UW CornDevGuide
UW CornDevGuide
UW CornDevGuide
Mimi Broeske, Nutrient and Pest Management
Program and Joe Lauer, Department of Agronomy,
University of Wisconsin-Madison
The authors would like to thank our reviewers:
Dr. Roger Elmore, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Dr. Lori J. Abendroth, Iowa State University
Doug Rebout, Wisconsin Corn Growers Association
Additional thanks to Teal Potter, Zach Zalewski, Thierno
Diallo, Kent Kohn, Griffin Broeske, Janet Hedtcke and
the Wisconsin CCA Board!
This guide to corn development hopes to make the
stages easy to understand by using clear, annotated
images that highlight the details of what is happening
in the plant and potentially make the connection to
sound management practices. Toss it in the glovebox
and use it when scouting fields!
The corn plants used were both greenhouse and field
grown in south central Wisconsin using a 100–110 day
relative maturity yellow dent hybrid with 20–21 leaves,
silking at ~65 days after emergence and reaching
maturity at ~60 days after silking.
Important note: Although there are different types
of corn (dent, flint, flour, popcorn, waxy, high-
oil, pod and sweet), this guide focuses on dent
hybrids. Much of the information can be applied
to other types of corn, however, if you are
considering growing other types, it is best to
seek out information that takes into account
their specific characteristics.
Are development
and growth the
same thing?
Development and growth
are often used interchangeably
when staging plants, but they
actually describe different processes.
Development is simply the progression of
the plant through distinct stages, basically
from a seed to the production of seed.
How this happens is through growth. Growth
describes an increase in size and mass, which can be
enhanced by favorable conditions or decreased by stressful
ones. Conditions that favor corn growth include adequate
moisture, nutrients, heat and sunlight.
When favorable growth conditions are lacking,
development can be delayed or inhibited. Each
development stage responds to stress in a predictable way
so understanding development stages can provide insight
into not only what's happening but what might happen.
What are the developmental stages?
The development stages used in this guide are
those from the Leaf Collar Method, which starts with
vegetative (V) stages and concludes with
reproductive (R) stages.
During the vegetative stages, the plant maximizes
the ability to absorb sunlight and therefore produce
energy (carbohydrates) through photosynthesis.
These carbohydrates are then utilized by the plant.
Vegetative stages are noted with an uppercase V,
starting with V1 and going sequentially with whole
numbers up to Vn (where n will vary with hybrid and
region). The vegetative stages end with VT
(where T stands for tassel).
Reproductive stages allocate carbohydrate energy
toward the development of seed, the ultimate goal
of the plant (and the farmer). Reproductive stages are
noted with an uppercase R and sequentially by
whole numbers 1–6.
Corn anatomy
Although each development stage will be clearly
annotated and the terms defined, being familiar
with the corn plant in this simplified illustration
will be helpful in using this guide.
blade ear
internode tiller
brace roots
nodal roots
Nutrient uptake, fertilizer and corn
Like most plants, corn is made of organic carbon-based
materials that result from photosynthesis and subsequent
metabolic processes. It all starts with the seed.
The seed needs adequate heat, moisture and sunlight (once
the plant emerges from soil) along with 13 elemental nutrients
that are essential for optimum growth and development. Corn
plants need substantial amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and
potassium, relatively smaller amounts of secondary nutrients
(calcium, magnesium and sulfur) and only trace amounts
of micronutrients (zinc, manganese, copper, boron, iron,
molybdenum and chlorine). Availability of nutrients to the
plant is dependent on soil pH.
Adequate nutrients are needed throughout the season
for corn, but the amounts needed will vary based on the
development stage. Some nutrients can even be translocated
from the vegetative plant parts to the developing grain later
in the season if necessary. But keep in mind that nutrient
deficiencies at any time can result in developmental delays
and reduced growth.
During harvest, nutrients are removed from the field. What’s
leftover — the nutrients in the leaves, stalks and other residue
— can be recycled back into the soil.
This is why soil testing is important for corn production. It is
imperative to have an accurate measure of soil pH and nutrient
levels for potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and
sulfur. Micronutrients are rarely lacking but consider testing for
them if the field has a history of deficiency.
