at the strategic points on the site.
 Results:
➢ Identify the different zones and give the following results per zone
➢ Measurement dossier confirming the real coverage and associated audio
quality level
➢ Confirm the quantity and positioning of the bases
➢ Identify the residual risks
➢ Propose QoS levels per zone on which ALE could give a commitment.
If this measurement reveals that the environment is disruptive, the network will be
declared as tricky Radio Coverage and its classification may be changed.
If the site does not exist when the offer is made, this first stage will be replaced by the
drafting of more advanced hypotheses.

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4.2.2 Stage 2: Drafting of the offer

The offer will be drafted in the light of the coverage study and the hypotheses retained.
Different zones are displayed according to the QoS.

4.2.3 Stage 3: Drafting of the commitment limits

The commitment level per zone, the average of all the sets in this zone, must be specified by a
QoS level. It will be based on a DECT mobile set in static position, with the following two notions:
- Call establishment success rate = Accessibility, availability
- Audio quality rate = Quality, comfort
corresponding to the absence of cut-offs and interference on an established
Four levels are recommended:
Level 1:
The coverage is perfect on this zone, i.e. no cut-offs, no interference and no failure in call
Seen by the user as almost as a wired set, this corresponds to the Full DECT request.
A commitment of this type is always with a limit of less than 100%. The recommended
values are:
- Call establishment success rate >99.5%
- Audio quality rate >98%
Precautions: Clearly specify the zones of this type, avoid the common parts, rest rooms,
stairs, elevators and room angles/extremities. (Consider the field level recommendations
relative to Full DECT).
Level 2:
The coverage allows for good quality communications with the possibility of saturation
during a peak period.
The recommended commitment values for this level are:
- Call establishment success rate >95%
- Audio quality rate >95%
Precautions: Clearly specify the zones of this type, avoid the common parts, rest rooms,
stairs, elevators and room angles/extremities. (Consider the field level recommendations
relative to Full DECT).

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Level 3:
The coverage is good but some areas are probably in a shadow zone. Therefore, cut-offs
and interferences are to be expected.
The recommended commitment values for this level are:
- Call establishment success rate >90%
- Audio quality rate >85%
Precautions: Clearly specify the zones of this type, considering the recommendations for
field level relative to DECT.

Level 4:
The coverage is not guaranteed.
Work-around solutions are proposed according to the customer's needs.
(Case of rarely frequented zones where the accessibility can be obtained by installing
one-off solutions)
In the case where the customer has demands that exceed our own assessment, then
depending on the commercial context, we must

 either sell a pre-study that is more comprehensive, to better specify the ALE level
of commitment
 or present two offers specifying the hypotheses
version 1: what ALE feels is sufficient
version 2: what would be required to meet the customer's demands

When a commitment for results is requested, we must

- avoid fixing the resources (number of bases, etc.) as a more in-depth study may
enable us to reduce the number of bases and, as a result, increase our global
- increase the assessment to cover the risk relative to the number of bases (5% if
the requirements expression data are accurate and more in the case of
In all cases, do not make a results commitment for a site that has not been visited.

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5. General rules
5.1 Traffic calculation rules
Even though, in most cases today, the number of bases is linked more to coverage rather than
traffic objectives, it is a good idea to make sure of the suitability of the customer's capacity, in
the Full DECT case.
The calculations must be carried out zone by zone. (Reminder: a zone is a space that is
homogeneous regarding difficulty of coverage, traffic and the required quality level).
To calculate the number of possible close base stations (or terminals) as well as the traffic
when there is a reduction in the number of frequencies, refer to document IBS NG: Rules of
installation for China and South America base stations 3AK 29000 1555 UUZZA.
With 5 US frequencies, the maximum number of close IBS NG US base stations is between 3
and 5 which limits simultaneous communications to a number between 10 and 20, while with 10
frequencies, the maximum number of close IBS NG EU base stations is between 6 and 9 which
limits the simultaneous communications to a number between 25 and 40.

 With 5 frequencies rather than 10, the traffic reduction factor is in the order of 2.

5.1.1 User DECT traffic

User traffic has two components ti = tci + tsi
- the tci traffic due to the user's communications
- the tsi signaling traffic.
Three cases can arise when determining the tci traffic:
- The customer indicates the DECT traffic of the different users – in this case, use these
- The customer indicates the telephone traffic of the different users without making any
distinction between DECT and wired and often uses an average value: in this case take
100% for the users who just have DECT and only 50% for the others.
- The customer does not indicate any values – in this case, take 0.12 Erl for users just
having DECT and only 0.06 Erl for the others who have, for example, a wired terminal.
Determining the tsi traffic
Let tsi=0 x tci for xBS, IP-DECT DAPs and TDM base stations with the following exception
for TDM bases:
Let tsi=0.5 x tci for signaling traffic exchanged with the OXE for certain telephone features
(e.g. for sets using the manager/secretary, supervisor, multi MCDU or multi-key MCDU

5.1.2 DECT traffic of users in a zone

The calculation is done per user type (same traffic and same DECT terminal).

Tu= ni x ti
ni is the number of users of the same type.
ti is the average traffic per user of this type expressed in Erlang

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5.1.3 Traffic capacity calculation

The total load of the terminals is higher than the DECT traffic of the zone users. You must
consider the traffic of the visitors and the load due to DECT mechanisms (Handover).
By default, and without more accurate information, traffic of the visitors is estimated to be 10%
of the DECT traffic of the sets in the zone. The load due to the DECT mechanisms is equal to
20% of the DECT traffic of the users (those in the zone + visitors).
The total load for a zone is: T = Tu x 1.1 x 1.2 ≈ Tu x 1.3

5.1.4 Number of terminals

This is the number of terminals to be offered to the customer to meet their needs in terms of
The calculation method is given for TDM bases (RBS/IBS NG), for the xBS, for the IP-DECT
DAPs (with OXE and with OXO).
This calculated number can still be increased in the case of a Full DECT installation according
to the requirements of the customers.
The number of terminals finally determined for the traffic aspect must be compared with the
number of terminals determined by the coverage requirements.
The higher number will be used for the proposal to the customer.
Full DECT installation:
Full DECT installation with running cost optimization, the number of base stations proposed
and costed must be equal to the number of base stations calculated, increased by 30%.
This is used to guarantee for the customer that, after commissioning or any subsequent office
moving, there will be no more than 5% of the cells to restart.
Restarting a cell consists in passing it from 1 to 2 base stations because the station traffic
serviced is higher than the average.
Conversely, if after moving, this is not the case, the zone must be brought back to 1 single base
In fact, in the case of a Full DECT installation, with running cost optimization, 95% of the base
stations sold will be installed on commissioning and the remaining 5% will be used to handle
the case of excess traffic cells.
Full DECT installation with investment cost optimization, the number of base stations proposed
and costed must be equal to the number of base stations calculated.
Subsequently, the customer must adapt the coverage to the noted traffic disparities, which will
be translated by moving or even adding base stations.
Remark: For traffic calculations you must know:
- the number of users,
- the type of users.

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There are four user types distinguished:

Low Normal offices, stores, labs, storages, etc < 0.1
Average Exec-secretary groups, technique, projects, administration, etc 0.1 – 0.2
High traffic Helpdesks, Tele-services, sales, buyers, etc. 0.2 – 0.3
Very high traffic Telemarketing, Hot Lines, market rooms, etc. > 0.3

Table 1: Four user types

Calculation of the RBS number

The terminal traffic capacity is linked to 2 parameters:
- the terminal type which sees 11 channels (82x2 DECT)
- the minimum number of base stations seen by a terminal at any place in the zone.
Traffic capacity of a terminal C c.b
- Where “c” is the number of channels seen by the terminal
- Where “b” is the number of base stations seen at any place by the terminal
The table below gives the admissible load per base station with a blocking probability of 1%:

Nr of visible BS 1 2 3 4

Nr of channels

11 C 11.1 = 5.2 C 11.2 = 6.5 C 11.3 = 7.3 C 11.4 = 7.8

If in a same zone, the users have different terminals which do not see the same number of
channels, the calculation must be done as follows:
T is the traffic requirement of the zone and T (11) that of the terminals seeing 11 channels.
The number of base stations for the requirements of these terminals is if T=T(11):
N (11) = T (11) / C 11.b
Example :
Customer requirement: Full DECT zone to cover with the RBS and with running cost
Subscriber traffic:
- 200 users at 0.1 E with 82x2 DECT HS
- 50 users at 0.15 E with 82x2 DECT HS
- 40 users at 0.25 E with 82x2 DECT HS
- 10 users at 0.3 E with 82x2 DECT HS
Cell overlap: At all places the terminal sees at least 2 base stations.
This data item can be the result of measurements or of a hypothesis.

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DECT traffic of users in the zone:
T u (11) = 200 x 0.1 + 50 x 0.15 + 40 x 0.25 + 10 x 0.3 = 40.5 E
Total load for the zone:
T = 40.5 x 1.10 x 1.20 = 53.5 E
Calculation of the number of base stations:
The calculation for the traffic requirement of the base stations seeing 11 channels
N (11) = T (11)/ C11.2 = 53.5 / 6.5 = 8.2 => 9
The total of 9 base stations must be increased by 30% to take into account the requirements of
the customer regarding optimization of the running costs.
The final number is 12 base stations.

Calculation of the IBS number

All the terminals see 6 channels.
The table below gives the admissible load per base station with a blocking probability of 1%:
This load is a function of the minimum number of base stations seen by a terminal at any place
in the zone.

Nr of
base stations
1 2 3 4
Number of
6 channels C 6.1=1.9 C 6.2=2.8 C 6.3=3.3 C 6.4=3.7

The calculation of the number of base stations for the traffic requirement is then: N = T / C 6.b

Calculation of the xBS number

The xBS support load balancing of the RTP processing (relaying and recording of RTP) between
base stations in the same PARI. Therefore, the limitation in traffic capacity is the number of
available channels in a zone.
The xBS is a 12-slot base station, where one slot is used for air synchronization and 11 slots can be
used for traffic. But for traffic calculation, one slot is restricted to BHO (Bearer Handover on the
same base station, typical because of interference from other DECT phones in the area), leaving 10
channels for traffic.
The Master base station can carry 11 traffic channels, but to calculate the numbers of base stations,
always use 10 or 8 channels depending on reservation of 2 slots for emergency call.
In multiple PARI installation, the Master with an external Sync BS reference cannot carry any traffic.
The xBS is only used for synchronization. This is done to secure synchronization.
In the call server, there is an option to reserve or not 2 slots for emergency call, this will limit the
channels for traffic to 8 (9 for the master).
All the handsets can see all 12 channels, so from handset point there is no limitations.

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The terminal traffic capacity is linked to the parameter:

- the minimum number of base stations seen by a terminal at any place in the zone.
Traffic capacity of a terminal C c.b
- Where “c” is the number of channels seen by the terminal
- Where “b” is the number of base stations seen at any place by the terminal

The table below gives the admissible load per base station with a blocking probability of 1%:

Nr. Of 1 2 3 4
visible BS

Nr. of channels
Master xBS: 11 C11.1 = 5,7 NA NA NA

Slave xBS: 10 C 10.1 = 5,0 C 10.2 = 6,4 C 10.3 = 7,0 C 10.4 = 7,5

Master w. Emergency C 9.1 = 4.4 NA NA NA

reservation: 9

Slave w. Emergency C 8.1 = 3,7 C 8.2 = 4,8 C 8.3 = 5,3 C 8.4 = 5,6
reservation: 8

Master with an C 0.1 = 0 NA NA NA

External Sync BS: 0

The Capacity in erlang is based on the Engset traffic model, with 0.2 Erlang/user and traffic sources
adjust to the capacity of the base station(s).
T is the traffic requirement of the zone and T (c) that of the terminals seeing c channels. The number
of base stations for the requirements of these terminals is if T=T(x):
N (c) = T (c)/ C c.b
Example 1:
Customer requirement: Full DECT zone to cover with the xBS and with running cost
Subscriber traffic:
- 200 users at 0.1 E
- 50 users at 0.15 E
- 40 users at 0.25 E
- 10 users at 0.3 E
overlap: At all places, the terminal sees at least 2 base stations.
Setup without slot reservation for emergency call (10 channels)
This data item can be the result of measurements or of a hypothesis.

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DECT traffic of users in the zone:
T u (11) = 200 x 0.1 + 50 x 0.15 + 40 x 0.25 + 10 x 0.3 = 40.5 E
Total load for the zone:
T = 40.5 x 1.10 x 1.20 = 53.5 E
Calculation of the number of base stations:
The calculation for the traffic requirement of the base stations seeing 10 channels
N (10) = T (10)/ C10.2 = 53.5 / 6,4 = 8,4 => 9
The total of 9 base stations must be increased by 30% to take into account the requirements of the
customer regarding optimization of the running costs.
The final number is 12 base stations.
Example 2:
Customer requirement: Full DECT zone to cover with the xBS and with running cost
Subscriber traffic:
- 200 users at 0.1 E
- 50 users at 0.15 E
- 40 users at 0.25 E
- 10 users at 0.3 E
overlap: At all places, the terminal sees at least 2 base stations.
Setup with slot reservation for emergency call (8 channels)
This data item can be the result of measurements or of a hypothesis.
DECT traffic of users in the zone:
T u (11) = 200 x 0.1 + 50 x 0.15 + 40 x 0.25 + 10 x 0.3 = 40.5 E
Total load for the zone:
T = 40.5 x 1.10 x 1.20 = 53.5 E
Calculation of the number of base stations:
The calculation for the traffic requirement of the base stations seeing 10 channels
N (10) = T (10)/ C10.2 = 53.5 / 4.8 = 11,1 => 12
The total of 9 base stations must be increased by 30% to take into account the requirements of the
customer regarding optimization of the running costs.
The final number is 16 base stations.

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Calculation of the 4080/8340 IP-DECT number

Note about capacity:
Max. number of simultaneous calls: 12
Please note that this maximum number of calls is only applicable when the DAP is synchronization
source/master. If the DAP is not the synchronization master, the maximum number of simultaneous
calls is 11.
Max. number of simultaneous relay calls: 12
Max. number of DAPs per network: 256
Max. number of DAPs with DAPs in Branch Offices: 256
Max. number of simultaneous calls per network with 256 DAPs: 11 x 255 +12 =2817. This
depends on the network configuration and available DAP channels.
The terminal traffic capacity is linked to 2 parameters:
- the terminal type which sees 11 channels or 12 channels
- the minimum number of DAPs seen by a terminal at any place in the zone.
Traffic capacity of a terminal C c.b
- Where “c” is the number of channels seen by the terminal
- Where “b” is the number of base stations seen at any place by the terminal
The table below gives approximately the admissible load per DAP with a blocking rate of 1%:

Nr of visible DAPs
1 2 3 4
Nr of channels
11 C 11.1 ≈ 5.2 C 11.2 ≈ ND * C 11.3 ≈ ND * C 11.4 ≈ ND *

12 (only for master) C 12.1 ≈ 5.9

* ND: Not Defined

If in a same zone, the users have different terminals which do not see the same number of
channels, the calculation must be done as follows:
T is the traffic requirement of the zone and T (11) that of the terminals seeing 11 channels.
The number of DAPs for the requirements of these terminals is if T=T(11):
N (11) = T (11)/ C 11.b
Traffic density calculations must be done to make sure that you have a low blocking probability in
the system.
For calculations choose, by default, C11.1 and a blocking probability of 1%.

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You can calculate the traffic density as follows:

Remark: The DAP Manager will distribute the subscription data to one of the DAPs.
Distribution has the following characteristics:
The DAP Manager tries to distribute the subscription records equally over the DAPs.
The maximum number of subscription records per DAP is 25.

If the number of DAPs found is N_DAPs for N_Users check that:

N_Users ≤ 25 if N_DAPs = 1 (Not recommended if the DAP is out of
N_Users ≤ (N_DAPs -1) x 25 if 1< N_DAPs ≤ 10 (-1 to consider if one DAP is out of
N_Users ≤ N_DAPs x 22 if N_DAPs > 10

In one cell there will be 50 users: 20 high traffic, 15 average traffic and 15 low traffic.
The blocking probability is 1%.
The load will be: (20 x 0.25) + (15 x 0.15) + (15 x 0.1) = 8.75 E
Total load for the zone:
T = 8.75 x 1.10 x 1.20 = 11.5 E
Calculation of the number of DAPs:
The calculation for the traffic requirement of the DAPs seeing 11 channels (400 DECT, 8232
DECT, 8242 DECT)
N_DAPs = N (11) = T (11)/ C11.2 = 11.5 / 5.2 = 2.2 => 3
Checking (knowing that 1< N_DAPs=3 ≤10): N_Users=50 ≤ (3-1) x 25 => True =>OK
The total of 3 DAPs must be increased by 30% to take into account the requirements of the
customer regarding optimization of the running costs.
Conclusion: The final number to foresee is 4 DAPs.
Remark: You need to install the DAPs close to each other.
Note: If you install some DAPs close to each other for extra traffic density, make sure that the
distance between the DAPs is always more than 1 meter and preferably more than 5 meters.

