Bloqueo Pec 2 Mama
Bloqueo Pec 2 Mama
Bloqueo Pec 2 Mama
Clinical Study
Efficacy of Pectoral Nerve Block Type II for Breast-Conserving
Surgery and Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy: A Prospective
Randomized Controlled Study
Doo-Hwan Kim ,1 Sooyoung Kim,1 Chan Sik Kim ,1 Sukyung Lee ,1 In-Gyu Lee ,1
Hee Jeong Kim ,2 Jong-Hyuk Lee ,1 Sung-Moon Jeong ,1 and Kyu Taek Choi1
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine,
Seoul, Republic of Korea
Division of Breast and Endocrine Surgery, Department of Surgery, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine,
Seoul, Republic of Korea
Copyright © 2018 Doo-Hwan Kim et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
Objectives. The pectoral nerve block type II (PECS II block) is widely used for postoperative analgesia after breast surgery. This
study evaluated the analgesic efficacy of PECS II block in patients undergoing breast-conserving surgery (BCS) and sentinel lymph
node biopsy (SNB). Methods. Patients were randomized to the control group (n � 40) and the PECS II group (n � 40). An
ultrasound-guided PECS II block was performed after induction of anesthesia. The primary outcome measure was opioid
consumption, and the secondary outcome was pain at the breast and axillary measured using the Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) 24
hours after surgery. Opioid requirement was assessed according to tumor location. Results. Opioid requirement was lower in the
PECS II than in the control group (43.8 ± 28.5 g versus 77.0 ± 41.9 g, p < 0.001). However, the frequency of rescue analgesics did
not differ between these groups. Opioid consumption in the PECS II group was significantly lower in patients with tumors in the
outer area than that in patients with tumors in the inner area (32.5 ± 23.0 g versus 58.0 ± 29.3 g, p � 0.007). The axillary NRS was
consistently lower through 24 hr in the PECS II group. Conclusion. Although the PECS II block seemed to reduce pain intensity
and opioid requirements for 24 h after BCS and SNB, these reductions may not be clinically significant. This trial is registered with
Clinical Research Information Service KCT0002509.
analgesic efficacy of PECS II block in patients undergoing e Ultrasound, GE Healthcare, USA) was positioned below
BCS and SNB. In addition, this study assessed the efficacy of the lateral third of the clavicle. The positions of the axillary
PECS II block according to breast cancer location and its artery and vein were confirmed, and the ultrasound probe
comparative effects on breast and axillary pain. was moved inferolaterally until the pectoralis major and
minor and the serratus anterior muscles were identified in
2. Methods one plane at the level between the third and fourth ribs. A 23-
gauge Quincke type spinal needle (TaeChang Industrial Co.,
2.1. Patients. This study enrolled patients with early breast Korea) was advanced in plane view of the ultrasound probe
cancer scheduled to undergo BCS and SNB between July from the medial to lateral direction until it reached the
2016 and May 2017. The trial was approved by the In- interfascial plane between the pectoralis major and minor
stitutional Review Board (2016-0738) of Asan Medical muscles. After the position of the needle tip was confirmed,
Center and was registered at the Clinical Research In- 10 ml of 0.25% ropivacaine was administered. The needle
formation Service (KCT 0002509). All patients provided was subsequently advanced further until its tip was located
written informed consent. in the interfascial plane between the pectoralis minor and
Patients were included if they were aged 20–70 years and serratus anterior muscles, and an additional 20 ml of 0.25%
had American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) physical ropivacaine was administered above the serratus anterior
status I and II. Patients were excluded if they had used an muscles (Figure 1). All of these nerve block procedures were
anticoagulant, did not cooperate with the study protocol, performed by two anesthesiologists who were proficient and
were allergic to local anesthetics, had serious neurological or experienced in ultrasound-guided PECS II block.
psychiatric disorders, or were pregnant or breastfeeding.
Patients with one and three incision sites were also excluded.