Nitrogen fertilizer recommendations should be based on
soil type, tillage, irrigation and yield goal, and also take
into account any credits from manure or previous legumes.
Considerations for timing, placement and type of nitrogen
should be based on multiple factors, such as minimizing
potential loss to the environment, working within the
production system and cost.
During the very early stages, only small amounts of nutrients
are needed but concentrations near the root zone need to be
sufficient since the root system is small. Many plant parts are
being initiated and having an adequate supply that the roots
can access is vital! Once the root systems have grown, precise
fertilizer placement is less critical.
Later stages require much larger amounts of nutrients as the
plant accumulates dry matter. Soil moisture plays a key role in
effective root nutrient uptake.
Terms used in this guide
There are a lot of terms used in growing guides —
some originate from the world of botany, some
from the local cooperative. And many are used
interchangeably, even though they have
slightly different meanings!
For simplicity sake, the terms used in this guide will
remain as consistent as possible. This does not imply
that the term chosen is the only correct one, only
that it was selected for its ease of use and clarity.
The list below shows the term used in this guide in
bold followed by others with meanings that are the
same, similar or used in other guides. Definitions
of terms are spread throughout the guide and also
defined in the GLOSSARY starting on page 69.
Protected in the kernel is an embryonic plant that
will remain dormant until germination is initiated.
embryo endosperm
The embryo contains The endosperm is the
the embryonic plant and main energy source for the
oil-rich cotyledon along young seedling. It is mainly
with vitamins, minerals composed of starch but
and enzymes. BACK VIEW also some protein.
The embryo is
not visible from
the back view.
The endosperm is composed
of two types of starch:
a soft inner core (floury)
and a hard outer layer CROSS SECTION VIEW
vitreous (adjective) Varying the amount of the endosperm's
1: like glass in soft and hard starches results in different
appearance physical/chemical properties of the
kernel; this is an important
component of many corn
breeding programs
floury and processing mills.
seed coat
The coleoptile is the protective sheath
that surrounds the primary shoot.
embryonic leaves
coleorhiza seminal
The coleorhiza is the rigid roots
sheath that surrounds the
embryonic root system.
The growing point is fixed closer to the soil surface when seeds are planted at shallow
depths (less than 1 inch); this may result in floppy corn syndrome (V2–V4).
125 GDUs ~7–10 days after planting Emergence GDUs may need to be adjusted:
If conservation tillage is implemented, add 30–60 GDUs
If planting date is before April 25, add 10–25 GDUs
If planting date is after May 15, subtract 50–70 GDUs
If seeding depth is below 2 inches, add 15 GDUs for each inch below
If seed-bed condition has soil crusting or massive clods, add 30 GDUs
If seed-zone soil moisture is below optimum, add 30 GDUs
nodal roots
elongated line
nodal root
V2 The second leaf collar is visible.
Let’s talk
growing point
The stem’s growing point is
located ~½ to ¾ inch below the
soil surface where it is normally
protected from above-soil
threats like hail, wind or frost.
It is still vulnerable
to below-ground
threats like excessive
moisture, insect
feeding or extreme
cold temperatures.
With protection
2nd leaf collar
and favorable
conditions, this
growing point will
result in a flowering 1st leaf collar
stem that will push
up through the stalk. Soil line
Important time!
Nutritional dependence will shift from the kernel
reserves and the seminal root system to the nodal
root system around this stage. The success
of this transition will greatly influence the
corn plant’s continuing development.
Adequate rate and properly placed
fertilizer is key for a successful
transition! Nodal roots do
not “reach” for fertilizer but
rather cross or intercept
the fertilizer band.
Kernel energy
reserves are
V4 The fourth leaf collar is visible;
stalk tissue begins elongating.
The microscopically
small tassel is located
at the growing point's
tip just below the soil
surface and is protected
by the leaf sheaths
The internode method
If the lower leaves and respective Carefully split
leaf collars are missing from the the stalk down
plant, try using this staging method. through the
nodal roots
1. Dig a representative*
plant and split the
stalk with a knife
down through
the nodal roots.