5.1.5 Customer wants to replace IBS/RBS bases by xBS or IP-DECT DAPs

Additional bases may be needed due to air synchronization if a customer wants to replace IBS/RBS
bases by xBS or IP-DECT DAPs. The following rules based on the number of bases to be replaced
give a number of bases or a percentage to be added (valid for classical sites). It considers the
parameters concerning the implementation as floors, isolated bases, bases with cable length >> 100
m, …:
If the number of IBS/RBS bases to replace is ≤ 10, up to 1 additional base may be needed.
If the number of IBS/RBS bases to replace is > 10, up to 10% of additional bases may be needed.

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6. General rules only for IP-DECT deployment

6.1 DAP to DAP communication
The DAP to DAP communication is used to synchronize the internal clock in the DAPs with each
other. This means that a DAP must be able to receive a signal from another DAP.
In the following figure, you see the radio signal around the DAP. This is called the cell.

Figure 4: Cells for good Voice Quality and for Synchronization

A DAP (radio) cell can be seen theoretically as a circle around the DAP. In Figure 4 you see two
circles around the DAP: one in which you have sufficient radio signal strength for a good voice
quality, and another (wider) circle with sufficient signal strength for synchronization. There must
always be overlap in the cells to make sure that the voice quality between two DAP cells remains
good. The wider cell limit around the DAP will therefore have quite some overlap with the other cell,
and will reach to the DAP of the other cell. This means that the DAPs of the overlapping cells
receive (weak) radio signals from each other. However, these radio signals are still strong enough
for synchronization purposes.
The minimum required signal strength for synchronization is –80 dBm.
The DAP to handset deployment is done with the following deployment engineering rules (same
rules for TDM base stations and IP-DECT DAPs)

Type of coverage Ceiling: Minimum RSSI level between an

ALE DECT handset and a base
Easy coverage - 70 dBm
Tricky coverage - 60 dBm

An additional margin of 10 dB should be considered (- 60 dBm and - 50 dBm) in the

case of a request for a Full DECT QoS level close to fixed (wired) line quality.

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For IP-DECT deployment (but not for TDM deployment) each DAP must be able to receive a signal
from another DAP.
Compliance with the “DAP to handset” engineering rules given above is much more stringent than
the “DAP to DAP” synchronization rules.
A checking of the “DAP to DAP” synchronization requiring the minimum signal strength of -
80 dBm is necessary.
- As a matter of fact, the synchronization cell limit determines the synchronization cell size. It is
highly recommended to execute a Site Survey to determine the cell size for synchronization
besides the cell size for speech.
- The example in Figure 4 is a worst-case scenario. In practice, a DAP will see more than one
other DAP with sufficient signal strength. Out of these “visible” DAPs, it selects the DAP that
has the shortest synchronization path to the master.
6.2 Synchronization Structure
For DAP to DAP synchronization, there must be sufficient signal strength as described in the
previous section. When DAPs try to synchronize to each other, there is also a hierarchy. The top-
level DAP in this hierarchy is called the Synchronization Master. One DAP must be assigned as
Synchronization Master. Assigning a DAP as Synchronization Master must be done after the
installation is completed and the system is up and running.
In the following picture, you see a simple theoretical example of a synchronization structure:

Figure 5: DAP Synchronization Structure

A “Synchronization Cluster” means a group of DAPs synchronizing with each other over
the air and therefore allowing seamless handover between the DAPs.
In a simple IP-DECT configuration (see chapter “Simple configuration”), DAPs must be in one
Synchronization Cluster, so not split up into more Synchronization Clusters. Seamless handover is
supported between all DAPs.

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Be aware of the fact, in case of failure of one or several DAPS, that, if the DAP structure consists of
more than one group of DAPs (without synchronization path between them) each group has its own
synchronization source or “Pseudo Master”.
In a configuration with a main location (where DAPs are deployed constituting one synchronization
cluster) and a remote location (where other DAPs are deployed constituting another synchronization
cluster), it should not be any overlap in radio signals between the synchronization clusters.
If a handset is between two synchronization clusters, it should see no Access Point for any location
(main or remote). So, between two synchronization clusters, in both directions, the RSSI level
(which is more significant than a distance for RF considerations) must be ≤ -95dBm.
Note: Under conditions of typical cases, the distance between the locations must be at least 1000
meters (This is just an indication but if in doubt it is the RSSI level that counts). When using
directional antennas with higher gains than classical antennas, the distance should be more and
according to the gain increase.

When a DAP is started up, it will try to synchronize to a DAP in the environment. Each DAP has its
own unique identifier, the RPN (Radio Part Number). The RPN is a hexadecimal three-digit number.
A DAP will always try to synchronize to a DAP that has a lower RPN, even if the path goes via a
DAP with a higher RPN. A DAP will always try to find the shortest path to the master.
In the figure 5 you see an example of a simple DAP structure. When the system starts up, the DAPs
try to synchronize to the DAP with the lowest RPN. For DAP 010 it means that it will become the
synchronization source! The DAPs with RPNs 011, 013 and 014 will synchronize to RPN 010.
However, RPN 012 will synchronize to RPN 013 although RPN 013 is a higher number. Finding a
synchronization source is not limited to one level deep only. DAP 012 knows that DAP 013 is
synchronized to a DAP (010) that has a lower number than itself. Therefore DAP 012 will
synchronize to DAP 013, because it is aware that DAP 013 gets its source from a DAP with a lower
The first DAP that reports itself to the DAP Controller, will get the lowest RPN number. This means
that it will become the source for providing the synchronization to the DAP hierarchy.
While doing a Site Survey you must already think of the synchronization structure. In many
situations, it will be necessary to install one or more extra DAPs to establish a synchronization path
(e.g., between buildings, floors) or to make a synchronization chain (number of DAPs to the master)
shorter. If you do so, you should make notes on the map of the building.
Note: Try to keep the synchronization path to the master (source) as short as possible. (Keep the
synchronization structure as flat as possible.) This can be achieved by selecting the master
in the middle of a cluster of DAPs.
Also write down the synchronization structure that is necessary for the site. The engineer who must
get the system up-and-running must know the synchronization structure from the Site Survey, to
force the system to behave as such. The engineer can do that by (re)arranging the RPN numbers of
the DAPs.
After the installation, the engineer should check the actual synchronization structure: See appendix

6.3 IP-DECT network rules with OXE

see more details about topologies, DHCP, TFTP server configurations, DAP controler in doc[1] and

6.4 IP-DECT Lite network rules with OXO

See more details about DAP-lite in doc[3]

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7. General rules only for 8378 DECT IP-xBS deployment

7.1 xBS to xBS communication
The xBS to xBS radio communication is used to synchronize the internal clock in the xBS with each
other. This means that a xBS must be able to receive sufficient radio signal from at least another
xBS. For reliability of the synchronization, it’s better if a xBS can receive sufficient radio signal from
two or more xBS.
In the following figure, you see the radio signal around the xBS. This is called the cell.


Figure 6: Cells for good Voice Quality and for Synchronization

A xBS (radio) cell can be seen theoretically as a circle around the xBS. In Figure 6 you see two
circles around the xBS: one (smaller) in which you have enough radio signal strength for a good
voice quality (xBS to Handset coverage area), and another (wider) circle with enough signal strength
for synchronization (xBS to xBS coverage area). There must always be overlap of the smaller circles
in the cells to make sure that the voice quality perceived by the DECT handset when moving
between two xBS cells remains good. The wider cell limit around the xBS will therefore have quite
some overlap with the other cell and overlap must reach to the xBS of the other cell to achieve
synchronization. This means that the xBS of the overlapping cells receive (weak) radio signals from
each other. These radio signals are still strong enough for synchronization purposes.
The minimum required signal strength for synchronization is –80 dBm.
The xBS to handset deployment is done with the following deployment engineering rules (same
rules for TDM base stations and IP-xBS and IP-DECT DAPs)

Type of coverage Ceiling: Minimum RSSI level between an

ALE DECT handset and a base
Easy coverage - 70 dBm
Tricky coverage - 60 dBm

An additional margin of 10 dB should be considered (- 60 dBm and - 50 dBm) in the

case of a request for a Full DECT QoS level close to fixed (wired) line quality.

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For IP-xBS deployment (but not for TDM deployment) each xBS must be able to receive a signal
from another xBS, what we call “xBS to xBS” radio communication or “xBS to xBS” synchronization.
A site checking of the “xBS to xBS” synchronization requiring the minimum signal strength
of -80 dBm is necessary.
- Compliance with the “xBS to handset” engineering rules given above is much more stringent
than the “xBS to xBS” synchronization rules.
- As a matter of fact, the -80dBm minimum signal strength determines the synchronization cell
size. A Site Survey is needed to determine the cell size for synchronization (xBS to xBS)
besides the cell size for speech (xBS to Handset).

7.2 General description

The 8378 DECT IP-xBS system requires synchronization between the xBS to secure functionality,
especially CHO (Connection HandOver). There are two types of synchronization:
1) Data synchronization which is needed to allow handset to make connection handover between
two base stations. The main data synchronized is:
a. Synchronization tree information
b. xBS list in the group
c. Statistics

2) Air synchronization, to secure that all the base stations are synchronized to the same timing
(+/- 2 µs) – required to be able to make connection handover (seamless audio) when a handset
moves between base stations

Data synchronization is managed by the Data Sync Primary xBS (configured automatically by the
call server), so all xBS with same Data Sync Primary xBS will have their data synchronized. The
Data Sync Primary xBS and the xBS that is data synchronized by the Data Sync Primary have the
same PARI. The maximum group of base station is one PARI (254 base stations). To make CHO,
the Base stations need to have the same Data Sync Primary and to be air synchronized.

Air synchronization is managed by the DECT Sync Master. The DECT Sync Master is the highest-
level xBS in a synchronization tree of xBS and it provides reference timing to all slaves xBS included
in the synchronization tree. In a PARI on a geographical site, there is a single DECT Sync Master in
the DECT synchronization tree, providing reference timing to all xBS. This enables the handsets to
discover all xBS’s and perform connection handover when moving from one xBS to the other.

The DECT Sync Master can be assigned either automatically or manually:

• Automatically: The system finds the DECT Sync Master and slave xBS’s setup by itself using
the DECT synchronization tree algorithm. Automatic assignment (default configuration) is
intended and recommended for use in single PARI installation and in BO installations.

• Manually: The installer configures the DECT Sync Master(s) via the administration tool of the
CS. Manual assignment is intended only for multi PARI installations with External
Synchronization references (only xBS, RBS or IBS can act as External Synchronization
references, not IP-DECT) used for inter-PARI synchronization.

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7.2.1 xBS synchronization deployment strategy

The basic element for the 8378 DECT IP-xBS system is one PARI system, where all base stations
are Air synchronized and Data synchronized. Figure 7 shows a simple one PARI system.

L represents the level which is also the number of hops from the master


L=0 S

S M L=1

L=2 S S

L=1 L=2

Figure 7: Air synchronization with self-referenced DECT Sync Master

If the installation is limited to one PARI, the site surveys shall be done without any concerns to the
air synchronization planification, just follow the site survey guidelines, then the system will
automatically create the synchronization between all the base stations in the PARI.
If it is a Multi PARI installation, the synchronization needs to be planned and be part of the site
survey. The Sync Highway needs to be configured manually, with Master, External sync BS, Slave
and the inter-PARI sync branch.
In the example shown below the xBS shown in the black structure (SYNC HIGHWAY) are manually
set up by the installer to ensure a stable DECT sync across PARI’s. The sync tree for the xBS’s
outside the synchronization backbone (inter-PARI sync branch) is either automatically
(recommended) or manually configured.

= Slave xBS
= External Sync xBS
= Sync Master xBS

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Figure 8 Multi PARI installation

HOPS: the number of hops between two xBS of a synchronization chain is derived by how many
xBS part the chain are between the two xBS. To minimize the number of hops between the Sync
Master and the farest xBS, the Sync Master needs to be placed central in the deployment.
The total number of hops (hops in PARI_1 + hops in PARI_2 + …) must always be less than 24.
The maximum number of hops per PARI can be configured in the OXE CS, the sum of the different
settings must be <=24. The number of hop really used in a deployment can be verified by checking
the synchronization trees.

7.2.2 Basic recommendation for synchronization

Doc[4] and Doc[5] give an overview on how to deploy and configure the xBS solution.

OXO synchronization deployment strategy

The recommendation for one PARI deployment is to let the xBS system handle the selection of Sync
Master and calculate the synchronization tree automatically.

OXE synchronization deployment strategy

The recommendation for one PARI deployment is to let the xBS system handle the selection of Sync
Master and calculate the synchronization tree automatically.
If it is a Multi PARI installation, the synchronization needs to be planned and be part of the site
survey. With more than two PARI the Sync Highway need to be configured manually, with Sync
Master and backup Sync Master, External Sync BS and the inter-PARI sync branch.

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7.3 Deployment - steps

7.3.1 Deployment OXO or OXE (One PARI)

1) Execute site survey to decide where the base stations shall be placed. See chapter Site survey
preparation 10 and Site survey execution 11.
2) One PARI – see section 7.4
3) Verify the installation

7.3.2 Deployment OXE (Multi PARI)

1) Based on the maps / placement of building (and if required execute pre-site survey), define
the Sync Highway.
2) Execute site survey to decide where the base stations shall be placed. See chapter Site survey
preparation 10 and Site survey execution 11.
3) Multiple PARI – see section 7.5
4) Verify the installation

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7.4 One xBS PARI deployment

To manage all the different types of deployment foreseen, a set of configuration parameters has
been developed. The configuration of the system depends on the complexity of the deployment. The
following deployment complexities are defined:

1) Easy deployment: All xBS have same PARI, the xBS have a uniform coverage (all xBS belong
to the “xBS to xBS” coverage area of minimum 2 or more neighbor xBS) leading to a stable
synchronization tree (stable means that all xBS remain permanentely in the sync tree. Note
that a change of the Sync Master is possible from time to time depending on variations of the
radio environment, without affecting performance of the xBS system.
2) Complex deployment: All xBS have same PARI, there can be critical synchronization path(s),
or area(s) that can cannot keep the global synchronization tree stable.
3) BO installations: Deployment on different locations.

The deployments and configuration parameters that are used in the different deployment are
described below.

7.4.1 Easy deployment

Used for deployments where all the xBS have a uniform coverage (all xBS belong to the “xBS to
xBS” coverage area of minimum 2 or more neighbor xBS) leading to a stable synchronization tree.


L=0 S

S M L=1

L=2 S S

L=1 L=2

Figure 9: Air synchronization with self-referenced DECT sync master

Note: the figure above shows an example of a synchronization tree but doesn’t show the number of
neighbors xBS that a xBS sees.

The automatic sync mode is the default mode for OXE and OXO.

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7.4.2 Complex deployment

Used for deployments where there can be critical synchronization path(s), or area(s) that can cannot
keep the global synchronization tree stable.

When having a PARI with two (or more) separate DECT synchronization trees relatively close
together, e.g. in two buildings next to each other, they will from time to time be able to synchronize
to each other. To prevent this the Cluster configuration can be used, which forces the base stations
only to synchronize to base stations from the same Sync Cluster(s). Per default every base station
belongs to the same Sync Cluster, but this can be configured by the CS.
The Sync Cluster information is used by the base stations while searching to identify which other
base stations is in the same Sync Cluster(s). When distributing RSSI values and calculating
potential DECT sync trees, only in the same Sync Cluster is considered.
Except from the above the synchronization algorithm used is the same as described under DECT
synchronization. The Sync Cluster principle within the same PARI (no handover possible) is
illustrated in Figure 10


Cluster 1


S distance 1 km

Cluster 2



Figure 10 DECT sync tree of two neighbor buildings, where it is not possible to make a stable synchronization

The Sync Cluster principle can also be used for deployments where there is a critical
synchronization path. With the Sync clusters the sync tree can be shaped as the installer have
planned. This is shown in Figure 11, illustrating how the DECT sync tree would look like.
In this case, there are the possibility of synchronization between the 4 Sync Clusters since Sync
Cluster 4 contains base stations which are part of the other 3 Sync Clusters (handover possible).
Sync Cluster 4 is manually set up by the installer and is a fixed setup. Which xBS’s that should be in
Sync Cluster 1, 2 and 3 are also selected by the installer manually.

