Nurs 13 Week 2
Nurs 13 Week 2
Nurs 13 Week 2
CONCEPT IN OXYGENATION: RESPIRATORY • Gas exchange - the respiratory system organs oversee the gas
DISORDERS exchanges that occur between the blood and the external
• Passageway - passageways that allow air to reach the lungs
I Review of Anatomy and Physiology of the Respiratory • Humidifier - purify, humidify, and warm incoming air
II Respiratory Examination Assessment SYSTEM
III Diagnostic Evaluation
B Causative Factors and Risk Factors
C Chief Complaints
D Relevant Information
E Invasive and Non-Invasive Diagnostic Examination, Its
Result and Implications
• Necessary to sustain life
Oxygen • The cardiac and respiratory systems
supply the oxygen demand of the body
• Network of organs and tissues that help you breathe
• It includes your airways, lungs and blood vessels
• These parts work together to move oxygen throughout the body
and clean out waste gases like carbon dioxide 2. PHARYNX
WHAT DOES RESPIRATORY SYSTEM DO? • A muscular passageway commonly called the throat
• Oxygen supplier - the job of the respiratory system is to keep • Air passes through the nose to the pharynx
the body constantly supplied with oxygen • About 13 cm (5 inches) long that vaguely resembles a short
• Elimination - elimination of carbon dioxide length of red garden hose
• Serves as a muscular passageway for both food and air
→ Nasopharynx - located above the soft palate of the • Broad area of lungs resting on diaphragm is called the base and
mouth, contains the opening to the eustachian tubes the narrow superior portion called the apex
which is a narrow passage leading from the pharynx to • Pleural cavity
the cavity of the middle ear → Parietal pleura - lines the chest walls and secretes small
→ Oropharynx - located directly behind the mouth and amounts of lubricating fluid into the intrapleural space or
tongue; air and food enter the body through oropharynx pleural cavity, this fluid holds the lungs and chest wall
→ Laryngopharynx - extends from the epiglottis to the together as a single unit while allowing them to move
sixth cervical level separately
• Pharyngotympanic tubes drain the middle ears, open into the → Visceral pleura - covers the surface of the lungs, blood
nasopharynx vessels, nerves, and bronchi
• Clusters of lymphatic tissue called tonsils are also found that → Pleural Fluid - allow optimal expansion and contraction
play a role in protecting the body from infection of the lungs during breathing and prevents pleural
→ Single pharyngeal tonsil (adenoid) is located high in friction rub (as seen in pneumonia and pleural effusion)
the nasopharynx • Conducting zone - all other respiratory passages are conducting
→ Two palatine tonsils are at the end of oropharynx at the zone structures that serve as conduits to and from the respiratory
end of soft palate zone
→ Two lingual tonsils lie at the base of the tongue • Respiratory zone - includes the respiratory bronchioles, alveolar
3. LARYNX ducts, alveolar sacs, and alveoli, is the only site of gas exchange
• Resistance is determined chiefly by the radius size of the airway
• Causes of Increased Airway Resistance
✓ Contraction of bronchial mucosa
✓ Thickening of bronchial mucosa
✓ Obstruction of the airway
✓ Loss of lung elasticity
• Horner's syndrome
→ Constricted pupil, partial ptosis and loss of sweating
which can be due to apical lung tumor compressing
sympathetic nerves in neck)
• Croaking noise loudest on inspiration
• A sign that requires urgent attention
• Causes: obstruction of larynx, trachea or large bronchus NOSE
• Acute onset (minutes) • Polyps (associated with asthma)
→ Inhaled foreign body → Projecting growth of tissue from a surface in the body,
→ Acute epiglottitis usually a mucous membrane
→ Anaphylaxis
• Engorged turbinate (various allergic conditions)
→ Toxic gas inhalation
