2 Manoj Shah - Resume Jobs
2 Manoj Shah - Resume Jobs
2 Manoj Shah - Resume Jobs
2067 Calle Ensenada, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505 ||C:5056907684|| manojshahcpa@gmail.com
Well-accommodating Accountant who effectively manages strict deadlines with a positive can-do attitude. Willing
to learn and excel in Accounting, Tax planning, Auditing, New Accounting/Financial/Cost Accounting software
and processes.
Analytical reasoning Complex problem solving
Financial statement analysis Flexible Team Player
Strength in regulatory reporting General ledger accounting
Compliance testing knowledge Expert in customer relations
Effective time management Budget forecasting
Excellent managerial techniques Account reconciliation
Strong organizational skills Management Accountant (ICWA)
3) Responsible for A/R, AP, Bank Deposits, OPRs, Warrant Cancellations, Vouchers Processing
02/27/2017 to 10/23/2017
1. Review and approve more than 159 Local Public Bodies’ Budget and Financial Reports (Please
click on the link below to check the list of more than 159 Local Public Bodies):
Analyze, approve and monitor varied sized operating budgets of the assigned local public bodies (Special Districts) to
ensure compliance with state statutes by providing proper accounting of revenues and expenses. To ensure that
local public bodies do not over project all available resources and sufficient funds are budgeted to meet the
required annual expenses.
2. Work in collaboration with the Budget and Finance Bureau Chief ensuring:
a) Document and file receipt of an annual operating budget from all assigned local public bodies by June 1st,
b) Review, analyze and grant interim approval of the annual budgets subject to obtaining a June 30 th financial
quarterly report and other required documents for all assigned local public bodies by July 1 st, including
notification to the local public bodies governing body if amendments to the budget are warranted:
c) Hold public hearing for all assigned local public bodies as needed on proposed budgets;
d) Review and analyze the June 30th financial quarterly report for all the assigned local public bodies, including
notification to the local public body’s fiscal staff if amendments to the report are warranted;
e) Review, analyze and grant final approval of the annual budgets after obtaining the June 30 th financial
quarterly report and other required documents for all assigned local public bodies by the first Monday in
f) Review and analyze quarterly reports submitted by all assigned local public bodies which are due on the last
day of the month of the preceding quarter end (September 30 th quarter and due October 31st) to ensure
expenditures do not exceed revenues. Ensure notification is provided to the Budget and Finance Bureau
Chief to collaborate with the Local Government Division Director and DFA Secretary when a municipality or
county has failed to submit two consecutive financial reports;
g) Review, analyze and approve budget adjustments requests for all assigned local public bodies. Budget
adjustments include: Transfer of funds from one budgeted fund to another, increase the total budget of any
local public body that undertakes an activity, service, project or construction program that was not
contemplated at the time the final budget was adopted and approved. Tasks include analysis to determine
that incoming revenue will be sufficient to fund the proposed expenditures requested for the budget
increase; supervise the disbursement of funds to ensure that expenditures will not exceed revenues.
The analyst will be the lead analyst in preparation of a detailed compilation of the following reports for the Bureau:
A. Lodgers Tax Report Compilation:
a. Review and analyze reports received based on requirements of statute. This include identifying
areas that need corrections, revisions and amendments to the use of lodger’s tax by the local
public bodies.
b. Prepare a summarized report to public on the Bureau’s website and maintain this report for
internal use within the Bureau.
B. Gas Tax Distribution Compilation:
a) Review and compile Gas Tax distribution amounts reported by the Taxation and Revenue
Department for reference to be utilized by the Bureau.
b) Prepare and maintain summarized report for internal use within the Bureau.
Assist the Budget Bureau Chief and LGD Director in conducting training on budgeting and financial management of
special districts, to include but not limited to:
A. Internal Training:
Provide and otherwise coordinate periodic training on budgets and financial management of special districts
with bureau staff.
B. External Training:
a) Participate in annual/regional budget training for local public bodies. This training is designed to
provide training tools such as preparing a budget, guidance on following DFA- Local Government
Division’s statutes, travel and per diem, State Procurement Code, investments and other tools as
needed by the local public bodies.
b) Participate in trainings for the New Mexico Municipal League, New Mexico Association of
Counties, Council of Government and other industry groups to ensure appropriate representation
and needs of the local governments are met.
Assist the Budget Bureau Chief and LGD Director in preparing legislative bill analysis impacting local public bodies, to
include but not limited to:
a) Preparing fiscal and policy analysis and recommendations (FIRs) regarding proposed legislation
that may impact local public bodies. This is to include rendering a guidance within 24 to 48 hours
of the request from the Legislative Finance Division.
b) Preparing recommendations to the DFA Cabinet Secretary and to the Governor’s staff for
legislation that passes both houses.
2. Coordinate with Financial Analysts, Financial Analysts Supervisor, AP/AR Bureau Chief
3. Payroll, Operating Transfers, Preparing and entering AGY, CSH, CFRs, Reconcile various Grants/Projects, Set
up Grants/Awards/Projects/Activities in Grants Management Module under Share Financials, Project Costing
Module, Prepare Invoices, Adjust Budget, Run Pricing, Cost Collection for Fringe, Time and Efforts Sheets
4. Training of Management Analysts and Financial Analysts
Tax Auditor II Taxation And Revenue Department, Audit and Compliance Division, Oil and Gas
Bureau, 08/16/2014 to 03/27/2015
Duties Summary:
1. To provide audit coverage of taxpayers by performing the pre-audit, field audit, documentation and packaging of
five field audits and twelve desk audits for the Severance Audit Program per evaluation cycle. (Job Assignment
weight = 70%)
2. To share knowledge of the oil and gas program (industry, statutes and regulations, audit techniques and
procedures, and ONGARD); assist in the development of the Oil and Gas Bureau; and to provide two trainings for the
severance audit staff as it relates to the audit process, the NM Tax Administration Act, the Oil and Gas Audit Manual,
or teambuilding (Job Assignment weight = 15%)
3. To perform office responsibilities required for upkeep of daily, weekly, monthly and yearly office duties.
(Job assignment weight = 10%)
4. To maintain ethical and professional standards of behavior within the work environment, within the Bureau
and Department, and at the taxpayer’s place of business. (Job assignment weight = 5%)
Taught/tutored Accounting to Hr. Secondary, Sr. Secondary, undergraduate and graduate level.