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Cluster 4
Cluster 1


Cluster 2


Cluster 3


Figure 11: DECT sync tree of building with 3 floors with Sync Clusters ensuring sync via elevator shaft

Settings for Complex deployment: See cluster in OXE doc[2] or in OXO doc[3]

In a configuration where xBS’s are deployed constituting one sync cluster and where other xBS’s
are deployed constituting another sync cluster not synchronized with the first, it should not be any
overlap in radio signals between the sync clusters.
If a handset is between two sync clusters, it should see no xBS from any sync cluster. So, between
two sync clusters, in both directions, the RSSI level (which is more significant than a distance for RF
considerations) must be ≤ -95dBm.
Note: Under conditions of typical cases, the distance between the sync clusters must be at least
1000 meters (This is just an indication but if in doubt it is the RSSI level that counts). When using
directional antennas with higher gains than classical antennas, the distance should be more and
according to the gain increase.

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7.4.3 Branch office deployment

The branch office deployment shall be used where one PARI is used on different locations. The
deployment must not be “nearby”, meaning that a handset must never see both subsystems at the
same time. There will be no CHO between two BO installations, only roaming.

Branch offices in 8378 DECT IP-xBS solution are differentiated using the “Site Number Id”. The
following is given for 8378 DECT IP-xBS systems and branch offices:

• Each branch office is configured independently and communicates directly with the call server.
• There is no information exchange between the base stations in different branch offices.
• A dedicated Data Sync Primary will be set by the CS for, and physically located at each branch
Figure 12 is an illustration of a single-PARI xBS branch office installation on three Sites. Each Site
has as an independently configured Data Sync Primary and DECT Sync Master.

Call Server (PARI 1)

PARI 1, site 1 PARI 1, site 2 PARI 1, site 3


Figure 12: Example of three branch offices with xBS on a single PARI/Call Server. Each office/site has a dedicated
Data Sync Primary and different DECT/External synchronization configuration.

Settings for BO: See SITE in OXE doc[2] or in OXO doc[3]

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7.5 Multi PARI deployment

Before configuration of the system, the site survey needs to be performed, to get the placements of
all Base stations to secure capacity and coverage. Start the Site Survey by estimating the position of
the Sync Master. The xBS which should be the Synchronization Master.
The deployment rules are slightly different depending if it is a new installation with only xBS or the
deployment is an extension to an existing IBS/RBS installation.

7.5.1 One xBS PARI in adjunction of one TDM PARI

In that case, a Sync Master and a Backup Sync Master xBS must be manually configured with the
PARI and RPN of the External Sync BS (the IBS or RBS used as timing reference for air
synchronization). The other xBS will synchronize automatically on this Sync Master.
As the setup is an extension to an IBS / RBS installation, the xBS near to the IBS / RBS border
needs to be configured as Sync Master for the new installation, mark as the blue circled M in Figure


Sync BS for
Backup Sync Master
L=2 L=2
L=3 L=1
S L=2
S S L=3

Figure 13: External synchronization configuration (1 TDM PARI, 1 xBS PARI)

Note: The Sync Master that is setup to synchronize to an External Sync BS cannot carry any traffic.
Because external synchronization is used, the Backup Sync Master is mandatory to secure
redundancy. This Backup Sync Master needs to be placed near to the Sync Master, it must see the
same External Sync BS. The Backup Sync Master could carry traffic not supported by the Sync
Master but if the Sync Master fails, the Backup Sync Master will not be able any more to support this
traffic. If this is not acceptable, an additional xBS must be placed near Sync Master and Backup
Sync Master to support the traffic in all conditions. The Back-up Sync Master will be acting as Sync
Master (meaning no traffic) if the original Sync Master is down.
It is highly recommended that the Sync Master and the backup Sync Master can see more than one
External Sync BS.

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7.5.2 Several xBS PARI in adjunction of one TDM PARI

To deploy Multi PARI installation with more than two xBS PARI, the first step is to define the xBS of
the Inter-PARI branch (SYNC HIGHWAY + all SYNC MASTERs), which all are the manually
configured synchronization tree between the PARI’s and inside each PARI.


Inter-PARI Sync Branch

Sync PARI_2 Source of synchronization

Backup Sync Master

L=2 L=2
L=3 L=1
S L=2
External S L=3
Sync PARI_3 PARI_2
Backup Sync Master (xBS)

L=z+3 S

L=z+4 S PARI_3

Figure 14: External synchronization configuration (1 TDM PARI, several xBS PARI)

If there are more than one xBS PARI used in addition to an existing IBS or RBS deployment, next is
to configure the SYNC HIGHWAY (Inter-PARI Sync Branch) to secure synchronization between the
PARI’s and to have a constant and known number of hops. This is done by manually configuring the
tree from the Sync Master to the External Sync BS for the next xBS PARI. The other xBS not part of
the SYNC HIGHWAY will synchronize automatically to the Sync Master or to any other xBS part of
Then the next xBS PARI shall be configured, starting with the Sync Master, the Backup Sync Master
and the Sync Highway (if needed, only if another xBS PARI is following).
Note: The Sync Highway and the Inter-PARI branch must be used only when the placement of the
three or more PARIs are in a line, sequentially with the source of synchronization not central.

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7.5.3 Two xBS PARI not in adjunction to a TDM PARI

L=3 S
L=2 L=3
S L=2
S L=0=z

External M L=1
Sync PARI_3 PARI_1
Backup Sync Master (xBS)

L=z+3 S

L=z+4 S PARI_2

Figure 15: External synchronization configuration (two xBS PARI)

If there are only two xBS PARI and no existing IBS or RBS deployment, only the Sync Master must
be manually configured on each PARI and the Backup Sync Master on the second PARI. Both
Master will be located at the interface between the two coverages, one synchronizing the second.
Doing this will minimize the number of hops. There is no need of any SYNC HIGHWAY with only two

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7.5.4 Three or more xBS PARI (not TDM PARI)

The main Sync Master has a central position to minimize the number of hops. In the figure below, it
is the Master for PARI_2. A Back-up Sync Master is also configured. They are not configured to
synchronize on any external BS, the Sync Master is free-running.
The maximum number of hops in PARI_2 is set to 12 for example and 12 in each other PARI.
On each other PARI, two specific xBS at the edge of the PARI must be configured as Sync Master
and a Backup Sync Master must be configured at the edge of the PARI, with synchronization to a
xBS of an external PARI.
Note: The inter-PARI branch (and Sync Highway) is not used in this example because the PARIs
are not placed in line, in a row. It is not possible to configure several Sync-Highway within a single

PARI_1 L=w+2
(xBS) L=w+2

L=w+1 External
L=w+3 M Sync BS for PARI x

Backup Sync Master

L=1 L=1=w
S L=1
S L=x+3
L=y+2 S
L=y+1 L=2=y L=0 L=x+1
S S L=1=x S
L=3 L=1
S L=1=z S L=x+2
L=y+3 L=2 S L=x+2
Backup Sync Master L=x+3
L=z+2 Backup Sync Master (xBS)
L=z+3 S

L=z+4 S PARI_3

Settings for External synchronization, Sync Master, Backup Sync Master and Sync Highway:
See these settings in OXE doc[2]

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8. Coverage Calculation
8.1 Coverage performance principles

8.1.1 Base station positioning methods

Base station distribution

The general rule is to distribute the base stations over the whole site or zone to put the
mobile handset in a context in which it will see several base stations in the different directions.
This is used to guarantee the fact that it will see some base stations better than others.
For some traffic extension or local traffic cases, one-off doubling of the base stations will be
authorized by waiving this rule.
If the traffic is predominant as regards the coverage difficulty, base station meshing will be
weaker thereby allowing each mobile handset to see a maximum number of base stations
within the predefined field level limits.

Measurement and scheduling principle

The first phase is carried out on a two-dimensional horizontal surface; the aim is to obtain a
radio level that is better than the coverage ceiling defined according to the type of set and the
category of the coverage type. This level is used to retain a margin as regards the mobile
handset sensitivity (about -92 dBm) to have greater protection against fading effects (fluctuation
in the order of 20 /30 dB).
The measurements obtained must be stable for a minimum of 5 seconds; if this stability
cannot be obtained, the lowest level must be used as a basis.
It can be assumed that base station distribution will be done as per a network of hexagonal
cells as shown in the schematic below.

The above method assumes:

* that the antennas systems used initially are omnidirectional type. The use of specific
antenna systems can be used in special cases that will be dealt with in the antennas
chapter, either for quality reasons or to optimize the number of base stations.
* that the base stations on the adjacent floors have no influence.
Initially, when the traffic requirement is not high, the planning can be done without taking into
account any inter-floor mutual assistance. Taking this into account can be done in the second
phase, allowing optimization of the number of base stations for the coverage.

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You must always check the capacity of the final traffic obtained in this way before finalizing any
This optimization phase will comply with the following process:
* Measurement of the level on the adjacent floors, remembering the fact that this is
not always homogeneous. (Use the least good cases for planning).
* Proceed with base station position interleaving between the floors if the level is
sufficient to have mutual assistance (-60 to -70 dBm depending on the type of
coverage retained)
 Check the efficiency of the mutual assistance between the floors.
Remark: This position interleaving can be a rule to be applied generally when
no geo-localization is needed.
Note: When geo-localization is needed the base stations must be the one above the other
(no interleaving in order to determine with reliability the floors where the handset of
someboby can be). So, sites with geo-localization require a specific site survey. The geo-
localization needs specific engineering rules with addition of bases (it can be doubled or
tripled) and a suitable positioning of the bases.

The best way to continue is to start the study, when no geo-localization is required, with floor 2,
position the radio base stations to obtain floor 2 coverage in line with the previous
recommendations, repeat the operation on floor 1 and 3 off-setting the base stations, confirm the
final coverage level obtained on floor 2 and then repeat the same base station positions on the
even and odd numbered floors.
If the upper floors do not have the same layout as floors 2 and 3, they must also be analyzed by
repeating the different stages.
The number of base stations on the first and last floors must be confirmed as they will not have the
same mutual assistance capacity.

Stage 4

Stage 3

Stage 1

Stage 2

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8.1.2 Theoretical coverage estimation

The coverage can be calculated in advance, before executing a site survey. Calculation is based on
the following theory.
The transmission path between the base and the handset is the link. It is subject to radio-
propagation related peculiarities, such as:
- Dynamically changing environment;
- Attenuation of the signal, due to fixed and moving objects;
- Multi-path propagation of the signal.
The signal from the transmitter is attenuated in the link before arriving at the receiver. The link
consists usually of a path through “free air” and obstacles as walls, etc. Air causes attenuation and
the obstacles cause also attenuation, called “insertion loss”. Table 2 gives typical insertion losses of
some obstacles.

Glass 2
Glass, metal reinforced grid 10
Glass, metal clad sun guard 10
Wall, indoor, plaster, wood 2
Wall, brick, 10 cm 3.5
Wall concrete, 10 cm 6
Wall concrete, 15 cm 9
Wall concrete, 20 cm, large windows 6
Wall concrete, 40 cm 17
Ceiling, concrete, reinforced, tiles 17 - 20

Table 2: Typical Insertion Losses of some Obstacles

The maximum allowed loss in the link is calculated to comply with -70 dBm for easy coverage and -
60 dBm for tricky coverage, under constraints of excellent and good speech quality and the ability
for the user to move.
At the map of the building, start at the possible base location. The loss between the base and the
handset can be calculated by using the “DECT range calculation versus beta” see table 3. Add the
losses due to the different encountered obstacles (See table 2).
Example: You are in a typical office (=> Beta < 3.5) The coverage is estimated tricky (=> -60 dBm),
there are 1 indoor wall (2 dB) and 1 brick wall (3.5 dB) between the base and the handset in a
specific direction:
-60 +2 +3.5= -54.5 ≈ -54
In the table if beta = 3.5 and Pr = -54.5 dBm so R = 13 m
This gives an indication of the cell size in that specific direction (R is the radius of the cell).
Note: For US, instead of -60 dBm use -57 dBm (-60 +3), instead of -70 dBm use -67dBm (-70
It must be emphasized that outside the calculated range, communication is possible but a good
voice quality is no longer guaranteed!

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Table 3: DECT Range calculation versus beta (Pe=23dBm)

Note: For US, the distance (R) corresponds at “Pr_dB + 3” in table 3.

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For IP-DECT only: Start the Site Survey by estimating the position of the Synchronization Master.
The DAP which should be the Synchronization Master (DAP with lowest RPN) should be placed in
the middle of a site or building(s)!
Try to install xBS or DAPs in open areas, like corridors, halls (preferably in the middle). This ensures
a better propagation to other xBS or DAPs.
Note: For synchronization between xBS or between DAPs, the signal propagation through the
floors can be used.
The result of this coverage calculation should be a map with possible xBS or DAP positions. Now
the cell boundaries must be determined by walking around and doing measurements. Therefore,
tools are required. This is explained in chapters 10 - Site survey preparation and 11 - Site survey

Figure 16: Example of Synchronization Master in the middle of the Building

8.1.3 TDM US coverage

US IBS NG base stations work in odd mode (using odd timeslots) or in even mode (using even
timeslots) according to the RPN value (Odd or even).
For reasons of regulation (FCC Part 15 Subpart D Section 15.323 c5) two US base stations at
least (One working in odd mode and one working in even mode) must be installed and
operational for each US deployment.
Remarks: It is recommended to alternate odd and even base stations in the hexagonal cells of the
Except for the US region, all the other regions (EU, CH and SA) currently work with IBS NG base
stations in odd mode.
RPN stands for Radio fixed Part Number.

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8.1.4 Antennas
One of the parameters for optimal coverage of a specified zone is, apart from the position of the
base station, the type of antennas emission.

Types of antennas that can be used

Two types of antennas can be used: Omnidirectional and directional.
Directive antennas can be used when:
* the complexity of the coverage forces us to use only a very small part of the
theoretical zone obtained by omnidirectional antennas and, as a result, multiply their
number significantly.
* the zone to cover is very long as regards its width (tunnel, ship, long corridor, etc.)
* zone separation is necessary, for example: to limit the Campus effect risks

If a site has very high traffic with a requirement for high frequency re-use, spray type antennas
systems must be used.
The table below details the main antennas used at present, selected as per the OXE operating

Type Opening angles Uses Recommended positioning

Omni 2 dBi V=800 Large hall(s) with little traffic, open Clear space that is as visible as possible,
H=360 space(s), ordinary offices away from obstacles (>3m), in the center of
the area to cover and 20 cm from the
Omni 7.5dBi V=17 Large outside area such as a car Clear space, away from obstacles, not too
H=3600 park, not recommended for indoor high (<5m) because the vertical opening is
use. limited.
Directional 8 dBi with V=700 Indoors in rectangular corridor and In all types of space:
left and right circular H=70 0 metallic environments (such as a Ceiling, wall, poles, etc.
polarization hangar). Can be tilted to direct the energy to the
required area.

Note 1: For Europe, China and South America zone, the antenna gain must be  12 dBi.
Note 2: For the US zone, if the antenna gain exceeds 3 dBi by n dB, the peak emitted
power must be reduced by the same number n dB.
E.g.: For an antenna gain of 8 dBi, the transmitted power must be reduced by at least 5 dB by
adding a 5 dB attenuator in series with the antenna for example or when using xBS then reduce
the emission power by 5 dB.

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The difference in antennas coverage is shown in the schematics given hereafter:

Antennas coverage for EUROPE, CHINA and SOUTH AMERICA

Europe, China and For a field level of For a field level of

South America -60 dBm -70 dBm
Outdoors environment E =40m => r=120m/standard ant. E =130m => r=340m/standard ant.

Indoors clear space E =14m => r=40m/standard ant. E =34m => r=100m/standard ant.

Indoors office space E =6.5m => r=19m/standard ant. E =13m => r=38m/standard ant.

Difficult site (Plant, etc.) E =4.5m => r=13,5m/standard ant. E =8m => r=24m/standard ant.

N.B.: Tolerance is 20%.

These elements may be used to check the number of base stations obtained according to the
measurements by providing an order of scale.

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Antennas coverage for the US

Horizontal view

N.B.: Directive antennas for the US are not used to increase the range but to reduce the reception
of reflected waves (multi-trajectory in difficult environments).