• Deviated septum (nasal obstruction)
• Gradual onset (days, weeks)
→ Laryngeal and pharyngeal tumors MOUTH AND TONGUE
→ Cricoarytenoid rheumatoid arthritis
→ Bilateral vocal cord palsy • Look for central cyanosis
→ Tracheal carcinoma • Evidence of upper respiratory tract infection (a reddened
→ Para tracheal compression by lymph nodes pharynx and tonsillar enlargement with or without a coating of
→ Post-tracheostomy or intubation granulomata pus)
• Broken tooth - may predispose to lung abscess or pneumonia
HOARSENESS • Sinusitis is indicated by tenderness over the sinuses on
• Causes palpation
→ Laryngitis • Some patients with obstructive sleep apnea will be obese with a
→ Laryngeal nerve palsy associated with carcinoma of lung receding chin, a small pharynx and a short thick neck
→ Laryngeal carcinoma
• Causes of tracheal displacement:
CLUBBING → Toward the side of the lung lesion
✓ Upper lobe collapse
• Commonly cause by respiratory disease but not emphysema or ✓ Upper lobe fibrosis
chronic bronchitis ✓ Pneumonectomy
• Occasionally, clubbing is associated with hypertrophic ✓ Upper mediastinal masses, such as retrosternal
pulmonary osteoarthropathy (HPO) goiter
→ Characterized by periosteal inflammation at distal ends → Tracheal tug (finger resting on trachea feels it move
of long bones, wrists, ankles, metacarpals and inferiorly with each inspiration) is a sign of gross
metatarsals overexpansion of the chest because of airflow
→ Swelling and tenderness over wrists and other involved obstruction
• Anteroposterior (AP) diameter is increased compared with lateral
• Causes: hyperinflation due to asthma, emphysema
• Staining of fingers is a sign of cigarette smoking
→ Caused by tar, not nicotine
• Cause: superior vena cava obstruction
• Palpate chest wall with palm of hand while patient repeats "99"
• Causes: • Front and back of chest are each palpated in 2 comparable
→ Idiopathic (80%) positions with palms
→ Secondary to poliomyelitis (inflammation involving grey → In this way differences in vibration on chest wall can be
matter of cord) detected
→ Note: severe thoracic kyphoscoliosis may reduce lung
• Causes of change in vocal fremitus are the same as those for
capacity and increase work of breathing)
vocal resonance
• Scars
→ Previous thoracic operations or chest drains for a
previous pneumothorax or pleural effusion
• Thoracoplasty involved removal of large number of ribs on one
side to achieve permanent collapse of affected lung
→ Was once performed to remove TB, but no longer is
because of effective antituberculosis chemotherapy
• Erythema and thickening of skin may occur in radiotherapy
→ There is a sharp demarcation between abnormal and
normal skin
→ May be secondary to trauma or spontaneous as a result → Turbulence in large airways is heard without being
of tumor deposition or bone disease filtered by the alveoli, and therefore produce a different
quality; they are heard over the trachea normally, but not
CHEST: PERCUSSION over the lungs
• With left hand on chest wall and fingers slightly separated and → Are audible throughout expiration, and often there is a
aligned with ribs, the middle finger is pressed firmly against the gap between inspiration and expiration
chest; pad of right middle finger is used to strike firmly the middle • Are heard over areas of consolidation since solid lung conducts
phalanx of middle finger of left hand the sound of turbulence in main airways to peripheral areas
• Percussion of symmetrical areas of: without filtering
→ Anterior (chest) • Causes include:
→ Posterior (back) → Lung consolidation (lobar pneumonia) - common
✓ Ask patient to move elbows forward across the front → Localized pulmonary fibrosis - uncommon
of chest to rotate the scapulae anteriorly → Pleural effusion (above the fluid) - uncommon
