The Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education has announced the dates for submitting permission and admission forms for the 2022 Higher Secondary Examination Part-II (12th class) annual private/bi-annual summer zone in Jammu Division. Students can submit forms with fees of Rs. 1090 until July 20th directly to institutions or July 22nd to the Board/Bank. A late fee of Rs. 700 will be charged for forms submitted between July 30th and August 1st, in addition to the regular fee. Relevant officials and institutions have been notified of these dates.
The Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education has announced the dates for submitting permission and admission forms for the 2022 Higher Secondary Examination Part-II (12th class) annual private/bi-annual summer zone in Jammu Division. Students can submit forms with fees of Rs. 1090 until July 20th directly to institutions or July 22nd to the Board/Bank. A late fee of Rs. 700 will be charged for forms submitted between July 30th and August 1st, in addition to the regular fee. Relevant officials and institutions have been notified of these dates.
The Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education has announced the dates for submitting permission and admission forms for the 2022 Higher Secondary Examination Part-II (12th class) annual private/bi-annual summer zone in Jammu Division. Students can submit forms with fees of Rs. 1090 until July 20th directly to institutions or July 22nd to the Board/Bank. A late fee of Rs. 700 will be charged for forms submitted between July 30th and August 1st, in addition to the regular fee. Relevant officials and institutions have been notified of these dates.
The Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education has announced the dates for submitting permission and admission forms for the 2022 Higher Secondary Examination Part-II (12th class) annual private/bi-annual summer zone in Jammu Division. Students can submit forms with fees of Rs. 1090 until July 20th directly to institutions or July 22nd to the Board/Bank. A late fee of Rs. 700 will be charged for forms submitted between July 30th and August 1st, in addition to the regular fee. Relevant officials and institutions have been notified of these dates.
NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for information of all the concerned that the following dates have been fixed for submission of Permission-Cum-Admission Forms alongwith prescribed fee for ensuing Higher Secondary Examination Part-ll (12th class) session Annual (Pvt.)/ Bi-Annual 2022 Summer Zone, Jammu Division for Old Failure/RRe appear! Fresh (Pvt.) /Backlog/ Division Improvement/ Additional Subject, including those candidates whose result have been declared on 30-06-2022 through offline mode.
HigherSecondary Examination Part-ll (12th
In the Institution Class) S/Z In the Board /Bank by Description of Fee by the Candidate the institution along- upto with prescribed Examination Fee upto
Last date with a fee of Rs. 1090/+20/ 20-07-2022 22-07-2022
Cost of Admn. Form =Rs.11101-
Last date with a fee of Rs. 1090/- + 30-07-2022 01-08-2022
late fee of Rs.700/- + 20/- Cost of Admn. Form =Rs.1810/- In case the last date falls on holiday, the next working day shall be considered as the last date.
Note:-Rs. 10/- (Rupees Ten) only per candidate in addition to the requisite fee are chargeable by the institution concerned.
No: F(EXAM-II)B/JD/2022 Joint Sechetary
Dated:-06-07-2022 Examsp 3 2
Copy to the:
Director, Academics, J&K BOSE.
2-3 Joint Secretary,General/Secrecy/Certificates/Regn. JD for information 4-6. Assistant Secretary/Secrecy (Unit-1l)/Registration Forms/ Sty, JD Information; 7-8. P.S. to Secretary &P.A to Chairperson for inf. of Secretary/ Chairperson 9. Principals/Heads of all Govt recognized Hr. Secondary Schools of Jammu Province(S/Z) 10. Account Officer JD for information Asstt Secretary /Incharge Officer of Sub/Branch Offices of BOSE concerned inf. 11. Information Officer, JD for publication of this notification in leading newspapers 12 Incharge Computer Cell, JD. He is directed to upload this notification on BOSE Website 13.