Patients were randomized to two groups according to 2.4. Outcome Measures and Data Collection. All baseline and
a computer-generated randomization schedule. Patients in postoperative measurements were evaluated by an in-
the PECS II group received a PECS II block following the dependent physician who was blinded to treatment allo-
induction of general anesthesia, whereas patients in the cation. Postoperative pain intensity was assessed using
control group did not receive any regional analgesia during a single 11-point NRS (in which 0 � no pain and 10 � worst
the perioperative period. pain imaginable). The NRS was measured separately on
the breast and axilla. To obtain a valid NRS value after the
operation, all participants were instructed before the
2.2. Process of Anesthesia and Analgesia. Anesthesia was
procedure about how to check the NRS correctly. Doses
induced by administration of propofol (2 mg/kg). After the
of all opioids administered to patients were converted
patient lost consciousness, rocuronium (0.6 mg/kg) was
to intravenous fentanyl equianalgesic doses according
injected for smooth tracheal intubation. Desflurane and
to published conversion factors (intravenous fentanyl
remifentanil were also used for induction. Remifentanil was
100 μg � meperidine 100 mg � tramadol 100 mg) [10]. An-
administrated via target-controlled infusion using Orchestra
algesic consumption and the NRS were measured 0, 0.5, 1, 2,
(Fresenius Vial, Brezins, France). Anesthesia was main-
6, 9, 18, and 24 hours after the end of surgery. Opioid re-
tained with desflurane 5-6% in 50% oxygen and 2–2.5 ng/ml
quirements were analyzed as a function of breast cancer
of effect-site remifentanil concentration. After surgery, the
location (quadrants, outer and inner areas, and upper and
patients were moved to the postanesthetic care unit (PACU)
lower area; Figure 2). Complications associated with the
and administered fentanyl (0.4 µg/kg) when in need of
PECS II block and with analgesics, such as pneumothorax,
analgesics or when analgesia was insufficient (Numerical
hematoma, nausea, vomiting, and urinary retention, were
Rating Scale (NRS) ≥ 4). Injection of fentanyl in the PACU
recorded. Vital signs (e.g., oxygen saturation, blood pres-
was repeated until the patient was satisfied with analgesia.
sure, heart rate, and electrocardiography) were measured
Upon being moved to the general ward, patients were ad-
during the first 24 hours postoperatively. Differences in
ministered 30 mg of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
mean blood pressure and heart rate from before to after the
drug (NSAID) ketorolac to reduce postoperative pain. Pa-
incision were calculated. The sensory level of the block was
tients with sustained inadequate analgesia were adminis-
evaluated using the cold test, performed by an independent
tered meperidine 25 mg or tramadol 50 mg until 24 hours
physician after the operation.
after surgery.
A medical bandage was applied to the site of needle
insertion in the PECS II group after the operation. To ensure
2.3. Ultrasound-Guided PECS II Block. Ultrasound-guided patients were unaware whether the PECS II block had been
PECS II block was performed following general anesthesia to performed, a bandage was also applied to a similar site in the
obviate any pain and anxiety associated with a regional block control group.
in conscious patients. This procedure was conducted The primary study outcome was the difference in 24-hour
according to the techniques described by Blanco et al. and postoperative opioid consumption between the PECS II and
therefore also included a PECS I block [9]. Patients were control groups. Secondary outcomes included the NRS for
placed in the supine position on an operating table with their each breast and axilla, changes in vital signs at incision, opioid
arm abducted. After sterile preparation for the procedure, requirements according to breast cancer location, side effects
a 12 MHz linear ultrasound probe (NextGen LOGIQ of analgesics (nausea, vomiting, dizziness, pruritus, sleeping
Pain Research and Management 3
Pm Pm LA
Sm Sm
R3 R4
(a) (b)
Figure 1: Ultrasound images of the introduction of a PECS II block. (a) Target areas of the PECS II block. (b) First injection of the PECS II
block, showing spreading of local anesthetic in the interfascial plane between the pectoralis major and pectoralis minor muscles. (c) Second
injection of the PECS II block, showing spreading of local anesthetic in the interfascial plane between the pectoralis minor and serratus
anterior muscles. PM, pectoralis major muscle; Pm, pectoralis minor muscle; SA, serratus anterior muscle; LA, local anesthetic; R3, third rib;
R4, fourth rib. The arrow indicates the 23-gauge Quincke needle.