→ Axillary region (side) → Collapsed lung (Example: adjacent to a pleural effusion)
→ Supraclavicular fossa - uncommon
• Percussion over a solid structure → Amphoric sound = when breath sounds over a large
→ Example: liver consolidated lung produces a dull note cavity have an exaggerated bronchial quality, low pitch
• Percussion over a fluid filled area bronchial breath sound with high pitch overtones
→ Example: pleural effusion produces an extremely dull
(stony dull) note percussion over the normal lung INTENSITY OF BREATH SOUNDS
produces a resonant note • Causes of reduced breath sounds include:
• Percussion over a hollow structure → Chronic airflow limitation (especially emphysema)
→ Example: bowel, pneumothorax produces a hyper → Pleural effusion
resonant note → Pneumothorax
→ Pneumonia
→ Large neoplasm
→ Pulmonary collapse
QUALITY OF BREATH SOUNDS • Gives information about lungs' ability to transmit sounds
• Normal breath sounds
• Consolidated lung tends to transmit high frequencies so that
speech heard through stethoscope takes a bleating quality
→ Are heard with stethoscope over all parts of chest,
produced in airways rather than alveoli (although once
→ When a patient with egophony says "bee" it sounds like
they had been thought to arise from alveoli (vesicles)
and are therefore called vesicular sounds)
→ Normal (vesicular) breath sounds are louder and longer • Listen over each part of chest as patient says "99"
on inspiration than on expiration → Over consolidated lung, the numbers will become clearly
→ There is no gap between the inspiratory and expiratory audible
sounds → Over normal lung, the sound is muffled
• Bronchial breath sounds • Whispering pectoriloquy - vocal resonance is increased to such
an extent that whispered speech is distinctly heard
≥ 15 mm
• Palpate liver for enlargement due to secondary deposits of tumor
from lung, or right heart failure • Person with no known risk factors to TB
• Ask patient to lift arms over head • Non-invasive method of continuously monitoring he oxygen
• Look for development of facial plethora, inspiratory stridor, non- saturation of hemoglobin
pulsatile elevation of jugular venous pressure • A probe or sensor is attached to the fingertip, forehead, earlobe
• Occurs in vena cava obstruction or bridge of the nose
• Sensor detects changes in O2 sat levels by monitoring light
signals generated by the oximeter and reflected by the blood
pulsing through the tissue at the probe
• Normal SpO2 = 95% - 100%
• < 85% - tissues are not receiving enough O2
• Results unreliable in:
→ Cardiac arrest
→ Shock
→ Use of dyes or vasoconstrictors
→ Severe anemia
→ High carbon monoxide Level
• Inspect for edema or cyanosis (clues of cor pulmonale) • This is a non-invasive procedure involving the use of x-rays
• Look for evidence of deep vein thrombosis with minimal radiation
• The nurse instructs the patient to practice the on cue to hold his
• Patients complaining of dyspnea should have their respiratory • Instruct the client to remove metals from the chest
rate measured at rest, at maximal tolerated exertion and supine • Rule out pregnancy first
• If dyspnea is not accompanied by tachypnoea when a patient
climbs stairs, one should consider malingering COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY (CT SCAN) AND MAGNETIC
• Look for paradoxical inward motion of abdomen during RESONANCE IMAGING (MRI)
inspiration when patient is u-spine (indicating diaphragmatic • CT scans
paralysis) → Radiographic procedure that utilizes x-ray machine
→ Better for showing bone and joint issues, blood clots,
TEMPERATURE and some organ injuries
• Fever may accompany any acute or chronic chest infection • MRI
→ Uses magnetic field to record the H+ density of the
SKIN TEST: MANTOUX TEST OR TUBERCULIN TEST → It does not involve the use of radiation