US For a field level of For a field level of

-60 dBm -70 dBm
Outdoors environment E =28m => r=82m/standard ant. E =77m => r=230m/standard ant.

Indoors clear space E =10m => r=30m/standard ant. E =25m => r=75m/standard ant.

Indoors office space E =5m => r=15m/standard ant. E =10m => r=30m/standard ant.

Difficult site (Plant, etc.) E =3.7m => r=11m/standard ant E =6.7m => r=20m/standard ant.

N.B.: Tolerance is 20%.

These elements may be used to check the number of base stations obtained according to the
measurements by providing an order of scale.
N.B.: For the US zone, E_US = E_EU x 69% since Pe_U S= Pe_EU –4dB.
Given this reduction in power, the number of base stations per m2, without considering the traffic
(just considering the geographic coverage), is, theoretically, to be multiplied by about 2 (or 2.0
0.5) for the US zone as regards the number of base stations that would be obtained in the Europe,
China and South America zones with the same audio quality.

 With a reduction in the emitted power of 4 dB, the coverage is reduced by a factor of
about 2 (or 2.0 0.5).

 With 5 frequencies instead of 10, the traffic reduction factor is in the order of 2.
 A low traffic US coverage requires about twice (1.5 min.) more base stations than a
low traffic Europe coverage.

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 A high traffic US coverage required about 4 times (3 min.) as many base stations as a
high traffic Europe coverage.
Vertical view of the coverage zone of different antennas
(See Tech Comm.: TC0213) Case of sites with large metallic structures

In the case of industrial sites where reflection and multi-trajectory phenomena may cause much
interference, it is recommended to use circular polarization antennas and to study more particularly
the use of directive antennas.

8.1.5 DECT rules as regards a WLAN and other radio technologies

The DECT network may be disrupted by a WLAN. This disruption will be a function of the WLAN
emission level and the type of antenna used by the 2 networks (Omnidirectional or directional
To avoid interaction between networks, you must comply with the distances between the base
station antennas.
For the WLANs, there are several levels of emitted power which, for the sake of simplicity, are
divided into 2 sub-groups:
NTP_WLAN network ≤20 dBm and >10 dBm
NTP_WLAN network ≤10 dBm
The minimum distances to be respected with the ALE DECT bases with omnidirectional antennas
having a gain of 2 dBi are as follows:
NTP_WLAN network ≤20 dBm and >10 dBm: - Minimum distance = 2.5 meters
NTP_WLAN network ≤10 dBm: - Minimum distance = 1 meter
In the case of the terminals, the problems are the same.

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For other antenna types, refer to the tables below:

10 dBm < NTP_WLAN ≤ 20 dBm
Omnidirectional antenna Directive antenna
G≤2 dBi G=12 dBi
Omnidirectional antenna
d≥ 2.5meters d≥ 7 meters
G≤2 dBi
Omnidirectional antenna
d≥3.5meters d≥ 11 meters
G≤6 dBi
Directive antenna
d≥7 meters d≥ 22 meters
G≤12 dBi
Directive antenna
d≥20 meters d≥ 65 meters
G≤21 dBi

NTP_WLAN ≤ 10dBm
Omnidirectional antenna Directive antenna
G≤2 dBi G=12 dBi
Omnidirectional antenna
d≥ 1meter d≥ 2.5 meters
G≤2 dBi
Omnidirectional antenna
d≥1.5 meter d≥ 3.5 meters
G≤6 dBi
Directive antenna
d≥2.5 meters d≥ 7 meters
G≤12 dBi
Directive antenna
d≥6.5 meters d≥ 20 meters
G≤21 dBi

Note: Given its spectrum spread, the WLAN is not disrupted much by the DECT network.

A LTE base station uses the downlink band 1805 MHz – 1880 MHz, transmitting with 40W (+46 dBm).
To have no interference from the LTE, the path loss between the LTE antenna and the DECT antenna shall be:
▪ Ch 0: -73 dB (equal to 57m)
▪ Ch 5: -75 dB (equal to 71 m)
▪ Ch 9: -86 dB (equal to 252m)

One solution is to not use the 3 DECT channels near to the LTE: channel 7,8 and 9. This will reduce the
required distance from 250m to 70m between the LTE base station and the DECT base station.
Another solution is to put filters rejecting the LTE band that can be placed between the DECT radio and the

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8.1.6 Elements to size for TDM base stations

Elements to size Rules

Total number of sets The total number of sets comprises the resident sets and the
visitor sets of the customer's other nodes (calculation of the
shells for incoming roaming and calculation of the total node

ADPCMs channels for RBS base The requirement in ADPCM channels requires the
stations implementation of AEMD boards (8 ADPCM channels) in the
DECT4 cases or DECT8 boards (32 ADPCM channels) in
(AEMD daughter board in DECT4 the DECT8 case
Mono ACT: Actis calculates the number of AEMDs useful for
an average traffic of 0.2 Erl per set. In the case of a different
traffic, this parameter must be modified.
Multi ACT: No mutual assistance between different
crystal AEMDs.
The calculation done at present by Actis is based on the
global traffic of the node.
The AEMDs must be distributed over all the DECT crystals
according to the load of each ACT.
As a result, for each ACT the following must be checked:
- type of traffic,
- number of external visitors
- number of internal mobile users (resident sets on a same
node) that can overload a visited ACT be taken into account
in the sizing.
This may lead us to increase the number of AEMDs as
regards the initial Actis calculation.
Table 4 below is used to control this number of AEMDs.
A company that has two ACTs; the first corresponds to the
head office and the second to an R&D center.
It is certain that the traffic, number of external visitors and
the quantity of internal persons visiting each ACT will be
In this type of case, two solutions are possible:
-Reassign the different base stations to make the 2 ACTs
homogeneous and, as a result, distribute the resources uniformly
(boards and modules).
- Isolate that part of the site causing imbalance or which blocks the
previous solution by creating an ACT that is remoted and which will
be sized separately in Actis and then resize the central ACT.

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Elements to size Rules

Location zone The location zone is used to situate the position of a set.
This favors set paging.
In the case of a company with high internal and external
incoming call traffic (>1000 calls per hour, example Call
Center) thus generating high demand for paging, it is
recommended to divide the default zone defined by the
system into several location zones (multi zones function).
Caution in a multi zones case, the set that is located at the
edge of the zones will undertake successive locations. This
means that the overlap limit area of the 2 zones must be
selected so that it is an area with a low density of permanent
users (e.g.: transit area, corridor, etc.). (*)

DECT synchronization Make sure a backup DTM daughter board has been installed
for DECT synchronization.

Number of Inter Crystal links Actis proposes 1 link by default per peripheral ACT and
undertakes a sizing calculation.
Caution: do not take into account the 4 ITs reserved for
DECT synchronization on the INT links in a multi Crystal
configuration. At present this complies with the same
calculation principle as for the AEMDs and as a result, you
must control the sizing for each ACT.
Table 4 below is used to control this number. (*)

Server Notification and parallel In R1.4 and R2.1 (B3.513.26.2), the number of DECT sets in a
group calls parallel group is limited to 10.

In R2.1 from B3.515.15, R3.X and R4.X, the number of DECT

sets in a parallel group is limited to 20.

It is recommended to distribute the sets of these groups on at least

three base stations to guarantee simultaneous ringing of the sets.

A specific study concerning the traffic and the response

times must be carried out before making any commitments.
Adding DECT sets and bases Be careful in the case of extensions: the sizing calculation
must be done again in order to guarantee and maintain the
initial quality.

(*) In the case where accurate information is not available, you must inform the customer of the
hypotheses made and propose an additional QoS observation when the system is running. This
service will enable the AEMD sizing, the location zone or the number of inter crystal links to be
confirmed or adjusted.

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Table 4: For RBS bases (not useful for IBS)

The following table gives, for a number of AEMD boards or DECT8 boards and an average traffic
per set selected, the number of mobile handsets that can be served (resident sets + external
visitors + inter ACT visitors) according to a congestion probability.
Number of sets with a blocking rate of 0.1 % integrating external and internal visitors

Number of DECT8 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 7 7 7
Number of AEMDs 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 15 20 25 26 27
Number of 8 16 24 32 48 64 80 120 160 200 208 216
Average 0.1 21 67 122 182 309 442 578 930 1290 1656 1730 1804
traffic Erl
0.2 10 34 61 91 154 221 289 465 645 828 865 902
per set Erl
0.3 8 22 41 61 103 147 193 310 430 552 577 601
0.4 8 17 31 46 77 110 145 232 323 414 432 451

Number of sets with a blocking rate of 0.01 % integrating external and internal visitors

Number of DECT8 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 7 7 7
Number of AEMDs 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 15 20 25 26 27
Number of 8 16 24 32 48 64 80 120 160 200 208 216
Average 0.1 14 53 102 156 273 398 527 862 1208 1652 1633 1705
traffic Erl
0.2 8 27 51 78 137 199 263 431 604 781 817 852
per set Erl
0.3 8 18 34 52 91 133 276 287 403 521 544 568
0.4 8 16 26 39 68 99 132 216 302 390 408 426
Reminder: Limit of 800 ADPCMs, hence 100 AEMDs per ACT
Example: With 2 AEMD boards, a blocking rate of 0.1% and an average traffic of 0.2 Erl, 34 DECT
sets can be served.

Table 5:
The following table gives, for a number of INT boards and an average traffic per set selected, the
number of mobile handsets that can be served (resident sets + external visitors + inter ACT
visitors) according to a congestion probability.

Blocking rate 0.1 % 0.01 %

Number of INTs 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Number of channels 78 168 288 408 78 168 288 408

Average traffic per set 0.1 Erl 660 1604 2911 4242 601 1504 2771 4068
0.2 Erl 330 802 1455 2121 300 752 1385 2034
0.3 Erl 220 535 970 1414 200 501 924 1356
0.4 Erl 165 401 728 1061 150 376 693 1017

Example: With 2 INTOF boards, a blocking rate of 0.1% and an average traffic of 0.2 Erl per set,
the number of DECT sets served could be 802.
Note: In the case of DECT4 boards, for security reasons, we recommend distributing the AEMD
daughter boards on the DECT4 boards; this must be checked during the configuration. As a result,

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we recommend ordering the necessary AEMD boards so that there is at least one AEMD board per
DECT4 coupler.
In the case of a multi-ACT DECT architecture, this sizing is valid for each ACT separately (there is
no mutual assistance between the AEMD boards located in different ACTs).

8.1.7 Recommendations relative to the wiring

Recommendations relative to the wiring for IBS/RBS NG

The characteristics of the cables and their references are detailed in the product operational guide.
(Tech com: TC0128).
However, some important precautions need to be considered:
 When there is a risk regarding the coverage (partial preliminary coverage study
measurements), we recommend leaving a margin of several meters in the cable
lengths as this allows the position of the base stations to be changed slightly.
 When traffic distribution is not fully known or when the customer wants a Full
DECT network, doubling the cables for each risk base station provides an added
 When customers want to use their own cables, you must qualify these cables by
carrying out specific measurements at the extremities covering attenuation,
crosstalk and propagation times; the measurement limits are detailed in the tables

For a RBS connected on a DECT4/8 coupler

Characteristics Values Comments

Impedance at 576 KHz 85 Ohm < < 135 Ohm

Crosstalk at 576 KHz > 66 dB In fact these 2 data items are linked and these limits
can be changed as regards each other
Attenuation at 576 KHz < 17 dB The limits will be:
If crosstalk >66 dB then Att <29 dB
Example: Cable category 5
If crosstalk >45 dB then Att <17 dB
Example: Cable category 3
Propagation time < 11 µs

DC loop resistance < 270 Ohms Limit relative to the line current.
For example, for information:
In 0.4 mm about 900m
In 0.5 mm about 1400m
In 0.6 mm about 2000m
These distances are dependent on the characteristics
of the cables used.

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For an IBS connected on a UA coupler

Characteristics Values Comments

Impedance at 682 KHz 85 Ohm < < 135 Ohm Impedance variation on the line < 15%

Crosstalk at 682 KHz > 44 dB

Attenuation at 682 KHz < 25 dB

Propagation time < 7 µs

DC loop resistance < 155 Ohms Limit relative to the line current.
For example, for information:
In 0.4 mm about 500m
In 0.5 mm about 800m
In 0.6 mm about 1200m
These distances are dependent on the characteristics
of the cables used.

8.2 Estimation of the number of bases

8.2.1 General
A rough estimation of the number of bases, can be useful for an initial negotiation about a new
DECT system.
Note: This estimation method is based on “average sites” and is not applicable for any site. The
result is only an indication and must not be used for the final product offer. A Site Survey is
always required to determine the exact number of bases.
No rights can be obtained from these estimation tables.

This estimation method is based on tables. These tables are based on the following assumptions:
- Radiation between floors is undervalued.
- Average building types.
- Average call density.
There are eight tables for four types of estimations:
Estimation for coverage in clear space.
This gives information about the number of bases required for “clear space” environment.
The information is given in tables 9a & 9b.
Estimation for coverage in typical office.
See tables 10a & 10b to find information about coverage in “typical office” environment.
Estimation for coverage in drywall office.
See tables 11a & 11b to find information about coverage in “drywall office” environment.
Estimation for coverage in brickwall office.
See tables 12a & 12b to find information about coverage in “brickwall office” environment.
A complex site may be more easily split into areas which are estimated separately, and the resulting
number of bases totalled together.

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To use the estimation tables in this chapter, execute the following procedure:
1. Collect site info from the customer.
2. Find out the length(s) and the width(s) of the area(s) to be covered.
Round up these dimensions to the nearest multiple of 20 metres.
3. Find out for each area (or zone) if the coverage is easy (-70 dBm) or tricky (-60dBm) and
what is the building type (propagation index).
4. Find out how many handsets will be purchased for use on the system
5. Remember that the customer can always add more handsets in the future once the basic
infrastructure (bases and common equipment) is in place.

8.2.2 Basic Guidelines Process for manual calculation of predictive coverage

The following predictive method can be used to produce a budgetary design. Many environment
variables like wave propagation, type of building, wall structure, interferences, etc…may
unexpectedly affect the QoS and the complexity of the RF coverage plan.
To determine the coverage area of a radio based on the building type and desired average user
performance you can use the tables hereafter. The Z factor represents the length of a square that
corresponds to the coverage area of the access point.

R=”The coverage radius of a base that can be used to define a perimeter or radial footprint”
Z=“The side of the square contained within the perimeter (R) =20.5R”
A=”The area of the square =Z2”

8.2.3 Easy or tricky coverage

See chapter “Classification summary tables” to determine if the coverage is classified as easy (-70
dBm) or as tricky (-60 dBm).

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8.2.4 Building type

Identifying the building type and its RF characteristics is critical in determining how many radios will
be needed. The following table shows some basic building types that are common in the enterprise
market. If the building does not fall into one of these categories, then some amount of professional
service may be needed.


Typical Office Space This is the most common enterprise building. This
type of building consists of large open cubicle areas
with walled offices and conference rooms.
Beta < 3.5
Drywall Office Space This type of building consists of mostly offices with
dry wall characteristics.
Beta  4
Brick / Concrete This type of building consists of concrete or brick
Walled Office Space walls for both exterior and for interior office space.
Old buildings found on college campuses are good
examples of this type of building.
Beta  5
Hospital Beta  4
Warehouse / Manufacturing with no This type of building consists of large areas with
obstacles, metallic separations high ceiling
Beta < 3.5
Difficult environment There are some buildings such as sports arenas,
stock exchanges, warehouse or manufacturing with
large metallic parts, clean rooms that do not fit into
one of the typical categories. These buildings
typically require some special consideration or
professional service.
1.8 < Beta < 5

Table 6 : Description of building type

Note 1: See if the facility is composed of different building types.
Determination of the propagation index (beta)

By default see table 6 or, if possible, measure RSSI at 10m or 20m to determine the propagation
index (beta) with a better accuracy.

RSSI (dBm) RSSI > -43 -43 > RSSI > -50 -50 > RSSI > -55 -55 > RSSI > -65 RSSI < -65
@ 10 m

RSSI (dBm) RSSI > -51 -51 > RSSI > -61 -61 > RSSI > -67 -67 > RSSI > -80 RSSI < -80
@ 20 m

Beta Beta < 2.8 2.8 < Beta < 3.5 3.5 < Beta < 4.0 4.0 < Beta < 5.0 Beta > 5.0

Clear Space Typical Office Drywall Office Brickwall Office Difficult

Table 7 : Beta vs received signal
Note: Values according to a base with Pe = 23 dBm.
Remark: Pay attention to the jammers in the proximity of bases because they will interfere and
blocking cases for air synchronzatiion are to be determined.

