➢ The responsible factors for the corrosion of a metal are the metal itself, the
environmental chemicals, temperature and the design.
How metal is responsible?
Electrochemical series What do you understand from this?
➢ This type of corrosion causes “displacement of hydrogen ions from the acidic
solution by metal ions.
➢ In hydrogen evolution type corrosion, the anodes are very large areas, where
as cathodes are small areas.
➢ All metals above hydrogen in the electrochemical series have a tendency to
get dissolved in acidic solution with simultaneous evolution of hydrogen.
Mechanism of wet corrosion by hydrogen evolution
Absorption of oxygen type corrosion:
Rusting of Fe in neutral aqueous solution of electrolytes like NaCl in the
presence of atmospheric oxygen is a common example of this type of
Nature of metals:
1) Position in galvanic series:-The metal higher in series is more
active and suffers corrosion. The rate and extent of corrosion is directly
proportional to electrode potential difference between them.
2) Over voltage: - when a metal, which occupies a high position in
galvanic series (say Zinc), is placed in H2SO4, it undergoes corrosion
forming a film and hydrogen gas.
The initial rate of reaction is quite slow, because of high over voltage
(0.73 V) of the zinc metal, which reduces the effective electrode
potential to a small value. However, if few drops of copper sulphate
(CuSO4) are added, the corrosion rate of zinc is accelerated, because
some copper gets deposited on the zinc metal forming minute
cathodes, where the hydrogen over voltage is only 0.33 V, thus,
reduction in over voltage of the corroding metal/ alloy accelerates the
corrosion rate.
Zn has over hydrogen voltage due to which the rate of
corrosion of Zn is very slow (Zn rod dipped in ZnSO4). But
when CuSO4 solution is added to H2SO4 Cu gets deposited on Zn
rod and acts as small cathode. For Cu higher over hydrogen
voltage value is less. Hence rate of corrosion of Zn in presence
of cu becomes more. Thus metals for which over voltages are
more get corrode slowly, where as those which have lower over
voltages, the rate of corrosion is high.
1) Cathodic protection : The principle involved in this method
is to force the metal to be protected to behave like a cathode
thereby corrosion doesn’t occur. There are two types of cathodic
i) Sacrificial anodic protection method: - In this method
the metallic structure to be protected is connected by a wire to a
more anodic metal, so that all the corrosion is concentrated at
this more active metal implies the more active metal itself gets
corroded slowly. While the parent structure which is cathodic is
protected. The more active metal so employed is called
“sacrificial anodic” whenever the sacrificial anode is consumed
completely. It is replaced by a fresh one. Metal commonly
employed as sacrificial anodes are Mg, Zn, Al and their alloys.
Sacrificial anodes are used for the protection of buried pipe
lines underground cables, marine structures, ship hulls, water
tanks etc.
(ii) Impressed current–cathodic protection: - In this method an
impressed current is applied in opposite direction to nullify the
corrosion current and current the corroding metal from anode to
cathode. Usually the impressed current is derived from a direct current
source (like battery or rectifier on ac line) with an insoluble anode, like
graphite, high silica iron, scrap iron, stainless steel or platinum. Usually
a sufficient d.c is applied to an insoluble anode, buried in the soil ( or
immersed in the corroding medium) and connected to the metallic
structure to be protected.