• This is used to determine if a person has been infected or has → Better for inflammation, torn ligaments, nerve and
been exposed to the TB bacillus spinal problems, and soft tissues
• This utilizes the PPD (Purified Protein Derivatives) → The contraindications for this procedure are the
• The PPD is injected intradermally usually in the inner aspect of
✓ Patients with implanted pacemaker
the lower forearm about 4 inches below the elbow
✓ Patients with metallic hip prosthesis
• The test is read 48 to 72 hours after injection ✓ Other metal implants in the body
• The induration or the bleb will be measured
• (+) Mantoux Test is induration of 10 mm or more
• But for HIV positive clients, induration of about 5 mm is
considered positive
• Signifies exposure to Mycobacterium Tubercle bacilli
• A radiopaque medium is instilled directly into the trachea and
the bronchi and the outline of the entire bronchial tree or selected
areas may be visualized through x-ray
• It reveals anomalies of the bronchial tree and is important in
the diagnosis of bronchiectasis • Procedure using inhalation or I.V. injection of a radioisotope
• Nursing interventions before Bronchogram • Scans are taken with a scintillation camera
→ Secure written consent • Imaging of distribution and blood flow in the lungs
→ Check for allergies to sea foods or iodine or anesthesia • Measure blood perfusion
→ NPO for 6 to 8 hours • Confirm pulmonary embolism or other blood-flow abnormalities
→ Pre-op meds: • Nursing interventions before the procedure:
✓ Atropine SO4 and valium → Allay the patient’s anxiety
✓ Topical anesthesia sprayed → Instruct the patient to Remain still during the procedure
✓ Followed by local anesthetic injected into larynx
✓ The nurse must have oxygen and anti-spasmodic
• Nursing interventions after the procedure
→ Check the catheter insertion site for bleeding
agents ready
→ Assess for allergies to injected radioisotopes
• Nursing interventions after Bronchogram → Increase fluid intake, unless contraindicated
→ Side-lying position
→ NPO until cough and gag reflexes returned
→ Instruct the client to cough and deep breathe client
• Laboratory test
• Indicated for microscopic examination of the sputum:
→ Gross appearance
→ Sputum C&S
• This is the direct inspection and observation of the larynx, → AFB staining
trachea and bronchi through a flexible or rigid bronchoscope → Cytologic examination or Papanicolaou examination
• Passage of a lighted bronchoscope into the bronchial tree for • Nursing interventions:
direct visualization of the trachea and the tracheobronchial tree → Early morning sputum specimen is to be collected
• Diagnostic uses: (suctioning or expectoration)
→ To examine tissues or collect secretions → Rinse mouth with plain water
→ To determine location or pathologic process and collect → Use sterile container
specimen for biopsy → Sputum specimen for C&S is collected before the first
→ To evaluate bleeding sites dose of anti-microbial therapy
→ To determine if a tumor can be resected surgically → For AFB staining, collect sputum specimen for three
→ Therapeutic uses consecutive mornings
→ To Remove foreign objects from tracheobronchial tree
→ To Excise lesions BIOPSY OF THE LUNGS
→ To remove tenacious secretions obstructing the • Percutaneous removal of a small amount of lung tissue
tracheobronchial tree • For histologic evaluation
→ To drain abscess → Transbronchoscopic biopsy - done during bronchoscopy
→ To treat post-operative atelectasis → Percutaneous needle biopsy - open lung biopsy
• Nursing interventions before Bronchoscopy • Nursing interventions before the procedure:
→ Informed consent or permit needed → Withhold food and fluids
→ Explain procedure to the patient, tell him what to expect, → Place obtained written informed consent in the patient’s
to help him cope with the unknown chart.