2. Identify the
5th stem node.
This is the 5th
Tip! The internode between
stem node
the 4th and 5th stem nodes will
be noticeable at ~1/4 inch
in length. The internodes
below the 4th are compressed.
3. Count upward from
the 5th stem node 6th leaf collar
to determine the
highest visible
leaf collar.
For example, if the 5th and 6th leaf 5th leaf collar
collars are visible but not the 7th,
then the plant is at V6.
3. Count upward from
the 6th stem node to
determine the
highest visible
leaf collar. 7th leaf collar
For example, if the 6 and 7 leaf
th th
Soil line
Lower stem internodes 8th stem node
will elongate before the
internodes above them.
For example, the
internode above the 6th
stem node will begin
to elongate before the
internode above the 7th.
Shoots emerge
just above the leaf
that grew from the
same node
V8 The eighth leaf collar is visible.
Canopy closure
usually occurs
between V8
and V10.
Leaf sheaths
Shoots that emerge
removed to show
from the above-ground
nodes and shoots
nodes may develop into ears
A total of 6–8 ear
shoots forms on
the stalk; each new
ear shoot develops
faster than the one
above it, but growth
of the lower ear shoots
Shoots that emerge
eventually slows.
from below-ground
nodes may develop Only the top 1–2 shoots
into tillers will fully develop into
harvestable ear(s).
V10 The tenth leaf collar is visible.
removed to
show detail
removed to
show detail
tassel flowers
Let's talk
brace roots
Brace roots begin to
stabilize the plant.
Brace roots can
develop from the
above-ground stem
nodes and scavenge
moisture and
nutrients from the
top layer of soil.
Brace root
formation will
vary based on
genetics and
Male flowers
are on the tassel.
Female flowers
are on the ear.
~ 3 inches
male flower
spikelet floret
brace roots
3 rd
2 nd
1st to emerge
Silks visible
The last branch of the tassel is
VT completely extended; silks have not
emerged from the ear sheaths.
There are 6 reproductive stages. With the
exception of R1, stages are characterized by
kernel development.
R1 R2 R3
R4 R5 R6
Silks are visible outside the husks;
R1 final kernel number and potential
kernel size is being determined.
54 R1 – SILK
The plant has
1250 GDUs ~69–75 days after emergence reached its
maximum height.
1600 GDUs ~10–14 days after silking (R1) Fertilized
kernel silks
are now dry
and brown;
silks may
still be
58 R3 – MILK
1800 GDUs ~18 –22 days after silking (R1)
With the seed coat
removed, the embryo
can be easily seen
Kernels display final coloring;
R4 inner fluid thickens to a dough-like
consistency; moisture is ~70%.
Seed coat
The embryo has
increased in size and
will continue to develop
rapidly during this stage.
Kernels are about half of
their mature weight.
The last embryonic
leaf (5th) and the
lateral seminal
Stress at this stage can reduce
roots have formed.
starch accumulation, resulting in
lower kernel weight.
60 R4 – DOUGH
2000 GDUs ~24 –28 days after silking (R1)
62 R5 – DENT
2100 GDUs ~35–42 days after silking (R1)
Corn has two peaks for high quality forage value during its development: the first
is during pollination and the second (higher value) is during R5; the value declines
greatly between the peaks.
To ensure proper fermentation and preservation of silage taken during R5, harvest
should occur when whole plant moisture is optimal for the intended storage
structure. The kernel milk location can be a useful indicator of when to begin
sampling fields to measure plant dry matter, which can then used to time harvest
to ensure fermentation and preservation of the forage.
Once the kernel milk begins to move, sample fields to measure the percent dry
matter of whole plants and combine this with average whole plant drydown rates
for the geographic region. Many factors can affect drydown rate, including hybrid,
planting date, general health of the crop, landscape position, soil type and weather
conditions. In general, corn silage that is slightly too wet is better for storage than
corn silage that is too dry; so harvesting a little early is better than waiting too long.
Husks and
2350 GDUs ~55–60 days after silking (R1) many leaves
are no longer
Keep in mind that these stages determine the potential number, the actual number will be
influenced by other environmental factors.
