Course Syllabus - Spring Semester 2022/2023 DS 14350 Computer Architecture For Machine Learning
Course Syllabus - Spring Semester 2022/2023 DS 14350 Computer Architecture For Machine Learning
Course Syllabus - Spring Semester 2022/2023 DS 14350 Computer Architecture For Machine Learning
1. Course Information
Catalog This course will give an undergraduate-level introduction to machine
Description learning providing the foundations for mathematical models and algorithms
required for machine learning tasks and their applications. Topics will include
supervised learning, unsupervised learning, deep learning, and
reinforcement learning. This course will put an emphasis on practical
applications of machine learning in artificial intelligence such as computer
vision, data mining, speech recognition, text processing and bioinformatics.
Credit Hours 3
Prerequisite DS 14330 (Artificial Intelligence)
Course Type Lecture
Required/Elective Required
Textbooks Book1: An Introduction to statistical Learning, By James, Witten, Hastie and
Tibshirani, 2nd edition 2021, ISBN-13: 978-1071614174. Available online free
Book2: Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow
by Aurélien Géron, O’Reilly 2019, ISBN-13: 978-1492032649
2. Course Contents
Chapter in Chapter in
Week Topic(s)
Book1 Book2
1 Linear algebra revision
Supervised Learning
Linear regression, single variate model, gradient descent,
2 Ch 3.1 Ch 4
normal equation
3 Multivariate and nonlinear regression Ch 3.2, 3.3 Ch 4
4 Classification: Logistic regression Ch 4.1, 4.3 Ch4
5 Regularization, cross validation, feature selection Ch 5, Ch Ch4
First Exam
Ch 12.1,
6 Principal component analysis Ch8
7-8 Large margin classifier, support vector machines Ch 9 Ch5
Neural Networks
Ch 10.1, Ch10,
8-10 Neural networks, backpropagation algorithm
10.2 Ch11
Second Exam
11-12 Convolutional neural networks Ch10.3 Ch14
13 Recurrent neural networks Ch 10.5
14-15 Reinforcement learning
Barto Ch1,3
4. Assessment Policy:
• First Exam: 20 points
• Second Exam: 20 points
• Semester work: 20 points
• Final exam: 40 points
7. Material available to students, instructors, TAs, and department at end of course
Students Department Instructors TA(s)
Course objectives and outcomes form X X X
Lecture notes, homework assignments X X X
Samples of homework solutions from 3 X
Samples of exam solutions from 3 students X