→ Atropine (to diminish secretions) is administered one • Nursing interventions after the procedure:
hour before the procedure → Observe the patient for signs of Pneumothorax and air
→ About 30 minutes before bronchoscopy, Valium is given embolism
to sedate patient and allay anxiety → Check the patient for hemoptysis and hemorrhage
→ Monitor and record vital signs
→ Check the insertion site for bleeding • The maximum volume of air that can
→ Monitor for signs of respiratory distress be exhaled after a maximum
Vital capacity inhalation
(4,600 mL) • Reduced in COPD
• IRV 3000 mL + TV 500 mL + ERV
1100 mL
• Total of all four volumes
Total Lung Capacity
(5,800 mL) • IRV 3000 mL + TV 500 mL + ERV
1100 mL + RV 1200 mL
• Laboratory test
LYMPH NODE BIOPSY • Indicate respiratory functions
• Scalene or cervicomediastinal • Assess the degree to which the lungs are able to provide
• To assess metastasis of lung cancer adequate oxygen and remove CO2
• Assess the degree to which the kidneys are able to reabsorb
or excrete bicarbonate
• Assessment of arterial blood for tissue oxygenation,
ventilation, and acid-base status
• Arterial puncture is performed on areas where good pulses are
palpable (radial, brachial, or femoral)
→ Radial artery is the most common site for withdrawal of
blood specimen
• Nursing interventions
→ Utilize a 10-ml of pre-heparinized syringe to prevent
→ Soak specimen in a container with ice to prevent
• Non-invasive test
• Measurement of lung volume, ventilation, and diffusing → If ABG monitoring will be done, do Allen’s test to assess
capacity for adequacy of collateral circulation of the hand (ulnar
• Nursing interventions: arteries)
→ Document bronchodilators or narcotics used before
→ Allay the patient’s anxiety during the testing
• This procedure takes x-ray pictures of the pulmonary blood
vessels (those in the lungs)
LUNG VOLUMES • Because arteries and veins are not normally seen in an x-ray, a
contrast material is injected into one or more arteries or veins
LUNG VOLUME MEANING so that they can be seen
• A ventilation and perfusion scan are most often performed to → Nasal Cannula 24-45% 2-6 LPM
detect a pulmonary embolus → Simple Face Mask0-60% 5-8 LPM
→ It is also used to evaluate lung function in people with → Partial Rebreathing Mask 60-90% 6-10 LPM
advanced pulmonary disease such as COPD and to → Non-rebreathing Mask 95-100% 6-15 LPM
detect the presence of shunts (abnormal circulation) in → Croquette
the pulmonary blood vessels. → Oxygen Tent
• The purpose of steam inhalation are as follows:
→ To liquefy mucous secretions
→ To warm and humidify air
→ To relieve edema of airways - to soothe irritated airways
→ To administer medication
• It is a dependent nursing function
• Inform the client and explain the purpose of the procedure
• Place the client in Semi-Fowler’s position
• Cover the client’s eyes with washcloth to prevent irritation
IV. RESPIRATORY CARE MODALITIES • Check the electrical device before use
OXYGEN THERAPY • Place the steam inhalator in a flat, stable surface
• Oxygen is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, and dry gas that
• Place the spout 12-18 inches away from the client’s nose or
adjust distance as necessary
supports combustion
• Caution: avoid burns
• Man requires 21% oxygen from the environment in order to
→ Cover the chest with towel to prevent burns due to
dripping of condensate from the steam
• Signs of Hypoxemia → Assess for redness on the side of the face which
→ Increased pulse rate indicates first degree burns
→ Rapid, shallow respiration and dyspnea
→ Increased restlessness or lightheadedness
• To be effective, render steam inhalation therapy for 15 – 20
→ Flaring of nares
→ Substernal or intercostals retractions • Instruct the client to perform deep breathing and coughing
→ Cyanosis exercises after the procedure to facilitate expectoration of
mucous secretions
LOW FLOW OXYGEN • Provide good oral hygiene after the procedure
• Provides partial oxygenation with patient breathing a • Do after-care of equipment
combination of supplemental oxygen and room air
• Low-flow administration devices:
• Nursing Interventions in CPT
→ Verify doctor’s order
→ Assess areas of accumulation of mucus secretions
→ Position to allow expectoration of mucus secretions by
→ Place client in each position for 5-10 to 15 minutes
→ Percussion and vibration done to loosen mucus
→ Change position gradually to prevent postural
→ Client is encouraged to cough up and expectorate
→ Procedure is best done 60 to 90 minutes before meals
or in the morning upon awakening and at bedtime
→ Provide good oral care after the procedure
• Done among pediatric clients to administer bronchodilators or