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8.2.5 Determination of Z vs propagation index (beta) and received signal


RSSI (dBm) A (m2) R (m) Z (m)

INDOORS CLEAR -60 3204 40.0 56.6

-70 19994 100.0 141.4
Beta <2.8

TYPICAL OFFICE -60 751 19.4 27,4

Beta <3.5 -70 2798 37.4 52.9

DRYWALL OFFICE -60 361 13.4 19.0

Beta 4 -70 1136 23.8 33.7

BRICKWALL -60 128 8.0 11.3

-70 317 12.6 17.8
Beta 5

Table 8 : Coverage versus propagation index (beta)

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8.2.6 Determination of the quantity of bases

In this step you define the coverage area for each floor in the building in zones and divide it into
squares of areas equal to the Z factor squared corresponding to the building type (see previous
tables) and calculate how many bases are needed. The center of each square indicates the
approximate location of the ALE bases.
The following example is for a floor composed of a drywall office space (Zone 1 with typical reliability
{>90%  Rx > -65 dBm}) and a typical office area divided in 2 zones: zone 2 with good reliability
{99%  Rx  -60 dBm} and zone 3 with typical reliability {>90%  Rx  -65 dBm }. Application is
voice on 802.11b and data on 802.11a with an average user throughput of 15 Mbps.

Zone 1
Drywall office 35m
Tricky (-60 dBm)

Zone 2 Zone 3 35m

Brickwall office Typical office
Tricky (-60 dBm)
Easy (-70 dBm)

60m 40m

X : Location of the base

X X 19m Total : 16 bases




Figures 7a & 7b : Quantity of bases

Zone 1 (Tricky Drywall office)  Number of bases = (35 x 35) / 361 = 1225 /361= 3.4  4 bases

(rounded up to next highest integer)

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Or = (35/19) x (35/19) = 1.84 x 1.84  2 x 2 => 4 bases

Given the rectangular shape, the second calculation is preferable => 4 bases

Zone 2 (Easy Typical Office)  Number of bases = (60 x 35) / 317 = 2100 / 317= 6.6  7 bases
Or (60/17.8) x (35/17.8) = 3.4 x 2.0  4 x 2 => 8 DAPs
Given the rectangular shape, the second calculation is preferable => 8 bases
Zone 3 (Tricky Typical Office)  Number of bases = (40 x 35) / 751 = 1400 / 751= 1.9  2 bases
Or (40/27.4) x (35/27.4) = 1.5 x 1.3  2 x 2 = 4 bases
Given the rectangular shape, the second calculation is preferable => 4 bases
Total = 4 + 8 + 4 = 16 bases

8.2.7 Estimation for coverage in clear space

Tables 9a and 9b give information about the number of bases, that are required for estimation the
coverage in clear space. Using the table, bear in mind the following remarks:
- Using the length and width of each area, rounded up to multiples of 20 metres, look-up
the number of bases from the tables.
- Theses tables have been calculated on the basis that each base provides 3204 sq.m.
coverage (if tricky coverage => -60 dBm) or 19994 sq.m. coverage (if easy coverage => -
70 dBm).

- The resulting estimate is used for budgetary purposes to guide the customer on
whether to proceed with a site survey. A firm price can only be quoted after a Site

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Dimensions 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
20 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5
40 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5
60 2 2 4 4 4 6 6 6 8 8 8 10 10 10
80 2 2 4 4 4 6 6 6 8 8 8 10 10 10
100 2 2 4 4 4 6 6 6 8 8 8 10 10 10
120 3 3 6 6 6 9 9 9 12 12 12 15 15 15
140 3 3 6 6 6 9 9 9 12 12 12 15 15 15
160 3 3 6 6 6 9 9 9 12 12 12 15 15 15
180 4 4 8 8 8 12 12 12 16 16 16 20 20 20
200 4 4 8 8 8 12 12 12 16 16 16 20 20 20
220 4 4 8 8 8 12 12 12 16 16 16 20 20 20
240 5 5 10 10 10 15 15 15 20 20 20 25 25 25
260 5 5 10 10 10 15 15 15 20 20 20 25 25 25
280 5 5 10 10 10 15 15 15 20 20 20 25 25 25

Table 9a: Estimated number of required bases for coverage in tricky (-60 dBm) clear space

Dimensions 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
40 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
60 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
80 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
100 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
120 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
140 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
160 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
180 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
200 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
220 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
240 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
260 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
280 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Table 9b: Estimated number of required bases for coverage in easy (-70 dBm) clear space

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8.2.8 Estimation for coverage in typical office

Tables 10a and 10b give information about the number of bases, that are required for estimation the
coverage in typical office. Using the table, bear in mind the remarks given for the coverage in clear
Dimensions 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
20 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 10 11
40 2 4 6 6 8 10 12 12 14 16 16 18 20 22
60 3 6 9 9 12 15 18 18 21 24 24 27 30 33
80 3 6 9 9 12 15 18 18 21 24 24 27 30 33
100 4 8 12 12 16 20 24 24 28 32 32 36 40 44
120 5 10 15 15 20 25 30 30 35 40 40 45 50 55
140 6 12 18 18 24 30 36 36 42 48 48 54 60 66
160 6 12 18 18 24 30 36 36 42 48 48 54 60 66
180 7 14 21 21 28 35 42 42 49 56 56 63 70 77
200 8 16 24 24 32 40 48 48 56 64 64 72 80 88
220 8 16 24 24 32 40 48 48 56 64 64 72 80 88
240 9 18 27 27 36 45 54 54 63 72 72 81 90 99
260 10 20 30 30 40 50 60 60 70 80 80 90 100 110
280 11 22 33 33 44 55 66 66 77 88 88 99 110 121

Table 10a: Estimated number of required bases for coverage in tricky (-60 dBm) typical office

Dimensions 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
20 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 6
40 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 6
60 2 2 4 4 4 6 6 6 8 8 10 10 10 12
80 2 2 4 4 4 6 6 6 8 8 10 10 10 12
100 2 2 4 4 4 6 6 6 8 8 10 10 10 12
120 3 3 6 6 6 9 9 9 12 12 15 15 15 18
140 3 3 6 6 6 9 9 9 12 12 15 15 15 18
160 3 3 6 6 6 9 9 9 12 12 15 15 15 18
180 4 4 8 8 8 12 12 12 16 16 20 20 20 24
200 4 4 8 8 8 12 12 12 16 16 20 20 20 24
220 5 5 10 10 10 15 15 15 20 20 25 25 25 30
240 5 5 10 10 10 15 15 15 20 20 25 25 25 30
260 5 5 10 10 10 15 15 15 20 20 25 25 25 30
280 6 6 12 12 12 18 18 18 24 24 30 30 30 36

Table 10b: Estimated number of required bases for coverage in easy (-70dBm) typical office

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8.2.9 Estimation for coverage in drywall office

Tables 11a and 11b give information about the number of bases, that are required for estimation the
coverage in drywall office. Using the table, bear in mind the remarks given for the coverage in clear
Dimensions 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15
40 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 22 24 26 28 30
60 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 33 36 39 42 45
80 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 44 48 52 56 60
100 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 55 60 65 70 75
120 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 66 72 78 84 90
140 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 77 84 91 98 105
160 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 88 96 104 112 120
180 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 99 108 117 126 135
200 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 121 132 143 154 165
220 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 132 144 156 168 180
240 13 26 39 52 65 78 91 104 117 143 156 169 182 195
260 14 28 42 56 70 80 98 112 126 154 168 182 196 210
280 15 30 45 60 75 88 105 120 135 165 180 195 210 225

Table 11a: Estimated number of required bases for coverage in tricky (-60 dBm) drywall office

Dimensions 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
20 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 8 8 9
40 2 4 4 6 6 8 10 10 12 12 14 16 16 18
60 2 4 4 6 6 8 10 10 12 12 14 16 16 18
80 3 6 6 9 9 12 15 15 18 18 21 24 24 27
100 3 6 6 9 9 12 15 15 18 18 21 24 24 27
120 4 8 8 12 12 16 20 20 24 24 28 32 32 36
140 5 10 10 15 15 20 25 25 30 30 35 40 40 45
160 5 10 10 15 15 20 25 25 30 30 35 40 40 45
180 6 12 12 18 18 24 30 30 36 36 42 48 48 54
200 6 12 12 18 18 24 30 30 36 36 42 48 48 54
220 7 14 14 21 21 28 35 35 42 42 49 56 56 63
240 8 16 16 24 24 32 40 40 48 48 56 64 64 72
260 8 16 16 24 24 32 40 40 48 48 56 64 64 72
280 9 18 18 27 27 36 45 45 54 54 63 72 72 81

Table 11b: Estimated number of required bases for coverage in easy (-70 dBm) drywall office

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8.2.10 Estimation for coverage in brickwall office

Tables 12a and 12b give information about the number of bases, that are required for estimation the
coverage in brickwall office. Using the table, bear in mind the remarks given for the coverage in
clear space:
Dimensions 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
20 2 4 6 7 9 11 13 15 16 18 20 22 23 25
40 4 16 24 28 36 44 52 60 64 72 80 88 92 100
60 6 24 36 42 54 66 78 90 96 108 120 132 138 150
80 7 28 42 49 63 77 91 105 112 126 140 154 161 175
100 9 36 54 63 81 99 117 135 144 162 180 198 207 225
120 11 44 66 77 99 121 143 165 176 198 220 242 253 275
140 13 52 78 91 117 143 169 195 208 234 260 286 299 325
160 15 60 90 105 135 165 195 225 240 270 300 330 345 375
180 16 64 96 112 144 176 208 240 256 288 320 352 368 400
200 18 72 108 126 162 198 234 270 288 324 360 396 414 450
220 20 80 120 140 180 220 260 300 320 360 400 440 460 500
240 22 88 132 154 198 242 286 330 352 396 440 484 506 550
260 23 92 138 161 207 253 299 345 368 414 460 506 529 575
280 25 100 150 175 225 275 325 375 400 450 500 550 575 625

Table 12a: Estimated number of required bases for coverage in tricky (-60 dBm) brickwall office

Dimensions 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
20 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16
40 3 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 33 36 39 42 45 48
60 4 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 44 48 52 56 60 64
80 5 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 55 60 65 70 75 80
100 6 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 66 72 78 84 90 96
120 7 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 77 84 91 98 105 112
140 8 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 88 96 104 112 120 128
160 9 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 99 108 117 126 135 144
180 11 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 121 132 143 154 165 176
200 12 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 132 144 156 168 180 192
220 13 39 52 65 78 91 104 117 143 156 169 182 195 208
240 14 42 56 70 84 98 112 126 154 168 182 196 210 224
260 15 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 165 180 195 210 225 240
280 16 48 64 80 96 112 128 144 176 192 208 224 240 256

Table 12b: Estimated number of required bases for coverage in easy (-70 dBm) brickwall office

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8.2.11 Determination of the distance for xBS or DAP air synchronization

See table 13 hereafter (To be not used for US).

Distance (m) D > 210 210 > D > 72 72 > D > 42 42 > D > 20 D < 20
@ -80 dBm

Beta Beta < 2.8 2.8 < Beta < 3.5 3.5 < Beta < 4.0 4.0 < Beta < 5.0 Beta > 5.0

Clear Typical Office Drywall Office Brickwall Office Difficult

Space Environment
Table 13 : Distance for DAP synchronization vs index of propagation (beta)

8.3 Specific rules for difficult sites

The purpose of this section is to propose a particular process for these sites.

8.3.1 Recommended stages

In the case of industrial sites with large dense metallic structures or clean room type sites, a
specific study must be carried out.
The procedure to follow is to propose a temporary installation followed by additional
measurements and then an adjustment phase. This stage may result in us changing antenna
type(s), modifying the positions and the RF output powers of the base stations and, finally,
adjusting the number of base stations.

8.3.2 Recommendations concerning the commitments

The commitment on this type of tricky project must be limited:
- Either to an offer with just a commitment on the means with no guarantee on the
result(s) and providing customer support to improve the quality
- Or to making a quality level 3 offer with an additional service offer to evolve the quality
- For sites with a zone presenting Clean Room type effects, there is no satisfactory
solution at the DECT level.

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9. Tools – “Site Survey Kit”

9.1 General
Important: Installation and use of this Site Survey Kit and its accessories have to be performed by
qualified service personnel only.
Warning: For safety reasons the Site Survey Kit should only be used when the ambient
temperature is below 45C (113F).
The “Site Survey Kit” (SSK) allows you to do a Site Survey for your IP DECT system or DECT
system or xBS system.

The contents of the “Site Survey Kit” are as follows (Name: SSK-INT A-LE):
The content of the DECT Site Survey Kit is:

• One suitcase
• One 8378 IP-xBS integrated antenna dedicated for the survey kit
• One 8378 IP-xBS for external antenna dedicated for the survey kit
• One gain antenna 8dBi with two TNC to SMA cables
• 2x power banks to power the base stations with 2 micro USB to USB A cable to charge the
• One power to connect power bank to base stations
• One ethernet cable to connect a PC on a Base station
• One support to assembly Base station, power bank and external antenna
• 2x 8242 DECT handset with battery and belt clip
• 2x Dual desktop charger for 8242 DECT handsets
• 2x verticals pouches for 8242 DECT Handsets
• 2x wired headsets for 8242 DECT Handsets
• 2x power supply for 8242 DECT Handsets dual charger

Note: A tripod is not included in the Site Survey package. However, you can order the standard
Site Survey tripod separately.
Warning: Only use the tripod that can be ordered separately with this Site Survey Kit, follow the
installation instructions and take notice of the warnings in the manual that comes with
this tripod. Never use the tripod in an inclined plane or unstable underground. For
future reference it is advised to keep the tripod manual in the suitcase of the Site
Survey Kit.

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Figure 17: Layout of the Site Survey Kit

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SSK package content

2 batteries for the base station

2 DECT handsets
Base station for external antennas
Base station with integrated

SSK package content

Support plate
2 handset power supplies
2 handset spare batteries
2 headsets
2 handset cradle

SSK package content

2 handset pouches
2 USB type A / micro-USB cables
2 TNC / SMA cables
1 power supply cable

Figure 18, Figure 19, Figure 20: Layout of the Site Survey Kit show the contents and layout of the Site Survey Kit.

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Figure 21: Layout of the Site Survey Kit

• New SSK: 8378 IP-xBS SURVEY KIT Worldwide

Ref: 3BN67191AA
• 8378 IP-xBS Telescopic Tripod for the Site Survey Kit
Ref: 3BN67192AA

Besides the equipment in the Site Survey Kit, you will need the following tools:
Measuring equipment (such as a tape measure).
Clipboard, pencils for marking the survey map(s), and an eraser.
Digital photo camera (recommended) taking pictures of the locations where IP-xBS must
be installed. Please note that the customer has to give you permission to take pictures.

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9.2 Charging the batteries

9.2.1 Survey Kit Power Bank

The Site Survey Kit uses a power bank as its power source.
Note: To sustain battery life, is important to fully charge the power bank at least once every six
To charge the power bank, perform the following steps:
Connect the USB/micro-USB cable to one power supply and to the micro-USB connector in the
middle of the power bank.
The power supply provided for the handset in SSK package can be used to charge the power bank.
Full charging time with this power supply will take about 5 hours when the battery is not used.

Note: It is recommended to charge the power bank until all 4 charge indicators on the display have
turned static (are not animated anymore).
Note: The power bank autonomy is up to 4 hours when supplying the base station and without being
connected to its own power supply.

9.2.2 Handset Batteries

Charge the handset batteries at least 3 hours in the handset to make sure that they are fully
Use the handset chargers that come with the Site Survey Kit.
Always make sure that the batteries are in good condition.

9.3 Setting up the SSK tool

Important: Installation and use of this Site Survey Kit and its accessories must be performed by
qualified service personnel only.

Note:When using the tripod a level surface is required. In situations where this is not guaranteed the
use of stabilization material as recommended by the original tripod supplier is required. If this is not
feasible a second person is required to keep the tripod stable at all times.

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9.4 Setup Overview

The following gives a brief overview of the most important parts of the Site Survey Kit. Make also
sure that you read the following pages, as they will explain the process in more details.

Figure 22: the complete kit assembled, using internal antennas

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Figure 23: the complete kit assembled, using external antennas

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9.5 Detailed Setup

9.5.1 Assembly details when using internal antennas:

Figure 24: Fixing plate, side with IP-xBS support and battery holder

Figure 25: connect the cable to the power bank using the USB-A connector and to the IP-xBS side using the DIN

Figure 26: clip the power bank on the battery holder

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Figure 27: mount IP-xBS on its support

Fix the fixing plate on the tripod. Tighten the butterfly nut enough to be sure that the fixing plate is correctly fixed
on the tripod.