VE V6 R6
The final weight acre
V6 V11 per kernel is
determined by R6. Grain yield is commonly
measured in bushels/acre.
Potential ears VT A bushel is a dry measure of
per area are volume equal to 64 US pints.
One bushel of shelled corn
R3 weighs ~56 pounds.
at planting
and VE.
The actual The potential number of rows around the cob are
number of being determined between V6–V11. The potential
ears per plant number of kernels per row are determined by VT
are determined and will be influenced by the events prior to and after
by V6. pollination with the final number by R3.
Planting the right relative maturity (RM) hybrid is imperative
for a successful harvest! Seek out information that provides
geographic zone maps, GDUs (or other thermal units) and 2600 GDUs
planting dates. This example shows the approximate dates
that a 105-day RM hybrid planted May 1 in south central
Wisconsin will reach key developmental stages. 2400 GDUs
R6 2350 GDUs
~ Sep 11
2200 GDUs
90-95 | 2200-2300
95-100 | 2300-2400
100-105 | 2400-2500 1800 GDUs
105-110 | 2500-2700
110-115 | 2700-2900
1600 GDUs
Zone map of Wisconsin showing relative
maturity days | GDUs for full-season corn
hybrids planted before May 15
1400 GDUs
600 GDUs
V6 470 GDUs
~ Jun 7 400 GDUs
VE 200 GDUs
125 GDUs 13
~ May 12 per day
Abiotic: Non-living chemical and physical aspects of the environment that affect
living organisms and the functioning of ecosystems
Aerial roots: Adventitious roots that grow above-ground
Anchor roots: See brace roots
Anthers: Part of the male flower; tiny double-barrelled structures that contain
pollen grains
Adventitious roots: Roots that arise from an organ other than the plant’s root
(e.g. brace roots form from stem nodes)
Apical meristem: The growth region of tissue found within the root tips and the tips
of the new shoots and leaves
Axillary bud: An embryonic shoot at the junction of the stem and petiole; each bud
has the potential to form vegetative shoots (stems and branches) or reproductive
shoots (flowers); also called lateral bud
Black layer: A single layer of cells at the tip (base) of the kernel that die, collapse,
and turn black once the kernel has matured
Blade: The broad portion of a leaf; also called the leaf blade
Brace roots: Roots that form from above-ground stem nodes that provide physical
support for the stem; also called anchor roots, aerial roots or prop roots
Coleoptile: The protective sheath that covers the primary shoot
Coleorhiza: The protective sheath that covers the radicle
Collar: The outer side of the leaf where the leaf blade and the sheath join
Cotyledon: Part of the embryo that is an oil-rich storehouse of food important for
the germination process; the 1st leaf to emerge from the seed
Ear: Although not botanically correct, ears often refers to kernels and cob of the corn
plant; for silage, the ear also includes the silks, shanks and husk leaves; see spike
Embryo: One of the three key parts of the corn kernel (the other two being the
endosperm and seed coat); contains a miniature plant (the primary shoot with 4–5
preformed leaves, coleoptile, radicle, lateral seminal roots and coleorhiza)
Embryonic plant: The miniature plant contained in the embryo; see embryo
Endosperm: One of the three key parts of the corn kernel (the other two being the
embryo and seed coat); occupies the bulk of the kernel; main energy reserve for the
young seedling; primary component is starch
GDUs: Growing degree units; see definition
GDDs: Growing degree days; see definition
Growing degree days: A measure of heat accumulation used to predict plant
development rates; also called GDDs, growing degree units (GDUs) or heat units (HUs)
Growing degree units: A measure of heat accumulation used to predict plant
development rates; also called GDUs, growing degree days (GDDs) or heat units (HUs)
Glumes: A pair of bract-like structures at the base of the flower
Grasses: Monocotyledons (mostly herbaceous) with jointed stems, slender
sheathing leaves and flowers borne in spikelets
Growing point: An area of active cell division and elongation at the tip of the young
stalk or root
Heat units: A measure of heat accumulation used to predict plant development
rates; also called HUs, growing degree days (GDDs) or growing degree units (GDUs)
HUs: Heat units; see definition
Hybrid: Seed corn production involving the crossing of two inbred lines