Ax Ax Ax
12° 12°
6° 6°
Figure 2: Opioid consumption as a function of breast cancer location. (a) Opioid consumption according to the quadrants of the breast.
Patients with cancers located at 12, 3, 6, and 9 o’clock were not excluded because of the ambiguity of location. UOQ, upper outer quadrant;
UIQ, upper inner quadrant; LOQ, lower outer quadrant; LIQ, lower inner quadrant; SA, subareolar; Ax, axilla; N, number of patients; values
within parentheses denote mean fentanyl consumption. (b) Opioid consumption according to tumor location in the outer and inner areas of
the breast, as determined by a line connecting the 12 o’clock and 6 o’clock positions. Patients with cancers located at 12 o’clock and 6 o’clock
were not excluded, ∗ p value < 0.05. (c) Opioid consumption according to tumor location in the upper and lower areas of the breast, as
determined by a line connecting the 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock positions. Patients with cancers located at 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock were not
4 Pain Research and Management
Eligibility (N = 88)
Exclusion (N = 8)
Refused to consent (N = 3)
Not meeting inclusion criteria (N = 5)
Randomization (N = 80)
Table 2: Opioid requirements, frequency of rescue NSAIDs, and incidence of side effects of analgesics in the PECS II and control groups
during the 24 hours after the operation.
PECS II group (n 40) Control group (n 38) p value
Total opioid requirements (μg) 43.8 ± 28.5 77.0 ± 41.9 <0.001
Frequency of rescue NSAIDs 1.0 (0.0; 1.0) 1.0 (1.0; 1.0) 0.213
MBP after incision − MPB before incision (mmHg) 5.0 (1.0; 10.5) 16.0 (9.0; 24.0) <0.001
HR after incision − HR before incision (beats per
0.0 (−2.0; 2.5) 3.0 (1.0; 5.0) 0.002
Side effects of analgesics (%) 7 (17.5%) 10 (26.3%) 0.504
Data are expressed as mean ± SD (standard deviation), median (interquartile range), or number (%). NRS, Numerical Rating Scale; NSAID, nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drug; MBP, mean blood pressure; HR, heart rate.
8 4.9 ± 1.6, p < 0.001) and 0.5 (3.6 ± 1.5 versus 5.1 ± 1.8,
∗ p < 0.001) hours after the procedure. Median NRS value of
∗ the breast was not statistically lower in the PECS II than in
the control group starting 1 hour after surgery. Median NRS
value of the axilla, however, was significantly lower in the
NRS on breast
Medial branches of
thoracic intercostal
Lateral branches of
thoracic intercostal
Figure 5: Diagrammatic representation of the nerves innervating the female breast and axilla. MPN, medial pectoral nerve; LPN, lateral
pectoral nerve; MBCN, medial brachial cutaneous nerve; ICBN, intercostobrachial nerve; LTN, long thoracic nerve.
[16]. Therefore, the PECS II block appeared not to be the lateral cutaneous branches of the TICN. Therefore, our
clinically useful. finding suggests that the PECS II block could block the lateral,
The lack of clinical significance of the PECS II block may but not the anterior, cutaneous branches of the TICN.
have been due to its inability to block all the nerves innervating Interestingly, axillary pain scores were significantly
the breast. The breast is innervated by multiple nerve lower in the PECS II group than in the control group for up
branches, including the lateral and anterior cutaneous to 24 hours after surgery. The median difference in NRS
branches of the second to sixth thoracic intercostal nerves between these groups was >1.5 at most evaluation times.