9.5.2 Assembly details when using external directive antennas:

Figure 28: Fixing plate, side with IP-xBS support and battery holder

Figure 29: Fixing plate, side with pre-mounted external antennas

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Figure 30: connect the cable to the power bank using the USB-A connector and to the IP-xBS (version with
external antennas) side using the DIN connector

Figure 31: connect the two antenna TNC/SMA cables to the two N connectors of external antennas

Figure 32: connect the two TNC/SMA cables on the IP-xBS SMA antenna connectors then connect to the IP-xBS to
its battery, mount the IP-xBS on its support.

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Note: Be careful fixing the SMA cable connectors to the SMA connectors on the Base Station. Using
a wrench can easily damage the connectors. Fix them “hand tight” only or use a dedicated SMA
Torque Wrench

Figure 33: fully assembled fixing plate connected to the tripod

Tighten the butterfly nut enough to be sure that the fixing plate is correctly fixed on the tripod

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10. Site survey preparation

The thoroughness with which all preparations can be done depends upon the information available
regarding the site to be surveyed.

10.1 Checking the Survey Equipment for correct operation

To check the equipment, execute the following procedure:
1. Make sure that the Survey Base Station battery and handset batteries are fully charged.
2. Mount the Base Station and Power Bank on the fixing plate and to the tripod.
3. If not yet done, connect the battery to the Base Station. Check that the LED is steady on and
green (after a while). This means the Base Station is up and running. To change the region,
see section 10.1.3 – SSK: Change region.
4. Make sure that the 8242 DECT handsets are switched on and “on-hook”. To register 8242
DECT handsets (if needed), see section 10.1.1- Registration of handset(s).
5. Repeat this step for each 8242 DECT handset.
6. Put the tripod with the Base Station and the power bank in an open environment, outdoors
(or in a corridor, indoors with typical office space having beta < 3.5). Keep 20 meters
between the Survey Base station and the handset and make sure that there is
nobody/nothing in-between.
7. On each 8242 DECT handset that you want to involve in the Site Survey, in idle homepage,
press OK key to get menu screen, type *7378423* (mnemonic: *service*) from the keypad to
display the Service Menu, select “Site survey mode” and select “On”.

Figure 34: Site survey mode menu / 8242 DECT handset

8. Now you will see Site Survey information displayed in the top part of the display (for
explanation of the fields, consult section 11.2 - Setting up the Equipment).

Figure 35: Site survey display / 8242 DECT handset

Check the RSSI reading (behind the -dBm indication). You will see that it fluctuates. Keep
the handset still for at least two minutes and determine the average value. Close to the base
station the average RSSI value should be around - 30 dBm.

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10.1.1 Registration of handset(s)

Powering up the handset the first time, it must register on the base using Access Code 7750
(‘SSK0’). The handset registration can be done without using the base station web interface.
The base can register 10 handsets (number 1 to 10). Once registered, only these handsets can be
To deregister properly one handset, use the base station WBM interface.
A long press on the reset button makes a factory reset (all the handsets are deregistered).
To assist verification of correct registration, the handset will display the registration number as
SSK<N>, where <N> is the registration.

10.1.2 Activation of the audio tone

This will allow to do the site survey alone by using the two handsets.
On the handset which stays close to the base:
1. enter in the service menu and activate the tone generator:
a. Press ‘menu’ button’, and
b. press digit: *7378423*
c. In ‘service menu’, scroll to “Test Tone on OK”
d. Use softkeys ‘On’ and ‘Off’ to toggle the option
2. make a call to the other handset (the phone number is always the number x behind its name
“SSKx” which is displayed on its screen in idle)
3. while in call, press ‘OK’ button on the handset staying close to the base and a tone will be
heard on the second handset. A second press on the ‘OK’ button stops the tone.

10.1.3 SSK: Change region

As part of the handset indication, the active base country is shown. This can be changed without
using the base web interface by using the handset and dialing ‘4*SSK<CC>’, where <CC> is the
country code identifier (0..9) as shown in in the following table and press the off-hook key:

Code Display Comment

0 EU Europe DECT mode.
1 US USA DECT mode.
2 South AM South America DECT mode.
3 Taiwan Taiwan DECT mode.
4 Malaysia Malaysia DECT mode.
5 China China DECT mode.
6 Thailand Thailand DECT mode.
7 Brazil Brazil DECT mode.
8 Chile Chile DECT mode.
9 Australia Australia DECT mode.

The active region is identified in the handset by the registration name: SSK<N> [<Region>], where
<Region> is identified as the display column in the previous table.
When dialing the ‘change region’ number and pressing off-hook, there will be a short indication that
the call is ended, and shortly after, the base will reboot and start with the new region. The handset
will then search for its registration, and after a few minutes it will be registered, and the new region
can be verified.

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10.1.4 Configuration used for the Site Survey Kit

The configuration of the site survey kit can be done without any PC but if you need to upgrade the
SSK software or delete some handset registrations, you will need to use the web-based
management WBM of the SSK base station using the following configuration:
Warning: Don’t connect the base station to the network but directly to a PC with a RJ45/RJ45 cable.

When the base station LED is green, register one handset to the SSK and you can retrieve the given
IP address by pressing the menu key in idle then type *IP* on the 8242 DECT handset:

Reconfigure the PC to use static IP parameters. In the “Network and Sharing Center” set the “Local
Area Connection” properties TCP/IPv4 in IP static also using an address in the same subnet (same
IP address excepted to last octet). Configure also the network mask and the default gateway IP
address with another IP address in the same subnet.
With base station having version V02 B0002:
When powering up the SSK, it starts with a DHCP request (with a vendor class-id = tbc) to a DHCP

• As no DHCP is available on the network, it will take 5-6 minutes before it is running. In that
case the IP address will be on the 169.254.x.x subnet. The exact IP address can be found by
pinging the subnet mask on the PC or by typing *IP* on the 8242 DECT

• Note that when a DHCP server is available on the network, a dynamic IP @ can be given by
the server, you can either retrieve the given IP address by typing *IP* on the 8242 DECT
handset as explained before or get it directly from the server logs.
With base stations having version higher than V02 B0002:
When powering up the SSK, it starts with a static the IP address There is no more
DHCP requests.
The web interface can be accessed on that address. Credentials must be input: the login is “admin”
and the password is “admin”. They cannot be changed.
List of compatible browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Edge 41

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Firmware update screen: it allows to browse on the PC the base station firmware file that you want
to load to the base.

Handset (Extensions) registration page: it allows to register/deregister the handsets and to know
the handsets status (“SIP Registered” when correctly registered and present, “Detached” when
registered and powered off, “Enabled” when the extension is free for a new registration).

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10.2 Maps
Maps should be prepared in a format that can easily be carried around the site. When enlarging or
reducing the format, make sure that dimensions are not lost (be sure that there is a calibration line at
each map). Also, each map must be clearly marked with the location identity.

10.3 Other Paperwork

Before executing a survey, a query list needs to be assembled, listing the information to be gathered
during the survey apart from the radio coverage information (see chapter 13 - Checklist for Survey

10.4 Base station positions during survey

If possible, plan the Base Station positions to be measured before starting the survey, including
alternative configurations, taking into account estimated cell sizes.
The following Base Station ranges can be used as a rough guide to plan the Base Station positions:
- In the line of sight, the Base Station has a range of about 80m.
- In halls the Base Station has a range of < 80m.
- In buildings the Base Station has a range of about 15-40m. This assumes that walls are made
of light brick, plasterboard or wallboard with metal frames. Normal electrical wiring, central
heating pipes, office furniture and desktop computer equipment have no significant effect. The
signal shadowing effect made by stairways, lift shafts shielded rooms etc. should be
The following items may well cause shadowing of the radio signal:
- Thick walls, especially cavity walls and reinforced concrete walls.
- Windows or glass in doors with steel wire reinforcement or metallic reflection film.
- Steel doors, partitions or walls.
- Fire resistant doors.
- A wall of steel cabinets, large computer equipment or machinery.
- Thick concrete floors.
During the site survey, be aware of the following:
- Choose a corridor or other large open space for Base Station positions rather than an
enclosed area so that the radio signal passes through as few walls as possible to reach as
large an area as possible.
- Radio reception inside a vehicle may be poor unless very close to the Base Station.
- The Base Station should be placed high enough to be unaffected by surrounding objects. For
example, a Base Station in a car park needs to be placed higher than a vehicle that may be
parked next to it.
- Base Stations must be placed at least 1 meter apart from each other!
- The presence of another un-synchronized DECT System or similar system in adjacent
buildings may cause interference.
- A Base Station or a PP might interfere with sensitive laboratory equipment, medical
equipment, and so on (E.g., do not install a Base Station in an operating-room in a Hospital!)
- Check that no significant interference from un-suppressed engines or electric motors has been
10.5 Customer Preparation
If a customer contact person is assigned, this gives the opportunity to collect additional information
as required, set times and dates, discuss accessibility (access to certain areas may be restricted at
certain times or altogether, some areas may be locked), and give the customer an idea of what to
expect i.e. how a survey is done. It may be a good idea to have other employees on the customer
site informed that a 'stranger' with a handset might be seen wandering around in their workspace.

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11. Site survey execution

11.1 General
Site Survey execution should be done with at least one, preferably two persons.
There are three main criteria for the cell boundary:
- Voice quality.
- Signal strength.
- Frame errors (if there are audible clicks in the voice connection).
To check the voice quality, a voice connection should be set-up between two persons. One person
should stay close to the Base Station, the other one should move away to determine the cell
boundary. This gives a good impression on the radio signal behaviour close to the Base Station and
at the cell boundary.
The person determining the cell boundary checks on voice quality, signal strength and frame errors.
He/she can do this by means of a single handset with headset, or one handset for listening and
another handset for checking the signal strength.
In Figure 36 the functions of the persons are depicted.

Figure 36: Site Survey / Deployment in Action

Note: Keep the handset in vertical position when doing a Site Survey. If in horizontal position, the
reading is not correct!
If you are with two persons, one should stay at the Base Station position and the other one should
determine the cell boundary.
Warning: Conducting a site survey involves safety hazards such as (but not limited to) “working at
height” and other hazards dependent upon the location where the survey is conducted.
Remember to conduct a Health & Safety risk assessment before commencing work and
to take appropriate measures to avoid or reduce the risk of injury to yourself and others.

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11.2 Setting up the Equipment

After having taken the preparatory steps (see chapter 10 - Site survey preparation), execute the
following steps:
1. Make sure that the Survey Base Station and handset batteries are fully charged.
2. Mount the plastic boards (with Base Station and battery on them) to the tripod.
3. If not yet done, connect the Battery Cabinet to the Base Station.
4. Switch the Base Station on using the switch on the Battery Unit and wait for the LED to be
steady on; the Base Station is up and running.
5. Set-up a Survey Base Station at a planned Base Station position.
Choose the locations for the Survey Base Station as close as possible to the locations where
the Base Stations can be actually installed. Look also for suitable cable ducts. Put the
Survey Kit in the position with the battery pack at the side of the wall.
6. Adjust the tripod to put the Survey Base Station near the ceiling for an office environment (at
a height of approximately 2 meters (±0.5m) above the ground) or as high up as possible in a
large area (such as a warehouse). If the Survey Base Station is outside then put it at a height
>> 2m (of about 5 m, if possible).
7. Make sure that the 8242 DECT handsets are switched on and “on-hook”.
8. On each 8242 DECT handset that you want to involve in the Site Survey, in idle homepage,
press OK key to get menu screen, type *7378423* (mnemonic: *service*) from the keypad to
display the Service Menu, select “Site survey mode” and select “On”.
9. Now you will see the following Site Survey information displayed in the top part of the

Figure 37: Site survey display

Legend for the site survey:

Lock State | Frequency | Slot | Base RPN locked |
RPN (up to 5 Bases/DAPs)
RSSI (up to 5 Bases/DAPs)
A field CRC error | X field CRC error | Z field CRC error | No Lock / Lock to: base number
Quality index | Slow/Rapid Measurements | Syn error field | Fading.

Or when Vol- key is pressed:

RFPI in octal
RFPI in hex
Remark: Press Vol+ key to come back to the previous screen.

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- Long press on * key: Slow/Rapid measurements
- Long press on # key: No Lock / Lock to base

The Site survey can freeze the result, it can be hidden for the user and be unhidden.
This is controlled via the side function key (under Vol- key).
-. Press: Result is frozen, and a “P” is shown to left upper corner
-. Press: Site survey display is now hidden
-. Press: Back to normal view

Figure 38: Site survey display of frozen results

10. Go off hook and dial the one-digit extension number of one of the other 8242 DECT handsets
that you use in the Site Survey.
Or if you are doing the site survey on your own, dial “0” and you will hear dial tone
continuously, which can be used to check the sound quality. You can skip step 11 if you are
doing the site survey on your own.
11. If you dialed another extension, the dialed extension starts ringing. Go off hook. Now you
have a voice connection which can be used to check the sound quality.
12. In the 8242 DECT handset display, you will see the following important fields displayed:
- RPN:
This is the unique (hexadecimal) number of your Base Station. In the Site Survey kit, this
should always be 01. By means of this number you can see that the handset is “locked” to
(looks at) your Site Survey Base Station.
- -dBm
The -dBm value is the actual signal strength of the signal received from the Base Station
(RSSI value in -dBm for given RPN). It will never be better than -26 dBm because the
value is internally limited in the 8242 DECT handset to this value.
- CRC errors in resp. A, X and Z field
Here you see the hexadecimal number of CRC errors in the various fields measured over
120 frames.
- Quality index of transmission
Here you see the number of error-free frames that has been received (last 16 frames are
- Fa
Fading (in dB)

13. For finding the cell boundaries you must check the following parameters:
Voice Quality
Check the speech quality. This can be done in the following ways:
- Using the voice connection from the 8242 DECT handset to the 8242 DECT handset.
Now you have a voice connection and you can check the speech quality.
- If you are all on your own, call the second handset and use its tone generator as
described in section 10.1.2 for sound quality check on the first handset.
Note: The sound should be without “clicks” or other interruptions.
If there are clicks while you are moving, it may indicate that there are a lot of reflections in
the area. Reflections are caused by metal walls, etc. Check whether there is a lot of metal
in the walls. In some exceptional cases, DECT cannot be installed in environments with a
lot of metal due to excessive reflections against the walls and ceiling.

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Signal Strength (in - dBm)

Check the -dBm reading in the display.
The cell boundary is reached when the -dBm value is -70 dBm (for easy coverage) or -
60 dBm (for tricky coverage).
Quality Index
Preferably all received frames should be error free, hence the Quality Index should read
16 (being that the last 16 frames were received without errors).
If the Quality Index is lower than 12 this might result in bad sound quality. Check the
(audible) sound quality to find out if this is still acceptable or not.
CRC errors
CRC errors may occur in DECT, but not too many.
The number of CRC errors for either of the A, X or Z field per reading should in total not
be more than 4!
The number of CRC errors is only indicative information – for the determination of the cell
boundaries the Quality Index and the audible sound quality are the really determining
(The survey handset should be held at about 1.5m (±0.3m) above the ground when
making measurements.)
14. Note the results on the relevant maps. Take care that the relation between the “Site Survey
Base Station” position and the corresponding cell is clearly defined, using the numbering
scheme given in chapter 12 - Reporting Results.
Note that for a multi-story building it must be clear on what floor the “Site Survey Base
Station” was positioned and that the result may be several cell contours on different floors. In
this case in particular a careful record must be kept for later unambiguous analysis.
The position of an elevator shaft, lorry or other large movable object may also affect radio
reception. If possible, arrange for the object to be moved and check the cell boundary again.
15. Repeat steps 5...14 for the remaining planned Base Station positions.
Make sure that, when applicable, positions are also measured that may be relevant for
alternative configurations.
Cells should be at least adjacent to one another; overlap with respect to “Good Voice
Quality” is not required except where traffic density requires this. Overlap of the “Good Sync
Quality” call range is of course required (refer to Figure 37).
16. It may, at this stage, be necessary to move some of the planned Base Station positions or
add new Base Station positions to eliminate shadows or optimize cell size. If so, it may also
be necessary to do additional measurements to check that the new Base Station positions do
not create other problems.
17. Choose the Base Station positions required. This may need to be done in consultation with a
customer engineer.
In choosing Base Station positions, the required cabling to the DECT System should be
considered. Base Station positions must be defined such that later installation problems are
minimized, i.e. the DAP can be physically attached at the planned position and the wiring can
be laid with the minimum of effort. Record details of the planned Base Station positions,
including wiring considerations, special installation instructions etc.
Depending on the materials (no metal in it, thin materials etc.) of the ceiling, a Base Station
can be concealed above a suspended ceiling, provided it is not of a metal construction. A
Base Station can be installed within a meter or two of the planned position without adversely
affecting radio reception.
18. Turn the handset off to leave the Site Survey mode on the handset.