Inbred line: A self-pollinated strain of corn; all progeny are genetically identical to
each other and to the inbred parent
Internode: The area between two nodes on the plant stem
Lateral bud: see axillary bud
Leaf: A typically green and blade-like flattened structure that is attached to a stem
directly; main organs of photosynthesis and transpiration
Leaf axil: The angled area between the upper side of a leaf and the stem where the
buds or shoots can develop
Leaf blade: see blade
Leaf collar: Area on the outer side of the leaf where the blade and sheath join
Leaf sheath: The basal part of leaf that encircles the stem; connects the vascular
system of the leaf blade to the rest of the plant
Lemma: The lowermost of two chaff-like bracts enclosing the grass floret
Main stalk: see main stem
Main stem: Main structural axes of a vascular plant; normally divided into nodes
and internodes
Meristem: Growth tissue; area of active cell division and elongation
Mesocotyl: A tubular, white, stem-like tissue that connects the seed and the base of
the coleoptile
Monocotyledon: A flowering plant with an embryo that bears a single cotyledon
(seed leaf)
Monoecious plant: Separate male and female flowers on the same plant
Nodal root system: Main root system of the corn plant; originates from lower stem
nodes, usually from five nodes below the soil surface
Node: A place on the stem where leaves, roots, ears and tassels emerge from; nodes
are often raised and noticeable by feel
Ovule: Part of the female flower; potential kernel on the cob
Palea: The uppermost of the two chaff-like bracts enclosing the grass floret
Pericarp: The layer that develops around the seed of a plant after it is fertilized and
protects the enclosed endosperm and embryo from attack by fungi and bacteria; also
called the seed coat
Plumule: The part of the seed embryo that develops into the shoot bearing the first
true leaves of a plant
Pollen: Fine to coarse powder made of pollen grains; microgametophytes that
produce male gametes (sperm cells)
Pollen tube: A hollow tube that develops from the pollen grain when it is deposited
on the stigma (female); acts as a conduit to transport the male gamete cells (sperm)
to the ovules at the base of the pistil
Prolific: More than one harvestable ear on the main stalk, tendency increases with
lower plant densities
Radicle: The embryonic root of the plant
Relative maturity: A method for comparing corn hybrids in regards to length of
season necessary to reach maturity
Scutellum: see cotyledon
Seed leaf: see cotyledon
Seminal root system: Composed of the radicle and up to three pairs of seminal roots;
contained within the seed; of greatest importance during early seedling growth
Shank: Small, stalk-like structure on a leaf node from which the ear develops from
Sheath: see leaf sheath
Shoots: A stem along with its leaves, stems and flowers; functionally responsible for
food production (photosynthesis) and reproduction
Silk: Part of the female flower that traps pollen; the stigma; elongates towards the
tip of the ear shoot
Spike: An unbranched inflorescence bearing flowers that are directly attached without
stalks; in corn, spike is the ear; a central stem on which tightly packed rows of flowers
develop into fruits containing seeds; see ear
Stalk: One of two main structural axes of a vascular plant, the other being the root;
divided into nodes and internodes; also called the stem
Stem: The main structural plant axis that bears buds and shoots with leaves;
normally divided into nodes and internodes
Stem apex: see apical meristem
Stem node: Areas on the stem from which leaves and shoots and roots can develop
Stigma: Part of the female flower that traps pollen
Tiller: Branches that develop from axillary buds at the lower 5–7 stem nodes;
morphologically identical to the main stalk; capable of forming their own root
system, nodes, internodes, leaves, ears and tassels
Tassel: The male flowering part that contains the anthers and pollen; also called the
flowering stalk or flowering stem
Whorl: An arrangement of at least three leaves that radiate from a single point and
surround or wrap around the stem
During maturity, cell
walls breakdown within
the ear shank and in
some hybrids, result in
upside-down ears. This
can be beneficial —
the husks act like
umbrellas, shedding
precipitation and
protecting the grain.
Husk opened to
show kernels