• Types: volume and flow
• Device ensures that a volume of air is inhaled and the patient
takes deep breaths
• Used to prevent or treat atelectasis
• To enhance deep inhalation
• Nursing care
→ Positioning of patient, teach and encourage use, set
MEDI MIST INHALATION realistic goals for the patient, and record the results
• Done among adult clients to administer bronchodilators or
→ Suspect obstruction of the device → She should obtain another set of sterile bottles as
→ Assess the patient first, then if patient is stable replacement
→ Check for kinks along tubing → She should never clamp the tube for a longer time to
→ Milk tubing towards the bottle (If the hospital allows the avoid tension pneumothorax
nurse to milk the tube) → In the event the tube accidentally is pulled out, the nurse
→ If there is no obstruction, consider lung re-expansion, obtains vaselinized gauze and covers the stoma
(validated by chest x-ray) → She should immediately contact the physician
→ Air vent should be open to air
TWO-BOTTLE SYSTEM • Done by physician
• If not connected to the suction apparatus • The nurse Prepares:
• The first bottle is drainage bottle → Petrolatum Gauze
• The second bottle is water-seal bottle → Suture removal kit
→ Sterile gauze
• Observe for fluctuation of fluid along the tube (water-seal bottle → Adhesive tape
or the second bottle) and intermittent bubbling with each
respiration • Place client in semi-Fowler’s position
• Instruct client to exhale deeply, then inhale and do Valsalva
NOTE: IF CONNECTED TO SUCTION APPARATUS Maneuver as the chest tube is removed
• The first bottle is the drainage and water-seal bottle • Chest x-ray may be done after the chest tube is removed
• The second bottle is suction control bottle • Asses for complications: subcutaneous emphysema and
• Expect continuous bubbling in the suction control bottle respiratory distress
• Intermittent bubbling and fluctuation in the water-sea ARTIFICIAL AIRWAY
• Immerse tip of the tube in the first bottle in 2 to 3 cm of sterile
• Immerse the tube of the suction control bottle in 10 to 20 cm of • These are shorter and often have a larger lumen
sterile NSS to stabilize the normal negative pressure in the lungs • They are used to prevent the tongue form falling backward.
• This protects the pleura from trauma if the suction pressure is
inadvertently increased NASAL AIRWAYS
• These are longer and have smaller lumen, which causes greater
THREE-BOTTLE SYSTEM airway resistance
• The first bottle is the drainage bottle
• The second bottle is water seal bottle TRACHEOSTOMY
• The third bottle is suction control bottle • This is a temporary or permanent surgical opening in the trachea
• Observe for intermittent bubbling and fluctuation with respiration • A tube is inserted to allow ventilation and removal of secretions
in the water-seal bottle • It is indicated for emergency airway access for many conditions
• Continuous gentle bubbling in the suction control bottle • The nurse must maintain tracheostomy care properly to prevent
→ These are the expected observations infection
• Suspect a leak if there is continuous bubbling in the water seal
bottle or if there is vigorous bubbling in the suction control bottle
• Any of the diseases and disorders of the airways and the lungs
• The nurse should look for the leak and report the observation at
that affect human respiration.
→ Never clamp the tubing unnecessarily • Diseases of the respiratory system may affect any of the
structures and organs that have to do with breathing, including
IF THERE IS NO FLUCTUATION IN THE WATER SEAL the nasal cavities, the pharynx, the larynx, the trachea, the
BOTTLE bronchi and bronchioles, the tissues of the lungs, and the
respiratory muscles of the chest cage
• May mean two things
→ Either the lungs have expanded or the system is not • The respiratory tract is the site of an exceptionally large range of
functioning appropriately disorders for three main reasons
→ It is exposed to the environment and therefore may be
• In this situation, the nurse refers the observation to the physician, affected by inhaled organisms, dusts, or gases
who will order for an X-ray to confirm the suspicion → It possesses a large network of capillaries through which
IMPORTANT NURSING CONSIDERATIONS the entire output of the heart has to pass, which means
that diseases that affect the small blood vessels are
• Encourage doing the following to promote drainage
likely to affect the lung
• Deep breathing and coughing exercises → It may be the site of “sensitivity” or allergic phenomena
• Turn to sides at regular basis that may profoundly affect function.