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11.3 Hints and Tips on “How to Survey”

11.3.1 General
During the execution of a Site Survey, you must make sure that you know all the details about the
required coverage, e.g.
If a car park must be covered, must it be covered for an empty car park, full car park, only
outside cars or also inside cars? If also inside the cars, then must this be measured with
the doors and windows of the cars closed or open, and so on.
Must toilets be covered as well, and how good must the voice quality be in a toilet with
the doors closed?
Are basements to be covered as well? If so, how good must the coverage be?
It is very important that these details are written down on paper, and that the customer agrees with
Note: If you do the site survey, it is recommended that all doors are closed. Close all fire doors as

11.3.2 How to Survey a Single Floor

The following is the basic procedure to determine the cell center and the cell boundaries. In Figures
21a & 21b, an example of a single floor is depicted.
Note: The width of the floor (W) is lower than the side of the square (Z) of a Base Station coverage.

Figure 39: Coverage of a DECT cell vs radius (R)

Figure 40: Example of a Single Floor Coverage

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Figure 41: Example of a Single Floor Coverage

The procedure is as follows:

1. Determine the outer points in the building. These points are the so-called “Critical Points”. (In
Figure 40 & Figure 41, these are CP1 and CP2).
2. Place the Base Station of the Site Survey on CP 1 on a height of approximately 2 meters
(±0.5m). Walk away from the Base Station at an angle of roughly 45 degrees. Write down
where the cell boundary is.
3. Place the Base Station of the Site Survey on CP2 on a height of approximately 2 meters
(±0.5m). Walk away from the Base Station at an angle of roughly 45 degrees. Write down
where the cell boundary is.
4. The best location for the cell center is where the critical point contours cross.
5. Position the Base Station of the Site Survey on the CP1/CP2 cross and raise it to the height
where the DAP must be fitted.
6. Now check the cell boundary. Check that the RSSI value at CP1 and CP2 are enough (-70
dBm for easy coverage or -60 dBm for tricky coverage). Draw the cell on the map.
7. Determine new Critical Points (CP 3 and CP 4 in Figure 40 & Figure 41) at the external walls
and repeat the procedure from step 1 onwards.
8. For IP Base Stations only (not for TDM bases), check that, when you position again the DAP
of the Site Survey, the minimum required signal strength for synchronization of -80 dBm is
achieved at the position obtained for the previous Base Station or for another Base Station
(A Base Station must always “see” another Base Station at a RSSI level ≥-80 dBm).

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11.3.3 How to Survey a Wider Single Floor

How to Survey a Wider Single Floor (W <2.5Z)

If the width of the area is greater (see Figure 42 & Figure 43) than the width of a coverage cell (Z)
and lower than 2.5 Z, then the following procedure must be executed:
Note: The width of the floor (W) is greater than the side of the square (Z) of a Base Station

Figure 42 Example of a wider Single Floor Coverage (W <2.5Z)

Figure 43 Example of a wider Single Floor Coverage (W <2.5Z)

The procedure is as follows:

1. Determine one outer point in the building (see Figure 42 & Figure 43). This point is the so-
called “Critical Point”. (CP1).
2. Place the Base Station of the Site Survey on CP 1 on a height of approximately 2 meters
(±0.5m). Walk away from the Base Station at an angle of roughly 45 degrees. Write down
where the cell boundary is.
3. The location for the cell center is at roughly 45 degrees where the RSSI value is -70 dBm for
easy coverage or -60 dBm for tricky coverage.
4. Position the Base Station of the Site Survey on the cell center and raise it to the height where
the Base Station must be fitted.
5. Where the cell crosses the outer wall of the building, one new Critical Point (CP3) is defined.

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6. Place the Base Station of the Site Survey on CP 3 on a height of approximately 2 meters
(±0.5m). Walk away from the Base Station at an angle of roughly 45 degrees. Write down
where the cell boundary is.
7. The location for the cell center is at roughly 45 degrees where the RSSI value is -70 dBm for
easy coverage or -60 dBm for tricky coverage.
8. Position the Base Station of the Site Survey on the cell center and raise it to the height where
the Base Station must be fitted.
For IP Base Stations only (not for TDM bases), check that, with the new position of the Base
Station of the Site Survey, the minimum required signal strength for synchronization of -80
dBm is achieved at the position obtained for the previous cell center (previous position of
Base Station) or for another Base Station (a Base Station must always “see” another Base
Station at a RSSI level ≥-80 dBm).
9. Where the cell crosses the outer wall of the building, one new Critical Point (CP5) is defined.
10. As W < 2.5Z, determine one point (CP2, so-called “Critical Point”) in the building (see Figure
43). CP2 is at a distance Z from the outer wall. The vertical passing through CP2 becomes
the new virtual outer wall.
11. Place the Base Station of the Site Survey on CP 2 on a height of approximately 2 meters
(±0.5m). Walk away from the Base Station at an angle of roughly 45 degrees. Write down
where the cell boundary is.
12. The location for the cell center is at roughly 45 degrees where the RSSI value is -70 dBm for
easy coverage or -60 dBm for tricky coverage.
The base station distribution will be done as per a network of hexagonal cells. So, this cell
center can be adjusted to comply with the network of hexagonal cells (see Figures 22a &
13. Position the Base Station of the Site Survey on the cell center and raise it to the height where
the Base Station must be fitted.
14. Where the cell crosses the virtual outer wall of the building, one new Critical Point (CP4) is
15. Place the Base Station of the Site Survey on CP 4 on a height of approximately 2 meters
(±0.5m). Walk away from the Base Station at an angle of roughly 45 degrees. Write down
where the cell boundary is.
16. The location for the cell center is at roughly 45 degrees where the RSSI value is -70 dBm for
easy coverage or -60 dBm for tricky coverage.
17. Position the Base Station of the Site Survey on the cell center and raise it to the height where
the Base Station must be fitted.
For IP Base Stations only (not for TDM bases), check that, with the new position of the DAP
of the Site Survey, the minimum required signal strength for synchronization of -80 dBm is
achieved at the position obtained for the previous cell center (previous position of Base
Station) or for another Base Station (a Base Station must always “see” another Base Station
at a RSSI level ≥-80 dBm).
18. Where the cell crosses the virtual outer wall of the building, one new Critical Point (CP6) is
19. As W < 2.5Z, determine one point (CP7, so-called “Critical Point”) in the building (see Figure
43). CP7 is at a distance Z from the virtual outer wall (or 2Z from the outer wall). The vertical
passing through CP7 becomes the new virtual outer wall. Go to 1 and repeat the procedure
considering CP7 as new CP1 and the vertical passing through CP7 as the new virtual outer

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How to Survey a Wider Single Floor (W <3.5Z)

If the width of the area is greater (see Figure 44 & Figure 45) than the width of a coverage cell (Z)
and lower than 3.5 Z, then the following procedure must be executed:

Figure 44: Example of a wider Single Floor Coverage

Figure 45: Example of a wider Single Floor Coverage

The procedure is as follows:

1. Determine one outer point in the building (see Figure 44 & Figure 45). This point is the so-
called “Critical Point”. (CP1).
2. Place the Base Station of the Site Survey on CP 1 on a height of approximately 2 meters
(±0.5m). Walk away from the Base Station at an angle of roughly 45 degrees. Write down
where the cell boundary is.
3. The location for the cell center is at roughly 45 degrees where the RSSI value is -70 dBm for
easy coverage or -60 dBm for tricky coverage.

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4. Position the Base Station of the Site Survey on the cell center and raise it to the height
where the Base Station must be fitted.
5. Where the cell crosses the outer wall of the building, one new Critical Point (CP3) is defined.
6. Place the Base Station of the Site Survey on CP 3 on a height of approximately 2 meters
(±0.5m). Walk away from the Base Station at an angle of roughly 45 degrees. Write down
where the cell boundary is.
7. The location for the cell center is at roughly 45 degrees where the RSSI value is -70 dBm for
easy coverage or -60 dBm for tricky coverage.
8. Position the Base Station of the Site Survey on the cell center and raise it to the height
where the Base Station must be fitted.
For IP Base Stations only (not for TDM bases), check that, with the new position of the Base
Station of the Site Survey, the minimum required signal strength for synchronization of -80
dBm is achieved at the position obtained for the previous cell center (previous position of
Base Station) or for another Base Station (a Base Station must always “sees” another Base
Station at a RSSI level ≥-80 dBm).
9. Where the cell crosses the outer wall of the building, one new Critical Point (CP5) is defined.
10. Place the Base Station of the Site Survey on CP 5 on a height of approximately 2 meters
(±0.5m). Walk away from the Base Station at an angle of roughly 45 degrees. Write down
where the cell boundary is.
11. The location for the cell center is at roughly 45 degrees where the RSSI value is -70 dBm for
easy coverage or -60 dBm for tricky coverage.
12. Position the Base Station of the Site Survey on the cell center and raise it to the height
where the Base Station must be fitted.
For IP s only (nor for TDM bases), check that, with the new position of the Base Station of
the Site Survey, the minimum required signal strength for synchronization of -80 dBm is
achieved at the position obtained for the previous cell center (previous position of Base
Station) or for another Base Station (a Base Station must always “see” another Base Station
at a RSSI level ≥-80 dBm).
13. Where the cell crosses the outer wall of the building, one new Critical Point (CP7) is defined.
14. As W < 3.5Z, determine one point (CP2, so-called “Critical Point”) in the building (see Figure
44). CP2 is at a distance Z from the outer wall. The vertical passing through CP2 becomes
the new virtual outer wall.
15. Place the Base Station of the Site Survey on CP 2 on a height of approximately 2 meters
(±0.5m). Walk away from the Base Station at an angle of roughly 45 degrees. Write down
where the cell boundary is.
16. The location for the cell center is at roughly 45 degrees where the RSSI value is -70 dBm for
easy coverage or -60 dBm for tricky coverage.
The base station distribution will be done as per a network of hexagonal cells. So, this cell
center can be adjusted to comply with the network of hexagonal cells (see Figure 44 &
Figure 45)
17. Position the Base Station of the Site Survey on the cell center and raise it to the height
where the Base Station must be fitted.
18. Where the cell crosses the virtual outer wall of the building, one new Critical Point (CP4) is

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19. Place the Base Station of the Site Survey on CP 4 on a height of approximately 2 meters
(±0.5m). Walk away from the Base Station at an angle of roughly 45 degrees. Write down
where the cell boundary is.
20. The location for the cell center is at roughly 45 degrees where the RSSI value is -70 dBm for
easy coverage or -60 dBm for tricky coverage.
21. Position the Base Station of the Site Survey on the cell center and raise it to the height
where the DAP must be fitted.
For IP Base Stations only (nor for TDM bases), check that, with the new position of the Base
Station of the Site Survey, the minimum required signal strength for synchronization of -80
dBm is achieved at the position obtained for the previous cell center (previous position of
Base Station) or for another Base Station (a Base Station must always “see” another DAP at
a RSSI level ≥-80 dBm).
22. Where the cell crosses the virtual outer wall of the building, one new Critical Point (CP6) is
23. As W < 3.5Z, determine one point (CP9, so-called “Critical Point”) in the building (see Figure
44). CP9 is at a distance Z from the virtual outer wall (or 2Z from the outer wall). The vertical
passing through CP9 becomes the new virtual outer wall. Go to 1 and repeat the procedure
considering CP9 as new CP1 and the vertical passing through CP9 as the new virtual outer

How to Survey a Wider Single Floor (W < ((n+0.5)Z)

If the width of the area is greater than the width of a coverage cell (Z) and lower than (n+0.5) Z with
n integer and n >3, then a similar procedure as the one listed above must be executed to comply
with a network of hexagonal cells.

11.3.4 How to Survey a Multi Floor Area

There are two approaches in surveying a multi storey building:
3. Survey each floor as individual parts. The radiation between floors is used to allow higher
traffic density even if it undervalued for coverage.
In this approach you are always sure that the coverage on each floor is reliable.
4. Survey one floor and write down the cell boundaries on the higher and lower floor as well.
Knowing the cells on the higher and lower floors, you can survey these floors, to determine
where additional DAPs must be placed.
Note: Radiation through floors depends highly on the construction materials of the floors.
These materials are normally reinforced concrete, which gives a lot of signal loss.
Also, in ceilings there are most likely cable ducts, which produce holes in the
coverage on the higher and lower floors. Therefore, coverage via floors is not always

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11.3.5 How to determine the -95 dBm limit for one synchronization cluster with the SSK

Figure 46: Measures starting from the HEADQUARTER (main location)

Figure 47: Measures starting from the BRANCH OFFICE (remote location)

The procedure is as follows:

Assumption: Base Stations are deployed and operational in the Routed Headquarter (main location)
1. With a DECT handset in site survey mode registered in the main location, make a
measurement at -40 dBm starting from the base of the Head Quarter which is the closest of
the BO or the base of the Head Quarter which has the strongest RSSI level equal to -40 dBm
in the direction of the BO.
2. Place the Base Station of the Site Survey Kit at the location of the -40 dBm measurement on
a height of approximately 2 meters (±0.5m). Walk away from the Base Station in the direction
of the BO. With a DECT handset in site survey mode registered on the SSK, make a
measurement at -55 dBm dBm starting from the base of the SSK. Write down where the -95
dBm boundary from the Head Quarter is. It corresponds to the limit of the Head Quarter
synchronization cluster in the direction of the Branch Office.

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3. With a DECT handset in site survey mode registered in the remote location (or with a DECT
handset in site survey mode registered on the SSK if there is no Base Station deployed in
the BO), make a measurement at -40 dBm starting from the base of the Branch Office which
is the closest of the Head Quarter or the base of the Branch Office which has the strongest
RSSI level equal to -40 dBm in the direction of the Head Quarter (or starting from the base of
the SSK if there is no Base Station deployed in the BO).
4. Place the Base Station of the Site Survey Kit at the location of the -40 dBm measurement on
a height of approximately 2 meters (±0.5m). Walk away from the Base Station in the direction
of the Head Quarter.With a DECT handset in site survey mode registered on the SSK, make
a measurement at -55 dBm dBm starting from the base of the SSK. Write down where the -
95 dBm boundary from the Branch Office is. It corresponds to the limit of the Branch Office
synchronization cluster in the direction of the Head Quarter.
There must be no overlap between the synchronization clusters.
Note: -40 dBm and -55 dBm are RSSI levels that could be replaced by -30 dBm and -65 dBm
(The aim is to have the sum of the 2 measures equal to -95 dB, knowing that the DECT
handsets used with the SSK cannot measure RSSI ≤ -88 dBm (maximum guaranteed
sensitivity). -95 dBm circles are symbolic
representations. The -95 dBm limit is any geometrical shape given the different potential barriers
between the base and the handset used for measurements.
Remark: RSSI levels at 500m & 1000m and distance at -95 dBm vs propagation index (Beta)
are given hereafter.

Figure 48: RSSI level at 500m and distance at -95 dBm vs propagation index (Beta).

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Figure 49: RSSI level at 1000m and distance at -95 dBm vs propagation index (Beta).

How to estimate the distance between the Head Quarter and the Branch Office

Figure 50: Estimation of the distance between the Head Quarter and the Branch Office

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The procedure is as follows:

Assumption: Base Stations are not deployed in the Routed Headquarter and in the Branch Office.
1. With a DECT handset in site survey mode registered on the SSK, make a measurement at -
40 dBm starting from the base of the SSK which is located in the Head Quarter and put as
close as possible to the BO.
2. Place the Base Station of the Site Survey Kit at the location of the -40 dBm measurement on
a height of approximately 2 meters (±0.5m). Walk away from the Base Station in the direction
of the BO.With a DECT handset in site survey mode registered on the SSK, make a
measurement at -61 dBm dBm starting from the base of the SSK. Write down where the -101
dBm boundary from the Head Quarter is. The Branch Office should be beyond this limit.