(TICNs) and several branches of the supraclavicular nerves These findings indicated that the PECS II block could be
(Figure 5) [17, 18]. Thus, it is doubtful whether a single useful as regional analgesia for patients undergoing SNB.
blocking method can provide adequate analgesia throughout Local anesthetic administered into the interfascial plane
the entire breast area. The targets of PECS II block include the likely reached the axilla via an axillary port, easily blocking
medial and lateral pectoral nerves, including the lateral cu- the intercostobrachial and medial brachial cutaneous nerves,
taneous branches of the TICNs (Figure 6). Local anesthetics which innervate the axillary area. The spread of local an-
cannot reach the anterior cutaneous branches of the TICNs esthetic into the axilla has been demonstrated by dissection
by piercing the external and internal intercostal muscles. of cadavers and contrast distribution [9, 21]. The pectoral
Therefore, they cannot block anterior cutaneous branches of nerve block was also found to be beneficial for axillary
the second to sixth TICNs and branches of the supraclavicular surgery [22]. Consequently, the PECS II block may be ef-
nerves. Although several recent studies have also mentioned fective at alleviating axillary pain.
these limitations of the PECS II block [15, 19, 20], those In agreement with previous studies, no complications
studies, in contrast to ours, did not demonstrate these were associated with the PECS II block procedure. A PECS II
limitations. block is conducted while patients are in the supine position,
Additionally, we evaluated opioid requirements associ- and the needle is manipulated relatively easily. Moreover,
ated with tumor location in the breast (quadrant, outer/inner, the target areas of a PECS II block are distant from the pleura
and upper/lower areas). Opioid consumption did not differ and epidural space, but relatively close to the skin surface
significantly by breast tumor quadrant or in patients with (Figure 6). Although the thoracoacromial artery may be
tumors in the upper and lower areas. However, opioid re- present at the interfascial plane, it is easily visualized by
quirements were greater in patients with tumors in the inner ultrasonography. Direct intravascular injection of local
area than in the outer area of the breast. The inner area is anesthetics is performed very rarely due to a lack of vas-
primarily innervated by the anterior cutaneous branches of culature at the interfascial plane [23, 24]. Therefore, a PECS
the TICN, whereas the outer area is primarily innervated by II block seems to be a safe procedure.
Pain Research and Management 7
Figure 6: Illustration of target areas of the PECS II block. This agent can block the lateral cutaneous branches of the TICN in the interfascial
plane between the pectoralis minor and serratus anterior muscles but cannot block the anterior cutaneous branch of the TICN.
This study had several limitations. First, the PECS II patients who underwent BCS and SNB, PECS II block may
block was performed following the induction of general not be clinically useful. Because PECS II block could not
anesthesia to reduce procedural pain and anxiety, which completely block all the nerves innervating the breast,
may have affected postoperative pain [25]. Sensory level including the anterior cutaneous branch of the TICN, it
tests were performed in the PACU after the operation, with could not provide complete postoperative analgesia after
all patients in the PECS II group showing positive re- BCS and SNB. The PECS II block seemed to be more ef-
actions on the cold test. However, in contrast to findings in ficient at reducing axillary pain than breast pain. Therefore,
a previous study, our patients did not express exact der- PECS II block may lack the ability to provide sufficient
matome against cold tests [20], suggesting that wound postoperative analgesia after breast surgery.
dressing and a surgical brassiere may have interfered with
these sensory examinations. Other reasons for inaccurate
responses to sensory level tests include postoperative pain, Data Availability
the sedative effect of opioids, and anesthetic hangover. The authors will provide data upon request to the first author
However, we speculated that the PECS II block was suc- (Doo-Hwan Kim, e-mail: [email protected]).
cessfully performed based on the changes in mean blood
pressure and heart rate during the incision and the positive
reactions in the cold test. Consequently, this study did not Conflicts of Interest
present sensory test data. A second limitation of this study
was our inability to perform a double-blind, placebo-controlled The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
study. However, the patients and investigators were blin-
ded to group assignment, suggesting that the lack of ability Acknowledgments
to perform a placebo-controlled study had little influence
on the study outcomes. The authors thank the e-medical contents and e-learning
In conclusion, although the PECS II block reduced teams at the Asan Medical Center for helping to draw
pain intensity and opioid requirements for 24 hours in Figures 5 and 6.
8 Pain Research and Management
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Research International
Hindawi Volume 2018 Volume 2018
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Journal of Stem Cells Complementary and Journal of
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