• Ambulate
• ROM exercise of arms COMMON COLDS
• Mark the amount of drainage at regular intervals • A viral infection of your nose and throat (upper respiratory tract)
• Avoid frequent milking and clamping of the tube to prevent • It is usually harmless, although it might not feel that way
tension pneumothorax • Many types of viruses can cause a common cold
WHAT THE NURSE SHOULD DO IF: • Healthy adults can expect to have two or three colds each year
• If there is continuous bubbling: • Infants and young children may have even more frequent colds
→ The nurse obtains a toothless clamp • Most people recover from a common cold in a week or 10 days.
→ Close the chest tube at the point where it exits the chest Symptoms might last longer in people who smoke
for a few seconds • Generally, you don't need medical attention for a common cold
→ If bubbling in the water seal bottle stops, the leak is likely • However, if symptoms don't improve or if they get worse, see
in the lungs your doctor
→ But if the bubbling continues, the leak is between the
clamp and the bottle chamber RISK FACTORS
• Next, the nurse moves the clamp towards the bottle checking the • Age - infants and young children are at greatest risk of colds,
bubbling in the water seal bottle especially if they spend time in child care settings
→ If bubbling stops, the leak is between the clamp and the • Weakened immune system - having a chronic illness or
distal part including the bottle otherwise weakened immune system increases your risk
→ But if there is persistent bubbling, it means that the • Time of year - both children and adults are more likely to get
drainage unit is leaking and the nurse must obtain colds in fall and winter, but you can get a cold anytime
another set • Smoking - you're more likely to catch a cold and to have more-
→ In the event that the water seal bottle breaks, the nurse severe colds if you smoke or are around secondhand smoke
temporarily kinks the tube and must obtain a receptacle
or container with sterile water and immerse the tubing
• Recurrent lower respiratory tract infection
→ Histoplasmosis
• Congenital disease PATHOPHYSIOLOGY
• Presence of tumor
• Prolonged exposure to smoke/pollutant irritates
• Chest trauma
• the airways
SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS • The walls of the alveoli are destroyed
• Consistent productive cough • The alveolar surface area continually decreases
• Dyspnea • Increase in dead space and impaired oxygen diffusion
• Presence of cyanosis • Pulmonary capillary bed is reduced
• Rales and crackles • Pulmonary blood flow is increased
• Hemoptysis • Right ventricle maintains a higher blood pressure in the
• Anorexia and generalized body malaise pulmonary artery
• CO2 elimination is impaired
• Hypercapnia
• ABG analysis reveals low PO2 • Hypoxemia
• Bronchoscopy – direct visualization of bronchi lining using a fibro • Increased pulmonary artery pressure
→ Pre-operative
• Congestion, Dependent edema, Distended neck veins
✓ Secure consent TYPES OF EMPHYSEMA
✓ Explain procedure
✓ Monitor VS and breath sounds
→ Post-operative • Destruction of respiratory bronchiole, alveolar duct, and alveoli.
✓ Feeding initiated upon return of gag reflex • All the air spaces within the lobule are enlarged
✓ Instruct client to avoid talking, coughing and • Patient has a barrel chest, marked dyspnea on exertion and
smoking as it may irritate respiratory tract weight loss
✓ Monitor for s/sx of frank or gross bleeding
✓ Monitor for signs of laryngeal spasm CENTRILOBULAR EMPHYSEMA
❖ DOB and SOB → prepare trach set • The pathologic changes take place mainly in the center of
secondary lobule, while the peripheral portions of the acinus are