Checking without SSK that there is no overlap between the synchronization clusters

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12. Reporting Results

It is important to make a comprehensive survey report that records test results and provides useful
information for the engineer who is to installing the equipment. The following information should be
included in the survey report (see chapter 14 - DECT Survey Report Template for a possible
- A description of the site, explaining which buildings and grounds are to be included in the
report. A description of the topography of outdoor areas may be useful.
- A specification of the construction of the buildings and construction materials.
- Determine the customer requirements for:
o the number of handsets
o required coverage
o performance requirements (traffic density, grade of service etc.)
o the location of the DECT System.
- Cabling details. Include a specification of cables already present on the site and a list of new
cabling required. Include the distance between DAP and the DECT System for existing and
new cabling.
- Copies of the maps of the site with the positions of Survey DAPs and the cell boundaries.
o Different cell boundaries can be marked with different patterns to avoid confusion i.e.
dotted, dashed, dot dash etc. Do not use colours, as these may be lost when
o Use the following numbering conventions:
xCyy refers to the identity of the cell, where:
x: is the level at which the measurement was made.
(-1 is basement, 0 is ground floor, 1 is 1st floor etc.)
yy: is the DAP position number which was being measured.
Example of labelling floor plans:
0C1 = Ground floor Cell 1
0C2 = Ground floor Cell 2
1C3 = First floor Cell 3
2C4 = Second floor Cell 4
-1C5 = Basement/cellar Cell 5
- A list of possible configurations will help the customer to decide exactly what is required.
- A specification of where DAPs should be placed. This can be marked on the survey map, but
additional information such as height and fixing instructions should be included where
- A specification of the areas that will be covered by the DAPs and areas that may cause
problems. This can be useful when testing the system.
The theoretical maximum number of overlapping cells is 10, if all timeslots and frequencies are
used. If not all timeslots and frequencies are used, this value is higher. However, this is unlikely to
be reached in practical situations.
For a large site where a thorough survey has been impossible, it may be prudent to add a
percentage of extra DAPs (see “Traffic calculation rules” chapter) to the product offer to allow for
unforeseen problem areas.
An example of a survey report is given in Appendix A.

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13. Checklist for Survey Data

- Building characteristics (list for each building)
o Building identification (refer to maps if available)
o Type of use
o Dimensions (refer to maps if available)
o Number of floors (refer to maps if available)
o Height per floor
o Partitioning per floor (refer to floor plans if available)
o Construction details (type of construction and materials used)
o Radio coverage requirements
List areas where radio coverage is not absolutely required or are to be excluded from radio
− Radio coverage
List areas where radio coverage is not feasible or requires specific DAPs.
− Objects inside buildings
Details of furniture, cupboards, machinery, etc. in the interior of buildings per floor.
− DECT System
Position of the DECT System.
− Connections between DECT System and DAP(s)
For each DAP the following details of its connection to a DECT System are required:
o Length of cable between DECT System and DAP.
o Whether existing cabling is present that can be used.
o Cabling layout (risers, horizontal wiring, distribution frames) and whether existing
cabling can be used, or new wiring is required.

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14. DECT Survey Report Template

Number : ………………...

From : …………………………………………………….
[Engineer doing the survey]
To : ………………………………………………………………………..
[Sales Manager]
Copy : ………………………………………………………………………..
Date : ......... / ….. /….
[yyyy / mm / dd]

1. Site : ………………………………………………………………...
[Full address of site]
2. Execution of survey
Engineers : …………………………………………………………...
[Names and addresses of engineers who executed the survey]
Customer engineer(s) : ………………………………………………
[Name and address of customer engineer(s)]
Date : ......... / ….. /….
[Date of survey]
3. Outline description of site
[Short description of site (dimensions, environment, number/ type of buildings, etc.]
4. Number of handsets and expected traffic
[Description of expected traffic and indication of above or below average traffic areas]
5. Test results
[This should include the site maps and any additional information that may be useful]
6. Connections DECT System - DAPs
6.1 Location of DECT System.
[Indicate the location of the DECT System]
6.2 Existing cabling
[Indicate what cabling is available and how it is distributed across the site]
6.3 Connection of DAPs and cable lengths
[List for planned RFP approximate cable length, and whether existing wiring can be used or
new cabling is required]
6.4 DAP installation
[For each DAP indicate exactly where it can be installed, e.g. "in the corridor against the
wall of room 32, 2.5 m high") and whether customer restrictions apply as to where DAPs
may be installed]
7. Possible configurations
[List alternative configurations regarding the deployment of DAPs. Refer to coverage maps
and detail areas where coverage cannot be guaranteed]

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15. Post Survey

A Post Survey is a Site Survey that needs to be done after the DECT system is installed. It is a
check on the Site Survey and the actual implementation of the system.
Normally the Installation engineer of the DECT system will execute the Post Survey.
Use the following procedure:
Make sure the DECT system is up and running properly and that all DAPs are up and
Start up the Performance Manager as described in the Customer Engineer manual. (One of
the Appendices in the Customer Engineer Manual.)
Click the button “Save Visibility” in the Performance Manager window. Now the file
“visadm.txt” is created. Analyze the contents of this file for the Synchronization Structure.
Then determine which DAP is the best candidate for being the Master. Also try to find out
how you can keep the synchronization hierarchy as “flat” as possible.
If necessary, force the DAP which is the best candidate for being the Synchronization Master
to be the Master. Use the “DECT Manager” and give that DAP the lowest RPN. After you
have made changes, reboot all DAPs.
Generate a “visadm.txt” file again. Analyze the synchronization structure again.
Subscribe at least two 8242 DECT handsets (or other handsets that has a Signal Strength
indication in the display) to the system.
Set up a call between the two handsets. Now check the coverage and sound quality on the
area that should have been covered. Pay special attention to critical environments and
critical spots.
If the area is not properly covered, report this to the provider of the DECT system and
consider what improvements should be made.

16. Brazil Certification

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A.1: Site Survey Map

In the following picture, you see the map of the site, together with the results of the Site Survey.

Figure 51: Example Site Plan

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A.2: Example of Documentation of the Site Survey

Number : MS/001

From : John Johnson, Business Communication, U.S.

To : J. R. Hartley, Business Communication, U.S.

Copy : B.J. Mcleod, Engineering Manager, Save Stores PLC

DECT Marketing, Business Communication,

P.O. Box 1234567, 1234JD Hilversum, The Netherlands.

Date : 01/05/2018

1. Site :
Save Stores,
105 Washinton Road,
United States

2. Execution of survey
Engineers : John Johnson, Business Communication, U.S.
Dave Nice Business Communication, U.S.
Customer engineer(s) : H. King Save Stores PLC, Baltimore
th th
Date : 12 - 15 April 2018

3. Outline description of site

This survey is for a supermarket approximately 100m x 60m surrounded by car parks. A petrol
station at the side of the road also belongs to the site. See the site plan on figure.

Construction of the building(s)

The main building is approximately 6m high. All areas are at ground level.
The building has a steel frame construction. The east and west sides of the building are
constructed with brick walls to a height of 3m, above this height the walls are made of steel
panels. The south side (front) of the building is mostly glass up to a height of 3,5m above this,
brick. The north side (back) of the building is brick, with windows 2,5m high starting at 1m
above the ground. The roof is steel.

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Lowered ceilings in the sales area are made of thick (1 cm) card board panels suspended 5m
above the ground. Lowered ceilings in the offices/storage areas are also thick (1 cm) card
board panels suspended 3m above the ground.
The petrol station consists of a single brick building and a covered petrol pump area.

4. Number of handsets and expected traffic

The maximum number of portable handsets required is 10 (each with an Erlang value of
approximately 0.08 Erlang, but the number is expected to rise to 15 in the future.

5. Test results:
Refer to the site map, figure. The DAPs and cells are numbered as follows:

xRyy refers to the identity of the DAP, where:

x is the level (-1 is basement, 0 is ground floor, 1 is 1st floor etc.)
yy is the DAP position number. This number should be unique.

xCyy refers to the identity of the cell, where:

x is the level at which the measurement was made (-1
basement, 0 is ground floor, 1 is 1st floor etc.)
yy is the DAP position number which was being measured.

XSyy-zz refers to the signal received from other DAPs for synchronization, where:
x is the level (-1 is basement, 0 is ground floor, 1 is 1st floor etc.)
yy is the DAP position number from which the signal is received.
This number should be unique.
zz is the signal strength value.

6. Connections to DAPs

6.1 Location of the IP equipment like Hubs and/or Switches

The site is equipped with Cisco Switches all supporting 100Mb/s.
Connection between the switches is 1 Gb/s or higher.
The local IT engineer has signed for supplying an Ethernet cable from a Switch port to the
DAP locations. (In the Petrol Station, there is already an Ethernet connection for a Computer.
The available bandwidth is always more than 90 Mb/s. The DAP can be connected to that
same network connection.)
All DAPs are put in one VLAN: VLAN 10
There is only one Router with Firewall that supplies the connection from the LAN to the
Internet. That Router/Firewall blocks all Multicast traffic. IP ports needs to be discussed with
the IT engineer.

6.2 Power cabling

There are no Switches that supply power to the network (PoE). As the DAPs require Power-
over-Ethernet, a Power-over-Ethernet Inserter must be installed between the IP Switch and
the DAPs. The IT Staff need to take care of this, and clear agreements must be made with the
IT Staff about the required PoE equipment type, price, time and date.

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6.4 DAP installation

The DAPs are positioned as follows:
- DAP 0R01 is fixed to the wall inside the sales area at approximately 0,5m under the
lowered ceiling.
- DAP 0R02 is fixed to the right-outside wall at a height of approximately 3m, 7 meters
from the corner (front side – right side)
- DAP 0R03 is fixed inside the awning at the petrol station. The awning is made of
plastic panels. Mount the DAP right behind the plastic panel, so that radiation can pass
on via the plastic panel easily.

Note: There is no redundancy; failure of a DAP would result in a large area being out of
range of any other DAP.

6.5 DAP Synchronization

The Synchronization Master must be the DAP in the middle of the DAP structure. This DAP
“sees” the two other DAPs with sufficient signal strength.
In this map, the DAP with the notation 0R02 should be the Synchronization Master. This
means that in the actual installation, this DAP should get the lowest RPN. The engineer should
force this DAP to get the lowest RPN via the DECT Manager interface.

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Appendix B: PARI and SARI


• PARI: Primary Access Rights Identifier. This is the Unique DECT System Identifier. It is an 8-
digit hexadecimal string. It is a worldwide Unique Identifier which you should have received together
with your DECT system.
Warning: It is recommended to use a unique PARI. The method to obtain an official and reserved
PARI is through the ALE BPWS.
An example is given hereafter to enter a hex value in the IP DECT DAP configurator starting from
the octal value obtained from the BPWS:
Open for instance the calculator in scientific mode of your PC
Tick Oct and Qword
Enter the octal value obtained from the BPWS: 10042647314 (for instance)
Divide by 4 and you get: 2010551663
Tick Hex and out get: 1022D3B3
Enter in the DAP configurator: 1022D3B3


• SARI: The SARI is the Secondary Access Rights Identifier, which is only needed if you use
Multi-Site subscriptions. If you do not use multi-site Subscriptions, leave this field to the default

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C.1: Synchronization structure with OXE

In the Performance Manager with OXE (OmniPCX Enterprise), there is a possibility to take a
snapshot of the synchronization structure (To see the phase difference do:” Update visibility” and
“Get visibility file” in Performance Manager.)
The phase difference between DAPs is given and must be xxxxFFFF with a maximum deviation of
about 7 (higher or lower) => [xxxxFFF9, xxxx0007].(The first 4 digits denote a frame and slot

Remark about “Visibility Information”:
Shows an overview of the RSSI values. “Sees” means that the selected DAP sees the other DAPs
with a certain signal strength. “Seen” means that the other DAPs can see the signal strength of the
selected DAP. Note that although the radio signal connection is reciprocal there can be differences
in the “seen” and “sees” RSSI value. This difference is caused by the fact that this visibility
information is based on a snapshot.
The RSSI values are hexadecimal in the range: 0 ... f. The RSSI level 0 in Hex corresponds to
“no signal”. The - 80 dBm boundary which is the minimum required signal strength for
synchronization corresponds to a RSSI level in Hex between 3 and 4.
See RSSI table given hereafter:

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RSSI in Hex dBm value dBm range

e > - 30 +24 … - 30
d < - 30 - 31 … - 35
c < - 35 - 36 … - 40
b < - 40 - 41 … - 45
a < - 45 - 46 … - 50
9 < - 50 - 51 … - 55
8 < - 55 - 56 … - 60
7 < - 60 - 61 … - 65
6 < - 65 - 66 … - 70
5 < - 70 - 71 … - 75
4 < - 75 - 76 … - 80
3 < - 80 - 81 … - 85
2 < - 85 - 86 … - 90
1 < - 90 - 90 … - 95
0 < - 95 - 95 … no signal

Table of correspondence for the RSSI levels in Hex between 0, 1 ,2, 3, ….,e,f and RSSI levels
in dBm.

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C.2: Synchronization structure with OXO

In the IP-DECT web page of the master DAP with OXO (OmniPCX Office) you can select “Save
Information in file”. In the created file you can show visibility info.

The phase difference between DAPs must also be xxxxFFFF with a maximum deviation of about 7
(higher or lower) => [xxxxFFF9, xxxx0007]. (The first 4 digits denote a frame and slot number).

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D.1: Example of “dapcfg.txt” file / OXE

; dapcfg.txt for system name_of_the_system
; Created by DapConf.exe on --/--/2012 --:--:--
; Please do not modify this file!!
[DAP-IMAGEFILE] ; Start of DAP image file section

[DS] ; Start of DS address section 28000-28017

[DAP] ; Start of DAP address section 3000-22635 5

[GK] ; Start gatekeeper address section 5060

[XDS] ; Start SIP section

local_timezone=GMT + 00:00
call_waiting_indication=2nd waiting
486=busy busy
404=wrong wrong
480=out out

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D.2: Example of “dapcfg.txt” file / OXO

; dapcfg.txt for system OXO-Lite

; Created by DapConf.exe on 01/14/2015 14:45:21
; Please do not modify this file!!


[DS] 28000-28017

[DAP] 3000-3003 32 ;

[GK] 5059

[CDA] 30160




009 00:18:27:5f:06:9d
008 00:18:27:5f:01:73
007 00:18:27:5f:01:70
006 00:18:27:5f:01:69
005 00:18:27:5f:01:71
004 00:18:27:5f:01:66
003 00:18:27:5f:01:55
002 00:18:27:5f:01:5e

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001 00:18:27:5f:01:58
000 00:18:27:5f:01:6c



32 11
51 134
58 5
66 10
67 3
71 11
76 16
79 1

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OXE can support both TDM (IBS/RBS NG) DECT bases and IP-DECT DAPs on the same node but
there must be no radio overlap between TDM and IP-DECT coverages (i.e. TDM DECT bases and
IP-DECT DAPs must be deployed in different locations).
During OXE upgrade from lower version to k1, legacy DECT sets should be automatically converted
to support TDM-IPDECT “Mix (or Mixity)” feature.
Handover is not possible between TDM DECT bases and IP-DECT DAPs but roaming is
possible only for AGAP sets, if and only if handsets have been manually registered with the
same directory number on two systems.
Handsets have the possibility to select the system on which to lock.
Change of system (from one system to another one) by a DECT handset may not happen
immediately, but it may take some time (roughly 2 minutes).
Handsets must be able to make/receive calls and to support other services on their respective
GAP handsets can be registered to only one system and roaming is not provided for them, as the
set type is different in TDM and IP-DECT systems.

Reminder: To support roaming between TDM DECT bases and IP-DECT DAPs, it is needed to
register the same directory number on TDM and IP-DECT systems. Different PARIs should be
configured for IBS/RBS NG bases and DAPs.


The following restrictions apply only to dual DECT systems:

Roaming between IBS and IP-DECT sub-systems is not possible. Roaming is only possible
within the network the DECT handset has been registered to.
IBS and IP-DECT sub-systems are not synchronized. Handover is only possible between
synchronized base stations, thus, within each DECT sub-system but not between IBS and IP-DECT
The level of service and user interface may be different for a same type of DECT handset when
attached either to IBS or IP-DECT sub-system (Example: 8232 runs in A-GAP mode when
connected to IBS and in GAP when connected to IP-DECT).
One given DECT subscriber can only use either IBS base stations or IP-DECT base stations.
This is defined at Subscriber creation (OMC -> add subscriber).
Nevertheless, the registration of a given handset on both IBS and IP-DECT base stations cannot be
forbidden, by using 2 different subscribers (two licenses are required for the same phone: - one
DECT user and one IP-DECT user), but the level of service and the user interface are different.
There must be no radio overlap between IBS and IP-DECT coverages.


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